A Weekly Global Watch Media Publica on (www.globalreport2010.com)
February 22nd, 2013
The Global Watch Weekly Report is a publica on of Rema Marke ng (www.remamarke ng.com) and is published every Friday. For any queries regarding this service please contact us at admin@remamarke ng.com. ŠRema Marke ng 2013. All Rights Reserved.
“The Number one weekly report which provides concrete evidence of a New World Order & One World Government agenda�
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Welcome to the Global Watch Weekly Report In the last edition we spent some time addressing the raging belief that the next pope will be the False Prophet prophesied to come in Revelation 13. We provided our view that nowhere in the Bible does it support that the False Prophet will lead the Roman Catholic Church. In fact the Antichrist political kingdom will destroy Mystery Babylon the Harlot and since the Antichrist and the False Prophet work as a unit it is clear that Mystery Babylon is a distinct entity with its own agenda. However we did ask for feedback because we know not all members may be in agreement so we wanted an opportunity to share the various views on this subject matter. So sit back and read the colourful and varied insights provided by our members who we thank for taking the time to express their views. Please note we may or may not be in agreement with all comments posted but we do like to ensure that we provide a broad variety of the comments posted. If you did send a comment and do not see it listed please understand we were limited in what we could provide in this weeks report but we have read all comments and thank you all for your comments, feedback and suggestions. Enjoy or be alarmed dependant on your position!
www.globalreport2010.com The Global Watch Weekly Report is a publica on of Rema Marke ng (www.remamarke ng.com) and is published every Friday. For any queries regarding this service please contact us at admin@remamarke ng.com. ŠRema Marke ng 2013. All Rights Reserved.
Email 1: Hello, I for one do not believe that the false prophet can come into play until after the rapture. There are so many verses in scripture that back this that it is surprising that this is even a discussion. I suppose people are turning with itching ears to every wind of doctrine (of demons) that they have erred from the Truth and are not studying to show themselves approved. Keep up the good work and God speed. (speed is what you are going to need to get these truths out before you loose your plat form)
You requested input on the point of view of your last article. My feeling is that there needs to be continuity in the meaning of beasts through out the whole Bible. In ancient Biblical times beasts were kingdoms. A modern kingdom could be viewed as the corporation with the CEO having ruthless dictatiorial powers. I would hold the whore of Babylon to be Israel based on the Book of Hosea. The mortal wound that healed could be the 70 A.D. destruction of the temple or some other catastrophe. People contend that Jerusalem fits the seven hills scenario. Israel with its masonic roots control the global business environment. That my take from the other side of the pond. Best regards, Martin
Blessings Email 4 Email 2 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. Revelation 11:15
Dear Rema, Interesting article on Peter Romanus. But consider this: Peter the false Prophet first of all forms a strong alliance with the beast, and does all the things stated in Rev 13. Then as a powerhungry beast himself, he tries to take over absulute power from the beast, leading to his demise (Rev.17:16-17).
HalleluJAH!!!!!!! Pastor Ray and Melissa Robinson Email 3 I must first say that I appreciate the work that you are doing. It provides information that I could not possibly gather all on my own.
I disagree that the harlot which is Rome is different from her leader, the Pope. It is common knowledge that kingdoms and their kings or founders are often identical, having in many cases identical names. Example: Rome-Romulus, Israel-Israel etc. Blessings. Adimchi Onyenadum, MD.
Email 5 Kerry----the article this week makes a lot of sense. I don't feel that the new pope will be the False Prophet. It would seem that a lot of world events need to take place before the False Prophet arrives on the scene. I was under the impression that the False Prophet would appear just before the tribulation begins. Note---I am not Catholic and I am not a biblical scholar by any means. just a gut feeling I have that you are correct in your observations and scripture interpretation. Carol Email 6 Petrus Bertone Romanus is already in authority behind the scenes at the Vatican. If Revelation 17 happens while in conclave, Bertone becomes the defacto pope and can just move his throne to Jerusalem. No Name Email 7 Everyone seems to be looking in the wrong direction. What I mean is ahead to the 70th week of Daniel and the tribulation, ending with the great tribulation being 3.5 years, this is all wrong. The most important thing is the "time, times and half a time", 42 months and 1260 days, 1st these all need to be considered as thee same time, 2nd they all
represent the day for a year scenario. We will begin with Daniel 7: Papal Rome began. Astolphus, King of Italy, surrendered the Exarchate (or Reavenna) to Pepin in 755 AD He gave it to Stephen III who thus obtained civil power. It is 755 AD when papal Rome became a kingdom with territory and the saints were handed over to the papacy for 1260 years, which gives us 755 + 1260 = 2015 A.D. when according to Daniel 7:27 the everlasting kingdom of God begins. If we look at the phrase from Dan 7 in the amplified "think to change the time [of sacred feasts and holy days] and the law", the papacy is this little horn as the papacy is responsible for the gregorian calendar instead of following the aviv barley calendar along with that you get easter (ashtoreth/ Samramis) instead of passover on the 14th of the aviv like Polycarp kept, then we have christmas, all saints day, etc. instead of YHVH's feast days, and the "law" or Torah has been changed by the papacy as to the reading of the 10 commandments and the 4th commandment has been changed by the pontifus maximus to the venerable day of the sun. This "vicar of christ" sits in YHVH's churches instead of christ usurping YHVH's authority and by John's definitions is thee antichrist, not the false prophet. Everyone is looking forward to the mark of the beast but the papacy has already taken care of this, it is history (as ducumented on the web site "christmas is a lie"). As for the 2 witnesses called the 2 olive trees- isn't Israel an olive tree and doesn't Paul call the church/gentiles a wild olive tree, haven't they been prophecying about a coming messiah, isn't the word of YHVH that 5 comes out of there mouth fire.
What lies ahead is the day/year of the LORD from the feast of trumpets 2014 when the moon turns blood red and the sun turns black as sackcloth of hair (6th seal) to the feast of trumpets 2015 (7th trumpet) followed by the 7 bowls and the fullfilment of Dan 9:24 on the day of atonement followed by the 120th jubilee from Adam, the 70th jubilee from Joshua crossing the Jordan, the 49th jubilee from Ezra and the 3rd from the Balfor declaration in 1917. No Name Email 8 I have just read your latest global report on the next pope and the identoty of the false prophet. The pastor of our church, Jacksdale Christian Centre, Jacksdale, Nottinghamshire, England has been preaching on Revelation on a Sunday morning. Recently she preached on Revelation 17 and 18 and drew the distiction between the mystical religion Babylon in Revelation 17 which comes to power with the Beast and is then overthrown by him and the wordly one world order Babylon in Revelation 18 which lasts until Jesus' return. What she had teach us on this cleerly shows that the views expressed in your article that the black pope could not be the false prophet have to be correct. No Name
Email 9 Your report on the next pope. WOW what an eye opener. Are we being deceived by bible scholars. Thanks for the enlightenment. I can certainly say I agree with the report and your reference to the the biblical verses which prove that Peter the Roman will be a defender. I had thought so myself when I read both St. Malachy’s prophecy and the bible verses. It does seem he will be a defender of Rome and Rome will be destroyed so that world dominion can take place. I had always thought the Roman Catholic Church would rule as it has for so many years, but this made me think differently. The trinity will get rid of the Church, because they are not to enjoy full power with them. Catholic Church to powerful and Satan will not share reign. This makes sense. Thanks Rema Marketing, you give great insights into so many things and you don’t push them on anyone. We have a right to draw our own conclusions. I can honestly say that you are on the right road to the truth. Thanks Theresa Email 10 Some people assume the city is Rome and the church is the Catholic Church. I don`t think either of these assumptions is correct. I think the city is Istanbul, which was also built on seven hills. It was once the Christian capital of the world, then the Islam capital, next it will be the capital of secular humanism ( New Age Religion ). It has had three names: Byzantium, Constantinople and Istanbul ( sometimes referred to as East 6 Rome ).
It lies on the border between the east and the west. It has a mixture of eastern and western culture and architecture. It is probably the only city that would be accepted by the east and the west. In the second and third chapters of The Revelation, Jesus dictated seven letters to seven churches. All of these churches were located in Turkey. The first gentile churches were started in Turkey ( ref. Acts 11- 15 ). The gentile church was started and will end in Turkey, where Noah`s Ark is believed to be. The new world church will be started shortly before the Antichrist begins to rule. The World Council Of Churches, already controlled by secular humanists, will be one of the first to endorse it. Many churches from both the east and the west will quickly follow. It will become a world church almost overnight. The new “ religion “ is called by many names – Secular Humanism, the New Age, The Age of Aquarius, the New Thought Religion, the Third Wave, the Third Force the New Spiritually, the New Wave, Humanism, Globalism, etc. All of them are Satanic.
The Antichrist will destroy the new world church before he demands that everyone worship his statue. Raymond E. Merrick Email 11 You may be right in your assumption. The only thing we know, is that according to the St. Malachy prediction is that this it is to be the last Pope. Which is great news, as we look forward to being caught up and Christ’s return. We will not know who the Antichrist will be, even though some believe they may have a good idea of whom or where he may come from. The same may be said about the identity of the false prophet. The fact that this is the last Pope, coincides with everything else that is going on in the world, as it leads up to that final moment when we who have accepted Christ will be caught up and miss those 7 years of great tribulation. So as they say, lift up your head, for your redemption draws near. Now that is great news! Thanks Jim Email 12
Millions of people are part of this movement and don`t realize it. It is being taught in some churches, businesses, schools, the armed forces, seminars, TV, movies, music, etc. Many people teaching it don`t realize it is part of the Hindu Religion. That is why the new world church will be accepted by the east and the west. It will be based on Eastern mysticism. It will combine humanistic and secular ideas with reincarnation, Karma, astrology, yoga and Transcendental Meditation.
Attn Team, Having read your latest report, it would appear you have overlooked several points from Revelation, The seven heads and ten horns as you correctly summise refers to the city of Rome, however the ten horns refer to the current EU, the founding document of which is called the treaty of Rome. the Headquarters are located across the road from the vatican and are shaped like an inverted cross.
I therefore wonder why you stated that the ten leaders have not yet been appointed. The Anti Christ clearly will be of Jewish Decsent, as the Jewish people will never accept anyone of another Religion or Faith to be their messiah, refer to Jesus message where he says, I come in my Father's name and receive me not, one will come in his own name and him you will receive. Please recheck your facts and then reply. Thanks Rev Lawrence Lamont P.S, It is quite possible that the False Prophet will be the next pope, or otherwise there will be a new head appointed to rule the World Council of Churches. As the false prophet clearly refers to a religious leader. it would be impossible for a secular leader to coerce worshippers to worship and idol. Email 13
As you know the Bible is full of prophecies mainly about Christ, but the first message Jesus preached (“Now Jesus Himself began His ministry at about thirty years of age…” Luke 3:23 NKJ) can be found in Luke 4: 18-19 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed; and to proclaim the ‘Acceptable year of the Lord’.” Now I believe the ‘Acceptable year of the Lord’ which Jesus’ is making reference to here and which is also mentioned in Isaiah 61: 1-2, is the year He will return for His Bride (Rapture), which I also believe will occur just prior to verse 2 ‘the day of vengeance of our God’ in which He will then judge this planet over a 7 year Tribulation and Great Tribulation period!
Hey Rema Marketing, Yes I’d like to share my views on this controversial subject about the False Prophet but also about the Antichrist and End Times as well! First up I have read a quick overview about St Malachy’s prophecy, and the final pope known as Peter the Roman, and to be honest with you I wouldn’t take too much from this prophecy, as the only true accurate and inspired prophetic revelations should come from the Bible only, because God has truly revealed EVERYTHING through His Word to help us understand and know ALL about the End Times, the Antichrist and False Prophet!
Now yes nobody knows the day or hour of our Lord’s Return except the Father only, but O my God we should All Know the Year, because the Facts are, Jesus is going to Return for His Bride Any Day Now and before June 21, this year 2013 (Revelation 13 & 1913 the beginning of Federal Reserve Bank) Prince William (the Antichrist) 31st birthday. As Christ began His Ministry at the age of 30 years so also will Prince William do the same? Now let’s get one thing clear, Prince William is the Antichrist, and his whole life is almost an exact blueprint of Christ’s own life from His mother’s virgin birth, to when he was 12 years old (movie lion king) to today at the age of 30 years; he like Christ will
begin his ministry before he’s 31; and then at the age of 33 years in 2015-16 will exalt himself as king and god of this planet in Jerusalem, at the same age and in the same city where Jesus was crucified! Yes I believe this year June 21 2012 – June 21 2013 is the Acceptable year of the Lord, and also believe Jesus will return for His Bride in May or June this year, just prior to Prince William’s 31st birthday! Also its so true that as God is a Trinity, the union of three divine figures in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, there’s also a satanic trinity as well in Satan (Father), Antichrist (Son) and False Prophet (Holy Spirit) and they manifest themselves through the Crown (Crown of Satan) the inner City of London (New World Order), Vatican City (Harlot & Mystery Babylon, Rome) and District of Columbia (Washington DC). This satanic trinity can also be found in Rev 16:13 “And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet”. And then in Rev 19:20 & 20:10 “Then the beast was captured and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshipped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone”…
“The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever”. They’re also clearly identified as individuals because of their personal pronouns. The Crown (Crown of Satan) Illuminati and New World Order is a Private Company that is not affiliated to any city or country and resides in the ‘Empire of the Three City States’ called the inner ‘City of London’ in London England, ‘Vatican City’ in Rome Italy and ‘District of Columbia’ in Washington DC United States of America. This private company has one objective only and that is Total World Wide Domination in the form of a One World Government, with a One World Leader (Rev 13:1-5, Antichrist & Prince William who comes out of the old Roman Empire and NOT Middle East or North Africa) a One World Religion (Rev 13: 1115 False Prophet whom I believe is the next Pope to replace Pope Benedict) and a One World Currency (Rev 13: 16-18) The truth is the richest person on this planet is the Queen (and very soon the Antichrist & Prince William) who is worth around $500 Trillion Dollars. The second richest person is Evelyn de Rothschild who is worth around $480 Trillion Dollars, and the third richest person is the Pope (False Prophet) who is worth around $450 Trillion Dollars. Yes a Trillion or 1000 Billion Dollars.
Now yes again it is important to understand that the Antichrist (World Political Leader) and False Prophet (Supernatural and Spiritual Leader) are working together in Rev 13 and are then cast into hell together, but I do not see any contradiction here with Rev 17 and with this religious power structure known as “Mystery Babylon”. The connection as I see it is that the False Prophet is the head and Leader of Mystery Babylon and then comes into agreement with the Antichrist to destroy this his harlot! “And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4 The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. 5 And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” Revelation 17:3 -5 This woman sitting on a scarlet beast and arrayed in purple and scarlet with a cup full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication is clearly the Vatican and Catholic Church which is situated in Rome and which will soon be the One World Religion. And yes as the Antichrist will turn against this harlot and destroy her (verse 17) the False Prophet as the head would not be included here because as mentioned he is part of the satanic trinity.
I have never been comfortable with Pope Benedict being the last Pope and False Prophet (because of his frailty and old age) and his resignation here further confirms my scepticism. No I believe the False Prophet needs to be a compelling and captivating individual who will demonstrate awesome supernatural power that will almost hypnotize the masses to worship the Antichrist. Pope Benedict was never going to be this charismatic almost supernatural individual the False Prophet will be, and his resignation is perfect timing for this Last Pope to be revealed, which I believe will be at Easter another appropriate perfect time? Is he Peter the Roman? Well I’m not sure, but I’m absolutely positive he is the False Prophet. I mean who else on this planet could otherwise be the False Prophet??? But the real question that needs to be asked here is not the controversy about the False Prophet, but more importantly about Jesus Return and the Rapture? That is HOW MANY CHRISTIANS ARE ACTUALLY READY, AWAKE, AND AWARE THAT JESUS IS RETURNING IN LESS THAN FOUR MONTHS TIME ONLY??? “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and THEN THE END WILL COME”. Matt 24:14 In His Love Eden Wynyard