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The Blessings of Jesus Peace and Joy to you

Mt Vernon, WASH.

A heartfelt and warm thank you for the gift you sent. At this time a newsletter is in the works`, on the way(via mail) to the printers in Chicago, so it should be in the mails inside of the next 10 days. I tend to write THANK YOU LETTERS in series usually following a newsletter or major report. Often time I include in a THANK YOU what there was no room to put in a newsletter, and such is the case now.

The above "DRAWING #l" appears in the newsletter(there was no room for "DRAWING #2" or for comments. "DRAWING #l" is of course the "Broken Cross Formation" battled by the MOP from Nov 1981 to Jan 1982 --the demon invasion army headed by the Beast. While "DRAWING #2" shows the same formation roughly aligned to the areas where the FLAMING SWORD of April 1981 appeared. Today I would CORRECT the FLAMING SWORD location some, showing the demon trunk entering USA more or less between RENO Nev and MT VERNON Wash. Battle in THE GAP. On February 1 6, 1 987 IN THE GAP "JESUS" Ordered us (myself, Nancy-TONI and Steve-JOEL with the Angelic forces) to WITHDRAW from the GAP --by this time we were entirely encircled by demons front and back and had our backs to an impassable mountain wall(IN THE GAP)--appearing amongst our ranks we found MULTITUDES of Christians who had clung to mans system and now lost everything as the enemy armies advanced. As their FAITH was little, we could NOT battle the enemy, in any such continued fight these refugee's would suffer terrible loss, and Jesus entrusted them to us to care for and lead out of danger. It made any further resistance to the Beasts army impossible or at l east ill-advised with all this multitude clinging to us. JESUS led me to touch the Mountain wall with His Staff, with that a passage way opened thru the mountain going to the NORTH, we led them all out while the Holy Spirit covered our battle lines with a DENSE MIST such that the enemy could not see us withdrawing. As soon as we passed thru the mountain, the opening closed up behind us, the dense mist lifted, and the demons rushed in to find 'nothing'.



MARCH 28, 1987

BATTLE IN THE GAP (continued)

Thus by February 16, 1987 IN THE GAP --the GAP fell 100% into the Beasts hands. Instead of immediately moving out of the GAP, the demons swirled(Lucifers forces blended in with the Beasts demon forces) like some kind of black whirlpool in the GAP, the demons also moved to de-fuse the remaining PRAYER MINES deliberately sending in smaller forces of demons in to trip off the mines thus clear the GAP of all mines. However they failed to eliminate all mines, some were designed in December 1986 by Nancy-TONI and I to be triggered only by massive demon movements. Furthermore, JESUS gave us a Golden ELIJAH Missile to be used in WASHINGTON STATE lottery(its a three warhead missile)--this missile stood in the GAP and they could not see it. On FEBRUARY 18, 1987 --the Beast ordered a general advance of his army out of THE GAP -as they surged ahead now as one body (300 miles across, thousands of miles long --a solid packed formation of demons), we saw a MASSIVE EXPLOSION rip a hole in the formation, they had just triggered a PRAYER MINE --one not defused and hidden from them. This however did not stop them, they kept coming and exited the GAP. Nancy-TONI and I were praying and watching this, now we prayed and fired the Golden ELIJAH Missile, a blinding flash of white light marked the spot in the GAP as the missile streaked skyward, the three warhead fell on the lead formation of demons in three massive blasts not unlike nuclear bombs. Stunned, the shattered frontal formation of demons stopped --the Beast withdrew back into the GAP to re-form(swirling and re-organization ). On FEBRUARY 19, 1987 they now began a second general advance, this time as they came thru the demon army split into FOUR(4) distinct Spearheads, one such Spreadhead of demons ran into a special PRAYER MINE , one to protect CORPUS CHRISTI(Body of Christ) --that Spearhead was totally destroyed in another massive explosion. The Beast considered this, but decided to press on with only the THREE(3) Spearheads(such as we saw Nov 1981 with what we have come to call The Broken Cross Formation"--see DRAWING #1). Since February 19, 1987 we have watched the LOTTERY in ILLINOIS & WASHINGTON State as its known the actual battling in the GAP will show here first before we see actual judgment events emerge IN THIS WORLD. As of this point in time,we have discerned, observed and recorded numerous numbers in lotteries that reflect the early stages of the battles in the GAP ""Before"" they took the GAP. So just ahead of us in time the main action and battle in the GAP is yet to appear. The demon army will next encounter the CHURCH WALL (see Drawing Wl again) --they have NOT yet broken thru the CHURCH WALL. The CHURCH WALL is 'general intercession in this nation for 'peace, Gods help'. That prayer is too little to stop this demon army, its about as effective a barrier as a brick wall is to a 70 ton tank. The CHURCH WALL is an important next point and event just prior to the actual next step of the coming demon invasion of America and this world. However I do ask the question of what the Beast and demon army under its command is doing since Feb 19 til the time they crush over the CHURCH WALL??!!? What I do discern is that they are preparing to do battle with us. But more, the areas this demon army are moving in are the HOBAH areas. HOBAH means "SELF" basically, thus demon influence is reaching men in this world who are 'empire minded', 'self' minded, and as seen-discerned in 1982, this HOBAH has a lot to do with Satans kingdom IN THE CHURCH SYSTEM OF MAN. That the expose of Jimmy Bakker would come shortly AFTER the demon army entered the HOBAH regions IN THIS WORLD suggests strongly to me that the power behind the flurry of accustions going on between From another angle, the HOBAH areas major ministers is 'Beast spawned-Devilish stuff'.. were discerned to do with JAPAN as well(in 1981) --thus demon influence moving in JAPAN whereby the Japanese might become an open ally of RED CHINA & RUSSIA is likely already underway since Feb 19, 1987.



MARCH 28, 1987

If I were to draw a sequential map of Beast army movement it would look like this.











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I had insight into this briefly in January 1982 by JESUS WORD about "HOBAH": BUT JESUS said then "...HOBAH IS SPIRITUALLY SATANS KINGDOM IN MY CHURCH." This nation is divided into two major different camps, ONE PART is COVENANT CHRISTIANS, OTHER PART is 'Self seeking men, empire builders, kingdom builders for self, and are self centered. When this land was first colonized, there were TWO distinctly different kinds of colonies, PLYMOUTH( Puritans) and then JAMESTOWN- -which today I would call the seedlings of HOBAH. America has been divided between the two ever since, and HOBAH has moved to invade and reduce the PLYMOUTH Christians time and again --and the Holy Spirit has prevailed to revive this nation by revival time and again. Thus the invasion coming at us is in effect a spiritual form of the same kind of attack JAMESTOWN mindness(HOBAH) has made on PLYMOUTH Christians who are covenanted with God. Only this time this demon invasion carries with it the antiChrist plan and power to utterly exterminate life on this continent --this is their real objective. I perceive Gods ultimate purpose here, that in this invasion we will gain Biblical '" CAUSE" whereby we may counter-invade HOBAH and bring it down for once and all, cleansing this land of that deadly ` self-kingdom seed of JAMESTOWN. We havent sought this, but its coming regardless, the opportunity is both real and I see well within God's Purposes once men have 'decided' and they have 'decided'. So while Satan/Lucifer/Beast/antiChrist have their objectives(extermination of mankind)-WE in turn in Christ have ours(obtaining Jesus Victory over the prince of this world)-the enemy of our souls works to prevent the establishment of Gods kingdom on Earth, while we work to establish Gods kingdom on Earth. In the sketch at the top of this page I show [1] and [2]... [1]...This is a side view of the attack into the GAP this Feb 1987, the Beast coming at us from IN SPIRIT, then Lucifer coming at us from IN WORLD. Whats now clear is that Lucifer was coming at us from HOBAH regions of this nation, thus the rumblings in and with PTL(J Bakker) is a reflection of the Beast army entering this region first(since Feb 19th), --whatever is going on in the HOBAH region is basic preparation to launch and send an all out attack thru the CHURCH WALL aimed at GODS ELECT, His CHURCH, the PURITAN-PLYMOUTH seed of America. When I consider the BIG PICTURE, or the OVER ALL VIEW of whats going on --its a classic and Biblical story of the struggle between the self-centered manish kingdoms VERSUS the covenanted God centered God's kingdom builders. Moses in the Exodus ran into a Korahian revolt where self-styled ministers-elders) attempted to unseat Moses position of power

over the Exodus -- God severely dealt with those that came against His anointed, they were destroyed from the tribes of Israel in one blow. When we next look at King David, who suffered a division in the kingdom (his son led it against him) --the cause was because of David's sin --the outcome was the same as the revolt against Moses --the revolters were utterly destroyed, Gods anointed prevailed. Today its not so clear and obvious as with Moses or David, yet in much there are apparent parallels --however the enemy behind all this is the same --antiChrist.



THE CHURCH WALL is in effect a sign



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of the PARTING of GODS ELECT from the CHURCH SYSTEM OF MAN(HOBAH). When they cross that barrier, its an invasion and once that we have dealt with it in Christ, they will have given us opportunity to




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MARCH 28, 1987


return the favors, counter-invade and do to HOBAH what HOBAH would have done to us --destroy them, that system, and bring all of America under Christ's Lordship. This sketch (DRAWING #3) was what did follow the NOP battle against the "Broken Cross Formation" of demons in 1981. The sum total of our intercession, and spiritual warfare in this STAGEONE--IN THE WORLD-"Air" dimension was now brought directly into the world by a prophetic mission as the Holy Spirit directed. At this point all we had done in prayer

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since 1980-1982 would be made manifest 3E P ^+


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From this point in this everyday world. in time whatever demons survived this, Lucifer had potential to DO IN THIS WORLD judgments according to the extent of demon power remaining. JESUS by His Angel made it clear to me that at best, Lucifer only had 7% of the demon power left--even so we can trace by judgmental events from 1980 to 1986, more than 3 Millions who did die in such Luciferian judgments.

The issue before us remains very grave in that the enemy has the potential of working with 72% demon power --if the 7% of 1980-1986 can be a valid measure the the rough estimation of 3 Million dead(numberous events-quakes, war, disease, storms, etc) by that 7% readily translates into a potential of at least 300 Million dead --and with an established SATANIC DEATH RATIO since 1985 at work, it could be much higher, maybe even into the billions dead In working at this since 1976, we have come to place where such BIG PICTURE VIEWS ARE possible. In the 1983 report where I used the sketches given in this letter, I entitled c3 its "THE 1981 BLUE PRINT IN THE SPIRIT - 1983 IN THE WORLD(prophetic action)". Indeed, what we have carefully recorded and reviewed over the years is in fact a blue-print of what we are now seeing coming for REAL. This January 1987, Jesus gave me a vision whereby I would travel to in Nancy-TONI, we would marry, then we would go from the NOWRTHWEST(Mt Vernon) to do the FOUNDATIONS WORK, starting here first(MT VERNON), then on returning we would travel over the nation doing

a prophetic work, and return to Mt Vernon, then in a time after this I saw nuclear blasts hit Lexington Ky, Richmond and two other US cities( RUSSIAN Accidental nuclear exchange). That prophetic work to follow the FOUNDATION WORK would be like the prophetic work done in 1983(DRAWING 43) --and would clearly follow the NET OF PRAYER coming battle with the soon invading demon "Broken Cross Formation" of 1987. Whats clear is that all we have see in the past as PATTERNS is repeating now, only its for REAL, and the timing is not nearly

as tough an issue as it was years ago --we have the clear blue-print in view and on record--we KNOW that the enemy plan is, where and why and the when can be only a modest task --we have done our homework over the years, we have sown by Faith, God Bless.








MARCH 29, 1987




Mt Vernon, Washington

Dear ones in Christ!

Thank you dearly, warmly for your gift, your prayers and all your sipportNancy-TONI got an insight for this cartoon, saying ...'Maybe its like the FOUNDATIONS WORK where we first begin looking at our own 'soulish infirmities'.! Interesting thought. The FOUNDATIONS WORK is something new to us, we are literally feeling our way along going by Faith, but it is new to us. Thus we are not sure just what the Holy Spirit is doing, but we are yielded and so began the FOUNDATIONS WORK again here in Mt Vernon this March 27-29, 1987. In a time Jesus will send us out of Mt Vernon South into California and across the nation; but just when we do not know. During this last week we got a 'flash insight' to expect a #516 (or some version) in the l ottery, and we invested a bit of our money to buy some tickets and collected $40 -working with what we saw in the GAP, we expected a Lucifers attack number to show in the lottery yesterday(March 28th) a #555, so with the $40 we bought $3 Straight in tickets and sure-enuf, Praise the Lord, it came and now we will collect $1,500. That sum will go a long way to help clear up old debts, and help in going the next step to readying for the trip --but even so its still not time.

New Zealand quake destroys three towns Times news awrvic4m AUCKLAND. New Zea land — The stronger[ earthquake to hit New Zealand In B5 years destroyed three towns on the rlortheaatern coast today, toppling bui ldings buckling madds and leaving thousands ttamele^. Clvildelense authorities reportad an elderly man died III a hea rt attack during the quake, two peepie were missing and dozens were reported injured, Aftershocks continued to rumOle through the Bay of Pien ty region tonight, about 200 miles

northeast or the capital of Welling• ton. Ewan Smith, head of the New Zealand Seismological Institute, repo rt ed the main earthquake struck at 2:15 p.m- today, New Zealand time (7:15 p-m- PST yes terday) and measured 8.5 on the open-ended Richter scale. The epicenter was 35 miles offshoreLate today, he said more than aftershocks had been recorded P. since, with the largest measuring 4.5 on Lite Richter scale, Worst hit were the town, of

their foundations or split down the middle. The ground opened up vI cracks, pne metaauring 1.2 miles hi Length and 3 yards deep. Evacuees f ro m Edgecumhe d the ground 'rolled like the sea" and that several houses just m issed falling into a huge crack that opened up for more than a mile across nearby farmland. They said the crack was several yards deep and wide and had swallowed driveways. swimming pool$, sheds and power poles.

e Radio Parlor said there we re r ports of damage from Taureri ga and Rotorua as well, Civil Defense Director Edward Latter said fi rst reports of injuries included two forest ry workers hit by a fall ing tree, two ernployees trpppe d m a paper mill whose wa ll s collapsed and a motorist whose car was tuned In a Landslide. Telephone serv ice and electne1ty were cut off [hrougbout the region, Latter arid. Authorities declared a state of civil emergency 1n the region, which has a population of 4 1q,CA0.

Whakatane, Xawersu and Edge-

cumbe, where police said A5 percent of the homes were rendered un inhabitable — many knocked oft

• Complied from Auaclaied preps, United Prom ro i° na efaoal and keutem

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NEW ZEALAND QUAKE----ECUADOR QUAKE--MARCH 2-5, 1987 The quake that struck New Zealand caught our attention --at the same time we noted a clear Holy Spirit revealed parallel between March 1987 and the same time of NOVEMBER 1985, when the Colombian disaster struck which took 25,000 lives by a MUDSLIDE following the expected volcanic eruption of November 12, 1985. Nancy-TONI discerned that the Beasts and Lucifers plan "Axel" had to do with QUAKES, a demonic move to re-start old judgment patterns(in this case the Nov 85 patterns). So we expected to see more happen, and that it would likely have the same dimensions as seen in COLOMBIA --a QUAKE or VOLCANO events followed by MUDSLIDES killing many. The day we arrived in Reno, March 5, 1987, was a direct parallel to the day we arrived in Reno November 13, 1985--the day 25,000 died in Colombia due to the volcano triggered MUDSLIDE. This day(March 5th) a quake struck ECUADOR that quite literally devestated the nations economy, and killed any

where from 2,000 to 4,000 people by MUDSLLDES.



Quakes force Ecuador to halt debt payments -5 ^ 35i7


300 dead, 4,000 missing, crucial oil line damaged

MARCH 29, 1987

As you look at the news report of the ECUADOR QUAKE you will note the close proximity of this nation to COLOMBIA --this quake happened in a parallel time to COLOMBIA's disaster of November 13, 1985. The discernment we had proved correct, these events were clearly Luciferian actions initiated in expectation of the Beast showing with massive demon power to go the next step.

The issue of past judgment patterns laid down by Lucifer is something few seem to rightly understand.

aA.sochi6ad Prom

Its hard to explain in a letter, because we KNOW by the SPIRIT OF GOD and not by anything man taught us --so its hard to explain to others unless they have a like discernment in common with what God gives us.

QUITO, Ecuador — The gm. ernment canceled payments for the rest of the year oo its f8.2 billion foreign debt after strong earthquakes and mudaliden that

cut oft its main oll pipeline, killed an






about 4.W0 other, messing. Because the quakes last Thursday and Filthy occurred in such a remote area, the extent of the damage is Only . now beginning to emerge. Air once planes and heli.

None-the-less, it can be explained if other past events can be seen as well --and they can be seen.

copters today continued to search

the Jungles of eastern Ecuador.

Provincial officials said WIta ges What we do KNOW is that Lucifer with minimal demon power were buried by giant mud91ide5 triggered by the quakes, which has initiated 1985 and 1986 judgment patterns this a c m 1 987 --this primarily gives the soon coming Beast with railed ""th the meet meet senu v disa 5t ste er is our hutco ry ." Many village,couldaot be aircraft that have nova over all his demon power the opportunity of picking up on outlying reached by C^ p '" a 'u`o^ Thee Cross said in a these^judgment patterns and electrifying them with hrldgrs wart washed wt yr buried. The mudslides also destroyed a communique that Xi) people were 2-tnilestretchorthenation'amain killed and 4,000 othersweremiss- massive demon power --turning a series of minor past oil pipeline, foicmg a halt to oil . ing- It said reliefand search rarerwere disasters into eat repeat production and exports. The got -- conducting relief events but so empowered that loss eminent yesterery canceled tor- etioss in disast er scales. Ten earthquakes struck Thum of life becomes massive. ef t payments for the rest at 19U because of the projected day nit through Friday afterrevenue loges.

noon. the Quito Astronomical Ob.

f "We are not gang to receive an servatory said the strmgcst quake are aware emarmate amplest of lo ge en- regulated 8.8 nn the Richter scale Once re that it was Loci far s demon power that e gt^, ner cannotfulfill mtot the a gauge or tie cl^nge a . gy took 25,000 lives in Nov 1985, and the same demons going (debt) accord this year' said released as measured by a energy Finance Minister Aomtngo Cordo- graph. Aquakemeasuring0Isctpible on the same pattern this March 1987 took 2,5 00 lives, vex, Initial reponsa[terihequakes ts i and mudslides Elaed few ceaualobvious Lucifer's lost a lot of his kill power ---

:ies, eutthe aenm tat has must

mottled as reports Come In from

asegCi3ADOpon ns

and the reason he did from 1985-1987 is because YOU

and other supported this ministry in 1986 whereby we could and did move out June 1986 to destroy Lucifers demons in a prophetic mission. Back in 1986 I knew that Lucifers demons were hiding out on the East Coast where we could not get to them for lack of funds --and when we did go, I believed we destroyed at least 50% of Lucifers demons --today I see we destroyed nearly 90%. THE SITUATION THIS 1 9 8 7 Its dangerous to say the least. Tho the prophetic work of 1986 just about put Lucifer out of business, the want of support to go to the West Coast in 1986 and finish the job gave Lucifer the opportunity to hang on and re-start the same judgment patterns he did in 1985 and 1986 again this 1987. With the Beast soon coming on the scene, this can be a major disaster --furthermore, the patterns of past years available to the enemy to repeat this 1987 are considerable. At this time I t m looking at the PATTERNS, TIME PARALLELS given in the Jan 87 newsletter. That is shown in this letter on page 3(next page). Its easy to show you just how events of past years repeat on a given cycle which is

governed by Gods Law. When Christians misuse their Christ authority to allow the enemy to cause troubles, the enemy also begins to SET patterns, as years pass, and they are allowed to set more patterns, a time comes when they can repeat. Big trouble is near then.



MARCH 29, 1987

JANUARY 27, 1987




1 987


1 9 85



1979 (7 years ago) 1980 1981 (5 years ago)

...•• ..... ...,.

1 980




1 986



1 981 1 982



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1984 ..... 1983 REPEATING 1977 *****added January 1987 to list -----REPEAT**********1976 NOT ONLY are the EVENTS of these years past REPEATING, but primarily its JESUS WORD in F these years that defines the potential of judgments. : nRn r'


The judgment events of 1979,80,81,85,83,and 1976 could REAPPEAR in 1986 --and very many did. The trouble is that in 1987 again the year 1980 and 1981 RE^PEAR again just as they did in 1986 --thus if Lucifer failed in 1986, the opportunity would be present in 1987 to succeed in 1987 IF they had sufficient demon power. Unfortunately the BODY ELECT DECISION this January 1987 gave such opportunity and now we face critical battles with the Beasts demon army which IS that power needed. Lets look at certain key judgmental events of 1980 and how they repeated in 1986



June 9

Aug 2-4

Oct 10

Nov 13/14



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June 9

Aug 2-4


Nov 13/14

Of SIX Distinct judgment events of 1980, TWO(2) repeated in 1986 on the exact same days as they did 6 years earlier. Since 1987 is also a rpeat year for p80, we can expect that the events of 1980 that did NOT repeat in 1986, CAN and likely WILL repeat in 1 987. The SIXTH EVENT of 1980 is the MAY 18, 1980 EXPLOSION of Mt St Helens--the basis for pin pointing Mt St Helens eruption March 27, 1980 was a God given time count of 220 days from Aug 20, 1979 --since Feb 1980 had 29 days(leap year) it came t March 27th but in 1 986 Feb had 28 days so it fell to March 28th. A VOLCANIC EXPLOSION is definitely a possiblity this MAY 18/19, 1987 as it was a key event in 1980 and did not happen in 1986. Likewise, the HEAT WAVE of 1980 can also begin this June 9th and with the WARM WINTER we have, such a projection is not hard to make. There was a HEAT WAVE underway in 1986 but the prophetic work broke its killing power.



MARCH 29, 1986

Also we can see the considerable potential for a GREAT HURRICANE to begin Aug 2-4, 1987 likewise NOVEMBER 13/14, 1987 can see a QUAKE, it will likely kill tens of thousands. A HEAT WAVE this 1987, one that would kill many, is further strengthened by the parallel to 1977, the year when a HEAT WAVE also started June 9th. The potential for a CHICAGO 7.2 Richter earthquake(likely centering in St Louis) is just as present as it was in 1986 --but again the prophetic mission Nancy-TONI, I and Dave-JANE undertook in June-July 1986 so devestated Lucifers demon power base, it did not come -they lacked the demon power to trigger it and tho the quake that struck EL SALVADOR Oct 10, 1986 came the same time as the 1980 Algerian quake, andiho it devestated that nations economy, it didn't kill more than a few thousands compared to the 25,000 that died in 1980 in Algeria. The killing power of the enemy of our souls is directly related to the 'demon power they have present IN THIS WORLD. I used this Nuclear Mushroom cloud in the newsletter, in the Colonels Report --because it shows a ROOT to the blast. Indeed, the roots of this kind of nuclear disaster(war or accidental exchange or accidental atom plant release of atomized gases) --spring from Lucifer/Satan/the Beast. Again and again, these former PATTERNS of past years are only a POTENTIAL --apart from demon power to trigger it, the POTENTIAL fades away or vanishes --OR -- it blossoms in deadly ways. The ultimate objective of the enemy of our souls is 'total extermination' and the nuclear weapons present in this world make that a possibility. In this the NET OF PRAYER is NOT passive -- we will in Jesus Love and His Power attack and destroy the demon army coming in. But in 1981-82 I discerned clearly that once the demons are present in AMERICA(over the Church Wall), once the invasion is 'on' and Once MOP has engaged them in battle---the issue is TIME. The longer demons occupy a given space, the more trouble thats caused. When I consider the PATTERNS, TIME PARALLELS I also note that in 1982(repeating this 1987) ArchAngel Gabriel appeared in Europe(taking my appearance) warning that the world would end in 1984. That Word was literal and figurative, I knew it then. IF Christians did not heed Gods Word, then the world system(as we know it) would come to an end -- one of the revelations concerning an accidental nuclear exchange was that it would come in a time of high tension between USA & RUSSIA, that the USA would suffer a major military defeat in the MiddleEast-Persian Gulf, Russia would emerge as THE Super power. With this kind of shift in world power politics, in effect, the world as we know it would 'end'. Only days ago a very 'tiny' news article noted that INDIA had discovered and was warning that Russia was building an "underground military base' IN Afghanistan NEAR the IRAN border While Russia has 'pronised-and said' they intend to withdraw'from Afghanistan, the construction of a major military base UNDERGROUND suggests just the opposite. PATTERNS give us an easy way of knowing what might happen "IF" demon power is present but often says little or nothing about "WHERE" tho the WHEN & WHAT is often easily seen. For example, the potential of a VOLCANIC EXPLOSION May 18/19, 1987 is in view, USA likely, but where? Mt Hood? or Mammoth Parks, Calif? or Mt Augustine again? or Mt St Helens? or some hitherto inactive volcano? Answers are possible but the information is useless if Christians do not move by FAITH now, in prayer, spiritual warfare. Thank you for all your support and God dearly Bless you.

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