May 16th, 2001: Thank You Very Much

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May 16,2001


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(Matthew 16:2 "He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say it will be fair weather: for the sky is red.')

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Dear friends in Christ,

Thank you one and all for your prayers, words of encouragement and gi ft s of suppo rt for this minist ry Jesus has called us to. It is greatly appreciated! You are greatly appreciated!

I (Nancy-TONI) thought for this "Thank You" I'd share an article i read in TIME magazine and an article sent in by Arlene M. of Montana that gives an update on the militia movement that came under such scrutiny and media attack under the Clinton

Administration. We have kept an eye on the developments and attacks on the militia movement for the simple reason that in the vision that the Lord Jesus gave ChuckJOHNEL about the invasion of America, he was shown that our regular army troops fought terribly and were defeated while it was local militias that held their ground, offered stiff resistance and protected local communities.

These militias were not unlike those that existed during the Revolutiona ry Wartimes. These were militia in the traditional sense of the word. Today the Liberal Media and those during the Clinton/Reno administration would have us believe that oleo-Nazi's and other white supremist or hate groups are "militia" but I don't consider groups like that to be legitimate militia. The may be paramilita ry organizations but those that make up the legitimate militia tend to be Constitutionalists, for the Bill of Rights, Christian and



May 17,2001

balanced patriots. For them it's about freedom and trying to maintain our right to bear arms to prevent tyranny and to maintain or get back our Constitutional form of government and personal liberties. All of the principles, rights and beliefs that are a major threat and stumbling block to the Illuminati's plans. It seems like the liluminati was working overtime during the Clinton years to eliminate all those that fell in these catagories. They started with the weak or less desirable elements in our society to gain our acceptance of their plans by attacking the likes of Randy Weaver and his family and the Branch David ians - both circumstances centering

around Christians but those in the outer fringes of the faith. They attacked those with extreme views that the main Church Body would not stand up for or defend and all the while the main Church Body stayed asleep, not realizing that just like in Nazi Germany, the enemy starts with the weak or extreme elements and then works their way in towards the mainstream. It was also interesting to see when the Oklahoma City bombing occurred how quickly then-President Clinton and the liberal media jumped on Talk Radio, the Militia and even those who home-schooled and blamed them for the bombing. This was all used as an excused to pass more legislation and gun laws to further take away our freedoms and, I believe, to flush out and take the names down of those involved in the militia movement for their files. Since then, it seems that we haven't heard much about what happened to that "militia movement" until recently when we received a copy of the "PATRIOT REPORT" and then an article appeared in "TIME" magazine (both of which are enclosed for your information). One thing that both articles confirm is that arrests have continued over the past years and even more recently. I don't know enough about the individuals involved to know if those arrests were warranted or not but it does smell fishy. The charges against those listed in the TIME article are far more serious and deadly than those mentioned in the PATRIOT REPORT but then again, since the government and the media consider the words "militia" and "terrorist" to be one and the same, I tend to read the TIME article with a wary eye (in regards to the arrests mentioned). Were the arrests mentioned there really legitimate militia or some hate/terrorist group? We don't know but again, these articles are just for your information as an update on that movement we heard so much about in the Clinton years. Lastly, I just wanted to qualify that white we do not agree with the bombing of Federal building in Oklahoma City, we can understand some of the outrage that McVeigh was feeling towards the government and the fact that no one seems to be held accountable

for their actions. The fact that no one has been held accountable practically insures that the government forces will continue to overstep their bounds in the future and that the threat or danger seen then has not entirely gone away. No doubt, the spiritual warfare we are doing will have an effect here but just when it will surface and how, will remain to be seen.

^A^c. 3

S. E Q U E L

Training for The Apocalypse', Tired of

The militia movement, which thrived after Oklahoma City, has hit the skids

vorite villains: Bill C li nton and Attorney General Janet Reno. Now middle-aged men who used to tramp through forests in fatigues and war paint are back in front of their TVs sipping beer and watching the game. Nationwide, the number of active militia groups has plummeted, from a high of 858 in 1996 to 194 last year,


NORMAN Olson cut a sor ry figure as he

could justify new antiterrorist legislation. The number of active militia groups quadrupled in the year after Oklahoma City.


A TIME cover story on the mili-

the dis-

banding of his Northern Michigan Regional Mili ti a group last week. The man who met with Oklahoma City bombing conspirator Terry Nichols in 1994 (but later condemned the bombing) and who predicted in 1995 that the Constitu ti on would be suspended within two years ended up suspending himself. Nobody was turning up anymore for his war games

tia movement just after the bombing estimated that upwards of 12 milli on Americans "respond to the pat ri ot rhetoric about a sinister, out-of-con trol federal bureaucracy." The final reckoning was nigh. But it never came. As McVeigh prepares for his execu ti on on May 16, the militi a movement that identified with his anti-government rage is dying off too. The last presiden ti al election robbed the movement of two of its fa-

according to figures from the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Alabama-based humanrights group. Dozens of websites that became infamous after the Oklahoma City bombing have gone blank. "Tens of thousands of people got bored waiting for the revo-

Iution that never came," says sILC spokesman Mark Potok. Coordinated law enforcement also sapped strength from the movement. Some 20 states tightened laws against so-called common-law courts,

through which disaffected citizens' groups had attempted to bypass federal authori ty over property an d tax issues. At the

in the woods. "The interest just dwindled," says Olson. "It was time for the members to go on and do something else—spend more time with their families or

City copycat plans were defused. In the past two years militia leaders have been jailed for plans to bomb power lines in Florida, federal buildings in Michigan and the Army base at Fort Hood in Tex as . Lawsuits against the more extreme groups have also taken their toll. Last October, in a case brought by the sPLC, the Aryan Nations white-supremacist group in northe rn Idaho lost its 20 - acre compound near Coeur d'Alene. The A ry ans are planning a parade with armed guards through the town this July, but police expect an timilitia protesters to outnumber marchers 25 to 1. Butch Razey, a cherry

farmer in Washington State who commands the 419th Yakima County Militia, blames

the slump on a lack of "Y2Ks or anything like that." The smooth turnover of the clocks on Jan. 1, 2000, was a blow to many conspiracy-

the extremist publications saying, `You've

When Timothy McVeigh bombed the Alfred P. Murrah . Federal. Building in Oklahoma Ci ty in 1995, :_ killing 168 people, M^? ri ght-wing doomsayers saw him as a Ieading horseman of the apocalypse. After the 1992 shootout at Ruby Ridge and the 1993 siege at Waco, suspicion of

made fools of us—we have a basement full of supplies and nothing to use them for."' But if the militias are fading, some of their paranoid fervor lives on. Take

JohnTrochmann, who still runs the Militia of IMontana. "If they kill McVeigh, the/ll be destroying more evidence that points to the government," he says. But fewer Americans are listening. —8y Terry

federal agencies and

ment had caused the explosions so that it

and a number of Oklahoma

V. 9 minded groups, which had predicted global { chaos. "After Y2K," a says Potoly "there were a lot of angry letters in

their hobbies."

gun-control initiatives reached paranoid levels. Within days of the bombing, conspiracy theorists claimed that the Federal Gove rn -

same time the Fsr was authorized to hire 500 new agents to combat domestic terrorism,

,..` -

McCarthy. With reporting by Patrick OawsonlBifngs, Heidi Maraf/ldaha Falls, Mike Rearke/5pakane and Joseph R. 5zcresnylDetroit

1 1

TIME, MAY 14, 2001

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"Proclaim Liberty Throughout All The Land" Lcv. 25:10

May/June 2001 The Present Truth/Patriot Report P.O. Bo g 386, Panama, OK. 74951

F PURGE OF PATRIOT LEADERS "This is a political motivated nationwide purge. These are political charges where law abiding, patriotic, and America loving citizens are being torn from their families and thrown into prison." In the past few weeks several patriot leaders have been arrested and/or sentenced to prison terms on gun related charges. Mark Koemke, who made several videos, including "America in Peril, which exposed the conspiracy to confiscate firearms and install a one world government, was convicted of fleeing arrest. He is being held in a Michigan jail until sentencing, because he was deemed "a threat to society". Koernke's attorney believes he will get between 2 to 5 years for all the charges brought by the federal prosecutors. Koemke began his expose' of the conspiracy in 1992 shortly after the Weaver siege in North Idaho. He went to Washington,DC with the militia of Montana and other patriot leaders to express their opinions concerning the encroachment of a one world government and the loss of Constitutional rights. He tirelessly toured America making speeches to packed out rooms for several years. He was high-lighted and defamed by the liberal media, as the patriot movement grew in strength across the nation. He carried on a short wave radio program on a daily basis for many years, exposing conspiracy facts to the nation. Without a doubt, he was one of the major thorns in the side of the New World Order conspirators. He sacrificed all he had to stand against tyranny, even his own life and time with his family. For liberties sake, now he sits in jail.

A few weeks ago Dan Shoemaker was sentenced for planning to protest gun laws in Illinois. Mr.

Shoemaker is the author of the "Militiaman's Handbook", and leader of an Illinois militia. He wanted to prove that it was his Constitutional and legal right to bring an unloaded rifle to the court house grounds and protest the recent laws prohibiting possession of a firearm on the court house grounds. He was arrested a week before the planned protest. He is now serving time in Federal prison on a felony conviction. Both Koemke and Shoemaker have lost their right to vote and to possess a firearm. Neither of them harmed or threatened anyone. On March 1st in Oregon, patriot author and researcher Fritz Springmier and his newlywed wife had their home assaulted by an ATF swat team. They were handcuffed for 6 hours while the FBI and ATF ransacked their home. The agents stole $1,400

out of Mr. Springmiers wallet, seized 4 computers, and confiscated their hunting rifles. Other articles taken were conspiracy research books, including subjects on Judaism. Even though Mr. Springrnier was raised in an Amish community, was a law abiding citizen, and had no militant tendencies against the government, he was labeled in the news media as a terrorist and neo-Nazi. To add insult to cont. next page

gain and pleasing their senses, they no longer value

(cont. from front page)

inju ry the Springmiers say that agents planted a bud of marijuana in the house, apparently to add more charges to the arrests. It is clear they plan to isolate us, smear our reputations, seize our assets, and add us to their business of creating inmates for the prison industry. We ,took forward to hearing from those who have enjoyed my research and supported my work to expose Big Brother's agendas, corruption and tyranny." Springmier said in a letter. Sp ri ngmier has written numerous articles over the

years, most notably his 300 page book: "Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines", published in 1995 and recently rated #1 in Japan. These arrests, assaults and convictions are not isolated cases. For several years the Federal government controlled by socialistic elements has been after militia and patriot leaders. Multiply these three cases by hundreds and you would have a more accurate number of how many patriots have beer. am sled and. se ntenced to prison the past 9 years, all because they were exercising their Constitutional rights of free speech and ownership of fi rearms. These three instanc es are only the tip of the iceberg. The liberal media is not publishing on a national level what is truly going on in each state regarding fi rearm convictions. This is a_ politica l motivated nationwide purge. These are political charges where law abiding, patriotic. and America lovirtQcitzens Lcitzens are being torn from *hJir families and thrown into Rrison. Those Americans who believe In the Constitution are fighting back with information in the NRA, Gun Owners of America, and through independent publications and radio broadcast. But their efforts are being stifled by an all powerful liberal oriented press, which mainstream Americans accept as gospel. The international bankers

finance the socialistic foundations and liberal causes which lobby congress to outlaw guns. These same organizations have unlimited funds to brainwash the public into giving up their guns, for the sake of the children and a safe society'. This is a blatant communist trick. This has been done before, so a tyrant government can take over a nation, more "peaceably". Don't be footed by the liberal media's lies. There is never a legitimate reason to give up your firearms, which according to George Washington a re our liberty teeth. Don't forget that the conspirators agenda to take this nation and destroy our Constitution is still in effect. The reins of power may have shifted to a more conse rv ative appearan ce , and the open agenda may be slower and behind the scenes, but the agenda to destroy this nation's

libe rty is still on -g oing, and the change agents for that global government are still in Washington t ry ing to get new anti-Constitutional laws passed every week. Under the Clinton regime the socialistic agenda was more obvious, under a Republican administration the agenda is more focused on getting our attention switched to prosperity and the cares of this life. The conspirators co nspired years ago o Involve the nations in the pursuit of gain and luxu^es to the extent that they would willingly and aasil y accept a one world government. With crcweritv the rrajo ri ty of citizens would ;ose the desire to rests, tc;al`tarianis rn - total government control - over citizens. ' i en ^ oie are consumed with the pursuit of

Mavi, une 2 001 Patriot Report,

li berty and the patriotic culture established by our founding fathers. Ironically, this is the very thing Jesus Christ wa rn ed against in the end times, so we would not be "caught unaware". We are living in dangerous times. It is extremely i mportant that we avoid confrontation with a government that is influenced and controlled by conspirators for world socialism. We shouldn't give excuses and reasons to the all powerful to come after us and use us as an example. These patriots that were a rrested, were exercising what they believed was their Constitutional rights, h ever,

each one of them did something that was provocative that alerted the authorities. When a person does something provocative in this day and age, you can expect this controlled government to go into action. it is a simple rule of cause and effect. Each individual alone has to weigh

the cost and consider if it is worth the sacrifice. What is right for one person. may not be right for another. Trying to make conclusions for all citizens is impossible and i mpractical, so I won't even try. There may be some altern atives to help turn this nation around, but unfortunately it is probably too late to try them. And to even discuss them in whispers or to w ri te about them is n ow illegal and dangerous. The truth is we no longer have a Constitutional government, it is in exile, and those who believe In it are now outlaws. George Eaton To write to: Mark Koernke, P.O. Box 281

Augusta, Mi. 49012 Fritz 5 ri mien 2870 NE Hogan Rd., E125 Gresham, Or. 97030 Dan Shoemaker, #801443, Pinckneyville Corr. Can. P i ncknevv i I 4 e. IL. 62274

IT IS WRITTEN... "take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be overburdened with the giddiness of self indulgence, drunkenness and worldly worries pe rt aining to the business of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a trap. For it will come upon all who live upon the face of the entire earth. Keep awake then and watch at all times; praying that you may i gave the full strength and ability and be accounted worthy to escape all these things that will take place, and to stand in the presence of the S on of man." Luke 21:34-36 Amplified

TERRORIST ALERT A REVOLUTIONARY PARODY There is a Northeast terrorist group operating in North America. They are stockpiling the most advanced weaponry known to man, and are highly DANGEROUS? They have co mmi tted high treason against the (awful government, refused to comply with current arms legislation, and have refused to pay lawful taxes. This paramilita ry group is highly proficient in guerrilla warfare, and is currently being led by a man who held the rank of lieutenant in the milita ry , but is now referred to by his cult followers as General. This hate cr az e group of anti-government extremists may be linked to a separatists movement. Anyone h ving knowledge of the 4 yd G e neraL C-'^c^^ Wa^nyTh^ ^.^ where h f ' Bo t 85, Panama. OK. 74951 og ? ^^^Yercn-rAr s' AS 5 ' y.r


o Sir Al^.y^

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May 18,2001

Lastly, I have the following sent in by Karen M. of Idaho. We did receive a phone message about this but Karen was kind enough to send us a copy of what was posted on Steve Shultz's website since it confirms the danger that President Bush is in. Here other intercessors have also been shown that his life is in danger and are calling for prayer. Praise the Lord! The more prayers, the better!! Oddly enough, just yesterday (May 17` u ) a group of high school students and their adult chaperones were thrown out of the White House for stopping to pray for President Bush by a Secret Service agent. An apology was later issued but I wonder if they will change their policy following that incident or Keep it in place. We'll see. One thing is evident, the enemy of our souls sure doesn't want prayer going up for President Bush so he must be doing something right! God bless you and enjoy the rest of this "THANK YOU".

INTERCESSORS JOIN TOGETHER TO CALL FOR IMMEDIATE PRAYER FOR SAFETY OF PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH AGAINST ASSASSINATION POSSIBILITIES (Please forward to all the intercessors or friends who will pray NOW!!) NOTE FROM STEVE SHULTZ, THE ELIJAH LIST I have received MULTIPLE emails regarding the critical-ness in this very hour to lift up our President George W. Bush for i mmediate and continued prayers to protect his life. These calls have come from pastors, intercessors and respected prophetic voices, including pastor Gary King and Prophetic "voice" --Dennis Cramer. You will read below about at least six intercessors in the last few weeks who have gotten revelation that the President's life was in danger. In addition, there is what has been called the "zero year curse" that several respected prophetic voices have confirmed is a real or distinct threat against the U.S. presidency.

It should be pointed out that INTERCESSORS FOR AMERICA and others over the years have led prayers for the "breaking" of this specific curse (which you can read about below) over the United States presidency. But the burden of the Lord does seem to be appearing on this issue yet again. So in agreement with the prayers of many in the prayer movement

PASE'? --we at THE ELIJAH LIST also issue this following call to prayer which we should take quite seriously. --- Steve Shultz, THE ELIJAH LIST Please forward this to as many prayer warriors as possible!

Intercessors for International Revival Joseph Horacek Australia Eileen Horacek USA Chris Squire UK April 9, 2001 Contact: Alice & Eddie Smith U.S. PRAYER CENTER Houston, Texas usprayercenter a, www. u sp ray ercen ter. or a For Immediate Release (Distribute Widely) CODE RED PRAYER ALERT Many Americans rejoice in the election of our current President, George W. Bush. They feel that his election victory was a direct answer to prayer. Regardless of your political position, as a praying Christian you certainly desire God's blessings to rest upon him, his family, and his leadership of our nation. THE TECUMSEH ZERO-YEAR CURSE Last fall, many of us became aware of something called the Tecumseh Curse, the 20-Year Curse, or the Zero-Year Curse. Legend has it that after the historic battle of Tippecanoe in 1811, Tenskwatawa, the brother of defeated Shawnee Indian Chief, Tecumseh, sent General William Henry Harrison a written prophecy stating that if elected, he would be the first U.S. president to die in office, and that every 20-years thereafter, the newly elected president would die in office. Thus the white man would remember the death of his people. Whether the legend is true or not, the following IS TRUE: 1840 - William Henry Harrison, died of pneumonia on April 6, 1841. 1860 - Abraham Lincoln, assassinated on April 14, 1865. 1880- James Garfield, assassinated on July 2, 1881. 1900 - William McKinley,assassinated on September 6, 1901. 1920 - Warren Harding, heart failure or food poisoning on August 2, 1923. 1940 - Franklin Roosevelt, cerebral hemorrhage or stroke on April 12, 1945. 1960 - John Kennedy, assassinated in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963. 1980 - Ronald Reagan, nearly killed by an assassin's bullet on March

Pa5e8 30, 1981.

There are at least two schools of thought. One is that because President Reagan survived the assassination attempt on his life, the curse appears to be broker.

The other is that there is a mathematical probability of 87.5% that President George W. Bush, elected in 2000, will die in office. Earlier this year, Ga ry Bergel, of Intercessors For America, has said, "Warfare prayer is needed to cancel prophetic predictions being made by various astrologers and occult 'oracles' that 'the 2000-elect must die,' because of Zodiac 'conjunctions' and numerological ous 'vectors' for the new calculations purportedly showing o president." WITHIN LAST THREE WEEKS, SIX INTERCESSORS SEE BUSH ASSASSINATION --While the Bluebonnets were blooming (Which must now be prayed against in Jesus' name) We, at the U.S. PRAYER CENTER in Houston, Texas, have a wonderful network of committed intercessors across the country. Many of them pray fervently and faithfully for our president. In the past three weeks, six intercessors, who do not know each other, have reported to us written descriptions of dreams that they have had in which President George W. Bush appeared to have been assassinated. NOW IS A CRITICAL TIME FOR INTERCESSION One significant characteristic in many of the dreams was that the Bluebonnets were blooming. The Bluebonnet is the Texas state flower, and they are presently in bloom and will continue to bloom until the end of May. Eddie and I see this as a critical time span for urgent intercession. Just as America's Secret Service takes seriously every threat on our president's life, we who serve God as intercessory prayer warriors must take these warnings seriously as well. Therefore, we are asking that you pray earn estly for our president's

safety. We feel that these dreams represent the urging of the Lord for us to stay in a condition of "red alert prayer" for President George W. Bush. Alice Smith


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