Cover Page
The Staff and Sword Ministry
March 2, 2008
WE GET LETTERS Hugs and Kisses --
Sticks and Stones
By: Chuck-JOHNEL
Theresa T. On {no date) . (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL, I would like to know if the Lord has spoke to you about the next President in 2008. I hope it's not Hillary Clinton. God help us all. What do you think about these congress men, some completely devious as they are. A blind man can see what the devil is trying to do. Thank God for our prayer warriors, keeping the enemy in check. Praise His mighty Holy Name. God Bless you and Nancy. Love you both. Hope to hear what you have to say in your next newsletter." (Unquote)
Reply by Chuck-JOHNEL: I have devoted a whole section to this subject in this Newsletter. Husband: It must be time to get up. Wife: How can you tell? Husband: The baby has fallen asleep at last.
Friend in Christ on (no dates). (Quote) "Greetings all. As reading RichardDANIEL's green pastures, the best place to get seeds is 1) Jordan seeds , Woodbury, MN 651-738-3422. Bulk, great prices. 2) Stan Deyo has a complete prep book (check internet). 3) Encyclopedia of Country Living . By Carla Emery. (It's a very good `how to' book). . ." (Unquote) Q: Who was the best financier in the Bible? A: Noah; he floated his stock while the whole world was in liquidation.
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Ron and Barbara S on August 22, 2007. (Quote) "Dear JOHNEL and TONI, Just want to let you know that we are very happy that the new August daily prayers include specific prayers addressing the relocation issue. The Lord informed us that we would have to relocate about six years ago and about a year or more ago directed us to "prepare to move". We are as prepared as we can get to this point and there has been no opportunity to make any changes in the work arena. We have prayed and fasted concerning the relocation and although the Lord faithfully answers most of our prayer very specifically and obviously concerning everything else, Heaven remains absolutely silent on this one issue. We have no idea when or where we are to go, even if the work situation were to change. As we see the obvious approach of serious judgments we are quite concerned about this situation. We would love to relocate to a rural location where we can become more self- reliant and not so dependant on the system and time appears to be running cut to make physical preparations for such a lifestyle. We have no doubt that you are receiving many such letters from other intercessors. Could this be due to a demonic block of some kind? We continue each day to hope and pray that the answer will come, if not today maybe tomorrow, but despite our faith, we are becoming anxious about getting relocated and settling into a God-prepared location where we can make physical preparations that are impossible to make here. Thank you and God bless you." (Unquote) Comment by C-J: Over the years Nancy-TONI and I have sought the Lord with issues like this (where to move to?, When to move? How?). When ever it comes to issues that are personal it seems that getting an answer is not as simple as in other matters. Nonetheless, this is what we have experienced: We would set aside a time to pray and fast and would bringing up a single issue to the Lord. No answer (the most usual response). But we lastly held it by FAITH that (1.) He heard us; (2) His answer will come in His time; and (3) We determined to be patient until His answer came. Often time He would lead us by His HOLY SPIRIT in subtle ways and before we knew it, His answer was in front of us. I know that JESUS could just as easily told us what we needed or wanted to know, but He often opted to lead us subtly by His HOLYSPIRIT bringing us to His answer in ways that were almost invisible and undetectable. Only on reflection (afterwards) could we see what we have come to call "the golden thread" ofHis loving leadings. We do best once we have prayed, fasted and asked Him to simply come to the place of - TRUSTING Him and being PA TIENT until we receive the promise - His answer.
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Commenztby C J {continued The enemy would like to block us, but against our
loving trust in God 's help and presence in our enemy is hopelessly outmatched and powerless.
life through JESUS CHRIST, the
Q: Who was the straightest man in the Bible? A: Joseph. Pharoah made a ruler out of him. Elaine C. On (no date . (Quote) ". , .If this is 3 '4 years from 2010 and the return of
Jesus to set up His Kingdom, is this fall tabernacles the time for the changing of our bodies to be like Jesus?" (Unquote) Reply by Chuck-JOHNEL: The date of 2010 was seen as a pivotal point in the start
of serious judgments on America, but I did not see nor say anything about JESUS' return in any timing sense. Back in the late 1970s JESUS told me that the judgfnent on America would happen over a 3 year period of time; but when that 3 years starts is unclear, not revealed. The year 2010 was seen as a key time for the possible start of that 3 year period but whether this will develop is not known.
In the vision of 1977 (Pittsburgh Chapel), JESUS shewed me that AFTER the end of the 7 years of occupation that the Beast of antichrist as given in the Book of Revelation will emerge in Europe. But how long AFTER the end of'the occupation ofAinerica this would start was not revealed. There are a lot of unknowns here and no way anyone could draw a conclusion concerning the when of Jesus 'Return. Keep iii mind that FATHER GOD told me in 1979 that He sent me to "LAY
FOUNDATIONS STONES FOR HIS SON'S RETURN" - that is a "Foundational Work" that will lead to His Return. JESUS plainly told me years ago that I would not live to see His Return but would return with Him and the other saints. Arisen. Birthday: Husband to wife: How do you expect me to remember your birthday when you never look any older?
Debbie M. On (no date) . (Quote) "Is Hillary Clinton the beastman Clinton? Who do
you think will be elected President in 2008?" (Unquote) Reply by C-J: Again, I will be addressing this in this Newsletter in a special section.
Boss: The one who is early when you are late and late when you are early.
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Wa y ne H. On September 6, 2007 . (Quote) "Dear JOHNEL/TONI; Thanks for sending the Net of Prayer letter. I had already decided to fast and pray the day I received it. I have a question: Revelation 8: 8-11 tells there will be two stars hit earth when the second and third trumpets are blown. We know these will hit as part of the Creator's judgment on planet Earth because of man's sinfulness. Are the star(s) we are praying about in addition to those? If so, that is fine, otherwise, I cannot feel comfortable praying against the Creator's Word. Also in the Zone prayer it is fine to pray a zone around our homes but what about each of us personally as we go about our daily tasks as we are carrying out our daily lives? ..." (Unquote) C-J Repl y : These are not the same two stars, they are part of a judgment but not part of tribulation. While the zone prayer ought cover you everywhere you go, if you like simply add.• "Lord JESUS, cover me where ever I go in my days work. " What do you do with a bird with no wings? Take it for a spin.
Debra K. on (no date). (Quote) "Dear Chuck, because of the prayer campaign in the 80's concerning Hobah and the collapse of the Soviet Union - Do we have some authority to pray about what is now happening in Russia with Putin taking over for evil?" (Unquote) C JRep1y: Back then (1982) JESUS revealed that Hobah would be re-built better than it
was before - but in 1989 moving `In The Spirit' on JESUS' leading we destroyed the second Hobah (which had been re-built). When the Berlin Wall fell just months after we "doubled and set "(1982-1989) the destruction of Hobah ,followed by the collapse of the Soviet Union, I recognized that this Empire would be re-built and that it too would fall in the end. In other words, all this we see today was scripted `In The Spirit' years ago. What do you call a parrot wearing a raincoat? Polly unsaturated.
Mary S. On September 15, 2007. (Quote) "Dear JOHNEL and TONI, Blessings to you both in Jesus precious name. I feel so blessed by the prayers we do for the N.O.P., I can feel the power in the Holy Spirit whenever saying them— thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you both for your faithfulness in doing the work assigned to you by Father God and Jesus. Before the hedge was completely established, it was such a struggle to do our daily prayers. I knew that this was the enemy trying to stop us so was doubly determined to do my prayers daily despite the discouragement and tiredness I felt. It is so wonderful to be under the love of our LORD. This year I am trying to study the book of John but have not felt completely satisfied, probably doing it through self. I've read John from the Dake's Bible which I wanted to do and am now reading John in my Nelson KJV study bible which is my favorite
March 3, 2008 The Staff and Sword Ministri of all my Bibles. I went througk 15. 2007. (Quote con the first chapter, studying it while using the notes provided in this version and also compared each verse using a couple other versions. This was not satisfying my need though. The second chapter, I have changed my style which I find is more satisfying but I have my doubts right now. I have asked the Holy Spirit for guidance and I do believe that this is how I am led which I know is important. I read a section of verses at a time and then go back and reread and ponder each verse. How do you study the Bible? ..." (Unquote) Page 5
C J Re t . Following our daily prayers, Nancy-TONI and I usually read a chapter at a time and then we settle down and abide, bringing focus to the chapter we have , just read. In the quiet `In The Spirit' with JESUS He sometimes gives us a Word, sometimes He imparts to us by His Spirit, sometimes it is quiet and restful. Now and then the Lord may point out a verse and give us understanding of its meaning. This is what we do. They say barking dogs never bite. I know it, and you know it, but does the dog know it?
Georgia H. On September 17 2007. (Quote) "Dear Nancy-TONI and C-JOHNEL: Re: President Bush. I wonder what you two are thinking about President Bush at this point in time and I would appreciate it if you would address this in your next newsletter. I have so many friends who have voted for him and supported him in the past, as I have, who are wondering what in the world has happened to the man because of his absolute refusal to secure the Mexican border and his absolute refusal to pardon two border agents wrongfully put in prison for only doing their job. So much of his "base" has abandoned
him. And he has just authorized Mexican truckers free access to our highways in and out of Mexico. He did this in the "dark of the night" in the attempt to do an end run around Congress and the American people. Also recent legislation passed in Congress for more money to secure the border which he vetoed, saying it was a "budget buster????" Has he gone mad?? He has also absolutely refused to respond to your many letters warning him about Iraq when it is obvious to anyone with a brain that it is a war trap and that our troops are in deadly danger and that no matter how long we stay there, when we DO leave, those crazy madmen the Sunnis and Shia will begin annihilating one another. There is nothing
that we can do to stop that. We cannot hold our finger in the dike indefinitely and our resources are being drained away with this war. These people are going to "duke it out" and it is inevitable and we might as well let them have at it and get it over with. His phrase "If we leave, they will follow us here..." is an insane reasoning as how are they going to follow us here? The only way they can "follow us here" is come across the Mexican border which he refuses to secure and through visas being issued to Middle Eastern men which is beyond the realm of logic at this point in time. I am at a loss to understand or comprehend what he is doing or how he is thinking and am forced to conclude that he is being led by an evil spirit which he has submitted to. I also have a dreadful feeling that there is coming a horrific exposure of the "Mexican"
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March 3, 2008 has kept hidden
in his administration which might bring him down. What do you think about all this? I do hope you will address this issue in your next newsletter and help us all figure out how we should pray and what should our stand as to President Bush be?? ..." (Unquote) C-J Reply: This is probably not the best place to respond but given we have so much to share in other reports this is the best way to reply. JESUS made it plain that George W. Bush would be a shield for His people, that he would build and install the anti-ballistic missile defense system. He has been, he did that. But from the start I understood that George W Bush was a liberal (not conservative) and that, at best, he was a baby Christian. What I did not know was/is that he is an internationalist who subscribes to the idea of a united North America (Mexiamericanada) having a common currency (not unlike the European Union). I don 't agree nor do many otherAmericans but there 'snot much anyone can do about that now. The open border would be part of a united North America - which is probably why Bush never worked to shut the border (don 't expect any of the new candidates for president to
do that either). I'm aware that thousands of terrorists are crossing into the U.S. and have
been for some time - this is a ticking time bomb and it will explode in our face sooner or later. However, keep in mind the President George W. Bush is also representative of what is in America today - and that speaks of a growing rejection ofJesus Christ in the churches as well as outside of the churches. Years ago the HOLY SPIRIT revealed that when King David numbered Israel (which brought a f erce judgment on Israel where thousands perished) that it was sin in Israel that gave Satan grounds to move King David to do that. The sin in the nation will always govern some of the behavior of rulers be they Kings, Presidents or Dictators. I did hear that it was President Clinton that signed a treaty agreement with Mexico to allow their trucks to enter the US. - which was ratified by the Senate at the time and that this forced President Bush to allow Mexico to move trucks into the U.S. I heard that he did not do it willingly. When JESUS asked inc to write President Bush He made it plain that Bush would not respond and that this was because of the sin in the nation.
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C-JRepl y (continued: More recently I did say this, "When we get our new president we
will all wish we had Bush back. " Keep praying for him, he has shortcomings and blind spots but he has done God's Will and reflected this nation as well. God bless. Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog. Franklin P. Jones. Jim W. On February 29, 2008 (Quote) "Dear ones in Jesus, Chuck and Nancy and the
ones close to you. Blessings. The "Rejoice and Rest Prayers" are truly restful. I am enjoying them very much. We are face to face with what the prophets have warned the church, the U.S.A. and the world would come. Margaret and I have sought to prepare in every way as led of the Lord. Now it looks like Jesus will carry more and more Himself. We look to Him. In Jesus' Love, Jim W." (Unquote) Anybody who can swallow an aspirin at a drinking fountain deserves to get well.
Jefff'S. On (no date) . ( Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI, Greetings in Jesus' Name. I can't express in words what it means to me to have been accepted by Jesus
to be a prayer warrior in His army: The Net of Prayer, His hand-picked army. It has given me a deeper walk by knowing how to abide in Him, a stronger faith through these times and the times to come, and so many things more that I don't have time to list them all. I was watching TBN the other night, (rarely watched anymore since being in the N.G.P.,) and they were talking about the Bible codes. Example: The codes revealed 9/11/01, Oklahoma city bombing with Timothy Meveigh, Terry Nichols, chariot of fire (truck) and the date. The panel concluded that most of their information was based on past events being found but not a strong contingent thinking the codes could predict the future. My thoughts were that if the codes showed the past and the letters in scripture don't change then the future could be seen if the right questions were asked. Since we of the N.O.P., through your visions and words from JESUS to you, know some of what is coming in the future (example: accidental nuclear attack, Chicago earthquake, LA and SF earthquake, etc.) then they should be found in the scriptures. Your thought and comments..." (Unquote) C-J Reply: Thank you for your kind comments, the Glory and .Praise belongs to JESUS Himself. It is in learning to pray and praying daily that we begin to grow in Christ something the church system of man does not encourage (in fact, many discourage or ridicule). Concerning the Bible code - I've seen a number of attempts to use it to predict
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C-J Reply (continued): the future - albeit, all failed. Using this code to predict the future
comes across to me as using it like a crystal ball which is an improper use, a wrong use, and not in a right spirit. As I recall, the first use of the Bible code to predict the assassination of an Israeli Prime Minister (who ignored the warning and was assassinated) showed to inc that men will not heed even if they could come up with an effective warning. Nothing new here. The warnings of the Lord of coming judgment have been ignored, rejected and despised even as they come to pass (hated more after the fact). The problem with the timing ofjudgment stemsfrom apersistent rejection by God 's people of'the judgment message - they are effectively "binding" the timing from being known (they do not want to hear it or know it). I do not believe that the Bible code can overcome the "binding" resolve of the majority of God's people - though it may be worth a try if
someone wants to give it a go. Keep in mind that JESUS has told me to put aside the timing of judgment and to focus on preparing His people for what is coming. There's this to recommend army life: You never have to decide what to wear. Claudia-MARIE P On October 5 2007. (Quote) "Hi Chuck-JOHNEL, Thank you for all of this update. I was wondering how things had gone. in your last paragraph you wrote: "The discipline is to be both consistent and persistent, "I just would like you and NancyTONI to know that being in the NOP for these last nearly 27 years or so has grown me so much in being consistent and persistent in prayer and in other ways too. I believe I told you about this before, but way back in 1980, I think it was, my friend Maureen asked me to join the NOP and to be a pray-warrior on a daily basis. That request nearly blew me away. I did not have a consistent prayer life then - except for going to church and prayer meetings other than to grab onto Our Lord Jesus for dear life when difficulties came by. But, I said yes to her and I've never regretted that decision. I've had my ups and downs and all arounds, but I think that I've not missed more than perhaps two or three days a year since then, if that many, for all of those years. God's Holy Spirit is definitely persistent and has worked very hard to see me through. And on the days when I am going to "do" the prayers later in the day, that I've not prayed them yet is always on my mind until I've fulfilled that commitment of love. So, thank you to both of you and to all of the other leaders with you two from way back in the past until now. God bless you dearly." (Unquote) C-J Response : Thank you for you loving comments and sharing. I saw some things at the auction labeled "Art Objects." Considering what they looked like, I'd object too.
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Alan D. on September 23, 2007. (Quote) "Chuck and Nancy - Thanks for your hard work on behalf of many and may God continue to bless you! Thanks for the extra work and expense in mailing out the "The Hedge Is Holding" report from Texas. It's a preview of what many of us will be looking at in the near future. I like your offering of CDs. As I travel I think the sound quality is better and easier to listen to. I can also go back and forth to do reviews of the meetings easily. I noted in our 9/21/07 newspaper: "Dollar tumbles against Euro" and the US and Canadian dollar are equal for the P t time in 30 years. — Judgment! Thanks for covering nuclear survival. I have a daughter and husband who just moved to Bowling Green, KY - about 135 air miles SW of Lexington and if they choose to stay they will need this info. Sooner rather than later. 10/5: 1 thought I had mailed this but got interrupted while writing. God Bless you both! !" (Unquote) My hair is my own. I paid for it, I own it. Carl Reiner
Russ B. On (no date) (Quote) "Question: As judgment falls harder, I think mail service
may break down — how will the N.G.P. cope with this? Would it be limited then to those in proximity to Colville? Or quickened by the Holy Spirit in our prayer?" (Unquote) Chuck- JOHNEL Repl y : Excellent question! It is one I have considered on and off over
the years, aware that at some point mail service as we know it will be shut down. We may be able to switch over to the intern et for a time if that happens (as long as the phone lines
are up and working) but during war and invasion that will also fail. So what then? Back in 1981 during the opening battles in The Spirit' against the demon army that was moving to trigger Nuclear World War 111th 1982 we issued prayer sheets for a week's time but the enemy began moving 'In The Spirit' to counter our prayer sheets (meaning we were not praying effectivel y to counter their maneuvers `In The Spirit'). The HOLYSP.IRIT led me to write the first "unity and agreement prayers " whereby we could move in The Spirit'
and direct the N.O.P. in battle on the spot. This gave us the edge aver the enemy thereafter, we could respond faster than their chain of command. I have had it in mindfor-some time now that "if" we were facing a cut-off of regular mail servicelinternet access that we would move to strict `In The Spirit' leadership - writing a long term prayer sheet to that end whereby all the N.Q.P. leadership would be in a position to continue the work of prayer with or without such communications. In the meantime, we can communicate by mail but `when the day comes' we have a viable
option. Unlike many prayer chains in the U.S. we have learned to move 'In The Spirit' to a great extent, it is only a slight transition to move wholly to 'In The Spirit' direction.
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If you can't stand solitude, maybe you bore others, too. Bob Gordon
Bob A. On October 22, 2007.
(Quote) Questions: Is the 2008 scenario (accidental nuclear attack, etc.) changed since there was no earthquake on Oct. 7 in LA or SF? And, I have questions regarding a root cellar - how to stop radiation from coming down stairs. (Unquote)
Chuck-JOHNEL Reply: I have tied the accidental nuclear attack to major quake events on the west coast through a Word JESUS gave me concerning the president (name not given). It is "m y understanding " of a sequence of events; but when we talk about the accidental nuclear attack GOD THE FATHER only revealed one event to precede the nuclear attack and that was a major Hurricane slamming into the Gulf Coast in the month of September. That is, in my view, as sure a thing as one can come by to know what would follow next. I still believe that major events on the west coast will precede such a Hurricane, but that is me connecting one Word with another Word by what I understand. I can be right or wrong in that connection. I believe you are talking about "sky shine " radiation. One way is to build a zig zag entrance to the front of the root cellar (an "L ") and another is to place a large drum of water (55 gallon +)at the bottom of'the stairs, enough to block any radiation that might come down the stairs. If the water is sealed, it will not be contamination but it will block
the radiation. The idea is to put a wall of water between you and the "radiation. " Why do they call it rush hour when nothing moves? Robin Williams
Nancy R. On October 8. 2007. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI, Blessings on you in His precious name, the Lord Jesus. Thank you for your commitment, diligence, and faithfulness for the call God has given you. It can't be easy? Two thoughts to share: 1. In regard to the lottery prayers of August and November, the Lord brought to mind II Kings 13: 18-19 & I knew I was to pray the whole time, not just the 10 days. 2. About two days after I received the mailing to pray for those moving, selling, etc, I found (thru my real estate lady) a "quaint" house in SW Colorado & put a contract on it thinking God had opened this up & believing it could work. Loan-time came and it became clear the house was not worth it. Faith duly shaken, I'll break the contract tomorrow and pray I get my earnest money back. In crying out to the Lord yesterday I heard, "You can stay there [in my present home] through the winter." My spirit-filled and led real estate person at this end confirmed this. She knew in her spirit I was not ready to move. Such is the course of trying to find & follow God's leading. (I don't blame God but my ability or lack there of to hear in all this.) By the way, does the safe area in Northern Florida extend east to include
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Nanc y R. On October 8, 200 Quote continued) Jacksonville & slightly south of there?
There's a retirement complex called Penney farms (for believers only) just south of Jacksonville that I may explore in November. Being called out of the church, I seriously question if this would be an appropriate much less welcoming place for me. I also doubt they would be prepared to defend themselves if necessary ... God bless and sustain you." (Unquote) C-J Reply: The safe areas God the Father outlined with His Finger in Heaven in 1977 was
pretty general - I summed it up as generally the northern portion ofFlorida. I do know that everything south of Orlando will sink during the judgments (not because of global warming, rather, the bed rock will collapse and the peninsula will sink. Yes, I believe Jacksonville will be okay. The safe area may extend a little into both Georgia and Alabama but how far I don't know. In so much we need to be praying to be led of by the Holy Spirit as to where we end-up. I was stopped once for going fifty-three in a thirtyfive-mile-per-hour zone, but I got off. 1 told them I had dyslexia. Spanky [Steve McFarlin]
Core y P. On (no date) (Quote) "Dear Chuck and Nancy, I have a few interpretations I've
looked into on who I feel reveals the identity of the two witnesses mentioned in Revelations Chapter 11. I would also like your take on it. I strongly feel after looking into scripture, my own (what I'm lead) and others interpretation of it, that these two witnesses of Christ are indeed Elijah and Enoch. Here are some facts that can back this interpretation. They will be prophets as mentioned in, (Rev. CH. 11, V- 10). Elijah and Enoch were the only two individuals mentioned in the Bible that have yet to die. Elijah of course, was taken up in a Chariot to Heaven. Enoch is the only other person that should not see death in his lifetime on earth, mentioned in (Gen. CH.5, V2I-24) (Heb. CH.11, V-5). Which means that they must come back and die at their own appointed deaths. Since it is appointed unto men once to die, (Heb. CH.9, V-27). In this case dying at the hands of the antichrist, (Rev. 11, V-7) where they will remain dead for 3 1/2 days and then resurrected, ( VS-11). Also they were already in Heaven when Zechariah prophesied about 500 years before Christ, (Zech. CH.4, V 11-14) John even saw them in Heaven about 96 A.D., so whoever they are, they are two men translated to reside in Heaven long before Christ, this excludes John the Baptist, the apostle Paul, and every other man living about 500 years before Christ, (Zech. CH.4, VI 1-14). This also excluded Moses or any other man who has already died as one of the witnesses. They were also symbolized as two Olive Trees and two Candlesticks which stand before God, (Zech. CH.4, Vi 1-14). They were symbolized yet again same in (Rev. CH. 11, V-4). Also, I have one more thing I'd like to add and it pertains to the timing of judgment, whether or not it maybe off. Such as the LA and SF earthquakes, accidental nuclear attacks, etc. As you know a President can only serve two terms in office, a span of 8 years.
March 6, 2008 The Staff and Sword Ministry recentl3heard on the radio about 2 weeks CorejOn (no ate (Quote continue ago that FEMA is or already has passed a law where Bush can stay in office another 5 Page 12
additional years in the matter on a national disaster, major terrorist attack, etc. He would then have the power to send Congress home and pretty much run as a Dictator. If this is indeed true then the judgment timing could be thrown off up to 5 years. Because remember, Bush has to be in office for the accidental nuclear attack on the four cities to take place, which instead of it possibly happening in 2008, could push it to 2013. 1 remember Richard-DANIEL saying something about how he felt Bush would stay in office. Have you heard anything to the contrary? Any input on these subjects I brought up would be great. Thank you, and may CHRIST RICHLY BLESS CHUCK AND NANCY!"
(Unquote) nd that trying to tie God C-J Comments: Wow! That is a lot to comment on. Generally Ifind down to this or that just does not work. He is too original for that. From my perspective, the two witnesses are the forerunners of the 144,000 which is a representative body of those who have manifested Christ in their lives. For example, I knew a prophet of some
note (Royal Cronquist) who knew by the Spirit of God that some 24 Christians in the past 2, 000 years had come to the fulness of Christ in their lives and were taken into Heaven alive without dying. I had a clear inner witness by the Spirit of God that what Royal knew was true and that there may have been more than 24 such brethren. Years ago the HOLYSPIRITshewed me that the Angel who worked with Elijah is the one that conveyed the "Spirit of Elijah " which also moved John the Baptist, though he was not a resurrected Elijah, however, Jesus said he was the Elijah come (Matthew 17: 12). Again, the HOLY SPIRIT gave me to know that the "Spirit of Elijah " was conveyed by an Angel
(probably an archangel) and that as this Angelic anointing came to Elijah by this Angelic Spirit it also came to John the Baptist, thus he was the "Elijah come" in his generation. As stated in the last Newsletter, I do not believe that George W. Bush will be the president during the accidental nuclear attack. For some time I thought he would be but the revelation insight of January 9, 2008 that the next president would be driven by an antiChrist spirit and would he a beastman (as was/is William Clinton) brought me to reconsider for a number of reasons. I may be wrong but "if" we see the monster Hurricane, the one God the Father revealed in 1983, slam into the Gulf Coast this September, 2008 - then the probability of the accidental nuclear attack happening in December, 2008 is almost a sure thing. Much of God's Word (written and spoken) is very detailed, complex and is best understood as a "mystery within a mystery" only to be rightly understood when the Spirit of God opens one's eyes to see it rightly. Until then, I enjoy watching God unfold these mysterious matters. God bless. End of "We Get Letters ". The guy was such a bad driver, the police gave him a season ticket.. .