Cover Page
The Staff and Sword Ministry
November 5, 2007
WE GET LETTERS Hugs and Kisses -- Sticks
and Stones
By: Chuck-JOHNEL Georgia H. On April20, 2007. (Quote) "Dear Nancy-TONI and Chuck-JOHNEL: I read with interest your recent mailing about the magma coming up from the center of the earth into magma tunnels funneled out over the planet. I too have seen and felt this as have one of my friends who has seen it and she has seen magma begin to seep up under trees in different areas (has started in Yellowstone). I have been shown that this is the prelude to the total blowing up and destruction of this planet at the end of this age of ages, day of days, after the return of Christ and all has been finished at the end of the book of Revelation. This planet is going back to mega matter, having fulfilled its destiny. This is what the Lord has shown me. Do you remember this January when New York city smelled a rotten egg smell, sulphur and they could not (nor have they ever) figured out where it came from?? That was from a magma tunnel. I became convinced of that when I read that a New Yorker in former days was a guide into a maze of solid magma rock tunnels off Central Park where he led tourists. Some of these tourists were reputed to have never come back out. There came out of these tunnels this rotten egg, sulphur smell and was making people sick so they sealed the tunnel. I am convinced that New York is sitting on top of a volcano. This odor was smelled at the time ofthe horrific earthquake in Indonesia with the tsunami that killed over 200,000 people. My friend and I have seen for quite some time that "global warming" is being caused by the magma pushing up from the center of the earth and your recent vision detailed in your last report confirms that to me. It is NOT being caused by the reasons cited by the silly, squawking far-Ieft crowd who don't know their right hand from their left. As to the number 17, I shared with you some time back what I felt the number"17" meant. I wrote quite a lengthy letter to you about that subject and I did not hear
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Georgia H. On April20, 2007. (Quote continued) from you as to whether you received it or read it. I repeat what I said in that letter - the number 17 is associated with Noah and I was shown that the frequent appearance of that number in these times which I detailed in my letter to you is the sign we are in the days of Noah as foretold by Jesus. I think that when you received that number after the deadly vision of the Midwest earthquake that it was God's indication to you that when that earthquake hits, it will be at "the end" - (as in the days of Noah) and probably is the quake referred to in the book of revelation which will trigger a global quake referred to as "the greatest quake since man was upon the earth." I believe that quake and the number 17 indicates that that is the end of the end. . .and there will be simultaneous quakes all over the globe at the time this Midwest quake occurs. I believe the California quakes, and all the volcanoes, etc. in the whole world will go at once. In other words, this planet is getting ready to explode. The number 17 is showing up everywhere now and I believe it means we are in the days of Noah, i.e., the end of all things foretold of by the bible.. .the end of the end of the end..." (Unquote)
Comment b y Chuck-JOHNEL: Thank you, Georgia, for a well written and informativeinteresting letter. My ability to respond to every letter is very limited (I receive a lot of mail and some letters are quite long) and so I now try to address some of the correspondence in this venue, "WE GET LETTERS." In any event, the 1973 revelation/vision of a cloud f uffy number 17 was in response to my question of the Lord God, asking Him when this horrific earthquake that He spewed me in July of1973 would happen. I have known all along that it was connected to timing and I finally understood that it was a period of ] 7 years. What I didn 't have was a "starting point in time to count 17 years f • om ". Nancy-TONI, sent by God to complete this Ministry work, perceived that the massive flooding in the Midwest, where the Mississippi River swelled beyond its banks flooding wide areas (it almost flooded St. Louis, Missouri) with intense, recording breaking rain fall in 1993, provided us with the starting point (NancyTONI's discernment) and so +17 years pointed to 2010. Why is it that the loudest snorer is always the first one to get to sleep? Jo S. On (no date). (Quote) "Dear Chuck and Nancy-TGNI, As I am reading "We Get
Letters" for the second time, I see the concern people have over money, and a safe place to be in time of judgment. My question on this is God has an appointed time for us to die. I have the sealing so I will not die before my time, no matter where I am. My husband does not pray with me, and believes as many everything will just go on; therefore I am on my own in my faith and beliefs. What is your thought on this? Four years ago I asked the Lord where to go upon retirement? His answer in leading us came in such an awesome way, we followed His leading. He gave us a home we could
Pa e 3 The Staff & Sword Ministr y [WE GET LETTERS November 5 2007 Jo S. On no date). uvte continued afford, located us one hundred miles from where we lived, and where our children lived. I have been at peace here knowing in my spirit this is where we are to be. My concern is the salvation of our children, and grandchildren. Our son Pat has been backsliding. He knows the Lord but is not living in His will, Pat has had many hardships and disappointments that have led him down the wrong path. I have done much fasting and praying for him. Within this time for one week I experienced a time of such darkness, hopelessness, and fear, in continued prayer came back to a time of joy and peace. In the spirit I knew this was the darkness my son was in. I am continuing to pray and believe, and ask your prayers also. Thank you Chuck and Nancy-TONI, your teaching has always been to put our faith, and trust in Jesus. To keep abiding in Him, He is always faithful in His love and concern for us. I pray for you every day, thank God for the home He gave you, and that He gives you an abundant crop off the land. We can never thank you fully for the time you spend keeping us informed, helping us be at peace in these times. God bless you both" (Unquote) Reply by Chuck-JOHNEL: Jo, with respect to your situation with your husband, sadly this is an all too common problem in the church where one mate (husband or wife) are not in agreement on spiritual matters. On the whole there is no simple solution; however, having faith in Jesus Christ to keep you and bring you to the place where He wants you to be is the answer, the only answer. Too many Christians have their heads stuck in the sand ignoring the obvious signs of coming troubles holding to the belief that "everything will just go on. " In fact they are holding tenaciously to that belief either out of complacency or laziness or fear or combinations thereof hoping against hope that they are right. Past holding them in prayer there is nothing more that you can do since this is a behavior that springs from willfulness. After praying asking the Lord to enlighten and awaken your husband, lastly let him go to JESUS and seek to be found in what is God 's Perfect Will for you. In this vile day and age raising children is very difficult because it is a very rebellious (against God) generation where the darkness ofsin surrounds them. Your prayers foryour son, being a witness for Christ and holding him before the Lord with love and enduring
faith is the most powerful way to address this problem. In that you have seen "the darkness " that has swallowed your son, pray that the Light of Christ lighten his soul and draw him from that darkness to His loving Light, JESUS CHRIST. Again, because free will is involved, let go of your son into JESUS CHRIST's care and keeping and remember him in prayer daily, endure with both faith and hope. I pray this little bit of counsel is helpful. God bless.
Page 4 The Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS November 7, 2007 After dinner, members of a lot of families suffer from dish-temper. y Alyce F. On Ma 8, 2007. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JGHNEL and Nancy-TONI, ...Also,
regarding your current newsletter and the destruction headed for the USA - I have no doubt in my mind and heart that this is most likely an event that will come about. My thoughts on this are, who wants to be alive after this/these occurrences? At my age (78), I certainly could not be of much help to anyone. My prayers are not for survival but for the quick return to my Maker. And/or for anyone that does survive what good is toilet paper when a wall of water washes everything away? Unfortunately, we have passed the point of no return. I wonder if a category 9 earthquake could do so much wide spread damage? I would
think the earth would have to shift on its axes to produce such global catastrophic damage. There have been other category 9 earthquakes and the whole earth has survived. I do not fear these upheavals, we will all be where we should be when they happen. LOVE, is the answer, I believe. God is LOVE, an energy, a force for everyone to give and accept. It is the protection we all are looking for and it is so simple we cannot see it. Didn't Jesus the Christ say, "Love one another even as I love you"? One way or another this planet will survive." (Unquote) Comment b y Chuck-JOHNEL: Thank you, Alyce, for your perspective. On your age - I met and came to know a sweet nun (Beatrice) whom the Lord JESUS called to service when she was 80 years old. Sister Bea was blind in one eye and had terminal cancer when JESUS called her to work for Him. JESUS healed her of the cancer and restored her eyesight and sent her out to the church to be a living witness of His love and presence in their lives. I would counsel you to p ray to be found in God's Pei feet Will for you, He may not be done with you yet - He may even have a work ahead for you. However, you are right, a bunch of toilet paper won 'e do any good against a tidal wave of water - but then again you could make a raft and float away on it too. (Just a little humor) God bless. I went to one of those new movies last week. It was so bloody that it was rated "Q-positive."
C-E on Ma y 2, 2007 . (Quote) "Hi Nancy-TONI: A warm & sunny greeting to you. Welcome to May. . .though on a more serious note - we are ever mindful of the
approaching May 16 deadline. As I make my way through the newsletter, a comment: I found on the madness of our government (pg. 17-18) perplexing and disturbing. C-J's question "Who's side are they on?" replaying over and over in my mind. Today reading Power of Prophecy (May issue), I believe there is some answer in Texe Marr's tapes review. The murder of America and ending America. (All enclosed). Also on the special Counsel letter on the angel of death. I am greatly moved and impressed to write family and share this letter.
Page 5 The Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS November 7, 2007 C-E on Ma y2, 2007. (Quote continued I might also mention, due to record snow pack in the mountains a flood is expected here in the Fraser Valley and lower mainland starting May 15 th . The last big one was 1948 when it inundated 22,000 hectares of 75,000 hectares of flood plain from Hope of Delta, chasing 16,000 people from their homes. People are being warned to prepare for the worst for 72 hours anyway. While making those preparations, we're praying that God will limit and contain the judgment. And if it be possible for cool temperatures in the next many days - a snow melt. Lastly our lease expires June 1. We hope to be able to stay provided landlord keep the rent the same. We are at our limit. We appreciate you both very much." (Unquote)
Chuck-JOHNEL: C-E. we pray all worked out well for you. A few months ago I was about a year behind in answering letters now it is only six months behind-I'm improving, sorta. God bless.
"Are you fond of music?" "Yes, but keep right on p laying."
De Jo L. On May 9,2007. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI, On 3 May 2007 Queen Elizabeth II arrived in Richmond, VA. During her time here in Richmond, she addressed the Virginia Assembly with a 10-minute speech. The Queen spoke about the 400 `h Anniversary of Jamestown recognizing the deep friendship which exists between our two countries. People of the United Kingdom have a friendship with this great nation, She stated how thankful she is for this friendship, etc., etc. As the Queen was speaking, my Spirit began to jump and quiver and I became very, very agitated. I felt grieved and my Spirit was becoming more and more alarmed. I became nauseated. I sensed I was going to burst out in tears that were inconsolable. This began half way into Her Majesty's speech and continued well past her stepping down from the podium. Slowly I came to "know" in the spirit, this was Queen Elizabeth's farewell speech to America! There will not be an America for her to revisit in the future. I was overwhelmed with sadness. Has the Lord shown you anything about the Queen's visit? Do you perceive my reaction to be accurate? I've been wondering why I heard this in the spirit the way I did. Comments?" (Unquote) Replyby Chuck-JOHNEL: There are things that we simply "know " by the Spirit of God
which can be drawn forth into our conscious awareness by a presentation like this. Yes, I perceive your reaction to be accurate. Look to and trust in Jesus to keep you. God bless. Experience is that thing you have left when everything else is gone.
Page 6 The Staff & Sword Ministr y/WE GET LETTERS November 7, 2007 re On(no date).(Quote) "Dear Chuck: Do you notice the 400 year anniversary of the founding of Jamestown this year, the possible first year of judgment on America? Will judgment last 14 years until the 400 year anniversary of the founding of Plymouth Rock? In the 1980's, one Navy ship shot down an Iranian airliner traveling to Mecca. latolla Homainey issued a fatwa to blow up 10 US airliners in retaliation for this accidental shootdown. This order remains forever until carried out." (Unquote)
Reply by Chuck-JOHNEL: I have no insight regarding the . founding of either Jamestown or Plymouth with respect to the timing of judgment. Years ago, at the very beginning of this Ministry work in Christ JESUS revealed that thejudgment would unfold or come . forth in a three year period of time, He also revealed that "THE VOLCANO" would signal the return ofHis judgments. The big question (which we may be able to answer or not) is when does the three year period start and which volcano was JESUS speaking of'?? Well, when "that" volcano erupts/blows it will be so obvious that there will be no question - but until then, we wait, pray and look to JESUS. Famous last words: "Wife, these biscuits are tough." John-Stephen Oliva on April 17, 2047 (Quote) "...DAVID PERISHED 68 YEARS
BEFORE HIS TIME. My question is? Are we in the "season" that Jesus could return (2024?)? Does the 68 mean something? It seems difficult to conceive how this world could possibly continue after "sudden destruction" arrives, first to the Temple (church - US). . . Will "Judgment" lead into "Tribulation"? Or will earth continue cycling round and round (go on) as the "NEW JERUSALEM" descends? Are we not around 2 Peter 3: 3-15 "The Sixth Day" "Six Thousand Years" VS. 8. For C-J - N-T Lottery: Soon our winning numbers will be pulled! ! r ! Will our "winning numbers" have anything to do with future event dates? Shalom." (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL: When JESUS told me that David had died 68 years premature that only
told me his death was premature. I placed no timing significance to it with respect to judgments, end times or anything else. There is a tendency to "assume" things but in my experience "assuming anything" is futile and often a waste of time - it never works out the way we think anyway. The primary focus of what JESUS was revealing was that the angel ofdeath was at work inside the church reaping a harvest among the rebellious, something He revealed would come back in the 1970's. The "winning numbers " are directly connected to key judgment events to surface starting in California (earthquakes) and are being drawn on to help p r ovide finances for God's people who are willing to receive them in this way. God bless.
Famous last words: Give me a match. I think my gas tank is empty.
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Steve S. On April 22, 2007. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI, Since before the elections in November 2006 to present, I have been provided by the Lord the opportunity to listen to radio talk shows of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. During the last month, I have received from the Lord that these men and others like them are in extreme danger and their lives are at risk. I present this to you for your consideration to pray in the Net of Prayer prayers for their safety and continued voice in the news desert in this country. These children of God are voices of freedom that many in this country listen and receive truth that most of the news media will not give to us. My prayers are with you and all of the Net of Prayer. Praise the Lord Jesus in all our activities. ...A friend asks: Should the Net of Prayer pray about pending herbal/vitamin & water control legislation? Should the Net of Prayer pray about gun & citizen's arms pending legislation? In His blessings, Charles and Tiffany." (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL Response: Don'tforgetDr. Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck among a host of others along with Limbaugh and Hannity. Any of us can remember them in pr ayer day by day, but the prayer focus of the Net of Prayer is directed by JESUS and the HOLYSP1RIT according to the Will of FATHER GOD. At this time, past the assigned prayer focus, the N. 0. P. is praying to be prepared for what is coming. With regards to herbs/vitamins and guns - we ought all pray about this but as well as praying we ought be writing our representatives (Congress and Senate) making our
concerns apparent to these people who are supposed to represent us. The average American family consists of 4.1 persons. You have one guess as to who constitutes the . 1 person. Susan F. On April 17, 2007. (Quote) "Hi All. ..After reading the April 16 th update from Chuck-J OHNEL, I read this: *I SAID BEFORE, NOW AGAIN TO REMIND YOU TO WATCH THE BANKS - VERY MANY ARE IN WEAK STATES AND WILL FALL IN A SEASON, A SHORT SEASON OF TIME, YET, WITHIN ARM'S REACH...REMAIN IN YOUR HOME THREE DAYS AFTER THE EARTHQUAKE* - YOU MAY VENTURE OUTSIDE UP TO TWO HOURS AFTER THE EARTHQUAKE, THEN NOT UNTIL THE MORNING OF THE FOURTH DAY..."** (Jesus to Chuck-JOHNEL October 18, 1979). * 1 ***Note
- In regards to the Chicago earthquake.] Question one is this: [was re-reading the NOP Starter kit. ..and Chuck wrote of his mom being sick, he prayed for her and she received 9 short seasons before she was taken home. This equals about 8 months. If we use this as "a short season of time" 8 months from now would be in January 2008. Does anyone have any confirmation on this? Two: Remain in your home three days after the earthquake, you may venture outside up
Page 8 The Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS November 7, 2007 Susan F. On April 1 7, 2007. (Quote continued) to two hours after the earthquake, then not until the morning of the fourth day. .Is this for the entire nation? Al! of the Net of Prayer, no matter where you are? If it is, is this to get ready for 2 weeks stay in an underground shelter andlor because there is at least one nuclear power plant that will leak?" (Unquote) Repl y b y Chuck-JOHNEL : Whenever f consider JESUS' Word I have learned to look at the whole context of what He is talking about to make any connection to a specific time.
For example, in JESUS' October 18, 1979 Word (see bottom of last page here) He spoke of an earthquake in the Chicagoland area (a fairly strong one). This event is connected with banks being in a very weak state - in that we have not yet seen that major earthquake in the Chicago area yet, we are no where near the banks failing/falling. One is connected to the other in His Word. Concerning staying indoors for three days - why was not revealed. It could be a leak from a nuclear power plant to the north, it could be dangerous chemicals being released due the quake shattering chemical tanks which would spew out poisonous vapors or? Why the need to stay in doors three days is not revealed - however, we do know that radioactive particles tend to decay to a safe level in about three days — but it could also speak of something else not revealed.
Would this apply to people everywhere? .I do not believe that to be the case in that JESUS' Word was directed to those living in the Chicagoland areas specifically. If, of course, you lived south of Chicago and the winds are blowing form the north to the south when this happens - it would seem to make sense to do the same thing in that the winds would carry whatever it is to your locale (if you are south of Chicago or downwind, at the least). Game Warden: Fishing? Man without license: No, drowning worms. Toni A. On (no date. (Quote)"Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI, ...One question
- Do you perceive a time when the Seal will no longer be possible? Actually, I guess I would even go beyond there and wonder if there is perhaps a time when even the door to personal salvation will be closed - perhaps mainly for the people in the US who have chosen to ignore the warnings? I ask because I believe similar suggestions have been spoken by others and I am reminded that in Noah's generation that God CLOSED the door. A definite concern of mine is not just the opportunity for spiritual salvation but if repentance might be REAL when people finally recognize that the judgments are upon them? True repentance that God would recognize versus the "repentance" of a criminal who has finally been caught and convicted. Second - I have a thought that the St. Louis earthquake for this year might be aimed
Page 9 The Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS November 8, 2007 Toni A. On (no date). (Quote continued) for the period between June 17-22. Various
reasons. A. The Bible conference that Perry Stone was warned not to attend takes place during that period. B. I know that a couple of years ago you had some concern about an earthquake taking place in June. (Can't find the exact statement.) C. That period would be a month after your last letter to GWB. D. There is an earthquake drill scheduled for June 19 u' for the New Madrid fault area. (The reason this raises my concern is the past coincidences of drills and things like 9/11 and the London subway bombings. An earthquake would SEEM not to be on the same level as possible planned "terrorism activities" but with today's scaler and HAARP technology I am not too sure.) Third - Recently Al Cuppet released a conversation between himself and someone he trusts. This other person, Bob, apparently had a dream or dreams about coming persecution and the arrest and genocide of Christians. Hopefully you are aware of this release from Al and can comment on it. After first receiving this from Al I hesitated sharing it with any group because it was both horrible and frightening AND I could not logically find a place where it might apply considering the future as seen through your visions. Still, I finally felt led to go ahead and share it - and that seriously concerns me. I am trying to determine if this is a true Word from the Lord. I could perhaps place it in timing as happening during the first year of FuII Judgment but the availability of fuel for the trucks, the SUDDEN collapse of the economy, AND the presence of foreign troops enforcing martial law seems to make that difficult. IF this were to happen after the accidental exchange then it is hard for me to imagine the US still trusting foreign (Russia, Chinese) troops within our borders. On the other hand, for it to happen BEFORE the accidental exchange suggests that I need to re-think my plans. It has seemed to me that I am to stay where I am for at least the first couple of years of Full Judgment - but I am wondering if certain decisions or choices by the Church or nation has changed the scenarios. Judging by the various visions/dreams/statements/perceptions given you in the past (as well as Dan B. and others) it would appear that the last year of Prelude Judgment is probably to take place next year 2008. That would mean the accidental exchange, especially if you are still to deal with George Bush as President, must be aimed for next December and would place such persecution as shown in this dream/vision as beginning in 2008. Such calculations do not fit my LOGICAL figures but, sadly, I feel a sense inside that they may be correct. I do not want to be like Hal Lindsey and construct a picture that I believe is the future and then trim or tailor every piece of new evidence to fit that picture rather than perceive that perhaps MY picture may be somewhat wrong. If you could, in some way, address this then I would appreciate it. This also relates to some of the things that you were shown in the 70's regarding the
Page 10 The Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS November 8, 2007 Tom A. On (no date). (Quote continued) time line of events in the Full Judgment years. Do you believe that choices/decisions may have altered those events to some extent? Fourth - Are you aware of Stephen Bening and his associates? Like you, they have had visions/dreams of earth impacts from space. Also, like you, they believe such impacts are not stoppable. (Since the Church decision at the end of 2003 it appears that this must happen.) Anyway, the various things shown in some of their visions/dreams indicate it will happen in a time when communicationsltraveligasoline are still reasonably available. It would appear that it must happen between about mid-May and the start of September in some year. Based on a LOGICAL weighing of the things we believe are about to happen then it would seem to me that such an event must either be this year or in 2008 - and I tend to lean towards THIS year. Also, for about the past year there has been an inner (something?) which has made a kind of wall or line in my thoughts and perceptions at about August of this year. For some reason it has been as though August of 2007 holds some kind of dividing line or starting line or something - sorry, rather hard to explain. Anything that you feel you can comment on and add to this?" (Unquote) Rewpl y by Chuck-JOHNEL Whew! Quite afew questions! The Seal of the Living God is His Love extended unconditionally. I do not perceive a time when a person can not be sealed; however, given the willfulness of men/women to reject Christ (the true sin of America) people can defer too long and can be caught up by the angel of death in that state. Scripture does say somewhere that there is a time when a man can find the Lord and a time after which it is too late.
The timing of the St. Louis earthquake is, I perceive, to happen on September I9' h of some year. Not this year obviously, but the potential was there. The revelation given Perry Stone about "June" may prove out in another year. It is pretty clear in JESUS' Word of 1979 and 1980 and beyond that there will be more than just one major earthquake in the Midwest. Concerning persecution and the outright murder of Christians in America -- yes, JESUS revealed that to us back in 1977 and we fully expect that 90% of the church system of man
will perish in the coming judgments from a variety of causes. During occupation and at a later point in that occupation the enemy armies will be commanded to begin an outright genocide of Americans aiming to eradicate every American (South, Central and North Americans). What the HOLY SPIRIT sheaved me was graphic and horrible to see. The FINAL CHURCH DECISION of 2001 loosed that in full measure. While the year 2008 looks like the time when judgments will enter a new phase of intensity
and deadliness ,that is still to be seen. JESUS Word about these things is sure but timing is still uncertain and that for many different reasons.
Pa g e 11 The Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS November 8, 2007 Repl y by Chuck-JOHNEL: (continued) Persecution of Christians? It has already started and, like a storm, it is growing steadily with the passage of time,
Concerning "The Tiny Star" - an object in space heading for an impact with earth: there is a "broken asteroid " (N. O.P. Prayers led to it being shattered) that WILL hit the earth like a shotgun blast. That, the result of a church decision in 2004, is now unstoppable. However, the comet-like object can be stopped through prayer-intercession (we have the commission, when JESUS sends us out, to find 1, 000 intercessors. When it will come is not known. Concerning the month of August, 2007: We now have in view judgment patterns of earthquakes in California that have laid down Cl pattern to be picked up later (in 2008, 2009 or ?) which will lead to massive earthquakes laying waste Los Angeles and the San Francisco all in one year with only seven to 21 days or so between major quake events. This pattern of quake activity (reported in this Newsletter) marked a definite turning point heading toward severe judgments in the not-so-distant future. God bless. A garage sale is a technique for distributing all the junk in your garage among all the other garages in the neighborhood. Jerry S. On April 30. 2007. (Quote) "Dear Brother Youngbrandt, ...Below are some things that you have said and some questions. Perhaps you would care to respond. VOLCANIC ERUPTION AND EARTHQUAKE AT MT. VERNON - APRIL 24, 2007. Issue #115, 2/24/07 (2/12/07): (pages 5 & 6) - You wrote: "JESUS went on to say: "FROM THE TIME I RELOCATE YOU, THOSE WHO ARE MINE HAVE 2 YEARS TO RELOCATE. IT WILL BE A TROUBLED 2 YEARS YET I WILL RESTORE ALL TO MINE. AFTER 2 YEARS, THOSE WHO REMAIN WILL HAVE NO HELP OR
DEFENSE." (Lord JESUS, will the earthquake and volcanic eruption come in a 2-year period to Mt. Vernon areas?) `YES, BEFORE 2 YEARS IS COMPLETED, FROM THE TIME I RELOCATE YOU.' ; (page 8) - When JESUS relocated us to Colville (known as a "neutral co mer" or safe area) on April 24, 2005 that was the signal that the countdown had begun. We now understand that when we reach April 24, 2007 that the "troubles" will begin to intensify which brother Dan identifies as "a time of pure hell." The two-year period has run out. This has not come to pass. Would you care to comment? EARTHQUAKE AT SPOKANE - APRIL 25, 2007. EARTH ACTIVITY REPORT DECEMBER 2004 - 12/29/04 (page 5)-You wrote: "JESUS WORD OF 1989 made it clear to me that the next earthquake to come BEFORE we re-located would be much larger (6.4 Magnitude) and would be lethal as well as destructive.. Spokane. ..Knowing that we
Page 12 The Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS November 8, 2007 JerryS. On A ril3p 2007. (Quote continued wilI re-locate sometime in March-April,
2005 1 concluded that the #285 would be drawn in Washington State probably sometime in October (following the pattern time of 2001 when #285 was drawn). I purchased tickets on #285 and on October 20, 2004 it was drawn in the Washington State lottery and we collected $3, 940."; 12%31/04 (page 7) - "JESUS had plainly stated that this 6.4 Magnitude quake would strike in Spokane Valley, Washington, a suburb of Spokane to the east." THE SPOKANE PROPHETIC ADVISORY - 3/24/05 (page 13): "So the GOOD NEWS is that this 6.4 Magnitude earthquake does not have to happen BEFORE we relocate (sometime in mid to the end of this April, 2005). In fact, with a two year grace period AFTER we relocate, it may not happen for another two years. I say "may" because the "when" is just not known." WE GET LETTERS - 1/14/06 (page 8): "Basically, I believe that this earthquake will strike Spokane sometime in early or late 2007 when the two year period of mercy expires." The two-year period has run out. This has not come to pass. You made no mention of it being a "projection". Would you care to comment? EPICENTER OF THE SEPTEMBER 19 Th; EARTHQUAKE. All along you have been saying that the epicenter of this quake would be in the St. Louis area. In your last mailing this was changed from the St. Louis area to the Chicago area or the St. Louis area (March 26, 2007; page 18; 3.) I am wondering why there has been this change. WATER FROM LAKE MICHIGAN. EARTHQUAKE - March 26, 2007 - page 6, 2' complete paragraph - You wrote: "On that vision of a future day I also saw a jet airliner* coming in for a landing at O'Hare Airport just at the time this wall of water made its appearance. The pilot noticed it and, from the black smoke I saw coming out of the jet exhausts, I knew he was accelerating to get up and out. I wondered where the aircraft could land and thought of. ..St. Louis and saw it was also broadly flooded and drowned out of existence." How is it that at the time the great wave of water from Lake Michigan was just approaching O'Hare International Airport, the St. Louis airport was already flooded? Wouldn't this water have to first flow across the state of Illinois and go down the Mississippi river channel before it would get to the St. Louis area? Also, isn't there supposed to be a significant interval of time between when the earthquake occurs and the massive wave surges onto the land? After an earthquake this
destructive, wouldn't all flights into and out of O'Hare International Airport be cancelled? TIMING. You wrote: "I've often said that I have no stock in the timing ofjudgment and delays are not a bad thing from a personal point of view." (Aprilli 13, 2007, page 11). Does this mean that the dates that you have given, including July 5 ` , September 19' h , October 23 and December 14", are not definite?" (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL's Response : Understanding JESUS Word within our own frame of reference is neither simple or easy to do. This is especially true when you receive an extensive Word front the Lord as we have over the years. In the early years I would
Page 13 The Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS November 9, 2007 Chuck-,JOHNEL's Response: (continued) "harmonize " the different revelations Jesus
gave me into a common view. But as the years passed this became increasingly more and more difficult to the point of becoming humanly impossible. This is because the Lord is giving a level of revelation so deep, so intense that it readily surpasses the capacity of our human intellect to grasp it except in very broad terms. On face value JESUS' Word appears simple enough and straight forward but over the years I've come to realize that JESUS' reference to timing is more cryptic that literal-obvious. The most reliable way of viewing His Word concerning judgments is to understand that He reveal. "events " that will precede certain other judgment events - in other words He gives us certain events, specific events, that will come before the more serious ones. For example, in 1983 GOD THE FA THER revealed that a massive hurricane will sweep
into the Gulf Coast areas from New Orleans to Florida in the month of SEPTEMBER and that this will happen "before" the accidental nuclear attack to come in the month of DECEMBER. We can project that this accidental nuclear attack will come in 2008 for a variety of reasons (and that may be right or not) but we know for sure that when we see that massive hurricane slam into the Gulf Coast in the month of September that we are in the year of the accidental nuclear attack. When you refer to JESUS' WORD speaking of TWO YEARS after we re-locate — earlier this year spent a good deal of time in a Newsletter explaining that I'd come to understand that He was speaking of three TWO YEAR periods of time - the first two years ran from April 24, 2005 to April 24, 2007; the second two year period runs from April 24, 2007 to April 24, 2009 (a time of "Troubles') and lastly a two year period of time where there is no hope for those who failed to leave. I came to understand that JESUS was speaking of a six year period of time and said so earlier this year. When I projected (in October of 2005) of what to expect to happen after April 24, 2007 1 stated that the housing market would begin to collapse and that a variety of economic woes would hit the U.S. in that time. We are now in the midst of a major housing crisis where banks are in trouble, the dollar is falling drastically, gold is rising, oil prices are rising again and with it the price forgas and diesel that will later impact the prices of food and goods we consume daily. We are in the midst of the troubles JESUS said would come. In that we entered the time of troubles April 24, 2007 I f nd it curious that you write. The two y ear period has run out. This has not come to p ass. Would you core to comment? .. When JESUS said it would be a "time of trouble " - His use of the term "time " speaks of two years - thus He is talking about aperiod of two years within which troubles will come. Well, they are coming - the recent Octoberf restorin in California is one more example of the troubles or as Prophet Dan Bohler called it "pure hell '°. Ifyou were on the ground
Page 14 The Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS November 8, 2007 Chuck-JOHNEL's Response: (continued) facing those California fires that is what
you 'd call them - "pure hell!" Concerning the earthquake to strike S okane. As I stated, harmonizing His Word is the key to coming out with a refined understanding of His Word. In this case, I would
understand His Word in this way. The physical forces that will cause this earthquake to strike Spokane were set in motion at the time we did re-locate (April 24, 2005) but by His Word, He allowed a two yearperiod of'relative calm for His people to relocate if theyneed to and then He extended an added two year period , a time of troubles (April 24, 2007 to April 24, 2009) to get out if they need to. After that period of time we all enter a "dead zone" or a two year period of darkness (April 24, 2009 to April 24, 2011) in which anything can or will happen. JESUS did tell me that He would hold back the Spokane earthquake until after we have completed warning the east coast just prior to the accidental nuclear attack. After we return home, it will strike shortly thereafter. Why hold it back? So the road beds are intact, so we can drive to the east coast otherwise we would be unable to drive lithe area was devastated by a major earthquake. ST LOUIS/CHICAGO: Revelations concerning the major earthquake to hit Chicago came from 1979 through to 1982 and after a time I recognized that He was speaking of more than one major earthquake, possibly as many as three or more. He did make it plain that a major quake striking St Louis would knock down one third of Chicago in the process — and the date of September 19 th is one I set on Jesus' Word. THE VISION OF THE MONSTER EAR THQ UAKE TO STRIKE CHICAGO and the MID WEST U.S. A.: Jerry asked, "How is it that at the time of the great wave of
water... that St Louis airport was already flooded?" The Lord God had swept me up in this vision and granted me insights into that destruction with such detail that it overwhelmed me. I saw this two story jet liner coming in for a landing at O'Hare Airport (vision of 1973 at this time no such aircraft existed and it was built some 30+ years later) - when I saw the airplane climb up and out of its landing pattern I thought "Oh, he can land at Milwaukee" and I saw that it would be underwater. Next I thought of St. Louis and saw that it would also we be underwater. In this the Lord God was sheaving me just how extensive this destruction would be and that this tidal wave I saw at that moment would sweep down the Mississippi and swallow up St. Louis, Missouri in the process. The St. Louis airport was NOT then underwater but JESUS shewed me that it would be.
Page 15 The Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS November 8, 2007 Chuck-JOHNEL's Response: continued The dates of July 5, September 19", October 23`' and December 14` h are based on His Word. In 1979 JULY 5 TH was a date for a major earthquake in Chicago: an earthquake stopped as a result ofprayer-intercession (JESUS told me that). However, the date ofJuly 5, 1979 proved to be the start ofserious troubles that were invisible at the time. Some years down the road (it was 1982 as I recall) I received a US. Geological Survey report that magma was first detected moving up under Mammoth Lakes, California on July 5, 1979. That surge of magma would lead to a bevy of earthquakes for the next many years including the eruption and explosion of Mt. St. Helens volcano in 1980. In this time JESUS literally shewed inc what was happening deep in the earth and based on these visions I was able to project accurately numerous earthquakes and seismic events. As the church bound the prophets from knowing timing, that capacity would dry up by 1989. While I do not mind addressing the questions Jerry posed I also perceive that he is driven by a spirit of unbelief, something very dangerous to have in this day and age. I have been having some trouble with the new car I bought. I added a carburetor that saved thirty percent on gas, a timer that saved fifty percent on gas, and spark plugs that saved thirty percent on gas. I drove ten miles and the gas tank overflowed.
Sister Marguerite on March 19, 2007. (Quote) "Dear Chuck, It has come to that time
where I no longer can sit back and not respond to the ironic, untrue ideas of some Christians having about Catholics! (Being born again!) In Matt. 28: 18-20 Jesus commands His disciples to proclaim the Gospel to all nations and to baptize them. Since the day of Pentecost the Church has celebrated and administered holy baptism. An indelible spiritual sign is imprinted on their soul. They become a temple of the Holy Spirit. Their baptism is birth into new life in Christ and is necessary for salvation. This is what Catholics call "being born again." Some time ago I compiled a text explaining each step of the Mass. In the second section there are questions and answers to assist teachers with necessary information at their finger tips. I've enclosed a copy for you. Q: Why is the Roman Catholic Church so important in our world today? A: Because Jesus Christ is Present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in every Tabernacle in His Church on earth. At the Last Supper on the night when Jesus was betrayed, our Savior instituted the Eucharistic Sacrifice of His Body and Blood. He did this to perpetuate the Sacrifice of the Cross throughout the ages until He should come again. At this Paschal banquet Christ is consumed, the mind is filled with grace and a pledge of future glory is given to us. Angels and Saints are present at the Alter worshiping with us. It is the culmination of our Christian life and the preaching of the Gospel. In eating the supper of the Lord, we span all time and
Page 16 The Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS November 8, 2007 Sister Marguerite on March .19, 2007. JOuote continued) proclaim the death of the
Lord until He comes. (I Corinthians 11:26). In the Mass both past and future became really present in mystery. Please tell Paul H. (June 16"', 2006) that the Bible readings at Mass are arranged on a 3 year cycle so that the entire Bible is proclaimed once every 3 years. Mass is very scriptural. NB - Knowledge about Saints, etc. The Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother received unique graces from God. She has an important place in our lives... Catholics do not adore our Blessed Mother, Angels and Saints. We venerate them, praise and thank them for their love. Blessed Mother received unique graces, gifts and a unique position. Giving herself completely to God to bring His Son into the world and to nurture and love Him until He achieved manhood. She leads us to Jesus, the Holy Spirit
and Our Father. She is not God's equal but a servant. In venerating Saints, we bring God great pleasure, because He grants gifts through His Saints to His children. This is a special reward given to the Saints for their sacrifices they made for God. Each Saint treasures this great gift. Saints always lead others to God through His Son Jesus. NB - Mass is the only thing Catholics must attend weekly. The Bible at Mass - is the only thing that must be read every single day of the year. This includes the Old and New Testament and Psalms. Many Catholics use the "Magnificat" three times a day. Each monthly issue goes along with the theme of the Mass. Believe me it is highly imbued with scriptures." (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL: Thank you sister Marguerite for your letter and the sharing of your faith. We have 35 million laws to enforce the ten commandments. Warne H. On Ma 6. 2007. ( Quote) "Dear Friends, The last letter I had from you before y
I moved to the Ukraine in Nov. 2005 mentioned that Our Father had instructed you to establish a website - a presence on the internet. I had looked forward to that but I have
been unable to find it. Did it happen? The general population here in the Ukraine is very religious, but only because it is a ritual tradition and for most, the only knowledge they have of religion. The religious groups represented are Ukrainian or Russian Orthodox, Catholic, some Baptist, nondenominational Pentecostal, one Orthodox Synagogues in Zhitomir and two Messianic Synagogues. Both of these Messianic groups also believe and utilize their Spirit-filled
prayer language. But I know of no group that practices the other gifts mentioned by the apostle Paul in I Corinthians 12. The country is in the midst of a political battle. I asked my Father to show me what
Page 17 The Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS November 8, 2007 nti was happening. I believe He has. But as you have been shown over the years, people DO NOT want to believe the true source of trouble is an unseen spiritual battle that is taking place. And from the spiritual leaders I have talked to, there is not any resemblance of a prayer network. I feel this is a must. However with a limited knowledge of the languages Russian & Ukranian -, I must have a native helper to put this together..." (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL: As the Lord has led you to this work, seek and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. The Lord JESUS bless .you. The website is coming after awhile - it is still in
the works at this time. A couple in Hollywood got divorced, then got remarried. The divorce didn't work out.
Joanne M. On Ma y 22,2007. (Quote)". . .I'm writing to you from Texico, that part of Texas that used to be part of a nation called America. I moved to Texas in 1971 and have mostly lived here since then, but if the Lord calls us somewhere else, we're ready to head `em up and move `em out. If the proposed immigration bill passes (also known as the Ted Kennedy Bring Us More Democratic Constituents Bill), it's over. As you mentioned in your newsletter, the weather here has been beyond anything I have EVER seen in 35+ years. Steve and I got caught out in our car in the worst storm I have ever lived through, and having lived in Illinois, I've seen some humdingers. This one took the proverbial cake, it was hurricane conditions unlike anything ever seen here (we're quite a ways inland from the Gulf coast), and I praise God for His deliverance. We had 70-80 mph winds, rain that was beyond the wipers to even make an attempt (it was pointless even on high), and flooding so bad the car changed lanes several times all by itself. I assume it did because it moved sideways, not because anyone could tell where a lane was. It's a miracle we weren't swept away. I thought I would go blind from the lightning, and I had my eyes shut praying in the Spirit. Steve might as well have had his eyes shut for all the good eyesight did "driving", it was only the sovereign deliverance of God that we stayed on the road (more or less) and got home. I am grateful EVERY DAY for the sealing, what mercy our loving Heavenly Father gives us on a daily basis. It will take us all of eternity to try to understand the depths of His love and care. ...It appears there is now an emphasis in the messages coming forth from God's preachers about the millennial reign. Do you think He is preparing His bride? To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord, so what do we have to fear? I pray that every plan, every purpose, and every calling that He has for all of us will be fulfilled without exception and that none will be left undone. I know that's His will, and I'm standing on it, even if I'm the one out in the bean field with the assignment to stay by the stuff. I read in one of your newsletters that someone said she felt being in the Net of Prayer was her fulfillment of her destiny and purpose. I feel the same way, all the ministry and counseling I've been involved in (not counting "church activity") pales when compared to the deep and abiding purpose of the Net of Prayer. It's fruit will stand, and
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS November 8, 2007
Joanne M. On Ma y 22, 2007. (Quote continued) our works will not be burned up at His
coming. I truly thank the Lord for you both and your ministry, it's just awesome to see what He is doing in and through you." (Unquote) Thank you for sharing. Chuck-JOHNEL Golf is a lot of walking, broken up by disappointment and bad arithmetic. Rita W. On May 25, 2007. (Quote) "Nancy-TONI, I am praying in the N.C.P. - I'm Q.K. -
but last week - I felt all beat up - my faith was challenged as to whether the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob was truly real and alive (I know He is). The H.S. told me to do what ever I do - to please JESUS. That made the battle a lot easier - the enemy's power was broken in the trial that I was going through. I want to say thank you for the N.O,P. I know as I am praying the prayers, that I am also receiving prayers. This means a lot to me. Thank you again." (Unquote)
Thank you for sharing; endure in faith looking to Jesus. God bless. Chuck-JOHNEL I shoot golf in the low seventies. When it gets any colder, I quit. Jon B. On (no datel. (Quote) "...P.S. I heard that it is safer to pay bills on line now rather
than send checks. Please pray about this and tell us in N.O.P. Thank you." (Unquote)
Chuck-JOHNEL's KpJy: The hanks who want to have a paperless society promote this as do credit card outfits. .simply do not trust the internet as it is through the internet that identities are stolen and credit cards are gotten and misused. Computer hackers can hack into almost anything but they cannot hack into the U.S. mail service. It's becoming more and more difficult to support the government in the style to which it has become accustomed.
Kathy S. On June 20,
2007. (Quote) "Dear Chuck & Nancy, I wanted to let you know
how much I appreciate the picture of Jesus hugging some blessed person at the top of our April 12, 2007 prayer sheets. I also like the scripture John 14:11. These are our best prayer sheets yet! Thank you! We are learning so much and are so thankful the Lord brought us to you both. The picture always makes me smile. We appreciate you both very much." (Unquote) The shortest answer is doing. Lord Herbert
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