Dec 2002: Prophetic Mission

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Our P ecember X002. Graduation Trip, SpeaKing Tour and Vrophetic Mission Written b1: Ghua- Z1UHNâ‚ŹL and Nancy-TDNI

on November 10, 2-.oaZ

File: Trip Invite 2002

A BIG THANK YOU! First off, we want to extend our warm appreciation and thanks for all the financial support sent to us to afford the cost of this month-long trip. With the gifts you have sent we will be able to cover the cost of rooms and meeting places, gasoline and meals from start to finish, That also means that we will not be passing the hat at the various meeting places where we will be speaking (just to let you know) PERSONAL REASON FOR THE TRIP: My daughter Marja is graduating from the University of Louisiana in Baton Rouge on December 20, 2002. This was the basis for our initial plans to travel. Not long after this JESUS instructed me to "TAKE THE STAFF" with us, this meant it was also a Prophetic Mission. THE PROPHETIC MISSION PART: The "AS THE LORD COMMANDED ME" Prayer Operation will conclude on December 31, 2002. I perceive that this part of the trip will be like the one taken in 2001. First, we will be praying with the key Ministry Prophets, with the Staff, coming into unity and agreement to do the Will of God. JESUS showed me today that we will also be posting His Angels along the route we follow to the ends of which He has not yet revealed. Agreement: The work of assembling prayer agreement with the Ministry Prophets with "The Staff'began on September 20, 2002 when we prayed-agreed with Michael-DAVID Baker and Jesse-JACOB Brough. We will leave on December 8, 2002 and come into prayer agreement with CathyMARTHA Stolz of Hermiston, Oregon on December 8, 2002. Next, we will come into prayer agreement with Mark-JAMES and Lyn -ELIZABETH Grimes of Bedford Texas on December 17, 2002. Lastly, we will come into prayer agreement with Richard-DANIEL and Adele-SARAH Sydor of Westfield Center, Ohio on December 28, 2002.


Our Deccmbor 2 . 002 Prophetic/ Graduation/SpeaKinq Tour


io, 2.0o2.

THE PROPHETIC MISSION PART: continued Once we have completed the "prayer agreement" and once the Prayer Operation has concluded we will be in a position to begin seeking revelation-insight in how the Lord God would have us prophesy-in what has been obtained in the whole work of prayer in the "AS THE LORD COMMANDED ME" Prayer Operation.

We will also be gathering insights on what the enemy is up to as we travel across the nation (on site scouting work), noting where we see concentrations of enemy forces and what they may be up to, as the Lord reveals this. In part we will be observing but taking no action until the Lord gives us a clear "go ahead". We will be in the two areas (HoustonlChicagoSt. Louis) where we saw heavy concentrations of demons `In The Spirit' earlier this year in July-August. We may find others as we travel, noting them as well. Once we conclude the Prayer Operation (December 31, 2002), then we will begin the homeward journey January 2, 2003 prophesying as the HOLY SPIRIT leads us and will arrive in Spokane sometime on/around January 9, 2003. In this period (January 2-9, 2003) we will prophesy in all that has been obtained in "AS THE LORD COMMANDED ME" Prayer Operation.

THE OVER-ALL EFFECT CONSIDERED In our November 6, 2002 "Prophetic Alert" (sent to those on our mailing list in California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada and Alaska) we were able to harmonize what JESUS had and has been telling us recently and so we were able to draw this conclusion: 1.) There is the real potential for a major judgment event BEFORE we leave because years ago JESUS told us the "THE FIRST CITY WILL FALL BEFORE YOU LEAVE" and "YOU WILL LEAVE BEFORE THE SECOND CITY FALLS." This Word may

pertain to this 2002. 2.) Because of God's Anointing on us (Ezekiel 9: 5), the "destroyers" have always had to wait until we complete the work that the Lord gave us to accomplish (part of this prophetic

mission is to also extend the Sealing in places). This is likely to contain the worst of judgments for the time we are on the road (December 8, 2002 to January 9, 2003). I discern that this will prove to be the case. However, this does not preclude the possibility of some nasty events, where people lose their lives, but it will contain them from becoming a runawa y disaster. 3.) Because we will be prophesying in what prayer has obtained, this will also add weight to suppressing judgments until after that work is accomplished. 4.) Suppressed, held-back, limited judgments can begin to surface after January 9, 2003 or

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Our vecembDr 2002 Pro p4 etic/ Graduationl5p0akin9 Tour


10, 2.002-

THE OVER-ALL EFFECT CONSIDERED (Continued) the day we return home completing this prophetic work. All hell can begin to break loose thereafter. I had an inner knowing that as many as 100+ could die in the coming judgments but less than 1,000 and that we could see more than one earth event (quake or volcano stemming from a storm). In JESUS Word I can see the pull of mercy through prayer and the push of judgment due to sin at work in a picture that reveals a struggle between the two possibilities (mercy versus judgment). Here JESUS makes it plain that through prayer "much will be contained'' and at the same time He says much is also "unstoppable." I CONCLUDE WITH THIS UNDERSTANDING: Until the Prophetic mission is completed (on/about January 9, 2003 when we return home) judgments aimed against those we cover in prayer will be prevented. This is certain - the enemy will have neither grounds nor opportunity to do anything to those we cover under God's Commission. However, those outside of our commission, though enjoying some benefits from this work of prayer, will be subject to varying degrees to judgment. I simply know that some truly "nasty things" can happen; but again, it will not be a runaway disaster but much contained. Nonetheless, lethal events are not only possible but likely. After January 9, 2003 we enter not only a new year but a new level of judgment, one never seen before, and troubles will be more and more intense and the loss of life will rise like a tidal wave and engulf this nation in tears and sorrow. It can surface in days, weeks or months but from January 9, 2003 judgment will surface visibly and irresistibly.

OUR SPEAKING ITINERARY Based on requests received, we will be speaking (Nancy-TONI and I) on subjects brethren have submitted to the best of our ability. I've also asked Nancy-TONI to make a presentation on the subject of "Fiery Trials." We have arranged for over-head projectors in all these meeting rooms and are working to make the presentations both informative as well as (hopefully) interesting. If you can make the meeting (if it is in your vicinity) we will most certainly be glad to see you there. We always allow some time at the end of a presentation to answer questions assuming that we are able to answer the question. Again, we will not be asking for a "love offering" as we have received sufficient received funds in gifts to cover the cost of this trip - again "Thank You" to those who sent support.

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rnber 2ao2 Prophetic/ Graduation/Sp e a>±in9 Tour

November 1 0, 2- oo2


Here is a listing of the meeting places where we will be making presentations along the way:. To Cheyenne -,

We will be in DENVER, COLORADO Wednesday, December 11, 2002 Meeting time: 7 P.M. to 10 P.M. Meeting room has seating for 20



Exit '

Exit 4


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5$th m

at the

BEST WESTERN CENTRAL DENVER 200 \Vest 48 " Avenue Denver, CO 80216


T Downtown


303-296-4000 or 800 - 964 - 4001

We will be in DALLAS/FORT WORTH, TEXAS Sunday, December 15, 2002

Meeting time: 7 P.M. to 10 P.M. Meeting room has seating for 60 at the BEST WESTERN GREAT SOUTHWEST INN 3501 E. Division Street Arlington, TX 76011

817-640-7722 or 800-346-2378

Directions: 1-25 no rthbound exit 58th Ave, W to Broadway. S to 48th Ave. Southbound, exit 2145, i-70. exit Pecos Sty E on 48th Ave


To Airport

Thy 30












I NN 20


u rations: 1/2mi east of 360

on E Division St between Six Flags Mall and Great Southwest Pkwy.

To Dallas

We will be in HOUSTON, TEXAS Wednesday, December 18, 2002 Meeting time: 7 P.M. to 10 P.M. Meeting room has seating for 30-35





1 964 jj pirtex




at the BEST WESTERN GREENSPGINT INN & SUITES To 14753 North F reeway Directions: Exit 63 off 1-45. Houston, TX 77090 Downtown

281-873-7575 [ CONT1MMUi a Oi'i I'lEXT PAGE]


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Our December 2.002 Propheiicl Graduation/SpeaKinc Tour

Novpmbfr 10, 2-00 2

OUR SPEAKING ITINERARY (continued) We will be in CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Friday, December 27, 2002 Meeting time: 7 P.M. to 10 P.M. Meeting room has seating for 30 at the BEST WESTERN at O'HARE 10300 West Higgins Road Rosemont, IL 60018 847-296-4471

Directions: NW corner Mannheim & Higgins, Rt 45 & 72. Follow signs to O'Hare AIP Exit Mannheim Rd N, go to 2nd light. A/P 2mi..

Richard-DANIEL has made arrangements for a meeting to be held in Medina, Ohio as follows: We will be in MEDINA, OHIO Sunday, December 29, 2002 Meeting time: 5P.M. to 10 P.M. Meeting room has seating for 20-30 at the

BEST WESTERN at MEDINA 2875 Medina Road Medina, Ohio 44256 330-725-4571

Directions: Exit 218 off E-71.

Located northeast of intersection. Cleveland Hopkins Airport 1 mi north on 1-71. Akron 20mi.

If you need directions on how to get to these meeting places I've provided the phone number of the Motel to assist to that end. A PROPHETIC OVER VIEW OF DEVELOPMENTS I cannot say with any certainty just what JESUS would have us do on this Prophetic Mission apart from prophesying-in what has been obtained in and out of prayer from this July, 2002 to December 31, 2002. That will be the subject of a report for the intercessors of "AS THE LORD COMMANDED ME" Prayer Operation, a report to be written after this trip is completed. However, I can address some of the primary issues dealt with in prayer and prayer warfare

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Our Docomber 2-002 Prophctic/ GraduationtEpeaKireg Tour

November to, -oo-

A PROPHETIC OVER VIEW OF DEVELOPMENTS(Continued) this year. The "Mountain" Pra y er Ope ration

(Matthew 28: 16

PRAYER from: January 20, 2002 thru March 31. 2002 i

The p ri mary purpose of the "Mountain" Prayer Operation was to obtain as much mercy through prayer-intercession, out of coming judgments, as can be obtained. We recognized that judgment is coming and cannot be stopped; but we also recognize that through prayer, looking to JESUS CHRIST, we can obtain God's help and so will spare many and much from death and destruction. We also realize that not ALL can be spared from death and destruction. In this same time period we were led to seek a "Church Decision" from a 5% portion of the Church system of man concerning the Sealing (as done in 1989). This basically decided whether that 5% portion would be subject to judgment or would be spared. The tithe (10%) of the Church system of man was also covered in this time period In The Spirit', this being the expressed Will of God. Part of this prayer operation was to establish that the tithe of the church system of man would be included with the Elect, Sealed, Faithful-Obedient, and Innocent children of God and covered accordingly. The 5% portion rejected the Sealing as done in 1989 doubling and setting that under God's Law.

"AS THE LORD COMMANDED ME" Pra y er Operation (Matthew L3:5 Pra y er from J uly 2, 2002 through to/including December 3L 2002 The Lord's Commission was/is to be praying and watching In The Spirit' to block, stop and drive-back any attempt of the enemy of our souls to draw the Elect, Seated, FaithfulObedient, Innocent children of God and the Tithe of the church system of man into the judgments. JESUS stated on July 9, 2002: "......THE ENEMY HAS BROKEN BOUNDARIES TO THE EXTENT THAT THIS COMMISSION COMES TO CURTAIL, DRIVE-BACK, STOP AND HINDER ANY FURTHER TROUBLING OF MY OWN. IN MUCH MANY OTHERS WILL BENEFIT FROM THIS WARFARE THOUGH THEY REMAIN SUBJECT TO JUDGMENT FOR UNREPENTANT SIN." We have spent most of this year in prayer and prayer-warfare defining the boundaries and limits of the enemy and who will be included in this protected area and who will not, as decided by brethren in the body of Christ. This Prophetic Mission to begin December 8, 2002 will be the culmination of decisions, the work of prayer and prayer warfare through out the year 2002 and will set the stage for what will follow in both mercy and judgment. End of report God bless. i J CHRul


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