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The Staff and Sword Ministry
October 21, 2005
Completed writing this Newsletter late Friday night, October 21 t - we will work to run (print) the main part of the Newsletter today and tomorrow but will not be able to get it 24th Thus I decided to add a page as there is time and into the mail until Monday, October space (postage wise). This is a website that shares three of the revelations JESUS gave me years ago on coming judgment - a fair and accurate sharing.
We are working (slowly) at preparing to set-up a website with the expert help of DavidDANIEL, a computer professional who knows what he is doing (I don't).
REFLECTIONS b y Richard-DANIEL Richard-DANIEL Sydor is not only the Third Prophet of this Ministry in Christ, he has also been a close personal friend since the 1970's. In this we have corresponded and communicate fairly regularly over the past many years. What I'm sharing here are some of Richard-DANIEL's reflections on current events as well as some of what JESUS has told him recently that may prove helpful to other brethren. (Quote) (The potential of a terrorist attack within the U.S. using nuclear weapons was reflected on by Richard-DANIEL 'vi'ho wrote:) "An escalation of terrorism with the use of a nuclear based weapon would truly, will truly, alter our lives into a slavery of fear and loss of liberty. I am not afraid, but I do respect what this means and do not take it lightly. Such an event would make 9/11 look much smaller and the Gulf Coast destruction by Katrina and Rita
look very local. The threat of radiation would truly terrify, will terrify, if prayer doesn't turn it." "The time to move away from the storm is before it is apparent. The time to pray for deliverance is now! 1 am writing about matters that now run deep, because of the Season that we are in, a Season of Judgment. This is all very clear to me, I Praise JESUS
CHRIST for having you and Nancy-TONI put together the "Deliverance" Prayers , etc. The nation knows not the danger that they are in. Truly, we can see how men are caught unawares when judgment strikes, and hits them, even to the taking of their lives with little or no warning....Well, at any rate, something has happened inside of me, and it's the
Lord's doing. 1 now have this vision and resolve to pray and begin acting about planning to make way for green pastures!"
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REFLECTIONS by Richard-DANIEL (continued ') "With the exception of 1998-1999 pre-Y2K, I have not had any leading to write to you about any of this. Now, what with your being moved, and all that's happening with us via present and past Words of JESUS CHRIST, we have started moving forward again. We were commissioned to pray for mercy, etc. from roughly 1979 to 2003. By 2004, the Coals of the Wrath of God were poured out in January of that 2004 year. You and TONI have moved in April, 2005. A cycle of 24 years, or 2 x 12 years was completed.... With all of that is behind us, the Lord's Promises are now quickened and stirring as I am acting upon His Word of 6/23/04 that ties-in with 6/23/92. I am amazed at how it has all "come to life," to use an expression." (Richard-DANIEL is speaking of preparing to relocate to
a Green Pasture.) "I see the FBI contacting you as the Lord's doing to establish you and the Lord's Ministry on a different level. When you called, and first told me about it, I saw that we'd most definitely will do the East Coast Prophetic Trip and meetwith the President." (This speaks of warning the cities to be nuked accidentally by Russia just before it happens.) With your appearing in 3 different Prophetic articles on www.standevo.coni. 1 see that the time is upon us when men will seek you out. These developments don't go unnoticed by me and Adele-SARAH. The clock has started ticking again. It was off, on hold for a couple of cycles, so to speak. Now it's started and is unstoppable!" "Back in 1978-79 and '80 I "knew" that judgment was coming and JESUS' Word was true and from GOD. Now, in 2005, it's like I'm back when I first heard the Word and responded but with this additional difference. The "knowing" is there, but now, it's not in the realm of Spirit, the knowing is being confirmed by events in the world and also the world itself. Originally, I bore witness to the Word. Now, in additional to the witness is also the external witness that now is in agreement and in support of the internal witness. This is very powerful. A time unlike any other time, ever... Something about the past few days. I see that its imperative to move with direction by faith and works , while trusting and being dependent upon JESUS CHRIST." We have received `I n The Spirit' and by virtue of the fact that we abide in JESUS, we are now in our green pasture and all of its reality In The Spirit.'...I wish to also bring up the whole idea of sustainability. Just moving to another home in a venue that cannot sustain physical life is not the goal either...Sustainability refers to a secure water source, tillable land, and source of wood, fuel in a location that is blessed along with the right people near by for a division of labor. A family can't make it alone, isolated." ESU S' Word to Richard-DANIEL on October 3 2005: "JUST AS JOHNEL & TONI WERE MOVED, IN A SIMILAR MANNER OF MY HAND MOVING WILL YOU SO BE MOVED, BY YOUR ALMIGHTY HEAVENLY FATHER. THIS YOU NEED KNOW AND EXPERIENCE. THE BALANCE I5 TO DO WHAT IT IS YOU ARE TO DO AND ALLOW ME TO DO MY PART. IT IS NOT A SITUATION WHERE YOU DO NOTHING AND I DO EVERYTHING. ON THE OTHER HAND, IT IS NOT MY REQUIREMENT THAT YOU DO IT ALL WITH YOUR OWN RESOURCES AND EFFORT." aV CNRi r .p,( a.u't V -Tv?/4