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PRAISE GOD FOR ANSWERED PRAYER Above all give Thanks to God for His wonderful answers to our prayers!!! Praise Jesus Christ _ — and give all the Glory to God thru Jesus Christ! REPORT
JULY 21, 1988
This report is more than a mere sharing of numbers, but concerns itself with the over-all picture of the level and effect of intercession in America versus the human resistance to prayer that works to the advantage of Satan. At the time we began to compile the response and discernments from EAGLE SWEEP II and JUDAH Prayer Campaigns we thought it was simply a matter of having the witness of two or three to know a judgment had been dealt with in prayer. Only in the past week has Holy Spirit insight come whereby we came to understand this was not entirely the case, as there was something in the picture we did not grasp until just recently.
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JUL-Y 21, 1988
Each prayer campaign has had different focus --so a review of what each did is in order: EAGLE SWEEP II Prayer Came ai n Prayer to destroy 748 Nuclear Missiles, to double and set what the NET OF PRAYER did in 1984 in the EAGLE SWEEP I Prayer Campaign. Thus this was a DOUBLE & SET prayer work. Prayer to destroy AIDs VIRUS I, II, and III --this was a new prayer work, and tho we have prayed about AIDS this was the first time we moved in prayer seeking destruction of this virus. LOOSED MISSILES--the prayer to double and set what was done in 1984 was complicated by the discernment insight that since many NOP Intercessors that prayed in 1984 have since left the NOP and many have likely LOOSED what they had in 1984 BOUND in prayer --thus some of the missiles of the 748 were NOT being DOUBLED & SET but it was as if it was the first time we prayed, so we had to discern which were loosed and move in prayer to bind these. JUDAH Prayer Campaign
LOOSED MISSILES--we called for prayer agreement to destroy all loosed missiles. FIVE CITIES to be hit by accidental nuclear attack --we prayed for mercy and the saving of lives out of this coming judgment(Spokane, Richmond Va, Lexington, Ky, Columbia SC, NY,NY) NINE HURRICANES - we prayed to destroy the demon powers that would direct these storms, aware that STORMS signal the start of judgments - stop the storm, you stop the judgment-it is as simple as that--normally. THE FLY IN THE OINTMENT
Over the years the HOLY SPIRIT has prevailed on the NET OF PRAYER to be representative of the ELECT BODY OF CHRIST --and we have been aware since 1981 that a segment(approximately 30% of THE ELECT) of the Elect are in a state of rebellion against God, agreeing with and submitting to mans authority over Gods. Those who do pray BIND Satan, these who rebel(3U%) turn around and LOOSE Satan again to some extent, so what was done, is partly undone and its been an endless process of trying to OVERCOME this rebel 30% in The Church to OVERCOME what was undone, and re-BIND what was LOOSED . OVERCOMING PRAYER
Thus the question really is --did NET OF PRAYER in intercessions in these prayer campaigns OVERCOME the judgments the rebels LOOSED? A question like this is not normally possible to answer, but recent revelations have tied the effect of prayer in these prayer campaigns to what happened in January 1987 --thus what came into view was a simple way to see to what extent we did OVERCOME in prayer. The first hint of the outcome in the attempt to overcome in prayer what was loosed was revealed by Jesus when He told us plainly that of the 748 missiles - some 52 had been LOOSED, and that NET OF PRAYER would re-BIND(destroy) 48, but 3 missiles could not be stopped --these were permanetly loosed, they'd come thru and 5 cities would be hit by bombs in an accidental nuclear exchange. What Jesus was revealing in specific terms, also had a general application --NOP would OVERCOME almost all --but just a little would get thru, and what would get thru would in effect trigger events that would lead to the full judgment-world nuclear war. But this was not apparent to us at the time, past the specific outcorr that 5 cities would be hit by nuclear bombs.
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JULY 21, 1988
The JANUARY 1987 DECISION versus The APRIL/JUNE 1988 DECISION From the time the JUDAH Prayer Campaign concluded and we learned that the 30% Elect had again rebelled, DOUBLING and SETTING that rebellion against God thus LOOSING Judgments-JESUS now progressively gave us instructions to: 1. Pray to PART from the 30% Rebels - His Will we do so, lest we partake of their judgments. 2. JESUS ordered the NET OF PRAYER out of San Francisco prayer positions on JULY 15th, and into new prayer positions in areas where God long since revealed He would keep many of His people alive during judgments fury. 3. JESUS ordered that the 2 prophets(Cathy-MARTHA and Roger Allen Davis) who have stood-in the 4th prophets post and office vacate it by July 24, 1988. This would mean that God was no longer covering the 30% rebel part of The Church. All this simply meant that the 30% rebels had Grieved God once too often, and Rejected His Help once too often --now He was 'uncovering them' , they would now be under Law and apart from Grace and Mercy--this was serious, very serious but it took a time for all this to sink in. then.. 4. JESUS instructed that myself(Chuck-JOHNEL), Nancy-TOM and Steve-JOEL were to move into the GAP and San Francisco effective August 2, 1988 and that here we would meet and battle the Beast, as we had in February 1987. It was like a re-play of the battle in the GAP of February 1987, but this battle would be a DOUBLING & SETTING --from this it would be decided finally. Shortly after Jesus told us this, it would dawn on us that we were seeing a doubling of what happened in January-February 1987 --and it had everything to do with CHURCH DECISION. REVIEWING JANUARY-FEBRUARY 1987 In early January 1987 JESUS had me ask all on the mailing list to discern and share their views on a simple matter. JESUS told me He wanted to see me work full time for Him -support was too little --so I was led to ask "SHOULD I LOOK FOR A JOB?" Once the newsletter was mailed out, the Lord Jesus revealed His purpose --He had HIDDEN His Purpose --and He told me that the first ONE HUNDRED(100) Responses would decide it. Since He had me share His Word in that newsletter(and Jesus plainly said He did NOT want me to seek a job, and if I did 26 Million Americans would die irreverisbly) --those who would respond were deciding between Gods Word and mans wisdom. The response came to this: OF THE FIRST 100 RESPONSES
77 or 77% said "NO" do not seek a job(this was a YES to JESUS) 23% or 23 said "YES" seek a job (this was a NO to JESUS)
This DECISION essentially reflected the whole ELECT OF CHRIST BODY, and it determined the extent to which the GAP In The Spirit would be defended against the Beast of antiChrist. If THE GAP "In The Spirit" was 100 Eniles wide, then we had Angelic support enough to cover 77 miles of the 100 mile front --the Angelic support represented the ELECT OF CHRIST. Now JESUS had me plainly state the issue in the next newsletter, and so many REPENTED of saying "YES" seek a job, changing it to "NO' --so as we stood in THE GAP "In The Spirit" we saw more and more ANGELS appear that very near came to covering the gap, about 90% of the GAP was covered. So in the SECOND DECISION we were seeing OVERCOMING, we were now OVERCOMING the open areas in the GAP. But in February 1987 the Beast attacked full force and pressed very hard and broke thru that open 10% area before it was closed.
JULY 21, 1988
Page 4
REVIEWING JANUARY FEBRUARY 1987 (contd) Thus in January to February 1987 essentially TWO DECISIONS were made-the first DECISION basically reflected the Condition of THE CHURCH(The Elect of Christ) the second DECISION was a move to OVERCOME that rebellion, thru repentance --by this time we all clearly saw what was at stake, it was hidden no more.
So in the two Decisions, it looked this way: DECISION #TWO OVERCOMING MOVE 90% coverage
to --
REVIEWING APRIL-JUNE 1988 Again, although JESUS WORD was given(again the 26 Millions were mentioned[April 29th newsletter mailing date] the response was very close to the one of 1987, but less so. NEWSLETTER MAILED April 29, 1988--EAGLE SWEEP II Prayer Campaign: The response to this newsletter was this --68 Intercessors responded, this meant a full 32% were in a state of rebellion versus 23% in 1987. Again GODS REQUIREMENT was 100 as in 1987, and this 1988 we did NOT exceed 100 as in 1987 --in 1987 we had 250 Intercessors in NOP, this 1988 we have 200 Intercessors in NOP so to see less than 100 respond is a surprise --again God was prevailing on the NOP to reflect a BODY CONDITION, as He did in 1987. NE W SLETTER MAILED June 3, l988--JUDAH Prayer Campaign: This was the OVERCOMING move, to close the GAP, to reach the 100 as attempted in 1987. Now we saw 95 responses but again it fell short of the 100 needed and required. Sc the DOUBLE & SET Decisions of 1988 looked like this(compared to 1987)
in 1987
77% Response/Coverage -- to..,
in I988
68% Response/Coverage
tO .
90% Coverage/Response
--) 95% Coverage/Response
AVERAGING the TWO 778 68 1 45 divided by 2 = 72.5%
n ,^
^If 95 185 divided by 2 = 92.5%
On the Average the GAP Battle to come this August 1988 will see Angelic coverage of 72.5% of the GAP to start with, running upwards of 92.5% --again the Beast will break thru, its now fully DOUBLED & SET, its done. THE RESPONSE(Prayer and Prayer Forms mailed to us) was the key to determining the GAP defence --not those who did pray(but did not mail the forms in) but those who did pray AND mailed the forms in --we are certain more prayed than prayed AND mailed forms in, this was govern. by Gods Spirit to reveal the BODY DECISION and CONDITION to us.
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JULY 21, 1988
REVIEWING JAN-FEB 1987 And APRIL-JUNE 1988 (contd) If you consider that Jesus basically revealed that of the LOOSED MISSILES(out of the 748 we prayed about in 1984 and this 1988) that FIVE are launched, two of these destroyed and 5 warheads on 3 missiles get thru to USA --well 5% of 748 missiles is 3.7 Missiles-here we see the 3 missiles that get thru, representative of the area we could not OVERCOME, the 5% category. JESUS Word on LOOSED Missiles readily confirms the figures given on page 4 of this report. A breakthru in a 5% area does not look too bad, until we remember all this is happening within the framework of GODS LAW governing JUDGMENTS, this 5% area is SIN, and the consequences of sin under Law is DEATH. Its like a rip in the fabric --small now, but it will only rip wider and wider til the whole is torn apart. Again we have discerned since 1983 that an accidental nuclear exchange will NOT result in World Nuclear War at the time--BUT it will set in motion events that WILL lead to World Nuclear WAr III, and the basic insight is that within 2 years of the accidental nuclear exchange the world nuclear war will come. It is perhaps almost un-nerving to see how marginally the Beast had/will succeed in breaking thru --the NET OF PRAYER in 1988 with less intercessors than in 1987(by about 50 less) did MORE than it did in 1987 and very nearly CLOSED OFF the GAP(95%). The determining factor this 1988, as in 1987 and years past was GENERAL CHURCH RESPONSE to the CALL TO PRAY --to join in with NET OF PRAYER to close this GAP. Steve-JOEL on Jesus direction worked for months with a Church denomination in Memphis calling them to prayer-they showed interest, but what it came down to was 'lip service', lastly the heirachy rejected the call to prayer. Likewise, locally here in Mt Vernon a Church group expressed the call to prayer but they had more important priorities, the outcome was interest in the same - no prayer, a fruitless tree this church system of man. We cannot say having these figures in view, that it was not easily within the range of 'very possible' to find the prayer needed to turn the tide this 1988 -- in this case the ACTUAL Number of Intercessors needed to close the GAP was literally FIVE CHRISTIANS(S). JUST FIVE(5) CHRISTIANS
Its awesome to see how close we came to closing the GAP, and equally tragic that it didn't happen but this is the point of what Jesus revealed --it was DECIDED , and it IS DECIDED-nothing less than REPENTANCE by very many can change it now. The NET OF PRAYER covered its 70% area, and OVERCAME in 25% more of the 30% area where rebellion ripped open a GAP -- thats no small feat, but as Jesus told us in many ways, it would REQUIRE the prayer support of other Christians to close it entirely, we had them in view, we communicated the need, we worked with them, did all we could --they did not respond, and that was the determing factor here. HAVING A FRAMEWORK TO WEIGH DISCERNMENTS If we look at the weight of confirmation saying ALL MISSILES were destroyed -- we can conclude thats fully done --only when we see our CONFIRMATIONS within the context of the DECISION that limited prayer to 95 of the need ( actually 72% to 95% of the need), can we rightly understand the actual effect of our prayers and the value of the confirmations. This is why I've started this report sharing on a comparion of decisions in 1987 to 1988 and the effect it had in determining the defence of the GAP in 1987 and now in 1988. It now becomes a KEY to understanding just what we DID stop in prayer and what we did not stop
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JULY 21, 1988
I can also see why the Holy Spirit led me to work on other reports first, for in this time revelation came to understand that the % of DECISION was a determining factor. JUDGMENT SEQUENCE: STORMS, then QUAKES/VOLCANO, then WAR ---STORMS----QUAKES/VOLCANOS--------WAR When we work to apply the covering to overcoming percentages of 72% to 92%, we need do so within the context of the revealed JUDGMENT SEQUENCE of STORMS, QUAKEs/VOL and WAR. We also need keep in mind that JUDGMENTS start first, having priority-prescedence and Back in 1987 we recognized that our prayers(MERCY INTERVENTION) follows STORMS. decision gave Satan opportunity to destroy 5 US Cities and realized that it was likely 5 HURRICANES would come as well. The 90%(average 92%) to 95% OVERCOMING Prayer effect would NOT apply to STORMS--thus Hurricanes in that the STORMS started and the initial DECISION(first one) was the lessening factorFOLLOWED, thus the initial covering decision was the key. This runs as low as 68% to an average of 72% to as high as 77%---we know we are dealing with NINE(9) Hurricanes, so it looks like this.... Of NINE HURRICANES --4 are definitely stopped/destroyed 5 are left somewhat intact, all are lessened somewhat
68% of 9 Hurricanes comes out to 5 and 6/8ths hurricanes --since we can only stop 4 -it means the lessening effect of our prayers would apply to the 5 hurricanes to come --each loosing roughly 25% of its force and deadly potential. Thus the effect of our efforts in prayer to OVERCOME will diminish the 5 Hurricanes, and its likely we will see a variance in effect from one storm to another --but we can know that thru prayer we have obtained mercy against each judgment storm-hurricane. The effect of prayer intercession will continue to hinder and suppress judgments as they proceed, and in effect our capacity to lessen the force of judgments INCREASES as the JUDGMENT SEQUENCE moves to completion --the trouble is that JUDGMENTS gain momentum and move faster as they move to completion --the BREAK THRU essentially means that inspite of prayer intercession, judgments will gain force and take increasing numbers of lives--but again, on the other hand the suppressing effect of our prayers will continue as well, only it will be hard to see that--so its something we need keep in mind --OUR PRAYERS HAVE A STEADY AND GROWING EFFECT FOR MERCY. If I were to express this situation in a military context I'd say this....The NET OF PRAYER is like an Army holding the front line against an invading enemy army, for lack of support
the enemy breaks thru our lines(but we take a toll of them destroying many). Now the enemy army fans out across our nation, moving ahead of us(nothing to stop them now), as they come on cities and towns, they ravage, kill and destroy many --we are not passive but moving at the enemy from the rear, trying to catch them, destroying them as we can but they have fanned out and are moving very fast , we cannot go after all of them, we lack the numbers and support to do so--but again we continue to destroy that enemy army by bits and At some point in time we will succeed in destroying the whole enemy army or most pieces. of it --but this is now a SET PATTERN of things to come --LULLS, QUIETS will come when we destroy the enemy army, but a fresh invasion will come again following the same pattern -and steadily the nation will be torn to shreds until all Jesus warned would come, comes-and men decided to allow this. This is the general over-all picture of whats going to happen from now on, since its decided, doubled and set --its also irreversible now --and the pattern we watch now will tell us whats to come for some time.
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JULY 21, 1988
***ENCLOSED**'you will find a BUFF Colored page with charts on it, please take this in hand and refer to it, as we will discruss this. J
At the top left hand side of the chart you will see a photo reduced copy of the JUDGMENT SEQUENCE shared in the last newsletter(dated July 7th, mailed July 12th). A "JUDGMENT SEQUENCE" has two distinct cycles of the sequence of째STORMS, QUAKES/VCCANO's and WAR". Back in mid 1983 JESUS revealed that Lucifer had NINE JUDGMENT SEQUENCES planned, it would be as ONE JUDGMENT but it had nine(9) distinct parts. JESUS indicated that apart from "TONI" I would not be able to understand it all --but with Nancy who is that "TONI" He spoke of, we have come to understand it collectively. JESUS also indicated here that we would BREAK UP Lucifers judgment plan and could defeat each of the NINE JUDGMENTS piecemeal. The CHURCH DECISION from 1983 to 1988 ending has effectively given Satan/Lucifer opportunity to set in motion FIVE of the NINE JUDGMENTS and at this point in time we have discerned and have in view at least THREE if not FOUR of the FIVE JUDGMENTS the enemy of our souls can set in motion.
In this July 21st dated chart, we have corrected and revised the JUDGMENTS we see --its been a step by step process in the last weeks since July 12th and as we gain new Holy Spirit Insights to understand more, we add to the picture we have. On the BUFF Colored CHART page(enclosed) --hereafter called "THE CHART" --we show FOUR JUDGMENT SEQUENCES, the 1ST REAL PATTERN was discerned last, the 2ND REAL PATTERN was discerned next to last , the 3RD REAL PATTERN was discerned first, and the 4TH REAL PATTERN was discerned secondly. So here we have re-arranged them along side of the FIRST PATTERN seen from MAY 8-JUNE 26, 1988. Why? JESUS in 1983 revealed that when we understood the workings of ONE JUDGMENT SEQUENCE(also called "REAL PATTERN") - we could understand all the others since they all had the same basic timing make-up and dimensions --that tho events differed, they were in principle 'like each other' and collectively they worked together to kill and destroy mankind. The "Former 1ST PATTERN"(shown on the far left)starting May 8th -- is that basictiming make up and dimension now in view and it permits us to have a TIME FRAME broken into Categories whereby we can understand somewhat to expect in other like patterns. Since a JUDGMENT SEQUENCE is made up of TWO PATTERNS or CYCLES, each pattern is half of a judgment sequence. Since the timing from PATTERN ONE to PATTERN TWO (May 8-July 3) varied, there is a potential available to the enemy of our souls in varying the timing of
REAL PATTERNS --this makes projecting difficult--yet even so, we have an excellent view into their general intentions and can pin point dates for potential judgments with reasonable accuracy--and in some cases within a plus or minus 24 hours. Thru JESUS WORD in years past we can next get to the place where we can know the exact day, event, even time of the event and where it will happen. Working to get all this in some focus is a major undertaking, it takes patience, prayer, time and Gods Help to do it at all - but we are being led to do so and are getting the help we need as well. Why do i t? It can be a LIFE OR DEATH issue for many Christians to KNO'^$ or NOT KNOW when they may face a death dealing situation in their areas. If we are to extend warnings to those who believe God, and we suspect this may be His Will to do so --then we need come to the place where we understand as much about the judgments coming as is possible. We need do all we can, go our limit and then move by Faith to complete that work TrustingJesus.
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JULY 21, 1988
JUDGMENT SEQUENCE (contd) By these FOUR JUDGMENT PATTERNS ( 1/2 a JUDGMENT SEQUENCE) we have in view now --we are able to project to potential QUAKE/VOLCANIC Events for 1. JULY 27 1 9 88---2ND REAL PATTERN (area --WEST COAST) 2.
JULY 31, 1988 --3RD REAL PATTERN (area uncertain, possible Midwest-orEast Coast)
A U G U S T 3, 1 9 8 8 --4TH REAL PATTERN (area WEST COAST)
We have followed thru in making projections for quakes to follow the above, but until we clearly know what time table they work on --the time variable runs 7 DAYS on these. THE EFFECT OF PRAYER MERCY I NTERVENTION We can see visibly in the JUDGMENT SEQUENCE that ran from May 8th to July 3rd that NET OF PRAYER Intercessions(Eagle Sweep II, Judah, and ChristSWAT Team) that we have introduced MERCY following the initial STORM - and it cones consistently 3 and 4 days after the STORM. Since we have prevailed in prayer -- the NET OF PRAYER will continue to exercise increasing authority to LESSEN and CONTAIN Judgments once they start(STORM). The CHRIST SWAT TEAM dealt with "Quinsarasus" in Christ from July 4-8th, 1988 --and the added effect of their prayers is visible, adding to what NOP already obtained in prayer. The 1ST REAL PATTERN started JULY 2nd and the 2ND REAL PATTERN started JULY 7, 1988 -both started BEFORE Quinsarasus was destroyed out of the Earth --and the effect is noticeable. The MERCY INTERVENTION of JULY llth is this --had the terrorists seized the whole ship
(Greek cruiseship) having 571 passengers -- they would have killed many many more than the 11 they killed as they had to flee --thus the lass of life is directly attributed to "Quinsarasus" presence --and tho it was gone by July 11th, the day it started this JUDGMENT PATTERN was July 7th, the day before it was destroyed out of the world. When you compare the MERCY Events of JULY 15th and JULY 18th --you will notice NO LOSS OF LIFE--in other words the prayer effect of THE CHRIST SWAT TEAM eliminated deaths when they eliminated Quinsarasus. Likewise if you look back at the first two discerned MERCY Events in response to NOP prayers --the RUSSIAN PLANT EXPLODING, the RUSSIAN TRAIN EXPLODING -there was lass of life in both of these, yet these were MERCY EVENTS.
Its important for us to recognize the increasing effect PREVAILING Prayer has in obtaining GREATER MERCY than it did at first--its equally important for us to recognize that JUDGMENTS will come but MERCY will be a constant factor, lives will be spared consistently from now
on --but it will be hard to see when death tools are seen--its hard to see who did NOT die who would have otherwise died had we NOT prayed. This we must hold to by Faith, that as we continue in prayer, we are having an effect, no matter what we see. SPECIAL 62 DAY PATTERN I- '1 ST REAL PATTERN Right now, this may be the other HALF of one of the other THREE REAL PATTERNS we see ( Nbrs 2, 3, and 4) or it may be the back end (other half) of a PATTERN we do not see yet. Its hard to know now because these cycles(PATTERNS) overlap each other, but for now we count it as the 1ST REAL PATTERN until we know otherwise.
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JULY 21, 1988
MERCY is present because of pra y er-intercession--attributed to NET OF PRAYER i i n nr i . r i ii.r ..ra^r^.w i a. ii r ^^^ri r i.^
Once we had the JUDGMENT SEQUENCE in view this July (see chart, top left photo reduction) what was obvious, very plain to see was that NET OF PRAYER Intercessions had obtained a "Position" in the JUDGMENTs effecting MERCY after initiation of the STORM. So when we discerned the Storms of JULY 12th, JULY 15th and JULY 7th as being "Starts" of new JUDGMENTS --we looked for a MERCY EVENT 3 or 4 days after the Storm event to PROVE we had identified a JUDGMENT starting '
JULY 2, 1988 near San Diego quake
4b ' " Lucifer" JUDGMENT #3 PATTERN"A"
**STORM** ULY 12 J orrential Rain Western/Central TEX 6 dead-flooding
JULY 7 Brownsvi11e,TX 11 dead
**STORM** SEPTEMBER 2nd **MERCY EVENT*** SEPT 6th 14 possible warning quake Midwest
"Lucifer" JUDGMENT #4 PATTERN "A" -. **STORM** N ^T WRVE
Heat dead
t) ***
JULY 11 14
Cruise ship terrorism plot foiled-li dead
JULY 15 V Omaha/Council Bluffs Iowa High Windtornado's -10,000 homes damaged -no dead
JUDGMENT #1 is something different -- here we identify a JUDGMENT in motion thru the JULY 2nd quake near SAN DIEGO July 2nd--you may remember we have prayed about the dates of JULY 2, SEPT 2, and SEPT 19th on NOP Daily Prayer Sheet --to lessen judgments. Well by JESUS WORD of years ago '째SAN DIEGO IS AS TO CHICAGO" meaning an event in SAN DIEGO can point to CHICAGO or visa versa. In 1985 a FIRE STORM in Southern California on JULY 2, 1985 told me to expect a HURRICANE in the Gulf by SEPT 2, 1985(this day a Hurricane impacted the Gulf Coast) and 17 days later the MEXICO CITY Quake struck(8.1 Richter) on SEPT 19th --now SEPT 19th is the revealed date for a CHICAGO EARTHQUAKE, the Major Quake. So an event on JULY 2nd basically points to not only a STORM Start-HURRICANE but also a QUAKE in CHICAGO --next, in 1979 Jesus revealed a WARNING TREMOR would come in CHICAGO 13 days before the quake at 7PM - on SEPT 6 and 7th. Here we see the MERCY EVENT to follow a SEPT 2nd Storm lines up with SEPT 6th --an indirect kind of proof that something serious is afoot here. What is noticeable about MERCY EVENTS following STORMS "Quinsarasus" set in motion is that death tolls are involved in each(likewise the same in the MISSILE PLANT and TRAIN exploding in RUSSIA MAY 12th and JUNE 4th)--but from the time Quinsarasus was dealt with, MERCY EVENTS are noticeably devoid of loss of life, tho destructive(see July 15th MERCY EVENT). The MERCY EVENTS were projected when we discerned the STORM starts, to PROVE that we had definite JUDGMENT started --and the MERCY EVENTS that appeared proved the projections -thus enabling us to go to the next step to project a time for QUAKE/VOLCANIC EVENTS. With Quinsarasus gone July 8th, we expected Lucifer would move to fill the vacuum and we believe it is now Lucifer who is directing judgment starts filling in for the Beast til he can come on the scene.
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JULY 22, 1988
DEFINING TERMS For the sake of setting down terms to identify the different aspects of how judgments work I set down these terms, to be used consistently hereafter.
NINE JUDGMENTS --the whole of Satans plan of judgment to destroy mankind, its many faceted, and very complex but has certain basic working parts. A JUDGMENT --consists of Two Patterns of judgments, Pattern "A" and Pattern "B" -PATTERN "A t ' is One Half ( 1/2 ) of a JUDGMENT cycle, it consists of STORMS as a Start, followed by EARTHQUAKES/VOLCANIC events, concluded by WAR events. The timing is fixed, varying slightly but primarily the timing is fixed to within a given time period. PATTERN "A" Judgments appear to primarily establish momentum in judgments -- it can be viewed as a Warning cycle of whats coming, for usually PATTERN "B" is much stronger, deadlier and most destructive. PATTERN "B" is the last half of Pattern "A" --again it has the same basic breakdown, it s ar s with STORM, goes to QUAKES/VOLCANO's and ends with WAR. PATTERN "8" serves to use any momentum gained in "A" to intensify loss of life and cause major destructions. --Each JUDGMENT(Pattern A & B) in motion is like an added oar on a boat, if the boat likened to the OVER ALL JUDGMENT, then you have at this time 10 oars in the water, thus the momentum of over-all judgment steadily increases . Thus as these patterns are working, they work together increasing the PACE and INTENSITY of Judgments as they move to completion.
IGNITION POINT --The FIVE JUDGMENTS now loosed(four identified) have a primary aim, this is: 1. WAR ON THE SAINTS - to destroy Gods children The FIVE JUDGMENTS in motion have many ways to this end --one is in seating a Beast-man in the Pre sidency this 1988, another is in causing major wars-war events that will lead to World Nuclear War, others are Major destroying quakes leading to Terrible Quakes that would devestate mankind--storms, drought, famine, disease, the Tiny Star --these are all working PARTS of the NINE to FIVE JUDGMENTS. Right now its JUDGMENT but there is no question that these JUDGMENTS can and will in time expand into TRIBULATION. What we have here is a TIME FRAME and a BASIC OUTLINE of what each Judgment Pattern looks like --thus enabling us to identify events to a given JUDGMENT, and later enabling us to
pin point times and places for coming judgments. By JESUS WORD over the years, we have steadily come to understand how Gods Law governs judgments. Whats shared here is a FUNDAMENTAL OUTLINE of the inner workings of judgments under Gods Law that governs them. Why we share this in this report is to help every reader to understand and SEE the powerful effect of prayer , and how it is visible. Because we readily recognized the explosion of the RUSSIAN MISSILE PLANT AND RUSSIAN MISSILE TRAIN this year as Gods answers to our prayers in Eagle Sweep II and JUDAH Prayer Campaigns(also CHRIST SWAT TEAM) --we are next able to see the MERCY EFFECT of our prayer continue in the JULY llth event, the JULY 15th event and the JULY 18th event(cease fire Iran/Iraq war). For many years the NET OF PRAYER in spiritual warfare and intercessions stopped judgments flat but for every prayer success, we ended up with less funding, and fewer intercessors til we found ourself where we are at today, able to LESSEN Judgments but no longer able to stop them --clearly understood and seen as a Church Decision. Again, its done.
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JULY 22, 1988
EXTENDING-THE NEXT STEP The JUDGMENTS #l,#2,#3,#4 have only been carried out to the point of pin pointing the First Initial QUAKE/VOLCANIC event, its not been carried out to conclusion yet(WAR EVENT) Now we can begin to do this... The basic pattern we saw May 8-July 3rd told us this: PATTERN "A" will run from start to finish in 50 days PATTERN "B" will start 4 days FROM the first or intial quake/volcanic event and pattern "B" can run upwards of 33 days. The total time for pattern "A" and "8" observed from May to July 1988 ran a total of 56 days FROM May 8th to July 3rd. As we understand it, the same time limits equally possible for can show up from one
under Gods Law, these patterns we see started now would work within - but because one pattern is long, and the other so short, its a time variable whereby averaging the total time, a 6 day variance pattern to the next.
THE SIXTY-TWO DAYS--it was a 1979 revelation-insight whereby we came to understand that a 62 day period existed from one JUDGMENT start to another JUDGMENT start --and with a 6 day variable in view - we projected the next JUDGMENT to start from JULY 9 to JULY 15th. Thus we were able to identify the JUDGMENT #3 and #4 readily --here we see ONE JUDGMENT expand into TWO JUDGMENTS, trouble is multiplying --something possible under Gods Law governing multiplication. At this point working with JUDGMENTS #2, #3, and #4 we can do this with reasonable certainty. JUDGMENT #2
QUAKE/VOLCANIC â‚Ź Pattern "A" JULY 27th projected
QUAKE/VOLCANIC h Pattern "A" JULY 31st projected l
N "B"
1st t PATTERN "A" end WAR event AUGUST 26, 1988 (5 U days from start)
PATTERN "A" end WAR Event AUGUST 14-AUG 31 { 33 - 5 0 days fm start)
PATTERN "A" end WAR event
AUGUST 17-SEPT 3 33 days-50 days from start)
JUDGMENT #1 (starts SEPT 2) and JUDGMENT #2 (started July 7th) appear to be running on the timing of PATTERN "A" of MAY 8-JUNE 26th, while JUDGMENTS #3 and #4 appear to be running on the timing of Pattern "B"(June 1st-JULY 3) Thus correctly pin pointing the end of pattern "A" and "A" of JUDGMENT #3 and #4 is spread out over a period of time --it can be either/or Aug 14- or SEPT 6 --or even a time running from AUGUST 14 to SEPT 6th(for JUDGMENT #3). STORM starts for Pattern "B's is easier , it appears fixed, and we would expect at least one HURRICANE and not two, possibly even three hurricanes involved with these dates. This is all wecan do at this time. The rest is a watch-wait and correct work.
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JULY 22,-1988
124_ 1988 -- a temporary NOP Prayer Sheet was sent out with the MARCH 88 newsletter initiating ting prayer and renewing prayer intercession asking God to destroy MISSILES. This marked that 'start of the whole NOP effort to intervene to stop judgments that would lead to world nuclear war.
Once having a base of prayer asking Gods Help, the next step in prayer-intercession is to move by Faith in Gods answer by claiming the destruction of missiles in prayer. This next and vital step was delayed un-necessarily(Church Decision-rebels) from March 28th to April 29th by lack of funds to pay the cost of the newsletter that conveyed the EAGLE SWEEP It Prayer Campaign. We are convinced by all the evidence seen that this delay put JUDGMENTS aheads of MERCY INTERVENTION. It would take a Sovereign move by God to fund the newsletter and get it mailed out APRIL 29th. APRIL 29, 1988 --EAGLE
SWEEP II Prayer Campaign mailed out complete(a Friday)
...from the time the newsletter was mailed it would be delivered and most all would have read it and decided to pray or not.
Destruction(doubling & setting of EAGLE SWEEP I of 1984) of 748 RUSSIAN NUCLEAR MISSILES (ICBMS, CUBAN MISSILES & BASES, NUCLEAR MISSILES(submarine) Move to destroy AID VIRUS I, II, and III
A response via VISUAL PRAYER SHEETS which intercessors would mail back thru NOP Colonels, to confirm missiles destroyed by the number, and to confirm nbrs of loosed missiles. 100 Ref) lcs Rqu-Red.
Again this was a Holy Spirit governed response to reflect the over-all condition of the ELECT BODY OF CHRIST --104 REPLIES being the maximum needed. We recognize that numbers who did pray, did not send in their prayer sheets as God would prevent them in many ways to again reflect the BODY OF CHRIST condition, that we could see it, and understand. His Purposes at work.
by mail: SIXTY-EIGHT(68) Intercessors responded or 68% of 100 REQUIRED Rebellion in the BODY is seen standing at 32% --this we would move in JUDAH PRAYER CAMPAIGN to OVERCOME. NOP INTERCESSORS
1 4
68 of 100 NEEDED
EAGLE SWEEP II like EAGLE SWEEP I of 1984 was a complex prayer effort, we sought to CONFIRM by the witness of 2 or 3 every missile by number of the 748 missiles revealed were involve-' in an attack on USA since 1984 --thus individual intercessors replies, matched with discernments by 2nd NOP Colonels and NOP Governors worked to compile a listing of missiles confirmed destroyed and missiles confirmed LOOSED --this prayer campaign was step#1 of a 2 step p r ocess. (cont next page)
Page 13 EAGLE
JULY 22, 1988
I I of 1938 (continued)
COLLECTIVE DISCERNMENT S(a work accomplished thru NOP Colonels and MCP Governors) we have collected comments-discernments from intercessors sheets, these saying: "IT IS DONE" on everything but the AIDS and it took longer and more prayer and more forgiveness. But the Lord will work." "In praying against the 3 AIDS VIRUSES there was a battle but no destruction." ENSIGN Prayer Group was unable to confirm destruction of AID I, II, III One ENSIGN Intercessor was only able to confirm destruction of AIDS III One Mailing List Intercessor discerned "AID I in blood, AIDS II in organs, AIDS III in DNA -genes. plus 30 other strains and forms they can become." One Intercessor of Beautiful Branch prayer group noted "AIDS I, II, III not destroyed."was able to confirm however destruction of missiles assigned but not AIDS. "AIDS prayer most difficult...will continue praying." "On AIDS II & III got Word "I WILL LIMIT BUT NOT DESTROY". Richard of HIS GLORY noted "Progressively more difficult to pray from AIDS I to III. AIDS III IN SPIRIT looked like a Rhinoceros pig-heavily armored. JESUS only could and did blow it up from within to without - man cannot touch this AIDS III, which controls AIDS I and I I . "(reference AIDS) "...as long as there is a decline in morals, there always follows a plague." Bobbie McL M. Driedger "Confirmed all missiles and bases destroyed but did not confirm AIDS Virus I, II, III." C. Stolz "The destruction of the AIDS Viruses appeared as a small pile of confetti held together by a tightly held mans fist. The mans fist relaxed and opened exposing the AIDS Virus(confetti) which gently floated/seperated away rending it harmless." V Modrich "Not able to confirm destruction AIDS I" C-J " AIDS I dissolved by quarters. AIDS II by halves, dissappears, other half fades. AIDS III gone instantly once I & II dealt with." With considerable consistency, prayer about AIDS, ability to confirm it destroyed was very difficult for everyone --repeated notes and comments made it plain that a greater effort in prayer, better discernment, more insight--concentrated intercessions and possibly spiritual warfare would be necessary to make a dent in this. In the meantime continued general intercession will build a foundation for such efforts in a time. SUMMARY OF DISCERNED LOOSED MISSILE S 418 SIBERIAN ICBM's 246 CUBAN 84 NUCLEAR MISSILES
ONE WITNESS 54 27 19
+ + +
= = = total
TOTAL 53 29 21 113
This collective disaernment tallied by NOP Governors shows the over-all effort confirmed at least 13 LOOSED Missiles upwards of 113 LOOSED Missiles. JESUS revealed it was in the
JULY 22, 1988
area of 50 Missiles LOOSED, of which the NET OF PRAYER could deal with 48 --thus 2 Missiles would get thru, and from these FIVE(5) nuclear warheads. When you have a part of the Body which is in a state of rebellion against God (especially when they are preferring judgments over mercy)--it effects discernment, insight, revelation, just about everything. In effect it is more difficult to get a clear picture --and in effect, as we destroyed missiles, these rebels were LOOSING was was destroyed. We BIND, they LOOSE, we have to discern, then RE-BIND again. This would now require a second prayer effort(JUDAH PRAYER CAMPAIGN) to pray to deal with what was loosed. Because MISSILES are a WAR EVENT • and this comes last, the OVERCOMING effort in prayer by NOP and others would count against the MISSILES, thus the 95% would apply --this would leave 35 Missiles as getting thru(5% of 748) -- so how do we arrive at 2 LOOSED that cannot be stopped? The EAGLE SWEEP II Prayer campaign is a DOUBLING & SETTING of what was done in 1984 -we destroyed 100% in 1984, thus the prayers in EAGLE SWEEP II did this: 1. DOUBLED the 1984 effect --I00% destroyed 2. Rebellion(from 1984 to 1988) LOOSED 50 MISSILES-resurrected them literally. Thus in JUDAH Prayer Campaign we would now prevail over the 5Q LOOSED by 95% --leaving 2 MISSILES that we could not deal with( 2 is 5% of 50). The final step would be taken JULY 10, 1988 when all NET OF PRAYER COLONELS & GOVERNORS were sent Prayer Sheets asking each to pray agree, and claim the destruction of the LOOSED MISSILES(all 113 by nbr) basing that authority on the Second Step, the prayers in the JUDAH PRAYER CAMPAIGN(the OVERCOMING PRAYER). At this time we have done as much as we could with the prayer authority we have, taking into consideration the effect of rebellion. The bottomline is that 2 MISSILES got thru, this being the 5% we could not cover in the GAP, and also equal to lacking just 5 Intercessors. EAGLE SWEEP II PRAYER STRATEGY: It was our intent to get a head-start against incoming judgments, to strike a severe blow before the Beast broke into this world with its vast demon power thus aiming to disable its planned judgments. The problem we encountered was rebellion --thru it Lucifer prevailed to cut off finances thus delaying the mailing of the newsletter that would convey EAGLE SWEEP II to the NOP. We would mail the newsletter April 29th --we now know that "Quinsarasus" working for the Beast initiated judgments MAY 8th -- and the vast majority of NOP Intercessors did not START praying on EAGLE SWEEP II until MAY 12th or later. The three week delay in mailing that newsletter resulted in the enemy getting a head start. Its obvious that NOP prayers did not intervene until 4 days after the judgment started. It was Holy Spirit leading to pick out the WAR end of the judgment pattern(Missiles) as the primary focus of EAGLE SWEEP II - this way we could and did get ahead of the enemy, moving in prayer to destroy the nuclear weapons they planned to use to kill millions by. This way we would effect judgments towards mercy thru the whole judgment pattern. If we had started with STORMS - we would have technically closed the barn door after the horses got out. At the time, our thought was to bring prayer weight on STORMS, but Holy Spirit leading was to focus on WAR(Missiles) - we moved by Faith and now in retrospect can see and understand it was the best prayer strategy possible. Remember that in April we had no idea of what was going on(rebellion)--that judgments were in motion was HIDDEN by DECISION til May 22, 1988.
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JULY 23, 1988
JEDDAH PRAYER CAMPAIGN JUNE 3 1988 FRIDAY --JUDAH PRAYER CAMPAIGN was mailed out with the newsletter , and the "URGENTMATTER' was placed in the envelope so it would be the first thing readers would see. Again from the time this newsletter was mailed out, it would be delivered and most all would have decided to pray after having read it by June 15th latest.
:(a)Prayer focus to re-bind LOOSED Missiles(numbering 50) (b)Prayer to spare lives out of the accidental nuclear attack to hit 5 cities. (c) Prayer warfare to destroy the demonic direction behind 9 intended Hurricanes. (d) to deliver the new NOP Prayer Sheet for daily prayer
SEVEN(7) Days.
A response via the Visual prayer sheets - intercessors were to mail these directly to us here in Mt Vernon. Again we now know 100 Replies were required.
JUDAH Prayer Campaign was a move to OVERCOME what rebellion had loosed. That 68% that was obedient and praying as Jesus asked now would move in Jesus Love to OVERCOME aiming to cover the 100% area needed. Again God would prevail to reveal the extent to which our prayers did OVERCOME by the number of replies we received in the mail -- some 95 thus 95% of the need.
ACTUAL RESPONSE BY MAIL: Again, 100 REQUIRED to fully overcome. Ninety-five(95) Intercessors responded or 95,E of what was needed to overcome(100) BY PRAYER GROUPS
**R esponde d to EAGLE SWEEP II n ot t o JUDAH P/C
Intercessors (not NOP)
Here is a curious situation -- of the 68 Intercessors who sent in responses to EAGLE SWEEP II, 8 of these did not respond(send in JUDAH response) to JUDAH Prayer Campaign--but 35 Intercessors who did not respond to EAGLE SWEEP II did respond to JUDAH Prayer Campaign. Knowing most of these personally, I know they DID pray --thus again we see how God by His Spirit governed the actual responses mailed in to reveal the extent of OVERCOMING via JUDAH Prayer Campaign versus the BODY CONDITION revealed in responses to EAGLE SWEEP II. Again we are very aware that MORE prayed in both prayer campaigns than those who sent in responses -- and we understand by Holy Spirit Insight the numbers who did respond was strictly governed by the Spirit of God to reveal the condition of the ELECT BODY OF CHRIST and the extent to which prayer in this Body can overcome that rebellion.
JULY 23, •988
(c o n t d)
COLLECTIVE DISCERNMENTS: When it came to the collective discernments of all 95 responses we had a baffling situation. Manually, by the witness of two or three you know a thing is done-confirmed, as scripture says. As we tallied the discernments sent in on JUDAH Prayer Campaign by the 95 who did respond, we saw this: Total who prayed but could not confirm: 45 Total of who prayed and confirmed:
of LOOSED MISSILES: 30 Christians confirmed all destroyed. 4 Christians confirmed only partially destroyed. offCI^S(Spokane, New York, Lexington, Columbia, Richmond): All cities confirmed by 27. NEW YORK not confirmed ty 6 LEXINGTON not confirmed by 3* * these lack of confirmations stood out in that these confirmed all the other 4 cities except these cities- it stood out. HURRICANES: 27 Christians confirmed all destroyed. Th en .... HURRICANE #1 - 3 who could confirm, did not confirm this destroyed HURRICANE #2 - 1 who could confirm, did not confirm this destroyed 1 confirmed it crippled HURRICANE #3 = 3 who could confirm, did not confirm destruction 1 had partial confirmation of destruction 1 discerned storm crippled, slowed, destroyed. HURRICANE #4 - 2 who could confirm, did not confirm destruction l confirms partial destruction 1 confirms damaged storm---see's it move over FLORIDA HURRICANE #5 - 1 partial confirmation of destruction of storm 3 discern its slowed, damaged, cut in half I see's it strike Texas
TERRIBLE HURRICANE #6 - 4 who could confirm , did not confirm it destroyed 2 see it crippled, hindered, 1/2 destroyed I see's it 'protected' 1 discerns its empowered by fear 1 gets word "God says "YOU ARE GOING TO LOSE YOUR CROWN AND TAIL ( power & weapon) 1 see's its tail broken off 1st day of prayer, see its power reversed, broken. 1 discerns it will come but mercy will be extended 1 see's it hit Gulf move up East Coast. HURRICANE #7 -
2 who can confirm, do not confirm its destruction. I see's it destroyed I discerns its 'not stopped' 1 discerns 'its protected'
HURRICANE #8 - 3 who can confirm, do not confirm its destruction one discerns 'its not coming' 1 discerns 'its not stopped' 1 discerns 'its protected' 1 gets Word "YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO f! !' WHAT YOU THINK TO DO."
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JULY 23, 1988
HURRICANES (contd) HURRICANE #9 - 3 who can confirm cannot confirm its destruction. 1 discerns its damaged 1 discerns 'its not coming'
1 discerns ' its protected' 1 get word "YOU WON'T SHOW UP". Understanding this...!!??! First off, if we try and understand this thru the scripture that by the witness of two or three a thing is confirmed --its pretty confusing. If you look at the collective results of LOOSED MISSILES, you have 30 confirming they are all destroyed, and 4 who discern they are only partially destroyed. Who is right? Who is wrong? or better yet --are they all correct? One of our problems in discerning AND understanding discernments in the Body of Christ collectively - is that each of us see a PART of the picture, none see all, but collectively all see a greater picture than one does. There is never a time when we do well to think 'we know better' --which is to say, to discard anothers discernment because it does not agree with yours --also just because 30 discern loosed missiles destroyed and 4 discern a partial destruction --its not a matterof a vote --anything past 2 or 3 confirming a matter --its confirmed --in other words NUMBERS are not an issue -so eliminate the numbers in LOOSED MISSILES and you see this: CONFIRMED 째'Destruction of ALL LOOSED Missiles"within our authority to do so--95% CONFIRMED "Partial Destruction of ALL LOOSED Missiles" reveals that whats outside of our authority(the 95% mark) is NOT stopped. HARMONIZE the two discernments, and you get the over-all picture. Not until the Holy Spirit showed me that the actual mailed-in responses were first revealing BODY CONDITION and then THE EXTENT PRAYER OVERCAME and that the REQUIRED NBR of RESPONSES was 100 -once having this in view and understood, we realized that the confirmations that ALL WERE DESTROYED was limited to within the range of our authority(68% to 95%)--the consistent discernments revealing PARTIAL DESTRUCTION, CRIPPLED HURRICANES, etc" showed over and over that something got past us. BOTH discernments were correct, those who saw ALL DESTROYED and those who SAW PARTIAL DESTRUCTION of demon powers, missiles etc. From the start of this ministry Jesus showed me that when ever there is a difference in discermments between prophets, the truth lies somewhere between the two differing points of view. So when you are baffled, confused by a collective discernment that seems to contridict itself, its because one lacks UNDERSTANDING of the context within which that discernment fits. In this case, the extent of authority was the KEY, and the actual responses mailed in revealed that.
of CITIES- -Here its confirmed that mercy and saving of lives will be extended to those living in these cities - many will be spared, this much is certain --but not all. NEW YORK and LEXINGTON stand out as cities where loss of life (versus lives spared) will be much higher. On reflection I remember how Jesus had me write each pastor, every newspaper, tv station, radio station, city official, and go out on the streets for 3 days passing out prayer calls --response --nil! The mans authority resistance to Gods Word makes certain a high loss of life --apparently its the same for New York. Wit'
When we come to hurricanes its a different story, different from MISSILES(WAR Event)
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JULY 23, 1988
THE 68% to 95% AUTHORITY RANGE. When we look at MISSILES which come under the Judgment sequence WAR, the end of the judgment pattern --the maximum authority range (95%) applies. When we look at STORMS, knowing they started BEFORE PRAYER came into effect, the authority range we have here is only 68%. Here the collective discernments are more difficult to grasp --and the situation is different. For example; MISSILES(WAR)
Here we prayed BEFORE the enemy was able to determine the first war sign(June 26) so we were in front blocking the enemy move BEFORE they got thru to the WAR event.
Here the enemy started the STORM May 8th 4 full days BEFORE we started praying --we did not BLOCK the enemy, we came in behind them trying to catch them 1 STORM got past us before we had a chance to intervene.
As I stated earlier, in effect 5 STORMS got past us, we modified them all to some extent for mercy's sake --and we were able to stop 4 STORMS, destroying the demons directing them. Indeed 68% of 9 is 5-6/8ths --this would suggest we stopped almost 6 STORMS-DEMONS, leaving 3 STORMS-DEMONS that got past us. But the ONE STORM that started MAY 8th, has multiplied into TWO in new patterns --thus we come back to 5 STORMS-DEMONS. JESUS WORD concerning the HURRICANES was clear, the EXTENT TO WHICH THERE WAS PRAYER(NOP) would determine the extent of MERCY INTERVENTION --and the EXTENT TO WHICH MOP PREVAILED IN PRAYER---this added statement reveals that ON GOING Prayer will add to whats been initially obtained by prayer in EAGLE SWEEP II and JUDAH Prayer Campaigns. Its also very conditional--PREVAILING, ON GOING PRAYER is a key to greater mercy gains here. THE EFFECT OF REBELLION... Due to rebellion in 32% of the Body Elect, the enemy was able to HIDE its judgment plans , then to prevent prayer intervention long enough to Start STORM judgments(May 8th) -so a lot got past us and we were unaware of what was going us(thus unable to respond) Once EAGLE SWEEP II Prayer began to go up to God, our discernment sharply increased and we slowly grasped what Satan was up to. In all this time we moved by FAITH not really seeing what was going on, and with Holy Spirit leading in our prayers we had the greatest possible effect within the 'authority range we had' (68% to 951). On JULY 11, 1988 a TROPICAL WAVE appeared in the Atlantic (these form tropical storms that become hurricanes that can hit USA) -- it was a sizeable storm system and weathermen watched it carefully but weather patterns changed and it dissolved. With some certainty we see the HURRICANE #1 stopped here -- one of the nine is down, we can confirm that. OVERCOMING and then REBELLION AGAIN. When JUDAH Prayer Campaign was mailed out June 3rd with the newsletter, the PACE and move to OVERCOME Judgments got underway - and again the response mailed in showed we came close to actually closing the GAP and ending judgments in 1988. But something happened that turned the tables in a decisive final way.
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JULY 23, 1988
OVERC OMING and then REBELLION AGAIN (contd) We look at the results in responses to JUDAH PRAYER Campaign and what stands out is that 8 Intercessors who mailed in responses to EAGLE SWEEP II did not mail then in JUDAH-why? Again God was revealing the extent of OVERCOMING but what is plain is that it WAS within our reach to have overcome entirely, we should have had 103 responses! What changed it? In PATTERN "B" of the second half of the Judgment started May 8th, we noted that Satan was moving faster, but NOP kept pace and was gaining --suddenly around JUNE 25th the whole picture changed, the pace of enemy moves doubled, outstripped and outpaced the NOP effort. Then we got the letter from the former 4th prophet June 25th --again the rejection of Gods Word and rebellion was apparent --this determination to reject Christ DOUBLING & SETTING it June 25th literally re-opened the way for the enemy of our souls. Again its important for us to realize that this 4th prophet(formerly) REPRESENTS that 32% of the Elect who are in a state of rebellion against God. Thus while we were closing the GAP to cancel judgments out(within our authority to do so), the 32% rebels re-newed their efforts co-operating with Satan to bring in judgments at the same time. This is why JESUS suddenly moved us from June 25th and on to PART from this rebel part of the Elect Body --for they had prevailed to bring in judgments, it was a FINAL DECISION, and Jesus would not have us partake of those judgments with them. It was a crazy race in some ways --we were shovelling out sand from the judgment pit, and at the same time a part of the Elect Body was shovelling IN sand --we worked very hard, they worked hard, and when time was up --we had 95% of the job done--if we fell short it was due to those who worked to shovel in sand(preferring judgments).. ELECT BODY = 40 000,000 JESUS WORD July 1988 The 32% rebels roughly equal 12 Millions, the 68% obedient roughly equal 28 Millions. The NET OF PRAYER for many years has been moved by Gods Spirit to reflect and reveal the over-all condition of this 40 Millions of the Elect of Christ, His Church. The PARTING from the 12 Millions who rebel, suggests God will GRAFT IN 12 Millions other people -- this is discerned and understood. Whats understood from these two prayer campaigns is much greater than what was first seen.
CHRIST SWAT TEAM A total of 43 Intercessors and prophets made up the CHRIST SWAT TEAM, against a minimum need of 17 (five prophets and 12 Intercessors). Initially we had 41 as a total, then learned that two had not prayed, then we learned that one prayed with us(tho we didn't know it) --thus we ended up with a total of 40. When we consider that the ELECT BODY OF CHRIST normally numbers 40 Millions(Jesus Word) --to see the CHRIST SWAT TEAM come to exactly 40 suggests something significant, something yet to come. Whats discerned, is that God WILL Graft In 12 Million others to fill the void left by the 12 Millions that rebelled -- and I discern that this is the meaning of the CHRIST SWAT TEAM numbering 40 -- indication the God will do this, if these others do not repent, then they will be CUT OFF as were the Jews who rejected Christ --and it may be that the ones to be grAfted in may be Jews--but this is not certain, only a thought right now.
JULY 23, 1988
How I see this parallel to scriptures(Pauls experience) --is this... Paul FIRST went to the JEWS, when they resolutely rejected Christ. Paul turned to the Gentiles, these received Christ-thus the Church we have today. In my experience. I have been sent FIRST to the Churchbut all along Jesus indicated the day would come when HE WOULD NOT SEND ME TO THEM, THEY WOULD HAVE TO COME TO ME and in other revelations He revealed He would send me to many others(pagans) and these would receive with gladness Christ and embrace Him deeply. It appears this day is before us now. The CHRIST SWAT TEAM did not engage in usual spiritual warfare -- the prayers were almost entirely SCRIPTURES centered much on SETTING CAPTIVES FREE, and founded on JESUS VICTORY over Satan and all his hosts. Quinsarasus was the object picked out for destruction but not at our hands but God thru us by Christ would accomplish this . It was very like usual spiritual warfare only this time our FOCUS was almost entirely on JESUS CHRIST and we were yielding to the Spirit of God to do in us what we could not of ourselves do,(find "Q" and destroy it out of this world). In a lot of ways, it was very pleasant praying--and tho identical in principle to the way we have prayed in the past, it was different in focus --less of what WE DID IN CHRIST and more of what CHRIST DOES thru US as we are YIELDED to Him. Here was a more pure move by FAITH , placing Faith in Jesus Word in prophecy and in His Word in the Bible --both. The CHRIST SWAT TEAM was divided into FOUR GROUPS, each to start from the 4 points on the compass - NORTH, SOUTH, EAST and WEST--we would trap Quinsarasus this way, moving IN THE SPIRIT, there was no way it could escape. QUINSARASUS-BEASTS REPRESENTATIVE This demon principality was IN THE WORLD, gaining such position thru the 32% rebels and thru them able to strike at Gods Elect and kill many. In every sense of the word, "Q" was laying down a highway for the Beast to enter in on, whereby it could come in and pick up where "Q" left off and then intensify judgments greatly aiming to exterminate mankind, something which Jesus made plain was within its power to do, a power it got from the Church System of Man and the 32% rebels of the Elect Body of Christ. The NET OF PRAYER was representative of the 68% Elect Body that are obedient and yielded to Christ --except for these who do pray, the enemy of our souls would devestate mankind. Quinsarasus had been identified as the prime demonic leadership that has been directing demons in this world (organizing them, leading them) to initiate judgments on a scale never seen before --its behind the DROUGHT & HEAT, the QUAKES, STORMS, WAR SIGNS, behind accidental killings, disease --you name it, its been the key operative executing judgments. B JESUS WORD, the CHRIST SWAT TEAM was called to do this: l.A Communion first (after a time of personal repentance) 2. THREE DAYS FASTING 3. Prophets to pray-fast FIVE DAYS 4. Intercessors to pray-fast 3 Days. The CHRIST SWAT TEAM PRAYER were mailed out J U N E 1 7 , 1988 on JESUS Word to do so. This way, it would not interfere with the JUDAH PRAYER CAMPAIGN(most would have completed the 7 days by the time it was delivered)
Page 21 CHRIST
JULY 23, 1988
This leading to mail it out and aware it was to NOT complicate the JUDAH PRAYER CAMPAIGN told me, we would move in the momentum gained by prayer in JUDAH Prayer Campaign and build in that momentum. Seeing that JUDAH P/C obtained 95% OVERCOMING authority, and seeing the 40 Prophets and Intercessors meant WHOLENESS IN CHRIST BODY) --we were now OVERCOMING 100% in a given area--in this case the demonic direction behind judgments. JESUS made it plain that Quinsarasus would establish JUDGMENTS IN THE EARTH, but we would prevent it from making it worse. JESUS would set the time to begin the operation IN SPIRIT by Nancy-TONI, so part of theprayers were to be in agreement with Nancy-TONI by the Spirit according to JESUS WORD --so ALL would move IN SPIRIT on JESUS direction to Nancy-TONI as to when. JESUS led Nancy-TONI to move IN SPIRIT on JULY 4, 1988 MONDAY. We discerned that from JULY 4, 1988 and for 5 days(time of prayer) Quinsarasus would be trapped and destroyed out of this world by JULY 8th FRIDAY. JULY 4 MONDAY
Many of those on the CHRIST SWAT TEAM got different insights and again we saw a classic example of BODY FUNCTION in revelations, each contributed some view that when harmonized formed a big picture that no one person could have gotten. QUINSARASUS was trapped and cast into the pit JULY 8, I988 and most if not all of its demon rulers (the heirachy of demonic organization) with it -JULY 8th and on --the HEAT & DROUGHT that held the nation in an iron grip(by a HIGH PRESSURE SYSTEM dominating the central USA) --suddenly broke up, cooling winds came f roni the North and wind and rains swept over the nation. EARTHQUAKES- -a steady pattern of quakes striking around the world was seen EVERY DAY up til JULY 8th, then a LULL of 3 full days came, no quakes anywhere, then they started up again, but very weak and NOT quakes every day. The LOSS OF LIFE in MERCY INTERVENTION times(May 12, June 4th, etc) suddenly ended and tho destructions came, loss of life suddenly ceased --the demon prince "Q" was gone, the power to kill had been stopped-Generally JUDGMENTS lost momentum all the way around from the time of JULY 4th, and when was destroyed JULY 8th, it seemed to suddenly come to a halt --then slowly it started up again by JULY 12th and JULY 15th. We had already figured that LUCIFER would likely move to fill the demonic leadership vacuum created by "Q" absence --and in fact Lucifer did, to keep the judgments in motion until the Beast could show. GAINING AN OVER ALL VIEW Quinsarasus completed the JUDGMENT from May 8th to July 3rd and actually initiated two JUDGMENTS before being destroyed July 8th, Lucifer since intiated 2 other JUDGMENTS. CHRIST SWAT TEAM saw "Q" destroyed JULY 8th --after the JUDGMENT completed. This is a definite pattern -- JUDGMENTS modified to the extent they can be for mercy will run to completion(STORMS, QUAKES, WAR) and then after that by a MOVE OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD THR1J JESUS CHRIST, Christians(the ELECT) will destroy the destroyers out of the Earth --not t emporarily but permanently.
Page 22
ALY 23, 1988
What followed the CHRIST SWAT TEAM Prayer Campaign? THE FOUNDATIONS PRAYER CAMPAIGN whic h is abiding in CHRIST, conforming to His likeness and image. What we see in these four prayer campaigns progressively is a clear Holy Spirit revelation and move showing in some detail the patterns being set down that lead to JESUS SECOND COMING- this is something God has done, and we are slowly coming to grasp what He is done, and showing us. In the CHRIST SWAT TEAM operation, Idella(a part of the effort-SOUTH) saw a demon prince IN SPIRIT that is identical to the one Steve-JOEL saw in March 26, 1986 --one that would cause WAR and one thats now definitely linked to AIDS --the source demonically of this plague in mankind. Once we SEE something like this, knowing its God who shows it, we next have opportunity thru prayer to do to it, as we did so to "Q". The added insights that came from CHRIST SWAT TEAM clearly are OVERCOMING REVELATIONS of things to come. The Beast spirit(Barchargis also known as Wormwood) will come thru, but in a time the ELECT OF CHRIST will yielded to Christ corner it and destroy it no less.
FOUNDATIONS PRAYER CAMPAIGN This was mailed out to anyone who responded to JUDAH PRAYER CAMPAIGN(mailed a reply in) and it was designed by the Lord to be a time of setting aside the burden of prayer, to let that to God, and rest in Jesus, seek to be conformed to Him. THE WRAP UP In late February 1988 JESUS revealed that roughly half of the NET OF PRAYER Intercessors were NOT praying, thus not in the GAP --for this reason Jesus advised that He would withdraw the NET OF PRAYER from San Francisco and would do so lest His praying children be exposed to harm --for without full prayer support, the NOP could not stand without coming to harm when the Beast attacked to break into the nation. MAY 13, 1988 --The 32% of the Elect Body of Christ DECIDES to reject Jesus and His Word, the decision made May 8th loosed judgments before MOP Prayer could start, judgment had prescedence in this FIRST DECISION. JUNE 25, 1988 --The 32% of the Elect Body of Christ DECIDES a SECOND TIME to reject Jesus and His Word - now judgments move to compietion(first ever) and by this second decision NOP moves in prayer to OVERCOME are prevented--The Decision is now DOUBLED & SET, the judgment is now DOUBLED & SET --its irreversible. Prayer can no longer change it, what prayer gained is SET and what rebellion permitted is SET --only if the rebels repent can they escape the consequences. JULY 15, 1988 --JESUS has the NET OF PRAYER withdraw from San Francisco prayer positions. JULY 24, 1988 --JESUS has the two prophets who stood in for the 4th prophet vacate the 4th prophets Post and Office --this represents the removal of Gods Covering of the rebellious--they are no longer under Grace as of July 24, 1988. AUGUST 2, 1988 -- Chuck-JOHNEL, Nancy-TONI and Steve-JOEL are to move into the GAP, to battle the Beast --the basis of their ability to do so is based on the extent of prayer support since March 1988 and Church Decisions--thus what comes is a doubling ai the February 1987 GAP battle where the Beast broke thru --now its coming into the world. end of report.
G J 1-T4
JULY 21, 1988
store nits kl i drs: u. s.0. 9 States sxruck Cy 89 Lcrn-do's - 3 BeAE.
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JULY 2, 1988 4.1 Richter quake near SAN DIEGO (Palm Springs CA) points to CHICAGO & GULF.
^,]IIX^ 1. 19RA •••
JUNE 20, 1988 .^
1,0 ¢1[nxer pucka u t, Sul 3p5 (n.- 5 89 FiwVCISCO)
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JURE IO, 19B8.9. 11] '$Ruth'--W AL[ near LOS MLELLS
'South'--pal; near LIP 9 8 6ELE5
1kIL'j1 111. UtLack or. [RAN
R15eU$ A1,0 er Crash ^n i:,nor -3 e.^e,
J U NE 12, 1988
JUM£ 27, 1988
"IW rxh---p di nt.r 5o I1Ux5L[SCp
Rutxl • n 311111. lrlln Exy},des •••14rry Inlerve,tIon•—
3.5 31,31., pueke hl tt
1st REAL PATTERN I ` A' or 118'1
SECOND PITr M l3o,' }ee I SE?
MAY 8 • 1988
r JUNE 26, 1988
L .IULY 3. 1988
310055 AIrllnrr LryinE3 3 1ran,.. I Bred, C{•u ear errpr-Ullot error.
U.S. Y a rstip 1. PL451RY SULT T1res 3 .h,11let d.,trcying Iim A1461J 5 tin 11nrr-p90 dell. ^Mpvt lr •rror-punt
[**note** a + or - 24 hours variable applies to all projected dates for events]
MAY 8, 1988 Storm-MIDWEST 89 Tornados 3 dead
JULY 12, 1988
Storm-TEXAS Torrential rain Western/Central 6 dead in floods
Brownsville Tx lldead
HEAT STORM Midwest Wind/Rain OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFF IA Heat dead(?)
Q^ I^ h
ei L
EXPLODES(hear of this May 18th)
3ULY11 1988
Terrorists attempt to seize Greek
foiled--ll killed.
Council Bluffs10,000 homes dm 9d no dead ( vii i racl e)
AUGUST 10-17 QKE/V41
cruise ship(571)
MAY 28th QUAKE Ohio 3.5 Richter
U 0
L L1
completed pattern by June 26th
to U
th QKE/
initial timing 7-18-88 corrected 7-21-88
timing corrected
a ti
to "SOUTH" AUGUST 11-18
timing corrected 7-18-88