globalwatchvision-Nov, 2011

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A New World Order Watch Media Publication (

November 2011: Issue 17

The Vision Report Watch is a publication of Rema Marketing ( and is published once per calendar month. The Vision Report Watch is a private membership service. For any queries regarding this subscription service please contact us at

A New World Order Watch Media Publication (



12 THE HIDDEN HAND OF FREEMASONRY A fascinating insight into the hidden hand Masonic symbol seen through history.

An initial welcome from the chief editor of the Vision Report Watch.



18 SIR FRANCIS BACON - THE AXIS OF EVIL To properly understand the role of America in world history one must understand its past, especially, the occult heritage which the Founding Fathers and their occult masters set in stone. Once this is properly understood, then the seemingly inexplicable metamorphosis of America from a great Christian nation founded on Christian principles into a morally debased, imperial superpower seeking world empire can also be properly understood.

On Page 19 of his book Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, he states “"the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness!, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!". That Albert Pike would reference Lucifer as he who bears light gives you an indication of his motive.



November 2011: Issue 17


"The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always concealed by another name, and another occupation. None is fitter than the lower degrees of Freemasonry; the public is accustomed to it, expects little from it, and therefore takes little notice of it. Next to this, the form of a learned or literary society is best suited to our purpose, and had Freemasonry not existed, this cover would have been employed; and it may be much more than a cover, it may be a powerful engine in our 24 hands. … A Literary Society is the most proper form for the introduction of our Order into any state where we are yet strangers."

The power of the Rothschilds is conveyed by the following fact. As of November 2011, across the entire globe, there are only three countries remaining without a Rothschild-owned Central Bank: 1. Cuba 2 .North Korea 3. Iran

BOOK REVIEW OF THE MONTH A review of the latest book (“Illuminati 2”) by Henry Makow, author of the previous best seller, “Illuminati The Cult that Hijacked the World.”

The Vision Report Watch is a publication of Rema Marketing ( and is published every month. The Vision Report Watch is a private membership service. For any queries regarding this subscription service please contact us at

Welcome to the Vision Report Watch This months edition is the second and final part of a journey in understanding some of the most satanically driven individuals in history whose influence on the direction of the New World Order has been staggering. One cannot truly grasp the seriousness of the world government agenda without understanding the movers and shakers who have contributed to it evolving over the course of the last three hundred years.

Enjoy the read. Reece Woodstock Chief Editor Vision Report Watch


ALBERT PIKE - THE AXIS OF EVIL Albert Pike was born on December 29, 1809, in Boston, and was the oldest of six children born to Benjamin and Sarah Andrews Pike. He studied at Harvard, and later served as a Brigadier-General in the Confederate Army. . During the war he was made a brigadier general and placed in charge of raising an army of Indians. Pike's reign of terror was so despicable that foreign governments intervened to put an end to his savagery. After the Civil War, Pike was found guilty of treason and jailed, only to be pardoned by fellow Freemason President Andrew Johnson on April 22, 1866, who met with him the next day at the White House. Pike became a prominent member of the secessionist movement and it was this exposure which made him a target for an an Italian revolutionary leader called Giusseppe Mazzini. Mazzini (1805-1872) was a 33rd degree Mason, selected by the Illuminati to head their worldwide operations in 1834. (Mazzini also founded the Mafia in 1860). Because of Mazzini's revolutionary activities in Europe, the Bavarian government cracked down on the Illuminati and other secret societies for allegedly plotting a massive overthrow of Europe's monarchies. As the secrets of the Illuminati were revealed, they were persecuted and eventually disbanded, only to re-establish themselves in the depths of other organizations, of which Freemasonry was the main vehicle.

members would offer membership to the secret society within a society'. He detailed his plan for world domination in a letter to Pike on January 22, 1870: "We must allow all the federations to continue just as they are, with their systems, their central authorities and their diverse modes of correspondence between high grades of the same rite, organized as they are at the present, but we must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select. With regard to our brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledges to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international center, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown. Lady Queensborough, Occult Theocracy, pp. 208-209. This secret rite is called "The New and Reformed Palladian Rite." It has headquarters in Charleston, S.C., Rome Italy, and Berlin Germany. Pike headed this rite in the Western Hemisphere while Mazzini headed it in the East. Pike wrote about his beliefs and goals in 1871 in "Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry." In this massive volume he explained that the "blind Force of the people is a Force that must be economized, and also managed. . . it must be regulated by intellect. "To attack the citadels (Institutions) built up on all sides against the human race by superstitions (religion), despotisms, and prejudices, the force must have a brain and a law (the Illuminati's). Then its (Force) deeds of daring produce permanent results, and there is real progress. Then there are sublime conquests. . . When all forces combined, and guided by the Intellect (Illuminati), and regulated by the Rule of Right, and Justice, and of combined and systematic movement and effort, the great revolution prepared for the ages will begin to march. . . It is because Force is ill regulated that revolutions prove failures" Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, 1-2 (Rev. Ed. 1950).

During his leadership, Mazzini enticed Albert Pike into the (now formally disbanded, but still operating) Illuminati. Pike was fascinated by the idea of a one world government, and when asked by Mazzini, readily agreed to write a ritual tome that guided the transition from average high-ranking mason into a top-ranking Illuminati mason (33rd degree). Since Mazzini also wanted Pike to head the Illuminati's American chapter, he clearly felt Pike was worthy of such a task. Mazzini's intention was that once a 'mason had made his way up the Freemason ladder Even though Pike was a confederate general who committed the most heinous atrocities of the war his and proven himself worthy, the highest ranking tomb is located just 13 blocks from the Capitol Building in Washington.



ALBERT PIKE - THE AXIS OF EVIL Albert Pike had supernatural spirit guides, who dispensed "Divine Wisdom" as to how to achieve the New World Order. But there was one vision which stands above all others in which the demon revealed to him 3 major wars which were needed to usher in the new world order that they were seeking to implement. This vision became the foundation of Pike’s political objectives. On January 22, 1870, Pike and one of his international co-conspirators, Guiseppe Mazzini, published the plan which would establish the New World Order. This plan was kept very secret, only within Freemasonry circles since the time of its inception, known only to fellow occult Illuminist

Albert Pike's plan for the Illuminati was as simple as it has proved effective. He required that Communism, Nazism, Political Zionism, and other International movements be organized and used to foment the three global wars and three major revolutions. The First World War was to be fought so as to enable the Illuminati to overthrow the powers of the Tzars in Russia and turn that country into the stronghold of Atheistic-Communism. The differences stirred up by agentur of the Illuminati between the British and German Empires were to be used to foment this war. After the war ended, Communism was to be built up and used to destroy other governments and weaken religions. World War Two, was to be fomented by using the differences between Fascists and Political Zionists. This war was to be fought so that Naziism would be destroyed and the power of Political Zionism increased so that the sovereign state of Israel could be established in Palestine. During World War Two International Communism was to be built up until it equalled in strength that of united Christendom. At this point it was to be contained and kept in check until required for the final social cataclysm. Can any informed person deny Roosevelt and Churchill did put this policy into effect?

World War Three was to be fomented by using the differences the agentur of the Illuminati stir up between Political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. The war was to be directed in such a manner that Islam (the Arab World including Mohammedanism) and Political Zionism (including the State of Israel) would destroy themselves while at the same time the remaining nations, once more divided against each other on this issue, would be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion physically, mentally, spiritually and economically. Can any unbiased and reasoning conspirators. (This information is taken from a book person deny that the intrigue now going on in the from a former Luciferian Illuminist, Doc Marquis. His Near, Middle, and Far East is designed to book is "Secrets of the Illuminati" and reveals much accomplish this devilish purpose? formerly hidden detail known only to Illuminists). After World War Three is ended, those who aspire to In 1871, Pike published the 861 page Masonic undisputed world domination wiould provoke the handbook known as the Morals and Dogma of the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Pike worked out a military blueprint for three world We quote his own written words taken from the letter wars and various revolutions throughout the world previously catalogued in the British Museum Library, which he considered would forward the conspiracy to London, England. its final stage in the 21st Century. 5


ALBERT PIKE - THE AXIS OF EVIL "We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but with out knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time" (William Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game, p. xvxvi). At the time Pike wrote this remarkable leaflet there were five different ideologies extant on the world scene and involved in a "struggle for space and power." These were: 1. The secret ideology of the international bankers or the Illuminati as laid out in Fourth Reich Of The Rich. Their aim was the creation of a One World Government to be ruled over by the "Illuminated ones" at the top.

5. Pan-American or the ideology of "America for the Americans." This called for "trade and friendship with all, alliances with none." Secretary of State Root stated in 1906 that, under this ideology which was given expression in the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, we are "debarred from sharing in the political aims, interests, or responsibilities of Europe, just as by the equally potential doctrine, now nearly a century old, the European powers are excluded from sharing or interfering in the political concerns of the sovereign states of the Western Hemisphere." However the llluminati plan for world conquest, referred to by Albert Pike, was a diabolical masterpiece of Luciferian ingenuity that would take the lives of hundreds of millions of human beings and cost hundred of billions of dollars in its accomplishment. It is also important to add there that it is because of Pikes demonic vision why Islam has an embedded distrust and hatred for the political ambitions of the Western World especially when it comes to the Middle East. They are aware of the illuminati plan to facilitate a third world war which would lead to the destruction of Islam in order to gain control of the Middle East and cement a Luciferian inspired world government.

2. The Russian "Pan-Slavic" ideology which was originally conceived by Peter the Great and expounded in his will. This ideology called for the elimination of Austria and Germany, then the conquest of India and Persia and ends with the words: "...which will ensure the subjugation of Europe." . 3. The ideology of "Asia for the Asiatics" as expounded by the Japanese. This called for a confederation of Asian nations dominated by Japan 4. The ideology of Pan Germanism which called for German political control over the European continent, freedom from the Crown's restrictions on the high seas and the adoption of an "open door" policy in trade and commerce with the rest of the world.

In 1859, Pike received an honorary Master of Arts degree from Harvard. He died in Washington, D.C., aged 81, and was buried at Oak Hill Cemetery (against his wishes—he had left instructions for his body to be cremated). In 1944, his remains were moved to the House of the Temple, headquarters of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite.



ADAM WEISHAUPT - THE AXIS OF EVIL The Letter of Constantinople was thus a strategic intent by the Great Sanhedrin to protect the Jew. Whilst there has always been a debate about the authenticity of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion, there can be no debate about the Letter of Constantinople. If the Jews could infiltrate and capture positions of wealth and influence within the countries and organizations that wielded great economic power, then it would allow them to influence political decision making and public opinion and contribute to the survival of the Jews. In the letter the Grand Satraps and Rabbis told a French of anti-Semitism which rabbi concerned about the wave of French anti Europe. Semitism, to convert to Christianity as the French In AD 70 the Jewish revolt against the Roman Rule King was demanding, but to "keep the Law of Moses in Israel had resulted in the destruction of the Jewish in his heart.� Temple and the Great Diaspora in which the Jews migrated and fled from Israel migrating in all "Make your sons canons and clerics that they may destroy the churches.....Arrange that your sons directions. Many Jews fled to Europe. become advocates and lawyers, and see that they Over the course of hundreds of year after AD 70 the always mix themselves up with affairs of state in power of the Caesars eventually waned and the order that by putting Christians under your yoke, you Roman Empire gradually waned as it deteriorated, may dominate the world and be avenged on them." however the Christianity that Emperor Constantine had encouraged and supported had become The letter of Constantinople remained largely a increasingly intoxicated with the Babylonian secret anonymous document and was taken on by a Paganism that had been the foundation of Roman secret society that had been set up called the Brotherhood of the Illuminati. The plans of the Paganism. Brotherhood to progress the letter of Constantinople This cocktail of Christianity and Paganism eventually stayed as a concept for the next 250 years until 1776 led to what is called the Dark Ages when the Church when a meeting took place with the founder of the fell into apostasy giving rise to a new form of power bank company Rothschild and several of Europe’s known as Papal Rome. The Papacy with its power of most wealthiest and influential families. influence centralised in Rome increasingly became an uncompromising power that subjected much of Europe to its yoke during the Middle Ages. In 1489 a document was produced called The Constantinople letter. This was a document authorised by the Grand Sanhedrin in Constantinople1 outlining a strategic plan by which the Jews could protect themselves against the growing rise was spreading across

The crusades against the Muslims who themselves had captured Jerusalem after the break up of the Roman Empire led to the defeat of the Muslims and the capturing of the Holy Places in Jerusalem by Catholicism further fuelling the belief that this was a Holy War and one in which God was using the Papal Power to bring justice to the world. Part of the Catholic theology also involved a significant brand of anti-Semitism borne out of a theological belief in which the Jews being responsible for the death of Christ were to be despised and downtrodden. This lead to significant persecution of the Jews in Europe and a growing tirade of ill feeling to Jewish communities that had settled across the European peninsula.

The meeting focused on the revival and modernisation the Letter of Constantinople into a practical reality that could be implemented and ultimately result in a centralised world government with a Jewish world leader at its helm.



ADAM WEISHAUPT - THE AXIS OF EVIL The influential families placed the schemes and plans into the hands of Professor Adam Weishaupt.. As a professor of law at the University of Ingolstadt, Weishaupt was of Jewish ancestry, and his family had been converted to Catholicism. There is an ongoing debate as to whether he had been influenced by the Jesuits. He had certainly been trained by them during his early years and had developed a strong dislike for the Jesuit Order which contributed to his strong dislike for Catholicism.

Orders. Dr. Adam Weishaupt founded the Order of the Illuminati on May 1, 1776. It is no accident that May 1st is considered to be a "high Day" among Witches! -Janet Stewart Farrar, Eight Sabbats for Witches, pg. 80,81 Weishaupt was a Jesuit Priest who was involved in "Illumination" or Witchcraft. In 1773, due to the pressure of the European Governments- was put out of existence by the Pope. And so, the Jesuits had to secularize. Ingolstadt University in Bavaria had been a Jesuit Institution for many years. Weishaupt was professor of Canon Law there at Ingolstadt. He wanted to see the Jesuit Order come back into power, and eventually, he published a Plan to help the Jesuits take over the world. This Plan is laid out in a book called "Proofs of a Conspiracy" by John Robison, in 1798, and is discussed in other books as well:

In May 1776 Weishaupt created a secret society called the “Order of Perfectibilists” which was later changed to the “Order of Illuminati.” The aim of the order was to gradually seize control of all the world’s resources and though control and manipulation of international banking, place most of the worlds wealth under the control of the most influential family network dynasties within the Order of the Illuminati. The movement was made up of influential freethinkers, as an offshoot of the Enlightenment. Weishaupt had long been scheming the establishment of an Association or Order, which in time, should govern the World." (Robison's proof of a Conspiracy) There have always been Occultists who practiced the process of Illumination, but the term "Illuminati" was used first in the 15th Century by enthusiasts in the Occult Arts, signifying those who claimed to possess "light" directly communicated from some higher source, through mysticism. We find the name "Illuminati" in Spain about the end of the 15th Century. The Founder of the Jesuit Order, Ignatius Loyola classed himself as a member of the Illuminati. And, from time to time, here and there, small bodies of those called "The Illuminati", sometimes known as Rosicrucians" rose into publicity for a short period.

"Weishaupt had long been scheming the establishment of an Association or Order, which in time, should govern the world! In his first fervor and high expectations, he hinted to several ex-Jesuits the probability of their recovering, under a new name, the influence which they formerly possessed, and of being again of great service to society, by directing the education of youth of distinction, now emancipated from all civil and religious prejudices." Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison, pg. 59 Weishaupt formed his own Secret Society and called it The Illuminati- after the "Illuminism" or Witchcraft that he practiced. Like Freemasonry, the Illuminati is a Luciferian Movement used to preserve and promote the ancient Black Arts of Babylonian and Druid Witchcraft. Weishaupt began the Order of Illuminati with a mere 5 members. In order to stay hidden from the vast population, Weishaupt and his co-conspirators selected for themselves "code names". Weishaupt himself assumed the name of Spartacus, and another Illuminist, Baron Von Knigge assumed the secret name of Philo. As a measure of security, the Order would correspond, using their pen names.

Weishaupt's goal was and to use Humanism (Atheism) to do it with. Then he would set up a OneWorld Government. And in order for his plan to succeed, Weishaupt realized that he needed to operate as much under cover as possible, and then when the gullible world finally found out what he and But it was the Order that Dr. Adam Weishaupt his Illuminati Order were up to, it would already headed that was the best known of all the Illuminati 8


ADAM WEISHAUPT - THE AXIS OF EVIL be too late to undo the damage or to stop all of the Religions to achieve altered states of consciousness, plans that he had already set into motion! so that the practicers of that religion could "communicate with the Gods". And the use of this This was another reason for having such great drug, Hashish, surely caused those of the Illuminati secrecy within his Order of the Illuminati. And, Order to really believe that they were in some sort of besides assuming their secret names for their "other dimension" and that they were "the favored members the Illuminati also tried to hide their ones" who were allowed to know and hear the "Great location, as they traveled in various countries, Plan of the Gods" for the World's Spiritual Evolution! spreading their evil Illuminist Doctrines. They did this by using "Secret Code Names" to tell the other This feeling of being those who were especially members of their Order where they were. For favored by the Gods no doubt led the Illuminati instance, Ingolstadt, Germany was given the secret members to have an extraordinary belief that their name of "Eleusis", Austria was "Egypt", Munich was plans for the World had to be carried out and that called "Athens, and Vienna took on the name of thus, "the end justifies the means" was their motto, "Rome". and nothing was allowed to stand in their way! The Illuminati even went so far as to invent their own calendar, so that the dates when they planned to meet would remain a secret! The names of the months on their calendar were changed. January became "Dimeh", and February became "Bemah", and so on." - An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and its kindred sciences, Mackey, (33rd degree Mason), pg. 346 Adam Weishaupt taught his disciples that the Illuminati were the only members of the human race who were truly enlightened or "illuminated" and who had a handle on what everything in life was all about. Weishaupt had his followers believing that they were the cream of the Intelligentsia, and that only people with the knowledge, mental capabilities and insight to govern the world and to bring world peace. Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, Vol. I, pg. 460. The Illuminati believed that those who were not of their Order, had the "lower class" unenlightened worldview, and were their social and spiritual inferiors. The members of this Secret Brotherhood had been taught that the so-called "Illuminated", superior new man is not limited by the world's traditional values. Supposedly, they had a pure spiritual nature that "transcended" the normal confines of good and evil. This outlook on things that the Illuminati had was aided by the fact that they partook of the drug, hashish, which was the same drug that was used by the Assassins. The leader of the Theosophical Society and "Mother" of the New Age Movement, Helena Blavatsky, wrote about how drugs, such as opium and Hashish were used in the ancient Mystery

In 1779, Adam Weishaupt divided his Secret Organization into 3 classes: 1) Novice 2) Minerval 3) Illuminated Minerval As done in Masonry, the initiates of the Illuminati received "more light" as they progress up the ladder of the Degrees. Weishaupt induced mysticism into the workings of the Brotherhood, so that an air of mystery would pervade its entire doings. He adopted many of the classes and grades that seen in



ADAM WEISHAUPT - THE AXIS OF EVIL Freemasonry held out hopes that there would be a Only a few of the Illuminati members knew Adam revealing of "deep occult secrets" as the initiates Weishaupt personally, and thus, although the Society if the Illuminati had many branches in all parts of were on up into the higher ranks of the Illuminati. Germany, to these few people alone was Adam In the lower grades, the candidate was merely tried Weishaupt visible. For this reason, those who had and prepared for the higher "Mystery" degrees. If he never seen him came to regard him almost as a was found to be loyal to the Order and a good "god". keeper of their secrets, and an apt scholar, he was gradually initiated into the higher degrees, where all After founding the Order of the Illuminati, Weishaupt that he had been formerly taught was overthrown, seized upon a strategic move. In order to spread the and radical and deistic theories and plans were then Order of the Illuminati and to give them more unfolded. Deism involves the reliance solely upon influence in the world, and because Freemasonry was akin to the Order of the Illuminati, he gradually human reason. began to infiltrate the Freemasons. In May of 1777, An "Illuminatus" is a Master Mason who has received Weishaupt was initiated into Freemasonry, in a all of the light that can be gained in Masonry. Such a Lodge at Munich, Germany. Weishaupt wanted to one is beyond the 33 Degree of Masonry and is use this Mason's Lodge to promote his world known as "Master" of the Temple. Thus, the revolutionary ideas. Illuminati's goal was to be an elite group of "Super Up until this time the world had accepted Masons". Freemasonry as a "great benevolent society" For the Order's strategy to be successful, the because it appeared, on the surface to teach high activities of its members had to remain a secret. morality and to do charity work. Only a few top men Initiates were therefore sworn to secrecy, taking in Freemasonry knew the sinister motives of the bloody oaths, describing what would happen to them Masonic doctrine and understand what the if they ever defected from the Order or revealed its organization was really all about. plans. In 1780, a man named Baron Von Knigge (code name All of the Initiates were bound to perpetual silence, "Philo") joined Weishaupt's total loyalty, and complete submission to the Order Order, and soon he became a and its leaders. If all of this sounds like the Order of leader dividing the control of the Jesuits, with the idea of complete submission to the Order with Weishaupt. the pope and its church leaders, it is because Adam Weishaupt and Knigge rapidly Weishaupt, Founder of the Illuminati, was formerly spread the "gospel" of the himself a Jesuit! One feature of the Illuminati Society World Revolution throughout was that of a system of mutual espionage. Every Germany. However their member spied on every other member. Every month gospel needed protection as the Novice, or lower level member, was required to there was fear that if the deliver to Weishaupt a sealed letter that revealed authorities were to discover every aspect of his relationship with his Superior. the existence of their society and found out what Then when the Novice was promoted to the Minerval their real plan was they would then take steps to grade, an initiation ceremony was performed, during suppress it. With this in view, they had conceived of which time, the initiate was taken to a dimly lit room, the idea of grafting it on to Freemasonry, which they at night. It was here that he learned the secret signs thought would provide the cover and credibility and passwords. He was allowed to learn who else needed to expand the concept aggressively. was in the Minerval grade, but the identities of the members of the Illuminated Minerval were not In order to gain control over the Order of the disclosed. This is just like what is done in Freemasons, Weishaupt and Von Knigge needed to Freemasonry; only a few top men within their join forces. Weishaupt hadn't made much progress organization are allowed to actually understand the with the Order of the Illuminati until he had met the high-ranking Mason, Baron Von Knigge. Von Knigge true goals of the Order.



ADAM WEISHAUPT - THE AXIS OF EVIL was not only a first class organizer, but he had also been admitted as a Master of most of the secret societies of his day. Von Knigge was, like Weishaupt and all the Masters or "expert occultists" of these secret societies, an expert occultist himself. The "Plan" was to penetrate into the high levels of Freemasonry, and then to take control in directing the affairs of the Nations into an eventual One World Government. Then, the Illuminati would be a secret society within the secret society of the Freemasons. Weishaupt would then influence the decisions of Europe's Leaders from within through these concealed advisory positions. The Illuminati plan also involved getting their members into key governmental positions, so that they could control all of mankind. The Order of the Illuminati was given a huge boost at the Masonic Congress of Wilhelmsbad held at Meyer Amschel Rothschild's castle on the 16th of July in 1782. This meeting included representatives of all of the secret societies such as the Martinists, the Freemasons, and the Illuminati which now numbered no less than three million members all over the World. This enabled the Illuminati to solidify their control over the Freemasonry Lodges of Europe and to be viewed as the undisputed Leaders of the occult One World Movement.

One such honest Freemason, the Comte de Virieu, a member of a Martiniste Lodge at Lyons, returning from the Congress de Wilhelmsbad could not conceal his alarm, and when questioned on the "tragic secrets' he had brought back with him, replied: “I will not confide them to you. I can only tell you that all this is very much more serious than you think. The conspiracy which is being woven is so well thought out that it will be, so to speak, impossible for the Monarchy and the Church to escape from it.”

Around this same time, Adam Weishaupt also succeeded at forging an alliance between "Illuminized" Freemasonry and the growing Rothchild banking network. This gave the Order of the Illuminati the financial means to carry out its plans, and to multiply its influence. As a result of this alliance with the Rothschilds, It took root, it grew, it flourished, it gathered to itself more men of royal and noble titles including even the Jesuits. A number of the most prominent representatives of Freemasonry and “enlightenment” became Illuminati, including, in 1783, Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick, the foremost leader of European Freemasonry. Ferdinand was the great-grandson of George I of England, and married Augusta, a sister of George III. Within a short time the Illuminati had lodges all over Germany and Austria, while branches were founded in Italy, Hungary, France, and Switzerland. However, it was the Illuminati plot to overthrow the Hapsburgs in 1784, exposed by police spies who had infiltrated the order, which led to the Bavarian government banning all secret societies, and driving the followers of Weishaupt underground. Public attention was first drawn to the existence of the illuminati and their diabolical plan for power as the result of a bizarre incident in 1785. Historical records show that a courier for the illuminati named “Lanze” was riding on a horse from Frankfurt Germany to Paris carrying secret documents relating to illuminati strategies for influencing the course of European politics. These documents had originated with the Jewish members of the illuminati in Germany and were addresses to the Grand Master of the Grand Orient Masons in Paris. The rider was struck by lightning and killed en route and all of the documents he was carrying were taken by the local police and handed over to the Bavarian government. The authorities then ordered the police to raid the headquarters of the illuminati resulting in the seizure of additional documents. Weishaupt's conspiracy was exposed to the Bavarian authorities by an informant, and on June 22, 1784, the Elector of Bavaria issued an edict for the suppression of the Illuminati. This has led some researchers to conclude that the Order had been broken up; that its history was therefore short-lived and meteoric, though other evidence indicates that the Illuminati merely went underground, disguised as a network of esoteric "reading societies". Nevertheless, suspicion remained that its members might still be working in secret, spreading subversive ideas, and scheming behind the 11 scenes.


THE HITLERS HIDDEN FASCINATION HAND OF WITH FREEMASONRY BABYLON Has the course of History been directed by a small group of people with common interests? The paintings and pictures of the great men of the past centuries reveal a common thread which links them together. Is it a coincidence that many of them hid one of their hands when posing for a portrait? It seems unlikely. We'll look at the Masonic origin of the "hidden hand" and the powerful men who used the sign in famous portraits.

"Today's thinking toward a democratic world state is neither a new trend nor an accidental circumstance; the work of setting up the background of knowledge necessary to the establishing of enlightened democracy among all nations has been carried on for many hundreds of years by secret societies." -Manly P. Hall, Secret Destiny of America Is there a hidden force behind the world events of the past centuries? Are the fall of European monarchies, the bringing forth of the Age of Enlightenment and our path towards a world democracy, part of a great plan lead by a "hidden hand"? Before the advent of mass media, portraits depicting their leaders in majestic poses were the only artifacts people had. Do these portraits have an occult meaning? One of those poses is the "hiding of the hand". I remember my history teacher trying to explain why Napoleon was often shown with a hand inside his shirt. The common explanation went along these lines: "Many theories have been presented as to why Napoleon is traditionally depicted with his hand in his waistcoat. Some of these theories include: he had a stomach ulcer, he was winding his watch, he had an itchy skin disease, in his era it was impolite to put your hands in your pockets, he had breast cancer, he had a deformed hand, he kept a perfumed sachet in his vest that he'd sniff surreptitiously, and that painters don't like to paint hands" -Tom Holmberg Unless all the individuals discussed in this article had stomach ulcer or deformed hands, the gesture of hiding one's hand simply has to have a specific meaning. It does. Most of the people using this sign are proven (and often enthusiastic) members of the Freemasons. Considering the great importance of this gesture in Masonic rituals and the fact that all of the elite were either part of Freemasonry or knew of it, it is simply impossible that the recurrence of this sign could be the result of a coincidence. The "hidden hand" can in fact be found in the rituals of the Royal Arch Degree of Freemasonry and the world leaders that use this sign are subtly saying to other initiates of the order: "This is what I'm part of, this is what I believe in and this is what I'm working for".



THE HITLERS HIDDEN FASCINATION HAND OF WITH FREEMASONRY BABYLON The Royal Arch Degree (the 13th degree of the Scottish Rite or the 7th degree of the York Rite) is also known as the Mason of the Secret. During this Degree, initiates are said to receive great Masonic truths. "The members of this Degree are denominated companions, and are "entitled to a full explanation of the mysteries of the Order"; whereas in the former Degrees they are recognized by the common, familiar appellation of brothers, and kept in a state of profound ignorance of the sublime secret which is disclosed in this Chapter. This accords with the custom of Pythagoras, who thus distinguished his pupils. After a probation of five years, as stated before, they were admitted into the presence of the preceptor, called his companions, and permitted to converse with him freely. Previous to the expiration of that term he delivered his instructions to them from behind a screen" -John Fellows, Fellows's Inquiry into the Origin, History, and Purport of Freemasonry

"If we pass on to the Royal Arch, we receive a wonderful accession of knowledge, and find every thing made perfect; for this is the nec plus ultra of Masonry, and can never be exceeded by any human institution." - George Oliver, Lectures on Freemasonry It is during this degree that the initiate learns the sacred name of God.

"A Degree indescribably more august, sublime, and important than any which precede it, and is, in fact, the summit and perfection of ancient Masonry. It impresses upon our minds a belief in the being of a God, without beginning of days or end of years, the great and incomprehensible Alpha and Omega, and reminds us of the reverence which is due to His Holy NAME." - George Oliver, Historical Landmarks This holy name is Jahbulon, a combination of words meaning "god" in Syriac, Chaldaic and Egyptian. "JEHOVAH. Of the varieties of this sacred name in use among the different nations of the earth, three particularly merit the attention of Royal Arch Masons: 1. JAH. This name of God is found in the 68th Psalm, v. 4. 2. BAAL OR BEL. This word signifies a lord, master, or possessor, and hence it was applied by many of the nations of the East to denote the Lord of all things, and the Master of the world. 3. ON. This was the name by which JEHOVAH was worshiped among the Egyptians." -Malcolm C. Duncan, Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor The initiation ritual to this degree re-enacts the return to Jerusalem of three Most Excellent Masons who were held captive in Babylon. I won't go through the whole ceremony and symbolism but at one point, the initiate is asked to learn a secret password and a hand sign in order to through a series of veils. The image to the left depicts the hand sign required to go through the second veil, as documented in Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor:



THE HITLERS HIDDEN FASCINATION HAND OF WITH FREEMASONRY BABYLON "Master of Second Veil: "Three Most Excellent Masters you Must have been, or thus far you could not have come; but farther you cannot go without my words, sign, and word of exhortation. My words are Shem, Japhet, and Adoniram; my sign is this: (thrusting his hand in his bosom); it is in imitation of one given by God to Moses, when He commanded him to thrust his hand into his bosom, and, taking it out, it became as leprous as snow. My word of exhortation is explanatory of this sign, and is found in the writings of Moses, viz., fourth chapter of Exodus": "And the Lord said unto Moses, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom; and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow" -Malcolm C. Duncan, Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor As stated above, this hand gesture is said to be inspired by Exodus 4:6. In this biblical verse, the heart ("bosom") stands for what we are, the hand for what we do. It can thus be interpreted as : What we are is what we ultimately do. The symbolic significance of this gesture might explain the reason why it is so widely used by famous Masons. The hidden hand lets the other initiates know that the individual depicted is part of this secret Brotherhood and that his actions were inspired by the Masonic philosophy and beliefs. Furthermore, the hand that executes the actions is hidden behind cloth, which can symbolically refer to covert nature of the Mason's actions. Here are some of the famous men who used this hand signal. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was a military and political leader of France whose actions shaped European politics in the early 19th century. He was initiated into Army Philadelphe Lodge in 1798. His brothers, Joseph, Lucian, Louis and Jerome, were also Freemasons. Five of the six members of Napoleon's Grand Councel of the Empire were Freemasons, as were six of the nine Imperial Officers and 22 of the 30 Marshals of France. Bonaparte's association with Masonry has always been played down in historical records. Masonic researcher J.E.S. Tuckett addresses the situation: "It is strange that evidence in favor of the Great Napoleon's membership of the Masonic Brotherhood has never been examined in detail, for the matter is surely one of interest, and seeing the remarkable part that remarkable men played in the affairs of Europe, at a time when Continental Freemasonry was struggling out of chaos into regular order - it cannot be without an important bearing upon Masonic history" In his essay on Napoleon and Masonry, Tuckett claims: "There is incontestable evidence that Napoleon was acquainted with the nature, aims and organization of Freemasonry: that he approved of and made us of it to further his own ends" -J.E.S. Tuckett, Napoleon I and Freemasonry (source) Napoleon was also said to be aided by occult powers. In 1813 he was defeated at Leipzip and behind him was a "Cabinet of Curiosities" in which a Prussian officer discovered his Book of Fate and Oraculum. Originally this Oraculum was discovered in one of the Royal tombs of Egypt during a French military expedition of 1801. The emperor ordered the manuscript to be translated by a famous German scholar and antiquarian. From that time onwards the Oraculum was one of Napoleon's most treasures possessions. He consulted it on many occasions and it is said to have "formed a stimulus to his most speculative and most successful enterprises."



THE HITLERS HIDDEN FASCINATION HAND OF WITH FREEMASONRY BABYLON Karl Heinrich Marx (5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883) was a German philosopher, economist, sociologist, historian, journalist, and revolutionary socialist. His ideas played a significant role in the development of social science and the socialist political movement. He published various books during his lifetime, with the most notable being The Communist Manifesto (1848) and Capital (1867–1894); some of his works were co-written with his friend, the fellow German revolutionary socialist Friedrich Engels. Karl Marx is known today to be the founder of modern Communism. Despite being denied by some Masons, Marx is said to have been a 32nd degree Grand Orient Freemason. Marx became the spokesman of the atheist and socialist movement of Europe. He planned the replacement of monarchies with socialist republics, with the next step conversion to communist republics. George Washington (February 22, 1732 - December 14, 1799) was the dominant military and political leader of the new United States of America from 1775 to 1799. He led the American victory over Great Britain in the American Revolutionary War as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army from 1775 to 1783, and presided over the writing of the Constitution in 1787. The unanimous choice to serve as the first President of the United States (1789–1797), George Washington was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and is considered to be the "most important American Mason". Charles Willson Pealed produced this painting when Washington was 52 years old. Notice the position of Washington's feet: they form an oblong square. The position of the feet are of utmost importance in Masonic symbolism. Compare this with this excerpt from Duncan's Ritual Monitor: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is considered to be one of the most prolific and influential composers of music ever. He also was a Freemason and was initiated in the Austrian lodge Zur Zur Wohltatigkeit on Dec. 14th 1784. Mozart's creations often incorporated important Masonic elements. The Magic Flute opera was mainly based on Masonic principles. "The music of the Freemasons contained musical phrases and forms that held specific semiotic meanings. For example, the Masonic initiation ceremony began with the candidate knocking three times at the door to ask admittance. This is expressed musically as a dotted figure: meanings. For example, the

This figure appears in Mozart's opera The Magic Flute in the overture, suggesting the opening of the Masonic initiation." - Katherine Thompson, The Masonic Thread in Mozart



THE HITLERS HIDDEN FASCINATION HAND OF WITH FREEMASONRY BABYLON The musical progression of The Magic Flute was based on the Golden Ratio (1,6180N), the proportion of everything that is considered divine by Mystery Schools. Here are compositions created by Mozart for use in Masonic lodges: •Lied (song) "Gesellenreise, for use at installation of new journeymen" •Cantata for tenor and male chorus Die Maurerfreude ("The Mason's Joy") •The Masonic Funeral Music (Maurerische Trauermusik) •Two songs to celebrate the opening of "Zur Neugekrönten Hoffnung" •Cantata for tenor and piano, Die ihr die unermesslichen Weltalls Schöpfer ehrt •The Little Masonic Cantata (Kleine Freimaurer-Kantate) entitled Laut verkünde unsre Freude, for soloists, male chorus, and orchestra Marquis de Lafayette was a general in the American Revolutionary War and a leader of the Garde nationale during the French Revolution. In the American Revolution, Lafayette served as a major-general in the Continental Army under George Washington. Wounded during the Battle of Brandywine, he still managed to organize a successful retreat. He served with distinction in the Battle of Rhode Island. In the middle of the war he returned to France to negotiate an increase in French support. On his return, he blocked troops led by Cornwallis at Yorktown while the armies of Washington and those sent by King Louis XVI under the command of General de Rochambeau, Adniralde Grasse, and Admiral de Latouche Tréville prepared for battle against the British. He was also a 33rd degree Freemason. According to Willam R. Denslow's 10 000 Famous Freemasons, Lafayette was a French military officer who was a general in the American Revolutionary War and a leader of the Garde Nationale during the bloody French Revolution. Lafayette was also made an honorary Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of New York. More than 75 Masonic bodies in the U.S. have been named after him, including 39 lodges, 18 chapters, 4 councils, 4 commanderies, and 7 Scottish rite bodies. Salomon Mayer Rothschild, born in 1774 was the second son of Mayer Amschel Rothschild. He was sent to Vienna (Austria) in 1820 to formalize the family's existing involvements in financing Austrian government projects. His bank, the S M von Rothschild, financed various government undertakings where large amounts of capital had to be raised. Salomon Rothschild was the founder of the Viennese branch of the prominent Mayer Amschel Rothschild family. The most powerful family in the world has greatly influenced the policies of Germany, France, Italy and Austria. The Rothschilds are also the main players behind the creation of Zionism and the state of Israel. The power of the Rothschilds went way beyond the confines of the Masonic lodge. They are said to be part of the 13 "Illuminati Bloodlines".



THE HITLERS HIDDEN FASCINATION HAND OF WITH FREEMASONRY BABYLON Known as "El Libertador" (the Liberator), Bolivar is considered to be the "George Washington of South America". He joined Freemasonry in Cadiz, Spain, received the Scottish Rite degrees in Paris and was knighted in a Commandery of Knights Templar in France in 1807. Bolivar founded and served as master of Protectora de las Vertudes Lodge No. 1 in Venezuela. The country of Bolivia is named after him. Bolivar also served as the president of Columbia, Peru, and Bolivia in the 1820's. He belonged to the Order and Liberty Lodge No. 2 in Peru. Notice in the image above the position of his feet (oblong square) and the checkerboard pattern of the floor, also Masonic. His stance might have been inspired by the Knights of Christian Mark Degree as depicted below in Richardson's Monitor of Freemasonry:

As seen above, thee leaders using the "hidden hand" gesture had a great influence on world history and many were confirmed Masons. This gesture is an obvious yet widely overlooked detail which hints at the leader's embrace of occult philosophy. By understanding this fact and by recognizing the IMMENSE influence these leaders had on the course of History, we can begin to realize the hidden force which is currently steering the world towards international democracy. Members of these brotherhoods might have maintained different opinions and even adhered to different factions (communism vs capitalism), but the fundamental philosophy, beliefs and ultimate goals are still the same: the coming of an "Age of Reason and Enlightenment". Of course, any serious researcher is already aware of the role of Masonry in the unfolding of world history. The "hidden hand" gesture, so often used by historical figures is simply the outward expression of this little known fact. As Confucius said, "Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws." These people's words and policies will eventually be twisted and forgotten, but their image will remain for the ages.



SIR FRANCIS BACON - THE AXIS OF EVIL To properly understand the role of America in world history one must first understand its past, especially, the occult heritage which the Founding Fathers and their occult masters set in stone, so to speak. Once this is properly understood, then the seemingly inexplicable metamorphosis of America from a great Christian nation founded on Christian principles into a morally debased, imperial superpower seeking world empire can also be properly understood. Similarly, the scales will fall from the eyes leading to a proper understanding of where America's leaders are taking their nation and so the world. The founding of America is Janus-faced: it has two distinct natures. Just as a coin has two sides, an obverse and reverse, so American national heritage has a second side. Thus, American national heritage has an obverse side that is Christian and a reverse side stamped indelibly with the occult symbolism, beliefs and values of the Secret Societies. That is: an overtly Christian heritage and a hidden Occult heritage. Consequently, although much of America's national heritage is overtly Christian to fully understand why America is in the state it is and why it does what it does this second coin side of its national heritage must be fully understood. In short: one must understand the Secret History behind the founding of America. Elizabeth I (1533-1603), the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, was Queen of England from 1558 to 1603. During her reign occurred the restoration of Protestantism, the execution of Mary Queen of Scots, the defeat of the Spanish Armada and a remarkable flowering of prosperity and literary and musical genius. In short: it was a fateful period when the English people truly came into being and when the form and function of the future British Empire were decided. A major figure of the Elizabethan period was Sir Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam, and Viscount St Alban's (1561-1626), statesman, philosopher and occultist. Bacon's influence on human knowledge is profound. He is regarded as the father of the empirical method -Baconian inductionthat is at the root of all moral and scientific theories constructed on the inductive method he championed. Within philosophy his method is the basis of what is commonly called British Empiricism. Bacon's

influence on the intellectual development of his immediate successors was profound such that: "the whole trend of typically English thought, not only in natural science, but also in mental, moral and political philosophy, is the logical fulfilment of Baconian principles." Bacon was a singularly unique character whose influence in history can not be underestimated: "The intellect of Bacon was one of the most powerful and searching ever possessed by man, and his developments of the inductive philosophy revolutionised the future thought of the human race." A Short Biographical Dictionary of English Literature. ed. John W. Cousins (1910). In brief: Bacon was commonly invoked as a guiding spirit of the new scientific movement about to sweep Western Europe that is often called the Age of Enlightenment. However, there is another, hidden side to Bacon that is perhaps even more profound than the public one. This is Bacon the occultist who was leader of the Rosicrucians and the first Grand Master of modern Freemasonry. Bacon, together with John Dee (1527-1608), was a high initiate in the Ancient Mysteries and a Rosicrucian leader and so at the helm of the Secret Societies in England. Bacon was informed by his guiding spirits that the kingdom that would produce the coming "Masonic Messiah," (the "Masonic Christ" who will lead the world into a new era they called the "Ancient Order of the Ages") would be an English speaking nation but not Great Britain. Rather, it would be a great nation that would arise out of the New World colonies and Queen Elizabeth and her counsellors must perforce do everything in their power to bring this nation to birth. Moreover, this is what they did: Elizabeth and her counsellors prepared a plan of action whereby an English speaking nation would arise from the New World colonies that would eventually take leadership of the monumental, age-old movement for World Empire based upon an "ancient hope" they called the "Ancient Order of the Ages." Thus, the Elizabethan Rosicrucian concept of the "Ancient Order of the Ages" pre-dates the "New World Order" of Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian Illuminati by several centuries. That is, Weishaupt merely modernised and codified Bacon's plan, which was itself but another bead on the thread of Evil that winds its way back to the birth of mankind. 18


SIR FRANCIS BACON - THE AXIS OF EVIL This future role of America as the powerhouse of the massive move towards World Empire is alluded to by some occultists as the "secret destiny of America." Moreover, this ancient ambition for World Empire and this "secret destiny of America" were the main motivating principles behind the establishment of the British Empire, which reached its zenith at the end of World War I. But, understand, this Elizabethan grand intrigue for global government, economy and religion was merely another formulation of the Ancient Plan for World Empire stretching far into the distant past. Well before modern attempts for world empire by men such as Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great and to the earliest times of human history. To a time when a tower was built by Noah's d.escendants who intended it to reach up to Heaven, allegorised in the Old Testament as the "Tower of Babel." It is the ancient dream manifest in the modern world as the Novus ordo Seclorum ... the New World Order ... the ancient dream of Secret Societies throughout the ages. It is also the guiding principles behind the apparently political and economic stratagems of the Internationalists and One Worlders' Globalist Agenda (i.e. "Globalisation", "Global Governance" "Global Society," "Agenda 21," the "Earth Charter" etc.) to bring to an end all notions of the sovereignty of nations, independence and independent thought and action. The Baconian vision for the establishment of the "Ancient Order of the Ages," alluded to in his book, The New Atlantis (1626), was transmitted through the Empire of Secret Societies into the modern era but chiefly via the Lodges of Freemasonry. In his book, The New Atlantis, published after his death, the aged Bacon intimated that the newly colonised America was the "New Atlantis" and would replicate the legendary civilisation Atlantis in its grandeur and vision. He also outlined his vision of this perfect, "golden" society. However, Bacon's utopian view was not new or novel since it merely made public, although in a unique way, the ancient desire of certain occult groups for an idealised world society. That is, while Bacon did not originate the concept of the "New Atlantis," it was he who first articulated and put in print the ancient plan for World Empire to be carried out by all the secret orders. The programme set forth by Bacon has thus been the driving force behind the course of events that have shaped the modern world and made the United States of America the driving force towards establishment of the New World Order. This is why Thomas Jefferson, a man who well understand the occult influence upon human events, considered Bacon one of the three most influential men in history. Bacon's pre-eminence in the scheme of things was confirmed by a modern exponent of the dark arts, Manly P. Hall:

Lord Bacon was certainly a moving spirit in the fields of politics, science, and industry. He revolted against the institutions of higher education, insisting that scholars had picked the bones of Aristotle until nothing of value remained ... In 1660 Thomas Sprat published his History of the Royal Society of London with ... numerous references to the debt which the [Royal] Society owed to Lord Bacon. The Utopian dream of philosophic commonwealth seemed near fulfillment ... Bacon's Utopia was published in 1627 under the title The New Atlantis [it was] a work unfinished. The Utopian idea seems to have gained ground as the result of the explorations of [European] navigators who brought home the first accounts of the civilizations of the Western Hemisphere. It was evident that the Aztec, Maya, and Inca forms of government had strong democratic elements. They were highly socialized states, comparatively free from the tragedies which had burdened Europe for ages ... Bacon's New Atlantis describes the adventures of [European] seaman who departed from Peru ... for China by the South Sea [whose ship] becomes windbound until its crew faced starvation. By the light of God's mercy, however, they reached a beautiful island peopled by noble Christians. After some delays the physical needs of the crew were cared for and they were told that the



SIR FRANCIS BACON - THE AXIS OF EVIL place was named the Island of Bensalem. Here was instituted the order or society called "Solomon's House," which Bacon describes as the noblest foundation that was ever upon the earth. It was dedicated to the study of the works and teachings of God and sometimes entitled the College of the Six Days Work. Bacon in his original text set forth many details about the wonderful research facilities and the museum of arts and skills which had been assembled in the College of the Six Days Work. In the midst of this description Lord Bacon's fable ends. It is interesting that Plato's description of old Atlantis was also left unfinished. It is difficult to avoid the implication that the College of the Six Days Work is a veiled account of an actual secret society- an island of learned men in a sea of ignorance. As we continue to explore the text it also becomes apparent that the Royal Society of London was dedicated to the same purposes as Solomon's House on the island of Bensalem where dwelt the "sons of peace."

His The Instauration Magna was an effort to record all knowledge useful to mankind and dedicated the wisdom of the past to the service of the future. Bacon believed that the tripodium of learning rested firmly upon the threefold foundation of tradition, observation, and experimentation. These were certainly the labors to which the mysterious sages of [the island of] Bensalem were dedicated. [Bacon] believed that a combination of integrity and intelligence could restore the glory of kingdoms and bring grace of spirit to all useful labors making them fruitful for eternal good." Similarly, because of this guidance and singular inspiration to seek and create new more enlightened horizons, and because of his intimation that the New World was the "New Atlantis," Francis Bacon is considered by some to be "the real and true founder of America."

Thus, a 1910 Newfoundland stamp with his image upon it reads: "Lord Bacon: the Guiding Spirit in [the] In 1662, John Heydon [a fellow Rosicrucian] Colonization Scheme." published an extensive and curious work called The Holy Guide . He prefaces this book with an almost verbatim reprint of Bacon's New Atlantis, but does not credit the original author. Heydon inserts direct references to the Rosicrucians at appropriate points in the original text, wishing to convey the impression that the masters of Solomon's House were Rosicrucian adepts. In the same volume Heydon describes the Rosicrucians as a divine society inhabitating the suburbs of heaven and officers of the Generalissimo of the World ... it can only be assumed that Heydon's purpose was to tie Bacon's fable directly with the Fraternity of the Rosy Cross ... many [other manuscripts also] present the concept of a secret empire of the learned -its domains extending beyond all national boundaries actually existed and were in great measure responsible for a new awakening of Although the initial attempts at colonisation proved social consciousness. problematic, Bacon's followers were soon settled in the New World alongside the Pilgrims in Plymouth in While some may doubt the source of this the colony of New England. Consequently, alongside continuation of Bacon's New Atlantis there is much to the true Christians seeking a new life in a new land indicate that it is a most significant work. It certainly were those pilgrims - the Rosicrucians - ordered by amplifies and continues much of the spirit of Bacon's the Secret Societies to plant the seeds of corruption dream for the expansion of human knowledge ... that would later move America far away from [Bacon's] Solomon's House was the gathering place Christian principles. That is, the Synagogue of of great wits and Bacon wrote on one occasion that Satan's agentur were busy about their nefarious he rang the bell that brought the wits together. business in America soon after Sir Walter Raleigh's (c.1552-1618) attempt at colonising Virginia in 1584 20


THE THEROTHSCHILDS ROYAL BAVARIAN - THEILLUMINATI AXIS OF EVIL During the middle ages many Jewish families followed the money lending (usury) tradition through Europe, since the law in many countries didn’t allow any Jew to own or make use of the land, and prejudices prevented them from finding other occupations. Commerce and banking despised by the Catholic faith were interpreted as ethical by some Jews so they were activities that some Jewish families practiced in order to prosper. One of these families became notorious in 18th century Frankfurt am Main (Germany); through a small coins shop and counting house owned by an usurer named Amschel Moses Bauer. The first born of his 8 children was called Mayer Amschel Bauer; who was taught by his father all the secrets of finances, money lending and coin collection; for which he showed great aptitudes. Mayer Amschel took over the family business in 1755 after his father’s death; changing the family name to Rothschild, which corresponds to the shop’s red sign. In 1756 Mayer Amschel Rothschild starts working in a banking house in Hanover; owned by another Jewish family named Oppenheimer (best known in modern times for one of its member's -Robert “destroyer of worlds” Oppenheimer- role as director of the Manhattan Project, which developed the first nuclear bomb during WWII. Through his work with the Oppenheimer family, Mayer comes in contact with general von Estorff. Von Estorff introduces Mayer to the court of Prince William I of HesseHanau; one of the richest royal houses in Europe. Mayer incremented considerably his family fortune by working as a financier for Prince William I; where he discovered that lending to governments is far more profitable and secure than lending to ordinary people. His duties also included hiring the Hessian soldiers to foreign nations on behalf of William I, and also realised how profitable wars are by witnessing how the Hesse fortune grew above that of other royal houses in Europe.

And condemned usury. It was during those times, when a movement among Jewish intellectuals emerged in Germany. This movement pursued the eradication of the monarchy and the church [both also in the way of Rothschild's interests], and infiltrated or created secret societies to achieve those goals by any means. Mayer Amschel Rothschild successfully kept the fortune in the family through endogamy (with carefully arranged marriages between second and first cousins and other members of the family). He had 5 sons: The first born was Amschel Mayer Rothschild, in 1773. On the death of his father in 1812, he succeeded as head of the bank at Frankfurt-am-Main (Germany), and died childless in 1855. The second was Salomon Mayer Rothschild, born in 1774. He was sent to Vienna (Austria) in 1820 to formalize the family's existing involvements in financing Austrian government projects. His bank, the S M von Rothschild, financed various government undertakings where large amounts of capital had to be raised.

He made connections amongst the country's aristocracy and its political elite, and in recognition of his services he was made part of the Austrian nobility when awarded the hereditary title "Freiherr" (Baron) in 1822.

In 1824 he married his own niece, the daughter of his brother Jacob. In 1843, he became the first Jew to ever be given honorary Austrian citizenship. Under his control the Viennese bank was highly successful, but the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few members of the elite resulted in a growing civil unrest in the country, a national anti-Rothschild sentiment, and ultimate in the involvement of Austria in the revolutions of 1848; after which Solomon left the However, back in those days, wealth did not give a business in the hands of his son, Anselm Salomon, man rights or social status. Jews were not allowed to and retired to Paris; where he died in 1855. own or make use of lands, and the Church despised 21


THE THEROTHSCHILDS ROYAL BAVARIAN - THEILLUMINATI AXIS OF EVIL The third born, in 1777, was Nathan Mayer Rothschild. In 1798 he was sent to England, and began to deal on the London stock exchange in financial instruments such as foreign bills of exchange and government securities.

The fourth born was Calmann Mayer Rothschild, in 1788. The 1821 occupation of Naples by the Austrian army provided the opportunity for Calmann (Carl) to set up his business in the Kingdom. As such, Carl was sent to Naples where he established C M de Rothschild & Figli to operate as a satellite office to the Rothschild banking family in Germany. He established a good working relationship with Luigi de' Medici, the "Direttore della Segreteria di Azienda del Regno di Napoli" (Finance Minister), and his operation became the dominant banking house in Naples. In 1829, Carl was appointed consul-general of Sicily at Frankfurt and in January 1832 the Jewish banker was given a ribbon and star of the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint George at a ceremony with the new Roman Catholic Pope, From 1811 he undertook the transfer of money to Gregory XVI. pay Wellington's troops (against Napoleon). Nathan’s four brothers helped to co-ordinate the activities Jacob (James) Mayer across the continent, and the family developed a Rothschild was the network of agents, shippers and couriers to transport last born in 1792. It’s gold and information across Europe. This private worth mentioning that intelligence service enabled Nathan to receive in many Rothschilds London the news of Wellington's victory at the Battle were, and are, of Waterloo a full day ahead of the government's supporters of the official messengers (which he allegedly used to State of Israel, deceive other investors in the London Stock although others Exchange, making him a fortune; though Rothschild oppose it. Either way, James' grandson, Edmond researchers, and others, deny these allegations). In Benjamin James de Rothschild, was a strong 1818 he arranged a £5 million loan to the Prussian supporter of Zionism, and his generous donations government and the issuing of bonds for government lent significant support to the movement during its loans formed a mainstay of his bank’s business. early years which helped lead to the establishment of the State of Israel. He gained a position of such power in the City of London that by 1825/6 that he was able to supply He was also a patron of the first settlement in coins to the Bank of England. He was also known for Palestine at Rishon-LeZion, and bought from his role in the abolition of the slave trade; however, Ottoman landlords many parts of the land which now records from the National Archives examined in 2009 makes up present-day Israel. In 1917 Walter show that Nathan financially benefited from slavery. Rothschild was the addressee of the Balfour In 1869, his grandson became a director of the Bank Declaration, which committed the British government of England, a post he held for 20 years. The to the establishment in Palestine of a national home Rothschild bank also funded Cecil Rhodes in the for the Jewish people. James A. de Rothschild development of the British South Africa Company financed the Knesset building as a gift to the State of and the Rothschild family administered Rhodes's Israel. The Supreme Court of Israel building was estate after his death in 1902, and helped to set up donated to Israel by Dorothy de Rothschild; Outside the Rhodes Scholarship scheme (which many the President's Chamber is displayed the letter Mrs presidents, UN key figures, politicians and government officials worldwide would receive).



THE THEROTHSCHILDS ROYAL BAVARIAN - THEILLUMINATI AXIS OF EVIL Rothschild wrote to Prime Minister Shimon Peres In the 1980s, Rothschild took a leading role in the expressing her intention to donate a new building for international phenomenon of privatisation, where the the Supreme Court. company was involved from the beginning and developed a pioneering role which spread out to over After amassing huge fortunes, the name Rothschild 30 countries worldwide. In recent years, Rothschild became synonymous with extravagance and great advised on nearly 1,000 completed mergers and wealth. By the end of the century, the family owned, acquisitions, having a cumulative value in excess of or had built, at the lowest estimates, over 41 palaces, $1 trillion. of a scale and luxury perhaps unparalleled even by the richest Royal families. The British Prime Minister Next to this, Rothschild also advised on some of the Lloyd George claimed, in 1909, that Lord Nathan largest and most high-profile corporate restructurings Rothschild was the most powerful man in Britain. [10] around the world. Today, the price of gold is still The business magazine referred to Mayer Amschel fixed, twice a day at 10.30 am and 3.00 pm at the Rothschild as the "founding father of international premises of N M Rothschild by the world's main finance", and Forbes magazines as the “20th most Bullion Houses - Deutsche Bank, HSBC, influential businessmen of all times". ScotiaMocatta and Societe Generale. Informally, the gold fixing provides a recognized rate that is used as From the mid 19th century, many people had their a benchmark for pricing the majority of gold products eyes on the Rothschilds and their activities. and derivatives throughout the world's markets. Suspicion and an anti-Rothschild sentiment spread Every day at 1030 and 1500 local time, five throughout Europe. It was time to keep a low public representatives of the banks meet in a small room at profile and to put in place a network of frontmen to Rothschild's London headquarters on St Swithin's take care of their businesses. By the later 19th Lane. In the centre is the chairperson, who is century, almost all Rothschilds had started to marry traditionally appointed by the Rothschild bank, outside the family, usually into the aristocracy or although the bank itself has largely withdrawn from other financial dynasties, like the: Warburg, trading. Oppenheim, House of Bonaparte, Wellington, Guinness, House of Borghese, Ephrussi, Walpole, A recent article in the London Financial Times Wodehouse, and many others. indicates why it is impossible to gain an accurate estimate of the wealth of the trillionaire bankers. The First World War marked a change of fortune and Discussing the sale of Evelyn Rothschild's stake in emphasis for Rothschild. After the War, the Rothschild Continuation Holdings, it states: ...[this] Rothschild banks began a steady transition towards requires agreement on the valuation of privately held advisory work and finance raising for commercial assets whose value has never been tested in a concerns, including the London Underground. In public market. Most of these assets are held in a 1938, the Austrian Rothschilds’ interests were seized complex network of tax-efficient structures around by the Nazis, bringing to an end more than a century the World. at the heart of Central European banking. In France and Austria, the family was scattered for the duration of the Second World War. After the war, the British and French banks committed themselves to further developing their new operation in the United States, which was eventually to become Rothschild Inc, and increased focus on mergers and acquisitions and asset management. The twentieth century saw the Rothschild empire develop into a preeminent global organisation, which enhanced its ability to secure key advisory roles in some of the most important, complex and recognizable mergers and acquisitions.


Henry Makow (born November 12, 1949) is a Canadian author, conspiracy theorist and the inventor of the boardgame Scruples, a game of moral dilemmas. His recent book Illuminati 2 released in 2010 is as good as it gets regarding the modern day actions and strategies of the Illminati. Bizarre and incredible as it sounds, humanity has been colonized by a satanic cult called the Illuminati. This cult represents Masonic and Jewish bankers who finagled a monopoly over government credit which allows them to charge interest on funds they create out of nothing. Naturally they want to protect this prize by translating it into a political and cultural monopoly. This takes the form of a totalitarian world government dedicated to Lucifer, who represents their defiance of God. Thus, the people who hold our purse strings are conspiring against us. To distract and control us, they have used a vast occult network (Freemasonry) to infiltrate most organizations, especially government, intelligence agencies, education and the mass media. We are being reengineered to serve the Illuminati. They undermine institutions like marriage and religion, and promote depravity, dysfunction, corruption and division. They have orchestrated two world wars and are planning a third. Henry Makow describes this conspiracy and shows how human history is unfolding according to Illuminati plan. THE TWILIGHT OF CIVILIZATION A depraved satanic cult called the Illuminati is waging a covert war against humanity. This is the key to understanding mankind's tragic history and current predicament. For more than a thousand years, Cabalist money lenders have conspired to usurp power from church and aristocracy according to a plan detailed in "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion." The plan does not represent Jews but only a small cabal of bankers who organized in Masonic secret societies. They intermarried with prominent Gentiles and formed a vast occult and criminal underground. They are stealthily constructing a totalitarian world government behind the facade of democracy. Taking God's place, secularism is a transition step to their Satanism. They involve nations in needless wars and enthrall the masses with porn, violence, trivia and toys. They attack our sources of identity and love -- God (religion); family (gender); country and race -- in order to stymie and dehumanize us. Sounds incredible, but after reading some of these 90 short essays, you'll nod in agreement. Their empire is partly based on controlling your mind. If you know the truth, they can't. "...We aspire to corrupt in order to govern... We have taken from the people all the gods of heaven and earth...their religious faith, their faith in monarchy, their honesty and their family virtues..." (Giuseppe Mazzini, 1805-1872, Founder of Italian Freemasonry and the Mafia) "The objectives of Communism are being steadily advanced ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists." (J. Edgar Hoover, Elks Magazine, August, 1956) "Man can become enslaved and betrayed by his own thoughts. He has indeed become a mental robot, completely unaware that he is such, and absolutely oblivious to the invisible power that controls him." (Helen Peters, "The Union Jack: Masonry and British Israelism" 1970) "Sarah, if the American people knew the truth about what we Bushes have done to the nation, we would be chased down the street and lynched." (George H.W. Bush to reporter Sarah McClendon, Dec. 24 1992)

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