May 6th, 2010: ADDENDUM

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

May 6, 2010


Note: Our high speed copier (printing press)

developed some problems with the toner (inking system) and

this delayed the printing of this Newsletters until they could get parts to repair the machine. Sorry for the delay.



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With a lethal judgment seeping into our nation and this world it is well that we all manage to have a sense of humor and keep it alive. I would not joke about judgment, but there are plenty of other things with which might "lighten" our perception of life regardless of how grim it may become. This little cartoon (above) has a double edge, humorous and instructive. In walking with JESUS, be persistent, never give-in, never give-up. The joy of the Lord is our strength.


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The Staff & Sword Ministry /Addendum

May 6. 2010

There are two ways this can unfold, these being:

Scenario #1

Scenario #2

Beastman Obama The President 2009 2010 2011 2012

Beastman Obama The President 2009 2010 2011 2012

Re-Elected in 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

New President Elected in 2012 2013 2014 4)

New President Elected in 20 1 6 2017 2018 Back in 1985 Nancy-TOM received a Word from the Lord whereby He told her that the President would be killed, it would be a gruesome sight, which told us that it would be televised. My insight was that the assassins would fire a missile at the President in some kind of public forum. While JESUS did not identify who that president was, at the time we thought that President Reagan would be the target and so we called for prayer for him and sustained that through his term in office. George H. Bush the Senior followed Reagan, we did not believe he was a target, and when Beastman Clinton came into the office of president, we knew that the demons would protect him, he was hardly going to be a target. When George W. Bush came into office we prayed for him as though he might be targeted towards the end of his term in office. That did not happen. When Beastman Barrack Obama became president and took office in 2009 I thought that "possibly" he might be removed by his handlers (the antiChrist spirit and demons) to trigger a nationwide race riot. Again, "if' that would happen it would likely happen towards the end of his term in office

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The Staff & Sword Ministr y /Addendum

May 6, 2010

The reason why I saw it possible that Beastrnan Obama would be assassinated in office was because I had the view that he would be the LAST elected president of the United States. JESUS' Word of May 12, 2009 gave me a whole new perspective. Some recent letters from brethren addressing JESUS' Word of May 12, 2009 brought me to reconsider the matter. It was when JESUS said this: "...THE ONE HOLDING THAT OFFICE WILL BE OF SHORT DURATION..." that got my focus and attention. He is making it clear that "something" will cause him/her to cease being president and the most likely thing that would cause that would be death. What is a "SHORT DURATION"? Don't know but it does not sound like a long period of time. I've allowed for a maximum of two years in office; but it is quite possible that the new president would be assassinated at his/her inauguration.



Then JESUS APPEARS between Nancy-TON I and I (Richard-DANIEL is to our left) in the air facing the blast. Demons see Him and are terrified and in His Presence they fall over like pieces of chopped wood. The Beastman looks blankly, he seems to be wholly unaware of what's happening. But the AntiChrist spirit moans and afraid, turns away covering its head with its cloak.

Beastrnan Obama re-elected? Oh yes, of that I'm fairly certain. Why? (1) The Pattern of the Beastman that preceded him (Clinton) is that regardless of his misdeeds and failures, he (Beastman Clinton) was re-elected. (2) This year the Beastman in the


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May 6, 2010

White House is suffering a loss of power, as seen in the GAP back in 1987. (3) However that is NOT permanent, he will recover full power in 2011 and the seductive power of masses of demons in this nation will sway masses of people to favor Obama regardless of what he has done or not done or is doing. While I would not mind seeing Beastman Obama lose his re-election bid in 2012 ,I do not discount the influence and power of demons loosed in the U.S. More, I've seen them at work in years past and recognize that they can control things from several directions. For example: The Republican Party is showing signs of being divided on the issue of conservatism: the liberal wing ofthe Republicans hate Sarah Palin and the Tea Party Movement. A split could occur and we would end up with three parties running for president; in that environment Obama could win easily as did Clinton in 1992 when Ross Perot ran on a third party ticket and split the Republicans. Clinton won with only 39% of the popular vote. When Beastman Clinton ran for re-election, the R epublican firebrand Pat Buchanan was gaining ground and popular support fast but the hierarchy of the Republican Party put him aside and injected Robert Dole to run against the charismatic Beastman Clinton. Thereby the Republicans handed the presidency to Beastman Clinton on a silver platter. Don't think for a second that they won't do that again, especially in view of the spiritual environment of this nation. Note that JESUS, in speaking of this last elected president, said, "IT WILL COME AT A TIME OF INTENSE TROUBLE, EVEN CRISES..." This tells me that either2013 or 2016 will be bad news on a monumental scale. We are looking at the probable timing of the final judgment on America, when it will all come to a head.

THE BEASTMAN'S ARMY Beastman Obama spoke of building a national organization equal to the U.S. military, as well equipped, well trained and based on a civilian assembly that would, in effect, do his bidding. Leith Lopez got on that website and observed what they were doing. I asked Leith to write an article detailing what she has learned about it. This is that report.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Addendum

May 6, 2010

LEITH'S REPORT Organizing for America (OFA) is an organization sponsored by The Democratic National Committee, with President Obama directly overseeing it and making commentaries and live video-feeds of his messages on its computer website. There are many ways to get involved, including these I copied from its webpage: Joining grassroots OFA campaigns to support the President's agenda. Online, on the phone, on doorsteps and in town halls in communities across the country, they're building the bottom-up support that makes real change possible. Connecting with other supporters to form strong local groups, ready to take on whatever challenges we face. Supporting leaders who share our values and are ready to carry forward the fight for change. Its core challenges are energy, health care, our economy, children/college students' education and the organizing of people in communities across America to build its cause and bring it forward. The website asks you to volunteer money, time and commitment for its cause. I opted to receive its weekly newsletter via email so I would know more about OFA. I've personally been asked to write Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers a letter from Colville on the Health Care Bill before it became law, give a five-dollar or more donation, make phone calls to government officials, hold workshops, house meetings and events in Colville that teach people why we need Obama's healthcare, start petitions, sign petitions, and volunteer my ti me to do whatever OFA needs me to. OFA asks people to share their comments of how to make OFA's strategies more effective, and offers on-line meetings with live participation where anyone can give feedback and ask questions. OFA's goal is to organize people, having them help in all ways possible to get Obama's agenda(s) into place in America. OFA is responsible for the grassroots movement which energized millions of black people to become registered to vote and vote for Obama; and partly for Obama's Healthcare Bill which became law. OFA's volunteers are making sure the newly-registered voters who helped elect President Obama vote in 2010 for only the Democratic Party who supports Obama's agenda. Another OFA goal is Wall Street Reform. OFA'S newsletter is fused with lies and brainwashes people, who don't know the truth, into believing Obama's countless lies. The newsletters are designed to make helping its cause simple for the people. They give formats for letters they want written, links and phone numbers/addresses for government officials they want contacted, ideas on how to organize people in the

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May 6, 2010

area you live, and descriptions of how to carry out what they ask of you. OFA offered internships for high school students in December 2009; which you could receive college credit for. Its vast ten-week program was listed on the OFA website, some training activities include (but are not limited to): Week I: Contact potential volunteers and invite them to participate in event in your area, make phone calls, etc. Contact your local Community Organizer. Read Rules for Radicals (Saul Alinsky, 1971) and Stir It Up: Lessons in Community Organizing and Advocacy (Rinku Sen. 2003 ).Week 4: Concentrates on developing an effective strategy to influence change. Effective community organizing is strategic, and requires a clear analysis of power structures, community assets, and opportunities for influence. Read Politics the Wellstone Way: How to Elect Candidates and Win on the Issues (Wellstone Action, 2005 ).Week 5 involves recruiting, building community teams and providing ongoing training, Week 7 revolves around coalition-building, and Week 8 is working with the media, End of Leith's article.

Beastman Obama is clearly organizing a political army to help him in his re-election bid; but this same organization could easily be turned into a para-military formation, a private army. This is Obama's stated aim.

PROPHETIC BLOG THE MORNING OF MARCH 16 2010 by JESUS' Prophet Dr. Daniel E. Bohler (Quote) "The Lord says, watch out Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay area; you will shake more and more. Great trouble is at hand. Midwest: Great flooding is now coming again. Northwest: Your flood waters will be worse and worse. America, Get Prepared to help many helpless people all over the place. Remember My word, just awhile back, "keep your eyes on the oceans?" You saw what happened! Now, keep your eyes on the Gulf—it's going to get rough! Ships at sea, had better look to Me, saith the Lord! Many filthy cities of gross sin are about to see Satan's hordes of demons pen them in, cry out to your God! The hammer is about to fall! Satan is going to have a field day in some of our Malls. The White House will continue to shake and many heads will roll. And as I said before and repeat again, men will resign but not in time before their name becomes mud! The sellout of our Nation is at the highest level ever! No one to trust! Well

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Addendum

May 6, 2010

JESUS' Prophet Dr. Daniel E. Bohler ( Quote Continued) have to start over after the burst! The Euro dollar will continue to fall as Greece goes bankrupt before the Fall. Winter will come and then Spring of 2011 and Poland will go into the deep as their economy has now gone to sleep! I see unusual fires in Washington D.C. and many will say "it won't get to me". But I say to the churches, pray: put up the wall of prayer! Fires will burn "HOT" and you will need help! Cry out to your God! —Another type of"Katrina" is at hand inside of America's great land. Intercessors, Cry Out to God, for protection for all our schools, hospitals and Malls. God will protect His own as they stand in faith Honoring His Word and living for Him! Draw close to Me and dwell under the shadow of My wing! Therein is your safety!" (Unquote) C J Comment: JESUS is telling brother Dan to expect earthquakes in Los Angeles and San Francisco. This is very like what JESUS chewed inc on March 24 `x' - only He also revealed a quake hitting Chicago as well. Last weekend intense rainfall hit Tennessee and caused massive fl oodi ng, destruction and the death of 32 people (so far) - the loss in property in Nashville is over $1.5 Billion. Need one mention the massive explosion of an oil rig in the GulfofMexico that is now flooding the Gulf Coast with tons of crude oil. Dan 's blog predated these events.

DUTCH SHEETS: An Important Message from

Dutch Sheets March 17, 2010 C

Note by C- J: For those who do not know him, Dutch Sheets is a seasoned prophet of

JESUS. ( Quote) "...America is in a horrendous crisis of monumental proportions, a season much like Israel in the days of Joel. This Old Testament prophet warned of devastating judgment coming to Israel, but laced the warning with hope and God's mercy if certain things occurred. That is precisely where we are in America. We

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The Staff & Sword Ministr y /Addendum

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Dutch Sheets Message(Continued)Americans are a confident and optimistic people, which is often good, but can also create a dangerous denial and crippling passivity. This is happening with many. But please do not be deceived by those who are saying everything is fine. The truth is that we, as a nation, are in serious trouble. Listen to these words from Joel—they are accurate for us today: What a day! Doomsday! God's judgment day has come. The strong God has arrived. This is serious business!.. .Shake the country up! God's judgment's on its way—the Day's almost here!—Joel 1:15, 2:1 (The Message) The State of the Nation If God brought corrective but serious judgment to Israel, we are horribly deceived if we think it will not happen to us. If something doesn't happen to lessen this judgment—and it can be lessened—we are headed for very difficult times. The economy is going to be devastated. The stock market will go well below where it went a few months back—a crash is coming, and soon. More terrorism and violence will occur in our land, perhaps even war. In my spirit I've seen buildings crumbling and cities burning. Devastating natural disasters will take place. In general, hard times will be prevalent. Why is this so? Because we have turned from God and His ways. Consider the true condition of America. This assessment is bleak but accurate. 1) Our government is in decay. The current leaders of Congress promote homosexuality, abortion and socialism, while arrogantly ignoring God and the wishes of the people. They are proud, power-hungry, self-serving, career politicians, not the statesmen/women we so desperately need. Our President fits the same description. Along with the above, while honoring—in the White House—the Muslim day ofprayer, homosexual activists and a coalition of atheists, he refused to honor the time-honored traditions surrounding National Day of Prayer. And along with Congress and the President, we have many Judges with no regard for God's Word, the Constitution or our true history. The predictable verdict is in: America is in a moral and spiritual crisis of such magnitude that it is almost unbelievable. 2) What does this look like practically? From my grandparents' day until now, we have gone from 65% of Americans having a biblical world view to now 4% of today's young people sharing these beliefs. This is staggering! Apart from an absolute miracle, which I believe is still possible, we have lost a generation of Americans to Satan and secular humanism. Generally speaking, we are a narcissistic, self-loving nation that has accepted a culture of death, perversion, drugs and violence. We have murdered 51 million babies in the womb, and to satisfy the cry for a toleration of immorality and perversion, we are ready to throw away 6,000 years of honoring God's definition of marriage and family. 3) The Church, which is supposed to he salt and light for this mess, is neither.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Addendum

Dutch Sheets Message

May 6, 2010

(Continued) Though a remnant has remained faithful, for the most part the Church of America has become totally irrelevant and completely ineffective. We have produced lukewarm Christians and a generation that doesn't know God or His ways. Our pulpits are filled with smiles, not tears; entertainment, not passion; and self-help stories, not prophetic truth. Our feel-good messages and mega fun-centers have anesthetized us to the reality of our condition and, as opposed to offering solutions, are actually part of the problem. We, the Church, are not changing the world, we're being conformed to it. It's easier to find the truth about our condition as a nation on talk radio than in our churches. We have left our first love and abandoned our cause. In short, an apostate church, an ungodly government and a culture of death, perversion and self-centeredness has earned us an appointment with judgment. There Is Still Hope for America But there is still hope. God desires to bring a Third Great Awakening to America. It can be truly amazing—millions saved and delivered; all of society i mpacted in a huge way; the youth of America finally introduced to the true Christ in all of His power. But please hear me when I say this: Our prayers and actions will determine the magnitude and timing of this awakening; and the level of awakening will determine the magnitude of our judgment. Again, the hope-filled words of the prophet Joel are very pertinent: ...A Joel 2 Gathering: Wilderness Outcry With this in mind, I now believe more fully than ever that a strategy recently given to some colleagues and me is from the Lord. There are and will be numerous opportunities for Americans to gather corporately and cry out to the Lord, but this is one that I know God has ordained and will use greatly. Through dreams and other confirmations, He has spoken and directed several national spiritual leaders to call for a "Joel 2 gathering". We are calling for tens of thousands of Believers to join us this June 14-18, for five days of worship, prayer and some form of fasting (a meal a day, etc.) in Poplar Bluff, Missouri. (Though we will have worship Monday and Friday, the heart of what occurs will be three days, Tuesday through Thursday). Listen once more to the words of the prophet Joel—he articulates what we are calling for: Blow the ram's horn trumpet in Zion! Declare a day of repentance, a holy fast day. Call a public meeting. Get everyone there. Consecrate the congregation. Make sure the elders come, but bring in the children, too, even the nursing babies, even men and women on their honeymoon—interrupt them and get them there. Between Sanctuary entrance and altar, let the priests, God's servants, weep tears of repentance. Let them intercede: "Have mercy, God, on your people! Don't abandon your heritage to contempt. Don't let the pagans take over and rule them and sneer,

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Addendum

May 6. 201 d

Dutch Sheets Message (Continued) "And so where is this God of theirs"?

—Joel 2:15-17 (The Message)" (Unquote) Dutch Sheets Ministries. Email: kelli 2dutchsheets.or x




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The map (above) shows the boundaries we (Net of Prayer) set and established in 1987 to confine and control demon movement into and inside North America (the U.S. and Canada). We prayed-tied the various zones to numbers in the Lottery (pick three) so when these numbers showed in the lots, we knew that the enemy was on the move and we could slow them, reduce their numbers and often time stop them from gaining the upper hand. However, the Church heartily disapproved of our use of the Lots (lottery) to the extent that JESUS required we shut it down. Nonetheless, this old system still works to some extent, it still reveals when there is a massive movement of demons and where they are headed.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Addendum


May 8, 2010

(continued] These are the lottery

numbers drawn in this March, April and May. "DP" means demon prince. "BC" means Broken Cross, referring to the map on Page 10. "PM" refers to the old prayer mine system, also shut-down by church decision.

#578 March 5, 2010 - DP Belsarasus #163 March 7, 2010 - DP Diesbar #037 March 12, 2010 BC #472 March 15, 2010 BC #832 March 18, 2010 —(21 days = April 8) Pot: 6-7 Mag Qke #393 April 7, 2010 BC

#194 April 10, 2010 Corpus Christi, Texas (PM) #703 April 12, 2010 BC

#952 April 13, 2010 (potential earthquake in the Midwest) APRIL 14, 2010 - Eruption Icelandic Volcano 1 APRIL 14 ", 2010 - Fireball over 6 Midwestern States (Ind., Wisc.,

Ill- Mo., and Ohio.) APRIL 14, 2010 - 3.9 and 3.1 Mag Quake Boulder, Utah. Randolph, Utah 4.9 Qke, Tupelo, OK 3.0 Qke, Allen OK 3.2 Qke. #274 April 14, 2010 BC APRIL 15, 2010 - Boulder, Utah 3.1 Qke,-- (21 days = May 7) Pot.

8-9 Mag Qke. #230 April 17, 2010 PM (old San Francisco prayer mine nbr,) #393 April 20, 2010 BC

#063 April 24, 2010 BC #523 APRIL 24, 2010 (potential 5.5 Quake in California May 7-

14, 2010) #479 May 4, 2010 BC (also DP Marzok-Baalty) #333 May 6, 2010 PM (rear zone of Las Cruces, New Mexico) #293 May 7, 2010 - demon initiation of a potential 7-8 magnitude

earthquake in California from May 14 to May 28, 2010. #575 Ma y 8, 2010 PM (rear zone of San Francisco) Keeping in mind that these old "lottery systems" work and don't work, meaning they are more like shadows, fleeting and incomplete. However, the activity we have observed this March, April and so far this May is fairly intense and some of it is very focused, more, we have seen some events develop that is giving us a reliable picture.

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y t ne tati & Sword Ministr /Addendum

May 8, 2010

DEMON ACTIVITY THAT IS VISIBLE continued For example: The demon prince Belsarasus, whose number showed on March 5th, is the same one that triggered-caused the 7.1 magnitude earthquake that hit San Francisco on October 17, 1989. His number showing only tells us that this demon prince is on the scene, not what he is up to. In 1989 he caused hurricane HUGO, a massive storm which hit Charleston, S.C. followed by the earthquake in San Francisco. The 500 yearjlood to hit Tennessee May 1, 2010, which caused $1.5 Billion in destruction and took over 33 lives, is the kind of "storm " this demon prince can cause. Then this May 7 th we see an earthquake number (#293) which could produce a quake ranging from 7.5 to 8.5 magnitude somewhere in California. The next day, the lots shows us that demons are moving in behind San Francisco when the old prayer mine rear number showed (#575). That quake in California, likely San Francisco, could hit anywhere from 14-21 days after the lottery numbers shows - thus pointing to a period generally from May 21st to May 28. I use the word "generally" because when quakes develop they usually happen within a 14-21 day period of time, although some have happened sooner and some later. Another example: The demon prince Diesbar's number (#163) showed on May 7`h. This is the demon prince that caused 9111. Years earlier, when we had Diesbar captive, we learned that NEW YORK was a city he specialized in targeting. The lottery numbers pinpointing zones in the Broken Cross (see Page A11) basically revealed large numbers ofdemons moving into the U.S. and Canada. When they head into one of the east-most branches of these zones this tells us just what they are working towards in general terms. On both March 12" and April 12" lottery numbers (#437 and #703) told us that demons were entering the branch that leads to Chicago and "MURDER AND TERROR." Now the crime rate is so high in Chicago that the Governor of Illinois shortly after this asked the President to send National Guard Troops to patrol Chicago because the local police could not handle the crime.

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Then we saw the CITY on May 1t

Why did this planned terror bombing -fail? This traces back to what happened in the GAP in 1987, when JESUS appeared over the GAP and every demon present passed out and fell over like cord wood. We have known since 2008 that what was seen in the GAP when JESUS appeared would surface in this world in 2010 resulting in a "demon power . failure". That's what happened here - the demons were too weak to be able to set off that bomb. You might wonder "how" the enemy pulled off the 500 yearflood in Tennessee? This

is a different category. The enemy doubled and set the STORM, EAR THEVENT, and WAR Judgment Pattern in 1989, giving them unique power to be able to do it again. They do not have a double and set situation for terror bombs in New York. One last example: On April 10, 2010 the lottery drew #194, an old prayer mine number, indicating demons moving into the U.S. through. Corpus Christi. Why select Corpus Christi? The enemy is specifically aiming at the Body of Christ, which is what Corpus Christi means. Then on April 25, 2010 something quite unusual happened: CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS was the epi-center of a 4.0 magnitude earthquake shook them up quite a bit. Unique because there are NO known fault lines in that area. On May 4 `h the lots drew #479, a perfect version of the Broken Cross zone leading into the United States. Meaning? I perceive the enemy is aware that they have a "demon power failure" and are sending in added demon power in an attempt to compensate for the failure. On May 6' h we saw the old Las Cruces prayer mine number show: again I suspect that the enemy is drawing demon power from other sites around the world into the U.S. to again compensate for the demon power failure. Can the do that? No question in my mind that they are working to do just that at this time. The only reason they 'd do that is because they have other plans in motion and don 't want them to fail. In general terms we are seeing a lot of demon activity, it is massive, and they aim to kill and destroy with murder and terror as their methodology. Lastly, keep in mind that what is "visible" via the lots is only a small part of'what the enemy is doing. That old system of lots (lottery) only works a little now and then.

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MARCH 28 , 2010 From February, 2010 on we have been observing and anticipating earthquake activity (like Haiti and Chile) following distinct judgment patterns seen in years past. These patterns are quite unreliable in that they appear and then disappear as quickly. THE PATTERN: This is the old "Judgment Pattern" that has been observed since 1977 - first a major STORM hits, followed by EARTHQUAKEIVOLCANIC activity and concluded with a WAR event. In this situation we saw JESUS' WORD tie-into the pattern where JESUS told us on October 8, 1979 that EARTHQUAKES would begin in California, first in the SOUTH and then in the NORTH of California which would then lead to larger earthquake activity. An unusual, very unusual, freezing STORM hit Texas on February 5, 2010. Ten (10) days later, February 15, a 4.1 magnitude EARTHQUAKE hit Cosa Junction, California (SOUTHERN CALIF.) Next Alaska was hit by 4.2 magnitude earthquake and also Redlands, California (NORTHERN CALIF.) by a 3.4 magnitude earthquake on February 17, 2010. This was a very similar time pattern as observed leading to the HAITI earthquake.

So, on March 4, 2010 I made a projection for a larger earthquake to hit on February 28, 2010 (+ or - 24 hours). Because the SOUTH to NORTH earthquake pattern in California was composed of minor quakes (4.1 and 3.4 magnitude) I believed the follow-up quake of February 28 th (+ or -- 24 hours) wouldn't be larger than a 5.8

magnitude. That estimation was based on the size of the California earthquakes that led to the Haiti earthquake, which were much larger than the one of February 15`'' and 17th.

Chile, South America was struck with an 8.8 Magnitude EARTHQUAKE on February 27, 2010. Some 29 days AFTER the HAITI earthquake (January 12 1 ') came to February 10, 2010, the date of a 3.8 magnitude earthquake that shook Chicago. When I counted out 29 days from the CHILE earthquake it came to March 28, 2010. That was a real

ne stare & s wra ivirnistryiAnaenaum iviay ?S, 2u [ u MARCH 28 T (continued) alert to me, aware of the prophetic significance of the date of March 28 t h Again this is what was apparent to me: rage AIS


January 12, 2010 7.0 Magnitude earthquake HAITI

February 27, 2010 8.8 Magnitude earthquake CHILE

+ 29 Days

+ 29 Days

= February 10, 2010 3.8 Magnitude quake Chicago area

=March 28, 2010

I issued a Prophetic Alert to the possibility of a fairly large earthquake hitting the Chicago area on March 28 `h (+ or - 24 hours). If the scale of the February 10" Chicago quake was drawn from the size of the Haiti quake, then the potential March 28 t1' quake in Chicago could be as strong as a 5.4 magnitude - that would cause a lot of damage and could be lethal. REVISED PROPHETIC ALERT: It was JESUS' Word of January 15, 1978 and August 14, 1979 that brought me to revise the prophetic alert. On January 15, 1978 JESUS said this: "MARCH 28 WILL MARK THE BEGINNING OF JUDGMENT THERE WILL BE A NOTEWORTHY EVENT TO MARK THE DAY. 67 DAYS LATER (June 2-4) A GREATER EVENT." Then on August 14, 1979 HE said this: "COUNT THE DAYS...THERE WILL BE JUDGMENTS IN FOUR AREAS: POLITICAL, INDUSTRIAL, ECONOMIC AND IN THE EARTH... SEPTEMBER 9, 10, 11 ARE DANGEROUS - THE MOST TERRIBLE IS THE 11 TH ... TERRIBLE TIMES ARE UPON THIS NATION AND TERROR IS NOT AFAR OFF..." Back in 1978 we learned that March 28" involves a three day period, thus we can look for judgment events on March 28th, 29th, or the 30th. e As a consequence I issued a REVISED PROPHETIC ALERT on March 22h1( indicating that the event of March 28-30 could be an EARTHQUAKE event or an ECONOMIC event, or an INDUSTRIAL event or a POLITICAL event. What starts in this time period (March 28-30) marks the beginning of a specific judgment that only gets worse with time.


i ne ntarr c wora lvirnIstry/Addendum

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May S, 2010

MARCH 28T"continued Richard-DANIEL discerned that the event of March 28, 2010 was an INDUSTRIAL Judgment. On March 28, 2010, Sunday evening, a fire broke out in Perry Nuclear Power Plant in the Cleveland, Ohio area. One of the water pumps had to be taken offline, so the utility has reduced output of the plant to 76% of its capacity. One of the March 28 - 30 judgments of 1979 was a Nuclear Power plant (Three Mile Island) trouble where some radiation leaked out. In 1979 that was a `judgment pattern" - a warning event (warning ignored by the church) so this event resonated with us; more, it is a REAL Judgment not a warning event.


On April 2" I learned of an event that is quite startling and significant.: A Western

military official reported late Wednesday, March 31 St , that the U.S. test-fired a submarine-launched ballistic Trident missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads from SAUDI ARABIA TERRITORY during a joint military exercise last week. The report read: (Quote) "debkafiles military sources report this was the first time in Middle East military history that a nuclear capable missile was fired from the oil kingdom towards the Persian Gulf and Iranian shores...the drill would have brought the Trident missile close to the Iranian coastline, either on the Persian Gulf or Arabian Sea." (Unquote) Keep in mind that in the vision o 1983, JESUS shewed me a nuclear Iran firing a missile from its shores into SAUDI ARABIA, aiming at a gathering American Army in Saudi Arabia. The Iranian nuclear missile consumed the U.S. Army in a fireball that also set the Saudi oilfields afire. Then in a April 14` h report Iran responded this April 13 th saying: "If the US strikes Iran with nuclear weapons, there are elements* which will respond with nuclear blasts in the centers of America 's main cities."

*Note- Iran is saying it will give terrorists nuclear weapons. On November 10, 1979 JESUS told me this: "...EXPECT A NUCLEAR DISASTER NEAR CHICAGO...IRAN IS A DEADLY ENEMY OF THIS NATION BECAUSE OF THEIR DOCTRINE." Through His Word of 19791 can see that the events of this March 28 - 30 have everything to do with CHICAGO and much more, an earthquake would have been the least thing to happen.

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MARCH 2 8 (continued) "THE GREATER EVENT" = JUNE 2-4, 2010 What might this be? No idea, it is one of those things you need simply pray, wait and watch for.

WORMWOOD'S EMBLEM Event of APRIL 14, 2010 MASSIVE FIREBALL REPORTED ACROSS MIDWESTERN SKY By the CNN Wire Staff. "Story highlights: *Huge fireball spotted Wednesday night in Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri. *National Weather Service reports of sonic boom, houses and trees shaking. *No official cause determined, NWS says, but meteor shower was at its peak. ...(CNN) — Authorities in several Midwestern states were flooded Wednesday night with reports of a gigantic fireball lighting up the sky, the National Weather Service said. The fireball was visible for about 15 minutes beginning about 10 p.m., said the National Service in Sullivan, Wisconsin, just west of Milwaukee. "The fireball was seen over the northern sky, moving from west to east," said the NWS in the Quad Cities area, which includes parts of Iowa and Illinois. "Well before it reached the horizon, it broke up into smaller pieces and was lost from sight," the service said. "Several reports of a prolonged sonic boom were received from areas north of Highway 20, along with shaking of homes, trees and various other objects including wind chimes," it said. It said the fireball was seen across parts ofMissouri, Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin. CNN affiliate WISN-TV said that people in Ohio also saw it. ...According to NASA, a meteor appears when a meteoroid—a particle, chunk of metal or stony matter—enters the Earth's atmosphere from outer space."

C-J Comment: Demon power can re-direct natural forces, such as objects in outer space, to conform to their will. Wormwood is known to signify or announce his presence r via 'fireballs. " I perceive this is Wormwood marking his territory - the Midwest. Something is brewing that is for sure. Keep in mind that the old prayer mine system and broken cross numbers onlyfunction 20% to 30% of the time, so much is missing front the picture given on pages A10 and All.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Addendum

May 8, 2010

"The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." George Washington.

KARL MARX As COD In the 1989 vision of America during the occupation I saw something that at first seemed like a bad joke until I recognized it was not only real but something that will happen in this nation. I saw churches in occupied cities and towns that the cross had been replaced with a bust of Karl Marx, who was worshiped as being Christ! Under beastman Obama this nation is rapidly becoming a Marxist State, worse the church is utterly silent, the people are in the dark and many are embracing the socialist ideology that has ruined European nations. Could we be that blind or that stupid?? In a recent interview beastman Obama denied being a socialist, wondering where people got that idea. Glenn Beck followed that up with a study of Gbama's history and background: His father was a Communist, his mother a Marxist (both abandoned him for the cause) and he ended up living with his grandparents in America, who belonged to a Unitarian Church known locally as "The Little Red Church on the Hill." They were both Communists. His grandfather saw that Obama needed to be mentored by someone of his color and found a man who Barack mentions in his book (first name only). A New Zealander did some research (that the U.S. Media should have done) and found that this man f was a radical Communist. After that Obama sat under Reverend Wrigh t for 20 years, a known radical Marxist. When Obama's demons come back on line (power up), he will seduce the American people as he did at first and they will embrace Marxism with religious fervor. Given the spiritual condition of the church, embracing Marx as Christ will come naturally.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Addendum

May 10, 2010

"Let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle." George Washington

This teacher is truly a genius! As the late Adrian Rogers said, ` you cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."

"An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had once failed an entire class. That class had insisted that Obama's socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer. The professor then said, "OK, we will have an experiment in this class on Obama's plan". All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A.. . After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy.

As the

second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little. The second test average was a D! No one was happy. As the third test proceeded, the scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else. The test result was an F. All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great but when the government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed." This little story was sent to us via Jim-REPHEAL and Susan Fuchs - a true story I gather. Knowing the way "Marxism/Socialism works" this is the way it does work.

American Capitalism Gone with a Whimper, RUSSIAN PRAVADA NEWSPAPER, March 27, 2010 "It must be said, thtt like the breaking of a great dam, the American decent into Marxism is happening with breath-taking speed, against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, excuse me dear reader, I meant people. True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century, especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our Holy Russia and a bloody test it was. But we Russians would not just roll over and give up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money Wall Street poured into the fists of the Marxists.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Addendum

Mav 10.2010

RUSSIAN PRAVADA NEWSPAPER, March 27,2010 (continued) Those lessons were taken and used to properly prepare the American populace for the surrender of their freedoms and souls, to the whims of their elites and betters. First, the population was dumbed down through a politicized and substandard education system based on pop culture, rather than the classics. Americans know more about their favorite TV dramas than the drama in DC that directly affects their lives. They care more for their "right" to choke down a McDonalds burger or a Burger King burger than for their constitutional rights. Then they turn around and lecture us about our rights and about our "democracy". Pride blinds the foolish. Then their faith in God was destroyed, until their churches, all tens of thousands of different "branches and denominations" were for the most part little more than Sunday circuses, and their tclevangelists and top protestant mega preachers were more than happy to sell out their souls and flocks to be on the "winning" side of one pseudo Marxist politician or another. Their flocks may complain, but when explained that they would be on the "winning" side, their flocks were ever so quick to reject Christ in hopes for earthly power. Even our Holy Orthodox churches are scandalously liberalized in America. The final collapse has come with the election of Barack Obama. His speed in the past three months has been truly impressive. His spending and money printing has been a record setting, not just in America's short history but in the world. If this keeps up for more than another year, and there is no sign that it will not, America at best will resemble the Weimar Republic and at worst Zimbabwe. These past two weeks have been the most breath-taking of all. First came the announcement of a planned redesign of the American Byzantine tax system, by the very thieves who used it to bankroll their thefts, losses and swindles of hundreds of billions of dollars. These make our Russian oligarches look little more than ordinary street thugs, in comparison. Yes, the Americans have beat our own thieves in the shear volumes. Should we congratulate them? These men, of course, are not an elected panel but made up of appointees picked from the very financial oligarches and their henchmen who are now gorging themselves on trillions of American dollars, in one bailout after another. They are also usurping the rights, duties and powers of the American congress (parliament). Again, congress has put up little more than a whimper to their masters. Then came Barack Obama's command that GM's (General Motor) president step down from leadership of his company. That is correct, dear reader; in the land of "pure" fjee markets, the American president now has the power, the self-given power, to fire CEOs and we can assume other employees of private companies, at will. Come hither, go dither, the centurion commands his minions. So it should be no surprise, that the American president has followed this up with a "bold" move of declaring that he and another group of unelected, chosen stooges will now redesign the entire automotive industry and will even be the guarantee of automobile policies. I am sure that if given the chance, they would happily try to redesign it for the

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The Staff & Sword Mini stry/Addendum

May 10, 2010

RUSSIAN PRAVADA NEWSPAPER, March 27, 2010 tcontinuedj whole of the world, too. Prime Minister Putin, less than two months ago, warned Obama and UK's Blair, not to follow the path to Marxism, it only leads to disaster. Apparently, even though we suffered 70 years of this Western sponsored horror show, we know nothing, as foolish, drunken Russians, so let our "wise" Anglo-Saxon fools find out the folly of their own pride. Again, the American public has taken this with barely a whimper. ..but a "freeman" whimper. Should it be any surprise to discover than the Democratically controlled Congress of America is working on passing a new regulation that would give the American Treasury department the power to set "fair" maximum salaries, evaluate performance and control how private companies give out pay raises and bonuses? Senator Barney Franks, a social pervert basking in his homosexuality (of course, amongst the modern, enlightened American societal norm, as well as that of the general West, homosexuality is not only not a looked-down upon life choice, but is often praised as a virtue) and his Marxist enlightenment, has led this effort. He stresses that this only affects companies that receive government monies, but it is retroactive and taken to a logical extreme, this would include any company or industry that has ever received a tax break or incentive. The Russian owners of American companies and industries should look thoughtfully at this and the option of closing their facilities down and fleeing the land of the Red as fast as possible. In other words, divest while there is still value left. The proud American will go down into this slavery without a fight, beating his chest and proclaiming to the world, how free he really is. The world will only snicker. Stanislav Mishin (Saints, the world more than Russia sees better than most Americans)" Chuck-JOHNEL Comment: it is sad when our former enemies (Russia) have to warn us of the dangers of Marxism/Communism only to be ignored. This writer pretty much puts his finger on it when he writes about the church in America stating, "they are so quick to reject Christ."

"It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible." George Washington

ANOTHER MARXIST NAIL IN AMERICA'S COFFIN S 510 is hissing in the grass: Food Freedom. April 24, 2010 By Steve Green: S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the U.S....

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/Addendum

May 10, 2010

If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public's right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. ..(if it passes) S 510 would give Monsanto Corporation unlimited power over all U.S. seed, food supplements, food and farming. It puts all U.S. food and all U.S. farms under Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, in the event of contamination or an ill-defined emergency. - . it would allow the government, under Maritime Law, to define the introduction of any food into commerce (even direct sales between individuals) as smuggling into "the United States". Since under that law, the U.S. is a corporate entity and not a location, "entry of food into the U.S." covers food produced anywhere within the land mass of this country and "entering into" it by virtue of being produced. It imposes Codex Alimentarius on the U.S., a global system of control over food. It allows the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAQ), and the WTO to take control of every food on earth and remove access to natural food supplements. Its bizarre history and its expected impact in limiting access to adequate nutrition (which mandating GM* food, GM animals, pesticides, hormones, irradiation of food, etc.) threatens all safe and organic food and health itself, since the world knows now it needs vitamins to survive, not just to treat illnesses. (*GM= Genetically Modified) It would remove the right to clean, store and thus own seed in the U.S., putting control of seeds in the hands of Monsanto and other multinationals, threatening U.S. security. ...It deconstructs what is left of the American economy. It takes agriculture and food, which are the cornerstone of all economies, out of the hands of the citizenry, and puts them under the total control of multinational corporations..." Clxuck-JOHNEL Comments : Richard-DANIEL sent me this material. It turns out

that the , first part of this bill has already passed the House of Representatives, next is the Senate. In the Soviet Union a very similar law was passed by the Communists. When Ukranians protested government intrusion into their lives, Stalin ordered the Red Army to seize all the food in a given area. Inside of one year 7 Million people

starved to death. Theprotests died, literally. Beastrnan Obama has thesamepatience with American protests to his government as did Stalin. IN c NRtrr C'h11 4'

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May 11, 2010 - The parts arrived and the repairman worked all day fixing our copy machine. We will begin running the copies as soon as the repairman is done and hopefully will be able to start mailing out this Newsletter by week's end.

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