Cover Page Si
The Staff and Sword Ministry
March 11, 2005
Special Report Section (Written by: Chuck-JOHNEL)
TIDE NEXT 210 DiV August 20, 2004 + 220 Days =
H 28 29 30 2005 GOD THE FATHER'S WORD of August 20 1977 "IN 220 DAYS THERE WILL BEGIN ECONOMIC CHAOS, I WILL EXECUTE JUDGMENT." JESUS' WORD of August 1 1979 "INDEED COUNT THE DAYS...THERE WILL BE JUDGMENTS IN FOUR AREAS: POLITICAL, INDUSTRIAL, ECONOMIC AND IN THE TH IS THE EARTH. YES, EARTHQUAKES, SEPTEMBER 5 BEGINNING..." In the y ear 2004 - it came on March 29, 2004 and it was ECONOMIC JUDGMENT - Gasoline prices climbed rapidly reaching a high of $1.80 per gallon on March 29, 2004 when two months earlier it was $1.40 per gallon.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
March 11, 2005
Special Reuort Section - The Next 220 Da y s (continued)
THE YEAR 2004 IN REVIEW March 27, 28, 29, 2004 The price of crude oil climbed to $38.18 per barrel, a record high which led to gasoline prices jumping from $1.40 to $1.80 a gallon by March 29, 2004.
67 days after March 29. 2004 calculated to =June 3-6, 2004 for the "Greater Event. " L) Evidence of Wormwood's Re-Appearance on June 3, 2004: On Thursday. June 3, 2004 at 2:40 AM a bolide meteor was seen blazing across
the western skies of Washington (the Pacific Northwest) from Tacoma, Washington northwards to as far as Whidbey Island, Washington and as far away as 250 miles to the east. On Thursday, June 3, 2004 at 8:54AM a 4.5 Magnitude earthquake struck southeast of Reno, Nevada (just north of Mammoth Lakes, California). On Thursday. June 3, 2004 at 8PM the Washington State Lottery drew #301 which is recognized as Wormwood's number.
2.) The Greater Event of June 5, 2004: On June 5, 2004 President Ronald Reagan dies. This was perceived to signify the beginning of the end of America's goodness/greatness.
REVIEWING 1 978,1979,1980 and 1 981 ECONOMIC JUDGMENT - March 28, 1978 Inflation re-emerges. INDUSTRIAL JUDGMENT - March 28, 1979 Three Mile Island Nuclear Disaster. JUDGMENT IN THE EARTH - March 27, 1980 Mt. St. Helen's volcano erupts. POLITICAL JUDGMENT - March 30, 1981 President Reagan is shot by an assassin.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
SUeciai rieuort 7ection - Inc
March 11, 2005 (continued
SO WHAT WILL HAPPEN THIS MARCH 28, 29, 3 0, 2005? In 1979 it proved to be an INDUSTRIAL JUDGMENT, but this year is also running a strong parallel to 1981 the year of assassination attempts/plans against the President (a POLITICAL JUDGMENT). However, we do not have to project, all we need to do is to pray, wait, watch and recognize what does surface.
An Interesting Repeat Event from 1981: THE IRAN EARTHQUAKE OF 1981 Following the assassination attempt on President Reagan in March of 1981 (one we discerned and called for prayer for him to save his life), the Lord revealed a professional plot against his life and so we called for concerted prayer and a letter writing campaign to alert the Secret Service. The Secret Service came to see me in June of I 9S 1. They didn't know what a prophet was or did and so I was able to give them a bit of revelation. JESUS had enabled us to understand that a 6.5 Richter earthquake would strike central Iran in a few da y s time and that it would kill around 200 people. It could not be stopped because there was insufficient prayer to withstand it. I gave this information to the Secret Servicemen and the day that June, 1981 that it would happen (a few days from the lime I gave it to them.) On that day in June of 1981 a 6.5 Richter earthquake struck central Iran killing 300. I cut out the newspaper article about this quake and mailed it to the Secret Servicemen in Chicago (where I lived at the time). I understood then that the Lord JESUS had provided this as an evidence that the plot against the President was real for 1981.
This February 22, 2005 a 6.4 Magnitude Earthquake strikes central IRAN killing 500+ This repeat event (from 1981) suggests to me that there is a viable plot underway to assassinate the President and that "professional killers" are involved as in 1981. In 1981 the actual assassination attempt on President Reagan would have taken place about a month after I talked to the Secret Servicemen, but was prevented by a combination of prayer and an alerted Secret Service that did exactly what JESUS told me they should do to protect the President.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
Special Report Section - The Next 220 Days
March 11, 2005 (continued)
In 1980 JESUS had revealed that professional killers would attempt to kill the President while he was in CHICAGO and in 1981 JESUS made it plain that this plot was under way and would happen in July, 1981 unless it was de-railed. The Secret Servicemen of 1981 believed me, the Iran quake did happen and intelligence reports confirmed whatJESUS had shewn me, and so they responded and followed the plan Jesus had outlined to keep President Reagan safe when he did come to Chicago in July, 1981(a well guarded secret at the time). The circumstances this 2005 are very different. When the Secret Service came to see me in 2001 they were both hostile and threatening, they denied any knowledge of what happened back in 1981 or 1983 and showed no inclination to look into it. At best I was to inform the local agent of anything new and he would pass it on but I was not to write the President again - or else. Or else what? JESUS has shown no inclination to have me write them or keep in close contact with them. There is a potential for an attempt on the President's life this March - the Iran earthquake suggests the possibility but beyond keeping him in prayer there is not much more that can be done. If the Secret Service would he willing to listen, there is nothing more I could tell them that I haven't already told them. The enemy plot to fire a missile at the President is still very alive and with the border to Mexico wide open, almost any kind of weapon could have been brought across into the U.S. including a nuclear bomb. The spiritual environment in the U.S. is very different today from what it was back in 1981 and resistance to JESUS CHRIST today is intense - it was just the opposite in 1981. ANSWERS TO PRAYER: Just recently a man (Moslem) was arrested as he was suspected
to be involved in a plot to assassinate President Bush_ Prayer cover is holding the line for his life but this is coming to a more intense threat and may require special action to block attempts on the President's life.
THE RE-APPEARANCE OF WORMWOOD IN 2004 We recognized that Wormwood's re-appearance June 3, 2004 signified serious trouble ahead as JESUS has repeatedly warned us not to underestimate his capacity to kill. The Prophetic evidence of 1988-1989 makes it clear that Wormwood was the prime mover behind the massive earthquake and Tsunami of December 26, 2004 that took 260,000 lives. This destroyer of mankind is just warning up - be praying to cover yourself and your own.
The Staff and Sword Ministry
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March 11, 2005
Special Report Section - The Next 220 Days (continued)
The Trend of 220 Day Events The economic judgment event of March 28,1978 was discerned/recognized to be inflation. That day of March 28, 1979 it was reported that the inflation index had risen by 7110th of 1 %. To some that 7/1 Oths of 1% inflation rate seemed insignificant; but then the inflation rate steadily climbed and by 1980 it stood at a whopping 21% - the nations economy was in crisis mode. `h What we learned from what started on the 220 days (March 28-30 or March 27-29 on leap years) could grow and become a serious problem over the next years - it simply would not go away, it would get worse with time, not better.
What we saw March 29, 2004 was that gasoline prices rose from $1.40 per gallon to 51.80 per gallon due to a sharp increase in the price of crude oil. It is now a year later and the price of gasoline is again on the rise hovering anywhere from $1.97 per gallon to 52.05 a gallon.
On March 9, 2005 crude oil futures stayed close to $55.00 a barrel, anchored by a weak dollar - compared with the "record high" $38.18 per barrel of crude oil on March 29, 2004. Again, we are seeing what was seen in 1979, the trouble with oil prices continues to drive the price of gasoline ever higher. We have heard from more than one brother or sister that their heating oil bills have literally DOUBLED over what they were last year. In a report by Reuters dated March 2, 2005 Kyle Cooper, an analyst with Citigroup Global Markets stated, (Quote) "Every time prices showed signs of moving down, the dips get
bought fairly quickly and they go back up... the market is more focused on OPEC having r little spare capacity, strong demands f om the U.S., China and India. This is the best I would hate to think what prices will chance for prices to fall and if they don't fall now, be later. " (Unquote) On March 2, 2005 OPEC's acting secretary general said, (Quote) "I cannot rule out the
possibility of oil prices rising to $80 a barrel within the next two years. " (Unquote) That (580 per barrel of crude oil) can translate to approximately $3.00 a gallon for regular gasoline and as gasoline shortages continue that price could easily climb to 53.70 a gallon for gasoline. Diesel and heating oil would climb right along with gasoline - we would be looking at least a 45% increase in present prices.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
March Ii, 2005
Special Report Section - The Next 220 Days (continued) The Trend of 220 Day Events continued Added to this picture is the plain fact that America's public finances are $43 trillion in the hole which is also getting worse every day. David Walker, comptroller general of the United States, the head auditor of the U.S.A. is stating that the United States of America's public finances are in shambles. They're getting rapidly worse. In his March 2, 2005 Steve Maich of McCleans wrote this of David Walker, (Quote) "Seated in his wood panelled office in downtown Washington, Walker measures his words, trying to walk the fine line between raising an alarm and ,fosteringpan1c. He cringes when he hears prominent economists warning about a financial "Armageddon ", but he makes no bones about the fact the situation is dire. " (Unquote) I' m looking at Dr. Daniel Bohler's Word (see page 26 in the main Newsletter) where he is saying, (Quote) "The Lord has also told me that this is the year to downsize! Christians must be wise with their finances, seeking the Lord with every decision they make..." (Unquote) Back in April of 1977 JESUS told me this about the coming judgment, "THE DOLLAR WILL BEGIN TO SLIDE...FOR THIS REASON, CRUDE OIL IMPORTED TO THE UNITED STATES WILL INCREASE SHARPLY AND THERE WILL BE GOLD VALUE PROBLEMS..." In 1977 we saw an early pattern judgment that conformed to this Word - but today we are no longer in "pattern judgments" as we were in 1977 rather it is the real thing and the scenario JESUS outlined in April of 1977 (above) is current news. For this reason we need to be increasingly looking to JESUS for guidance, direction and help - we need to pray and abide in the Lord all the more because only He can bring us through the troubles that are coming. Tracking the emergence of judgment has one purpose - the motivate all of you to put more and more of your trust in JESUS CHRIST and less and less in this world. We will report when the judgment event of March 28-30, 2005 is recognized, until then pray and rely on JESUS CHRIST to keep you in every way. God bless. 1.tu CkRi S'/