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Sharin g with the Net of Prayer ABOUT PRAYER By: Chuck-JOHNEL (File: About Prayer) Hello and Praise the Lord! The HOLY SPIRIT put it in my heart to begin a new series on and about prayer. In part, I perceive that one purpose is to bring us all up to speed in matters of prayer, so we all have a basic level of understanding and also a level of agreement as we pray on a variety of needs and issues. I prayed about this on and off for a few days and decided that to start I will just follow the HOLY SPIRIT leading and write whatever comes to mind.
PRAYER itself is fairly simple to define at one level — it is simply talking to God. Anyone can talk (pray) to God and I will probably surprise you by saying that God does hear ALL prayer; however, whether He answers it as the one praying desires is a whole different matter. Not all prayer has to do with asking for something, or seeking, or knocking on Heavens door. Sometimes the best and most precious prayer is simple relationship talk with Father, waking-up in the morning and saying, "Good morning Jesus!" Or walking down the street on the way to work or the store and talking to Father inwardly as you go saying something like, "Hello Father, it is a beautiful day you have made. How's your day going? " PRAYER is only half of the conversation — we ought learn to quiet ourselves no matter where we are at to hear, listen to God's reply to our talk. Have you ever met a person who wanted to talk your ear off and never gave you a chance to respond or make a comment?! Well, my point is that talking to God is great but one should be fair and give God a space of time to listen to His reply.
DOES GOD HEAR ALL PRAYER? One time many years ago, I was drawn into the Heavens and found myself up before GOD THE FATHER on the MOUNT OF THE MOST HIGH GOD. This is the very top of a Holy Mountain in Heaven where God has His Throne Seat. The beauty and splendor of this place is beyond any words I could gather in an attempt to paint the picture of what I knew and saw. Leading up to the Mount of The Most High GOD is a staircase carved out of rock, it is a
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i ne 1r et of Yrayer - ABUU l Y1C A x.ix
December 15, 20U1
Continued very high staircase as it starts at the base of this Holy mountain and goes all the way to the top. Usually the Holy mountain of GOD is wrapped in dense clouds but on this day I could see clearly from the top all the way to the base of the mountain. Here I saw multitudes of people praying to God, from every religion you could imagine, Buddhists, Moslems, Hindu's and on and on. I noted that ^ pj.y the Christians actually came into God the Father's Presence with their petitions, only those under the Blood of JESUS CHRIST had the boldness to actually come before Father God on the Mount of the Most High and in every sense of the Word these had God's ear and attention. Nonetheless, GOD THE FATHER heard all prayer, believers in JESUS CHRIST and unbelievers. These others were bent to their faces and were afraid to draw anywhere near to Father God, so I saw them (Buddhists, Moslems, etc.) located down at or near the base of the mountain, some on the steps leading up, but none dared Zook towards Him directly or to come anywhere near the Father GOD on the Mount of the Most High, only Christians. Later I realized I was seeing what is in John 14: 6 when JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me..." Of course, on saying this I might get a battery of questions or challenges from those brethren bound by doctrinal rigidity. One might say that a Moslem praying to Allah is not praying to our God. True enough at one level. However, the Apostle Paul made it plain in Romans 1: 19-21 man is given by God to know that He is. It is therefore possible that anyone not in the Christian faith can retain God in their knowledge, can glorify Him as God and can therefore also pray to Him. I remember a story I read many years ago (no longer remember where I read it) reputed to be factual about a Frenchman who sought "truth" near the turn of the century (180O's) and turned to eastern religions for the answer. Along the way he heard of a monk in Asia (India, I recall) who had reached the highest level of enlightenment and knew the "truth". So this
Frenchman traveled by train, then boat to India, then by train and horse carriage, donkey and lastly on foot to reach the monastery in some mountain heights. It took him some time to reach this place and there he found this enlightened monk (Buddhist as I recall). When he asked this monk what the truth was, the monk replied, "JESUS CHRIST." The Frenchman was stunned and said, "Why I heard about JESUS all my life in France, that can't be right!" The monk replied, "Yes, He is the truth, the only truth." So it is not only possible but I can bear witness that there are many non-Christians on earth who genuinely seek the true God (otherwise I would not have seen them praying to FATHER GOD), and if they seek Him with all their heart, He will let them find Him — all roads lead to JESUS CHRIST in such quests.
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The Net of Prayer - ABOUT PRAYER
December 15, 2001
However many other men of other religions do not like to retain God in their knowledge (Romans 1: 28) and so God gives them over to a reprobate mind. These who do this would not be found praying at the Holy mountain of God.
PRAYER ACCUMULATES: In 1983 we began praying about the coming accidental nuclear attack. It is now 18 years later and we are still praying about this coming accidental nuclear attack. Why? What do we aim to accomplish? What is going on? I remember reading about a man who prayed for a revival in his city, he prayed every day for 25 years, he worked to enlist others but he alone persisted in his prayers. Then the man died. The day he died a wonderful, powerful Holy Spirit revival swept that city. JESUS in Luke 18: 1 says, "that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; (lose
heart)" JESUS then gives the parable of the unjust judge and the message is clear, we are to persist in our prayers, not lose heart, hold on, pray through until we see God's answer. I know that Lucifer is behind the accidental nuclear attack coming, it was the Devil's plan to trigger a Nuclear World War in 1982, that was blocked, then he tried to trigger a Nuclear War by targeting 9 U.S. cities to be "accidentally nuked." The Net of Prayer blocked that and spared five cities, leaving four to be hit, but this would not trigger a nuclear world war. From then to now Lucifer has sought persistently to overcome the mercy prayer has obtained, to get grounds for a greater slaughter, to take more lives, not less. Our prayers continually go up to God to see more lives spared not less, to see a greater introduction of God's mercy, not less, to improve on the mercy obtained and not see it go static or be lessened. The Devil hopes that we will NOT persist in our prayers, that instead we "lose heart" whereby his evil persistence triumphs. I know that GOD is storing up our prayers and in the day of need we will see wonderful miracles of God's intervention. It will come in a mighty rush and all the work of prayer over all these years will bear fruit in precious life-giving ways. All we have to do is persist, year in and year out and so make a difference whereby God's mercy is extended to many who would otherwise perish before their time. I invite you to write me and ask questions about PRAYER, make reference to ABOUT PRAYER and I will pray to select those questions the HOLY SPIRIT would have me A address in the next Newsletter. LrJ3eJUGod bless and keep you in every way.
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file Stall and Sword Mini
December 15. 2001
MOVIE REVIEWS by Chuck-JOHNEL St Nancy-TONI In the year 1979 JESUS Commissioned me to review movies out of Hollywood on a regular basis. In all the years since I have seen Hollywood become aggressively anti-Christian in the way they produce movies and then also positively pro anti-Christ and pro-Devil at the
same time. The Church has ignored the warning signs, worse they do very little if anything about what is going on. It would not surprise me on a strictly human level (if I were not Jesus' Prophet) to see Christians being herded into camps and subjected to the horrors of death camps after seeing all the hatred and murderous intent being directed at them by Hollywood movies. We are living in a time when genocide against Christians is not only being encouraged but the movies also give tutorials on"how to mass murder Christians." I have wanted to present some movie reviews but there has not been time, space or opportunity until now. I give movies one of three classes of ratings, these being: The Pitchfork: When you see this symbol it indicates that the movie has consistent and/or strong anti-Christian content or theme and is the product of demons out of hell. One "pitchfork" signifies the hellish content is minor or subtle but enough to tag it as a movie out of hell. Two or more pitchforks indicate that the presence of hell in the movie is greater. .`l "
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The Halo: When you see this symbol it indicates that the movie has consistent and/or strong Christian moral and/or Spiritual content and is worth seeing, The greater the number of halo's indicate increased Christian moral and/or Spiritual value.
Worth Seeing: When you see this symbol it indicates that the movie is morally and/or Spiritually neutral. It may however be uplifting and/or interesting and/or entertaining and therefore "worth seeing".
TERMS USED: THEATER = This movie is presently being shown in movie theaters. VCR — This movie is available to rent on VCR Video tape.
The Staff and Sword Ministry-Movie Reviews
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December 15, 2001
Movie Title: "SERGEANT YORK" Black & White 1941 with Gary Cooper. VCR. This is the true story of Alvin C. York, a renowned hero of World War I. It is one of my favorite movies that portrays the conversion of a man to Christ and then how he coped with worldly issues in a way that won him the Congressional Medal of honor. Gary Cooper won an Oscar playing York in this film. Movie Title: " THE DISH" Color 2000 with Sam Neill on VCR.
Based on a true story of satellite dish in Parkes, Aus tr alia
and the moon landing of 1969. There is a brief period of "strong adult language" in the middle of the movie thus its rated PG- 13. Other than that it is both interesting a nd entertaining - wo rth seeing. 0
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Movie Title: "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" Color 2001 in Theater. 4
This is an open invitation to children to get into witchcraft. In fact, in parts it is a tutorial for beginners. One statement made in the movie tells you the thrust of it when it was said, "There is neither good or evil only power. " I have not seen such a blatant, in the open and in your face advertisement for hellfire ever before that targets children. This is a slick production, well financed, well acted, well directed, with all sorts of special effects that is sure to draw many young minds into spiritual death. Dangerous! 4^
Movie Title: "Behind Enem iI
Lines" Color 2001 in Theater.
This movie starred by Owen Wilson with Gene Hackman is very, very, very loosely based on the Air Force aviator Sco tt O'Grady story (who was shot down over Bosnia in 1995). In fact, the only resemblance to the Scott O'Grady story is that he was shot down over Bosnia. The real Scott O'Grady su rv ived and gave testimony to God's help and his faith in Jesus Christ -- Owen Wilson played a pilot who lacked any military bearing, was rebellious, prayerl ess and reckless. I was particularly troubled by the movie makers showing the bad guys (Serbians) wearing insignia with the Cross of Christ prominently displayed as they murdered people (Moslems and Wilson's co-pilot) with brutal efficiency. Associating Christians with cold blooded murderers was deliberate. The movie itself is fiction in the extreme to the place of being pointless. I considered this movie to be a waste of time and money and not wo rt h seeing for any reason. The only interesting part was the attempt by the U.S. fighter to evade a SAM missile; but frankly it's not worth the price of a ticket just to see that.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry-Movie Reviews
Movie Title: " BLESS
December 15, 2001
THE CHILD" Color 2000 with Kim Basinger on VCR. This is an Icon Production which is partly owned by Mel Gibson and filmed by
Paramount Pictures. This is a genuine Christian production that leans towards Roman Catholics and presents a fictional account of a confrontation with the Devil and his workers by Christians who defeat them soundly in the final outcome. It touches on "Spiritual Warfare" and some of the things we have learned in prayer warfare over the
years are clearly stated in the movie. I only give it 3-1/2 Halo's because there is some brief strong adult language (the F word) in the movie at one point. This movie is rated R because of violence. However, it portrays what is happening in this world in stark terms and for once we see special effects presenting a strong Christian theme which is Victory in Christ over all the power of hell. If you are not faint hearted, I'd recommend this movie.
Movie Title: "DR. SEUSS' HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRISTMAS." Color, 2001 - on VCR. Starred by Jim 째 째 C' Carrey. This movie is one of those rare "worth seeing" types. Jim Carrey was born for the role of the Grinch and under Ron Howard's direction the movie excels in the entertainment end. The theme of the movie brings focus to the issue that Christmas is about a "Spirit", not gifts or materialism. JESUS is not mentioned, Santa Claus is mentioned; but I don't discern any real antiChristian views anywhere in the movie. There is a bit of crude humor in the movie thus it earns the PG rating. Movie Title: " Planet of the Apes." Color 2001 - on VCR.
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This is a remake of the Planet of the Apes movies of many years ago and frankly it is no where near as interesting. I would have probably given it a V2 "worth seeing" except for the obvious mockery of religion as an underlining theme and then more pointedly the mockery of Jesus' Return represented by an ape flying down in a space craft (a chimp trained to fly the vessel). These kinds of movies are not very subtle in that they obviously aim to discredit and also mock Christian beliefs as well as to discredit the military. It is subtle until you see it and then it is obvious. Not worth seeing at all in my estimation. End of movie review for now. Any comments? Please write: Chuck-JOHNEL.