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August 31, 2012 - Issue #14 5 Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt - Editor Website: staffandswordministry.com Chuck-JOHNEL & Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt
"(JESUS said:) LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP, AND LET DOWN YOUR NETS FOR A DRAUGHT...and when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitudes of fishes: and their net brake. And they beckoned unto their partners... and they came, and filled both ships..." (Luke 5: 5,6,7) .
Broken record the he heat goes o A ST
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Drought takes a toll .19201 2 No rain in sight Rows of corn stalks stand in field south of Blair, Neb., on Monday. The
drought-damaged field was cut down for silage. Nearly 64% of the USA is now in a drought. according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.
little relief after hottest July ever By Doyle Rice and Gluck fiaasch USA TO DAY Leaving the Dust Bowl in thc dust, July was the hottest month in U.S. history, and August promises li tt le relief. July's average temperature for the contiguous USA was 77.6 degrees Fahrenheit, eclipsing the record set during the heart of the Liist Bowl in 1936- federal sc:enrisrs announced Wednesday, 'The extent of the hear this year was much more widespread than in July 1936.' says Jake Crouch of the National Gimauc Data '-enter in Asheville, N.C.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
August 27, 2012
JUDGMENT DAY written by Chuck-JOHNEL (continued)
Note by Chuck-JOHNEL: It is on the specific leading of the Holy Spirit to entitle this Newsletter "JUDGMENT DA Y" and to review His Word and Revelations of years ago concerning judgment. Today we have entered the judgment JESUS revealed in 1977. I will alter the report of 1977 in that I remove "Cliff's" name and show the three years of judgment as
"three years" with no definitive time frame. We are IN judgment and it is obvious. You will see in His Word and Revelation of the past that we are clearly "IN" ,Judgment. In the ensuing years after 1977, JESUS revealed the TINY STIR, the Accidental Nuclear attack and more. These things were revealed in 1977 by impartation of the HOLY SPIRIT and later the HOLYSPIRIT brought some of these things to mind. It was all revealed in 1977 but was so massive in detail that it proved humanly impossible to retain it all. What was shared in 1977 is foundational. So we begin.
(Taken from "The Slain", Chapter 5 "Thirty Days") "...April 2, 1977, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Carolyn, one of the Trinity elders, had telephoned Pittsburgh and left messages for us from the Lord that we should read
Jeremiah Chapters 4 and 3, in that order. We entered the small chapel in that church, prayed and read the Scriptures and moaned in our spirits, seeing again that God's wrath would fall on our nation: "...Break up your fallow ground..." (hard hearts) (Jeremiah 4:3 NAS) "...For I am bringing evil from the north and great destruction..." (Jer. 4:6 NAS) "...deceived...people...saying, `You will have peace', whereas a sword touches the throat." (Jer. 4:10 NA5)" "For My people are foolish, they know Me not..." (Jer. 4:22 NAS) "For thus says the Lord, 'The whole land shall be a desolation, Yet I will not execute a complete destruction. ..Because I have spoken, I have purposed. And I will not change My mind, nor will I turn from it." (Jet. 4:27-28 NAS)
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JUDGMENT DAY written by Chuck-JOHNEL (quote of 1977 continued) "Let us lie down in our shame, and let our humiliation cover us; for we have sinned against the Lord our God, we and our fathers, since our youth even to this day. And we have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God." (Jer. 3:25 BIAS) We were sitting on a small bench in the chapel, thinking about all the recent Scriptures the Lord had given us, and wondering exactly how all His word would fit together in actual events, for we still had many questions. Just then we both clearly saw Jesus Christ walk into the room. Jesus stopped in front of Chuck and a woman nearby fell off the kneeler under the power of the Holy Spirit! Chuck began to reach to help her, when Jesus told him she was all right. Jesus stopped in front of Chtick and opened His arms. I could see the nail prints in His hands, His sandy-colored hair and His eyes. (They are not possible to describe,) Never have I felt the Lord's presence so powerfully! The other two women in the chapel swooned under the Holy Spirit 's presence and we all became very, very weak because the presence of the Holy Spirit was so overwhelming. Jesus spoke and His power radiated throughout the chapel. It sounded like very many thunders! Note: Cliff's observation and report are given above in italics. After Jesus told me that the woman on the floor was all right, I sat back and was overcome with His love and glory. With His arm, Jesus motioned to His right and said "Behold!" Looking, I saw the continental United States, much like I had seen on the Mount of the Most High before the thirty-day journey began. I viewed our nation from the south parts, so the east coast was to the right and the west coast to the left. Suddenly, I could perceive the cities and towns and the people and all the activity in the land, as well as the thoughts and desires of the nation, down to the smallest detai 1. I well knew that what I was seeing and experiencing was beyond my ability to grasp. Events flashed before my eyes there in the chapel to the extent that perhaps a whole year's events came to pass in a span of time equal to, or less than, a minute. I saw this: First, I saw for this year a good deal of rain in the spring followed by summer's heat (very hot) and then gasoline shortages, energy shortages, power stations failing or blowing up because of the intense heat. Everything Congress does to correct the situation will backfire and fail. Money is inflated, everything goes wrong because God's hand is against the
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JUDGMENT DAY written by Chuck-JOHNEL (quote of 1977 continued) land and the nation. Meager crops and starvation for Americans. Economic failure;
and money becomes worthless. Riots and violence by the end of the year. The beginning of earthquakes and finally all this develops into a vast destruction that swallows the nation. Then, an unbelievable destruction. Thirty days later plus seven days Russia. Japan and China united, attack the United States. Thermonuclear war! God will allow it and permit it to happen. We will be invaded, defeated and occupied. I cannot tell you when it all is to take place—but I knew that it would come to pass within a thirty month's period. I watched horrified as our armies fought desperately trying to stave off the advancing hordes of Russian, Chinese, and Japanese troops. The invaders moved with mechanized might, led by masses of tanks, with aircraft strafing and destroying as they went.
Our armies were beaten and driven back relentlessly, until they seemed huddled together in a small area of the central United States, encircled, then crushed by superior forces. Many fled into the hills of forests to fight as guerillas. Our flag was pulled down and trampled by foreign troops; the government—the nation—was defeated, destroyed, and occupied. However, a remnant of the army fought on from hiding places over the land. Americans will be taken as slaves, and deported. It will be a time of occupation, brutality, suppression and persecution for the Church. After years (I did not have an idea then of how many years, but later the Lord would give Cliff to know that occupation would endure for some seven years), the "Leader of the Land" (Jeffrey) would take his family and go into the hills and join a band of guerillas and lead them against the Russians. This sortie would be a total failure..."
A CALL TO ARMS: THE EVENTS as given by the Lord Jesus Christ to Chuck on April 21, 1977. First year of Judgment : AI B1 Cl D]
Do not buy an air conditioner — get used to the heat. Do buy gas cans and store white gas. Spring rain will be followed by summer heat and gas shortages. The dollar will begin to slide in July. For this reason, crude oil imported to the United States.
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JUDGMENT DAY (quote of April 2L 1977 continued) D2 There will be gold value problems. El Temperature rise will begin in early June (I asked the Lord, "When in early June?") Jesus answered, "JUNE 9 TH . AND CLIMB IN TEMPERATURE REACHING PEAK HIGH TEMPERATURES IN JULY. AND THIS WILL HOLD ALL THROUGH JULY, AUGUST, AND SEPTEMBER; FOLLOWED BY A SUDDEN DROP IN OCTOBER." Note: The current heat wave and drought that has hit 48 U.S. States this 2012 bears a close resemblance of what JESUS revealed in 1977 as part of the first year of judgment. E2 Fl
There will be no rain of any significance from mid-June and on. Carter* will be in serious trouble in December.
*Note: This refers to the president, whoever that is, at this time in the judgment. Carter was representative of whoever might hold that office. Cl Japan and China will become friends through economic agreements this year, and arrange certain defense agreements that will seem aimed at Russia, but secretly aimed initially at the United States. This will be a great deception. The United States will fall for it. Japanese government will change character drastically in a visible way. HI Trinity Lutheran Church** will continue as before. The angel of death awaits through this year. Unexpected events will shake them this year. H2 Pastor B**. Is the key — a closed door who can receive, but won't. II Continue in faith. The Net of Prayer will grow steadily and then unexpectedly. Be ready! **Note. Again, the Lord is using a specific church to represent the church in America; likewise a given pastor to represent the pastors in America. In this time (1977) JESUS plainly told inc that Trinity Lutheran Church was a microcosm of the church in America, thus representative of them all. JI
Do not fear. This year many will lose jobs, and city and state governments will fail suddenly. There will be serious economic crumbling.
Note: No question we are living in this time with 8.3% unemployment, but it will get worse. "The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord; He is their refuge in the time of trouble." (Psalm 37:39 NAS)
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JUDGMENT DAY (quote of April 2t i977 1977 continued) J2 Disease will start from California and move east. Many left incapacitated. J3 From Georgia a plague to kill thousands as it spread. Panic and fear will grip the nation. Food riots will break out in August in many major cities. J4 Food costs soar, availability declines, quality poor, hoarding magnifies the problems. J5 Government tries, but fails to instill confidence. J6 Those who rebel against God will also rebel against government and hundreds will want for food, and starvation begins. "I have been young and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or His children begging bread." (Psalm 37:24 NAS) KI
Heat is unbearable. No rain. Multitudes curse God, but those touched by love of Christ will repent and God will spare them.
"The fool says in his heart 'There is no God'. They are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity; There is none that does good." (Psalm 53:1 RSV) K2 Power-outs caused by heat. Fuel shortage grows worse. Riots and deliberate destruction by enraged individuals and extremist groups aiming to overthrow the government.
"Do not be afraid of sudden panic or of the ruin of the wicked when it comes, for the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught." (Proverbs 3:25-26 RSV) K3 LocaI police will fail to deal with violence, and State troops will be called out. In some areas, the violence will be so severe that Federal troops and tanks will have to be called out. "As the mountains are around about Jerusalem so the Lord is round about His people." (Psalms 125:2 RSV)
Second year of Judgment : LI
January, northern Iowa will be struck by a strong tremor. Thirty days later, a massive quake will strike Boston area, followed by a wave of quakes leveling blows across the nation.
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JUDGMENT DAY (quote of April 21, 1977 - 2" d Year Judgment continued) "Depart from evi I and do good; so shall you abide forever. For the Lord loves justice; He will not forsake His saints." (Psalms 37:27-28 RSV) Ml
Little winter snow, but intense cold, and little heat in most American homes.***
** *Note; Beastman Dhama has shut down much of our coal production, ceasing oil drilling on Federal land, blocked the development of natural gas. We are looking at the consequences of
these policies here as Americans will suffer fi • oin the coId and many will
perish. M2 In some places, too much snow. In others, none. M3 Severe winds add to cold. M4 Power diverted to major institutions, hospitals, entertainment centers. NI Food lines. And economy near collapse. N2 United States crude oil imports cut off by most oil producers. 01 Japan becomes China's ally. "Put not your trust in princes, in a son of man,
in whom there is no help." (Psalms 146:3 RSV) P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7
Chicago temperatures (minus) -40 degrees to (minus) -46 degrees below zero, during coldest temperatures of winter. Upwards of 80% of homes in areas will be without heat, after a month of intense cold. Many will freeze to death. With little food, intense cold, and fear everywhere, life will be intolerable to those who do not know Jesus . Suicide will become common. City services will break down and fail in mid-winter. Fires will burn unchecked.
The dead that fall in the streets will lie in the streets. Disease will flourish and kill tens of thousands. P10 The nation will reap the seed it has sown in itself.
"The Lord I ifts up the downtrodden, He casts the wicked to the ground." (Psalms 147:6 RSV) Qi
Over half the nation's employed will be without work, and the dollar will be
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JUDGMENT DAY (quote of April 21,1977 - 2" d Year Judgment continued) worthless. Q2 Canada will be in sad shape, but not as bad off as the United States. Q3 Mexico and Canada will seal their borders, and set a quota of hew many United States citizens can "move over". Winter will end abruptly in April, with warm days and sunshine. RI R2 It will be very pleasant, and many people will think, "It's over"! But the land is parched and last year's crop failures will deepen this year. R3
Rivers and lakes will dry up this year, and temperatures will rise to over 120 degrees
F. by mid-May. Si In some other places, rainfall will be so heavy that flooding and destruction will be unavoidable. S2 Other areas will be ripped by numberless tornadoes and hurricanes, and waves of tremors will shake the land. Followed by outbreaks of disease and fear-hate spawned destruction. TI Famine will continue. T2 The government will establish a special economic arrangement, and food distribution program; but early crop failures, mixed with unending disasters, will crush all hope. T3 Corruption in government will destroy confidence. UI No rain. Intense heat. U2 People will stay indoors in fear. U3 Everything is failing. U4 Only the Christians have the strength to act , and the Iland of God will be clearly visible to all, in the Christian communities. U5 Many will be saved in this time; but many others will curse God, knowing full well why this has befallen them. U6 This will be the year of "Fear, Pain and Misery" for those who reject Christ. "The Lord takes pleasure in His people, He adorns the humble with victory." (Psalms 149:4 RSV) U7 Sin will grow to its deepest even in the midst of judgment, with the call to repentance the loudest, with visible signs and wondrous miracles, and the mercy and love of Jesus reaching to all. U8 Multitudes will reject Christ in knowing ways, and the depth of depravity and abominable behavior, will stun even the most compassionate. U9 Persecution will also reach a high in this year, and in many states, with government approval. U14 Jesus said, "MY PROPHETS AND MESSENGERS WILL BE ABUSED AND HATED, AND INJURED AND KILLED."
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JUDGMENT DAY (quote of April 21 1977 - 2"' Year Judgment continued U1 I The wrath of God up to this point was much blended with God's mercy; but now the wrath of God will burn hot. His fury will be unleashed in a terrible way. ..The scepter of wickedness shall not rest upon the land allotted to the righteous, lest the righteous put forth their hands to do wrong." (Psalms 125:3 RSV) VI
The giant earthquake strikes the mid-west, Iiterally the whole continent is shaken by the intensity of the earthquake. The mid-western United States is devastated. W 1 The Russians and Chinese (Japan is a tag-along) have been formulating contingency plans to deal with the United States; plans aiming at long range "wearing down" of the United States, that requires close cooperation. W2 Although they review the possibility of war, neither power wants to risk war until there is no risk.
W3 Both agree that the United States is not to be taken intact, but is to be destroyed after weakened. W4 The massive mid-west earthquake happens at this time, and with great excitement, they both see that the United States' defenses are down. W5 It appears to be the opportunity they have looked for. Under the guise of helping us recover, they immediately begin to set into motion a plan of attack. W6 Thirty days after the mid-western United States earthquake, the Lord sends His Angels to warn His children to flee. And 7 days later, Russia and China press the buttons, launching a full thermonuclear attack on the United States. W7 The U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Forces are dealt death blows. Major cities are destroyed. W8 The United States returns a hard punch at Russia****, much to their surprise. But Russia weathers the counter-attack with strength. And within two months, invades. *** `Note: Even back in 1977 when our main enemy was the Communist Soviet Union, the U.S.S.R., JESUS referred to Russia specifically as if they were a sovereign nation. That would not happen until the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990's. W9 Russian amphibious and airborne troops invade the east coast of the United States at 5 points. (Two points are north of New York city, and three points are south of New York city. W10 Florida and parts of Louisiana and Alabama cease to exist and are under water. WI 1 The U.S. Army fights hard and manages to contain the Russian invasion points; but then heavy Russian attacks break out of one bridgehead, and they sweep towards the destroyed Philadelphia area. WI 2 U.S. Armies on the east coast are threatened from the rear, attempts to stem the
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JUDGMENT DAY (quote of April 21, 1977 - 2 nd Year Judgment continued) Russian advance fail. W13 The President and the government abandon Washington, D.C. W 14 U.S. Armies retreat to a defense Iine being set up in the Appalachian Mountains. W l 5 Japan, an uneasy ally at first, is greatly encouraged by the course of the war. Untouched by the war, Japan moves quickly with China; and a month after the Russian invasion of the east coast, Chinese troops with Japanese troops invade the west coast of the United States. W16 The invasion happens at three widely separated points on California and Washington State coastlines. At first, the U.S. Armed forces stop them: one Chinese invasion beachhead near San Francisco is wiped out. But then with considerable strength the Chinese and Japanese crush U.S. defenses and sweep inland. W17 Russia invades and annexes Alaska and slaughters much of the population, deliberately. WI 8 Hawaii surrenders to Japan intact, and China jointly occupies with Japan. W19 The U.S. Army is pressed back on every front. W20 Washington D.C.--a ruined city—falls into Russian hands. W21 The President and government move west and set up the seat of government in Kansas and the Dakotas. W22 The U.S. industrial base is largely destroyed, although smaller factories are opening up in small towns everywhere. W23 A severe fuel shortage cripples every effort. W24 The U.S. Air Force is outnumbered and out-classed; and Russian and Chinese aircraft control the skies over every battlefield. The U.S. Navy is destroyed or surrendered. W25 The President tries to arrange peace terms; but neither Russia, China, or Japan will respond. And the war goes on. W26 All now smell the United States' blood and are closing in for the kill". W27 France, Great Britain, and Italy form a coalition alliance, and U.S. Armies are asked to leave Europe. ..Spain, West Germany, Holland, Sweden, Luxembourg, Norway, and Portugal become loose allies in a mutual defense pact. Here the Lord does not make it clear (it seems vague to me, with a lack of definition); yet, the Lord makes it clear that Western Europe will not be involved in the war and will elect to stay out of the war, and will remain neutral. "Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stay awake in vain." (Psalms 127:1 RSV)
Third year of Judgment: X I Jesus calls this winter: "HARSH AND HORRIBLE." Another bitter cold
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JUDGMENT DAY (quote of April 21 1977 -3 Year Judgment continued) winter with more hardships than ever before. Cold, death and destruction prevail. X2 During winter, Russian and Chinese-Japanese armies are stopped respectively in the Appalachian Mountain range, and the Rocky Mountain range. X3 The U.S. Army and U.S. Air force recover some strength, and launch desperate attacks aimed at driving Russian armies out. The Russians hold the ground they have taken. Russia hits several places with nuclear devices, but now refrains from overuse of nuclear weapons. X4 U.S. Army is hungry and cannot re-equip like the enemy forces (do); and our
supplies dwindle in battles, and losses cannot be replaced. X5 In the Spring of the third year, Russia, China, and Japan will launch coordinated attacks. X6 Russia will break through U.S. defenses at two points in the north and south, while China and Japan will break through at three points. X7 Russia will move swiftly against bitter resistance, driving west and southwest. X8 Attempts by the U.S. Army to establish a line of defense fail. Russians advance rapidly Into Iowa-Missouri areas. Their deepest penetration happens in Kansas before the war ends. Fighting hard, the U.S. Army and government are encircled in the Central United States area, and attacked without mercy. X9 The invaders attack and slaughter U.S. Armed forces, and the U.S. Army collapses. Many surrender, many run to the hills, and much of the government gives up. X10 No surrender is ever signed: there is a general collapse of organized resistance. X 11 Late Spring into early Summer, all major fighting will cease. And Russian, Chinese, and Japanese soldiers with their allies, will dance and sing for joy—for the United States is destroyed and occupied. X12 There will be no slaughter in the mainland as in Alaska. Very many soldiers and civilians of the United States will be taken to Russia, and eastern Europe, to work as slave laborers at rebuilding destroyed cities. Later, many will be allowed to return home, although not all will come back. X13 The Chinese will not at first take prisoners. After meeting bitter resistance, they will change this policy. X14 Russia, China, and Japan will strip the land of industrial tools, machinery, and goods. X15 Only Russia will take large numbers as slaves. China will take scientists and technicians. The occupying armies will leave populated areas largely intact, using local people to extract raw materials and goods, such as are available. X16 No effort to rebuild or restore the nation will be allowed. God will, by the Holy Spirit, bring or cause the occupying armies to have compassion on the Holy seed, the remnant, the Christians. Nevertheless, persecution will begin once Russian, Chinese, and Japanese communist officials or commissars, replace army officers. Y1 Late in the first year of occupation, the drought will begin to ease, and temperatures
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JUDGMENT DAY (quote of April 21. 1977 - 3" Year Judgment continued will also ease somewhat. Y2 The world will be in great fear of this Russian-China-Japan union. Y3 Canada is still intact, although suffering from famine, bad weather, and disease. Y4 War will come here later, and much of the nation will be destroyed. Y5 The Chinese and Japanese alliance grows stronger fast. Russia is now becoming afraid of them, even though Russia is stronger. Y6 Russian oil resources decline seriously, and there is severe trouble in the nation. Y7 China and Japan move to block the Russian threat to Israel; and now a much stronger European alliance Joins to back Israel, also. Russian power is in a state of decline. Y8 Russia tries to take Israel, war breaks out. China and Japan, joined with western Europe, engage. Russia (to Russia's surprise) is overwhelmed and destroyed utterly as a world power. Israel survives . ZI At this point, the Leader of the Land (Jeffrey) emerges. Z2 Christians suffer severe persecution in Jeffrey's town, as elsewhere. Jeffrey takes his family and flees into the hills, and joins an Army band of gueriIIas. Z3 Jeffrey remembers the Lord's words, and leads an attack on a Russian military base. It is a miserable failure, with over half his unit killed. Z4 The Lord sends Chuck and (another prophet) to Jeffery. Jeffrey returns to the hills in fear and anger. Jeffrey prays and fasts. Z5 We arrive with the Lord's word. Jeffrey takes up arms in obedience to God, and goes. Z6 Russians, terror-stricken, flee before the Leader of the Land, and his small band. Depots of arms and equipment are left behind, intact. Y9 Christian Russians quit the Russian army and join with Christian Americans, forming a Christian army. A mighty move of the Holy Spirit begins to sweep the land. "The Lord has done great things for us, we are glad." (Psalms 126:3 RSV) Within a matter of days after receiving this revelation of "EVENTS", the Lord revealed that the occupation would last for some seven years. Very many reject this prophecy primarily because they do not like it. Many seem to fail utterly to see beyond the judgmental aspect of destruction, to the blessings and goodness of God working all through this. Because of sin and for a lack of repentance and intercession, judgment has become inevitable. Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL Augist 2012: 1 cannot tell you if every event the Lord revealed and presented in 1977 is sequential, but I do know that in the first year of
judgment the events given here will appear in that first year. We have a definite three year
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A ¢iict Y7.
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JUDGMENT DAY(Comment by Chuck - JOHNEL continuej)
time frame in view. Many have asked me how Cliff could deny these things. I was there with him in Heaven, at the Throne seat of Most High God, I was there when JESUS walked into the Chapel in Pittsburgh (JESUS spoke to me and revealed the conning judgment}, we shared many revelations commonly. After the thirty day journey we made cassette tapes (A CALL TO ARMS) where Cliffshared his experiences which I later transcribed and put in the books, "The Staffand Sword " and "The Slain "both books have long since been sold out). Even
so Cliff would say it was all false, made-up and in this made himself an enemy of God who sent us. I was there and could hardly be convinced it was made-up, f ction or lies. Why did he do it? I believe it was simple, he preferred to please man over God.
BIRTHDAY LYRICS We recently shared a lunch with Sam to celebrate his birthday. The waitress (Jill) shared a IittIe birthday lyric as follows: (to the tune of "Happy Birthday")
Happy Birthday to you Only one wish will do May God's richest blessings Always shine upon you." AMERICAN RIFLEMAN, August 2012. "The Armed Citizen" (short stories). (Quote) "After dropping off her teenage grandson, 57-year-old Lulu Campbell was sitting in her vehicle searching for her cell phone when two men approached with guns. Brenton Spencer, 32, and Dantre Shivers, 30, shouted at Campbell to open the door and give them
her money. As Campbell reached for her .3$-cal. revolver, she reclined the car seat in an effort to take cover as both men began to shoot at her. Campbell returned fire, striking Spencer in the chest and causing Shivers to flee the scene. Campbell was uninjured. (The Telegraph, Macon, GA, 4/24/12)" "Sometime before 5 a.m., Jesse Home, 24, began to bang on the door of a residence and yell for a woman. The homeowner, who was not acquainted with Home, explained that he lived alone and asked Home to leave. After damaging vehicles outside of the residence, the assailant turned his attention to a side door of the home. He kicked in the door and
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AMERICAN RIFLEMAN, August 2012.(Continued) entered, only to be met by the homeowner's .22-cal. handgun. Home was shot several times in the leg before fleeing the scene. He was later arrested and charged with first degree home invasion after being released from the hospital. (Upper Michigan Source.corn, Marquette, MI, 5/22/12)"
In the afternoon, a woman was caring for her two grandchildren. Both children were playing outside when one of the kids ran inside the home and said there was a bear outside. The grandmother quickly ran outside and grabbed the other child. The woman had learned from wildlife officials that making noise will often scare bears away depending on the circumstances. She collected two cooking pots and went outside to shoo the bear away by banging them together. Instead of running away, the bear turned on the woman and attacked her. Luckily, a neighbor heard the commotion and ran outside with a gun. He shot at the bear to chase it away. The woman was flown by helicopter to a nearby hospital. Authorities reported that her injuries were not believed to be lifle-threatening. The bear was later located and killed by a State Patrol trooper. (The Denver Post, Denver, CO, 5/20/12)." "Just hours after being served with a restraining order that prohibited him from going within two miles of the house, 43-year-old Sean Parsons arrived at the home of his ex-gird friend Christina Lewis, 51, and her boyfriend Doug Snarski, 55. Parsons entered the home yelling and brandishing both a shotgun and a handgun. He fired the guns up the stairs where Lewis and Snarski were hiding. Snarski, from around the corner of a doorway, showed Parsons that he also had a firearm. When Parsons continued to advance up the stairs, Snarski fired at him. Parsons died of gunshot wounds to his abdomen and right hip. Snarski said, "I believe everyone should have some kind of pistol for their own protection. . If I didn't think like that I wouldn't be here right now." (The Spokesman-Review, Spokane, WA, 5/15/12)."
McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, August 2012. "IS THE END OF FREEDOM IN AMERICA IN SIGHT?" I quote McAlvany here because his article is straight , forward, well informed and succinct. My purpose is to equip you with knowledge and to be made fully aware of what we are dealing with in this beasttnan. (Quote) "IS THE END OF FREEDOM IN AMERICA IN SIGHT?" ...The Caesars had their Praetorian Guard, Napoleon had his Imperial Guard, Hitler had his SS, Saddam Hussein
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McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, At gust 2012. "IS THE END OF FREEDOM IN AMERICA IN SIGHT?" (Quote continued had his Republican Guard, and now an elite core is emerging from the American military forces — a core that is fighting President Obama's key battles and scoring his foreign police victories under a media radar that can typically see only conventional troops as it sweeps the globe. In his book Manhunt, Peter Bergen identifies President Obama as our "warrior in chief." Obama's strategy in the Middle East is setting the US up for major confrontation in the region -- confrontation that is unlikely to remain confined to the Middle East. Obama has conducted many "secret wars" in his first term. And there are several other regions where he is likely to strike in a second term. Much as President Franklin Roosevelt did prior to World War II, Obama maintains a highly provocative foreign policy, shoving and insulting those nations he would like to provoke into throwing the first punch. Also like Roosevelt, Obama presides over a declining economy and thinks he needs war — a big war — to pull us out of it. ... Winning re-election in November will simply unleash what could become the most aggressive and destructive "warrior in chief' this country has ever seen. OBAMA'S HISTORY SETS THE STAGE. Before we look at what could happen in a second term, we have to remember that Obama's upbringing is far less American than any previous president. Forget for a moment where he was born. As far as determining what he'll do in a second term, it's far more important to look at how he was raised and what was instilled in him as a boy and as a young man. We already know from his own writings that his college experience was focused entirely on Marxist teachings. So what led him to that point? EARLY TEACHINGS FROM HIS STEPFATHER. In his own book, Dreams from My Father, Obama gives us a glimpse of what he was taught. He tells of an experience in the dirty backstreets of Jakarta, where lie lived with his stepfather and attended a Muslim madrasa (private school). His stepfather was in the Indonesian military, which has a rough history of human rights violations. With this backdrop, Obama learned about "hard power". In one conversation with his stepfather, we see the hardness instilled in him as a boy. Obama writes: Have yoit ever seen a man killed? " I asked him. He glanced down, surprised by the question. "Have you? "I asked again. "Yes, " he said. "Was it bloody?" "Yes. " I thought for a moment. "Why was the man killed? The one you saw?" "Because he was weak." "That's all?" Lolo shrugged and rolled his pant leg back down. "That's usually enough. Men
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
August 29, 2012
McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, August 2012. "IS THE END OF FREEDOM IN AMERICA IN SIGHT?"(Quote continued) take advanta_ge of weakness in other men. The y 're just like countries in that way. .Better to be strong, " he said . fi nally , rising to his feet. "If you can 't be strong, be clever and make peace with someone who 's strong. But always better to be strong yourself. Always. " Now Obama has the world's strongest military at his command. And, if he foIlows the counsel of his stepfather, beware anyone who is weak. His stepfather's teaching made Marxism an attractive ideal. A May 29, 2012 article in Mother Jones shows that just as Roosevelt had his airplanes and Eisenhower had his nukes, Obama has his special forces. . • • Bacevich writes: "Obama has endowed the whole special operations `community 'with something less decorative but far more important: privileged status that provides special operators with ?rraxintum autonomy while insulating them from the
vagaries of politics, budgetary and otherwise. Congress may yet require the Pentagon to undertake some (very modest) belt-tightening, but one thing 's_ fbr sure. No one _isgoin tell USSOCOM to go on a diet. What the specia ls t ypes want, the y will get. with few questions estions asked — and virtuall y none of those few posed in public ... As one observer put it, the Obama White House let Special Operations Command `off the leash makes an eerie observation in his article. He notes the cultural divide that's growing between the military and the civilian populace. At the founding of our country, the people were the military. That's how the Founding Fathers wanted it. It was the only way to protect the people from coming under the rule of the military. As a result of this new cultural gap between soldier and civilian, there's no accountability for the deployment of the special ops. It's all done in secret. No one can blow the whistle if they don't know about it. But it also gives the president power never given him by the Constitution. With his special ops troops, the president can wage war against anyone at any time without any need for apology or explanation. Waging war is a power given only to Congress by the Constitution. But these small elite teams typically conduct something called Military Operations Other than War (MOOTW). And since it's not war, the president can wage war without notification, consultation, or fear of political backlash. Never mind that this is the same kind of rationalization your children gave you when they were teenagers, this is the way power justifies itself_ . • •Today's war is fought with a different MO. Speed, agility, exceptional technology, and special skills all define the new era of warfare. While much of this era is now public knowledge, Nick Turse of the Asia Times (6/16/2012) says, "how it all fits together into what could be called the new global face of empire has escaped attention. And yet this represents nothing short of a new President Barack Obama doctrine, a sixpoint program for 2P ` -century war, American-style, that the administration is now carefully developing and honing."
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
August 29, 2012
McAlvaiiy Intelligence Advisor, August 2012. "IS THE END OF FREEDOM IN AMERICA IN SIGHT?" (Quote continued That six-point plan includes special ops, drones, spy games, civilian soldiers, cyber warfare, and proxy fighters. This new plan requires fewer American soldiers, which come at a huge price considering training, feeding, clothing, salaries and pensions, and long-term care. That's not to mention the political costs as well. The new strategy still requires billions of dollars, but the overall costs are far smaller. [ED. NOTE: However, if we should get into a major war with one of our larger opponents (i.e., think Russia or China, which have large and growing conventional as well as nuclear forces), we could find ourselves outmanned and outgunned — having prepared for the wrong kind of war at the wrong time.]* * Note by Chuck-JOHNEL._ This is what I saw in the visions ofAmerica being invaded where our military was wholly unprepared to fight a major land war, our army was too small and weak and new troops poorly trained, equipped and led. ...PROXY SOLDIERS. As the sixth prong of the Obama plan for global warfare, the US is actively training soldiers around the world. Why use American soldiers, with their high political and fiscal price tag, when we can use proxy soldiers? ...THE COMING WAR ON AMERICA. As troubling as Obama's war plan is for the rest of the world, his plan for war on America is even more ominous. We've detailed many of these plans in these pages in previous issues. The actions are already starting, as we've seen with FDA raids of health food operations and Amish farms, ATF raids on gun stores, and IRS raids of individual homes and businesses that supposedly committed tax fraud (though found innocent or never charged). Obama's second term will significantly expand the power of all of these agencies and others. The Department of Health and Human Services will gain significant power through the new health care law, as will the IRS. The IRS alone will add 16,5500 new armed agents to its rolls to enforce the new "tax." The governor of Maine, Paul LePage, called the new IRS agents America's "new Gestapo." The government's special ops' international focus will undoubtedly come home, as most of the attacks on American citizens have come through raids, much like a special ops mission. They will raid any home or business for any reason they deem a threat. For instance, in March, the Department of Homeland Security raided a home in Or ange County, California because they supposedly had
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
August 29, 2012
McAlvanv Intelligence Advisor. August 2012. "IS THE END OF FREEDOM IN AMERICA IN SIGHT?" (Quote continued) counterfeit hair straightener. Yes, they raided the home because theythought we all needed protection from hair products. Nothing is outside the realm of a possible raid as Obama targets the homeland with his special ops and proxy soldiers (i.e., police). But this isn't the only part of Obama's six-point plan that will be enacted on US soil. We've discussed in past issues the Senate's passage of a law that allows the military to attack US citizens on American soil. It's unlikely the government would engage a full-frontal assault on its people, but it's hard to rule out anything these days. Instead, we'll see raids on individuals and businesses increase, with little attention in the media — and eventually on those who may be "politically incorrect." The new proxy soldiers will be state and local police departments. We've already seen local officials working with the feds on their raids. And surveillance on the American public will continue to penetrate every aspect of our lives. [ED. NOTE: And what is the definition of a "police state"?] CONCLUSION: The American Imperial Empire is rapidly taking shape under President Obama. If given a second term, this so-called peace-loving president will go down in history as one of the greatest "warriors in chief' we have ever seen. That's saying a lot considering many of his predecessors. He could very well oversee the transformation of America's government from a democracy to a military dictatorship. With re-election, his new-found "flexibility" will only increase his warmongering, hastening the change. . . .CYBER-SUBMISSION: TURNING YOUR LIFE OVER TO THE GOVERNMENT. It gets worse. If you go on cars.gov and submit information to donate a car to charity, a box pops up with a privacy statement. Most people don't read this statement. But ifyou do, you'll see the following warning: "This application provides access to DoT CARS system. When logged on to the CARS system, your computer is considered a Federal computer system and is the property of the US Government." ...So once you log on to a federal government website, you lose all rights to your computer. By clicking "I Agree," you give the government permission to view everything on your computer. And once you give them permission, they have the ability to track your system as long as it's operational. What's more, ifyou give them this permission and you're logged into Skype and make a phone call, the government can legally listen to your phone call. The warning is so broad, it essentially gives the government the ability to do anything it wants
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The Staff and Sword Ministr y August 29. 21112
McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, August 2012. "IS THE END OF FREEDOM IN AMERICA IN SIGHT?" (Quote continued with your computer — all because you want to donate a car. ...STREET LIGHTS SPYING ON US? Did you ever consider that street lights could be spying on you? Well, it is actually happening. New hi-tech street lights that can actually watch what you do and listen to what you are saying are being installed in some major US cities. The following is from a recent article by Paul Joseph Watson for Infowars.com:
"Federally funded hi-tecli street lights now being installed in American cities are not only set to aid the DHS in making `security announcements' and acting as talking surveillance cameras, they are also capable of ` recording conversations,' bringing the potential privacy threat posed by 'Intellistreets' to a whole new level." ...FINAL THOUGHT: WE NEED THE HELP OF THE LORD FOR THE TIMES TIIAT LIE AHEAD. Over the past year, MIA has written some of the heaviest, most troubling, some would say most negative (or scary) issues of our 36 years of publishing this newsletter. We have written a lot about the economic/financial crisis (i.e., depression) that America, Europe, and much of the world is plunging into. But we have also written extensively on the political/social/cultural decline of America and how we are plunging toward a socialist police state and persecution of people of strong traditional values, bornagain Christians, Catholics, Constitutionalists, etc., and toward a global government, which the Establishment calls the New World Order.
If you believe homosexuality is wrong, gay marriage is wrong, killing babies is wrong, spanking your children is proper, owning guns is a Constitutionally guaranteed right, and in the freedoms and traditions which we Americans have enjoyed for 236 years, you are now "guilty" of hate speech — or crime, bigotry, child abuse, or of even being a "suspected terrorist." All of this has accelerated dramatically under Barack Obama and could easily pass the point of no return in his second term -- if it has not alread y done so.
We have discussed the lying, deception, corruption, and even murder by our leaders — in the White House, Congress, on Wall Street, and in corporate America; the apathy, complacency, and procrastination on the part of the vast majority of American people (including most Christians); and a number of steps which people who do understand the times can take to prepare physically and financially for the difficult times which lie immediately ahead. These preparations have included
getting liquid; getting out of (or greatly reducing) debt; diversification of up to 25% 1 of one's assets out of the US — (less than % of our readers or clients have done this
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August 29, 2012
McAlvan Intelligence Advisor, August 201.2. "IS THE END OF FREEDOM IN AMERICA IN SIGHT?" (Quote continued) and that door may soon close); rural or small town living; the need for food selfsufficiency; owning firearms for family protection; owning precious metals (33-50% of one's net worth); a passport for every member of one's family; etc. But the most i mportant preparation we can make for the difficult times that lie ahead (in this writer's opinion), is spiritual . Only a small percentage of Americans (or, for that matter, American
Christians) understands the direction in which America is headed today — the moral, social, financial, and political freefall our country has descended into, and its i mplications for our people, freedom, and future. Most Americans today (i.e., well over half, and maybe over 75-80%) can no longer even discern or understand the corrupted values, the lying, the deception, and the duplicity our leaders in Congress,
the White House, Wall Street, the media, Hollywood, academia, etc. — because, in large part, they share many of those values with those leaders. Their values have been slowly but surely co-opted or corrupted over the past 50-60 years. In so doing, they have been blinded to the steady, relentless strangling of our freedoms by liberals, socialists, and globalists who would deliver us to a totalitarian, hi-tech, computerized version of George Orwell's 1984, or Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany.
The small remnant that does discern the times and sees the freefall America is in today may not be enough to turn the tide in America back to God, traditional values, and freedom -- at least not at this time. In fact in this writer's opinion, that remnant is about to come under persecution for "hate crimes," for "political incorrectness," and for our adherence to traditional values — whether the sanctity of life, marriage and famil y , defense of the Constitution, the right to self-defense by owning and bearing firearms, the right to teach our children Biblical values as we choose, or even our freedom to believe in Jesus Christ as the only way to God the Father .
All of these are under growing attack in America, which was the subject of this writer's book Storm Warning: The Coming Persecution of Christians and Traditionalists in America, which was published back in 1999. A growing number of Americans are going to jail for their stand for traditional values; are having their property or children seized; or are being stereotyped, ostracized, and marginalized by the government and society which has come to hate the values they stand for and defend. The same pattern of persecution was seen in Nazi Germany in the 1930's — directed against an unpopular, much maligned minority — the Jews...." (Unquote McAlvany)