Cover Page
The Staff and Sword Ministry
January 8, 2014
WE GET LETTERS Hugs and Kisses -- Sticks
and Stones
By: Chuck-JOHNEL
Nan cy R on April 11, 2013 . (Quote) "Dear Nancy-TONI, Here Igo again! Recently I sent a note...I thought we should move to slow down the demon movement in this country, a change from my original position. Today, the Lord led me to Jeremiah 12. He [Jeremiah] was impatient because the evil ones seemed to profit and the Lord wasn't doing anything about it. The Lord then corrects Jeremiah and makes it clear what He will do - in His time . I think the message is clear. In His time, He will release judgment (more so) and move on His own's behalf. Therefore, I believe we need to wait and not pray to slow down the increasing demon activity. Please, if I'm all `wet', I would welcome any insight andlor correction. Thank you and God Bless you mightily." (Unquote)
Comment by JOHNEL: In 2001 we essentially stood aside of the church and America, we expected to see judgments falling sometime after August 28, 2001 with buildings falling, burning, and people dying. That start ofjudgmeni on America was initiated September 11, 2001 with the terrorist attack. It was something JESUS warned of back in 1979. The decision of the church to reject JESUS' Word and call
to repentance and prayer was the key factor. We had, under God 's anointing, stood in for this nation and the church for years, withstanding the enemy to allow the church to decide. They did; JESUS required we observe that decision and to stand aside thus the destroyer moved in and has been doing more so with time.
Page 2 Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS January 11, 2014 (Comment continued) Our focus today is more on defending the Elect, the Sealed, the Faithful-Obedient, the Innocent lambs of God and the tithe of the church system of man. We can and do pray for all the others, hoping they wake up and return to the Lord before they lose their lives at the hands of the murderous demons, who have power over them. However, when it comes to those who are ours, we do not allow them free reign but will withstand them, especially as this body of believers and saints are those who will be part of Jesus 'Return.
Last Halloween was bad for me. I got real beat up. I went to a party dressed as a pinata. Jim Samuels Lavonia P. On April 20, 2013 . (Quote) "Dear Mr. And Mrs. Youngbrandt: I am
writing to you because of my confusion in reference to your April 16, 2013 newsletter, reporting on the results of the poll that was taken about praying in God's judgments. You stated that the poll was taken from the first 200 replies and anyone who voted NO or did not reply was considered a NO and therefore voted against Jesus. I do NOT even recall seeing this poll. I'm sure it was in one of the newsletters that I received but I do not recall seeing it therefore I did not mail a reply. However that being said, after reading the wording that was printed in this last newsletter, if I had not overlooked it, I would have voted NO because of the wording of the poll. My mind is interpreting these questions as voting for judgment, and I pray for mercy and repentance for people everyday (almost), and you have a beautiful prayer for "renewal and repentance" in the last newsletter: "RENEW: Oh Heavenly FATHER GOD, in JESUS' NAME renew Your children, Your church, and stir the hearts and minds of all Your people towards JESUS CHRIST. Draw all by Your HOLY SPIRIT to a closer walk with JESUS; place in their hearts a desire to know and follow after JESUS CHRIST with their all. We pray and ask for a HOLY SPIRIT Revival from the grass roots level, led and governed by Your Spirit." I love our country and I want all to come to the saving knowledge of JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior and not be given over to the enemy. If this poll had worded itself as being for GOD'S judgments as opposed to the demonic judgments that are trying to invade our country, then I most certainly would have voted for GOD'S judgments. But I have read and reread what you listed in the current newsletter and it reads as a "let's get `em" phase regarding those who do not know
Page 3 Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS January 11, 2014 Lavonia P. On April 20 2013. (Quote continued) Jesus now. I am an old weary prayer warrior whose heart weeps for our nation and I'm getting weepy eyed as I type this. God Bless America, and I want to go on record saying "I am NOT AGAINST JESUS." I love our Lord and He loves me. He knows my name and sometimes even addresses me using it. I am fasting and praying the "Special Repentance" prayer sheet and asking forgiveness for my misunderstanding. I'm wondering if others misunderstood the poll request as did I. Anyway, I repent..." (Unquote)
Comment by C JOHNEL: The HOLY SPIRIT was moving among those in this Ministry to reveal the condition of the Elect Body of Christ. We have learned that it (Elect Body) is not whole, it is divided and this is something the enemy will work to exploit. Knowing this allows us to bring prayer focus to the problem and we have
prayers to that end. Indeed, some brethren were confused by the "decision " being asked and in that confusion they represented the condition of the Elect Body. Later, on learning what that decision meant, they repented. Years ago, there was a false prophet that swayed a significant number of N C.P. Intercessors to quit but not tell us. At the time we held a line withstanding demonic attempt to break into America (1980's,) with this inner rebellion, our defensive line was ripped open and demons flooded in. In that area where most of these intercessors lived (who quit) a fierce storm swept (winds upwards of 250 mph) leveled homes, killing hundreds. Bodies of victims dangled from shattered trees the next morning. This was a manifestation of the demonic break-through. Murders, shootings and killings swept this nation. Seeing this told me something was wrong and we finally learned of this false prophet who led 25 intercessors to quit but not tell us. We were caught unaware of this break in unity and agreement in the Net of Prayer and had to contend with the disaster_ This time the HOLY SPIRIT moved among us to reveal a break in unity and
agreement among the Elect Body and by knowing this we began plugging the holes before a disaster struck as it did in the 1980's. This is what it it was all about. Amen. My husband is not good at shaving. He goes into the bathroom a man with slight stubble. He comes out of the bathroom the victim of a shark attach Rita Rudner
Page 4 Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS January 11, 2014 Jan C. On aril 19,2013. (Quote) "Dear Nancy-TONI & Chuck-JOHNEL, I'm very concerned about the outcome of the voting—either For or Against Jesus Christ. I should have discerned better, then maybe I wouldn't have voted No. When I voted No I did not discern I was voting against Jesus. I believe I voted wrong not understanding clearly the question. I took the question as, "Should we at this time vote for God's Judgements NOW?" Yes, we need to pray this in. I took this question as not now, but later, and I was wrong. I've been talking to my leader because I haven't been hearing clearly when abiding. She sent me some CDs. YES, I agree we are to pray in God's Judgements now, as after reading your newsletter I was wrong when I voted NO. As soon as I read that I was against JESUS CHRIST for voting NO I repented; so glad you can present us with a `Blessed Opportunity" with this repentance and prayer. Thank you Lord JESUS CHRIST FOR MERCY and forgiveness of my sins - for voting NO. No way do I want to be against JESUS CHRIST. I thank my Lord JESUS CHRIST for you standing in the GAP and watching over us and me, for not discerning and voting wrong. Thank you Lord Jesus that we can fast and pray, asking You to turn this around. At the time I sent my No vote in, it was because the enemy was ahead of God's timing. I should have discerned that this was the time to vote YES for the Lord's judgments to come now. JOHNEL I also ask for your forgiveness also because you are commissioned by Father God to stand in the GAP for me and these who voted no. I hope they see their error as I have..." (Unquote)
Reply by Chuck-JOHNEL : Thank you Jan for your well balanced letter. I've addressed this issue in the two previous "We Get Letters " here. I swear the roaches in my apartment have military training. I set off a roach bomb; they defused it. Jay London Patricia D. On (no date) . (Quote) "I would like to address the discernment directive. The thinking is that we could not answer the questions and be right because either choice could interfere with the sovereign will of the Lord. We could ask the Lord that He would bring His judgment in the fulness of His time and His purpose. That in His mercy He would not allow His judgment to be superceded by the wrath of the evil one." (Unquote) The insurance man told me that the accident policy covered falling off the roof but not hitting the ground. Tommy Cooper
Page 5 Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS January 11, 2014 JoAnn On (no date. (Quote) "Dear Friends in Christ, The Lord's richest blessings
to You. I shared your latest newsletter about the 2 issues of discernment that you requested, with my Bible study group. I don't think they ever heard anything like this! Fora couple of them they can't get past mercy over judgment. I'm praying! can
help them understand that God's judgment is His Mercy when a condition is so destructive in His nation and His people. Love in Christ to you." (Unquote) This one job said they wanted a college degree or equivalent. I said, "Perfect, I have eight years of high school."Buzz Nutley Yvonne J. On (no date) . (Quote) "Dear Bra C-J and Sis N-T, This is to ask your
forgiveness on the voting, I truly need prayer. The enemy is trying to keep me from doing anything, even from gathering at a building for church. At times I feel I shouldn't be there. The enemy tells me I am in no position to do anything, so please forgive me my dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. I will try harder to do my part. Only Jesus can make everything right for me as I am led by His Holy Spirit. God Bless you always. Jesus love you greatly and me too. Take good care of yourselves and thank you for all you're doing." (Unquote)
Re y l byJOHNEL: Yvonne, you area child of God through .IESUS CHRISTand that spirit talking to you is lying through its foul teeth. JESUS empowered all of us when He told us that He gave us power over the power of the enemy. That lying spirit is the one who has no position to do anything. When it talks to you simply plead the Blood of JESUS CHRIST on it, bind it,. in JESUS' Name, from telling you lies and ask JESUS to deal with it as He will, looking to JESUS each day. Abiding in His Holy Presence, you will find that He sees worth in you, and that JESUS' Love for you is deep and wonderful. Trust Him. You don't think times have changed? The Swiss Army knife has an ear piercing tool on it. George Carlin Elaine-DEBORAH. On May 1. 2013. (Quote) "Dear N.O.P. friends, Just a little note from a very repentant N.O.P. member. I was too quick to make a decision about judgment. When I received the questions, Ijust remembered that judgment is always a last resort, more or less, and I just sent it back WITHOUT PRAYING! I am grateful for God's mercy, and that taught me a lesson. I am much more attentive about praying before making quick decisions. Thanks for listening. Jesus' Love to all of you!" (Unquote)
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Every morning, .get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America. If I'm not there, Igo to work. Robert Orben Steve D. On May 5, 2013. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL & Nancy-TONI, Concerning whether to pray andlor prophesy in God's judgments; my first inclination was a Yes. But I changed my mind and voted not to pray or prophesy in God's judgments. I guess I just didn't want to sit in judgment and call on God to bring judgment on our land, and that when I saw that judgment fall, that I might have partially been the cause. This is truly a heavy decision for the body to make. I also felt that God doesn't need me to ask Him to judge our nation. I have repented and asked God's forgiveness for not praying through, and my selfishness in the matter. I fasted I day and prayed the repentance prayers. God's long suffering and mercy fora nation that pokes its finger in His face are beyond understanding in the natural (it is not His will that any perish). Thank you sincerely for your labors of love for the body of Christ." (Unquote) Repl y by Chuck-JOHNEL: The simple way to look at it is this: Sin abounds in America and is spreading like a cancer, antiChrist is taking hold. Christians in the military and chaplains are forbidden to use the name of JESUS, and the church is under attack from every quarter. The lack of response by the church at large can be seen, by the enemy, as an indirect form of agreement with what they are doing. This emboldens and empowers them to keep doing what they are doing and to expand their attacks. What we have at this time is the enemy executing judgment working through God's Law. The enemy is without any mercy whatsoever, their aim is to utterly destroy the church and to obliterate Christians. Death camps and furnaces as seen in Nazi Germany are not out of the question but a real possibility if things keep going the way they are going. As sin spreads it will infect the righteous and may will fall by the wayside and into the power of the enemy. Praying in JESUS's Judgment would introduce His judgment over that of the enemy, it would be full of mercy, kindness, compassion and the opportunity to repent and get
right with God through Jesus Christ would be available to all. JESUS's Judgment would displace SatanlLucifer's judgments..
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I do not nor would I propose or encourage anyone to pray that any specific kind of sin come under God's judgment; NO, rather, I encourage all to pray to come under JESUS's Judgments trusting Him for a better outcome. Normal is just a cycle on the washing machine. Whoopi Goldberg Rachel R. On May 8 2013. (Quote) "Dear Friends! It is good to see photos of JimRAPHAEL and Sam Salmon and Leith and others, to put faces with these voices we have heard for years in your monthly meetings, and also good to know the jobs they are doing. You are all like family. So it is nice to see what you look like. Blessings to you, each one for the tireless work you do to keep us informed!" (Unquote) Did you ever try to pick one of those cold medicines out? You stand there going, "This one is quick-acting, but this one is long-lasting. Which is more important, the present or the future?" Jerry Seinfeld John S. On May 1. 2013. (Quote) "Dear JOHNEL: I was seriously surprised that my
response (NO) to the question of praying in judgment was not the one you were hoping for. I guess I based my response more on my own understanding rather than on a direct leading from the Father. It went this way: My "big picture" view of the N.O.P.'s mission is that whenever the Father leads His prophet(s) to lead us in a specific prayer action against the enemy, we then take up arms in the Spirit. Thereby we 1. Do His will, 2. Gain mercy, 3. Fulfill our mission. In the meantime, as stated in the gmail to Mr. O'Reilly and many times in past newsletters, the enemy will inexorably execute God's judgment against this nation. Now, I have been, and God willing, always will be, ready to execute any Goddirected judgment against the devil and his forces. However, I was a bit confused by the sense I was getting from the "Prophesy God's Judgment" letter, and the question we were to answer with "yes" or "no". I'm thinking "big picture" — everything in the gmail is going to happen — how can we thwart it? I was thinking, possibly that we were to act on our own, somehow. "Why would C-J ask this question?" "Are we somehow moving in a different direction?" "Why is C-J asking for an answer to a question that has so plainly and simply been the N.O.P.'s modus operandi since its inception?" "I must be missing something here." Of course, rather than pray about (or ask you), I assume that we were suddenly going off in another direction, overstepping our bounds somehow, biting off more than God wants us to chew (I know - dumb - right?) And, as it happens, at that time, I had just watched the episode of the Bible series where Moses repeatedly only warns
Page 8 Staff & Sword MinistrylWE GET LETTERS January 11, 2014 John S. On May 1. 2013. (Quote continued) Pharaoh of judgment, letting God
handle the heavy lifting, as it were. So I took this as the "answer" (God-sent) to the question whose aim I was conflicted about. Thus a "no" with reservations. Now, I don't write this to make excuses, but to reveal to myself—and to you if you find it relevant, what led to my "no" answer. I see now that—as you said in the April I6`'' Special Report, I did not give enough prayer attention to this matter. And I truly need to repent." (Unquote) Note by Chuck-JOHNEL: Have already addressed this issue in letters in this report, nonetheless, thank you brother for your letter and sharing your concerns and discernment. I was walking down the street with my friend, and he said, "I hear music."
As if there's any oilier way to take it in. Mitch Hedberg Fredilene J. On May 5, 2013 . (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL, In answer to your request about praying God's judgments: I did not answer until now because I have been very ill, much of the time confined to bed since last July. I am now better, but am not back to normal yet. Both my computers need work, so I am writing this in longhand. I have prayed God's judgments in the past at His specific leading and have seen the results of my prayers. This kind of praying I will not do lightly, but I do know it is necessary as God leads. I wish to be counted as a "yes" to your question, not a "no• The enemy has been attacking the pastors in our area for two years now (those who are preaching Live Word), including myself; and much prayer is going up for them. Major illnesses and sex scandals have been and are being used. But those who know God are still standing strong against the attacks. As a result of my illness, and other demonic circumstances, my house church (about 30 people) was forced to close. Most of those have found other places to worship. I have not, as I am not yet able to go out. But I am healing slowly. Praise God. I commend you for your persuasiveness. Keep up the good work. I am part of your N.D.P." (Unquote) Note by Chuck-JGHNEL . Thank you for your letter Fredilene, pray you are better. God bless.
Page 9 Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS January 11, 2014 My mom is a neat freak. If she adopted a highway, she'd mop it once a week. She'd reroute traffic: "Don't drive on my clean freeway. "Daniel Liebert Tom & Suzanne E. On (no date). (Quote) "Dear Chuck and Nancy, We did not respond to the discernment issues because we really did not understand what it was about! We did pray, and didn't get an answer, so rather than answer wrongly we didn't say anything. But after you explained in more detail, our answers surely would have been yes! We asked for forgiveness and yours please. It has been rough physically still, now my shoulders; but it has given me a lot of time in pain, but a lot more time to pray. We can't put into words how much we love you and your ministry. We pray for you daily." (Unquote) Somebody gave me a Bob Dylan tape for Christmas. One good thing about Bob Dylan: When the batteries run down in my Walkman he still sounds the same. Lance Crouther Rachel R. On. May 17, 2013. (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL & Nancy-TONI- My heart leapt for joy when I learned that you were given gifts totaling $34,539.57! I remember that Jesus told you sometime ago that people would give you gifts — they sure have! I am also pleased at your choice of car —Toyota Highlander. I bought one in 2004 and other than having the brakes adjusted just recently, I have had absolutely no car trouble, and it just turned over 100,000 miles! I do take good care of it, so I'm sure that helps, but it is absolutely the best car I've ever had! I'm so glad you got a late model, and it will serve you well. Looks like it won't be long now for your trip since all is in place to go. May the Lord's countenance show on you!" (Unquote) My neighborhood is so bad I started taking karate lessons. I learned how to break my hand in half by hitting a brick David Corrado Jeanine D. On (no date). (Quote) "Just wanted to thank you guys for all you do. We appreciate it so much. God Bless you two in ALL YOU DO TO PROSPER! We started going to the Mission Church in Vacaville this last year and I am really
enjoying everything the Lord is teaching us there. One of the things they encourage is to be uniquely you, the way God made you to be. For some reason, this teaching has helped me come out of my box. It seems so simple, yet it had a large effect on my life. I have learned to embrace who God made me, with all the strange ways of
Page 10 Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS January 11, 2014 Jeanine D. On (no date). (Quote continued) praying and all. I feel like a flower in bloom and as I do, I feel like it will help others to be more comfortable with themselves, too. Well, God Bless you all." (Unquote) A beautiful woman moved in next door. So I went over and returned a cup of sugar. "You didn't borrow this." "I will. " Steven Wright Ann S. On June 21 2013. (Quote)". . . Recently, I was reading I Kings 8:9 which says, "There was nothing in the ark save the 2 tables of stone. ..After reading this, I asked the Lord, "What happened to the manna and Aaron's rod that budded?" I submit the question now to you in obedience to the Lord. Thanks in advance for any light you can shed on this." (Unquote) Repl y by Chuck JOHNEL: I recall somewhere in Scripture that Aaron's rod that budded was placed in the Ark of the Covenant. However, the Manna was given by God as a "daily bread " so it turned bad after a day's time if not consumed and could not be stored except when it came the day before the sabbath, in which case it would last for a second day. I do not remember ever reading in the Bible that Manna was put in the Ark. It all seems a moot point today since the Ark vanished long ago and though many have searched high and low, no one has found it. Some say it was destroyed or badly damaged, something I cannot imagine happening. Perchance in some future day when a Holy Spirit revival awakens the people of Israel it may be found and used in battle to affirm God's Presence, thus the certain defeat of their enemies. But that is a speculation, somewhat based on some insight I've been given. Interesting stuff but just a bit of fun. The real stuff has to do with looking to JESUS and desiring to become more and more like Him.
Ever go to a hospital in the South? They're in no hurry down there. I saw a plaque over the emergency room door that read, "Time heals all wounds. "Steve Bluestein P.S. Leith transcribes these letters and selects the quotes found at the end of each letter, a daunting task at times. I'm responsible for the comments and responses to questions, doing the best I can.
Page 11 Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS January 14, 2014 Maureen D. On August3l, 2013. (Quote) "Praying "Net of Prayer" intercession for God to destroy government computer systems targeting God's children: "IT IS DONE. EVEN NOW IT IS BEING DONE. AS SEEN IN THE OLD TESTAMENT, WHEN THE EVIL ARMIES CAME AGAINST JESUS. AND
AS I SET THEM TO DESTROY ONE ANOTHER, WHEN THEY COME FOR MY CHILDREN, IN CONFUSION, THEY WILL DESTROY ONE ANOTHER. BUT MY CHILDREN MUST LISTEN FOR AND HEED MY VOICE, TO STAY AWAY FROM THE CHAOS AND CONFUSION, TO STAY IN THE PLACES OF SAFETY WHERE I HAVE HIDDEN THEM." Question: How can revelation have begun when there is not yet a 7-year peace treaty between Israel and Anti-Christ? Also, we have not yet been attacked and occupied for 7 years." (Unquote) Reply by Chuck-JOHNEL : The judgment on America was initiated on SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 when terrorists attacked New York and Washington, D. C.. This judgment has been unfolding ever since. When the U.S. invaded Iraq and then Afghanistan, this nation stepped into a trap that JESUS had warned against for years. It reached a horrific peak when an antiChrist heastman won the presidential election and today sits in the White House, working round the clock to destroy this nation. The beastman Clinton and now Obama have brought America to ruin, the Middle East is in chaos with terrorists undoing everything we did., Europe faces both economic and political chaos much due to what this nation has done under beastman. They are laying groundwork for the beastman to emerge in Europe who will offer Israel peace. So what we are seeing is ground work being done by the enemy over the tears to prepare for that. This beastman of anti Christ, the one spoken of in Scripture, will emerge only AFTER the U.S. is destroyed - attacked, invaded and occupied. This beastman will emerge only after the U.S. ceases to exist and is destroyed. When? This is the question many ask, but there is no easy answer nor is the Lord God revealing anything more than what He has revealed. To be blunt, what He has revealed is signi icant, but it has been rejected and ignored. Keep in mind that in 1980 JESUS told me about a horrific earthquake to strike Japan, what He called a "CRUSHING BLOW", He revealed that it would hit on the 11 rh of a month. I wrote the Japanese, warning and calling for prayer; I wrote Christian leaders across America, public officials (President, etc.) and was totally
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ignored, and His Word was rejected. In the years following, the Net of Prayer held the line against judgments and Japan clearly rode in on those coat tails of prayer for mercy. Nonetheless, 31 years later, March 11th, 2011, JAPAN was struck by a 8.9 Magnitude earthquake killing thousands and devastating Japan. What "IF" any responded to our communications in the 1980s asking what could be done to stop this? The Lord JESUS would reveal yet more making prayer to be specific whereby it could be prevented. The opportunity to change the outcome was not taken and the consequences are evident today.
The point? It is possible that through concerted prayer the church could readily seek mercy and God's help to limit and contain these things. Perchance they must happen, but the murderous effect can be diminished through prayer and repentance. What I'm talking about is OUTCOME; It can be (1) bad, (2) terrible, (3) horrific, and/or (4) monstrous beyond belief if there is no prayer. I'm opposed to nuclear power. I hate it when it takes two hundred thousand years to put out the garbage. Barry Crimmins Jerry S. On September 11, 2013 . (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL, Greetings and well wishes to you. We hope that things are going well for you and that you are being blessed by the Lord. Thank you for continuing to send us your newsletters here in Ghana. This is an expense for you, and we appreciate it. We look forward to receiving them. Sometime back you said that, after Iran nuked our forces in Saudi Arabia, Russia would not let us retaliate with nuclear weapons. I don't know how they could do that, unless there was some treaty with them to this effect. Then, in your October 2012 newsletter, you said that our nuclear response to Iran's attack on our forces would trigger the accidental nuclear attack. There seems to be some inconsistency here. Would you like to clarify this? (When it comes to terminology involving nuclear devices, let us recognize that a "bomb" is something that is dropped by an airplane, and a "warhead" is what is delivered by a missile.) It seems clear to me that NYC—U.S.A. is Babylon the great of Rev. 18. Recent prophecies indicate that Russia, China and others will destroy the U.S. It seems to me that this will happen before the antichrist comes to power. However, Rev. 17:4-5,1518 indicates that the beast (antichrist) will destroy Babylon the great. Do you have any insight on this?" (Unquote)
Page 13 Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS January 15.2014 Response to Jerr y S by JOHNEL : Regarding your question: The vision of 1983 was very clear and specific and I discerned or knew by the Spirit of God that all of these
things would happen in the same year, this being: Iran nuked our Army assembling in Saudi Arabia. I clearly saw in this vision Iran launching a nuclear-tipped missile from their territory at our Army and in a flash the heart of our military forces were consumed. At a time of high tension between Russia and the U.S., Russian ICBM's were launched (24 all told) at the U.S.. Russians self-destructed most of them but nine bombs reached mir y point. We (U.S.) had a missile defense system and I saw most ofthese Russian nuclear bombs destroyed by what we had. One Russian nuclear bomb was hit a glancing blow and wobbled off course and three others came through. Thanks to beastman Dhama and the Democrats, an expansion of the missile defense system was prevented, thus the system installed by President Bush (still in place) worked but was insufficient. Now keep in mind that in 1983 when JESUS shewed me these things, Russia was NOT a sovereign nation but one of the many republics that made up the Soviet Union. More, the anti-ballistic missile defense system did not exist in 1983 and then beastman Clinton vetoed three bills that would have built it. President Bush, as his first act, had the system built and installed. While the Lord JESUS did NOT shew me Russia confronting the US. over a potential nuclear or conventional attack of Iran, I surmised this to be the case, clearly aware that tensions ran high after our army was nuked by Iran. TWO ISSUES.• (1) Russia is allied with Iran and they have what is a mutual defense
pack. Russia will come to Iran's defense no matter what. This I discerned was the reason for the tensions. (2) Back in the Reagan years the Soviet Union, faced with cruise missiles placed in western Europe that could reach most Soviet military targets in afew minutes, were concerned. It would be impossible for a man (Soviet leader) to respond to an attack by the U.S. as it would take more time to react than theyhad, the American missiles could hit every key Soviet target in minutes. To address this threat the Soviet Union installed a computer system that would react to an attack immediately. This system is still in place. If American bombers or missiles attacked Iran in return for nuking our army it would trigger the automatic
Page 14 Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS January 15.2014 computer response and launch ICBMs at the U.S. In 1983 in that vision of Russian ICBM's launching, I noted that the Russian technicians were `frantic " to issue self-destruct orders to their ICBM's, it was clearly unintended, no Russian set them off. I fgured from seeing this it had to be the Russian computer defense system doing this. Regarding Babylon the Great of Rev 18. To be straightforward, I've heard a lot of views on this but it does not interest me. My focus is on building the Body of Christ and Preparing for JESUS RETURN. All the rest will sort itself out in time. One thought, America today is 80% Christian, those having salvation through JESUS CHRIST. They may be wanting in prayer and need to draw close to JESUS,
but it is hard to imagine a country with this level of Christians becoming Babylon the Great. Now Germany was largely Christian and they voted in an antiChrist (Hitler) but I do not believe that Nazi Germany rose to the level of being a Babylon. Just to say. God bless. I am so busy doing nothing that the idea of doing anything—which, as you know, always leads to something—cuts into the nothing and then forces me to have to drop everything. Jerry Seinfeld Leonard A. S. On Se tember 2013. (Quote) "Happy Birthday, Chuck-JOHNEL,
Being part of the Net of Prayer and your friend, has been an important source of stability in my Christian walk. "Good friendships are very valuable ", and your friendship has been very valuable to me , a Blessing to me from Jesus. I wish others understood what I know . Isaiah 53...God's Truth can be easily missed if we do not want to know the truth , and many Christians do not realize they are in bondage to self-righteousness. God's Righteousness is truth and our righteousness is always a mixture of good and evil. ..a blindness many cannot overcome ." (Unquote) I get along great with my parents. I still talk to them at least once a week. It's the least I can do; I still live in their house. David Corrado A sister Yvonne, On no date . (Quote) "Praise God bro Chuck and sis Nancy, I thank the LORD for all of you, and all of you obeying what He has called you to do. Thank you Jesus, for my brothers and sisters in God's family." (Unquote)
Page 15 Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS January 15. 2014 I bought a seven-dollar pen because I always lose pens and I got sick of not caring. Mitch Hedberg Angus-J& Eula-V. On October I S 2013. (Quote) "Blessings to you both JOHNEL & Nancy-TONI in Jesus' sweet Name! We pray that you had a safe return by Jesus' Angels from the Prophetic missionitrip. We prayed daily lifting you both up in Prayer and visualizing you taking the Staff every one-hundred miles or so, hitting the earth. We have been reviewing Father God's Word from recent newsletter, quite frequently, and literally seeing it coming to past before our eyes. The Lord Jesus by His Spirit also kept me in the watch word for a time, as well. We have been sharing Father God's Word to some brethren that was given to DANIEL. These are most serious times to put it mildly, but what is so beautiful, is JESUS CHRIST's blessed assurance in Him. We both personally have stayed before the LORD, In The Spirit of repentance. With the U.S. government shutdown, I bought the money order a week ago. With all the talk of the dollar could drop a lot, but so far for now, it's not bad. I know the day is at hand when it will lose its value. Today, Oct. 15 t ", the Philippines had a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. Everyday is bad news and getting more intensified.. The Lord thy God bless each and everyone of you, and keep you in His perfect peace. ..P.S. Looking forward to reading the report!" (Unquote)
Igot an A in philosophy because I proved that nzy professor didn't exist. Judy Tenuta (No name) On (No dat ). (Quote) "Dear Mr. & Mrs. Youngbrandt, While the US is suffering the consequences of having turned away from our great God and King, many probably complaining to the very One they have offended, though they do not know or do not believe it! Thank YHVH for His faithful servants, such as you are, as well as all on the Sword and Staff Ministry staff are, working/serving harder and more diligently then we know or appreciate, being attacked by others who call themselves Christians. May your reward and consolation be great here on earth and greater in the Kingdom of God. We are fighting the good fight of faith and watching YHVH's kind provision towards us with thankfulness, I hope fully, humbly. Please accept the small donation for ministry work. Yours in Christ." (Unquote)
Anyone who is capable ofgetting themselves made president should on no account be allowed to do the job. Douglas Adams
Page 16 Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS January 15.2014 Candice-ISABELLE On Christmas, 2013 . (Quote) "Something to share: I have been at my new job for one year, and I can't count how many have been sealed." (Unquote) Comment b y JOHNEL: Candice-ISABELLE, The Lord bless you richly for your faithfulness. My friend Winnie is a procrastinator. He didn't get his birthmark until he was eight years old. Steven Wright Dan & Carol On Christmas 2013. (Quote) "Dear JOHNEL & TONI: I am so thankful to God that you are in our lives. You may have just been looking for filler in the newsletter when you added something from Sarah Young, but after I read the newsletter, I got one of her books and my life has been changed by what God gave her to write. How many little things (and big things) have you given us to make us more like Jesus? One day we will know and we will all be able to give God glory for it. Little things are profound but big things are a blessing, and it was a big thing when you had us over for part of our celebration of Jesus' Birth. Thank you so much," (Unquote) If at all possible, you should avoid being a young person or a wheat farmer when the president starts feeling international tension. Dave Barry Mary V. On Christmas, 2013 . (Quote) "Dear Chuck & Nancy: Thank you for the blessing that your ministry has been to me this year, and the true foundation that you've given me over these years. I feel that I'm able to flow with God's will for me, in these years ahead, regardless of circumstances." (Unquote) I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it. Mitch Hedberg Rosel R. On Christmas, 2013 . (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL & Nancy-TONI, Greetings from "Paradise". Just want to acknowledge how much our Father and me, and the rest of the body of Christ that have teamed up with you, to make happen what our Heavenly Father desires. What an awesome yet extremely challenging call of God on your lives. Lastly, I have been hearing about the book of Enoch, want to get hold of a copy. Have you read it? The utmost of blessings and may the Lord Jesus keep you in perfect health." (Unquote)
Page 17 Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS January 16.2014
Repl y by Chuck-JOHNEL: Yes, I've heard of the book of Enoch and many years ago scan read it. Today my focus is on the Bible, the KJV and Amplified versions, and this is every bit all-consuming time- wise. The book ofEnoch was regarded as worthy for information but not inspired by the Spirit of God, so said saints of many centuries ago.
I called the Psychic Friends hotline. We spoke for six hours and she didn't realize that I wasn't going to pay my bill. Michael Aronin
Dorey On Christmas, 2013 . (Quote) "Dear Chuck-JOHNEL & Nancy-TONI...I am only more immensely blessed to be a part of this great work and will of God each day. Be very blessed, as I am, and I know we are each transformed in Him." (Unquote) Here's something to think about. How come you never see a headline like "Psychic Wins Lottery"? Jay Leno Chad 0. Christmas, 2013. (Quote)". . . Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Praying the daily prayers in unity and in the armor of God is really starting to manifest in this world. Beginning with our prayer work of 2012 and culminating in the daily NSA revelation "what has been hidden has been made known". The momentum is starting to turn to our favor! Praise the Lord! The early Christian community did the same thing we are doing now. Let's keep up the good work! Jesus has the victory!" (Unquote) I bet on a horse at ten-to-one. It didn't come in until half-past-fl i'e. Henny Youngman Gladys G. On (No date. (Quote)". . .1 really do appreciate you both and all the rest of those who work with you and see `In The Spiri't. It hasn't been granted to me as of yet, and since I'm 85+, it may not. However, I'm so thankful for all the Net of Prayer has done since you formed it. I'm sorry I've not sent as much as I would like to send. I hope to do better in the near future. I'm looking forward to reading your report of your trip. I enjoyed the pictures of yourself and your family." (Unquote) Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck. George Carlin
Page 18 Staff & Sword Ministry/WE GET LETTERS January 16.201.4 Leonard A. S. On Christmas, 2013. (Quote) "Hi Chuck-JOHNEL & Nancy-TONI,
"With the cold realit y of what's coming to our country, it's good to know that God can and will keep our hearts warm with His love. Your friend in Jesus." (Unquote) This greasy-spoon restaurant was so bad, on the menu there were even flies in the pictures. Richard Lewis
E-Mail from Glenn December, 25, 2013 (Quote) "...My question concerns the "when Christ shall give up the Kingdom" words under the prayer titled "TO BE AND SEE PRAYER." This wording leaves me feeling uncomfortable because of what it doesn't say, like, to the Father or maybe Israel. Maybe you have explained this before and I missed it? (Unquote) Comment b yChuck-JGHNEL: Nancy-TGNI responded to Glenn by e-mail January 6, 2014. At the time I decided not to include the Scriptures backing this as it would take more room than the prayer sheet allowed. I'm taking this opportunity to address it here to give everyone the Scriptural basis.
The heart of this prayer is: "...0 God, we hope to be present on that wondrous day when Christ shall give up the Kingdom and You shall be all in all...." The Scriptural basis for this prayer is found in I Corinthians 15: 24-28 which reads:
"Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him. And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that Go rnybe all in all." (1 Corinthians 15:24-28) In closing: My thanks and appreciation to Nanc y - TONI who edits and corrects the
letters but mostly my replies, and to Leith who transcribes the letters and finds the various quotes following each letter. God bless. End of WE GET LETTERS.