AUGUST 31, 2007
CHRISTIANITY & ISLAM THE AUGUST, 2007 REPORT Written and Assembled by: Chuck-JOHNEL y
I recently purchased a book entitled, "What Ever American Needs to Know about The Qur'an " (A History of Islam and the United States) written by: William J. Federer. It is published by Amerisearch, Inc., P.Q. Box 20163, St. Louis, MO. 63123. Inside the cover it states: "As an owner of this book, you are entitled to a limited-time offer to receive a free ebook of this title by visiting www.AmericanMinute.coml. Click "Contact" and send an email with the subject line SEND FREE EBOOK offer #0511607." Now I've read some fairly serious histories on Islam, some very detailed accounts of events inside Islam in past years. So, comparatively, I'm fairly well read on the history and dynamics of Islam. In brief, it is a 1400 year history of blood-letting and gore, of murder and mayhem, of madness and Satanic delusion, of conversion by the sword and brutal repression that culminates in genocidal action against just about everyone. To call Islam the "Religion of Peace", as our media is inclined, is so far out of whack with reality that the only simile between Islam and peace is the peace of the grave. In reading this book, which I found to be easy and enjoyable! interesting reading, very thorough and accurate with a finite historical outlook that covers 14 centuries with ease; I got an overview of Islam in just 287 pages. I highly recommend it. When reading this book I remembered the letter from Satan sent to me June, 2007, as detailed in the last Newsletter. I recall this "Mike", the sender of the letter, stating: (Quote) "One statement... clearl y shows your bias to various nationalities and groups of people. "This is why having Moslems in our midst is like having a ticking time bomb in our living room, any of them can be turned into made killers... " Who are you to judge the Moslems? God only is our Judge!" (Unquote the letter from
Satan) His ignorance of Islam is either because he is plain stupid or because he is blind, deaf and ignorant beyond comprehension. The vast majority of Americans know
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otherwise. Here is a poll recently taken by the American Family Association. (Quote)
AFA - American Family Association
Islam and America Poll Results Do you consider Islam to be a peaceful religion?
Yes 12,966
No 174,209
Do you consider Islam to be a tolerant religion? No 179,520 Yes 7,287 Would America be a better country if it were a Muslim country? No 185,590 Yes 1,107 Should America place equal emphasis on the Koran and the Bible? No 181,811 Yes 4,476 Would it be (rood for America to have more Muslims in elected offices? No 181,230 Yes 4,474 Would you vote for a Muslim president? No 182,022 Yes 3,984 As a general rule, are women treated better in America than in a Muslim country?
Yes 170,878
No 15,258
Is America too dependent on Muslim countries for oil?
Yes 179,314
No 6,795
Do Muslim countries do more than America to help the poor?
Yes 4,610
No 180,295 (Unquote the American Family Association Poll)
Most Americans get it. Obviously some don't have a clue and buy the Media tripe about the "peaceful, wonderful Moslem faith (Isla n)."
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AUGUST 31, 2007
Even the President likes to state that Moslems become suicide bombers because they
are poor, uneducated and don't have jobs and so are easily persuaded to tie a bomb to their chest and go out and blow themselves up. With the recent spat of suicide attacks in England undertaken by Moslem Doctors (who drove around in their Mercedes Benz autos) kind of blew that theory to bits. Islamic violence has NOTHING to do with socio-economic status, education, or occupation, and has EVERYTHING to do with Religious beliefs, i.e. Islam.
HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE NOT BIAS When I wrote, "This is why having Moslems in our midst is like having a ticking time bomb in our living room, any of them can be turned into made killers...", I was reflecting on a well documented historical fact. Islam has spread by the sword, meaning they overtake nations by force and present its occupants with a choice, convert to Islam or die. But, in past generations, when Islam came up against an Empire/Nation that is too big and powerful to attack directly, they infiltrated those societies. Moslem immigrants slowly entered those Empires/Nations, especially those that were "tolerant" of other religious beliefs. Once they established themselves as a sizeable minority, they began to demand to be ruled by Sharia Law. They remained separate from the people they infiltrate, they form enclaves of Islamic influence and control. They become a nation within that Empire or Nation. In time they begin to cause upheavals and move to force that Empire or Nation to convert to Islam. If there is refusal, violence comes next and the Empire/Nation is weakened from within by constant struggle and battling. Finally, Islam invades in force from outside and the Empire/Nation falls. Then they begin their well established genocidal pattern, they exterminate those who are not Moslems and eradicate the culture they have invaded. Islam has not changed in their strategy and tactics in 1400 years. The only difference is that most people are not aware of the history. The notion that we can live in peace with Moslems is based on a hope that has never been realized - the bones and ruins of countless nations/civilizations destroyed by Islam bear testimony to that reality. What about " Moderate Moslems "? They indeed exist and those who are peace-loving base their views on those portions of the Koran that are taken from the Old and New
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Testament which Mohammed
drew from our Bible. Yes, Mohammed plagiarized our Bible mixing our Scriptures in with old Arabic Pagan myths and his own hateful murderous schemes. If you take the Qua'ran as it is written and extract/remove every quote from the Old and New Testament - you will be left with a book of hate, murder and mayhem. What will remain will be so vile that no sane person could call it a "holy book" without wanting to throw up. Oh yes, there will also be those portions that are Pagan myths carried over by Mohammed from the pagan beliefs of his day.
(Quotes from:) "WHAT EVERY AMERICAN NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THE QUR'AN (A HISTORY OF ISLAM & THE UNITED STAT E Introduction "The Qur'an states: Infidels are those who declare: "God is the Christ, the son of Mary." (Sura 5:17) Infidels are those that say "God is one of three in a Trinity." (Sura 5:73) The infidels are your sworn enemies. (Sura 4:1 Q 1) Make war on the infidels who dwell around you. (Sura 9:123) When you meet the infidel in the battlefield, strike off their heads. (Sura 47:4) Mohammed is Allah's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the infidels. (Sura 48:29) Prophet, make war on the infidels. (Sura 66:9) Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. (Sura 5:51) Believers, do not make friends with those who have incurred the wrath of Allah. (Sura 60:13) Never be a helper to the disbelievers. (Sura 28:86)
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CHRISTIANITY & ISLAM Continued "WHAT EVERY AMERICAN NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THE UR'AN" ( Quote continued) Kill the disbelievers wherever we find them. (Sura 2:191) The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger. .will
be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate Pages 13-14 sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land. (Sura 5:33)" Thomas Jefferson's response to Islam "...Joseph J. Ellis, in his book "AMERICAN SPHINX - The Character of Thomas Jefferson" (Vintage, 1998), wrote of an incident when Jefferson was ambassador to France, 1784-1789: Several Muslim countries along the North African coast had established the tradition of plundering the ships of European and American merchants in the western Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic, capturing the crews and then demanding ransom from the respective governments for their release. In a joint message to their superiors in Congress. Adams and Jefferson described the audacity of these terrorist attacks, pirates leaping onto defenseless ships with daggers clenched in their teeth. They had asked the ambassador from
Tripoli, Adams and Jefferson explained, on what grounds these outrageous acts of unbridled savagery could be justified: "The Ambassador answered us that it was founded on the laws of the prophet, that it was written in their Qur'an, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their [Islam's] authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners." Pages 155-156 John Quincy Adams wrote of Muslim's treaties: "The victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace
and the faithful follower of the prophet (Mohammed) may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat, but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory when it can be made effective.. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud or by force. Of Mahometan good faith, we have had memorable examples ourselves." Page 158 (Unquote)
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Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL: In the days of our r Founding Fathers (Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Henry, etc.) the G r eek civilization had been overrun by Moslem Armies and the occup y ing Moslem armies from the Ottoman Empire (now modern day Turkey) savaged the Greek people. A fanatical Greek Orthodox Priest led a r• evoltlrebellion against the murderous Moslems and in this time overthrew the Moslem government. Interestingly, while the Moslems merciless murdered hundreds of'thousands of Greeks the European leaders said nothing but when the victorious Greeks rounded up former Moslem Ministers and Generals who massacred their people and then executed them, the European leaders p r otested their execution. Having laid this ground work I continue the quote: "WHAT EVERY AMERICAN NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THE QUR'AN " ( Quote continued) "John Quincy Adams wrote on the justice of the Greek Revolution: "If ever insurrection was holy in the eyes of God, such was that of the Greeks against their Mahometan oppressors. Yet for six long years, they were suffered to be overwhelmed by the whole mass of the Ottoman power; cheered only by the sympathies of all the civilized world, but without a finger raised to sustain or relieve them by the Christian governments of Europe; while the sword of extermination, instinct with the spirit of the Koran, was passing in merciless horror over the classical regions of Greece, birth-place of philosophy, of poetry, of eloquence, of all the arts that embellish, and all the sciences that dignify the human character. The monarchs of Austria, of France, and England, inflexibly persisted in seeing in the Greeks, only revolted subjects against a lawful sovereign. The ferocious Turk eagerly seized upon this absurd concession, and while sweeping with his besom of destruction over the Grecian provinces, answered every insinuation of interest in behalf of that suffering people, by assertions of the unqualified rights of sovereignty, and by triumphantly retorting upon the legitimates of Europe, the consequences naturally flowing from their own perverted maxims. (John Quincy Adams, "Essays on Turks," p. 278)" Page 167 Theodore Roosevelt, in his book "Fear God and Take Your Own Part" (NY: George H. Doran Company, 1916), wrote: ...Armenians, who for some centuries have sedulously avoided militarism
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TI "WHAT EVERY AMERICAN NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THE UR'AN" (Quote continued) (Theodore Roosevelt quote continued) "and war, and have practically applied advanced pacifist principles ... and they are so suffering precisely and exactly because they have been pacifists whereas their neighbors, the Turks, have not Page 173 been pacifists but militarists. (T. Roosevelt, "Fear God," p. 61)"
Young Turks "In 1909, Bulgaria was liberated from Turkish rule by Russia. That same year, the Young Turk revolution began, led by three Turkish military officers: Mehmed Talat Pasha, Ismail Enver, and Ahmed Djemal. They forced the despotic Sultan to grant a constitution to the remnants of the Ottoman Empire. There was an initial joy by the Armenians thinking that the terrors of Sultan Abdul Hamid were over, but their greatest horrors were just beginning. Soon the three Turkish officers, "The Three Pashas," began exercising dictatorial powers. The new Muslim Turkish military began promoting the idea of a homogeneous Turkish state of one race and one belief. They decided to expel or exterminate non-Muslim, non-Turkish ethnic groups, specifically the Greek and Armenian Christians. This set an example followed thirty years later by Adolph Hitler's Nazi military who decided to expel or exterminate non-Aryan ethnic groups, specifically the Jews. One of "The Three Pashas," Talat Pasha, Minister of the interior, was the master mind of the programs. He first orchestrated the disarming of the Armenian population. Talat Pasha punished so severely those who did not turn in weapons, that Armenians bought guns from Muslims at exorbitant prices so they could have one to turn in. ...Armenian men, women and children were marched into the desert without water until they dropped and died. Armenians were thrown off cliffs, drowned or burned alive. Russians came to their aid till the Bolshevik revolution began. Only a small area of Armenia that came under Russian control still exists. During this period, over 1.5 million Armenian men, women and children were killed, as were another I million Greeks and members of other ethnic groups, such as Albanians. In the seven previous centuries of Turkish presence in Asia Minor several million Greeks, 2 to 3 million Armenians and hundreds of thousands of Kurds, Syrians, Serbs, and Bulgarians were systematically massacred." Pages 177-179
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CHRISTIANITY & ISLAM (Continued) "WHAT EVERY AMERICAN NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THE QUR'AN" (Quote continued) Smyrna "Like the unarmed freedom demonstrators in Tiananmen Square, who were crushed by the Communist Government immediately after the United States made it clear it would not intervene, the unarmed peaceful Armenians in Smyrna were crushed by the Muslim Ottoman Turks once the United States made it clear it would not intervene. The Turks stormed into the Armenian and Greek areas of Asia Minor and, on September 8, 1922 , overran the city of Smyrna, the largest city in Asia Minor called "Pearl of the Aegean Sea." The city was overburdened with refugees from the other war-torn parts of Asia Minor. United States, British, and French ships were anchored offshore watching in dismay as the massacre unfolded before their eyes. The screams for help went unanswered, as the ships had no orders to intervene. The Turks set the city on fire and in a wild j ihad began their mass genocide. In unbelievable honor, so many Greek and Armenian men, women and children were killed that the water at the pier turned red.
The Orthodox bishop of Smyrna, Chrysostomos, was seized from his church service in the cathedral, dragged into the street, publicly humiliated, murdered and dismembered. Defying description, the horrible atrocities were photographed and recounted by the American Consul in Smyrna, George Horton, in his book The Blight of Asia" (Indianapolis: Babb and Merryl, 1925)" Pages 186-187 (Note by Chuck- OIHN L: Below is another example of the "Overcomers" versus the "Overcome" - see the enclosed "Preparation Fallout Report", Page 3)
Theodore Roosevelt on Islam "Theodore Roosevelt wrote a book titled "Fear God and Take Your Own Part" (NY: George H. Doran Company, 1916), with a dedication to the memory of Julia Ward Howe: On pages 196-197, Theodore Roosevelt stated:
Christianity is not the creed of Asia and Africa at this moment solely because the seventh century Christians of Asia and Africa had trained themselves not to fight, whereas the Moslems were trained to fight. Christianity was saved in Europe solely because the peoples of Europe
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CHRISTIANITY & ISLAM (Continued) "WHAT EVERY AMERICAN NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THE UR'AN" (Quote continued) fought. If the peoples of Europe in the seventh and eighth centuries, and on up to and including the seventeenth century, had not possessed a military equality with, and gradually a growing superiority over the Mohammedans who invaded Europe, Europe would at this moment be Mohammedan and the Christian religion would be exterminated. Wherever the Mohammedans have had complete sway, wherever the Christians have been unable to resist them by the sword, Christianity has ultimately disappeared. From the hammer of Charles Martel to the sword of Sobieski, Christianity owed its safety in Europe to the fact that it was able to show that it could and Pages 191-192 would fight as well as the Mohammedan aggressor."
Patrick Henry's Foreign Policy Founding Father of' the U.S "I know, sir, how well it becomes a liberal man and a Christian to forgive and forget. As individuals professing a holy religion, it is our bounden duty to forgive injuries done us as individuals. But when to the character of Christian you add the character of patriot, y ou are in a different situation. Our mild and holy system of religion inculcates an admirable maxim of forbearance. If your enemy smite one cheek, turn the other to him. But you must stop there. You cannot apply this to your country. As members of a social community, this maxim does not apply to you. When you consider injuries done to your country your political duty tells you of vengeance. Forgive as a private man, but never forgive public injuries. Observations of this nature are exceedingly unpleasant, but this is my duty to use them."
COMPARISON: JESUS & MOHAMMED The teaching of JESUS was: "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you,
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CHRISTIANITY & ISLAM(Continued) "WHAT EVERY AMERICAN NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT THE QUR'AN" - COMPARISON; JESUS & MOHAMMED (Quote continued) pray for them which despitefully use you. (Matt 5:44); Resist not evil .(Mat 5:39); If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to them the other. (Matt 5:39); If someone takes your coat, give them your shirt. (Mat 5:40); If someone makes you carry something one mile, carry it two. (Mat 5:41); Forgive and you shall be forgiven, (Mat 6:14); Judge not, that ye be not judged. (Mat 7:1-2); Blessed are the peacemakers. (Mat 5:9); Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy, (Mat 5:7); Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt not kill, but I say who ever is angry with his brother is in danger of the judgment. (Mat. 5:21-22); Treat others the same way you want them to treat you. (Luke 6: 27-36); Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick, whatever you do to the very least you have done unto me. (Mat 25: 40). So said JESUS. The teaching of Mohammed was: "Infidels are your sworn enemies. (Sura 4:101); Be ruthless to the infidels. (Sura 48:29); Make war on the infidels who dwell around you. (Sura 9: 123, 66:9); Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day. (Sura 9:29); Strike off the heads of infidels in battle. (Sura 47:4);If someone stops believing in Allah, kill him (alBukhari 9: 84:57); Take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. (Sura 5:51, 60:13); Never be a helper to the disbelievers (Sura 28:86); Kill the disbelievers wherever we find them (Sura 2:19 1); The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger (Mohammed) will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land (Sura 5: 33); No Muslim should be killed for killing an infidel. (Al-Bukhari 1:3:111). JESUS taught that God was Our Father (Mat. 6:14). Mohammed taught it was blasphemy to call God your father (Sura 5: 18). Today, consistent with 14 centuries of butchery, Moslems are murdering African Christians in the Sudan - to date more than one million have perished. End of Report. God bless.