COVER PAGE The Staff& Sword Ministry / l983 Revelations April 15, 2012
REVIEW OF THE REVELATIONS OF 1983 File: Review Rev 's of 1983 Reporr by: Chuck-JOHNEL
Lexington, At'. , Columbia, S.C.. New York, V. Y., Richmond , Va., Chicagn, Il , Errmirrg]iam, Ala., Little Rock, Ark., Spokane, Fa., and Bosr ^Ma.
The list above details the nine (9) U.S. CITIES that WOULD HAVE BEEN HIT in the Russian Accidental Nuclear attack, except for intervention. In this case, I'm Iiterally re-printing the four-paged (4) report of August 27, 2010, which details the accidental nuclear attack in some detail with some updates. Following this is a report on the revelations that cane next in October of 1983, revealing added details of judgments coming in the same year, one of them being the accidental nuclear attack. This is fundamentally a review of what JESUS revealed in 1983 which has been shared via reports. Newsletters and both video and cassette tapes repeatedly since 1983 to the present time. We have also held all this in prayer, asking God's Mercy and Help.
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/1983 Revelations
April 15, 2012
File: Review Rev's of 1983 When GOD THE FATHER shewed me the accidental nuclear attack on September 9, 1983 He also shewed me a massive Hurricane coming ashore from the Gulf of Mexico with "SEPTEMBER" appearing prominent in the Hurricane. I discern that this Hurricane will come BEFORE the actual Nuclear Accidental Attack, in the same year and _just months before the Russian nukes hit the U.S., which I believe will happen in the month of December, likely December 14`'. Year unknown. (See sketch below drawn from our 2001 Report.)
(This sketch (belrrw) was drawn by Roger Augustin Qn my directions to depict the hurricane storm that th Lord GOD shewed me September 9, 1983.1
Also included is a copy of the December 26, 2004 News Report about how nuclear disaster was averted in 1983, a scenario identical to what GOD THE FATHER revealed in 1983. Even so, it only confirms what we were shown In The Spirit' in 1983 and that the actual accidental nuclear attack looms in the coming future. Next is the reprint of the August 27, 20 1 0 and then the October 1983 Revelations.
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August 27, 2010
The vision/revelation of September 9, 1983 The Accidental Nuclear Attack I had gone to bed and was in the twilight stage of between being awake and being asleep when FATHER GOD called me to the Mount of the Most High God. Here the FATHER said, "BEHOLD" and I found myself high over the earth. Everything was pitch black and I could not see anything but the stars. As I strained to see I noticed many bright lights, like pin lights, and as I looked in that direction I saw many Russian* ICBM's lifting off the ground. Russian technicians scrambled to detonate the missiles and many exploded shortly after lift-off. It was obvious something had gone wrong and computers launched these missiles. Next I saw the warheads coming up under me and in the dead silence of space, the casings exploded without a sound and bits flew in every direction, and from the cones three nuclear bombs came forth. It reminded me of a flower, a black flower blooming and it sent shivers down my spine. I knew what it meant. *Note: Some brethren in the diplomatic corps reminded me that there was no Russia, but it was one of 15 Republics that made up the Soviet Union. But FATHER GOD was vel , specific, the missiles were launched from the sovereign nation of Russia, not the U.S.S.R. Not until 1991 (8 years later) when the Soviet Union collapsed did Russia emerge as a sovereign nation.
All told, I counted nine nuclear bombs moving towards the U.S. As I watched these nine nuclear devices start down track to the U.S. suddenly something came flashing by me and hit these warheads and destroyed them. I could not tell if it was a laser or a missile that hit them; it traveled so fast I could not distinguish if they were lasers or missiles doing the work. Five of the nine bombs were destroyed, while one was hit a glancing blow which set it wobbling off course but it was still intact. Watching a warhead go down track is unique: I could see the blazing fire all around the warheads but noted the black spot in the back, not something you could see from the ground.
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August 27, 2010
to Chuck-JOHNEL The vision/revelation of September 9, 1983 - TheAccidental Nuclear Attack (Continued] DETONATION : It was still very dark and while I figured out that the Russian missiles came from Siberia, where they were headed was not known. Suddenly I heard a bone chilling "whomp!" That was followed by a nuclear fireball - the whole area lit-up and dispelled the darkness and I could see the Great Lakes to the North and was able, working with an Atlas, to pin point the impact area as being Lexington, Kentucky. Following this I heard and saw three more impacts and fireballs all along the east coast. In time the Lord revealed the cities to be nuked as being: Lexington, Icy; Columbus, S.C.; Richmond, Va,; and Jones Point, N.Y. Suddenly I found myself standing in a field it was winter, snow covered the ground and it was cold. In the distance I could see a farm house. It was just before dawn, so it was getting a little lighter. Now the ground beneath me began to tremble and 1 heard a horrific roaring sound, I didn't know what it was - an earthquake? Then fire spewed out of the ground as metal hatches flew open and I watched as U.S. ICBM's lifted off and headed for Russia - three nuclear bombs would take out three Russian cities. A limited nuclear exchange. FATHER GOD asked me to call for prayer to spare lives in this coming trouble. End of vision . Comments: In 1983 we had nothing like an anti-ballistic missile defense system. In fact, President Clinton (one of the beastman seen in the GAP in 1987) vetoed three bills that came out of Congress to fund such a system. In 1989 JESUS told me that President George Bush would build an anti-ballistic defense system. But then President George H. Bush didn't do that, not even remotely. Years later, following the Clinton years, his son, George W. Bush was elected president and one of his first acts was to fund and install an anti-ballistic defense system.
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18,J979 (Continued)
HEART, BUT IT IS NOT FOR YET. I WILL INTERVENE THOUGH LIFE BE LOST AND ANGER ABOUND, IT WILL COOL, IT WILL RESETTLE AND CEASE A THREAT FOR A TIME..." When JESUS gave us this Word in 1979, we prayed and came to the understanding that some kind of a limited nuclear attack would happen and the whole world would
fear an all out world nuclear war. Here JESUS states that He will intervene to prevent. that, However, His use of the term "A TIME" has often proved to speak of a two year period of time. In April of 1983 JESUS placed the Net of Prayer (about 200+ Christian intercessors) in a spiritual battle with demonic forces that aimed to trigger an all out world nuclear war. In Christ we withstood much of this although we saw four fires get past us and bu rn the land to the east. We have prayed about this revelation/vision since 1983 but found resistance to JESUS' Word in the church and so our work of prayer would fall sho rt . That shortfall would result in four U.S. and three Russian cities being nuked, and that would lead to Nuclear World War III after a two year period of time.
JESUS' WORD to Chuck-JOHNEL October 21, 1989 "... WATCH NORTH OF SAN FRANCISCO: AFTER THAT YOU SEE WHAT COMES IN FROM THE SOUTHEAST, THEN KNOW IT IS ONLY DAYS BEFORE THE NIGHT SKY ROARS TO YOUR SOUTH. THE WHITE HOUSE SHALL GREATLY SHAKE, THE FOUNDATIONS WILL BE CRACKED, THE NIGHT OF TERROR IS UPON YOU SAITH THE LORD OF HOSTS." JESUS' Word of October 21, 1989 was a bit of a mystery - what would shake the White House? An ea rt hquake? JESUS didn't say that. Could this be something like an asteroid hitting the east coast? Again, JESUS did not say that either. What was understood was that some event, likely a powerful one, would happen to the South and East of San Francisco. That seemed to be either an earthquake or a volcanic eruption, which would precede this other event affecting the White House.
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A ugust 27, 2010
JESUS' WORD to Chuck-JOHNEL It was only after the revelation that one of the cities to be nuked by Russia was Richmond, Virginia did we understand His meaning. The nuclear blast would be so fierce that it would shake Washington, D.C. and specifically the White House. JESUS tone of voice was also notewo rt hy: displeasure and wrath were noted in His tone of voice - He was not pleased with the occupants of the White House. OBAMA NOT BUSH: For a time I believed that the accidental nuclear attack by Russia wo uld8th happen towards the end of President George W. Bush's term of officc in either his 7 th or year as president. By the mid part of President Bush's 7` h year in office I began to question that he would be that president to order three nuclear missiles to be fired at Russia. Why? President G. W. Bush did not display that kind of personality that would justify such an action and would consider the long term effects of doing it. I concluded that President G. W. Bush, weighing the pro's and cons, would decline a limited exchange and take it on the chin aware that it was a genuine error, an accident and not intentional. The Russian leader had telephoned and wa rn ed of the missile launch and while they had detonated many of the missiles, the ones that they could not stop were headed for nine targets out of a list of 48+ cities and milita ry installations. They gave the president the information they had not aware of which targets would be hit. However, when Obama was elected president,
I recognized that this beastman was more than capable of doing such a thing and would not hesitate to nuke Russia in return for their bombs hitting the U.S.
JESUS' WORD of April 6, 1978 Economic Collapse "WHAT IS BEGUN IN THE NATION IS INVISIBLE TO ALMOST ALL ECONOMIC JUDGMENT WILL DEEPEN AND COLLAPSE WILL BE SUDDEN. IT WILL DETERIORATE BENEATH STEADILY AT THE FOUNDATIONS - SEVERAL SHOCKS WILL STRIKE BUT APPEARANCES WILL BE MAINTAINED, SUDDENLY EVERYTHING WILL COLLAPSE." In this JESUS made it plain that we are looking at is an extended process, "deterioration" happens over a period of time. In the years since 1978 we have seen any number of "shocks" strike the economic system but the most recent came in 2008, at a time when JESUS told us things would start to come apart after a ten month period, which ended in May, 2008. End ofspecial report. r j ^,j. "(^_ Comment:
Nuclear launch too possible Hair-trigger status raises specter of accidental attack
In his 2000 election campaign. President Bush called the hair-trigger status "another unnecessary vestige of Cold War confrontation" that creates "unacceptable risks." The first Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty which took effect 10 years ago t;u, inonth, doesn't address hrax triggering. Nor does the Treaty of Moscow, which Bush signed with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2002 to reduce the size of the U.S. and Russian strategic nuclear arsenals. Nu-nn bUeves the hair-trigger status has become the most
BY MARK McDONALD Knight Ridder Foreign Service c r -O
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MOSCOW -- ,lust after mid-
night, in a secret bunker outside Moscow. the warning sirens began to blare. A simple. ominous message flashed on the bunker's main control panel: MISSILE ATTACK! it was no drill. A Soviet satellite had detected five U.S. nuclear missiles inbound. The control computer ordered a counterstrike, but the bunker commander, a nerdy lieutenant colonel named Stanislav Petro. acting on a hunch, overrode the computer and told his Kremlin superiors it was a false alarm. The Soviet brass quickly stood down their missiles, saving 100 million Americans from nuclear incineration. This brush with Armageddon happened more than two decades ago, but nuclear missiles are still on hair-trigger alert in Russia and the United States. Today, they may be even more vulnerable to an accidental or renegade launch than they were in Petrov's day. "The security of both nations should not be dependent on the heroic act or good judgment of a single individual," said Sam Nunn, the former senator from Georgia. Long active in anti-problera-
tion efforts such as the Nuclear Threat Initiative, Nunn is leadine a campaign to persuade U.S. and Russian leaders to take their thousands of strategic nuclear warheads off hair-trigger alert, a status that remains in effect more than a decade after the Cold War ended. "The chances of a premeditated, deliberate nuclear attack have fallen dramatically," Nunn said in an interview with Knight Ridder. "But the chances of an accidental, mistaken _or unauthorized nuclear attack might' actually be increasing."
dangerous element of our force, posture." A hair trigger means missiles are launched — from either land or sea — upon the warning of an attack. That is. within about 15 minutes of a confirmed warning. In theory, the assurance that a retaliatory attack would be launched before the missiles could be destroyed would deter either country from trying a nuclear sneak attack. "This is the logic of the Cold War -- Mutual Assured Destruction." said Danii? Kobvakoy a nuclear expert at the PIR Center, a policy studies institute in Moscow. "De-alerting requires a change in rationale. There's still a certain inertia on both sides." Nunn and others see that inertia in the Bush administration's refusal to consider the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and its request — since defeated in the Senate — for some $500 million for research on a so-called "bunker buster" nuclear weapon and Iow-yield `mini-nukes." Russia too. has some Cold War inertia to o vercome. Putin proudly announced last month that Russia was testing "the newest nuclear missile systems ... that other nuclear states do not have." He offered no further details about the weapons. A number of political analysts believe Putin's comments — which were unprepared remarks to a group of senior commanders at the Ministr y of Defense were intended to boost military morale and were for domestic political consumption. "I'M sure it was nothing surprising to the U.S.," said Kobyakov, noting that the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty obliges each side to provide technical data on any new nuclear weapons.
Kobvakov and others believe Putin was probably referring in the Topol-M missile. which has long been in the Russian pipeline, and a sea-launched missile that's being developed. There
are rumors in military circles in Moscow that the new missile could be maneuvered in flight, unlike current ballistic missiles. to foil the Bush administration's planned national missile defense system. One senior Russian general cryptically called it "a hypersonic flying vehicle." Government officials in both countries are keen to point out that they've stopped targeting each other with their nuclear missiles, although experts say this "de-targeting" is political hokum. The old targeting data and missile trajectories are stored in command computers, Kobyakov said. And missiles can be re-targeted in a matter of seconds: A couple of mouse clicks on a computer would put Washington. Miami or Moscow back in the nuclear crosshairs. But it's the danger of accidental or maverick launches that most concerns atomic experts. That danger is heightened, in part, by the decrepit stag of Russian defenses. "The Russian Ear1y Warning S-vstem is essentially useless," said Theodore Postal, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an { expert on early-warning issues and technology. Holes in Russia's satellite and radar networks, Postal said. mean U.S. submarines in the ll North Atlantic can strike Moscow with a two- or threeminute warning for the Russian capital Launches from the North Pacific could hit the city with no warning at all. Pastel also said a new Prognoa satellite warning system "may never be in place." Stanislav Petrov, the old bunker commander, the man who saved America back in 1983, nodded his head sadly when told of Postol's assessment. "That's right, not enough satellites," he said. "We never had enough."
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Soviet thwarted attack on U.S. Commander never thanked for averting crisis BY MARK McDONALD Knight Ridder Foreign Service FRIAZINO, Russia — The m an who saved America — and probably the world — is living out his days on a measly pension in a dank apartment in a forlorn suburb of Moscow. He has a bad stomach. varicose veins and a mangy spotted dog named Jack the Ripper. Stanislav Petrov has a small life now. He takes Jack for walks, makes a medicinal tea from herbs he picks in a nearby park, and harangues his 34-year-old son about getting off the computer and finding a girlfriend. There was a time when Pe tr ov, now 65 and a widower, was almost larger th an life. He was a privileged member of the Soviet Union's military elite, a lieutenant colonel on the fast track to a generalship. He was educated, squared away and tr ustworthy, and that's why he was in the commander's chair Sept. 26, 1983, the night the
world nearly blew apart. Tensions were high: Three weeks earlier, on Sept. 1. Soviet fighters had shot down a Korean airliner, killing all 269 people aboard.
Petrov was in charge of the secret bunker where a team of 120 technicians and military officers monitored the Soviet Union's early-warning system. It was just after midnight when a new satellite array known as Oko. or The Eye, spotted five
U.S. missiles heading toward Moscow. The E ye discerned they were Minuteman II nuclear missiles. Petrov's computer was demanding that he follow the prescribed protocol and confirm an incoming attack to his superiors. A red light. on the computer saying "START"." kept flashing at him. And there was this baleful message: "MISSILE ATTACK!" Petrov had written the emergency protocol himself, and he knew he should mimediately pick up the hot line at his desk to tell his milita ry superiors that the Motherland was under attack. He also knew the time line was short. The senior political and military chiefs in the Kremlin would have only 12 minutes or so to wake up, get to their phones, digest Petrov's information and decide on a counterattack. As the alarms blared 80 technicians and 40 militar y officers iumped up and looked toward Petrovs command post on a mezzanine overlooi ng the gymnasium-size control room He shouted into an intercom for them to take their seas and attend to their work. "I was not sweating," Petrov said. "but I felt ver y weak in my legs. Like our Russian saying goes. I had legs of cotton. I was in a stupor, but then my feeling of duty took over." Petrov gathered himself and
Stanislav Petrov. 65, was a Soviet lieutenant commander in 1983's "autumn equinox incident," when the satellite system he was monitoring sent a false alarm that the United States had launched five missiles toward Moscow.
looked at the data coming from The Eve. Why only five missiles? That didn't fit with either his training or his logic. He knew that if the United States were going to launch a first strike, it would unleash hundreds of missiles. ` Political relations with the United States couldn't have been any worse at the time." he said. `But-to launch such an attack, one would have to be completely crazy." So Petrov called his superiors and reported in a firm voice that it was a false alarm, no attack Personally,-though. he wasn't sure.
"Not 100 percent sure," he said. 'Not even close to 100 percent-" The next 15 minutes, waiting for the Minutemen to possibly hit, were unnerving. "Yes, terrifying," he said. "Most unpleasant." Soviet engineers eventually discovered that The Eve had sounded the alarm when it spotted what it thought was the engine flare f r om five U.S. missiles. But what had the satellite really seen? Flashes of sunlight reflecting off some clouds over Minuteman silos in Montana. A military panel investigated the so-called "autumn equinox incident," which was kept secret until 1993, and they found numerous other technical cataracts in The Eve. Computer assembly technicians in Moldova were blamed. Thereafter. all satellite assemblies were done in Ukraine. No decorations or rewards have been given to the officers who averted the nuclear catastrophe. Petrov, who'd gone through the crisis with an intercom to his staff in one hand and the telephone to his bosses in the other, was later reprimanded for not filling out his log book as events unfolded. He was denied further promotion. but Petrov denies that he was persecuted by his militar y bosses and Soviet political comrmssars. He said he continued to work command shifts in the bunker.
OTHER CLOSE CALLS The Cuban missile crisis erupted in October 1962 when it was discovered that the Soviet Union had installed nuclear warheads on the island and targeted them at the United States. After a tense 13-day standoff, the Soviets blinked and withdrew the missiles.
expert in the security studies program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. On Nov. 9, 1979, in what Forden calls "the training-tape incident," three command posts showed a massive Soviet nuclear strike headed toward the United States.
"The displays would show that two missiles had been launched, then zero missiles, then 200 missiles," Forden wrote in a study of the four false alarms. The haphazard nature of the data quickly convinced analysts that there was a glitch in the system.
" We literally looked down the gun barrel into nuclear war," former Secreta ry of Defense Robert McNamara said in the documentary film "The Fog of War."
American intercontinental ballistic missiles were alerted, jet fighters were scrambled, and an airborne command center known as the president's "doomsday plane" — took to the air, although with-
An investigation showed that a computer chip had gone haywire.
"In the enc. we iucKed out. It was luck
out the orPcinenr ahnarr.'
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On Jan. 25. 1995, Norwegian scientists launched a large "sounding rocKet" to collect atmospheric data an the Northern nr ^......^...:......
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/1983 Revelations
April 16, 2012
THE OCTOBER 14, 1983 VISIONS The next two pages are literally taken from our October 14, 1983 Report on what JESUS shewed me that day. Although JESUS told inc several times that the accidental nuclear attack would come from Russia, He now said the same about an invasion force from Russia moving into Iran. I was told by some brethren that Russia was only a.Republic and a small part of the Soviet Union which was made-up of 15 Republics. So I showed it both ways, mentioning the U.S.S.R. or Soviet Union as well as Russia. That was 1983. In 1989, the Soviet Union began to unravel and by 1991 it ceased to exist and Russia was now a sovereign nation. JESUS told me that the United States, and specifically President George Bush, would build the anti-ballistic defense system that would destroy five of the nine incoming Russian nuclear bombs. President George H. Bush did NOT build this system, and Beastman Clinton as President vetoed three Congressional bills aiming to build that system. When George W. Bush ran for President, shortly after he was elected he pushed through a bill to build an anti-ballistic defense system and it was installed not long after. When it was described about how it worked, it fit exactly what GOD THE FATHER shewed me on September 9, 1983. Then we have the December, 2004 News Report of an "almost" accidental launching of missiles at the U.S. in the autumn of 1983. The FATHER GOD called for prayer, we prayed and today we see He intervened to stop it from happening in 1983. That does not mean that it is not still coming. How do I know? The HOLY SPIRIT moved President Bush to build the anti-ballistic missile defense system long after 1983, the
threat and danger is still there. It's been delayed by prayer not stopped. When you look today at what is happening in the Persian Gulf - four U.S. CARRIER Task forces are present, over 100,000 U.S. Troops are there already with more coming, then look at what JESUS shewed me in 1983 - we are seeing it unfold before our eyes. JESUS shewed me a lot more what with Red China invading Taiwan, North Korea invading South Korea, the Phillippines turning "red" and Japan shaking (this could be both an earthquake and a political upheaval). On top of this, Beastman Obama is cutting our military to the bone - another 100,000 U.S. and Marine troops to be let
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/1983 Revelations
April 16, 2012
go/discharged, cutting the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Naval forces to where we can only "Maybe" fight one war. DOES IRAN HAVE A NUCLEAR BOMB? The technical difficulty of sizing down a nuclear bomb to where it could be launched via a missile is advanced technology. I remember reading a small article back in 1990 that revealed that Iran had purchased three nuclear bombs from a former Soviet Republic, bombs that were designed to fit on a missile. Using backwards engineering, it is not much of a stretch to realize that Iran knows how to build such mechanical devices (a nuclear bomb) and the only thing they lack is weapons grade plutonium. We know that Iran has missiles that work, we know that they have the design system for the mechanical device for a nuclear bomb. All they lack is weapons grade plutonium. How long they will lack that is unknown but they are working at fever pitch to get their hands on it. THE DEADLY SCENARIO: I'm aware and perceive that everything JESUS revealed to me on October 14, 1983 could and will probably happen all in the same year and close together. IRAN feels threatened by imminent attack by the building U.S. Forces and fires a nuclear-tipped missile at our assembling army - it is destroyed, the heart of our military is blown to bits in one blow and this nuclear attack also sets afire the Saudi Oil fields. The U.S., guided by the antiChrist spirit (probably Beastman Obama is still around), will see justification to nuke Iran in exchange. The Russian defense system, which is automated, detects the attack and sets off a response: Russia's computer fires dozens of ICBM with nuclear bombs at the U.S. Catching the mistake Russian technicians destroy most of the ICBM's but some get through; some of the bombs are destroyed by our anti-ballistic defense system but four get through. We fire three nukes at Russia. In two years time, Russia with China and Japan attack the U.S. - it is Nuclear World War III. In the end, the U.S. is invaded, the U.S. ceases to exist and is occupied by 8 foreign powers. One big mistake was to invade Iraq, as doing that freed Iran from a deadly enemy. Iran now became the power house of the Persian Gulf as the Iraq military threat now ceased to exist. The failure to effectively deal with Iran since the fall of Iraq has opened the door to a tide of events that will lead to Greater War and then to Nuclear World War III in which our nation will be destroyed, invaded, and occupied. They will doubtless drill like crazy and carry off our oil.
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/1983 Revelations
April 16, 2012
Notes and Commentary a.)
The next two pages are literal photo copies of the actual October 1983 Newsletter Report. I've improved on the one sketch (Iran nuking the U.S. Military in the Persian Gulf) The rest are the original sketches.
The vision of the exploding volcanoes on the west coast was seen in the dark of ni ght, it was impossible to fix exactly where these volcanoes were excepting that first one was in northern California. I tried to show the spacing between volcanoes but again, it was pitch black, the dead of the night when it happened.
This Ministry was under heavy attack from the Church and financial support was very limited. After FATHER GOD shewed me the accidental nuclear attack He asked that I call His people to pray. It took the better part often days to receive the funds necessary to mail out a call to prayer.
When JESUS spoke of the year 1984, He had done so at other times and I carne to understand that "something" got started in that year that would lead to what He was shewing me in 1983 and at other times. I discern that it was both the hostility to and utter rejection of GOD THE FATHER'S and JESUS ReveIationlWord that literally "quenched" the Spirit of Revelation. One such example, in 1983, was when JESUS stated, "IRAQ WILL STIR UP A HORNETS NEST." This came at about the same time as the other revelations. Nothing further was said, thus no opportunity to pray or leading to do so. Many years later Iraq invaded Kuwait and many other nations, led by the U.S.. invaded and drove Iraq out of Kuwait. Iraq had stirred up a hornet's nest indeed. More, it dragged the U.S. into a war trap and we are still trapped in it to this day. Had His Word/Revelation been received and prayed about, the Lord GOD would have given more insight whereby the opportunity would be seen that could have led to intercessory-pray to overturn and change the outcome to one filled with mercy. Missed opportunities!
I received this revelation from JESUS when I Iived in Chicago, thus I've crossed out the old Chicago address lest anyone use it in error - we no longer live there.
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After a time of prayer from 3AM to 3:50AM, I was led to read and meditate on Zepheniah 2, and Matthew 2. Jesus would take me In The Spirit, saying, "IT IS NEAR TIME FOR YOU TO GO. YOU ARE TO WALT. IT IS NOW IN THE WORLD.° Then Jesus would say, "COME LET ME SHOW You i would dimly see the central-eastern part of the United States, it seemed night time. I would see a missile hit the central eastern parts and then a nuclear explosion. Did also see Gods Hand crush other missiles -these were destroyed in mid-air. Would see missiles launched from USA against the
U.S.S.R. in return. {
L E x I N C T 0 N"
I asked the Lord where the bomb that hit USA would strike. Jesus said, "LEXINGTON'. In such visions of the actual event you see land masses, but not borders. In checking a map of the USA, would find that the area where the bomb blast was seen matched up with Lexington, Kentucky. The entire city was engulfed in a fireball of size._ the city and its population of 193,000 would be
Then Jesus would say, "COME, LET ME SHOW YOU MORE." how I looked down from himh above and saw whats drawn on the immediate right here.
First, did see what looked like a nuclear blast hit Saudi Arabia, followed by spreading fierce fires and ex plosions(oil depots?). I also saw
Russian armies invading Iran then Jesus said ' FLEETS' and I saw three groups of fleets of
warships and lastly noted seeing U.S. Troops moving into these areas, seemingly to land in Iran. There was a lot going on here, but this gives the basic compenents of events. When Jesus said "LT IS NOW IN THE WORLD", means actions, plans and decisions by the involved nations are already in motion leading to these events revealed in the early morning hours of
October 14, 1983. I also have the insight that what was revealed does not show all that would happen before or after these events, which are now in motion. rayer will continue to have a considerable effect for lessening death tolls in this tf but the destructions coming are now probably Without more and more prayer, we are looking inevitable and unavoidable - without repentance. at tomorrow's headlines. See page 2 for the remainder of what Jesus revealed.
JESUS REVELATION to Chuck-JOHNEL October 14, 1983
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Then Jesus would say, CDME, THERE IS MORE.째
,ext I d look down over the South China Sea and areas North. I noted an aerial and artillery bombardment of Taiwan by Red China and an invasion of Taiwan at the same time. The PHILLIPPINES turned red, blood ran. Battles broke out between South and North Korea at the border. Japan trembled. I knew that the U.S.A. would lose
most if not all military bases in these areas. The 'red' of the Phillipoines could be either a
bloody revolt or a cownmuni st takeover- --or both. JAPAN trembling came to me as "Fears, but earthquakes may also be part of this, I understood these and other events would bring Japan to break away from the U.S.A. and align more
and more with 'Red China. -
hen again, Jesus would say,
Lastly I would look down upon the West Coast of the United States. In an area roughly around where Mammoth Parks California is, I found myself directly above a powerful volcanic explosion - seeing fire and debri shot high into the air and molten lava pouring out. Likewise, like fire-crackers, would see a second and third volcanic explosion to the North. These three volcanic explosions seemed to come at about the same time. This was all Jesus showed me. Foll
When I asked Jesus if prayer could make a difference here, the Lord said: "IF YOU HAD THE EQUAL OF FIVE PRAYER GROUPS MORE THAN YOU DO
THIS COULD BE GREATLY L ESSENED.(thats about 150 to 170 new intercessors p raying in The Net of Prayer). "CONTINUE PRAYING AS A YOU RE, THIS WILL HAVE THE GREATEST EFFECT TOWARDS OBTAINING MERCY." This fast statement speaks of now Jesus has directed the Net of Prayer to pray. This is what the Lord revealed October 14, 1983. 6620 So
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Chuck-Johnel You gbrandt ^^
JESUS REVELATION to Chuck-JOHNEL October 14, 1983
1 98,
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/] 983 Revelations
April 16, 2012 .
Interestingly, in spite of the fact that JESUS' Word and Revelation of 1983 has been confirmed, confirmed, and confirmed again, yet the church leaders turn a deaf ear, they ignore Jesus' Word, the basically hate it. Therefore the level ofprayer does not increase, the opportunity to work a significant change and obtain grater mercy is lost, even rejected. Likewise the Liberals, Democrats, Progressive and Socialists hate the anti-ballistic defense system. They resist improving on the system or expanding it to defend America. It is well within our ability to stop every Russian nuclear bomb; but Satan rules in the Democrats, Liberals, Progressives and Socialists. Doin their master's bidding, they make sure America was stiffer death and destruction. They will have no regrets nor care to admit that they are wrong, so long as the bombs don't land on them. The cartoon below shows the same. End of Review of the 1983 Revelation.
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