Sept 27th, 2011: We Get Letters

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Cover Page

The Staff and Sword Ministry

September 27, 2011

WE GET LETTERS Hugs and Kisses --

Sticks and Stones


B : Chuck-JOHNEL

Bob A. On December 4, 2010. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL, Have you considered the possibility that God is only calling out the "first fruits" at this time. .("I have chosen you, you haven't chosen me"). _to be kings and priests—to evangelize the world during the millennium? Would it he fair to send 90%, of the past and present population, who are "deceived", to he!] and eternal torment? Perhaps we are in the Spring Harvest, first fruits, with the second Fall Harvest, as symbolized in God's calendar to the Jews, yet to come, perhaps at the Great White Throne Judgment? If the traditional view regarding salvation is true, why didn't God the Father not send Jesus to return right after Pentecost (Acts 2)9 This would have prevented 95 out of 100 people ever born (or even if it is I of 100) from going to eternal torment?!" (The following letter written shortly after, on December 13, 2010): Dear ChuckJOHNEL, if 90% of people are headed for eternal torture, or even 10%, why didn't God abort this plan of salvation long ago? Or, is God just "calling" out first fruits, at the present ti me, who will join Him as kings and priests in the salvation of the world during the millennium, when Satan will no longer be deceiving the whole world?! After all, God the Father chose us, we didn't choose Him. And, who wouldn't choose Heaven over hell, if they were not deceived? For those saved, even the act of choosing Christ as our Lord and Savior, is a form of works that many Christians take credit for (in a humble way), or in many cases, in a proud way." (Unquote)

REPLY BY JOHNEL: The questions go in different directions so it is not easy to give a single simp]e answer. However, the nature of some of the questioning brought me to pray and so the HOLY SPIRIT led me to Job 18: 4 where the Lord GOD said, "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Declare to Me, if you have and know understanding." The rest of Job following this verse is a detail of

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Septemb e r 27, 2011

REPLY BY JOHNEL continued ): God's Creation. Bob asks, "Would it be fair to send 90% of the past and present population, who are "deceived", to hell and eternal torment?" Is this asking if God is fair? Is this a judgment of God? When first in Heaven at the Mount of the Most High God (1976) I saw a countless multitude of the saints worshiping and praising God on the crystal sea all around God's Throne Seat. They were having a ball, the joy was awesome, the sounds of their praise powerful and sweet. In those early years I came to know FATHER GOD and came away clearly understanding that He would NEVER send any of His children into hellfire and if they ended there it was by choice, willful choice on their part not FATHER GOD's. FATHER GOD sent me into this world to lay down foundation stones for JESUS' Return. Part of that work was to call the church to pray for revival, to return to the Lord their God, to repent and pray. It took the better part of two years to simply get permission from the pastors to go into my church to pray for revival. After some weeks of prayer, the HOLY SPIRIT began to move on the congregation and a revival began to bud. The pastors stepped in sharply and deliberately quenched the HOLY SPIRIT and ended that revival. In this time the HOLY SPIRIT shewed me that 70% of that congregation were on the road to hellfire. Not God's Will but man's will. The lusts of the flesh and this world drove those brethren on that hellish road. I've seen the wonderful if not awesome patience and love of God for His children, righteous and unrighteous, sinner and saint, the just and the evil - a boundless love that extended mercy on mercy, warning upon warning, ever extending His help, and having His hand slapped away again and again. Bob further stated: "...if 90% of people are headed for eternal torture, or even 10%, why didn't God abort this plan of salvation long ago? O^• is Gad just "calling " out first . fruits, at the pr esent time... "

I do not know if 90% or 10% are headed for eternal torture. I know that upwards of 90% of the church population will perish in the coming judgments; but these are most likely to lose their lives rather than their salvation. That they die in judgment does not mean they are hell hound. ("l have chosen you, you haven't chosen me"): I've always understood this verse to

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September 27, 2011

REPLY BY JOHNEL (continued mean that while GOD does chose us, we in turn receive His call and chose Him too. It is mutual, a relationship. The Love of JESUS CHRIST gave me a new life (salvation), peace and joy. His Love so deeply touched me that I came to love Him back more so that I'd do anything for Him, anything He'd ask. I willingly bonded myself to Him by Love. Oh, I know that there is nothing I can do for Him as my ability to do anything in His service is wholly reliant on His help whereby I can do it. Yet I've seen and lived that He wants us to be involved in what He is doing in this world so it becomes a working relationship, we do our part, go our limit, He does the rest that we cannot do. Bob asks, "if the traditional view regarding salvation is true, why didn 't God the Father not send Jesus to return right after Pentecost (Acts 2)? This would have prevented 95 out of 100 people ever born (or even if it is I of 100) from going to eternal torment?!" You'd have to ask FATHER GOD that yourself and get an answer from Him. I don't have a clue. Why? Well, this has to do with GOD'S PLAN for all of creation and that is way over my head (or as some worldly say, "it's over my pay scale'). What I do know is that GOD is GOOD and all He does is GOOD. I pray this answers your questions. God bless. A young couple was talking to a pastor about joining his church. The minister asked from

what church they were transferring their membership. When the young man hesitated, his wife spoke up for him: "From the municipal golf course." Torn L. On (no date) . (Quote) "Chuck and Nancy, You said in the March 29` r' letter, "The

government wants to pass laws making it illegal to buy or sell more than SI 00/5600 in gold and/or silver, and there are plans to confiscate private ownership of gold and silver, etc. Where did you get this information? Can you give me the proposed House or Senate Bill number, or is this a revelation from the Lord?" "Chuck and Nancy, Two things I don't understand: these things about Adam being Satan, (and Satan) and Lucifer being two different beings. I have read some of your other stuff about this, and I can't make any sense out of it. Can you explain it some other way so I can understand it? The other thing is about life on other planets. What do you say about UFO abductions, implants, and grays, that come in the night and take people out through walls and into spaceships_ Thousands of people have had these kinds of experiences. You said they can't come here; are we to believe that they are all demons? And, what are the pictures and films people have of UFOs caught on tape?" (Unquote) RESPONSE BY Chuck-JOHNEL: This information about gold and silver came via a variety of business reports about government activity - this is something that beastman Gbama would do by Executive order. We hardly know the halfofwhat he has already done

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RESPONSE BY Clzuck-JOHNEL continued : so far by Executive orders bypassing Congress wholly and with forethought to do so.

lip-Date: Richard-DANIEL telephoned me yesterday (9126) to let me know that he heard on a business radio report that France is moving to limit their citizens to buying only $600 in gold at a time. It is starting in Europe right now. ADAM is SATAN: In the Garden of Eden, the serpent to tempt Eve was Lucifer, the Red Dragon of Revelation. Lucifer, the serpent, basically accused God of lying to Eve - he was the first Devil (devil means accuser). When the Lord GOD came to Adam, he next accused God, blaming Him of having given him Eve who gave him the forbidden fruit (thus the second devil in the Bible was Adam). In the Book of Job we read how Satan appeared among the "sons of God" - he was a son of God, so was Adam.

Adam was given dominion over all the earth, he was made a prince of this world. When JESUS was tempted after the forty day fast in the wilderness Satan offered him all the kingdoms ofthis world ifhe would worship him. I-low could Satan offer JESUS something that was given to Adam!? Lucifer was not given this earth to have dominion, only Adam was. If you want to know more write and ask for the tape on Adam is Satan - it is offered at cost to reproduce, package and :nail for $3.00 PPD. Tom asks, "The other thing is about life on other planets. What do you say about UFO abductions, implants, and grays, that coine in the night and take people out through walls and into spaceships." An Air Force General in the 1950's wrote a book detailing sightings and photos of UFO's in the previous years. He concluded that the UFO's were either Angels or Demons. At the ti me I was Unsaved and thought his conclusions were ridiculous. When I was saved I was involved in a number of deliverances and heard people's accounts of being attacked by demons. I remembered the experiences of those who had "alien encounters" and recognized their emotional reaction was identical. The Blue Book by the Air Force General was correct - these alien encounters were/are demonic. I've since learned that 100% of these alien encounters take place when people are asleep it happens in their dreams.

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September 27, 2011

RESPONSE BYChuck-JOHNEL (continued) : As prayer has declined in this nation (and it has seriously declined) the numbers of demons present in our midst has increased massively. These fallen ones can manifest in many different ways. That photos have been taken means nothing, demons are manifesting physically, this is something they can do and have done for years. Some may also be Angels of Light, real ones. In moving through the Universe with The Staff I got a pretty good idea of the kind of distances there are between planetary systems - believe me, no technology exists anywhere near the earth that could bring alien craft into our solar system. And if any could show up they'd hardly be a menace or threat or do anything like abducting people in their sleep. Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff. John P. On March 2, 2011. (Quote) "Could you tell where the NOP stands on "Praying/Speaking in Tongues"? Did you ever write an article on "Tongues" (Manifesting Christ)? If so, could you send me one with the next newsletter? Hi N-T. Please give a hug to the "Teddy Bear" (C-.I) from Angel & myself, to all." (Unquote) Reply by C4. Praying in tongues is fine with us, we do, some others do, some others do not - it is a Holy Spirit gift. There are sufficient numbers of books and articles on `speaking in tongues' that we never saw the need to give a teaching on it. Our focus has more to do with Manifesting Christ, learning to die to self and learning to grow in knowledge of God through JESUS CHRIST, and learning how to surrender to the HOLY SPIRIT whereby GOD may do a work in us. A UNIVERSITY FACULTY: five-hundred egotists with a common parking problem.

Raymond T. On (no date . (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL, Have not heard from you in awhile. Hope and pray that you are doing alright. Where is the "Leader of the Land" from Pat's town, to lead us out of this Obama-nation? I believe the end of this current system of world government is coming in sight." (Unquote)


Rep!p Chuck-JOHNEL: I' m okay. Got pneumonia for about two weeks, slowed me down quite a bit, lots of back logged paperwork. It has taken me about the better part of a month to gather, assemble, pray-over and work on getting the September Newsletter done. About the "Leader of the Land', I cannot even reveal the state he lives in. If I did, the Russians when they occupy America would either enslave (ship to Siberia) or murder every man in the state and in the states bordering that state. They, the Russians, will be

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ply b y Chuck-JOHNEL (continued): aware of the prophesy and while the church will not believe God, they wiII and will act to prevent their removal from America anyway they can. The revelation about the Leader of the Land is that he will not appear until the fifth year of occupation by foreign armies and will not succeed until the seventh year of occupation. When I met him in 1977 he was 25 years old, but when I saw him in the vision of leading the attack on the Russians to drive them out, he was an old man, bald; though he was strong and vibrant, he was also old. I used to wonder about that vision back then, not anymore. Today the "Leader of the Land" is about 59 years old. I

To err is human, and to blame if on a computer is even more so.


Fran PILL on no date). (Quote) "My dear ones, Love to y ou for all your blessings you give to us. Thank you! Thought you'd like this—sounds like what you're seeing in your space travels with the Staff, and I think it all started as a cherry sapling that you were directed to cut down years ago, when all was new to us. Little did we know, nor could comprehend, the wonder awaiting us. It is amazing to me to realize I was privileged to share in this great adventure that we are pursuing. I wonder if I'll be here to see the end of it all (87 in June/not many years left). I pray I remain faithful until my last breath. Had a rough year last year, but got through the tough times. Hard to beat down an old Yankee woman, as my son calls me, even though I'm not one. Well, onward and upward in all our spiritual battles." ( Unquote) Comment: Fran, I like your altitude. Thank you for sharing. God bless you dear one. Sage advice? If you're drunk, stay away from the phone. You can't get the answering machine back. Faith F. On March 1, 2011 . ( Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOl-tNEL and Nancy-TONI, What an interesting question that Angel asked you about having faith, and yet not believing God! That issue has'caused frustration in my own life because I do believe God, and His great love for me; but, when I examine my heart and find motives of fear or pride, throughout the day, I realize there are still territories in my sphere that are suspicious of God's intentions for me. Seems like the people on those planets where they just believe, or don't believe, miss out on the internal struggles we earthlings have. Thank you for writing out your experiences for us to read. Enclosed is our tithe. Hope to see you next month." (Unquote)

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When I was younger, I used to have a photographic memory. Now it takes three hours to develop.

Jeanette C. In Marc/2, 2011 . ( Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL, How I thank God and

appreciate your newsletters! Especially I loved your adventures into the universe; a topic I've always been interested in, and heard other prophets who had seen some of these things. Awesome! Thanks!" (Unquote) I

You know you're getting old when the candles cost more than the cake.


Forrest C. On (no date) . (Quote) "Dear Sir, Ma'am: What do you think of democracy will elect the antichrist ? This is from Midnight Calls. Visit our online bookstore at www.midni 7 htcall.comistore by Arne Froese. In Christ, with all love and blessings, and with peace." (Unquote)

Reply: That Clinton and Obama, both beastmen of antiChrist, were elected by a Democratic process is a matter of fact, as have others, such as Hitler. If most auto accidents happen within five miles of home, why not move ten miles away? Rae/icl R. On March 14. 2011. (Quote)' Dear Chuck-JOHNEL, It was so thrilling to go with you into outer space, to "see" what God has created there. Once again, you have caused my view of God and His love to grow larger. All of your descriptions are mindboggling, especially that He is still creating more sun/planet systems, and that you have observed hundreds-of-billions of them! I had no idea. I, too, was stunned at Jesus' Word to you that the halo around the universe is God's Word sustaining life here! Thank you, JOHNEL, for sharing these precious truths with us!" ( Unquote) Comment b y C-J: I delighted in this adventure as well, God is truly awesome. Happy to be able to share it all of you. A cement mixer collided

with a prison van. Motorists are asked to be on the lookout for sixteen hardened criminals.

Rick-DA ITID on March 4, 2011 . (Quote) "Chuck—wow! (On the journeys through the "natural and spiritual" universes/dimensions, by means of the Staff of Yahweh!) So grateful that Father permitted you to share this with us!" (Unquote) While driving 1 had an accident with a magician. It wasn't my fault, the guy came out of nowhere.

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Leonda H. On March 17 2011. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI, My

name is Leonda H. and I am a Net of Prayer intercessor. I am so glad that I can be a part of your ministry. I have MS and severe asthma (asthma since 1942), and at this time, I do not drive. My son and his wife take me to church sometimes, a nondenominational church, called The Father's House. I read We Get Letters, from a man who had some unkind remarks to you (ChuckJOHNEL), and yes, I pray that he stops his thinking and remarks upon you and the Staff & Sword Ministry; because the Word does say, "Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm" (I Chron 16:22), I have a lot of warfare with health problems and I have had people tell me if I had faith, I could be healed of asthma; and if I had faith, I could be healed of MS. And, that I could have sin and unforgiveness, that's why I'm not healed. I really don't know why I'm not healed but I do want to draw closer and closer to the Lord, in these days we live in. I am going to be 70 years old this September. The Lord has kept me all of these many years. Thank you for letting me share with you. 1 continue to pray for you, and I am so happy to be a part of the Net of Prayer. Thank you, again, for everything you are doing under the Lord's anointing, as both of you (Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI) follow the Lord's direction." (Unquote) Reply by Chuck-JOHNEL: Dear one in Christ, do not accept those kind of comments about you having a lack of faith, that is pure nonsense. The other famous jab in the ribs is the suggestion you have some unrepented sin, some unforgiveness, some whatever, and this is why you are afflicted with MS and asthma. Again, it comes under the heading of mean-spiritedness and to throw it into your face is nothing short of devilish behavior. I met a young woman, named Maureen, who had suffered from cancer, had extensive surgery and was so weak from cobalt, kemo and other treatments, she had to be separated from her two daughters and husband. Her husband asked me to visit her in San Francisco, to extend her the Seal of the Living God and so I stopped by to visit Maureen. The gloom of that home was thick as butter. Her mother (a Doctor) had been found with a brain tumor and they were going to put her under the knife, her younger sister had just broken her arm and was in pain, and Maureen herself was depressed and filled with hopelessness. Maureen told me that she belonged to a church group that told her she should not seek surgery for the cancer but to have faith that God would heal her. She did that for a time and it got worse and worse. Finally, her parents (both Doctors) persuaded her to have surgery and be treated for the cancer. Her church friends scorned her as lacking faith and that the cancer was the result of her sin or something like that. Sound familiar?!

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Repiyjw Chuck-JOHNFL (continued): Maureen told me that if she had not had the

surgery she would have died. I believed her. Did she lack faith?! Hardly. Her husband called her by phone to tell her I was coming to extend the Seal of the Living God to her. She told me up-front that she did not believe it would make any difference. However, Maureen was of Irish extraction and I know the Irish so I told her a number of quite funny jokes (I always carry a couple around with me) and got her and her sister laughing. Some of the gloom lifted. Again Maureen told me, "I do not believe that this Sealing or anything else you do or say will change a thing!" In that she was adamant. JESUS now spoke to me, ignoring her strongly stated unbelief, and said, "ASK MAUREEN WHAT SHE WANTS FROM ME." I told her what JESUS just said and with that Maureen began reading off a list. First she said "I want my mother's surgery to find the twnor is not cancer and she will be well. I want my sister's arm to heal without pain. I want to be rid of this cancer. I want illy hair to grow back. I want to be able to eat and not throw everything up. I want to be reunited with my husband and children and be able to play with them rr and be a mother again. " She

went on a bit more and I was frankly stunned at how quick she responded with "Faith." 1 prayed over Maureen and Sealed her and left. When I returned to Chicago (home base then) a letter from Maureen was waiting, a letter full of Praise to God, thanks to me, more Praise and glorification to JESUS, FATHER GOD and the HOLY SPIRIT. After being Sealed, she felt a lot better and asked the have her cancer checked (x-rays. etc.). In the mean time her mother had the surgery, the tumor was benign, she was home that same day. Her sister's arm healed quickly without pain. The lab report came back, the cancer was GONE! Her hair grew back and in a month's time of recovery from the effects of the cancer treatments she was re-joined to her family. I received a number of letters in which Maureen expressed deep gratitude and thanks, she was alive, well and life was sweet. Then one day I got a letter from her husband. Maureen had gotten a little cold and laid down to take a nap. She laid down and died on the spot. He was heart broken and stunned and asked me, "Why?' I sought the Lord JESUS in prayer, asking Him the same, "Why Lord?" JESUS told me that while He could and did heal her body, that Maureen had suffered extensive emotional/soulish wounds from the accusations from brethren she loved and respected. JESUS told me that He told Maureen that she would not be able to bear or cope with all the lumps and bumps of life because there was NOT ENOUGH LOVE in the Church to

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Reply hi' Chuck-JOHNEL (continued): truly heal these deep wounds. He gave Maureen the choice of staying and facing those troubles that would be very difficult to cope with or to go home with Him then and there. Maureen chose to go home to be with JESUS. If the Church was led by a living faith filled with Agape Love, it would have been no challenge to see Maureen healed when the cancer was first detected. I was also keenly aware of the fact that JESUS gave Maureen total victory over the cancer and all her suffering, and restored all she had lost. I was found to have diabetes in 1994 but in the ensuring years learned that it was the result or effect of years of violence, accusations and attacks aimed at me by brethren who did all they could to destroy me. The wounds surfaced as diabetes. JESUS told me years ago that He would heal me, but He did not say `when'_ I pray and wait, knowing that God has a plan in this. What it is I do not know but I trust Him and have no complaints. Leonda, I perceive in you a deep level of faith. The one you encountered has a doctrinal position that is void of love or compassion or faith - it is in fact sin. Pray for him. God bless. There was a 194-car crash in L.A. Luckily, the guy in the first car was still able to complete his cell phone call. Bernie E. On March 29s 201 !. (Quote) "Dear Chuck and Nancy, I think that I am

confused about the earthquake in Chicago on September 19` h of some year, from reading your prophecies of the past. I was under the impression that there was going to be a hurricane that hit Corpus Christi, TX, on the 2" of September, before the September 19`h earthquake. Is that still what you perceive? Is the September 19 1h going to be the BIG MONSTER QUAKE? Or, is that still to come after the September 19` h quake? Is the big monster quake going to be 1 -'/2 years later, in July? I noticed that you refer to the quake that will hit September I9', as the major quake, but not the monster quake. None of these quakes are good, but I feel blessed that on the 7`'' of September, Jesus is going to give us a warning of what is coming. Thank God for that. I have many friends in Illinois and I am wanting to warn them of the times that are upon us, what they will do with this warning I do not know, but I feel that I should try to reach them. Thank you for your obedience to God and for alI you do to try to save us, and inform us. I can't imagine the burden you must feel, and the hours that you must put in on behalf of mankind. God bless you, Chuck, and God bless you, Nancy. And thank you, from the bottom of my heart." (Unquote)

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Response to Bernie: You are welcome Bernie, The simple way to see it is this: A warning tremor , harmless, but

very obvious, as everyone will feel and hear it, will

precede the MAJOR earthquake to strike the St. Louis/Chicago area on a September 19th. The loss of life will be high as this MAJOR event is expected to register in the area of a 6.7 and/or 7.6 magnitude intensity earthquake. About one third of Chicago will be severely damaged if not destroyed in the process. St. Louis will get the worst of it, it will be really bad there as the epicenter of the quake will be very close to that city. The MAJOR earthquake in the St. Louis/Chicago area will precede the MONSTER EARTHQUAKE by about two years which will come on a July 5th I have come to understand through JESUS' Word over the years that there is a connection between the St. Louis/Chicago MAJOR earthquake and the Accidental Nuclear Attack, which would come on./around a December 14`" Events in the GAP and the time line we have seen since 2008 suggests to me that the Accidental Nuclear Attack will likely happen on/about 2015/2016. True, it is

speculation on my part based on what I do understand of JESUS' Word and GOD'S Timing, but it is an educated speculation mixed with some discernment. In the book "Prophetic Warning Signs" on page 149 1 shared JESUS' WORD of July 2-3, 1980 where He spoke of a "CRUSHING BLOW ON JAPAN...ON I HE 11TH,, That happen this March 11, 2011, leaving Japan in ruins, 25,000 dead and many starving in a devastated land. JESUS' WORD at that time had focus on the coming MAJOR earthquake to hit Chicago. The crushing blow that hit Japan March 11, 2011 tells us that we are in that time when this can happen. That does not say it will happen in 2012 or 2013, nor does it say it will not happen then. It only tells us that what He revealed back in 1980, some 31 years ago, is now right in front of us, we have crossed that threshold leading to a fulfillment of His Word. The MAJOR St. Louis/Chicago earthquake is a significant event in that it leads directly to not only the MONSTER earthquake to lay waste the Midwest U.S.A. but

it also leads to Nuclear World War III about two years hence from the time of the MAJOR earthquake. Warn who you can but whether they heed or not is up to them, their blood is on their heads if they ignore God's Word.

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Response to Bernie: But where do people run to find safety? Run to JESUS

CHRIST, He is the only one who can Iead them to where they can be safe, He is the only one that can keep them through the coming disasters which are already on us and growing like a forest fire. Bless you Bernie. It's a rare person who wants to hear what he doesn't want to hear.

Unknown author, On July 14. 2011. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL, The grace and peace of God our Father be with you! Thank you for the recent mailing and information regarding what Jesus has been revealing to you. Thank you also for your faithful labors in Christ. It is good to be informed about what is going on in the Spirit and how that is panning out in the physical realm as well, that we may pray accordingly, exercising our authority in Christ and loosing God's perfect will whenever possible. Whenever I read the Staff and Sword newsletters, however, I am often overwhelmed with a terrible grief and hopelessness. Judgment is here, and it's going to get much worse. Hard times are at hand. Yes, yes, yes. May we all wake up, heed the calls to pray and repentance and prepare to endure in Christ come what may. But in much of what I read in the newsletters, the focus seems to be on the "powers that be", and the effects of the evil one in this world. When my spiritual eyes are so tuned in to the horrible repercussions of sin, the reality of judgment and the unavoidable consequences of a rebellious, praycrless church, I feel weighted down with despair and a future devoid of any hope. Is there any real hope for our futw-e? Yes, there is.. .Can we not begin to somehow balance our message of "doom and gloom" with that which builds and preserves our faith, leads us to a deeper walk of repentance and a purer love for Jesus Christ? ...How is God glorified if we place the majority of our emphasis on the suffering and negative? Not to negate the importance of the prophetic role and calling by any means, but a balanced message would be far more beneficial to the precious saints right now. Such a message should not only call sinners and backsliders alike to earnest prayer and repentance, but it should also stir believers to hope and stronger faith in Jesus, in the power of His Blood, in the fulfillment of His Word, and in the tenderness of His compassionate love. Such a message might very well reap the support that you have noticed as being "vanished" recently. ...Meanwhile, my soul involuntarily cowers in fearful worship of the awful hordes of hell and all they might be capable of bringing to pass in my life through "the powers that be". This is the opposite of God's put pose for the prophetic office in the Body of Christ,

and it hinders rather than edifies. ...We are interested in what Jesus is revealing to His prophets about our nation and the church. But, vour personal testimon y o{Jesus and the continual f r esh revelation ofHis love to you and for His beloved Bride alwa y s brings an extremel y important aspect of perspective to your prophetic call and gifting. Please consider this prayerfully, that more of God's Hope and Plan for those who put their trust in Him be manifest in your ministry

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters

September 27, 2011

Unknown author, On July 14L2011. (Quote continued) for the necessary edification and preparation of the saints in Christ Jesus. May God richly bless you. "And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy ". ( ReveIation 19:10)" (Unquote) Comment b y Chuck-JOHNEL : I read this unsigned letter and thought to include it with "We Get Letters". This person, likely a woman (the letter was typed, it was precise, rio spelling error or grammar issues, very neat and well organized). When guys write such letters they are messy at best, spelling errors, bad grammar (without my Editor wife, Nancy-TONI, I'd easily be counted in their number). This writer has a pretty narrow focus on this Ministry and the work we/I do in Christ and on His direction. She displays the effect of fear as unsettling her and is disturbed by that, writing: " much of what I read in the newsletters, the focus seems to be on the "powers that be ", and the effects of the evil one in this world. When my spiritual eyes are so tuned in to the horrible repercussions of sin, the reality of judgment and the unavoidable consequences of a rebellious, prayerless church, I feel weighted down with despair and afuture devoid of any hope." Devoid of hope, weighed down with despair? In 1979 JESUS revealed to me in stark terms what the Soviet Union was planning, an all out nuclear war against Israel and the U.S. by August of 1982. On JESUS' leading I warned the President, VP, Congress, State Governors, Mayors, Church Leaders and Pastors across the nation. I did so for two years almost non-stop aware that with prayer it could be stopped, without prayer it would be the end of America and much of the world. I was not only ignored, I became the target of vile attacks, threats and every kind of violence was done to me and my family. Working a regular job, at the time, and working round the clock to warn, I wore myself out; I fell ill, very ill. JESUS required that I step-aside and retire from the Ministry in mid 1981. By October 1981 He called me back, to call the fledgling Net of Prayer (only numbered 25 Intercessors) and to move `In The Spirit' in the armor of God to do battle, to destroy a vast and seemingly numberless mass of demons that were the power to trigger this Nuclear World War. JESUS plainly shewed me the world turned into radioactive ash, whole nations were reduced to piles of rubble littered with innumerable corpses. The scenes He shewed me were horrific, stomach -turning and JESUS made it plain that I was the only one with the anointing to do this work, if I didn't do it the world would go up in fire and smoke. You want to know how weighed down I felt?! It was worse, I also knew that if I returned to the Ministry my wife would end up divorcing me, I'd lose my children, my life, and in the end church people would kick me in the teeth as they'd done so many times in the past.

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The Staff & Swo rd Mi nis trytWe G et Letters

Septem b er 27, 2011

Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL (continued): I obeyed JESUS, and with 100 volunteer Intercessors with legions of JESUS' warring Angels went into battle `In The Spirit' in the armor of God in November, 1 98 1. That battle, a fierce day by day battle that raged from November 1981 to January, 1982. Every day we had to face hordes of foul looking demons and take them on head to head and destroy them for the sake of God's people, to spare His children an untimely death. Empowered by CHRIST we broke them and utterly destroyed them. The Net of Prayer grew in this time to 380 Intercessors, a wonderful number, for all we needed were 300 intercessors in the N.Q.P. to be able to stop the advance of judgment and to spare His people the horrors demons would inflict on them in judgment. When powerful evidence surfaced in June of 1982 that the Soviet Union was prepared to initiate Nuclear World War III by August of 1982 (Israel invaded Lebanon in June 82 and found vast stores of weapons, enough to equip a Soviet Army of one million men) - their plans (revealed by JESUS in November of 1979) were destroyed and vast sums of money lost. It was a major disaster for the Communist Soviet Union. The plan to destroy America and much of the world was smashed. Excited Intercessors having this evidence (it was in the news of the day and later in book form) ran to their pastors to tell them the wonderful news of God's intervention and revelation. The pastors turned on me, called me ,"deceived ", "a false prophet", and told them to avoid any further contact with me or this Ministry - our number dropped to 260 Intercessors. The capacity to withstand judgment was lost! It was not merely "prayerlessness", it was primarily outright rejection of JESUS CHRIST, resistance to His Will, rebellion and sometimes outright hatred of God coming from the church leadership. Oh yes, I was turned upon and attacked broadly by church leaders, and in the end my wife did divorce me and I lost everything dear to me. This unknown writer states, ".. . Meanwhile, my soul involuntarily cowers in fearful worship of the awful hordes of hell and all they might be capable of bringing to pass in my life through "the powers that he. It is obvious that this person has a fear issue, he/she is not safe in Christ and says it pretty plainly, and then wants to lay her/his want of faith at my door step. Sorry, it is not my issue, it is his/ hers. We do nothing except encourage all believers to get close to Jesus, to trust Him and to rely on JESUS to bring them through the coming judgments. We always have.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters by

September 27, 2011

Chuck-JOHNEL (continued) : First off, I do not accept that the enemy has

any power over me whatsoever, never have. Years ago when a demon prince was sent to me to try to buy me off, I rejected it whereupon it began to threaten to kill my family and me. I responded simply saying, "I belong to JESUS CHRIST, not you or your god, you have no power over me, and unless JESUS allows such a thing there is nothing you can do to me! Begone Satan in JESUS Name!" It fled. That we are facing terrible times is not hidden or watered down, lest people get too comfortable about not working to draw near to JESUS in prayer, in abiding and to come to not only love Him but to trust Him with their all. I could say a lot more but this is sufficient. I pray this person gets right with God and becomes an overcomer without fear of the enemy and if anything, fears God. ^

A Chicken McNugget doesn't die any easier than baby fur seals.

Alexander D. On Jul y 3, 2011 . (Quote) "Dear Chuck-iOHNEL, We have some interesting

news for you. The Founder/Senior pastor [who's name is Richard Mirpuri] of a church in—of all places—Chicago, loved your video (The Coming Occupation of America), called it "Awesome!", and is showing it to all the church leaders. ...My wife, Julie, who writes for the C&MA (Christian & Missionary Alliance) church headquarters, here in Colorado Springs, got to know him [Pastor Mirpuri] and had been praying for an opening to discuss the end times and coming judgment on America with him. The opening came when pastor Mirpuri mentioned Japan's judgment (earthquake) and how judgment on America would follow. Julie then told him about you, offered to send him your DVD, and he gladly accepted. We're quite happy about this, as we have been trying (unsuccessfully until now) for some time to alert churches to the coming judgment and the warnings God has given you. After watching the DVD, pastor Mirpuri wrote: "When I first came to Chicago eight years ago, I asked the Lord, "Whey Chicago?" The response that I got in my spirit was, "YOU ARE GOING TO BE A PART OF SOMETHING THAT WILL HAPPEN HERE THAT THE WORLD WILL KNOW ABOUT."...I'm afraid it could be this big earthquake that Chuck spoke about. Whatever happens, we're here because God placed us here and God is preparing the Word of Grace for a mighty move of His Spirit here in Chicago!" In addition to that, one of their church's youth leaders had a very vivid dream about a huge earthquake in Chicago. We look forward to his comments about the video. Maranatha! P.S. Julie thought you might be interested to know that pastor Mirpuri is the official spiritual advisor to a Christian presidential candidate in Kenya, Dr. George Luchiri Wa_jackoyah." (Unquote) I Never hire a cleaning lady named Dusty.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters

September 27, 2011

Marjorie W. On ARril28, 2011 . (Quote) "Dear Chuck and Nancy. I have been wondering if the current unrest and trouble in the Mideast is in any way related to our prayer campaign several years ago, regarding Moslems coming to the Lord? Could you comment on this question? Thanks." (Unquote) C-JRenlr: Troubles in the Mideast have been going on forever, it's the devil wanting to destroy the Jews and after them, us. It is not related to our prayer campaign to free Moslems to come to Christ. What does it mean when you can see that a Grizzly bears nose is wet? ( You're too dam close!)

Gladys K. On Jul y 1. 2011 . (Quote) "Dear friends in Christ, Sorry to hear of so many

suffering health problems. We will keep them in our prayers. Several in my family are fighting cancer and heart problems. Good health is such a blessing. When younger, we took it for granted. Wishing all of you a happy 4". We have a feeling that we may not be able to celebrate many more." (Unquote) Dingoes, jackals, skunks, vipers, and weasels are now illegal in New York City. Well, great, who's going to run CBS? Anonymous - no Date. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-TONI, I want to

apologize for not saying thank you for all your dedicated se rv ice to our Lord Jesus and the Body of Christ, enough, nor for keeping you in my prayers frequently enough, or sending more consistent suppo rt . I pray God meets all your needs and much more. Be strengthened in the might of His Spirit." (Unquote) Imagine if birds were tickled by feathers. You'd see a flock of birds come by them laughing hysterically. Cath '-MARTHA on (no date) . (Quote) "C-J & N-T (two of my most favorest peoples), You two are so busy, so in demand, yet you still find time to be so thoughtful.... You introduce me to new things. I love listening to the CD of the girl (Jackie Evancho) with a voice as big as Barbara's. I'm a quarter of the way through the book "Heaven is for Real" . I'm curious to lea rn if he saw Angels like the children saw around Chuck and Cliff on the Washington-D.C. walk. I am so grateful God loved me enough to bring you into my life. I pray more people will learn you two are the real deal. You are not put-ons. I love you and look forward to our next chance to visit. I also benefit greatly from each newsletter..." (Unquote) I think I live near an animal-testing laborato ry . The other day I spotted a mouse wearing hair gel. ^l10

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