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Your fortification & protection partner Vitablend develops and produces custom-made fortification and protection solutions for a wide range of applications. We advise and support our customers on the enrichment of special food products and extension of shelf life. Our extensive experience and knowledge in these areas make Vitablend the ultimate partner for the development of new or renewed solutions.

Vitablend has a strong emphasis in the

Global network and expertise

a huge worldwide network of ingredient

infant formulae, clinical nutrition, sports

Vitablend is a flexible and ambitious

suppliers and intensifies our insights in

nutrition, beverages and dairy products.

young organisation founded in 2001. Our

the relevant markets, production proces-

Knowledge of global market develop-

continuously expanding network of local

ses and legislation.

ments, product innovations, permitted

sales offices and production facilities in

claims, food production processes, inter-

Europe and Asia enable us to serve the

We are able to customise our production

action of ingredients, legislation and

Global Market and to connect you with

within a high quality environment that

quality requirements enable us to deve-

appropriate partners. In 2008 Vitablend

exceeds the demanding industry and its

lop, test and produce the most effective

joined Barentz Europe B.V., a Pan-

criteria determined by the extreme vul-

custom made antioxidants and pre-

European food ingredient supplier and

nerability of specific consumers.

mixes. That’s why we are The Centre Of

distributor founded in 1953. Cooperation

Excellence in fortification and protection.

with Barentz broadens our entrance to

” You know what you want to achieve; we know how to get there.”

Offering tailor-made solutions Based on in-depth knowledge and experience, Vitablend will always develop the most appropriate blend for you to fortify or protect your products; premixes to fortify products and antioxidant blends to extend shelf lives. Vitablend’s formulation design compe-

balanced premixes instead of single

production process, packaging and shelf

tence lies in understanding production

ingredients simplifies production proces-

life. Premixes and ingredients are tested

processes and selecting the right ingre-

ses, offers consistent quality and reduces

in our internal analytical laboratory

dients. Vitablend has extensive

stock handling costs. The starting point

to assure that they supply the correct

experience in finding synergy between

of all fortification premix developments

balance of nutrients and meet internatio-

selected ingredients so we can offer

are the nutritional claims that have to

nally recognized purity criteria.

a wide range of effective, custom-

be met after referring to local food legis-

Our easy to use antioxidant blends that

made blends with specific performance

lation requirements. Our network of

enhance the shelf life of foods are desig-


approved raw materials suppliers enables

ned in a similar way with additional

us to select the most appropriate vita-

support from our Application Laboratory

For each application we bring solutions

min, mineral, nucleotide and amino-acid

to demonstrate efficacy of any given

Fortifying food products means wor-

ingredients for premix design giving due

blend by running accelerated shelf life

king with a variety of ingredients. Using

consideration to organoleptic qualities,

and performance benchmarking studies.

” It’s all about having the right blend based on your specific product.”

Cooperating with competent and flexible teams A business relation with Vitablend means working with enthusiastic, competent people with a hands-on approach. A sharp focus on quality and flexibility is representative of the working within Vitablend. We are driven by continuous improvement and innovation of fortification and protection solutions. Vitablend was established in 2001 by

Although a young company, Vitablend

ingredient suppliers, food producers,

six entrepreneurial experts with specific

accumulates many years of experi-

market and legislation developments

technical expertise in the food indus-

ence in fortification and protection. We

worldwide and share this information

try. Today, our team consists of more

are proud of our profession and share

through our international offices.

than fifty experts who are fully dedica-

our research, production, market and

ted and committed to deliver results for

legislation knowledge within our inter-

A competent knowledge centre for you

our customers. A medium sized organisa-

national Vitablend organisation and with

Enjoying our work is high on our list of

tion means working closely together with

the Barentz Company that has exten-

priorities and we all strive to be a compe-

short lines of communication and the

sive knowledge of the food ingredients

tent knowledge centre for our customers;

capability to act quickly.

market for over 60 years. We know the

a solution providing partner for you.

� Our people are proud, representing a competent knowledge centre and aiming for the best solutions.�

Quality is a rule of life Production of food, especially baby food and clinical nutrition products has to meet stringent quality standards. These demanding standards obviously apply to all of our products. We have fully integrated these standards within our production process and keep them updated continuously. We produce blends that are used in pro-

• An automated recipe and production

ducts for very vulnerable people such as

our processes meet specific customer requirements.

young babies and people suffering from

process incorporating an integrated

diseases. This makes our production

closed barcode controlled weigh prot-

process very delicate and requires imple-

col system enabling full track and

mentation of quality standards to the


finest of details. Our hygiene zoned pro-

• We have a strict hygiene zoned

duction environment and robust operating

production environment

procedures guarantee efficacious, safe and

• We are independently ISO 22000

legal products.

We always welcome audits to ensure that

system provides a secure production

certified • We can provide Kosher and Halal

Quality is in the genes of Vitablend and

certification of our products

our people

• Finished products are analysed

• Raw materials are only positively

in-house to specific customer require-

released following analysis in our own

ments and provided with certificates

laboratories to ensure they are in line

of analysis

with internationally recognised purity

criteria • Production equipment and laboratories use the latest technology

The efficacy of antioxidant products

can be measured by accelerated techniques such as ‘Rancimat’ and ‘Oxipres’.

” Our rule of life: quality products.”

Interested? Please contact one of our offices: The Netherlands


United Kingdom



Vitablend Nederland B.V. Phone +31 561 69 18 88

Vitablend S.A.S. Phone +33 3 28 53 58 19

Vitablend Ltd. Phone +44 161 435 6007

Vitablend Deutschland Phone +49 208 8485 501

Vitablend Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. Phone +65 6832 5669 | Part of Barentz Europe B.V. |

Your fortification and protection partner Offering tailor-made solutions Cooperating with competent and flexible teams Quality is a rule of life

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