Dec 26th, 2004: Seventeen

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File: Seventeen Years

7/ SEVENTEEN July 2,1973, 10: 30AM through to July 5, 1973 f received the vision of a great earthquake that would destroy Chicago and the Midwest U.S.A. and would be so powerful it would end with the Great Lakes pouring out and over into the Mississippi River basin. On July 5, 1973 1 asked the Lord JESUS when all of this would happen and I was then given a vision of the number 17, made up of what looked like fluffy, white clouds. I did not know if it was 17 hours, 17 days, 17 weeks, 17 years or 17 centuries - I had no understanding. (Quoted from the book "The Staff and The Stivord ", Page 50) In our February 17, 2003 Newsletter (Supplemental Section) we addressed the CHALLENGERICOLUMBiA explosions which came 17 years apart.

CHALLENGER Space Craft explodes January 28, 1986 Plus 17 Years COLUMBIA Space Craft explodes February 1, 2003 It was this event of February 1, 2003 that got our notice - these two nearly identical events involving NASA's space crews and crafts being killed/destroyed exactly 17 years apart almost to the day. This was the first event we noticed where the 17 Years worked into a judgment picture and it got my attention. At the most recent end-of-month meeting here in Spokane (Sunday. November 28, 2004) the subject of the Monster Midwest Earthquake as revealed July 2-5, 1973 was discussed.

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File: Seventeen Years

The question of "when?" this might happened came up - but I had no clear idea. I suggested that "if' the accidental nuclear attack happens in 2007 then this "great" earthquake in the Midwest will happen in 2009 —or— if the accidental nuclear attack happens in 2008 then this "great" earthquake in the Midwest will happen in 2010. I added that this was a speculation and the only revelation as to timing came when the Lord JESUS gave me to see the number 17 in the form of a fluffy white cloud — however, we had no idea as to when the time count of 17 years begins. It would require some "significant event" as a starting point and I've been looking for some earthquake event as the most likely "starting point". There was no significant quake event in the Midwest to be had.

The 12


ear cycle

1981 + 24 Years = 2005 1993 + 12 Years = 2005 I got through the record for 1981 in time to have this material an hand to discuss at the Sunday, November 28 th end-of-month meeting and the ' next day, November 29 t '', I spent some time going through the record for events in 1993. When I came on this report (see attached - the first two pages of an article by David Wilkerson in 1993 about the "Monster Flood of `93 in the Midwest") I immediately knew that this was the long sought "starting point." Nancy-TONI noted this event in 1993 but I was working in other areas and past this being very destructive (flooding started in June, 1993), 1 didn't see anything more than the obvious. Today I see otherwise. FLUFFY SEVENTEEN = Clouds/Water/Storm 1993 +17 Years = 2010 (the "Great Earthquake" leading to Nuclear World War III)

The more obvious - the effect of the "Great Earthquake", the spilling of the Great Lakes into the Mississippi basin - will be a great flood. What happened in 1993 was a "Great Flood", a picture into what will come 17 years later! It will be interesting to see what develops this year in the Midwest (it is 12 years from 1993) - earthquakes or what?? Will we see another "Great Earthquake" parallel event? The year 2010 is already in view for the great earthquake and nuclear world war III recognizing this 1993 event is a key to making this timing more certain based on revelation and not guestimation.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

December 26, 20 04

This (below) is a Re-Print of portions of the February 17, 2003 Newsletter

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The Staff and The Sword Ministry -Supplemental February 17, 2003

1986 THE CHALLENGER BLOWS-UP and now 17 Years later 2003 THE COLUMBIA BLOWS-UP After we realized that the Columbia shuttle craft blew-up alÂťzost 17 years to the day from when the Challenger shuttle craft blew-up - we reviewed our Newsletter of 1986 to see what we discerned and understood about this...

THE 17 YEAR JUDGMENT CYCLE 12+5 Years Until we have a better understanding of how this I2+5 year judgment cycle works we all do best to "not jump to conclusions. " Working with the timing of judgment since 1979 I've seen how complex even simple things can he when it comes to God's Law governing timing. What is obvious now can be so far off later that it is best to keep one's gunpowder dry, which is a nice way of saying, "don 't shoot your mouth off:." We have seen this so . far: CHALLENGER January 28, 1986 COLD FRONT January 27, 1986

+17 years +4 days = COLUMBIA February 1, 2003 +17 years -3 days =COLD FRONT January 24, 20O

At this point in time we have recognized this 17 year cycle which is a 12 year + 5 yearjudgment cycle. We have not beeii able to apply it just yet, all we have done is to note it after the . fact..." Unquote When I wrote this (the February 17, 2003 article above) it was apparent that this 17 year judgment cycle was what the Lord God was revealing to me in 1973 when I asked "when" the great earthquake would come. But at this time (2003) I lacked a "starting point" to count 17 years from. We have a "significant event" in view today, the "Great Flood of 1993" thus: Great Flood in the Midwest The Year 1 993

+17 Years=

The Great Midwest Earthquake The Year 2010


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Jesus said to the scribes and Pharisees, "Ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern t he signs of the times?" (M phew t6:3).

Christ was saying these religious leaders could predict the weather — but they couldn't recognize the signs God sent to them! The same is true of many believers today. All around us, the Lord is pouring out His judgments on the land — and yet most Christians do not discern them! The Bible tells us God never sends judgment on a nation until He first reveals His plans to His servants, the prophets. Indeed, God always raises up men to cry out, warn, and preach repentance to let people know what He is doing. But when there is no response to His warnings, God begins to judge that nation by sending what are known as corrective judgments! The prophet Amos named five correc• ^ve judgments that fell upon Israel at arious times (and, later, all at once), But Israel didn't acknowledge any of them!

None brought repentance — none was discerned as a sign of God's displeasure. You can know that when all five of these judgments fall upon a nation. God is giving a final warning. Five times in Amos 4, God said, "Yet have ye not

returned unto me, saith the Lord" (verses 6. S-I1). In other words, "Time after time, I. brought these things upon you, warning you — and yet you would not return to Me!" I want to show you ver






America ri ht now has fallen under five maior corrective Judgments from God! The Lord has sent these judgments all at the same time — in hopes that America will return to Him! Yet if a nation and its people still refuse to acknowledge God, He deems that nation unreachable -- and He proceeds to what I call the "dread release." This is the point where no prophet or prayer can stop God's awful wrath! Ezekiel describes this terrifying "dread release" that happens when a nation goes too far:

"Son of man, v hen the land sinneth Page 4

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Lf What Does It Mean? By David Wilkerson

against me by trespassing grievously, then will I stretch out m y hand upon it, and will break the staff of the bread thereof, and will send famine upon it, and will cut off man and beast from it. Though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it. they should deliver but their own souls b y their righteousness.... The y shall deliver neither sons nor daughters; they only shall be delivered, but the land shall be desolate" (Ezekiel 14:13-161.

God was saving, "Even if Noah. Daniel or Job interceded, they wouIdn't be able to stop My wrath. They would deliver only themselves —but not even their own families"

8-23-1993 God --- other than a small remnant: "Yet, behold, therein shall be left a remnant that shall be brought forth ...and ye shall know that I have not done without cause all that I have done in it, saith the Lord God" (Ezeki l 14:2223). God said, "There always will be a remnant who read the signs and understand what's happening in the land. And they will know I have a reason for doing it all!" Let me show y ou the five corrective judgments that the prophet Amos said will precede God's dread release. They are at work in our nation right now as God's last, desperate attempts to plead with this people:

Right now, prayer groups all across

America are asking God to send repentance and revival. They stand on the promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If m y people, which are called by m y name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then vv ill I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

This is indeed a wonderful promise — if only America would heed it! But not one nation since Nineveh has ever received God's corrective judgments as signs. Israel did not repent and seek God. Even under King Josiah, repentance was not

genuine, and judgment was only slightly delayed. And neither is America showing the slightest evidence of turning back to The Staff and Sword ]Ministry File: Seventeen Years

1. Cleanness of Teeth Want of Bread! (Amos4:6).

"And I also have given you cleanness of teeth in all your cities, and want of bread in all your places: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord" (verse 6).

When Bill Clinton was still governor of Arkansas, he had a sign in his office that read: "It's the Economy, Stupid!" How prophetic that was! The phrase "cleanness of teeth" means "bare, empty." And "lack of bread" signifies unemployment, inability to provide. Both speak of poverty being "in all your cities"! In Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 2S, God warned all nations that one of His December 26, 2004

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

first judgments on a society that turned y from Him was unemplo ment and hard ti mes : • "When I have broken the staff of

2. Weather Upheavals

Unexplainable Weather Changes! (Amos 4.7).


our bread" (Leviticus 2626). This means, "I will take from you your ability to make a living!" • "You will lack all things" (see Deuteronomy 26:49).

• "Thou shalt not prosper in thy wa_VS" (verse 29).

• "The Lord shall send upon thee cursing, vexation, and rebuke, in all that thou settest thine hand unto for to do...because of the wickedness of thy doings, whereby thou bast forsaken me" (verse 20).

Think of the increase of wickedness in America — the rise in murder, rape, abortion, homosexual power. Now, think of the growing unemployment: Almost every day a major corporation lays off thousands of workers. Last year IBM said it would lay off 25,000 — but today that number is 150,000! When President Clinton took office, he promised a million new jobs. But since then we've lost more than 1.5 million jobs. Japan and Germany have had almost zero unemployment. So why is America's unemployment skyrocketing? Beloved, it is not a Democratic or Republican problem — it is a sin robletnl And no president or legislation can take care of it! I hear people saying, "America has had hard times in the past. We've had depressions before —in 1857, 1872, 1931. Millions were unemployed during the Great Depression. Multitudes migrated to California looking for work. But that was seventy years ago — and America came back. The economy suffers many down Cycles." No - the truth is, all those depressions were corrective judgments! In His mercy, God has given us one chance after another, trying to wake us up. But which corrective chastisement will be the last? Which depression will be so dreadful that our nation stumbles over the brink of collapse? Numerous economists and government leaders are warning this is now a very real possibility. Dear saint, do y ou discern God in all of this—or do you see it as merely part of an economic cycle? God is warning, "You're losing your prosperity — you're decaying. Wake up!" "Yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord" (verse 65.

"And also I have withholden the rain from you...and I caused it to rain upon one city, and caused it not to rain upon another piece was rained upon, and the piece whereupon it rained not withered" (verse 71. This verse comes straight out of today's headlines: Too much rain in one city — no rain in another. Floods in one area — drought nearby. As I write this message, America i experiencing what is being called the wors flood in our nation's history. In the Mid west, the Missouri River has overflowe into the Mississippi, destroying thousand of homes, shutting down entire towns and cities. The president surveyed all the flooded areas from his helicopter, and sim ply shook his head in amazement. The nation's most powerful man could only shrug his shoulders — because there was nothing he could do! Consider this newsmagazine account: "The Great Flood of '93 is already one of the all-time monsters. It might go down as the worst of all in the U.S. by many measures: (the) area inundated (is) close to 17,000 square miles.... Propertyy damage...estimates sk rocketed in little more than a week from $500 million to as much as $8 billion, and the final tally might be higher still.... [As of this writing, it was estimated at $10 billion.] "As the Great Food of '93 recedes, it is likely to leave in its wake a rash of health problems ranging from disease to chemical pollution. Thanks to at least 18 breached sewage plants, microbes have penetrated nearly 800 miles of piping that keeps...Des Moines...resi dents supplied with drinking water; it will take a month to disinfect the system.... "One Des Moines lady said she and man y of her friends are angry at God for all the devastation. Thirty thousand people were displaced, some 10,000 farms swamped, more than 24,000 homes and businesses damaged or destroyed. Flood waters washed out every bridge over the Mississippi between Burlington, Iowa, anc Alton, Illinois, a distance of about 25C miles. The vice president...said it was a: if another Great Lake had been added ix the map of the United States. People it Des Moines said, `We are tired, worried

December 26, 2004 and we're tr y ing simply to keep our sanity" (I.t.m July 26. 1993). A radio network reported that people are carrying plastic bottles and containers — anything they can use — to get drinkir = water from nearby towns. Beio% ed this y Arnos 4:8 being fulfilled literall ! "So two or three cities wandered unto one city-, to drink water; but they were not satisfied: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord." Yet while floods ravage the Midwest, the East and South are being plagued with drought. One newspaper reported: "Farmers in the Southeast have lost an estimated $500 million in corn, tobacco, soybeans, vegetables, fruit and hay in a crippling drought.... In western South Carolina, just three percent of normal rainfall has fallen this summer.... Georgia's Agriculture Commissioner said, 'There's hurting in the South, and damage is increasing day by day. It's a disaster....' "(Farmers) are watching helplessly as nature — in the form of drought and excessive heat — takes their crops. `The intense heat is just baking them in the fields,' said a South Carolina Farm Bureau expert.... "Upper New England, too, is suffering unusual dry conditions, spark fir and farm problems. Farmers in drough, areas have said, `We'd like to have a little of their rain here, and give them a little of July 19. 1993). our sun" God has drawn a line — and you can almost see it on the map! He's saying, "I'll let it rain over here. But twenty miles away there will be total drought!" One radio report said: "A farmer near the flood area complained that half of his farm is under flood, and the other half is in drought. There has been no rain in that area, (only) flood." This is Amos_4;_7 ing_fulfilled! "One piece was rained upon, and the piece whereupon it rained not withered." A few years ago I prophesied that drastic weather changes would come upon America as God's judgment. A wellknown TV evangelist (who since has fallen) took great offense at what I said. He bellowed, "God is not behind such disasters. God is love — He would not drive people out of their homes and cause such widespread trouble. No -- it's ju nature having a convulsion!" This preacher didn't know his Bible! Scripture says clearly: "And also I have i withholden the rain from you...and I

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IS THIS IT? - WHY NOW? Great Flood in the Midwest The Year 1 993

+97 Years=

The Great Midwest Earthquake The Year 2010

When JESUS, in 1979, commissioned me to work to understand the timing of judgment, the judgment He revealed was corning, I entered a work that had a learning curve as steep as one might imagine. It took me years to recognize that a key factor in the timing of judgment was the decision power of His church, His people. I also learned that so long as the church was still deciding (to respond to JESUS or not, to repent or not, to pray or not) that the judgment would be "on hold". If the church, His people, decided to respond to JESUS and to repent and pray as He asked the judgment itself could be cancelled entirely. The church decision came in 2001 and again lastly in 2003. Apart from a remnant that sought to obey Him, the church and His people utterly rejected JESUS, rejected the call to repent and pray. It was in this period of time that the cloudy, if not evasive, picture of timing began to clear up. The weakness of any timing projection is going to be the reliability of how well I understand and apply HIS Word and revelation. One way to firm up a projected date such as the year 2010 for the "Great Midwest earthquake" (which will lead to Nuclear World War Ill, the attack on, invasion of and occupation ofthe U.S.A. by foreign powers) is to be able to tie-in other revelations with that timing. In my experience revelations that tie-in work best when they come by the HOLY SPIRIT as opposed to one working to find connections by oneself.

BACKING THINGS UP We have a basic, even simple, revelation going back to the year 1979 that points to a two year period from the time of the accidental nuclear attack to Nuclear World War III - a two year period from a major earthquake in the Midwest to the Great Earthquake that will destroy the Midwest U.S.A. So, if we take the date of 2010 as the date of the start of Nuclear World War III and back it up two years to locate the accidental nuclear attack by Russia we come up with this: The Year 2 0 1 0 Nuclear World War III


The Year 2 0 0 8 Accidental Nuclear Attack

I have "speculated" starting in 2000 that the most likely date for the accidental nuclear attack would be either 2007 or 2008, towards the end of President Bush's 2" d ten-n.

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So, what would happen in the



ear 2008?

1. A major Hurricane slams the Southeast U.S. in September. 2. The Accidental Nuclear attack with Russia nuking 4 U.S. Cities (Lexington, Ky.; New York, N.Y.; Richmond, Va. and Columbia, S.C.) in the month of December (believed to be December 14t''). 3. The coming war with Iran during which Iran nukes the standing U.S. Army gathering in the Persian Gulf region - wiping our Army out in one blow. 4. The Philippines turning blood red (suggesting a great slaughter). S. Red China attacking and invading Taiwan. 6. North Korea launching a full-fledged invasion of South Korea. 7. Japan was seen trembling but it seemed more to do with "fear" of a rising and aggressive Red Chinese military power. 8. Three volcanoes exploding like a string of firecrackers on the West Coast of the U.S. 9. A Major earthquake strikes the Midwest U.S. on September 19`x'. It is JESUS' Word to me of October 21, 1989 that made it clear that President George Bush would be President when the accidental nuclear attack came. It was this Word that I seized upon to draw the conclusion and so to understand that George W. Bush would win reelection this 2004. He did. That did not in itself confirm the date of 201 Q as the date of the Great Midwest Earthquake. At this point in time that date stands alone, an application of the 17 year revelation. However, something has come into view, something not sought, something which I perceive was a move of the SPIRIT OF GOD to bring it to our attention. It has to do with something the Lord God did in 1982 when He caused the Archangel Gabriel to take my form and to appear in many places on earth giving a simple message that shook-up a lot of people.

THE 1982 STORY AND 1983 PUBLICATION (see German Police sketch on next page) In 1982 I was on the road extending the Seal of the Living God to those of God's people who would receive it. At this time I had an experience that first came in 1977 on the 30 day journey to Washington, D.C. - something I would call a "heightened sense of awareness". In this "heightened sense of awareness" I had a clarity of vision and could see things about others that I would not normally see or known. The first time this happened was during the 30 day journey when two Angels of the Lord JESUS CHRIST took my appearance and my then-prophet partner's appearance (Cliff) to lead off and away F.B.I. Agents who were

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[ Continued}

following us at the time. The Lord GOD did not want them (or anyone for that matter) to know where we were going. This would have been an interesting story except we inet people who saw, even talked to us, along the way - in places we did not go, to people we had never met. Others saw and talked to those two Angels of God that had taken our appearance. It was the kind of evidence that was a bit astounding then and now.

Gabriel, one of the archangels mentioned in the Bible (Daniel $:15, 9:21; Luke 1:19, 26) as a messenger of God. In the postBiblical Jewish literature he is the angel of punishment and death.

During the Sealing work of 1982 I had this same sudden change as experienced in 1977 and with it the same "heightened sense of awareness." Only this time I had distinct "knowings" that I was in places that I wasn't - I "knew" 1 was in Argentina on one day, days later I "knew" I was in Brazil then on and on - "knowing" that I was in Japan, China, the Soviet Union, Poland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Great Britain and more.

However, I was well aware that I was in the U.S. and in Canada (Ontario) and not in these places. I was puzzled by this flurry of "knowings" that made no sense to me and began to ask Jesus what was going on. JESUS told me that He would reveal more later. Then on top of this, Christians, I met with along the way began to make unusual comments. A number said I looked like an Angel of God, some looked at me and actually saw an Angel and more than one told me that when they looked into my eyes they saw a beautiful clarity in my eyes that no man could have, only an Angel of God. If I was puzzled by the "knowings" of being in other parts of the world I was now bewildered by these persistent observations made by brethren met along the way. On February 3, 1983, while I w r as back at home (in Chicago) I received a letter from Gwen Shaw's End-Time Handmaidens and inside was a copy of Gwen's January, 1983 Newsletter with a sketch of me prominently on the cover (the sketch on this page). My

daughter, Marja, who was just 5 years old at the time saw the sketch and asked me, "Daddy, what is yow- picture doing there?" I didn't know and began to read the article.

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The Staff and Sword Ministr y December 26. 2004

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The article written by Gwen Shaw detailed accounts she picked up from a German Newspaper "Exkiusive", which told the amazing story of how a young woman picked up a hitchhiker in GERMANY in October 9, 1982 who said he was the Archangel Gabriel. He got in the car, fastened the seat belt (on her request) and then stated plainly, "I AM THE ARCHANGEL GABRIEL. I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT 1984 WILL BE THE END OF THE WORLD." Archangel Gabriel then vanished from sight, leaving the fastened seat belt in place. The young woman was stunned and telephoned the police who had been receiving a number of calls from others having the same experience. From the description of these

people (from Germany and Switzerland), the German Rosen heim police department was flooded with calls and had a police sketch of Gabriel drawn which was picked-up and published in the German Newspaper "Exclusive" in 1982. Gwen Shaw, who was in Germany at the time, saw the article and reported on it in her January, 1983 Newsletter. She sent me a copy with a brief personal note. The description of Archangel Gabriel was as follows: He was about 30 years old, a 6 foot tall man with nicely cut full heard, brown hair, wearing jeans. That was a precise description of me at that time and as my daughter Marja attested, the sketch looked like me. In 1982 and 1983 while I unde rt ook the work of Sealing God's people with the Seal of the Living God (Ezekiel 9, Revelation 7) I came under scathing attacks by church leaders and brethren as being deceived or worse. I believed that the Lord our God did this to silence some of those accusers and to undergird the work He sent me to do. When I asked JESUS about this, He told me this: "1T IS GABRIEL. HE TOOK YOUR APPEARANCE IN GREATER DETAIL THAN GIVEN, I HAVE A PURPOSE IN THIS." (JESUS to Chuck-JOHNEL February, 1983).

WHAT DID ARCHANGEL GABRIEL MEAN? I knew then by the SPIRIT OF GOD that the message delivered by Gabriel in 1982 was not to be taken literally. I understood that the mention of 1984 was some kind of a starting point and it would lead to some massive troubles. I also knew that the "END OF THE WORLD" Gabriel spoke of was not literal either, but figurative, speaking of the end of the world as we know it, marking a sharp depa rt ure from what has been the norm for most all of mankind to something very different, very deadly and troubled. I now knew the name of the Angel that went before me in the 3 day walk through Chicago, the 30 day journey in 1976 to Washington, D.C. in 1977 and during the Seal of the Living God work - it was the Archangel Gabriel. I knew something else, Gabriel looked nothing like me, not even remotely; but he did take my appearance as JESUS said. The sketch was sure proof of that.


The Staff and Sword Minis

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1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2014 2011 2012 2013 In the chart (above) the two previous 12 year cycles are positioned directly above the current 12 year cycle. This 12 year judgment cycle chart is the result of 22 years of working under Jesus' Commission to understand the timing of judgment. While it is only one component of timing it has proven to be both reliable and valuable since we have had it in view starting in 2001. The most notable repeat events this 2004 were the eruption of Mount Saint Helens volcano October 1, 2004 and the sharp rise in the value of gold - both key events of the year 1980, some 24 years earlier. We anticipated these events in our February, 2004 Newsletter working with this chart and our record of past events. Simply, the judgments that will come are often founded on judgment events that were laid down 12 years and 24 years earlier. We discovered this 12 year judgment cycle as a result of HOLY SPIRIT insight and revelation in and out of praying to understand the timing of judgment.



If you will take a look at the 12 Year Judgment Cycle chart (above) you will note that the year 1984 is directly aligned above the year 2008. I didn't search for this but fell over it when I was led to review the experience of 1982 when Archangel Gabriel took my appearance in many parts of the world. When I remembered how he spoke of the "YEAR 1984" 1 decided to review the record and shortly realized that 2008 lined up with 1984. Since the HOLY SPIRIT led me to see this 12 Year Judgment Cycle and then later brought me to review the Word Archangel Gabriel gave, to see a tie-in to 2008 was not the result of a human effort but of God-direction.

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December 25 2UU4 (Continued)

However, I did consider that I might be "assuming" that the accidental nuclear attack would be the event to result in the end of the world as we know it. Could I rightly connect that event to the year 2008? First up, Richard-DANIEL had told me a number of times in our conversations that he discerned that the accidental nuclear attack would cause a major change in America and the world, things would never be the same thereafter. All one has to do is consider the massive changes that have shaken America and our lifestyles since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Not only did 3,000 souls perish and the nation took a 7 Trillion dollar toss, not only were 1 million jobs lost in that day but we find ourselves now embroiled in a worldwide war with terrorism, with Islamic terrorism. That one event of September 11 t} ' changed us deeply. Imagine what having three U.S. Cities being vaporized and one major city (New York) being heavily damaged i magine what effect that will have. But it goes beyond that, it is even deeper. Some weeks earlier JESUS instructed me to write President George W. Bush, to send the 10 `n Counsel letter addressing the issues with Iran and nuclear weapons and the revelations of God given by JESUS CHRIST in October of 1983. At this time JESUS revealed several disasters to befall the U.S., the accidental nuclear attack being one of them. A list of these troubles is given on page 7 (Events numbered 1 to 8) of this report. When JESUS gave me this vision/revelation on October 14, 1983 He said this, "IT WILL COME IN 1984. YET YOU WILL SEE MUCH MORE IN THIS YEAR...YOU ARE TO TH WRITE THE PRESIDENT ON THIS OCTOBER 15 AND MAIL IT OCTOBER 17TH."

"IT WILL COME IN 1984...11 Even back then I knew that He was not giving me a literal year but I did not, at this time, make a connection to what Archangel Gabriel said in October of 1982 to wayfarers in Europe. I do now. This tells me with certainty that the year 1984 is connected with all the judgment events given on Page 7 of this report and that 1984 is connected to 2008 through the 12 year Judgment Cycle. The FATHER GOD, the LORD JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT laid down all this ground work in revelation back some 24 years ago which only now is being grasped and understood in the Light of His revelation.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

December 27, 2004

FAITH, TIME, PATIENCE, PERSEVERANCE and GOD'S GRACE From the time JESUS gave me the vision of the fluffy cloud in the form of a number "17" as an answer to my question of when the Great Midwest ea rt hquake would happen - it has

been the better part of 31 years of seeking to understand what that meant. I cannot say how many times in the past 31 years I tried to figure it out, thought about it, pondered it, prayed and fasted, but understanding evaded me. This year the HOLY SPIRIT just dropped the answer in my lap, with Nancy-TON l's help and insight, which completed a 31 year puzzle. It is so simple now that it is almost scary though getting there was not simple by any means. Over the years so many have accused me of being a false prophet and vile rumors circulate about me generated out of the pit of hell with regularity. What strikes me is just "how long" one need be patient with God's Word - and that we need to "discern" it is His Word not on the basis of events but by God's living faith. I've just looked at a Word I received from JESUS on November 10, 1979 when He told inc this: "BEWARE OF RUSSIA, THIS ENEMY IS BEHIND MOST ALL WORLD TROUBLES" (note, that in 1979 there was no Russia, Russia was a Republic of the Soviet Union and not a sovereign nation as it is today. JESUS was speaking of a time ahead - a minimum of 12 years in this case.) JESUS also said, "KNOW THAT WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST IS CERTAIN. EXPECT A NUCLEAR DISASTER IN THIS NATION NEAR CHICAGO... EARTHQUAKES WILL SEEM QUIET NOW BUT IN A MOMENT DISTRESS WILL SEIZE MULTITUDES... IRAN IS A DEADLY ENEMY OF THIS NATION..." JESUS was laying out a general picture of what was ahead, things that repentance and prayer could have changed, but because the church rejected Him it wasn't changed.

HOW SERIOUS IS THIS? When something is very important the Lord will give a revelation special emphasis, and the more special, the more important it S. It took 22 years of faith and persistence to discover the 12 Year Judgment Cycle which has proven its value from year to year since 2001. The work it took to find the 12 Year Judgment Cycle dove-tailed into His Word and revelations of 1982 and 1983 to pinpoint the year 2008 as a time of great trouble, so great that the world as we know it will end. He sent no less than His Archangel Gabriel to canvas the streets of cities around the world to convey His message about 1984, a date that could not be understood apart from the 12 Year Judgment Cycle. When revelations previously a mystery begin to fall in place as they have in the past few months I know it is God's doing, not mine. This is very serious indeed. God bless. Zij C7IR1, ' ^^^„ File: SEVENTEEN YEARS (.^/(



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