June 6th, 2015: MOVING MOUNTAINS.

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Website: staffandswordministry.com I


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"(JESUS said) LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP, AND LET DOWN YOUR NETS FOR A DRAUGHT...and when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitudes of fishes: and their

net brake. And they beckoned unto their partners... and they came, and filled both ships..." (Luke 5: 5,6,7).


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HE WH0 CREATED ALL OF TIIIS." That settled it! I learned later that it was a wild cherry wood tree. Returning with a saw, I cut and trimmed it. Taking it home, I was led to anoint it with oil and set it aside. As it turned out, the forest preserve would cut a wide swath along the horse path widening it, so this tree would have been cut down anyway. The Staff itself is 62 inches high and has a natural curve near the top, which professional walkers told me is the kind of walking stick preferred, as it does not strain the hand while holding it. I kinda smiled, because if I had sought out this little tree in 1972 it would have only been about a foot high. God's timing has a purpose. In the walk through Chicago in September of 1976 it proved invaluable as we leaned on it quite a bit and it was sturdy enough to withstand that. There was something speci about this little Staff. On the three day walk through Chicago a number of people talked to us about how"beautiful it was" and one person offered good sum of money to buy it from us; but it was not for sale. " On the thirty day journey to Washington, D.C., when we arrived at a large church in Pittsburgh, a woman told us that she gets a message from the Lord every year with her new license plate number. That year it was #241 7", which puzzled her until she met us. She indicted it was the second book of the Bible, Exodus, Chapter 4, Verse 17 in which the Lord said: "And you shall take this rod in your hand with which you $ban work the signs (that prove I sent you.) In our second meeting with the Church in Pittsburgh, the gathering to hear us speak numbered in excess of two hundred souls. Before the meeting started, we heard of stories about the Sm many believed that it had been struck by heavenly lightning and that if the sick touch it or even if the shadow of this Staff falls on them, they will be healed. It was likened to the Staff of Moses. At first we tried to explain that it is just a cut of wood, but we soon knew by the Holy Spirit that this is not a story, but prophetic revelation. The next day, April 1, 1977, we were waiting our tum to speak in a large Catholic Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Cliff was holding the Staff (his turn that day) but then he suddenly gave it to me. It was so hot in my hands I could not hold it and




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leaned it against the pew. Cli would later tell me that he saw heavenly fire come from Heaven above and fill the Staff until it glowed white hot, so hot, he gave it to me. Great! He could have told me sooner. The President (Carter) would not see us the day we arrived and so JESUS had us go to the Capitol Building with The Staff, strike the ground and prophesy judgment on America. We didn't want to do it, but JESUS' Angel with us made it plain that He would send us back again on the road to Washington, D.C. We went to the Capitol Building. When we struck the steps I saw fire stream into the sky above us and it began to move South, North, East and West, criss crossing the lines of fire. The clouds above vanished! The Staff was white hot and hard to hold, we felt the fire. Then GOD THE FATHER spoke, filled with wrath against this nation said: " I AM AGAINST THIS NATION, THIS PEOPLE, BECAUSE THEY WHO mW MY SON HAVE REJECTED HIM AND POURED OUT THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS CHmST IN CONTEMPT." I cannot tell you how chilling that was to hear, we both trembled. Arriving at the airports went to board with The Staff and were stopped by an stern official who told us we could not bring it with us and that it had to go into the luggage compartment She took The Staff in her hand and her demeanor changed suddenly, she smiled and starting laughing, giggling as her face lit up with joy. She handed it back to us saying, "It is o tall it with you ", so we boarded the plane with The Staff. Flying back to Chicago we could see that the fire that looked like a golden thread spreading and slowly closing up the sky. By April 9th (the second day) a brother in the Lord named Nick told us of seeing a kind of lightning filling up the sky. Indeed, by Saturday there was not a cloud over all of North America, the fire/lightning closed the sky and a great golden dome covered North America. A weather report published at the time stated , "A very Yore vent, every weather front had gone, Dud that hardly a cloud appeared over all of North America. " More, this trend continued across the whole earth with rainfall or storms being unique. All this culminated on Easter Sunday, April 10, 1977. For several years after this, every time I brought out The Sm clouds above vanished in minutes and it spread in every direction. A few years after the 30 day

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D journey completed(April 10, 1977)wewere invited to visit Philadelphia. We arrived during a torrent of rain with a forecast of heavy rain for the next few days. The morning after we arrived we took out The Staff and the min stopped directly above us, the storm clouds vanished and the sun shone. Brethren in Philadelphia would say, "We &Hewyou hod taken The Stakoutside because the storm vanished so quick "

In the years since 1976 there have been many instances where the Staff has been central in doing signs, some very powerful. One thing I've learned is that this Staff is literally The Staff of God. _______________________________________________________________________________

When sin builds in a nation and even in the Church, it is like drops falling into a cup. When the cup is filled and begins to mu over, the Law of God will get involved, judgments can be triggered. JESUS often calls His Church, His people, to pray for mercy to offset judgment, to bring in mercy and to avert judgment When the Church rejects His Word, as delivered by His prophets, the consequences JESUS warns of are set in motion. Too often Lucifer/Satan takes this as an opportunity to execute judgment under God's Law. Problem is these devils are law breakers, they exceed what is lawful and horrific judgments can happen. When Christians reject JESUS' warnings of judgment they often say, "Oh, our God is a loving God and He would not do that! " While GOD might bring in judgment, more often than not judgments are brought in by Lucifer/Satan and these judgments are merciless. Lucifer/Satan's motivation is simple, if not obvious. If they can severely wound Christianity, even exterminate us, they can prevent JESUS' Second Corning. That is their motivation. In 1982 the Church was called to pray in many ways, JESUS' Word of warning was issued and the Church resolutely rejected JESUS' Word. This in tum led to the loosing of severe weather as vast storms ravaged the East Coast, the Gulf Coast and the West Coast. California was especially hard hit. A massive, 1,000 mile diameter storm system spun off the coast of Alaska and every day it spun off a storm that slammed into California. The tides changed, the water

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turned cold, itactually snowed in Los Angeles at onetime the constant storms high winds, fierce thunders and lightnings, pounding rain, and flooding was so intense that women and children were having nervous breakdowns. It was bad, very bad. ______________________________________________________________________________

THE NET OF PRAYER CALLED TO INTERCEDE. the storms that began in late 1982 continued unabated into 1983 and it was apparent that Lucifer was behind this and had a plan at work. Discerning the danger, and though unaware of the particulars, I called the Net of Prayer to begin praying for God's intervention and commission to stop these judgments. Problem was that the Net of Prayer numbered only 223 intercessors and long before JESUS made it plain that we needed a minimum of 300 intercessors to stop the judgments. As it was, 23 intercessors left the Net of Prayer at that time, reducing our numbers to 200; nonetheless, we prayed and persisted for weeks stretching into months. At this time what JESUS told me in 1980 was discerned to apply to the situation at hand in 1983. . , t -


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MOVING MOUNTAINS (continued)_ In this time JESUS made it plain that Lucifer was the prime mover in the judgments that were unfolding. Now, JESUS asked me to take The Staff and prepare for a long journey, to drive from Chicago to San Diego, California striking the earth every hundred miles as I drove or as His Angel instructed me. Ileft Chicago on March 15, 1983 and began the journey, a prophetic mission, under God's Commission. The first few hundred mile stops I was a bit shy, if not reluctant, to get out of the car with The Staff to strike the earth. My carnal side did not like to seemingly look foolish; but I obeyed the Lord and did as He asked. As Iprayed I began to see what was happening. In striking the earth with The Staff I visibly saw power streak from The Staff going deep in the earth and striking huge stony plates that were maybe 30-60 miles deep and deeper in places. These tectonic plates were the foundation of North America. Each blow of the Staff sent shock waves through the plates, they began to shutter and move ever so slightly. By the time !reached San Diego it was evident to me that the whole of North America was being shifted by these blows. I wondered if I could have done it all from Chicago with one blow but JESUS explained to me that if I did, that it would cause a catastrophic upheaval in the earth so violent that hundreds of thousands would perish and whole cities would be laid waste. When arrived in California I was greeted like a conquering hero $cuing them free. Indeed, the storms carried a dread, a spirit of terror with them - the presence of demons had direct effect on people. Being scheduled to stop for the night with a Christian couple on our mailing list, I arrived too early and so parked just outside of Los Angeles facing the ocean. I began reading my Bible and praying to pass the two hour wait. I noted the destruction of a large pier shattered by the storms, tom to bits is a better description. More, I could see a storm gathered to the west in the ocean and a pack of demons with it. They were talking to me but I i red them, wanted no conversation with them at all. Then JESUS told me that they were asking my permission to bring in the storm, I replied, "Not going to get item me! WSUS then explained to me that until I

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completed this work to the border of California and Oregon, I had to allow them to do this, they had grounds and opportunity to do this given them by the Church. Yielding to JESUS, I spoke to the demons (in The Spirit') and said to them: "You can bring in the storm, but If ]see one drop of rain hit my windshield until I get in the door of where I'm staying tonight ]will destroy at[ of you Dud your storm with you! " With that, the storm that had been stationary out at sea began to move inland. By this time Iwas driving to the couple's home. The storm clouds dropped low just over the roof of the car, not a drop of rainwater hit the windshield. I got my night bag, knocked on the door and was let in. The instant I stepped over the threshold of their home, the rain came down in buckets and the storm exploded.

By the time I reached Los Angeles I was in full Prophetic mode and my natural mind was keenly aware of my Spiritual Mind, my Mind in Christ. More, I was fully aware and operating in the anointing and empowerment given me by JESUS when He sent me into this world The dichotomy between my natural mind and my Mind in Christ

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Bl was evident to me. In my natural mind I saw Jesus Angel and heard his instructions and obeyed, knowing JESUS' Word was in him; however, my understanding of all that was happening and being done was dim. I was obedient and moving by faith in JESUS CIIRIST, but in becoming more intimate with my Mind in Christ, I would understand more and more of what was happening. When I warned the demons about, "so much as one drop of rain on my windshield..", it was not an idle threat, it was matter of fact. I could have easily destroyed them wi one word and they knew it and so backed off The Angel with me was a "no nonsense creature" and, being in Christ, I was the same. Whenever we read Scripture and Abide in Christ, we come into contact with JESUS and our Spiritual Mind, which is the Mind of Christ. One important matter was understood, in that only 200 of the needed 300 intercessors were praying, so this would limit the extent of the authority I could operate with. In essence, only two-thirds of the enemies' plans could be stopped, but one third would come through. At best, I was being led to alter the judgments, contain them and limit them but could not stop them knowing this by the Spirit of God and out of my Mind in Christ did not reveal just how this would work out in the natural world. For that, I would have to observe and discern unfolding events.

UnderThe shadowof THE SWORDOF THE LORD- Destructions YetMERCY! Underthe-shadow of The Princeof Darkness-Merciless Deathand Destruction!

This (above) was published on May 4, 1983. After completing the prophetic work

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through Los Angeles and all the way back to Chicago, this earthquake surfaced. I immediately knew by the Spirit of God, (the Mind of Christ), that this would have been a major destroying earthquake and would have laid waste Los Angeles in a 7.8 Magnitude earthquake. The loss of life would have been horrific. COALINGA, CALIFORNIA: We would hear of this later. Early the morning of May 2"d,two Christian women were awakened by the Lord and told to go out on the streets and claim all the lives in Coalinga for His Kingdom. They obeyed JESUS and when the earthquake struck no one was even hurt although the town itself was destroyed, every building was condemned as unsafe. Not only did JESUS have me lessen the size of the earthquake and divert it from Los Angeles, but He moved to spare lives in Coalinga where it would surface as a 6.5 Magnitude earthquake. When Christians pray, things change for the better; and when they pray as led by the Holy Spirit, miracles happen. (sketch in May 23, 1983 newsletter)


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In this sketch (above) I showed how the effect of the Prophetic Mission of striking the earth with The Staff was causing the whole continent to shift. In this May 23, 1983 Newsletter it was recognized that this shifting would cause excessive stress in the earth at a given point, which I showed as hash marks'. When I drove from Los Angeles to San Francisco, a storm struck before I arrived. A large white cross on a hill was struck by lightning and blown to bits. Lucifer was clearly showing his displeasure to me corning.

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_______________________________________________________________________________ When !reached the border of California and Oregon, I took The Staff and as JESUS instructed me, faced towards Alaska and said, Lucifer in JESUS' NAME STOP!" The massive 1,000 mile diameter storm system off Alaska began to break up and in a week's time it dissolved, the tides returned to normal on the West Coast and in California, the waters warmed and things were back to normal. I completed striking the earth all the way to Washington State and then back to Chicago completing a 2,500 mile Prophetic Mission. But I wasn't done. September 21, 1979 JESUS said "I WILL SEND YOU OUT TO BREAK LUCIFER'S POWER.." And on October 21, 1979 JESUS said: "...FOR YOU WILL LEAVE AND RETURN AND LEAVE." Again, having His Word in view, I understood His Word then also referred to that time (1983). Nowlbeganwhatwould be a2,548 mile Propheticwork starting in May, 1983go10g from Chicago to Washington State down South through Oregon, Nevada and California and on reaching San Diego returning to Chicago. As I drove, striking the earth with The Staff every hundred miles and seeing the massive shifting going on deep in the earth as a result JESUS told me this: ...LUCIFER'S PLAN IS RIPPED AS YOU TRAVEL, SHATTERING THE WHOLE INTO FRAGMENTS..." As I drove through Idaho in June of 1983 I clearly saw the effect of striking the earth. A massive earthquake that would have struck San Francisco (estimated to be a 8.5 Magnitude) was reduced to a 7.2 Magnitude and sent to a remote area. Here I saw a mountain move, the result of the Staff work. I had already published the location of the surfacing of the stresses in the earth in the May 23, 1983 Newsletter. On October 28, 1983 it surfaced when a 7.2 Magnitude earthquake struck Idaho, which moved Mt Borah, Idaho's tallest peak, literally moving it 15 feet higher, leaving a IO mile scar in the earth. Two children were killed when a building collapsed on them as they walked to school. On the next page is a reprint of the November 17, 1983 Report on these events.

By: Chuck-JohnelYounqbrandt u

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November17, 1983






WhenJesus $aid this of the prophetic work He had me accomplishas I travelled widely over this nation, He spoke of every time His angel instructed me to stop and in Jesus Name strike the earth with The Staff of God. Each time I did, by the Spirit of God, I would see a tremendous-power move from the Staff and hit the plates (15 miles below the surface with terrible explosions, roarings and. thunders. By May 1983 I -full, understood that Jesus was having mespeak and exercise ah authority given by His commissionto 1lterally- cause the whole of the North Americas to move. In the map I drew and presented in the May 23. 1983 newsletter ("WHATSHAPPENING, page 7) shownbel ow to the I of t . I real $zed that a terrible stress would comein the area shownwith the O lines below. left sketch. It was clearly stated then in May 1983 that under Gods commissionand anointing. I was by Fai th i n $peaking Hi s WordI i feral by moving mountainsand more - for the whole earth would be effected. Lest -any should mistaken my intent. I speak of the vast and wonderful go\BF of GodsHis is the G1ory; yet whenby Faith in Jesus Word, 9Lspoken

AND THE MOUNTAIN MOVED (sketchin M&y 23, 1983newsletter)

(sketchof mute ,from Mayto Ju y 5,1983

The May 83 sketchaboveand to the right, showthe massive1700mile faultsystem. whichJesusshowedme in June 1980.after I struckthe earththenwith the Staff. settingoff a nearidentical patternof earthquakes worldwide as we havejustseen tn thisyear. The sketchto the top-right. ts an enlargement - youwillnotethe 7.2 Richterquakein IDAHOOctober28. 1983 is almostdeadcenterof the areaI drew in May 23, 1983. Jesusblessed me thenin May, to see whatwouldcom as a consequence of the prophetic work- for I saw the mountains moving,somebeingcrushed-pulverized, some falling.somerising. _

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________________________________________________________________________________ .In 1983; after seeing how a major quake aimed at Los Angeles was diverted by The Staff away from a high population area I realized that the enemywasworkingtotriggerawar, maybe even World WarIII.Theirnextobjective would be San Francisco for a major quake, and getting that would put them into position to trigger a Nuclear War. The enemy was working through a well known judgment pattern of: (1) Storms, (2) Earthquakes/Volcanoes and (3) War. By the prayers of the 2OOIntercessors of the Net of Prayer, God's Commission to break up the enemy plan was set in motion, The Staff work was a part of that work, but the foundation was prayer/intercession by the Saints. Unfortunately, we fell short of the required 300 Intercessors. Therefore the Prophetic Mission was limited, meaning some of the enemy plan would get through and did. A little accusation: One brother, on hearing of how the major quake to hit San Francisco was lessened and diverted to a remote area (Idaho) where, unfortunately, two children would die, brought an accusation. This brother told me, "You murdered those two children"'Thousands of lives were spared in Los Angeles, thousands in San Francisco but somehow I was responsible for being unable to save the two children? The limitations me was due to a want of prayer. -

A CASE FOR PROPHETIC WORK "THE MOUNTAIN MOVED"_ A re-print of a portion of our November 17, 1983. Newsletter Stag & Sword MinistrV.

(Quote)""THODESTRUCTIONSCOMEOFIT,MERCY...."(JESUS). Idaho. USA: Oct. 28, 1983. Quake 7.2-Richter, remote area, severe damage, 2 dead. Lucifer's target: San Francisco. Turkey: Oct. 30, 1983. Quake 7.1-Richter, remote area, 30 towns-villages leveled, 1,400+dead. Lucifer's target: Unknown. The Staff or Prophetic work (changing earth movement) came after a time of prayer (by NOP prayer, mercy was obtained), and was followed by NOP prayer seeking greater mercy out of the destructions that could not be stopped. The Staff work was a benefit to not only the USA but Turkey as well, for by it Lucifer was ÂŁgstricted-confined-limited to more remote areas. Fact is, this I know by the Holy Spirit, is that the Idaho quake was intended to be an 8.5 Magnitude. quake aimed to center in San Francisca But note the wide variance in death tolls and destructiveness of the same strength quake in remote areas! The difference between

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up'n ed

2 dead [in] USD, and some 1,400 dead in Turkey can only be explained by prayer fol w-u seek' m, AFTER the prophetic mission was completed (July 5, 1983). The purpose of the prophetic Staff work was N0T to cause quakes, the earthquakes were already on their way to major population centers. No, the purpose was reduce the intense of the quakes and redirect the energy building in the earth to more remote areas. Thereby, breaking up Lucifer's one plan into many little plans, and NOP prayer would be more effective this way. This is what Jesus said long ago, and we can see it in graphic terms in the USA-Turkey comparison.

"...LUCIFER'S PLAN IS RIPPED AS YOU TRAVEL, SHATTERING THE WHOLE INTO FRAGMENTS..." (JESUS). Earthquakes from South to North in 1983; May 2nd Coalinga, California 6.5 Magnitude quake, no deaths; October7th5.2-RichterNY State (300miles).September20th-hundredsoftremblors shake Mammoth, CA., October 9th: Utah 4.6 Richter; October 28th: Idaho 7.2Richter (shakes 9 states),and November 16th 6.7-Richter Hilo, Hawaii.

How does the Devil get this power to execute judgments under God's Law? There are a number of Scriptures I could cite; but I elect to quote Matthew 16: 19. Here JESUS empowered His Church, every believer, with the power to Bind or Loose. JESUS' empowerment is not passive. When He calls His people to pray about a judgment or threat the enemy is posing as revealed by His prophets, the failure to believe and pray ends up " loosing" the judgment and the enemy He has warned about. In this way the church that rejects His Word becomes complicate with the enemy (Lucifer/Satan). When sin is rampant in a nation, the church should be standing in for the sinners in prayer and reaching out with Jesus' Love to draw them from the grip of hellfire to the saving Grace of JESUS CHRIST as their Savior. But the church does not pray much and few really believe that prayer changes things, so the enemy has an open door to enter in and, working through God's Law, bring judgment on the sinners. If a Christian prays and reads their Bible daily, they may then learn to abide in Christ and in Him will come to be led of by the HOLY SPIRIT and know just what the Lord God wants them to do. These steps are simple but alien to most church goers.

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APROPHET'S SITUATION. When brethren speak of God's Will they usually do not think about the three different forms, these being: (1) PERMISSIVE WILL Not good as God allows it but does not ordain it. This is where man's free will is running the show, not the Lord God. Trouble. (2) PERFECT WILL This is what the Lord God ordains, and here man's free will is bent to serve God's Will. (3) SOVEREIGN WILL Here the Lord God calls the shots, does not need man and will do it Himself, although He may have His people join in with Him.

When the Net of Prayer prayed and obtained God's Commission to intervene in the judgments in 1983,1 was sent out by the Lord JESUS to do what was HIS PERFECT WILL. I was also limited in what I could do by the fact that of the required 300 intercessors we had only 200 intercessors praying. If this Prophetic Mission were under GOD's SOVEREIGN WILL I could have easily smashed the enemy, ended their plans flat and brought them to a dead stop. I have gone out under GOD'S SOVEREIGN WILL a few times and frankly it was wondrous and great! ________________________________________________________________________________

A CONVERSATION WITH STEFAN (Stefan is my son who was T years old at this time) (Quote from our November 17, 1983 Newsletter) "One night I told my son, that by faith in JESUS' Name I'd moved a mountain. He smiled at me, first thinking I was kidding him. Then realizing 1 wasn't joking, he asked, "Are you going to write that?" Indeed, was my reply, for Christians need to be reminded that by Faith in JESUS, we are still in the mountain-moving business. Next day, Stefan told me that he had told his teacher and some classmates at school that I'd moved a mountain and said, "NoboG believed me. " (Now, Stefan was going to a Christian school.) I said, "In the Bible JESUS said If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to the mountain move - and it will move. Theproblem is that Christians do NOT believe what they say they belt e. " "Why is that dad*? " asked Stefan. I replied, "Because they have their eyes on men who are very limited and not on God who has no limits. " When Stefan wondered why I moved the mountain, I said, "Because Lucifer Wm moving to cause terrible earthquakes to kill thousands of daddy and morns and little children - so because some Christians believed God's Word and prayed for mercy,

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JESUS sent me out to break Lucifer s plan, toprevent the earthquakes om hitting big cities Li San Francisco. " I asked Stefan why he thought his classmates did not believe? Stefan said, "Because their daddys are not a Prophet"' That reply got a smile out of me.

End of "MOVING MOUNTAINS" Report _________________________________________________________________


The One Item an expert hunting guide says you must carry with you, April 13,2015, by Jonathon M. Seidl. "Whether it's a day hunt, a backcountry excursion or just a horseback ride, there's one item professional hunting guide Aram Von Benedi doesn't leave home without. And it's probably not what you thin kit's a plastic, industrial strength garbage bag. "This thing can keep you dry and warm and it could save your life," he said in a video posted on Outdoor Life's Facebook page. He explained how all you need to do to utilize it is cut a hole in the bottom for your head and slip it over your body. "You can stuff em full of firewood and stay dry and be ready when you need it," he added, before saying you can even curl up and sleep in it. Additionally, you can store meat from your kill in them and even submerge the meat-filled bags in a cold creek to keep the bounty from spoiling...." _______________________________________________________________________________

S-L On Nov. 14, 2013 (mood.) (Quote) Hello all, I am reading a book that has the

following pages day of {rage~ the 9th of AV. AV is the 5th month of the Jewish year. The 9th AV is a day of infamy for the Jewish people for many tragedies have befallen them on this roomful day. It proves beyond any reasonable doubt that history does repeat itself. Let us review some of the significant Jewish tragedies that occurred on the 9th of AV: I. The Children of Israel refused to enter the Promised land causing that generation to die in the wilderness (Numbers 14). 2. The Temple was destroyed for the first time (423 BC). 3. The Temple was destroyed for the second time (AD 69) 4. The Pope Urban II declared the first crusade (1093 AD). 5. The Jewish people were expelled from England (1290 AD)

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6. The Jewish people were expelled from Spain (1492). 7. The gas chambers of Treblinka began to operate in Poland (1942). Is this coincidental or will history repeat itself the book is called 4 Blood MOons,_ by John Hagee. The 9th of AV, or the 9th at the Jewish New Year usually starts in March, which would make July a good "bet". I think it is very interesting....(IJnquote)



November. 13 2013 (email). (Quote) Subject: Illinois/OMahoma /message fomarded]. These two emails, the first about Illinois

and the second about Oklahoma made an interesting contrast.... Part 1-Illinois: Body Count [in 2013, 6-month-period time] 292 killed (murdered) in Chicago. [For reference]- 221 killed in Iraq; AND Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in the entire U.S. State pension fund $78-billion in debt.... George Ryan is no longer Governor, he ls in prison. He was replaced by Rob Blagoyavic who is, that's right, also in prison..... This is the political culture that Obama comes from in Illinois. And he is going to fix' Washington politics for us? Part 2-OWahoma: [The] Only state that Obama did not win even one county in the last election. Oklahoma law passed, 37 to 9 amendment to place the Ten Commandments on the front entrance to the state capitol. The feds in D.C. along with the ACLU, said it would be a mistake. Hey this is a conservative state, based on Christian values 1330.... Oklahoma passed a law in the state to incarcerate all illegal immigrants, and ship them back to where they came from unless they want to get a green card and become an American citizen. They all scattered HB 1804. This was against the advice of the Federal Government and the ACLU. [But] Guess what, Oklahoma did it anyway. [Also, same year] Oklahoma passed a law to include DNA samples from any and all illegals to the Oklahoma database, for criminal investigative purposes. Madam Pelosi said it was unconstitutional SB 1102. Guess what, Oklahoma did it anyway. Oklahoma passed a law declaring Oklahoma as a Sovereign state, not under the Federal Government's directives; Joining Texas, Montana and Utah as the only

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states to do so. More states are likely to follow.... The Federal Government has made bold steps to take away our guns. Oklahoma passed a law confirming people in this state have the right to bear arms and transport them in their vehicles. I'm sure that was a setback for the criminals. The liberals don't like it - But guess what, Oklahoma did it anyway. Oklahoma voted and passed a law that ALL driver's license exams will be printed in English, and only English, and no other language. They have been called racist for doing this, but the fact is that ALL of the road signs are in English only. If you want to drive in Oklahoma, you must read and write English. Really simple. (Unquote) ______________________________________________________________________________

An Encounter With The Lord. written by: Dr. Daniel E. nobler, JESUS' Prophet (August 2, 2011, Word from the Lord). (Quote) "The Lord said, "Son on the video that you made years ago on "The Corning Darkness", the reality of the highest level is now at hand." I said, "What is it, Lord? " He said, son, all of the research you have done on the cities and the different areas that have had terrible riots and that have had terrible bank closings, they are going to pick up 100-fold In the years ahead you are going to see the most unbelievable situations: arguments, fights, breakouts and riots, not only in government haps but also in the streets of your nation." I said, "God, what are we going to do? " He said, "Tell My people that those who are out of debt will come through this but they will have to understand that they are to be quiet about being out of debt. They must be wise as a serpent but harmless as a dove because this nation will become as dangerous as any of the nations that we have seen go into the predicament that the United States is headed into." I said, "O God, what am Ito do? " He said, "You get the message out. You preach the power of the kingdom. Iwill lead those who are Mine through this but it will not be easy. Stay close to Me." Isaw a phony bubble of prosperity. A phony bubble of a ponzi scheme. It was bubbling out. I saw God punch the bubble with a hot needle. This is in reference to the flooding of our market with printed money and borrowing trillions from others (Unquote) Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL: I have considerable respect for Brother nobler, a Prophet of JESUS CHRIST. I know that we are heading into a time of dissolution and of intense trouble. Terrorism, rioting, financial crisis, economic woes, you name it. Get close to JESUS, stay close. God beChuck,-JOHNEL and Nany-TONI.

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