Oct 22nd, 2001: We Get Letters

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

October 22, 2001



Hugs and Kisses -- ZTI0K AN ZT NZ By: Chuck -JOHNEL Letters to President Bush: We have received copies of 19 letters sent to President Bush and notification from 111 Christian intercessors who also wrote him in response to our request in the last Newsletter. At this point in time we know of at least 130 letters sent to President Bush relaying copies of my September 17 `h letter. About 20 others indicated that they had no leading to write the President. The job was done when the Secret Service showed at our door on October 1 1 th . It appears that a copy of my letter sent by an intercessor living in Dallas, Texas got through to them. Thank you dears ones in Christ for responding and writing the President. Your effort got through to the people who protect him without which they would have no knowledge of these things. If they elect to ignore JESUS' Word at the least they have been forewarned which was our job form the Lord. Well done! Letter from Robe rt of North Carolina dated 10/16/01: (Quote) "Grace, mercy and peace

to you both and to those with you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have been wondering about the prayer sheet of Sept. 2001 in the one about ACCIDENTAL NUCLEAR ATTACK which I think gives about 15 minutes warning before a bomb strikes. I couldn't see how the people would be alerted then and get a long, long way from the cities which would be hit..." (Unquote) Comment by Chuck - JOHNEL: We pray this way because JESUS instructed us to pray this way in 1989 and to also pray against panic. Our prayers are conformed to His Word h of October 21, 1989. Interestingly, the September 11 ` terrorist attack was a judgment pattern to the accidental nuclear attack, over 70% of the people escaped the World Trade Center buildings as they walked down staircases in an orderly fashion with no panic. Many will escape if the President sounds the alarm but not all, many will also perish. As I recall, from the time ICBM's are launched from Siberia it takes 35-45 minutes before they would impact the U.S., so we would have anywhere from 30 minutes to 45 minutes to evacuate. Being 20-30 miles from ground zero is better than being at ground zero.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (cont'd)

October 22, 2001

Communication from Mark-JAMES and Lin-ELIZABETH dated 10/12/01 (Quote) 'Veteran/Season Prayer Warriors Going Home: Praise the Lord Jesus! As most of you know, we have been in contact with Ernie C. (a Net or Prayer, Morning Star Prayer Group prayer intercessor and prayer warrior) over the past several months. Ernie is a veteran,

seasoned prayer warrior and a dedicated Christian for many years. Ernie call us some weeks ago, asking prayer for his sister (Matilla—we apologize if we have the spelling incorrect). Ernie described his sister also as a veteran, seasoned prayer warrior and a dedicated Christian for many years (more years than Ernie!). When Ernie called, his sister was

in the the hospital and undergoing an experimental and a very difficult treatment for a rare and often fatal blood disease. Some weeks later, Ernie called us again, requesting more prayer. His sister had rallied some, but was still having trouble enduring the treatment for her illness. It was a blessing to learn from Ernie that so many of his relatives were also Christians and have been extremely supportive (in prayer and in their physical presence and attention to his sister). At that time, Ernie reported a couple of interesting events. First, one of his relatives reported seeing Jesus standing at the foot of Matilla's bed. Second, another relative asked Matilla if she wanted to go home to be with Jesus. At that time, she said that she did not want to go home. Ernie (dust as we) were hopeful and prayed, asking for a miracle for his sister. Then, a couple of weeks ago (some days after the events of September 11), Ernie called again and told us that Matilla had recently passed away. This was very sad, yet also very joyful news. As we talked with Ernie about this, we were reminded of a Word that Chuck-JQHNEL had received from Jesus some years abo, that indicated that when events and times began to very grave in this nations (times and events such as now)—that at that time, the Lord would - begin to call home to Himself some seasoned, veteran prayer warriors. These prayer warriors Jesus would call home out of mercy and out of respect for the many years of dedicated service in prayer that they had already rendered. We suddenly KNEW without question that this is exactly what had happened to Ernie's

sister. Jesus gave Matilla a time to decide if she wanted to stay on and fight here in this world or to go home to be with Jesus—this is

evidenced by Jesus' visible appearance at her bedside and in her initial decision to stay on here. So, Ernie's prayers (and ours—as many of us had prayed for Matilla) for a miracle for his sister WERE ANSWERED! Matilla answered Jesus` call, and Jesus did call her home in mercy. Praise Jesus! We wanted to related this event, as we also discern that we may now begin to see more veteran, seasoned prayer warriors called home to be with Jesus. We must not see this as a very sad or a very troubling thing, or a lack of faith on our part—instead, it is a miracle of mercy directly from Jesus' own Hand. Mark-JAMES & Lyn-ELIZABETH (Unquote)

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (cont'd)

October 22, 2001

Letter from Michael and Victoria of Missouri Sealin g story dated 10/6/01 (Quote) "... My husband and I were participating in our first battle `In The Spirit'. On May 16 our 17-year-old daughter, who works at a horse stable, went to work at noon and by 12: 30 we received a phone call from St. Louis County police dispatch, our daughter had been injured in an accident! The dispatcher told me I needed to get to the barn A.S.A.P. but she had no details. So as I grabbed my shoes and keys I yelled to Mike who was sleeping (he works 3" shift) that Tiffany was hurt and I was leaving. All the way to the barn I prayed while Mike got up and also began praying. As I was getting to the barn the ambulance was leaving. I got up to the owner of the barn and he said Tiffany was fine but they decided to take her to De Paul Hospital (I would soon find our how wrong this statement was.) What we learned was Tiffany was thrown and then kicked in the head by a 2-year-old horse. She cracked the right side back of her skull on asphalt and had bleeding on the front lobes of the brain from being kicked in the forehead. Due to the injuries and neglect from nursing on the 19 `h in the A.M. hours Tiffany went into a coma! Her I.C.P.S. (Inter Cranial Pressure) would rise to dangerous levels anytime we touched or spoke to her. Her neuro surgeon had to drug induce her into a deeper coma, we were no longer allowed in. her room, just the doorway and no talking. She was this way for 11 days, later we learned that she died 3 times in those 11 days. On May 29 at 8 P.M. she had the last of the drug that kept her in the coma. (The Dr. said it would take 5-7 days before she would begin to wake up.) By 11 P.M. of the 29 th Tiffany stretched out and gave a small moan, by 7 A.M. the 34 th her eyes were wide open, and by squeezing your hand she could signal she understood some of what we said. Three things happened while Tiffany was in the coma, First. Mike felt a leading to call Gretel-RAPHAEL Lawler, our Lord's General to 1) inform her and 2) ask for prayer. This was on May 19`'. She asked Mike if he had sealed Tiffany since he and I were sealed. Mike told her no, she instructed him as to what he should do, that this had been an unauthorized attack by the enemy of our souls. So the next morning, Sunday May 20th, Mike quietly went into Tiffany, sealed her and prayed over her. When he got home lie then asked our 22-year-old son if lie would like to be sealed, to dad's surprise James said yes! nd d The second thing that happened was that Tuesday or Wednesday the 22 or 23` I fell asleep in the waiting room, I dreamt that I was lying beside Tiffany and could feel what she was feeling. It was like a struggle, a very strong force holding us down while we fought to get up. It was as though you could feel yourselfbeing pulled down. I could hear myself and Tiffany crying to Jesus to loosen us and then I woke up.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (cont'cJ)

October 22, 2001

Letter from Michael and Victoria of Missouri Sealin stor y dated 10/6/01 (Quote continued) The third thing that happened was the Friday morning of the 25"' an associate neurosurgeon had checked in on Tiffany around 5: 30A.M. and came out to the waiting room and asked me why I was wasting my time there, that I should be home making funeral arrangements that I was a foolish person if I thought she would live. I was flabbergasted, my heart felt like it stopped. How could he be so cold and callous-this was my baby, my last child. I went down to the court yard and cried out to God and told Him that I refused what the enemy was trying to do! Our Lord gave me a great peace that Tiffany would Iive and I rested on that promise. There I loudly rebuked the enemy and from then on his darts though many have caused no doubts. By this time we had learned that Tiffany had 3 grand maul seizures in the ambulance on the 16 `", so it wasn't much of a surprise that on June 1 St she had 3 seizures in a row and had to be put on anti-seizure meds. (Which she is now being weaned off of.) Around 6: 30 A.M. June 3 we were called and told they found a large blood clot in her right leg and the only thing they could do was put an IVC titrumn filter in the vein under her heart to keep it from her heart and lungs should it move before it dissolves. This filter will be in her the rest of her life. Through hours and hours of rehab and mostly prayers Tiffany is now almost 100%, the only problem that may or may not be lasting is that they've said she is now totally deaf in her left ear, and they may have to surgically remove the ear drum if her balance does not get to 100% by May 2002. Tiffany's progress to this date is only because of God's grace and mercy, if we believed everything the doctors said Tiffany would only be at a 3 1d grade level now instead of a 1011 grade reading and comprehension and 8 & 9 in math. The doctors said she wouldn't be this far for at least 1 year. Praise the Lord! By the end of this month she should be done with rehab and back to being home schooled. If asked how this has impacted our faith and family I would have to say greatly! Our son

(who is another praise and glory story) is more in tune to the family as a whole and brought him back to reading the Word and prayer. This is a family under construction to the delight of God's glory! P.S. Yesterday Tiffany celebrated her 18` h birthday. Praise you Jesus, thank you for defeating the enemy. Thank you Jesus! (Unquote)

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (cont'd)

October 22, 2001

Letter from Michael and Victoria of Missouri jScalings t o ry) dated 10/6/01 (Quote continued) Comment b y Czuck-JQHNEL : The letter from Michael and Victoria is more than a

Sealing story, it is a story of discernment, of faith and a decision to overcome through Jesus Christ in spite of the enemy's attempts to subvert their faith and hope. Letter from John Mac PHILLIP of Texas dated 8124101 (Quote) "Blessings in the name

of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST, you are loved. I want to thank you for all the time and effort you put into the newsletter. I am so uplifted every time the postman bring me your package! Your obedience to God and insights from the Holy Spirit are an oasis in a drought filled world to many believers like myself and family that do not receive these words from our local church or Pastors. Please pray for my direction, (instruction from the Holy Spirit and Jesus) as I am still waiting on the Lord to tell me when and where to go to receive His tutoring and instructions as I am called to be a Prophet for Him...! still do not know how to begin to know when and where to go. Please pray that I may receive an answer. I would also like to tell you about a discernment I received while reading about the 12 year cycles. I received a discernment that there is also a 40 year cycle in prophesy as well... Please pray about this and let me know what the Spirit reveals to you and others about this revelation of a forty year cycle. Please know that you are loved and appreciated - (phone just rang with a hateful person on the other end, imagine that, Ha! ! ).-" (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL Comment: The instruction and tutoring a young prophet needs comes best in and out of daily abiding in Jesus Christ, in coming to KNOW Him intimately. Abiding in Christ is something a Christian develops over a period of months and then years, a time of focus on Jesus, a readiness and yieldedness to His Spirit and His Will and is done in and out of a confidence, even a blessed assurance, that He who saved you will also keep you — thus no fear, only a filling of His gentle, sweet love day by day. The 40-year cycle is Biblical often speaking of a generation; however, apart from a quickening and deep insight by the Spirit of God, its manner of operation, the details of how it works, and a careful observation of the dynamic of a 40-year cycle can only be gotten by watching a 40-year cycle (that includes knowing its beginning and end) and then seeing at least a second 40-year cycle to compare it with before you could understand how it works. Even then, it may take a third 40-year cycle or 120 years to really get it down right. Looking into past generations would rely on a detailed, if not thorough, history of those generations and this is not easily acquired. It would take the work of a lifetime to do all this. It depends on whether or not the Lord has called you to do this.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (cont'd)

October 22, 2001

Note by Chuck-JOHNEL: Here are a number of short, nice notes that are always pleasant to receive. Encouragement and expressions of appreciation are a help in this work in Christ as we receive some not-so-nice notes as well. Our labor is a labor of love, Christ love for you and especially love of Jesus and delighting in His love for all us.

Letter from MR. (Dick) dated August 29. 2001 . (Quote) "I am a servant of the Lord as He told me to retire eighteen years ago to study and write upon the end times or the second voice of God. I had never heard of the spiritual work being done by your ministry until I was made aware of your ministry. I have learned much through your monthly bulletins and have been obedient in my fastings as I fast one day a week. I have a great respect for you and your husband as we also suffer from our Christian brethren in their ignorance of what the Lord is about to do upon the earth. Keep up the

good work and I believe we will be together in the days ahead for there will be but ONE MINISTRY OF THE LORD when He gathers us all together who are His faithful ones. I love you in Christ." (Unquote) Cute Card from Neva dated August 15, 2001 . (Quote) "I love your work. Keep it up JOHNEL and TONI. God bless." (Unquote) Sweet Note from Mark, Heidi, Daniel and Ashle ydated August 17, 2001: (Quote) "Thank you for all your faithfulness in your ministry to Jesus. We really appreciate both of you, Praise God. Take care. God bless." (Unquote)

Nice card from Lisa D. dated August, 2001: (Quote) "Thank you for your dedication, extra effort toward God's Work and Ministry. If I could find more time and concentrate better I'm sure the Newsletters would be even more of a blessing than they already are! I like the jokes always in the Thank You letters also!" (Unquote) Calm card from Gaylard and Gladys dated October 4,2001: (Quote) "What comes to mind, re: all the attacks recently is - "God is not mocked - Whatsoever is sown will be reaped." "He" is still in charge. We all knew that trouble was coming. God is patient but (there) comes a time His wrath is poured out. He won't put up with sinful ways forever. We need to stay in prayer. Love in Christ." (Unquote)

Note from Fran dated Octobcr, 2001: (Quote) "Dear ones, Am really enjoying the latest tapes - we learn something new in each one or maybe just forgot and am reminded Thanks for being there and being you. Love you both to pieces." (Unquote) Colorful card from Marie dated October 2001: (Quote) "You are loved! Keep on doing what you're doing. We are so blessed and so ministered to by all the information. We are for you - but most important - the Lord is for you!" (Unquote)

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (cont'd)

October 22, 2001

Letter from Jim and Margaret dated October 13. 001. (Quote) "WOW! What a change in so short a time. We knew but didn't want to know. Looks like the New World Order bunch has got it going their way. While they tell us they are going after the bad guys they aim right at us (the ones that love our country for real). We know our GOD is not caught off guard. He is in charge as always - we are glad that He had you both where you are. Jesus keep you and Bless you." (Unquote) TILE WOMEN'S VOCABULARY - KEY WORDS AND THEIR MEANING:

"FINE - This

is the word we use at the end of any argument that we feel we are right about but need to shut you up. NEVER use fine to describe how a woman looks. This will cause you to have one of those arguments." Note from Scott


dated _ October,

2001: (Quote) "I very much appreciate your

newsletters. I believe you are right on track." (Unquote) THE WOMEN'S VOCABULARY - KEY WORDS AND THEIR MEANING:


MINUTES - This is half an hour. It is equivalent to the five minutes that your football game is going to last before you take out the trash, so we feel that it's an even trade."

Letter from George F. dated October, 2001: (Quote) "Great is the Lord and greatly is He to be praised! Hallelujah! Thank you my Brother and Sister for being faithful. I love you greatly! Things here in Canada are in great confusion politically. Our present Prime Minister seems incapable of giving the kind of leadership we need at present. Churches are in confusion and few understand what is taking place around us and to us. However, I praise God that some Christians are awake!.....I could be wrong but I sense in my Spirit by the Spirit that we in Canada are going to get a severe blow. Something like our Parliament Buildings in Ottawa or the nuclear plant just outside of Toronto being hit. I pray for our people are not ready. Ruth and I are quite well! God bless and keep you." (Unquote) THE WOMEN'S VOCABULARY - KEY WORDS AND THEIR MEANING: "NOTHING -

This means something and you should be on your toes. "Nothing" is usually used to describe the feeling a woman has of wanting to turn you inside out, upside down and backwards, "Nothing" usually signifies an argument that will last "Five Minutes" and end with the word "Fine".

Letterf •oin George of Indiana dated 1013101: (Quote) Dear Prophet Youngbrandt and wife. Be encouraged! !!...I consider your ministry very much needed and every excellent. Thank you both and all of your fellow prophets for your valiant efforts in keeping us up to date as to how to be prepared SPIRITUALLY as well as naturally for the coning judgments." (Unquote)

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (cont'd)

Letter 째from Mary Jo of Missouri dated August

October 22, 2001

18, 2001: (Quote)

Dear Chuck-Johnel and Nancy Toni, I was greatly moved and awed when reading June 23, 2001 - AN AWESOME HOLY SPIRIT INSIGHT. I was reading this aloud to my brother - a Catholic Holy Cross missionary Brother in Brazil who is home visiting me in the states until Sept. 18th and who watched your video The Coming Occupation of America... twice. He wanted and

received the Seal of the Living God and expressed his thanksgiving. He has no doubt as to your authenticity as a true prophet and now my other brother wants to see this video as well. My other brother has already received the Seal and was healed of heart blockage as a result. My missionary brother... Brother Harold has an inner healing and deliverance ministry and understands the spiritual world very well. He recognizes your gifts as true and enjoyed very much your video. And so I was reading your correspondence to him as my son Stephen was driving us to our destination in Kansas City. When I came to the AWESOME HOLY SPIRIT INSIGHT the three of us marveled as I too had received this same revelation in the Spirit that a BIG EVENT was going to happen and it was not too far distant. I too had been moved with the urgency of this BIG EVENT and knew that there would be a massive number of people killed. I knew that conversion was NOW or it would be too late for this massive number of souls. However, I was not shown what the BIG EVENT would consist of So moved was I in my own emotions that I quickly wrote my brother sending him a letter telling of this before he left Brazil for the states. He said, "Mary Jo, you received your revelation right around the same time." Fortunately, I had made a copy of my letter to Brother Harold and looked it up to see WHEN it was that this revelation came to me. As I reread my letter that I had written to my brother i discovered it was the night of June 23rd just before going to bed. I was in prayer at the time when the revelation came. The interesting part is I received the identical revelation in a dream just before awakening on the morning of June 24th. I can only remember two other Holy Spirit dreams,, .this made the third. The other two dreams were also about judgements. So moved was I with the revelation and then the revelation repeated in a dream that I hurried with this news to our prayer leader in town who hosts our prayer group each Thursday night. Tonight I called her again and shared how you and your prophets have had the same revelation. She asked if it can be mitigated. I replied "No?" It is set and nothing will stop it. I just had to share this with you ChuckJohnel and wonder if there are others across the United States who have had the same revelation on June 23rd or there abouts. God is certainly speaking to us of a fiercesome, terrible and destructive judgement about to occur and I received that though there will be a little lapse of time it is not in the too distant future. But then as you explained that is the way it comes to us in the Spirit but may be even years away. I feel it is only months away. Only God knows and we will be witness to His timing of it. My brother, my son and Tare leaving the first of September on our own Sealing trip to Banning, California to visit our cousins whose house is directly over the fault. In 1977, Jesus said to me, "You will see so much excitement it will be ALMOST more than your physical heart can stand." I have suffered with two heart attacks and know before all of this is over with I will be in some terrifying experience. How nice to be at ease with it ail. God is in total control. If we are not trapped in some earthquake in California, our plans Will take us to Oklahoma and Minnesota to Seal others in our family of cousins.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (cont'd)

T.prtpr t nm ft4 r-v .In n M'i,c.couri d^td


October 22, 2001

note continue

The Holy Spirit regularly speaks to my brother in dreams. He indicated to him that we were to visit relatives other than immediate kin. He asked me to pray about this. As I did I received a vision of and uncle, and two brothers-in-law. Then I saw a padlock that was closed and locked. This uncle and two brothers-in-law are all in Heaven. One was ve ry much into endtimes and the other a ve ry strong Christian and the third a believer as well. I sensed that they know much of what is about to happen here on earth and that they have prayed these travel plans in...thus the padlock. It is their prayers in Heaven for their love ones remaining on ea rt h that is moving us to travel and Seal our relatives as these are the families of the three plus others branching out from this nucleus. So we advance into and through all that awaits us in God's care. God bless!

Mary Jo

P.S. You and Nancy-Tor i are ve ry much appreciated by us. I thank the Lord that the two of you came into our life at this time.


Coininent b y Chuck-.IOHNEL: We have been so busy since the July/August Newsletter

that we haven't had time to review all the letters (our le tt ers file was stuffed full to overfilling) but I wanted to share this letter from Mary Jo because she got the same 23d revelation on June and described it in her letter as, "God is certainly speaking to us of a fierce some, terrible an d destructive judgment about to occur... in the not... too distant future. " Now we are all very aware of what happened on September 11, 2001 --- it has begun! The number of prophets who prophesied this was coming (in many ways) and the number of brethren whom the Lord revealed somewhat of this coming judgment is "significant" and yet the Church was generally clueless and many well-known Church leaders are still trying to figure out how and why it happened. Notes from Cecelia of Michi an dated August 30 2001. Cecelia sent us a newsletter written by a man named Michael who made a statement like, "Bush, who so vocally campaigned on a pro-gun platform, has just betrayed every gun owner in America. The S.C.B. that gun owners voted for has shot them in the back..." To this Cecelia made strong comments on this letter writing: (Quote) "And JESUS said to vote for Bush???" (Unquote) And then underlining a portion of Michael's newsletter where he wrote, "same people who taxed your income so brutally. " To this Cecelia wrote, (Quote) Constantly breaking the 10 ` ' Commandment. VIS: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors goods." Gov't. coveting our goods..." (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL's Response: Yes, JESUS instructed me to vote for George W. Bush

and on September 17, 2001 He told me that he was His anointed made to stand between us and the destroyers for our good.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters (cont'd)

October 22, 2001

Letter from Brenda of Nevada ofLiving Waters Pra y er Group dated 8119101 (Quote) Many thanks to you both for all of the hours of revelation knowledge you share with us, through the Holy Spiritt My prayer partner and I are both NOP warriors. She j ust joined and we have been overwhelmed by the prayer sheets. The Lord had been giving us the same scriptures. We both feel so grateful to the Staff and Sword Ministry. We do pray the prayer sheets everyday. I have battled in the spirt on many occasions with my other r that are brothers and sisters in the NOP. As I am awa e of many praying for the same things we are. We are praying for our city's lost and backslidden to s s wake Lip Thi la t mailing of July, 01 really caused my heart to even be more in tune to die to selfish ways. To die to self righteousness, and put on the Lord Jesus's righteousness. I have been struggling with my sister who is a mormon. I too, was baptized as a mormon when I was 8 years old. I belong to a 4 square church,or the past other. The Lord has 20 years. I have seen just a s much hypocrisy and devouring of each every given me an extra ordinary love for the brethren. All of them, in church. After volunteering for 4 years at the monthly Prophecy Club meetings, I really had to seek the Lord for TRUTH! ! 1! ? HIS TRUTH!!! not mans. We will never win any one to the lost without his Love and Abiding. You have helped me greatly. I love you both very much. It is an honor and a privilege to be an NOP prayer warrior. I have 2 questions? Do you any material on the Staff' I know you refer to it and use it. How did this all come about? Next. Can you tell me your opinion of the Remnant? Are we the remnant? Or is it the 144,000? If not, Who? I've heard a lot of opinions. I am no longer worried about other peoples opinions of my love for the Lord. I can't wait around for someone else to feed me. The Lord is so faithful to me. He told me that man's plans will not stand any longer. I just recently had the Holy Spirit ever so gently remind me that my pl y on how he should do something won't stand any longer either. It really set me free. ( Our Church is being split into a billion pieces right now). God bless you for your consistency. Please don't change that. intercessors


Note by C-J: Nancy-TONI sent Brenda our tape "The Staff of God" which should answer her questions.

Closing Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL We have more letters but must cut off for now to get this in the mail starting tomorrow (October 23 rd ) as you need to receive these prayer sheets as soon as possible. An i mportant work of prayer (which is always important) is ahead of us. One brother wrote me and noted that we probably get a lot of mail from crazy or unbalanced people. Yes, now and then we do get mail from unbalanced ones but this is the exception, not the rule. The vast majority of the brethren who write us are very balanced Christians who are growing in Christ and are loving. More, they are very interesting and intelligent and also blessed with Holy Spirit insights — a pleasure to hear from. I actually enjoy sharing these letters, even some critical ones. We do love you all and pray the Lord bless you richly. End of "We Get Letters." ..a+w: 1 13 t * 3 1- .lain LOVE,

Cover Page

The Staff and Sword Ministry

October 22, 2001


Some things came to my attention today as I was finishing the "We Get Letters. "NancyTONI now has the copy machine chugging along running copies of that and here I am adding one more page to the Newsletter mailing. We will begin to stuff this newsletter in `h d the envelopes and aim to mail it out between October 23' and October 24 • What I'm adding here won't delay the Newsletter, as it is only one added page, but the first item is important.

Bulk Purchase of Halloween Candy We didn't see this in our Newspapers but heard it on the Michael Savage talk radio show this afternoon. Fundamentally, some newspaper in the U.S. reported that the F.B.I. took a man into custody who had made a very, very large purchase of Halloween candy from Costco* in New Jersey. He is being held by the F.B.I. as his visa for being the U.S. is

expired. Dr. Savage noted that the F.B.I. did not find this large quantity of candy nor did they mention what nation he is from. *Note - Costco is a retail outlet that sells food items (among other things) in bulk quantities. Dr. Michael Savage has issued THREE warnings about Halloween this year, mentioning this F.B.I. report as the third warning to avoid having your children involved in "trick or treat" as it is now obvious these terrorists may be planning to poison America's children.

HILLARY CLINTON BOOED OFF THE STAGE IN NEW YORK CITY on OCTOBER 20 2001 A star-filled concert was held for New York City at Madison Square Garden on Saturday night headlined by Paul McCartney, David Bowie and Billy Joel. In the front rows were the key guests, New York's Fireman and Policemen who have worked at ground zero ( where the World Trade Center buildings once stood). In the back rows were Bill and Hillary Clinton. Senator Hillary Clinton came to the stage to speak during the concert and was booed by the Policeman and Fireman, some yelling "Get off the stage! We don't want YOU here!" and some cursing her. After 20 seconds of booing she left the stage. It was said Bill Clinton was furious over how his wife was treated. The news media has failed to report this. Also during ` the concert Richard Gere got on stage and said (essentially) this, All this energy should be turned into something compassionate and peaceful" to which he was then

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The Staff and Sword - Last Minute

October 22, 2001

booed and lastly said, "I guess you 're not ready to hear this now... " Of course he was talking about being compassionate and peace ful with the terrorists who blew New York up and are spreading anthrax everywhere. A Clinton aid commented that New York's Fireman and Police are right-wingers (ah, it is a right wing conspiracy against Hillary again!). The Media has hushed this up. Hillary's behavior (which was televised) during President Bush's speech in the Capitol on September 20 `h was really bad. She looked like the ice queen and had visible expressions of contempt or disinterest in what President Bush was

saying. Another news item, some days ago Hillary's car ran over a Policeman in New York. The newspaper headlined it saying, "Hillary Ok"; it took about a week to find out that the Policeman was ok too.

Looking at a Judgment Pattern from 1987 and 1989 In an October 7, 1987 report I made this observation writing, (quote) " WARNING QUAKE" October 1, 1 987. By JESUS' WORD of 1986, we clearly see the LOS ANGELES 6.1 Richter quake of October 1, 1987 as being the 'WARNING QUAKE" indicating something GREATER would follow it and to the NORTH , this being the

SAN FRANCISCO area..." (Unquote) That "Greater" something came on October 17, 1989, two years later, when SAN FRANCISCO was struck by the 7.1 Richter earthquake. I now perceive that we are likely to get through the rest of this year WITHOUT a major earthquake on the West Coast (not bad news). However, Prophet Dan Bohler, in our phone conversation weeks ago, shared that he discerned that a major earthquake in Los Angeles will come in 2002. As shared in the enclosed, "COMING PERSIAN GULF WAR" Repo rt , it looks as if the

Persian Gulf war and accidental nuclear attack will happen in the year 2005. We know that a major earthquake would strike SAN FRANCISCO a year before that (based on the 1989 judgment pattern) or in 2004. Walking it back, then a major earthquake in LOS ANGELES would be possible on/around October 7, 2002 or sometime in the year 2002. This is based on the judgment patte rn s of 1987-1989-1990 and it agrees with that part of Dan Bohler's discernment that major troubles in the earth will begin to surface in the year 2002. Wel,l that's it for this Newsletter. Gvd bless you one and all. ^, l^ 2ti1 CHcti i 1,

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