Sept 18th, 2008: Hurricane

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September 17, 2008 - Issue #124 Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt - Editor Chuck-JOHNEL & Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt

558-B Knapp Road Colville, WA. 99114 Tele # 1-509-684-4135 "(JESUS said:) LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP, AND LET DOWN YOUR NETS FOR A DRAUGHT...and when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitudes of fishes: and their net brake. And they beckoned unto their partners... and they Caine, and filled both ships..."

( Luke 5: 5,6,7).

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artwork by: Roger Augustin Hurricane IKE capped the number of storms to slam into the U.S. so far this 2008, but there is more to this story than a mere storm. We are looking at demonic plans, demon power at work and blockage of that demon power. There is more of a drama here than meets the eye. This account continues on Page 3.


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The Staff and Sword Ministry

September 17, 2008

EXPLAINING THE DELAY OF THIS NEWSLETTER Comments by Chuck-JOHNEL: This August, 2008 Nancy-TONI and I were led to pray and fast for 12 days seeking Holy Spirit Insight into a number of issues. In this time JESUS told me to work with a priority to complete the information for the Ministry Website. That took two weeks of intense work and focus, thus the delay in writing this Newsletter. After that, the Lord led me to spend the next three days completing a report for the Covenant Agreement. On top of this we have had a rather abundant harvest here - first with bing cherries, raspberries, then blueberries followed by blackberries and next with peaches, corn, onions, cucumbers , asparagus and tomatoes. Nancy-TCNI has canned well over 21 quarts of peaches, we have been dehydrating many others for storage. Right behind the peaches is an equally abundant crop of pears, apples and concord grapes as well as cabbage, potatoes and hopefully (one lone) watermelon. I've worked outside to cut the 20 acres with a DR Field Mower (hauled by the ATV) and have had a bevy of other projects, for some that I've had help (my 16 year old nephew Grant has helped a lot) . Nancy-TONI has devoted much of her time to the outside work (harvesting, canning, etc.) To free me up to complete the paper work tasks (Website, Reports, etc.,) THE PROPHETIC UPDATE: This was sent to those on our mailing list in California, Oregon, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan and Kansas. The first report, dated August 18, 2008 (10 pages) addressed a variety of revelations (you can obtain a copy by requesting one on the enclosed RESPONSE FORM). The most recent PROPHETIC UPDATE, dated September 10, 2008 (12 pages) is enclosed and made a part of this Newsletter. However, if you live in California, Oregon, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan and Kansas you will NOT find a copy enclosed here - since we mailed a copy to you on September 11, 2008. Doing it this way will save us an added $150 of expense (cost of paper, envelopes and postage).

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

September 17, 2008

LOVING APPEAL FOR MRS. LAURA PREWITT Between funds sent directly to Laura and with funds we received here, approximately S4,400 was received by Laura to help cover funeral expenses on the passing of her husband, Gene Prewitt, this July 4, 2008. Laura asked us to relay this letter of thanks:

"I am so grateful to all of you who not only gave generously in the Loving Appeal, but also to all of you who prayed for ine and my fawnily. Jam sure things went very smoothly with only a few hitches, due to your p r ayers. I know God was very merciful in taking Gene so quickly, and I praise the Lord for that and for sparing those of us left behind the grief if there had been a worse case scenario with Gene's health problems. May the Lord bless all of you for your support. Laura Prewitt. " k



dated September 14 2008 In that report I mention Hurricane IVAN as hitting the U.S. in September of 2006. It was pointed out to me that Hurricane IVAN hit Florida in September 2004.

HURRICANE written by: Chuck-JOHNEL (continued from Page 1) After returning from the trip to Chicago and completing the July 5, 2008 Newsletter I turned my focus and energies to outside work that must be done. Some of that had to do with planting new trees (two English Walnut trees among others), repairing fencing knocked down by deer (they jump over and their heels catch the top of the fence and end up pulling it off) and then cutting the 20 acres with the field mower. These and other tasks presented themselves and kept us hopping to say the least.

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H UIRIRICANE (Continued) In the meantime Tropical Storm FAY swept over Florida - that nasty storm crisscrossed Florida three times and managed to soak just about every inch of the State. This was followed by Tropical Storm EDOUARD that caused light damage and flooding as it moved ashore from the Gulf of Mexico near the Texas-Louisiana border in the first week of August. Although busy with outside work we kept our eyes on these developments. In the July 5, 2008 Newsletter I wrote this: (Quote Page 18A dated July 21, 2008 of the Addendum) "JESUS in His Word of April 21, 1977 stated, "...PANIC AND FEAR WILL GRIP THE NATION. FOOD RIOTS WILL BREAK OUT IN AUGUST IN MANY MAJOR

CITIES. FOOD COSTS TO SOAR, AVAILABILITY DECLINES, QUALITY POOR, HOARDING MAGNIFIES THE PROBLEM. GOVERNMENT TRIES, BUT FAILS TO INSTILL CONFIDENCE. THOSE WHO REBEL AGAINST GOD WILL ALSO REBEL AGAINST GOVERNMENT AND HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS WILL WANT FOR FOOD AND STARVATION BEGINS." In 1977 this Word was a far distant future view of something many thought would never happen to a prosperous and abundant America. Today, it is staring us in the face; it is at hand. The cause of this disaster was detailed by JESUS in 1977 as being: "REBELLION AGAINST GOD" - which is exactly what the Church is guilty of as it rejected JESUS' Word for the past 31 years non-stop. The "Coup De Grace" that is coming could be just about anything at this point in ti me. America is wide open for almost anything to happen: major earthquake, war in the Persian Gulf/Middle East, a Hurricane leveling a U.S. City, a major terrorist

attack (like a nuclear bomb being exploded in the U.S.) - you name it We are in a very fragile and vulnerable position as a nation and people." (Unquote Page 18A of the Addendum to the July, 2008 Newsletter)


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The Staff and Sword M inistry

September 17, 2008

HURRRICANE (continued THE ONE MODERATING FACTOR: JESUS' WORD(Coned.) By February of 2007 1 came to understand that on September 23, 2005 JESUS was speaking of THREE 2 year periods of time and that in applying His Word it worked out like this:

RELOCATE TWO YEARS: 2005 to 2007 May/September 2007 to 2009 May/September TROUBLED TWO YEARS


2009 to 2011 May /September

I also concluded that in this time judgments could come, even to the destruction of a city (as seen when Hurricane KATRINA slammed into New Orleans); but again MERCY would be apparent and while loss of property might run high, loss of life would be minimal. When we enter the NO HELP OR DEFENSE two year period of time, an expression is appropriate: "All hell will break loose!" That is both figurative and literal

AUGUST 8, 2008 RUSSIA INVADES GEORGIA Russia invaded the little nation of Georgia (a former Soviet Republic in the now extinct Soviet Union) and systematically destroyed its air force, navy and army overrunning most of the nation with no concern for how it looked. Tensions between the U.S. and Russia became intense, Putin threatened nuclear war - in fact, the confrontation and tensions between the U.S. and Russia exceeded that of any time between the former Soviet Union and the U.S. in the cold war. I will write more about this later in this Newsletter At this time, aware that tensions between the U.S. and Russia were very high I remembered the 1983 vision where prior to the accidental nuclear attack tensions between the U.S. and Russia were very high. This tension was a factor in the accidental launching by Russia of 12 nuclear tipped ICBM's at the U.S. as revealed by GOD THE FATHER on September 9, 1983.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

September 17, 2008



We talked to Richard-DANIEL, Lyn-ELIZABETH and Mark-JAMES about this, as we were all very keenly aware that the circumstances were forming that could lead to the accidental nuclear attack this year. Two key events would precede such a nuclear disaster - a major earthquake in the Midwest (St. Louis and Chicago) and a Major Hurricane slamming into the Gulf Coast from New Orleans to Florida in the month of September.

JESUS' Angel to Chuck-JOHNEL Friday August 8, 2008 We were planning a 30 day fast from sugar and meat to bring several issues before the Lord, seeking insight, revelation and understanding. JESUS Angel would tell me to make it a 12 day time of prayer and fasting. We plan to begin Monday, August 11 f h and to pray and fast through Friday, August 22, 2008.

NOTES/KNOWINGS at the end of the 12 Days of Prayer with Fasting (no sugar, no meat) Saturda y , August 23, 2008 (Pray/Fast: Monday, August 11, 2008 to Friday, August 22, 2008) Our Agreement

in prayer/fasting this 12-day period

Seeking in JESUS' Name:_ (1) A finite understanding of how "Shortly comes to pass" pertains to the earthquake revelation of 1973 ("17") and to current developments of 1993 and 2008 in the Midwest flooding and what this means in our time. Specifically: Does "Shortly come to pass" speak of months, a year or years?

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HURRICANE continued) NOTES/KNOWINGS at the end of the 12 Days of Prayer with (fra/Fast: August 11 2008 to August 22, Fasting August 23, 2008 y 2008) - [continued] Discernment/Insight: The HOLY SPIRIT gave me a clear understanding about "Shortly To Come To Pass "just afew days into the prayer/fast - to remember the WALL of 1982 (smashed by GOD 'S HAND in The Spirit) and tearing down the WALL in 1989 (`In The Spirit). Hitherto I remembered that it was a scant our months i om the completion of tearing down the wall a second time in July of 1989 to when the Berlin wall fell (November, 1989) . Ther efore, I believed it could be a scant period of four

months or so to the earthquakes in the Midwest from June 2008.

But now the HOLYSPIRIT reminds me that it was JESUS' Commission to break into HOBAH and to destroy the demons and to "set the captives free " 'In The Spirit' in 1989 - which was done over the next few days. But thefreeing ofthe captives was not completed until the complete collapse of the Soviet Union, ('which began to fall apart in 1989 but fell totally in 1991, TWO YEARS LA TER. Now I recognize that from the time the Berlin Wall f ell (November, 1989) it was TWO MORE YEARS before it was fulfilled. "Shortly to come to pass " in this instance was a period of two years. It began in about four months but was not fulled for two


Seeking in JESUS' Name: Seeking in JESUS' Name to "KNOW" by the SPIRIT OF GOD what lies ahead this 2008 and what the Lord JESUS/Father GOD would have us do about it or not do about it. (2) Specifically, will the major earthquake(s) strike the Midwest (St. Louis/Chicago) areas this September 19, 2008 ? - yes or no.

Discern ment/Insight: By August 14''' we both `knew' that the major earthquake

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September 17, 2008


NOTES/KNGWINGS at the end of the 12 Days of Prayer with Fasting, August 23, 2008 (Pra y/Fast: August 11.3_2008 to August 22, 2008) IcontinuedJ would not strike the Midwest this year. Nancy- TONI saw it in darkness.

(3) Specifically: Will the major earthquake strike San Francisco this October 23, 2008? - yes or no. Discernment/Insight: We perceive it will happen this 2008.

September 6, 2008 Saturday night (Nancy-TONI's notes) My discernment during our recent prayer and fasting time was that the big Midwest quake would not happen this year. I received more of an insight to watch San Francisco as I saw pitch darkness when praying about the Midwest and saw a light upon the San Francisco area. Later I questioned this discernment since I know that `darkness' is often a discernment for demonic presence and am aware that while the Monster Midwest quake isn't for this year, that doesn't mean that there won't be something bad and destructive. This night, September 6 th , around midnight, I am praying about the light I saw in regards to San Francisco and the darkness in regards to the Midwest. I also wonder about Los Angeles, since someone had asked about L.A. recently. In response, I see Los Angeles but it is in the shadows. It is not as dark as the Midwest but rather like it is in a shadow and just not a concern right now. The leading is to look to San Francisco as it seems to have a spotlight on it. I see demons there that look like they are pushing or moving a big lever to the east and north, from San Francisco toward the Mammoth volcano area. In praying about the Midwest, I just still see a blanket of darkness over the whole area. Whatever is going on is being hidden in a cloak of thick darkness. My original impression during the time of prayer and fasting is that we have another year before major Midwest trouble. In praying about the possibility of the accidental nuclear exchange this year, I seemed to get that we would have one more year. (End Nancy-TONI's notes)

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

September 17, 2008

HURRICANE (continued) NOTES/KNOWINGS at the end of the 12 Days of Prayer with Fasting. August 23, 2008 Pra /Fast: August 11 2008 to August 22, 2008) continued/ (4) Who would you, FATHER GOD, have us vote for: Bob Barr, Ron Paul, John McCain or Barack Obama or none of the above?

Discern,,,entlInsi ht: At one point Nancy- TONI had Bob Barr in view and I had John McCain in view. After we watched the Saddleback Church questions to Obama and McCain we were both decided for McCain. Jini-REPHEAL discerned it was important that we know as we lead a portion of the Elect. Likewise Richard-DANIEL, Cathy-MAR THA and LynELIZABETH. What we do, the y will do. (5) For healing of Jeremy* of cancer; for healing of Ruth Streit or is it her time to go home? For healing of Janet Tortomasi or is it her time to go home? For healing and full recovery for Dan Bohler**. *Note: Jeremy is Mark-JAMES Grimes' 22 year old son who has just had cancer surgery. It is a very aggressive cancer and he will be undergoing chemotherapy. Your prayers for his healing are sought. **Note: Prophet/Reverend Dr. Daniel Bohler underwent heart/bypass surgery August, 2008 and is under Doctors orders to NOT work for the next six months while he recovers. Your prayers are sought.

Qi .cr Agreement in prayer acting this 12-day period {con tin iied) (6) For further insight and revelation about this demon prince named Megathorellia and how it connects to/with Greg Knox and what You would have us do about it at this time. (Word of March 22, 2000 and April 6, 2000)

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

September 17, 2008

HURRICANE (continued) NOTES/KNOWINGS at the end of the 12 Days of Prayer with Fasting ., August 23, 2008 (Pra y /Fast: August 11, 2008 to August 22, 2008) - [continued] Discernment/In s ht: ABIDING TIME August 22, 2008: the church s ystem of inan: During abiding time I see the spiritual state of the church system of man - it is a blending of dimness and darkness. I see a hole_frlled with fire which is the lake of fire within the perimeter of the church system itself. A dark and unclean feeling. Also in this time of fasting and during a reading of Matthew 18, (our pre-abiding ti me), the HOLY SPIRIT quickened me to what follows Matthew 18:15-17 (presented to Knox): "VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU, WHATSOEVER YE SHALL BIND ON EARTH SHALL BE BOUND IN HEAVEN; AND WHATSOEVER YE SHALL LOOSE ON EARTH SHALL BE LOOSED IN HEAVEN. AGAIN I SAY UNTO YOU, THAT IF TWO OF YOU SHALL AGREE ON EARTH AS TOUCHING ANY THING THAT THEY SHALL ASK, IT SHALL BE DONE FOR THEM OF MY FATHER WHICH IS IN HEAVEN. FOR WHERE TWO OR THREE ARE GATHERED TOGETHER IN MY NAME, THERE AM I IN THE MIDST OF THEM." (JESUS in Matthew l 8: 1820) (7) Concerning the Website: Lord JESUS, would You have us press ahead to set this up this month ahead of/before completion of the book "Prophetic Warning Signs"? Discernment/Insight: On the first day of this fast I was led to open up a Box number locally for the website. It was clear that we were to set it in motion NOV Note: I completed and sent the initial section of the Website materials to Lyn-ELIZABETH and Mark-JAMES on August 29, 2008 and the remaining materials by September 10, 2008. We have also obtained the domain name: " and hope to have it up and running in the next few weeks. Right now it is blank.

The Staff and Sword Ministry

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September 17, 2008


THEN FACE EAST AND SIMULTANEOUSLY STRIKE THE EARTH IN MY NAME ONCE. THEN FACE WEST AND SOUTH AND SIMULTANEOUSLY STRIKE THE EARTH TWICE IN MY NAME. DO THIS THREE DAYS CONSECUTIVELY." While `In The Spirit' (abiding) JESUS told me I'd see that when we did this that concentric waves of energy would emanate from us through the earth.

I WEBS! TEJ JESUS also told me to complete the website materials by Tuesday and have them in the mail to Lyn/Mark by Wednesday.



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Friday August 22, 2008 3:35pm Dav12 of the fast FACING EAST: Nancy-TONI and I go out with our staves and join them praying in JESUS' Name, strike the earth facing east - we both see concentric waves of energy emanate from that point.

FACING WEST/SOUTH: We strike the earth twice and I see added to the concentric waves of energy that a huge chunk of rock juts upwards on the west coast. I believe we are moving as instruments of judgment at this point. No revelation to confirm this, but this is my thought.

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HURRICANE (continued) PROPHETIC INTERVENTION - August 22' (continued) ABIDING TIME: the church s stein o rnan: During abiding time I see the spiritual state of the church system of man - it is a blending of dimness and darkness. I also see a hole filled with fire which is the lake of fire within the perimeter of the church system itself. A dark and unclean feeling.

Saturday, August 23, 2008 12:07 um Nancy-TONI and I go out and take our staves. FACING EAST: On striking the earth once with our staffs I see another concentric wave of energy only it is stronger than yesterday and added to it I see what looks like lightnings streaking through the earth.

FACING SOUTH WEST Again, as we strike the earth twice I see concentric waves of energy and again I see this piece of rock jutting upwards only this time more rock around it is fracturing as the energy strikes it, more ground is breaking up and the upward thrust is growing.

Sunday, August 24, 2008 2:00 pm Nancy-TONI and I go out and take our staves. FACING EAST: On striking the earth once with our staffs I see another concentric wave of energy. FACING SOUTH WEST Again, as we strike the earth twice I see concentric waves of energy.

Note: At this time we had no idea that this was a "Prophetic Intervention ". Only after certain events began to unfold did we recognize what JESUS had us do on August 22-24, 2008.

September 18, 2008

The Staff and Sword Ministry

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HURRICANE (continued) DISCERNMENTS and POTENTIAL HURRICANES In August weathermen were watching and reporting on four tropical waves out in the Atlantic that were heading our way - soon to be named: GUSTAV, HANNA, IKE and JOSEPHINE. Before Hurricane GUSTAV, now in the Gulf of Mexico, tu rn ed No rt h towards New Orleans we began to receive disce rn ments from N.D.P. Prayer Leaders and Intercessors. On September 1 ,while Hurricane GUSTAV splashed ashore over Orleans, Pastor Pat P. of Florida reported: (Quote) "Tropical storm IKE" Ifeel may be something to contend with... wondering if that storm may not go back up to the Gulf of Mexico and be your September storm..." ( Unquote) Next I received a telephone call from N.O.P. Lord's General Sue-CHAD W. of BEAUTIFUL BRANCH Prayer Group who shared that she disce rn ed that, "Ike is going to be terrible. " More, Sue-CHAD noted that "Ike" had become a Tropical Storm on September 2" d - a key date.* At that moment I was taken-up with finishing the Website materials and only made note. Then, when I took time to pray, I discerned something "terrible" about this Tropical Storm "IKE" - it gave me a sick feeling in the stomach (unusual for me). I then heard fr om Ministry Prophets RichardDANIEL and Lyn-ELIZABETH who repo rt ed the same kind of disce rn ment. *Note - "SEPTEMBER 2"' AMERICA BEGINS TO DIE." - 1983 Revelation.




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The Staff and Sword Ministry

September 18, 2008

HURRICANE (continued) DEMON ACTIVITY APLENTY In the early 1980's, on HOLY SPIRIT direction, we set-up Prayer Mine defenses around North America and connected these to Lottery numbers (three digits) next we set up a way of tracking massive demon movement within the United States which we called the "Broken Cross Zones." Added to this we were led to take most of Lucifer's demon princes (principalities) captive for periods of time (taking them out of circulation) at which time the Lord led us to brand them with two three-digit numbers. These numbers would show in the lottery when the demons were active `In This World'. Unfortunately the Prayer Mine system was shut down on JESUS' instructions in 1988 after the Church flatly rejected the HOLY SPIRIT help/warning system and since then demons havc had free sway within

North America. However, when MASSIVE numbers ofdemons move in certain areas, these defunct lottery systems still work and they tell us where the demons are moving and concentrating. When demons are concentrated anywhere that is a sure sign of deadly trouble ahead. With all the work ahead of me I only gave passing notice to the appearance of these lottery numbers which began to '`pop-up" with regularity in August, 2008. While working to wrap-up the Website materials, I began to take notice and Nancy-TONI began to point out what was developing. This is what we saw:

BROKEN CROSS NUMBERS (Washington State): #037 drawn August 3 2008 - This indicated that large numbers of demons were moving towards and concentrating in the Chicago/Midwest areas.

#527 drawn August 4, 2008 - While this is NOT a Broken Cross number, it has a specific meaning: It means Full Judgment and the use of Nuclear weapons.

#773 drawn August 5, 2008 - This is the next and last Broken Cross number leading to Chicago and the Midwest - again, it means that massive numbers of demons are moving to concentrate here.

#056 drawn August 9, 2008 - This indicates large numbers of demons on the move towards Texas and the Gulf of Mexico.

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September 18, 2008



(Washington State continued): #496 drawn August 16, 2008 - This is not a Broken Cross number but a number branded into a demon prince named "Baaltor" who is also better known as the chief prince of Meshech and Tuba! (Ezekiel 38: 2) - this creature rules RUSSIA. #985 drawn August 17, 2008 - This is the `companion number" to the #527 number drawn August 4'. It is not a Broken Cross number but it again confirms that the use of nuclear weapons is on the table and that it is appearing in the midst of all this demon activity tells us this is part of a demonic plan. #506 drawn August 20 2008 - Again, this Broken Cross number reveals increased demon movement towards Texas and the Gulf of Mexico - heavy demonic reinforcements on the way. #896 drawn August 22, 2008 - This is Baaltor's second number - it indicates its involvement in world affairs is heavy and serious. #855 drawn August 25,_ 2008 - This is a Broken Cross number and points to massive demon movement in the direction of "The Church" - demons aiming to wage war on the saints of God (the church system of man). #419 drawn August 26, 2008 - This is an old prayer mine number for Corpus Christi, Texas (Body of Christ) and indicates the movement of demons in this direction. #650 drawn August 28, 2008 - Again, a Broken Cross number indicating movement of demons moving massively toward Texas and the Gulf of Mexico. #963 drawn August 30, 2008 - An old prayer mine number noting demon presence and concentration at SAN FRANCISCO. #396 drawn Au_gust 21 2008 - The same prayer mine number (another version) of demon

activity towards SAN FRANCISCO. Very unusual. #923 drawn September 4, 2008 - This is NOT a Broken Cross number but an indication of demonic intent to trigger a 9 Magnitude earthquake in California.

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September 18, 2008

con tin DEMON ACTIVITY APLENTY BROKEN CROSS NUMBERS (Washington State continued): #099 drawn September 7, 2008 - This is an old prayer mine number for Corpus Christi, Texas indicating demons are concentrating here. Again, the enemy is targeting the Church (Body of Christ). #610 drawn September 8, 2008 - This is an old prayer mine number for Corpus Christi, Texas. Again this indicates massive concentration of demons here targeting the Body of Christ. #587 drawn September i 1 2008 - This is a demon prince number branded into the forehead of the demon prince named Belsarsus, the one who directed Hurricane HUGO at Charleston, S.C. in September of 1989 and then triggered the 7.1 earthquake in SAN FRANCISCO on October 17, 1989.

FOUR AREAS OF DEMONIC CONCENTRATION 1. Gulf of Mexico 2. Texas 3. Midwest/Chicago 4. San Francisco September 1, 2008 - Hurricane GUSTAV hi ts New Orleans The Newspaper drawing of September 2"`' shows the story of Hurricane GUSTAV. I perceived that the enemy was aiming to work through the judgment pattern they set-down in September of 1985: first with a major Hurricane hitting the Louisiana/Mississippi Gulf Coast on September 2"`' to be followed with a major earthquake in the Midwest (St. Louis/Chicago) on September 19, 2008. However, a shift in the weather brought GUSTAV up north faster than they intended and 58 it missed the target date of September 2"` (GUSTAV hit New Orleans September 1 ) missing this window would mean they'd miss hitting Chicago/St Louis with a major earthquake September 19th.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

September I8, 2008

HU RRICANE (continued}

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As Hurricane GUSTAV neared New Orleans it dropped from being a Catego ry 3 storm to a Category 2 (110 mph winds). There had been a successful evacuation of more than 2 million souls and so the loss of life was quite low, however, water damage from flooding plagued vast areas of Mississippi and Louisiana as well as suffering loss of power, flood water and debris blocked roads. Damage estimates are in the $Billions but no city was destroyed although da m age has been significant. The massive Tropical Storm HANNA was shredded by the whirling winds of GUSTAV and it remained blocked and stationary as a weakened Tropical Storm. THE DRAMA: Aware that this storm COULD match the Hurricane shown me in 1983 by

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

September 18, 2008

HURRICANE (continued) GOD THE FATHER got my close prayerful attention. If it was that Hurricane then we would be looking at a Prophetic Mission this November-December, 2008 to warn the cities to be impacted by the accidental nuclear attack (Lexington, Ky; New York, NY; Richmond, VA and Columbia, S.C.) When I watched the Weather Channel (cable TV) they showed a satellite photo of the storm system called GUSTAV. When I saw the photo I knew it was NOT the stone GOD THE FATHER showed me in 1983. The HOLY SPIRIT had imparted to my spirit a knowing about that storm - when it comes I will KNOW it. This was NOT it, but it was CLOSE, very close - so close it was almost scary. It seemed that the enemy was blocked though they tried to pull it off. Both Nancy-TONI and I discerned during the 12 day fast that a major earthquake would not strike the Midwest this September 19` h and what we saw September l st bore that out.

TROPICAL STORM "HANNA" Weathermen stated that they expected Tropical Stone "HANNA" to recover, re-organize and begin moving northwards up the East Coast. After a day or so, Nancy-TONI heard one weatherman say that "HANNA" was following the same track as did Hurricane HUGO in 1989 and they expected it to reach hur r icane force and slam into Charleston, S.0 as it did in 1989. We were now aware that the demon power driving this storm was trying to fit into the pattern of 1989 and that would lead to a major earthquake in San Francisco as seen in 1989 and then that would lead to war, as seen in 1990 (Iraq invades Kuwait leading to the Persian Gulf war of 1991). MILD STORM and MILD EARTHQUAKE However, the weather system shifted and this drew Tropical Storm HANNA northwards at a rapid pace, so quick it could not re-organize. Then on September 6` h Tropical Storm "HANNA" (65 mph winds) slammed into North Carolina and swept over Charleston a day later as a heavy rainstorm. That same day (Sept 6 th ) a 4.0 magnitude earthquake shook San Francisco. THE DRAMA: Nancy-TONI and I discussed these turn of events over lunch and we began to wonder just what was "blocking" the enemy. It was now apparent, even obvious, that demon power was trying to get the upper-hand and cause some massive destructions aiming to not only trigger a major earthquake in the Midwest September 19' h but also the accidental nuclear attack this December, 2008.

The Staff and Sword Ministry

Pate 19

September 18, 2008

HURRICANE (continued) What could block them? Prayer alone can no longer do that and there is no apparent nationwide repentance taking place. It then came to mind the Prophetic Work JESUS had us do August 22, 23, 24, 2008 facing EAST, then WEST and then SOUTH. EAST- 3 blows: I knew by the Spirit of God that this had to do with the Midwest (Chicago/St. Louis). We were blocking the enemy move to trigger earthquakes in the Midwest. This is why JESUS sent me to Chicago this June. SOUTH -3 blows: This had to do with the Gulf of Mexico and the East Coast of the U.S. - three blows might be seen as blocking Hurricane GUSTAV, Tropical Storm HANNA and Hurricane IKE. WEST -3 blows: I knew by the Spirit of God that this had to do with Califo rn ia and Oregon and the West Coast in general. The rock thrusting through the earth is a question I cannot answer. But there is some level of blockage going on here, blocking demon power. How this will play out is not known.


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'You cannot live here now' Texas coast faces long recovery from horrendous' damage

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September 18, 2008

HURRICANE (continued) Hurricane Ike


path of destruction




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Ike was the first hurricane ro make a direct hit on a major U.S. city since Katrina in Augus t 2 00 5. Houston


Port of Houston

n Marc than 2 m Akin customers in the area lost

power Sunday in duwniown Houston. win down were ripped out of office hwklxrg.. In Lluimg the 75 -s x y JI'Murgan Chase [ewer.

The na[nrissecond-bus estprxlexpectstoreapen

today if Xnwer rs restored and the Coast Guard Finds noobs[acics in the sh[pprrrg lanes.

t`•] C r

the ta11eSt InWIt rg in Tends,

1 Houstans rwa roinmercial an P6its remained closed Sunday an efforts continued In i eslnre power and ocher services-The airports were In reopen today

Urange,Texa$ Mayor bornw[ CIaybares[imaled that ahau[ a I hard of the r«y u 19j" people was under


R»nn Rouge

water from G inches to fi feet deep.


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95 mph winds

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Island [own, whuh was slili closed

to the public Sunday The area was littered with debnsfrom homes and Businesses. 5nnie Moines were


oil mfinerles More than half of Texas refineries have heen.shul down by Ike. accordi ng ro the 1J. S. [7epart went of Elio rgy.

-paneaked. I he sisn dtnrcrtting ko where the First had been be t e the

15 t

—1 1

'^^ llr.. •

!k's path


storm surge washed u u rt. Uniy the stud fra m es remained heLow the rnafs of many houst . OpenLng a clear view from llrmt yard to back.


After Hurricane "IKE" ravaged Cuba it re-entered the Gulf of Mexico and began to strengthen. Weathermen at this point projected that it was heading on a bee-line straight for Corpus Christi, Texas. This was no surprise given all the lottery information revealing massive concentrations of demons in Texas that were targeting Corpus Christi - this was clearly the demonic objective, their primary target! The Mayor of Corpus Christi ordered an evacuation of the city. Again there was a shift in the weather patterns (high and low pressure systems shifted) which turned Hurricane "IKE" to the north and east - it was now on a collision course with Galveston, Texas. WHY IS CORPUS CHRISTI IMPORTANT? While I'm not into symbolism, the demonic powers surely are. They targeted this city because it is representative of the Body of Christ (the literal meaning of Corpus Christi) and because of JESUS' Word in the 1980's

Pane 21

The Staff and Sword Ministry

September 18 2008

H URRI CANE (continued)

that revealed ajudgment connected with Corpus Christi. In effect, a major hurricane hitting Corpus Christi, Texas would destroy the city and move all the way to Chicago bringing hurricane force winds and rain to that city. This in turn would lead to a major earthquake in the Midwest (St. Louis/Chicago). This is what JESUS revealed would happen if the enemy could slam that city with a major hurricane. The demon powers were working to fulfill JESUS' Word, executing that judgment here and now. This is what the enemy was hiding from us - their plan to execute judgments ahead of God's time. JESUS moved Nancy-TONI and Ito move by faith with our Staves on August 22, 23, 24, 2008 facing East, and South -West to BLOCK this demonic plan, to cause it to fail. I now recognized that "IF" they could accomplish this objective they could also cause the accidental nuclear attack in the same year. This demonic approach to Corpus Christi was a move to come in by the hack-door and in a way we would not expect. "...a

Hurricane leveling a U.S. City.."_

(Chuck-JOHNEL in the July, 2008 Newsletter)


storm had passed.

Therr was no immediate count

Sunday of haw many people remained in their homes or how many were in danger. The search-and-rescue effort is the largest in Texas history. It has included more than 5 0 he[icoprers, 1 ,500 searc hers and teams from federal, state and local agencies, Texas Gov. Rick Perry said. Rescue workers encountered

rough conditions long after the storm left. Sgt. Rodney Harrison and ti er other members of the Port Arthur Police Department drove a 2tt^-ton truck into the waiters to search for victims in Sabine Pass near the Louisiana horderSunday nsorning.

The waters were so intense and the roads so blocked that a gear shift b; okr uft iui the driver's hand. After two k sours of struggle, the team had little to show for their work other than sopping wet clothes and faces that we re srreaked with exhaust. They even

Whe re a house once stood: Christopher Cox rests on a pile of bricks in Galveston. Rescuers there began going door-to-door Sunday.

clnd¢ed an alligator.

Page 22

Th e Staff an d Sword Ministry

September 18, 2008

HURRICANE (continued) In talking to a N.D.P. Prayer Leader living in Dallas I learned some details not given out across national TV about the condition of Galveston. This is what I was told: "News people coming out of Galveston were saying on local news (it was not given on national

news) that the city of Galveston is littered with dead bodies. Some people who remained in the city told of seeing their neighbors being swept out to sea in the tidal force of Hurricane "IKE ". The downtown area of Galveston was largely saved by the sea wall as well as some residential neighborhoods but most of the island was swept by massive tidal force and destroyed. The infrastructure of the city has been wiped out - no water, no

electric, no phones, no food, roads clogged with debris and rotting animals and vegetation. Stifling heat and the eruption ofswarins of mosquitoes (which are infected with West Nile virus) have added to hepatitis and cholera which is making the area a deadly zone for disease."

120,000 people ignored the warnings While 2/3rds of Galveston evacuated the city, an estimated 120,000 remained in the city thinking they could ride it out. Officials issued a dire warning saying that if they chose to stay that, "Death was Certain." In spite of that clear warning, an estimated 120,000 stayed behind. When I heard this I was not surprised as I've seen the same kind of behavior in God's people in how they ignore then resist God's Word, even as it is coming to pass before their eyes. JESUS spoke of this back in April 21, 1977 when He said this: "THOSE WHO REBEL AGAINST GOD WILL ALSO REBEL AGAINST GOVERNMENT." How many actually died in Texas? Right now the official figure is 50 dead from Texas to the Midwest (7 died in Indiana flooding). Hurricane `IKE" actually raged all the way north to Chicago and then swung east sweeping over Indiana and Ohio tearing down trees, damaging homes and knocking out power as it went. It managed to retain being a Category 1 hurricane all the way to the Midwest before it fell apart. This was consistent with JESUS' revelation of the 1980s. Some of the towns north, east and west of Galveston were literally wiped off the map by the tidal force of the Hurricane. The death toll must be much higher than 50 dead. The final figures probably won't come out for months and by then it will be old news. My guess?? At least 1,000 dead.

Page 23

The Staff and Sword Ministry

September 18, 2008

HURRICANE (continued) Hurricane "IKE" was contained and blocked!!! As horrific a destruction was wrought by this hur r icane it was clearly both contained and prevented from reaching its intended full potential. Demonic power aimed to make this a Category 5 storm that would have shredded not only Corpus Christi but the Texas coast killing tens of thousands; and then it would have raged all the way to Chicago killing countless others along the way to say nothing of the path of destruction it would leave in its wake. As bad as Hurricane "IKE" was it did NOT reach its intended demonic potential.

PROJECTION AND RESULT When I wrote the "Coup de Grace" article in the July, 2008 Newsletter it was apparent that the enemy could get at least one major destruction before 2008 ended, possibly more. That is why I offered that a Hurricane leveling a U.S. City was possible. Galveston, Texas became the city to be leveled by a hurricane. I also indicated that we could see war in the Persian Gulf/Middle East as well. Russia invaded the nation of Georgia August 8, 2008. That little nation 1s just north of Iran, which is the Persian Gulf region.

IS THIS IT FOR 2008?!? I think not! Nancy-TONI discerns that San Francisco is going to be hit with an earthquake or an earth event (volcanic eruption) and I agree. The enemy activity that showed around San Francisco via the lottery numbers tells me that a massive demon presence is gathering near that city. The demons that moved to support Hurricane "IKE" will be returning to new assignments and I suspect San Francisco is a key target area. Years ago JESUS gave this simple revelation saying in essence, "AS IS THE STORM (Hurricane) SO IS THE EARTHQUAKEIVOLCANO." What this means is that an event of death and destruction at least as intense as the "storm" will follow in the earth event (quake or volcano). When 1 look at what "IKE" did and apply that to the next upcoming event I shudder. The death tolls from the "storm" event multiply by a ratio that can turn say 200 dead in the storm to 20,000 dead in the earth event. What can happen is no small matter. One thing is certain - there will be no warning beforehand! The warning quake that hit Los Angeles this June, 2008 points to San Francisco as next.

Page 24

The Staff and Sword Ministry

September 18, 2008


o a




Roger Augustin drew this sketch (above) to depict demon power driving a storm system. This 2008 we have a name - the demon prince Betsarsus, the same who formed and directed Hurricane HUGO at Charleston, S.C. in September of 1989 and next brought a 7.1 Magnitude earthquake to hit San Francisco October 17, 1989. When its number showed in the Washington lottery September 11, 2008 just before IKE' slammed into Galveston/Houston, Texas that told us who was behind `IKE.' It now tells me that San Francisco is in its cross-hairs plain and simple. Back in October of 1988 JESUS gave me a cryptic Word, He said: "OCTOBER 17Th AND AGAIN OCTOBER 23 RD ." JESUS would repeat this Word some weeks later. Context? He did not reveal that although I understood it had to do with judgment.

October 17 , 1989 San Francisco is hit by the 7.1 Richter earthquake. After praying and pondering His Word I came to understand that the circumstances of 1989 would re-emerge just prior to the next major earthquake to hit San Francisco and it would hit on October 23" .

Page 25

The Staff and Sword Ministry

September 18, 2008

HURRICANE (continu Seeing that storm 'HANNA' failed to reach hurricane strength and failed to hit Charleston (as it happened in 1989), can the enemy bring a destroying earth event to San Francisco? The answer is "yes!" When Hurricane `IKE' slammed into Galveston/Houston this September 12/13, 2008 it opened an opportunity to carry the next blow to San Francisco. There is a prophetic link between Galveston/Houston and San Francisco going back many years, which is why Belsarsus directed `IKE' at Galveston/Houston when it could not get Corpus Christi. As I recall, when Nancy-TONI and I prophesied August 22" and 23 rd with our Staves - our prayer focus was strong, clear and intense. But on the third day, our prayer focus was not as strong, clear or intense. I didn't know what to make of it at the time but understand it better now. We had God's anointing to strongly block the enemy move to bring storms `GUSTAV' and `HANNA', but the enemy had `opportunity' to bring in one Hurricane.. When it came to storm 'IKE' we could block and spare Corpus Christi but not Galveston/Houston. At best we contained the enemy to some extent but not nearly as done with `GUSTAV' and 'HANNA'. THE PULL AND PUSH: Because of the mercy period (which ends May-Sept. 09) and the prophetic work of this August - this should contain and limit the earth event the enemy plans (quake/volcano): that is the "pull." However, because the enemy has grounds and opportunity and has brought in a major storm, they can bring in a major earth event (quake or volcano): that is the "push." How this will work out is anyone's guess, but one thing is certain: trouble is afoot.

ANOTHER KIND OF STORM - ECONOMIC On September 7, 2008 the U.S. Government announced that they were taking over the failing mortgage giants, "Fannie Mae" and "Freddy Mac." Initially the U.S. Government will pump in $200 Billion to bail them out. However, the sum of money the U.S. taxpayers (that is all of us) is going to be soaked is $5 Trillion - that is the debt load of Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac. This works out to a debt of $14,000 per household in the U.S. The government explained it was doing this to, "stabilize the financial markets." On September l5` k ' Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy, the largest failure in U.S. history. The same day Merrill Lynch was bought out by the Bank of America to save them from going bankrupt. President Bush said there was no more money to bail Lehman out.

The Staff and Sword Ministry

Page 26

September 18, 2008



As shown below in the news clips of September 16, 2008 the Stock Market took a nose dive when Lehman Bros. Filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. Strangely, the U.S. Dollar increased in value as the markets spun downwards. A brother in the Lord (Rex) explained to me that the Russian stock market collapsed in this time and Europeans took their Euro's out of that sinking market and invested them in the U.S. Dollar as a shelter. This also resulted in the price of Gold sinking to $73 1 an ounce.

Markets in turmoil Investment firms' fall sends Dow down 500, forcing mergers and shaking confidence Is your money safe? See 3 pages in Money that other Fi nancial institutions could be brought down by the sliding home mortgage market. In the short term. it will he harder Lehman Bros. Mc re ill Lynch. Fannie for people with shaky credit to get fa McCain, Obama Mae. Freddie Mac- Countrywide Filoans. particularly mortgages. And if pn U.s.'crisis; 5A nzluia], Bear Stearnsyou're investing in stocks for retireIn staggering succession, some of merit, your sav ngs have shrunk by Wall Street's oldest and biggest firms have been se°zed, failed outright or merged Cover 20% or mo re in the past 12 months. For 0 John Waggoner USA TOUAY d'1^ By

Candidates point fingers


rnrssl ntherc — even those invested in loro-

ues ay, eptem er 16, 2008


Mone^j a7 Monday markets Index


Dow tones industrial average name jD Standard& Poses 500 Treasury note. lL]-yearyreld 115ATODAY Internet SO 08. light sweet crude. barrel Euro dollarsper eumj Yen per dollar rum rw n

Markets in turmoiL IA

ch at

Dow tumbles 504 Over $700 billion in

wealth obliterated

Daily market news on your ce llphang

By Mart Krantz and Adam Shell

Send a iext message ro seewi i4IhFO1 with MNuW5fer rise latest head]^tuX

Hewlett-Packard cutting

Lehman les record I Now safe is your ^ New York prepares bankruptcy, 2B I money? 2B I for aftermath, 4B fi




17.51 + 27 3.415 n 80-38 1192.70 n 59-d0 3.4iS • 0.31 12134 n 458 $95.71 n 5.47 51.4156 V 0,0019 105.76 n 2.00 m

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Hewlett-Packard plans to cut 7.5% of its workforce. or 2e,600 jobs, in order to wrutg e9iciencies from its recent acquisition of ay. In or vc Data Sysrems- the company said Monday, In a statement isa sued before meeting WaIJ Street anarytt, rc cli t-i s plans for the 513.2 hifion ass merger, H Psaid it intoads to carry out the cutbacks over the next three years, while re placing about half these jobs in new areas of vas services business. HP said it will take a charge of S1.1 billion in its f l fourth quarter, w[och ends rn October-Accounting [ofgoodwili will cost S 1 -4 billion. while the cost of the restructuring will involve an additional 53{]0 million. HP esYirnatoil 51.8 billion in annual cost saw once The y Ii roe- ear run utgprograntis completed .

Best Buy purchasing Napster ,

N apster, the or- line m usic community that rose from a dorm room project to became the scourge of the global recording industry. is being bough, by Best Buy for nearly 5127 million as the re tailer tries

to boost its digital music heaicess. The 52.85•pershare all . cash deal announced is nearly double the network's Friday closing price but a small sum for Best Buy to pay. as it gets access to Napsters 70.000 subscribers who, pay a monthly fee to ac-


market historian who has been thro ugh

the '87 crash and 20IX7 tech meltdown, I can't say Im not roncemed" Stocks suffered their worst losses since the Sept- ] 1 terror attack s asjtteryrli vestors struggled to digest one of the big-

gearand most sudden upheavals in the 5nancial system in decades — the collapse r The stock market suffered its worst of Lehman Bros.. the bu y+ou of Merrill

]]ow d pS rho r L

c^! a c age =viola m

Market veteran Hugh Johnson of Jn;snsour J1]ington Advisors called the mazkrt turbulence -historic" Investors were ^ncouraged earlier in the day as the S&P 5W traded above i to prior closing low for the year But the selling pressure gamed. and

nxci-h>ggesr pwm has ever

the usdea hit a i*rih low tot [he year. If s now 23.8%off tis alr•tinit high. The bulk of the selli[ 1gce nt e re d around i rots in seven years Monday amid grow- Lynch and solvency concerns at A]G. stacks in the assurance and dnrersifieC B• decl°'es' ingfears that the c re dit crunch is en tering The pain was wide spread' mano r industries. industries. Lou-s 94%. feu! cprr is s amoredangerous phase. cpr. 17.2[w1 n The [tow Pones industrials [r1159q-48 man ^, {ell 53-a4 - at 4ti, to 2] cenu . With a growing number of US- in- points, or 4.4%, to 10,9175 1- It was the Sella was exacerbated socicril vestment banks, insurers and oilier II- sixth-largest point drop in history, ^$ short selllers, who bet that stocks will fill nancial institutions fighting for sasrvi+ak n The Standard & Poor's 500 index April r 1 .5(100 further, sans Todd Leone- a trader at Crs coming someinvestorsare soe a to the conclu- dro dropped ed 59.00 points, or 4.7%. to wen - A short seller brofits byY Belli bor^]$ Sion that the enure system 5 mortg i e re ds jtS first close below 7^ 1200S 08 shares and buying them back )? araved : The leers th mortgage credit edit t risk 7 t.Ge 25,2005. Financial storks in the 5&p lower pares. "1t seniors like everyone Is pn.27• 1997 exists everywhere,," James Stack. 5E10t- fell record reco rd10.3%. 5 Wng whois next nexttotofail; • Leone sass. v proudest of Urvrs7rch Research. "Asa The sell-o8 oobliterated mope re than panic selling hadn't Bel in early 3700 billion or shareholder M onday that doe sn't mean it wuri t • sa-vs Says Aug 34,1998 Edward Wedbush. p re sident at wedhush 7513 Morgan Securities. "The sellingis dsciplmed. and the pa ni c pan has not Ott I t- }98-1 shown up." he says. "The question is, will V rW it show up? It could get [unsideraWy vmrse." Sept-is,Znok But other investors are optimrsiic the :r V the washing out that's needed foe the Systern to W. Sass Jon Merriman- CEO al rn• vestment hank kternman Gorham fond. Monday DM s b ggest dailt

n aiI sslides below Dow Jones indus0'1a[ average Eve ry 15 nunutes on Monday

OJ a i 1 bdre lo ?$

Page 27

The Staff and Sword Ministry

September 19, 2008 ntinue

On Monday, September 15, 2008 the Stock Market dropped -504 points, then on Tuesday, September 16 it climbed+ 142 points followed by Wednesday, September 17'' when the Stock Market dropped another -449 points. 1


The U.S. TODAY's Moneyline section stated, "Investors are so upset they're dumping stocks and funneling cash into Treasuries, which in turn steepens shares 'plunge."

Federal bailouts: A $900 billion umbrella h i:


l ..eii iuin' ut h


,0ir"Kllu Viii !• I hw SIN UI1^HIM4, In lrit Ues awL sjvl iii b,.vr 1111, 0,-a,.

$300 billiun


Atlrast 20U billion .

In tell , Fail-

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I u lark II F.. 6N It": •i tall r:li....

Fary n-•^



Dow plunges Af'te r 449-point drop, average is off 250 from high Gold soars Jumps $70.10 an ounce, to $846.60, in largest one-day gai n ever T bitl yield sinks Three-month bill at 0.05%, lowest since WX/V11 as investoi rI

seelt safety





3 pages



Across the USA, anxiety rises about what's ahead i:v JinvirI E.111hermarl L) / iltIwY

F-rerkllr M ar anrf Fannie Mar. Viii its $85 Itrllrm Iran rn inslkranrrpruticfer

Firm'. That's u,ur.Jdy rmrilnnrrtii II 'ml tll • 4P2. wit n exptrssrtl the ;arnr

bpd f 11r7 k


view in the earflcr xt i -

1., :t, l » i d - phi I i , r•.


ivnal Crriup.

[hr yr.trs ul piny mrHlry were fuu kW've rillen`d a Ir • rirxl of tight wink Im p ba l lad. Rank s ,nx1 nediI I rmr4! - which r[ruhd Pecan jobs Iona, aid Imwldcn . FIn:L wn I I rci] I rmrrtt plan} Inurrcri ctdirgr tie, ra'h 11111 (!Ie' i' pii} help nit tu.iIIv fcrrnA Anil Ii,n,pnrrtrml III bed flu ir I lip rat inn,Antr riranskra w uWHle nxirrdir, rtwany whit h.,ti rrnrhlr fi lill); [hilt hills Ehat son kithitrg5 wrurlg. pry for wIri t rvcl 11rey' wxlred. Nearly Fine-gtur[erofat uhI , NJI khr, P alt's ^ ----- 23X - believe tire U.S. ecvn1 cnrr. Pith - , c c-fl milked by the cession. accordSfiQry nmyis ue a depression. 511IIIklcrin rnll.kpsr of irn • rsr• --- fitly; to a USLA 10DAMCAlul)1'011 nu • nt hank Leltman Rrva-. 1 hr taken Hhinday aa[1 Tnecda y. sate of Mr-f rill I Unr 1, ni Rank n! Amer. Fleet near lvr fn uhlr• t kin 1 7` xiin wit

6u1 amid Ile pool, n[ had Fr, nrr-Lli news, cnncrrraa or 111it1CmI!Ii . Mar Fyn Carob. a 6vipiwlr Inn»r nv,7lrr anti Inp,iriercwrMnan in C1rve• y lain. r reiril saw 11 "N drannrically (he [ucutClal mrrld is rit.ioprrrj! wltnl cutout card rate shni ripp tin 27.• her from Ur. after silt` hl nKiu S7 rnHr wexlh of Flew min Vnitets 6o[ Purr itnanrial IrM%IIIIirrs; firm hides. a Pm I Mr mrnmr'i' i l lender wI. i c-ivc chi. h.0 -11111 •err rrnrii r a.wc

111 1



ii p' rrrn inc•i +I,•xrl,. m Vii •- ' ,n nl tr kv s i r' r n ^^ w- ''r•: hrr,ar, ^rrns,nn rn etiV ri^ ^ 3x`~ .., '•3":. ' ' Inrl•rl. . •-• ••. . •

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... .. ......

Page 28

The Staff and Sword Ministry

September 19, 2008

Those who ran from the burning barn of the Russian Stock Market found themselves in the burning barn called the U.S. Dollar and now they turned to real assets - Gold, Silver, Platinum - thus the meteoric rise of the price of Gold. Others flee the U.S. Stock Market and turn to U.S. Treasuries- do they smell the smoke? John McCain stated that the U.S. financial foundations are sound, an encouraging word, but are they? This is what JESUS said about this back in 1978: JESUS' WORD to Chuck-JOHNEL on Thursday April 6, 1978 "YES, I HAVE VINDICATED YOU ONCE BEFORE YOUR ENEMIES AND I WILL VINDICATE YOU SIX TIMES MORE AND I WILL VINDICATE YOU AGAIN. I AM NOT HEARD BECAUSE OF UNBELIEF. ... WHAT IS BEGUN IN THE NATION IS INVISIBLE TO ALMOST ALL ECONOMIC JUDGMENTS WILL DEEPEN AND COLLAPSE WILL BE SUDDEN. IT WILL DETERIORATE BENEATH STEADILY AT THE FOUNDATIONS SEVERAL SHOCKS WILL STRIKE BUT APPEARANCES WILL BE MAINTAINED. SUDDENLY EVERYTHING WILL COLLAPSE. BELIEVE, DO NOT DOUBT ANYMORE, TRUST ME WHOLLY, I WILL NOT FAIL YOU." The U.S. Government has unfunded obligations to cover Social Security and Medicare amounting to $53 Trillion and again, they have no money to cover that. In just one week this September, the U.S. Government assumed a debt load of $1 Trillion dollars to say nothing of the $5 Trillion debt assumed to cover Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac. The Government has NO WAY of paying for that except to pass it onto us, the American citizen. One economist stated that this will amount to a tax burden to each American household in the sum of $250,000. How will the Government pay for all this? They will start running the printing presses and print U.S. Dollars aplenty. This in turn will result in the steep drop of the value of the dollar - the money in our wallets/purses will shrink invisibly. The price of food, energy and other commodities will rise sharply, the value of the dollar will drop at the same time. Will those in this Government fix the problem before it implodes? Don't hold your breath! Because of the Mercy period things will hold together until May-September of 2009, after that - well, look at what JESUS said (above) - we are about to see this sudden collapse.

(Continued on the enclosed ADDENDUM)

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