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THE NET OF PRAYER LOVE, FAITH, HOPE .July 31, 2010 - Issue #134
Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt - Editor Chuck-JOHNEL & Nancy-TONE Youngbrandt 558-B Knapp Road Colville, WA. 99114 Tele # 1-509-684-4135 "(JESUS said:) LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP, AND LET DOWN YOUR NETS FOR A
DRAUGHT...and when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitudes of fishes: and their net brake. And they beckoned unto their partners... and they came, and filled both ships..." ( Luke 5: 5,6,i).
.,aonei. one of the arclaangeis menlioned in the Bible (Daniel 816.9:21; Luke I :19. 26) as a messenger of God- in the post-
BiblicaI Jewish LiTczatume he is the angel of punishntcnt and dr:ith. M CI`}
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The Archangel GABRIEL (Continued) This (below) is an enlargement of the statement shown over the sketch of Gabriel on the cover page of this Newsletter. Gabriel, one of the archangels mentioned in the Bible (Daniel 8:16, 9:21; Luke 1:19, 26) as a messenger of God. In the post-Biblical Jewish literature he is the angel of punishment and death. In January of] 983 I received a mailing from Gwen Shaw's Ministry. On opening it I noted the sketch of me on the cover page of her New letter. Mar/a, my daughter of 5 years old, came up and looked at the Newsletter and asked, "Gee Daddy, what is that picture of you doing there? "This (below) is thesubstance of Gwen 's article about this sketch and the story behind it (Story from End-Time Handmaidens, Inc. January, 1983) (Quote) "...And these are the last days, indeed. Many people are feeling strange things in their spirit. Strange things are happening. Today we received in the mail an interesting article from the German newspaper "Exklusiv", which tells the amazing story below of how a young woman picked up a hitchhiker in Germany who said he was the Archangel Gabriel. I want to share the whole story with you and also share some of the pictures which I know will surely astound you. This case places the most difficult task for the police at Rosenheim, Germany. Although the description of the man for whom they are looking is extraordinarily precise, the officers don't know where to begin their search. For the 30-year old, 6 ft. tall man, with his nicely cut full beard, neck-length brown hair, jeans, and his olive green parka, is supposed to be no man of flesh and blood, but the Archangel Gabriel. The "angel fever" has been started by a completely ordinary woman in Rosenheim, of whom the police report: "She seems to be very sensible." Gisela Huber (Name has been changed by the editor), a 30-year old employee of Rosenheim, has brought a heavenly being into discredit: the Archangel Gabriel has shown up in the files of the police. When reports aboift this experience reached the public, the phones at the police department did not stop ringing. From all over Germany women and men phoned. who had had, just like Gisela Huber, a strange experience with the Archangel Gabriel. Even from Switzerland someone phoned: "The Archangel was in my car." ...On October 9 she (Gisela Huber) went at about 4:00 p.m. from Frasdorf to Rosenheim. On this day she used the highway, which she usually never does. "I have had my driver's license since 1976 and have used the highway maybe 10 times. And
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The Archangel GABRIEL (Continued) (Story from End-Time Handmaidens. Inc. January, 19$3 [Quote continued I never pick up a hitchhiker." On this day, Gisela Huber does pick up a hitchhiker. "I still don't know today why I did it." ...The man in the parka is happy and gets into the car. "Please fasten your seat belt," Gisela Huber asks him. ..."I am the Archangel Gabriel," the man next to her says suddenly. "I have to tell you that 1984 will be the end of the world." Gisela Huber smiles. She thinks, "A crazy guy. If he is the Archangel Gabriel, I am the virgin Mary." Gisela Huber reaches for her cigarettes in the front of the car. Then she is shocked to find that the man next to her has disappeared! She slows down the car and drives it to a parking lot. She is startled and searches the whole car. It takes a while until she has settled down a little, then she drives home. "I had to talk to someone. I was completely shocked." Then she phoned the police. On the next day she saw that the seat belt was still fastened. (End of story). ... Thank you, Brother Chuck, for keeping us informed of the Lord's workings in your life and ministry. We pray that God will lead you according to His will each day as you seek to walk according to His ways. Just today I came across the beautiful picture of Christ in the clouds that you had sent me. I really do appreciate it. Your sister in Christ, Sister Gwen". (Unquote) Comment b yChuck-JOHNEL: There is a lot more to this story and I will share it
here, but necessarily I need lay down some ground-work for there is quite a bit of revelation in this regard. First, I've seen the Archangel Gabriel in The Spirit' and he does not look like me at all, so this is a case where he took my appearance for God's Purposes. Gabriel was appearing all over the world in many different places - Poland, Russia, China, Japan, France, the U.S. and other nations. In this situation a police sketch of "Gabriel" ended up in a German Newspaper and then came to the U.S. through Gwen Shaw's Ministry.
Neither Gwen nor I believed that Gabriel 's Word about the world ending in 1984 was "literal" - we discerned that the world "as we know it" would come to an end and that events in 1984 would see the start of things that would culminate in the end of the world as we know it.
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e Archan Comment b y Chuck-JOHNEL (continued): Standing back a looking at the changes worked in this nation since 1984 I can readily acknowledge that the world as we knew it has ended.' the hatred for America by American leaders is a fact, the Church has rejected Christ and the nation has come to hate God, Christ and Christians. The man in the White House is antiChrist to the core, an enemy of the people of America and one who is leading America to total destruction. This is just a brie. f look at things; yes, indeed, the world as we knew it in 1984 has ended! Reflection: While "I n the post-Biblical Jewish literature he (Archangel Gabriel) is the angel of punishment and death ", in the New Testament, Gabriel is the Herald of JESUS' First Coming. Keep this in mind because Archangel Gabriel's presence in these times speaks more of JESUS' Second Coming than of "punishment and death."
A CHRONOLOGY OF CERTAIN EVENTS September 9 1973: Monday morning. As was my habit, I rose early for morning prayers and then sat in my kitchen opening my Bible and read as I ate breakfast. Suddenly a huge Angel stood before me, his countenance was fierce, his face like steel with hard features, whose eyes were like burning coals, and who held a rod of iron in his right hand. This Archangel would over a period of days and weeks deliver the Word of God which I have since dubbed, "The Famine Message." Some days later in an on-going encounter with this Archangel I asked what his name was and he replied, "My name is Ancaranen and I proceed from before my brother Gabriel."
Years later we learned that the root of "Ancaranen" was "arcane", a word not in common usage that means "hidden". This Archangel was telling me in 1974 that his name was "hidden." However, in that I asked him his name, in JESUS' Name, he did tell me his name is a way I did not recognize at the time - he was and is the Archangel Gabriel. Obviously, JESUS did not want me to know who His Archangel was at that time. His will be done, amen!
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The Archangel GABRIEL (Continued) A CHRONOLOGY OF CERTAIN EVENTS (Continued) Mid November, 1976: My then prophet partner. Cliff, and I traveled to Cliff's
parents' home in Wisconsin with a number of brethren for a time of prayer, sharing and discernment concerning Jesus' Word that we ought go on a thirty day journey on foot from Des Plaines, Illinois, (near Chicago), to Washington, D.C. in March of 1977.
A brother set his new Bible on the table and was surprised to find it opened and so he looked at the Scripture - which was Exodus 23. He read aloud that portion that stood out to him: "'BEHOLD, I SEND AN ANGEL BEFORE THEE TO KEEP THEE IN THE WAY, AND TO BRING THEE INTO THE PLACE WHICH I HAVE PREPARED. BEWARE OF HIM, AND OBEY HIS VOICE, PROVOKE HIM NOT FOR HE WILL NOT PARDON YOUR TRANSGRESSIONS, FOR MY NAME 1S IN HIM." (Exodus 23: 20-21)
At around 5pm JESUS led me to take The Staff and go out for a walk. The air was icy cold, the ground frozen, it was a frigid walk. At one point JESUS spoke to me and presented an Angel whom He said would go before me to Washington, D.C. on the thirty day journey. JESUS' instructions to me concerning this Archangel were identical to what is found in Exodus 23:20-21. JESUS gave me the name of this Archangel, but I later realized it was in an Angelic tongue which I heard but could not repeat or remember.
Again, the Lord JESUS was "hiding" the identity of this Archangel. Today I know it was Gabriel. I would ask what kind of power this Archangel had to keep me safe and JESUS plainly told me that this Archangel could destroy nations. At the time I could not imagine why such a powerful Angelic being would be assigned to me. After all, I was hardly known except to those in the general vicinity of Des Plaines, Illinois. What I was not keenly aware of were the demonic powers. Lucifer to be specific, who were drawing a bead on me, who aimed to eliminate me in any way possible. March 3, 1977 MOUNT OF THE MOST HIGH GOD: On this day I was drawn by the Spirit of God to the Mount of the Most High God, to before GOD THE FATHER in His Throne seat on the mountain of GOD. It was an awesome
experience, to say the least, and is fully recorded in the book, "JESUS, HIS ANGEL
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The Archangel GABRIEL (Continued) March 3, 1977 MOUNT OF THE MOST HIGH GOD: (Continued) AND ME, VOI LII11e I " .
After a time JESUS told me that I was to return home, but I didn't know where I was or how to get back, so JESUS told me to touch the wing of the Angel in front of me. That Angel was stunningly beautiful, wearing the armor of God which brilliantly blazed with Holy Fire, his eyes were crystal clear blue and piercing, his hair was golden and touched his shoulders. I asked him, "What is your flame?" The Archangel replied, "My name is Gabriel." I said to effect, "Wow! I've read about you in the Bible. "I touched his wing and was back in my abiding place at home. Although I saw him face to face, the Holy Spirit prevented me from connecting that
to the Archangel I saw in 1974, and in Wisconsin in 1976. The THIRTY DAY JOURNEY March 31, 1977 to April 2,1977 : We had written the White House saying that we were coming by foot to see the President (Jimmy Carter). Churches and Christian groups we met along the way wrote many Ietters to the White House asking President Carter to receive us when we arrived. Apparently, although we did not know it then, the F.B.I. were assigned to follow us and keep track of what we were doing and where we were going. On March 31 St , while we were in Ohio, the Holy Spirit led us to walk down a sidewalk and then told us to "turn sharply" to the right and go onto a Greyhound Bus Station just up the way. We obeyed, but when we turned to the right we had a strange sensation, hard to describe - it was like a burst of Light, and after that we both had a sense of having a heightened awareness. This is when the Lard directed us to go to "Pat's town," a distant location far off our beaten/scheduled path.
When we turned sharply to the right, the two Angels that were with us took our physical appearance and blinded the F.B.I. to seeing us go off in a different direction and were now following the two Angels who looked like us. No one was to know where we were going. When the Lord revealed this to me after we arrived in "Pat's town" I was astonished by the extent to which the Lord God went to conceal our destination that day. This told me that we would meet the "Leader of the Land" in "Pat's town" and anoint him with the special oil the Lord had us prepare.
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The Archangel GABRIEL (Continued) The THIRTY DAY JOURNEY March 31, 1977 to April 2, 1977 (continued): Cliff was a little dubious about two Angels having taken our appearance so I prayed and asked FATHER GOD, in JESUS' Name, to provide confirmation of this. We found the "Leader of the Land" and anointed him as the Holy Spirit directed us and returned to our published route, arriving in Pittsburgh on April 2, 1977. Getting oft' the bus, we went to the bathroorn. Turning the corner to the restroom we both had the same experience, a bright Light and the "heightened awareness" left us. The two Angels who had taken our appearance walked in behind us and disappeared, the F.B.I. were now following us again. We stood outside the Greyhound Station waiting for our ride to the church that would host us. A man walked up to us and stated, "Well, I see you made it!" I didn't know him nor did Cliff, and I asked him where he saw us (and talked to us) and he mentioned a town in Ohio, one we had not gone to. He told us that he talked to us and said that he doubted that we would make it to Pittsburgh by foot in the time we had. We were mystified, but then the ride to the church showed up and so ended the conversation with this stranger. A meeting with some in the fellowship was set-up and so we changed into our "church-go-meeting clothes" and entered a larger room with dozens of people. They served coffee, drinks and coffee cakes. Cliff and I mixed with the people in the room and one woman walked up to me and said, "I see you made it! " Hearing this a second ti me I got a little cagey and said, "Oh, where did you see us? "She replied, "My husband and I saw you walking down Highway 79 and wondered ([you 'd snake it here in time, but you did. " I asked, "How did you know it was its? " She replied, "Well, I saw you with The Staff and you both had blue backpacks with a red cross on the back. "I asked her to point out Cliff, who was mixed in with those gathered
and she immediately pointed to Cliff. Her husband confirmed everything she stated. Cliff and I were riding in a bus on Highway 79, and the Staff and ourbiue back packs were in the luggage compartment. Between the man on the street and the couple at the church we had ample confirmation of the fact that two Angels had taken our appearance and were seen by others. I'd often mused the thought that someone, somewhere invited these two Angels to stay with them for a night, "entertaining Angels unawares." (Hebrews 13: 2)
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The Archangel GABRIEL (Continued) In 1979 I was invited to come to Spokane to share the Lord's Word. One night, September 3, I went out following a lengthy meeting to cool off and talk to Father God. At this time FATHER GOD spoke to me telling me this:
While I carefully recorded His Word, I was also bewildered as to how I would ever do this. I sat down and thought of how I might do it but soon realized that this was so far over my head that my best idea was insufficient in the extreme. 1 lastly understood that this could only be accomplished by the SPIRIT OF GOD and in being yielded to HIS WILL. I was initially unwilling to share what FATHER GOD said, as it might be thought that I was trying to look like someone important and be perceived as being boastful.
Ma y , 1981 : The "'FIELD MARSHALL IN HIS ARIVIY"' part was also a mystery. Two years later (May, 1981), out of the blue, the FATHER GOD sent forty Legions of JESUS' warring Angels (48,000) to be under my command. The other two prophets of the Ministry (whom I did not know at that time) also had forty Legions of JESUS' war r ing Angels - for a total of 144,000 Angels. That got my attention as the 144,000 are mentioned in Revelation Chapter 7, end times Second Coming Revelation.
In 1981 A GREAT BATTLE to Stop NUCLEAR WORLD WAR III: JESUS revealed the enemy plan to trigger Nuclear World War III in August of 1982 and that we (the Net of Prayer and His Angels) were to attack the demon army that would empower, make possible, this nuclear war and to stop it from happening. Following a fierce battle of three months duration `In The Spirit' the Net of Prayer,
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with 144,000 JESUS' warring Angels, demolished the hosts of hell and obliterated their plan to initiate Nuclear World War III. News reports revealed that when Israel invaded Lebanon in June of 1982, they uncovered a massive plot of the Communist Soviet Union to trigger that Nuclear war in August of 1982 just as we understood from JESUS' Word. Following this JESUS directed the Net of Prayer to invade the source of the demonic invasion, a place called Hobah (the hiding place of self worship) and so we laid waste Satan's kingdom on earth In The Spirit' that 1982. After this JESUS gave me a new name, "JOHNEL." Next, JESUS began to reveal that He wanted me to travel across North America to extend the Seal of the Living God to His people. I would come to recognize that this work was foundational and preparatory to JESUS' Second Coming. JESUS sent me out to initiate this Sealing of His people in March of 1982. THE SEAL OF THE LIVING GOD and ONTARIO . CANADA 1982: I had requests from a number of brethren in Canada to come and seal them, and would attend a number of home meetings where I explained the scriptural basis for the Sea] of the Living God and then Sealed those who wanted to receive it. In this time I had this experience that I could not put my finger on, I suddenly had a "heightened sense of awareness" and more, I would "know" that I was in different countries - Brazil, Peru, Japan, China, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Russia and on and on. The thought was crystal clear but it made no sense; I was in Ontario, Canada not in any of these places. Then strange things began to happen in the meetings. In one home meeting in Ontario I sat in a circle and to my left was an empty chair. One brother told me that when he looked at me he could see two of me, one sitting in that empty chair along side of me, and that he knew one was an Angel. Brethren began to tell me that when they looked me in the eyes, they saw the eyes of an Angel. Some even told me that they thought I was an Angel. I found myself caught up in a major revelation that left me puzzled and at times bewildered. Then I remembered the experience I had back in 1977 when the Angel took my appearance and realized that what I was experiencing now was identical,
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The Archangel GABRIEL (Continued) only more elaborate. If just one brother in the Lord had this vision of two of me and one being an Angel, I might have been puzzled but not given it much thought; however, there were increasing numbers of brethren saying and seeing much the same. Again, I was bewildered. What did all this mean?! Was the Angel taking my appearance again and if so "why"? I asked JESUS about this and He told me that the experience was real and that He would reveal more to me later. Weeks later, the "heightened awareness" suddenly ended and things were back to normal. Then we come to January, 1983 when the "End Time Handmaidens" Newsletter arrived by mail, where my 5-year-old daughter, Marja. asked what my picture was doing there, and then I knew. I also knew now that the Archangel that had worked with me since 1973 was the Archangel Gabriel. One brother in the Lord who wanted to dispute this would say, "Oh, a lot of men look like that. 'I knew better. For one thing, the stance the Angel took in the police sketch is my stance and that is what I looked like back in l 982. More, my daughter Marja, without the slightest bit of prompting, recognized the sketch as being a sketch of me. More, I had seen Gabriel up close years earlier and I bear no resemblance to him nor he to me whatsoever. HOW DID IT HAPPEN? While JESUS never explained the process whereby Gabriel was able to take my appearance, I developed a `theory' based on the "experience" itself. It seems that the Archangel was able to take some part of me, (spiritual or physical I do not know) and gave me a portion of himself in the process. Thereby I had this "heightened awareness" which in effect gave me the capacity to
see things with utter clarity unlike a normal man does. Other people saw the Angelic component in me and told me so many times. This is the theory I have come up with although the actual spiritual process is a mystery. JESUS would speak to me of "laying groundwork" for trips He would send me on to other nations , this being one way to do it. It was obvious that Archangel Gabriel appearing in Europe in 1982 caused quite a stir and got a lot of media attention. But then I did not go on a trip to any other nation then or since - why?
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The Archangel GABRIEL Continued 1982 WAS A PATTERN TIME: In 1979 JESUS commissioned me to work on understanding the timing of judgment. Along the way I noticed that many of the judgments JESUS warned about were appearing in "mini versions" which both confirmed His Word and made it clear that these things would happen in our lifetime. Needless to say, the vast majority of Christians ignored these clear and evident warning signs, forfeiting any opportunity to escape the judgments JESUS warned about. I came to call this phenomena pattern Times" - meaning what we saw in the early years were early (often harmless) patterns to the actual judgments and events that would unfold in the future. In other words, Archangel Gabriel appearing in other nations taking my appearance was an "early pattern" to what would happen again in real terms in the future. At some time in the future GOD THE FATHER will send His Archangel Gabriel to do what he did in 1982 preceding the time when JESUS will send me to those nations. When? I do not know. Why? It has everything to do with laying foundations stones for Jesus' Return. November. 1981 - A Reconnaissance of North America `In The Spirit': Just prior
to the start of the battle to destroy the massive demon army that had invaded the U.S. `In The Spirit', a demon army that would empower and trigger Nuclear World War III in 1982,1 was led to do some reconnaissance work `In The Spirit,' I wanted to get a lay of the land and to see the kind of ground the enemy was moving over In doing this I moved steadily westwards on horseback with a Legion of Jesus' warring Angels (the I S ` Legion). When I came to the west-most point of the North American boundary I found myself confronted by a massive stonewall, a very ancient wall. The blocks of stone were huge, about the size of a bus and larger. I followed that wall northwards expecting to find the point where the demon army broke through this wall and instead came on a huge door, actually two huge doors that was a massive gate. I knew by the Spirit of God that this gate was in fact "Sheep Gate." Later I pondered that and recognized that this is one of the gates of the city of Jerusalem. I hardly expected to see anything like this and was left with more questions than answers. I had heard of some brethren who had the belief that America was settled by descendants of ancient Israel and when I asked JESUS about this (1979) He told me.
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The Archangel GABRIEL (Continued) "THERE IS MORE TRUTH HERE THAN NOT." (JESUS to Chuck-JOHNEL in 1979). In 1981 JESUS spoke to me and said something quite clear, He said, `HEAR ME OH ISRAEL, HEAR ME RONALD REAGAN..." In that one short Word JESUS identified the U.S. and Canada as being "Israel". What I would see `In The Spirit' in November, 1981 only affirmed that Word. In reading the Bible I noted that God's Word in Ezekiel 38 spoke of two Israel's. Not blinded by men's doctrines (I didn't have any) some things stood out that did not fit. One Evangelist on TV held up his Bible opened to Ezekiel 38, and boldly procIaimed "This is the land of unwalled villages!" He did so with Jerusalem behind him, a city with walls some three stories high if not higher. In fact, having been in the Holy Land, I noted that every village and town had the remnants of walls. In fact, you will find walled villages all throughout Europe, in Asia and Africa but none are found in North America or Australia. As you read Ezekiel 38: 19-16 and carefully check out what it says, North America is the only part of the world that fits the whole description such as "(a)... people that are gathered out of the nations (v12)." The old Israel, the nation in the Middle East, is found in Ezekiel 38: 8-9. Thus, two Israels. Actually, the so-called "lost ten tribes of Israel" ended up in the land promised by God in the book of Isaiah, North America, and the other tribes (Judah, Benjamin, Levite) ended up in what is now known as Israel in the Middle East. Of all the nations on earth only TWO NATIONS have been founded on the Bible and on God's Law: Israel and the United States. The United States has stood with Israel through thick and thin over the years when just about every other nation has stood against them. Why? Have you ever wondered why we have such a strong affinity and tie to old Israel? Once you see as I do, you realize that we are bound because we are family, we have the same father Abraham and God, we are His chosen people. Over the years some brethren have noticed that whenever the government of this nation does something to harm old Israel that some misfortune befalls us as a people and as a nation. Why? Can you level a blow against your own leg without feeling the
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The Archangel GABRIEL (Continued) wound? Can you strike a family member without striking yourself in the process?! In simple terms, what we do to old Israel we do to ourselves, it is as simple as that and this is how I understand it. However, I'm not alone in this view of America as being Israel, it is a concept and view that is as old as this nation. For the longest time, up until World War I, Europeans commonly referred to America as the "new Israel." The early history of the United States has some stunning facts that are not commonly known today. To that end, I will share from a small publication and a book entitled: "AMERICA'S PROPHET " written by Bruce Feller. First, the small publication printed by "Destiny Publishers". The United States in Prophec y (DESTINY PUBLISHERS) (Quote)". . When the ti me came to choose a design for the Great Seal of the United States, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams were selected as the committee. As stated in DESTINY for April 1939: "Both Franklin and Jefferson — professedly freethinkers --- proposed designs having to do with Israel — Franklin proposing Israel safely crossing the Red Sea while the hosts of Pharaoh were engulfed, and Jefferson proposing Israel being led by the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night.. .And then look at the seal which finally evolved. What do you find on it? On the obverse side you find the Eagle with thirteen stars above its head, 13 letters in the motto which flutters on a scroll from its break, 13 paleways in the shield on its breast, in its right talon an olive branch with 13 leaves and 13 olive fruits, in its left talon 13 arrows fledged with 13 feathers. Here are seven sets of 13's on one side of our Great Seal. I will say it for the benefit of the superstitious that 13 is the lucky number of the United States, and has been so all down its history. And 13 was the number of the tribes of Israel. And the 13 th tribe of Israel was Manasseh, whose name means `forgetfulness,' and if there has ever been a people forgetful of all its past, it is this last, this 13 t '', this Manasseh-Israel people in the United States." (Pages 5, 6). (Unquote) America's Prophet (Bruce Feiler) (Quote) "...They are the words from Moses'
farewell address on Mount Nebo in which the man of choices offers his people the ultimate choice. John Winthrop quotes these words on the Arbella in 1630, Martin Luther King, Jr., invoked them the night before he was killed in 1968, and Ronald Reagan repeated them at the base of the Statue of Liberty on its centennial birthday in 1986: See, I have set before you this day life and good, death and adversity. For I
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ABRIEL (Continu America's Prophet (Bruce Feiler) (Quote continued command you this day to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commandments. But if you turn away, you shall ce rt ainly perish; you shall not long endure on the soil that you are crossing the Jordan to enter. I have put before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life—that you and your offspring shall live." (Pages 25, 26)
"...Franklin's proposal reads as follows (the words in brackets appear on his original description but were struck out): Moses [in the Dress of High Priest] standing on the Shore, and extending his Hand over the sea, thereby causing the same to overwhelm Pharaoh who is sitting in an open Chariot, a Crown on his Head and Sward in his Hand. Rays from a Pillar of Fire in the Clouds reaching to Moses, to express that he acts by [the] Command of the Deity.
.John Adams, Renjsniitm Franklin, and Thomas • leftersori's
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Franklin also included a motto: "Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God." An intriguing feature of Franklin's suggestion is that he doesn't focus on the moment of triumph for the Israelites, when they come through the Red Sea on dry ground. Instead, he hones in on the moment of defeat for the pharaoh, when the waters come crashing down on him, But that moment does not actually appear in the Bible. The pivotal scene in which the Israelites escape Egypt begins in Exodus 13. God, fearing that the Israelites wi 11 lose the stomach for their escape if they encounter resistance, leads them away from the obvious route, along the Mediterranean, where the main trading route of the region passed. He leads them instead on what the Bible
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The Archangel GABRIEL (Continued) America's Prophet (Bruce Feller) (Quote continued) calls the "roundabout" way, via the Sea of Reeds." (Pages 64, 65) "...(Franklin, Jefferson, and Adams)—proposed that Moses be the face of the United States of America. In their eyes, Moses was America's true founding father." (Page 67) "...In 1973 political scientist Donald Lutz undertook a comprehensive survey of American political rhetoric during the founding era. He set out with Charles Hyneman to read everything published in America between 1760 and 1805. The effort took ten years and covered 15,000 items, including 2,200 for which they recorded every reference cited. Their goal was to settle long-simmering disputes in the political-science community over the sources of the Revolution by objectively evaluating the influence of Enlightenment writers such as Montesquieu, Locke, Hume, and Hobbes, as well as ancient writers such as Plutarch and Cicero. The first sentence of their conclusion reads: "If we ask what book was more frequently cited by Americans during the founding era, the answer somewhat surprisingly is: the Book of Deuteronomy." Thirty-four percent of all references were to the Bible, compared with 22 percent for the Enlightenment and 9 percent for the classics. The Bible was cited four times as often as Montesquieu, ten times as often as Locke, and thirty times as often as Hobbes." (Pages 92, 93) "...And while many of the comparisons between the two deliverers (Moses and George Washington) might have been stretched to make a point, one parallel between the two men is striking. Biblical Israel and God's New Israel were formed on the twin shoulders of liberation and law. In both cases, one man was present at both moments. Both men had the unusual combination of skills—leadership and humility, fortitude and diplomacy—that could serve them well in dramatic moments of confrontation as well as years of slowly building a people. Beloved founders, both could have clung to power but resisted the temptation to turn their nations into monarchies. Reticent speakers, both left behind some of the most quoted words ever spoken." (Page 104) "...As Alexis de Tocqueville observed in the 183 Os, America was "the place in the world where the Christian religion has most preserved genuine powers over souls." But American society was also "the most enlightened and most free," Tocqueville said. By mid-century, Americans realized that the idea Jefferson called the Constitution's "wall of separation" between church and state actually spurred religious growth rather than killing it. The First Amendment's ban on the "establishment of religion" ensured that federal money would not be directed to
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• ne start and Sword Ministry
August 1, 2010
The Archangel GABRIEL (Continued) America's Prophet (Bruce Feiler) ( Quote continued) religious institutions. Most European countries still funded state churches, and while some American states continued this practice into the 1830s, American churches were ultimately cut off from public funds. The change forced churches to compete more openly in the marketplace of ideas and to work more feverishly to attract new members. The pressure to become more user-friendly became one of the hallmarks of American religion and one of the primary reasons religion continued to thrive in the United States, long after state-sponsored churches elsewhere began to atrophy." (Page 145) "...I think this is because American culture really has two souls. And it's not a question of whether the culture becomes secularized. The culture never becomes one thing or the other. The culture is always two. The culture is always William Bradford and Jonathan Edwards. The culture is always Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison. America was born just in time to have two mentalities. We're like Jacob and Esau struggling in the womb. Secular people want to believe that we are a nation of the Enlightenment, and because of the Founding Fathers and the Constitution that secularism will supersede religion. Religious people want to believe that through the revival religion will supersede secularism. And both are wrong." (Page 167) "...At the close of the Civil War, the country's most profound shock may have been the damage to its self-image as a chosen people, selected by God to create a biblical kingdom on earth. Even more destabilizing, the closing decades of the nineteenth century brought a dizzying barrage of intellectual movements, economic transformation, and scholarly invention that collectively constituted the biggest threat to the Bible's authority in its nearly two millennia of influence. Charles Darwin published The Origin ofSpecies in 1859, initiating a direct assault on the biblical idea i hat God created the world in six days..." (Page 177, 178) "...Jews fleeing pogroms triggered by the assassination of Czar Alexander II. Nearly 170 Jewish communities were attacked and 20.000 Jewish homes destroyed. ...Between 1881 and 1914, 2 million eastern European Jews, most from Russia, Romania, and Austria-Hungary arrived in the United States. By December 1881, Wards Island; a dilapidated asylum in the East River, had become the dumping ground for hundreds of these refugees. The following March, Emma Lazarus made her first visit there. Her impressions were recorded the following day in the New York: Times. Never before were prayers of gratitude more genuine, wrote the reporter, believed to be Lazarus, "when after a new exodus, and a new persecution..., these stalwart young representatives of the oldest civilization in existence met to sing the songs of Zion in a strange land." The visit sparked an
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The Archangel GABRIEL (Continued) America's Prophet (Bruce Feiler) (Quote continued) emotional Jewish awakening in Emma. ..And she composed a series of sixteen letters, published as "An Epistle to the Hebrews," that called for two new exoduses—one to the Promised Land of old, in the Middle East; the other to the new Promised Land, in America." (Page 189) "...He (Moses) said terrible things happened to countries who had no god." (Page 234) (Unquote) Closing Commentary: In the culmination of the judgments that now have hold in America, this nation and people will be purged of all that is antiChrist, Godless and evil. Those remaining will have come through the fires of purification. In the wilderness that America will be in those days, following a Holy Spirit deliverance from the occupying armies, the Spirit of God will move on a people prepared and the manifest sons of God will emerge in this world. God's people will manifest Christ and in this is the beginning of the Second Coming of Christ. My Commission is to "lay foundation stones for Jesus' Return", and JESUS made plain to me many years ago that I will not be here to see His Return but will come back with Him and the Armies of Heaven. This tells me that all these things, while in motion, are not as near as some suppose or hope; but we are definitely in the beginning of the end times. The judgment on America will have a Tribulation-like dimension and some will mistaken that for a fulfillment of what is in the book of Revelation; but it will only be a judgment that has a tribulation-like aspect and will not be the actual tribulation. HIDDEN IN PLAIN VIEW: In the early years, as noted, the Lord kept me from knowing that the Archangel working with me was Gabriel. But in 1979 GOD THE FATHER made my Commission clear as a bell, and later in 1982-1983 He revealed the Archangel as being Gabriel in a rather dramatic way. All this has to do with a foundational work being done by the Spirit of God preparing for Jesus' Return. In many respects the Lord God has NOT hidden what He is doing, what the Holy Spirit is doing, rather it is hidden in plain view. Yet the vast majority of Christians are totally ignorant of what is going on. That they do not know is not because the Lord God has hidden it from them, but men have. I conclude this report on the ARCHANGEL GABRIEL with that observation.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
August 3, 2010
Obama's heart revealed in his preference Amongst his . far-left associates, Obama has recommended all read Saul Alinsky's book, "Rules for Radicals ' (almost required reading ill the White House among farleft staffers). This is just a little quote from one part o f that book, and it is very tell irtb about who Obama looks up to: Rules for Radicals (Saul Alinsky): (Quote) "Lest we forget at least an over-theshoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is it that knows where mythology leaves off and history begins—or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer." (Unquote)
HOW AM I (Chuck-JOHNEL) DOING?! I'm slowly, if not painstakingly slowly, recovering from the major surgery at the end of June. Spent ten days in the hospital, 28 staples down my stomach to say nothing of the stitches deep in my body (about 2 inches below my skin) and the constant doses of anesthetics in the hospital stay tossed my physical senses up for grabs. That is also coming back slowly. Generally I am in good spirits, having some good days and some not so good days, depending on if l push too hard to work or not. Being limited in how long I can work before having to take a nap is bothersome but a reality. Working on this Newsletter is a slow process. Fortunately, Leith has done a lot of transcribing work for me, so at ti mes I can complete four or five pages at a crack, but when I need compose/write, I slow down to a snail's pace. The Doctor told me NOT to exercise except to walk, to not lift anything heavier than 15-20 pounds (I can lift our cat) - again severe limits. How long do I have to observe this? The Doctor says one and a half months, maybe more. The difficulty is what I call a "lack of intestinal fortitude." With all the surgery (cutting) done in the stomach area, my stomach muscles are compromised and slowly repairing the damage. In the meantime, I tire easily when sitting up or standing or walking. Riding in a car is a trial - I feel every bump in the road, even the smallest. One never realizes how much our stomach muscles absorb those things without our
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HOW AM I (Chuck-JOHNEL) DOING?! (Continued) notice until something like this happens. I' m very blessed to have some help around the place, Sam Salmon, Dave-DANIEL Squires, Richard Wilcox, my nephew Grant, Leith, and Daniel (Leith's son) have done a lot of the work I would normally do, but can't do now. I was laying out some posts to replace some rotten posts (fence) on day I ended up in the Emergency Room and then in surgery. The work to restore the fencing is now done, thanks to all that help. The DEATH RUMOR: About a week ago we heard of a rumor circulating among
the brethren that I had died. Some brethren were quite upset and many called to find out what was going or what happened. I played Mark Twain and said, "Rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated." I-Iow this got started and "who" started it is not known;: but I suspect someone out there wanted me to die, maybe the rumor was a prophetic utterance. The Lord JESUS is my shield, the enemy can't get through to me, but it does not seem to prevent them from trying as they have over the years. REMEDIES: Well-intended brethren have sent me an assortment of pills and
remedies to fix my problems (liver and kidney and diabetes); however, I am7 following a specially crafted regimen of vitamins and minerals Nancy-TONI put together years ago that works wonderfully. What with the medications the doctor has given me, I'm pretty much "pilled up to the maximum." The problem with the liver turned out to be no problem, the final lab result got to the doctors on July 4` h , my last day in the hospital. The result: my liver is fine, it will last me for many, many years said the doctor. Seeing I'm 68 years old and about to turn 69 next month - "many, many years" is a lifetime. Thank you one and all for your kind and loving thoughts and offers of help. Dearly appreciated.
DID JESUS FOREWARN ME ABOUT THIS TRIAL? As a matter of fact, He did! I remembered something He said hack in 2009 that told me He had warned me in advance, though He was not specific. If He had been specific I do not think there would have been anything I could do to stop it.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
August 3, 2010
HOW AM I (Chuck-JOHNEL) DOING?! ( Continued
JESUS' WORD of December 21, 2009 at 6:38
"THE WORK AND TASK SET BEFORE YOU IS NOT DIFFICULT BUT THERE WILL BE SOME TRIALS AND TEMPTATION. BUT I'M WITH YOU TO SEE YOU THROUGH. WHEN IT COMES, TURN TO ME FOR I'M WITH YOU, EVER AT YOUR SIDE." At the time Nancy-TONI and I discussed what the temptation might be. Nancy-TONI discerned that I might be tempted to misuse the authority vested in me to get back at someone who did me harm. I "knew" that this would surface sometime in 2010. We did not much consider the "trials."
JESUS' WORD to Jim-REPHEAL on (ate x) July 4, 2010 JESUS showed me that Chuck-JOHNEL would have a lengthy and `{HARD" (His Word) recovery period. When I asked Him about this (I was concerned about the "Hard" part) I discerned it was not serious, just difficult to get back up to speed. It would be difficult but sure and steady, none the less. And, He showed me that it was indeed a "RECOVERY." Leith shared a similar revelation-insight, almost identical to what Jim-REPHEAL. received, built-in confirmation (witness of two or more).
JESUS' WORD of July 23, 2010 to Chuck-JOHNEL abiding time 12:30 Noon We planned on having Laura, Wilma and Laura's kids over fora movie this eveningthe question was, could I handle it? My energy levels drop pretty fast. I planned on taking Nancy-TONI out for lunch, a treat (we have been eating all meals at home since I returned from the hospital on July 4`h•) JESUS spoke to me sa y ing: "YES, GO TO LUNCH BUT YOU WILL NEED A
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
August 3. 2010
JESUS' WORD of July 25 2010 to Chuck-JOHNEL abiding time 7:15PM (I asked JESUS if any direct action against demons by intercessors might have given opportunil}v for the enemy to strike me. JESUS replied.) THE ENEMY GOT OPPORTUNITY AND MOVED TO STRIKE A FATAL BLOW AGAINST YOU
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
August 3, 2010
JESUS' WORD of July 25,2010 (Continued)
Because much of the work of the Net of Prayer is done under the Anointing and Commission given to me by FATHER GOD, if anyone in the Net of Prayer steps out of bounds, the enemy can try to use that as opportunity to attack me directly. Something like that happened, but the Lord JESUS blocked the enemy and spared those who made the mistake from retribution by demonic powers. The illness that befell me was not, I repeat NOT, the result of a demonic attack. The enemy could get no where near me (though they tried and wanted to), but it was the accumulation of years of abuse, attacks and hatred aimed at me by brethren. All that accumulated wounding surfaced in one day, June 24, but as JESUS told me, He was with me all the way through, and so I came through with His help and your prayers. On the diabetic diet my diabetic expert (Teresa Zilka) put me on some months ago I'd lost about 30 pounds, and I lost an added 25 pounds during my ten day stay in the hospital. My stomach shrunk, so I only eat a little at meals. Sad thing is that my body ran out of stored fat and began consuming muscle, so I'm a lot thinner. Again, a very warm thank you for the gifts in the loving appeal which has helped greatly and is
deeply appreciated. God bless you one and all. Chuck-JOHNEL. (Thinner but still feisty.)