Netwealth-Good Learning Guide FY25

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FY 24/25


Welcome to the Good Learning Guide.

As a Learning and Development team, our aim is to grow and enhance your professional development journey. That learning journey is made up of experiences, developmental relationships and formal learning.

This catalogue is a collection of highly rated, vetted and recommended external courses and vendors available to you as part of our formal learning offerings

You might want or need to complete formal learning as part of a job requirement, job enhancer or as part of a development goal.

Important note:

Before signing up for courses in ELMO or reaching out to L&D, speak to your team leader or manager first and make sure that your learning aligns with your goals and your development plan.

This is not an exhaustive guide of all courses available to you but they are ones with the highest enrolments. Come have a chat to us if you would like us to investigate any particular topics.

Enjoy and happy learning! - Learning and Development team

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Each course and workshop has been graded against our L&D spice level.

Entry level courses with no prerequisites are mild.

Courses and Workshops which build on prior knowledge or learning are medium.

Courses and Workshops which need a good amount of base knowledge on a topic or have a big time or work commitment are spicy hot.


Learning Outcomes:

Data Set up

Conditional Formatting

Advanced Charting



This one-day Excel 2016 Intermediate course takes learners through techniques associated with creating better and more productive workbooks


“It was really AMAZING!!! …the structure was perfect. I left thinking the things that I would need to amend to gain more efficiency ”

Learning Outcomes:

Pivot Tables

Pivot Charts

Linking Data

Financial functions

Course provider: Dynamic Web Training

Course summary:

This is a one-day course that takes learners through advanced Excel techniques in worksheets and workbook consolidation


“Great course with good information that I apply most days of my day-to-day job. If you are after real world specific examples, you won’t get them stepped out for you, but you are able to ask questions, and they will generally alter the learning to work towards helping you understand them ”

“Go armed with real life examples of functions that you want more understanding on Great resources provided at the end of the course for future use ”




Course provider: Dynamic Web Training

Course summary:

This is a two-day Microsoft SQL course where you will learn how to use Structured Query Language Starting with simple data retrieval then moving on to use of joins, subqueries, views and stored procedures

This course assumes no prior knowledge of SQL.

Learning Outcomes:

Create, populate & manipulate databases

Retrieve data in a number of ways

Learning Outcomes:

Database design

Advanced retrieving, manipulating and analysing of data

Efficient and multiple queries


Course provider: Dynamic Web Training

Course summary:

This is a two-day Advanced SQL course which covers advanced aspects of SQL The information learnt in this course can be used in SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB and Oracle


Learning Outcomes:

Confidence in tackling most business-writing tasks

Able to apply a selection of powerful writing tools

Understand all critical business-writing concepts


Present ideas in way that helps business leaders think through critical issues and make sound decisions based on well-researched logic.

Confidently and efficiently write papers that cut through the noise, accommodate a range of thinking styles and drive business improvement

Apply a selection of powerful communication tools to ensure your board papers are clear, concise and actionable.


Course provider: Magneto

Course summary:

Get it Write will increase your confidence as a writer It’s our foundation course, teaching the essentials of high-quality business writing, including how to write faster and engage readers more.

This course is for everyone who writes at work who needs to efficiently create or edit easy-toread, high-quality documents.


“I gained a greater understanding of how to communicate in a more efficient and effective manner Simpler emails/comms may be more practical than long, detailed ones. ”


Course provider: Magneto

Course summary:

Board Paper Brilliance lasers in on writing clear, concise, readable and actionable papers for your board or leadership team.

You’ll learn how to quickly, clearly and professionally get your messages across to even the busiest people


“I enjoyed that it got technical and was not just broad statements. The presenter was also quite engaging.”

“One of the best writing / communication courses I've attended ”



Course provider: Magneto

Course summary:

Presenting with Impact teaches practical tips, techniques and insights to becoming an engaging, interactive presenter.

This session is for anyone who needs to effectively present or pitch their ideas to internal or external stakeholders

Learning Outcomes:

Confidently present and pitch your ideas, content and insights to a range of audiences

Develop your ‘engagement’ toolkit – a selection of techniques to get and keep attention

Ability to plan and structure presentations for maximum impact Leave with an outline of your own presentation.



Course provider: Swinburne

This workshop is for anyone at Netwealth wanting to increase their capacity to think intelligently about their own and others emotions to intentionally and efficiently deliver individual and outcomes.

Learning Outcomes:

Emotional Intelligence skills

Self awareness & Awareness of others


Emotional Reasoning

The Emotional Brain (Neuroscience insights)

Debriefing individual assessment reports and action planning (Genos EI Behaviour 180 Assessment)

Responding to feedback

Developing the skills of emotional intelligence

Reflection and personal action plan

The science of emotional intelligence and building a more positive workplace


Udemy is a leading online learning platform offering thousands of courses across diverse subjects, from technical skills to personal development

Team members can use Udemy to enhance their skills and knowledge when it is convenient to them.

Whether you're looking to deepen expertise in your current role, upskill into new technologies and ways of working or to explore new interests, Udemy provides flexible learning opportunities that empower you to grow professionally and personally

We have a number of Udemy licenses available across the business

Apply to go on the waitlist for access by emailing us at: udemyqueries@netwealth com au


Learning Outcomes:

Adapt your communication and leadership style to suit different people and situations

Establish a common understanding of team purpose, roles and responsibilities that meet objectives

Direct and support your team members to meet their performance targets

Develop and encourage two-way communication that has lasting impact

Delegate appropriately

Respond to challenging situations and people constructively

Develop a positive team culture and improve team dynamics

Provide feedback to correct, encourage, value, and reward team members.


Course provider: Swinburne University

Course summary:

This two-day training course will help you build confidence as you adjust to new responsibilities, expectations, and challenges.

Discover and learn more about your personal leadership and communication style, gaining a greater awareness of how to manage your team on a daily basis

Swinburne will teach you how to work effectively with others to engage and motivate your team, resolve conflict and bring out the best in those you manage.


“I had a really good experience, the workshop was open, engaging, focused on core skills and had hands on activities. Overall, the workshop was highly effective in preparing new supervisors to step into their new roles”

“I learnt a lot about myself, and I know which areas I wish to spend more time improving Providing feedback is one of them and so is delegation ”


Course summary:

This is a program for emerging leaders with no direct reports but who are recognised on the talent matrix as emerging talent.

This program is run by an external provider, Hello Consulting, who have curated and built a fourmonth program to cover topics such as Leadership Foundations, Coaching Skills, Difficult Conversation and Resilience Essential skills for team members who are working towards the next step in their career

There are three cohorts per calendar year and if you would like any of your team members nominated for the program, speak to your manager or exec

Course summary:

Ignite is a 12-month program which will give you all the tools to take off in your career. Run by Hello Consulting, it is a program built on the theory of Multipliers by Liz Wiseman.

Human Synergistics and Clarity 4D testing are done at the start to see what makes you tick and how to get the best out of you and your team

There are coaching sessions, workshops as well as self review to build on your foundations as a leader and to give us a collective language to use.

Leaders across the business are nominated by their Executive.



“I found the training incredibly valuable; I can’t say that any element of what was delivered was lacking in anyway and I am endlessly grateful for the opportunity that was provided for us to advance our skillsets and learn to work better as members of scrum teams Additionally, I have taken and passed the exam for PSM 1 so clearly the training was effective!!!”

Course provider: Magic Agile/

Course summary:

In this 2-day course students are challenged to explore the Agile and Scrum principles so they can better understand what to do when applying Scrum to support their teams and organisations.

The course uses a combination of instructor-led and activity-based learning where students work together in teams.

The result is an engaging, enjoyable learning experience where students gain a deep understanding of Scrum theory and principles, the Scrum Master account-abilities and why each element of the Scrum framework is important

Course provider: Magic Agile/

Course summary:

PSM 2 is a 2-day advanced course helping students to understand the stances that characterise an effective Scrum Master while diving deep into how they serve the Developers, Product Owner and organisation.

The course then teaches students about related practices and skills to enable them to have the right types of conversations and how to apply them to become better Scrum Masters.




"Fez was a great presenter and was both friendly and accommodating Aurelien was warm, engaging and his illustrations added depth to the content”

Course provider: Magic Agile/

Course summary:




In this two-day course, students learn to apply Professional Scrum Students work together as a team in a series of Sprints to solve complex problems, facing similar challenges that they face outside of class and learning how to use Scrum to address them.

Learn about Agility and how Scrum differs from traditional plan-driven work models. Develop an Agile mindset by focusing on professionalism, experimentation, and outcomes. Learn (or relearn) the fundamentals of Scrum and how to apply them correctly.

In this two-day course students will develop and solidify their knowledge of the Scrum framework and the accountabilities of being a Product Owner through instruction and team-based exercises

Students learn techniques that they can use to help them overcome the challenges that are often encountered on a day-today basis.

They will do this while learning better ways to work with the organisation, stakeholders, customers and their team to provide greater value in the product being delivered.



Course provider: Magic Agile/

Course summary:

The Scaled Professional Scrum (SPS) with Nexus course is designed as an activity-based workshop where students develop a collection of skills that can be applied to overcome challenges when scaling Scrum. In this two-day course, students work together in a Nexus to organize and simulate a scaled product development project

Students will develop an understanding of how to launch, structure, organize, and manage a large Agile project using Scrum They will leave the class with a toolbox of techniques for identifying and overcoming common scaling challenges



In the Professional Agile Leadership – Evidence-Based Management (PAL-EBM) one-day course, participants learn what EBM is and how to apply it through hands-on, activitybased learning

Through a series of exercises participants learn techniques that support a more agile mindset: Use empiricism to set and achieve strategic goals, managing the unknown and complexity through experimentation and by adapting goals along the way Create a cultural environment using clear goals, appropriate measures and trust to enable selfmanagement and autonomy Shift the conversation away from measuring progress purely through team performance metrics, toward a focus on customer-centricity and improving customer outcomes



Course summary:

The Core Inclusion course is designed to improve your understanding of inclusion and the principles guiding the right conditions for every individual to achieve their full potential

It provides tools to apply your knowledge to promote diversity and help make organisations more inclusive of a range of diverse communities – leading to a fairer, more inclusive society by recognising unconscious bias and discrimination in all their guises. At the conclusion of each module, you’ll find further reading and resources

There are 4 modules within the Core Inclusion suite that cover a wide range of topics These courses can be found in ELMO under Learning > Course Catalogue > Health, Safety & Wellbeing and can be completed any time.

All four modules are between 20 and 30min self-paced.


Course provider: PsychAssist

Course summary:

Becoming a Mental Health First Aider empowers individuals to make a positive difference in the lives of others, contribute to a more compassionate society, and play an active role in supporting mental health and well-being

In this two-day course you will learn how to assist adults who are developing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem or in a mental health crisis, until appropriate professional help is received, or the crisis resolves. Complete an online assessment after the course to become Accredited.

If you ’ re looking to become a Netwealth Mental Health Champion, this is the course for you Recertification is required every three years to maintain your accreditation via a Mental Health First Aid Refresher.

If you are interested in becoming a Mental Health First Aider, please speak to your Manager and reach out to


“The training is the most useful accreditation that I have done, as it is so relevant for what the world is going through and had gone through recently. This training is a great step for Netwealth to help pioneer the inclusion of this important subject in the workplace and I am proud that they are allowing a dialogue for it ”

In house coaching course offerings coming soon.

If you have any questions please reach out to learning@netwealth com au

In house Kaizen Process Improvement toolkits and training coming soon.

If you have any questions please reach out to

We hope you find this document helpful in identifying relevant learning opportunities Talk to your manager in the first instance about your professional development

If you have any questions about the course listed or need guidance on suitable courses, feel free to reach out to us. We're here to help!

To find out more about study assistance, have a look on the L&D SharePoint page for the L&D Management Standard.

The feedback noted is all real, but we have kept it anonymous. If you have any specific questions about a course, please reach out to us via email.

If you have any feedback on the Good Learning Guide, please reach out to learning@netwealth com au

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