Cover Page
1 ne Stall anti Sword iviinlstry
June .iz,
Hugs and Kisses -- ZTIC Z AN ZT NE By: Chuck-JOHNEL and
THE "WE (lET LETTEW SEMON Letter from Pegg% M.. of Stanwood, WA: (Quote) "To Chuck regarding prayer: Could you write something about entering the throne room of the Lord? "(Unquote)
We ought always start our prayers with, "I come before You, Heavenly FATHER, in JESUS' NAME and under the BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST." When we start to pray this way we move by faith `In The Spirit' and come before the Throne Seat of GOD THE FATHER on the Mount of the Most High God in the heavenlies.
Entering the throne room of the Lord is more a matter of "how" you approach Him as opposed to some formula. In a new book (new to us), provided by Reverend Patricia Privett, entitled, " AT THE MASTER'S FEET"*, is a dialogue between JESUS CHRIST
and Sundar Singh. I will quote some parts of this booklet as it addresses Peggy's question from different vantage points. *Note - This booklet is offered at cost on the enclosed Response Form. (Quote) [JESLTS speaking] "...My Spirit and Life (John 6:13) is written in the language of men do not understand Me, so they do not understand My Word. To understand a knowledge of the Hebrew and Greek tongues is not a necessity, but what is necessary is the fellowship of that Holy Spirit, abiding in whom the prophets and apostles wrote it." (Unquote)
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WE Q T L TTER.S/ The Staff and Sword Ministry
Julie 12, 2002
Letter from Pe ggy M.. of Stanwood WA: Continued Then JESUS said this (Quote) "Prayer is, as it were, a breathing in of the Holy Spirit, and God so pours His Holy Spirit into the life of the prayerful that they become "living souls" (Genesis 2:7; John 20: 22). They will never die, for the Holy Spirit pours Himself by means of prayer into their spiritual lungs, and fills their spirits with health and vigour and everlasting the man of prayer are given true wisdom and eternal life. This world is like a widespread ocean in which men sink and are drowned, but marine animals carry on their life in the deepest water, because they occasionally come to the surface and, opening their mouths, take in a certain amount of air, which enables them to live in the depth. So they who rise to the surface of this life -ocean, by means of private prayer breathe in the life-giving Spirit of God, and find even in this world life and safety. Although fish spend their whole life in the salt water of the sea, yet they do not themselves become salty, because they have life in them; so the man of prayer, though he has to live in this sin -defiled world, remains free of the sinful taint, because by means of prayer his life is maintained." (Unquote) My point is this, as you build a life of prayer, seeking to be led of by the Holy Spirit, seeking to know JESUS you will enter into the heavenlies and find yourself before the throne seat of the Lord God. You may or may not see 'In The Spirit' but regardless you will reap the benefits and by faith you can always know you are there. Letter from Susan F. of Hopkinton, MA: Summary of her letter: Susan shares with us another example of the power of sealing. Her daughter, previously sealed, was coming home one night and experienced a horrible accident, when her car slid on the icy road, flipped in the air, and rolled on the ground. The girl was not a bit harmed. Also her son, having been sealed before, survived another car accident with no damage to himself, although the car was totaled. (Quote) "Praise the Lord Jesus.... the difference between sealed and not sealed is ., evident, " (Unquote) (Quote) "I had a dream on Friday night, 1-10-02. I kept on seeing Dick Cheney with an anti-Christ spirit. In any dream, he was trying to get information on Christians onto CDs. It doesn 't make any sense to ine, but I can see him looking at CDs and knowing lie was trying to get information onto these disks about God-fearing Christians, who believed God. All I can see when Iclose ray eyes and type this, is his face, with glasses on, looking at a CD that he is holding in his left hand. His face seems to be looking intensely at these CDs. When I woke up, I "knew" that Dick Cheney had this ungodly spirit working with him. Ifound myself wondering, why he has been in hiding so long, literally, no one has seen him since Sept. 11, 2001. Iget the impression that he is behind the scenes working on these things. I know that you are all very busy, but I ask you to pray about this and if
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WE GET LETTERS/ The Staff and Sword Ministry
June 12, 2002
Letter ran g Susan F. o IIo kinton MA: (Quote continu1,1 you get anything, I may be right or I am wrong, could you please let me know? " ( Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL's re 1 : It was Vice President Cheney who recently went on TV to say that terrorist attacks are inevitable and that our enemies will obtain weapons of mass destruction. I did NOT agree with him nor did I appreciate his negativity, a sort of, "we are all doomed not matter what we do" attitude. Because Cheney has a bad heart and because it is smart to keep the President and Vice-President in different locations in these dangerous times lie has gone "a missing". I never had much of a view of Cheney, he was popular in Republican circles, so I cannot comment apart from a Holy Spirit revelation/insight. However, Susan's dream clearly shows that this man is part of the Illuminati conspiracy. Again, remember that the Lord shewed me in 2001 that the men around President Bush were of evil disposition, and that there were not many men of God to stand with him against the darkness. This dream identifies Cheney as one of those men of darkness. I will wait on the Lord before I form a final conclusion, but this much appears evident. So Susan, it is not a matter of being right or wrong, it is what you saw and you were faithful to report it. Thank you for that. Letter from Stan: (Quote) "Hi, Chuck and Nancy. We hope all is well there..,. You have done so much work ... and the most recent newsletter. I can feel the removal of the covering. It is like taking one of the blankets off the bed.......Had a still picture dream in black and white about 3 weeks ago. A inillstone was on the left and Chuck was on the right. It was a heavy, old, very gray millstone standing on edge but leaning over somewhat, about the same height as Chuck. It as made of coarse granules like the corn grinders in Mexican stories that used to grind corn. It had a somberness about it, the still d picture. For Chuck. Do you remember the "Old Witches House" across 63' st. from St. Rita church when a kid? A large corner lot with a tiny house on it. I went to it one time and a couple of very nice old ladies lived there. " (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL's reply : No, I do not remember the "Old Witches House" and was unaware of such a place in my childhood. Stan's dream seems to address the coming judgment (the millstone that crushes) but I have no insight past the obvious. Letter fro in To in A: (Quote) "Dear C-J& N-T there are many rimes when I would like to write but I know there is little question that you are snowed under with many obligations and demands on your time. This time Ifeel that is necessary that I write. ...In regards to your question about not seeking definite timing of events - I hope that you will not stop this. There is little doubt that it may be stressful or difficult and it opens you zip for criticism when things don 't happen exactly the way you think they might. Even so, I eagerly look forward to your updates. I may not always agree with your conclusions but
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WE CET LETTERS/ The Staff and Sword Ministry
June 12, 2002
Letter from Torn A. Quote continued) I am glad to hear the things that you have been
shown or told specif cally. When you reach out to a lot of people it is probable that there must be a reasonable amount of "casting your pearls before swine. " Too many apparently don 't want to believe and are looking for excuses to disregard your warning. That probably creates problems for you in both the emotional and spiritual realms, but
what can you do? You know the need to TRY and warn and, besides, as a watchman yo it really have little choice. Still, I'm sure it hurts but please don 't step away; there are a lot of its that really lookfor your insights and illumination. It is my opinion that God would like to lead all Christiansif they would just listen to the Holy Spirit. He does lead many
with dark sayings and dreams, etc, but with yoit, like Moses, He chooses to speakface to face. Your prophecies, visions and insights help me to analyze my own and help confirm that what I hear or feel is really from God and not of my own imagination." "In the earlier newsletter you listed a sequence involving Corpus Christ. In the last
Newsletter that event is no longer noted. Is there a particular reason for this? Considering the sequence of events - storm/earth/war - it would seem likely that this is still in the offing. This summer we have seen Allison followed by the California events (lessened) then the war action of US hitting Iraq with dozens ofplanes. Considering that sequence, your earlier sequence for this year, and 12 year pattern and the current events it would seem to me to be a very real possibility. Iraq's infiltrations in Jordan, alliance with Syria, involvement with the Palestinians and the rebuilding of WMD and the command-and-control features are all setting the stage for another major strike by the US. Current estimates suggest that the US will continue small scale stuff in taking out important sites one at a time until the way is cleared for a very major strike, A brigade
ofMarines are scheduled to land in the next few days to help guard an area on the Syria, Jordan, Iraq borders. Considering what you have seen with Corpus and the 1989 Hugo hurricane, is it not possible that we could see that devastation of Corpus followed by a Calif quake followed by the major strike on Iraq?" (Unquote) Chuck-JQHNEL's response: First, a thank you to Tom for the nice letter. When I work to list a sequence of judgment events I can list a lot of different things, but sometimes I simply abbreviate it if my focus falls on a more limited series of judgment events. We have known since the 1980's that a major Hurricane hitting CORPUS CHRISTI (means Body of Christ) will be the leading event in a series of severe judgments. But the enemy will target Corpus Christi, Texas because it is emblematic of the body of Christ, it will signal a massive attack coming against the Church and Christians in America. Back in 1987 when the Beastmen's demon army broke through the GAP (February 19, 1987) we knew then that Corpus Christi would be a primary target of this demonic army. That demon army emerged/arrived `In this world' February 19, 2002. It is conceivable that they may attempt this major Hurricane this year and aim it at Corpus Christi — in
y Pa c e 5 WE GET LETTERS! The Staff and Sword Ministr June I2 2002 Cluck-JOHNEL's response to Tom A. letter(continued): which case a lot more will
f )w. It could also happen in 2003. Why? The demonic breakthrough in the GAP of i.o i was doubled and set (done a second time) in 1988 - thus a one year lag or delay could be part of the picture, pushing potential events for 2002 into 2003. As always we r need to be "praying and watching" to understand the meaning of cur ent events. Letter from Patrick
(Quote) "I just want to thank you for your ministry, and for yielding yourselves to the commission that Jesus Christ has given y ou! The blessing of insight and revelation that I have received through your ministry has been great!" (Unquote) M.
, Letter from An us & Eula H. (Quote) "Praise the Lord Jesus ' Greeting in Jesus' Holy Nar' e. We have been so blessed by this ministry! Our prayers have changed for the better instantly. We know it's because of the anointing that has been entrusted upon your lives and submit to the Apostolic/Prophetic mantle that Jesus Christ has placed in your lives. Praise God and we are continuing to pray for you. " (Unquote)
U1, ack-JOHNEL response: Thank you Patrick, Angus and Eula, your encouragements 1s
a blessing to us.
Letter f r om Dolores F. o f Perr"ville AID: (Quote) "Last night I dreamt that are e • .'rquake occurred at a place called "Joshua Tree" in California. The quake left a long, long cr ack in the ground about a foot wide. When I woke up the thought carne "DAUGHTER, WATCHAND WAIT". I've never been out West, but today, afterlooking on an atlas, it seems there is a place called "Joshua Tree" in California! Just to be safe, I'm going to pray for everyone who lives in that area. " (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL comment: Actually, in September of 1999, we projected on the basis of evidence of demonic intent that an earthquake ranging from 6.5 Richter to 7.5 Richter would strike California in a given period of days in October, 1 999. Joshua Tree, California was struck by a 7.1 Richter ea rt hquake in that October, 1999 period. No one was hurt. What Dolores received suggests to me that this area of California will be hit again. When? We do not know, but it is always well to pray, our prayers are accumulated in Heaven against a day of trouble.
Letter from Shawn M.: ( Quote) "Have you received any revelation concerning the mark of the beast? According to what I understand it will most likely be a variation of the chip they insert in the Web of your thumb or forehead. Considering, our politicians have
^. vested after "9-11 crash " such an identification is needed. Also how false Christ's, insomuch if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Matt. 24:24. Thus the false
y leaders will have to persuade us the ident ifi cation chip is a good object for societ .. And society will fall for the Con. Have you received any revelation regarding the identification chip, its introduction and widespread use, and the Fall ofAnterica; and the issuing years? Thank you. " (Unquote)
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WE EiET LETTERS/ The Staff and Sword Ministry
June I2, 2002
Letter from Shawn M.: continued - Chuck-JOHN EL's Repl y : Back in 1989 JESUS shewed me that the "mark of the Beast" was a spiritual mark. I actually saw it on the foreheads of people at that time, it was the image of a jackal that had many crowns. At this time it was Wormwood who was marking those who belonged to him, who were subject to his demonic influence and who were willing vessels of his will on earth. Some of the people I saw with this mark were Church-going. I believe that men have tried to carnalize God's Word speaking of the "mark of the beast" casting it in the image of a computer chip or something like that.
Consider this: If you are seized by antiChrist enforcers, thrown into a hospital, drugged and operated on so a chip is placed under your skin (not voluntarily), are you now damned to hellfire forever?! It is obvious to me that the "mark of the Beast" is given and received by those who will receive, accept and cleave unto the lordship of the beastman of antiChrist thereby rejecting Jesus Christ at the same time. The condition whereby one does this is far more a heart condition that an outward condition (a chip under the skin or whatever). A closing note: On Page 3 of "SO, WHAT HAPPE1 ED" (enclosed) one of the events of May 10, 2002 was that a "digital implant" was put into a Florida family to convey medical data (if the hospital has a reading device). So the much-feared chip is being developed and used at this time. While I don't like this technology; nonetheless, I repeat that the "mark of the Beast" is connected with a heart condition that is antiChrist , and this is the determining factor, not the technology.
Metter from Alan D. of Woodland Park. CO: (Quote) "Sometime ago you printed a letter from someone complaining about you reprinting inforniationlrevelations/visions etc. from manyyears ago. For me, I would be lost without all the background information.., having been with you for maybe a year and a half. It really helped me to "get up to speed ". In your 12/11/0] report, page 16, you mentioned the Northern Lights for the 13 days, and said it 7'o retells of a Nuclear World War ". I don 't quite get the specific relationship of the Nuclear War unless you mean it signals the beginning of the longer process building up to the war here in the U.S., or do you suggest something elsewhere in the world that is imminent? Also, do you see anything significant in the ii umber 13? My study of numbers relating to scripture show 13 to be a number of "rebellion, apostasy, corruption, disintegration, revolution, etc. " I read with great interest, ... the Lord had said that there would be a number of Christians dying before their normal lifetime as we get into greater troubles. About two years ago while talking with the Lord, I believe I heard Him tell ine ... (the same)... because they would not be able to stand in the tribulation coming on the world. I wonder • if this is a reasonable statement based on your experience. " (Unquote)
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WE GET LETTERS/ The Staff and Sword Ministry
June 12, 2002
Chuck-JOHNEL reply to Letter from Alan D: Alan is referring to the December 9, 2001 Special Report on THE FLAMING SWORD. The 13 days had to do with the time it took from completion of the Prophetic Work with The Staff on June 28, 1980 to the time a ROD OF LIGHT appeared over the same area this prophetic work had been accomplished. Alan's comment about the meaning of the number 13 is of note. The appearance of the FLAMING SWORD or Northeriz Lights we now know signifies the entrance of a mass of demons into this world that will cause nothing but trouble. In 1938 when Johanna Von Trapp saw the Northern Lights or Flaming Sword over Europe, it was a scant period of months before Hitler invaded Austria and a year to the start of World War II (the Nazi invasion of Poland in 1939). Thus we understand that the FLAMING SWORD can mean World War. However, Alan is correct, the FLAMING SWORD marks the start of a process that would lead to that terrible outcome (Nuclear World War III). Over the years I have seen and understood that the Lord God will take many of His children home before terrible times come, some because it is their time, some because they could not stand under the judgments (would perish). It is God's mercy, His loving kindness and His will at work. Letter from Patrick B. of Lakeland Fl.' (Quote) "I was very affected by your video and want to learn to hear the Lord clearer in regards to the coming trials. " (Unquote) Letter from Vivian L.: ( Quote) "I thank our heavenly Father for you all. In the early inorning hours of Oct. 29, I was awakened by someone saying "Oh, look, we 'rein trouble
now "I looked to see a beautiful clear blue sky with a peifectskeleton from the waist tip, that covered the sky. My attention was on the rib bones, - under the rib is breathing life. My prayer most of that day was for the life of Jesus Christ in all of His Glory." (Unquote)
Letter from Dan C. of Scottsdale. AZ: (Quote) "Being a member of the Einmanuel Prayer Group is changing my life! I am so anxious to receive what's next to pray to interrupt the
enemy's plans.. have one question on "Adam is Satan " (tape). You 've got me basically convinced. My question is if Adam being a roan - died, why didn 't his spirit go to hell ojheaven instead of roaming the earth, causing trouble. " (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL's reply: The term "man" Biblically is not a reference to a flesh and a created son of God who is made in the blood male, it is a Biblical reference to a likeness and image of God. This Adam who became Satan was given dominion upon the earth, so this is his God-given place, not hell. In Job I we see him presenting himself
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GET LETFEEs/ The Staff and Sword Ministry
June 12, 2002
Chuck-JOHNEL's_reply to Letter from Dan C. (Continued) among the sons of God and when the Lord said unto Satan, "WHENCE COM EST THOU? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it." (Job 1: 6-7). This is why Lucifer (the Devil/Serpent) sought to seduce Adam via Eve in the garden of Eden (a celestial Earth), since God had given him dominion upon the earth (Lucifer had been kicked out) and the only way Lucifer could get access to the earth was through AdarnlEve and he did. The death of Adam is also of interest. When did Eve, the mother of all living, die? There is absolutely no Biblical record. Why? Eve was the soul life of Adam the spirit/son of God. Adam never had a physical manifestation in the earth as a male, he manifested in this terrestrial Earth through Eve, his soul life. The Biblical record of the death of Adam is the recorded death of Eve, her physical life ended at that time thus Adam's life is recorded as having ended. Adam has continued to work to manifest himself through his offspring from then to now. This is a bit complex to explain in a few lines, but I hope to have addressed the question sufficiently to answer Dan. Letter from Jerr y S. of St. Paul, MN: (Quote) "I have a theological question - Can you
tell me what the difference is between Divine judgment that are not a consequence of the wrath of God and Divine judgment that are a consequence of the wrath of God?" (Unquote) Chuck-JGHNEL response: God set in motion His Laws governing this Universe. The Ten Commandments basically tell us what to NOT do to avoid being judged under His Law, to ignore God's Commandments bring consequences. As the Apostle Paul explained, "what you sow, you reap" or in another way, the Laws of God are simple, this is a cause and effect world. Do evil and evil comes upon you, do good and good comes to you.
The primary judgments coming on America, the ones JESUS warned us about, are the consequences of sin and rebellion against God. The ones working to execute these judgments under God's Law are the fallen ones, Lucifer/Satan and that crowd. This judgment has everything to do with "sow and reap" and since it comes under God's Law, it is rightly called God's judgment. In many respects it is impersonal. For example, here is a red hot stove. Place your hand on it, it will burn you. The red hot stove is indifferent to whom it burns or if it burns anyone; but place your hand on it and it will burn you. The "Wrath of God" is very personal. The loving kindness of God is evident in His great patience with sinners , but when the great patience of God wears out (He has a limit)
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WE GET LETTERS/ The Staff and Sword Ministry
.Tune 12, 2002
_ k• JOHNIEL response to the letter from Jerry (contix ued) and/or when men aim at uod in their arrogance (usually by doing harm to His children) His anger can burn hot. The few times I have witnessed God's Wrath have been seared into my memory for all ti me, it is fierce some beyond Words and the object of His Wrath will fall under sudden terror and destruction. Believe me, you do not want to ever see God's Wrath, Letter from Mary Jo W. f Richmond MO: (Quote) "Dear Chuck & Nancy, I met with .f r iends who wanted to be sealed. Cher sealing tookplace in aparking lot. As I was sealing one, her eyes got great big and she began to exclaim: "Oh, my goodness. I can see your Cross, Mary Jo. " The others looked and also saw it, then they looked at the ones who had been sealed and saw each other's crosses. There was quite a commotion with the .0:itement. My brother asked inc to come and seal him the day before he was to have an angioplasty. The day after when he went to the hospital, the doctors said: "You have no blockage, go home. "My brother knew where this grace came from. " (Unquote)
Letter /i • orn Bill-Zekarvah B (Quote) "Since reading the last newsletter I feel led to share some thoughts about praying for President Bush. I also have read a lot about his possible evil activity, but we must keep in mind who is running the show, which is our Master, and in spite of all we hear, in this crazy world, we ought to just follow instructions as they are given. Actually, when we think about it, if the President is in an evil environment or activity then this is all the more reason to be praying for him.." (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL comment: Amen!
Letter from Joan S. and Jennifer L: (Quote) "I had a dream where Jesus was telling me to watch. Jan. 18". And on the 29 ` ' of January, while praying 5:55am I heard "earthquake, Washington. "Just to let you know. These things about the Holy Spirit are new to inc. When I feel in prayer that the Holy Spirit is talking to me, I don't ask questions, Ijust pray in the Spirit. We love you both and appreciate that you share all that the Lord is showing you. God bless, Joan & Jennifer. " (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL Note: Thank you for sharing. Sometimes the Lord gives a date like this; but what is usually missing is the year. It is somewhere ahead of us. Joan & Jennifer have it right, Receive ALL THINGS and afterwards pray to prove what you received as being of God and when it is proved, to accept it, embrace it. Learning "how to" prove it takes time, prayer and discernment -- and time to learn how to wait on the Lord. Letter from Retta-RUTH & John: (Quote) "Thank you so very much for not only answering my concerns in the newsletter, but also for taking the time to write inc a personal answer. I take your word and Yes/ma 's (Jesus) word for it, that Pres. Bush is a real Christian and not a Beastinan of any kind. It was my tendency previously to trust
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WW GET LETTERS/ The Staff and Sword Ministry
June 12, 2002
Letter from Retta-RUTH & John: note continued hits not to be a fake or an evil person. But when I read your Feb. 2000 newsletter recently I just felt afraid that maybe we had all been gullible. I'm glad to have Jesus' word to you that Pres. Bush is to be more of a blessing to the Elect than a threat to us! We will continue p raying in the "Mountain" campaign, and we will surely continue to pray for Pres. Bush, " (Unquote) Letter from Mary : ( Quote) "Dear C-J & N T, Many years ago, I took a holistic class with a friend. The directions for the bleach wash was part of this class. I have used it many times over the years, even on lettuce. Add I capful of regular bleach to a large bowl of cold water, soak the fruits, herbs, or vegetables for 10 minutes. Drain off bleach water and fill bowl with plain cold water. Soak for 20 minutes. Drain and you are all set." (Unquote)
Letter fromnAlvce F.: (Quote) "A bo ut Prayer - it is about one of the most misunderstood spiritual tools we have at our disposal. First of all, we ask for what we want, not what we need. Then we want it on our terms, never realizing that we may get what we ask for and not be able to handle it. Then poor God gets blamed for everything. Not realizing we must take responsibilities for ourselves. God gave us free will and that automatically institutes responsibilities. Unfortunately we have not matured enough to handle that part of freedom. Prayer works, depending on whose praying, because evil can not penetrate true spiritual prayers. If prayers come from selfish and/or greedy sources, chances are it won 't work, and God gets blamed again. If a good Christian life is being led the only prayer needed is `Lord, help inc know the right thing to do at any given time. 'It's called faith. As Jesus said: "A new coin mandmnent I give you, that you love one another even as I love you!" The Bottom Line. " (Unquote) Note by Chuck-JOHNEL : When JESUS answered Sundar Singh's question about prayer, JESUS said this (in part), "...Prayer does not consist in an effort to obtain from God the things which are necessary for this life. Prayer is an effort to lay hold of God Himself, the Author of life, and when we have found Him who is the source of life and have entered into communion with I- Jim, then the whole of life is ours and with Him all that will make life perfect. To evildoers God, out of love for them gives what is necessary for their life in this world, but their spiritual necessities He does not even show to them, as they have no spiritual life. Were He to bestow such spiritual blessings upon them, they would not be able to appreciate them. But on those who believe gifts of both kind are bestowed, especially spiritual blessings, with the result that very soon they pay little regard to temporal blessings, but fix their love on the unseen and spiritual. We cannot alter the will of God, but the man of prayer can discover the will of God with regard to himself." End of "WE GET LETTERS,.' s God bless. â–ş43 dH^^^j ^r
(Letters transcribed by Nino)
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
June 12, 2002
MOVIE REVIEWS by Chuck-JOHNEL & Nancy- TON! In the year 1979 JESUS Commissioned me to review movies out of Hollywood on a regular basis. In all the years since I have seen Hollywood become aggressively anti-
Christian in the way they produce movies and then also positively pro anti-Christ and pro-Devil at the same time. The Church has ignored the warning signs, worse they do very little if anything about what is going on. It would not surprise me on a strictly human level (if I were not Jesus' Prophet) to see Christians being herded into camps and subjected to the horrors of death camps after seeing all the hatred and murderous intent being directed at them by Hollywood movies. We are living in a time when genocide against Christians is not only being encouraged but the movies also give tutorials on"how to mass murder Christians." We give movies one of three classes of ratings, these being:
The Pitchfork: When you see this symbol it indicates that the movie has consistent and/or strong anti-Christian content or theme and is the product of demons out of hell. One "pitchfork" signifies the hellish content is minor or subtle but enough to tag it as a movie out of hell. Two or mo re pitchforks indicate that the presence of hell in the movie is greater. ti,^llll^il.r
The Halo: When you see this symbol it indicates that the movie has consistent and/or strong Christian moral and/or Spiritual content and is wo rt h seeing. The greater the number of halo's indicate increased Christian moral and/or Spiritual value.
Worth Seeing: When you see this symbol it indicates that the movie is morally and/or Spiritually neutral. It may however be uplifting and/or interesting and/or entertaining and therefore "worth seeing".
TERMS USED: THEATER = This movie is presently being shown in movie theaters. VCR = This movie is available to rent on VCR Video tape.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
June 12, 2002
Movie Title: "Be y ond The Next Mountain" Color 1981, 97 minutes on VCR* A Global Film, this is an original
movie, a 1981 Silver Angel Award winner, was filed in India, Hawaii, Scot] and and America. Distributed by Gateway Films/Vision Video. Story line: In the l9 `b century the British branded the Hmar people of northeast India as "the worst headhunters." This tribal body numbered hundreds of thousands and were cannibalistic, murderous and suicidal besides being headhunters. In 1910, a Scottish missionary introduced a single copy of the Gospel of John into a Hmar village and changed the course of the Hmar people who within a generation all became Christians. Rochung, the son of a Hmar convert, was sent by his people to learn Greek and Hebrew to put the Bible into written form for the Hmar people (they had no written language). This movie is about his personal pilgrimage. This is an excellent Christian movie, deeply touching, interesting, entertaining and challenging. We highly recommend it. *If your local movie rental place does not carry a copy (most don't) you can order a copy by telephoning 888-382-4253. It is really worth the expense. Movie Title: "Bedazzled" Color 1981, on VCR.
Stars Brendan Fraser and Elizabeth Hurley (who play the Devil). This is a remake of 째 an older film that starred Dudley Moore (recently deceased). It is rated PG-l3. Produced by 20 `x' Century Fox. Has sexrelated humor, language and some drug situations.
I give it both one "pitchfork" and one "worth seeing" as the subject of the movie is how the Devil tempts a man with the promise of seven wishes. The film is seedy in parts, but it is an accurate portrayal of the deceptive, double-crossing nature of the Devil. At times it is humorous and other times not at all, sometimes truthful and then not, a strange mix; but then it springs from Hollywood theology.
The Staff and Sword Ministry Movie Title: "Blast From The Past" Color, on VCR.
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a 째
R 째
June 13, 2002
This movie stars Brendan Fraser, Sissy Spacek, Alicia Silverstone and
Christopher Wa]ken. I believe it was rated PG-13.
Story line: In the 1950's this family (dad, mom and little son) duck into their underground bomb shelter (a super-duper shelter, to say the least) because they think a nuclear war happened. The boy grows up underground living in the American culture of the 1950's. Now it is 1997 or so and they are running low of food so Dad and Mom send their now full grown son (Brendan Fraser) to the surface to find the supplies they need. Brendan finds himself emerging in the American culture of the 1990's+. The movie is entertaining because of that slant, the contrast between the morals of the 1950's against the lack of morality in the 1990's. The writers did some excellent contrasting in the movie.
Movie Title: "Serendipit y " Color 91 minutes now on VCR.
This is a Miramax film that is rated PG-13 for a scene of sexuality and brief language. It stars John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale. It is basically a Romantic Comedy.
Story line: In the course of one magical evening, Jonathan (Cusack) and Sara (Beckinsale) meet unexpectedly. .then part without exchanging phone numbers or addresses when she decides they must let fate determine if they are meant to be together. Years later, they are both engaged to others but cannot give up the dream that despite ti me, distance and the obstacles that conspire to keep them apart, that they will one day meet again. I won't give away the outcome. It is a fun movie in much, good writing and acting. Dictionar y de fi nition : Serendipity = An apparent aptitude for making accidental fortunate
discoveries. Movie title: " The Other Side of Heaven "
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Color, 91 minutes. Rated PG because of thematic elements, brief disturbing images. A rookie film maker made this film on a low-budget but it is very professional looking.
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The Staff and Sword Ministry
June 13, 2002
Movie title: " The Other Side of Heaven " (continued) Story line: Fair warning - this is a very well put together film based on a true story of a Mormon Missionary who went to the Tonga Islands in 1953. We decided to view this film (it was playing at a low budget theater) just to see what was being said. It was well written and acted, the scenery was wonderful, and it basically showed a young Mormon man in a mission field, running into resistance and temptations and how he coped with these difficulties. It appeared to be an honest portrayal and is a warm hearted film. Movie title: "Frailty"
Color, 1 hour, 40 minutes. Actor Bill Paxton both directs and stars in this Lions Gate thriller that is rated R (violence, some Ianguage).
After reading the reviews of this movie we decided to "NOT see it" as it portrays Christians in a very negative/hostile way. Now and then a movie is so obviously "garbage" that you don't have to see it to know more about it. This is one of those. Story line: (Quoting Michael Medved's April 22, 2002 Monday News article) "It is about a family of crazed, Christian serial killers. Frailty uses a grisly confession by a mysterious stranger played by Matthew unravel the mystery of the fictional "God's Hand" murders. McConaughey explains to a skeptical FBI agent (played by Powers Boothe) that his widower father (nicely played by Paxton) fell victim to religious delusions that led him to kidnap, slaughter, savagely wielding a long-handled ax. Worst of all, he forces his two young boys, ages 12 and 9, to take part in the killings in order to conform to God's plan. The ugly association of fervent faith with horrific brutality provides the movie with its principle focus. The media notes distributed to film critics emphasize that connection, describing the picture as a "powerful, provocative and frightening film about faith, lost innocence and the sometimes indistinguishable nature of good and evil in the contemporary world. These media notes proudly proclaim: "Frailty even references the Bible, offering a modem take on "The Story of Isaac" and elements of the Old Testament. Biblical scholars might find it difficult to identify Isaac - or Abraham, for that matter - with a murdering maniac with an ax....." (Unquote) It is so visible here that Hollywood is out to brand Christians as murderous maniacs simply because of their faith in Jesus Christ — but they make NO mention of the true maniacs threatening us today - the Islamic radicals.
The Staff and Sword Ministry
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Movie Title: "Dinoto ia"
June 13, 2002
An ABC TV mini - series, Color, 6 hours.
Aired in three pa rt s May 12, 13, ^
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14, 2002.
This mini-series will doubtless end up on the VCR/DVD shelves. The story revolves around two teenage half brothers, Karl (played by Tyron Leitso) and David (played by Wentworth Miller).
Story line: These half-brothers are marooned on a large, uncharted island and find a place called Dinotopia. This was based on popular picture books by James Gu rn ey. This is a place where humans and talking dinosaurs coexist in harmony (almost). I asked Jim-REPHAEL to view this mini-series (we taped it) to get his take and to make notes. Here are some of his notes of comments taken from this TV mini-series. (Quote) "The carnivores ( reference to T-Rex's and other meat eaters) are not evilJheY are just hungry by nature."
"Dinoto fans don't carry weapons. Weapons are enemies, even to their owners. There are - wa ys to defend yourself without the use of weapons ."
"Dinotopia is a place of harmony and fulfillment, a place where there's a better life." Jim-REPHAEL notes: "The ` World beneath' is where the Sunstones (power source for Dinotopia) originate from, which they call a "sacredplace. "Jim-REPHAEL notes, "They equate the underworld with "light bearing ' life = Lucifer, the "light bearer"? Jim-REPHAEL goes on to note, "in the commune, they're having a graduation. The matriarch is giving the graduating students their destinies (to one) `You are of the sky", (to another) "You are of the sea". There is an ultimate control which she exe rts over these people, for she determines for everyone what they will do with their lives. At harvest, another communal event, it is quite visible that we are looking at a Marxist, socialist utopia." "Leaving Dinotopia is forbidden."
In Dinotopia there is a statue that is half dinosaur and half man, of this it's said (in the ' movie) "It's meant to s ymbolize that humans and dinosaurs share the same thoughts and desires, living togetherin perfect harmony." ( My opinion (Jim-REPHAEL)
they are equating man as equal to animals throughout the movie, a so that denies God's making man in Hi s image and likeness.)
of Darwinism
Page M6 The Staff and Sword Ministry Movie Title: "Dinotopia" (Notes and Commentar y continued)
June 13, 2002
When they travel to the "World Beneath", they find carvings, and one of the boys says, "They carved their whole history here, our history! It's all right here!" Jim-REPHAEL's Opinion: This "histo ry " just happens to be on stone, which can be seen as denying the inspired Bible. When they see the Sunstone Cave in a particular carving "Is like the end of the world" But here's the Sunstone Cave, which became some kind of Ark - it saved them!" Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL: It was Nancy-TONI on seeing the Dinotopia harvest
(young people from the towns/cities gathered to bring in the harvest, they slept in communal style housing units (boys with boys, girls with girls). Nancy-TONI commented, "It looks like a Marxist Communist Commune. Indeed, I remember seeing black and white pictures years ago of harvest time in the former Soviet Union. This was a literal replica of those old Communist pictures."
This ABC mini-series was and is a glossy Marxist Communist propaganda film that is designed to educate the youth to these views, to plant the seed of "Marxist utopian ideals" in our children who don't know it's been tried and failed. It not only failed miserably but left tens of millions dead in its Marxist wake of desolation and ruin. The USA TODAY wrote a TV preview (written by Robert Bianco) of Dinotopia on May 10, 2002. At no point in the somewhat lengthy article did the critic point out the blatantly obvious Marxist leanings of this film. It should have had the title, "Workers of the World Unite with Dinotopia." Just have time and space for some quick reviews:
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o Movie title: " Star Wars: Episode II, The Clone Wars ." 2 x Worth Seeing. Far better than Episode I, not as good as the first Star Wars movie of years ago. Lots of action (almost blinding action, it overwhelms the senses) if you are a Star Wars fan, you will like it. (It is in Theaters at this time) Movie title: "The Sum of all Fears "
2 x Worth Seeing. Hollywood chickened out
again, changing the authors sto ry line from Islamic terrorists to Right Wing terrorists. Even so, the sto ry culminates with these terrorists detonating a nuclear bomb in Baltimore, Ma ry land. It is worth seeing for one reason (sto ry line is passable) because it brings home the reality of what a nuclear attack in the U.S. would be like - we are in such a time. (It is in Theaters at this time) Movie title: "Divine Secrets of the YA-YA Sisterhood." 1 x Halo. Nancy-TONI wanted to see this. Some of the younger set would call it a "chick flick" but I found it more interesting than I thought it would be. It is a weird title but a serious drama, some humor, even a teeny little bit of religious talking to God. Over all it was ok - not great but ok as movies go. (it is in Theaters at this time) ***End of Movie Reviews for this Month*** iN `^ ^
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