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December 15, 2009
ADDENDUM THE CLIFF SITUATION (continued) Then one brother in North Carolina telephoned me and told me something that I inwardly knew was true but again, did not want to accept it. While we (Cliff and I) were in North Carolina speaking to a group, this one brother told me that when I spoke he saw the Light of Christ coming from me but that when Cliff spoke he saw only darkness covering him. I remembered it because I had an inner witness that it was true and at the same time I refused to believe it. Cliff and I had been through a lot together, I considered him to be a best friend as well as a fellow prophet. After we gave the Lord's Word and revelations of coming judgment we endured a virtual storm of false accusations and personal attacks that were stinging and difficult to bear. Then on a trip to San Diego in early 1979 while praying to prepare for a meeting Father GOD spoke to me and said, "CLIFF HAS BECOME MY ENEMY." I was stunned to the point of tears and did not know how to react or what to do. I then received a communication from Cliff about a month later in which he plainly told me that he was been working behind my back to undermine the ministry and to discredit me in any way he could. I had assumed that we both had authority in Christ but Cliff then told me something that was bewildering. He went to the Lord and said something like this, "If I have this power, then bring 30 tornadoes east of the Mississippi that destroys many places and kills 500 people. If that happens I will stay in the Ministry, if not then I do not have this authority and will quit. " He had set a date for this plague of tornadoes and it came and passed with no tornadoes, so he sent me a communication of what he had done and with it his resignation from the ministry. Later I learned that some Ministers had approached Cliff privately and offered him a respectable position in the church if he did this. They told him that they'd keep this a secret between each other and believed that I'd follow and resign as well. Cliff later told me that they were "snakes in the grass" In that Cliff has written a denial, saying that there was no truth to what was written as they went nationwide and broadcast his resignation and views that the Ministry was all made-up. They'd betrayed his confidence and the last thing Cliff told me (the last time I saw him in 1979) was this: They won 't believe God 's Word until a Russian bayonet is sticking in their throats."
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THE CLIFF SITUATION continued In that Cliff has written a denial, saying that there was no truth to what was written in The Staff and The Sword book - this comment told me he believed but only said what they wanted him to say to gain favor and a position. What position I don't know. It took me years of hearing this and that from different people to put the whole story together, but it was as FATHER GOD told me San Diego in early 1979. After Cliff quit, and the way he did, I came under attack unlike ever before, it was tidal wave of abuse, threats, false accusations that had a simple aim to force me to quit. This is when I made the mistake of taking Cliff's idea and modifying it. I took The Staff and prophesied in a tornado to hit the Northeast U.S. in October, a tornado that would demolish a town and kill 3 people and would be in nationwide news. When that day came with no tornado I'd quit like Cliff and find some peace away from the constant battering by brethren. Well, the tornado came on the day, at the time, and in the place I'd spoken into existence: it wiped out a Connecticut town, killed 3, in] ured hundreds, then wiped out a nearby Air Force base, leveled it. President Carter declared it a disaster on TV - I watched the TV news cameras show the devastation. I was thunderstruck, frightened, and went before JESUS repenting for what I'd done. I was the one who had the authority, not Cliff; unbelief had taken hold of me and although many brethren who attacked me contributed to my sin, nonetheless, it was my sin and I was responsible. It came down to a simple fact - God gave me this authority, if others did not believe that made no difference, it was real and I was the one who had to answer to GOD if I misused that authority. It was a painful lesson. What about Cliff and I doing this work God spoke of? In later years the Lord JESUS taught me that whosoever occupied that office of prophet alongside of me, that we would receive revelation and their name would be in His Word. They hold the office, they have that recognition. But then JESUS revealed that there was a true prophet, one who would lastly fill that office, the one anointed by God to fill that office. In the years since Cliff resigned many have stood in that office but all were temporary after Cliff it was Randy, then Cuong, then Steve, next David, Joseph then Herb and lastly, the anointed prophet, the one sent by God, Richard-DANIEL.
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December 15, 2009
THE CLIFF SITUATION (continued) All these many years later it is obvious to the that FATHER GOD excluded Cliff from being privy to what He was doing on August 20, 1977, Cliff was essentially left out because HE knew that his tenure in that office of prophet was temporary. Yet the Lord did give him a vision of coming judgment - he was not left out entirely. One of Cliff's parting comments was to say that Jesus told him that the book, " The Staff and The Sword " would never be published. The person passing on this bit of information asked me, "W/at do you say to that? " I responded, "JESUS told me to write the book not publish it. " Weeks later a man named Al Henderson telephoned from San Diego, California (I lived in Chicago at the time) offering to publish the book. He would pay for the typesetting but when it came to the printing cost ($20,000) he would have to dig into his retirement fund. I told him not to do that but to lay a fleece before the Lord. He didn't know what a fleece was and I said, "Make it hard for God. " He told me that he had built some antenna for the U.S. Navy but they refused to pay him, a sum of $20,000. So he said, "If the Navy pays me, I will publish the book." Then he added, "I've tried fo g• years to get them to pay me and gave up, this is impossible even for God. " We prayed and laid that fleece before the Lord JESUS CHRIST. Next day At telephoned me all excited saying, "You won't believe what happened, then again you would. " The Navy had just called him and told him a check was in the mail for half the sum, S 10,000 and the balance would be paid in a week's time. Thus the book, " The Staff and the Sword" was published in 1979. At Henderson of San Diego was a brother in Christ I'd never met, wasn't on our mailing list and came out of no where. At shipped about 2,000 copies of the book to me in Chicago and so year by year we gave most of them away.
The first copy I received I mailed to Cliff in 1979 - no response was forthcoming. THE REPRESENTATIVE FACTOR In 1983 while driving across North America extending the "Seal of the Living God" I was also issuing printed calls for prayer for America. In 1983 the Lord's Angel told me to just distribute 12 copies of the call to prayer in a town of 12,000 people saying, "It is Representative." At first I did not understand but then the HOLY SPIRIT gave me understanding - each person who received a call to prayer in that town of 12,000 would by their decision (to pray or not pray) be representative of 1,000 of the people of that town.
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December 15. 2009
THE REPRESENTATIVE FACTOR (continued) This later gave me a better understanding of how the Lord could speak of say, Cliff, as working with me in the future when he was quitting the Ministry and that he would not actually be there in the future. In these cases whosoever occupied that Prophetic Office, even though they were not the true Prophet, the Lord would speak of them by name since they occupied the office at that time. Thus when JESUS spoke of Cliff He was speaking of Cliff as being "representative" of that Prophet who would lastly fill that prophetic office. This also gave me insight into the issue of"The President" we would go to see during the time America was being invaded and fighting for its life. JESUS spoke of Jimmy Carter, who I saw as being quite old in that future day. I've been aware that the Lord was not necessarily speaking of the man Jimmy Carter in that he might only be "representative" of the man who will fill that office in the future. However, I'm also aware of the fact that Jimmy Carter now looks like the really old man* I saw in the vision in 1977 and that he may well live to fulfill that vision. *Note - Keep in mind that in 1977 President Jimmy Carter was a young man.
This concept is quite scriptural. In the early years of the Ministry the HOLY SPIRIT gave me to understand that the anointing of a prophetic office is conveyed by a specific Angel of God - and it can work through one man, then another and yet another. For example, Elijah passed his anointing onto Elisha and much later it was given to John the Baptist - three different men, same anointing. In these cases the anointing was conveyed by an Archangel. Could Cliff or Randy or any of the others have fulfilled the office they stood-in, becoming the prophet of that office instead of being a "temporary stand-in"? I believe the "opportunity" was available to each of these, however, for one reason or another they elected to leave the office. At the same time there is another factor at work not so obvious and that is "predestination" (Romans 8: 29-31). Those who are "the called" are both patient and endure until they receive what the Lord intended them to have. We can understand these things only up to a certain point where it becomes clear that we are plumbing the depths of God's Mind and Will and this is beyond us to comprehend except we move by faith in Him. I understand what can be grasped and lastly say, "His Will be done, Amen!"
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December 15, 2009
THE WRATH OF GOD - A STORM HANGING OVER THE NATION, THE WORLD! In writing this article and reviewing the revelations of August 20, 1977 in some detail I became keenly aware of the fact that the Wrath of God is hanging over this nation and world like a vast fiercesome storm. It is right there ready to fall with a fury that would defy anything men have experienced in any recent time period on earth. We tracked the times when we expected to see "evidences" of the Wrath of God that was loosed on January 21, 2004 and from the first ma] or event (Hurricane KATRINA which devastated New Orleans) there was one event after another surfacing at the ti mes we had projected. Then suddenly it was quiet, Why? I didn't know. In praying daily with The Staff as JESUS instructed me starting this August my understanding has deepened in subtle ways. Avoiding speculation as to what this is leading to, it's become clear that the Wrath of God is "on pause" churning over head like a massive storm that has not yet unleashed its fury. When I was in Chicago this August, Richard-DANIEL was in town and we got together for supper on August 20, 2009. Richard-DANIEL recognized it as being significant in that we were both in Chicago at the same time of the revelation of August 20, 1977 some 32 years earlier. It just so happened that JESUS' Word to start praying with The Staff daily came on that same day, August 20, 2009. Now, it is FATHER GOD'S Word of August 20, 1977 that stood out to me when I re-read it, where He said, "EACH TIME YOU STRIKE THE GLOBE ( with THE STAFF), YOU ARE MY INSTRUMENTS OF WRATH..." It is perceived at this point in time that the prayer/abiding with The Staff is preparing me to be an, "INSTRUMENT OF HIS WRATH." If I continue to gain I % per day then The Staff will reach 100% by the first week of this coming,February, 2010. In that FATHER spoke in the plural (INSTRUMENTS), then another or others will be involved in this work. What then? What happens when The Staff reaches 100%? I don't know, that is in God's Hands as my call is to pray to be yielded to His Will. His Will be done to His Glory and Praise, Amen!
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The Staff a nd Sword Ministry/Addendum
December 18, 2009
"LIKE A MIGHTY WIND II" September 25, 2009 to November 4, 2009 The prayer action of 2006 which demolished the spiritual foundations of the Islamic Empire, setting free the whole of Islam to come to know JESUS as the CHRIST, was "doubled and set" under God's Law (Genesis 41: 32) in the prayer action undertaken by the Net of Prayer and those intercessors joined to us by the Spirit of God (in excess of 500,000). A report sharing the disceinments of those intercessors who sent in their discernments/insights was issued in a DISCERNMENTS AND COMMENTS REPORT dated November 21St which runs 66 pages. All Net of Prayer Intercessors were sent a copy, but if you would like a copy it is offered on the enclosed RESPONSE FORM at cost.
A POTENTIAL NEW NET OF PRAYER CAMPAIGN On December 17 t " a request for discernment was sent to the prayer leadership of the Net of Prayer to consider undertaking a prayer campaign to BIND the enemy in the U.S. and Canada. This would bind the enemy from having any dominion or power over God's people, those assembled behind our lines in the GAP in 1987. To be specific, the beastman and his people are working to assert total control over the people of the U.S.: control over our energy use (Cap and Trade Bill), control over our bodies (Health Care Plans) and other infringements on our Constitutional Rights, to establish what would become a dictatorship, to destroy America as we know it and deprive us of our God's given rights. Those who voted for this Beastman Obarna, who support him, have given themselves over to his power, but there are those of God's people who evacuated from the areas he would control and assembled behind our Angelic lines in the GAP in 1987. What was in the GAP in 1987 is now in this world, it is here and now, present and real. In the GAP in 1987 the enemy employed all of its power to try and break our lines to invade the ground we held where God's people were assembled. In beholding Christ we were empowered to not only stop the enemy advance but we hurled them
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December 18, 2009
back and seized territory they had held when JESUS told us, "IT IS SUFFICIENT," and so we stopped. Now that this GAP situation of 1987 is `In This World' we are seeing the same kind of attack by the enemy to impose its power over all of us. In this we have both "grounds" and "opportunity" to do what we did in the GAP - the stop the enemy advance, hurl them back and take back any ground they seized and then some. This is what the Net of Prayer leadership is considering. Following completion of "LIKE A MIGHTY WIND II" we issued new prayer sheets (dated Nov. 6, 2009) to the Net of Prayer and a focus prayer was written by Richard-DANIEL called "DEFINING THE LINE." This prayer aimed to draw a "line in the sand" to establish "In This World" the line we held in the GAP in 1987 against the enemy. We are seeing some powerful answers to those prayers and I recently wrote a PRAISE REPORT, stating: (Quoting the December 16 th Report to N.Q.P. Prayer Leaders. )
"The Health Care Plan seemingly was going to pass in the Senate and be rushed into Law before Christmas. But then troubles surfaced, resistance inside the ranks of Democrats, resistance and violence being done to those refusing to go along with the plan got news attention (at least on Fox News). Last night (Dec. 15) the Democrats were forced to abandon several key issues of the Health Care Plan - resistance to the abortion clause, resistance to the single payer plan, resistance to government mandated insurance - all cut out. In its current form the House of Representatives won't pass it - the President was caught up in this mess recognizing that the whole plan may have to be scrapped and some far left Democrats (like Howard Dean) are now saying that the plan should be tossed out, killed! The chaos and divisions and infighting in the Democratic ranks is reflective of the DEFINING THE LINE PRAYER written by Richard-DANIEL - we are seeing clear answers to our joint/unity and agreement praying. Some of this prayer states: "... We resist and reject all of these and their devices... health care
system.... We reject and resist the lawlessness against You and Jesus Christ
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Quoting the December 16` h Report to N.O.P. Prayer Leaders - continued.)
that is using laws to enslave us... looking to JESUS CHRIST to bring all of this down upon their heads and the heads of their own... expose this madness.. .JESUS, expose this in this time while the beastman is out of "synch "with Lucifer. Embar rass them in this time... Thank You for answers to this prayer... " We are seeing clear answers to our prayers - Praise the Lord JESUS CHRIST!" (Unquote) We KNOW that we cannot stop the Beastman from doing his worse, but we can keep him off our backs, out of our back-yard, and keep them off balance and toss them into chaos to gain time whereby we can be fully prepared and where others can be relocated. At a point in the GAP in 1987 there was a massive exodus of God's people to safe areas, taking God's people out of harm's way. Others of God's people who supported the beastman, who were led by man's church system - these would suffer much, most would perish as the Beastman devours all who follow him.
GOLD When I wrote the October Newsletter the price of gold was $1,043.00 an ounce. Recently it shot up close to $1,180 and then dropped back to what it is today (Dec 17 `h ) $1,135 an ounce. Gold gained $92 an ounce since the last newsletter. I expect that after a brief period of bobbing up and down it will climb again and reach $1,200 an ounce, thereafter it will eventually climb higher. The U.S. Dollar continues to decline and as the Democrats continue to spend, spend, spend money they don't have and as a result the value of the dollar will continue to spiral downward. I heard one business report on TV some days ago that the Dollar has lost 19% of its value since March -- that means of every $1,000 in the bank, you e have lost $190 in purchasing power out of that $1,000 dollars. In the last Newsletter I made some mistakes in calculating the percentages - it was late in the morning, I was not only tired but not feeling well - a bad time to do figures. I apologize. Nonetheless, the issue of the declining dollar is valid and as Richard-DANIEL recently said, "Having gold is insurance against the failure of the dollar. "
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December 18, 2009
GOLD (-continued) Okay, where does one buy gold? I've done business with ICA (International Collectors Associates) for years, they are reputable and honest. You can contact them by telephone (800-525-9556) and ask for Rex Turner or Mike Horsey or Steven. They can offer advice on buying gold and/or advise you on how to invest into what kind of coins. You can buy (and they ship the gold to you) the actual gold in one of two forms (1) Bullion - gold in coin form but these are not collectors coins, just gold; and (2) Nu nismatic gold coins - these are collector items, gold coins of old. Their value is greater than the face value of gold and they tend to increase in value ahead of gold bullion. ICA
Durango, Colorado telephone 970-259-4100 toll free phone 800-525-9556 contacts:
Rex Turner, Senior Account Executive Mike Horsey Steven If you are going to invest in gold it is probably advisable to buy some silver as well, which is also increasing in value alongside of gold. Again, you can discuss this with the ICA representatives. God bless. Chuck-JOHNEL,
Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd tells it like it is. Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror
attacks. Separately, Howard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: "IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom. We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to
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note a Australian Prime Minister Rudd continued become part of our society,
learn the language! ' Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture. We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us. "This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about our flag, our pledge, our Christian beliefs, or our way of life, I highly encourage you to take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, THE RIGHT TO LEAVE. If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted." (Unquote)
GO Oklahoma!!! Laura Prewitt gave me this e-mail report and so I'm sharing it here with all of you:
( Quote) "An update from Oklahoma: Oklahoma law passed, 37 to 9, had a few liberals in the mix, an amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the state capitol. The feds in D.C., along with the ACLU, said it would be a mistake. Hey this
is a conservative state, based on Christian values...! HB 1330. Guess what... Oklahoma did it anyway.
Oklahoma recently passed a law in the state to incarcerate all illegal immigrants, and ship them back to where they came from unless they want to get a green card and become an American citizen. They all scattered. HB 1804. Hope we didn't send any of them to your state. This was against advice of the Federal Government, and the ACLU, they said it would be a mistake. Guess what. ..Oklahoma did it anyway.
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GO Oklahoma!!! (Quote continued) Recently we passed a law to include DNA samples from any and all illegals to the Oklahoma database, for c ri minal investigative purposes. Pelosi said it was unconstitutional. SB 1102. Guess what
... Oklahoma
did it anyway.
Several weeks ago, we passed a law, declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign state, not under the Federal Gove rn ment directives, joining Texas, Montana and Utah as the only states to do so. More states are likely to follow: Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, the Carolina's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, Arkansas, West Virginia, Mississippi, Florida. Save your confederate money, it appears the South is about to rise up once again. HJR 1003.
The federal government has made bold steps to take away our guns. Oklahoma, a week ago, passed a law confirming people in this state have the right to bear arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm sure that was a set back for the criminals (and Obamaites). Liberals didn't like it, but.. Guess what... Oklahoma did it anyway. .l ust this month, my state has voted and passed a law that ALL driver's license exams will be printed in English, and only English, and no other language. We have been called racist for doing this, but the fact is that ALL of our road signs are in English only. If you want to drive in Oklahoma, you must read and write English. Really simple. By the way, Obama does not like any of this. Guess what.. .who cares..
is doing it anyway." (Unquote)
Allen West on Fort Hood Massacre November 7, 2009 . Wilma gave me this repo rt off the internet: (The following is a statement released by retired Lt. Col. Allen West) "This past Thursday 13 American Soldiers were killed and another 30 wounded at a horrific mass shooting at US Army installation, Ft Hood, Texas. . . On Thursday, 5 November 2009 Ft Hood became a part of the battlefield in the war against Islamic totalitarianism and state sponsored terrorism. ...Our Country has become so paralyzed by political correctness that we have allowed a vile and determined enemy to breach what should be the safest place in America, an Army post. We have become so politically correct that our media is more conce rn ed about the
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iie aLaii an q nworn lvIInistr /Atldendum
December 18, 2009
Allen West on Fort Hood Massacre November 7 2009.( Continued) stress of the shooter, Major Nidal Malik Hasan. The misplaced benevolence intending to portray him as a victim is despicable. The fact that there are some who have now created an entire new classification called; "pre-virtual vicarious Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)" is unconscionable. This is not a "man caused disaster". It is what it is, an Islamic jihadist attack. We have seen this before in 2003 when a SGT Hasan of the 101 Airborne Division (Air Assault) threw hand grenades and opened fire into his Commanding Officer's tent in Kuwait. We have seen the foiled attempt of AIbanian Muslims who sought to attack Ft. Dix, NJ. Recently we saw a young convert to Islam named Carlos
Bledsoe travel to Yemen, receive terrorist training, and return to gun down two US Soldiers at a Little Rock, Arkansas Army recruiting station. We thwarted another Islamic terrorist plot in North Carolina which had US Marine Corps Base, Quantico as a target. What have we done with all these prevalent trends? Nothing. ...Major Hasan should have never been transferred to Ft Hood, matter of fact he should have been Chaptered from the Army. His previous statements, poor evaluation reports, and the fact that the FBI had him under investigation for j ihadist website posting should have been proof positive. However, what we have is a typical liberal approach to find a victim, not the 13 and 30 Soldiers and a Civilian, but rather the poor shooter. A shooter who we are told was a great American, who loved the Anny and serving his Nation and the Council on American Islamic Relations (LAIR) stating that his actions had nothing to do with religious belief. We know that Major Hasan deliberately planned this episode; he did give away his possessions. He stood atop a table in the confined space of the Soldier Readiness Center shouting "Allah Akhbar", same chant as the 9-11 terrorists and those we fight against overseas in the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters of operation. ...Saudi Arabia is sponsoring radical Imams who enter into our prisons and convert g young men into a virulent Wahabbist ideolo y. resulting in four individuals wanting to destroy synagogues in New York with plastic explosives. Thank God the explosives were dummy. They are sponsoring textbooks which present Islamic centric revisionist history in our schools. We must recognize that there is an urgent need to separate the theo-political radical Islamic ideology out of our American society. We must begin to demand surveillance of suspected Imams and mosques that are spreading hate and preaching the overthrow of our Constitutional Republic ... that speech is not protected under First Amendment, it is sedition and if done b y an American treason. There should not be some 30 Islamic terrorist camps in America that has nothing to do with First Amendment, Freedom of Religion. The Saudis are not our friends and any American political figure who believes such is delusional. When tolerance becomes a one way street it certainly leads to cultural suicide." Lieutenant Colonel Allen B West (US Army, Ret) (Unquote)
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THE STAFF REPORT: Today (Dec. 1 g
December 18, 2009
in the afte rn oon while walking back to the house with The Staff I was suddenly taken by surprise by a massive surge of power in The Staff that sweep through me like an electric current. The earth beneath my feet opened up and I could literally see to the core of this planet in that instant. I asked JESUS, " What was that? " And His Angel replied saying, "THAT WAS AN HOLY SPIRIT SURGE. THE PULSE REACHED 9,100 MILES DISTANCE." th
As I pondered this unexpected happening I became aware that this surge of power was affecting matter on a molecular level, I could see matter literally resonating, sparkling with the power which faded rather quickly. Again, there is no focus just a sweeping and harmless surge of power from The Staff.
Irnaginau? A few may think that this is all my imagination but in my 38 year walk
with JESUS I can tell you from personal experience and evidential happenings that it is real. These things can only be spiritually disce rn ed and understood, but in the `real world' there are events that put it well beyond the domain of imagination. Lest any should mistaken my intent, I speak of the vast and wonderful power of God, His is the Glary; yet when by Faith in Jesus Word, L spoke Âť,
AND THE MOUNTAIN MOVED (sketch in May 23, 1983 newsletter)
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(sketch of route from May to July 5,1983)
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The May 83 sketch above and to the right, '^ } ^^ uN (_(_r^ 7 t show the massive 1700 mile fault system, which Jesus showed me in June 1980, after I struck the earth then with the Staff, 1' setting off a near identical pattern of earthquakes worldwide as we have just seen fc SJfMEXrto n in this year. The sketch to the top-right, is an enlarvement - you will note the 7 2 R'^chter quake in IDAHO October 28, 1983 is almost dead center of the area I drew in May 23, 1983. Jesus blessed me then in May, to see what would come as a consequence of the prophetic work - for I saw the mountains moving, some being crushed-pulverized, some falling, some risino.
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Ouote October 30, 1983 news: The shock was centered near MT BORAH, IDAHO's tallest peak Titerally y MOVED I1. ._.the peak.._measured at 12,662 feet, was moved 15 FEET HIGHER..., by the earthquake ...that also left a 1 0 mile scar in the earth." Unquote
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THE STAFF REPORT Continued : The section: "AND THE MOUNTAIN MOVED", shared on the bottom of Page A13, was drawn from our Ministry Newsletter of November 17, 1983. On the first leg of that journey in 1983 JESUS had me drive from Chicago to San Diego, California and then up the coast to Washington State and then back to Chicago. In this first leg of that prophetic mission of 1983, JESUS had me strike the earth with The Staff every 104 miles. Every time I struck the earth with The Staff, I saw power pulse from The Staff deep into the earth which slammed into these huge stone plates (430 miles deep) which resounded, shook and moved slightly each ti me. It was at the border of California and Oregon that JESUS had me take The Staff and command Lucifer in His Name to "shut up" - thus ending a massive storm system that had
battered the U.S. for many months. It was more than bad weather - the currents had changed on the west coast eroding the coastline - more, it snowed in Los Angeles. Weather was weird and unpredictable. After dealing with Lucifer in JESUS' Name with The Staff everything returned to normal. But there was more. A major earthquake heading for Los Angeles (about a 7.5 Magnitude) was lessened and diverted from Los Angeles and hit Coalinga, California about a week after I drove by that town was 70% destroyed in a 6.5 Magnitude quake but no one killed, no one hurt. While the HOLY SPIRIT did not show me in advance the effect of The Staff work, I recognized that the quake to hit Coalinga was initially aimed at Los Angeles and had been diverted and lessened. All this was an answer to prayer for mercy and God's help - a work of prayer undertaken by the Net of Prayer for months earlier. There must have been some skeptics doubting all of this and although I did not hear their comments GOD did. I believe what happened next was GOD'S reply to the skeptics. On the second leg of this prophetic mission JESUS had me travel from Chicago to New Mexico and then to Washington State, back down to San Diego and lastly back home to Chicago. Again, I was to strike the earth every 100 miles with The Staff. By this time I understood that JESUS was having me shift the whole North American Continent, to redirect massive forces that would otherwise devastate major cities and kill thousands in major earthquakes. This time it was San Francisco being spared from being slammed by what would have been an 8.2 Magnitude earthquake. It was in Idaho that I saw that the redirected forces would surface in Idaho and would move a mountain. 1 published what I was given to see by the SPIRIT of GOD in our May, 1983
Page A15 The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum
December 19, 2009
THE STAFF REPORT (Continued): Newsletter. I didn't know "when" this quake would hit only where it would surface and with what effect - moving a mountain in Idaho! On October 28, 1983 a major 7.2 Magnitude earthquake stuck Idaho and moved Mount Borah, Idaho's tallest peak and literally moved it 15 foot higher. The quake also left a ten mile scar in the earth that was 75 foot deep. One hidden skeptic spoke up and accused me of murder as a building in Idaho collapsed in that earthquake and fell on two school children killing them. That skeptic did not pray and it was the shortfall of lacking 300 intercessors that made it impossible to totally stop judgments. I told my son, Stefan, about this and he told his grammar school classmates that I'd moved a mountain by faith; but they did not believe him. I asked him why they did not believe. Stefan's reply was precious, "Their daddy's not a prophet. " Actually, by faith and on HOLY SPIRIT direction, I moved the whole North American continent in 1983 in order to save thousands of lives and diminish the force of judgment for a time. Today, December I9 t '' . power pulsing from The Staff reach 9,700 miles and it is now at 61.50%. JESU' Angel told me something new, "HENCEFORTH, ONLY YOU OR NANCY-TONI CAN TOUCH THE STAFF."
FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL MOTORS Last year, before the government took over GMC, they had produced several proto-type "H y drogen cell auto's " that ran on water. The exhaust was water vapor. They estimated that it would sell for $24,000 a car. Glenn Beck drove one of those prototypes for a month and gave it high marks: it was snappy, good pick-up, quiet and dirt cheap to fuel and operate. Better yet, the price was right - I mean $24,000!?! Wow! To produce it would require investment, building a new plant, and the building of hydrogen cell refueling
stations (machines that converted water to hydrogen). After the Obama Administration ect. took over GMC, they killed the project. Instead, GMC is placing their hopes in an all electric car (the Volt) that has a gas-operated generator to recharge the battery - it gets 30 miles to the gallon of gas. It will sell at $40,000 a car. This is a dead end. The Toyota Prius, which gets 52 miles to the gallon and is a battery/gas engine combo, sells for $25,000. The Volt looks like a tin can, small - the Prius is solid looking and a medium-size auto.
Page A16 Th e Staff and Sword Mini stry/Addendum
December 19, 2049
FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL MOTORS continued Now it's been made known by Toyota that they are working on a hydrogen cell auto and plan to come out with it in 2011. Had GMC pressed ahead with their hydrogen cell auto, built the factory, gotten investors and sold contracts to Americans to build hydrogen cell refueling stations - the U.S. could have taken over the world auto market and seen an explosion of new jobs across the nation. But Obama is a Marxist and does not believe in free enterprise or capitalism and so the golden opportunity passes to the Japanese. Oh, the wonders of the government-run anything: the Post office - bankrupt; Amtrak - bankrupt; Medicare - bankrupt. The current Health Care Plan, from what is known of it, would leave 24 million Americans without health care. Recently I heard a TV report that due to the Administration policies some 500 coal miners have lost their jobs - Cbarna plans to shut down all coal burners and coal production in the U.S., something he stated when he ran for president. Some 54째/0 of U.S. electrical power comes from coal burning plants so what will he replace that with? Nothing. He is opposed to nuclear power, he is opposed to drilling domestic oil. Back in the 1970's JESUS showed me the future if America did not repent and turn back to Him - a nation without heat in winter (Americans froze to death); an America without food (no fuel for farmers, food production severely cut as a result.) The government mismanagement of GMC is a perfect example of the kind of result this government will produce as it stifles free enterprise.
THE YEAR 2010- A YEAR OF EARTHQUAKES??? On May 12, 2009 JESUS told me this: "UNSETTLEMENT IN THE EARTH WILL BECOME NOTICEABLE AS THE YEAR ADVANCES. TROUBLES WITHIN THE UNITED STATES AND THE AMERICAS WILL EMERGE IN MANY WAYS: ECONOMIC, POLITICAL, INDUSTRIAL AND IN THE EARTH." On the next page is a map showing the last known locations of the creeping and spreading rent in the earth's mantle and two spots have been noted for your attention, these being
Keeler. California and Queen Charlotte Islands , near Vancouver British Columbia, Canada. Several 5 magnitude quakes shook Keeler, California in early October, 2009 followed by swarm earthquakes. On Nov. 8 th a 6.6 magnitude quake hit Indonesia, on Nov. 9 `h a 7.2 magnitude quake hit Fiji; on Nov. 13`'' a 6.5 quake hit Chile, So. America; on November I 7` E ' a 6.6 quake shook Queen Charlotte Island; and on Nov 24 `h a 6.6 magnitude quake
Page A17 The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum
December 19, 2009
THE YEAR 2010 - A YEAR OF EARTHQUAKES??? (Continued) rocked Tonga (in the Pacific). These earthquakes in Keeler and Queen Charlotte are directly over the spreading rent in the earth's mantle. More, these powerful quakes out west in the Pacific have the same source - the power being released by the spreading crack in the earth's mantle. You will note that the size of these quakes are identical or almost identical (6.6, 6.5 and one 7.2), they are all generated by the growing rent in the earth's mantle.
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December 19, 2009
THE YEAR 2010 - A YEAR OF EARTHQUAKES??? (Continued) In July, 1973 1 was given a vision of a "monster" earthquake to center under Chicago, one that would end up triggering disastrous events and wipe out much of the Midwest. When
I prayed asking Father God when this would happen I was given to see the number "17" in the form of a fluffy white cloud. In time I came to understand that this spoke of the 17' year - as a count of time. What was lacking was a point in time to count the 17 years. In 1993 a horrific storm swept the Midwest causing flooding of the Mississippi basin that bore resemblance to the flooding that would follow the "monster" earthquake in Chicago. Nancy-TONI saw the possibility that the 17 years counted from 1993 - this pointed and points to the year 2010. Based on all that JESUS had shewn me, if 2010 was the year of the "monster" earthquake in Chicago, then we could expect to see the "major" earthquake to strike the St. Louis/Chicago area in September of the year 2008. In June of 2008 JESUS sent me to Chicago and I arrived after another massive storm system, one almost identical to the one that hit in 1993. He showed me massive amounts
of physical energy flowing through existing fault systems under the Midwest, energy generated by the cracking of the earth's mantle. I saw a lot of this energy flooding southwards into Texas. This year, 2009, has seen a lot of earthquake activity in Texas and Oklahoma and while these earthquakes are minor, they are persistent and unusual. It is clear that the energy I saw flooding into the Texas area is producing these earthquakes - what was seen in June 2008 surfaced in 2009. The storm system of 2008 kind of muddies the waters because that storm system is almost identical in effect to the one that hit in 1993. Why "muddies the waters"?
1993+17years = 2010
2008+17 years = 2025 We have learned that in such timing cases, you take the difference in time between two different dates and cut it in half. There is a 15 year difference between 2010 and 2025, which works out to 7-1/2 years or 7 years. Thus:
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THE YEAR 2010 - A YEAR OF EARTHQUAKES??? (Continued The year 2017 places us one year past Obama's presidency, assuming he is re-elected for a second term. There is another key factor in the picture: The timing seen in the GAP as related to this present time suggests that the "exodus" of God's people from the GAP will take place at about the year 2012 or 2013 latest. Why is the "exodus" from the GAP a key timing factor? I do not believe that the Lord God will have His people be caught up in the "monster" earthquake in the Midwest and that He will evacuate/relocate/exodus them before this happens. Many may only get out with the shirts on their backs, as Jesus said, but they'd get out BEFORE that cataclysmic event hits. "If' the timing of the "exodus" is connected to the "monster" earthquake then God's people would be out harm's way by 2012 or 2013 latest. This would place the "major*" earthquake to hit St. Louis/Chicago as being 2010 or 2011. *Note - The "major " earthquake (a 6.7 and 7.6 magnitude earthquake in St. LouislChicago) would precede the "monster" earthquake by approximately 2 yeas s.
There are other variables in the picture, another key one is that JESUS said I'd determine the timing of judgment. Lots of "ifs" . It is best to simply wait and see what develops, when things take an obvious direction, no one aware of what JESUS has said about these things will be unable to see what is coming next - unless they are bound up by unbelief.
At this point I'd simply say that the year 2010 is going to see the "start" of things that will develop towards the judgme nts at an increasing pace. DEEP, DEEP IN THE EARTH - A PAST EVENT This (below) was published in Discover Magazine in October of 1982 - Mammoth Lakes.
is activity- Magma in the southernmost {right hand) chamber is Artist's "cartoon" kissed on the work of V.S. GaelogicaI Survey scan lid Roy Bailey shows one possible interpretation of velcan- moving upward. Causing a bulge and earthquakes in Long Valley
Page A20 The Staff and Sword Ministry/Addendum
December 20, 2009
DEEP, DEEP IN THE EARTH - A PAST EVENT(Continued) In late 1980 JESUS by HIS HOLY SPIRIT gave me to see deep in the '.
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LONG VALLEY CALDERA ".lii a it` Ho 1::^"' ,z:; Springs "' " " and Vents Earthauakezr Gene- D
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Map of the Mammoth Lakes area showing old and now volcanic Features
earth beneath Mammoth Lakes, California (also known as Long Valley Caldera). I observed three massive explosions that rocked directly beneath these giant stone plates - it looked like a nuclear blasts. The Holy Spirit insight I was given at that time was to count a period of 192 days from the date I was given to see these three explosions. It came out to February of 1982 and I knew to space them eve ry two days thus projected for events to surface on February 17, 19, and 21, 1982. On those days three strong seismic events hit Hollister, California (two earthquakes and a geyser spewing off schedule and constantly for that day).
The size of the earthquakes was minor though very strongly felt - and I pondered why the three blasts were so powerful but the events on the surface so weak by comparison. The insight came (and I was shown) that all the earth above the blasts absorbed the vast majority of the energy released acting like a shock absorber. However, as other events happened the earth began to get hotter and hotter and the speed with which the events surfaced increased and the size of the events also increased. Then about a year after having seen the three blasts, three 5.0 magnitude earthquakes struck the Mammoth Lakes areas in quick succession, one 5.0 magnitude earthquake a day for three days. I now perceived that what surfaced in 192 days or by Februa ry 1982 were in fact shock waves and what followed a longer period later (the 5.0 magnitude quakes) represented the physical dislocation caused by the three blasts. Having observed and recorded these developments from 1980 to 1984 has helped me recognize the effects of the ripping mantle happening 430 miles beneath our feet and how it spreads across the globe but also surfaces directly above the ripped mantle at times, as recently seen in Keeler, California and Queen Charlotte, Canada. What we are observing and reporting is a gathering storm of troubles that will eventually and fully emerge as a cataclysm ic explosion across the earth.