THE STAFF AND SWORD MINISTRY Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt 1400 North 30th Street, Space #64 Mt Vernon, WA. 98273 "THEREFORE WITH JOY SHALL YE DRAW WATER OUT OF THE WELLS OF SALVATION" Isaiah 12:3 [note: Jeremiah 2:13]
MARCH 12, 1988
PREPARING FOR THE COMING STORM Even as we strove with all our hearts, strength, resolve and love to overcome the judgments our brethren have unwittingly loosed, the issue had already been determined. It proved evident that the opportunity to intervene was present;yet it was also evident that God would PERMIT the disobedience and rebellion willfully active in men to prevail at this time. While we hoped otherwise from December 1987 thru February 1988 this was not so obvious; but now we see it plainly. Its a matter of fact now. Its also factual and evident that Jesus will move us in a time to intervene for mercies sake. Against this day comin g , we now are resolved to prepare and to be prepared to strike out on Jesus Word with all the strength
we have in Him against the enemy of our souls. But for now, we must wait, prepare, endure, til the Lord Jesus Christ leads us otherwise. That each of you understand the primary issue involved, we have prepared a REVELATION REVIEW with this issue(ori yellow colored paper). This REVIEW sharing with you a foundational understanding of whats happened, and whats about to happen. Yet in this part of the newsletter, we bring a tight singular focus to whats involved, whats at stake.
THE REAL ISSUE IS... Not earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, drought, destroying storms, war, economic crisis, banking crisis, disease or many other kinds of judgment. Tho these are all parts of Satans over-all plan, they are not his objective. Satan-Lucifer-Wormwood and all the hosts of hell aim ultimately to destroy Gods children and establish their kingdom in the America's and the whole world. This war they wage against all of us is a vast spiritual war, one we have seen, engaged IN THE SPIRIT for many years now--only now its about to emerge full blast in the flesh. The enem y of our souls has a singular strategy whereby they aim to seize this nation, this people and make them wholly captive to their power, their purposes -- which is to utterly destroy Gods people, to level America to the ground. This strategy Jesus has had me warn of year in and out - and yet year by year we have seen the church slip into the trap more and more. The strategy is ACCUSATIONAL BEHAVIOR, that leads to JUDGING & CONDEMNING one another and this being SIN leads to DEATH.
A LESSON FROM HISTORY I have written about this at times, now remember to remind all. Germany, the German people - a Christian nation and the very heartland of the Holy Spirit led Reformation became the singular instrument of an antiChrist spirit manifest in the person of Adolf Hitler. You can read hundreds of books on the history of Nazi Germany under Hitler and still not comprehend how such a demonic personality like Hitler could seize absolute power over Germany. Yet if you see what Hitler did thru II Timothy 2:26, you have the Devils strategy at work in America today
MARCH'8, 1988
Hitler in his time, led by an antiChrist spirit, ACCUSED the Bankers, the Jews, and others falsely --when the German people becian to take the bait, to agree and ACCUSE, they were taken captive by the Devil - a whole Christian nation fell into Satans power this way. From the time the Church Decision made in January 1987 fell short of what was needed, the Beast of antiChrist and its demonic host prevailed and broke thru the GAP 'IN THE SPIRIT" the first evidences of Beast activity in this nation appeared in March 1987 with the expose of Jimmy Bakker and a torrent of ACCUSATIONS in the media and from within the church itself exploded therafter. Now, following the Decision this January-February 1988, also falling short, now Jimmy Swaggart is exposed --loosing another torrent of ACCUSATION. Unity, Love, in the Body of Christ is being shredded, torn to pieces in the process --and all this is ground work, paving the way for the entrance of the Beast antiChrist. Since 1981, in March, we have warned, prayed, waged spiritual warfare to prevent the Beast of antiChrist from swarming in to seize this nation. And where this deadly enemy prevails its simply because Gods people have and are falling into the SNARE OF THE DEVIL, they have not only been tempted to ACCUSE, many Christia n leaders have TAUGHT th em to ACCUSE.
WHERE WILL WE PITCH OUR TENT? We can pitch our tent in the camp of ACCUSATION or we can pitch our tent in CHRISTS LOVE. !there we pitch our tent is what we will live. If CHRISTS LOVE then we will follow Jesus, and live His example, taking onto ourselves HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS and leaving ours behind. There is a scriptural command that we LOVE OUR NEIGHBORS AS WE LOVE OURSELVES. But in seeing as the Spirit of God has given us to see that most Christians little love themselves, and many hate themselves -- we realized that if they loved their neighbors as they loved themselves, their neighbors were in deep trouble. This area of our need is little seen, hardly touched upon by teachings and so the whole Body of Christ is vulnerable to Satans devices. Some months ago the Holy Spirit brought my attention to the command that we LOVE OUR NEIGHBORS AS 4E LOVE OURSELVES and in harmonizing it with another scripture(THE FIRST IS LAST, THE LAST IS FIRST) it was seen in a different light. Gods command FIRST is that we LOVE OURSELVES and with a CHRIST LCVE(Loving ourselves as Christ does) --then and only then can we love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Its imperative that we LOVE OURSELVES AS JESUS LOVES US -- for our capacity to Love God, and to Love our neighbors with a REAL CHRIST LOVE stems from the way we do or do not love ourselves. What is a RIGHTEOUS MAN? We know that we are counted righteous when we BELIEVE GOD, so next we can see that ACCEPTING HIS LOVE FOR US, receiving that Love, yielding to His Love putting on Christ in this way results in being counted righteous in Gods eyes. If we will pitch our tent in CHRISTS LOVE then this is what we need be yielded to receive, and learn to live as His Love teaches us.
THE DOOR SHUT TIGHT Judy-PAULINE recently shared that while I was in Chicago for my brothers funeral, she attended a church service and during that time had a vision, a terrible vision. During the church service Judy-PAULINE heard and partly saw two great steel like doors being shut, they closed with a terrible bang, then were bolted, barred shut tightly. With that, she felt a terrible emptiness and no longer could attend this church group. In the past months Judy-PAULINE had undergone and endured judgments and condemnations from christians there -why? She had been led by Jesus Love to come there, and in one service she was led by the Holy Spirit to pray for and minister to a man who had throat cancer and knowing the leading of the Lord she did, praying for his healing. She was judged as having done something evil, women are NOT to minister to men, 'avoid all appearance of evil' was quoted to her, from that time on she was regarded as someone who was 'wrong - Gods Spirit would not do it this way. In a short time the man who had terminal cancer of the throat(who she prayed for) was found to be wholly healed - no cancer, it disappeared. Yet, they accused Judy-PAULINE no less. Judy-PAULINE recently told me of the DOORS SHUTTING asking: 'what does it mean?'. One of the first visions given me hack in the early 1970's was like this_ I beheld two great doors that were shut tightly, I was sad, felt an emptiness, want and prayed then for Gods Help -- with this the door was unbolted, I heard it, and it opened - the two great doors opening inwardly not outwardly --with this a great and wonderful light full of bright gold like lights sparkling as a billion stars flooded out and poured out over me and to Earth. Now I heard Gods Voice, He said "THIS I DO FOR THE SAKE OF MY CHILDREN". So I stood overwhelmed by this mighty waterfall of Gods Blessings pouring out, and now saw that the doors in that light were solid gold, ornately carved and of wonderful design -- I KNEW without fully understanding that these were the DOORS TO HEPVEN or OF HEAVEN or both. Back in 1983, at a time when Jesus Love so filled me that for a time I was transformed and walked and spoke in His Love deeply - I encountered the same. Christians by the numbers turned on me with accusations, condemnations and I KNEW that what they hated with such hatred was not me, but Jesus and His Love. More, those who hated Jesus Love I saw could Why are christians this way? NOT receive it and His Love convicted them into a rage. Today its in view -- they have not learned that they must first Love themselves as God does, and so they self-judge, self-accuse, self-condemn and in that way they are wholly unable to receive Gods Love feeling unworthy to receive it. Yet when Judy-PAULINE shared this, I knew this 1988 that she had seen the closing up of Gods Blessings, its been closed, its closed and now Why? Men have rejected His Love, so now men will receive the darkness they prefer. They do not know what they are doing, and this fact alone makes it all the more tragic. HOW DID THE CHURCH GET THIS WAY? I won't deny that I was angry with Jimmy Swaggart in 1987 over the way he pounded Jimmy Bakker to bits; but my anger stemmed more from the fact that I was very aware that Swaggart was leading millions of christians to ACCUSE as if it were a form of Godliness and this in turn was not only empowering Satan/Lucifer IN the church; but was also drawing IN the Beast of antiChrist and its demonic host and extending to them a great power to do terrible things. Yet I repent of my angry for Swaggart; for I have always known he is a 'man of God', have seen him led by the Spirit of God teaching truth out of the Bible, and bringing many to the saving knowledge of God thru Jesus Christ. More, I have a Godly love for this brother in Christ and feel for him, understanding with compassion the troubles he's undergone and more grieve that his troubles now evident have deeply hurt the Body of Christ --its been a mutual hurt, we are all hurt. For the babes in Christ, this expose of Bakker, now Swaggart and who knows who's next -- can serve Satans purposes more than Gods if we do not see why it happened.
MA RCH 8, 1988
HOW DID THE CHURCH GET THIS WAY? (contd) Now Judy PAULINE shared that some years ago a Christian gal she knew had a vision where she saw Jimmy Swaguart with a gun to his head. Back then no one knew what it meant, or even if it was from God or what to do about it. Today, we pray it was a symbolic vision -- Swaggart was/is 'self destroying' because he self accuses himself for having weakness's common to all of us. And if we would look at Jimmy's sin, then heinn with a prostitute was NOT the sin, it was only a symptom of the sin -- the true sin was that Jimmy did not Love himself as Christ did. Tho Jimm y prayed and fasted for Gods Help against his troubles, he could NOT receive Gods Love that would have freed him because he self judged and in seeing himself as unworthy could not receive Gods help. In essence Jimmy out of self condemnation could not receive Gods help - he could only reject it, he did and so it came to this. The deeper tragedy is that very very many babes in Christ and even those having a measure of maturity in Christ who looked to Jimmy Swaggart as a 'man of God' are going to be subtly undermined in ways they hardly can see. Let me say it simply 'If Jimmy a great man of God The rage, anger, even hatred that could not overcome a temptation to sin - how can we? some christians will aim at Jimmy Swaggart now will only hurt him more, and reveal that those who do so are really revealing a terrible fear in themselves --that they are subject to what he was subject to. But in truth Jimmy Swaggart is as much a victim as the whole church is a victim -- of a thing that got into the church 2,000 years ago_ PAUL THE APOSTLE warned and warned about this, and taught men in the first century church -but discerned it would take hold of the church lastly and said so. "I WOULD THEY WERE EVEN CUT OFF WHICH TROUBLE YOU. FOR, BRETHREN, YE HAVE What is i t? BEEN CALLED UNTO LIBERTY; ONLY USE NOT LIBERTY FOR AN OCCASION TO THE FLESH, BUT BY LOVE SERVE ONE ANOTHER. FOR ALL THE LAW IS FULFILLED IN ONE WORD, EVEN IN THIS' "THOU SHALT LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF. BUT IF YE BITE AND DEVOUR ONE ANOTHER, TAKE HEED THAT YE BE NOT CONSUMED ONE OF ANOTHER. THIS I SAY THEN, WALK IN THE SPIRIT AND YE SHALL NOT FULFILL THE LUST OF THE FLESH.. .BUT IF YE BE LED OF THE SPIRIT YE ARE NOT UNDER THE LAW. NOW THE WORKS OF THE FLESH ARE MANIFEST, WHICH ARE THESE; ADULTERY, FORNICATION, UNCLEANESS...NATREU, WRATH, STRIFE, SEDITIONS, HERESIES(Divisions)... Galatians 5:12-16,18,19... Pauls farewell to the church made it clear --"..FOR I KNOW THIS, THAT AFTER MY DEPARTING SHALL GRIEVOUS WOLVES ENTER IN AMONG YOU, NOT SPARING THE FLOCK. ALSO OF YOUR OWN SELVES SHALL MEN ARISE, SPEAKING PERVERSE THINGS, TO DRAW AWAY DISCIPLES AFTER THEM..." 20:29,30 The grievous wolves? Those who BITE AND DEVOUR others. These entered the church 2,000 years; ago, and christians have come to accept this WAY of doing things as being Godly --and at the heart of it is ACCUSATORY BEHAVIOR. Jimmy Swaggart and all of us have been born into this church system where unGodly behavior is taught as Godliness -- we have been born into a system that mixes the Cup of the Lord (Jesus Love) with the cup of Satan. It is the accusatory behavior that spawns fear, and just as PERFECT LOVE CASTS OUT FEAr, fear when present simply means Love is NOT present. When fear is present, we move from under Grace and enter into Law --and here we are subject to the LUSTS OF THE FLESH , accused and accusing, judged and judging, condemned and condemning and making Christ Victory of non effect in our lives by so doing. And if you will see it, Jimmy Bakker repented of his sin 7 years ago, he found Gods Help, he turned from that sin and was/is forgiven --this is also why others could not forgive Bakker, he had escaped the torment they had not. More, they could NOT accept that Bakker was forgiven and free of that sin because they themselves did NOT believe it was possible-Bakker
ucceeded where they failed - they could not accept this.
THE 1983 IN SPIRIT "PATTERN" Since OCTOBER 13, 1987 the NET OF PRAYER has been holding prayer positions IN THE SPIRIT, in San Francisco. What we have done, are doing is blocking the Beast-spirit(Wormwood) and its massive demon army from entering directly into the world and this nation. At this point in time the NET OF PRAyeR is the only viable Christian army on the scene that stands between the Beast antiChrist and this nation, this world. F Now IN the nation and IN the world is Lucifer with a lesser demon army, who is behind our lines. With the CHURCH DECISION ME, ofY o,a^ER ;h,,, If. =that prevented prophetic intervention by the EAST COAST TRIP, the opportunity to eliminate Lucifer and his demon forces was lost. The NET OF PRAYER is clearly unable to hold San Francisco and to deal with Lucifer both--why? ACCUSATORY BEHAVIOR comino from withini the Church itself since 1983 has reduced the number of NOP Intercessors significantly. I'd estimate that we have lost close to 400 Intercessors since 1983, and today we have around 200 Intercessors. In battles IN THE SPIRIT in 1987 we proved only able to double the victory's we had seen in 1981-82 at ONE THIRD LEVEL. In other words, we only were able to accomplish ONE THIRD of what we could in 1981-82. 1
Since October 13, 1987 we have seen demon probes at San Francisco at times - they were only checking to see if we were there--scouting runs if you will. But this mid February 1988 we have seen clear evidences that the demon scoutings of our position is identical to the pattern seen in January 1987 just before the massive attack to come thru the GAP back then. What this tells us is that we are nearing the time when the Beast will move with all its power to break past the NET OF PRAYER at San Francisco --of itself it cannot succeed--BUT with Lucifer attacking us from the rear at the same time, we will prove unable to prevent a break thru. This was the pattern SET IN THE SPIRIT in February 1987, and it followed just after the CHURCH DECISION of January 1987(which also fell short as did the CHURCH DECISION of this Jan-Feb 1988). Thus we have the reasonable expectation that the Beast will attack in force on the heels of the church decision - as it always has. The Beast antiChrist is going to enter this world with POti1ER TO KILL MEN, to destroy lives and property --thats what the accusatory behavior in the church has accomplished. The NET OF PRAYER has grounds and basis to withstand this enemy for a time but the pattern IN THE SPIRIT is that at a point in time, once Lucifer and the Beast link up(hreakthru) we will have to withdraw, abandon the San Francisco prayer positions. At this point the NET OF PRAYER has Gods call to cover, protect the Sealed, Innocent and Faithful-Obedient -- there is nothing we can do for the others, its been decided. I WHAT NEXT? Just as in 1987, we looked to the pattern of battles IN THE SPIRIT from 1981 to 1 982 to KNOW what would come next. The enemy of our souls governed by Gods Law, must DOUBLE that past pattern --once they do, then it manifests in the world for real. We have already fought those battles(1981-1984), and we re-fought them in 1987 in part. Now what comes is what came in 1983. The sketch above tells whats coming this 1988. The NET OF PRAYER in 1983 stood against the Beast and its demon army advancing from the West(after breaking thru San Francisco), JESUS then led the NET OF PRAYER(Intercessors and Angels) to stand, hold fast and withstand the full fury of the enemies attack, and standing in Christ we did! What happened was that 'a Beast appeared on horse having a great war sword AND a ball of fire and lightning.
MARCH 9, 1988
83 "IN THE SPIRIT" PATTERN (contd) That demonic Beast hurled the BALL OF FIRE & LIGHTNING Eastwards, the NET OF PRAYER under
Jesus direction stood before it, behind our shields of Faith. When that BALL OF FIRE & LIGHTNING struck the wall of NET OF PRAYER Faith Shields there was a powerful Blast and Explosion, the very ground shook terribly and all but 10% of the force of the blast was quenced by the shields of Faith of NOP. What got past us looked like four streams of FIRE, and they on striking the Earth behind us(Eastwards) a great fire instantly consumed the land in areas leaving only blackened Earth. With a fury that was terrifying to see, this massive demon army charged against the NET OF PRAYER - they came with such force and momentum it was evident to me they would crush over us. Regardless, Jesus told us to STAND & HOLD, and thats what we did. Suddenly a Mighty Wind came from the EAST and we knew it was the HOLY SPIRIT --the demon army was slowed in their charge towards us, then stopped, then broken and hurled back by that MIGHTY WIND --
now JESUS said "I GIVE THEM INTO YOUR HANDS - GO" and we attacked and swept thru them destroying great numbers til Jesus said it was enough. In a time the demons recovered, re-grouped and attacked again, now we fought them face to face, and as Jesus required we HELD, withdrew and HELD again and again. !kea;.+.5ca ref CHURCH DECISIONs in 1983, we could not STOP the demon army, but we could DELAY, HINDER, SLOW and LESSEN their power, preventing them from over-running the whole nation, taking absolute control of our country. This is the role of the NET OF PRAYER this 1988 -- HINDER, DELAY, SLOW, LESSEN their power. We can hope to obtain as much as we did in 1983 - but the way church decision has gone tells me, we will obtain less but much tho not all of the 1983 patterns seen IN THE SPIRIT.
BALL OF FIRE-FOUR STREAMS OF FIRE JESUS has taught us since 1981 how these events seen IN THE SPIRIT can manifest IN THIS WORLD in real terms. while its complex, it also has some simple dimensions. What happens deep IN THE SPIRIT which conies to many Christians as 'visions' steadily emerges IN THE WORLD, but the IN SPIRIT PATTERNS reveal a broad general view of enemy intentions --when it does begin to manifest IN THE WORLD, it happens in many ways but always according to the patterns seen IN THE SPIRIT. In 1983, when that BALL OF FIRE & LIGHTNING was hurled, this happened at a level we call "IN THE WORLD - meaning the demon power was almost wholly IN THE WORLD by this time. Thus what we saw IN THE SPIRIT we expected would reflect IN THE WORLD in evident ways - and it did! The FOUR BLASTS AND STREAMS OF FIRE that cot past the NET OF PRAYER in 1983 reflected IN THE WORLD inside of 7 days from the time it was seen. Within the first 24 hours, a BLAST was heard in the sky over Cleveland Ohio that shook the ground for hundreds of miles so strongly some were thrown off their feet in places--but it was NOT an earthquake, nor could any cause be found - except that it was an explosion heard in the sky. We recognized it simply because we HEARD & FELT it IN THE SPIRIT. Within the next 7 da y s the 2nd, 3rd and 4th BLASTS were heard and felt along the Gulf Coast of the U.S.A. having the same effect, equally puzzling to scientists. The TRUE MEANING of the FOUR STREAMS OF FIRE was apparent to us even then in 1983 --FOUR NUCLEAR BLASTS --the Nuclear Accidental exchange between Russia and U.S.A. to come a DECEMBER. We also KNOW that the Beast-spirit held back at San Francisco has the POWER to cause this nuclear disaster --thus the call of God on the NET OF PRAYER is to WITHSTAND as we did in 1983 --if we don't, if we turn away from Gods call on us, if we allow Satan to have a free hand --it will mean World Nuclear War. Right now, it appears that 5 cities will be nuked, an accident -- if the NOP loses ground this 1988, if we lose more Intercessors, it can be 6 cities or 7 cities nuked. We have a choice between a Horrible Disaster and a Terrible Disaster --thats all the choice the Church has left us. Within our limits we will work with all Love to obtain as much MERCY as possible, hoping as well for even more.
MARCH 9. 1988
You may ask why the four streams of fire IN SPIRIT manifested as quakes in 1983? Well, in act, what we •had in view was t e sound of a nuclear 5Tastin the air wit out the kind of fiery destruction that comes with it . In other words, only a dimension of it manifested IN THE WORLD, enough to tell us what it would be when it comes for real - nuclear blasts happening in the air over cities. How do demons with_power to KILL manif 'N TF[E_QRLB2 From 1981 to 1984 we have seen many examples a how demons once they get manifest their power. In much, demons simply set down a pattern and find a human vessel subject to their influence who then fulfills their direction, their pattern. People in the world see what some person does but is unaware of the demonic direction behind the action. In 1984, again due to ACCUSATIONS and subsequently DIVISIONS within the NET OF PRAYER, demons were able to break past the NET OF PRAYER and enter INTO THE WORLD. JESUS then sent me out to 'scout", to see just what demons have come thru, and to see what they were doing --later the NET OF PRAYER moved under Jesus direction and destroyed these demons who got thru --but in some instances NOT before they killed and destroyed. In that 1984 scouting trip, I saw in ST LOUIS, near the GOLDEN ARCH a demon principality, it looked like a man and bull both, huge, towering, sinister - - before it was what looked like a CATTLE PEN, and lesser demons were gathering men, women and children into that CATTLE PEN. The demon principality reached into the pen, seizing what looked like about 40 men, women and children in its clawed hands, it crushed them to death, I heard their cries and death agonies and saw BLOOD run out from their bodies into a cup, the demon prince drank their blood, laughed and hurled away the lifeless bodies. It was so gruesome to see it revolted me, and i found in myself a Holy hatred for this thing; but equally aware the church permitted this - at the moment I could do nothing, we had to wait on Jesus direction_ Inside of a matter of days, this demonic pattern seen under the GOLDEN ARCH in St Louis manifested IN THE WORLD in terrible real terms. A man walked into a Mac Donald(GOLDEN ARCH) in San Diego, opened fire and shot to death 40 men, women and children --the place was covered in blood. I KNEW that every person in that MacDonalds had been BROUGHT there by demon influence, and then the man who murdered them lastly. Days later the NET OF PRAYER moved IN THE SPIRIT on Jesus direction, we caught and destroyed every demon seen in the scouting mission of that 1984 - - when we did this, a series of mass murders following the MacDonalds massacre suddenly ended. This is what Paul meant when he taught that we "Wrestle NOT against Flesh and Blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world..." (Ephesians 6:12) And if you consider what these demonic powers do once they et INTO THE WORLD and compare say the man who killed the 40 in 1984(MacDonalds) with Hitler --the two are the same, only the scale is different. Hitler drenched Europe in a blood bath, lastly when unable to kill anymore killed himself --likewise the man in 1984, killing himself lastly. When you consider the murder spree of Charles Manson or of Son of Sam - again the power behind their actions is the same. The church being so CARNAL in their view of things(including the Bible) are unable to see whats behind this, thus equally unable to exercise Christs Power in prayer to change it. In a simple view, I have come to see flesh and blood mankind as being like a GLOVE -- we can be filled with JESUS LOVE and led of by the HOLY SPIRIT--or--if not this, we will be filled by these demonic powers that can influence and direct our actions. In small scale ways we can see how one person can be used to victimize many --on a grander scale, the same can happen to a whole nation. Thats what the Beast of antiChrist(tormwood) is all about_ Thus in conclusion, the Godly Call on the NET OF PRAYER is to withstand this demonic power, and diminish the extent to which it can take hold in this nation. The patterns of 1983 will be the r eality of 1988.
'MARCH 10, 1988
STORMS, then QUAKES(& VOLCANO's), then WAR By JESUS WORD revealing the judgments coming, we have drawn out a simple sequence of events - FIRST - Storms, followed by {QUAKES and/or Volcanic troubles, followed by WAR. The actual workings of this judgment sequence is vastly more complex, involvinn much more; yet in truth we have been able to detect Satanic attempts to initiate judgments at the early stages - thus able to intervene in prayer to block and prevent it from developing into more serious things. When the Beast actually breaks thru San Francisco into this nation, we will surely see a terrible stirring of the elements FIRST in STORMS. Each time we have seen IN THE SPIRIT such breaksthru's in past years Violent Storms emerge and reveal the literal movement of demon power over the face of the Earth. For us, it will be clear and easy to discern a break thru past seeing it IN THE SPIRIT. For those who may have forgotten or were not on the mailing list in 1984 -- a reminder: When demon power burst into the nation in 1984 to empower the Beast-man(Hart), violent storms swept in from the West and pounded the whole nation for weeks --then suddenly Hart took the New Hampshire primaries, and became on overnite political force from just about nothing. It looked for a time as Ef Hart would be a Presidential candidate. But we KNEW better, tho we had seen the demon power sweep the nation IN THE SPIRIT in 1983, we were also led by Jesus to destroy that influence out of most of the nation in 1983 -thus Harts skyrocketing success we knew would be followed by a sudden defeat --one we had inflicted on the Beast and its demons a year before in prayer warfare. More , we even knew where it would turn, in the Midwest U.S.A. where we had pulverized the demon armies --and in 1984 this is where Hart saw the bottom drop out of his political surge to power. However the patterns in 1987 IN THE SPIRIT were not the same as in 1983 -- the NET OF PRAYER prevailed in holding only ONE THIRD of the nationand the Beast prevailed in TWO THIRDS --this IN THE SPIRIT pattern will manifest the same IN THE WORLD. It was not until after seeing IN THE SPIRIT in 1983 a demonic sweep of the nation, followed by the literal reality of Hart sweeping the nation in 1984 did we comprehend how demon power could sway, influence and hold domination over broad numbers of people nationwide. It was only when the demon influence was removed that people could see Hart for what he was - not before. This brings us to the subject of the Beast-spirit and Reast-man.
THE PRESIDENCY AND THE BEAST The Beast-soirit(4Jormwood) and the main demon army is still outside this nation, and the NET OF PRAYER stands between it and the nation and the Beast-man, who is the vessel that would be taken over by the antiChrist spirit. Revelations concerning the Beast-man and spirit were considerable in 1987 up until July 1987 when after learning that FOUR(4) men were potential vessels for the Beast-spirit, revelation ceased. Since then, a REVELATION BLACKOUT one caused by church decision to reject Jesus Word brought insight to a standstill. At this time we are unable to conclude anything. We identified Oliver North as one of the four men, but now its more obvious that North served to lay down a foundation for the Beast in the past 5 years(l982-1987) than anything else. Hart is politically dead, thus more a diversion than a Beast candidate. We have been unable to discern that any of the candidates at present are the Beast-man. It is possible the Beast-man is NOT among the candidates. What is clear is that the Beast-antichrist WILL begin to lay down foundations for taking over this nation this year. Past this, until we have more insight we need pray the more for Gods Help in this area. The Beast-man is well hidden, this we KNOW, but we also KNOW we will recognize him. JESUS has given us a tremendous amount of insight into this Beast-man over the years. We KNOW he is a professing born again christian - but in truth he is NOT a christian --only appears this way. But again, until we have a genuine Holy Spirit insight we do best to avoid any kind of speculation. This Beast-spirit (Wormwood) is especially cunning and devious and aims to distract us from whats its doing - our best response is a prayerful patient one.
MARCH 10, 1988
This Beast-spirit is one I have seen IN THE SPIRIT for a time, and the Holy Spirit has given me to hear its plans, comments and attitudes. I'm very aware that on the level of human intelligence this thing is vastly superior to us and if we engage this thing on a humancarnal level, it will prevail over us. I'nm aware of many bulletins, newsletters and reports circulating about Pat Robertson, and Jesse Jackson that while they raise reasonable questions --they also lend too much to ACCUSATORY BEHAVIOR. We will lose more than gain if we do not obey Jesus Command to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Our strength is in being led by the SPIRIT OF GOD, and that takes FAITH and FAITH WORKS BY LOVE. The issue raised more than anything else in this newsletter has to do with LOVE -- LOVING OURSELVES AS CHRIST DOES, LOVING OTHERS AS WE LOVE OURSELVES. If we do not LOVE ourselves-others with a Christ Love --we give place to the Devil(Ephesians 4:27), that leads to ACCUSATORY BEHAVIOR and that leads to being taken CAPTIVE BY THE DEVIL and that leads to DEATH. It is the want of CHRIST LOVE in the Church today that has brought this terrible evil to the brink of taking this nation over. Do not for a moment think we can ACCUSE or even allow ourselves to FEAR whereby we then ACCUSE, that if we do this, we will play right into the hands of the enemy of our souls. Nothing will blur and confuse our discernment more than an accusatory attitude at work in us. But its not that we try to avoid ACCUSATION, better its that we learn to live LOVE. The Power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is HIS LOVE, yield to this, live it, embrace His Love, seek always to be led of His Love. Love is the wisdom we need, its the very heart of Christianity.
Panama's banV%ang
MAIZCK q 0 9^ nevi
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Police lash out as
Cash crisis comes
burning barricades
after general strike 9
block city streets
paralyzes economy
C Richter quake MEXICO 3.8 Richter quake SAN JOSE FEBRUARY 9, 1988
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2.7 Richter NEW HAMPSHIRE FEBRUARY1Q,1988 ^ ' - quakes Cali'^ f orni a & Alaska For those of you who asked to receive the BANKING CRISIS
REPORT, you may recal l that on page 73 q f the report a projection was made for a WARNING QUAKE on FEB 9th to happen in U.S.A.
What did develop was far more than expected, quakes struck before Feb 9th, on Feb 9th and after Feb 9th. Thru JESUS WORD BANKING CRISIS is intimate to Quakes and War, thus QUAKES on these days are taken as indications that Banking troubles are deepening, tho not visible, visible via QUAKES. Whats unique is that also thru JESUS WORD, TROUBLES in PANAMA are also indications of WAR developing --and here we see TROUBLES IN PANAMA that lead to a BANKING CRISIS. n What all this means is that RUSSIA is moving again with intent to attack the U.S.A. But as stated in the report, a BANKING CRISIS would preceed such an attack. What we have in view now is evidences thru Jesus Word indicating these things are in motion. For us, its an alert to press on in prayer, to PREPARE to stand in Christ. JESUS by His Word revealed back in 1983 that Russia was secretly building missile sites and bases(47 bases, 67 missile sites) in CUBA. These underground facilities would assemble, and deploy 246 very sophisticated missiles, carrying a total of 1500 nuclear warheads aimed at the U.S.A. From the time these missiles would be detected by U.S. Radar, they would impact 1500 targets in the U.S. within 60 seconds --we would be devestated and left with
MARCH 14,-1988
BANKING CRISIS UP-DATE --CUBAN MISSILE ATTACK (contd) little capacity to strike back. We have known of this in detail since 1983, and recently Pat Robertson stated knowledge of such a build-up in Cuba. The experts mocked this saying Cuba is under air surveilance by U-2's and satellites constantly and no such evidence is seen Castro denied it hotly, Moscow denied it hotly. But I remember how Russia from 1979 began secretly storing weapons for an attack on Israel in Lebanon by tunneling underground -and NO ONE detected a thing until 1982 when Israel troops over-ran Sidon Lebanon and found the immense underground s y stem Russia had built and stocked with weapons enough to equip an army of half a million men. All this happened undetected in an area of super intense surveilance, vastly more there than in CUBA -- Russia has learned how to overcome detection. The PERSHING MISSILES deployed in Western Europe by U.S.A. are equals in capacity to the Soviet missiles going into CUBA --thats why COMMUNIST Leaders in Russia have worked so hard for a missile treaty, the one gotten this December 1987 in Washington D.C. For years we have been unable to get anyone to listen to what Jesus says about CUBAN MISSILES, so what Pat Robertson ran into is the same. Since 1984, we have come to the view that the ACCIDENTAL NUCLEAR EXCHANGE whereby Russia launches Nuclear ICBM's at U.S.A. from Siberia by accident, is likely their war plan of attack that is cancelled but too late to prevent launch of these missiles - something goes wrong. Its discerned that a total of 418 Nuclear ICBM's would be fired(in a surprise attack) from Russia - most from Siberia, 246 missiles from Cuba, and an unknown number from Soviet submarines. The leading of the Lord Jesus in past years was to pray asking God to destroy these weapons and the results of this prayer was seen in 1984 when Russian missile depots & ammo depots began exploding one after another in 1984 denuding Russian war weapons, averting their plans at that time. This is our approach in pra y er this 1988 - this is now the focus of our prayers. In directing our prayer focus to this area, we will indirectly lessen every other danger - banking crisis, earthquakes - all.
AUGUST 3, 1988 PRAYER CAMPAIGN Steve-JOEL has the leading from the Lord that the MET OF PRAYER is to move in spiritual warfare in IRAN(Persia) AUGUST 3, 1988. This agree's with other insights, thus on the PRAYER SHEET is a prayer designed to prepare us to move in this direction. Its also a part of the over-all prayer strategy to deal with the Satanic WAR PLAN & JUDGMENT before it deals with us
M I N I S T RY G I FTS AND REPORTS At this time the Lords direction is to bring focus to PREPARATION(teaching spiritual warfare and prayer), and PRAYER INTERCESSION building on the foundational decision to OVERCOME coming judgments in favor of MERCY. Spiritual warfare and prophetic intervention will likely follow
later, founded on how well we obtain Gods help via prayer. This means there will be an increased number of reports(and now cassette tapes). We have the financial resources to BEGIN this, but it will take consistent support to continue and complete the whole work. Thank you for your support in this. God Bless. MINISTRY GIFTS MINISTRY GIFTS (Canadian funds send to:) (General Ministry support and special funds to:) Chuck-JOHNEL Youngbrandt 1400 North 30th St, Space #64 Mt Vernon, WA 98273
Albert E. Egner 4975 Jordan Road Martinsville, IND 46151
SPECIAL FUND: for Ontario teaching trip SPECIAL FUND: for New ministry car SPECIAL FUNDS --are gifts over and above ministry gifts, designated for specific uses. Its now clear we must accumulate funds towards a new car, it will take longer, but at least we will work steadily in that direction - as like with the cassette machine fund. God Bless