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The Staff and Sword Ministry
July 11, 2008
WE GET LETTERS Hugs and Kisses --
Sticks and Stones
By: Chuck-JOHNEL Steve and Evel y n T. On December 1, 2007. (Quote)". . . What has Jesus Christ revealed
to you about the climate of Colville in the future? Do you think it's feasible that all the Saints will be asked to relocate to Israel at the start of Jesus Christ's thousand (+) year reign? The world's population will be much smaller. And, after so many wars and NBC weapons used, where will the uncontaminated fanning and pasture lands be located? This planet is quick to heal, and plants and animals adapt to whatever nitch is empty. In 50-80 years, much of the vacant cities and suburbs will be reclaimed by nature. I imagine the people will recycle as much as possible, using metals and components found in the empty buildings. Further erasing the evidence of our present civilization. One thing that I'm wondering about is how is everyone going to be able to make the journey to Jerusalem once a year? It is written that each country (clan or family) must make this pilgrimage, or their lands would suffer (no rain?!?). Take care, and God Bless and Keep you both." (Unquote) Reply by C-f: No, JESUS has not revealed the climate of Colville in thefuture. As far as being required to relocate to Israel at the start of JESUS 1, 000 year reign - well 'up to Him, if He requires that then it will be possible thus feasible. Since the 1, 000 year reign of Christ will be a time where there will be no death, no illness, no war, no hunger or want of basic needs one might conclude that the problem with radioactive areas will be dealt with by God Himself. We cannot, with the carnal mind, imagine what that time would be like so it will be beyond our present capacity to comprehend yet wondrous. Ido know this, in that time faith will be the only true currency. "Journey to Jerusalem "? In that time, JESU' 1, 000 year reign, those alive in Christ will be led by the Spirit of God and conformed perfectly to whatever is the Will of GOD. "I can't cook. I use a smoke alarm as a timer." Carol Siskind
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July 11, 2008
Bob A. On December 4, 2007. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL, In light of the nonoccurrence of certain prophetic prerequisites to the accidental nuclear attack, what do you feel the probability of this attack still occurring next December? Have you considered the possibility of G. Bush declaring a national emergency and suspending elections with himself remaining in office or that the former Florida governor's son, George Bush, will be in office at the time of the accidental nuclear attack? On a completely different note, may I ask you what your views are regarding the Trinity? Are the Father, Son and Holy Spirit "one" and also "three", a mystery we can't understand? Or are the three one in the same sense as where Jesus tells us to be one with Him and the Father? We have had 15 inquiries about the Natural State and welcome any others. It's a beautiful place to live." (Unquote) Response by Chuck-JOHNEL: As I've stated, .I do not believe that George W. Bush will be the one to be involved in the accidental nuclear attack. In writing the GAP REPORT of 1987, I carne to plainly see that the ` plan "for the accidental nuclear attack came through the GAP with the Beastmen of 1987. The , first was Beastman Clinton who laid the ground work but was unable to cause it (we wounded him in the GAP in 1987 and broke his capacity to make war.) That leaves the coming Beastinan (I believe it will be Obama but McCain is equally a possible Beastman) as the one who will bring in the accidental nuclear attack in his administration (2009...) G. W. Bush was not one of the Beastmen. As far as G. W. Bush becoming a dictator - I've heard the concerns ofsome that he might do that; but I do not believe he would ever do such a thing. The Lord JESUS has shewn me nothing like that. Trinity: Once on the Mount of the Most High God, I saw FATHER GOD was Present wrapped with a cloud of fire and lightning, JESUS stood to His right and Isaw the HOLY SPIRIT present as a person. The "mystery" is this - in Heaven there are 12 Dimensions, on this earth we live inside 3 Dimensions. How can a three dimensional mind grasp a 12 Dimensional Being? That is why it is a myste/y. And "yes" the Three are One. "My husband says I treat him like he's God, every meal is a burnt offering." Rhonda Hansome Mike B. On December 1. 2007. (Quote) "Hey Chuck, How about doing a current homemade video that we can hand out to people who haven't heard of you, so more people can be warned? P.S. The Prophecy Club video is out of date!" (Unquote) Repl y by C-J: Hey Mike! Good idea but my plate is overflowing, not enough hours in a day to do what the Lord has put before me. But, yes, I have thought about it. The 1999 Prophecy Club video is not necessarily obsolete - the revelations shared in that video are
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Repl y l y C-J (continued): as current and relative to today as they w ere in 1999 and are still unfolding/happening. "The biggest seller is cookbooks and the second is diet books—how not to eat what you've just learned how to cook." Andy Rooney Helen S. On (no date) (Quote) "Dear JOHNEL, It's written, "Blessed are the poor in spirit for their's is the Kingdom of Heaven" also, "let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth." My take on this is that it may mean don't reflect, meditate or reminisce mentally on our good deeds or inflate our egos, or have self-centered thoughts. If you care to, let me know if I'm on the right track." (Unquote)
Chuck-JOH,NEL's comment: Looks like you are on the right track, keep going on in Christ. "The second day of a diet is always easier than the first. By the second day you're off it." Jackie Gleason Bill and Kathy S. On December 5. 2007. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOt NEL and NancyTONI, Kath and I wanted to share our latest hunting story with you and Leith, as a testimony to our Heavenly Father's provision. "My God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." (Phil 4: I9). It was the last day and hour of deer shotgun season, the day earlier we were to go but missed going because the Lord asked us to contact a person we'd been praying for and encourage her. This encouraging by phone took over an hour and a half. So our hunting time had to be cancelled, but we did His "bidding" as He called it. We'd been wanting to share our address and ministry so we gave her the whole nine yards as much as an hour and a half permitted. Trying to explain abiding and seeking the Lord requires on-the-job training, so to speak. You can't give them everything, they just have to build a prayer/intercession life on your own with Jesus and our Heavenly Father. We both took our turns and times sharing this info even with scriptures that came up in one person's head the other spoke out. We were truly one in the spirit and flesh but onl y because it was Jesus' perfect timing. We waited for this time to share longer than the knowledge we'd even be hunting this year. So we were ready to move and did according to the "now is the time to call Tina's" instruction from Jesus. We lost Saturday but here comes Sunday. We arrived at our fanner's drive, walked back to the tree stand and climbed up and waited. We'd prayed before hand, "Father send us deer like you sent Noah the animals." I expected a whole herd to come, picking the best to shoot. Within 15 minutes, a small male and large doe came so close the male was 15 yards away at times. The female was 35 yards away, I took a perfect shot and she dropped. The fanner and I loaded up our deer on his truck and pulled inside a dry, lit barn (lit-lighted) and we gutted it. Jesus' Angels held
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Bill and Kathy S. On December 5, 2007. (Quote continued) the rain, before we got the deer it was a light downpour. Now it really rained. Our friend couldn't believe we got a deer in less than V2 hour. We gave the Glory to God. Only I other person got a deer. Others did not even see one. Is our Heavenly Father not spiffy? He sure is so spiffy I tell Him all the time to God be the Glory "only the Lord! ! ! !" P.S. We shared the deer meat (lots of meat) with 10 people along with our testimony of our Heavenly Father's provision. He still multiplies food; a miracle to get a deer, but willing to share with many. Also Jesus told me many times this will be a hard, hard winter, watch for ice storms and loss of power, and heat, and services. Yesterday He told me "This will be a winter like you've never seen before as extreme as this summer past." I've lived in Ohio and have been through 52 winters. Hold onto your socks!" (Unquote) C h uck-JOHNEL's Response: Thanks fow , sharing, blessed hunters. Good shot too! I have a rifle but never have time to practice much less time to hunt. My aspiration. if I ever get some free time, is to go fishing; catch some pan _fish, clean `em, cook them and enjoy. Thanks for sharing the insight about the coming winter or is it already a done deal?! I believe we may be facing a real humdinger of a winter this 2008-09. "The wages of sin is alimony." Carolyn Wells Rick A. On December 7, 2007. (Quote)". . .1 have been concerned with a subject that I hope you will discuss with all our prayer family who wants to be ready for future events. I am talking about community living. I envision all kinds of problems with God's people living together. I came across a book several years ago called: " TEOTWAWKI," that I down loaded off the internet. This book addressed this subject. I think the book is now called "Patriot." Have you read either book? I will look forward to your comments." (Unquote) Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL: While I've not heard of the books you mention here, I'm well aware of the issue of "community living. " First of we live in a town (or near it anyway) and it is accurate to say that we live in a "community. " However, I believe you are talking about a number of brethren living together in the same housing system or many households under the same roof• not very easy to do and even tougher to sustain. In the Bible, during the Exodus, the Hebrews had to have their own "tents ", one household.
one tent - at a minimum. Anything less would not work - fights, disagreements, conflict and anything but harmony would be the reality. In a crisis situation people could live together- in close proximity because it is an emergency; but that would only work if one person were the recognized head of the group who lays down the rules for such a tight knit community.
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Comment b y Chuck-JOHNEL (continued): Now if God's people were wholly led by the Spirit of God such close proximity would pose no p roblem, but God's people are not at that level of spiritual depth.
On the other hand, Christians cannot live alone as the demands on a family unit in such circumstances (judgment) would be more than a family unit could handle. We need fellowship and the sharing of our varied talents/skills which is what a community is all about.
This is not a simple issue to be sure but it is certain that we need each other. It would take a_full scale report to begin to address this issue as it need be addressed. So this is just a brief review of some of the circumstances of 'community." God bless. "One reason I don't drink is that I want to know when I'm having a good time." Nancy Astor
Bill and Kathy S. On December 10, 2007 . (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and NancyTONI and Leith, A note just for you! How's your weather?... I need to find out info on hunting and carrying concealed weapons laws in Washington state, if you could provide any assistance it would be appreciated. (If possible whenever). ...May Jesus be always with you. May you come into deeper union with His endless-boundless love. May you never grow tired or weary, or lonely in heart. Satan shall always try to stop us or slow us down, but as my wife Kathy always says, "the dogs are barking, but the caravan moves on!" Keep yourselves always encouraged in the Lord! He is not even a breath away..." (Unquote)
Repl y by Chuck-JOHNEL: Washington State has a carry concealed weapons law, the license is easily obtained once they do a background check. Like most States they have a hunting season but we are not hunters (no time) and the fees or "deer tags " are readily available. Again, this is not an area we are familiar with (except generally). "In real life, I assure you, there is no such thing as Algebra," Fran Lebowitz
Charles V On December 17. 2007. ( Quote)". . . We have but a short time til we as a whole people get what we deserve. The real roots of all this started more like 100 years ago, esp. 1913 with the take over of the money system under the Federal Reserve. Fast forward to today, I hear many of our own moral people say that they are going to run some place safe when the (System Crashes), and indeed if they live in a large city, they need to be somewhere else. However, I do not believe that there is any safe place unless God sets it aside. Nor can you Fortify your house to be Bomb and Fire proof. The only way to save something to eat and supplies, (with God's help and guidance) is to have a group of about 25 or more fighters (people who can and will handle a rifle) and control an area, not just
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Charles V On December 17, 2007. (Quote continued a house or even a few houses. You will have to move about your area on foot with carts, and keep all others away that are not in alliance with you. This will probably mean the removal of all others that are not willing to join you. The legal ownership of the area will mean nothing. What is yours will be what you can control by force. You will have to spend most of your time outside of buildings, or at least move about and be spread out as to be not trappable. Getting the people willing to work together is the biggest problem, and can only be done after the so called "Government" has lost control. Those that sit and wait for FEMA or someone else to help them are going to get just what they deserve. I have bought a small portable ice cube maker that could be run on solar cells. It will only make 35 pounds per day, but this would enable you to divide up and keep cooked food for days at a time by using ice chests, etc. It was S125 from Target Stores, and my wife wanted it for camping trips, so I could get it without another big fight over obtaining it. Also, you need a battery powered bull horn to warn others away, or at least talk at a distance, instead of allowing anyone to approach you uncontrolled. I have one and use it to call livestock up." (Unquote) Comment b y Chuck-JOHNEL: Well Charles, your view of things is pretty grim and while realistic, you need to temper your position with a dose ofJesus 'Love and Faith in God to keep you. The situations we will all face in this judgment will be so , far beyond our ability to cope with that taking a hard position like this will prove unf r uitful if not fatal. i4'7ile there will be streams of people coming to us, most will be broken, fearful, humble, hungry, hurt and looking for some help. Oh yes, there will be those who are mental cases
or worse, vile and murderous types, a product of the Godless society that has sprung up in our midst. Being aware of that kind of danger we would need take reasonable precautions but at the same time we cannot forget that we are also there to be a help to those in dire need. So a security system is reasonable, but the greater need is to be Christcentered to the place we are seeking His leading and help in every circumstance and situation. Then we will have the invaders, foreign troops. An armed community will not be able to handle those and if they tried they would be blown away in no time at all. As I said, some things will be beyond our ability to control and we NEED to be grounded wholly in Christ, whom alone can bring us through these times. Nothing else will work. "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." Mark Twain Marvin B. On December I9 2007. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOFNEL, would New Zealand and Australia have refuges, safe areas, and/or green pasture areas? Other nations?" (Unquote)
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C-J's response to Marvin B.: The revelation of God given back in the 1970s was to see "green pastures "or safe areas all over North America. But my Commission from God was to warn His people in these areas, so I believe it certain that FATHER GOD has provided other places for His people across the whole earth. Where? Only the HOLY SPIRIT can shew a person "where ", this is why we strongly urge all of His people to be Christcentered in their daily prayers and thoughts. "If law school is so hard to get through, how come there are so many lawyers?" Calvin TriIIin
Carolyn W. On Deceramber, 2007 . ( Quote) "Dear Chuck and Nancy, thank you for all the hours of prayer and study and lessons you give to lead and teach me." (Unquote) hock--JOHNEL: We appreciate your kind words. Thank you. "Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to." Mark Twain
Debra on December 16, 2007 . (Quote) "Dear Nancy-TONI and Chuck Youngbrandt Thank y ou for all the newsletters. I APPRECIATE ALL THAT THE LORD IS DOING THROUGH YOU. It is 'amazing to me, with all the "news" lately, that people in this country, including the church, continue to wonder why these horrible things are happening (especially concerning the youth!) In the churches and shopping malls, etc. ...Doesn't anyone understand the nature of EVIL and spiritual influence /powers?!! Sin vs. righteousness and the manifest fruit thereof. ..I believe we are now reaping the "fruit of Darwinism" that has been planted in the minds of several generations in the public school system wherein youth have no knowledge of GOD (let alone fear of GOD), no value, no hope, no future, no direction and so on. They have been grounded in fantasy and violence with the teaching for rebellion and lawlessness (i.e. it's all about me and what I want or think is right - relativism)... Plus everything is a quick fix anymore if there is any problem (i.e. drugs, abortion, video games, immoral sex, etc.) Where has the church been and the influence of righteousness? To discern the difference between the Holy and the Unholy? To fear GOD and not men!? When will the church wake up? Or even the world for that matter? Doesn't anyone see where America, the once greatest free power of the WORLD, is headed?! It is so obvious. . expressing my concerns. Praise GOD—" (Unquote)
Chuck-JOHNEL Co,n,nent: Thank you for your kind words. Amen sister! Most people today do not know it nor would they pay attention to the fact that both Stalin and Hitler were rock-solid Darwinists. By that ideology they readily murdered tens of millions without so much as a hesitation or a second thought. "If a thing is worth do ing, it is worth doing badly." G.K. Chesterton
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The Staff an d Sword Ministry
July 18, 2008
Colin and Cheryl W. On June 9 rh . 2008 . (Quote) "Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus! I hope this message finds you both well. I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that my wife and I think you are both doing a great job! I really enjoy reading the newsletters, as I have been reading them since late 1999. My wife and I are also praying the Daily Prayer Sheets from the Net of Prayer as often as we remember. We have personally been going over them on a daily basis more and more, as we are really seeking a deeper and more personal relationship "In the Spirit' with Jesus. What a tremendous blessing the both of you and the Net of Prayer have been to us! Thank you. By the way, I sealed my wife and son later on the same day after
I was sealed by Chuck-JOHNEL while he was on the Prophecy Club tour back in 1999. I want to quickly share what I discern as a direct result of the sealing. Sometime back around late 2002 (I forget exactly when), I was talking with my brother-in-law one night. At the time, he had a red Honda hatchback vehicle, and he was loading some material in the back of it. Because it was dark, none of us could see very well. So, instinctively, he shut the hatchback door with a loud thud. What he didn't realize (and I didn't realize either until after it happened), was that I was resting my hand on the door-jam (or ledge) of the hatchback. Well, I yanked my hand away after it was shut, and there was no damage to hand nor was there any pain or discomfort of any kind. Praise the Lord Jesus! My wife and two other folks were standing around at the time this happened, and all of them were shocked that nothing had happened to my hand! There have also been other miraculous circumstances where my wife was driving (as I am legally blind with no vision in one eye and do not drive) and she avoided several "close calls" with other vehicles and accidents. We also make it a point every day to put on the Full Armor of God by praying the Armor prayer. It really does make a huge difference—especially when we remember to pray first thing in the morning or sometimes forget and pray later on. Thanks again for all of the work that the both of you do! Your newsletters are very insightful..." (Unquote) Chuck-JOHII NEL comment: Thank you for sharing. Praise the Lord! Also, we do appreciate your kind words. An ulcer is what you get mountain-climbing over molehills. Laurie M. On December 23, 2007. (Quote) "Dear CJ & NT, Blessings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! ...As time goes on I want to focus more and more on my relationship with Jesus. In the midst of everything, I am humbled that the
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Laurie M. On December 23,2007. ( O uote continued) persecuted Christians in other countries pray for us here in the US that our faith would not fail in the time of testing. It brings to mind one of the older prayers on an old prayer sheet from Alexander Solzhenitsyn (probably misspelled) from the Gulag Archipelligo concerning our faith. In the time of testing, may I be found faithful to Him that called me. May I be "strong and courageous" in the midst. ...Below is the answer to prayer about moving and how God moved me to our "green pasture." There is a lot of hard work to do in preparation for what lies ahead, but I'm glad to be here and working towards something. . If anyone is moving in their state or to another state, please learn from my multiple phone calls and dead ends. START with the insurance commissioner of the state where you are moving to. They were very helpful in answering questions regarding health insurance and COBRA rules & regulations which vary from state to state. They also had a list of companies & their phone numbers that are licensed in the state to provide specific types of insurance. ...I can say that God opened the doors that were not even open to get me up here. It was a hard decision to make between three job offers. Two which I would rather do, staying where I was, and the one that opened up out of nowhere in a place where many people work several part time jobs to make ends meet. The EASY decision would have been to stay where I was. The HARD decision was to move to Colorado. Staying in New Mexico, there was no peace in my spirit. Moving to Colorado, there was inner peace. There is STILL PEACE in the midst of everything every day, no matter how difficult. God does not always ask us to do the easy thing. Look at Noah, Moses, and Joshua. Noah was a witness before the people many years before the flood actually came. Our Lord promised to be with them and never leave them as they entered the promised land. (Deut 31:6, 7, 23) In Josh 1, multiple times He repeats, "be strong and courageous." Moving to Colorado has been the hardest move I've ever made, even though there was inner PEACE and I KNOW it was the right decision. We praise God for the previous owners for preparing the place we are in abundantly and beyond what we would have thought to ask for. In the midst of the work and issues each day, daily we thank Hiin for the time to further prepare the place He has us now. A lot of hard work, but it's worth it. In making my decision I thought frequently of the Israelites and the two opportunities they had to enter in. The first time, they looked at the "giants" in the land and all the work ahead and turned away. Even though God had given them the promise that He would "drive them out little by little that they would not be overcome by them." (Ex 23:293 1, Deut 7:21-23; 9:1-9) They were to learn to fight and overcome the enemies of the land. Only Joshua and Caleb were found worthy and allowed to enter into the promised land a generation later. God did not allow that first generation a second chance to enter in. Even with repentance they were soundly beaten when they tried to enter in AFTER the allotted ti me to act on faith passed. The next generation was encouraged by Moses first and then Joshua to be "strong and courageous" multiple times and praying over every move as they
Page 10 The Staff and Sword Ministry July 18, 2008 aurie MOn December (Quote continue crossed the Jordan and entered the land. Even with the example of their parents, two and a half tribes CHOSE to not cross over the river Jordan, and to remain in the land already conquered by Moses where it was easy to set up and occupy. (Num 32) They chose to remain with the people who had in the past been enemies to their people. The seven enemies in the land after crossing the Jordan each had specific areas of fleshly sin. Each one is an example of how we need to fight in overcoming the flesh and our fleshly desires that the Light and Love of Jesus may transform us more and more into His image. The promised land has many battles of the flesh to overcome and conquer if we are going to be victorious. We are certainly learning to overcome lots of areas of the flesh living with each other! We know, based on what the Lord has shown CJ and NT, and numerous others what lies ahead. Watching the news and the earthquake patterns to see how it is all building up to dramatic changes coming. Sometimes God gives us options on how to proceed. I have asked God what He wants for me and not necessarily what I want. Choosing to move to Colorado was the RIGHT choice at this time for ME. It has meant giving up and dying to an old way of life of leisure, conveniences, and luxury for now in preparation for what I believe lies ahead. Stepping out in faith and trusting I am hearing accurately from the Lord in the direction I am headed now. Proceeding now instead of later with tough choices. Preparing now, so that it is not as difficult later. Giving up parts of my occupation and certifications now to be ready when the time comes, or as much as possible. Getting used to not having everything just 5-10 minutes down the road as well as fewer choices available. I thank God daily for the opportunity to Iearn the lessons now and not have to learn them later when it will be more difficult. I can only answer for myself and not someone else. Each has to seek God and His direction. I pray that the Lord would give us ears to hear His still small voice in the midst and the heart to receive what he would speak, show or reveal to us, and the courage to act on His leading. I do know that no matter what choices we make, God promises to be there in the midst with each and every one of us. Is 43:2
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, and through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned or scorched, nor will the flame kindle upon you. I pray that you would continue to be strengthened and renewed daily by His Presence." (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL: Thank you fbr taking the time to share this with us. God bless and keep you in every way. "The reason grandparents and grandchildren get along so well is that they have a common enemy." Sam Levenson END OF WE GET LETTERS FOR JULY, 2008