Sept 16th, 2011: The 1987 Gap Battle

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Cover Page

The Staff and Sword Ministry

September 16, 2011

THE 1987 GAP BATTLE AND HOW IT RELATES TO NOW written b y : Chuck-JOHNEL, art wo rk bt u Leith Lopez (GAP 87 to 2011)

Men have learned God's Laws whereby they can apply them to manufacture things like aircraft, automobiles, television, washing machines - you name it. Science more or less works to gain insights into God's Laws governing this physical world thereby obtaining the benefits we all derive from that exploration and discovery. Much like scientists, we have explored and operated `In The Spirit' gaining insights and knowledge of how God's Laws govern the things that transpire in The Spirit.' In this we have learned much, and while we know more than most brethren about these things, we have hardly scratched the surface of what can be learned and what can be gained in understanding the Laws of God that govern `In The Spirit'. What is happening at this time are events seen and recorded taking place `In The Spirit' and in the GAP, a place between the 4 th ' dimension of this world and the 5`''

dimension, a spiritual realm. We have learned that what takes place in The Spirit' forms a pattern of things that will emerge `in this world', and that the church is empowered in Christ to alter what happens in The Spirit'. That the church is unaware of this and therefore barely alters things `In The Spirit' is a major tragedy.

"My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you..." (Hosea 4:6) ONE DAY = ONE YEAR: We have learned that a day in the GAP is equal to one year in this world and that the spiritual location of the GAP has a physical counterpart - the sun of our solar system. TWO YEARS: We have learned that it takes, on average, about two years for the things happening `In The Spirit' and in the GAP before they `begin' to emerge `in this world.'

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/THE GAP

September 16, 2011

ALL TIME IS ONE IN THE GAP: we have learned that while in THE GAP, that time as we know it (Past, Present and Future) are all one as long as we are in THE GAP. Our carnal minds cannot grasp or understand this but we can accept it as fact. Why is this so? The GAP itself is the spiritual location of the sun of our solar system, therefore time is marked by the rotation of our planet around that sun, and this is a key factor in why all time is one there. But again, all this is governed by God's Laws.

JESUS and HOLY SPIRIT HELP "IN THE GAP" IN 1987 We know that there were/are four beastmen that came though the GAP in 1987, the first two would become President of the U.S., this is something we knew by the SPIRIT OF GOD. We knew that the first beastman to come through the GAP in 1987, identified as then Arkansas Governor William Clinton, would become president in 1992. This was known as the HOLY SPIRIT gave me to overhear the beastman talking to the antiChrist spirit that told hire he would not become president in 1988 because we blocked and delayed them in the GAP that 1987; rather he would become president in 1992 (and he did). The second beastman, a tali, thin, black plan would emerge in the political realm in 21 years and become president at that time. That was revealed by JESUS, by His Word. In 2008, 21 years later, Obama appeared on the scene and won the presidency.

CONNECTING DAYS TO YEARS The events in the GAP in 1987 had certain distinct features and in 2008 I estimated that February 12, 1987 events in the GAP would emerge in the year 2009. Basically, the beastman was unable to co-ordinate all his demon power, and this was the his dilemma for a full day in THE GAP, February 12, 1987. In the year 2009 (parallel to February 12, 1987) beastman Obarna proved unable to co-ordinate all his power (at this time he had control of both the Senate and the House of Congress). In February 13, 1987 in THE GAP, JESUS appeared over the GAP, and His Presence and Light caused all of the beastman's demons to pass out, they just fell over and were knocked out. That was a major set-back for the beastman in the GAP and that surfaced in the year 2010 (parallel to February 13, 1987) when Obama suffered a setback with the Tea Party gaining control of the Congress in the November 2010 election.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/THE GAP

September 16, 2011

September 1 6 , 2011 The Staff & Sword Ministr y /THE GAP Page 4 y This was the situation of Februar 14, 1987 in THE GAP (Continued By this point in time we were surrounded on three sides by a sea of demons; however, our Angelic line held firm and the enemy, although almost nose to nose with us, did not engage us except in some brief skirmishes. Now and then the enemy laid down intense barrages of fiery darts and what seemed to be like an artillery barrage so intense that the air was literally filled with shrapnel. Yet by faith in Christ, none of us were harmed or even scratched. In a brief lull in the fighting the HOLY SPIRIT gave me to overhear the antiChrist spirit talking to the beastman (Obama) that February. 1987, saying: ant/Christ spirit says: 'We must press the attack immediately with everything we

have to broaden the way." Beastman Obanna says: "But the great one (Lucifer) counsels patience, we have

already given them too much, they will gain great sums of money." The antiChrist spirit says: "(holding up a S 10,000 bill) There is no help or armor in

this paper - work to kill them, work to hill them! Jointly we will attack to broaden our way tomorrow, we must come through whole not partially."

BROADEN THE WAY!?? As you look at Sketch #1 on the previous page, you will see that we (Nancy-TONI, Richard-DANIEL, myself and a host of JESUS' Angels), though surrounded, in fact held 77% of the GAP while the enemy held only 23% of the GAP. This meant that only 23% of the demon power available to the beastman could enter this world at any given time while we occupied the 77% area of the GAP. It is like having a (garden hose where only one quarter of the water is coming out and three quarters of the water is blocked. Instead of a flood of demons pouring into this world and this nation, only a drizzle were coming through, not exactly what they planned on. The attack about to happen that February 14, 1987 (parallel to November 2011November 2012) would be undertaken by massive numbers of demons aiming to overwhelm us by force of numbers.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/THE GAP

September 16. 2011

This was the situation of February 14, 1 9 87 in THE GAP(Continued)

Sketch #2

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All of the demon power available to Lucifer, Satan, the antiChrist spirit, and the bcastman Obama) were hurled at us Iike a tidal wave of filth and darkness brimming with hatred and murderous intent. They attacked everywhere and our capacity to bring focus to this massive attack was insuffi cient. The enemy began bending back the Angelic line and when they did we brought our focus there and stopped their advance, but then they attacked elsewhere and started to gain ground there forcing

the Angels back. When we shifted our focus there, they pressed the line back elsewhere - we were being overwhelmed progressively, steadily losing ground as Sketch #2 (above) Shows.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/THE GAP

September 16, 2011


This was the situation of Februar 14 1987 in THE GAP(Continued) HOW COULD THE ENEMY DO THIS? The number of Angels with us in the GAP represented that portion of the Elect Body of Christ that was faithful and

obedient, while the 23% uncovered ZONE represented those of the Elect who were not faithful nor obedient unto the Lord JESUS CHRIST. That 23% gave the enemy an advantage whereby they could overwhelm us in a concerted attack working through that 23% rebellious. The enemy did not have the power to destroy us but they did have a strategy of driving us out of the GAP, which is what they wanted, even needed, to prevail in this world. ^


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This was the situation of Februar 14. 1987 in THE CAP (Continued HOPELESS then VICTORY IN CHRIST: The enemy was gaining ground and we could not stop their advance; but then I noted that Richard-DANIEL stopped applying himself to the battle, and he began to look skyward to JESUS. Then the Licht and Presence of JESUS CHRIST filled him and all of his Angels were suddenly empowered across the line. The enemy advance was not only stopped but they began to drive them back with ease. Nancy-TON! and I did likewise; we put aside our concerns and direction of the battle and yielded ourselves to JESUS

CHRIST. We also filled with His Light and Presence and our Angels were likewise empowered in Christ unlike before and began to hurl the enemy back all along the whole front. We were changed and the enemy melted before us as we drove them back with ease. The demons began to panic and to flee, terrified as they saw CHRIST JESUS in us.

I can see Lucifer, Satan and the antiChrist spirit, and to say that they are disheartened or depressed hardly begins to describe what is written on their faces. They `know' that they are finished; their time is now short, very short. We drove deep into enemy territory when JESUS spoke and said, "THAT THESE


As we withdrew back to our original lines in the GAP, a host of God's people suddenly came with us and filled in behind us, a multitude of God's children. I noted that the enemy began to send demons into this world, working through the 23% zone they control, a limited number, only 23% of the total demon power available.

It was at this time (1987) that JESUS spoke to me of a time factor of 7 days, 7 days and 7 days to when the beastman (Obama) would surface in this world. As one day in the GAP is equal to one year in this world, that worked out to 21 years hence or by 2008 (1987 + 21 = 2008). That is when Obama emerged on the political scene as a candidate for the Presidency.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/THE GAP

September 17, 2011

This was the situation of February 14, 1987 in THE GAP (Continued) February 13, 1987 = November, 2010 to November, 2011 Februar 14, 1987 = November 2011 to November, 2012 y

February 15, 1987 = November, 2012 to November, 2013 Februar 16, 1987 = November 2013 to November, 2014 * y

February 17, 1987 = November, 2014 to November, 2015 February 18, 1987 = November 2015 to November, 2016** February 19, 1987 = November, 2016 to November, 2017*** *Note - The day we lead God's people out of the GAP through the Mountain into green pastures and safety away from the clutches of the beastman and his demonic hordes. This same day the demons rush into the areas we have vacated and the beastman turns his people over to the demons to fulfill their lust for blood and flesh hon-ors and terrible screams fill the GAP. This is a massacre pure and simple. 1

is a day and time (one year) when the demons clean-up the GAP (remove all old prayer mines and such obstacles) and assemble readying to leave the GAP and to enter into this world in force (100% demon power). February 17 T

1 987

**Note: The demon army begins its march to enter this world and we fire the second Elijah Missile which hits the demon army with what looks like three nuclear blasts.

This sets back the antiChrist spirit and beastman by another GAP day (one year). I believe that this may be the time when the accidental nuclear attack happens. ***Note: The demon army now exits the GAP in force (100% demon power) and enters into this world aiming to go four ways. One way is destroyed, three remain, the enemy moves into this world.

TIME LINE VARIABLE +1Anything past "February 14, 1987 = November 2011 to November, 2012 " can

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This was the situation of February 14, 1987 in THE GAP(Continued) be subject to a plus or minus ONE YEAR as the timeline and my record keeping became vague towards the end of the journey of February, 1987.

Beastman Obama's Dilemm In November, 2010 the effect of JESUS appearing over the GAP in 1987 emerged in this world in this time, whereby all of his demons keeled over like firewood. Obama suffered a major loss of demon power and support and the way that surfaced in this world in 2010 up until now is that his ability to control situations was lost. Things got out of the beastman's control and resistance to him and his policies grew like a firestorm (the Tea Party movement being a primary event) In November of

2010 Obama lost control of the Congress and his total control of the Senate was degraded - his approval by the American people began to decline as reflected in the polls. All this and resistance to ObamaCare and other of his programs has grown from November, 2010 to now. Again, this is a mere reflection of JESUS appearing over the GAP in 1987 which knocked out his demon power for a full year. In order for beastman Obama to fulfill his mission (the total destruction of Christian America), he needs power, more power than he has at this time. To get that he needs more demons coming into this world and this nation to turn the tide in his favor. This is what the antiChrist spirit meant when it told beastman Obama in the GAP in 1987 that they had to "broaden the wa y "- get more demons into this world to gain the upper hand. THE ENEMY ATTACK: As seen in the GAP, it has already begun in many different ways: Christians, Conservatives and Tea Party members are being accused of every kind of evil falsely by the antichrist-controlled media. But this is only the beginning, the very early start of the enemy attack. By the time frame I understand, the enemy attack will begin in earnest in November of 2011 through to November, 2012. We will all face an overwhelming attack as seen in the GAP in 1987, and it will come from every direction one can imagine and in ways one cannot imagine.

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This was the situation of February 14. 1987 in THE GAP (Continued) THE ENCLOSED PRAYER SHEETS These are being sent to everyone on our mailing list: Net of Prayer Intercessors and everyone else as this involves all of us. The first focus is on prayer and dying to our self-life (through prayer and in abiding) to become vessels of JESUS' Light and Presence, to manifest Christ in our mortal

flesh and allow the SPIRIT OF GOD to work through us to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. This is what we did in the GAP in 1987, we yielded ourselves to JESUS CHRIST

wholly, giving up to Him all our concerns, our burdens and needs, and did what JESUS says in Scripture: "COME TO ME, ALL YOU WHO LABOR AND ARE HEAVY LADEN AND OVERBURDENED, AND I WILL CAUSE YOU TO REST...TAKE MY YOKE UPON YOU AND LEARN OF ME, FUR I AM GENTLE AND 1-I UMBLE IN HEART AND YOU WILL FIND REST AND LASE AND iii li S)<iM e irT AND RECREATION AND BLESSED QUIET FOR YOUR SOULS. FOR MY YOKE IS WHOLESOME, USEFUL, GOOD, NOT HARSH, HARD, SHARP OR PRESSING BUT COMFORTING, GRACIOUS, AND PLEASANT, AND MY BURDEN IS LIGHT AND EASY TO BE BORNE." (JESUS in Matthew 10: 28-30 selections, Amplified.) All of the concerns we have brought to Him in prayer, we will now give-up to Him. yield into His care and keeping, trusting JESUS CHRIST to do for us what we cannot do, and He will not disappoint. The pattern set and seen in THE GAP in 1987 is that the enemy will gain ground and seem to be prevailing; but then suddenly CHRIST in us will turn the tide and we will follow JESUS to victory over ALL the power of the enemy, trample them and set them back on their heels.

I do not expect to be able to reach this in a day, week or month but only in months of prayer and abiding and pressing in unto the Kingdom of God through JESUS CHRIST. We have gone our limit and will now pray and wait on the Lord of all Creation to complete the work in us that He set us out to do.

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