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The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports

RELATIONSHIP REPORTS February 1984 to January 1985 @ 2008

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By Chuck-JOHNEL Younybrandt



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The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports Here [in Exodus 20:4-5] we have a DON'T out of the Ten Commandments, Yet, as the Lord has shown me, the other side of the same coin is the DO. This commandment speaks of FALSE GODS of provoking the Lord God to jealousy, and it is by IMAGE MAKING that this is done. In our fleshy minds we can readily believe this to strictly apply to things like statues, carvings, and such. However, long before a carved statue is placed in a temple to be an object of worship, it is in men's hearts and imaginations. It is here that it begins: in our very inner imaginations. What it is that our focus of thought is upon. This is what the Scripture refers to.

AN ILLUSTRATION IMAGE MAKING Sometimes an illustration reveals more about something than a written explanation. Here is an illustration of IMAGE MAKING:

In the three sketches (see above), the /GE NG OF MAN on the far left is the same as the man on the far right, both have "OTHER GODS BEFORE HIM [emphasis added]" (Exodus 20:3), and the Lord God is speaking of what we place FIRST in our lives, anything-anyone more than

The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports HIM, then it is BEFORE HIM and it is a god to us. The two men on the far left and right have "other gods before Him". This is the DON'T, while the man in the center has HIM FIRST, this is the DO. As men are taught legalism, right and wrong behavior, and as they are compelled to place stress on appearances', an evident and great truth that runs throughout Scripture like a rich vein of gold is almost entirely overlooked and invisible to us. Except the Holy Spirit revealed it, I would not have seen it or even known it was there.

CONFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF HIS SON In Romans, Paul writes, " . TO BE CONFORMED TO THE IMAGE OF HIS SON [emphasis added]." (Romans 8:29). How many take this to mean acting like Jesus?! Yet if it does not mean that, then how are we to be conformed to His image? It is through the God given image making capacity we all have, yet only a precious few even know its power and that it is a vital part of our ability to commune with the Lord our God. It is to each of us a part of our God given make-up it is as integral to us as the very breath we take, and more so. Years back, out of daily prayer and looking to Jesus, IMAGES of the Kingdom of God came readily. However, it did not occur to me then that VISIONS FROM GOD were seen through the faculty of IMAGINATIONS. Neither did I seek to see a vision of Jesus or of angels, Instead, my heart was wholly set on loving and serving Him Jesus Christ, And so, I saw visions, I saw Jesus, I saw Angels and more! Without knowing it and in placing Jesus first above all, in Him, I received all that I might desire and much more. Jesus poured endless blessings out upon me as I sought to more and more place Him first above all! Had I made seeing a vision or an Angel my chief aim, then what would have come would have been false, it would have been BEFORE HIM. But, Jesus was my chief aim, and to know and love Him a deep desire within me, and so I came to know Him and when I saw Him, I KNEW because I had come to KNOW HIM. Each time I seek to draw near Jesus, I pray a time to give-up, forget, let go of every concern, every question, all burdens lest I come to Him with something between us, something before Him. There is a big difference between praying and presenting petitions before the Lord, and seeking a relationship of love with Him. Praying with petitions is ASKING, but drawing near Jesus to love him is SEEKING. Both are done in our imaginations!

The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports



Most Christians want a Scripture before they will accept a revelation from the Holy Spirit as truth. Trouble is, we have imperfect understandings of Scripture if not wholly incomplete, we cannot see the truth or meaning of a Scripture until we are led by the Holy Sprit into that truth and we cannot be led by the Holy Spirit until we yield, and we will not yield until we know Jesus, His Love and come to Trust Him to keep us safe from all deceptions. It always comes back to having a living relationship with Jesus Christ. But, while we know little of the DOs of Image Making by actual experience, we tend to hesitate, we can be blind to an evident Scriptural truth. This in not the case with DON'Ts for these we know, and by the contrast we can see what we SHOULD NOT DO, to know what it is we SHOULD DO. So it seems we learn best out of the Church System teachings which have so severely conditioned us, to recognize the truth by seeing what's error in others and thus in ourselves. As a result, several groups of Scriptures are shared, to that end, that you be aware and might ponder. [Please note that some words in the following groups of Scriptures include some text in ALL CAPs for emphasis.] Here's one group of Scriptures from the book of Genesis that discuss Noah: ' "God SAW that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every IMAGINATION of the thoughts of his HEART was only evil continually." (Genesis 6:5). ' "But Noah found grace in the EYES of the Lord . . ." (Genesis 6:8). In the very beginning of the Bible, we see that God's "SEEING" is directly connected to man's "IMAGINATIONS, THOUGHTS, HEART". And next, Noah is "SEEN" and so finds grace, as what was in his heart, thoughts and imaginations was towards Him first. Here's a group of Scriptures from the book of Jeremiah: ' " . . . the prophets that prophesy unto you; they make you vain: they speak a VISION of their own HEART and not out of the mouth of the Lord." (Jeremiah 23:16). ' " . . . that walketh after the IMAGINATIONS of his own HEART . . . " (Jeremiah 23:17). ' ". . . they are prophets of the DECEIT of their own HEART . . ." (Jeremiah 23:26). With amazing consistency, you will find the use of the term IMAGINATION, THOUGHTS, HEART from Genesis to Revelation. The theme is always on the same, and it is something in us, a faculty that is misused, that's the source of troubles. We need be aware.

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The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports Here is another group of Scriptures: ' " . . . These men have set up their idols in their heart and put the stumblingblock of their iniquity before their face . . ." (Ezekiel 14:3). ' " . . . Cast ye away every man the abominations of his EYES and defile not yourselves with the idols of Egypt . . ." (Ezekiel 20:7 ). Note: This is identical to Romans 12:2. ' " . . . And be not conformed to this world . . ." (Romans 12:2). Again we see "OTHER GODS BEFORE HIM" (Exodus 20:3) defined here as idols in their heart' and this a stumbling block, and because it's "Before their face", therefore "BEFORE HIM" they fall. But Ezekiel by the Spirit of God says much more. Let's look at this groups of Scriptures from the book of Ezekiel: ' " . . . where was the seat of the IMAGE of jealousy which provoketh to jealousy." (Ezekiel 8). ' " . dig a hole in the wall . wicked abominations that they do there [in the Temple]" (Ezekiel8:9). ' "...behold every FORM of creeping thing and abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel, portrayed [pictured] upon the wall round about." (Ezekiel 8:1o). ' "Hast thou SEEN what the ancients of the house of Israel DO in the dark, every man in the chambers of his IMAGERY?" (Ezekiel 8:12). Here we see the Temple of the Living God defined as the chambers of our IMAGINATIONS.

DEVEKUT: THE HEBREWS KNEW! Alhough Ihad been taught and exercised image making in prayer for years, it was onlyafter I recently published this in a newsletter, that a report was sent to me speaking of Jewish traditional teaching call Devekut which means "communion with God." In one quote from this Jewish Devekut, it stated: " . . .for the spiritual activities of retreat and Devekut and used to IMAGINE the light of the Shekhinah (Heaven) above their heads, as though it were flowing all around them and they were sitting in the midst of the light and while in that meditation . . . ." So, Jesus in His time on earth, spoke to these Jewish teachers saying of them that they had the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, but would NOT enter in or let any others enter in either. This is surely known to the great teachers in the Church today. So, how are they different?! There is a wondrous difference, in this. The Jewish Devekut bathed and delighted in the Shekhinah light by IMAGE MAKING, but we Christians know His Name and may freely enter into the Holy of Holies to fellowship with Him personally, directly, sweetly.

The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports

THE HEART OF IMAGE MAKING If you wonder how a prophet sees visions (and I've been asked that many times) it has taken me years to be able to describe visions. Let us suppose someone were to ask you "Describe how you breathe?" You would, no doubt, be hard pressed to describe it, simply because you do it and don't think much about how you do it. It is natural to us to breathe. The real surprise here is: it is also natural for us to see visions! Seeing a vision is part of our make-up: it is a natural faculty. A television can receive images traveling in the air from the main broadcast station, then convert them into pictures. But, apart from the power source which enables the TV to operate, the TV is blank. Until you turn the TV on, it is blank as well, and unless you tune the TV to a given channel all you will see is static. Each of us are like TV sets. But, are we plugged into the power source? Are we turned on? Are we tuned in? VISIONS Visions come to us through our God-given ability to "IMAGE MAKE" or "IMAGINATION". Being the children of God, made in His LIKENESS AND IMAGE, and seeing that God communicates with us by visions, images, pictures, it was next understood that we in turn communicate with God by the same means. Words themselves are only symbols of pictures. It may surprise you, but for years I have seen that Christians who believe on Jesus, who love Him, SEE HIM-only they don't know this and are not taught to believe this, and therefore they do not see what they see. Just as we breathe without thinking or conscious direction, so also this faculty of image making operates without conscious direction, for though it surely operates in us, unaware of it's importance most apply no discipline. IMAGINATION IS LIKE FIRE IMAGINATION is like fire: it can heat, it can cook, it can be a blessing-or, destroy, it can harm. It depends on HOW it is used.

it can burn, it can

When we imagine things out of our self-desires against God's Word and Will, we are conceiving sin in ourselves that will in a time manifest in the flesh. Thus, imagination, when it's self centered, self-seeking, self-glorifying-that's Satan, that is the sin nature in us from Adam. But, when we IMAGINE within the framework of God's Word and Promise, when we connect our `individual TV sets' into the Power Source of Jesus Christ, it's through Jesus' Love (and that's His Power) that we are able to see THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, which is IN THE SPIRIT. @ 2008

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The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports There is no trick or formula to image making, to seeing IN THE SPIRIT. It's as natural to us as breathing. The only difference now is that you are aware, when before you were not; and now you have the opportunity of exerting some control and discipline on this wild faculty that when centered on Jesus is a blessing of great measure and when it is centered anywhere else is the source of deep troubles and woe. A FALSE SAFETY Most Christians unaware of the nature and power of this faculty of imagination, have felt safe to imagine whatever they like, so long as they do not DO IT or SPEAK IT. It is a false safety, for whatsoever a man imagines in his innermost thoughts is what he becomes patterned after and then lastly manifests in the flesh. In the summer of 1984, the worse mass murder in US history took place at a fast food chain on the West Coast. But these murdered were murdered long before the year 1984, for a man had long imagined himself a great "shootist", and thought of shooting others-it was his inner-most imagination, and after years of this he would begin to speak of it at times, and in a day of stress, he would take out his weapons drive to the McDonald's in California and shoot 40 people, killing 21 instantly. Has Paul not spoken of this, when he says to us in the Bible, "You reap what you sow!"? Indeed, in this the right or wrong use of image making in ourselves sets in motion a pattern after which we will follow. THE HEART The heart of image making is in the fact that it is on a small scale like the creative power of God, except in us because of the Adamic nature, without being conformed to His Will and Plan, its ever bent to evil and not good.

A STUMBLING BLOCK Genesis 1:3 reads: "AND GOD SAID, LET THERE BE LIGHT." But, when He said that, what language did He use? Greek? German? Hebrew? Russian? American? Chinese?

Well, that's one of the STBLING

BLOCKS our Christian education does not remove. We know that GOD IS SPIRIT, but how few teach what SPIRIT is. We recognize we have in our very selves God's Likeness and Image, but we don't realize His Likeness in us is the capacity and faculty to IMAGE as He does. When God spoke, "LIGHT" He IMAGED it, and what came followed the very pattern of His Imaged Design.

Again, as you look at words, don't forget that words are only abstract symbols of pictures, of images @ 2 008

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The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports of things or experiences we have had. When I write the word "Love" without even thinking the word evokes remembrances of many experiences where one did experience love. The memory of loving moments reflects swiftly in our minds in pictures. But, if you see the German word "Lieb" and you do not know German,. It draws a blank. It is meaningless to you. The German word "Lieb" is the equal to the English word "Love". In other words, a word is in itself meaningless unless you can associate some image of an experience or something seen to that word. ;o, God's language and our true language is pictorial and experiential. If you should meet someone whose language you do not understand at all, but this person is loving and kind and gentle, though you do not understand the words, you can readily understand the actions. This is howAngels can speak all languages. They speak to men by pictures as does God, and God's pictures come with a musical score. It is all Jesus' Love!

PRACTICAL USES OF IMAGE MAKING Once one realizes that image making is a faculty, a creative faculty like unto God's, the possibilities are as endless as one's imaginations and this is part of the problem. Those who seek a relationship with evil are taught to use imagery in what's called witchcraft to discipline their inherent image making power to evil. Satanists are taught to use every form of image of hatred for Jesus to be totally sold out to evil. This alone tells me that it's very much a part of all of our natures to turn to Jesus, for when an individual must make such a strong conscious free will decision to reject Christ, this alone reveals the tremendous drawing power of His Love. So it is in man's system the same, the systems are by design to keep men from drawing near to Jesus. The first and most sweet and wonderful practical use of image making rests in learning how to imagine ourselves with Jesus, listening to Him, loving Him, talking to Him. For He is the very source of our lives, and our dearest loving friend, kind, gentle, and compassionate. It is through the faculty of image making that we can cut through all the red tape, and simply go be with Him, for no power can stand between us and Him. HEARING & SEEING So, have we even begun to see the meaning of the Bible? We know that Jesus is the author of our Faith. He begins and He finishes Faith in us, and we know @ 2008

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The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports also that "Faith cometh by HEARING, and hearing BY THE WORD of God" (Romans 1O:17) and is further defined in Hebrews 11 where is says, "Now Faith is the substance of things HOPED for, the evidence of things not SEEN." So, we see in the Scriptures that Faith is by both HEARING and SEEING, and this BY the Word of God, and this is JESUS CHRIST! And as we come to HEAR and SEE Him through the Spirit, we wait for the hope of righteousness by Faith (Galations 5:5). And this hope is to be conformed to His very Likeness and Image, Jesus Christ-and so to grow from the children of promise through belief in Jesus Christ into becoming sons of God through Jesus Christ.

So a very practical use of image making in our meditations is to imagine Jesus' Love all about us, to be in His very presence, to see and hear Him. As given in the first chapter of this book, the technique of meditation is to deeply ponder a chapter in the Bible, and to bring our focus to Jesus and His powerful personality revealed here, not to the principles apparent, not to the law obvious, but let your focus be on what the Bible reveals about Jesus Himself as a person. HEALING In May of 1983, I fell very ill with infections, fever, etc. I had to keep traveling anyway, and so I prayed for Jesus' help and a healing. When we are under stress, we all tend to be negative in thinking. When things start going wrong, they tend to pull us down even faster, so we tend to go from bad to worse, UNLESS we make a conscious effort to stop the downward spiral. So, I started by praying, rebuking Satan (taking authority in Jesus' Name) and it took days to slow the attitude whirlpool that was pulling me down. As I prayed, I began to form an image in my thoughts of my body; seeing the illness, then seeing God's healing help, and seeing my body well and healthy again. Thus, I presented my petition before God in Words and PICTURES, and when I could see myself healed and well and believed it, I then claimed it in Jesus Name and thanked Him. The illness continued for weeks, abated, then in one instant the Spirit of God moved on me so swiftly it stunned me, and every ill of body was gone as I have "IMAGED". And so we can ASK in pictures as well as in Words of prayer, both are good but the first (pictures) is the more powerful. SPIRITUAL WARFARE IN THE SPIRIT When I have gone into spiritual warfare IN THE SPIRIT, seeing myself in God's Armor, seeing Jesus leading us into battle, seeing the Angels of God with us, seeing demons falling before us, and even shouting in one's imaginations "PRAISE JESUS CHRIST!" We are to have NO FEAR of being self-deceived, for as we place our trust in Jesus, even if one could deceive self, He will keep you, and His Love for you and in you will cast out all fear, that you flow, move IN THE SPIRIT with rejoicing @ 2 008

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The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports in Jesus. In a time you will begin to realize it is REAL Imagination, not UNREAL Imagination, and you will grow in Christ in a way you never imagined possible.

THE IMAGE PATTERN & THE KEY THE PATTERN The Church systems that teach us to be conformed to Jesus through His Word are not incorrect, but what is left wanting is the specifics, and the knowing of just what is our individual function and call in Christ, in the Body of Christ? We may assume one thing, desire another, and be told to do something different. How are we to know? A brother in Christ, named Ray, brought the answer to mind some time ago when he stated, "We need an image vision of ourselves in Christ, and we must seek what is our call in Christ." Indeed, we do NOT know of ourselves and no man can tell us, but only Jesus Christ knows and if we would know we must SEEK, and to rightly SEEK and receive the image-vision of our call in Christ, we must surrender all things and be wholly yielded to God's Perfect Will for us-this being accomplished in daily prayer, ASKING the same. THE KEY Indeed the KEY here is in sincerely praying to be yielded to God's Perfect Will for us personally.

PATIENT ENDURANCE Next, it is in learning PATIENT ENDURANCE in this kind of praying for God's answer. He will answer but only when whatever is in us that would distort His Plan for us is removed. This is only removed by daily enduring prayer, surrendering all things to Him, praying ever to be yielded to His Perfect Will, asking to know what is His Perfect Will and desiring this above all. Likewise, when you can image yourself to be wholly yielded to His Will, and know it is done, then rejoice and give thanks to God, for His Perfect Will is in you and will in His time suddenly be known. I speak from experience. In April through May in 1983, I came into a very intimate close union with Jesus by the Spirit of God and in and out of that union, I did see myself in a day coming, walking through the streets of a city, filled with His Love, able and gently touching all who loved Him, calling all others in fewwords but by the power of His Love. The depth of Jesus' Love present in me glowed warmly and sweetly and no man did not know the meaning; and I understood another dimension of "Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God," for men did HEAR His Word and were touched by His @ 2008


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The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports Love and also SAW both the Word and His Love present in me, and all was to His Glory and Praise. There was no doubt or fear in me whatsoever, nor striving but though I was in the world, the more was I in HIM so that in every respect I walked with Him and He in me, so that those who heard and saw me, saw Him. I was in every sense wholly myself in Christ', individual and yet one with Him, for the bond of Love between us was powerful and vibrant and living real. I was bound by no specific function, but moved freely in His Will doing as the Father showed Him, showed me, and so saw the deeper meaning of freedom in Christ. What I was deeply moved by was the wondrous freedom in Him, in His Love and I knew Jesus was walking the earth through me and how great and sweeping was my joy in that.

HIS IMAGE VISION FOR US So, this is His IMAGE VISION for me, and for many. Yet though it be the call, lest I be wholly yielded to God's Will in and out of prayer and hold this pattern image in my heart, it will not reach fulfillment. We have no power to make it happen, only the power to yield ourselves to His Will and Plan and earnestly to seek His Perfect Will for us in Faith and Love through prayer always. God Bless, Chuck-JOHNEL

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The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports

RELATIONSHIP REPORTS February 1984 to January 1985 @ 2008

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By Chnck-JOHNEL Yonnybrandt



THE POWER OF JESUS' LOVE THE ILLUSTRATION The POWER OF JESUS' LOVEis depicted in this illustration and is evident in the Scriptures that follow it.

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The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports


The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports AS MANY AS RECEIVED HIM, TO THEM GAVE HE POWER TO BECOME THE SONS OF GOD, EVEN TO THEM THAT BELIEVED ON HIS NAME, WHICH WERE BORN . OF GOD." (John 1:1, 4, 12-13). THE EXPLANATION In the Scriptures is the essence of the Power of Jesus' Love. As we are led by the SPIRIT of God, we are the sons of God, and that SPIRIT of God casts out FEAR, and that SPIRIT of God is "LOVE" and that SPIRIT OF GOD'S LOVE is JESUS CHRIST! The disciples on that stormy sea rightly discerned that a "SPIRIT" walked on the water, indeed JESUS in saying "IT IS I, BE NOT AFRAID" also said HE was the very SPIRIT OF LOVE. Peter, and all the disciples on that storm-tossed boat, were immediately calmed by Jesus' Voice, His Voice conveyed His LOVE, His SPIRIT of LOVE, and in that Peter found Faith to walk on the water. The strength of Peter's Faith to do so, was in JESUS' LOVE, but the moment Peter got his eyes off Jesus and onto the troubled elements, fear entered, and be began to sink.

AWARENESS OF JESUS' LOVE You know what a HIPPOPOTAMUSis, but do you know what a HIPPAPALPOLOMUSis? It sounds like a hippopotamus, but it is spelled differently. You won't find it in the dictionary, nor will you find a sketch of it anywhere. If I were to render a description of what a HIPPAPALPOLOMUS is, I could say it is big, strong, moves readily from water into the air and land, and in saying this you might form an image in your mind's imagery of a creature LIKE a hippopotamus. But then, let a few generations pass, and men will merge the word HIPPOPOTAMUS with HIPPAPALPOLOMUS calling both HIPPOPOTAMUS or even some combination of both words. This is essentailly what has happened to the Biblical Word LOVE and JESUS' LOVE. Just as the word LOVE has an equal in the German language LIEB-even the translation.

so, something is lost in

Even a Biblical scholar learning ancient Greek, then Hebrew, cannot perfectly translate the ancient versions of the word LOVE, simply because men of that day had to use the words of that day to describe something they experienced in Christ. No word or words can rightly describe Jesus' Love, and at best they come close but are very limited.

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The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports The dilemma can be seen in the last verse of the last chapter of the book of John:

nd there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, they should be written ever y one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen." (John 21:25). In light of this Scriptural statement, what possibly is there that Jesus' Love might be defined by words, if out of His Love Jesus did things that if written into books, the very world itself could not contain all the books that could be written? Yet, the Bible itself can be the perfect key to entering into that deeper understanding only if it's used in the way it was intended, in the way it says it is to be used. Yes, the answer is to the LED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD, and that is LOVE, and LOVE is GOD and JESUS CHRIST is GOD. The intellectual pursuit of knowledge of the Word of God is futile unless it is by design and intent bent to prepare us to enter into a living relationship with Jesus Christ, as led by the Spirit of God, and that is Jesus' Love. JESUS' LOVE is wholly different from the most common usage of the word LOVE in this society and every human society on earth. Because man's system in the Church, in all institutions are founded on law and fear, no man is prepared to even remotely recognize the depth and dimension of Jesus' Love. What we call LOVE is a human and carnal love not unlike the Hippopotamus; but JESUS' LOVE is like that HIPPAPALPOLOMUS: it sounds like, but in truth is nothing like the REAL Hippopotamus, or human love, whatsoever. If we are to come to know Jesus' Love, we need first be aware that His Love compared to the love we have learned in this world, is alien to this world in every respect.

BEGINNINGS AND THEN TRANSITION From our birth in this world, we are carnal, self-centered, self-seeking. This being the Adamic nature in us. From the time WE BELIEVE ON JESUS, we have power to BECOME SONS OF GOD, yet we are not unlike newborn infants: very self-centered, self-seeking, carnal, and without disciplines. As a result, knowledge of law (and the need to be govered by law) is necessary. In this state, we are covered by GRACE, but if we grow in knowledge of God and Law and do not come to the place where we RECEIVE JESUS' LOVE we are children of the bondwoman (Galations 4).

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The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports There is a old saying that "parental love is a love that grows to separation". As we that enter into Christ Jesus' promises through BELIEF necessarily are parented by God's Law, and this is a lesser form of love that dims with time. It governs us until we come of age, that we might RECEIVE JESUS' LOVE. This is what Paul spoke of in I Corinthians 1:"But when that which isperfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face: now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three, but the greatest of these is charity." (I Corinthians 13:1o-13).

Of course, chapter

of I Corinthians is the LOVE chapter, but Paul's statement at the end of this chapter can be a mystery unless one recognizes the reason why Paul wrote the letters to the church in Corinth. Why did he so write them? 13

Let's look at some Scriptures about that: ' " . . . your faith should NOT stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God." (I Cor. ' ' '

2:5). ". . . the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God . . . neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." (I Cor. 2:14). "For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ." (I Cor. 2:16). "And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual; but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ . . . For ye are yet carnal . . ." (I Cor. 3:1,3).

Paul wrestled with legalism as he had so many times, for he sought to draw God's children through belief in Christ to make the transition from Lawwhich is carnal, to Love which is SPIRIT. At the end of chapter 13, Paul clearly states that as babes in Christ, Law is the partial thing, a child's world, but when we become men, we are to RECEIVE JESUS' LOVE and put away childish things. Make no mistake: Paul is call LAW a CHILDISH THING here. By Law, we see through a glass darkly, but by the Spirit of God, Love, we see face-to-face. By Law, we know in part, but by the Spirit of God, Love, we shall KNOW as we are KNOWN.

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The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports The Christian that BELIEVES ON Jesus' Name is saved, but enters the promise of God's Power to become a son of God through Law. Yet others RECEIVE JESUS' LOVE, and these enter directly into JESUS' LOVE and freely exercise that power in Christ to become sons of God. I have seen those, like myself, that RECEIVED JESUS' LOVE at the start and had a powerful personal experience in Christ; but were turned to Law by men, and so the great light of Jesus' Love went dim for the shadowy corridors of law and fear. I have seen others, that BELIEVED ON JESUS' NAME at the start, but men's laws have kept them in Law and from entering into the promise to become sons of God.

CHILDISH vs. CHILD-LIKE And, BEING CHILDISH IS NOT BEING CHILD-LIKE! The two terms are quite different. It is only that in our language that the two terms APPEAR to be like each other. But, the fact remains, these two terms are NOT like each other. CHILDISH in I Corinthians is equal to FOOLISH. But,being CHILD-LIKE is equal to innocence and trust springing from Love of Jesus Christ. That is all the difference.

THE TRANSITION TO JESUS' LOVE As we come to know Jesus personally, we also enter the more into His Loveand Receive His Lovein ourselves. But, there is a transition involved, for we tend to drift back into the carnal state or law at regular intervals, as it is what we are used to and feel more comfortable with. Yet, when we abide in Jesus' Love, it is an experience so rich and delightful, so sweet and gentle that we cannot long abide in the carnal state and long for His Love, so are drawn ever nearer to Jesus. Peter's experience in walking on the troubled waters to Jesus is our common experience, for though we be bold to step out in the power of His Love to come near, we are distracted by the troubles of this world, and in bringing our focus to them, fear, and when fear comes we sink. Yet, we see that when Peter began to sink, Jesus drew him out. Jesus' Love that enables us to walk on troubled waters by faith, also pulls us out if we fear, or doubt, for His Love never fails, it is not conditional on what we do or do not do. Until one seeks to be led by the Spirit of God, which is Jesus' Love, and begins to actually experience that Jesus Love, we will never realize how extensive and massive a grip fear has on us. As we receive Jesus' Love, fear departs, but it is a process, for His Love works perfection in us but we are not perfected in a day.

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The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports The extent to which we are perfected in Jesus' Love is the extent to which we willingly YIELD to the Spirit of God, earnestly seeking to enter into Jesus' Love and Receive His Love. The limitation of our growth in Jesus' Love is directly proportional to the extent to which we are willing to Trust Jesus. Some trust Jesus a little, some trust Jesus more, but none Trust Jesus wholly because FEAR holds us back and Jesus will not overrule our free will decision to hold onto fears. It is because of the very nature of Jesus' Love that this is so, His Love gently calls us, sweetly draws us but does not force or compel us; and if we are afraid to come near Him, that same Love comforts us and gladdens us. He is always nearby, but if we do not call on Him, His Love will not impose anything on us. Those who are bold to receive His Love, learn by experience that He is trustworthy. So, each time thereafter these trust Him the more, and are more yielded, thus they are perfected in Love in many ways and fear more and more departs, and that gentle sweet Love of Jesus literally casts out all FEAR with a power that amazes. I speak of the contrast and this is what amazes me. FEAR is a brute, like a Goliath that holds us in terrible chains of bondage. And ,though we struggle against it, it easily overpowers us, even crushes us in spirit. When Jesus' Love is received, it is so quiet, so gentle and kind, it blows over us like a spring breeze refreshing and soothing us, it quickens us in hope and faith, it heals and uplifts, but when it comes to fear, that terrible Goliath in us, this same sweet gentle Love takes that brute of fear by the scruff of the neck and hurls it away suddenly and utterly demolishes the chains of bondage to fear, setting us free in Christ. This is a truth that is strange to one's ears, but in truth, the very fear(s) that torment us and inflict never ending miseries, are wholly reliant on us to defend it against the Love of Jesus that would utterly pulverize it and set us free if we knew to yield that fear to Jesus' Love.

YOU KNOW WHAT PAUL KNOWS On February 4, 1983 Jesus spoke this to me: "YOU KNOW WHAT PAUL KNOWS, AND UNLESS I KEPT YOU IN A CERTAIN LEVEL OF UNDERSTANDING, MEN WOULD BE UTTERLY BEWILDERED AND TOTALLY MISUNDERSTAND." (JESUS' Word of February 4, 1984). In April 1983, I came into union with Jesus Christ by the Spirit. At that time, I did literally SEE AS JESUS SEES. I knew the very heart of God the Father. I was not in that instant perfected in Love but was in Perfect Love and abode in Him, in union with Him. There is a joy and fulness and absolute sense and knowing of completion and wholeness in him, in union with Jesus Christ that is denied none, but so few even know to seek it.

The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports

What I will share with you of this experience is the reaction I met from brethren in the Church, and frankly from the time of union with Jesus and inside of a month, I met and experienced the most severe persecutions and fearsome attacks by brethren as I can ever remember, until I, as did Peter, got my focus off Jesus and onto the troubled elements and so also began to sink but also cried out to the Lord and He drew me out. The encounters with brethren in the Church were not all pain but some were furious, some bewildered, some awed, some rejoiced, and in the time I began to fear for all the attacks on me, fear entered in and with it bondage, then illness, lastly disastrous trials and error. What happened? The very day of union in Jesus' Love, I changed in every respect. I understood what I had only understood in part, seeing clearly what was in the hearts of men but without condemnationsrather with love and compassion. Those around me saw the change, it was visible, and one did say that it seemed as if the room I was in was brighter than it was, and so very warm. Indeed, Jesus' Love burned within me and I even saw the glow of His Love.

THE POWER OF JESUS' LOVE It was in that very Power of His Lovethat I was sent out by God to take the Staff, travel thousands of miles utterly destroying Satan's power on earth, reversing the shifts of the whole American continent to prevent terrible disasters and spare many, the least of which was to literally move a mountain in that same power of His Love. But, in one night in talking to a brother and sister in Christ by phone, I told them out of that same Love that I "Loved them" but was astounded when they recoiled from that very same Love and feared. Then they would accuse me of evil doing, and other brethren likewise accused, and I was brought to question if they were right in this. Once I doubted, fear entered in with terrible power, I was felled by multiple illnesses, and found myself tormented by temptations to things I had never been tempted to do. I went from the living ecstasy of Loving union in Jesus Christ, then fell into illnesses and abject misery followedby error in confusions that led to self condemnations and the sin of rebellion against God's call. It would take me months of prayer and soul searching to recover, and was astounded at the venom hurled at me for one simple reason, Jesus' Love.I began to understand, and I did recover my spiritual legs, why Paul on receiving Jesus' Love and being converted, went into the desert three years, to learn from God not men (Galations 1:17, 18). Any brother or sister in Christ that receives Jesus' Love in union with Him by the Spirit of God may demonstrate a pure Christ Love openly that will strike utter terror in those who cling to fear and it is bondage. They will fear the loss of their chains, for their trust is in the bondage to fear. Strangest @ 2008

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The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports of all to me then was that the unsaved did not react this way, but those of God's children of promise in the Church system. What I would spare you of is the cold water shockof the surprise of this kind of reaction to Jesus' Love manifest and present in you. Expect violent, hateful, accusing attacks of all forms and recognize the parallel to Jesus' experience. As we follow Him and receive His Love we will also manifest His Love to others and some will receive with great joy but others will turn on you with utter hatred seeking even to kill you, thinking they will do God a service in that. So, the Lord just after these events in 1983 isolated me from contact with everyone, as He had isolated Paul, that I might not only recover and renew in His Love but learn by experience something obvious in the Scriptures, as Jesus Loved He was hated, accused, condemned, even killed and as we follow Jesus, we will experience the same. We should not be offended by this fact, and we can be offended if we are not prepared to expect it from unexpected sources, even from those close to us-brethren in Christ. The mistake I made then was to stop loving after the first blows were felt, followed by the grave error of judging those who attacked me with a legal mind (carnal). Once we begin to receive Jesus' Love we will begin to manifest His Love in this world, and when attacks come, the only answer possible is to yield the more to His Love and Love even more those who attack us. There is no other way, Love is the only way, and this is Jesus Christ.

WHAT IS GOD'S PURPOSE? If we slip back into our carnal mind, we can wonder what GOD's PURPOSE is in manifesting His Love in us? Is it that we suffer as Jesus did? Does God aim to see us all beat up and bloodied? To wonder about God's purposes is honest, to think in these kind of terms is carnal mindedness. From the very day of union with Jesus and in His Love, I saw the heart of God and knew it, and saw what Jesus saw and knew. I saw the whole world and all His children trapped in these systems of men, and saw God's children in terrible bondage to fear, and more fear, and fear upon tormented fear, and this God hated with pure hatred. Taught to fear deception they were led by deception, taught to fear false teachers, prophets and doctrines they ended up led by false teachers, prophets and doctrines, rejecting all that was true. Fear was on every hand, and it was blackest in the very Church itself. Indeed, what I experienced in 1983 is exactly what I did see with the eyes of Jesus in that first day of union with Him in 1983.

The Staff and The Sword Ministry Relationship Reports The Love of Jesus is unconditional Love, it burns bright and sweet. It also exposes all sin in all of us and those who fear to be cleansed and set free flee into darkness; but those who know the hopelessness of their plight will receive His Love. Jesus'LovemademanifestinusaswereceiveHim,willburnbrightlyevermorewonderfullythrough us out of Him in this dark world and the darkness of fear will be cast out. No doctrinal barrier in the churches of today will ever prevail against His Love as we yield to His Love, and so His Body will come into union. Where there is His Love made manifest, no accusations or attack will succeed against enduring Jesus' Love; for men, though they be ignorant of many things, recognize Love and are drawn by his Love that Love Him. Those who resist the Love of Jesus, will be known for what they are by their very actions and words; and neither will they prevail against enduring Jesus' Love manifest in us. Yet, while the Power of Jesus' Love is all powerful, we also need be led by the same Spirit of God, being wise as serpents and innocent as doves in how we manifest His Love, and how we cope with the adversities of this world to Jesus' Love. The Lord God through Jesus Christ purposes to set this world afire with Jesus' Love and it's a fire we who are Christians are called to receive and to manifest. It's a fire that will burn away the chaff but set free the children of promise that they may enter in that promise and become sons of God through Jesus Christ. I have not written a detail of all the dimensions of Jesus' Love, and yet I have outlined it. More, the power of Jesus' Love is not to be detailed, it is to be experienced and while it can be detailed in part you will not remember that as well as if you experience His Love. Also, while a Christian may be a manifest example of Jesus' Love by being yielded to His Love to where you can see His power at work in perfecting them, it is far better that you seek to receive His Love and yield to His Love yourself, that His Love perfect you also. As you knock upon the door of Jesus' Love, and seek to enter in, asking to receive His Love, and persist in this prayer, in being yielded as you can, He will open, let you find, and give what you will receive, as you are yielded, and perfect you in His Love day by day. With God ALL things are possible, and the reality of that promise and many others found in Scriptures abide in Jesus' Love. Amen! God Bless, Chuck-JOHNEL @ 2008


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