August 2, 1988 THE GAP

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Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt 1 400 North 30th Street, Space #64 Mt Vernon, WA. 98273


AUGUST 2, 1988 "THE GAP" "AND I SOUGHT FOR A MAN AMONG THEM, THAT SHOULD MAKE UP THE HEDGE, AND STAND IN THE GAP BEFORE ME FOR THE LAND, THAT I SHOULD NOT DESTROY IT: BUT I FOUND NONE. THEREFORE HAVE I POURED OUT MINE INDIGNATION UPON THEM; I HAVE CONSUMED THEM WITH THE FIRE OF MY WRATH: THEIR OWN WAY HAVE I RECOMPENSED UPON THEIR HEADS, SAITH Ezekiel 22:30 THE LORD GOD." Back in 1974 when JESUS revealed that part of my commission in Him was to be a WATCHMAN for 'The Nation"(meaning THE CHURCH), the Holy Spirit gave me understanding that part of the call was to Stand in The GAP. Under Gods anointing the prophets of this ministry(4) were made SIGNS UNTO THE CHURCH meaning that each of us would be representative of THE CHURCH, and this meant THE ELECT OF CHRIST, those who RECEIVED JESUS into their hearts (differing from those who Believe ON HIS NAME). Today we understand this ELECT BODY OF CHRIST which makes up HIS CHURCH number some 40 Millions(40-42 Millions). Whether this is a world wide figure or a figure applying to North America is not known but this July 1988 JESUS purposed to reveal the numbers(up til now we didn't know). If we want to see the whole work Jesus has set before us in all these years(since 1972) in a simple way --this can be said. JESUS has had us WARN OF JUDGMENTS COMING, CALL for REPENTANCE & PRAYER, and THE CHURCH has DECIDED from 1980 to 1988 to Answer Gods Call or to reject Gods Call. HE has persistently SOUGHT for MEN(Spiritually those in Christ both male and female) who would MAKE UP THE HEDGE and STAND IN THE GAP. The very first time I saw THE GAP (IN THE SPIRIT) was in April 1982--GOD THE FATHER literally put me here with the Angels assigned to me(40 Legions of Jesus Angels) and told me to STAND AND WITHSTAND THE BEAST. All this took place IN THE SPIRIT, and what I saw was plain. THE GAP ITSELF:

IN THE SPIRIT the GAP looks like a pass between a mountain range. In

relative worldly terms, the GAP itself is 100 miles wide, a flat plain thats an open point between two very high, literally impassable mountain ranges. Ahead of me, I saw a vast plain IN THE SPIRIT, it was clearly well outside of this world, some point between Heaven above and Earth below. IN THE SPIRIT all time is ONE--thus the Past, Present and Future are all ONE TIME here. Now behind me, as I looked out of the GAP I saw THIS WORLD, seeing cities, towns, landscape, rivers, lakes and in 1982 I clearly understood this is where Gods children lived, it was very pleasant to see. Thus this GAP, this 100 mile wide plain and passage between an impassable mountain range --was the way from IN THE SPIRIT to INTO THIS WORE f



JULY 25, 1988

AUGUST 2, 1988 THE GAP" (continued) IH THE GAP-1982: At the time the Spirit of God put me into the GAP in 1982, and GOD THE FATHER made it plain I was to stand and withstand the Beast --what I saw was this. Ahead of me, outside the GAP and in that vast Plain IN THE SPIRIT I saw a massive churning black smoke filled with fire and by the Spirit of God would see under it, and saw here huge holes in the ground and out of them came multitudes of demons - these demons formed up a very great demonic army, billions strong and soon after a MAN showed on the scene riding a horse, the demons worshipped him as if he were god, and I soon realized this man was the Beast. That demon army formed up and it was obvious they intended to march thru the GAP and out of the other end into THIS WORLD. I KNEW within my spirit that if they came thru intact, these demons would ravage mankind, trigger world nuclear war, aiming to destroy all life on Earth. At this time, showing up and joining with me was Nancy-TONI with the 40 Legions of Jesus Angels assigned to her. Seeing her IN THE SPIRIT, in The GAP was unique - since she looked like someone I did know I thought she was that person but she had an entirely differen personality than this person(it thus confused me). In fact, I would not even meet Nancy-TONI the one who stood with me in the GAP that April 1982 --until November 1982 and would not recognize who she was until early 1986. Again the TIME DIMENSION of IN THE SPIRIT, you see what IS, even what WAS, --and--what WILL BE all at once blended together. It took a full year of spiritual warfare IN THE SPIRIT on Jesus direction for us to discern this Knowing that JESUS WORD comes to us BY THE SPIRIT, this Time Dimension of IN THE SPIRIT. insight helped greatly to grasp how Jesus Word to us can apply NOW and then LATER-both. What we were seeing IN THE GAP in 1982 we later learned was a PATTERN of things to come, for by GODS LAW(Genesis4l:32) a thing must be DOUBLED TWICE, be done TWICE, to be SET & ESTABLI "•rl I "IN THIS WORLD". THE GAP DEFENC :

Based entirely on CHURCH DECISION(obedience to Christ) --the extent to

which the GAP was defended was directly proportional to the extent to which the ELECT OF CHRIST obeyed Gods Word and Call. The GAP was 100 miles wide-a relative figure--the CHURCH or ELECT OF CHRIST were represented by FOUR PROPHETS, and 100 ELDERS OF PRAYER. Thus 25 ELDERS OF PRAYER(who represented 25% of the CHURCH) were represented in the GAP by ONE PROPHET and the ANGELS with that prophet represented the 25% of the CHURCH. The ANGELS OF JESUS had on the full armor of God, and something extra --Golden Bows and quivers with GOLDEN ARROWS in them. The GOLDEN ARROWS were representative of the level of PRAYER in THE CHURCH, Prayer according to Gods Word, on Holy Spirit leading. These Golden Arrows would be fired at advancing demon hordes, and on hitting them burst into a FIRE that consumed-destroyed the demons. The Angels with Nancy-TONI and I stood in a single rank, oval shapped formation, and linked together they covered 67 MILES of the 100 MILES of the GAP. This left an area to our left some 33 miles wide--an open place- no Angelic cover was here. When the battle began in 1982 the BEAST-Man on horse on encountering us was very determined but not very smart. He sent his demon legions attacking along the whole 100 mile front-we used the golden arrows to level walls of FIRE on every attempt to break thru the open 33% area(33 miles wide) --and when his demons attacked the line of Angels(we stood in that line) we took a very heavy, increasing devestating toll of the demon numbers. They had no power to force us back, they could not break us and Jesus Angels(us too) wielding the Sword of the Word cut them down so fast, we had piles of demons six foot high and more laying in front of our positions --demons had to climb over the pile to get at us and when they did--we got them! The Angelic numbers were directly representative of Gods children who obeyed God, who prayed and standing in Christ as they did, the Ang els STOOD IN THE GAP and the ene my had NO power

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JULY 25, 1988

"IGUST 2, 1988 "THE GAP" (contd) to break them, force them back --the Angelic line was virtually invincible in Gods Armor. The Beast-man of 1982 was determined, each time he was beat back, he attacked again and again --and frankly we were glad of that, because now we were taking steadily increasing chunks out of the demon army out of hell. But after a time, we began to run low on GOLDEN ARROWS with which we used to cover the open 33 miles front in the GAP. Today we understand it even better --the 67% of Angels covering 67% of the GAP represented OBEDIENT CHRISTIANS who PRAYED --the GOLDEN ARROWS represented OVERCOMING PRAYER, prayer above what was called for by those who did their part --these did even more. Thus we knew then that 33% of THE CHURCH were not praying and we were moving to OVERCOME that deficiency. We were STANDING IN THE GAP, and working by OVERCOMING LOVE IN PRAYER to "MAKE UP THE HEDGE" --that 33% area(33 miles wide) that was OPEN in the GAP. That battle of 1982 ran from May 9, 1982 to July 17, 1982 --the Beast-man finally got his act together and realized it was better to concentrate on the open 33 miles of the GAP and not engage the 67 miles covered by us and Jesus Angels. When he did this, we ran out of Golden Arrows(OVERCONING PRAYER), we could no longer cover that open hedge, and the Beast with his demon army broke thru and INTO THE WORLD. The Beasts demon army of 1982 had taken such a beating in the GAP, it was severely dis-organ ized and exhausted by the fighting. The NET OF PRAYER now in intercession prayed to obtain Gods Help --and months later Jesus led us in an extra ordinary move IN THE SPIRIT but now IN THE WORLD to wage warfare on the disorganized demon army spread over America. destroyed a full ONE THIRD of that demons army, and drove them back into an area that ONE THIRD of the North Americas. Over the years since 1982 NET OF PRAYER has engaged this IN THE WORLD demon force and taken chunks out of them in spiritual warfare and thru prophetic missions. But regardless, a portion of that demon army has become a force in place IN THIS WORLD, often hiding in ways that the 33% rebellious CHURCH gave them. 1986 - 1987: What had happened in the past was a PATTERN, we understood this lastly and KNEW by the Spirit of God that the REAL would follow in a time, and would have all the dimension of what we saw in 1981-1982. KEY EVENTS of 1981 began REPEATING for REAL in 1986, the timing was different but the EVENTS were virtually identical --in just one example of this:

(PATTERN)-A Full page ad in newspapers world wide(cost of over $3 millions) proclaimed THE CHRIST WAS HERE --it was clearly an AntiCHRIST announcement. This came APRIL 25, 1982 and preceeded the GAP battle by roughly two weeks. (REAL) -A Full page ad in the national U.S.A. TODAY newspaper (costing $millions) again procLAimed the CHRIST IS HERE NOW --same antiCHRIST announcement of 1982 --this came January 12, 1987 and preceeded the REAL GAP Battle by a little 3 we e ks. THE YEARS RENEEN 1982 and 1987 SEEKING TO MAKE UP TIDE HEDGE--GODS CALL The revelation gotten from THE GAP in mid 1982 was simple --of 100% of CHRIST ELECT BODY, HIS CHURCH a full 33% were in a state of rebellion-disobedience to God and prayerless. This created a break in the hedge, in the GAP --an area of 33 miles out of 100 miles wide 's open, exposed and not covered. Thru this opening demons could and would enter into _. ' is world--how long this condition existed is not known but in 1981-82 we saw it plain and simply. JESUS WORD and HOLY SPIRIT leadings brought us to SEEK OUT and FIND "INTERCESSORS' to fill the GAP_ GOD was seeking for A MAN to make up the hedge, stand in the GAP before HIM.

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JULY 25, 1988

AUGUST 2, 1988 "THE GAP" (contd) YEARS BETWEEN 1 982 and 1987... (contd) The rest of the scripture is clear --THAT MAN, if not found, then the land would be destroyed. We have come to see and understand that Satan EXECUTES Judgments by GODS LAW --and it was hard to miss since we found ourselves IN THE SPIRIT in Gods Armor battling demon legions trying to break past us in the GAP. What was MISSING in the GAP was equally obvious. Once we understood that each Prophet in the ministry under Gods Anointing represented 25째,0 of the ELECT BODY OF CHRIST --seeing we held 67% of the GAP in 1982, meant there were THREE PROPHETS available, ONE PROPHET WAS MISSING and with that MAN, 25% of the ELECT BODY OF CHRIST, was also MISSING.

Once we understood that THREE of the FOUR Prophets were available all along, we could grasp why certain prophets entered the ministry and left the ministry - all along that 4th prophet was MISSING . We saw Cliff stand in that post from 197 6 to 1979, he quit--then came Randy, and he quit, then came Toni and she quit, then there was John-ANDREW and he quit, and lastly Judy-PAULINE and she quit. Each of these acted the same way, did the same things, used the same words --each was like a carbon copy of the other. "MANY ARE CALLED, FEW CHOSEN"-years ago the Holy Spirit showed me that GOD CALLS MANY, but FEW CHOOSE to answer. Each of the prophets from 1975 to 1988 that filled this FOURTH PROPHETS POST & OFFICE had Gods Call, they KNEW Jesus, heard Him, moved IN SPIRIT --but they could NOT yield to JESUS CHRIST --they leaned to MANS DOCTRINES, they yielded to MANS AUTHORITY over GODS. More, by their attitudes, words, actions they reflected and represented what was in that 25% of THE ELECT --and it was disobedience and rebellion against God. In the next years the Holy Spirit showed us a new way to PRAY --we called it DANIEL PRAYING but it was more. JESUS CHRIST took all our sin onto Himself on the Cross - and we now understood that this was also a deep kind of INTERCESSION only possible if one LOVES and is YIELDED to Gods Will. JESUS said we would DO THE SAME THINGS HE DID, so the Holy Spirit showed us how to take the sin of this rebellious part of the Body of Christ on ourselves in prayer, and put it all under the Blood of Jesus. In our prayers we did more than say "Forgive THEM", we came by LOVE to associate so close to them in prayer that we prayed as Jesus did an the cross "Father forgive US". JESUS was the Perfect Sacrifice, no one could do what He did, no one has to do what he did, which is to die -- no, He did it for once and for all time. But we could DO WHAT JESUS DID, take that sin onto ourselves by LOVE and in PRAYER REPENT and put it all under the Blood of Jesus. We did - and in doing so, following the leading of the Holy Spirit to pray this way - the sin in the BODY OF CHRIST was wiped clean. We also prayed for a HOLY SPIRIT REVIVAL in the ELECT OF CHRIST. The effect of this way of intercession was seen first in 1983 --when a time of CHURCH DECISION came again, now we saw 70% OBEDIENT TO CHRIST and 30% DISOBEDIENT. Then in January 1987 another time of CHURCH DECISION came, this time we saw 77% OBEDIENT and 23% DISOBEDIENT. Thus in prayer from 1982 to 1987 the NET OF PRAYER saw a full 10% of those who had been DISOBEDIENT change to OBEDIENCE to CHRIST. But in all this time Satan worked relentlessly thru men in the Church system of man ever attacking this ministry and the NET OF PRAYER. But it was in 1987 that Satan worked by ACCUSATION, starting with the accusations against Jimmy Bakker. An accusatory spirit got in the CHURCH and with top Christian leaders like Jimmy Swaggart blasting Bakker from his tv pulpit(that reached over 500 million people) Christians were broadly given an example of how to act, the worst kind --ACCUSATION leading to JUDGMENT. COMPASSION, MERCY, LOVE & FORGIVENESS were put aside. When Jimmy Swaggart was next 'exposed' in early 1988, a whole new round and cycle of accusations exploded. In this same time God called for a last DECISION And lastly we see that 68째% are OBEDIENT to CHRIST and 32% DISOBEDIENT. Now we can grasp JESUS meaning when He told the NET OF PRAYER in 1981 that HE would come back in 5 years, then 7 years to see if there was an INCREASE. In 1931 we puzzled as to His meaning, today we know.

JULY 25, 1988


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AUGUST 2, 1988 "THE G AP" (contd) What was this INCREASE Jesus spoke of in 1981? In one application it pointed to 1986 and then again to 1988. Only when we review the CHURCH DECISIONIS God revealed to us in years past can we see the INCREASE JESUS looked for and what the final outcome was. Again, each of the 4 prophets in the ministry that can stand in the GAP, each represents and is supported by 25 Elders of Prayer, and each 25 Elders of Prayer represent the prayer and obedience to God of 1 0 Million of The ELECT BODY OF CHRIST on Earth. What God has chosen to reveal to us, even thru us, is the CONDITION OF THE ELECT BODY OF CHRIST on Earth. I order the prophets according to the order we stand in the GAP, something Jesus showed us, its how God ordered us in the GAP.


10,000,000 25%


10,000,000 Z5% Steve-JOEL

FIRST PROPHET 10,000,000







1981 CON DTN


7 :r







1988 C ONQTN 1988

-L ' ,-

779 •- -

^-J-1 Qq 190 32%.: ;


9 5%


*note---CQNDTN means THE CONDITION OF THE ELECT BODY OF CHRIST OVERCOME means the extra effort of the OBEDIENT to OVERCOME disobedience in prayer Back in 1981 when JESUS said He would return to SEE IF THERE WAS AN INCREASE in FIVE YEARS, THEN SEVEN YEARS --frankly we were a bit concerned He was going to come back and check to see if we did the job --sorta of like a report card. JESUS tone of voice when He said that in 1981 had a certain finality to it, He was very serious about it, almost stern but perhaps 'firm' is a better word to describe His tone of voice. What we didn't remotely realize was that JESUS was speaking of the DISOBEDIENT part of THE CHURCH, NOT OF US --we were working around the clock in prayer to turn things around. What did He mean? Today we can see it. The scriptures the Holy Spirit gave me July 12th told it --they were MALACHI 2:11,12 "(Gods people ) committed and Abomination...hath profaned the Lords Holiness.. .The Lord will CUT THEM OFF that do this..." then LUKE 13:7-9 and MATTHEW 3:10 --here the Lord sought fruit on tree's, no fruit, He said CUT THEM DOWN but the dresser of His vineyard said "LET IT ALONE THIS YEAR--I SHALL DIG ABOUT IT, AND DUNG IT. AND IF IT BEAR FRUIT • WELL: AND IF NOT, THEN AFTER THAT THOU SHALT CUT IT DOWN." What came into view was ONE YEAR and that year I saw ran from 1987 to 1988. The INCREASE nd looked for. was fRFHTFNCF & PRAYER in HIS CHURCH - t his is the fruit JESUS sought a


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JULY 25, 1988

JESUS LOOKING FOR THE INCREASE (continued) Thru continual prayer the NET OF PRAYER since 1981 had COVERED the sin and rebellion in that part of THE CHURCH by LOVE & PRAYER. We were constantly asking God to forgive them, to extend them more time. And indeed in this time up til 1986, the FIFTH YEAR, there was an INCREASE. As you look at the chart on page 5 you will see that OBEDIENCE increased from 67% to 77% -- it was not what GOD REQUIRED(IO0% OBEDIENCE) but it was an INCREASE, so from 1987 we had ONE YEAR MORE to 1988. The CHURCH DECISION from 1987 to 1988 in and during the explosion of accusations in the Church turned the other way - the CHURCH DECISION of 1988 revealed the condition of THE CHURCH --689 OBEDIENT against 67% OBEDIENT in 1981. This is when GOD moved to PART the OBEDIENT from the DISOBEDIENT. Why? Scripture tells us "A HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF CANNOT STAND". When NET OF PRAYER moved to OVERCOME the Decision of the rebellious in 1987 and again in 1988, we prevailed to the extent of 90% in 1987 and 95% in 1988 --but anything less than 100% would see the Beast and its demon

army breakthru.

WHAT HAPPENED IN JANUARY 1987 ? JESUS moved me to write a newsletter in early January 1987 asking a question --a reply form was enclosed --each Christians was asked to pray, and say YES or NO to a question. Only after I mailed out that newsletter did Jesus reveal His Intent and He told me the FIRST ONE HUNDRED REPLIES would be the answer. 77 said YES, and 23% said NO --the YES was a yes to Jesus and the NO was a no to Jesus. Now Jesus moved me to write a second newsletter, revealing what had been decided, and so some repented to saying NO changed it to YES, and lastly it came down to 90 saying YES but 10 held to their decision, these said NO to Jesus. It was TWO DECISION and today we understand what was done. First off the HOLY SPIRIT governed the responses, to reveal the condition of the Elect Body of Christ. A DECISION was being made in The ELECT OF CHRIST numbering some 40 Millions and God was using this ministry to reflect that DECISION. The second newsletter was a move to call those who are obedient to Christ to OVERCOME that rebellion --it was not a decision in the true sense, it was a call to overcome and cover disobedience in the Elect Body. We did so, covering up to 90% of the Church - still it fell short. NOW, Nancy-TONI, I and Steve-JOEL would find ourselves in the GAP again(as in 1982) only this time we covered 77% of the GAP, it was better than in 1982 however the Beast on the scene was vastly more intelligent, and did NOT make the same mistakes the Beast-man of 1982 did. More, the demons that got thru in 1982 and had survived til 1987, were now attacking us from the REAR while the Beast attacked us from the FRONT. The CHURCH DECISION of 1981 that led to a break thru of demons then, now complicated the defence of the GAP in 1987 -when the Beast broke thru after only 13 days of battling(it took the Beast of 1982 some two and a half months to break thru the GAP) he did so in only 10% of the GAP area, by then we covered 90% of the GAP but at the start we covered only 77%. OPPORTUNITY TO OVERCOME-18 MONTHS FEBRUARY 5 , 1987 to AUGUST 2. 1988 The YEAR of Grace extended the rebellious hart of HIS CHURCH appears to have run 18 months, but the DECISION Process whereb y the CHURCH DECISION, Condition and Overcoming began in FEBRUARY 1988 and concluded by JUNE 25, 1988. THE EAGLE SWEEP II Prayer Cam ai n --a resoonse was required, those who prayed were asked to mail the prayer sheet back. Again Jesus hid His Purposes as in January 1987. In effect we now understand that the numbers of those who actually mailed back a reply was strictly governed by God --and it would reveal the CONDITION OF THE ELECT BODY OF CHRIST. 68 Replies were received, this meant that OBEDIENCE was now at 68%.

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JULY 25, 1988

?PORTUNITY TD OVERCOME- February 5, 1987 to August 2, 1988 (contd) When you realize that just 18 months earlier, OBEDIENCE stood at 77%, now it stood at 68% -- a 9% declinerepresents and reveals that MILLIONS of CHRISTS ELECT were turning from Him. Almost all of the INCREASE since 1981 was lost E JUDAH PRAYER CAMPAIGN --a response was required again, this time it was a move to OVERCOME the effect o rebellion - the 68% OBEDIENT were moving in prayer by Love to BIND the judgments the disobedient had LOOSED. Again GOD would govern the number of responses to reveal the extent to which prayer had OVERCOME. We received 95 replies, thus we OVERCAME 95% of the NEED, 5% was not overcome. Even while we were moving in prayer to OVERCOME, the disobedient were not quiet, they I`m of the view were LOOSING Judgments we had BOUND in EAGLE SWEEP II Prayer Campaign. that except for the action of the disobedient to LOOSE again judgments, we would have OVERCOME 100% --but as scripture says a HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF CANNOT STAND. 12 years ago JESUS told me plainly that these were UTTER REBELS, and in the 12 years since thats all we have seen. From the tiine(June 25, 1988) the former 4th prophets letter arrived revealing the second Decision by the 32% rebels to continue in rebellion, from the time OVERCOMING stopped short of the required 100% - JESUS intervened to reveal a sharp change in the way we would operate. JULY 15, 1988 --The NET OF PRAYER standing in prayer positions in SAN FRANCISCO (IN THE SPIRIT) was withdrawn and located to 5 areas of the nation God had revealed back in 1976 were areas He would KEEP MANY ALIVE during judgments. The meaning was obvious - the Axe was now laid at the root of the unfruitful trees, the 32% rebellious. JULY 24, 1988-- JESUS now instructed Cathy-MARTHA and Roger Allen who had stood in the 4th prophets office, to VACATE that office and post JULY 24, 1988 --likewise JESUS would instruct Steve-JOEL to vacate the Church he had worked in. What this meant was that Gods Grace extended the rebellious, which covered them from the consequences of their sin, was now withdrawn. The removal of the prophets represented that God would no longer COVER THEM, they were uncovered, no longer under Grace, now squarely under Law. Steve-JOEL moving in prayer SPARKED a change in heart in the 7% of the 25% he covers that were rebellious - I believe these were pulled out by Gods Grace, parted from the rebellious --thus the rebel part may now only be 25% , some 10 Millions. AUGUST 2 1988 --JESUS lastly instructed myself, Nancy-TONI and Steve-JOEL to go into the ^s o August 2, 1988. The battle we fought in the GAP in February 1987 having 77% support or coverage then, we would now re-fight with only 68% coverage or support So what was done in 1987 will now be DOUBLED AND SET --the FINAL GAP to start with. Battle will begin in just days now. QUINSARASUS--The CHRIST SWAT TEAM , some 4 0 Intercessors and prophets, moving in Christ from JULY 4-8, 1988 cornered Quinsarasus and saw him destroyed out of this world and hurled into the bottomless pit--forever?

From the time Quinsarasus was destroyed the judgments of HEAT & DROUGHT noticeably altered nationwide, EARTHQUAKES stopped happening, and MERCY became evident in many ways. Lucifer who is IN THIS WORLD picked ua where Quinsarasus left off, and is slowly re-initiating judgments again until the Beast can show with its vast demon army.

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JUL Y 2 5, 1988

THE AUGUST 2, 1988-"THE GAP BATTLE" When the GAP Battle took place against the Beast spirit that calls itself Barchargis, whom God calls "Wormwood' in February 1987, a year and half ago, I thought this was a doubling of the GAP Battle of 1982. I expected to see this GAP Battle of February 1987 manifest in THIS WORLD, but I didn't expect we would go back in the GAP and fight it all over again. However once the Holy Spirit revealed that the disobedient had been given a YEAR to produce FRUIT, to show an INCREASE, and that the CHURCH DECISIONS made from February 1988 to June 25, 1988 would be either an INCREASE or not, I understood then that in this GAP battle it would be DOUBLED & SET, it would be FINAL. Its immensely sad to see some 10 Millions turn from Jesus and into Satans power, one who will torment and destroy them -- it sadder yet, to realize at least ONE QUARTER to ONE THIRD of the Elect of Christ have CUT THEMSELVES off from God, but they have. However, the Lord is shown us that He will GRAFT in another people, He will bring His I remember how back in 1981 JESUS spoke Body into wholeness and maturity by His Spirit. of THE OPEN DOOR JOURNEY where He would send us out to other nations, and how JESUS said that "IF MY PEOPLE WILL NOT ENTER IN, I WILL REMOVE MY BLESSINGS FROM THEM AND EXTEND IT TO STRANGERS AND PAGANS WHO WILL RECEIVE ME WITH JOY AND ENTER IN, AND I WILL TAKE THE CURSE FROM THE STRANGERS AND PAGANS AND GIVE IT TO MY PEOPLE WHO WOULD NOT ENTER IN."

PRAYER from MARCH 1988 to AUGUST 2. 1988 God moved us to begin PREPARING the NET OF PRAYER in early March by sending out new prayer sheets but in much God DISGUISED what was going on, as He had in January 1987, and although we did grasp that a CHURCH DECISION was being made in this time, we did not see what we see today. Essentially JESUS WORD was presented, as it always has been, and the Call to Prayer was clearly visible--but the issue at hand and what prayer would determine The substance and reality of our walk with was not evident. Why did God do it this way? Jesus is FAITH IN HIM, FAITH IN HIS WORD --not what we SEE or UNDERSTAND for the Bible tells us we are to go BY FAITH and NOT by SIGHT. We began praying asking God to destroy Russian Missiles in March 1988, next came the EAGLE SWEEP II Prayer Campaign- a bold move by Faith to claim what we prayed for, and then came JUDAH Prayer Campaign to BIND what had been LOOSED, to OVERCOME judgments, then came the CHRIST SWAT TEAM Prayer Campaign(undertaken by 40 Intercessors and prophets) which built on the foundations laid down by all the prayer since March 1988. ALL this PRAYER INTERCESSION was accumulating to accomplish two things -to the level of response to EAGLE SWEEP 1I(68% of the 100 REQUIRED)this (1) According determined how many Angels would stand IN THE GAP , AND how many of the Four prophets would stand in the GAP - all representing the level of OBEDIENCE & FAITHFULNESS to God of His Elect, His Church. (2) According to the level of response to JUDAH PRAYER CRMPAIGN{which was 95% of 100 REQUIRED The Angels of God standing in the GAP would be equipped with the GOLDEN ARROWS enabling them to BLOCK the open hedge area of the GAP(32% of the area, some 32 miles wide). All this PRAYER would accumulate towards OVERCOMING what disobedience-rebellion had LOOSED. In every sense of the word, all the prayer from March 1988 to August Z, 1988 would MANIFEST in the GAP this 1988 to make up the defence of the GAP and would work to 'make up the hedge'. In fact, the OUTCOME of the GAP Battle was being decided on by PRAYER(or the lack of it) in this time. The bottom line is that its been DOUBLED & SET, and apart from genuine repentant by those who did rebel, nothing is going to alter it now. Lastly all this forms a definite PATTERN which will govern events from now on and it will manifest IN THIS WORLD in many ways over the next many years to come. The actual battle to come is going to be LIKE the one of 1987 but also different, its at a different level.


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JULY 26, 1988

GAP BATTLE" (contd)

THE GAP BATTLE of FEBRUARY 6, 1987 to FEBRUARY 19, 1987 This took place in what I would call "DEEP" In The Spirit"--the Beast and its demon army was fighting to break INTO THIS WORLD , to come thru the GAP - we in turn stood in Christ to prevent that and took a toll of their numbers but unlike 1982, this time they prevailed and came thru organized, and in vastly greater numbers than in 1982. This battle seen IN THE SPIRIT in February 1987 has manifested in this world in many ways since then, but the manifestations have been very vague, distant --for that battle took place DEEP IN SPIRIT and wholly outside of THIS WORLD.

THE GAP BATTLE of AUGUST 3, 1988 and on... Thru JESUS Word we recognize that while the GAP Battle this 1988 may run only 13 days as it did in 1987 - its also possible it may manifest over a 3 x 13 day period_ Thus tho we may fight the battles in 13 days this August 1988, it may take anywhere from July 29th to September 9, 1988 to actually MANIFEST "IN THIS WORLD". Now this GAP Battle is taking place IN THE SPIRIT, but its also IN THE WORLD --when the Beast breaks thru(this seems a foregone conclusion now) it will enter directly into this world--and again when you read Ezekiel 22:30 you are looking at the executor of Gods Wrath - the consequences of not finding a man to make up the hedge---HIS INDIGNATION I5 POURED

UPON THEM, HE CONSUMES THEM WITH THE FIRE OF HIS WRATH, THEIR OWN WAY HE RECOMPENSES ON THEIR HEADS. All JESUS revealed about this Beast called "Wormwood" makes it clear he is a 'mean machine' on a level mankind has never seen before ever. ecause this GAP Battle will take place IN THIS WORLD, even tho its still IN THE SPIRIT(thus not likely to be visible to men) --even so I have reason to think that the actual battle is going to reflect-manifest in this world in many ways. I would not be surpised to see violent stirring in the elements, vast storms, great winds, signs in the skys --bright lights, even the sound of battle may be literally heard and seen in this world in many ways. Men would be filled with wonderment, baffled, even fearful feeling something terrible is coming Because we will be IN that battle , we will be and those who do feel this won't be wrong. able to recognize the reflections-manifestations that may likely come IN THIS WORLD. Again I say LIKELY-MAY, in that until we actually see just what will manifest, right nows its an educated speculation mixed with a bit of Holy Spirit Insight. At this point we don't know what to expect until we actually see it, but I tend to think that we will see things in this GAP Battle this year that we did NOT see in 1987, and I suspect we may actually see the Beast-man FACE to FACE, thus able to identify him as we did the Beastman of 1982. The END OF THE GAP BATTLE in 1987. At the very end of the GAP Battle in 1987 before the Beast broke thru - we had come to the place where standing in Christ, looking to JESUS, each of us was filled with JESUS LIGHT and the Angels of the Lord prevailed to beat the enemy back unlike ever seen before --in that moment it was clear we had TRIUMPHED in CHRIST --the enemy was beaten. At this point JESUS told us"IT WAS ENOUGH, NOW STAND ASIDE ACCORDING TO MANS WILL" Thats when the Beast broke thru - we HAD to withdraw , because men decided so(the 23% in 1987) but we did not do so until CHRIST in us asserted HIS VICTORY over ALL the power of the enemy. So even when the Beast broke thru, it was because God Permitted mans freewill decision, but we were NOT defeated, in fact we prevailed in Christ and Christ in us prevailed over them. .n this world, those who submit to mans will in the Church are those Christians who in the book of Revelation are OVERCOME BY THE BEAST, and those who are submitted to Jesus Will, are those Christians who in the book of Revelation OVERCOME THE BEAST.





JULY 27 1988

"COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE" (Book of Revelation) When we understand the Call of God is to COME OUT OF HER and "HER" speaking of "The Church System of Man" -- there is always some confusion as to what Gods Word means. Many think it means 'come out of the denominational church'--well it can mean that, a lot depends on how the Holy Spirit leads you for each situation is different. The KEY in COMING OUT OF HER is to realize its in substance a SPIRITUAL TRUTH not a CARNAL ACTION. A Carnal Action is to ACT in this world, to LEAVE a given church or group --it may or may NOT be Gods Intent for you. The SPIRITUAL TRUTH of "COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE" is this -- its Gods Call to CEASE looking to MAN, and to look to JESUS, its to CEASE Trusting in MAN and MANS SYSTEM and to Trust in JESUS and HIS WORD. Thus WHERE you are at physically may or may not be an issue at all. here are TWO EXTREMES to AVOID :

EXTREME #ONE --There is a scriptural basis on which most Christians submit to men in the church - its correct and not in error. What these do, is to submit to a man(assuming he is a man of God) seeing him(or her) as one of Gods anointed and ordained representatives called by God to represent His Word to them. The problem is this --most Christians do not DISCERN the spirit in the men they submit to, they ASSUME they are men of God who are led by the Spirit of God. What JESUS has shown us(and a nationwide poll of many years ago revealed the same) is that anywhere from 70% to 90% of Ministers in "The Church System of Man" do NOT believe JESUS CHRIST is the Son of God --they are NOT

Christians, NOT saved, and NOT Gods men. Looking to these men, trusting these men is NOT looking to Jesus or Trusting Jesus --its looking to Man, Trusting in Man. ( EXTREME

#TWO--Many have come to recognize that such men are NOT Gods men, and usually these but in a spirit of anger, accusation, judgment. They SEE whats right to do, they do it IN A WRONG SPIRIT. Because they have been hurt by the experience, many of these determine to look to NO MAN --this is also error, for tho they intend to look to Jesus only, isolated as they become, they drift into the error of looking to themselves, trusting only themselves thinking this is centering on Christ. COME OUT

Why is this error and why does it lead to being:'self centered-thus again centering on mans spirit?" JESUS is the HEAD and THE CHURCH(His Elect-those having heart for Jesus) is HIS BODY on Earth. The BODY OF CHRIST on Earth is here to do Gods Will, each of us are a PART of this BODY, each of us thus have a unique contribution to make that no one else can. If we isolate ourselves, become islands unto ourselves - we essentially BREAK THE BODY OF CHRIST. Growth in Christ is only possible in unity with other Christians led by the Spirit of God, we CONFIRM Gods Word to each other, we each have insights that add to the whole picture -we must always remember that tho the Body is many membered, its ONE BODY, and CHRIST is in each of us. Its never a mistake to see or look for CHRIST in other Christians, for if HE is in them, and we put our FAITH IN CHRIST IN THEM, we will KNOW if HE is in them or not. So "COMING OUT OF HER" means to put our Faith in CHRIST, to LOOK TO JESUS, TRUST JESUS and to do all this by CHRISTS LOVE. For lastly its "HOW" we "COME OUT" that is as important as recognizing that we need come out. If we recognize that a pastor is antiChrist, unsaved, and not Gods man --are we to hate him? JESUS is our example! JESUS knew Judas would betray him , was antichrist, the son of p erdition --yet JESUS "NEVER" ceased LOVING Judas to the very end, even calling Judas 'friend' as he betrayed Him. I have written a REPORT thats available on this subje c t, a bit deeper, wh ich is available o n request. "THESE











On August 3, 1988 Two Ministry prophets(Cathy-MARTHA and Roger Allen Davis), Two NET OF PRAYER Colonels (James and Bobbie Wilson) with eight(8) other NET OF PRAYER Intercessors --joined with 93 other Christian intercessors will move in prayer warfare with fasting IN THE SPIRIT to destroy the Demon Principality called "Prince of Persia" alias "Abaddon and Apollyon".

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JULY 27, 1988

" THESE STONES" Prayer Campaign - Prince of Persia Prayer Campaign--continue d JESUS had specifically commissioned Steve-JOEL Jones(3rd prophet of this ministry) to seek added prayer support from Churches to accomplish the prayer campaign. The Word of the Lord to Steve-JOEL revealed that the NET OF PRAYER could do much in this but without added prayer support from outside the MOP, it could not be accomplished. On JULY 24th Sunday Steve found that added prayer support after a hard work of five months. Its been recognized that one effect of the concerted NET OF PRAYER Intercessions since March 1988 has resulted in the CEASE FIRE AGREEMENT OF IRAN July 18, 1988, opening the hope of seeing this 8 year war thats taken I Million military lives come to an end. We discern that while we can do much to save lives, and lessen the coming major war in this region --the CHURCH DECISION this 1988 makes it certain that not all of it will be stopped. Even so, much will be obtained in the THESE STONES Prayer Campaign August 3, 1988 in MERCY against coming Judgments. The war in the Persian Gulf area is a key part of Satans plan to entrap USA in a war in the Middle East and Persian Gulf which would lead to the accidental nuclear exchange. IN this JESUS has revealed that RUSSIA would invade IRAN and the death of Khomeni in Iran would lead to that. In recent months RUSSIA has withdrawn troops from a number of areas, some 100,000 have been withdrawn from Afghanistan and Hungary. We saw the same pattern of troop withdrawl in 1979, and by Jesus Word knowing Russia would invade DECEMBER 14, 1979, we realized these troops withdrawn then were gathered to that end. Indeed, on December 14, 1979 RUSSIA invaded Afghanistan with 100,000 troops_ We are seeing the same pattern of Russian troop withdrawl as seen in 1979, telling us Russia is gathering its military strength as the y did in 1979. T he

NET OF PRAYER has been en gaged in prayer about this issue now for 8 ears, so for us :s seeing the culmination of eight years prayer intercession, prayer warfare, now bearing fruit-MERCY. Without the added prayer support of 93 Christians outside the NET OF PRAYER it would not be possible --but even here, we are seeing the effect of OVERCOMING PRAYER in JUDAH PRAYER CAMPAIGN. The deadline for Church Decision(Steve-JOELs effort) was JUNE 25, 1988 --the Church Jesus led him to call to pray - here the church leadership soundly rejected the call to pray. But then again, a month later we came to a final deadline, JULY 24th - now those having hearts for Jesus responded to Jesus inspite of mans authority and PRAYED, and so we overcame in Christ. to do this work(5 months), now has to concentrate y his attention and focus to the GAP Battle, and the two freed up prophets(Cath -MARTHA and Roger Allen Davis) will move IN SPIRIT to fill in for Steve-JOEL while he is in the GAP.


When JESUS first called for the "THESE STONES" Prayer Campaign against the prince of Persia this March 1988, HE revealed something we would not see(or understand) til now --JESUS showed us the MOP could not do it all - we HAD to have added prayer support. Why? DUE to rebellion in the ELECT BODY OF CHRIST(the 32%) which manifested in a sudden STOPPAGE OF FINANCIAL support, the EAGLE SWEEP II Prayer Campaign was DELAYED 3 weeks - thus we had 3 weeks less to pray than we should have. This has in turn led to the Beast ATTACKING in the GAP some 3 weeks EARLIER than he would--thus AUGUST 3rd not AUGUST 24th --this would put the NOP on what military men would call 'the horns of a dilemma' --the expect the GAP battle to start AUGUST 3rd now, the "THESE STONES Prayer Campaign" was to start AUGUST 3rd --as it is the MOP cannot overcome all in the GAP, if we split our prayer power between the GAP and the "THESE STONES p/c" - we would suffer great loss in both. JESUS showed us the PRIORITY was the GAP, so the only way we could engage in "THESE STONESp/c" was added prayer support outside -, f NET OF PRAYER. And note --the 93 added intercessors is very like the OVERCOMING prayer i JUDAH p/c that reached 95 --so we can see we will prevail to 95% in the GAP and 93% in"THESE "STONES p/c". The fundamental CHURCH DECISION seen by JUNE 25th will remain constant from now on. Steve-JOEL will write a full report on the "THESE STONES Prayer Campaign" later-but for now Steve , myself and Nancy-TONI will bring our focus to the GAP and the bulk of MOP remains in support of the GAP while other Christians carry on in IRAN --its BODY FUNCTION.

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JULY 27, 1988

THE BEAST ANTICHRIST & THE WHITE HOUSE Back in mid 1987 JESUS told Nancy-TONI, myself and Steve-JOEL quite a bit about the Beast man --but past revealing that Oliver North was a 'chosen vessle of antiChrist', JESUS said much which He told us to NOT share then, and so we obeyed Him - frankly at the time we also had a dim understanding of all Jesus was saying_ Today we understand why. What we did NOT know in 1987 was that THE CHURCH DECISION of 1987 that led to the Beast of antiChrist breaking thru the GAP was NOT FINAL, there was yet a FINAL DECISION coming in 1988, which is now been made. What we did not see in 1987 is that due to an INCREASE in obedience in His Body(from 67% in 1981 to 77% in 1987) HE extended another YEAR whereby the INCREASE could reach 100%, GODS REQUIREMENT. This involved a whole new DECISION process, to come a year later from January 1987 and it came starting in 1988. Under these circumstances where GODS PEOPLE DECIDE the outcome of a matter, the Lord will NOT reveal the outcome until THEY DECIDE--its not that He does not KNOW the outcome, but as we have seen GOD does not pressume mans decision until its made. In that the first HALF of the DECISION was made in January 1987 --we had clear insights as to what was coming --but in that the other HALF of the DECISION was yet to be made--insight became vague, we had PART of the picture not all of it. For this reason JESUS had us keep to ourselves what He was saying. Today we share what JESUS told Steve-JOEL July 19, 1987 - - on this day at 4 :45ptt1 JESUS led Steve to go to NEWPORT, Arkansas to pray about The Beast. The Holy Spirit impressed on him " I Timothy 3:16 ". Then JESUS spoke to Steve-JOEL Jones saying: "THE MYSTERY OF INIQUITY IS WORKING EVEN NOW AND DEVELOPS ALONGSIDE OF THE MYSTERY OF GODLINESS. THERE IS A BALANCE HERE, LIKE A BALANCE OF POWER, EXCEPT THAT YOUR POWER - THE POWER OF LOVE AND OF A SOUND MIND -- SHALL OVERCOME ALL. YET THE CONFLICT REMAINS AND SEEMS AT FIRST TO ENGULF THE ENTIRE WORLD. ... TWO OTHERS NOW ARE READY TO EMERGE INTO THE WORLD. NORTH IS THE CHOSEN ONE OF THE MYSTERY OF INIQUITY, WON BY THE FALL OF CHICAGO. ANOTHER YET HIDES IN THE WINGS. (Another what Lord?) "ANOTHER SPIRIT - THE ONE WHO CONQUERED LEVELLAND(Texas) AND WHO MOVED TO CORPUS CHRISTI." ( *note--here Jesus is referring to the battles in Spirit in 1987 which we call "Broken Cross"


Paqe 14


JULY 27, 1988

FROM THE MAILBAG --By Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt ...on the movie "Last Temptation of Christ" ccntd)I n`t, ). So we have looked into this matter.

ror one. I was skeptical from the start, the reason being the Director, Mr Martin Scorsese. I have noticed that Mr Scorsese's movies usually have a darkness about them, in settings and in the characters. Even when he makes a comedy it has what critics call 'black humor', its dark, scarcastic, cynical humor. His films are usually well done as far as the critics are concerned but the spirit of them has turned me off. Then we recently received a leaflet put out by the "American Family Association". On the l eaflet they quoted and took samplings of scenes from the script itself. On the introduction page of the script is this quote by Nikos Kazantzakis, author of the book on which the movie"The Last Temptation of Christ" is based. Here are some quotes and samplings of scenes and quotes from^^ the script of the move "The Last Temptation nof Christ ." r w QUOTE:

"It is not God who will save us- it is we who will save God, by battling, by creating and transmuting matter into spirit."

"At the Last Supper, Jesus and his disciples' actions are described in this manner:"As they do(partake in the Last Supper) the bread and wine transubstantiate into flesh and blood in their mouths, Peter is the first to cough up the bloody flesh. The others sickened, follow. They wipe their bloody mouths." "Mary to Jesus: "Son, please come home. I'll take care of you. You're sick(in the head) but I'll make you better." "Jesus to Mary as He is being crucified: "Farewell, Forgive me for being a bad son." "Jesus to Mary and Martha: "I now declare war on fasting and suffering and charity(Love)." "When pressed by a crowd of poor and sick asking Jesus to heal and cure them, Jesus says "Get away. You sicken me. You're selfish and full of hate. God won't help you." "Talking to Judah, Jesus begs Judas to betray him. When Judas refuses, Jesus says "You must. Don't abandon me now. Judas then asks: "If you had to betray your master, would you do it?" Jesus answers: "No. I do not think I would be able to. That is why God pitied me and ga v e me t he easier task: to be crucified." UNQUOTE from movie script. After reviewing selections from the movie script, we see they present Jesus as making statements of doubt, of struggle which do not sound like the Jesus we know and Love. What is clear is that this is a carnal way of looking at spiritual truths. So after reading this and then praying seeking the Lords view of this matter- JESUS first led me to LUKE chapter 12: verses 22 and on. Here the Lord Jesus is teaching us to not be anxious and to "Take NO THOUGHT FOR YOUR LIFE, WHAT YE SHALL EAT; NEITHER FOR THE BODY, WHAT YE SHALL PUT ON." So in other words, relax and don't blow this out of proportion but give it up to Jesus. We don't defend Jesus, Jesus defends us. Then JESUS spoke to me saying: "YES, LEAVE THE MOVIE IN MY HANDS. NO, I DO NOT WISH MY PEOPLE TO SEE THIS MOVIE. IT IS NOT OF ME BUT OF MAN AND HIS CARNAL VIEW. THE WRITER UNDERSTANDS ME NOT, NOR WHAT I DID ON THE CROSS. PRAYING FOR MY INTERVENTION IS THE ONLY WAY TO DEAL WITH THIS SITUATION. HOWEVER, THIS NATION HAS MADE ITS CHOICE TO PREFER SATAN OVER ME AND SO IT GETS WHAT IT CALLS FOR." JESUS to Nanc --TONI Jul 26, 1988 Comment by C-J: From 1981 JESUS warned that antiChrist was seeking to swarm into this nation, the Church was warned, called to pray --their DECISION is known. In 1982 part of the Beasts d emon army broke thru, in 1987 a major breakthru --what we are seeing now in a vile movie Bch as this one coming out is only a manifestation of AntiCHRIST in America. We discern its likely only dangerous to 'babes in Christ' likely to confuse and hurt their faith but the spirit behind it is such that Jesus recommends none of His see it. God Bless.

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THE BEAST ANTICHRIST & THE WHITE HOUSE (contd) Today reviewing what JESUS told Steve-JOEL July 19, 1987 a year ago --we understand easily who the "Chosen one is by Beast antiChrist". Michael Dukakis chose Lloyd Bentsen as his running mate and it hit the new headlines JULY 12, 1988. In the JULY 7, 1988 newsletter(page 23) we shared JESUS Word of June 30, 1985 discerning it applied to this 1988, JESUS said then... "WATCH 17 DAYS FROM JUNE 25 - BY THIS YOU WILL SEE THE MORE OF WHAT COMES" JESUS June 30,1986 This worked out to : JULY 12, 1988 , a WATCH DAY as shown in the last newsletter. On JULY 12, 1988 MICHAEL DUKAKIS chose LLOYD BENTSEN of TEXAS as his running mate for the Democratic partyticket. We had already seen that this event coming JULY th sprang from the FINAL CHURCH DE SAN JUNE 25, 1988, as represented . by the former 4th prophets letter, received the same day-JUNE 25th. Part of JESUS WORD to Steve-JOEL Jul 19, 1986 revealed that because NOP held BATESVILLE ARKANSAS --Governor BTTT Cl who might have played a significant role in Satans plan was blocked out -- JESUS spoke of GOV BILL CLINTON by name to Steve --now a year later, JULY 20, 1988 it would be GOV BILL CLINTON who at the Democratic party convention would be given the task of placing DUKAKIS' name in nomination. LLOYD BENTSEN is from TEXAS(The SOUTH)--and GOV MICHAEL DUKAKIS is from MASSACHUSETTS a state to THE NORTH --matter of fact running due East from CHICAGO and a bit NORTH is where you find MASSACHUSETTS. JESUS since 1980 has spoken of "WATCH NORTH" and at other times "WATCH THE NORTH" when referring to the Beast antiChrist. That Lloyd Bentsen is to the RIGHT PHILOSOPHICALLY of Michael Dukakis has been a matter of media attention , and on this basis they APPEAR TO CONFLICT --so having JESUS WORD of

July 19, 1987 in view gives us clear insight into understanding just who these men are. JESUS back in 1987 said that we(myself, Nancy-TONI and Steve-JOEL)would all KNOW who the Beast-man was. Earlier this July 1988 JESUS told Nancy-TONI that Michael Dukakis is the Beast-man, I never liked him, discerning something dark about the man and of all the candidates in the race, liked him the Ieast. But I didn't share what Jesus told Nancy-TONI with Steve-JOEL waiting for the Lord to show Steve something that would confirm it. The Holy Spirit led Steve-JOEL to review this July 19, 1987 Word, Steve shared it with me and so its confirmed, we all agree, its Michael Dukakis. So in essence we have Beast-men on both tickets, Bush is one, Dukakis is the other - no choice but of the two Dukakis is the worse one, the Beast chosen one. Again, not until the FINAL DECISION came in JUNE 25th did all this move to completion and into plain view. The CHRIST SWAT TEAM accomplished more than the destruction of the Beasts right hand spirit quinsarasus - many discerned and saw things IN SPIRIT that added to what we understand. One CHRIST SWAT TEAM Intercessor, Idella, saw IN SPIRIT a huge demon prince that looked like a Giant Bear, that breathed a firey smoke in which diseases and plagues came out. Back in 1986 Steve-JOEL had seen this demon chained in a dungeon, it would be LOOSED by Christians and it lusted to eat mens flesh, lusted after mens blood --it would be LOOSED in MAY. This MAY 1988 CHURCH DECISION LOOSED it, Idella saw it ON THE LOOSE in prayer and what she saw was what Jesus showed Steve-JOEL in 1986, the same. We recognize this demon prince(the giant Bear) will direct WAR in the Middle East and The Persian Gulf, further it appears to be the demonic power behind the AIDS Virus also (a blood related disease). FROM THE MAILBAG - by: Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt We have received letters from some Christians expressing concern over the soon to be release move "The Last Temptation of Christ". It is suppose to show Jesus as a man and what He might have experienced from their point of view. We have noticed that Pastors who have seen the movie don't really say whether they would recommend it or not, (tho they either like it, or

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JULY 27 , 1988

"FLAMING SWORD" JESUS moved me to take The Staff in June 28, 1980 a prophesy a sign over America to warn of coming war - we discerned it would be a Flaming Sword. It came in April of 1981, a burning churning cloud diagonally over America(from Washington State to Northern Florida) in a nights sky - it baffled scientists. If you would like to see another dimension of ALL TIME IS ONE "IN THE SPIRIT" --that Flaming Sword of 1981 WAS in fact the Beast breakthru in the GAP of July 1982 manifesting in this world. By 1982 it was a PAST time event, but also Present and FUTURE. Thus we fully expect to see a second Flaming Sword and have for years, It could come this 1988 following the Beasts breakthru Jesus Word indicates it will come. in the GAP, or it could come a year later--when ever it comes it will clearly reveal that the jud gment of WAR o n Ame rica is SET and will core to pass shortly therea fter.

THE NET OF PRAYER In CHRIST versus THE BEAST The whole thrust and strategy in all the prayer campaigns launched this 1988, and in 1987, has had numerous purposes, one central purpose was and is to hinder, contain and damage the power base the Beast would have in this world. When we moved to destroy MISSILES, we were denying to the extent we could the Beast from having ability to trigger World War III when we moved in Christ and destroyed out of this world the demon prince Quinsarasus, we were denying the Beast a deadly right hand demon who had already done much, and who would have done even more except we prevailed in prayer to destroy it. When we moved in JU[]AH Prayer Campaign, we aimed to lessen judgments at the STARTING Point, again to hinder and damage the Beasts ability to kill and destroy. "THESE STONES Prayer Campaign" will do more As we now move into the GAP this August 2, 1988, we work with the intent of of the same. doing the same. We will if we can STOP the Beast, we worked to do that in 1987 --only then as now CHURCH DECISION determined the outcome. We remember, do not forget, that in the GAP in 1987 we saw the Beast man worshipped by multitudes of Christian Ministers, we saw them vow to give 'their souls(the lives of their congregations) to him in exchange for glory". So JESUS call to COME OUT OF HER is in fact a life and death issue. When this Beast breaks thru the GAP this 1988, all we have seen in the GAP will begin to become a manifest reality. We heard in the GAP in 1987 the enemy of our souls say bluntly that "1988 WAS A DEADLINE", so to see its time for the final GAP battle makes sense --the presidential candidates are readied, whats needed now is the demon power to empower their men to do Satans will on Earth. That demon power will come with the Beast-spirit starting this August 3, 1988, aiming obviously to influence the outcome of the election this November 1988. We saw in 1984 just how such demon power could influence men in this nation, so we have no misconceptions about whats coming. But this is not the end - it is the beginning of the end of this nation, the nation that prefers Satan over Christ. It is the end of the opportunity whereby prayer alone could change the outcome. To give you some idea of how it goes again---in 1981 we warned that the Beast of antiChrist was coming, we called for PRAYER --but every major ministry either ignored or rejected Gods Word - in fact the ministry was shut down in 1981 for want of support. Just ONE small result of this `decision` led to this vile movie called "Last Temptation of Christ". One major ministry who rejected Jesus Word in 1981, this 1988 offered $10 Millions to buy What I'm saying is this film to destroy it--but the studios would not accept that offer. that by the time Christians SEE the dangers and whats coming, its TOO late to stop it --the opportunity to stop it has been available since 1980, and its now past. So many of those who have been faithful and obedient to the Lord in prayer, in support of this work have made such deep sacrifices to overcome, but for lack of the 32% who rebelled, there was no way we could overcome, the house we were in was divided, it could not stand for that reason, So for each of us, its now a hard thing to realize we must YIELD to that decision. God has, He Permits it, thus we must also Permit it . When JESUS says He is parting us from the rebellious it means this is Gods Will, our end of that is to YIELD to His Will, and the

JULY 28, 1988


Page 16

THE NET OF PRAYER IN CHRIST versus THE BEAST (contd) Ten Day LORDS ECONOMY Prayer sent in the last newsletter was the way to start to YIELD , to SURRENDER to GODS WILL accepting and having Faith that HE KNOWS BEST. Its not so much a matter of understanding it anymore, its a matter of moving by Faith in Jesus Christ. Nancy-TONI and I and Steve-JOEL have found it difficult to accept all we KNOW by the Spirit of God - humanly we would prefer to 'fight on' . We find it hard to let sink in all Jesus has shown us concerning the Decision and Outcome because we have been geared up for 8 years to overcome it.

Thus we have seen the need to now LET GO TO GOD, to YIELD TO HIS REVEALED

WILL, to Pray this way, and to seek HIS NEW COMMISSION. For years as WATCHMEN we have watch Satans plans, moves and reported that, moving in prayer and warfare to block and destroy the judgments of Satan. No matter how much our operating budget has been cut, we have found new ways to get more out of every dollar, and in fact, the effect of our prayers increased even as support diminished in finances and intercessors working with us. After years of doing this, the enemy of our souls came to make us his prime target for attack and Jesus plainly told us "They were AFRAID OF US". In the GAP in 1987, after we beat off several fierce attacks by the Beast --the Holy Spirit gave us to see a talk between the Beast-man and Beast-spirit. The Beast-man was shaken, un-nerved by the resistance we offered in the GAP and wanted to stop attacking and wait for a better time(this speaks much of NOP Prayers). The Beast-spirit stated that they HAD to press the attack no matter what it cost them --why?

The Beast-spirit recognized that in time we would get ONLY STRONGER not weaker, and in time we would move from the defensive and attack them with overwhelming power and destroy thew The Beast spirit spews out contempt for us, but after engaging the NOP in battle utterly. --it was not long before they came to us offering to buy us off with $10 Millions, it was not long before the Beast in 1987 came to the place where he would seek to AVOID US, and no longer wanted to attack us. So since then, we have seen them work against us thru other Christians whom Satan moves to do for the Beast what the Beast would not dare do himself -We know the present outcome but know this also --we know the FINAL OUTCOME-Chri attack is.

REPORTS AVAILABLE this newsletter, 'coming out'.

"COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE" 3-4 page report request. Written to answer most questions

THE 1988 PRAYER CAMPAIGNS REPORT 2 2 pages plus chart. A comprehensive study and analysis

the Eagle Sweep II, Judah, Foundations and Christ SWAT Team Prayer Campaigns conducted from March 1988 thru to July 1988. Conclusions drawn from this report in this newsletter.

N.Q.P. Report: 8 to 10 pages. prophets, Net Of Prayer serves "THESE STONES Prayer Campaign" and outcome of prayer campaign

anointing and commission in Ministry and decisions of the CHURCH. to be written by Steve-JOEL reviewing revelations, Prince of Persia involving IRAN.

available on

MINISTRY MINISTRY GIFTS & SPECIAL FUNDS (General Ministry support and Special Funds

MINISTRY GIFTS (Canadian funds send to:) Chuck-JOHNEL Youngbrandt th 30th 5t, Space n, WA 98273 E


Albert E. Egner 4975 Jordan toad Martinsville, INU 45151 SPECIAL FUND: for Ontario teaching tr

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