Cover Pate
The Staff and Sword Ministr y
May 27, 2005
WE GET LETTERS Hugs and Kisses --
Sticks and Stones
By: Chuck-JOHNEL Letter io,n Walter P. of Aurora, Mo Dated September 19, 2004 (Quote) "I appreciate your occasional kind words about the Serbs as I am V2 Serb and '/z Irish. The Serbs were great warriors against Islam (Turks). I was troubled about the way God would allow Richmond, VA, Charlotte, NC, and Lexington, KY to be nuked. When I researched it a bit I realized all three were (are) big centers of the tobacco industry which has killed millions. Also, the small town North of New York City is very close to West Point Academy for Army Officers, That got me to thinking about the damage and destruction that would occur to the American Military establishment as a result of the Tiny Star, massive earthquakes, submersion of South Florida and Great Lakes deluge. Do these disasters all precede the invasion by 7 nations (flags)? (Unquote) Response b y Chuck-JOHNEL: I do not know that the reason why those cities are nuked has
anything to do with the growing of tobacco; rather, it has more to do with the fact that the church did not respond to JESUS' call to repent and pray than anything else. The Russians accidentally launched 12 ICBM's that would (at a minimum) have nuked 36 U.S. Cities or military targets in the U.S. An added 5 cities were also spared due to the anti-missile defense system. Back in early 1983 the Net of Prayer on J' direction resisted a demonic attack stopping some 9O% of the "fire" which we later realized was the accidental nuclear attack. That the Net of Prayer lacked the required 300 intercessors to stop 100% of the attack was due to church rejection of God's Word and call on the N.O.P. However, I'm reminded by the HOLY SPIRIT of what Jesus said in Luke Chapter 13: 4-5 when asked about the 18 who died when the tower of Silom fell. JESUS said this: "THINK YE THAT
THEY WERE SINNERS ABOVE ALL MEN THAT DWELT IN JERUSALEM? I TELL YOU, NAY: BUT EXCEPT YE REPENT, YE SHALL ALL LIKEWISE PERISH." (JESUS in Luke 13: 4b-5). Keep in mind a literal firestorm of death will fall on all of America some two years from the time of the accidental nuclear attack. The timing of the TINY STAR is not known - it could come before, during or after the disasters. The massive earthquakes, submersion of southern Florida and Great Lakes deluge would come before the invasion and occupation under 8 foreign flags (not 7).
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The Staff and Sword Ministry/We Get Letters
May 27, 2005
"There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave..." (Patrick Henry 1788) Letter from John K. Dated April 25, 2005 _ (Quote) "The new house looks great and I am so happy to see you received this gift from the LORD! I just wanted to say thanks for everything you do in the ministry, it has helped my prayer life quite a bit and given me much needed insight as to when and how end time events will unfold. I did have a vision that I wanted to share with you. It happened on the morning just before the Pope
died. I did my NOP prayers and then I was In The Spirit' and sitting on a white horse with the full armor of GOD on...I looked to my right and saw a long row of Christians with the armor sitting on white horses. I looked to my left and saw the same thing. We were facing a demon army with a man on a charcoal colored horse with black armor on. He was shouting something to the demons, but I couldn't hear what he said. Then I heard the HOLY SPIRIT say, "THIS IS THE BEAST OF ANTI-CHRIST". We all were waiting on our white horses for orders when to attack. Then the vision ended. I don't get this sort of vision often, so I thought I would report what I saw. Thanks again for everything and GOD BLESS both of you! In Christ, John K." (Unquote) Comment b y Chuck-JOHNEL: Thank you John for the kind thoughts and sharing this vision. We are most certainly a people coming to our destiny in Christ and to the battle against the enemy of Christ and His people.
" God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that His justice cannot sleep forever. Commerce between master and slave is despotism. Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free." (Patrick Henry 1775) Letter from Barb-RENEE L. Dated September 26 2004 (Quote) "As to the new prayers that just came out not too long ago, well a lot of them I was already saying. I was led to so I did. Also, I was glad to read that the prophet said we should cry and sob for the U.S. For the past few years I have been doing that on and off. Since I work for a school district, 6-7 and &` h grades, when we have assemblies and the National Anthem is played, I have been crying hard. I have had to walk out of the assemblies. I have told the Lord, I don't know how I will be able to see people being tortured, murdered, and going hungry. I have lifted this up and told the Lord that I was sorry for thinking this way but wanted Him to help my country, my people. At times I have sobbed very hard. I still cannot hear the Star Spangled Banner and not cry." Comment b y Chuck-JOHNEL: Many years ago we had a special assembly of brethren from around the nation and from other nations called 'The New Feast", and during it the Spirit of God fell on all of us and being deeply impressed with inner knowing by the Spirit of God of the terrible things coming on America we all wept. When speaking of these coming troubles I still have to distance myself from them lest I break down and be unable to speak. I understand.
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May 27, 2005
Letter from Walter and Marion M. (Quote) "I'd like to comment on the prayer scripture
"Whatsoever things you bind on earth shall be (having been) bound in heaven." This is what the Greek dictionary and J.P. Phillips points this out in his New Testament translation. This seems to indicate that it's already (lone in heaven and the earth follows afterward, right? It puts a whole new slant on the prayers. I appreciate all I'm learning from your newsletter." Response by C-J: This is a complex issue but basicall "yes" - things done `In The Spirit' (Heaven) will manifest in this world (earth). "1t is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence, to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words: "And this, too, shall pass away." How much it expressed! How chastening in the hour of pride - how consoling in the depths of affliction!" (Abraham Lincoln before the Wisconsin State Agricul tural Society, September 30, 1859.) Letter fro n Mirek K. (Quote) "I read your article on the oil in Anwar, Alaska [June 2004
newsletter] and I was intrigued, yet skeptical. I went online and did some research. Taking your digits regarding the amount of oil (400 billion), I came up with the following statistics from this article on (http://english.aljazeera.ent/NR/exeres/2cda8f3l-a5d7-4o7l-bl2dlb804elcl5ee.htm )
Year 2000 Rate
Year 2020 rate (estimate)
19.7 mil. X 360 days — 7.1905 bil. 400 bil./ 7.1905 bill, a year =
26.7 mit. X 360 days = 9.745 bit . 400 bill. / 9.745 bill. A year
years 55.6
4L04 years
* BPD— Barrels per day ** BPY— Barrels per year Taking into account the estimated rise in oil consumption the number should be in between these two sums. I am aware that your 500-100 years was a guess, but is not well-educated and misleading. It would also be nice to give the source regarding the amount of oil in Anwar other than an oil expert on Fox News. Just thought you guys might find this interesting." (Unquote) Comment b y C-J: I'm aware more by the Spirit of God than by any scientist or geologist or Fox News Report that the oil reserves up in the Arctic circle are immense. The primary reason why drilling for oil up there is being delayed and discouraged has more to do with preventing America from becoming energy independent and thereby reliant on foreign oil for its survival - thus diminishing the sovereignty of America and to bring down this nation to servitude to prurient interests.
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May 27, 2005
Letter rom David L. of Akron OH Dated November 9, 2004 (Quote) "Very, very, very wonderful, wonderful job in prayer for President re-elect George W. Bush. What a very hard battle, as I stayed up until 4:00am..., and there were Kerry/Edwards postings everywhere in our city, and also a few BushJCheney signs posted. An incident happened in Lorain/Elyria, OH (west of Cleveland, OH) where a lady's house was "teepeed" because she had a Bush/Cheney sign out in her yard. When she called law enforcement authorities, she was told that she was "picking the wrong candidate" (that made me angry, because police and law enforcement are supposed to do their jobs, and protect local citizens from these types of vicious acts), Also, I had call recordings from Rev. Jesse Jackson, former President Clinton, Kenneth Blackwell in Ohio, Chris Rock (comedian/actor), and several other people really wanting me to vote for Kerry/Edwards....No Way! Also, several college students asking us if we had voted. It was CRAZY. Well, the prayers for George W. Bush was a task, but it was well worth it. Thanks a million!" No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the invisible hand, which conducts the Affairs of men more than the People of the United States. Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential* agency." (President George Washington, first inaugural address, April 30, 1789) *Note: This is a reference to GOD. Letter from Louise J. Dated October 19, 2004 (Quote) "Thank you for the recent mailing and Presidential Prayers. And also for the prayer sheet sent to me. I appreciate so much receiving the prayers again. And the Islamic prayers with Christian views in mind. I am thankful for all the information regarding voting and prophecy of end times that we be ready. Always waiting for your letters and to hear what Jesus is telling you. I pray for your good health, wisdom, insight, anointing, and God's care and keeping. Thank you, Jesus, for Nancy-TONI and Chuck- JOHNEL." (Unquote) Thank you for the prayers, blessings and kind thoughts - Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI. "The President to-night has a dream - He was in a party of plain people, and, as it became known who he was, they began to comment on his appearance. One of them said - He is a very common-looking man." The President replied - " The Lord prefers common-looking people. That is the reason He makes so many of them." (Attributed to President Abraham Lincoln, December 23, 1863.) Letter rom Gail K. of Fort Worth TX (Quote) "In Wednesday's prayers (Matt. 17:20-21) isn't Jesus speaking of their unbelief going out by prayer and fasting? I've written that back into my prayers. "(Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL: Actually JESUS is referring directly to a demon spirit that will not leave except through prayer and fasting. However, what compounded the problem is that his disciples had a want of faith and that made it worse. R ep l y by
I "Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays." (S. A. Kierkegaard) I
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The Staff and Sword Ministry/We Get Letters
May 27, 2005
Letter from "The Barley Smith" (Quote) "As hard as I study scripture I can't seem to find what exactly is meant by— "You must be born-again of `Water and Spirit'. I have also heard many different teachings about the Baptism of the Holy Ghost— what is it and when does it happen?" (Unquote) Reply b yChuck-JOHNEL: Oh, for a simple question and better yet, a simple answer. God's Word addresses the issue: "But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name. Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God," (John 1:12-13) Being "born-again" is the heart of the question and here John makes it plain that it is not "blood" (physical body), nor of the will of the flesh (soul power), nor of the will of man (man's spirit) but of God - being birthed by the SPIRIT OF GOD through JESUS CHRIST. This is not something intellectual, not theological, not theoretical - it is experiential - something each of us must experience for ourselves. When we have been `born again' we need no one to tell us about it and until we do, no one can really explain it beyond what is given in Scripture. Receiving JESUS CHRIST as our savior is the start but we do better when we receive Him as Lord of our life whereby He has freedom to change us from within to without and to not only desire to be changed but to trust Him to do that. Thereby as you RECEIVE HIM you are given the power to become the sons of God. That power is Christ within - conception by God's Spirit. Many Christians have received JESUS as their savior but only a small portion have received Him as Lord of their life much less yielding themselves to Him lock, stock and barrel. You come to trust JESUS but only as we come to KNOW Him, as we enter in more deeply into a personal living relationship with HIM. This is yet another aspect of "being born again" and it distinctly involves a dying to self, to our self life. Being "born again" involves making room for this new creature (2 Corinthians 5: 17) we become when we receive and/or believe on JESUS CHRIST. Making room for this "new creature" also involves dying to self, setting our self life aside to favor the new life we have within through JESUS CHRIST. The "born again" term speaks more of conception than of actual spiritual birth - when we RECEIVE JESUS CHRIST we conceive CHRIST within ourself, even as a woman conceives a child within her womb. That child will grow within us and change us only as we yield to God's Will and God's Spirit through JESUS CHRIST. There is really a great deal of Scripture on this subject. "A practical nurse is one who marries a rich patient."
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May 28, 2005
Closing comment on the letter on Page 5: 1 had to cut-off further commentary as the subject is so expansive - it would take a much larger venue than this part of the Newsletter to address. I touched on it and gave some direction for "Barley Smith." That is all I can do here. Letter from William M. of Two Harbors, ,SIN Dated November 18, 2004 (Quote) "You have often referred to 011ie North as an anti-Christ that came in as an Angel of Light. I have tried to observe him more closely to see any hints and to this point I have not seen anything that stands out. Today he still is out in the public on programs like Sean Hannity's TV and radio programs. A few years ago he lost in the race to be Senator of Virginia. Recently I saw a video that Jerry Fallwell made back in the 80's after Iran/Contra where he (North) lifted up Jesus and told the audience that
a walk with God was primacy. If I had to pick out a candidate from President Reagan's White house in the natural I would have looked closely at Jim Baker— his hostility against Israel, activity in the New World Order, and his assertion to becoming the Gate Keeper to Ronald Reagan after the press was able to strip President Reagan's closest friends from his cabinet (i.e. James Watts and others). Caplin Lindsey Williams (Alaskan Oil Pipeline) documented that a number of President Reagan's long time friends were blocked from any contact with him when they stated the reason they were trying to contact him. During President Reagan's 2' d term he was surrounded by new closest advisors who changed and derailed his previous agenda. Jim Baker was the Gate Keeper. Do you have more than Iran-Contra for the reasoning behind your assessments? Did Jesus tell you this? Thank you for explaining." Repl y b y Cliuck-JOHNEL: In the GAP battle of 1982 I saw and recognized one of the two Beastmen ofanti-Christ who led a demon army through the GAP. The other beastman was not seen and all JESUS told me about him was that "He was around the President, worked with Presidential power and would be uncovered in five years." I asked JESUS who he was and all JESUS said to me at the time was, "LOOK TO NORTH." That made no sense to me and I put it aside. During the Iran/Contra hearing in Congress I watched the TV airing with some interest how a Marine Colonel named Oliver North put down Congressmen, who were obviously afraid of him. I "wanted to like" Colonel North but inwardly I knew there was something very wrong about him. When I tried to discern him I discerned "nothing" and that puzzled me. It was not that I had no discernment, I did and I discerned that he was "empty" that whatever spirit ran his life was not present so it could not be detected. That told me that this man was dangerous - that is when I remembered JESUS had told me to "LOOK TO NORTH" when I asked "who this second beastman was" - I was looking at him on TV - Oliver North. JESUS had given me his name in 1982 only I didn't realize it until 1987 - in fact I had no way of knowing in 1982 that this Colonel
North was around Reagan, and that he worked with Presidential powers. The reason Oliver North failed in his bid for a Senate seat is because Nancy Reagan spoke against him and did all she could to ensure he was defeated. There was bad blood there because of what North did in Reagan's administration that Reagan had no knowledge of and that hurt him badly. Congressman Inouye of Hawaii, a World War II veteran who had lost an arm in combat in Italy
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The Staff and Sword Ministry/We Get Letters
May 28, 2005
Letter fr^m William M. of Two Harbors, MN Dated November 18 2004 - Chuck-JOHNEL's Repl y (continued) against Nazi troops, was not bullied by North but confronted him during the TV hearings with the most damning statement I've ever heard from Congress. He looked No rt h in the eye and stated, "I fought World War II to defeat tyrants like you. " Oliver North now works for Fox News as a military analyst and does interesting work. That he is conservative in his leanings does not impress me and I do not forget all the Lord chewed me in 1982 and again in 1987 that told me that this man North was the hidden beastman JESUS revealed in 1982. While I pray North has been truly converted to Christianity - well, let me say I remain skeptical. During the Iran/Contra hearings North wrapped himself around Christian groups (Pat Robertson and others) who undergirded him with money to fight the legal battle in the courts whereby he escaped the consequences of his wrong doings. Basically the HOLY SPIRIT and JESUS revealed just who and what this man is back in 1982 and again in 1987 and I see nothing that would change my mind on the matter. I pray this answers your question. 1
"There is one advantage of being poor, a doctor will cure you faster." Kin Hubbard I Letter from Steve G. of Tennessee Dated November 1.2004 (Quote) "I had a few items I wanted 51 to share with you and to get your opinion on. 1 , the article (attached) about the LA county Board of Supervisors removing the cross from the County Seal. They have buckled under the pressure of the ACLU of Southern California. This did not surprise me however, I feel it will result in God removing His hand of protection for Southern California. .,I was wondering about your opinion about this subject. Could you address it... ...In September [2004] in USA Today there was an article about the progress the US troops had made in the area of fresh drinking water [in Iraq] and it showed an Arab baptizing another Arab in the river in Baghdad. Do you think these were Christians? Do you thinklknow if Moslems baptize?" (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL's reply_ About removing the cross - it is simply Satan working to purge Christ
from America and to lastly to exterminate Christians off the continent. The Church does nothing, says nothing and so they make themselves easy targets for the enemy. Now what do you think would happen if the day after the LA county Board removed the cross that half a million Christians stormed the county offices, seized the county board members who voted to remove and proceeded to tar and feather them and run them out of town on a rail? Now if they did this to Moslems, they'd be killed immediately and their bodies burned in the streets for good measure - but nobody fools with Moslems because they know they will kill you at the drop of a hat, I remember a day in American history when the British Crown sent hundreds of troops marching to Concord to seize guns from Americans, to disarm the population. Christians took up arms, tens of thousands of them marched out and shot them to pieces - that started the American revolution. As for my discernment, 1 expressed that in the main part of this Newsletter - that when the State
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Letter !yo n Steve G. of Tennessee Dated November ,2004 - Chuck-JOHNEL's Reply (Continued) separates from the Church that the judgment of God will vaporize the State - that is more than an opinion. I know that the Lord shewed me Christians in occupied America coming to the place of yielding to the SPIRIT OF GOD after 7 years occupation - and moved by the SPIRIT OF GOD taking up arms against the occupation forces and driving them out and then wiping them out. Attitudes will change after 70%+ of the population has been wiped out by the enemy followed by seven years of brutal occupation that begins to move to a total genocide of all Americans (South, Central and North). As concerning Moslems baptizing - they do not baptize therefore, they must be Christian Iraqi's. "Happiness has to be cranked up; trouble is a self-starter" Letter from Ron S. afLand O'Lakes, FL. Dated November 26, 2004 (Quote) "I have a question about the three years of judgment that are associated with the famine message. Do the three years of judgment come prior to the all out invasion of America? "(Unquote) Response b y Chuck-JOHNEL: The "Famine Message", which was received from an Archangel of God through JESUS CHRIST in 1974 is a detail of the reasons why judgment is coming on America, and a warning of same as well as a reassurance to those who are faithful to the Lord JESUS that He will be with them all through. There was no specific time frame given, no mention of a three year period. However, on April 21, 1977 JESUS gave me a detailed listing of specific judgment events to come over a three year period. I believe this is what Ron S.of Florida is referring to, not the "Famine Message," Now it is possible that the events detailed in the "Famine Message" may come over a three year period - it is also possible that they are already coming and will continue to unfold for the next many years until reaching fulfillment. For example, the Word of the Lord God of 1974 ("Famine Message") speaks of this people, this land rejecting JESUS CHRIST - this has been taking form and shape for many years now and continues at an ever increasing pace even today. Or where the Lord God speaks of abortion - something that has been ongoing since 1974 and to date its estimated that 40 million babies have been murdered in the womb - a crime before God that continues to escalate. There are sins spoken of in the "Famine Message" of 1974 that were not in view in 1974 - such as worship of demons and the raising up of false gods. Then we see His Word speaking of homosexuality and the horrific consequences of that lifestyle - a lifestyle that was pretty much `in the closet' in 1974 but is no longer. What I'm saying is that the scope of the "Famine Message" is much greater than a three year period although it is quite true that it will reach culmination during the three year period of intense judgment.
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/We Get Letters The Staff and Sword Ministr y
May 28, 2005
Letter from Ron S. of Land O' Lakes FL. Dated November 26, 2004 - Response by Chuck-
JOHNEL: (Continued) The revelation of April 21, 1977 speaks of a three year period of severe judgments on America, a time during which America will be invaded - actuall yin the second year of the three years. " Married couples who love each other tell each a thousand things without talking." Chinese Proverb Letter rom Helen S. of Media olis IA Dated November 73 2004 (Quote) "With reference to
your November newsletter on the subject of investing in gold coins, silver, etc. I would like to pass on a few quotes from David Wilkerson's The Vision and Beyond: Page 19, "Believe it or not— even gold will not hold it's value. Gold hoarders are going to be hurt—badly." This is one of the most significant predictions of this book, and on page 24, "Beware, hoarding will not help. It is not a time to hoard money, because it will not provide real security. It is still possible that we can face the time when even government-insured savings will not be paid. The only read security is in land. Money that is hoarded will disappear like sand out of a bag with holes in it." (Unquote) Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL: in JESUS' Word to me of April 21, 1977 He made it plain that
in the first year of three years of intense judgment that the price of crude oil would soar resulting in gold value problems and that in the second year of the three years of intense judgment that the dollar would be worthless. I actually saw a vision of $1 as bills blowing in the streets and no one bothered to pick them up, they were only paper trash. I've said, as the HOLY SPIRIT shewed me since 1977, that gold will hold its value initially but in the end it will fail as well. However, in 1999 brethren began to give us gifts for the purchase of "land" and/or a "house" and when I prayed asking JESUS how to invest those funds and JESUS led me to buy gold coins. When we sold much of the gold last year, which was purchased since 1999, to pay for remodeling work on this new home We made anywhere from 30°V0 to 100% plus over what we paid for the gold coins. A small amount of money went into CD's - which yielded no more than 1% a year. JESUS steered us the right way and it helped us significantly in paying for the remodeling work without which it would not have been possible. Some investment experts say that the price of gold could reach over $500 an ounce by the end of this year and in a time of crisis it could zoom to over $1,500 an ounce. Until the collapse comes gold is a sound investment compared to investing in say the stock market (very risky) or investing in bank CD's (a very poor % rate of return). How a brother or sister invests their money is between them and the Lord JESUS - we sought and followed JESUS' directions and gained a real blessing. I was simply passing on the insight to those who might like to know it. "A man of words and not deeds is like a garden full of weeds."
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The Staff and Sword Ministr y /We Get Letters
May 29, 2005
Letter from Jon and Pegg y B. Dated November 27, 2004 (Quote) "It might be time to open discussion about "Green Pasture" areas of our Father's protection and provision as the Spirit witnesses in many ways that judgment is imminent. We live in a mountainous area of National Forest land into which many Christians are building and moving, testifying that the Spirit is leading them here. We have abundant resources here: water, food, lumber, etc. and a mild climate. Can we pray that our Father will lead His people to safety? Can we pray that His people will obey His Spirit? There are areas named in the Staff and Sword book and are they still "Green Pastures?" Are there new "Green Pasture" areas?" (Unquote) Repl y by Chuck-JOHNEL: In 1977 GOD THE FATHER circled with His Finger five areas of the U.S. saying, "I WILL SAVE MANY ALIVE HERE." The HOLY SPIRIT also shewed me North America dotted with what! initially called "green patches" or places where God's blessings and protection were extended to His people during the judgment, war and occupation. Some brethren asked me to refer to these "green patches" as "green pastures" - so I obliged. The Lord JESUS has just recently located us to one of those five areas where He will keep many alive, giving us home and land here to His ends. Years ago JESUS told me that when He relocated us (which we did when we moved here) other brethren would have two years to relocate -IF they needed to do that. Everyone must be praying to be led of by the Spirit of God to know where the Lord would have them be - (1) stay where they are at or (2) relocate to some other place - but not only "where" but "when." Nancy-TONI and I have been praying about finding the place He would have us relocate to since we moved to Spokane in 1999 - in fact, we began praying in this general direction years earlier. There is not much to say about "Green Pastures" except to say you will find yourself there only as you pray to be led of by the Spirit of God, as you trust JESUS to lead you, keep you and provide for you in every respect. The articles Nancy-TONI has written from newsletter to newsletter over the past years are by design to prepare you to be led of by the Holy Spirit, to know JESUS and the "how to's." "Through indecision opportunity is often lost." Latin Proverb. Letter from Ivan and Ann December 2004 (Quote) "Sorry about that comment on one year occupation—senior moment! Yes, I believe in the 7 year occupation! On the other hand are we even sure there will be a 7 year tribulation based on Daniel's 70` h weeks.? Or, for that matter, a future anti-Christ as versus a very real but more generalized world system church anti-Christ?" (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL: When JESUS laid out before me the whole of the coming judgment on America in immense, intense detail (April, 1977 in Pittsburgh, PA.) He made it very evident that following the end of 7 years of occupation of America, (freed by the Spirit of God), that THE beast of antiChrist as spoken of in the Book of Revelation would emerge in Europe and the tribulation clock as given in the Book of Revelation would begin ticking - we would be on a countdown to the end
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May 29, 2005
Letterfrom Ivan and Ann December 2004 - Chuck-JOHNEL: 1Centinued) times. However, as I pray to be quick to state - JESUS did not reveal how much time passed from the end of the 7 years of occupation to the emergence of the beast of anti-Christ in Europe except that it followed the end of the 7 years of occupation - again by an unrevealed period of time. I don't live within my income because I can't afford it." Letter from Doris J. Dated December 1. 2004 (Quote) "...1 have a question [about] Revelation 1-4. What are the 7 spirits before God's Throne, what do the 7 spirits mean, and what do they do? Does God give His people all 7 spirits at one time?" (Unquote) C-J Comment: This venue is fairly limited and narrow in scope and wholly inadequate to begin to address all that is contained in Revelation Chapters 1-4. Having said that it is fairly obvious as to the meaning of these Scriptures if one reads them and prays asking for Holy Spirit Insight about what is read and lastly having the faith and patience to wait for Godly revelation to answer the questions you have. "Golf is a good walk spoiled." (Mark Twain) Letter from Ken and May E. of Delhi, CA. (Quote) "... What greatly concerns me now is that my wife saw two prophecies on the internet of George Bush being assassinated unless prayer power shields him from harm, as did the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan. Are you aware of these prophecies and will you alert Christians to pray for protection for our Christian President?...Have you gotten any other insight on the prophecy "Wake up Call" by Oral Roberts? Everyone around the world will see this sign and wonder and have opportunity to turn from their wickedness to an righteous God. Could this be a comet (Wormwood) that would be seen before it hits many parts of the world?" (Unquote) Repl y b y Chuck-JOHNEL : While I'm not specifically aware of the prophecies you mention the Lord shewed me an attempt would be made on then candidate George W. Bush in early 2000 and that he would likely be the president -elect that year and so the Net of Prayer (in our Daily Prayer Sheet) has been praying for his safety and well being from early 2000 to this day. As part of that effort to secure his safety we ended up having the Secret Service come to see us back in 2001. As a point of interest we warned of an attempt on President Reagan life, calling for prayer for him back in early March 1981 some weeks before the first attempt (by assassin Hinckley) and thereafter warned of a professional plot (to wit the Secret Service visited me back in 1981 as well) which was unhinged through Net of Prayer intercessions and prayer and counsel to the Secret Service. No insight into Oral Robert's prophecy as we have never seen it. No comment possible. The President must be greater than anyone else, but not better than anyone else. We subject him and his family to close and constant scrutiny and denounce them for things that we ourselves do every day. A Presidential slip of the tongue, a slight error in
May 29, 2005 The Staff and Sword MinistrvfWe Get Letters Page 12 i uote continued) judgment - social, political, or ethical - can raise a storm of protest. We give the President more work than a man can do, more responsibility than a man should take, more pressure than a man can bear. We abuse him often and rarely praise him. We wear him out, use him up, eat him up. And with all of this, Americans have a love for the President that goes beyond loyalty or party nationality; he is ours, and we exercise the right to destroy him." (John Steinbeck, America and Americans p.46, 1966) [C-J's Comment on thequote: The "Presidential "position, according to Steinbeck, sounds a bit like a prophet 's office as I think about it.] Letter from Arthur B. Dated Februa • 1 2005 (Quote) "Thank you and Nancy-TONI for the card from the White House and other data. And now a word for your hard-core and bewildered fan, Doug Clark. Even God can repent (change His plan) if we lowly humans just turn to Him in earnest. I suggest that Mr. Clark diligently study the book of Jonah. Hopefully he will become an enlightened man and you will have a new fan to boot." (Unquote) "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." ( Nathan Hale, last words before being hanged by the British, September 22, 1776, during the Revo lutionary War.) Letter from Leonard S. Dated January 17, 2005 (Quote) "I was very blessed to see the Lord's provision for you and Nancy-Toni. It is a great faith-builder to see His faithfulness abound in your
new home... Yesterday, as I was sharing this prophetic word with my brothers, Eric and Charles, we were talking about the Amos 5:6-7 scripture about Womnwood's threat to us. Eric got out the Bible and Charles then notices verse 8 and asked if the verse 8 could be talking about the Asian tsunami we just witnessed? As I read this scripture; being just after the mention of Wormwood in verse seven, it seems to fit. What do you think?...As I read through chapter 5 of Amos it seems to have a present day word about Israel during the time it was written and then jumps to the future warning about Wormwood and the Day of the Lord which is our time period. The past and present woven methodically in a poetic and hidden way. Well this is normal for the Lord...also a thought about Hurricane Ivan and the evidence of demon intent and maybe frustration. Since Ivan looked like the storm you saw the year of the accidental nuclear attack the Demon prince was aiming for New Orleans. It obviously was forced to miss and struck through Alabama. Well, now I realized what I had thought was very unusual when this storm stormed into the Atlantic, went south, crossed Florida and then struck New Orleans as a tropical depression. Could this be a double and set demonic intent? It did strike New Orleans as it wished, but was void of the power to accomplish its ultimate goal!" (Unquote) C-J Comment: As I reported following the 12/26/04 quake/wave - Wormwood was directly involved in this destruction. Concerning Hurricane IVAN - the demons were unable to pull it off but laid down a pattern they will take up again on another day when they can complete it. This tells us that these things are not afar when the enemy is so close to doing a thing. End of WE GET LETTERS.