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October 10, 2004
The Staff and Sword Ministry
ANTI- AMERICANISM (Part 2) By: Chuck-JOHNEL Because I had to pass on this article until the November Newsletter I have decided to repeat what was given at the end of the August, 2004 Newsletter which was as follows...
(Quote) VISION IN THE CHA PEL IN PITTSBURGH 1977: Th is was one time when JESUS shewed it to me all in one gulp. It was 1977 and we were a short distance from our objective, the White House. We were being hosted by a Church in Pittsburgh and entered a chapel to pray to be prepared before speaking to the church that night. As we sat on the bench praying, JESUS CHRIST literally walked into the chapel before us. Three women in the chapel immediately fell to the floor under the power- of the Holy Spirit; my prophet partner Cliff would later tell me that he was barely able to hold on to the seat and almost fell to the floor himself. JESUS looked at me and said "BEHOLD!" With that Isaw North America before me as if it were a map hanging on the chapel wall. What I then saw was overwhelming in the extreme. Every living creature, man, animal, insect, every living thing came into my view and in a time context that was so rapid it was a virtual blur. I saw the whole of what America would go through, thejudgment, war, invasion, occupation - all in a flash. I only
retained (memory-wise,) about 1110th of 1% of what I'd seen but the HOLY SPIRIT imparted it all to my spirit in Christ. In that vision I became aware of an intense antiAmericanism that brought nations to invade the U.S. It seemed they held us as being a fascist-like nation worthy only of destruction. But was this trite?" (Unquote) N
I will be quoting from a book entitled "ANTI-AMERICAN ISM" written by a French author, Jean-Francois Revel, translated from the French by Diarmid Caramel l and published by Encounter Books, San Francisco in 2003. Most Americans have no concept of the intensity of hatred held by many people around the world against our nation and against us as a people and yet this virulent hatred is held primarily by the elites of those nations and not by the average person. In fact, the average person in most nations around the world would jump at the chance to become an American and to live in America. To act a view of this anti-Americanism I look at page 146 where Revel writes, (Quote) "Nineteenth-century European intellectuals believed that America was a cultural void...It was not until 1856, when Charles Baudelaire translated Edgar Allen Poe, that Europeans began to realize there might be something that could be called literature in the United States. But the myth of barbarism, of a people enslaved by their own addiction to money
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ANTI- AMERICANISM (Part 2 continued)) ( an addiction obviously quite unknown to the more idealistic Europeans) lasted until the mid-twentieth century, when it was refuted by reality. Then the greatest outpouring of patronage ever seen went into building and maintaining thousands of museums and universities - and even the opera houses whose absence Stendhal had deplored. Suddenly the sneers changed to remonstrations: the cultural vacuity of America was transformed overnight into "cultural imperialism." The empty cup was found to be flooding y over. In this domain as in ever thing else, the Americans can never be in the right. no matter what they do ." (Unquote) The depth of current anti-Americanism springs from a known root. Revel writes (Quote Page 148) "In his book, "All Americans Now" the editor of Le Monde (a French publication), Jean-Marie Colomban1, explains why he felt justified in this title the day after 9/11. Hostile reactions to his editorial and the title he had chosen were numerous and immediate, both among readers of Le Monde (French Newspaper) and on the editorial board. This stemmed from the Left's disinclination, even after the massacres in New York and Washington, to renounce its demonized image of the United States, an image that it needs all the more since socialism has ended in shipwreck. If the Good that this cult worshiped has foundered, it consoles itself by continuing to execrate the antithetical Evil ( U.S.) Woe upon those who would deprive them of the convenient Lucifer that is their last ideological lifeline." (Unquote) SOCIALISM is the root of anti-American hatred and it encourages hatred of America/Americans in every venue it can find. In Africa the people of Africa have come to believe the convenient lie that the AIDS disaster that has befallen them is a conspiracy brought on them by America. Yup! They blames AIDS on us, not on their behavior which spreads the AIDS virus like wildfire in the continent of Africa (millions have died, millions are infected and dying). THE FASCIST ACCUSATION: Revel writes: ( Quote page 156) "...Isn't America, after y all, "structurall fascist"? The strange thing is that it is always in Europe that dictatorships and totalitarian regimes spring up, yet it is always America that is "fascist." (Unquote) Such an attitude, if not belief system, is baffling since America has no resemblance to a "fascist structure" but the European elite who accuse us of this are the same people that supported the most horrific fascist dictatorships in history. However, Revel puts his finger on one primary reason for anti-Americanism when he wrote: (Quote Page 34) "America is the object of their loathing because, for a
half-century or more, she has been the most prosperous and creative capitalist society on earth." (Unquote)
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October 10, 2004
THE KYOTO ACCORD - THE FACTS! We have all heard about the Kyoto treaty but few of us know much about it or what it is, much less how it has not been implemented in the world community. Jean-Francois Revel writes about this as follows: (Quoting Pages 25-26) "Already in 1997, with Bill Clinton occupying the White House, the U.S. Senate had rejected the Kyoto Protocol by a vote of 55 to 0—whether rightly or wrongly is another question. The fact remains that George W. Bush had nothing to do with it. Then Clinton, just before handing over the power to his successor, had signed an executive order restoring the United State's support for the famous protocol. Customarily, such executive orders at the end of a president's term of office do not impinge on questions of high importance to national policy. Here, Clinton's evident intention was to hand Bush a political hot potato at the last minute. If he accepted it, the incoming president would be faced with the problem of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 5.2 percent without cutting back industrial production and energy consumption too drastically: an impossible task. If he refused, noisy protests would surely be launched worldwide against him, protests all the more hypocritical in that those who cried the loudest, banishing the United States from the family of humanity in the name of environmental ethics, were careful not to apply this standard to themselves.
By mid-2001, four years after the Kyoto conference, not one of the 167 other signatories -- and not a single European nation— had ratified the protocol... .America, with 5 percent of the world's population, is responsible for 25 percent of the world's industrial pollution. Perhaps the figures are accurate; but it should be pointed out that America also produces 25 percent of the planet's goods and services, and that the other 167 Kyoto signatories had done absolutely nothing by mid- 2001 towards reducing, either collectively or individually, their 75 percent share of world pollution. Here is utter inconsistency, of course, but the agenda is less about ridding the world of pollution than about excommunicating the United States.... Western environmentalists are hardly objective scientists; they are leftists.... During the seventies and eighties, they never denounced pollution in the Communists countries, a thousand times worse than in the West— but after all, that wasn't capitalist pollution. They maintained a prudent silence at the time of the Chernobyl accident, as they do today with regard to the dilapidated nuclear power plants strewn over the erstwhile Communist territories. And they keep their mouths shut about the hundreds of Soviet-built submarines, stuffed with atomic warheads, that the Russians sank lock, stock and barrel in the Barents Sea.
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LContinuing Quoting Jean-Francois Revel Pages 25-26) To demand that steps be taken to rid humanity of this mortal peril that will hang over our heads for millennia would, from their socialist point of view, be inadvisable. After all, this tedious chore wouldn't be of the slightest help in their crusade against liberal globalization, in their eyes a far more dreadful curse. Once upon a time there was a genuine environmentalism, which flourished in the sixties, precisely in the United States. But it has long since been hijacked but a mendacious pseudo-environmentalism, a mask for stale Marxist cant colored in green. Note the ideological environmentalism sees nature menaced only in those nations where economic liberalism reigns to a greater or lesser degree—and above all, of course, in the most prosperous of them all." (Unquote) Comment b y Chuck-JOHNEL: Behind almost all the current anti-Americanism is a virulent strain of Marxism that can be found throughout Europe and even here at home. It is amazing, to one, how such a failed system (absolute and utter failure) hangs on and drives men to continue to hawk an ideology (MarxismlCommunism) as if it is the wave of the future, when all it has left behind in its wake are destroyed nations and hundreds of millions of murdered victims. Even our very own movie stars are drawn to worship Fidel Castro of Communist Cuba who had brought nothing but death and want to that island people. What is this blindness? For many of my earlier years, even before I knew I was Jesus' prophet, I studied Communism as one studies an enemy and I realized that it was in essence both a religious
belief as well as an ideology. The Marxist man or woman utterly rejected God and embraced man as their new god. This is why the madness continues to this day, this is how the "true believers" can ignore the horrors of Communism and embrace the socialist ideal with new vigor - when all it has ever produced is want and destitution. Marxism is more than a political or economic theory, it is a religious belief and in itself it is a religion. The god of Marxism/Communism is Satan/Lucifer. This is obvious because Marxist/Communist ideology stands as both a counterfeit and a competition to the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST and His Church, Christians. The modern day leftists/liberals (who now like to call themselves `progressives') have a singular hatred and contempt for JESUS CHRIST, His Church - Christians. They are not shy about demonstrating their hatred and our present day society lays under the stench and mist of Christophobia*, the fear of Christians, the fear of Christ! *Note - Dr. Michael Savage has coined this expression to describe the left's attacks and hatred of Christians in America and around the world. In Whittaker Chambers book "WITNESS ", he wrote: (Quote Page 81) "...I had rejected the rightofthe mind to justify evil in the name of history, reason or progress, because I had
Page 5A The Staff and Sword Ministry October 1 0 2004 (QuotIiigWI.ittaker Chambers book "WITNESS continued) asse rt ed that there is something greater than the mind, history or progress. I did not know that this Something is God.. .1 began to sense that the two mirages that had beckoned me into the dese rt - the mirage of Almighty Mind and its power to plan human salvation —were illusions...Communism/Socialism denies the soul in the name of the mind...I sensed...the simplici ty of an axiom: "MAN CAl`I N O.>'I Qi(GAM1ZE THE WG,( ! D F r)k HIMSELF r WFIHOW GOL i WITHQUT rQD MAN CAI I O'IU( CARGA^ I1ZE THE W . k J A AIM r MAI I," The gas ovens of Buchenwald and the Communist execution cellars exist first within our minds.. .my spirit clearly discerned one truth: "Man without mysticism is a monster. " (Unquote) Note by Chuck-JOHNEL - Whittaker Chambers was an American Communist and member of the Communist Party until the late 1930's when he left the Communist Party. He speaks f ro m the perspective of a dyed-in-the-wool Communist, formerly a true believer, who carefully thought out and expressed the heart of that belief system after he found Christ in his life and turned f ro m the godless Communist religion.
(Quoting Jean-Francois Revel Pages 24 & 34 "If Russia is not a superpower at the beginning of the twenty-first centu ry , that's because she embarked on the absurd experiment of Communism, which left her more backward that before 1917." "America is the object of their loathing because, for a half-centu ry or more, she has been the most prosperous and creative capitalist society on earth." (Unquote) Comment b y Chuck-J0HNEL: I've shared these two quotes (above) with each other to
illustrate one primary reason why there is this thing called "anti-Americanism" and how much of it springs from the poisoned well of Marxist/Socialism. America is hated, despised, ridiculed and falsely accused because as a free society, free enterprise-driven, God-believing and blessed society we prosper greatly while the ideal Marxist/Communist system that emerged in Russia in 1971 left that great nation destitute and broken after 70 years of socialist disasters. Here in pages 31-32 French author Revel writes about this Socialist/Communist madness: (Quote) "It would be hard to point more clearly to the supreme scapegoat for in the old socialist tradition,... anti-Americanism... According to these people and their fellow believers, the global marketplace will breed ever-increasing poverty, for the profit of an ever-richer minority. This is the outcome Karl Marx predicted in the middle of the nineteenth century for the industrialized nations of Western Europe and North America, and we all know how history has confirmed that brilliant prophecy. By the late 1950's, the French Communist Party was still using the "complete pauperization" ofthe working class as a propaganda line— even while the thirty-year boom following World War II was in full swing. That's the genius of "scientific socialization"." (Unquote)
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AMERICA YS BAD IF WE DO, BAD IF WE DON'T (Quote Revel:) "Consider, for example, the perplexity of a citizen of Montana or Tennessee upon learning of his nation's intervention in the former Yugoslavia. He might with good reason have asked himself what interest the United States could have in plunging into the bloody quagmire of the Balkans, that centuries-old masterpiece of Europe's matchless ingenuity. But Europe found herself incapable of bringing order to this murderous chaos of her own making. So, in order to stop or at least diminish the massacres, it devolved upon the United States to take charge of the operations in Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia. The Europeans afterwards offered thanks by calling them i mperialists—although they quake with fright and accuse the Americans of being cowardly isolationalists the moment they make the slightest mention ofbringing their soldiers home." (Unquote)
AMERICA AS A SUPER-POWER BOTHERS EUROPEAN ELITES The French author Revel brought focus to this "European complaint" and settled it in a brief statement: (Quote Revel Page 17) "Acceptable or not, the fact is that it exists (America as a super-power). And what is lacking in European thinking about the current state of affairs (and Europeans are far from being alone in this instance) is an enquiry into its primary causes. It is only by identifying and cor rectly interpreting these causes that we'lI have a chance of finding ways to counterbalance the American's dominance. Europeans in particular should force themselves to examine how they have contributed to that preponderance. It was they, after all, who made the twentieth century the darkest in history; it was they who brought about the two unprecedented cataclysms of the World Wars; and it was they who invented and put into place the two most criminal regimes ever inflicted on the human race—pinnacles of evil and imbecility (fascism and communism) achieved in a space of less than thirty years." (Unquote)
TAKING NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ONE'S ACTIONS The Marxist/Socialist ideology presents positions and attitudes that do not have to stand up to the test of"does it work" instead, "if it fails" then blame is placed on someone but those behind the error never take responsibility for their actions. In Solzhenitsyn's book he gave an example of how the Communists worked in the former Communist Soviet Union. One day the Communists in Moscow ordered farmers to plant seed in the snow (it was the dead of winter) so they could get an early crop. The farmers said: "It won 't grow, the seed will only rot in the snow. " The Communists ordered them
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TAKING NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ONE'S ACTIONS (continued) to do as told or they'd be arrested for resisting the Communist Revolution. The farmers obeyed and planted the seed in the snow. The seed rotted. The farmers were then arrested for "destroying Soviet property" by the same Communists that gave them the orders. This kind of behavior is the hallmark of socialism, no matter what kind of horrors they cause and inflict on mankind it is never "their fault" and so they always pass the buck to some poor sap. The notion that a socialist can be responsible or take responsibility for his/her actions and/or words is not part of the fabric of socialism. The religious ideology of Socialism/Marxism blinds those adherents of same to see1ngboth the truth and facts of how that system does not work.
Capitalism versus Socialism (Quoting Revel - Pages 48-49) "In Latin America, from 1950 to 1985, real per capita income in constant dollars (valued at the 1975 level) doubled, going from about S I ,000 per annum to a little over $2,000, which was Western Europe's level circa 1950. Mexico in 1985 is higher on the scale in terms of per capita income than was Italy in 1960. During the past five decades, Latin America on the whole has experienced an annual growth of 5 percent. No European country can boast an equivalent sustained average growth rate. These figures show to what extent the mantras about ever increasing poverty (by the Marxist/Socialists) spring from ignorance or pure dishonesty. Continuing poverty, regular bankruptcies of public finances, inflation and the flight of capital are not the result of an intractable underdevelopment per se, but of incompetence and corruption, the wasting of international aid and the persistence of a ruinously inefficient public sector. This regrettable state of affairs is most obvious in the case of Africa, the only Third World continent to have witnessed a decline, not just relative to wealthy nations, but in real and absolute terms. This impoverishment has political, not economic, causes. It is statism rather than the market, and socialism rather than capitalism that have seriously harmed or destroyed the African economies. After independence, the African elites who formed the political leadership for the most part adopted the Soviet and Chinese system. Through this means they were able to assume absolute power with access to the levers of personal enrichment. And from Communism they borrowed an infallible recipe for agricultural ruin: from Algeria to Tanzania they collectivized the land, setting up "cooperatives" that quickly became unproductive. I will not elaborate here on this subject, which I have dealt with at length in several books...the Third World's false friends have no intention of seeing that world's poor have enough to
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Capitalism versus Socialism - uotes continued eat, their enthusiasm being focused rather on blaming capitalism for the impoverishment that is socialism's offspring." (Unquote) C-J COMMENT: The disaster in Africa which springs from embracing the tenets of Socialist/Marxist ideology is blamed on the capitalist nation of America. As Revel states on page 37 (Quote) "What the current crop of antiglobalizers have in common is a simplistic Marxist article of faith: "absolute evil is capitalism, incarnated in and directed by the United States. " (Unquote) French author Revel writes on page 28 ( Quote) "...the United States is always blamed, while its financial and military aid are universally desired. For example at the June 2001 meeting of the Organization of African Unity... African leaders hoped and prayed for a "Marshall Plan for Africa." This reference to the Marshall Plan of course evokes the historic precedent, financed by the United States, that brought Europe back out of the ruins of the Second World War. And yet virtually all of the mendicant chiefs who "govern" Africa profess a virulent anti-Americanism: blaming America for the continent's poverty, and even the African AIDS epidemic, is laid at America's door. Anti-Americanism thus functions as a blame-shifting tactic. In fact, the international aid received by Africa since decolonization is equivalent to four or five Marshall Plans, all of which was squandered, embezzled or outright stolen, when it wasn't swallowed up in the incessant wars or wiped out in stupid "agrarian reforms" modeled on the suffocating (Socialist/Marxist) collectivism of Russia and China. But it's convenient to throw back on America all responsibility for one's own mistakes or crimes — while still appealing to her for rescue. Europe is not exempt from this doublethink: at the very time when Europeans were benefitting from the Marshall Plan, leftist parties were opposed to it, putting it down as an American plan to put Western Europe under her thumb — yet another neocolonialist and
i mperialist maneuver, as could easily be deduced from Marxist theory. Yet the socialist or Christian-Democratic parties of the center-right that were then in power in most European countries also eschewed any feelings of gratitude, reasoning that by acting generously, America was acting purely in her own interest — as if she really ought to have opposed them! In keeping with the contradictory rules of anti-American reasoning, we accused and keep accusing Americans of being opposed to a strong Europe hence, the United States strengthened Europe because she wants to weaken Europe. In this regard, European thinking is a model of incoherence. " (Unquote)
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ENTER ISLAM Anti-Americanism is found alive and well throughout Europe, Africa, South America and Asia primarily because of Socialist/Marxist and it is found budding and growing in America stemming from that same root. However, when we come to Islam we find the same level of anti-Americanism but not because of Communism, Marxism and/or Socialistic ideology. The French author Revel writes ( Quoting Page 70) "After September 11, democratic leaders took great care to stress that the West's war against terrorism was not a war against Islam. But for their part, the Islamists made no bones about proclaiming that they were fighting against the West. Their objective is, of course, the fruit ofa delusion, but it remains well and truly the destruction of Western civilization in all its impiety and impurity. For this reason, attempts to blame hyper-terrorism on American hyper-power and capitalist globalization — to ascribe rational economic and political causes to it — must be completely groundless. The fundamentalists blame our civilization not for what it does, but for what it is, not for having failed, but for having succeeded. So the endless talk about the need to find a "political solution" to the problem of Islamist terrorism is founded on the illusion that national policy could have any bearing on a mental universe so divorced from reality... The (Islamist's) are not concerned about regulating global trade or increasing aid to the developing countries; their one idea is to extirpate (destroy) Evil from the earth and replace it with Good, i.e. Islam." ( Unquote) THE STREAM OF ISLAM CANNOT CO-EXIST IN THE STREAM OF THE WEST ` This is a conclusion I drew after reading the history of Islam from the 7 '' century to the present time - the stream of Islam and its ideology is so opposite the stream of the West that one cannot exist side by side with the other, either one is eliminated and the other triumphs or the stage is set for an endless bloody war until that final resolution reached.
Pope John Paul II worked to allow and encourage the building of a Mosque in Rome and it was built. Did Islam respond by allowing and encouraging the building of a Church in Mecca? Hardly! Islam does not seek or desire to live in harmony with other cultures, other religions, rather it seeks to eradicate every culture, every religion and replace it with theirs and theirs alone. THE NATION THAT EMBRACES SOCIALISM COMES UNDER A CURSE In my early years I watched with some interest, if not wonderment, how that nations formerly wealthy with abundance of food and raw materials would see their populations become destitute, hungry to starving and life in general slipped into a nightmare state.
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THE NATION THAT EMBRACES SOCIALISM COMES UNDER A CURSE continued South Vietnam was such a nation - it had an abundance of food of all sorts to the place that they were a major exporter of food stuffs. No one wanted in that nation and life was pleasant. When South Vietnam fell to the Communist North it was only the short passing of one year and the population was on short rations, food was in short supply and hunger stalked the people of that nation unlike any previous time. I wondered how this could happen. Take Russia which was backward industrially when the Communists came to power, and yet Russia by itself was a major food producer and that nation had/has resources in raw materials of greater abundance than America. Nonetheless the Russian people entered seven decades of want of j ust about everything you could imagine with famines ravaging that land for many years. Why? How could the socialist doctrine result in such want and suffering when those nations had everything available to make a good life for all its citizens? The workings of Marxist/Socialism can explain some of it and it is the most inefficient system ever created by man and is so wasteful that to call it criminal is a vast underestimation. The bigger issue is one men hardly conceive of and Marxist/Socialists are blind to see. A nation that embraces Socialism/Marxism is truly embracing its root, who is Satan/Lucifer. These creatures are not called destroyers because they bring anything good to man - in fact, they bring a curse and in fact they are the curse. Rejecting God, rejecting Christ, rejecting the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the same as turning from the light to darkness, from abundance to want, from life to death. When Alexander Solzhenitsyn was asked why Russia has suffered so much under Communism (estimated 70 million were murdered inside of 70 years) he stated bluntly, "We forgot God." Apart from GOD, His Grace and help, man is under the curse of fallen Adam and nothing good will come thereafter, only evil.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
October 11, 2004
In conclusion Looking at anti-Americanism from several different angles reveals that "yes" they perceive America as being a fascist nation but that perception is not based on truth or fact but on a fear and hatred of American success, more, it is a fear of the success of a free enterprise nation founded on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In truth, the America-haters are driven by envy and jealousy and the fact that they and their Marxist/Socialistic/Satanic ideals cannot compare or compete with America's success, a success that is GOD blessed. The Islamists are driven by envy, jealousy and fear in a like way. Jean-Francois Revel writes: (Quote Page 143) "There is a big difference between being anti-American and being critical of the United States. Once again: critiques are appropriate and necessary, provided that they rest on fact and address real abuses... Anti-Americanism is at base a totalizing, if not totalitarian, vision. The peculiar blindness of fanaticism can be recognized in the way it seizes on a certain behavior of the hated object and sweepingly condemns it, only to condemn with equal fervor the opposite behavior shortly after— or even simultaneously...Americans can do nothing but speak idiocies, make blunders and commit crimes; and they are answerable for all the setbacks, all the injustices and all the sufferings of the rest of humanity. Anti-Americanism thus defined is less a popular prejudice than a parti pris (preconceived opinion) of the political, cultural and religious elites...." (Unquote) On one hand I will acknowledge that America is slipping rapidly into the same kind of socialist mind-set as those abroad who hate us, and in that decline we are doing what Russia did over 7 decades ago, we are "forgetting God." The historic consequences of that behavior is known and we are headed this way into the "curse" and the judgment of God. The only way our enemies could succeed in invading and conquering America, as revealed by the Spirit of God, is if America has "forgotten God." The evidence of that position is all around us, nonetheless, the view that America is fascist is false though this falsehood will motivate many nations to come to America as invaders. Thanks to Jean-Francois Revel's book, " Anti-Americanism " a lot of bits and pieces of information came together in my mind to form a clear picture of not only how the world sees America but what is at the root of that perception, which is Satan/Lucifer. Mr. Revel sees Marxist/Socialistic ideology as the root, but I know the root of that system is hell's power.
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October 12, 2004
Why did I pursue this report? The vision of the judgment of America given to me by JESUS CHRIST in the Pittsburgh chapel in 1977 was fiercely intense and it carne with mega-detail that was beyond the physical brain to grasp or recall beyond a very "general knowing" that surfaced in my conscious mind as a rough outline. In that "general knowing" I seemed to know that America was invaded because other nations came here to end a world-threatening tyranny. For many years I perceived this "tyranny" to be a form of fascism which in turn motivated this violent response. This report allowed me to pursue this "general knowing" and to find that what I perceived was correct, but also that the world perception of America was seriously faulted. We have turned a major corner into the judgment JESUS revealed so long ago and we are finding the budding evidences of things JESUS revealed some 27 years ago now visible in world affairs. God bless. End of report.
A Postscript on Guns Mr. Revel also wrote this, (Quote Page 87) "Europeans are right to criticize the freedom to sell firearms that prevails in the United States. But their vituperations (sustained and bitter railing and condemnations) would be more convincing if it were not just as easy to procure weapons in Europe, on a flourishing black market; although firearms cannot be
freely bought and sold, the result is the same, if not worse. The arms trafficking is "phenomenal" in Seine-Saint-Denis, France, says a leader of the Force police union who said (November, 2001) "two weeks ago we found nailita?y weapons in La Courneuve, and in Fpinay, France. " The officially condoned selling of arms to individuals in America at least makes provision for the registration of the purchaser's name...It is in Europe that an arms traffic jungle, the kind in which anyone can obtain the most lethal weapons without anyone else knowing about it, is growing unchecked." (Unquote) Interesting! Chuck-JOHNEL