erched above Lavender Bay, Kirribilli RSL looks out across the tops of palm trees to a stunning view of Sydney Harbour. But, until recently, that’s where the opulence stopped. Here was an RSL that looked dated and basic. Thakral Holdings has totally redeveloped the site by demolishing the old building, constructing a residential development and a new club. Nettleton Tribe was the project architect for the development and SJB Interiors was engaged by Thakral to design the new club. As is typical of many RSLs, the Kirribilli Club recognised the need to attract a more diverse clientele. It was time to dispense with the clichéd stained carpets, smoky bars and octagenarian bingo brigade. Lavender Bay is hot property and has an upwardly mobile demographic of young professionals, so it was high-time to lure them and their wallets into the club. Kirribilli Agreement The venue comprises three floors: the lowest houses the conference and function room, the middle is the main entry level and the third floor has all the food and beverage. The first design issue to overcome was dealing with an entry floor that
Kirribilli RSL
The Kirribilli RSL has always had the million-dollar views, now it looks a ‘million bucks’. Text: Cat Strom
Kirribilli Club: 11 Harbour View Crescent, Lavender Bay, NSW (02) 9955 2245 or www.kirribilliclub.com.au SJB Interiors: (02) 9380 9911 or www.sjb.com.au Nettleton Tribe: (02) 9431 6431 or www.nettletontribe.com.au Total Concept Projects: (02) 9648 3444 or www.totalconceptprojects.com.au
contained little more than the front door — it was unwelcoming, to say the very least. SJB worked in collaboration with Wendy Whiteley (the widow of Brett Whiteley), to design what can only be described as a ‘feature pond’ in the foyer. The Whiteleys lived just over the bay from the RSL and Brett (and his artwork) had an affinity with the area. The main floor finish in the entry is white terrazzo, and with Wendy’s assistance SJB designed a black mosaic-tiled pond that has a massive reproduction of one of Brett’s watercolours in its base. The selected artwork is ‘Waves on the Harbour’ from 1973; a painting that looks out over the harbour from a Lavender Bay vantage point. On ascending a grand staircase (see this spread’s photo) from the lobby to the bar floor, the club oozes space. And it’s space that’s divided into three individual and diverse areas. At one end is the brightly-lit bistro, Dedes Watergrill, while in the middle section is a large stainless steel curved bar decorated with lilies and bordered by green leather banquette seating and metal screens. The third area is a cocktail lounge with chocolate brown carpet, red stripe detailing and matching brown leather banquettes with red piping hugging the length of the wall. Red velvet curtains add a touch of glamour.