Oct 11th, 2009: ADDENDUM

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

October 11, 2009



You can buy a copy through Barnes and Noble Book Store or Amazon.Com - the retail price as I understand is $26.40 a copy. Barnes and Noble has a special price of $21.40 PPD if you order through the internet (as I'm given to understand). You can order the book directly from us (see the enclosed RESPONSE FORM) at $18.00 a copy PPD or $19.30PPD Washington State residents (Sales Tax included). See the enclosed report: "COMMENTS ON JESUS HIS ANGEL AND ME" for some of the comments we have received from those who read this book. You will also find some "WE GET LETTERS" attached to the back end of this report. However, I wanted to share two other comments on the book here. Fran F. on October 3: (Quote) "I loved the " JESUS, HIS ANGEL AND ME " and

can hardly wait for the next one. Please hurry. I want to read them all and am getting old (85 years in June) and afraid I'll leave before JOHNEL finishes. Love to all. Fran." (Unquote) JOHNEL REPLY : Fran, I plan to begin working on Volume II on completion of this Newsletter, and the Prayer Campaign, "LIKEA MIGHTY WIND II". It is already written * but the stories needs to be assembled. The theme will be on in The Spirit.' While I have some funds available, selling copies of Volume I is the key to being able to publish Volume II. Will do my best. *Note: From 1992-19951 wrote a total of'1,500 pages, well over 200 stories. Sue-CHAD on October F r : (Quote) "JESUS HIS ANGEL AND ME" Vol I is wonderful. I' m confident readers will enjoy reading it. They will be encouraged in profound ways.

This book provides excellent knowledge which should bring any reader into a greater realization of how the Lord JESUS so wonderfully can guide them along life's path; bringing them into a deeper, more intimate relationship with HIM. It is an open invitation to COME experience how Great GOD is no matter what we may have done in our life to mess things up.. .1 loved it! Both your recent books are treasures and a blessing from God to us through you..." (Unquote)

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum

October 11, 2009

The Book: "JESUS, HIS ANGEL AND ME" (Continued) Claudia-MARIE ON October, 2009: (Quote) "This Volume I is just wonderful. Anyone with a heart for JESUS will have no doubt you are sent by God and those who do not, will have nothing to do with you. So much of this is familiar to me - you are a great story teller - even on the tapes - I love hearing the stories over again. Love the story format and the cover and photo and illustrations. God's Love for us all permeates this book! Well done faithful friend of JESUS our Lord. C-MARIE" (Unquote)

MY HARPER HIGH SCHOOL 1959 GRADUATION PHOTO Harper H.S. 50th Reunion 1959-2009


shuck--Johnel Youngbrandt

I was given this name tag (above) for the Harper High Reunion party. One classmate (woman) looked at it and stated somewhat out loud: "Why, you were cute!" The emphasis was on "were." The Lord cured me of my Irish tongue so I had no witty comeback like, "Well, you were y ol un once too!" I didn't even think it. On returning home a friend asked to see the photo (above) and on seeing it blurted out, "Why, you were cute!" Then said, "Oopps!" Confirmation, what can one say. Sad thing was I didn't know I was "cute" - could have gotten some mileage out of that if I knew it then. Too late now that is for sure. After 50 years "cute" turns into "mature", "astute" "learned", "dignified", "respectable," hmmni, how about "still waltzing down the lane" (as opposed to nearing the end of the road) or "still has spring in his step" (as opposed to limping along). Of four good friends, two passed away and two were somewhat distant. Oh well, time changes things. Happy adventure - I found the

Monastery (Mayslake, Illinois) where JESUS first came to me (3/20/71) - it had been said that it was demolished and sold for the land, but the state bought it and turned

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October 12. 2009

The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum

it into a park - everything is still there. Found it on the last day we were in the Chicago area - a very happy time for me, kind of like coming full circle back to the starting point. Well, lest I babble on, just sharing a little. God bless.

THE SWINE FLU THING Charles A. wrote on October 8 111 : (Quote) "I would be very interested to know your

counsel conce rn ing swine fl u shots. I am not inclined to have one nor do I want one. However, being in the National Guard I may be ordered to take one." (Unquote) First, the version of swine flu that is moving through the country is a very mild form. In most cases 1 t only lasts about 2 days and its done. People do di e of it but thousands

die every year from the common flu - the only difference is that it is not usually given so much media attention as the swine flu is being given. Second, a little chart about the difference between a cold and flu: Good information to pass on ......

From American Red Cross

Difference between Cold and Swine Flu Symptoms S y mptom


Swine Flu


;Fever is rare with a cold.

Fever is usually present with the flu in up to 80°/c of all 'fl u cases- A temperature of 100F or higher for 3 to 4 !da ys is ass ociat ed with the flu.


A non-productive (non-mucus producing) cough is ;A hacking, productive (mucus;producing) cough is often present with a usually present with the flu (sometimes referred to as d Slight body aches and pains can be





Severe aches and pains are common with the flu.

pa rt o f a co ld.

:Stuffy nose is commonly present with a T^^ Stuffy Nose 'cold and typically resolves 'Stuffy nose is not commonly present with the flu;spontaneous ly within a week-

Ch ills

(Chills are uncommon with a cold.

X60% of people who have the flu experience chills.______

Tiredness is fairly mild with a cold.

'Tiredness is moderate to severe with the flu.

Tiredness Sneezinc

:Sneezing is commonly present with a

Sneezing is not common with the flu.


auciden Symptoms


Cold symptoms tend to develop over a • few days.



flu has a rapid onset within 3-6 hours. The flu hits

hard and includes sudden symptoms like high fever, i aches and pai n s.

• A headache is fairly uncommon with a iA headache is ve ry common with the flu, present in 8 0 % cold . 'of flu cases.

j Sore Throat :Sore throat is commonly present with a Sore throat is not commonly present with the flu.


Chest Chest discomfo rt is mild to moderate Discomfort with a cold.


Chest discomfort is often severe with the flu.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum

October 12, 2009

THE SWINE FLU THING(Continu) ed First off I'm not a medical doctor nor do I have a degree in diseases - at best I can share what I've learned from some medical people and those who researched this issue, but after that it's largely a personal decision. At best; I can forearm you a little and encourage you to do the internet thing, dig into the issue and learn what you can and then make an informed decision. To start with, this is what JESUS said about it:


This tells me that we are looking at something very dangerous and that to have the flu vaccine may be the best protection. However, the vaccine is also an issue - the question is: Are we better off without the flu shot or better for taking it? " Not an easy answer! In 1918 there was a pandemic flu that killed hundreds of millions world wide. One medical doctor pointed out that back in 1918 we did not have the medical technology we have today, personal hygiene was poor in those days (better now) and that they did not have the immune building vitamins and minerals available to us today. All in all people were far more vulnerable then than they are today. Then I look at JESUS' WORD of April 21, 1977 where He said this: "DISEASE WILL START FROM CALIFORNIA AND MOVE EAST. MANY LEFT INCAPACITATED. FROM GEORGIA A PLAGUE TO KILL THOUSANDS AS IT SPREADS. PANIC AND FEAR WILL GRIP THE NATION. FOOD RIOTS WILL BREAK OUT IN AUGUST IN MANY MAJOR CITIES..." This is slated to happen in the first year of judgment (of three years) which we have not yet entered. While we are IN judgment now, we have not entered the final three years after which the U.S. will be wiped out and occupied.

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THE SWINE FLU THING (Continued) What we know from JESUS' Word of May 12 `h is that there is a virus coming that is far deadlier than anything ever seen and from JESUS Word I don't see that there is any cure or vaccine that will make any difference. It will be fast acting and it will both spread fast and kill fast. From JESUS' Word of May 12 th r see a simple solution - people ought work to build up their immune system as this will be the best defense against what is coming. I also do not diminish the importance of prayer which is why we have included a special prayer sheet with this Newsletter. GLENN BECK FOX TV Glenn did a special on the swine flu a couple of days ago and had two doctors present, a Doctor Mark Siegel (a Fox News Doctor/contributor) and a Doctor Kent Hotter, an expert in infectious diseases. Dr. Siegel was all for the flu vaccine, everyone should have the shot. Dr. Holter had serious reservations about the vaccine and did not recommend the flu vaccine because the swine flu spreading around is so mild - the dangers of the vaccine brought him to decline the shot. The issues had to do with what went into the flu vaccine. Dr. Holter pointed out some of the vaccine has "vymerisol" as an ingredient which he believes is responsible for chronic fatigue syndrom experienced by 20% of the people who take the shot. This particular ingredient can act as a neuro-toxin in the brain and can cause neurological damage . (See Page A10 for update) Dr. Holter pointed to a sharp increase in autism in children who have taken the flu shot. When I shared this with Wilma and Laura, Laura told us about a woman she knows who has two children. When her first child became of school age the authorities insisted he take a vaccine - he did and later he developed autism. When her second child came of school age the school insisted on that one being vaccinated and the child became autistic after taking the shot. Laura said that woman cannot be convinced otherwise, the vaccine caused autism in her children. Dr. Hotter made it clear that he believed the sharp rise in autism in children in America was due to the vaccines. Dr. Siegel didn't dispute this except to say that there is no official study on this subject to verify if the vaccine causes autism in

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum

October 14, 2009

THE SWINE FLU THING (Continued) children. 1'd seen Dr. Siegel on a News TV show presenting the importance of taking the flu shot. He was very convincing. But on Beck's TV show and confronted by Dr. Bolter he was "less positive" and made a comment that Leith caught. When Dr. Siegel spoke of the nasal flu vaccine he said, "It is safer !" That told her and all of us watching this program that even Dr. Siegel is not convinced that this vaccine may not be harmful. Then some factoids came out in Glenn Beck's TV show that make the day: 1. 2. 3.

The one company making the flu vaccine cannot make it fast enough so there is a shortage. The U.S. is buying flu vaccine from other countries (Europe) but they don't know what is in the vaccine. Thrill of thrills, Red China is selling us something that is added to the vaccine. The Chinese factory making the vaccine additive has not been inspected in the last 1,000 days.

If you decide to take the flu shot make sure (if you can) that the vaccine you get does NOT contain VYMERISOL. This can be a killer. In a report assembled by Richard-DANIEL and his Dr. wife, Adele-SARAH, he wrote this: (Quoting Richard-DANIEL) "Ever hear of Gulf War Syndrom? (19911992). The cause ofthe auto-immune diseases that followed and that killed the troops later and years later was "Squalene." "Squalene" is used to boost the effectiveness of the shot. "Squalene" is NOT approved in Europe. "Squalene" is a major component in the upcoming vaccination program. Why would the government propose a solution, mainly the vaccination that is more dangerous than the flu?" (Unquote) What tipped the scales for me was a comment by Dr. Siegel (who is for the shot) when he said it was important everyone take the shot because if they didn't then millions of hours would be lost to businesses in sick pay. He was talking about the economy, not what might be good or bad for the individual. He lost me with that

October 14, 2009 The Staff and Sword Ministr y /Addendum WINE FLU THING (Continued) revealing comment.

Paae A7


THANK YOU HILLARY CLINTON YOU ANTICAPITALIST MARXIST BUNNY Some years back when Hillary was a junior Senator from New York, there was an issue with some 15 companies that made the flu vaccine in America. It was perceived by the Democrats that they were "price gouging" or making "too much profit" on the vaccine. So Hillary comes to the rescue charging on her Marxist horse. She promoted

a bill to control the prices and profits of the companies that made the flu vaccine. After all it was not right that they made a profit on a dangerous illness (the flu). The bill passed and the effect was severe. All of the vaccine manufacturing concerns could not operate under the restrictions and so they went out of business leaving the U.S. with just ONE company that made flu vaccine. With NO competition and profits severely restricted they'd go the easier and quickest way to manufacture vaccine. Research? Too expensive! Testing? Too expensive! Quality control? Too expensive! Ahh, the joys of Socialist Utopia - no incentive, no innovation, no drive to excel just mediocrity, mundane indifference and when the flu comes - no vaccine or at least not enough to meet the need, not even close.

TAKE THE FLU SHOT OR NOT?! It is a personal decision as I said to start. You need to first pray and then do the research (internet) and make an informed decision. Some people have seen websites that warn that the government will take you away to a camp if you don't take the shot - not true. There is a lot of disinformation on the internet and so praying to be discerning is important: some of the stuff is nonsense and some is not.

What about us? We are still praying about it. However, we went ten years without taking a flu shot and never got the flu. One year we decided to take the flu shot and we got it, very bad, it was really horrible. Since then I'm not inclined to take the flu shot, but we are praying about it. That is all I can say.

BUILDING YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM h Again, the key in JESUS' Word of May 12` is that people with "weakened immune

systems" will be especially vulnerable to the virulent virus that is coming. The best

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum

October 15, 2009

THE SWINE FLU THING (Continued) BUILDING YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM Continued defense, past prayer and trusting JESUS, is to be proactive in ensuring that your immune system is strong. Even if you decide (or already have gotten it) to take the flu shot keep in mind that the virus that is coming is something "totall y different"and there is NO vaccine for it. By the time it appears on the scene (time unknown) it will move fast and people will die even faster. Having a solid prayer defense and a strong immune system is the best counsel I can give on the subject. Okay, so how do you build your i mmune system? I've been sent, by a Phd, a ton of information on the flu and various vitamins and i mmune building supplements. Here is the short list of things that help build our immune system. I offer these as suggestions and draw them from the various reports I've been sent.

Vitamin C - yourbody eliminates vitamin C inside of 24 hours so you need continue taking vitamin C daily. I now take a 1,000 mg tablet three times a day. The report recommends 1,000 to 2,000 mg a day. SELLENIUM - 200 meg daily. IRON - Again, an iron deficiency is generally low in the U.S. but women are

especially at risk due to low iron levels. A supplement is suggested. ECHINACEA - Generally this is helpful if you get the flu or a cold. In tea form it

is very effective in moderating or eliminating respiratory infections. From personal experience I'll say it works well in fighting off a cold in its early stages (you feel it coming on - take the tea and it's gone). GARLIC - In pill form or cooking and/or using a garlic press, this is very effective in treating respiratory infections and in preventing respiratory infections. BONESET: The report stated: Boneset has been used to effectively treat influenza

back in 1918 - of those given Boneset in a factory (after 5 employees came down with the flu) NONE developed the disease and the five quickly recovered. Vitamin D: 4,000 TO 10,000 IU Vitamin D3 daily.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum

October 16, 2009

SYSTEM (Continued) AMERICAN GINSENG: Several clinical trials have found that American Ginseng to be effective in preventing influenza and other respiratory infections among elders in a nursing home. Zinc: 40 mg daily. Cod Liver Oil: 1 Tablespoon daily. The report I have before me (Medical Herbalism) gave this recommendation: DAILY SUPPLEMENT FOR OPTIMAL IMMUNITY

Dail y PRAYER looking to JESUS to keep you and yours.* Vitamin D — 4,000 to 10,000 IU vitamin D3. Zinc - 40 mg. Vitamin C - 1,000 to 2,000 mg. Selenium - 200 meg. Cod Liver Oil - 1 Tablespoon. Vitamin A - 25,000 IU at beta carotene. Iron - I Omg/day only when a diagnosed deficiency is present. Li, festvle Factor: [a] Avoid sleep debt (not getting enough). [ b] Avoid sugar and high glyccmic foods. Again to repeat myself - the issue here is NOT whether you get a flu shot or not - the issue is keeping your immune system strong (you need make an effort) because there is NO vaccine for the virulent virus that is coming. It is something other than the "swine flu" - something very deadly and will spread like wild fire. Yes, I added "Prayer" to the Daily Supplement List (above)*. While there is clearly a physical virus floating around, there is also a demonic element working through it and this comes under the heading of demons "executing judgment". It is helpful to know that we need not be subject to their judgment or judgment at all . This is the best I can do to answer a complex question. God bless. Chuck-JOHNEL.

Page A10 The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum

October 16, 2009

LAST MINUTE ADDITION TO THE ISSUE OF FLU VACCINE In talking to Richard-DANIEL this evening (Oct. 16 th ) he mentioned a well known basketball star who took the flu shot and is now sick with the flu. Then this same evening on the O'Reilly TV show mention was made of a 26-year old woman, Desiree Jenny, a former Washington Redskins Cheerleader, who took the flu shot, got the flu and is now suffering from neurological damage, is barely able to speak and suffers from a form ofparalysis. The doctors said there is nothing in the literature about this kind of effect from the vaccine and so they say it is "psychogenic" ( meaning it is all in her head). Dr. Holter described this kind of effect (see Page A5).

THE U.S DEBT CLOCK You can go to a website: USDEBTCLOCK.ORG to get the latest on personal debt, bank debt, national deb. If you do, hold onto your hat - very informative and scary.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT "JESUS, HIS ANGEL AND ME" Thank you to all who have sent gifts in on a regular basis to support the ongoing work of getting ready and then publishing the first volume of "JESUS. HIS ANGEL AND ME" . Besides covering the various expenses incurred along the way in the writing and correcting and getting the book into the proper computer form, then all the details (copyright, Library of Congress, etc.) added up. Excess funds were accumulated toward the day we would publish it. We (Lyn-ELIZABETH actually) found a publisher who would do "on demand" printing and we had the funds to publish the first volume. We have some leftover funds set-aside that combined with book sales will give us the means to publish Volume II when it is ready. So please do not sen d any more financial supportforthe book - we are pretty much where we need to be fund-wise and wanted you to know that. Again, thank you warmly for your support, it really counted and helped in getting this book done. God bless, Chuck-JOHNEL.

ACORN AND ACORN in the 1930's ACORN, much in the recent news for its criminal activity and behavior, is a child of

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October 16, 2009

ACORN AND ACORN in the 1930's (continuedl Beastman Obama. This "community organization" backed Obama to the hilt in the 2008 election, which in itself was criminal behavior. I'd come to see the Red Shirted ACORN members (about 400,000 nationwide) as modern day Brown Shirts - the SA, street thugs in Germany that helped Hitler come to power. The Nazi Brown Shirts were a criminal enterprise to say the least. Jim-REPHEAL is reading John Toland's book " Adolf Hitler" and his incisive view into the mind set of Hitler himself. He noted that he saw many parallels between Hitler and Obama but then found this bit on Page 225 of Toland's book: (Quote page 225 of Toland's book) "...In Germany the Berlin Nazi Party was declared illegal by the police commissioner and so was banned by the police Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, responded by creating "cover organizations" for the Nazi Party (forced underground), one of these cover organizations was named: "THE BEAUTIFUL ACORN " (Unquote) After Jim-REPHEAL shared this interesting tid-bit out of history, Leith asked, "Is this a coincidence?" Nancy-TONI replied, "No, it is the same spirit among the Nazi's as among Obama 's people" I added: "The anti-Christ spirit is not very original. "


THE LORD JESUS WOULD HAVE YOU WAIT ON HOW TO PRAY ABOUTTHIS BEASTMAN. ABIDE IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, JOHNEL." We have known for some time, especially since the massive earthquake near Indonesia (2004) that killed hundreds of thousands (tsunami), that rising quake activity were reflections of the spreading rent in the earth's mantle. That big quake

in 2004 resulted in topog raphical changes, something JESUS indicated would be one

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October 16, 2009

EARTHQUAKE ACTIVITY THE SPREADING RENT IN THE MANTLE (Continued) result of rent activity. We also knew that the source point of this violent upheaval in the Pacific was an area well below Mammoth Lakes, California to Los Angeles, California and that sooner or later it would begin to trace back to and emerge under the source point (California). Recent events are revealing that it IS surfacing back under California and more, even geologists are recognizing a connection between the quakes in the Pacific and recent quakes near a town in California named Keeler. a.)

September 2, 2009. Cikangkarcng, Indonesia hit by 7.3 Magnitude earthquake, 50+ dead.


September 12, 2009. Caracas, Venezuela, under water (Caribbean coast) 65 miles from Caracas a 6.4 Magnitude earthquake.


September 29, 2009. Beneath the Pacific just south of American Samoa an 8.0 and 8.3 Magnitude earthquake which generated a tsunami (20 foot wall of water) swept Samoa killing 200+.


September 30, 2009. Sumatra Island in Pacific hit by catastrophic 7.6 Magnitude earthquake - 1,500 dead+.


September 30, 2009. Shelton, Washington shaken by 3.4 Magnitude earthquake.


October 1, 2009 - 5.0 Magnitude earthquake strikes Keeler, California.


October 1, 2009 - 3.5 Magnitude quake hits Keeler, Calif. Following this there were swarm quakes (50+ small shakers ranging from 1.7 to 2.7 Magnitude) Then hours later:


October 1, 2009. A 3.4 and 3.3 Magnitude quake near Keeler, Calif. Following this there were more swarm quakes (30+ small ones) and then 3.5, 3.4 and 3.5 Magnitude quakes near Keeler, California with dozens of smaller quakes


October 2, 2009. More than a dozen swarm quakes rattle Keeler, California.

October 16, 2009

Page A13 The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum

EARTHQUAKE ACTIVITY THE SPREADING RENT IN THE MANTLE (Continued) j.) October 3, 2009. Keeler, California is shaken by swarm quakes (100+) accentuated by a variety of strong quakes: 3.1, 4.7, 4.9, 5.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.4, 3.3, 4.2, 3.0, 3.3, 3.1, and a 4.5 Magnitude earthquakes. Mon Oct 5 20:10:04 UT 2009

675 earthquakes -125


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The U.S. Geological map (above) gives the location of the Keeler, California ea rt hquakes with respect to the state of California. When I saw this I drew out the most recent map we have on the location of the rent in the mantle with respect to California (see the next page.) On the chart of the rent in the mantle given an the next page I note the location of Keeler, California - it is almost directly above the rent in the mantle. Why the swarm quakes? These are usually associated with volcanic activity! The rent in the mantle is allowing super-hot corma (molten earth) to rise upwards towards the surface. The movement of such fiery liquid is the primary source of swarm quakes in volcanoes which reflects the movement of magma under a volcano. It is the same here. The higher that corma rises from the rent in the mantle the more direct an effect it will have on the earth above it - California to be specific and so also the whole of North America. Right now we are seeing extreme violence out in the Pacific - the main force of the rent in

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October 16, 2009

ACTIVITY THE SPREADING RENT IN THE MANTLE Continued the mantle is surfacing there which is why these EARTHQUAKE

earthquakes are so large and so persistent. The more recent development of quakes surfacing in California is indication that it is BEGINNING to come back home to the source point. The tells us that in the not-so-distant future large, very large earthquakes will begin to strike California and the force of those events will also travel through the fault systems to touch Americans everywhere from coast to coast.


"RENT MANTLE" as of May. 2008 - 1,082 Miles Long


from Southe rn Califo rn ia to Vancouver, BC, Canada


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starting Ap-il 18, 2008

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