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Nettie Mitchell

Cleburne, United States

My Ancestors of Nettie Ruth Jenkins Generation No. 1 1. Nettie Ruth Jenkins1, born 10 Jan 1946 in De Queen, Arkansas1. She was the daughter of 2. James and 3. Rosa Dela Cagle. She married {1} Bural Mitchell 03 Jul 1965 in Paris, Texas. He was born 20 Cunningham, Texas. Notes for Nettie Ruth Jenkins: [Jenkins FamilyTree.ged] JENKINS FAMILY JENKINS FAMILY COMING TO AMERICA Nettie Ruth Jenkins Mitchell Adam to Nettie MY Genealogy This genealogy relies on Biblical and mythical Information along with Genealogical data. It not to be considered a Proven genealogy. 1. Adam & Eve > 2. Seth > 3. Enoch > 4. Jared > 5. Mahaleel > 6. Cainan > 7. Enoch > 8. Methuselah 8. Methuselah > 9. Lamech > 10. Noah 10. Noah > 11. Shem > 12. Arphaxad of Arrapachtis > 13. Shelah of Babylon > 14. Eber ibn Shelah > 15. Peleg > 16. Reu > 17. Serug > 16. Nahor > 17. Terah of Ur > 18. Abraham of Ur {and Sarah} 18. Abraham of Ur {and Sarah} > 19. Isaac {and Rebecca} 19. Isaac {and Rebecca} > 20. Jacob of Israel {and
