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Hugs and Kisses -- ZTI K AN ZTC Z By: Chuck-JOHNTEL Letter from Ina Dean B. dated Jul 16, 2001 (Quote) "Dear Nancy-TONI, Just a brief note to tell you have much I have enjoyed, been blessed and encouraged by your June 6 article "Abiding in Christ. "I have longed for such clear instructions for a long time — now I've found a very old copy of Andrew Murray's Abide in Christ and am re-reading,
meditating and realizing it is the work of the Holy Spirit of Christ in inc to help me truly abide in Him. Again, thank you for your clear insights and "how to " abide in Christ.
can't tell you how grateful I am to you and Chuck-JOHNEL for your obedience to Him, listening forHis directions and sharing your insights. I thank the Lord often for this privilege of being part of the Net of Pra y er... . My heart is in Israel so am always excited ....I
when the Lord shows you His heart for that land and people. In His love, Shalom, Ina, Morning Star Prayer Group. " (Unquote) GROWING UP? OR GROWING DOWN? (Donated by Susie-SARA) When I pray I say, and Thou grant me this, give me that'. My kids say, "Hi God!!!" Thanks for my toys and my friends. Please keep the bad dreams away tonight. Sorry, I don't want to go to Heaven yet. I would miss my Mommy and Daddy." Letter from Jo S. dated July, 2001 (Quote) "Again I thank you for a very informative letter. I would like to comment on the letter from Ken R.F. I was born and raised in the Catholic Church. I considered myself a very devoted Catholic. I believed the teachings, Jesus was born of a virgin, was crucified, rose from the dead. Twenty years ago I Caine to know Jesus as my Lord and Savior, in seeking Jesus as to what He would have me do, I was led to leave the Church. At the time Ifelt deceived and misled. I did not know what to do, I did know Iwould not compromise the Words the Lord had put in my heart. Again. I went seeking, they were long lonely years, His mercy and Grace were very evident in my walk. I attended many different Churches, found good and bad in each. It
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (cont'd.)
August 5, 2001
Letter fro m Jo S. dated July, 2001 (Quote continued) is not for me to judge what is. For me it is to find the Father's Will in my life. Today I attend the Catholic Church early Sunday morning, to receive the sacraments, to commune with Jesus. Later my husband and I attend the Church of his choice. I have peace and joy in my life. I respect what you are saying. We were not put on this earth to judge anyone but ourselves. There are people who love the Lord in every Church. He looks at the heart, and judges justly. I thank the Lord for having found you. The Net of Prayer has been an answer to many years of prayer. Ipray he continues to bless and lead you in all His truths. I remain in Christ's Love, Jo. " (Unquote)
Comment by C-J: Over the years I have noted that those who often posture themselves as having superior doctrine also lack love for their brethren in the extreme. I remember what Scripture says, "We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death. Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him." (I John 3: 14-
15). 1 believe that Jesus led Jo to other Churches to learn that He has His people everywhere, and she has learned that well. JESUS taught me long ago to learn to see Christ in His people and to speak to Christ in them and in loving them, Christ is drawn forth and all error will then fade away out of His love and Grace in them. As we take it on ourselves to hammer away at a brother or sister for what we perceive is a doctrinal error or deception we are not acting out of love but out of condemnation, and we end up drawing forth the carnal nature and Satan in them, not Christ. We end up creating a greater division in the Body of Christ and strife and wounding of each other,
a thing which God hates (Proverbs 6: 19). GROWING UP? OR GROWING DOWN? Donated b ySuie-SAftA) "When 1 look at an old drunk and he smiles at me, I see a smelly dirty person who probably wants money and I look away. My kids see someone smiling at them and they smile back."
Letter from Tom and Pegg y B. dated July 27. 2001 (Quote) "I just wanted to briefly share that in 1999 while on Mt. Rainier, the Spirit of Prophecy was heavily upon me to prophesy of coming judgments in that area. The anointing was one of tremendous compassion and broken heartedness for God's people in this country and how He must
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (cont'd.)
August 5, 2001
Letter from Tom and Peggy B. dated July 27, 2001 (Quote continued) allow this to bring repentance. He loves us so! Continue in Him and in sharing all that He shows. Thank you and God bless you both. We love you. In Christ Yahshua, Tom & Peggy B ". (Unquote) MARTHA'S WA Y vs "MY WA Y" (Donated b y Susie-SARAI "Ma rtha's way #13: To determine whether an egg is fresh, immerse it in a pan of cool, salted water. It it sinks, it is fresh, but if it rises to the surface, throw it away. My way: If you crack open an egg and the smells knocks you down, you will know it isn't fresh. Letter from Nina B. of California dated July 19. 2001 (Quote) "Dear Staff and Sword Praise God - No major earthquake in California last week. There was an interesting sidelight that probably did not make national news.
On the 10 o'clock pm news for Saturday night, July 14 on Fox TV Channel 29 KTVU, they announced the completion of the first early warning system for a city in California. The city of Calistoga (Napa Valley Wine country) has installed motion sensor type devices at the Fire Station that are sensitive to earthquakes and will trigger an alarm when one reaches the potential to register a 4. magnitude Richter or more. When the alarm trips the automatic electric doors to the fire house and emergency equipment open to prevent malfunction in a power failure. A loud alarm sounds that can be heard over
a wide area. The alarm only gives residents less than a minute of warning, but that may be sufficient to get off a ladder, duck under a desk, or pull a car to the side of the road. Ithought the timing on this news release was tremendously significant, and I believe that your "RED HOT" release was the same safety factor. People prayed and it became an early warning for us. Thank you for risking ridicule and have the courage to speak out and do a mailing. It barely reached me in time late on the afternoon of the 1.3 ` "., although the earlier mailing had already given it prayer priority. Yours in Christ, Nina B." (Unquote) Compliments of Jim-REPHAEL What do you call a line of rabbits that take a step back? (You will find the answer at the top of the next page) Letter from Nina R. of Washington dated July 11_, 2001 (Quote) "Just thought I would drop you a line regarding some things the Lord has been reaching ine and what is going on with us.... The Lord has been sofa ithful to us year after year. Just as He promised me in 1992, He said He would continue to prosper us if I don't allow myself to get bitter (involving a nasty family trouble). He has done that...
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (cont'd.)
August 5 2001
[Answer to Jim-REPHAEL's puzzle: "A receding hair line_"] Letter from Nina R. of Washington dated July 11.2001 (Quote continued) We have prayed in the Sword of the Lord prayer operation to have blessings released. This is what the Lord has taught nie about BLESSINGS and MER CIES of GOD. There
is a marked difference between the two. The Word of God says He brings the rain upon the just and the unjust. This is the mercy of God. Mercies of God are not eternal. They are the things that God provides to all mankind. Money to pay the rent, shelter, a car to drive. Just as the earth (our fleshy bodies) will pass away so will the temporal mercies He has provided for us. The BLESSINGS of GOD are eternal. They will never pass away - Amen! Our salvation is a blessing - our sanctification is a blessing - eternal life is a blessing - being sons of God is a blessing. I could go on and on. Too often we confuse blessings and mercies.
The blessings that have been released as a direct result of the prayer operation are eternal blessings. How many have been released from bondage, set free to serve the Son of the Living God? Although it is much easier to see the mercies of God poured out in our day to day lives and the lives of others, it is the blessings of God that are rooted deep in
Him. These bring us joy, unspeakable and fully of glory. The blessings of God set the captives free. Praise Him! When we were doing the cleaning prayers after the prayer operation I found myself `In
The Spirit' with a group ofpeople and JESUSwas in our midst. The scenery was lush and green with beautiful tropicaliowers. Above us was a powerful, yet gentle waterfall. We were laughing, talking and rejoicing while allowing the water from the falls to cleanse us. It went over us, in us and through us. Although the water hit us hard, it was gentle and pure feeling. There was a twinkle in everyone's eyes, which delighted me and made me giddy. I also wanted to thank you for putting Lyn-ELIZABETH and Sue-CHAD over the Beautiful Branch Prayer Group in the Prayer Operation. They have been such a blessing in love, support and kindness. They make a great team - we make a great team! Thank you for being such a blessing yourselves. Love ya, Your sister and fellow warrior in Christ, Nina. " (Unquote) MARTHA'S WAY vs "MY WAY" Donated b y Susie-SARA) Martha's way #16: If you have a problem opening ars tiy using latex dishwashing gloves. They gave a non slip grip that makes opening jars easy. My way: If the purpose of having husbands/boyfriends isn't to open jars and get things down from high shelves, what on earth are they good for?
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (cont'd.)
August 5, 2001
Letter from Harold and Laura P. dated Jul y- 31,2001 (Quote) "Hello Chuck-JOHNEL and
Nancy-TONI, Thank you and theLord for all the information. Laura and I appreciate you and what you are doing so much. I was praying about why the 2 major earthquakes didn 't strike or didn't appear to be happening. The Lord I believe said, "TWO YEARS HENCE." This on the 15 ` '' or 16`h ofJuly. I thought about it and then I got your updates and noticed He said the same Words to you way back, so I decided to pass it on. Keep on,
the race is getting longer. Love, Harold and Laura. " (Unquote) C-J Comment: Tom, a brother here in Spokane prayed about the California quakes and got July 15 t h This would seem to agree with what the Lord told Harold. Nancy-TONI told Tom that it is not unusual to think a date is now, as there is always an imminency about what He tells us. Many, many times the things JESUS told us years ago would come to pass on the date He gave many years later. "HENCE" could also mean a literal year later (2002), as often "HENCE" counts the year or day it is given as the first year or day. The Things kids say. donated by Susie-SARA)
A first grade teacher collected well known proverbs. She gave each child in her class the first half of a proverb and asked them to come up with the remainder of the proverb. Their insight may surprise you. Better to be safe than,.....Punch a kid bigger than you. Strike while the......Bug is close. Never underestimate the power of.......Termites. You can lead a horse to water but....... how? Don't bite the hand that...........looks dirty. Nonews is .....................impossible. Amiss is as good as a .................Mr. You can't teach an old dog new ...............math. If you lie down with dogs, you'll .................stink in the morning. Loveall, trust ............. me. The pen is mightier than the....... pigs. An idle mind is........the best way to relax. Where there's smoke there's............pollution. Happy is the bride who .................gets all the presents. A penny saved is.........not much. Two's company, three's........The Musketeers. Don't put off till tomorrow put on to go to bed. Laugh and the whole world laughs with you, cry have to blow your nose.
None are so blind as....Stevie Wonder. Children should be seen and not.......... spanked or grounded. You get out of something what you... .see pictured on the box. When the blind lead the blind.....get out of the way. Note by C-J: This has been a very serious & heavy Newsletter so some light fare is good for the soul.
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (cont'd.)
August 6, 2001
A LETTER ABOUT THE TITHE AND A CURSE Letter from Al G. of Washington dated Jul 1 . 2001 This brother in Christ listed pages of troubles with jobs and finances and then wrote, (Quote) "......I constantly make bad decisions and I do not have any money to live on at the writing of this letter. I am one of those people that do not give 10% to God's work. Was taught that you had to be a
cheerful giver, or giving money to God is a sin if it is done as an obligation or as a involuntary contribution. I withdrew money from an IRA and loose 10% to the devil (the IRS.) And decided to give you 10% if only Icould withdraw some more. Trying, waiting
for $2500 to pay for needs like vehicle, utilities, insurance and the devil (IRS) IS GETTING 10% OR $250. 1 was taught that I can test God to see if He will bless me if I give Him 10% or more and never tried. I will try to give you 10% or $250 if I can get more money from myIRR. Or 10째%from this Security Guards job if they start working me this July 6, 2001......Ifeel like there is a curse on me and am in need ofsomebody to pray for me to remove this curse and to inspire me to want to give 10%, to see if it does me any good. I do not know if it is God's will to live here or some place else.... ...I have more to say but must stop some time. I have had rage and a desire to curse God because only He can give Satan or Lucifer permission to attack me and make my life miserable per the book ofJob. It is difficult...... ask in Jesus' clear and precious name for the lifting of this curse of having no decent job.. .Every day has more variations of the same, hope and disappointment....May you be blessed in Jesus, Alfred G. " ( Unquote)
Response by Chuck-JOHNEL: This brother is suffering under the very curse that is given in the Bible. Malachi 3: 8-12 reads: " Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed Me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed Thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in Mine house, and prove Me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts. And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightful land, saith the Lord of hosts."
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (cont'd.)
Response by Chuck-JQHNEL to Alfred's G's July 1
August 6, 2001
letter continued
When it comes to tithing most Christians today have a variety of views about it and Al's view is perhaps somewhat typical although quite a bit off the mark. First, I discern that there is a spirit of rebellion at work in Al, and that becomes obvious when he writes, "I have had rage and a desire to curse God...," Al is blaming his misfortune on God and his rage out of frustration is misdirected. Let's make an example off God's Law: God says, "Do not touch the red hot stove." Then someone comes along and lays their hand on it and is burned. Now this person blames God for being burned. In truth, it is his fault, not God's, for being burned. This is what Al is doing because he does not understand the dynamics of what surrounds him and he has been taught amiss. First off, JESUS gave me to understand that the tithe is His, that 10% part of whatever we earn (gross or net as you will) is God's, not ours. But if we strictly observe God's Law about tithes we might be guilty of living by the letter of the Law; but at least we would not be opening ourselves up to the devourer. THE DEVOURER: Figure out who this is! Ah, yes, the Devil, Satan, Lucifer and their horrible bunch of fallen angels. You see, they like to work through God's Law, they know it very well and they also like to act as executors of God's law. If you break God's law you have placed yourself under the jurisdiction of the executor of God's Law and unfortunately that is the Devil. God didn't do it, you did! DOING THE RIGHT THING FOR THE WRONG REASON: I have heard too many stories over the years of Christians who decide to tithe and then are disappointed because they don't receive overflowing provision from God. But this is where Nina R. 's letter (see pages 3-4 of this report) helps define the situation -- a "blessing" is something eternal, not temporal, and finances are temporal things, not eternal. By what JESUS taught Nina, finances are better called "mercies" Again, God's promise is to "pour you out a blessing" if you tithe and I would qualify "if' you tithe for the right reason and in a right attitude. A "right attitude" is very i mportant. To tithe (right action) but to begrudge God His tithe (wrong attitude) as you pay it will not win God's approval. You would be operating under the letter of the law, not the Spirit of the law. It is in this area that there seems to be much confusion among Christians.
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (con t'd .) August 6, 2001
Response by Chuck -JOHNEL to Alfred's G's Jul y 1 5` letter (continued) JESUS imparted a knowing to me by His HOLY SPIRIT many years ago and I have operated under that knowing and by His Spirit in tithes. First I came to recognize that the tithe is the Lord God's. He gave it to us or better yet, He entrusted it with us, that we ought make use of it as He directs or shows us. To KNOW how to make use of His tithe requires that we have a living relationship with Him, to hear Him, be led by His HOLY SPIRIT. For me it has always been an experience of love and joy to send His tithe to wherever or to whomever He shews me to send it. It is a co-operative enterprise, JESUS and me, His tithe and us working on getting it to whomever or wherever to serve His ends. Once, many years ago, I turned over the handling of finances to someone else to free me to work more on Ministry matters. That person decided one paycheck to not tithe, something contrary to what I had instructed. I didn't know this was done (no tithe) but it didn't take long to realize something was wrong. Just about everything you could imagine went wacko, the refrigerator stopped working, the washing machine burned out, the dryer stopped working, the car had troubles and it went on and on. It was as if a storm had suddenly swept over my household and everything was coming unglued. I discerned the devil was behind much of this but how had he gotten "grounds" to hit me like this? As I prayed about that I suddenly knew it had to do with the "tithe". I asked if the tithe had been paid out of the last paycheck (I worked a secular job in that time) and learned it had not. I repented and double tithed off the next paycheck. The storm of troubles vanished instantly. What I learned from that experience was that if we rob God of His tithe it opens us up to the Devil, giving him grounds under God's Law to clobber us, to devour our resources, possessions, our lives and to deprive us of God's mercies. Why don't some peo ple get clobbered who do not tithe? Sometimes God extends grace to them for His reasons; but truth is that the enemy of our souls gets and can accumulate "grounds" against us through God's Law and if we make a wrong move, take a wrong attitude, he can move in and lay our lives waste. I have seen it happen to some in varying degrees of ferocity. AI's story is an extreme case, but I perceive not uncommon in this day and age when SG many young people "rob God of His tithes." They may be suffering all sorts of hardships and not know why or might blame God and like Al don't have a guess. Al knows he is cursed, he wrote it in his letter quite clearly. But Al does not realize that God's Word, the Bible, is clear on this issue. This is why I quoted Malachi, it is plain to see where he is at and why.
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (cont'd.)
August 6, 2001
Response b y Chuck-JOHNEL to Alfred's G's July 1' t letter (continued)
The Cheerful art: "Every man according as he purposed in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for Go d loveth a cheerful giver . And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.....For the administration of this service not only supplieth the want of the saints but is abundant also by many thanksgivings unto God." (2 Corinthians 9: 7,8,12) First of all, the Apostle Paul was not speaking (Scripture above) about "tithing" here, but of offerings and gifts or anything more than a tithe (10%). These "offerings and gifts" were best given out of a right spirit, having a gladness of heart in doing it, or one could miss the greater blessings of God by a wrong spirit (grudging). I do not see any sin involved in being a grudging giver, for the Apostle Paul is simply saying that GOD LOVETH A CHEERFUL GIVER. In other words, the attitude of heart, if it is cheerful in the giving, is more important in God's eyes than the offering itself. While I suppose one could make a case for grudging as being a sin in light of "Anything not of faith is sin" — it is still a bit of a stretch nonetheless. The real issue here has more to do with attitude and attitude is also position. What do I mean? What is your position - servant class or son class ? If you do only what is required of you (the tithe) then you are operating as a servant and only doing what you are asked to do. There is no special status in being a servant as you are only doing what you are required to do, on this point Scripture is clear. But if you have the position of being a son of God through Jesus Christ, you may also begin to do what He does, to copy His behavior, and that means to love giving of yourself for the sake of others and their needs as they are made apparent to you. You see, God pours His mercies out upon the just and the unjust - He does not begrudge the unjust their needs, He loves both the just and unjust and His behavior is governed by His Love. GOD is the Original cheerful giver, this is why He loves cheerful giving - He appreciates that Spirit because it lines up, agrees with and is like His Spirit. Now we are talking relationship with God, relating to Him as one of His sons through Jesus Christ by our behavior and that Spirit of God in us governing it. A son of God is a co-owner in Christ with GOD in His kingdom and works in God's garden (creation) out of love of the Father GOD (the Spirit of the Law). A servant works in GOD's kingdom for pay (obeying the letter of the Law). There is nothing wrong with being a servant, it is just that being a son of God is so much better and so much more.
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (cont'd.)
Response by Chuck-JGHNEL to Alfred's G's July 1
August 7, 2001
letter (continued)
Someone may say, "Well, we don 't have to tithe because we are in a new dispensation through Christ Jesus. " To this I'd remind them of what JESUS said in Matthew 5: 17, "THINK NOT THAT I AM COME TO DESTROY THE LAW, OR THE PROPHETS: I AM NOT COME TO DESTROY, BUT TO FULFILL. FOR VERILY I SAY UNTO YOU, TILL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS, ONE JOT OR ONE TITTLE SHALL IN NO WISE PASS FROM THE LAW, TILL ALL BE FULFILLED." (JESUS in Matthew 5: 17,18)
The fundamental difference between the Old Testament and New Testament is that in the old we are required to obey the law but could never do it perfectly, so we all ended up being law breakers (sinners) under the law. But through JESUS CHRIST and "in Him" He conforms us perfectly to God's Law by His Love and as we yield ourselves to learn to love as He loves. The "letter of the law" (which kills) is fairly easy to see for most people, but what is missed so often is that the Spirit of the Law (which is life-giving) is founded on a living and loving relationship with GOD THE FATHER through His only begotten Son, JESUS CHRIST. This brother in Christ, Al, was taught primarily out of the "letter of the law" and he both resisted and resented it because he felt he was being compelled. He was taught amiss, incorrectly, and so based his views on these faulted teachings. It is ok for Al to admit that he is angry at GOD, but it would be dangerous to curse Him that is a temptation of the devil and would open him up to horrific consequences out of the hand of the evil one who tempted him. Why is it ok to he angry at God? Well, I mean it is ok to acknowledge that this is what is going on inside of himself, to see clearly that he IS angry at GOD. Sometimes we are driven by anger towards GOD but we don't admit it - and that is far more dangerous because it works hidden within us and we are not being honest about our real feelings. The issue is not if being angry at GOD is right or wrong (it is wrong), rather, the issue is are we being honest about our feelings! If you can get your feelings out in the open GOD can reason with you and bring you to where you can understand "WHY". For At it is simple. First, he needs to acknowledge to himself that he was basing his views on incorrect teachings, to forgive the error-ridden teachers and then asked God's forgiveness for his anger, and his wrong doing. The First essential step is to recognize that
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (cont'd.)
August 8, 2001
5` Response by Chuck-JOHNEL to Alfred's G's July 1 letter continued we have done something wrong (when we have) and to not only be sorry, but to turn from that behavior (that is what repentance means).
Being humble before the Lord God requires that we stop being a judge of God for when we are angry at God it usually means we have judged that He did something wrong to us. To me, the most amazing thing is the patience of God with all of His children, He is loving, kind and very patient with us and works to open our eyes to see the truth of a matter with compassion. After Al forgives, asks forgiveness and repents he needs to bring focus in his prayer time to being filled with JESUS' Light and Love, to be led of by His Love and to ask God's wisdom in all his doings and dealings. I pray this write up proves a help to him and others. The Things kids sa y . (donated by Susie-SARA)
Children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Catholic school for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note that said, "Take only one; God is watching." Moving through the line, to the other side of the table, was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies. A boy wrote a note, "Take all you want, God is watching the apples." SPECIAL NOTE: Following writing a series of Prophetic Warnings and Updates and when the earthquakes did not show t the magnitude I expected I wrote an apology for having failed to harmonize my June 20 th discernment with later revelations. Some of the letters here have to do with that "apology" or the various reports sent out. Letter from Jim and Margaret W. of Georgia dated July 29, 2001 (Quote) "We enjoy all the inforfnation. When do you find time to sleep? We know by the Spirit what is going on and don't need an "apology. " Those that need one most likely won't benefit. May you receive now what JESUS' Word ofAugust 28 ``' 1989 gave you. The last two lines on Page 30 then page 31 of The "BASIC REVELATION MOUNT VERNON" Report. Margaret and I believe to be partakers of the same. Father God bless you all in Jesus our Lord. All is well. Signed Jim W. (Unquote) Note: Jim refers to this part of Jesus' Word of August 28, 1989 where he told me this, "...I WILL REMOVE EVERY ILL, HEAL EVERY WOUND, AND RESTORE YOU IN MY HEALTH AND YOU WILL WALK IN MY JOY AND POWER UNLIKE ANY HAVE SEEN. I HAVE RESTRAINED YOU BY MY SPIRIT IN ALL THESE YEARS, NOW I LOOSE THE RESTRAINTS THAT YOU COME FORTH IN MY WORD AND POWER LIVING-BEING ALL I MADE YOU TO BE."
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (cont'd.)
August 8, 2001
Letter from Tom and LeAnne G. ofWashin gt n dated July 23. 2001 (Quote) "I don't know what price can be put on an earthquake warning. We thank God and you folks for your faithfulness. Whether it comes in August* or at a later time, I have no doubts. It is unfortunate that you just happened to be interviewed by a man who is probably the most sarcastic humor columnist in the northwest. Along with being a good writer, he is a polite but condescending fellow whose mail I delivered for about five years. I would have never guessed he is a backslidden Christian. I hope he gets re-saved before it's all over. I was a little surprised to see you write that you were, now, feeling very emotional about the definiteness of the prophecies** that you had been given. (?) We took you seriously the first time! About four years ago, the day my f fth child began, I had a brief but definite vision (like a Kodachrome slide). My wife and I were embracing, my daughter to-be was about 3 years old (it was her, too) and we were in some sort offlat, elevated place about the surrounding Spokane area. It was the aftermath of a major trouble down below. At the time, I thought that this was a vision of the aftermath of a nuclear attack, but it could equally have represented an earthquake. As my wife was holding me, she was also looking at a solid stone figure of a man, which was standing behind me and facing her. The identity was obvious. It represented the Lord, but not in an idolatrous sense. Our pastor, William M., says he was told by God a couple of weeks ago that we had to be ready for something major in two months. He wasn't told what. We appreciate you all very much. Tom and LeAnne G. (Unquote) *Note - Reference to the coming Spokane earthquake. * *Comment b yC-T: It was not the definiteness of the prophecies the Lord gave me, it was the very deep, awesome, HOLY SPIRIT witness as to the imminency of these terrible judgments. What I came to know June 23 d went far beyond anything I could grasp - the depth and width and breadth of God's revelation that day plainly overwhelmed me in a manner not unlike the vision of America's judgment seen in 1977. MARTHA'S WAY vs "MY WA Y" (Donated b y Susie-SA RA) Ma rtha's way_#2: Use a meat taster to "squeeze" your pancake batter on to the hot griddle and you'll get perfectly shaped pancakes every time. My wa y : Buy the precooked kind you nuke in the microwave for 30 seconds. The hard part is getting them out of the plastic bag. Letter from John L. dated July, 2001 (Quote) "I have been edified by listening to your tape on the accidental nuclear exchange. The thought hit me the other day as to why the President is unable to forgive the attack and our missiles are launched. Could it be that our missiles are launched before we are aware that it is an accident? Our spy satellites
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The Staff & Sword Ministryl`Ve Get Letters (cont'd.)
August 8, 2001
Letter from John L.dated Jul y • 2001 (cote continuedl
would probably discover missiles launched from Russia and our missiles are launched before the Russians can get a hold of our leaders. Also, what is your source * that missiles were accidentally launched in October, 2000? In January of `95, the Russians mistook a research rocket for a missile and canoe within minutes of launching theirs at us. In Jesus, John L. (Unquote) *Reply: I was given an internet news report when on the Prophetic Mission this MarchApril that detailed this information. I lost the paperwork but remembered the details. Letter from Dennis J. of Colorado dated Jul 15, 2001 (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI. You are such a blessings to me! Praise the Lord! God is using you in
answering my prayers to draw closer to Jesus. God is using your newsletter and tapes to teach me more about Him. Being part of the Net of Prayer is teaching me to pray. Thank you! I pray that God will continue to richly bless you! Yours in CHRIST, Dennis .1." (Unquote) Letter from Sam S. ofNevada dated July, 2001 (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL, Nancy-
TONI and Jinn-REPHAEL: There is no need to apologize. The love ofJESUS CHRIST is strong in your writings and not many recognize that, only those who love others and are not just out for I just want you to know that my support for JESUS' work doesn 't waver one little bit for a misunderstood warning. As a parent warns his child so
THE FATHER warns us and just like children we think we know better. My main prayers are for those who seekfor the door to be opened that they may walk with CHRIST I don 't have much to say except all is well, PRAISE THE LORD, FATHER, JESUS CHRIST, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT!!! We all love you very much., Sam S. " (Unquote) Letter from Debbie R. dated July 23, 2001 (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL, Iforgive you
for not looking at the bigger picture when you wrote the Red Hot Warning. Who of us doesn't make mistakes. It is a good thing to admit a mistake and set about to right it. I've seen too much trying to cover errors and trying to appear "perfect"! I respect you for your honesty. Ida take to heart the warning our God gave us through you. He is so merciful to tell us what is coming before it comes, so we can be prepared and not blind-sided! I gave your letter to a friend who is a prophetess, she wanted to read it. I always share good things and warnings with my friends and anyone who will listen. Several people at my fellowship are part of the Net of Prayer including our leader. God bless you all, I just wanted to tell you Iforgive you, and send you multiplied Blessings in Yashuah's Name. Your servant, Debbie R. (Unquote)
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August 8, 2001
Letter from Russ P. dated June 30, 2001 (Quote) "Dearly Beloved, Ifind n d it very hard to describe what is blooming in me since Ijoined the Net of Prayer warfare. I am amazed at what our prayers help to accomplish. It encourages me to believe that my prayer list of hundreds of souls that I haven't missed one day, praying for since 7123189 will come to pass in God's Perfect timing. God bless you. Brother Russ P. " ( Unquote)
Letter from Carol and Dave of Canada dated July 24, 2001 (Quote) "Praise Jesus. Blessing and peace to you. With grateful thanks we acknowledge your kind mail of Red Hot Prophetic Warning issues. As with you and the other Ministry leader, Dave and I feel sorrow/dread that America has come to this day, this hour.... Would to God, over the past manyyears, thejudgrnent now at the door could have been averted. You, N.O,P. (We) did all we could. To recognize one's error is one thing. To apologize for it is quite another! That C-J did so is not only commendable, it is a stand out. Concerning Mr. Clark's Newspaper write-up of his interview with C-J: My initial reaction was shock that he would speak in such a cavalier sarcastic tone of Jesus' ApostlelProphet(s). Later in reading that C-Jfelt it somewhat balanced I thought perhaps I was wrong. BRA VOfor Susie-SARAH's letter! Right on! Perhaps you guys can have a breather now - long overdue. Better still a holiday away. You are great ly n eeded and appreciated. In Christ's love, Carol and Dave. (Unquote)
Letter from Carolyn N. W. of California dated Jul 18. 2001 (Quote) "Dear ChuckJOHNEL & Nancy-TONI, Thank you for the RED HOT Prophetic Warning dated June 27. 1 appreciated the warning, took heed, prayed and prepared. We had planned a trip to Minnesota to visit our youngest daugh ter and her fain i ly, leaving July 12 and returning July 17. I was sure that word of two major earthquakes in California would reach us there. My cupboards are stilled taped shut and clean dishes packed in our dishwasher, just in case this might be THE day. My very skeptical husband, whom I can share very little with as my credibility go es down f everything said does not happen, looked up the USGS Earthquake Report on the Internet. Wefound an earthquake of 4.9, 4.4 ESE of Coso Junction, California which also had quakes on July 14 and 2 on July 17, 2001... I believe the Word of God to you and spent time this morning coining into His presence
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August 8, 2001
Letter from Carolyn N. W. of Califo rnia dated Jul y 18, 2001 (Quote continued) with worship, praise and prayer submitting to His Perfect Will and asking for wisdom and guidance. However, since there were no major earthquakes between July 3-July 16, 1 am left to wonder. I do remember the information also that there would be a 4.0 to 5.0 quake under LOS ANGELES which would be followed 14 days later by a major quake. I'm interested in what happens in Spokane not only because you all are there but because I have a daughter and her husband who live in Coeur d'Alene and two Godly grandchildren living near Portland who pass through there. Considering JESUS' Word to Nancy-TONIJun 25, 2001 that there will be an earthquake in Los Angeles, but first elsewhere. I am wondering where elsewhere' is?? The update to the "RED HOT" Prophetic Warning was waiting in our mail when we arrived home here in our suburb of Los Angeles yesterday and I am very thankful for your warnings. I have been preparing in my heartlsoul for a long time to stand fast and trust the Lord when these things happen. However, I had to deal with anxiety which caused turbulent thoughts. "Is this the time the Lord spoke to me about over 20 years ago" when He said, "YOU WILL ABANDON
YOUR HOME AND FOLLOW ME AND I WILL PRESERVE YOUR FAMILY." So, I am not only preparing for earthquake but also abandoning my home of 38 years.... Sincerely with Thanks, Carolyn N. W. " (Quote)
*Note by C-J: JESUS did not reveal the location of this earthquake. It could be anywhere - California, Oregon, Washington or ? This revelation is partial. A possibility: The Coso Junction, California quakes July 14-18 COULD be what JESUS was talking about (elsewhere) -- as it is east and north of L.A. and in my view was caused by the Corma Spike pressures, which I believe will also trigger the L.A. Quake when it happens. But this is a speculation at this point. We don't know. MARTHA'S WAY vs "MY WAY" (Donated b y Susie-SARA) Martha's way #12: Place a
slice of apple in hardened brown sugar to soften it. My wa y : Brown sugar is supposed to he "soft"? On the last page of this report is the Saint Nilus Prophecy. I've had it in my concordance now for many years as a page mark (forgot about it) and decided to include it here for your information. It was sent to me many years ago and it is quite current although this prophesy was given about 1,600 years ago. ap I C ^Tt t.J
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August S, 2001
PROPHECY OF ST. NILUS Realizing that St. Nilus is scarcely known to a large part of the Church, a brieisketch of his fife, taken from the Catholic Encyclopedia (19 I I copyright edition), is related below: St. Nilus was'one of the many disciples and Fervent defenders of St. John C7rrysostom. He was an officer at the Court of ('onstantinople, married, with two sons. While St. John Chrysostom was patriarch, before his exile (398-403), he directed Nilns in the study of Scripture and in works of piety. St. Nilus Ieft his wife and one son and took the other, Theodulos, with him to Mt. Sinai to be a monk. The Bishop of Elcusa ordained both St. Nilus and his son to the priesthood. The mother and other son also embraced the religious life in Egypt. From his monastery at Sinai, St. NiIus was a well-known person throughout the Eastern Church; by his writings and correspondence he played an important part in the histo ry of his time. He was known as a theologian, Biblical scholar and ascetic v4riter, so people of all kinds, from the emperor dozen wrote to consult him. His numerous works, including a multitude of letters, consist oldenunciations of heresy, paganism, abuses of discipline and crimes, of rules and principles of asoeticism, especially m axinms about the religious life. He warns and threatens people in high places, abbots and bishops, governors and princes, even the emperor himself, without fear. He kept up a correspondence with Gina, a leader of the Goths, endeavoring to convert him from Arianism. He denounced vigorously the persecution of St. John Chrysostom both to the Emperor Arcadius and to his courtiers. St. Nilus must be counted as one of the leading ascetic writers of the filth century. His least is kept on November 12th in the Byzantine Calendar; he is commemorated also in the Roman Martyrology on the same date. St. Niles probably died around the y ear 430 as there is no evidence of his life after that. Now the prophecy: After the year 1900, toward the middle of the 20th century, the people of that time will become unrecognizable. When the ti me for the Advent of the Antichrist approaches, people's minds will grow cloudy from carnal passions, and dishonor and lawlessness will grow stronger. Then the world will become unrecognizable. People's appearances will change, and it will be y i:np ossibiu to distirg'uish mer, from women due to their shamelessnesst in dress and st le of hair. These people will be cruel and will be like wild animals because of the temptations of the Antichrist. There will be no respect for parents and elders, love will lisappear, and Christian pastors, bishops, and priests will become vain men, completely failing to distinguish the right-hand gray from the left. At that time the morals and traditions of Christians and of the Church will change. People will abandon modesty, and {issipation will reign. Falsehood and greed will attain great proportions, and woe to those who pile up treasures. Lust, adultery, iomosexuality, secret deeds and murder will rule in society. At that Future time, due to the power of such great crimes and licentiousness, people will be deprived of the grace of the loly Spirit, which they received in Holy Baptism and equally of remorse. The Churches of God will be deprived of God-fearing and pious pastors, and woo to the Christians remaining in the world
it that time; they will completely lose their faith because they will lack the opportunity of seeing the light of knowledge from an}one it MI. Then t heywiil separate themselves out _ofthe wetldjn.ho lyrefiigesin aearc h of lsgl^teningthsir sIliritua i sufferings, but :vcr4rwhcrc they will meet obstacles and constraints. And all this will result from the fact that the Antichrist wants to be Lord over cr thing and become the ruler of the whole universe, and he will produce miracles and fantastic signs. He will also give depraved visdom to an unhappy man so that he will discover a way by which one man can carry on a conversation with another from one end if the earth to the other. At that time men will also fly through the air like birds and descend to the bottom of the sea like fish And Shen they have achieved all this, these unhappy people will spend their lives in comfort without knowing, poor souls, that it is deceit it the Antichrist. And, the impious ones -- he will so complete science with vanity that it will go off the right path and lead people to ose faith in the existence of God in three hypostases. Then the All-good God will see the downfall of the human race and will shorten the days for the sake of those few who arc icing saved, because the enemy wants to lead even the chosen into temptation, if that is possible... then the sword of chastisement vill suddenly appear and kill the perverter and his servants.