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The Staff and S word Ministry
August31, 2012
WE GET LETTERS Hugs and Kisses --
Sticks and Stones
By: Chuck-JOHNEL
M.B. B. on April 31, 2012. (Quote) "Dear Brother Chuck-JOHNEL, Is it wrong to accept Social Security, Working Men's Compensation, unemployment, Medicare, Medicaid, any and all welfare programs, and the Affordable I Iealth Care? All of them are either socialist programs or derived from that mind-set. Are they anti-God programs? Perhaps it is the Will of God to condescend to a corporate America, and be governed by a robber-baron mentality around the 1900's. Your thoughts?" (Unquote) R pI y.L hy OHNEL: Social Security is a fund you pay into as you work, check by check -
it is your money you are getting back. Work Men Comp is , f itnded by your employer not the government. Medicare is also money drawn , from your paycheck - it is your • money again. Medicaid is p r obably one o f those government funded operations although the States seen to bear the main duty to pay . for- it. Up until the 1960s, people in need were cared for • by the churches and by Christian brethren. The gover-nnzent displaced the church in the 1960's and took their place. Today, given the slate of the church, I wonder if it could do anything like meeting the needs of those in need as it did prior to the 1960s. Here and there we see examples of where the church is vital and rises to the need. Hurricane Katrina is a perfect example of that. It too/c the federal government three days to start getting help to people in trouble in the flood waters, but church groups, the Red Cross, were down there helping out within hours of the hurricane ending. One of the main problems people had, who were trapped in the Katrina disaster, was that they were so dependent on the government to help them they had no ' se1 f-help skills" at
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Repl by J
The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters August 31, 2012 (continued): all. Many su f red, some perished because of that
dependency. The government is itself so inefficient and bound by red tape, they are the worse ones to be doing this kind of -work. However, if there is someone who is genuinely sick, disabled and unable to work, having a safety-net to help them seems an excellent idea. Getting the church back into this work would be great but the government would fight them tooth and nail. Most recently I heard an account on Fox News where a woman made sandwiches and drove down to an area of extreme poverty to feed the hungry and homeless and offer some encouragement. The city
government . fined her $1, 000forfailing to get city approval and a license to give outfood effectively shutting her down. In another case, a group of Christians gathered canned goods to give to the local fond hank to feed the hungry. However, that food was on the government's list as being unhealthy, too many carbs, tran fats or, too much sugar - the food was sent back and people went hungry. I went on a fourteen-day diet, but all I lost was two weeks. Rachel R. on May 17, 2012. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL and Nancy-
TONI—Greetings in Jesus' name! I have a question for you. Who are the "watchers" mentioned in Daniel 4, verses 13, 17, and 23? The Hebrew root word means "to encircle (for attack of protection), especially to crown." But they are not called angels or messengers, etc. So, who are they? If any human being knows, it would be you t wo. So thanks! ..." (Unquote)
Reply b y Chuck-JOHNEL: A concordancestudy is not likely to answer the question, but it gets you a bit closer. In our case, I can say this from my experience in the Heavens as a created son of God: we "watched " what was going on in the earth from Heaven and one day the Lord JESUS asked some of us to volunteer to go into the world to do His Will. This is when I asked if He would grant us to remember this and He said He would, so we volunteered and He sent its into this world to do His Will. I perceive the "watchers " are the same, "Holy Ones ", created sons of God who abide in the Lord in Heaven. Perhaps someone else may have a better insight but this is what comes to mind out of our experience that before being sent into this world - we "watched." Dieting is a way of starving to death so you can live longer.
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August 31, 2012
(Anon y mous, no date). (Quote) "Dear Staff and Sword, I was watching the
Memorial Day commemoration at the Capitol on T.V., and was thinking about Christians in their role as soldiers; as my role as a soldier. About how much "friendly fire" I have both received and shot off. How much Chuck-JOHNEL, other Ministry leadership, and members of the Net of Prayer have received, and it was very sobering. I thank God for His mercy and patience, as I learn to be more loving toward my brothers and sisters in Christ. I thank Him for the healing He has given me from wounds inflicted by other Christians. I thank Him, too, for your example in being a true soldier of the cross, and training us how to be one also." (Unquote) Hear about the New Age Church in California? It has three comman lnients and six suggestions. Faith F. on May 30 2012. (Quote) "Sorry to hear you were sick, Chuck. Our family went through two sicknesses this Spring, the first one being more severe. Being sick gives us time to reflect more deeply on things. This morning, someone's idle chatter about our family made its way around to me, at the grocery store. I responded defensively, like I'd been violated. Pondering it later, Andrew helped me see that the other person's motive had to do with his own projected image, which was the same reason I was offended—because my own projected image was messed with. Truth tells me that there is a place for me where I am so content in front of Jesus about who He is making me to be, and where I'm at in my journey, that I'm not emotionally moved by what anyone says about me. When I see that the other person needs that place just like I do, then I see us as being on equal ground before God, and I don't have a reason to be upset anymore. Dr. Paul T_ said, "It is impossible to overemphasize the immense need humans have to be really listened to, to be taken seriously, to be understood." When I take ti me to understand my own motives and the motives of other people, it brings healing to my heart. Reminds me of Proverbs 16:22, "Understanding is a well-spring of life unto him that hath it..." Jesus keeps giving us more work, He orders our days. We're really excited because we're getting close to paying off our credit card. That will be a big weight off our shoulders. Then we are eager to get materials to finish our shop (the one we're living in ). Lots to do. God is good." (Unquote) I'm a Catholic and I can't commit suicide, but I plan to drink m
self to death.
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August 31, 2012
Ivan on June 7, 2012 . (Quote) "Chuck-John El: Something we've noticed here since
last Fall, the Big Dipper was about 15 degrees above the Northern horizon, and is now directly overhead (90 degrees). My neighbor across the street is on the internet a lot, and they've not only posted that, but also Orion is now below the horizon instead of clearly visible above the horizon. If these are so, has the earth tilted that much? You'd stated, I think, that the moon has tilted. (The face is rotated to the left more?)" (Unquote)
Response by Chuck -JOHNEL: Actually, I never said anything about the moon tilting. From what little t know about astronomy, such an event (moon tilting) would surely cause semi-catastrophic events on the earth itself It would not go unnoticed. No such event (moon tilting) has occurred to my knowledge. How many Zen Buddhists does it take to screw in a light bulb Two: One to screw it in, and one to not screw it in. John S. on June 22, 2012. (Quote) "I can't begin to tell you how important the Staff and
Sword ministry is to my life. Back in 1967, I dropped out of college, despite the fact that I would have to enlist in the army and be involved in a war in Vietnam, that our country was not committed to winning. I had wanted to join the Marines for many years, but this phony war that a few politicians began but weren't willing to finish, really galled me. So I said, what the heck, I'll make a stab at "conscientious objector" status. I took the test, wrote the mandatory essay, and sat and waited for 3 hours for the final step at the process—the interview. Finally, I was told to go home as it was 5:00 p.m. and their offices were closed. I was told to expect a call or letter for an appointment for the interview. Well, I never got the call, and about 6 months later I received my draft card, and on it was "conscientious objector" status? I don't know how it happened, but I was elated! And I immediately heard a voice in my head saying that I was being set aside to be a "different kind of warrior". I
was still 13 years from my salvation. I thought about that voice a few times, and didn't have a clue what it meant. Then, in 1994, 1 was introduced to the Staff and Sword. And, of course, the "different kind of warrior" title took on its fulfillment. And I love my sword. I love my horse. I love my armor. And I love to destroy demons and principalities. Praise God and many thanks to you all for your faithfulness!" (Unquote) Any time four New Yorkers get into a cab without arguing, a bank robbery has just taken place. Johnny Carson
Alexander D. On July 12, 2012. (Quote) "I have a suggestion, concerning our SPECIAL
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August 31, 2012
Alexander D. on Jul .12 2012, uote continued ADDED PRAYERS. One says, "be with our men and women in our military and the military of our allies: watch over and keep then one and all in this war, and bring all home well and whole." I question whether we should be praying in that way. It's obvious to anyone paying attention that at some time in the future, the military will be turned against the American people, as the National Guard was in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina, when they went door-to-door illegally confiscating people's guns. Now, there are those in our military who WON'T turn against us like that, and there are those who WILL turn against us. Therefore, how about praying that God protects ONLY those soldiers who will honor their oaths to support and defend the U.S. Constitution, and not turn against the American people? That would allow God to give the bad, un-American, treacherous soldiers over to death when necessary. Please also ask Richard-DANIEL what he thinks of this idea, because God seems to give him many visions about the coming tyranny. Thanks and Maranatha!" (Unquote) Chuck-JOHNEL's Repl y : First off, JESUS gave us the 11 ' Commandment (not a request) that we are to love one another. That would include all of the soldiers, good and bad. Who knows if a man/woman will have a change of heart down the road to uphold the Constitution and defend theAmerican people, not abuse them. Treat them as an enemy and you may well make them your enemy as well. Beastman Obama and the antiChrist system now in place in this government, does NOT trust the military which is why he is cutting back our military so sharpl y and building a
private army within the government via the Social Security, IRS, Homeland Security and other departments that will answer to him and him alone ,forget Congress, the Courts or the people. Even then I would not be inclined to regard anyone in the government as an enemy until it is plain that they are just that. Even then ought we not pray for them?! In the visions of the comingjudgment I saw that the U.S. Military, when defeated in battle, that units would fade into the hills and end up being a shield and defense of the Christian communities. What we are doing now 'In The Spirit' in battling demons is laying down a pattern whereby these U.S. Military units will manifest what we do and so defend God's people against murderous forces in this world.
Our military in this on-going war is suffering a horrificc suicide rate, literally one soldier kills himsel f or herself every day. They NEED our prayers, Christ 's 'Love working through us extended to them in prayer and anyway we can. How does a single woman in New York get rid of cockroaches? She asks them for a commitment.
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The Staff & Sword Ministry/We Get Letters
September 1, 2012
Jerr y M. on July 2012. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL, I would like to thank you for sharing the visions that the Lord gave you way back when you were still living in Chicago, in the Prophecy Club video that you made, several years ago. I have read and heard many prophetic words over the past 30 years, but these prophetic words that you shared in this video have to be put at the very top. ..the most memorable, helpful and high impact of all prophetic words I have ever heard. In the last 20 years, several other prophets have had visions and dreams of the coming mega-quake in the middle of our country. Most of them tie this earthquake in with the United States turning their back on Israel and dividing Jerusalem. This could very well be the case. Back in 1976 I lived in Israel for 6 months on a Kibbutz and studied Hebrew, so I pay close attention to what is happening with Israel. Out of all these different people, you are the only one who has given an understandable time frame for when this will happen. Several others have said. ..this could happen at any time! When I hear this, I always reflect back to what you have shared about the timing.. .being two years after accidental Russian missile strikes on the U.S. Knowing that these accidental missile strikes are tied in with tensions in the Persian Gulf with Iran, certainly is believable today. I have felt for years that sooner or later, I will want to leave the United States. With the way things are going, those days could be fast approaching. The question is when, where and how. I believe that the time for me to really press in and seek the Lord regarding this, is now..." (Unquote) Comment b y Chuck-JOHNEL: Thank yoit for your kind words and sharing out of your experiences. Leaving the T.S. to where? There is no place safe on this planet for the kind
of judgment that is coming, which is why we strongly encourage everyone to draw near to JESUS CHRIST and to be in Him, the only true sa fe place. Once you have done this, going where JESUS wants you to go or staying, whatever, is in and out of His Will. Do that and you will do well. JESUS gave me the vision of the monster earthquake destroying the Midwest in September of 1974, some 38 years ago now. In 1979 after inaking some failed attempts to know the timing, JESUS Commissioned me to work to understanding the timing of judgment. What Ilearned was interesting. There was no fixed time forjudgment; rather, everything sprang from the decisions of the church, whether or not Gods people would p r ay or repent and pray, or not. Blended in with all of this was God 's immeasurable Mercy and Compassion
extended to His people whereby He continually spared His people wrong decisions over and over and over again. However, I did know by the Spirit of God that mercy and Judgment's timing had a deadline. It became evident as JESUS revealed more and more aspects of that Judgment
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September 1, 2012
Comment b yChuck-JOHNEL continue) (the accidental nuclear attack, Iran nuking our army, etc.) that there was an apparent sequence of events, some things would happen before other things. Little by little I was able to piece together a bigger picture. It is not perfect but it gives us a time . frame that is reliable. My fellow prophets who have seen the monster earthquake destroying the Midwest lacked this kind of perspective, more a lack of' insight concerning events coining before, during and after the monster earthquake. When aprophet receives a vision, they do so in a time dimension where all time is one; the Past, Present and Future are one. It is very easy to come to the conclusion that the events seen in the vision are '7nznzinent ", and indeed `In The Spirit they were seeing it happen but in a tine frame totally different to the one we all live in, a Present time frame. Thought to share that. God bless. How many mystery writers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Two: One to screw it almost all the way in and the other to give it a surprising twist at the end. Daniel & Jeanine D.P. on (no date). (Quote) "Thank you guys for all you do for God's Kingdom. There is no place I'd rather be than in the center of His will. May the prayers you pray be multiplied back to you. May you be more effective than ever before. May the strongholds that resist you be broken. Thank You Lord, for increase on every side financially, physically, and spiritually. I pray for BREAKTHROUGII. Love you, and God's Blessings be loosed on you ALL ," (Unquote) JOHNEL: Thank you brother and you all , for your kind letters. We love you too. He's so old his blood type was discontinued Patrick on July 20, 2012. (Quote) "Hello Chuck, Nancy, & CO., ...What this N.O.P. ministry does by Jesus's leading, and by all your submission to His leading and direction, is a "priceless " work in this world! I thank aII of you there, for all that you do!" (Unquote)
He's so old that when he orders a three - minute egg, they ask for the money up front. On (no date) . (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JDHNEL & Nancy-TONI... Two questions. #1. I have had neuropathy for 16 years. It has intensified. In the evening I can barely walk or touch anything. Do you take medication for yours? Can you share what it is for me, if you do? I wish I could put my own shoes on! #2. 1 have a great desire to hear more from our Flaming Fire group and know others wished we heard from our captains more. How else will we know if anything happens? We are all alone up here in Tomrr & Suzanne E.
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Ton & Suzanne E. On no date).
September 1, 2012
uote continued)
WI, we have only relatives in Texas to share your ministry with. Thank you for everything you do for all of us. A thank you seems not nearly enough for what we feel in our hearts. It is not enough, but you all enrich our lives so very much." (Unquote) Response b y Chuck-JOHNEL : Some prayer captains do communicate and some do very little. Their- primary function is far battle `In The Spirit ' to cover those in the unit, making sure all have on the whole armor of God. Some captains communicate but those in their unit do not respond whereas some who want to communicate with their captains find them silent. If you have a prayer need, it is the duty of a prayer captain to inform those in the unit of the need for prayer and to pray. ff we have a place available, we could make you aprayer captain and this would give you a unit to communicate with that would hopefully respond in kind. If you are interested, let Nancy-TONI know and when we have an opening for prayer captain we can place you. Concerning "neuropathy ", a thing caused by diabetes. I've had that affliction since 1994, some 18 years now. I began losing feeling in my feet from the start, gradually year by year, but the "neuropathy "is stabilized. There is no medication that I know of. Specifically for "neuropathy. " although I understand that there are herbal remedies that can help. I do not take herbs but have a vitamin supplemental plan Nancy-TONI helped one put together. Two things help me: (1) 1 have a very high threshold for pain. What would be searing pain for one person would come across to me as "discomfort." (2) Most every evening I give Nancy- TONI a neck massage to help her relax after a busy and often stress-filled day. In turn, my Godly wife gives me afoot massage and applies a balm that keeps my feet in good health. I do not know if this helps with the "neuropathy ", but it does help. Past holding you in prayer, this is the best response I can make. My grandmother's ninety. He's ninety-three. They're very happy. They never argue. They can't hear each other.
Elaine C. On (no date) . (Quote) "Dear Chuck and Nancy, I think I know why your ministry has been having some difficult times. Do you remember that a long time ago I reminded you about Old Testament Israel? I thought we should not be praying for them and supporting them. You quoted part of my letter, probably in "We Get Letters" section of your newsletter. You seemed to understand my problem with Old Israel, but you said if you didn't go along with supporting it, you would lose support. You didn't really spell out for the
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Elaine C. On (no date). (Quote continued) Old Israel supporters the reason for not supporting it. It needs to be explained to them clearly, in no uncertain terms, or when Jerusalem is destroyed many will loose their faith. They are trying to get a war with Israel started, and depending on God to fight for them. God will not fight for Old Israel. When you tell us to pray for Israel in the prayer sheets, I have trouble doing it, and tend to skip that part. There are many things I would rather pray for. The leaders of Old Israel are not even believers, and they are trying to make people believe a lie. They are not Old Israel, although they have taken that name. Jacob was renamed "Israel" and he gave the birthright to Joseph and his sons. The people posing as Israel are descendants of Esau. Joseph and his sons are new Israel, These Old Testament Jews want to rebuild the temple and return to animal sacrifices. We don't want that to happen and neither does God. That would make Jesus' death of no account. God wants "us" to be His temple—the one built without hands. Lack of finances doesn't seem to be a big issue with God. He just gave you $500. He said, "Ask and it shall be given you". Don't try to be on both sides of an issue to get more money. You are misleading a lot of Christians. Confess it and pray for His forgiveness. You are on both sides now, and in need of funds, and your health is poor. Honesty is important to God. Don't even think about accepting the devil's offer. It's impossible to please men. The important one to please is God. He will take care of your needs. If you are left with no followers and you still have God, nothing else matters. Don't stray from the truth no matter what! I' m praying for you to make the right choice." (Unquote) Rp1v b yChuck-JOHNEL: You write (Quote) "but you said if you didn't go along with supporting it (Old Israel), you would loose support. " (Unquote). Actually, I never said or wrote that.
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; they shall prosper that love thee." (Psalm 122:6) "(JESUS) saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer,,," (JESUS in Luke 1 9: 46) speaking of The Temple in Jerusalem. Added to this, we learned in 1981, after seeing `In The Spirit' a great wall about North America and being able to identify one great gate in that wall as "Sheep Gate ", we knew that America is a Spiritual Israel and a Spiritual Jerusalem. Biblically you will find in Ezekiel 38, verse 9 speaking specifically of Old Israel in the Middle East, but from verse 10-13 it speaks of the American Israel. When we pray for Israel/Jerusalem we are praying for both Old Israel in the Middle East and Spiritual Israel/Jerusalem in North America. The hulk of the ten lost tribes of Israel settled in America, which is why this nation has become so wealthy and powerful, blessed of God.
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Repl y by Chuck-fOHNEL (continued): Likewise the other tribes (Judah, etc.) largely settled in what you call Old Israel. The fact that we are fainily with Old Israel is something I 've stated from Newsletter to Newsletter for some time. I could go into some detail how Ezekiel 38 makes this plain to see once doctrinal blinders are removed; however that would be quite an undertaking for the little space I have here. (See Page 13-14) You write, (Quote): "God will not fight for Old Israel. " (Unquote) That is not true, and what the Lord GOD sheaved me in the 1974 Yom Kippur war told me this. At that time, a high holiday in Israel, Egypt and Syria mounted a massive surp r ise attack with overwhelhning military power to crush and wipe out Israel. At the time I worked for the du Pont Company, an office with many ex--military men, as was. The consensus was simple, Israel would be wiped out, they did not stand a chance to
survive. Indeed, the news reports confirmed that. The day of the attack after work, I spent my usual time praying and abiding in the Lord (I was a bachelor then). As I abided, an Angel of'the Lord took me into the "Spirit" over the actual battlefield. I could see masses of Syrian forces and tanks pouring into the Golan Heights and masses of Egyptianforces moving like an unstoppable wave of death towards Israel. I concluded that the news reports were correct. Israel was finished, they 'd be wiped out. The Archangel with me said, "LOOKAGAIN!"Ilooked down and now saw the HAND OF GOD holding back the Egyptians and His OTHER HAND as a fist pounding the Syrians. I was stunned, GOD was literally_ fighting for Israel. I knew then that they'd win this war and would utterly defeat the invaders. As revealed, Israel defeated the Syrians and the Egyptians as He showed me - GOD fought for Israel.! Concerning the need o undin g : As in 1987, Lucifer attacked our finances finances and was trying to do the same this year so he could gain the upper hand and enter this world with that mass ofdemons to slaughter God's people here and abroad. Faced with a drop in support I could have "presented my needs " but JESUS asked me to simply call for Prayer that He provide. I did NOT ask . for money but I did ASK FOR PRAYER and many responded and our financial ship is back on course inspite of Lucifer's attacks. My poor health is the consequence of attacks on inc by the church on Satan 's urgings. Wounding over the years has led to what Lucifer aimed by getting my brethren to attack me, to as the Devil said "Wound him til he bleeds to death." At one time in the early 1980's, in a confrontation with Lucifer, he told me that he would get my brethren to attack one. He told me what he would have them say to one. I doubted he had such influence_ About ten days later I'd get a telephone cal/ from a brother in Christ who almost word/or word accused me as Lucifer told he would, then Igot a letter
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Reply by Chuck-JDHNEL continue: where it was almost word fir word again of what Lucifer said he would do through my brethren to attack and hurt me. You wrote, (Quote) " Don't try to be on both sides of an issue to get more money. You are misleading a ]ot of Christians. Confess it and pray for His forgiveness. You are on both sides now, and in need of funds, and your health is poor... " (Unquote) Dear sister in Christ, I have no idea of what you are talking about. I pray this addresses some of your concerns. God bless.
Every man has a perfect right to his opinion, provided it agrees with Ours. Bernie on (no date . ( Quote) "Dear Chuck and Nancy, I just finished the book "I-Iarb1nger" by Jonathan Cahn, a Messianic Rabbi. There is a YouTube video of Mr. Cahn on the Sid Roth program. It would probably be easier for you to view this than read the book, because I know that your time is very limited. "Harbinger-The Ancient Mystery That Holds the Secret of America's Future". The correlation between 9-11 and Isaiah 9:8-10 is uncanny. We are repeating ancient history word for word, right down to the replacement of the planting of the same trees, and even using the same type of hewn stone. Our leaders in their ignorance repeated this verse after 9 -1 1, not knowing that this verse was actually casting judgment down upon us. The leaders that repeated this verse also left office with their reputation destroyed: Tom Daschle, and John Edwards. I thank the Lord for leading me to you through the Prophesy Club. I remembered driving down with a van frill of ladies. We were so excited to be sealed by you. We drove 100 miles, and then we were quite upset with Stan when he wouldn't allow you to seal us. I have gotten your mailings ever since and am always deeply impressed about the struggle and the work, and research that you do. God Bless your obedience. Thank you, Chuck and Nancy, from the bottom of my heart. P.S. I received a letter from someone in Spencer, Iowa wanting to be sealed. I will contact them soon, and arrange a time. It is so nice to know someone within driving distance that shares the same thoughts." (Unquote) Note b yChuck-JOHNEL: We read "The Harbinger "some months ago. It was interesting because those things JESUS has shown us correlate to the Harbinger book. However, there was nothing new to us. Wife: You're always wishing for something you haven It got.
Husband: What else is there to wish for? Patrick M. On July17. 2012. (Quote) "I'm so very glad that the Lord lead the to be a part of this ministry back in January of 2001!
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September 2, 2012
Patrick M. On July 27, 2012. (Quote continued ) To say that Chuck, Nancy, and others in the N.O.P. have helped me with my spiritual growth, and scriptural understanding tremendously, would be an understatement! I very much feel like a part of a tremendous Heavenly work in this world! And also a part of a special "Family", known as "The Net of Prayer"! Your consistent "obedience" and dedication to the Lord toward His calling for you (Chuck & Nancy), is a great inspiration for me to do the same! To do His "Perfect and Sovereign will" for my life! Thank you! God Bless you all! P.S. In the past, I used to listen a lot to a Christian music artist --- Steve Camp. He had a song called "Run To The Battle". If any song I've ever heard could be used as a theme song for the N.Q.P., I think that would be it! Go to "YouTube" on the internet and give it a listen!" (Unquote) "My wife says
if I don't chuck golf, she'll leave me!" "That's too bad. " "Yes, I'll miss her."
Alan D. On August 4 2012. (Quote) "Chuck and Nancy: Greetings in the Name of our wonderful Lord! It was startling and ironic on the evening of July 9 th , when I opened your latest newsletter and saw the headline "Suicide". That very day, my wife and I had returned from an emergency trip to Missoula, Montana, to attend the funeral of a 26-year-old grandson, who had taken his own life in mid-June, After being back from service having served in Korea, he was home three months, and no one saw the signs of depression to lead to such a drastic act... The enemy won that round. A week later, a former sister-in-law of one of our daughters hung herself. A friend told me of knowing of four suicides in family, or close acquaintances, in that previous month. God help us to be prepared to attend to those affected by these suicides, and to be discerning enough to prevent this where possible. On another matter, I recently was reading an article in the Denver Post, regarding the major part of the United States in moderate or severe drought. Above the article was a picture of a northern Colorado farmer, standing in a field of corn about three to four feet high, and totally dead. Reminded me of your description in the famine message. The Lord has lead me into a local church where the pastor and I have essentially identical visions of what is coming, and the immediate need for preparation. I have been allowed to deliver several messages from the pulpit, the most recent giving a detailed summary of prophesied events, such as found in the Wilcox report. I was grateful that the message was well received, and definitely got people's attention. Thank you for your hard work and continued revelation. I pray God will provide abundantly, that there will be no hindrance to your work!" (Unquote) Comment by Chuck-JOHNEL : Thank you for your prayers and well wishes. The issue
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Cnn meat by Chuck-JOHNEL (continued): ofsuicide among Christians is something we
need to address in prayer. Your letter only tells me that it is more widespread than is commonly known. Many of the soldiers coming out of Iraq and Afghanistan are immersed in an evil system and pick up demons, having little or no defense against them, much less awareness that this war is as much a spiritual battle as it is physical. Being "Sealed" is important; but I believe we can do something about this spirit of death operating within the boundaries of the church. Teacher: Robert Burns wrote "To a Field Mouse." Student. I'!! bet lie didn't get an answer. Retta C. On August 2, 2012 . (Quote) "The 1974 Famine Message talked about the brown crops. We have seen many news photos and TV reports showing completely brown corn stalks covering fields, even here in Oklahoma, near Oklahoma City! And now we have water rationing in Oklahoma. On our place we do have well water to water our gardens, but if we used city water, we'd be rationed. On page 251—last two paragraphs, and top of page 252—first paragraph, Jesus surely is referring to actions like the latest condemnation of the CEO of Chick-FiI-A! Obviously, this is the beginning of the fulfillment of the Famine Prophecy! Do you agree? P.S. Tom reminded me of what Rahm Emanuel said, "The CEO of Chick-Fil-A does not share Chicago values." So, if he is r. ight about Chicago values; then itis - obvidus why God completely destroys Chicago with earthquakes and flood waters from Lake Michigan, as per your visions!" (Unquote) Reply Chuck-JOHNEL: Yes, I agree. This Newsletter has "Judgment" as its focus. I went to one of those new movies last week. It was so bloody that it was rated "d positive' TWO ISRA ELS - EZEKIEL 38
"And the word of the Lord came unto me..." (Ez 38:1) This is a Prophetic starting point. "After many days... thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel..." (Ez 38: 8 selections) This speaks of Old Israel in the Middle East. "Thus saith the Lord God: It shall also come to pass, that at the same time..." (Ez 38: 10) Here we see another "Prophetic starting point, different subject. The " also comes to pass " and " at the same time" makes it clear that this is a different subject. It goes on: "I will go up to the land of unwalled villages..." (Ez 38: 11) In Old Israel you will find
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The Staff & Sword Ministr y /We Get Letters
September 2, 2012
11VU ISRAEL'S - EZEKIEL 38 continued WALLED villages, in fact you vw w ill find WALLED villages all over Europe, Africa, Asia except . for two places : North America and Australia. This land ofunwalled villages is said to be: "...desolate places that are now inhabited, and a people gathered from the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods." (Ez 38: 12), In the next verses, the invaders take a "great spoil" in silver, gold and cattle. The prohlein with this being Old Israel or Israel in the Middle East, is that they have no grazing laird, few cattle and mostly chicken and carp. While Australia has cattle, it is not rich in silver and gold and goods when compared with North America. Then this land is called "uninhabited"- at no time was Old Israel no[ inhabited; but North America, at the time of'the p r ophet Ezekiel, was largely uninhabited - maybe 2 million Indians lived in the whole of the land - hardly anyone at all given the size and expanse of North America. Fundamentally , "desolate places" means unfilled, uncultivated,; something that does not apply to Old Israel but it fits North America.
My son Stefan and his daughters Faith (left) and Abb right
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Abby (Gabriella) is 13 and
Faith is 8 years old
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