The Staff and Sword Ministry
Cover Page
October 1O, 2010
WE GET LETTERS Hugs and Kisses -- Sticks and Stones B y : Chuck-JO HNEL
Alan D. On June 3, 2009 . (Quote) "To Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI and JimREPHAEL (both under separate cover): I am writing one letter to each of you as the topic I want to comment on is the set of tapes concerning survival. I found the tapes very useful and enlightening. You commented that many are surprised that current events are happening now and so quickly. My surprise is that these events did not begin long before now. In the early 1990's I had the privilege of being with a group of men where we would meet once a month, summer and winter, and go on a weekend outing from Friday evening to Sunday. Each month we would concentrate on a certain subject which included first-aid, cooking, survival and of course, guns (the care, operation and handling). As I grew up on a farm I have handled guns most of my life. Anyway, we discussed many of the events anticipated which you have predicted even before I heard of you. That is why we have expected many of these events before now. I had access to some little known information as the leader of our group was an AF Special Op and another an Army Ranter. Other vets were also involved.
Concerning guns,! had an unusual opportunity to obtain a small arsenal of buns and ammo from a friend who got in trouble with the law and had to dispose of all weapons due to a felony charge. Obviously, I don't need all this weaponry just for myself, so I anticipate there will be a time where other less-armed individuals will need these items for defense and survival, The point by Jim about preplanning in the mind, about emergencies, is well put. I have practiced this for a lot of years in certain areas but was reminded that I need to expand my thinking to more varied situations. In the 10-S0-l0 situation, I fit in the top 10%. If I am not totally incapacitated, I WILL be a survivor. Of the five areas of personal characteristics, I find that I fit to some degree in each area. I would assume this to be a good thing. I envision that I am to be a source of help for many in the future trials. Thanks for putting the tape session together and I pray that they will be a real help
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Alan D. On June 3 2009, (Quote continued to many.".. (Unquote)
Note by JOHNEL: Thank you Alan , for sharing. I'd add this: The FOUNDATION upon which any kind of preparation (physical, mental or emotional) will stand and endure in any trial is "spiritual ": prayer looking to JESUS, seeking His help, counsel and direction by the HOLY SPIRIT in niaking use o[ all the skills we develop. Apart from a Christcentered pr eparation, anything else is building on sand. The reason why these judgments have not come sooner is that for many years Christians have prayed for mercy and God's Grace, and so His grace and help has been extended to us year by year delaying the fiercest portions of the judgment. These delays have been for our sake and the sake of those who can still be reached with the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST For years I've had the HGLYSPIRIT insight and understanding that so long as more can
be saved than lost, that so long as prayer for the salvation of the unsaved can bear fruit, that even feeble prayer for mercy and delays will be answered by our Loving and Merciful GOD. But, when we reached the point where more would be lost than saved, then GOD in His Mercy and Compassion would allow the judgment to surge in at , full force. We came to that pint starting in 2001. "Shall I bring you lunch on deck, sir?" "Just throw it overboard and save time." Angus and Eula H. on August 17,
2010. (Quote) "Dear JOHNEL, Greetings to you
and Nancy-TONI in sweet Jesus our Lord! We trust that Father God has kept you and will deliver you. His healing virtue has already penetrated your being. (By this you are healed). When we got news of your illness, we were praying three to four times a day for you. Before I got out of bed, I was praying for you. During our prayer and ti me of fasting before the Lord, we made petitions for you. On July 28 `h , when I awoke to go on my knees and pray, I heard in my spirit that you were doing much better and I know this to be from the Holy Spirit. We praise Jesus Christ, our Heavenly Father for deliverance! It would be a disaster for our nation if you were to go home now. It's definitely not your time. We love you and continue to lift you up in prayer and also the Lord Jesus will renew your strength and Nancy-TONI as well. She is a blessed and faithful Godly wife and ever so faithful to Jesus Christ. God bless you both and we continue to pray that one day, it will be possible to come and visit." (Unquote) Comment y JOHNEL: Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer. I "know" that all
the prayer that
went up on my
beha if was answered in many ways. I literally became
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Comnzent by JOHNEL continue): aware of the level ofprayer-intercession on my behalf when I was in the hospital - it lifted me up and enabled me to regain my prayer-footing and to begin to work my way back to being on my feet. Again, to you and all who kept me in their prayers - a deeply felt and warm THANK YOU JESUS recently told inc something that agrees with your estimation that it was not my time. He did tell me that ifI proved unable to complete the work before me that multitudes would perish, something that is not His Will. When I came out of the anesthesia following the surgery I had an unusual view of things - I was quite indifferent to being there, it was bordering on an, 'Oh great I'm here. " When I was under for that 6-9 hour period (surgery and recovery) it was a total black out. I had no remembrance of anything. In my abiding time I asked the Lord about that. After some days He plainly told inc that He had taken me up to Heaven to be with Him - I was there the whole time of surgery and recovery. He blocked my memory of that lest I should yearn to be back home with Him (believe me, it can be a very strong yearning.) Anyway, thank you for all your prayers. "A sharp tongue is the only edge tool that grows keener with constant use." Washington Irving
Gladys G. on August 19 2010. (Quote) "Have you asked about the Sabbath? It is something I've tried to find out, whether it is wrong to worship on Sunday instead
of Saturday? Would you please address this in some of your newsletter? Many thanks..." (Unquote) JOHNEL: The seventh da y of each week is a day} of rest and focus on the Lord GOD. If you count from Saturday, the seventh day is Sunday, if you count from Sunday it is Saturday. I was raised having Sunday as the Sabbath day - however, based on it being the seventh day it is a matter of preference in my view. The key is holding the seventh day H )ly. Q: What do they call pastors in Germany? A: German shepherds. Agnes W. on August 23, 2010. ( Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL, I was very glad to hear how you were doing, Chuck. I have been praying for you. Jesus told me again to send you this gift. I won't be able to do this all the time but He did tell me to send this amount now so I have done so. I try to obey the Lord. My husband has been dead
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Agnes W. on August 23, 2010. (Quote continued
now 15 years so it is difficult at times, but the Lord always meets my needs, just as He will yours, Chuck. You have been a real blessing to me and the ministry so I hope the Lord will make you completely healed. It just takes time. I'll remember you each day in prayer." (Unquote) JOHNEL: Thank you dear one for your obedience and faithfulness in prayer warmly received and appreciated. A rule of thumb for preachers: if after ten minutes you haven't struck oil, stop boring!
Carolyn G. on (no date) (Quote)". . .Was so glad to get all the latest information from you. Sure glad Chuck-JOHNEL is on the way to recovery. My friend and I were discussing a question we thought you might have the answer to. Where did all of the tribes and different nationalities come from? When were they created? We have heard different opinions, but if anyone would know, it would be you. Thank you very much. Always looking forward to what you have to say (and what the Lord has shown you). God's blessings to you." (Unquote) JOHNEL 's Re ! ': That is one huge question - you 'd need read through a lot of human history books to come up with an answer and even then it would be complicated. First o we all got off the same boat - the Ark! The whole human family that is broken into tribes and nations sprang from o m that company that came through the flood lood on the Ark. Secondl y , we see how the tribes formed by the Biblical example where the sons of
Jacob (Israel) begot by Leah and Rachel and their maids formed the basis . /br the tribes of Israel (see Genesis 29 and , on.) Likewise, we see the sarne with Jacob's brother Esau (Genesis 36.) These sons of Jacob and Esau begat and so emerged the tribes, and from the tribes carne nations. The Biblical pattern is pretty clear in how tribes came and from them nations, so like-in-kind the rest of humanity.
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Why can't preachers get to sleep at night? They count lost sheep.
Ann S. on August 31, 2010. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JGHNEL, Thank you very much for the word of correction which I read on August 29, 2010 in the RIG report of August 19, 2010_ Me and my big mouth. . .a third grader would have known "DIESBAR IS MOVING!" does not say to take any action. I am very grateful to you for making this crystal clear to me and most especially, to JESUS for intervening. I understand the seriousness of the issue and will be very, very careful from now on to pray and reflect on what I hear, and will pass it on to you and the other three
prophets if I hear or see anything in the spirit. After I read the reprimand, the Holy Spirit whispered to me, "THERE IS THEREFORE NO CONDEMNATION TO THEM WHICH ARE IN CHRIST JESUS, WHO WALK NOT AFTER THE FLESH, BUT AFTER THE SPIRIT." Thank you very much. Please note that on July 13, 2010, just minutes after I had finished ALL the yard work and before the hundred-degree temperatures hit KY, I fractured a small bone in my foot. I got out of my cast on August 13 and am now looking quite chic in a big black boot! Thursday, September 2, Lord willing, I will get the boot off. I have been on the Potter's wheel a long time over my 56 years (soon to be 57) and I learned long ago to trust in Jesus no matter what comes my way. ..and I have had plenty. If anyone KNOWS the faithfulness of God, it is me! ..." (Unquote) JOFINEL',s Repl y : Don 't be hard on yourself Ann - the mistake is fairly common but I
needed to stress the importance of avoiding assuming anything in this very dangerous environment we live in today. Knowing the faithfulness and love of Christ is important - glad you have that as well as a teachable spirit (which is a real blessing). God bless. "1 never panic about being lost i just change where it is I want to go." Rita Rudner Fran. D. on (no dated ( Quote) "...Question about prayers: when I was a little boy my grandmother told me about a special prayer that people in Mexico did, to safeguard their homes against tornadoes. The prayer involved standing on the door of your house and
looking at the tornado while praying a Hail Mary prayer and praying for the safety of your neighbors. Then with two knives, one in each hand, the person forms a cross on the tornado and proceeds to cut up the serpent (as my grandmother call it). Have you ever heard of any prayers like that of my grandmother's? I know the Lord God has commanded
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Fran. D. On (no date (Quote continued you to stand in the ocean waters to block hurricanes so I figure you were the best person to ask. Lastly, in the last report, you were talking about how if it weren't for Nancy-TONI, you would have been held captive by your guardian angel that fell. Can you elaborate on that please? Sorry, I don't know the story. Does everyone have a guardian Angel and if so, how can we talk to them? Is there any way of setting the captives free that the fallen angels took with them? is there no hope for sons of perdition?" (Unquote)
Chuck-.7OHNEL's Reply: On the surface this form of praying resembles strategic spiritual wai fare (the knives representative of The sword of f tlie Word) and the key in "any " prayer is faith in God through JESUS CHRIST. On a deeper level it is mixed with what can also be called "white magic"- in fact, it is a blend of both. It can be effective when the one praying has deep faith, but as a "white magic " thing it has no real power against a demon prince directing a storm. Having once been in the occult I can say with some certainty that this kind of praying has
a distinct "white magic " dimension which is NOT good. "White magic " in essence is "witchcraft light. " Today, there is a admix in the church of both faith in Christ and witchcraft (I've seen it in many places over the years). Much of this springs up because the children of God are not being taught how to move `In. The Spirit' in the authority they have in Christ. As a result of this want, many slip into other methods to defend themselves which most of the time involves aform of witchcraft. They don't know what they are doing. On the `;fallen gyardian an d ": One of the things the Lord revealed to me early-on was
that after that He created us, He created guardian angels to care for us. They were made a little higher than we were (God's babes). Our guardian angels were fashioned in our likeness and had a character parallel to ours. In fact, they look like us in this world (if you could see your guardian angel.) More, we named our guardian angels - a prerogative God gave us. Over the years I 'd catch a glimpse of others 'guardian angels and noted that they looked like them; but I also noted that I never saw mine. On a spiritual level I was aware of missing something in my make-up but was unable to put a finger on it. JESUS always assigned His Angels to work with me but again none resembled inc. In 1985 JESUSplainly told me that in the rebellion in heaven, my guardian angel joined with Lucifer and worked to seduce me to follow him. I have been (as Nancy-TONI) given a vague remembrance of the rebellion in heaven. It was quite a mess, to say the least.
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Fran. D. On (no date) (Quote continued) Luc ifer was a highly placed created son
of God who was among the company that covered
FATHER GOD, I was among those covering the CHRIST, Nancy-TONI among those covering the HOLY SPIRIT By the way, both Lucifer and his guardian angel fell. The Lord JES US revealed this to me in 1985 because my former guardian angel, hitherto chained in hell (a judgment I laid on it because it was so dangerous) was loosed by the rebellion in the church in this world. There have been any number of confrontations between it and me in The Spirit' since 1985, the worst came in 1989 when in a major battle he was severely wounded and driven off. I was no longer the "babe in Christ" when first created. I'd grown andsurpassed him (which is why he wanted to take me captive in the rebellion.) Since 1989 he has avoided me. But a few have seen him in The Spirit' and note the strong resemblance he has to me only that his entire composure is evil. He is better known by the name "Wormwood. " Fran. D. asks: " Does everyone have a guardian Angel and if so, how can we talk to them? Is there any way of setting the captives free that the fallen angels took with them? Is there no hope for sons of perdition?" I do NOT recommend talking to your guardian angel -form your relationship with JESUS CHRIST and if He will answer you, He may elect to do so through your guardian angel. Direct conversation with your angel only brings your focus off JESUS and towards another spirit. It is all too easy for the enemy to imitate your angel but they cannot so easily imitate JESUS. Captives? When JESUS died on the cross, He led captivity captive (Ephesians 4: 8), meaning He took back all those children of 'God taken captive in the rebellion who are now free to be with CHRIST and be heaven-bound. sons of perdition? Keep in mind, these are those who willfully elected to rebel against God
and who are held by pride from repenting (though it was an option open to them.) They hold fast to their decision and refuse any other alternative - they are truly hell-bound out of'willfulness. Sign by stuffed fish on the wall: IF I HAD KEPT MY MOUTH SHUT I WOULDN'T BE HERE. Pastor Pat on June 21, 2009. (Quote) "Chuck—have begun to pursue your book, "PROPHETIC Warning Signs". It looks great! It is a wonderful first attempt. ..Am looking forward to your next book, "Jesus, His Angel and Me". I put out two books years ago, and William has already put out three, so you are in
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Pastor Pat on June 21 2009. uote continued the running with us.. .keep up the good work! My love and regards to the lady of the house! Happy Father's Day!" (Unquote) Crime in New York is getting worse. I was there the other week. The Statue of Liberty had both hands up. Jay Leno
Patrick M. on Jul y 18, 2009. (Quote) "Hello Chuck and Nancy and company, Here is a ministry support gift for you! This ministry and you folks have been so much of a tremendous blessing to me! I have grown so much more in my faith and relationship to Jesus Christ since becoming a part of this ministry (the N.G.P.) back in early 2001! You, Chuck, Nancy, James-RAPHAEL, Leith, and others are such a daily inspiration to me! I ache inside to draw nearer and more intimate with Jesus Christ! In the same manner and way as many in the prayer Ieadership in this ministry! I also ache inside emotionally for so many of those folks—particularly in the churches I'm around (the church I attend, and another church I'm a custodian for). They don't know what's coming in the way ofjudgment, and when I try to warn them and "seal" a few along the way, they just don't take the warning very seriously! It hurts so much to Iook into the children's eyes at these churches! Some days just knowing the grief and suffering they are going to face, it overwhelms me at times! And my heart breaks! I try to stay focused on being in, and doing the Lord's "Perfect and Sovereign Will". Thank you so much for all you folks do there! And what you are doing in the way of informing and inspiring others in, and outside this ministry! This is such a unique, special, and what I call a "solid-gold" ministry!" (Unquote) Sports Cars: One nice thing about small sports cars. ..if you flood the carburetor, you can just put the car over your shoulder and burp it. John H. on July 31, 2009. (Quote) "Dear Chuck, this is just a note of thanks and appreciation from a member of the Net of Prayer who was born about one month after you (11-5-41), and one whose eyes were closed to the Divinity of Jesus Christ until the Sunday evening after Thanksgiving after his (mine) fiftieth birthday. That was a life-changing event. I want to wish you God's speed and blessings on your 50 th class reunion trip in August and I will be going to mine in September. I got a questionnaire recently for a cIass yearbook revisited, and it is going to be an interesting witnessing opportunity. Also, I want to thank you for deciding to be God's prophet when as a young man you challenged and questioned our Lord. It was not an easy decision, and I, and many Americans, thank you for sticking to your faithful decision. Our lives would have been very different.
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John FL on Jul y31 2009. (Quote continued d Last night I listened to Radio Liberty (or Stan) and to Dr. Bill Deagle (3` hour) and both men spoke about the powerful spirits backing Mr. Obama. Dr. Stan even mentioned how some people around the world were praying for Obama to be president before the preelection process. Thank you for being a Holy Spirit-led warrior, battling against the unseen heavenly powers..." (Unquote)
JOHNEL: Thank you all far sharing and your kind comments. God bless. Kids : (mom) "Young man, there were two cookies in the pantry this morning. May I ask how it happens that there is only one in there now?" (Child) "Must have been so dark I didn't see the other one." Cecil S. on (no date (Quote) "Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI: God bless you in Jesus' name. I sure do enjoy the newsletters and cassette tapes. I glean a lot of spiritual insight from them. As a personal favor, time permitting, could you comment on Oliver North: what your thoughts and observations are on this guy? At one time, I looked upon him as a hero of sorts. Give my best to all staff." (Unquote) JOHNEL: Not much to say - in the GAP battle of 1982 we contended with the first beastman whom we identif ed early on as Gary Hart (he would run for the Presidency in
1984 but failed). All told there were four beastinen per shift (two shifts in 1982) - in 1982 we identified only one - Gaty Hart. A time later when then Colonel North was confronting the Congress (rather arrogant and threatening), the HOLYSPIRIT chewed me that he was one of the heastmen that came through with Hart. His apparent mission was to undermine President Reagan and while he failed to destroy Reagan he did a lot of damage. A second beastman also came through but we had no insight about him nor did until 2008
when we recognized that the second wave or shift came in some 21 years later. That pinpointed John Kerry, who also ran for president in 1993 - and like Hart, was defeated. A11 the beastmen that came through the GAP in 1982 were defeated by our warfare as we stood in Christ and blocked them in the GAP. Histor y : Q: Who was King Midas? A: He was the Greek king who fixed chariot mufflers.
Gar y S. on June 23 2009. (Quote) "...1 have been in the NOP (Beautiful Branch) for over 11 years now and it means more to me now than it ever has in the past. I agree wholeheartedly with what Jan G. wrote to you back on 5118/08. It is indeed a great joy to be part of the NOP under God's Prophets and Lord's Generals. I talk to Gretel-RAPHAEL
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Gar'S On June 23 2009. (Quote continued) on a regular basis. I especially considered it a big honor to participate in the "A Loud Voice" Prayer Operation. I prayed out loud the special sections with as much volume and power as I could muster. You replied to Jan's letter by writing about seeing "In The Spirit" a formation of Christians in full armor back in 1980 that Jesus referred to as "A Loud Voice." Question: was 1, along with Jan and the others involved, among that Manifest sons of God you encountered back in 1980? If so, that would be truly very exciting to know. ...Another question I have concerns Jesus' Angel which I now know from what you have written is indeed the Angel Gabriel. When the words "THE Angel of the Lord", (as opposed to the words "AN Angel of the Lord"), that are found in numerous places in the Old Testament, is this also referring to Gabriel as well? The Lord Jesus' Word to you JOI NEL on 5/12/09 is among the most insightful and interesting I have read in years. Here the Lord gives us one of the best timing clues in a long time. Now we KNOW beastman Obama will complete his term in office and one more President will be elected after him during a period of"crises". After a "short duration", this President will be replaced by one appointed by congress and that man will be "taken captive" by the invading forces. Now the main question that remains of course is will this current beastman serve one or two terms? This is like `choose your poison'. Do we want to endure 8 years of the evils of this "creature" instead of 4 or have the surprise nuclear attack which kills millions followed by the 8 nation coalition invasion and subsequent occupation of this nation to happen 4 years sooner? So it appears we have approximately anywhere from 5 to 12 years to go yet based on this new Word. The rest of this new Word as well as the others are just amazing to read." (Unquote) Rep! y by JOHNEL: I do not know if you and Jan are among the "A Loud Voice " or not,
the Lord has not revealed much in this area. The "A Loud Voice" are those who will manifest Christ in their lifetime. It would indeed be exciting to know you might be counted among them. However, those who focus on being Christ-like, looking to Jesus in everything, yielding to His Spirit, learning to trust Him without reservations - these are the likely candidates. But even then, it is FA THER GOD and the HOLY SPIRIT who decides "who " is to be counted among them. One of the jobs of a prophet is the joint work of seeing the Body of Christ perfected (Ephesians 4: 12). The resistance in the church to prophets has the effect of ensuring that few, if any, ever attain that perfection in Christ. On Angels: "THEAngel of the Lord" might refer to Gabriel or other Archangels like him. I have this thought "AN Angel " can be very general in meaning as anyone carrying a message , from the Lord God is "an Angel " - the meaning of "Angel " is "messenger ". Once in the Old Testament, a donkey delivered a message from the Lord - that donkey could be called "AN Angel" in that function.
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Repl y by JOHNEL (continue : Beasonan Obanza: The "pattern" seen in the GAP and `In This World' with the
emergence of the first beast,nan of 1987 (Bill Clinton) suggests to me that Obama will follow that pattern, be elected to two terms as President. In the first round, beastnnan Clinton won his first term with a popular vote of just 39%* of Americans because of Ross Perot who ran as a third party candidate which split the vote from the Republicans and thus saw George H. Bush defeated in his bid for a second term. *Historic note: Adolph Hitler (a Beastman) became Germany's Chancellor winning with 39% of the popular vote.
In his second term, beastman Clinton won by a landslide. Beastman Obama won his first term as President by a landslide. Again, we are seeing a definite split in the Republican party where the progressives of that party are becoming increasingly resistant to the Tea Party Movement. This suggests we 'may" see a split in the Republican Party, a three way race in 2012 - and that beastman Obama will win reelection just as beastman Clinton did. Frankly, either situation is not desired - a four year term for Obama and then Nuclear World War III and invasion of the U.S. following him or four more years of this beastman, his antichrist posture and progressive destruction ofAmerica. Either way it is a disaster. There is a third possibility - in that prophecy is "partial" (I Corinthians 13: 9), we may have a missing part of this revelation that might introduce something not in view at this time that could change the whole picture. Over the years I have come to appreciate God's Word and that often what seems plain and obvious is not all that plain or obvious. Nonetheless, in the GAP in 1987 we were confronted by a skillful, powerful, violent and determined beastman. Right now the effect ofJESUS appearing over the GAP knocked him for a loop this year; but next year he regains that demon power and in that time in the GAP he launched afierce some attack aiming to crush us. Things can change dramatically in this beastman 's favor in the coming year of '2011. Stay tuned. Quadruplets : Four crying out loud. My rna on no date (Quote) "Dear Nancy-T: your Manifesting Christ sure broke through an oppression that I have had on not hearing to move. Really, I do believe I had heard but
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date) (_Quote continued ) not where and my husband isn't willing to move unless it's a vision, etc. Yet, things are building here. Relationships, etc. So, I rest. It will be made known if we are to go. Your wisdom was so key." (Unquote)
Myrna on Ono
Customer : Waitress, why is my doughnut all smashed?
Waitress : You said you wanted a cup of coffee and a doughnut, and step on it.
Sall yW. on July 2009. (Quote) "God bless you Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI. I am so thankful that Jesus called me into your/His ministry and that you are so faithful. Hope your having a good summer. It's pretty good here in Northern Florida. Our fruit trees (7) are starting to bare fruit this year. Our squirrels are particularly appreciative. I'm learning to pick early. Blessings in Christ." (Unquote) Newspaper misprint: Man found dead in cemetery. Liz 0. on September 2, 2009. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL, I have a question that I have been struggling with for some time now. It concerns the "internal rebel lion started by the communists". I believe that rebellion is now at our doorstep, after watching Glenn Beck for the past two weeks. The current administration is teeming with radicals, Marxists, at least one self-avowed communist, and other loons. It is your statement, "those who rebel against God will also rebel against government". It seems to me that the current administration is determined to tear down the existing Republic we have known and loved for 200+years and replace it with something else. The question I have is basically "who are the rebels against government"? This country was founded on the principle that it is the
PEOPLE, who hold the power of their government and appoint (through an elective process) REPRESENTATIVES to congress and the White House. Our federal government seems to think that they are empowered to do what THEY please, to suit themselves and not the PEOPLE who sent them there. Again, "who are the rebels against government?" If this conflict between the Constitutional Republic vs. radical, Marxist, left-wing agendas turns bloody, who are the rebels? In Nazi Germany, the Christians were urged not to protest or get involved because God supposedly ordains those in power (PTB) in government. You have recently shown this belief to be false (von Campe information). As Christians and patriots, are we rebels if we take up arms to protect ourselves if, by government agents, our lives are threatened? Or do we in all circumstances continue to live by faith and trust that God will deliver us?" ( Unquote) A mild correction: "those who rebel against God will also rebel against government"- this was JESUS' Word of April 21, 1977 when He spoke of the
coming , judgment.
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JOFINEL'S REPLY (continued : It is quite correct to say that those "in" the government today, who turn America towards destruction and who undermine the Christian faith, God's people and our Republic are truly "rebels against God." When it comes to defending ourselves with arms, we have a major problem - the enemy has not gotten this power in our Republic except it was given to them by the church and the vast majority of'Christians. This is how this beastman came through the GAP - lack of prayer, unbelief; rebellion, disobedience and indifference to the things of God. There is not much we can do about what the church loosed except to draw a line and not be partakers in their judgment. At this time we are waging a constant battle in The Spirit' withstanding every attempt of the enemy to encroach upon our ground where they have no rights unless we allow them to take it by force and fail to act. We are taking up arms at this time `In The Spirit in prayer-warfare against demonic powers who are the source of'this ungodly regime in our country. The Net of Prayer in the "Rapid Interception Groups " are doing this battle daily quite literally working to hold the line. We can be far more effective in prayer and prayer warfare `In The Spirit' and so deal death blows to the enemy of our souls. These actions 'In The Spirit' will surface in this world in time. In the meantime, we do best to continue in prayer, to draw ever nearer to JESUS seeking His help and preparation for what is coming. Surly: Cheerful people, the doctors say, resist disease better than the glum ones. In other words, the surly bird catches the germ. Ma S. on September 7 2009. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI: I would like to share some things I feel the Lord has revealed. While praying the "Colville Prayers", I saw the H.S., our precious Dove, blowing over the Colville area; as white ribbons, like streamers attached on a fan. At times the breeze diminished, and the ribbons dropped down, touching homes and persons to mark them as covered and protected, and then they receded. I'm sensing that a revival is coming to Colville. I believe that the Lord has set aside this town as a "hub" in the Spirit for this area in the days to come. I do not know if revival precedes judgment or follows. However, I also received some scripture pertinent to this issue; Ezek. 24:16-27. Here the Lord was going to take his wife, wherein he was not allowed to mourn. This would be a "sign" to the people of a greater judgment to follow, where God would take their sons and daughters, the "desire of their eyes" (and their dearest treasure.) The chapter ends, vs. 27, with a word to Ezekiel: on that day, your mouth will be opened to him who escaped (judgment), and you will speak and be no more dumb (tongue-twisted). Thus you will be a "sign" to them, and they will know that I am the Lord." (Unquote)
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters
October 11, 2410
Chuck-JOHNEL's comment: In the very early years a f this Ministry JESUS revealed that BOTH judgment and revival will come hand-in-hand, at the same time. Thank you for sharing your vision-revelation. Indeed, Colville is one "hub" in Gods plan. pat _hy: Sympathy is what one girl offers another in exchange for details. Sympathy:
Momma If. on Se tember21 2009. (Quote) "Dearest Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI, Greetings in the Name of our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? Grace and peace be unto you now and always. Donna, Lonnie and I prayer-walked the Blood line around the schools here in our area yesterday. It was quite interesting. When we got up, the sun had been shining, and it was quite warm outside. We had spent the night at Donna's and so had to head into Newport to do our walking. The Lord had given me the 19"' as the day to walk. When we got into town it started looking like RAIN. So, we grabbed our jackets and headed for our first destination. We anointed our feet with oil and prayed before getting out of the car, binding in the name of Jesus and with His Blood any demonic entities that would try to keep us from completing our task, and cutting off all communication with seats of authority. As we got out of the car, it started to sprinkle. As we started to walk, it stopped sprinkling. (After that it tried to sprinkle a few ti mes, but we never got hit with more than a few drops). And a very interesting song came into my spirit. Usually when I prayer-walk, I pray in the Spirit or sing, especially songs about the Blood of Jesus. But the song that came into my spirit yesterday, came out on secular radio, I think some time in the eighties. I don't remember the verses, but the first verse starts, "Dear Mr. Jesus, I just want to talk to you..." Then the chorus goes, "Please don't let them hurt Your children. Keep them safe and sheltered from the storm. Please don't let them hurt Your children. Won't You keep them safe and warm." Anyway, that song was the theme in my heart the whole time we were walking. We started by walking the skate park, then headed to the High School. On our way there, we arrived at the jail and court houses, which there was no way to walk around and so we stopped and prayed for the protection of the people there, pleading the Blood and asking Papa God to place His Angels around them. Then we walked the High School, Grade School, College, and Junior High School. We left there and went and walked North Hill elementary in Oldtown, ID, and the school at The House of the Lord, in Oldtown. After we finished walking those schools, Donna had to go home, so we took a break and then went and walked Life Prep Academy over on Coyote Trail, and also the prayer path around that property. Peggy Graham walked that with us. She and her husband, Ronnie (who is with Jesus) started Life Prep 20+years ago. When we were finished walking she said, "Well, did you see or hear anything?" I said, "No, just peace". Thank God for His precious peace..." (Unquote) JOHNEL : Thank you for sharing.
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters
October 11, 2010
onym : "Johnny, what is a synonym?" Synonym: "A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the word you want." Dan and Astir on (no date) ( Quote) "Nancy-TONI: Greetings in Jesus' Name. Good to get
those prayer sheets and action again! The Lord had laid it on my heart to build a shelter, but it sure looked like a mountain, but He opened doors as well. A neighbor wanted the dirt and dug a hole 18'x22'. I'd never done that kind of concrete work (forms, setting them, etc.) and the Lord sent a close Christian friend, who helped and supervised setting the forms, etc. He'd owned a concrete plant 90 miles from here and had come down for a few days to sit his grand-kids and gave me 2, 2-hour shots, that got me off dead center. We're about to pour the first of 3 pours (2 walls, 2 walls, and the floor). It looks less formidable now!" (Unquote) Tact : Tact is the ability to make your guests feel at home when you wish they were.
Alan D. on November 12, 2009 . ( Quote) "...We went through the year—June, September and October without the prayed-in lotto numbers hitting. As a matter of interest, the first lotto day in Colorado in the Sept-Oct period had 3 of the numbers come in. I got $3 back on that one. Thereafter, during the period covered, 2 numbers showed up at least 4 times and I felt it was more than coincidence that these numbers came up as many times as they did. Anyway the number sheets are put away until next June and we will see what happens. A question: what prophetic events tie into the sets of numbers we prayed in? If our prayedin numbers start showing up, what will that alert us to as to certain events to expect? I was surprised at the quiet hurricane season but noted a lot of heavy rain and flooding. Is the enemy saving the energy to cause the next hurricane season to be that much more extreme? I see a lot of evidence that 2010 could well be the first year of U.S. judgment (of the 3 years you have detailed). So the recession is ending, it is time to get back into the stock market and plan on a wonderful future, buy that new house, etc. It is sad the politicians and economists don't have a clue that we are only in a lull due to the stimulus money thrown around along with a lot of false optimism. Meanwhile, most Christians 1 know of are undergoing one attack after another. Life is becoming a major challenge to our faith but we willendure. The news came on about the major shooting at Ft. Hood. I told my wife as soon as I heard it that I'd bet the shooter was a Moslem. Well, surprise, surprise, he was a Moslem and the brilliant "expert" investigators were running around trying to figure out his motive. What do they not understand about the terms jihad and terrorism when a Moslem is involved?" (Unquote) JOHNEL repl y : The numbers you speak of are connected to a second round of major earthquakes to hit San Francisco as struck October 17, 1989. Based on what I understand ofJESUS' Word of 1988, I expect to see these numbers (which showed in 1989) repeat just
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters
October 11, 2010
JOHNEL's reply (continued): prior to the next major earthquake to hit San Francisco a key event that will lead to major troubles across all of North America. One key event in The Spirit ' in 1987 is almost certain to make dubious any major move of the enemy this year (2010) in judgment; that being, when JESUS appeared over the GAP in 1987 and where His Presence and Light knocked-out every demon the enemy had (they just fell over passed out cold). As a result the enemy is running on low demon power* . More recently, the "Rapid Interception Groups" of the Net of Prayer have been taking chunks out of demon numbers that have trespassed into our territory. As a consequence the potential for major judgments this year is minimal. That is good news. Next year, the beastman 's demons will be back in play, full power and that is a whole different situation. *Note: We understood that this year, 2010, is parallel to the day .JESUS appeared over the GAP
in 1987. Events have surely confirmed that understanding.
Talk is cheap because the supply is greater than the demand. John M. on (no date) (Quote) "During the "Like A Mighty Wind II" I have experienced a number of unexplained physical ailments (to date, the outside of the little finger on my left hand is still numb), and many various odd (intermittent) pains which I had not previously encountered in such frequency as when in this period of prayer. Is this some of the `opposition' you were referring to when you asked for those who wished to be intercessors rather than warfare prayers?" (Unquote)
JOHNEL'S reply: When we move `In The Spirit' to wage strategic spiritual warfare, it is literally prayer-war and we are confronting and doing head--on battles with demons out o f hell. It is normal to come out o f such actions exhausted physically, to even feel as if you have been battered as the actual battles 'In The Spirit' are fierce. Here we were doing battle to destroy Satan's kingdom that has 1.5 billion Moslems locked into a pathway to hellfire - to set them free to come to Christ, to find salvation and be spared eternal damnation. The enemy does not willingly give up its victims, we are literally taking the demonic victims out of their mouths and stomping the demons into the ground.
The enemy fought back, some of us get bruised (been there, done that) but we won standing in Christ, Moslems are coming to Christ in unheard of numbers, the enemy is defeated and put under JESUS ' feet and we have been His instruments in that victory. Years ago I used to remind prayer warriors that when you stomp on the head of a serpent and crush its skull you might come away with a bruised heel. It comes with the territory. However, without this kind of warfare, the enemy prevails first in The Spirit' and that
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters
October 11, 2010
JOHNEL 's reply (continued): becomes a pattern `In This World' and when demons surface in this world it is going to be costly, deadly and the price God 's people will pay
will he horrific. Standing in Christ 'In The Spirit we change the outcome before it surfaces. A great talker may be no fool, but he is one who relies on him. Bob A. on November 13, 2009. ( Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL, Do you think the Jews
have a seperate destiny from the church? We know God has "turned his back on the Jews for a moment", as I think it was Zachariali put it, during the Church age, but will deal with the Jews or national Israel primarily during the tribulation, i.e. Daniel's 70 th week. All the unfilled promises to Israel will be filled during the millennium when Israel will rule the nations from Jerusalem. There will be nations with fleshly bodies during this time. This renm ant that rules will have accepted Christ as their Messiah and King of Kings but will this remnant (144,000 + great multitude) have glorified bodies and be born again, brothers of Christ, children of God? Some say after the pre-tribulation rapture (Luke 21:36) we go and stay in Heaven to rule and reign as kings and priests on the throne with Christ, and have little to do with earthly life. We know the nations will have earthly bodies during the millennium because they rebel after 1,000 years. Dake and Les Feldeck believe the Jews have a different covenant from the church. Keep up the great work you are doing. P.S. The Bible code art could prove to be awesome (Dan. 7:25)!" (Unquote) Reply b y JOHNEL: JESUS's ininistfy, when He walked this earth, was among the Jews,
His 12 apostles were Jews, the New Covenant began with that Jewish-Christian Body, the Church and through the Jewish Apostle Paul was spread to the Gentiles bringing us to where we are at today. Some Jews rejected Christ then and continue to reject Hinz - some receive Christ and they call themselves, `Born again Jews. " If'a Jew is clinging to the old
covenant, the Law, the Apostle Paul makes it clear that this is a dead end. If I look at all that JESUS has revealed to His people about the coming judgment I see America invaded, and in this horrific trial turn back to JESUS and then are set free by the Spirit of God to surge ahead in Christ 's empowerment. Likewise ,we know that Israel in
the Middle East will be attacked, invaded and suffergreat loss and then turn to JESUS and be saved. I do not see a lot of difference in the scenario between Christian America and
Middle East Israel. Same covenant, parallel experiences, same GOD and Father through JESUS CHRIST Two great talkers will not travel far together. Dori C. on November 30. 2009. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TDNI, Hello
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters
October 11, 2010
Don G on November 30, 2009. (Quote continued) in Jesus' wonderful name. Praise Him and our Father God always! It has been exactly 10 years since I met C-J and was sealed. He was in St. Louis on the Prophecy Club Tour. Since then I have become part of the Staff and the Sword Ministry and N.O.P. and will be until the end of my clays. I am so thankful to be part of laying the foundation stones for Jesus' return. THANK YOU JESUS! You have helped me to enter into a deeper, intimate, more loving relationship with Jesus, and our Father God; through/by your encouragement and love and teachings from Jesus, and by sharing His Word. Thank you Jesus for the book, Jesus His Angel and Me. Truly "the testimony contained in this book draws me, and others, into a deeper relationship with God the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ and into life, and life more Abundantly". R-D And yes Jesus, " this many will understand and grow in me". Amen. Praise God! Thank you C-J for your transparency in this book. Yes, "Christianity is a living relationship with the living God". Thank you N-T for your love and help in making this book a reality; and more, much more, in this ministry of Jesus to all of us. May we all abide more and more deeply in His love, and in knowing Him." (Unquote)
JOHNEL: You are welcome and thank you for your loving letter and sharing. Tasks: Some tasks have to be put off dozens of times before they will completely slip your mind.
Debbie W. on December 2009 . (Quote) "Dear C-J, N-T, families and staff, I would have never believed in my younger years what God had in store for me—that I could and would be a part of a ministry of this magnitude! I am so honored and humbled that Jesus chose me to be in His personal army! And I am so thankful for your obedience and faithfulness throughout the years..." (Unquote) The tax collector must love poor people—he's creating so many of them.
Mary Jo F. & Dennie A. on December 2009. (Quote) "Hi Chuck-JOHNEL and NancyTONI, Hope your holiday season is filled with Jesus' love, peace and joy. We absolutely love the book--it's educating, inspiring, touching, and the most profound— it shows the love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!" (Unquote) The reward for saving your money is being able to pay your taxes without borrowing.