Cover Page
The Staff and Sword Ministry
January 15, 2007
WE GET LETTERS Hugs and Kisses -- Sticks and Stones By: Chuck-JOH1<EL
From: Susan-LIL You April10, 2006. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI, ...The last point is a question. On the tape, (one) you were talking about the world long ago and how the day was just 6 hours long, until an asteroid or something kicked up a lot of dust, dirt, and such and the moon came into play dragging out the day to about 24 hours. In Matthew 24:22, and other places, the Lord says: "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saves, but for the elects sake, those days shall be shortened." You have talked about asteroids, comets, debris, coming to hit us on earth, and 1 i mmediately thought, if it hits us, it would also hit the moon! If this was "knocked about" and had less drag on us, it would shorten the days! Wouldn't it? This thought jumped out as you spoke of 6 hour days." (Unquote) Chuck-JOIHNEL R p I
honestly do not remember saying anything like that. What 1 do know (according to astrophysicists) is that when the earth was forming (it was just a I
barren hot rock with no water) that a rogue planetary body collided with earth hurling a
huge debris field around the earth. In a short period of time (space time wise) that debris field formed what is now known as our moon. When the I.S. landed on the moon back in 1969, they brought back a whole bunch of rocks for analysis and found that the moon is made of the same stuff as the earth - meaning it carne from the earth. If I would have said anything it would be something like this. I do not know that the moon creates a drag on the earth thus slowing its spin - maybe, I just do not know. Interesting idea none the less. Thanks for sharing. " God sends our relatives, but we can choose our friends."
Marie de Z. On April 12, 2006. (Quote)".. .Her other son (18 vrs. old) is in jail awaiting transfer to prison. Although he received 2 twenty-five year and I five year sentence, it is in appeal. She asked if they could seal him through the glass at jail. Since it is an angel that actually seals the person and glass is not a barrier to them, it would seem okay to me and I believe Heaven says to do it. Does your spirit bear witness to that?" (Unquote)
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Reply to Marie de Z b y Chuck - JOHNEL: By faith anything is possible. Have him touch
the glass and imprint the cross on the glass Sealing him in Jesus' Name. The Angel does the rest - you are right in that. God bless. "A bird in the hand can be messy."
Cecil S. On April 26, 2006 . (Quote) "Dear Chuck, ...Has Jesus shown you anything specific for Houston, Texas; or Texas in general? My question particularly deals with preparation, relocation and what do we do if there is a national or state call to arms? Will
any states form militia to help regular army when the fighting starts? Thank you and Nancy-TONI for all your help in informing us as to future prophetic events. God Bless." (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL'S Repl y : Many years ago when JESUS was revealing details of the coming judgment He revealed that earthquakes would strike Texas along with f iercesome Hurricanes - Corpus Christi being a specific target of the enemy for one massive hurricane. Past the fact that Texas will be invaded and occupied by a MexicanlChinese invasion force I do not have much more to share. My focus has been more on the events marking the start of severe judgments and a sequence of key events following that start (a major earthquake hitting Los Angeles). What I saw of militias fighting during the invasion/occupation appeared to be independent of the Army although during occupation remnants of the Army will joist with local militias to continue waging war on the occupying armies. "A Bible in the hand is worth two on the shelf." SAMUEL-Mike on April 25 2006. (Quote) "Hi Nancy, ...What affect will the Azusa St. revival have on the judgment? Will they parallel each other?" (Unquote)
Comment by C_J: While I'm not familiar with the Azusa Street revival - Ido know and have known since 1977 that Revival and Judgment will come hand-in-hand. Revival itself will save sinners before it is too late and draw God 's people back to Jesus before the judgment sweeps them under. It will strengthen Christians to endure and come through and draw many out of'thegrips of'hellfire to the savingknowledge of JESUS CHRIST. Other than that, the hope that revival would result in the judgment being cancelled is not in the picture. Out of the mouth of babes comes. ..cereal."
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SOME GOOD DEALS: Joanne M. On (no dateAQuote) "Just a thought for those seeking inexpensive survival items, Many larger cities dispose of impounded, abandoned, or seized property by auctions. We've gotten night vision goggles, great quality flashlights, all kinds of tools, garage shelving, folding tables, etc, at some very low bids. I've seen home safes, bicycles, watches, jewelry, DVD players, stereos, etc. Once the cases have gone through the courts, the cities Just want the stuff gone. If you don't mind removing the "EVIDENCE" labels, you can really get some great deals. The Fire Dept here also recycles their used axes, hatches, etc, by selling them at auction (some in great condition). You can find out by visiting your local city's website (or school district), or call them. Sometimes the cities use an auction service (our local one is ) : I know of someone who fenced their entire lot by buying beautiful wooden fencing recycled from a discontinued Animal Shelter â&#x20AC;&#x201D; very cheap. Check it out where you live." (Unquote) Chuck-JOFINEL: Thankyou Joanne M. for sharing, very helpful information if acted on. "If you'll spend more time sharpening the ax, you'll spend less time --chopping wood." "I hate doing laundry . 1 don't separate the colors from the whites. I put them together and let them learn from their cultural differences." Rita Rudner Rick-DAVID on April 26, 2006 . (Quote) "JOHNEL & TONI â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Hi & Hallelujah! Am curious as to the timing of the coming TINY STAR in relation to the period between the accidental nuclear attack on America in Dec. 2008 and WW III in 2010-2012. When do you think that the astronomers shall first notice it, and when do you think that you shall go to Corpus Christi, TX to stop/contain its impact on earth? (I realize that Father could change the plans in the meantime if prayer/repentance in America would cause Him to relent in His mercy). Take care! P.S. Great job well done in the newsletters! And the monthly meeting audio tapes!" (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL Reply: There has never- been any clear revelation of timing connected with the TINY STARS so we do not have any idea where it appears in the "understood" sequence of judgment events. The only tinning hint (if it is that) is when the book JESUS, HIS ANGEL and ME is published - we then have one year to . find 1, 000 intercessors who will pray for 3 inonths to stop it from hitting the earth. While we are working now to publish volume 1 of JESUS, HIS ANGEL AND ME - there is no leading to go looking for 1,000 intercessors nor do I believe that this volume 1 is necessarily the start of that work of prayer. Why? JESUS told ine that I'd be contacted by a publisher who would publish it- we are self-publishing volume 1.
" Modesty is the only sure bait when you angle for praise." Lord Chesterfield
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January 18, 2007
John H. On (no date . ( Quote) "God BIess you Chuck and Nancy! Question: When a Christian prays for protection over himself, his family, his property, etc, should he plead "The Blood of Jesus" over it and why? Pleading the blood of Jesus doesn't seem to be in the Bible. Also, can Satan be "bound"? Has the Net of Prayer ever `'bound" Satan? Or, is that a generic prayer to bind the enemy at hand?" (Unquote) Reply b y Chuck_JOHNEL: Biblically, in the Old Testament, the shedding of blood was
to atone for sin. In JESUS CHRIST's sacrifice and death on the cross His Blood was shed, that atoned for all the sin of mankind. To plead the Blood of Jesus Christ on yourself; family, home is to remind the enemy of Christ (still prowling about for those he can devour) that you, your family and home are under JESUS 'Blood, your sins are atoned foi and he (the enemy) has no grounds or opportunity against you. `In The Spirit' I have seen (and heard) the reaction of demons when the Blood of Jesus is pled on them - they scream in utter terror and pain and flee at the speed of lightning. To , just "bind Satan "is too general and lacking in definition - it would be like trying to fill the Grand Canyon by tossing in a pebble. It is not very effective. But when confronting demons "in The Spirit' to say "In JESUS' Name I bind you." - the effect is visible and immediate. The demon is visibly bound (tied with what looks like cords) and is immobilized. However, I've also seen that such "binding" is tempo raiy, the enemy will often break loose of the bonds and become active again. When they are bound that is a good time to draw the Sword of the Spirit (which is the Word of God) and slice the demon into little pieces - destroying it out of this world. At lest then they don 't return for a good space of time. "He's been that way for years â&#x20AC;&#x201D; a born questioner but he hates answers." Ring Lardner Kath y J. On Ma y 29, 2006. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI, ...Bob prophesied that within six months Grand Junction would have a 4.5 magnitude earthquake, (I have already experienced it "In The Spirit'). And within 8 weeks after that a 9.0 magnitude earthquake (which would tie in with the coming L.A. earthquake time). We would greatly appreciate it if you would check this and confirm or deny it. Best wishes to you both." (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL: Sorry, no insight to be able to confirm it one way or another. Judgment has come and troubles are already brewing across the nation. Even though we still have a little time of mercy remaining, the noise of the coming storm is now in ear shot. "My analyst doesn't understand me." Mel Calrnan
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Jo S. (no date). (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI, It has been quite some
ti me since I thanked you for the many hours you spend keeping us informed. The last daily prayers have made such a difference in my insight on prayers, and the newsletter is something I look forward to and read many times. Now having grown up on a farm with many animals and crops of all kinds, I can only imagine how beautiful your grounds are, and of course thanking God for giving you your heart's desire. We are retired, live in a complex with only a patio but I can grow flowers and marvel at the beauty of colors and in plants of so many kinds. I thank God for His goodness in all things. Love in Christ Jesus." (Unquote)
Chuck-JOHNEL and Nano -TONI: You are welcome. Thank you for your kind letter.
"I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me." Fred Allen y Steve and Debbie G. on Ma i 2006. (Quote) "Hi Chuck - Nancy,. . .Sorry about your
dad. Did you get to see him before he went home? Question: There are several tv shows that have characters who use psychic connection to solve crimes. Doing good if you will. Is that Biblical, or just another lie being passed on by Satan? I can't find anything other than men of God such as yourself, and Nancy. Take care." (Unquote)
Chuck-JOHNEL Rep[ : My sister Donna telephoned me March 13, 2006 to tell me that Dad had anywhere from 3 days to a month and then he passed away within the next hour or so. l prayed about this and JESUS' Angel told me that my Dad passed away so fast he did not know he was gone from this world (he thought it was a nice dream). He was gathered to his loved ones the next day. On "psychics "-the word means "soul "and they are using "soul power-" to discover what
they know. Soul power is generally working in the Devil 's backyard - he has a lot of influence in this area, so it is dangerous stuff Some brethren might be tempted to dabble in this stuff; but beware, it can prove to be a deadly spiritual snare. "I think age is a very high price to pay for maturity." y Bill and Kath y S. On. Ma 9 2006. ( Quote) "Dear Chuck- JOHNEL and Nancy-TON1, We appreciate you so much and thank the Lord for you Being in the Net of Prayer and receiving the Daily Prayers, Newsletters, We Get Letters, Manifesting Christ, and the y fellowship meeting tapes have really been a blessing to us. Ever thing has helped us in our spiritual walk and is an answer to our prayers. You give so much of yourselves and we wanted to let you know how much it has meant to us. We wanted a deeper relationship with our heavenly Father and Jesus, our dear friend and Savior. Thank you for pointing the
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Bill and Kathy S. On May 9, 2006. (Quote continued) way. You are in our prayers. We look forward to all future correspondence. God Bless you." (Unquote)
Chuck-JOHNEL Comment: Thank you for this uplifting and encouraging letter. "Activity is contagious." Ralph Waldo Emerson Al/se L. (no date t (Quote) "Dear Mr. Youngbrandt, Greetings in Jesus' sweet name. My husband and I have received and listened to both the Feb. and March fellowship meeting tapes and have been blessed by them. I am also in the middle of reading the Staff and the Sword. It's a grand thing that God would let us know joy and happiness here in the midst of difficult callings (you laugh a lot on your tapes.) After prayer, Jesus said I could share with you a few of my experiences in heaven to add to what you were speaking about an the March tape. Such experiences are varied, often somewhat brief and I really don't know many specifics of where I am. Jesus says I can relay to you that once in speaking to someone there (I do not understand the whole context of that experience or the entire conversation, but it was about where each of us the person I was talking to and myself - live). I was told I live in the land of grace. I know our bodies are different - much more refined, elegant, noble - even the way we walk and talk is more graceful. I have more skills there than here, for instance, I can play a variety of instruments and play them well there. (1 play a few instruments here and would never be hired by an orchestra!) Jesus is most beautiful and elegant and noble and pure and to be able to be more like Him is a most, most precious gift. At times when I am directed outward - the freedom in this is indescribable. Lastly, I would mention about the animals (but Jesus would have me mention that there is chocolate in heaven also - once I had a chocolate drink). The animals I have seen (either common to earth or not) are more beautiful/refined there than here. And regarding pets, I have personally seen/touched/been with 2 of my former pets (both cats). The one, I have been with several times. I do not call them by the names I knew them by, for now just "kitty". Well, that is what I have to share. Blessings to you and your wife." (Unquote)
Chuck-JOHNEL Comment: Thank you for having the faith to share this, much appreciated and delightful. An abnormal person is anyone who behaves differently from you."
Don C. On Ma y 1, 2006. (Quote) "Hello Chuck-JOHN EL and Nancy-TONI â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Praise the Lord Jesus and Father God! They are totally worthy of all our praise-love-time-our all. Thank you Jesus for the Staff and Sword Ministry, these friends of yours continuing to minister to us with your unconditional love. Wonderful! Thank you C1 and NT for the ti mely newsletters, information, comparing spiritual things with spiritual; the NOP, and all
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Don C. On May 1, 2006. thiote continued) you do to edify us and build us up in Christ
Jesus. Praising on in Jesus." (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL Comment: Amen!
" When you're thirsty, it's too late to think about digging a well." Paid H. on June
16, 2006. (Quote) "I am blessed to be a part of this prayer group. I have
this problem though. You said that the LORD said that Catholics are Christians yet they don't follow the Bible that they say that they wrote. They don't have a complete Bible in their Churches only a book of Bible parts. I came out of Catholicism when I started into Bible Study Fellowship. So does he mean that they are Christians just because they use the name of Jesus in their worship or are just some of them saved because they are really born again?? Thanks for any help on this question." (Unquote) Repl y b y Cliuck-JOHNEL: When t was in Poland hack in 1975 (spent two weeks there) I ended up praying in the Polish Churches (all are Roman Catholic). In 19741 converted to the Lutheran Church (formerly being a Roman Catholic) and consequently had a dire view of those Catholics I saw every day in Warsaw, and elsewhere in Poland, who knelt r down in front ofstatues to p ay before going to work. Ijudged them in my heart as being guilty of idolatry and felt quite safe in making that judgment. On my next to last day in Poland I was in this old Catholic Cathedral whose spires had been bombed out during r World War II. Again, I judged those who rushed in to p ay quickly on their way to work as guilty of idolatry. By this time what was in my heart was moving from judging them to something worse when all of a sudden the Angel of that Church stood before me - it was proportional to the ceiling - huge, like three stories high! It looked down at me with some disdain essentially saying, "Son of dust, how judgeth thou these thy brethren,? Do you know, do you see what is in their hearts?! Can you measure what is
in their hearts towards Christ Jesus!?! Know this, when persecution comes again to this nation as it will come in your nation, these same you judge today will die before denying Christ their Savior. " With that the Angel smiled down on me and was gone. Ifelt about one inch high and repented of the hardness in my heart towards these my brethren in Christ. From that day to now I've never presumed to judge another brother or sister in Christ by outward appearances. There is an evident edge in your letter, a clear sense of unbelief that JESUS said what He said to me about Catholics. Look at what it says in John 1: 12: "But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to becomes the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name. " I know very many Catholics who "believe on His name". As far- as Catholics not following the Bible, in truth there is not a
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Repl y by Chuck--JOH1VELlcontinued j: denomination in Christendom that does not have
Christians who do not follow the Bible. This is not a problem exclusive to the Roman Catholics. When JESUS sent me to warn His Church o fcoming judgment He made it plain to inc from the start that He required that I approach every believer, ever y denomination with both His Love and kindness and to treat them with respect. "You never know how absurd your own opinion is until you hear somebody else quoting it. " Lavonia P. On May 31, 2006. (Quote) "Dear Nancy-TONI and Chuck-JOHNEL: Enclosed please find my affirmative Response Form. I must say that it did come at an appropriate time. At the beginning of this month I experienced a negative reaction to the "Seal of the Living God" and it really discouraged me â&#x20AC;&#x201D; to the point that I decided that I would not offer this to anyone anymore, no way, no how. For years and years and years I have had a burden for the United States of America, even before I knew who the two of
you were. Most of the time I didn't understand what was happening or why I was compelled to pray for our wonderful United States, but is was an urgency that wouldn't be suppressed, so I did as the Holy Spirit led and would travel and pray as directed. I have received some strange reactions, but never before been verbally attacked. The verbal attack not only surprised me, but mystified me as well. I was invited to attend a Bible study meeting in the home of a very dear friend of mine. The meeting was conducted by a lovely elderly lady, whom most people knew, she seemed to be admired by everyone (I didn't know her, but then I do not know most people because I keep to myself unless otherwise instructed) and everyone was grouped around her while she taught on repentance. I had prayed the night before and the same morning about this meeting and I knew that something was going to happen, I just didn't know what. At the end of the meeting before leaving I offered to seal those who wanted to be sealed with the "Seal of the Living God'' to see us through the hard times coming to America. The reaction was not good. The lady said that she would overcome by the word of her testimony and the Blood of the Lamb
w}rich is correct, and I tried to explain about the "Man with the Ink Horn" quoting scripture and it came out sounding goofy. She told me that that was Old Testament stuff and not for today, and this went on and on. I finally said I'm offering this seal for the third time for those whom will accept and there were no takers. I left perplexed wondering why anyone would refuse this. There were a few young people there and everyone was following this lady's lead and staring at me as if! had just grown another head. Iran through the gauntlet of emotions. Hurt feelings, anger and then just plain old mystification. The Holy Spirit comforted me be telling me that it wasn't me who was attacked (but it sure felt like it). I remember the things that Chuck-JOHNEL said about being verbally and physically attacked and I thanked God that 1 wasn't physically attacked â&#x20AC;&#x201D; (anyway, she was an old
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Lavonia P. On May 31, 2006. (Quote continued) lady, I could have taken her — just kidding — couldn't resist). Well I made up my mind that I would not offer the Seating to anyone again. Then yesterday the postman brought the new prayer sheets and in it was the notation about the watchman being responsible. I repented of the "no more" decision. I am learning more and more everyday that most people do not want to hear this message. I will continue to pray and offer the "Seal" as the Holy Spirit directs. I still pray the "In Full Assurance" prayer sheet, it covers everything. God bless the United States of America." (Unquote)
Chuck-JOHNEL'S Comment: The unbelief of others, when it confronts you, can shake you up - it is also unpleasant. But we need pick ourselves up, dust off and go on in Christ. Being a `fool for Christ" is what it is all about at times like this. I've found over the years that those who resist the Seal of the Living God (there is a Scripture in the New Testament that parallels the one in the Old Testament) are carnal, led by their soul -life and not by the Spirit of God. They are the "women "spoken of in Ezekiel 9: 6 - the first to be slain by
the destroyers when they are loosed. "Isn't it funny how everyone in favor of abortion has already been born?" Patrick Murray Evel y nz Pearl P. On May 30L 2046. ( Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI, Christian greetings. Have been wanting to write you for some time to especially tell you about a dream I had back in Jan. 06. since part of the dream came to pass the next day. This was the dream: It was raining at our house and stormy weather was coming. My husband told me to leave in my car with a niece of mine and go to our place in East Texas and he said he would come in his truck later. Well, along the way to E. Texas, we stopped at a park. There were a group of people there — having some kind of get-together. As I was near some of the people — I overheard them talking and this is what they were saying: The terrorists were going to attack America and the name of the attack was being called The End of the World — would be so terrible and the date this attack would happen would be Sept. 15. That was the end of my dream. I felt like this dream was a warning from the Lord. The next day -- right after the dream — I listened to Steve Quayle on short wave radio and I heard him say -- that the Moslem terrorists are going to attack America and the name of the attack is called, The End of the World . The exact same words I heard in my dream. It shocked me when I heard Steve bringing part of my dream to come true. Now I will have to wait till Sept. 15, 2006 — to see if the rest of my dream will come true. I've been busy planting veg. plants in earth grow boxes that have the water chambers on the bottom. You don't have to water these as much and I enjoy so much watching them grow. With the prices of everything going up we need to grow some vegetables. Have you seen the article — Secret FEMA plans to use pastors as pacifiers in preparation for Martial Law? It's on Steve Quayle's web site, go to: Steve also
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Evel y n Pearl P. On Ma y 30, 2006. (Quote continued) on Alex Jones web site, it's:
infowars.corn (you need to read this article). They are up to no good. Al Cluppet — I've heard in person — who was Joint Chief of Staff for over 11 years in our gov. said the day would come, when the new world order would drive buses and vans up to our Churches and load the Christian people on the buses and not telling them the truth where they are taking them, and haul them away to the death camps. So you see in this article they want the pastors to teach their Church people to obey the gov.; whatever they tell them to do they're suppose to do it and if they don't obey — they will send the Swat teams to take care of them. They want the pastors to help lead their people to their death. I think this is awful. Just like the devil, They talk about making preparations for the round up. (The round up for the death camps.) Also FEMA said to prepare for quarantine for three months for the pandemic that's coming. Don't take any kind of shot. Dr. Hortz said — it will pass you on quicker out of this world. Felt led to say these things. Love in Christ." (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL Comment: If you look at how well FEMA took care of the Katrina
disaster (it is still a mess) you get a clear picture of federal want of ability to get things done. They lack people, they lack resources - the idea that they will begin rounding up
people by the hundreds of thousands upwards of millions assumes that they have the military power and resources to do so. The U.S. Army is wholly tied up in Iraq and Afghanistan, to say nothing of troops stationed in Korea, Europe, the Balkans and other places round the globe. They have neither the police or army power to do any of this at this time and if they had such resources in manpower and materials they'd run into some stiff resistance from sizeable groups of people in this nation who neither trust nor are willing to submit to such a police state - they'd have a first class fight on their hands, more than they could ever handle. What Iconsider here is the practical possibility of such a thing happening any time soon I don 't think so. There is serious talk in Congress about adding hundreds of thousands of men to the military because it is undermanned and they cannot meet every threat abroad. Doubtless some evil men would like to be able to do this, some might even make contingency plans to this end but their ability to actually pull it off is clearly in doubt. What JESUS did reveal to me many years ago was that in the judgment shortages of food r will result in violent riots in majo cities in this nation forcing the government to call out troops and tanks to quell such violence.
Now I did see in visions that during the occupation (towards the end of it) that occupying armies will begin to round up Americans (from North, Central and South America) and
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Chuck-JOHNEL Comment (continued): send them to death camps. "The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage. " Ed B. On June 4 2006. (Quote) "Dear Chuck and Nancy, I just returned from vacation. While I was gone, I was impressed upon with several things — one was the nearness of a coming war with Iran, just like the Lord showed you years ago. The second impression was that I should enter into a season of prayer with fasting when I returned from vacation. What a wonderful confirmation I received when I got back and found your latest mailing calling us to prayer with fasting — specifically as it pertains to Iran. I just want to thank you again — and thank our Lord for you. You have been a constant encouragement and example to us of following after our Lord in this time. The longer I have been connected to you and this ministry, "the sweeter it grows." And I look forward to more growth in Him, such as I have seen His growth and grace in you!" (Unquote) "In order to be a diplomat, one must speak a number of languages, including double-talk." Will Rogers Rick W. On June 6, 2006. (Quote) "Dear JOHNEL and TONI, I just watched the stock market close after 2 days of tumbling in the red on 06105 & 06/06, and am happy to see that a crash did not materialize on this day, as I fully expected. I would like to mention that it might be important to note for future reference that we have 2 years in a row of judgment activity in the economic/industrial sector on this same day of June? Do you think this indicates that a pattern was laid for a future judgment event, and/or did we see a wonderful answer to our NOP prayers? I am specifically referring to the following prayer — DEAR HEAVENLY FATHER GOD, we ask in Jesus' sweet and precious Name that you restrain the destroyer by Your HOLY SPIRIT and to grant America and the world a short space of time in which Your mercy will overflow to spare much and many. While I was wondering what happened today and why the market didn't completely crash, Jesus shared a Word with me. Here are a few lines of His Word, "... Do not be deceived, the world has no real hope to offer you. Unexpected catastrophes happen all over the
world each day. The passing of time causes all things of the world to come to an end. Nothing in the world can offer you what I freely give- hope. Hope will keep you steady and sure. After all, I AM the God of hope..." And I see by this Word that we need always keep our hope in Jesus as our center anchor. I think America has been very blessed in His overflowing mercy and grace today? .. JOHNEL's sharing of the eagle vision in the last newsletter caught my full attention. I took
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
January 20, 2007
Rick W. On June 6, 2006. JOute continued) special interest in that revelation and believe I may have some interesting insights to share about that? I really appreciated what JOHNEL shared about it, and would like to offer some additional comments. I pondered over this for a couple of days and then the following suddenly came to me. At first, it bothered me as to why the eagle, (America) couldn't see the serpents in the bushes? Why didn't the eagle fly? The first time the eagle was attacked, (9/ 11) it didn't fly to the safety of the sky. Now we are facing the second serpent strike, (Iran and nuclear attack) and we are praying a special prayer about this. We're praying â&#x20AC;&#x201D; "FATHER GOD, in Jesus' Name, knowing and fully understanding that this judgment would only be deferred not prevented, we ask that You move the president to call this nation to pray and fast that this judgment be averted. Thank You, FATHER, for every answer to our prayers." We are praying in faith and `great hope in Christ' for an answer! 1 see what might happen if the church-nation does pray and fast, and we get this answer. That means the eagle, (America) would ` fl y to safet y ' rising up by prayer, and we would be enabled to avoid the second serpent strike! But if the church-nation will not respond to the call to pray and fast, then the eagle remains on the ground. And then the second and third strike will be most inevitable, and if that happens we won't escape the coming death of America when the great eagle is bitten over its head all the way to its heartland. Now the question is, will the eagle of the vision ever fly again? For months now, I've been led to pray in my own personal intercessory prayers, for the Holy Spirit `quickening and awakening' of the sleeping body of Christ. in the vision of the eagle standing in the clearing, the eagle doesn't see the danger in the bushes. And the serpents ` strike suddenly from out of the bushes, unseen by the eagle. The eagle can't see' the serpents because the church body in America is asleep! The church is the eye of the eagle! And I remember judgment is coming on America because the church has rejected Jesus. Will the church wake up? The life of the eagle depends on whether the church will pray? If not, the eagle won't see the danger and won't fly. The eagle can only fly if and when the church prays. The eagle glided for a long time before landing in the vision, because the church has been slowly `falling' more asleep over the years, and not praying. This may be the most important chance for the eagle to fly? If President Bush doesn't call the nation to pray and fast, or if the nation doesn't respond, it's as good as over and the death of this nation is almost certain. And this may be where the `Word of hope' above comes in, never to give up hope? Hope in Christ is our only anchor through this. I think that we can see from this vision and insight that this prayer campaign is one of the most important that many of the NOP have ever prayed in? The life of the eagle may literally depend on Father God's answers to these NOP prayers we are praying right now! Now I understand a little better why I've been led to pray for the awakening of the sleeping church body. I wonder if the NOP should pray for the open doors and a clear way for the meeting between JOHNEL and President Bush? Jesus said it was in His Will to arrange for a meeting? Bush needs to be alerted! The church has always been the eye of the eagle, and if the church sleeps, then the eagle can't see and fly from the hidden danger
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January 25, 2007
Rick W. On June 6 2006. (Quote continued in the bushes? Maybe the NOP could also pray for the awakening of the sleeping body of Christ in this nation? When Jesus arranges for JOHINEL to meet with Bush, I was kind of hoping Bush hears about the ` 10,000 to I' retribution rate against this nation when we cause Israel harm
or loss? Our whole nation should be baking them happy birthday cakes, not sending over armed military personnel in Hummers!" (Unquote) y Chuck-JOHNEL Re I : Through JESUS' Word it is clear that by His action that a m eeting with President Bush will happen. However, I'm fairly certain that this will NOT happen until well after the May 16, 2007 deadline. The decision of the church to reject God's help is going to prevent such a meeting until the opportunity to escape this war trap is past.
At this point in time even if the church were to pray apart from repenting, not much would change. Now if the President called the nation to pray, that is a different situation but this kind of prayer action would happen apart from and outside of the church itself There is a limited window of opportunity for that to happen - again, ending May 16, 2007. The meeting with Bush may be more about greater issues, like sounding sirens across America just prior to when the accidental nuclear attack happens and counsel to him personally on how to escape the judgment. "There is no fun in having nothing to do; the fun is in having lots to do and not doing it." Bill J. On December 6.2006 . (Quote)".. .I would also like to know if you will ask Jesus about the "Mormon" Church. I am sure there are a lot of rumors going round but there were many about you that turns out to be false and misleading..." (Unquote) Bill J. On December 5, 2006. (Quote) "I have prayed about something that I have encountered recently `the Mormon faith' and have gotten no answers. If possible I ask if Chuck-JOHNEL will pray for an answer of whether the Mormon Church or faith is accepted by Jesus. I have a friend of the family who is a wonderful person and puts her faith in Jesus Christ and is a member of this church." (Unquote). Res onse b y1V.O.P. Lt. Colonel Richard Wilcox: (Quote) "As a member of the Mormon Church for over 50 years, Chuck-JOHNEL deferred this question to me. I can attest to asking Jesus many times about the Mormon Church before I cafne out of it, for there is
something uneasy in it that isn 't easily distinguished from the inside of this church. The "Mormnon " church appears to have many outward qualities that appeal to the average person, such as strong family ties and a healthy lifestyle, but the question is where
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January 25, 2007
Response by NV O.P. Colonel Richard Wilcox: (Quote continued} does it fit in Jesus'
teachings. The "Mormon" church requires works and stages of advancement in order to earn the blessing of being with Jesus in the heavens. Fo y - example, the LDS (Mormon) church teaches that a temple marriage is necessary before a member will enter into 3 rd heaven or celestial kingdom with God. To app r eciate this, the prerequisite to a temple marriage is baptism into the Mormon church through baptism and confirmation, paying afull 10% of all earnings to the LDS church; abstaining from tea, coffee, and alcohol; and other requirements which make you in "good standing" with the church. The temple ceremony is full of secret oaths and obligations which a person must swear to. This ceremony is based upon the Blue Lodge (first 3 degrees) ofFreemasonry with some changes as needed. As in Freemasonry, all that goes on in this temple ceremony is never to be discussed with anyone outside the temple upon pain of death. A participant is taught how and what to say in order to gain the presence of God in heaven â&#x20AC;&#x201D; but this information is to be kept secret from those people outside the temple whether members of the Mormon church or not. In other words, it is secret. So much for sharing the gospel. In contrast, Jesus and His followers spread Jesus' message ofsalvation openly and everywhere in public. The message of Christ is open and public. Jesus said in John 18:20 "1 spake openly to the world; ...and in secret have I said nothing." I have mentioned just the tip of the iceberg regarding Mormonism.
Mormon ism teaches that no one on earth outside a temple-going Mormon will ever gain the chance to be with God in heaven. Because of this teaching, the Mormon church pemforins temple ceremonies for the dead who have lived before the Mormon church started the temple ceremony in 184 2 . This is the only way people can be saved according to Mormon teachings, and all other teachings and churches are false according to Mormonism. Be careful not to judge those individuals in the Mormon church because they have no other teachings upon which to judge their own church. Unless we Christians have a foundation in what the Mormon church teaches, it will be difficult for us to communicate with a Mormon. Be prayer ful and seek the Holy Spirit's leading when talking to Mormons. Only the simplicity of Christ's teachings and love will open the door. " (Unquote). "A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking." John and Sand yH. On June 15, 06. (Quote) "Dear Chuck and Nancy, ...We look forward to when you can get an internet website â&#x20AC;&#x201D; if Jesus directs. Thank you for all the hard work that you do. ..Seeking the Lord and writing the newsletter. I continue to read: "Introduction to the Net of Prayer Year 2000" and am continually blessed. The cassette tapes of the meetings are also a blessing. Thanks again. P.S. Has Jesus shown you when the stock market will crash? And what would be a wise thing to do with retirement
The Staff and Sword Ministry
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John and Sand y H. On June 15 06.(Quote continued) investments such as IRA's?" (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL Repl y : It will be much more than a stock market crash - the whole economic base of the United States will collapse, the dollar will be worthless. Initially, gold coins will be a worthwhile hedge against these kind of troubles but in the worse part of judgment even gold will lose its value. It will boil down to land, food and being among a Christian community that is capable of defending itself. When it comes down to the question of "when'? Well, JESUS has not given me a date but r He has given me judgment events that will p ecede other judgment events which will lead directly into this severe judgment. For example, I've deduced . from JESUS' WORD that following the September 9 hurricane to slam into the Gulf Coast (from the Atlantic to New Orleans) there will be a massive earthquake/tsunami to devastate the west coast from San Francisco all the way to Vancouver, Canada. The devastation of four major cities (to say nothing of hundreds of towns and small cities) to be followed by the nuking of four U.S. Cities (by accident) is going to shatter the U.S. economy and the financial world. I suggest you obtain a copy of the WILCOX REPORT and get familiar with the sequence of events given in there on this judgment. Timing is more dijJicult to grasp than following the sequence ofjudgment events which JESUS gave over the years. "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance." Derek Bok
Kenneth Al. H. On June 24 2006. (Quote) "Dear Friends, Some eight years ago I received a purported prophecy by St. Bernadette of Lourdes. According to the enclosure, Bernadette wrote about a war between Muslims and Christians near the year 2000 in which a city in Persia (Iran) suffers from a very destructive bomb. Could it be that an Iranian city will be nuked in retaliation for the loss of American troops by a nuclear-tipped missile? It seems to me that the subsequent prophecy predicting an ultimate Christian victory is highly compressed â&#x20AC;&#x201D; that is, it may cover several decades during the time when America will be invaded and occupied. Many prophecies compress and summarize events in this way and unintentionally mislead those who want or need precise dates. Cordially in Christ." (Unquote)
Re 1 v b y Chuck- - JOHNEL: Your speculation is perhaps not so speculative. GOD THE FA THER first shewed me that accidental nuclear attack in September of 1983 (4 U.S. cities nuked by Russia by accident), then JESUS shewed inc that this would happen along with several other disasters, one in which Iran would nuke or army in Saudi Arabia and end up setting the Saudi oilfields afire with that nuclear blast.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
February 13, 2007
Re l ' b y Ch uck-JoHNEL continued : It was plain to me from these visions in 1983 that
there was an obvious stress, if not outright serious tension, between the U.S. and Russia at the time. My speculation (I note that it is a speculation, an attempt to . fill in the blank spaces) has been that after Iran nukes our Army that the U.S. will move to nuke Iran in return. In the process there would be high tension between the U.S. and Russia with Russia not willing to go along with a nuclear strike at Iran by the U.S. Now, today we know that Russia is aiding Iran in the development of nuclear technology including missile technology and is resisting any attempt by the U.S. to cause Iran to cease its nuclear development. It occurred to me years ago that a nuclear strike at Iran would require either the use of bombers or- nuclear-tipped ICBM's which would come CLOSE to the Russian homeland. That alone could trigger* an accidental nuclear attack by Russia and it was made clear to Inc in 1983 that the Russian launch ofICBM's at the I.S. was an accident - not intentional. However, the tension between the U.S. and Russia must have reached a critical point because the U.S. will nuke three Russians cities for the four ofours being nuked. That kind of response tells me that the hostility level between the U.S. and Russia is boiling hot dangerous.
*Note The former Soviet Union installed a computer system that would, if it detected an incoming attack, would respond by firing ICBM's at the U.S. Supposedly this system has been turned off, but Ipercieve that it is still operational and will be a keyfactor in causing the accidental attack. The "time compression " aspect of Prophecy is an interesting idea; however, prophecy is
usually not time identified or revealed for a variety of reasons. One main reason is that when a prophetic warning is being issued by God through His Prophets there is an allowed period of f tiinefbr a response from God 's people (to believe or nor, to pray or not, to repent or not) and then when God's people (even if only a few) do pray or repent and pray these responses will invariably add time delaying the start ofjudgments or- better- yet modifying judgment with mercy. Then there are those situations where the enemy of our souls tries to initiate judgments BEFORE God's time, and where those of God's people who are pr-aying and watching catch the enemy in the act - and set them (the demons) back through prayer wai far째elintercession. Prophecy is never as simple as a prediction that does or does not come true - they are opportunities presented to God's people to seek a better outcome through repentance and prayer. Divorce is so common that some couples stay married just to be different. Louise J. On June 16,2006. (Quote) "Staff and Sword Ministry. Dear Friends, Daily do I think of you and pray and ask blessings on this Ministry, health and fresh anointings on your lives and ser v ices in God's kingdom. I am so thankful for the prayer sheets so
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Louise J. On June 16. 2006. (Quote continued ) inclusive to my needs. I have just had my 89 th birthday. God has been so good to me. The prayer of agreement has been so precious to me and my daughter, Linda, who lives with me. Answers have come so wonderfully (1) healing of daughter Anne's ..., (2) return of health to Ann's husband after his heart attack, (3) clearing of Linda's identity credit information along with many other blessings. Praise the Lord my health has been so good — do notice muscle pain and stiffness and weakness but I repeat, God has been so good to me. Especially for the love and help of my Spirit — filled family. Have a wonderful summer. Love and Blessings." ( Unquote) Chuck-JOFINEL: Thank you for your kind letter. "Nobody wants to be married to a doctor who works weekends and makes house calls at 2 A.M. But every patient would like to find one."
Teri V. on June 24, 2006. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL, Warm greetings and JESUS' love to you from me and my family! On Tuesday, June 13, 2006, I sought JESUS briefly about a particular scripture which had been coming to mind due to the fact that I had received a couple dreams recently. In these dreams, I saw a black dog, and heard the word "Unclean" in my spirit. The scripture was this: Philippians 3:2-3 "Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers. Beware of the concision. For we are the circumcision ,which worship God in the Spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh."
Having copied that into my journal, I waited for a while in JESUS' Presence, and continued to write what came to mind, which was as follows: " My perception on this for tree and my household personally, especially in the context of the dreams I've been receiving lately is to STAY OUT OF THE CHURCH SYSTEM OF MAN, even to STAY AWAY FROM THE CHURCH SYSTEM OF MAN. DO NOT FEAR IT. DO NOT FEAR MAN OR THE ENEMY, BUT BE WARY OF THE ENEMY'S DEVICES AND DESIRE TO DESTROY YOU AND MY HOLY PEOPLE. HIDE YOURSELF IN ME, (JESUS) AND COUNT ALL LOSSES AS DUNG THAT YOU MAY WIN CHRIST AND BE FOUND IN HIM. BE WISE AS SERPENTS AND MEEK AS DOVES." Normally I do not write in all caps in my journal like this. My hunch is that this may have been JESUS speaking to me, and that if so, it may be beneficial for others in the Body to pray and seek JESUS about. After pondering the above "word", I was also reminded of how in the Staff and Sword book, you were shown by the LORD that there would come a time in which we would have to be very careful about who we would trust in the Body of CHRIST, that as JESUS warned us, brother would betray brother, etc. I think it is very i mportant that we be led of the Holy Spirit concerning who we share with, what we say, what infon-nation we share, etc. It is definitely a time for serious discernment and discretion! I believe I have seen the enemy in the spirit dressed in a black trench coat and ski mask, twice with a black hat on, and I also believe lie was watching for any
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February 15, 2007
Teri V. on June 24, 2006. (Quote continued) opportunities to murder God's people. He was also working throw h human a g ents within the church s stem of man! Isn't it interesting then, if JESUS was indeed admonishing me to remain hidden in Him? What do you make of all this? I would appreciate any discernment, or confirmations you might have to offer here. God Bless you and Nancy TONI. In Jesus' Love." (Unquote) Comment b y Chuck- .7OIINEL: We have just mailed out to the Net of Prayer a Prayer
Campaign named "AND JESUS CALLED" which is designed to target demons and/or unclean spirits that have and would attack us through the church system of man. Since JESUS has specifically spoken of this dangerI can easily confirm Teri 's vision/revelation. "Never go to a doctor whose office plants are dead." Erma Bombeck Pat and Dolt on November 25, 2006. (Quote)". . . We wanted to mention something else that has been a great problem for us and don't know if others may have a similar problem (or maybe it's just a senior citizen problem for hearing impaired). We have a great deal of trouble hearing and understanding the tapes due to background noise. Would it be possible to use a lapel type microphone when recording? Since this is our second month being in the N.O.P., we just wanted to say, WOW!! Only with The Lord's leading could you have put together such a structure and organization with total focus on getting a job done. ..We are proud to be a part of this work and know that it was by no accident that we became a part of the N.O.P. We also want to mention that we were sealed with the "prophet's seal" (for protection that the death angel will pass over) from Tom Deckard, We later found out that a fellow N.0.P. person Lenny Schulze, (brother of Curtis) had given him information about a year ago on the sealing. He evidently was impressed to include this in his meetings. But, this is a sealing only and not a commissioning; so we requested Lenny to reseal us "in full". It may not have been totally necessary but we felt that it was in order to be able to impart the full meaning and commissioning on to others." (Unquote).
Replyby Chuck- .JOHNEL: We had to recently purchase a lapel microphone (it cost
$244) and will try and use it at our next end of month g reetings. Learning all this new high tech stuff comes hard to me - I had to purchase it fog â&#x20AC;˘ a P.A. System but it may help in the regular meetings too. We will try. God bless. "Things ain't what they used to be and probably never was." Will Rogers.
These letters are transcribed by Leith who also selects the quotes (such as the Will Rogers quote above) from a variety of books we have on hand. End of"We Get Letters." tj CHRJ S7'