Nov 3rd, 2002: We Get Letters

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Cover Page

The Staff and Sword Minist

November 3, 2002


Hugs and Kisses -- TI




By: Chuck-JOHNEL and


"SECTION Letter from Rod Y. of August 18,2002: (Quote) "Dear Chuck, a couple of items prompt this letter, first of all is a word of appreciation for your newsletter and for the insights therein to the present times. The second item is the mention once again in the August 4"' le tt er on the subject of Adam being Satan. I have your tape, and have listened to it several ti mes. While I cannot comment on what you have seen and heard, in my judgement, there are some good scriptural arguments against Adam being Satan. Your a tt ention is called to Rev. 20, verses 1-10. Quoting beginning with verse 2, "And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, and cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, tit the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.... And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the ea rt h, ... And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, ...". KJV. I have omitted portions of the text to be brief. Verse 2 states clearly that the angel laid hold on only one person. Who is that? It is the dragon, that old serpent, which is the devil. Then the angel bound him, and cast him into the pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no

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The Staff & Sword Ministry - We Get Letters

November 3, 2002

Letter from Rod Y. of August 18,2002: (Quote continued) more, after which he must be loosed, etc. These are all singular pronouns, one cannot read it any other way without violating the text. The text here is very clear, only one person, which is the devil, was bound and cast into the pit. Going on to verse 7, quoting, "And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations... And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire." Response by Chuck-JOHNEL : This brother's question is clearly 2 dimensional and while I will address it, I also find it curious that the obvious is disputed with such consistency. Sometimes I like to look at the motive behind the arguments against the revelation that Satan is Adam, to ask "why`?" It is not a doctrine and it is not that Satan's true origin is not Biblically evident. The only plausible cause for the reaction is that these brethren move to defend Adam. Why do brethren have an inclination to defend Adam? Is it because he is their god?! The very inclination to defend Adam is often a carnal reflex where he, first Adam, is favored over a revelation of God through Jesus Christ, the last Adam. The mere Biblical fact that Adam, also known as the first Adam (who brought death to all mankind), was supplanted by the Last Adam, who gave life to all mankind, JESUS CHRIST tells us something basic, very basic. The first Adam was not a good guy by any means, God moved to replace him, to supplant him and to undo what he did. The very Son of God, JESUS CHRIST, did this in order to free mankind from death and hell. But to go back to brother Rod's questions/statements:

"And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him. " (Revelation 12: 9) What do I mean by saying that this brother is 2 dimensional? Rod's view of the scriptures is very narrow, he does not attempt to bring into focus and harmonize a broader scope of scriptures. In order to give an example of how narrow a view lie has let us take a look at Revelation 20 which he quoted in his letter. In verse 2 it reads: "And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years. " (Revelation 20: 2) Now to carry it a bit further, we read in verse 3 that he was cast into the bottomless pit, and

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November 3, 2002

Letter from Rod I. o Au ust 18,2002: Chuck-JOHNEL Response continued: shut up and had a seal set on him, that he should deceive the nations no more, tit the thousand years should be fulfilled. But then in verse 7 we read how "Satan" shall be loosed and shall go out to deceive the nations; but lastly "the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake offire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are... " ( Verse 10) What I want to point out here is that "the devil" here is not "the Devil" — why is one Devil with a capital letter "D" and the other devil with a small "d"? I answered that question on our tape (Satan is Adam) — the capital "D" for Devil denotes Lucifer (the old dragon) and the small "d" or devil denotes Satan who is Adam. You will also note that the small "d" devil is spoken of in Matthew 4: 1 where Jesus was tempted of "the devil" whom JESUS identified as being "Satan" in verse 10. So the small "d" or "devil" belongs to Satan. To strengthen the connection I make the simple observation that "the devil" whom JESUS calls Satan had just shewed JESUS, "all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of thein...saying: All these thing will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me." (Matthew 4: 8). Who could possibly offer JESUS everything in the world? We see in Genesis 1: 28-30 that God gave Adam dominion over every living thing that moveth upon the earth, Adam was made by GOD to be the Prince of this world. Only Adam could have offered JESUS, "all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of'them." So by this we can know that it was Adam, who had become Satan, who worked to tempt Jesus to fall as he had when the serpent Lucifer came to him with temptations. There are TWO in the book of Revelation 12 and 20 and the TWO in the Book of Genesis.

"that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan" - This appears TWICE in the Book of Revelation and we see this defined in the Book of Genesis chapter 3: "The serpent" tempts Eve and ACCUSES* GOD when he says "Ye shall not surely die" (calling GOD a liar) - in this the serpent becomes the first devil, thus earning the title Capital "D" Devil. (see Genesis 3: 4) "Adam" then says "The woman whom thou ga y est to be with me..." (ACCUSING GOD of wrong doing). In this Adam becomes the second devil, thus getting the lesser title, small "d" devil. (see Genesis 3:12)

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November 3, 2002

Letter from Rod Y. of August 18,2602:Chuck-TOHNEL Response continued: Just a reminder: the word devil means accuser. From Genesis 3: 4 to Genesis 3: 12 we see the first two devils of the Bible, the serpent (Lucifer) and Adam (now known as Satan). When we come to Revelation 12: 9 and Revelation 20: 2 we see the distinct mention of two fallen ones, "the dragon, that old serpent which is the Devil, and Satan." Not only does this unusual statement appear once but twice in the book of Revelation (a Biblical basis for a doctrine according to theologists). Years ago in Florida a Minister: This was back in the early 1980's when I was on the road with the Sealing work. I stopped in Florida to meet briefly with a Pastor there of a teaching Church. At this time I spoke of Lucifer and Satan as if they were one person at which time this Pastor corrected me saying, there are two here, not one. I asked about this as I assumed (as everyone else did) that the two were one person. This Pastor told me that she knew by the SPIRIT OF GOD that Lucifer was not the same personage as Satan and pointed me to Revelation 12: 9 and Revelation 20:2. Then she told me something that got my notice, that she had talked years before to a number of theologians who KNEW that Lucifer was not the same being as Satan and readily quoted Revelation 12 and 20. She asked them why they did not correct this common misunderstanding in the church and they said, "To tell the regular church goers the truth would only cause confusion. " I was struck by both the arr ogance of these theologians and how little regard they had for truth. In the subsequent years JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT gave me to know much more about Lucifer and Satan. Rod is especially focused on the point that the scripture speaks of "one." However I addressed that issue in the tape as well. The enemy of our souls works to counterfeit everything God does, everything God is. Lucifer is the counterfeit to GOD THE FATHER, Satan is the counterfeit to THE SON OF GOD, and their fallen angels counterfeit the HOLY SPIRIT. You can see this in Genesis3: 22 when the Lord God said, "Behold, the man is become

as one of us..." This was speaking of Adam who was counterfeiting THE SON. Lucifer, Satan and the demonic hosts act as being one which is a straightforward counterfeit of the Triune GODHEAD. This is why scripture speaks of two and at the same time shows them as "one", an effect they work to create. Keep in mind that before the fall Adam was ONE WITH GOD, the level of intimacy was significant, wonderous and is spoken of in Ezekiel 28: 2-19 (this speaks of Adam). When Adam partook of the forbidden fruit he broke that oneness with God and became one with Lucifer. The relationship Adam had with God was gone, he was dead to God. He

Page S The Staff & Sword Ministry - We Get Letters November 3, 2002 LResponse continued: exchanged Letter from Rod Y o Au ust 18 2002: Chuck-JOHlI TE that living relationship, oneness with God for a relationship and oneness with Lucifer - he joined the rebellion against God and helped Lucifer establish his kingdom under and through God's Law of double and set (Genesis 41: 32). Another example of "oneness": - Nancy-TONI pointed out that in Genesis 4: 24 it reads: "So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims..." (Genesis 4: 24 selections) In the very next verse it speaks of Adam and Eve and of Eve conceiving by Adam. The Bible does not say that Eve was driven out of the garden, only "the man"; and yet we know she was driven out as well. Yet the Biblical reference speaks of one, "the man" and yet there were in fact two (who were as one). A NEW INSIGHT: While writing this response and pondering the fall I came to know something that I have suspected for some time, that the fall of Adam was not accidental, not just a matter of being tempted (though he was tempted); rather, that Adam conspired with Lucifer against God. If you ever consider in depth the mess mankind was drawn into by the fall of Adam you will realize that it was airtight, there was no escape or way to escape the law or the verdict of death and hell. If you wanted, desired, worked to do good you ended up doing evil. Even the righteous faced the same verdict of damnation, no one could escape the whirlpool of death and hopelessness created by Adam. Being aware of this, grasping the depth of sin and the depth of the fall and how all inclusive it was for all mankind, have you ever considered that this didn't happen by mere accident? I believe that most of us have the view, if not attitude, that Adam was drawn into sinning by his wife Eve - the woman did it! But that view/attitude never set well with me. Why? Once you understand that man means spirit and woman means soul, that man (spirit) is "greater light" and woman (soul) is "lesser light", you will know that Adam could not have been seduced by his wife; however his wife could be seduced by Adam! Where ever Eve went Adam was there for they were "one flesh" - so when Eve was being tempted by the serpent, Adam was present observing everything that happened. He could have intervened and stopped the problem before it started at anytime but he didn't. How do I know this? Genesis 3 9 - after they partook of the forbidden fruit the Lord God called first to Adam not Eve. This told me that Adam was the source of the sin and while Eve was deceived she did not conspire against God, Adam did. In fact, the judgment of God

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The Staff & Sword Ministry - We Get Letters November 4. 2002 esponse continued: on bye told me what happened. This is seen in Genesis 3: 16 when the Lord God said to Eve, "thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." This told me that Eve came to manifest the desire at work in Adam and that he ruled over her and moved her to do his will - to partake of the forbidden fruit. The fall of man was not by accident but by deliberate design, engineered by not only Lucifer but Adam who worked to make it airtight and unbreakable under God's own Law. This is why scripture speaks so clearly of the horrible effect of Adam's fall on all mankind. However, as I've said before - knowing this is only helpful for those who want to grow in Christ and to manifest Christ in their lives, to be like JESUS and do what JESUS did.


Letter Rick W. of August 25, 2002: (Quote) "Dear JOHNEL and TONI, I have a question I would really appreciate to hear an answer and commentary on, when or if either one of you may have a moment to spare. I have found it very helpful and uplifting to pray with others of the NOP, (as in two of us getting together to pray about anything.) Not only has this been very meaningful and helpful to me, but Jesus always shows up with a Word and/or sends His Spirit in greater abundance for the occasion, usually with some extra meaning or teaching. Would it be appropriate to offer to pray with someone else, as a gesture of support to them, when they need or want help, company, brotherly Iove and encouragement, specifically in our `prayer warfare prayers'? (To help each other or them through the work, or even just for the benefit of the fun and camaraderie of it, or as in a husband/wife team?) Are these prayers strictly personal? And if two can pray them together, how would you recommend that it be done for the fullness of the impact in the Spirit? Recently I had a dream in which I thought I was with another friend of mine of the Net of Prayer, in the Spirit, guarding a boundary wall, watching for demons approaching and passing by. My point being, that we are together so much, both in the Spirit and in the flesh that I wonder why we can't pray together if we want? We were praying together in the Spirit, in my dream? (Actually praying in tongues to Jesus about what we saw passing by, I thought) Can you offer any ideas about this?"

RESPONSE by Chuck-JOHNEL: The intercessors ofthe first Net of Prayer (1976-1977) gathered in one place (Trinity Lutheran Church) and prayed together. Indeed, it was quite delightful to gather in one place and to enjoy both the fellowship of the Spirit and the fellowship between brethren. When the Net of Prayer was re-formed in 1980 it consisted of Christian intercessors located all over the U.S. and Canada. When the Lord JESUS called the Net of Prayer to go into battle `In The Spirit' in late 1981 to attack and destroy a massive demon army that aimed to trigger Nuclear World War III in 1982 - we had 100 intercessors, but these were scattered all over North America and few could gather in one place to pray. It was at this

November 4, 2002 The Staff & Sword Ministry - We Get Letters Page 7 s ReLonse continued: Letter from RickW. ofAugust 25, 2002: Chuck-J time that the HOLY SPIRIT showed me that we could pray to be joined together as one In The Spirit' by the SPIRIT OF GOD and to enjoy the fellowship of the Spirit in this way though we were far apart in this world. Central to Christians gathering `In this World" or `In The Spirit' to pray is Matthew 18: 20 where JESUS said, "FOR WHERE TWO OR THREE ARE GATHERED TOGETHER IN MY NAME, THERE AM I IN THE MIDST OF THEM." Not only do we know this, we rely on it and it is through the prayer sheets that we come into unity and agreement before the Lord in our daily prayers. However, it is perfectly ok with us if you can gather with other Christians and pray together if you are in the same locale. Rick asks, "Are these prayers strictly personal? And if two can pray them together, how

would you recommend that it be done for the fullness of the impact in the Spirit? " Nancy-TONI and I pray the Net of Prayer prayer sheets together every day - we simply change the "I" to "We", "Us", "Our" as it is appropriate. The prayer sheets are written in the "I" context because most of our intercessors have no one nearby whom they can meet with in prayer. If, however, you can meet with other brethren to pray this is fine. A Letter from Tori J. o 'August 16, 2002: (Quote) "A friend at church made me a copy of your talk given for the Prophesy Club. It was then that I wrote to you and asked to be put on your mailing list. Whenever a package from you comes, I take the time to read and ponder everything your write about. I am able to understand, appreciate and relate to Nancy-Toni's writing, which to me are backed up 100% by scripture, and this of course is our litmus test. Although the Prophecy Club Tape was clear and very interesting, I have not been able to get much from the written prophesies and all the focus on warfare. So far, they are vague and confusing to me for the most part. I haven't been able to be certain this is from the Lord, so I have held back, waiting to see if discernment will come, noting the warnings given in the Bible, along these lines: false prophets will come in the last days, that Satan prowls like a roaring lion seeking to devour those whom he might, and that he appears as an angel of light. If the Lord Jesus is denied or compromised in any way, we know it is not of God but Satanic. Also it is important that a minister and prophet of God remain humble, not exalting himselfbut the Lord. During Jesus' time on earth He cautioned people about taking the seat of honor at table and giving themselves titles. Have you noticed how many in these times have titles such as Priest, Bishop, Dr., Most Reverend, Apostle, etc. In view of this teaching, I wonder whether your titles are truly of the Lord or of man?" Response by Chuck-JOHNEL: This sister has set up a standard in her mind of how a man of God ought act or behave, she has also set up a standard in his mind of how brethren

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Letter from ToffEoAgust 16 2O02: Chuck-

November 5, 2002

's Response continued:

ought comport themselves. Anyone who strays outside of her self-defined boundaries of what is right and Godly she cannot receive, much less accept. Tori writes, (Quote) "I am able to understand, appreciate and relate to Nancy-Toni 's writing, which to me are backed up 100% by scripture, and this of course is our litmus test. " (Unquote) A litmus test for what? Is this how she discerns if a thing is of God or not, that it is backed up 100% by scripture? I believe this is her position. Nancy-TONI works and prays quite a bit as she writes "The Fiery Trials"articles, which she pursues out of a specific Commission from the Lord God. But the heart of Nancy-TONI's work (unseen) is that she is distinctly led ofby the HOLY SPIRIT in what she does. So am I, however, my Commission from the Lord God leads me in a different way. The Lord JESUS CHRIST leads me to present the condition of the Body of Christ in this nation and world, their `decision power' and what they are deciding and the consequences of those decisions. JESUS had shewn me by the SPIRIT OF GOD what is happening deep in the earth as a result of these church decisions and what options we have in and out of prayer to alter those things towards mercy and away from judgments of death and destruction. We are confronting a very real and deadly enemy and much of this is ground that most Christians don't even know exists. In this we are led of by the SPIRIT OF GOD in all we do, in writing prayers, in warning, in giving the church choices and issues to decide as the Lord requires. Years ago a Prophet of Jesus Christ, named Royal, brought a man into his church and had that man give a presentation. Everything he said was 100% backed by scripture and the people were convinced that he was a true prophet of God. Royal, stunned them by making it plain that this man was 100% a false prophet - no one discerned his spirit or the spirit leading him because their litmus test to validate a person as a prophet was the knowledge of scripture, the use of scripture. This is not to say that because a person quotes scripture means that they are false; rather it means that just because a person quotes scripture that this cannot be used as a litmus test to know if they are of God or not. That requires discernment and discernment comes by the SPIRIT OF GOD, not by knowledge of scripture. When Nancy-TONI is working on an article, the HOLY SPIRIT brings to mind scriptures that she finds perfectly helpful in writing the article in a most effective manner. What Tori does not see is the undergirding of Nancy-TONI by the HOLY SPIRIT as she works on the articles.

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1.pttnr irnin Teri .T_ of Aui'u.ct

November 5, 2002

16. 2OO2: Chuck-.JOHNEL's Resnonse continued:

One dangerous thing to do is to "lean to our own understanding" because our understanding is both governed and limited by our carnality, our soulish inclinations, therefore it is wholly unreliable. You have a high risk of being more wrong than right if you are led of by your understanding of the Bible. Has anyone mastered the Bible? I know that no living man excepting JESUS CHRIST or one who has died to self and is wholly yielded to the HOLY SPIRIT could master the Bible. As our understanding of the Bible is imperfect, faulted and partial, how then can we be guided perfectly by the Bible we only imperfectly and partially understand? It is a perfect "Catch 22" situation, one you can only lose. The true litmus test has everything to do with being led of by the Spirit of God and of having an intimate, living, personal relationship with JESUS CHRIST and through Him with GOD THE FATHER. "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage to fear but ye have received the Spirit of

adoption, whereby we cry, Abba Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God." (Romans 8: 14-16) Tori does not see the dangerous ground she is on. She writes, (Quote) "So far, they are vague and confusing to me for the most part. I haven 't been able to be certain this is from the Lord, so I have held back, waiting to see if discernment will come, noting the warnings given in the Bible, along these lines: false prophets will come in the last days, that Satan prowls like a roaring lion seeking to devour those whom he might, and that He appears as an angel of light. If the Lord Jesus is denied or compromised in any way, we know it is not of God but Satanic." (Unquote)

Catch 22 again! The Word I've given by the SPIRIT OF GOD is JESUS' WORD. Tori is holding that Word of God to be false and in this she is actively denying the Lord Jesus. I perceive that she is driven by unbelief as well as fear and this will ensure that she can never know that these revelations are from the Lord God. Tori is not led of the Spirit and if she were her view of the Lord's Word in these reports would not be "vague or confusing." In Galatians Paul says, "If ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another. This I say then, Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh...But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law." (Galatians 5: 1518 selections)

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November 5, 2002

's Response continued:

Tori lastly says, (Quote) "Also it is important that a minister and prophet of God remain humble, not exalting himselfbut the Lord. During Jesus 'time on earth He cautionedpeople about taking the seat of honor at table and giving themselves titles. Have you noticed how many in these times have titles such as Priest, Bishop, Dr., Most Reverend, Apostle, etc. In view of this teaching, I wonder whether your titles are truly of the Lord or of man?" (Unquote) It does surprise me that Tori fails to give the scriptural basis for her statement here and in that she fails her own litmus test. In any event I believe she is referring to Matthew 23: 110; however JESUS was not rejecting "titles" so much as the behavior of the scribes and Pharisees where they "say and do not. Binding heavy burdens and grievous to be borne but not moving them with one of their fingers". They did this to be seen of men. JESUS then said that we be not called Rabbi, or Father, or Masters and by this saying we ought not be distinguished above each other for we are all brethren. However, JESUS also spoke of "the prophets" (past, present and future) often. JESUS did not say that we were not to be called prophets - rather, the Bible says:

"And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers..." (I Corinthians 12: 28) "And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists, and some, pastors and teachers: For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ." (Ephesians 4: 11-13) The title "prophet" is a description of the function of a brother or sister in Christ who is led of by the Holy Spirit. I have found it interesting over the years that if a brother or sister identifies themselves as being a "pastor" or a "teacher" or an "evangelist" no one has a problem with that admission. However if a brother or sister admits that they are a prophet of Jesus Christ that this is not acceptable. Prophets do not say that they are prophets. Ok - show me the scripture that says a prophet is not to admit that they are a prophet. On March 20, 1971 I was born again and met JESUS face-to-face (though my eyes were closed) and at this time HE told me plainly that I was His prophet and that He sent me into this world to do His Will. JESUS then told me, at that time, that I was NOT to tell anyone I was His prophet until He moved someone to acknowledge my calling. Many years later the elder of a prayer group I belonged to was moved by the HOLY SPIRIT and prophesied

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openly saying exactly what JESUS had told me in 1971, that I was His Prophet sent into this world to do His Will. This elder in plain view of more than a dozen brethren anointed me with oil as Jesus' prophet. More, the HOLY SPIRIT moved him to do this two more times over the next week or so. I have walked with the Lord JESUS as His prophet these past 31 years - it is not a title, it is an accurate description of who I am in Christ. ChuckJOHNEL. Letter from Rachel of Jul y 31, 2002: (Quote) "This is a dream I had July 24, 2002: I was at my childhood home - don't know if I was 10 years old or my age now, I was going

out for a walk-evening, it was night, as I was about to enter the sidewalk from a door, I saw a very menacing wolf outside the door. I was terrified, so hid behind the door. Waited til he left, then went very carefully out the door to make sure he was gone, he wasn't there. I started walking, down the street with other people, but then I saw the wolf. I was ready to scream, but the wolf turned into a man in a split second. I couldn't scream because it was a shock to see the transformation. He joined the crowd. They seemed happy to have him with them. It didn't bother me either, much to my surprise. He was rather tall - dark complexion, but not too dark. He seemed around 50 yrs of age - more or less. Had a 540.00 hair-cut - very contemporary. When I awoke, I asked the Lord "Who is this man - his identity." I was told it would be revealed in due time. Letter from Sid: (Q uotel "Dear Chuck and Nancy, I thank God for your ministry! In 1999 I received a video from my sister-in-law, from the prophecy club with your message on it. The things that I have learnt over the years from my Grandparents and parents about prophecy were confirmed. Some of your teachings were things that were new to me, and some of the things were hard for me to believe from the teaching I got from my parents. But as I spent time in prayer and reading the Bible I started to understand that your teaching and visions of God were true. You, Chuck, changed my abiding time with the Lord; my prayer life increased ten fold. I also joined your NOP, I prayed daily from your prayer sheets, as I did the warfare began. Just some of the things that took place in our family over the past year proved to me that the enemy of our soul very much dislikes a prayer of a righteous man, because he knows that he is defeated through prayer. Just gleaning from your newsletters concerning Satan is fallen Adam, and the more I read God's word and prayer I believe that what you're saying about Satan/Adam is true. I have told some friends and family members about this, I have received great criticism. And also reading your newsletters and in prayer the Spirit of God is showing me that the rapture is as Jesus said "It is a doctrine of man." Your letters section in your newsletter shows how others are for or against your ministry. Very few of God's people believe in your ministry and when you try to tell them, they act interested but don't live it. When I heard about the prophecy by Dan Bohler I really realized that you were very much a man of God, because I knew of Dan Bohler's ministry back in the mid 1990's and I also was pleased with you quoting Mr. Duduman. I was very interested when you answered the letter from couple who were wondering what will happen to Canada after the occupation. It's an honor for me to be a volunteer for "As the Lord Commanded Me."

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Letter from Don C.

November 7, 2002

of October, 2002: (Quote) "Thank you JESUS for The Staff and Sword

Ministry and for what it means in my life. A lot! More than I can speak. Thank you JESUS. Don C." (Unquote) Letter from John S. of August 8, 2002: (Quote) "Dear Chuck, I have a concern about sealing anyone who is not "In Christ" and saved by the Blood of the Lamb (born-again, servant of our Lord Jesus). Please educate me about this. I greatly appreciate it." Repl y by Chuck-JOHNEL: In 1982, when JESUS was instructing me on how to conduct myself in Sealing His people, I asked many questions and JESUS showed me that His Sealing was His unconditional love extended unconditionally to anyone who would receive it or want to receive it. When JESUS said "anyone" I knew He meant "anyone!" (Saved or unsaved). In one case (1982) the Lord abruptly asked me to Seal the "service manager" of the Honda shop I'd taken the Honda car to prepare it for the journey of Sealing around the USA. I didn't explain it to him, just asked if he wanted to be Sealed. He asked what it was and I said "Olive oil on your forehead in the form of a cross in Jesus Name. " He said, "Sure, why not. "I sealed him and was on my way. He was not a Christian at the time I Sealed him (as I learned two years later) but part of the Sealing is that the Sealed will not die before their time. This man would in a year's time (nasty divorce) become suicidal and tried to kill himself by crashing his car into a concrete wall going 70 mph - the steering wheel was ripped from his grip, his car spun around and around and came to a sudden stop without hitting anything, then his radio came on (very loud) with an evangelist stating, "Come on down and get saved before you die and go to hell!" He did. When I saw him next (2 years later) he was an on-fire for the Lord Christian — the Sealing spared his life (an Angel prevented him from killing himself). In another case a Jew asked to be Sealed (in Cleveland in 1983) but he did not want to become a Christian. JESUS told me to "Seal him" and I did. I took some heat from local brethren who disapproved of me Sealing a Jew; but I was obeying God and doing His expressed Will. Six months later that Jewish man received Christ as his Lord and Savior. John, I believe this will serve to answer your question. Letter from Patrick M. of August 15 2002: (Quote) "I've been meaning to write you a `thank you' letter for a while. First of all, I want to thank you both for being an inspiration to me! An inspiration because of your obedience to the Lord and his calling to you! I had not realized how much you had really gone through to get to the point that you are at. After listening to the monthly fellowship meetings-tapes for 1.5 years, and reading the newsletters, I've really come to respect and admire the `lumps' that you've taken in the course of becoming the prophets that you and Nancy are! I have learned so much in the course of following, and being a `small' part of your ministry, as opposed to the `church-

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The Staff & Swo rd Ministry - We Get Letters

November 7, 2002

Letter from Patrick M. of August 15, 2002: (Quote continued) system of man' that I was a part of before! Once again thank you so much! For being such an inspiration to me, and for your obedience to the Lord Jesus!" Letter from Ken E. of August 17, 2002: (Quote) "Thank you for all the blessings we receive through your newsletters - what the Lord has shared with you concerning our nation and the world. On August 16, 2002, while my wife and I listened to the prophet Steve Munsey preach about receiving miracle from God, he gave a prophetic word. He said something devastating would be happening in our nation on Sept. 11, 2002. He warned Christians to pray for our country and our family's protection. Has the Lord revealed the day of Sept. 11 th as anything out of the ordinary, as he did to Muncey? I couldn't find anything in regards to prophetic words the Lord revealed to you, Chuck or Nancy, for the day of Sept. 11, 2002. If I overlooked this, or the Lord has recently revealed a confirmation word regarding Sept. 1 I `h as a day of devastation for America - continuing God's judgement and wake up call, please send this helpful information to my wife and I. The newsletter by David Wilkerson "The Towers Have Fallen But We Missed The Message" needs to be read and the words of admonition to obey and pray headed by every person who calls Jesus Christ the Lord of their life. Also for all who are Christians who need to fight the good fight of faith. God bless your needed ministry." Repl y by Chuck-JOHNEL: Well, I'm late in responding since it is now November 7th, well past September 11, 2002. Nonetheless, though I heard that some were saying September 11, 2002 would be bad news I did not have a Holy Spirit witness to that nor did the Lord speak to me about anything happening on that date this year. Of course, back in 1979 JESUS, did tell me that September 11 TH would be a terrible day and made a distinct connection to "terror" - but He did not tell me the year. I know that at some time we will see a greater fulfillment of the days in September JESUS spoke about in 1979 as being a time of judgments - this is yet to come. What we were looking for this September was a "storm" to show (hurricane) hitting the U.S. Coast on/or about September 27, 2002 (Tropical Storm "Isidore" hit the Louisiana Coastline September 26, 2002.) Letterfrom John F. of Au ust 15, 2002: (Quote) "I know you get letters about what people don't like more then you do what they like. I know in my Spirit you are called of God. Hollywood is Satan and we should stay away from it all together. Hollywood brings the devil right into your home. I would like to see movie reviews changed to prayer reviews. I find more what is going on, on my knees in prayer and walking in the Spirit. I love you, brother and my sister, but we are living in very hard times, people need to be praying and seeking the Lord like never before. My total goal is to walk in the Spirit and bring glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. We must be Holy as He is Holy. God said to touch not

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The Staff & Sword Ministry - We Get Letters

November 7, 2002

Letter from John F. of August 15, 2002: (Quote continued) the unclean thing. Hollywood is unclean to the core. Please consider what I say, may the Lord Jesus bless you. Response b Chuck-JOHNEL: John, if you check the history of Hollywood you will find that in the 1930's the Church in America was given "censor control" over the movies Hollywood made and exercised that control for many years. But then the Church just gave it up, and gave Hollywood to the Devil and since then it has drifted and then moved straight into hell's power. Since then it has become a power tool and weapon in Satan's armament in his war on the Church and against Christ. When Television first appeared (1950's) in the U.S. it was a wide open field, the Church could have moved in and controlled it for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Instead preachers called it (TV) the "Devil's eye" and had nothing to do with it - the Devil then moved in and took control. The moral mess in America's media today stems not so much from the power of hell as from the absence of the Church. Christians withdrew from Hollywood and the movies and it became the nesting place of demons. They withdrew from TV and it became a device to turn the nations to hellfire. In Luke 19. 13 JESUS states, "OCCUPY TIL I COME." The word occupy is defined as "doing business" and can be seen as "being involved." We who are in Christ are in this world but not of it, we are charged to bring all things into submission to JESUS CHRIST. How do you do that if you withdraw from the world and have nothing to do with it? Both Nancy-TONI and I were movie buffs before we were Christians, we enjoyed movies then and we can still enjoy "some" today (there are fewer and fewer which can be enjoyed). Nonetheless, in 1979 JESUS Commissioned me to see movies of all sorts and in doing that I observed a dangerous trend in what was coming out of Hollywood through movies and TV, a direction that was turning the whole world against Christ and Christians and motivating them to murder Christians and to consider such murder as being "a good act for the good of mankind." Worse it was a massive propaganda effort to distort the way our young people think, to mold them in the image of antiChrist. When I write reviews I do so to share what we have seen and what we see at work in the movies. I believe it is important for Christians to be "aware" of what is going on around them. I'm also aware that many Christians go to movies and in this I hope to present which movies are "unacceptable garbage out of hell" versus those that are at least entertaining even if lacking spiritual context and to point out those that are "Christ centered" and surely worth seeing. Sadly, the latter are very few.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry - We Get Letters

November 7, 2002

Letter rout John F. o Au ust 15 200, : Chuck-JOHNEL's repl ycontinued There are some Christians working in Hollywood trying to turn movies towards Christ and to present Christians in a true light, a positive light. We have reviewed some of those movies and have found them of merit and value. The movie, "My Big Fat Greek Wedding was made to reflect family values, and a ChristianlChurch-centered Greek family based on a true story. The author who made the movie did so and kept it largely within Christian moral bounds. Hollywood wanted to change it but couldn't, they wanted to do this or that, injecting unGodliness into the movie, but the control of the film was in the hands of the author, a Christian - and those changes were not made. The result was a movie that is so popular and delightful that months after its release it is still in the theaters and still draws sizeable audiences. This tells me that Americans want to see movies that present Christian values, family values and Godliness — it is box office. Hollywood, of course, hates it.

"Lest Satan should get advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices." (II Corinthians 2: 11)" "Neither give place to the devil." (Ephesians 4: 27) In the Commission and under the Anointing that FATHER GOD has given us we are charged to be praying and watching, alert to what the enemy is up, ready to challenge and stop moves they may make to do harm to His people, our brethren. In order to fulfill God's Commission to us we need be mindful of what the enemy is doing, what they are up to. Last year the Lord led us to attack the Illuminati but in order to be able to do this we had to know something about them, what targets to go after and how we were to accomplish the destruction of Illuminati influence in this nation. Our Commission was limited but we took a chunk out of Satan's kingdom on earth. To do that required watching what the enemy is doing and seeing movies is a very part of this "intelligence gathering." Letter from Dan R. ofMay 22, 2002: (Quoted "About twenty minutes ago at 12:20 am the Lord gave me a dream/vision. I call it a dream/vision because it was like one I had a few years back when I was awakened out of my sleep, only then it was 2:00 am, to the sound of a high pitched trumpet. I got up and looked out the window to see where it was coming from and realized that the sound was coming from a distance moving toward me but high up. Nancy was sleeping so I woke her up and said, "Do you hear the sound of the horn (as I could still hear it as I was speaking to her)?" She said, "No I don't hear anything."I realized then that it was from the Lord. I was made to realize at that time that Christians have an inner ability, which they probably are not aware of, to hear the trumpet call of God

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The Staff & Sword Ministry - We Get Letters

November 12, 2002

Letter from Dan R. of Ma 22 2002: (Quote continued) when it sounds that unbelievers around them will most likely not hear or be aware of when it occurs. Anyway, it wasn't my intention to tell you about this but rather about the dream/vision I just had. Again the revelation came while I was sleeping, and it was so strong that it awakened me continuing briefly before it ended. In my dream/vision it seemed as though it was early in the morning before most people were up and it was still dark outside when a terrible earthquake hit, and it was a bad one. I don't know how far reaching the quake extended to, but the Lord seemed to be warning me that our area would be affected. It was so real that I thought maybe it had occurred right then but in my Spirit I was impressed upon that it will happen soon. When the quake hit it was like a giant rolling wave moved across the land and there was no way that homes could withstand the damage this quake will bring. I've been in earthquakes before when I lived for a time in California but this quake in my dream/vision was at least ten times worse than any I had been in before. It also happened so fast that people may not have time to get out of their homes as that was the feeling I had in this dreamlvision. I could literally see our home being contorted during this quake. This was so real that I wonder if this quake will occur before you even get this letter but more likely it is a warning of what soon will be." (Unquote) Comment b y Chuck-JOHNEL: (Note: Dan R. lives in Springfield, Oregon.) Sometimes I will simply share a letter or vision/revelation given to a sister or brother and make no comment. In this case, as of today (November 12, 2002), we have been tracking and recording abundant evidence of a massive move by demon power to trigger major earthquakes on the west coast (California, Nevada, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Alaska) - from the kind of storm systems hitting the U.S., these earthquakes could be massive and loss of life is likely to run high in at least one earth event. Once quakes hit the west coast areas they will soon spread inland to the Midwest and Eastern seaboard of the U.S. and Canada. Lyn-ELIZABETH related a vision a sister in the Lord (immigrant from Italy) had while living in New York State back in 1979. In this vision she saw a terrible earthquake strike Italy which caused a school to collapse and kill the children, she saw women weeping and raising their hands in sorrow after the earthquake struck. It is now 23 years later and this earthquake just happened in Italy - a whole first grade class was wiped out when the school (only building to fall) collapsed in the earthquake. Christians can, by the HOLY SPIRIT, see and know things coming well in advance of the events. Timing is perhaps the most difficult thing of a vision, to link the vision event to a given time frame. In this case (Italian vision of 1979) it came 23 years later. However, the evidence we see on hand at this time and within the time frame we have of coming judgments - the kind of earthquake this brother (Dan R.) saw this May, 2002 may be a lot closer - it may well be just around the corner.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry - We Get Letters

November 12, 2002

Letter fromn Peter and Ann S. of Jul 20 2002: uote "Two visions have been related to me by people that I consider to be rock solid Christians, and reliable. Vision One: One man was within the past months taken in the spirit by an angel inside a 40 by 60 foot metal industrial building. The building was well lit and contained a map of the USA made of modeling clay, about 6 to 8 inches deep, which filled the available foot space. The outline was complete and exact, but the map's eastern half had no surface features, while the western half was a rugged jumble. The man was told that his job was to complete the map. He started on the easier eastern half, putting in cities, mountains, and other topographic features. It was hard work, but he got about half way across the Great Plains on his own. Some conversation with either an angel, or God, ensued in which my

friend said that he was not clear that he knew how to, or if he physically could, finish the Western half. The upshot of the conversation was that the angel, or God, asked my friend if he would like God to finish the work. My friend said that he surely would appreciate it. Instantly the western half finished. There was a huge lake between the Rocky and Sierra mountain rages, obviously hundreds of miles on each side. The lake had a symmetrical smooth perimeter. My friend could not fathom how that could be, and was deeply affected and troubled by this vision. I was only the second person he had talked to about it. My friend, even though he is about 70, has barely been off the farm here in Ohio. I showed him a contour map of the Western mountains, and showed him there is a great high plateau between two mountain ranges that was once a great lake/sea, which has since dehydrated to become the now minuscule Great Salt Lake, as we know it. He agreed that his lake vision was probably situated between the two mountain ranges. Have you received any other words that might be a second witness to his vision, or received personal insight as to what may be in store for the USA? Vision Two: One man was several years ago taken in the spirit over the Y bridge in downtown Akron, Ohio. In the vision, he looked northward to Lake Erie. He saw nothing there except featureless land, when he should have seen Cleveland, a lot of trees, and the activities and infrastructure of at least a million people. At the time of the vision, he thought that it represented the devastation from either war, or nuclear war. Upon reflection, after recently talking to me about the Chicago earthquake and flood visions, he has also considered that it might be the result of seismic action, or storms. Could it possibly be a tiny star collision? Talk about ruining a day. Have you received any other words that might be a second witness to this vision, or received personal insight - as to what may by in store for this area? These two visions may be related consequences of Dan Bohler's word from God about 15 months of devastating earthquakes. " (Unquote) Repl y by Chuck-JOHNEL: As for the first vision - while anything is possible in this coming judgment, I've not been shewn something like that. On the second vision of Cleveland - we know that this city will be attacked during the invasion, surrounded and bombarded to ruins before it falls to the advancing Russian armies. I do not perceive that it will be hit by a tiny star (asteroid or comet) but the earthquake to hit the Midwest will certainly do a lot of damage there when it does happen.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry - We Get Letters

November 12, 2002

Letter from Virginia F of Mt. Pleasant, Texas dated September 2, 2002: (Quote) "Dear Brother

Chuck-JOHNEL, First of all I would like to say I am one of the intercessors of the N.D.P. in the Joshua Prayer Group. I'm a supporter of your ministry and appreciate all you and Nancy-TONI do. You have both been a great blessing and inspiration to me. The reason for this letter is to express my appreciation and share a vision the Lord has given me of you twice. Was really impressed to write you. The first vision was August the 29 `h as I was praying for you and Nancy-TONI. I saw a black panther attack your face, neck and chest. I asked the Lord what this was and he said, "WITCHCRAFT". The HOLY SPIRIT said it was a witchcraft assignment that was coming against you to stop the Word of God from coming forth and/or to distort His Word as it came forth. I came against it and prayed over it much and forgot about it. September 2, 2002! This morning as I was praying over the N.Q.P. assignment I had another vision of you like the first, only this time the black panther was embedded in your face, neck and chest. The Holy Spirit impressed upon me once again to write you about this. Believe you and Nancy-TONI need to pray about this, to see what the Lord tells you. I have taken authority over this spirit, but believe you will have to take authority over this one yourself. Am praying much over you both, as I know how the enemy tries to stop God's work." (Unquote)

Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL: We appreciate Virginia's prayers and sharing what she has been shown. We prayed about it and dealt with any "unseen" activity working against us. This is a constant thing with us, we have to periodically "clean house" as the enemy is ever working against us at any level they can manage - in this case working through rebellious flesh via witchcraft. The aim they have cannot succeed but they can cause discomfort and some troubling. Years ago while working on the truck docks (Roadway Express in Chicago back in the 1980's) I came down with a pretty nasty head cold that struck me as "extra normal". I prayed about it and JESUS' Angel told me that some Christian brethren were working witchcraft against me, they were praying death on me it surfaced as a head cold. Again, we do rely on the prayer cover of the Saints - in our mission in Christ we work to forewarn and cover the Body of Christ and we equally rely on the prayers of our brethren whereby the enemy is stopped from doing us harm or hindering the work of God. We will also rely on the prayers of our brethren to cover us on this upcoming prophetic mission. Letter from Harold and Laura P. of Oregon dated October 4, 2002: (Quote) "Well, were the hurricanes seen (Isidore and Lii) the ones? Timing is right for first one but not the rest, probably not? We'll see what happens next, JESUS is so good!!! Absolutely the best!!! We are fending off various attacks - health and finances. I really need to cover my extended

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The Staff & Sword Ministry - We Get Letters

November 12, 2002

Letter from Harold and Laura P. of Oregon dated October 4, 2002: (Quote continued) family. P.S. How are you doing on the book, "JESUS HIS ANGEL AND ME"? Lord bless him (C-J)" (Unquote) Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL: The enemy is working to add new judgment sequences in excess of what was seen in 1989, something we expected to see happen sooner or later but it is now evident that they are doing just that. We have fended off in prayer much of what the enemy worked to accomplish but as Jesus told us, we could not stop it all, and we are seeing breakthroughs in some areas. The recent storm (70 tornadoes) to hit five states November 10/11, 2002 has killed 35+ and injured hundreds to say nothing of the loss of property. The enemy is gaining momentum, at this point what will follow will be deadly and that is now unstoppable, as Jesus also recently said. The book, " JESUS, HIS ANGEL AND ME " is doing fine - Nino (living in Seattle now) is working on the stories and sending them back to Lyn-ELIZABETH who puts them in final form and then sends them to us - we will then load this into our little lap-top. This process takes time and at this point they are pretty much done with the introduction and the first two chapters (of 15). Completing a book is like writing one, a slow process rather like sand dripping through a narrow funnel, it just takes time and persistent effort. However, we are we ll on the way. Letter from Georgia H. of Oregon dated October. 2002 . (Quote) "I am writing to thank you for the copy of the information on the Moslem's religion and the Koran. I am showing it to friends who don't want to believe this and are putting their heads in the sand. I have told them that the U.S. has the biggest war in its history on hand and it isn't going to go away soon. There are a billion Moslems and the clerics are attempting to turn them all into "Holy" warriors so this is a "Biggie" and we have to be aware and discern then times. Again, thank much. I do not like to dwell on darkness but just as we learned in the 2째a World War, the world allowed Hitler to go unhindered for so long that he turned the world into an inferno. We cannot afford to make another mistake like that... .Love in the Lord, Georgia." (Unquote) Letter from Carol E. off' Canada dated November 6, 2002 (Quote) "....a question arose from the Newsletter. In the GAP battle you report being surrounded on 3 sides with your back to the mountain. In entering into a tunnel in the mountain - some people do not enter the tunnel, are left behind. Why? Who are they? It is the desire of our8thheart and we are when you begin holding our breath trusting for no other earth event before December the prophetic work. God's Will be done . We rest, rely, trust wholly onlin Him, Jesus the solid Rock. Love Yah, Carol E. " (Unquote) Repl y by Chuck-JOHNEL: When we were in the GAP (1987) at that point in time, the

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The Staff & Sword Ministry - We Get Letters

November 12, 2002


Letter Carol-ESTHER o Canada dated November 6, 2002 (Quote) Repl y by Chuck-JOHNEL continued : enemy had broken through into this world and we were hemmed in by demon armies on three sides with our backs to an impassable mountain. There was a lull in the fighting, the enemy was gathering their strength for a massive assault to try and crush our lines and overwhelm us. Suddenly (and unexpectedly) we found a multitude of men, women and children in our midst who suddenly became visible to us. Up until this time we had not seen another person in the GAP with us except for JESUS' Warring Angels and, of course, ourselves (Nancy-TONI, Richard-DANIEL and myself). I knew by the SPIRIT OF GOD that these were brethren in Christ, the Lord's people and that they lacked the faith to withstand the kind of bombardments the enemy was wont to hurl against us. I knew they'd be shredded and many killed if such a barrage was leveled on them in the GAP. This is when JESUS spoke to me instructing inc to take them out of the GAP and to safety and then He shewed me how to open this tunnel in the impassable mountain wall behind us. We followed JESUS' instructions and I noted that a very dense, heavy fog covered the whole GAP concealing our movement from the demon armies massed all around us. After we left, the tunnel closed up as if it was never there (the exit route was hidden by God) and the fog lifted. The demons saw that the Angelic line was gone and rushed into the areas we had occupied. Immediately the demons looked for Christians but could find none of God's people and they were frustrated. They then noticed the people who supported the Beastman of antiChrist, those who helped him come to power and backed him. The bloodthirsty demons approached them with deadly intent. At this point I heard these people plead with the Beastman saying things like, We supported you, spare us!" Their pleas were desperate and I was aware that they were terrified of the demons closing in on them. The demon stopped and looked to the Beastman to see what he would say. The antiChrist spirit moved on the Beastman who with cold indifference said, "What are they to rne, fulf Il your lusts!!!" With that the demons fell on all these people, they tortured them mercilessly, ripped their flesh and tormented them with greater pains until the screams of their pain and terror filled the GAP - it was more than I could bear to hear, I ceased to look upon the massacre as the demons lastly tore this people to bits, devouring their flesh til none were left. After that the demons were still not satisfied and looked to the Beastman again. Now he took two or three "minister demons" of every ten from the ranks of those fighting legions of living men that sided with him and turned these over to the demons who likewise did the same to them. Now the demon's lust for blood and terror was satisfied - for the moment. The "minister demons" were living men wearing turned-around-collars, ministers in the church who worked for Satan, hell and the Beastman. This told me that the people, whom the Beastman turned over to the demons, were in fact that portion of the church under man's authority (men were Lord, not Jesus) which we know as the, "church system of man".

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The Staff & Sword Ministry - We Get Letters

November 12, 2002

Letter from Carol ESTHER of Canada dated November 6 2002 (Quote) Reply by Chuck-JOHNEL continued We see these mentioned in the Book of Revelation, chapter 13: verse 7 which reads: "And

it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues, and nations." The power given the Beastman was given to him by the ministers to whom the people of the church system of man were/are submitted. This is "how" the Beast was able to make war with the saints. Do not forget that these are believers (having salvation through Jesus Christ) only that they do not have JESUS as Lord of their life. There was another group of Christians mentioned in Revelation chapter 12, verse 11 which reads: "And they overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of

their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death." These are those who have JESUS as Lord of their life (not man) and who will never be overcome nor will God their Father ever give the Beastman power over them - they will overcome and triumph in Christ and the Beastman cannot prevail against them. These are those who will be led to safety in this coming time of trouble. So the people who are butchered in the GAP are those people belonging to the Beastman

through the unGodly ministers who also are aligned with the church system of man. I've never much thought about what I'd seen and heard in the GAP in 1987, it was pretty gruesome to say the least, not something one would like to dwell on much less ponder.

Here is an added insight: After reading of how the Moslems like to torture Christians, extending their lives in torture so they can inflict greater and greater pain on them, tearing their flesh and lastly murdering them horribly, I see an exact parallel between that historic Moslem behavior and what I'd seen in the GAP in 1987. This tells me that the vehicle or

the human instruments of the torture and murder of these people will largely be at the hands of Moslems. They have a 14 century history of this kind of atrocity that continues in this

day - what is going on in the Sudan (Moslem butchery) and in Indonesia and elsewhere world wide is what had been going on for 14 centuries. And if you consider it, recognize that Moslems will come to America (7 th flag) because of the decision of the church system of man which rejected Jesus and His Word thus opening the door to their invasion, as it opened the door to the Moslem attack on September 11, 2001.

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The Staff & Sword Ministry - Movie Reviews

November 13, 2002

MOVIE REVIEWS This will be a one page review because space is at a premium and time as well. The movies Hollywood is churning out are progessively getting darker and darker both literally and spiritually. The previews we have seen in the theaters have told us that most new movies are not worth seeing, not even for review purposes. The demonic presence in most new movies is growing by leaps and bounds. 9 M ovie Title: "Imposter" °° ` Dimension Films 2001, 120 minutes, on VCR, R-rated. Gary Sinise and Madeleine Stowe. Alien cyborg invades earth in futuristic society. A sort of Scifi mystery thriller. Interesting. You find out who's who at the very end.

Q Movie Title: "The Count of Monte Cristo" °° Touchstone Picture,131 minutes, on VCR, starring Jim Cavieze1, Guy Pearce and Richard Harris. Rated PG 13. Basic storyline but this is a very interesting production, not just the usual Hollywood rehash of a classic. Of course, primary plot is about vengeance. Adult fare for sure.

MovieTitle: "Joshua" € • . - Epiphany Films, on VCR, 2002, 90 minutes, Rated "G" (family approved). Starring F. Murphy Abraham, and Kurt Fuller. A wood cutter comes to small town that has many problems. Mystery man solves problems, helps rebuild a Baptist Church (that was destroyed in a storm) - miracles. Surprise ending - PTL'. Excellent!

Movie Title: "Project Greenli ht's Stolen Summer"


Rated PG, Starring: Aidan Quinn, Bonnie Hunt, Kevin Pollack, and Brian Dennehy. Cute story about a Roman Catholic grade school boy who as his summer project works to convert a Jewish boy (dying of cancer)so he can go to heaven. Endearing and interesting, heart warming and at times a tear-jerker. The theology presented in this movie is a flat tire but what can one expect out of Hollywood! Even so, it has some merit and is fairly accurate (personal experience). Movie Title: "Monsters, Inc." ° ° ° ° On VCR, 2001, about 90 minutes. An computer animated cartoon with a very basic story line. John Goodman voice of "Kitty/Sully" and Billy Crystal voice of Michael ( the walking eye), other voices are: James Colburn and Jennifer Tilly. Actually this movie manages to be both a child's cartoon and at the same time can hold an adult's attention. Delightful, crazy and finny. The theaters and movie rental shelves are filled with movies that are not worth the film they are printed on so I'm inclined in this little space to only mention those which have a spiritual content or may be worth seeing if they lack a spiritual content. I'd be interested in hearing from you about these movie reviews, if you think they are worth the effort or not, if you like or dislike them. Your input is sought and will be appreciated. God bless. Aivy

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