Cover Page
From the Desk of Chuck-JOHNEL
August 4, 2001
Being Thankful and Grateful Hello Dear ones in Christ! Tonight I'm personally reflecting on my thankfulness to JESUS and my gratitude to JESUS for having saved me, for being my best friend and for keeping me in all these past years. I'm also thankful to GOD and deeply grateful to HIM for all of you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, my heavenly family, for whom He has given me a deep abiding love. Even as I thank FATHER GOD through JESUS CHRIST and by HIS HOLY SPIRIT for all His provision, I'm also quick to thank all of you for all your loving support in monies, prayer, encouragement, kindness and help whereby we have been able to carry forth this work in Christ. Recently a brother in Christ suggested that I might add a "mission statement" to my "Bio." As I pondered this, my first thought was to simply state that my mission is to seek His Will and do it and to be wholly yielded to JESUS CHRIST in every way, all things. But on reflection, a mission statement would at best tell more about what I do; whereas a "heart statement" would tell more about who I am and where I'm at. In 1974 JESUS first called me to go out of my prayer closet to give His Word to His Church in America. I enjoyed being an intercessor, being invisible to men but visible to God and in seeing His many wonderful answers to prayer. Even more, I loved being near to JESUS `In The Spirit' and in those early years I communed with the Lord God every day
for hours at a time, often in the heavens. I kept this to myself because it was something I treasured and I was unwilling to expose my relationship with JESUS to possible critical commentary. I understood even then that men would not believe me and would regard me as "crazy." I didn't want to cast pearls before swine as the Scripture says, so I kept silent. What moved me out of my prayer closet and into open view where I soon became a target for accusation, condemnation and hatred by many brethren across this great land? It was not because I sought fame or fortune or to be honored and recognized by men! No, it had everything to do with an intense gratitude to JESUS CHRIST for having saved me, more I was deeply thankful, for I well knew myself and how much of a sinner I was. When JESUS asked me to do this work I was moved by love for Him and could not say no. I could not conceive that He could ever make use of me, knowing myself as I did. When people attacked me, accused and condemned me for many different reasons, their disapproval of me only agreed with my own self-view. I wasn't worthy and that was
obvious to me. I reminded JESUS of all my short comings, my weaknesses and inclination to sin and each time He reminded me simply by saying, "MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR THEE." I've relied on His grace and FIe has kept me to this day and will keep me
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From the Desk of Chuck-JOHNEL
August 4, 2001
until His work is done. I'm thankful for His Grace, for it is more wonderful than words can express and I have learned that He is wholly trustworthy. In 1981 JESUS called me to return to the Ministry and to take up spiritual arms against a massive demon army intent on destroying most of mankind in a world nuclear war by 1982. I knew then what price I would pay to return and was unwilling. I had endured the rage and anger of many brethren for many years and I was in no way eager to return to that place of again having a high profile and where everyone seemed to delight in taking a pot shot at me. But I could not say "no" to JESUS, not really, and agreed to return and do this work. JESUS joined tome 100 of His people who took on the whole armor of God and moved `In The Spirit' with Angelic hosts and did battle with horrific and overwhelming numbers of demons. I'd waged warfare `In The Spirit' before but never on such a scale. A few days into the battle the demon rulers finally responded to our attacks and launched a concerted and massive counter attack against the Net of Prayer intercessors. I remember well that November, 1981 day seeing this veritable wall of demons coming at us like a hundred raging freight trains, the weight and force of their attacks was massive. Would these brethren stand or be swept away? I stood with them in a line with Angels on either side of us uncertain of the metal of these Christian brethren in such a head-on battle. Bracing in Christ the demonic onslaught swept in against our ranks and it seemed for a moment as if we would all be engulfed in that furious tidal wave of evil and hate. Then I saw my brethren fight like Angels. They not only withstood the assault but began to advance into the enemy ranks at the height of their attack, cutting demons down in droves. They fought with the power of Christ and I was both awed and proud at the same moment, proud to be a part of such a Body, of such a mighty people. The furious strength of a Christian standing in Christ and in God's armor is an awesome sight. The more loving and sweet a brother or sister is in this world the more powerful they are as they stand in Christ
`In The Spirit'! That day in November of 1981 I saw what the metal of a Christian is "In The Spirit' — and let me tell you, those demons at a certain point scrambled to escape in terror of them. We moved in and over them and mowed them down by the tens and then hundreds of thousands that day. Every time the Lord has called us to move `In The Spirit' and to do warfare to His ends, I have seen the same thing over and over, both young and old, male and female, new and seasoned prayer warriors excel because of Christ in them and all the power of hell is no match for any of them at any time. I was reflecting on this today and being thankful to GOD through JESUS CHRIST for having fellowship with such as you all are has been a delight in my life. So I wanted you to know today how much I appreciate you and to say a little as to why in this short note.
God sweetly bless and keep you in every way.
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(written by Nancy-TONE)
Dear friends in Christ, Thank you one and all for your prayers, words of encouragement and gifts of support forthis minist ry Jesus has called us to. It is greatly appreciated! Since we aren't a "nonprofit' organization, we don't issue receipts and your gifts aren't tax-deductible on that basis so we send out these limited-edition "Thank You" letters so you know we received your gift and to also say "THANK YOU!!!" The other reason for a "Thank You" is that it gives us an opportunity to share some other materials and information that you may find interesting but won't make it into a newsle tt er. We like to lighten the tone up as well with humorous ca rt oons just for the fun of it as well. Sometimes the cartoon convey a message while other times it is just a bit of fun in what can be the deadly serious time we are approaching, like this one --
JULY 8,2001
For those of you with children, you have no doubt been made aware of the current fad among children's books towards witchcraft through the popularity of the Harry Potter books and soon-to-released movie. While neitherChuck-J0HNEL nor myself have read the books, we have seen ads for the movie and seen the products for children based on the books and movie and it is pure witchcraft and of the Devil. Here's an article sent to us that tells you more about the books and the author's intent.
Harry Potter Bewitches a Nation
David J. Meyer -- There has never been anything like it! The Harry Potter books by author J. K. Bowling have flooded our nation, causing millions of young people to inquire on how to be witches. In previous issues of this newsletter, I explained that as a former witch, I can testify that the Harry Potter books are training manuals in witchcraft and are also dangerous, because an evil spirit is assigned to every copy and follows those copies into the homes of the people who buy them. These witchcraft training manuals remain on the best
seller lists with many millions of copies sold. Many people have asked me if Joanne Kathleen Bowling is a witch. Her story is an amazing one, for she was a penniless nobody and is now the third richest woman in Great Britain (24) and has received an honorary doctorate from Exeter University for her contribution in inducing children co read. Recently, a newspaper called the onion reported on the Harry Potter frenzy, and the article included a quote by author Rowling during an interview with the London Times Newspaper_ I cannot print every word because it is disgustingly filthy. Here is a very disturbing portion of what Bowling said according to the report: "I think it's absolute rubbish to protest children's books on the grounds that they are luring children to Satan. People should be praising them for that! These hooks guide children to an understanding that the
weak, idiotic Son of God is a living hoax who will be humiliated when the rain of fire comes, and will the of the Dark Lord while we, his faithful servants, laugh and cavort in victory." (25) In the same article there are testimonies of some children telling what the Harry Potter books mean to them. A nine-year-old named Ashley Daniels had this to say. "I used to believe in what they taught us at Sunday School," said Ashley, conjuring up an ancient spell to summon Cerebus, the three-headed hound of hell. "But the Harry Potter books showed me that magic is real, something I can learn and use right now, and that the Bible is nothing but boring lies." (26) Another child, a ten-year-old named Craig Nowell, who because of the Harry Potter books is a new convert to
PAGE 3 Article continuec
JULY 8,2001
the "New Satanic order Of The Black Circle" had this to say, "The Harry Potter books are cool, 'cause they teach you all about magic and how you can use it to control people and get revenge on your enemies. I want to learn the Cruciatus Curse, to make my ____tog science teacher suffer for giving me a D," (27) Another child, a six-year-old named Jessica Lehman said, "Herraione is my favorite, because she's smart and has a kitty. Jesus died because He was weak and stupid." (28) Another child named Bradley Winters purchased "Goblet of Fire with his own allowance money at the stroke of midnight on July 8th, and organized his own club,
"Potterites To Destroy Jesus", with his neighborhood friends. A membership fee of 6.66 is required, and the initiate must then curse the name of Gcd and have a lightning bolt carved into his or her forehead with an iron dagger. (29) Public schools are planning to use them as part of their curriculum, and witchcraft organizations are being flooded with phone calls from children wanting to know how to become witches. I also mentioned that the so-called "Christian" psychologist, Dr. James Dobson, endorses the Harry Potter books as does Chuck Colson, an esteemed "Christian" author. This past week I received an urgent message from a very distressed man who told me that on Sunday, the 13th of August, his pastor was planning to teach the youth of the church how to use the Harry Potter books to teach Christian principles. What a sad day it is when pastors have the discernment level of a fence post. These books are a curse on our nation, and two million more of the latest book entitled Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire have been ordered to be printed. The first 3.8 million sold instantly. (23) Here let it be noted that before the publication of the Potter books, Satanist churches were having trouble recruiting new members. Recently, High Priest Egan of the First Church of Satan in Salem, Massachusetts, had this to say, "Harry is an absolute godsend to our cause. An organization like ours thrives on new blood-no pun intended-and we've had more applicants than we can handle lately. And, of course, practically all of them are virgins, which is gravy." (30) I am grieved beyond expression as I write these things'. We, as Christians, must sigh and cry as the prophets of old did and rise up to battle against these things. I have personally fought this battle for some time and will intensify my efforts. I recently published a tract explaining and denouncing the Harry Potter books. Thousands have been published and distributed. You may have them for the asking. I will be preparing a tape recording an the subject of Harry Potter, which should be available by the time you receive this newsletter. And, I recently received a threatening letter from the "Chief Druid of the caer mabon faillaich of the Insular Order of Druids", who is highly upset with me for publishing the Harry Potter tract and denouncing these books in my newsletter. What a complement to our efforts we are making a
A rt icle continued: di fference,
JULY 8,2001
and the kingdom of darkness is feelir..g it.
Please keep us in prayers as we intend to press hard into this battle for the children, and I am sure that things are really going to heat up! As if all of the above regarding Harry Potter is not enough, the giant movie maker Warner Brothers is going to make a Harry Potter movie. This, of course, means that the stores will be filled with Harry Potter witchcraft equipment, so children can be further corrupted. Now we have learned that Britain's 900-year-old Gloucester Cathedral is going to be transformed into Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the Harry Potter film. The Cathedral was chosen because of its striking Gothic spires and vaulted cloisters, and they signed a deal with a very willing Warner Brothers. (31) Where is the outrage at this blasphemy? Who will rise up against the evildoer? David J. Meyer publishes the Last Trumpet Newsletter, an excellent publication found at . Mr. Meyer will send a copy of the entire Joanne Kathleen Rowling article from the Onion upon request. (Help with postage would be appreciated.)
Harry Potter books stimulate publishing sales By Hillel Italic `-
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Associated Press
CHICAGO — With a little help from Harry Potter, publishing sales went up slightly last year, according to preliminary figures released this month. A big increase in the "juvenile" market offset a drop in books purchased by adults. "The Harry Potter books and other
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highly publicized titles have had a big i mpact," said Frank Daly, executive
director of the Book Industry Study Group, a nonprofit organization that releases annual studies. The full survey is expected-later
this summer. Publishers' net sales increased 3.7 percent last year, to $24.6 billion, and
are projected to grow another 3.1 percent in 2001.
The improvement came despite a 9.8 percent drop in "adult trade" books, which include novels, memoirs and biographies. Adult sales netted $4.6 billion in 2000. The study group projects a continued drop in the adult market over the next couple of years, but sees the juvenile category growing. strongly. Juvenile sales increased 14.4 percent
Assaciatea Press
The wildly popular Harry Potter books helped publishing sales in 2000. .
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in 2000 and have "jumped from around $900 million in 1997 to $1.95 billion last year. Elsewhere, expected increases in federal education spending should help the textbook industry and university presses grow solidly over the next few years. Religion books should continue to grow, while sales for mail order books are expected to drop.
"The rise of the Internet has clearly hurt mail order books," Daly said. The study group did not have separate figures on e-books.
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JULY 8,2001
To me, what's is even more disturbing is the Christian response to this phenomenon. According to David Meyer both Chuck Colson and Dr. James Dobson (of Focus on the
Family) both endorse the books by using them to show Christian principles and yet as you can see in the a rt icle below, books of that use fables orfantasyto illustrate Christian principles and parables written by Christian authors already exist so why not promote those instead? Then to make ma tt ers worse, now publishers smelling money in the water want to take Christianity out of the writings of C.S. Lewis's 'Narnia' series to appeal to the youth today. This kind of "accommodation" to the world by the Christianity today is exactly why we are facing the Judgment and Wrath of God upon this Nation. Who of any standing in the Christian community will speak out against these encroachments and att acks on our Faith? So, far no one and the enemy of our souls is having a field day.
Marketing'Namidwithout Christianity By Doreen Carvajal New York Times
C. S. Lewis estate, publishers start shaping major
For more than a half cent u ry, ''The Chronicles of Narnia" captivated children makeover of with tales of Aslan, a tawny lion who ruled a wintry Narnian kingdom of dwarfs, fauns and occasionally errant English schoolchildren. Mixing fantasy with Christian allegories and imagery, the author C.S. Lewis, one of the 20th century's most influential interpreters of Christianity, created a saga that spanned seven novels, beginning with "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe," which have sold more than 65 million copies in more than 30 languages. Now, borrowing a page from a literary upstart named Harry potter, the Lewis estate and its publishers have started shaping a marketing makeover of . Aslan and assorted Narnian habitues to expand readership and extend the brand. They have struck deals to license plush Narnian toys. The series publisher, HarperCollins, reveled plans to create new Narnia novels by unidentified authors, to the outrage of some devoted readers. (What next? "Narnia Barbie in a school uniform?" said one fan in a Lewis electronic forum.) Most striking of all, they have developed a discreet
famed saga
strategy to avoid direct links to the Christian imagery and theology that suffused the Narnia novels and inspired Lewis. "They're turning Narnia into a British version of Mickey Mouse," said John G. West, co-editor of The C.S. Lewis Readers Encyclopedia and an associate professor of political science at Seattle Pacific University. "What they've figured out is that Harry Potter is a cash cow. And. here's a way they can decompartmentalize the children's novels from the rest of Lewis. That's what is so troubling." Th e publishing strategy surfaced in a HarperCollins memo. "Obviously this is the biggie as far as the estate and our publishing interests are concerned," wrote an executive from HarperSanFranciso, an imprint of HarperCollins involved in the Lewis publishing program. "We'll need to be able to give emphatic assurances that no attempt will be made to correlate the stories to Christian image ry/theology." For its pa rt , the Lewis estate insists that there is no calculated plan to reshape the author's image. Simon Adley, managing director of the C.S. Lewis Co., noted that the publishers had successfully increased sales of Lewis' "Mere Christianity," an adult title that explains and defends Christianity. "It's fatuous . to suggest that we're trying to take the Christian out of C.S. Lewis," Adley said. "We wouldn't have made the effort that we have with 'Mere Christianity' if we felt that way. It's just crazy+. I suppose you could get a little depressed by this. I'm trying to get more people to read."
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JULY 8,20D1
Lastly, rounding out this parent-orientated issue, I found these cartoons to be clever and probably something that today's parents can relate to. Enjoy! Adam Brian Bass?t
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