Oct 24th, 2003: We Get Letters

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The Staff and Sword Ministry

Cover Pane



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October 24, 2IJUi

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Hugs and Kisses --ZTI X AN 3' `CNZZ B y : Chuek-JOHNEL Letter from Patrick M. [Quote): "Thank you, Chuck-JOHNEL, for who you are! You really area man (and prophet) after my own heart! I met you in Denver last December, and I told you "that because of your obedience to Jesus, I have greatlybenefitted!" And I have so much in my Christian walk and discernment! You are indeed a great inspiration and example to me. God bless you, Chuck!"

"Did you hear about the frog who wanted to get out of the construction business, but sadly, all he could do was rivet, rivet, rivet...." Letter from Carol y n W., Dated Sept. 2Z. 2003 (Q uote}: "It was very interesting to me to

read your prayer material because over the last month the Lord has been calling my attention to negative words and thoughts I have. As a result, I have repented and have been asking Him to help me guard my mind and my tongue from thinking or speaking a gossiping word, a critical, judgmental word, a slandering word, a condemning word, etc.. .Thank you that we are all praying this end. I want to speak blessing and not cursing words. Thank you for all your work preparing the materials you send. I really have enjoyed the teaching on "Fiery Trials."

"Even moderation aught not be practiced in excess. "Anonymous Letter from Linda R. Dated Se ternber 20 2003 (Quote): "I am writing to you about the power of the Net of Prayer and the protection of the Sealing. As you may have already heard, the state of Virginia was declared a federal disaster area by President Bush because of hurricane Isabel. We are in the Hampton Roads area that was one of the hardest hit. A

good 90% of the residents in this area are still without power as I write this. We got our power back on withing 12 hours. Praise the Lord! The Holy Spirit had us preparing days in advance of this storm. We made sure we had the provisions that we needed to ride out the storm. We live in a condominium that has lots of trees around it. Days before the storm hit I prayed for not only our home but my neighbor's

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/ We Get Letters

October 24, 2003

Letter from Linda R., Dated September 20, 2003 (Quote continued): homes as well. Many trees carne down on the property, but not one tree fell on any of our units. We are also in a flood zone, but we didn't flood. There was little or no damage to our unit or any of our neighbor's units as well. Praise the Lord!


My friend Katherine, another Net of Prayer warrior, moved all of her valuables into her attic the day before the storm hit. Her town usually floods badly. She left the area before the storm, fully expecting her home to be flooded out. When she returned today, much to her surprise her home was dry. Her next-door neighbor's home got flooded and they could not believe her house was spared. They had to come over to her house to take a look. They said it was impossible. Praise the Lord!


My husband, Al, and I took a drive around the area to check out the damage today. Not one Cn church in our area lost even one shingle. In fact, there is a Bible college in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, which is not far from here, that had the roof collapse on the dormitory. All q. students got out safely, but their chapel next door had no damage at all. Praise the Lord! CT 1< 00


My husband, Al, has a feeling this is a "dry run" for God's people in this area. Al says He is preparing us for something far worse down the road and this is a lesson in preparation both physically and spiritually. We are true believers in the power of the Net of Prayer and the Sealing. Praise the Lord!"

0 Letter from Bonnie A. (Quote): "Some notes in regard to "Watch 7-16 to 7-19" C

6 On 7-16 the day after the hurricane hit Texas, they had labeled it a 1.. .they wanted to re. label it a 2. It had gained strength when it had hit the land. Usually it loses power when 0 it hits land.... 0 On 7-20- was a wild night of severe storms for the state of Iowa. It started around 7:00 pm and ended Monday morning about 3:30 am, moving southeast. There was hail in places the a size oftennis balls...winds measures over 100 mph with crop and property damage. Eastern Iowa got hit the worst with three different tornadoes touching down. No reports of injury of loss of lives! Praise God for His Mercy! Praise God for faithful intercessors!"


"Veni, Vidi, Velcro '= I came, I saw, I stuck around.

Letter from Kathryjj D. Quote): "I am writing to let you know that I am still on the firing line for the Lord. Though I am 96 years old, I do all my prayers in the Net of Prayer always and everyday. Thank you for all the letters, and all the news, and all the prayer sheets. I try to do them all day-by-day. So, God bless you and keep you." "I am reading a terribly interesting book about anti-gravity— I just can 't put it down."

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/ We Get Letters

October 24, 2003

Letter from Kathleen Z. Dated Jul 16 2003 (Quote : "Just a quick note. My job has been downsized- not a prospect in sight." My last prayer sheet had the names of several people considering retirement- my advice to them is consider and plan and inquire- then don't retire! I did retire- wrong decision! The only jobs I could get were and are part time, usually odd times, low paying so I have had to have several. These jobs are the first to be downsized so I am continually looking for opportunities- which are becoming fewer. I think ideally reduced hours, or working at home would serve the same benefit as retirement. The few times I've been able to pull together jobs with respectable pay, I've found 6 hour days to be wonderful. Also,

retirement lacks a schedule and thus discipline suffers. Retirement is destructive in all ways- body, mind and soul, and spiritually. Plan for tomorrow and goals are necessary especially for the senior citizens." Why is "abbreviation" such a long word? What's another word for "thesaurus"? Why isn 't "phonetic" spelled th e way it sounds? Is there another- word for 'synonym"? Letter from Susan F. Dated Jul y16, 2003 (Quote): "I would add a thank you as well. Every Newsletter in the past year has been confirmation for me! I would read God's word about something, the letter would come, and I am reading the same thing! What a wonderful thing for me! I get such peace from the work you both do! I also just watched (half) of the video of your trip last year. I have always wondered if "one chases a thousand and two ten thousand", does that multiply out?" Chuck gave me the answer! It does. I learn so very much from the two of you! God bless and keep you all." "What is the difference between ignorance, apathy, and ambivalence? I don 't know and I don 't care one way or the other! " Letter from Claudia-MARIE, Dated July 16.2003 (Quote): "Just wanted to thank you for the June Newsletter. The information in it plus the way it is presented struck me as wonderfully inspired by God's Spirit. I realize how much of it is review, but nonetheless, the reinforcement is so welcome. Much strengthening for me from God. So, thank-you again for all the time and effort put into it. And thank-you also for the time and effort and prayer for the Manifesting Christ paper, so much to be reviewed and renewed and prayed about. Also, I was sorry to see so many intercessors dropped from membership. May God strengthen our numbers in His time and way.' "Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today. "

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/ We Get Letters

October 24, 2003

Letter from Janet C. Dated July 7, 2003 (Quote): "I guess it's hard for me to understand that 16 of the intercessors who responded would ask to be removed from the NOP at such a time as this. Don't they understand that they need to be under the anointing that the Lord has given you and Chuck? The Lord said in the last days that there would be a falling away. I wonder about these 16 who asked to be removed. Just wanted to encourage you to know I feel it's a privilege to be a part of the NOP and a part of your Ministry. Our Lord Jesus went off alone several times a day to pray to the Father; how much more should we do for one another throughout our NGP. I usually pray as I read and then pray more for each one as the Lord moves. I also know if God's people would only have more Faith, for the Lord gave us all a measure of Faith that their prayers will be answered. I know my finances will get better and be answered. I also know that the agreement with the body of Christ and the NOP is powerful and that things are loosed in the Spirit and will manifest in each of our lives if we Trust/Believe and don't give up. I will continue to pray and intercede for God's people and the requests that they have needs for. This is not a time for God's people to get slack in there prayers for each other. Jesus always had compassion to help, heal and pray to the Father for people in His day and then do the will of the Father here on earth in His day. How much more should we be willing to do the same for one another? Why would we want to only abide in Christ for ourselves when so many in the NOP needs our prayers for healing and answer to their needs. Knowing that someone is praying for them encourages them to stay in Faith believing that God will answer their needs. Thank you for praying for me concerning my finances for many people from time to time have sent me money and also asked me over for supper or to go out with them to eat and they paid. Jesus always comes through as just the right time for those who put their Faith in Him. With what's coming on the earth we're going to need to pray more and more and Trust Him more and more each day, hour and minute knowing He will not forsake His people. God bless the two of you for you Faithfulness to God and obedience to His word." Two goldfish are in a tank and one says to the other, "Do you know how to drive this thing? " Letter Bronx Jo S. (Quote): "Since we are relocated it's time to find a church, having learned from the past, names on the door don't tell you what's inside. At one time I was so confused I spent a year away from all churches and fellowships. It was at that time I

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/ We Get Letters

October 24, 2003

Letter from Jo S. (Q uote continued): learned to truly know the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as one yet the three in one. Since then I am no longer confused, when I go into a church I look for Jesus [in] the church, not the church [in] Jesus. You have confirmed this in your writings, I am truly so thankful for being a part of the Net of Prayer, and receiving your letters, you have helped free me from so many bandages. Seems most churches have a set of works that in no way glorify Jesus. So again, many thanks, I pray the Lord continue to Bless you both." God grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.

Letterfrom Louise J. Dated July 9, 2003 (Quote): "Thank you for the recent mailings and to be informed of current prayer needs which I enjoyed so much and appreciate. I am as touched by the revelation given to you. I pray for your well being and anointing. May you continue to hear from Jesus thereby enriching our lives as well. Thank you for the teachings. I agree. Nancy, this present time is the "quiet before the storm", "Even so, come, Lord Jesus" Revelation 22:20" "The early bird gets the worm, but it's the .second mouse that gets the cheese."


Letter from B.J. S. Dated ,Tul vi j, 20D3 (Quote): "I was in a severe hailstorm on April 5`h. Sound asleep and POW, POW, sounded like rockets hitting my home. The hailstones were as large as a hard ball and as small as a large purple plum; between my home and the two vehicles in my drive I have $28,000.00 in damages. By the grace of Almighty God, I am still standing? Yes, I am and will continue, not in any strength I may have, I stand in God's strength and the strength of His Word, Jesus (Yahshua), without Him where would I be? For that matter where would any of us be? Although I live in Sherman, Texas and know it is where I have been placed, most of my family lives in the Houston area. Family, friend or foe, no one wants to hear that God's judgement is coming to America and is even now at the door. "God will never judge America" is their response, "We are under grace " is another or, "America has taken the gospel to the world ", or "God would not dare judge America " or, "America has replaced Israel " is another. I am looked upon as the black sheep; odd to say the lease since I both study the Word of God and Jewish history. It is a very lonely place to be at times, even though I will never walk alone. Praise God! I would like to get up on the rooftop and scream; "Wake up! People, wake up world!"..,. The people of this "Good Old" USA are an arrogant bunch, Chuck, which includes the "Church System" of man, now in many places across this nation and globe; none have a thought of danger. Me, me, me is this generation. They wave "Old Glory" and pat one

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/ We Get Letters

October 24, 2003

Letter from B.J. S. Dated July S. 003 (Quote continued): another on the back; most never read or watch the news and reading that Bible is OUT. More often than not, they take what is said from the man standing in the place of "man's" authority (pastors at the pulpit) as gospel. What a terrifying scenario." "T eat did the number 0 say to the number 8? Nice belt! " Letter from Jack and Rose U. (Quote): "I'd like to ask you a question about the poison our government is looking for in Iraq. Could it be on there ships that were seen before the war started at sea. They were shown just one time on tv. My husband saw a soldier was laying on deck of one ship with a machine gun in his hand. Did you see this? Thank you, Lord, for the knowledge you give to Brother Chuck in what's going on in the world and Spirit realm and letting him share it with us. We appreciate this Chuck and Nancy." C huck-JOE NEL's Comment: Before the invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003 it was well known and long since established by the UN that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), then the CIA told the President, Congress and the Senate (and all of us) that Iraq had these weapons and the ability to produce more, plus that they were working on nuclear weapons. I perceive that Iraq or Saddam Hussein had these WMD's but it is also obvious that the CIA and our Intelligence Apparatus (destroyed by Clinton) failed utterly to produce any real evidence - in other words they gave us bad information and we acted on it. The most recent report by a competent investigator found that while they were unable to locate these WMD's in Iraq at this time (especially the tons of Sarin poison gas) he did learn that many of the scientists working for Saddam on WMD's were murdered by him after the war started (Saddam was concealing his efforts in this way). In one case, he discovered a bottle of biological toxin in an Iraqi scientist's home refrigerator that could have served to be the culture of a future mass produced biological weapon. More, he learned that Saddam had positioned his forces to be ready to begin mass production of WMD's once the UN gave up looking for them. Months after we occupied Iraq jet fighters were discovered buried in the desert, concealed so well they were not visible until some Iraqi told us about them. One need take into consideration that the former Saddam Hussein Iraqi forces were expert at hiding things and that some things may never be found. It is also possible that Iraqi's shipped out to Syria or other Moslem nation some of their

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/ We Get Letters

October 24, 2003

Chuck-JOHNEL's Comment (continued): WMD's but this is hypothesis - no one really knows for sure. There is a lot of suspicion. I will remind the readers that the HOLY SPIRIT leading was to counsel President Rush to NOT go to war with Iraq at this time, rather he was to spend the next two years building up the U.S. Military and the Homeland defenses. "If' he HAD to go to war, I recommended nuking Baghdad* as opposed to sending ground forces in. *Note - The insight was to issue a warning to Baghdad, give them 48 hours notice to surrender and get out of town or die. One Christian recently stated that they believed I was "racist" for giving that counsel. Actually, I spent some weeks praying about this HOLY SPIRIT leading. This counsel was given for this reason: We are in a TRAP and have been since 1990 when we went to war with Iraq at that time. To send troops in would only entangle us deeper in that trap, making us (our soldiers and our nation) more vulnerable to the enemy who wants to destroy us. A nuclear bomb would end the debate, nations who are willing to fight us today would back way off after we did that - it would get us out of the TRAP and lead to a time of genuine peace. That we sent troops in, and now have 150,000 U.S. troops tied down in Iraq, makes us more vulnerable to threats from both Iran and North Korea who are becoming more and more of a real threat as time goes on. Eventually, based on what JESUS shewed me in 1983, we will lose our army from a nuclear attack from Iran and our nation will ultimately face annihilation. The course we are following today is leading to that outcome. The issues here are complex and tangled because we are in a TRAP. Only the Lord God can show us a way out of this trap. Nuking Baghdad was one way out of the trap and it was not taken - so the demise of our nation is the alternative.

"Why was Cinderella lousy at baseball? She ran away from the ball and she had a pumpkin far a coach!" Letter from Richard H. (Quote): "Do you have a word about insulin for diabetics during the occupation?" Repl y by Chuck-JOHNEL: There are about 16 million Americans who have diabetes and I' m one of them. We are all dependent on either insulin or medicine and almost all of that medicine is manufactured OUTSIDE of the U.S. If you are insulin dependent then having a good stock of it on hand is advisable. But we need go the next step - what about learning HOW insulin and the diabetic medicines are

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October 24, 2003

Repl y by Chuck-JOHNEL continued : actually produced and then someone preparing to manufacture them in the event of war or the loss of overseas supplies. Americans have been known for their independence and ingenuity as well as adaptability — maybe we ought think in terms of learning these skills and methods of producing things we need or others we know may need. When the Y2K scare was on-going we began to recognize that whether Y2K happened or not, that when this judgment came we needed to learn to rely on what we can do for ourselves. Thus we learned how to grow food (have a garden), how to store the food we grow, how to work around things like no power, no fuel, and to manage. This I know - I'm to do what I can do and what I can't do I need to trust God to do for me. It is always a relationship, we do what we can, He does what we can't and we get carried to our destination by His love. But if we are unwilling to do our part, we will not meet God at our point of need. Maybe it is impossible to actually manufacture insulin on our own, but maybe we can! Have we looked into it seriously enough? There are other issues, but each requires that we do what we can do - that is how we start to cope with issues like this. "It is a socialist idea that making profits is a vice. I consider that the real vice is making losses. " Winston Churchill. Letter from Helen S. Dated June 14, 2003 (Quote): "Do you have any comment on the subject of Mad Cow disease, West Nile virus, SARS, and Monkey Pox? Don't want to bother— just a little curious."

Chuck-JOHN'EL Repl y : After listening to a Congressional hearing in 2001 well before the war with Iraq I learned that Iraqi scientists had worked to develop a new strain of West Nile virus. The same year they achieved that, it appeared first in New York City - now it has spread across the U.S. and is killing Americans and animal life in ever increasing numbers. I believe that we are suffering under a biological attack launched by Saddam against the U.S. in 2001. On the issue of Mad Cow disease. I read the initial reports and frankly it seemed to me that if half of what was being said was correct that this was so serious it was beyond correcting. At that point I simply put my trust in the Lord and let go to Him as it was beyond me and any of us to safeguard ourselves against it. SARS appears to be a disease that Red Chinese leaders allowed to get out of hand and I wouldn't put it past them to have engineered it although it appears to be bad science in back areas of China that opened the doors to this killer disease. At this time it appears SARS is under control.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/ We Get Letters

October 24, 2003

Chuck-JOHNEL Repl y (continued): I don't know anything about "Monkey Pox" though I have heard of it somewhere. Keep in mind that JESUS' Word going back to 1977 revealed that DISEASES would sweep mankind, which is part of the judgment He said was coming. Most recently, June 16, 2003, JESUS said this: "YEA, DISEASE AND PLAGUES SHALL SWEEP THIS LAND, AND MANY WILL PERISH - THEY HAVE SOWN AND NOW THEY SHALL REAP..." That t we are seeing these troubles now is also consistent with what He said June 16 ", "THE REAPING HAS ALREADY BEGUN..." Any one or none of these diseases (Mad Cow, SARS, West Nile Virus, Monkey Pox) could be serious in the future or altogether new diseases may appear that are even worse. What is certain is that this is judgment and it's here and it is going to get worse. "If at first you don't succeed, sky diving is not for you. " Letter from Raphael S. Dated Tune 26, 2003 (Quote): "Just a short note to ask your views on the Rapture. You mentioned in one of your newsletters that you thought the church had the wrong idea concerning the Rapture. Would you please give me your interpretation of when the Rapture will take place or if you believe there is such thing as the Rapture... Also, would it be alright to have someone receive the Seal of the Living God over the telephone?"

Repl y by Chuck-JOHNEL: On the last question - I would not give the Sealing over the phone as it is to be delivered face to face. However, one can conditionally pray for someone to be covered until they can be Sealed. On the first question - The Rapture issue is simple for me. JESUS told me it is a GREAT DECEPTION and also a DOCTRINE OF DEVILS. Scripturally the primary theme of Rapture runs contrary to what Jesus prayed in John 17: 15. I take JESUS' Word over any interpretation or doctrine of man. On the issue of, "is there such a thing as the Rapture?" The way men teach it - NO However, if we come to the issues of being TRANSFORMED, changed into the likeness and image of JESUS CHRIST - the Bible speaks of this transformation in many places and in many ways. However, if brethren cleave to the Rapture Doctrine they automatically forgo "transformation" because it requires death to self and a seeking to be in Christ and to be like Him. Those who cleave unto Rapture are waiting to be taken up and do not pursue death to self nor do they make any preparations to be yielded to the Spirit of God. In other words, the Rapture Doctrine blocks believers from entering into the fulness of

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/ We Get Letters

October 24, 2003

Reply by Chuck-JOHNEL (continued): Christ. But there is a form of rapture spoken of in the Bible - read Revelation 11. In part it reads, "And I will give power unto my two witnesses... And when they have finished their testimony the beast ...shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kilt them. And their dead bodies shall lie in the street.. ..And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet...And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them..." (Revelation 11: selections from verses 3-12). "Wrinkles should merely indicate where smile s have been. " Mark Twain Letter from Herbert and Diane G. Dated Jul y 8, 2003 (Quote): "In the "We Get Letters" section (June newsletter, 2003) in regards to the letter from Don saying that he believed that Canada would be the 8 `h flag flying over the USA, my wife, Diane, voiced the about a month ago. I am of the same opinion. I believe the LORD has held back this piece of the puzzle simply because few would accept it and many would scream False Prophet. Your letter to Sally C. was "right on" regarding reincarnation. George Lamsa, an Assyrian scholar, in his translation of the Bible (ISBN 0-06-064926-7 by Harper-Collins) from the Peshitta, Deuteronomy 7: 10 is translated with the words, "in their lifetime" instead of "their face". Quote: And repays those that hate him during their lifetime; he requites them that he may destroy them; he shall not be slack with those that hate him, but he repays them during their lifetime- GLT. This was the sword that forever destroyed the concept of reincarnation for me. Note: I am also an advocate of the KJV and the NAS versions. A response to Scotty A. Many of us that served in the Armed Services of our nation often consider the effectiveness of a military solution. But we as Christians will have some important tools to influence the course of out nation. We still have the right to free speech so that we can teach others of our history and our destiny. We have the power of the voting booth and we have a Heavenly Father that hears our prayers. We also know that is not by our might or power but by his Spirit, so sayeth the LORD. Zechariah 4:6 (see KJ V). Your one-liners are a very much appreciated as an insightful addition to the Newsletter." I'm lonely, "Adam told God in the Garden of Eden "I need to have someone around for company. "Okay, " Replied God. "I'll give you the perfect companion. She is beautiful, intelligent, and gracious— she'll cook and clean for you and never say a cross word." "Sounds great, " Adam said. "But what's she going to cost? " "An arm and a leg, " answered God. "That's pretty steep," replied Adam. "What can I get for a rib?"

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/ We Get Letters

October 24, 2003


Vivian L. uote : "I want to ask (add) about the covenant the LORD made Letter with the people that long ago came on the Mayflower. I have heard that GOD is saying HE will fulfill that covenant. I feel HE will to the Elect, Sealed, faithful, obedient, the church system of God, innocent children of God. I am asking exactly what is that covenant (before someone changes it around)." Response by Chuck-JOHNEL: I acquired a copy of the Mayflower Compact via the internet (quite a few websites have it) - the gist of this document written on November 11, 1620 is this: (Quote) "in the name of God. Amen. We, whose names are

underwritten...Having undertaken for the Glory of God and Advancement of the Christian Faith and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia: do by these presents, solemnly and

mutually in the Presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together in a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid..." (Unquote) Thus they covenanted to the ends of, "Glorifying God and Advancing the Christian faith." Letter from Jeb R. Dated August 18. 2003 (Quote): "As long as I'm writing I'd just like to make one other quick comment. One of the things I look forward to in reading your Newsletter are your movie reviews—being a movie buff and a Christian I value your opinion and esteem it highly. However in your last letter I was a little disappointed to read that you placed the movie The Majestic starring Jim Carey with the garbage can award. Now please understand I know there are many other things of great importance in this world than movies—but I just wanted to let you know that it is actually one of my favorite movies. I kind of gathered from your review that you hadn't bothered to watch it (which I understand is usually the case with films in that category and would agree) but I just wanted you to know that I think you would actually enjoy it, there is nearly no profanity whatsoever, a very safe movie to watch with the family, and I really thought it portrayed a very good message of patriotism in standing up for your rights as an American. It does not advocate communism but instead brings you back to a realization of what our constitution stands for. Peter Appleton (Carey) is a Hollywood movie writer, one day he is basically placed on the black list as a communist for some group he was involved with in college. He basically tries to leave the town only to drive off a bridge resulting in amnesia, and ends up in a small town where he is mistaken for a local war hero that has been missing for almost ten years. During that time he falls in love with "the girl he left behind before going to war" and helps his supposed father build the town movie theater—The Majestic. All in all, it really is a good movie. I didn't mean to waste so much time on a matter as trivial as this, but I just wanted to share that with you. Again, I do think you would like it—one of Carey's best, if not the best. Thank you again for your time and I can't wait for your next update! !"

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/ We Get Letters

October 24, 2003

Comment b y Chuck-JGHNEL to the Letter from Jeb R.: I' m aware that those who saw this movie liked it; but the previews told the whole story for us. Those screen writers who were called up before the House of Un-American activities in the 1950's for "Communist subversion" were by 1991 proven to be "paid" agents of the Communist Soviet Union working to undermine the U.S. The damage they have done and continue to do to Christian America is now both massive and legend. These are the same people who encourage not only hatred for Christians but also call forthe outright murder of Christians as a solution to the world's problems in their movie scripts. GUARDING ONES HEART: One of the primary reasons for writing movie reviews is

to forearm brethren to the ends that they be enabled to guard their hearts against being tainted by hurtful movies. What we need be aware of is that most of those who make these movies have hidden agendas and are both skilled and persistent in injecting all who watch their movies with ideas and images that can be very damaging to their souls. Ed Asner, a Hollywood actor well known for his anti-American views, was recently asked by Kevin McCullough (journalist), In your (Ed Asner's) long and distinguished acting career, ...if you had the chance to play the biographical story of a historical figure you respected most over your lifetime, who would it be?" Ed Asner said, ".my answer would have to be Joe Stalin... a guy that was hugely misunderstood." Stalin is the Communist dictator directly responsible forthe mass murder of 35 to 70 million Soviet people. To say this (Ed Asner) is the same as saying, "..my answer would have to be Adolf Hitler..a guy that was hugely misunderstood." However, we decided to preview the movie "Majestic" to issue a full report in the Movie Review section enclosed with this Newsletter addressing the content of this movie. A computer is perfectly reliable until the moment you turn it on. Letter from Chris M. Dated August 15. 2003 (Quote): "I just wanted to say that I do pray the prayers you send. I tape them on the wall where I pray as a reminder of the issues to pray. As a little girl I wanted to do missions work and in college I did. I was sent to Brownsville, TX. It's not what I had hoped but where God sent me and I praise God. I wanted some other country and I realize these last few days that the place I've been praying for these years now, and more so after having joined your ministry, is America. My own homeland. I have a poster in my room of "Reinhard Bonnke", it's covered with people of India like the sand of the sea of people. Bonnke said once God told him India was his. I do believe God will give us a people if we want it and are willing to take the responsibility of the Great Nation to all who are willing. On 7/3/03 as I was looking at this poster one morning I said these words, "just like you gave Bonnke India, give uslme America." I never dreamed I would wanted America, it was always another land but God is calling us to our own. Thank you so much for your faithfulness you have taught me so much about prayer, the Church, and our responsibility and the enemy."

The Staff and Sword Ministryl We Get Letters

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October 27, 2003

My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven today, and we don 't know where she is!?! Letter from Phil R. Dated Au rest 29, 2003 (Quote): Your prayers are fantastic, just the right length and much appreciated! And your movie reviews are very much appreciated by us and our 8 grand kids." Letter from Alise L. (Quote): "I just wanted to briefly write to let you know I appreciate your obedience to God and service to the body of Christ. Jesus and I were talking briefly about His prophets and teachers. I said, "We teachers have a lot of responsibility, but prophets really have quite a job. They must be very precious to you." He said they were, and mentioned yourself as one of those precious ones. Just thought you'd like to know." Doug H (Quote): "As I have said before, you are ministering confusion in giving out two names. First of all, having a name change by God, as you stated in the newsletter date April 26, 1998, is very scriptural. I have no problem with that. Even your examples about Abram and Sarai being changed. But one thing you are not seeing that you have even written, is the fact that when a name change takes place the old name is dropped. As you have stated, the old name represents our old man and our old soulish nature. The new names represent our new man, our spirit and who we are in Christ. My dilemma with this is, why are you still holding on to your old nature? To your old man identity of the fallen Adamic soulish realm? This is double mindedness. This is where the confusion is coming in. You are telling me that you are still in your old nature but yet professing to be in your nature. Abram became Abraham, not Abram-ABRAHAM. Sarai became Sarah, not Sarai-SARAH. Which one are you? Nancy or Toni? Chuck or Johnel? You can't be both. Are you Simon or Peter, not Simon-PETER. Unless you are really living a compromised life, then your double names would be correct. In Hebrews 11:15, "if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned." Holding on to your old identity is giving you a way back into your "old country", just in case this new one does not work out. For you to be what you wrote about, you need to drop the old nature identity and become fully and completely identified with Christ, not Christ and Satan (old nature). IF you are truly that new creature that has been given that new name, then be that new creature and quit being ashamed to be fully identified with Jesus all the way, not just halfway. I can tell you that being a person that carries two identities, one of the world and one of Christ has opened you up to a lot of unnecessary spiritual warfare. Forsaking all to follow Jesus means just that, forsake all. Which in the new birth means that the old man, and the old nature with its old name no longer exist. Since Jesus has given you a new name now in this time, then you need to fully except that without compromise. Just for information sake, I also am a prophet of God, and I know about double identities and they are not of God. God is single purpose and has single vision and is single minded. With one name that represents the whole character of God. In your case, you are giving out Letter from

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The Staff and Sword Ministry! We Get Letters

October 27, 2003

Letter from Doug H (Quote contan uedj: two names representing both characters of the old and the new. This is the current state of mind of the general church. Which one are you really? I hope you can understand what I am saying. You have explained it very good in your letter, but you failed to see what it is that you have written. God is one, not two. The man and woman in marriage become one flesh not two. In our walk with God we must be one not two. Let the old nature identity go. You don't need it any more. Trust God with your whole life and nature and identity, not just half of it. Either you are totally in God in Christ or you are not. I believe your prophecies are true and correct and would like to remain on your news list. Even though I see confusion in what you are portraying in the double identity thing, I am willing to let you speak into my life as long as God allows it. But especially now, in face of what is about to happen, we can't afford to hold on to anything of the old nature and identity." REPLY b y Chuck-JOHNEL: The two names do NOT represent old and new, one is the name of our SOUL (the woman), the other is the name of our SPIRIT (the man). The old nature, also known as the carnal nature or Adamic nature is a wholly separate issue and has no connection to the name of our soul and Spirit in Christ. "What happened to you Mr. Peebles? You look awful. " "Well, Doctor, you told me to take this medicine for three days then skip a day,

an all that skipping wore me out. " Letter from Jim W. Dated August 29, 2003 (Quote): Can you point out any fruit from George W. Bush?" Response by Chuck-JOHNEL: I've noted some of the "fruit" of G.W. Bush as it has appeared and off the top of my head can remember the following: (1) He put the UN on notice that the U.S. would not fund UN efforts to encourage abortion worldwide; (2) G. W. Bush pushed for a ban on partial birth abortion and has succeeded in getting it into law in spite of resistance by Democrats who cheered when shown a film of a baby's brain being sucked out as it was born (which is partial birth abortion); (3) G. W. pushed through funding to build and install an anti-ballistic missile defense system which will one day save the lives of tens of millions of both Americans and Russians; (4) In a recent meeting with the "moderate" Prime Minister of Malaysia (who had openly voiced hatred for Jews and encouraged their extermination) G,W. Bush took him to task and diplomatically rebuked him for making such a statement. (5) When America was attacked on 9/11 he not only said he would bring the terrorists to justice (which Clinton said over and over in his 8 years in the White House but did nothing) he moved with the full force of the American military to do just that - he is no whimp. These are things that no other politician, that I know of , would undertake. I could also

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/ We Get Letters

October 28, 2003

Response by Chuck-JOHNEL :(continu ) draw up a list of things he does not do that I' m not happy about; but over-all the glass is more than half full. George W. Bush recently did an interview with Fox News (as I recall it was called "Conversation with the President") during which one could get a good sense of George W. Bush's faith in Christ as he spoke freely of his love for Jesus and how important his faith is to him. The other media outlets (CNN, MS NBC, etc.) all have a virulent hatred for G.W. Bush because he is a Christian and who work 24/7 to continually present him in a bad light. Jesus told me last year that there are elements inside the government (State Department, Executive Mansion, Justice Department) who not only hate G. W. but work to undermine him and the country at every turn. G. W. also suffers from a lot of bad press generated by those minions of hell that hate Christians and George W. who is one of them. JESUS made it plain years ago that George W. Bush was His shield for His people (that's us) and that if he were removed, God's people would be slaughtered.

"My wife found a way to save her money - she uses mine. " Letter from Nancy R. Dated September 9, 2003 (Quote): "Since joining the NGP and being Sealed, my relationship with Jesus Christ has grown and deepened. Abiding is still hard for me but we're working on it.... At Hosanna, where I work, two who do much worldwide traveling and a spouse have been sealed! Hallelujah!"

With money in your pocket, you are wise, and you are handsome, and you sing well too. " Jewish proverb.

Letter-frorn Karl R. (Quote) : "You.. .stated that the Mercy Covering will expire on 7-302003. While this litany of troubles seems somewhat muted, could this be leading up to more terrible events? On page 5 of the NOP and Leadership Report you state, "It is usually in the August-September period that serious troubles begin." Could it be that the October 23 San Francisco earthquake could hit this year?" Response by Chuck-JOHNEL: Seeing that it is now October 28 ` ' I can be very accurate about the events of October 23. (humor!) October 23`d was being watched as it might prove the date of a judgment event - earthquake was one possibility. In that there was NO earthquake of significance in LOS ANGELES this year, the likelihood of an earthquake in San Francisco on October 23 Td was regarded as very unlikely. We simply "know" from past judgment patterns that quakes in Los Angeles lead to quakes in San Francisco, but if one is absent (a major quake in L.A.) there is not much likelihood of a major quake in San Francisco.

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/ We Get Letters

October 28, 2003

Response by Chuck-JOHNEL: (continued) At this point in time an earthquake in LOS ANGELES is now more likely to occur in 2004 - the likelihood of it hitting in 2004 was considered much greater than in 2003. October 23, 2003 appears to be the START date of the fires that are now burning up Los Angeles areas (1,250+ homes destroyed and 17 dead thus far) - not an earthquake but a "Conflagration." More on this in the enclosed main Newsletter. Again, the judgment is taking different form than seen in previous years but it is not very "muted". How do you make a bandstand? Take away their chairs. Why couldn 't Mozart find his teacher? He was in Haydn. Letter from Sister Marguerite Dated Sejitember 25.2003 (Quote): "When I read the letter from Helen of 1A my spirit grieved me deeply. I'd like to share with members of the NOP the richness of our Catholic faith. Indeed it is much more than "Hail Mary" and "Our Father". The Mass is the center of our lives. In the celebration of Mass, this sacrifice of our Lord is made truly present on the altar and the saving effects of the cross are continued in our world. This is the deepest meaning of our Lord's command to His apostles when He instituted the sacraments of the Eucharist at the last supper. After changing bread and wine into his own Body and Blood, Jesus introduced then: "Do this in remembrance ofine." Our Lord was calling for a continued celebration ofthe Eucharistic liturgy, but, beyond that, "do this" means we are to live the Eucharist, to make ourselves a total offering to God in Christ, for our salvation and that of the world. I have made my students conscious of the value our suffering has in God's eyes. We are sharers in the redemptive suffering of Christ; we then become a living Eucharist, an offering of praise and thanksgiving to God. If we see no value in suffering for ourselves or for others, human life loses its real meaning. Mel Gibson is a classical example of what the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is all about. Chuck, enclosed you will find a paper about the Microchip. Are we to avoid having the chip inserted into our bodies? Since it can greatly prevent terrorist acts and document counterfeiting? Are we to avoid it?"

Rp1v by Chuck-JOHNEL: On the Microchip - avoid it! There is no way this would "prevent terrorist acts" but it would be a useful tool in the hand of tyrants in the control and oppression ofpeople. I see one possible application - Microchips inserted into aged patients

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/ We Get Letters

October 29, 2003

Reply y Chuck-JDH NEL(continued) who tend to wander off and get lost (or Alzheimer patients as well) would be found easier with the aid of these Microchips. For the rest of us - no way! Besides, the country that is forwarding the idea of Microchips is Malaysia, the same country whose Prime Minister advocates the hunting down and eradication of all Jews. More, Malaysia is the nation that would be producing these Microchips. I perceive that the "terrorists" that this Moslem nation is referring to are "Jews and Christians" - think about that! L"Tfa ce of tyranny is always mild at first. " Jean Racine.

Letter from Jo S _(Quote): "After reading your letter the second time, I realize again how important it has become to me. Your answer to Gary's letter first of all, I too perceive Colin Powell is the rider on the red horse, but mainly your explanation to the rapture doctrine should put all religious teaching aside. I have family and friends who are sure they will soon escape into the clouds, therefore there is no need to come out of their complacent mode. Only the Holy Spirit can reveal the truth. As for the prayers, I made my commitment when the Holy Spirit put in my heart to join, should we now complain about the Iength of the wording. I thank the Father everyday He found me worthy to pray, and to receive the letter, to know what is to come and be prepared. I thank God every day for you who spend so much time seeking, and writing, for your faithfulness to His calling. As for the healing. I have had instant healings, some have taken years, now I am waiting to have my hearing restored. He did not say when, He did say I will, so I let God be God." Darth Vader: "Luke Skywalker, I know what you you 're getting for Christmas."

Luke: "How do you know? " Vader: "I felt your presents. Letter from Rose U. (Quote): "Thank you once again for the Net of Prayer Newsletter and the opportunity God has given me to worship with you in intercessory prayer. We thank the Lord Jesus Christ for His protection from the tornadoes this past July and August. We had tornadoes all around us. Our city of Mt. Vernon, MO was not touched. I believe it was the prayers we pray for protection over our property and belongings every so often. And I've claimed the 10 mile radius also. Our Father is our shield and protector. Thank you Father."

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The Staff and Sword Ministry/ We Get Letters

October 29, 2003

"Everyone loves the truth, but not everyone fells it. " Yiddish proverb. Letter frofn Lucia K. Dated September 76, 2003 (Quote}: "Just a note to say "Hello" and "Happy Birthday" to you both. Belated for Nancy-TONI, but Chuck-JOHNEL's should be there on time. God love you, both, You two are so special to me. You are my family." C-JOHNEL: Thank you and you are our family too! Letterfrom Linda and Al R. Dated September 13, 2003 (Quote): "Your commentary on the Rapture was exactly what Al and I have believed all along. Since both of us were raised in the Catholic faith, this doctrine was not taught to us, so when we joined a full gospel church about 9 years ago they taught us this false doctrine and we never "bought into it." The Rapture doctrine is directly from the "pit of hell" and is meant to trap Christians into a false sense of security about the tribulation. They feel they don't need to prepare, so therefore, they will be caught in a trap. When the Rapture never happens they with either curse God or be killed by the murderous enemy! All we can do is pray that Christians who believe it get delivered and set free."

How many chiropractors does is take to change a light bulb? One. But it usually takes three visits.

Letter from Angus and Eula Dated Se tember 17 2003 (Quote): "Greetings to you both in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We hope you are both doing well. We are doing fine. Thank you for the Newsletter. We received it a couple days ago. We are very sad to hear of our Lord's General, Brother George Elsasser passing, but happy that he is with Jesus now. He doesn't have to suffer anymore. Our heart is for Christ Jesus and thanking Him for putting us in the NOP. The profiles of the NOP prayer leaders are wonderful. I heard a lot about Greg W. so it's good to see what he looks like and our prayer captain, John Leyde. Gretel we met already and keep in touch with her the most. I like the new prayers, especially the scripture reflection portion. Well, everyone is watching hurricane Isabel. Today is Wednesday and bythFriday Sept 19, is the day expected to hit land. Understanding Jesus said to watch the 19 . We are abiding and taking note of all what Jesus and Father God has to say and taking it seriously." "For us in Russia Communism is a dead dog, while, for many people in the West, it is still a li v ing li o n. "Alexander Sol z henitsyn

Letter from Juan R. Dated October 14. 2003 (Quoted "I don't quite know how to properly say it, but I believe it is called Deja Vu. "If you would please, as you are a prophet I simply must ask you for your thoughts on a matter for me. Since I was a boy

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October 29, 2003

Letter from Juan R. Dated September 21, 2003 uote continued : I would frequently

see my surroundings as familiar as I had seen them in a dream. This happened to me fairly often throughout the course of my life yet it has occurred more frequently since being incarcerated. I have never known jail or prison, yet I now find myself facing 30 years, yet I am not. I have faith God will release me much sooner. I have a motion to reconsider punishment being submitted on my behalf which by God's Grace will set me free much sooner. I' m sorry to get off track. Yes, Deja Vu. My time here has been filled with it. Usually I see once in a dream but can't recall detail. Not until I cross the actual event do I recall seeing it. Since being incarcerated and coming to accept God in my life, these experiences have become more frequent. This brings comfort to me. My cell, people I've met, some of the structures inside the buildings, all bring back memories of recognition. I look at it as simply God saying, "relax son, you are, right now, where I need you to be", or is it something more? Please tell me what you think and please pray for my release, I know I did wrong, I never denied it in court and they just showed me mercy. All my fellow inmates look at me as an oddity, they don't see why I am in here. They do not see me as a criminal. I am not... .1 simply fouled up. I am praying that God give me understanding and wisdom in the matter. However, I am curious of your thoughts." Hello Juan from Chuck-JOHNEL: As God made us, we are Triune beings (we are made after God's likeness) and at this time that means we have a [1] Body, 12] a Soul (woman) and 13] a Spirit (man). Our Spirit-man in Christ has the Mind of Christ but even before that Salvation it is a being in the likeness and image of God. In cases of "Deja-vu" there is an open connection between one's Spirit man and one's Soul-woman (coming through the heart) thus the Spirit-man impresses or communicates what it knows, and it can know what is coming next in our lives. These come across to us as "flashes of insight" or "awareness"; but when we actually live the experience we recognize that we had seen or knew it before it happened - that is what Deja vu is. Keep in mind that we are God's children made in His likeness and image which makes us quite special inside of God's creation and as having capabilities we hardly understand at the soul level. Our Spirit-man in Christ is far, vastly more knowledgeable than we are at the soul-woman level, and we are not always able to receive that knowledge at the soul-level or to grasp how we know or why we do know. Other people just call it "intuition." I have had kind-of "Deja vu" experiences, only different in that I saw what I would be doing or where I'd be at clearly in a vision. Now the visions were not only distinct but crystal clear in personal terms which is not the usual for visions from God that have a much broader dimension. "Deja vu" visions were very focused on "me" while a vision from God

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October 29, 2003

Hello Juan from Chuck-JQ RjEL (continued): tends to be very expansive, covering very many people and broad areas. I finally recognized after some years of these kind of "Deja vu" visions were not FROM God or within my Commission as His Prophet but were visions stemming from my Spiritman who knew what I would be doing in the future. I also recognized (after some time) that these "Deja vu" visions were extrapolations of self-made desires in me that were not yet yielded to God, and thus were warnings of where my "self life" would take me - warnings from my Spirit-man in Christ. in the early years I took those "Deja vu" visions as forecasts from God of what I would li ve. After some growth in Christ and appropriate lumps and bumps along the way of dying to self I recognized that these were "outcomes I'd face" unless I died to my self life and yielded my life and self-made desires over to Christ. God was talking to one of his angels. He said, "Boy, I j ust figured out how to rotate Earth so it creates this really incredible twenty four-hour period of alternating light and darkness. " The angel said, "What are you going to do now? " God said, `Call it a day. " uoie : "I chose to evacuate upon Letter from Catherine G. Dated September 26, 2003 hearing of Hurricane Isabel coming my way and I knew the potential for flooding was great. I have been sealed and have been praying NOP's prayers and specifically recalled the one asking protection over my home and possessions. Long ago I had walked the property and pled the blood of Jesus over it. Before leaving I prayed and

asked my Father to place a barrier around my home so the flood waters could not come

in, and praises to Him, He did just that! Upon returning, I discovered the water had risen to 28" on the neighbor's fence about 30 feet from my house, and we are at the same ground level. It has risen only 24" by my house, which has a floor fever of 26". It had come within 2" and the Lord stopped it just as I had asked Him. Great is His faithfulness!" "A speech is like a wheel - the longer the spoke, the greater the tire." Letter rom Vicki R. Dated Se tember 20 2003 note : "Pastor Pat Privett asked me to

let you know my blessings through Hurricane Isabel. I live in Virginia Beach, Virginia with many tall pine trees surrounding the property. My family and I were preparing to leave the area when we decided to stay and pray for the best. Actually, my friend and I agreed in prayer for the protection of our neighbors, homes, family, and specifically for the Lord's angels to be a shield to keep the trees from harming our homes. Although many trees and limbs came down, none fell on my home or any other homes in my neighborhood. Also, we never lost power while over a million homes were without electricity. We were in the 5% that kept power. Praise God. That was a major blessing." enA of




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