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The Staff and Sword Ministry/Special Report
August 9, 2010
***SPECIAL REPORT ON TIMING*** written by: Chuck-JOHNEL Hello! Blessings, Peace and Joy to you, one and all, in JESUS' Precious Name! From time to time we receive a letter in which a brother or sister in Christ takes a shot at trying to resolve the timing of judgment or the sequence of judgment events AND the timing. When I have the time (not often), I try to make a personal response, but that is usually not possible due to the volume of work set before me on a daily basis. One such letter was received recently and I decided to make this additional report to address the issues presented in the letter. I will say that I appreciate both the effort some make and their enthusiasm to tackle the complex issue of timing and/or the sequence of judgment events. "For we know in part, and we prophesy in part." (I Corinthians 13: 9) Years ago some brethren rejected the Lord's Word to me because it was "too detailed. " Well, that view is in itself not Scriptural. However, in spite of the fact that JESUS has given me a lot of detail, I'm well aware that what I have is "in part", it is partial, and like a great puzzle not all the pieces are there. In 1979 JESUS Commissioned me to work to understand the timing of judgment. I began with the expectation that I'd uncover the timing ofjudgment; but what JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT would show me were the mechanics of judgment and how the ti ming sprang more from the decisions His Church than anything else. This brother, Daniel, who recently wrote me and sent a detailed listing of the sequence of judgment events as he perceived it wrote: (Quote) "In reviewing the Wilcox Report and the papers you've written over the last several years Ifound it difficult to reconcile some differences. So I have listed the sequence of eventd to what I think more closely matches up with what you have written and it seems to make more sense to me. If you see a major discrepancy please let me l^now, if you have time. " (Unquote) THE WILCOX REPORT: I worked with Richard Wilcox some years ago and helped him assemble the sequence of judgment events as best we could understand it. As reports go it is an excellent one and I do not think it can be much improved on.
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August 9, 2010
When it comes to understanding the timing of judgment and/or the sequence of judgment events there are a number of key factors involved that make it "difficult" to either understand or reconcile. 1. The very nature of prophesy is that it is partial" (I Corinthians 13:9): as much as you may have, it is always going to be missing something, you never get the whole picture. Why is that? (see note #o) 2. Much of what we see, hear and receive by the SPIRIT OF GOD are like snap shots of the judgment: parts, pieces that are not in themselves whole nor can they be. By working to harmonize JESUS' WORD and VISIONS, also working with what other prophets/brethren receive, it is possible to get a bigger picture: but, again, it will still be "partial." The work it takes to do this "harmonizing" is daunting, time-consuming and requires mega-prayer, patience and waiting on the Lord for insights to grasp it all. (see note #b) 3. Sometime after 1985 the church leaders of the church system of man took authority over the prophets and bound them from knowing the timing of judgment and the judgment itself. They regarded these prophets as "pests" as too often they prophesied judgments with timing that proved right, which was no end of trouble for them as they wanted to ignore them or write them off as "nuts." Having the agreement of their congregations (sight unseen) they exercised Christ authority to BIND the prophets from knowing the timing. This effectively shut down the capacity of JESUS' prophets from knowing the timing ofjudgment and so their projections for the timing ofjudgment would now fail. (see note #c) These three factors play a key role in the ability of a prophet, or brother or sister in Christ, from knowing either the timing ofjudgment and/or the sequence ofjudgment events. Of these, the third one, the BINDING by church leaders, would make it virtually impossible or so difficult that any prophet venturing out to know timing w ould find themselves and their little boat in a storm-tossed, shark-infested, sea. I concluded that the best one could do is present JESUS' Word as we understand it, make projections for timing (aware that failure was more likely than success) and trust JESUS by faith to bring us through. Hence our FOCUS ought be on JESUS to
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bring us through no matter what. In the past few years I've brought attention to JESUS' Word that reveals certain events that would precede other key judgments. These are "snap shots" of a bigger picture: but it has a value for those living in these areas if they remain prayerful and alert to developments. Daniel wrote, (Quote) "I found it (Unquote)
to reconcile some differences.."
The one example, I recall now is how back in 1983 JESUS spoke to me saying He would send me to Germany. I asked, "East or West Germany?" JESUS replied: "GERMANY." I asked again, "Lord, East or West Germany? " JESUS replied (patiently): "GERMANY." I did not understand His response but by this time I came to the place where if I didn't understand what He told me, it was only because I did not KNOW something, but in time it would be made clear to me. I accepted His Word by faith not sight. The Berlin Wall fell in 1989 and not long after that East and West Germany united it is now GERMANY! Because Daniel can't reconcile some differences is only because he does not understand as I didn't in 1983. At a point we can understand just so much, after which we need go more by faith in His Word and not sight/understanding.
Note #a:_ In 1976, in the chapel in Pittsburgh, the Lord JESUS shewed me the judgment from start to finish that was complete, not partial, nothing missing. The amount of detail was so immense and came so fast that it literally overwhelmed me and I question if I was able to retain even 1110th of I % of all that was revealed to me that day. Literally the days whizzed by like mini-seconds and in that short span of time I was aware of every person, every living thing, their thoughts, their actions, their condition both spiritually and physically, as well as emotionally. I was keenly aware of human life, animal life, insect life and the interactions of all these, as well as the physical
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world (elements). The WHOLE judgment unfolded before me like a super-wide screen movie, except at hyper speed. To say I was overwhelmed does not begin to express what I felt, knew and experienced. The speed of revelation was blinding and my mind just shut down at a point, I could not take it all in nor could I retain but a small part of the over all picture being shewn to me. On reflection I realized that I was seeing this world and the time of judgment as GOD saw it - no human being could begin to grasp it; our carnal mind was not capable of absorbing all that was revealed - it was as simple as that. From this experience I drew one simple, if not obvious, conclusion which is: The human mind is NOT remotely capable of grasping the whole judgment of GOD. At best we can grasp glimpses, snap shots: but we are very limited in how we can understand all He reveals. This is why Scripture says it is "partial."
"Harmonizing" is a word we use to describe a prayerful effort to grasp JESUS' Word on a given subject in depth and to work in prayer to see how one Word may connect to other Words, to see a sequential association. There are times when JESUS' Word, while having an obvious literal meaning, also contains subtle revelations that can be easily missed if you do not pray about His Word to see what else is in His Word. Example: In 1979 we understood that the monster earthquake that would level Chicago and much of the Midwest was an event that would precede the actual Nuclear attack on the U.S. by Russia and China, triggering Nuclear World War III. JESUS also revealed that major earthquake (6.7 and 7.6 magnitude) would precede this "Monster earthquake." We knew through His Word that the "Major earthquake" would hit Chicago in the month of September and that the "Monster earthquake" would hit in the month of July. In 1979 we were praying to harmonize JESUS' Word of that 1979 and in so doing something stood out to me in JESUS' Word of September 3, 1979. The Lord was revealing details of the major earthquake to hit Chicago that would cause extensive
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damage to both St. Louis, Missouri and Chicago, an earthquake in the 6.7. and 7.6 magnitude range. What stood out to me was this simple statement by JESUS, "CHICAGO QUAKE THIS SEPTEMBER... WILL BE AWHILE BEFORE BASIC SERVICES ARE RESTORED. CITY WILL BE ONE YEAR IN REPAIRING, REBUILDING FUNDING PROBLEMS..." (JESUS, September 3,1979) From what JESUS told me, this earthquake would severely damage one third of the city. I cannot imagine that they could repair all that inside of one year. Something would have to interrupt the rebuilding. More, JESUS spoke of "FUNDING PROBLEMS", which would slow the repair process even more. Now, back in 1979 the City of Chicago was financially sound, there should be no serious problem in funding repairs. However, today, the City of Chicago is something like $13 Billion in the red. Today they would surely have funding problems in such a case. The "funding problems" suggested that they'd not be able to start repairs for a time and when they could they'd be repairing for at least one year. Why would they stop? In praying to harmonize and understand JESUS' Word back in 1979, Holy Spirit insight came whereby we knew that the repair work would be interrupted by the "Monster earthquake" that would destroy the City of Chicago and the Midwest U.S.A., to say nothing of Canada. Thus we came to see that it would be approximately two years from the "major
earthquake" to the "monster earthquake". The two year mark was realized simply: A year from the "Major earthquake" that September would be the following September, and we knew that the "Monster earthquake" would hit in the month of July which pushed it out to the two year mark.
This brother, Daniel, is not privy to all the Word of the Lord that we have on file, nor is he aware that focused prayer and seeking Holy Spirit insight is a key to grasping the meaning of any one Word. Linking one Word about a given judgment event to another is not only difficult, but nearly impossible without a clear Holy Spirit leading to make the connection.
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To put it all together is Iike assembling a small part of a massive mosaic - when you have succeeded you become aware of how much more there is to do and it is more than a daunting task, it is humanly impossible. Thus we have learned to assemble an understanding of a small portion of the judgment and where there are obvious connections, we make these connections, keenly aware that they may also be incorrect. If (a big "IF") we could harmonize everything JESUS has said since 1972 we would open a door to a much deeper understanding of the judgment, but our ability to pass
this knowledge onto others about what we have learned would prove difficult if not i mpossible. To press ahead, we would go out into infinity and grasping that lS humanly impossible. Scientists can study and learn the various details about the sun, stars, planets, asteroids, comets, black holes, pulsars and other such space science, but no one can grasp the concept of the universe. We can understand the parts but not the whole. In truth, we simply "accept" the fact that the universe has no end but do we
understand how that is? No, we have no way to understand that, only to accept it as fact. GOD'S Word is very much like that, you can grasp the parts but not the whole. The sequence JESUS gave me in April 1977 revealing the judgment in detail was a vague outline. We might be able to embellish on it, add a little here and there but trying to assemble it as a finite fact is not possible. The effort made by Daniel to assemble a complete sequence of events, while impressive and well done, is operating in an area where some parts are speculation or assumptions thus very prone to failure. I say this based on many years of doing a very similar work.
Church leaders that "Bound" prophets from knowing the timing of judgment happened sometime after 1985. This has hampered every prophet from knowing the ti ming and while some get a date right now and then, they tend to fail more than succeed if they try to discern the timing of judgment. It all stems back to the church
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leader's decision in 1985 to bind the prophets working with a Christ authority to do so. In working to understand the timing of judgment under God's Commission in 1979 I had come to understand the interplay between Satan/Lucifer and the way church leaders reacted to JESUS' Word: rejecting and/or ignoring His Word and offer of help. This behavior in turn empowered the enemy to bring in the judgment JESUS had warned of, but this time they had the approval and agreement of the church to do so By 1985, between Nancy-TONI's presence and anointing, the effectual prayers of the Net of Prayer and one of the twenty pastors in Corpus Christi, we had authority to spare 70% of the lives Lucifer aimed to take in j udgment that year starting in October of 1985.* *Note - Nancy-TONI did not show on the scene until early October of 1985 so the capacity to save 70% of lives threatened by Lucifer did not exist until then. 1985 and CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS: JESUS shewed me that a destroying hurricane would surface in the Gulf of Mexico on September 2, 1985 and that I was to travel from Brownsville, Texas eastwards along the Gulf Coast warning and calling for prayer to stop this hurricane. I also had God's Commission to prophetically stop the hurricane from hitting the areas I was traveling through. I ran out of money at Baton Rouge, Louisiana and had to go North where I met with brethren who met my needs and so the work of warning, calling for prayer and prophetically blocking the enemy stopped. While in Corpus Christi, Texas JESUS had me select numbers of pastors to write them and send them the calls for prayer. There was no response but that was typical. In late June of 1985 a fairly strong hurricane formed and moved into the Gulf heading for Corpus Christi. When it reached the prophetic zone (Baton Rouge) a jet stream moved over the hurricane and cut the hurricane to pieces, it died out and became a rain squall. I saw the demon prince in this storm being shredded as if it went through a paper shredder once it crossed the prophetic line starting at Baton Rouge. Thereafter, every hurricane of 1985 stayed east of Baton Rouge, the enemy learned a lesson.
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August 10, 2010
On September 2, I 985 a powerful hurricane swept into the Gulf and slammed into the Louisiana Coastline doing extensive damage. Following this JESUS sent me back to Corpus Christi and to select twenty pastors whom He said would represent ALL the church leadership in North America. I was to write them a letter warning of a severe judgment coming calling for prayer and I reminded them of the fact that I had warned about the September 2 1d hurricane in May of 1985, When I arrived one pastor of the twenty came to offer support in funds and prayer, calling
his congregation to pray. But lacking a greater response, JESUS had me prophetically "stand aside" which meant that buildings could collapse and people would die - the church decision to reject/ignore His Word loosed Lucifer to bring judgment. Because one pastor did pray, the United States would be spared but the judgment fell on an alternative target. JESUS had me stand aside on September 17, 1985 standing in the Gulf facing south and west (towards Mexico City, Mexico). September 19' an 8.1 magnitude earthquake struck Mexico City killing 20,000. In this time I saw that the 19 pastors just wanted me to shut-up, as I was apparently causing a stir in their congregations. It was not long after this that these pastors BOUND me, and so all prophets, from knowing the timing. Keep in mind, the 19 pastors represented ALL the church leaders in North America - their actions were the actions of all. On HOLY SPIRIT direction I wrote the 20 pastors calling for prayer aware that a second hurricane was coming and that it would lead to a volcanic eruption with many dead unless they all prayed for mercy. Again, only the one pastor prayed - dead silence from the others. That hurricane came at the end of October and seeing a clear judgment pattern I figured that the volcanic eruption would come on November 14, 1985. Lucifer aimed to kill 85,000 but we had authority to prophetically spare 70% or 60,000 lives. We published this well before the fact. On November 14, 1985 a volcano in Columbia, South America erupted and a city was swept by a wall of hot mud and 25,000 perished. Two other towns around that volcano had a total population of 60,000, they were untouched. From that time to now knowing the timing or improving on the sequence of judgments has proved to be very difficult, often impossible. This factor has been in play since 1985. End of report. God bless. CIA
File: Tinting of.hidgment 2010