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September 27, 2005 — Issue #107 Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt - Editor
Chuck-JOHNEL & Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt 558-B Knapp Road Colville, WA. 99114 Tele # 1-509-684-4135 "(JESUS said:) LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP, AND LET DOWN YOUR NETS FOR A DRAUGHT...and when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitudes of fishes: and their net brake. And they beckoned unto their partners... and they came, and filled both ships..."
(Luke 5: 5,6,7).
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Written by: Chuck-JOHNEL
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
October 8, 2005
EXCUSE ME - THIS IS LATE On JESUS' leading and direction I was led, on August 24, 2005, to write a Special Report
to the Net of Prayer calling for vol unteer intercessors to address a serious terrorist threat the smuggling of three nuclear bombs into the U.S. Thai rather extensive report was written and mailed out by August 29' h as Hurricane KATRINA bore down on New Orleans. A day later I was felled with a painful case of Shingles which took a lot of steam out of me - delaying the start of this Newsletter. In this same time period I was contacted by the FBI concerning my August 16" letter to President Bush wa rn ing of the Islamic terrorist plot to explode three nuclear bombs in the U.S. - one aiming at Chicago. As we are turning the corner into Autumn, with Winter not far behind, I pressed to build a wood shed to store four cords of firewood for the winter months. Charlie, a local Christian brother andNOP Intercessor volunteered to help me build it (actually he would build most of it himself) - but I had to clear a spot on the land for the wood shed and dig six post holes. Needless to say, what with recovering from the shingles (sti [1 on-going), the physical stress it caused (exhaustion) and the Net of Prayer intercessory prayer operation to address the nuclear threat — my schedule for the regular Newsletter fell far behind. Anticipating a major earthquake to strike somewhere on the West Coast (California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska and or the Midwest) sometime in the month of October (October 7` h was a watch date) I decided to wait until something developed or not. Seeing I was already pretty far behind on the Newsletter schedule, a few days one way or another wouldn't matter too much and would allow me to kind-of finalize things depending on what actually happened ( major quake or not). The 7.7 Magnitude earthquake to strike Islamabad, Pakistan on October 8"', 2005 is what we know as a "seconda ry target" - the primary target would have been on the West Coast of the U.S. but p ro phetic intervention on September 23, 2005 forced the enemy of our souls to go to a secondary target. I've decided to write a special report on the two Hurricanes (KATRINA and RITA) and not make it a pa rt of the main Newsletter. Again, a variety of issues overwhelmed me and so this Newsletter is getting out about two weeks late - please excuse me. God bless. rN cru^
THE CLOCK IS TICKING (Continued from the Cover Pa
The focus of this Newsletter has to do with just how much time we may have to be ready for the judgments that we fully expect to break forth in the year 2007 (April 24-September 23, 2007) - at the least we have 1-1/2 years and at the most we have 2 years. The reason for this variance has to do with the date we relocated to Colville (April 24, 2005) and the date of the Prophetic Intervention (September 23, 2005).
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b yQuick-JOHNEL(Cntinued)
Back in 1979 JESUS first spoke about "THE NORTH PARTS", which I understood then spoke of a place He would have me live for a period of time. What JESUS said at that time was this: "WHAT I HAVE PURPOSED I HAVE NOT CHANGED. MANY THINK THAT I WILL CHANGE MY MIND - BUT THIS JUDGMENT COMES FOR A LACK OF CHANGE IN THE HEARTS OF MEN - MY FATHER'S ANGER BURNS HOT AGAINST THESE-WE LL SWEEP THEM AWAY... THEN I WILL SEND YOU OUT FROM THE NORTH PARTS ." (JESUS to Chuck on Januari. 30, 1979.)
Ten years would pass at which time JESUS began to speak on this matter again. Then on March 16, 1989 JESUS told one this, "I WILL RELOCATE YOU TO BETHEL, AS NANCY-TONI DISCERNED BUT NOT IMMEDIATELY - A WORK NEED BE DONE FIRST...CHURCH LEADERS' DECISION... PRESIDENT BUSH 15 IN DANGER..."
Nancy-TONI would discern that this "Bethel" (means House of God) would be Colville, Washington - a known safe area. Just two months later JESUS would again speak of this "Bethel and Relocation" saying: "...YOU WILL ESTABLISH ENCAMPMENT IN THE BETH EL NANCY-TONI RECEIVED INSIGHT ABOUT...FROM THE TIME I RELOCATE YOU, THOSE WHO ARE MINE HAVE TWO (2) YEARS TO RELOCATE. IT WILL BE A TROUBLED 2 YEARS YET WILL RESTORE ALL TO MINE AFTER 2 YEARS. THOSE WHO REMAIN WILL HAVE
NO HELP OR DEFENSE." (1 asked JESUS, "Lord JESUS, will the earthquake and volcanic eruption come in a 2 year period to Mt. Vernon areas? " JESUS replied: "YES, BEFORE TWO YEARS IS COMPLETED FROM THE TIME I RELOCATE YOU." (JESUS to Chuck-JONNEL on May 19120, 1989.)
Ten years later, in April of 1999. JESUS would move us from Burlington, Washington to Spokane, Washington. It was in Spokane that the Lord GOD sought and received the final CHURCH DECISION He spoke of on March 16, 1989 (see above Word) - an utter rejection of His Word and He Himself. This led to us having to stand aside on July 28, 2001, the effect of the Church Decision, and that opened the door to September 11, 2001. As JESUS made us to "stand-in' the GAP for this nation, having us stand aside (the effect of the Church Decision) opened the door to judgments of intensity leading to the very judgments He had us warn about and against since 1976.
RELOCATION!!!! By April of 2005 JESUS gave us a home, bar, chicken coop and work shed along with 21 acres thus HE relocated us to Colville, Washington on April 24, 2005. The two year clock began ticking on April 24, 2005.
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THE CLOCK IS TICKING by Chuck-JOHNEL (Continued) THE PROVING POINT I will openly admit that it is my "understanding " that our move to Co]ville on April 24, 2005 was and is the RELOCATION JESUS has spoken to us about since 1989, even earlier. However, it is not impossible that there is something else out there, something totally unexpected and that this may not be the relocation He spoke of in 198 19. While I do not entertain doubts about this being "The Relocation" He spoke of, I've also learned to keep an open mind. More, I'm not opposed to there being more time before the full weight of judgment comes crashing down. if that is a "hope" (and it is) then it is also a fast "fading hope." FIRST - we did not move to Colville like we moved to Spokane in 1999 or moved to Burlington, Washington in 1989 - rather HE quite literally RELOCATED us in a wholly unexpected manner by leading a brother and sister in Christ (Gene and Laura) to buy this house and land and then give it to us. That kind of action is so unusual that it stands out as something very unique. I didn't "understand" this, rather it was something HE, JESUS, did. JESUS refen-ed to this two year period as a "TROUBLED TIME" (see His May 19120,1989 Word on Page 3 of this report)- the rise of the price of gasoline in 2005 (it started in 2004) is most definitely a "trouble" and the vast destructions caused by Hurricanes KATRINA and RITA most definitely qualify as "troubles". In His September 22, 2005 Word JESUS clearly restrains the demonic powers that would cause UTTER DESTRUCTION S' to hold off until the year 2007 — the time when the 2 years started by our relocation here began. On March 16, 1989 (seepage 3 of this report) JESUS indicated that He would not relocate us to "BETHEL" until the work of getting the CHURCH LEADER'S DECISION was completed. That work was completed in 2001-2003. The Church Leader's Decision loosed judgment and the first evidence of that came on September 11, 2001 and again in March, 2004 when the price of gasoline began to rise.
THE PROOF: If you want more proof to believe that this `is" the relocation JESUS spoke of in 1989 - then wait until 2007. However, I would NOT suggest that unless you want to find yourself in a bad situation and then in a worse way. To NOT pray and seek the Lord's leading and direction is to be left high and dry and to find yourself with NO HELP OR DEFENSE against what is coming.
START PRAYING NOW! Ifyou haven't started to pray for HOLY SPIRIT leading and direction as to what you ought do or not do this is the time to start, delay no further.
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[tie Stan and Sword iviinisrr y llcwUuet ii, Luua IS TICKING b y Chuck-JOHNEL Continued
Deadline - of: ApPli 24,w 2117
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23, 2007
By the Grace of GOD through JESUS CHRIST and through the intercessory prayers of the Net of Prayer in the current "I WILL DELIVER THEE" Prayer Operation (began August 29, 2005 and ends October 31, 2005) I perceive that we have gained an added 5 months to the two year clock which began ticking April 24, 2005 - the day JESUS relocated us to Colville. I explain this in the enclosed "HURRICANE REPORT" on pages 15-16. Therefore, at the least you have 19 months to 23 months to pray to know what is God's Perfect Will for you (stay where you are at or relocate to somewhere else). Only in and out of prayer can you KNOW and find HOLY SPIRIT direction and help to do what the Lord JESUS leads you to do.
EVERYONE CAN because JESUS is FAITHFUL! Everyone who prays seeking, in JESUS' NAME, to be led of by the HOLY SPIRIT in what they ought do (moving or not and what preparations you ought make) will find themselves being led of by the SPIRIT of GOD according to what is His Perfect Will for you. Of this be certain, for JESUS who saved you can also keep you as you place your trust in His keeping power.
"CONSIDER THE LILIES" Personal Prayer Sheet (enclosed witlx this Newsletter) Enclosed you will find a re-print of Nancy-TONI's January 5, 2005 prayer sheet designed to help you find yourself in God's Perfect Will. There is a special "MOVING TO GREEN PASTURES PRAYER" on the bottom of page two. While you can most certainly (we encourage) write your own personal prayer about this, this prayer sheet is provided to help you get started if you have not yet begun to pray about this issue. Please, for your own sake heed this and begin praying now and persist in this kind of praying from now until the year 2007. The Lord JESUS will lead and keep you.
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THE CLOCK IS TICKING h -' Cliuck-JOHNEL( Continued) JESUS' WORD of SEPTEMBER 22 2005 (See Pages 10-11 of the enclosed " HURRICANE REPORT") Here, in response to the prayers of 300+ Net of Prayer Intercessors, JESUS intervened on our behalf to ensure that we have this time to prepare and to know His Will for us. Part of what JESUS said that pertains to what I'm writing here was this: "...COMMAND HURRICANE RITA AND THE POWERS DRIVING IT TO VEER AWAY FROM HIGH POPULATION AREAS FOR THE TIME IS NOT YET FOR THE FULLNESS OF THE JUDGMENT TO FALL. THEY MAY TROUBLE, EVEN DO HARM BUT NOT UTTERLY DESTROY THOSE WHO RESISTED N1Y WORD AND REJECTED MY HELP GRANTING THEM A TIME TO REFLECT UNTIL THE YEAR 2007..."
We so prophesied JESUS' WORD into this world an September 23, 2005 and Hurricane RITA was severely reduced in power and shifted east away from Houston, Texas (a high population area).
This gives ALL OF US a window of opportunity (troubled tho it be) to not only know God's Perfect Will for us but to be prepared as He would have us be prepared. TWO HIGHLY RECOMMENDED REPORTS On the enclosed RESPONSE FORM we offer both Jim-REPHAEL Grandon's September 23, 2005 "SHEEP GATE" Newsletter entitled "PREPARE!" (with a special and helpful article by Teri Voskuil.) addressing the need to prepare — AND— a Special Report written by Richard-DANIEL and Adele-SARAH Sydor who present a list of what is needed for an emergency for a 72 hour period. Both reports, by Jim-REPHAEL Gran don, Teri Vosknil, and Richard-DANIEL and AdeIeSARAH are offered at below our cost: $2.00 PPD.
If you cannot afford the $2.00 we will send it to you free of charge as we believe it is important for everyone to have this information and insight and help in knowing how to prepare physically, spiritually and emotionally for what is ahead.
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APRIL 24-SEPTEMBER 23, 2007? JESUS' WORD of May 19/20, 1989 (see Page 3) essentially gives us an outline but there is no great detail - but I get the impression that for those who do not pray, who do not prepare and do not seek to find themselves in God's Perfect Will (through prayer seeking and yielding to HOLY SPIRIT leading/guidance) - that these will find themselves entering a time of darkness and despair. The 19 -23 months from now until then JESUS says will be "TROUBLED" — the deadly destructions of Hurricane KATRINA and RITA give us some idea of the kind of troubles that lay ahead.
After April 24-September 23, 2007 it is appropriate to say that "all hell will break loose" on those who have not prayed, not prepared, not relocated as God might have had them relocate. The prophetic action of September 23, 2005 (see the enclosed HURRICANE REPORT for details) essentially restrains, cuts-back, binds and holds back demon power from executing "UTTER DESTRUCTIONS", but only for a 19-23 month period of time. The "clock is ticking!" Some years ago we warned that in a time ahead the "housing market" will collapse — that will mean that the value of homes today will disappear like a mist in the morning sun. The opportunity to sell one's home and relocate may prove impossible - except a person just packs up and leaves everything behind. Today I hear a lot of talk on "investment programs" about trouble ahead for the housing market and that the value of homes could suddenly collapse. We may be facing nationwide "martial law" in the future (2007 and beyond) - and if there
are successive terrorist attacks inside the U.S. that may prove to be a necessary action. Freedom ofmovement may be curtailed or difficult - we may find ourselves being required to get police permission or passes to travel from city to city or very restricted travel enforced by the military under "emergency conditions," We may be facing very high energy prices in 2007 and beyond with gasoline selling for $5.00 to $10.00+ per gallon with limited supplies of gasoline available - it may even be rationed. This would make relocation very difficult and perhaps impossible.
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October 16, 2005
THE CLOCK IS TICKING b Chuck-JOHNEL ( Continuei) WHAT HAPPENS AFTER APRIL 24-SEPTEMBER 23, 2007? (Continued) Even though the enemy of our souls is contained due to JESUS' Commission and the subsequent prophetic action of September 23'' — this does not disallow "TROUBLES" that can still be severe. For example, by my understanding of the timing of judgment I see October 7, 2006 as a prime time for a potential major earthquake in LOS ANGELES - it could be as strong as a 7.5 Magnitude and could easily kill thousands and still be "restrained, limited and full of mercy." The death toll in the Islamabad, Pakistan 7.7 Magnitude earthquake of October 7/8, 2005 has now reached 54,000. "If" four or five thousand Americans in Los Angeles were killed in a 7.5 Magnitude earthquake it would be "mercy and limited" as the potential could run as high as in Pakistan (54,000 dead). The enemy is being restrained but JESUS makes it clear that the next two years will be a,"TROUBLED TIME."
FOOD AVAILABILITY: Right now any of us, all of us can easily store extra food without difficulty - but in the years ahead food availability may decline and it may prove difficult to buy food in hulk quantities, if at all.
SPECULATION, YES! Yes, I'm speculating but only to the end of getting you to realize that the abundance and freedoms we have NOW may vaporize in the next two years due to a variety of adverse circumstances. While JESUS has not detailed what will happen in 2007 and beyond, in His May 19/20, 1989 Word, He has given plenty of detail in His warnings of coming judgment - which is what I'm drawing from in this speculation, so it is an educated and HOLY SPIRIT-filled speculation. Ignore the warnings to your own peril - I'm serious!
My CALL IN CHRIST was to warn His Church in America of coming judgment, to give His Word and to call His Church to pray and then later to repent and pray. In the last years our focus has been to pray as JESUS directs and to work to prepare all of you spiritually for what is coming and to encourage physical preparation as well. We have done all of this and we continue to call for prayer and to encourage you to be prepared spiritually and physically for what lays ahead. I would not have you "fear" but I would have you "fear the Lord" (Proverbs 9: 10) and to not ignore His Word to your harm. Amen.
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October 16, 2005 The Staff' and Sword Ministry IS TICKING b yChuck-JOHNEL Continued
The Ezekiel 2 Commission Back in 1976 after a very unfriendly encounter with some elders I was plainly fed-up with the way God's people behaved — their rebellion and disobedience to the Lord was apparent to me and I wanted nothing further to do with them. I wanted to quit the Ministry work
JESUS had given me and return to a normal life, working day by day in my secular job, reading my Bible and praying and abiding in the Lord without all this static and
unkindness coming from brethren. JESUS directed me to read Ezekiel chapter 2 - and when I did it opened my eyes to what I was facing and would face, but that was the job and my duty before Him. This is a part of Ezekiel 2 - read the rest as you are led: "And the Spirit entered into me when He spake unto me, and set me upon my feet, (I'd been knocked down by the elders) that I heard Him that spake unto me. And He said unto me, Son of man, I send thee to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that hath rebelled against Me; they and their fathers have transgressed against Me, even unto this very day. For they are impudent children and stiffhearted. I do send thee unto them: and thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God...And thou son of man, be not afraid of them, neither be afraid of their words... nor be dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house... And thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear: for they are most rebellious... and a hand was sent unto me; and, Io, a roll of a book was therein; And He spread it before me; and it was written within and without: and there was written therein lamentations, and mo u rning and woe."
Se tember K 20Q5) "This was an article in the New York Times Newspaper dated September 7, 2005 (gotten from AOL) (Quote) "NEW ORLEANS. SEPT 7 - In the downtown business district here...laying in the street.. .a corpse. Its feet jut from a damp blue tarp. Its knees rise in rigor mortis. Six national Guardsmen walked up to it on Tuesday afternoon and two blessed themselves with the sign of the cross. One soldier took a parting snapshot and they walked away. Hours passed, the dusk of curfew crept,
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(Continued] the body remained. A Louisiana state trooper around the corner knew all about it: murder victim, bludgeoned, one of several in that area.. .then he joked that if you wanted to kill someone here, this was a good time. Night came, then this morning, then noon, and another sun beat down on a dead son of Crescent City. That a corpse lies on Union Street may not shock, in the wake of last week's hurricane, that surely hundreds, probably thousands (lie on the streets.) What is remarkable is that on a downtown street in a major American city, a corpse can decompose for days, like carrion, and this is acceptable...." (Unquote) Let me now read from my book entitled, "The Slain" , published in 1979 where JESUS spewed me things coming in the judgment on America (Quote Page 40-41) "...winter...intense cold and little heat in most American homes...many will freeze to death with little food...city services will break down...fires will burn unchecked. The dead that fall in the streets will lie in the streets. Disease will flourish and kill tens of thousands. The nation will reap the seed it has sown in itself. ("The Lord lifts up the
downtrodden, he casts the wicked to the ground. " Psalm 147:6 RSV," ...crude oil imported to the United States will increase sharply and there will be gold value problems.... there will be serious economic crumbling... riots and deliberate destruction by enraged individuals... local police will fail to deal with violence and State troops will be called out and in some areas...troops and tanks will have to be called out...The nation will reap the seed it has sown in itself... hundreds of thousands will want for food and starvation begins..." (Unquote)
We were literally seeing on TV the very judgment JESUS had me warn about since 1976 and He gave specific revelations about it in 1977 in His Word/Revelation above. We have seen much of what JESUS revealed in 1976-1977 about the coming judgment in what has happened in New Orleans when/after Hurricane KATRINA hit August 29, 2005. Again, these are early judgment patterns to what will sweep the whole nation in a time not distant. It is here and it will not go away. This is why we continue to focus on drawing close to JESUS. DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR? (Quote Page 9 of "THE SLAIN") "I also observed some others emerging from among the survivors (of the flood), those I would later identify as "marauders." These men, hoping for gain, would begin to search among the corpses, taking rings, gold, and other jewelry, and even looking for gold fillings in teeth. In a while they began to band together, arming themselves, and when theycame upon those surviving communities, would take them by force, raping, torturing and killing as they wished..." (Unquote)
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
October 17, 2005 [Continued
This was seen following the monster earthquake and flood that destroyed the Midwest in the vision of July, 1973. Again, the New Orleans disaster is an early pattern (literal pattern) to what is coming.
THE CHURCH RESPONSE TO "KATRINA" st One of our NOP Prayer Leaders (Dee) shared this account on September l (Quote) "I wanted to let you know about our prayer meeting at church last night (8/31). Since we have moved to E. Tennessee we thought we wanted to go back to church.. .The prayer group in this church meets on Wednesday nights is primarily for praying for each family and the pastor. Last night before the meeting we talked about the hurricane and Louisiana people. We have several families that live in Tn in the summer and in the area of the storm in winter. I made the "mistake" of saying we are under judgment, not just with the weather, but in every aspect of life here in the US. The head of the group let me know in no uncertain terms that the Lord would not do this to "His" people. I told her that before the storm hit that I had prayed that the world would see miracles that God had performed in protecting those that belonged to Him while there would be destruction all around. I also told her that I prayed for our little town here at the edge of the Smokey Mtns. She was shocked. Why? The reason is that all around our town where we live they had hard rains, high winds and flooding. We had enough rain to cleanse the air and our humidity dropped. In fact, the weather was actually pleasant. Later when we prayed she did thank the Lord for watching over our town. I don't know if this group will ever understand that the life in the US will never be like it was. But I have to admit that these people are kind, considerate and love our Lord...
One more thing. Sunday in church my pastor preached on the hurricane only he called it a stone. He came out and said it WASN'T a judgment from God. that it was only a storm . He quoted all the right passages from the Bible including the verse that says the Lord causes it to rain on the just and the unjust. God help this church. God bless. Dee. F." (Unquote)
100,000 DEAD BEFORE... It was in 1980 that JESUS told me straight-up that it would take 100,000 dead in one judgment event to begin to wake the church up to the fact that they were in judgment they are that dense! What Dee has encountered recently is what I've seen across this nation year by year from 1976 to the present time. ( Unquote the NET OF PRAYER "SPECIAL THANK YOU NOTE" , dated September 8, 2005)
WHERE ARE WE NOW IN THE JUDGMENT? We are no longer approaching the judgment, we are in it! When I can see in current events the very things JESUS told me would come in the judgment happening in America 1 know it is here and
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October 17, 2005
WHERE ARE WE NOW IN THE JUDGMENT? Continued it is very real, deadly real. It is only because JESUS intervened to back the enemy off for a time that we have a brief reprieve; but when we reach April-September, 2007 the enemy will again build momentum in events, such as storms, earthquakes, war, civil disobedience, riots and trouble of all sorts will explode on the scene. Only next time, the Lord will allow the Church Decision to hold sway, and that means that all hell will break loose across America and in this world. I've heard that it will cost something like $220 Billion to repair New Orleans and that it will also take 5 years to accomplish. Thus by 2010 New Orleans will be rebuilt and restored - only thing is, that by our understanding of timing it will be in July of 2010 that the monster earthquake will destroy the Midwest and cause the Great Lakes (Michigan and Superior) to roll out of their take beds engulfing and wiping out Chicago, Milwaukee and all the cities along the Mississippi River - including the newly rebuilt New Orleans which will then be flushed out into the Gulf of Mexico. "Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the Lord
keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain." (Psalm 127: 1) Pray to he found in God's Perfect Will for you; Pray and Prepare - a word to the wise is sufficient. Chuck-JOHNEL.
Prayer Operation
"I WILL DELIVER THEE" (Jeremiah 15: 21a)
In and out of prayer with fasting the Net of Prayer has eliminated two of the three nuclear bombs At Qaeda plans to smuggle into the U.S. across the Mexican border; but the third
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October 17, 20(11
"I WILL DELIVER THEE" Prayer Operation (continued) bomb remains a threat. This can only be dealt with by the gove rn ment as they heed the Lord's Word and act on JESUS' direction. We understand that this third nuclear bomb would be brought to Chicago, Illinois. Through JESUS' Word of years past we understanding that this third nuclear bomb would be prematurely detonated north of Chicago, showering Chicago and points south and east with high intensity radiation. The need for on-going prayer to save lives is ahead of us.
THE RENT IN THE EARTH'S MANTLE If you want a purely physical explanation for the excessively violent storms that have recently hit the U.S. you do not have to look any further than the rent in the earth's mantle which will cause such weather disto rt ions. Demon power works in this realm to intensify and direct this violence of the elements, so it is a marriage of demon power with the elemental forces unleashed by the rent in the mantle (something the church permitted) that gave us Hurricane KATRINA, RITA, flooding in the Atlantic Northeast. More is to come. _
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Continued ITEM #1: If you take a look at the earthquake map of October 3rd, put out by the U.S. Geological Survey, on page 13 - note the earthquakes from Washington State then southeast to Idaho, then southeast to Colorado and then all the way to the southern tip of Illinois (New Madrid fault zone) - these earthquakes are following the fault system shown on the 1982 map directly below it. I TEM #2: The August, 2005 news covered a massive crack that opened up in Claude, Texas which created a stir among geologists. Geologist said that the crack was a joint in the earth's crust where one side slipped away from another. Some parts measured more than 30 feet deep and it drained what used to be a pond. Experts say earth cracks are common but the size of the crack in Claude is not. (From First Coast News) ITEM #3: In an area inside the Los Padres National Forest, which is just east from Santa Barbara, California, a forest fire was started by something scientists could not explain - a hot spot was found just below the surface where the temperatures reached 5 84 degree. It was so hot it ignited the roots of the trees above it starting a forest fire. ITEM #4: Observers at Mount Saint Helens reported seeing an intense glow and vertical column over the volcano last night (August 24, 2005) a sight that lasted several minutes beginning around 9:20pm. In a vision of the 1980's JESUS shewed me that an intense ring of light would glow around the top of Mount Saint Helens 72 hours before it would explode hurling massive debris (tons of rock) onto Portland, Oregon. That ring of light around the top of the volcano would be a warning of the imminent explosion of the mountain.
Projections and Developments In our September 8, 2005 NET OF PRAYER "Special Thank You Note" after assessing the demonic aims at work in Hurricane KATRINA and anticipating that earthquake activity would follow primarily on the West Coast I made the following projection: (Quote September 8 t ' NOP Thank You Note, Page 5) "Wormwood brought Hurricane KA TRINA in and is therefore in line to bring in a major earthquake/volcanic event, one that could potentially he more destructive and deadlier than Hurricane K4TRINA.
It appears that an area south of LOS ANGELES (San Diego?), ALASKA, SEA TTLE, OREGON and the MID WEST are prime targets based on the revealed demonic plan of 1989." (Unquote)
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
THE RENT IN THE EARTH'S MANTLE Continued Projections and Developments continued The process: Demons work with existing weaknesses in the earth and are able to intensify earth troubles and direct the forces in the earth, usually to high population areas, to kill and destroy as many people as possible. The prophetic intervention of September 23, 2005 blocked them from doing so_within the North America's (U.S. and Canada), therefore the enemy took a secondary target , Islamabad, Pakistan on October 7/8, 2005. The death toll of that 7.7 Magnitude earthquake has now has risen to an estimated 100,000 dead. except for the prophetic However, the troubles these demons would have intensified have surfaced as intervention (see Page 12 of the enclosed HURRICANE REPORT) more normal, non-destructive earth events as follows: ITEM #5: September 22, 2005 at about 1:48pm a 4.7 Magnitude earthquake shook Mettler, California (about 81 miles NNW from Los Angeles, California). This was recognized as a "fore shock" to an even bigger earthquake - which again, was blocked by the prophetic intervention of September 23rd. Anchorage, I TEM #6: On Friday, October 7, 2005 a volcano 900 miles southwest of Alaska has a small eruption. have shown signs of ITEM #7: On Tuesday, October 11, 2005 three volcanoes in Alaska unrest with frequent tremors and small bursts of steam and ash. An ash and steam plume rose 11,070 feet above Mount Spur volcano some 75 miles from Anchorage. I TEM #8; Sunday, October 16, 2005 a 4.9 Magnitude earthquake shakes the sea bed just east of San Diego. California. COMMENT
These recent developments only tell me that our projections of potential demonic targets for major events (see bottom of last page) were correct. It appears the enemy of our souls aimed to cause multiple disasters both in California and Alaska. "...AGAIN DO) NOT UNDER ESTIMATE WORMWOOD'S
(JESUS to Chuck-JOHNEL on August 28, 1989 In a September 15,2005 MSNBC news report (provided by Pastor Pat) it was estimated that a major earthquake in the Los Angeles, California area would cause more than 18,000 dead and cost more than 5250 Billion in destruction - exceeding the destruction and death of Hurricane KATRINA.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
October 19, 2005
(Continu e )
Projections and Developments continued
Except for the prophetic intervention of September 23, 2005 Los Angeles would have been hit with a major earthquake on October 7, 2005 — this is now clear by what the enemy did in taking a secondary target (Islamabad).
If Wormwood had been able to strike Los Angeles this October 7, 2005 1 estimate that he would kill in the area of 30,000 Americans or more - it would be more than a mere major earthquake (7.7 , it would also be a Tsunami that would wipe out the coastal areas of southern California unlike ever seen before. But Islamabad, Pakistan has no prayer cover , Wormwood did not have to overcome that and in this he had a free hand or claw to kill at will. You might ask, "But don't Moslems pray? " Yes, but their prayers are directed to Lucifer and demons, and Lucifer is their god, ( Allah) not the Lord our GOD, JESUS CHRIST. My point is this - as time passes there is less and less prayer in America, the prayer cover for this nation has thinned out considerably in the past ten years and can be penetrated by demon attack. Even now prayer is in decline and faith is fading with it among God's people which presents the enemy of our souls with considerable opportunity to execute vicious and deadly attacks on America. We now have a troubled time from now to April 24, 2007 to September 23, 2007 before the enemy is able to begin building momentum as seen earlier this year, which culminated with Hurricane KATRINA and almost with RITA.
Can a major earthquake strike the LOS ANGELES area in ?006? Yes? The enemy was stopped this year because they tried to initiate the full judgment a year early (2005 instead of 2006) - this is how I understand it. JESUS made it plain that from now until 2007 will be a "TROUBLED TIME" so it is not a free ride - it is a time when we can prepare (spiritually and physically) after which preparation may prove to be very difficult, if not impossible.
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y ctober 19, 2005 The Staff and Sword Ministr O
THE ENCLOSED PERSONAL PHOTOS from San Francisco) visited us here this My son (Stefan from Chicago) and daughter ( Marja r September. We got together one evening for a meal at a local eatery - p esent were Nancy-TONI's dad, Bill Weaver and his wife, Wilma. Thought to share that picture along with our newest arrivals - `Gabby' the cat and `Topaz' the pup. We named her Gabby because she talks so much (meow, meow...) Topaz is half Alaskan Husky and half Blue Heeler (an Aussie sheep dog) - very smart little critter. She had bright blue eyes, thus Nancy-TONI came up with the name "Topaz."
THE VISION OF 1977 IN BLACK AND WHITE - RED CHINA In the 1977 vision of the invasion of America I saw the Red Chinese troops invade the U.S. from Mexico (Mexico aided them) and from sea/land operations south of San Francisco while Japanese troops landed at Astoria, Oregon and moved east and north. I saw in that 1977 vision, with some horror, how the Red Chinese troops hinder orders herded people from San Diego and Los Angeles to out lining areas and there they used American cal-I/i movers to carve huge trenches and there buried men, women and children alive. It was obvious to inc that the Chinese ai,ned to exterminate the American people to the last man, woman and child without a hint of mercy. I was recently sent a copy of " The Epoch Times " publication entitled "War is Not Far from Us and Is the Midwife of the Chinese Century." It presented a transcript of a speech given secretly by Mr. Chi Haotian, Minister of Defense and vice-chairman of China's Central Military Commission. In it he set out the CCP's strategy for the development of China. The speech argues for the necessity of China using biological warfare to depopulate the United States and prepare for a future massive Chinese colonization. ( Quote "The Epoch Times") This speech was not intended for public dissemination. It was obtained by The Hai Turner Show via covert means through contacts in Shanghai, China. In this speech, Mr. Chi Haotain spoke openly about China's need for "more living space" and stated bluntly that the United States, Canada and Australia are the on]y places large enough to accommodate future Chinese needs. He notes the need for a quick, effective biological attack upon the U.S. to depopulate it as a Defense Minster Chi Ffaottan
rti .n rage i a
i ne Stair ana Sword Ministry
October 19, 2IJUS
THE VISION OF 1977 IN BLACK AND WHITE - RED CHINA Continued (Quote continued) prelude to conquest, and plainly states that China is working genetic bio-weapons to kill everyone except "yellow people." His chilling remarks boast of a recent survey of the Chinese public wherein upwards of 80% were willing to "shoot and kill women, children and prisoners of war" as part of such an effort. More frightening was his admission of an ongoing deliberate deception of the U.S., with China portraying itself as a peaceful business partner, while actuallyplanning to kill "one or two hundred million Americans." He also noted that thanks to trade, income from Chinese exports is providing the financing needed to vastly expand Chinese military might in preparation for an attack upon the U.S. which he seems to indicate will occur within "five or ten years." Here are a few select quotes from that speech: (Quote) "...we can assert that we are the product of cultural roots of more than a million years, civilization and progress of more than ten thousand years, an ancient nation of five thousand years, and a single Chinese entity of two thousand years. This is the Chinese nation that calls itself, "descendants of Yen and Huang," the Chinese nation that we are so proud of. Hitler's Germany had once bragged that the German race was the most superior race on Earth, but the fact is our nation is far superior to the Germans.... When we decide to revitalize China based on the Nazi German model, we must not repeat the mistakes they made. Specifically, the following are the fundamental causes for the defeat of Germany and Japan: First, they had too many enemies all at once, as they did not adhere to the principle of eliminating enemies one at a time; second, they were too impetuous, lacking the patience and perseverance required for great accomplishments; third, when the time came for them to be ruthless, they turned out to be too soft, therefore leaving troubles that resurfaced later on.... Our Chinese people are wiser than the (Nazi) Germans because, fundamentally, our race is superior to theirs...our two most essential heritages are atheism and great unity... Take response to war as an example. The reason that the United States remains today is that it has never seen war on its mainland. Once its enemies aim at the mainland, the enemies would have already reached Washington before its congress finishes debating and authorizes the president to declare war. But for us, we don't waste time on these trivial things...What makes us different from (Nazi) Germany is that we are complete atheists, while (Nazi) Germany was primarily a Catholic and Protestant country. Hitler was only half atheist...The bottom line is, only China, not (Nazi) Germany, is a reliable force in resisting the Western parliament-based democratic system. Hitler's dictatorship was perhaps but a momentary mistake in history... Maybe you have now come to understand why we recently decided to further promulgate atheism. If we let theology from the West into China and empty us from the inside, if we let all Chinese people listen to God and follow God, who will obediently listen to us and follow us?"
Pane 19 The Staff and Sword Ministry October 19 2OO5 THE VISION OF 1977 IN BLACK AND WHITE - RED CHINA ( Continued) (Quote of Red China's Chi Haotian continued) ... But the three lessons (Nazi) Germany learned from experience are what we ought to remember as we complete our historic mission and revitalize our race. The three lessons are Firmly grasp the country's living space, firmly grasp the Party's control over the nation, and firmly grasp the general direction towards becoming the "lord of the earth." ...the term "living space" (lebensraum) is too closely related to Nazi Germany. The reason we don't want to discuss this too openly is to avoid the West's association of us with Nazi Germany, which could in turn reinforce the view that China is a threat. Therefore, our emphasis is on "Human rights are just living rights"...to solve the problem of "living space" we must lead the Chinese people outside of China, so that they could develop outside of China...The second issue is our focus on the leadership capacity of the ruling party. Although the Nazis spread their power to every aspect of the German national government, they did not stress their absolute leadership position like we have... ... We have been thinking about how to prevent China from peaceful evolution and how to maintain the Communist Party's leadership. If we do not have good ideas, China will inevitably change peacefully, and we (Communists) will all become criminals in history...we finally came to this conclusion. Only by turning our developed national strength into the force of a fist striking outward - only by leading people to go out - can we win forever the Chinese peoples support and love for the Communist Party. ...... We emphasize more and more "combining peace and war." Our economic development is all about preparing for the need of war. Publically we still emphasize economic development as our center, but in reality, economic development has war as its center! We have made a tremendous effort to construct "The Great Wall Project" to build up, along our coastal and land frontiers as well as around large and medium-sized cities, a solid underground "Great Wall" that can withstand a nuclear war... Only by using special means to "clean up" America will we be able to lead the Chinese people there. This is the only choice left for us...only by using non-destructive (to land) weapons that can kill many people will we be able to reserve America for ourselves. There has been rapid development of modem biological technology and new No weapons have been invented.. From a humanitarian perspective, we should issue a warning to the American people and persuade them to leave America and leave the land they have lived in to the Chinese people. Or at least they should leave half of the United States to be China's colony, because America was first discovered by the Chinese. If this strategy does not work, then there is only one choice left to us. That is, use decisive means to "clean up" America, and reserve America for our use... It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans. But that is the only path
Page 20 The Staff and Sword Ministry October 19, 2005 THE VISION OF 1977 IN BLACK AND WHITE - RED CHINA (Continued) cote of Red China's Chi Haotian continued) that will secure a Chinese century, a century in which the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) leads the world." (Unquote) Comment b y Chuck-JOHNEL: What I saw in the visions from JESUS CHRIST in 1977
of the Red Chinese implementing a plan to not only invade the United States but to exterminate the American people is today coming out of the mouth of one of the top Red Chinese Communist leaders. When this Communist leader indicates that the Nazi's were "too soft" - it tells me something I've known for some tirne. The Chinese Communist leaders have the capacity to be most cruel. In the vision of 1977 JESUS shewed me an American General named "John" who, on JESUS' direction, led a counter attack against a superior Red Chinese military force and overcame them by the Spirit of God. I saw the commanding Chinese General come out of his underground command post, aware that his armies were falling back or surrendering to the Holy Spirit ]ed American troops, yelling, "There is no God! " and with that he was shot between the eyes and dropped like a sack of potatoes. Following a major victory by a small American Army Corp (hundreds of thousands of Chinese surrendered in utter terror) the Red Chinese reversed the policy of murdering every American they came on and treated Americans decently thereafter. The picture of Red China's Defense Minister Chi Haotian resembles the Chinese Commanding General I saw come out of his bunker only to be shot dead. This Dian said China would be ready to make war on America in 5 to 10 years - in 5 years it will be 2010 which is the year we perceive that this terrible war and invasion of America will take place. Coincidence?! The Clock is ticking!
Chuck-JOHNEL Turns 64 This September, 2005 I turned 64 years old. I was sent many loving birthday cards and gifts and I fully intend to send a thank you note to everyone but as you may notice I'm quite behind the ole eight ball. Until I can send the "Thank you note" I wanted to say here and now "Thank you" to everyone who remembered my birthday. :14 Of'"^
Hurricane WILMA Hurricane WILMA moved from a tropical storm to a category 5 hurricane inside of 12 hours and is presently bearing down on Florida. As JESUS said, this is a "troubled time." This hurricane is scheduled to hit Florida Sunday, October 23`'. Likewise the Net of Prayer has been praying and pleading the Blood of JESUS CHRIST on the dates of October 23`d and 24`" since this August so the enemy is coming in under a lot of prayer for mercy in judgments.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
October 20, 2005
THE RESPONSE TO THE JULY LOVING APPEAL From Luke V -(Quote) "Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ. I received the Loving Appeal gift letter. Thank you all so very much for giving to me in my time of need. But those words just don't express the gratitude that I feel from the Lord that you all have shown me. Please thank all of those who gave of their love so unconditionally. I am forever grateful for their compassion (and) I love you all for your prayers and generosity. The funds that you provide will be saved and used for my release (from jail), because that is when I will need it most. Sincerely, Luke." (Unquote) From Donna B.-(Quote) "I can't even begin to say the emotions that flooded over me when 1 opened your most recent letter. The Lord has also blessed me with ajob in the past week. Thank you oh so very, very much. The $500.00 cut my bills almost in half. Praise God! Please pass on the many, many, many thanks, gratefulness, prayers, blessings, and my love to everybody. Love and prayers through our Lord and precious, precious Savior. Donna B." (Unquote) From Mar y N.- (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TGNI, Praise the Lord! Thank you both. I was told last Saturday, 10-8-05, that the Lord would bless me through the hands of those I did not expect. I want to thank you for opening the Loving Appeals funds. I had just placed the last of my gas money in my van and was praying for God to take care of me. I was also thanking Him for His provision that was coming. I pray that the Lord abundantly bless you both! Thank you again. Mary N." (Unquote) From Dave and Janice S.-(Quote) "Dear Chuck and Nancy, We were so surprised by the gift of money. Words cannot express our gratitude. Through it we were able to pay off some small bills, get some much needed groceries, and put our son in pajamas that fit! We thank you and the Lord in you. Love, Dave and Janice." (Unquote) From Shirley-JOANNA M. - (Quote) "Much love and many, many thanks to the N.G.P. for the generous Loving Appeal. God bless you all for your generous hearts. I know God will have each of you reap the wonderful seeds you have sown, and with a double portion. Also thank you for all of your prayers, cards and letters, etc. through this difficult time for me since Herbie went home to be with Jesus. God's richest blessings upon each of you. In Jesus' Love, Shirley -JOANNA." (Unquote) From Jan C -(Quote) Dear Nancy-TONI and Chuck-JOHNEL, I was so surprised when I opened up my mail from you and found a check. Please tell my brethren across the nation many thanks. It is truly a Loving Appeal gift and God-sent. May the Lord richly bless and keep you for being obedient in sending me the check. Much needed at just the right time. Love in Jesus, Jan C." (Unquote)
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October 20, 2005
From Virginia K.—(Quote) "Dear Chuck and Nancy, In May of 2004 you were kind
enough to put out an appeal for me, and through that appeal, sent me a total of $3,600 to help pay funeral expenses after the death of my husband. I am enclosing the page from your newsletter dated June 2, 2004, in which you published my letter of appreciation to you. "In that letter, I stated, ` ...and if, in the future. He chooses to bless inc in material ways, I will quickly turn it back to the Net of Prayer to keep the blessing going for others. '
I can humbly report to you that the Lord has richly blessed me since then, and I am enclosing a cashier's check in the amount of $3,600 to be placed in a fund for others who may be going through difficult times financially now or in the future. "1 have never forgotten your generosity and that of the Net of Prayer, and am in a position now to repay that love and support. Thursday is my birthday, so this is my birthday present to myself—an investment back into the Lord's people! "Looking forward to praying with you and seeing the power of God move mightily in our world in the days ahead. May He continue to fill you with wisdom and discernment and the Holy Spirit's power to do His bidding. Lord bless you and keep you both in His love. In Jesus, Virginia K." (Unquote) Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL: Thanks to everyone's response to the July Loving Appeal we have been able to extend JESUS' love and help to many brethren in many ways around the nation (Canada and the U.S.). Virginia's letter and check (see above) was a pleasant surprise and very T r irl4ow' " helpful in meeting the needs of others. God richly bless you one and all. (^fuc u^ HNf^L.
THE RENT IN THE EARTH'S MANTLE -Additional Information I missed this one (buried in the paperwork on my desk) and want to add it to the list which ended on Page 15. ITEM #9 : Bend, Oregon. (Quote from Reuters dated September 11, 2005) "A large, slow-growing volcanic bulge in Easte rn Oregon is attracting the attention of seismologists who say that the rising ground could be the beginning of a volcano or simply magma shifting underground. Scientists say that the 100 square-mile (260 sq-km) bulge, first discovered by satellite, poses no immediate threat to nearby residents. The bulge is rising at a rate of about 1.4 inches per year, according to a report issued by the U.S. Geological Survey. The bulge is located in a sparsely populated area 3 miles southwest of South Sister, a mountain 25 miles west of Bend, Oregon, Geophysicist Michael Lisowski said the unnamed bulge was created because of a big cavity estimated to be about 4.5 miles below the surface, that is filling with fluid (likely magma or molten earth). The magma is described as a lake I mile across which is 65 feet deep.
October 20, 2005
The Staff and Sword Ministry
Page 23
August 24 2005 RUSSIA and RED CHINA
Assacated Press
Amphilalous tanks and soldiers rush to the beachhead Wednesday In China's Shandong Peninsula.
Normmdy? No, Shandong Russian- Chinese troops stage televised amphibious landing
&, ?- . S _ a{ 0..-1
By Christopher Bodeen .issociaeed Press
SHANGHAI, China — Thousands of Chinese and Russian troops launched a mock amphibious landing on a Chinese beach Wednesday as Moscow's defense minister said the joint war games underscore a growing strategic partnership between the former Cold War adversaries. Chinese state television showed fog and rain blanketing the coast of the northern Chinese . province of Shandong as landing craft disgorged troops and amphibious tanks and armored vehicles in the heavy surf. Bombers and fighter jets attacked imaginary targets on shore as soldiers charged through seaside scrub and rappelled down ropes from helicopters. Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov met Wednesda y with his Chinese counterpart Can Gangyuan. telling him the unprecedented war games showed their "strategic cooperative partnership has entered into a new stage. China's official Xinhua News Agency said.
Cao replied that the exercises deepened trust and cooperation in military affairs and had an important realistic significance and profound historic impact on the safeguarding of regional and world peace and security.' The eight-day exercise, dubbed "Peace Mission 2005" arid expected to end Thursday. involved about 7,( X) Chinese troops and 1.800 Russians, along with state-of-the-art warships, warplanes and armor. Although the two nations have previously participated in border securit y exercises involving other Central Asia countries, the joint war games represent the first real military cooperation between them. Chinese and Russian generals have sought to reassure the region that the exercises aren't directed against any other nation. Under a fictional scenario, the forces have a U.N. mandate to stabilize a country plunged into violence by ethnic strife. Yet, Chinese media and military anal y sts say the exercises also are aimed at showing Washington that Russia and China can respond to provocations, especially over Taiwan, which China has vowed to re-
claim by force if necessary. The two nations have also been unnerved by U.S. deployments in Central Asia and have used their dominance of the six-nation Shanghai Cooperation Organization whose defense ministers are observing the drills — to demand withdrawals of American forces. Washington has said it would withdraw from Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan once combat operations in Afghanistan were finished. Last month. however, Uzbekistan ordered U.S. troops to leave the country within 180 days. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Tuesda y the U.S. was monitoring the games. but didn't see them as threatening. Russia is seen as using the exercises to pitch further sales of weapons to China, one of its leading customers. including long-range strategic bombers able to carr y nuclear weapons. Russia and China [ought border skirmishes after falling out in the 1950s. However, ties have strengthened following the rise of autocratic President Vladimir Putin, aided by China's hunger for Russian ail and gas and mutual concerns over U.S. military deployments.
Pane 24
The Staff and Sword Ministr y October 2O. 2005
August 24 2005 RUSSIA and RED CHINA (Continued) In the vision of 1977 where Russia, Red China, Japan and their allies invaded the United States JESUS made it plain that Russia helped Red China pull off a sea-borne invasion of the West Coast of the United States. Back in 1977 there was: (1) No Russia as it was then the Soviet Union, of which Russia was one of 15 Republics that made up the U.S.S.R. and (2) The Red Chinese and Soviet Union were not on friendly terms, in fact they had semi-regular battles on their borders (areas of dispute) - shooting disagreements. Today there is a sovereign Russian nation since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. More, the Red Chinese have obviously formed a close alliance with Russia as the article on Page 23 makes clear. Nancy-TONI pointed this article out to me and we both recognize that the level of co-operation between Russia and Red China is now a fact. More and more we are seeing the conditions and circumstances which JESUS revealed would exist back in 1977, at the time of judgment, surfacing in this time. The clock is surely ticking?
A BRIEF NET OF PRAYER REPORT ABOUT THE THREE NUKES After a month and a half of prayer asking Father GOD, in JESUS' Name, to break and cause to malfunction two of the three nuclear bombs Al Qaeda is smuggling into the U.S. across the Mexican border - I discern that the first nuclear bomb will be broken and the second will malfunction in answer to N.O.P. prayer/intercession. The third nuclear bomb (aimed at Chicago) remains an issue - one that can only be addressed "if' the government responds to JESUS' Word and acts on prophetic revelation to locate and disarm it, The Lord JESUS' Word of the 1970's indicates to me that this third nuclear bomb will be detonated north of Chicago and I perceive that the FBI will be in hot pursuit at the time forcing the terrorists to set it off prematurely, but with horrific results (blast effect and radiation).
A SECOND THOUGHT ON RED CHINA+ The current flap about the potential danger of avian (bird) flu killing millions and the focus of President Bush to address the potential threat (not yet apparent) brings me to 'think' that this may be part of the Red Chinese plan to decimate the U.S. with a killer disease before invading and taking over our nation. The revelation of the Lord back in 1977 was that our enemies in applying biological weapons against the U.S. would have it backfire on them , they'd lose more lives to it than Americans and would abandon use of bio-weapons as a result. End of the September/October, 2005 Newsletter:x^^^^^r^