Homes & Estates

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ALL OUR BEST In circles of affluence, the Coldwell Banker name is w idely recognized for its ability to deliver results. Wh e t h e r y o u a t t r i b u t e t h i s s u c c e s s t o o u r u n m a t c h e d r e s o u r c e s , o u r f a r- r e a c h i n g i n t e r n a t i o n a l c o n n e c t i o n s , or the discreet and uncompromising level of ser vice we provide to a VIP clientele that includes luminaries of the business, ar ts and enter tainment worlds, rest assured that no one is more dedicated to helping you r e a l i z e t h e e xc e p t i o n a l l i f e s t y l e s o v e r y f e w a t t a i n . Wi t h t h i s c o m m i t m e n t f i r m l y i n p l a c e , i t i s o u r g r e a t p l e a s u r e t o p r e s e n t t h e n e w e s t e d i t i o n o f P r e v i e w s I n t e r n a t i o n a l Ho m e s & E s t a t e s m a g a z i n e — a n e n t i c i n g s h o w c a s e o f t h e w o r l d ’s m o s t e xc i t i n g a n d m a g n i f i c e n t residences. As you leaf through each page of the finest v illas, chateaus and manor homes on the planet, we h o p e y o u’ l l s a v o r t h e e x p e r i e n c e . I n s p i r e d a r c h i t e c t u r e , l a v i s h i n t e r i o r d e s i g n s , a n d i m p o s s i b l y b e a u t i f u l n a t u r a l s e t t i n g s a l l c o m b i n e t o m a k e Ho m e s & E s t a t e s a d e l i g h t f u l f o r a y i n t o t h e w o r l d o f p r e s t i g i o u s residential properties. A s i d e f r o m t h e m a ny i l l u m i n a t i n g p r o p e r t y p o r t r a i t s p r e s e n t e d i n t h i s e d i t i o n o f Ho m e s & E s t a t e s , o u r f e a t u r e a r t i c l e e x p l o r e s t r u l y “O ve r- t h e - To p A m e n i t i e s .” Tu r n t o p a g e 4 , t o t a ke a n e xc l u s i ve a r m c h a i r t o u r o f s o m e a m a z i n g h o m e s a n d t h e u n f o r g e t t a b l e a m e n i t i e s t h a t h e l p d e f i n e t h e m a s e xc e p t i o n a l . F r o m a n aw e - i n s p i r i n g c h r o m a t h e r a p y s p a a n d g o l d - l i n e d h o t t u b t o a c o m p u t e r i z e d g o l f r o o m a n d i n - h o u s e c a s i n o, t h e s e d e t a i l s o f form, function and fancy help elevate otherwise prestigious proper ties into the ranks of the sublime. T h e p a g e s o f Ho m e s & E s t a t e s r e p r e s e n t a l l o u r b e s t — t h e m o s t p r e s t i g i o u s a d d r e s s e s , t h e m o s t e xc l u s i v e e n c l a v e s , a n d t h e f i n e s t p r o f e s s i o n a l r e p r e s e n t a t i o n a v a i l a b l e . Yo u’ v e o f t e n d r e a m e d a b o u t t h a t o n c e - i n - a lifetime home. This is your oppor tunity to go out and find it. Enjoy!

Bruce Zipf, President & Chief Executive Officer, NRT LLC


PROPERTY INDEX U N I T E D S TAT E S 4 2 T h e P r e v i e w s Pe r s p e c t i v e o f t h e No r t h e a s t e r n R e g i o n 47 Connecticut 44 Maine 43 Massachusetts 43 Ne w H a m p s h i r e 47 Ne w Yo r k 45 Rhode Island 5 2 T h e P r e v i e w s Pe r s p e c t i v e of the Easter n Seaboard Reg ion 57 District of Columbia 53, 56 Mar yland 59 Ne w Je r s e y 69, 72 Ne w Yo r k 77 Pe n n s y l v a n i a 56 Vi r g i n i a

O N T H E C OV E R : PAG E 8


OV E R- T H E - TO P- A M E N I T I E S Ho m e o w n e r s a r e a d d i n g p r e m i u m g o o d i e s t o t h e i r e s t a t e to sweeten the luxur y experience.


L E B E LV É D È R E I n B e l A i r, t h e o w n e r o f o n e e s t a t e w a n t e d m o r e r o o m t o display ar t. The result is a pièce de résistance.


S M A L L TOW N , B I G T R E E S T h e l i t t l e t o w n o f R o s s i n C a l i f o r n i a’s M a r i n C o u n t y hosts a Spanish estate that has its ow n redwood grove.


I T ’ S G O O D TO B E A L I V E A Ut a h b u i l d e r ’s Pa r k C i t y h o m e e m b r a c e s l i f e .


S E T T I N G T H E S TAG E F O R T H E AG E S T h e c ro s s ro a d s o f t wo s e re n e r i ve r s r e ve a l s a o n e - o f - a k i n d g e m t h a t e x u d e s h i s t o r y a n d t i m e l e s s e l e g a n ce .


A S TAT E LY L A N D M A R K E S TAT E Ice l a n d ’s U. S . a m b a s s a d o r i s s e l l i n g h i s h i s t o r i c Wa s h i n g t o n , D. C . , h o m e .

8 0 T h e P r e v i e w s Pe r s p e c t i v e of the Southeaster n Reg ion 85 Florida 82 Georgia 81 Te x a s 9 1 T h e P r e v i e w s Pe r s p e c t i v e of the Central Reg ion 93 Illinois 94 Michigan 100 Minnesota 97 Missouri 95 Ohio 92, 100 Wi s c o n s i n 1 0 1 T h e Pr e v i e w s Pe r s p e c t i ve o f t h e We s t e r n R e g i o n 111 California 105 Colorado 102 H aw a i i 108 Ut a h 1 1 7 T h e Pr e v i e w s Pe r s p e c t i ve o f t h e S o u t hw e s t e r n R e g i o n 126 Arizona 118 California I N T E R NAT I O NA L 22 Aruba 20 Bahamas 20 B r i t i s h We s t I n d i e s 23 Canada 21 D o m i n i c a n Re p u b l i c 26 Italy 29 Ja p a n 30 Malta 33 Me x i c o 22 Ne v i s , We s t I n d i e s 36 Singapore 39 Un i t e d A r a b E m i r a t e s

©2009 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker,® Previews® and Coldwell Banker Previews International® Are Registered Trademarks Licensed To Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned And Operated By NRT LLC.

Over-the-top Amenities By Jennifer Martin

Homeowners are piling premium goodies on their estates to sweeten the luxury experience.



WHEN WILT CHAMBERLAIN’S BEL AIR HOME was placed on the market for $10.5 million in January, prospective buyers discovered that among its amenities were a gold-lined hot tub, a swimming pool that flowed into the living room and a bedroom with a retractable, mirrored ceiling. Jerry Seinfeld’s $32 million estate in East Hampton, N.Y., comes with its own bowling alley. Donald Trump’s recently sold $95 million estate in Palm Beach, Fla., has its own beauty salon, and Candy Spelling, widow of famed Hollywood producer Aaron Spelling, has a room in her California mansion that is devoted entirely to gift wrapping.

At left, a $65 million listing in the Mandeville Canyon section of Brentwood in Los Angeles comes with its own casino room. Above, not only does this $57 million home in Florida’s exclusive Indian Creek Village feature soothing views of Biscayne Bay, it also comes with a massage room and a color- and light-infused chromatherapy spa.

The perks found in fine homes worldwide are endlessly creative as successful homebuyers discover the joys of amenities uniquely suited to their tastes. From chandelier collections to diamond-studded billiard tables, buyers find much to adorn their abodes and delight their friends. In spite of the economy, the trend doesn’t seem to be cooling, which is good news for creative and hard-working entrepreneurs who can deliver the bling with style. Homes recently listed on the MLS database carried features such as a casino, a computerized golf room and an

aerated trout pond. A home in Hawaii has a guesthouse with its own address; another in Florida contains a massage salon and chromatherapy spa—a whirlpool designed to relax the occupant with soothing, colorful light shows. Additions such as these can serve a functional purpose of entertaining prospective business clients whose partnerships can strengthen a company or corporation. They also can serve a personal need to escape from everyday life and recharge the mind…a potentially vital form of therapy in today’s stressful



Over-the-top Amenities

Long Drives A $12 million listing in Gilford, N.H., offers its own computerized golf room. Michael Dunlap Studio creates 24-karat gold automobile sculptures such as this one of the Penske/G-Force Indy car driven by Gil de Ferran when he won the 2003 Indy 500. Prices range from $50,000 to more than $100,000.



business environment. Some of these extras match the hobbies or interests of the buyers. If you love the ocean and have a yacht, check out SEAmagine Hydrospace Corporation. The company sells personal submersibles that hold two to three people and descend to depths of up to 3,000 feet. All are designed to accept sophisticated undersea equipment, such as robotic manipulators and high-definition cameras for those who want to snap pictures of colorful fish and flora. Back on land, Audio Advisors, a company based in West Palm Beach, Fla., builds personalized media rooms. The company once constructed a home theater for a client that resembled the spaceship from “Star Trek” with touch-screen displays a la the starship “Enterprise,” motion-activated airlock doors, a bar with futuristic furniture and “windows” with faux outer-space scenes. The theater itself contained eight computer servers with 3,816 DVDs. In an interview with, Audio Advisors president Jeff Hoover described it as “the largest hard-drive-based storage system that I’ve ever heard of in a residential installation.” The theater’s “red-alert” lights and blaring klaxon “scares the pants off guests,” Hoover added with a laugh. For the hot-rod hobbyist, Michael Dunlap Studio creates automobile sculptures in 24-karat gold, from stock cars and Indy 500 speedsters. For lawn and garden aficionados, HydroPoint Data Systems, Inc., has designed WeatherTRAK, a “smart” irrigation system that determines exactly how much water to deliver to your property by evaluating soil type, local weather conditions and yard slope. For those who enjoy gadgets in general, the choices for technoamenities in 2009 are vast. One music lover in Belgium requested a custom speaker system by the high-end audio firm Kharma International, based in the Netherlands. Kharma built it for him, for a price tag of a cool $1 million. The company has said little about the product’s technical specifications, but the sleek, wood-framed speakers are as much a style statement as a technological toy. They are believed to be the most expensive set of speakers ever built in the world. At the lower end of the spectrum—only $12,000—Qsonix has

If your kids are your cup of tea, parents can find inventive furniture from many sources. There’s the La Belle Au Bois coach, a fairy-tale bed offered by Starting at $75,000, the hand-crafted bed is fashioned in cherry and oak to resemble a life-sized Cinderella carriage, with a flower-petal canopy.

produced a 1950s-style jukebox that is more sophisticated than it appears. The QJB110 can store up to 9,000 CDs on its 500GB hard drive and can connect to the Internet. The enclosure of solid walnut and diecast metal contains a 360-watt amplifier, speakers, a subwoofer and other modern audio features. More of a video-phile? Sony has developed the industry’s first OLED (organic light emitting diode) TV, with a 3 mm panel that intensifies brightness and enhances color purity. The television contains carbon-based, organic pixels that individually emit light and consume less power than traditional TV sets. The product is available now for $2,500. If your kids are your cup of tea, parents can find inventive furniture from many sources. There’s the La Belle Au Bois coach, a fairytale bed offered by Starting at $75,000, the hand-crafted bed is fashioned in cherry and oak to resemble a life-sized Cinderella carriage, with a flower-petal canopy. Other companies offer elaborate backyard amenities for playtime. Canada-based Waterplay Manufacturing Inc. lets you design your own water park with components ranging from spitting “giraffes” to spiraling spray tunnels. Costs range from under $50,000 to more than $150,000. Then there are the perks for pets. For the discerning dog, offers “Beverly Hills” designer beds for $1,500 (a monogram is $30 extra). Got a finicky feline? Try the Solo, a padded cat bed with a cozy surrounding of handblown glass, for $2,400 ( Of course, there’s nothing quite like having elements of your personality woven into an entire house. One homeowner in Redington Beach, Florida, who was inspired by a lifelong desire to live on a houseboat, planned a custom home with nautical elements such as steel boat door handles, wraparound water views and even a few porthole windows. Guests can watch an undersea mural glide by as they ride the interior elevator. A compass is designed into the Brazilian wood floors of the foyer. The tastefully decorated home recently listed with Coldwell Banker for $1.4 million. “The owner just got married, and she and her husband are moving on to other interests,” said Realtor Arlene Fuino. “They may even be re-designing other homes in the area.”

Defy Gravity Alter G produces the G-Trainer Anti-Gravity Treadmill for $75,000. Runners experience the sensation of reduced body weight while the machine distributes force uniformly across the lower body.



Le Belvédère In Bel Air, the owner of one estate wanted more room to display art. The result is a pièce de résistance. By Camilla McLaughlin Photos by David O. Marlow

An International Masterpiece Exquisite craftsmanship and detailing are found throughout this estate, including the grand entry hall.




A Resort Unto Itself An infinity pool—with 280-degree view of the city skyline—is a magnificent focal point of Le Belvédère’s 2.2 lush acres, complete with eight rose gardens, seven fountains and a swan pond.

SET BEHIND PRIVATE GATES on the most prestigious street in Bel Air, Calif., this French-inspired chateau reveals a carefully chosen location in the hills above West Los Angeles. Designed, decorated and built by renowned real estate developer Mohamed Hadid, Le Belvédère features all of the security and convenience of today’s most up-to-date technology in an opulent setting that rivals the grand palaces of Europe. “Despite its grandeur, Hadid designed this property to be a comfortable home: inviting, warm, private and spectacularly beautiful,” says Joyce Rey of Coldwell Banker Previews International®, who shares the $85 million listing with Stacy Gottula. “From its exquisite design and master craftsmanship to its elegant blend of Old World Europe and Middle Eastern styles, this property is truly an international masterpiece.” Embraced by a massive, hand-chiseled, Jerusalem stone wall covered in lush greenery, the 48,000-square-foot main residence

C A L I F O R N I A M OV E S . C O M


Elegant, State-of-the-Art and Complete Seemingly endless amenities enhance this 48,000-square-foot estate, from a stunning gourmet kitchen with custom cabinetry to a spa-like master bath to an opulent 60-seat screening room.

welcomes visitors inside with a palatial entry and the foyer’s 130-foot long galleria. From the kitchen, the main living area opens into a 3,000square-foot space that invites conversation and celebration. The 10 bedrooms encompass three master suites, including an elegant and impressive private suite with a walk-in closet that can hold more than a thousand pairs of shoes. Unique rooms throughout the home ignite the imagination: a Turkish-style spa with floor-to-ceiling iridescent Moroccan tiles, an authentic Moroccan room, a 60-seat screening room inspired by the opera houses of France and Russia, a formal 22-seat dining room and a grand 200-seat ballroom with its own kitchen and bar. For more intimate dining, the 5,000-bottle wine cellar transports owners and guests into another time and place. Beyond the main residence, there is a secure 20-car motor court, garage facilities, eight rose gardens, seven fountains, park-like gardens, a swan pond and an infinity pool in the backyard. The materials, fixtures and finishes found throughout Le Belvédère reflect historic and cultural beauty. Antiques and rare art objects enhance every surface. Leather ceilings in the office, music room, library and card room beckon to years past. Beneath a brick dome ceiling, the hand-carved kitchen cabinetry is reminiscent of a country villa. Imported marble and wood mantelpieces crown the 14 fireplaces. Hardwood floors of American walnut and three types of premium Bavarian wood are hand-honed and beveled into Casablanca, Versailles and Brittany-style patterns. “Le Belvédère is a magical place that exudes romance,” adds Gottula of the 2.2-acre property. “From the moment you step inside this home, you will feel like you are in another world.” This home is available by appointment to pre-qualified clients only. For more information, log onto Joyce Rey can be reached at 310.285.7529 and Stacy Gottula can be reached at 310.281.4365.

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Small Town, Big Trees. The little town of Ross in Marin County hosts a Spanish estate that has its own redwood grove. By Ken Weingartner

By Ken Weingartner The town of Ross celebrated its centennial last year and longtime residents of the Northern California hamlet are happy to say not much has changed over the past hundred years. The area traces its origin to the Gold Rush era of the mid-1800s, after which it became a favored summer retreat of San Francisco-area residents. There are fewer than 2,400 residents and 825 homes in the 1.6-square-mile town, where locals meet daily at the post office while picking up their mail.

Comfortably Large With 10,000 square feet of space and more than 2 acres of land, this Northern California estate offers plenty of room to entertain both indoors and out.

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Here, amid the rolling hills of Marin County, some 15 miles north of San Francisco, is a property as unique as the town in which it is located—a 10,000-square-foot Spanish estate situated on more than two acres of level land. Constructed in 1933 as a 3,000-square-foot haciendastyle unit, the home was extensively rebuilt and expanded in 1997 while retaining numerous aspects of its original character. “The house is magnificent and the town is every bit as important,” says broker John McGeough of Coldwell Banker Previews International in Greenbrae, Calif., who has the listing for the 7 Laurel Grove property. “It’s a bucolic town with larger estate-type properties. It’s very well known for its good schools, safe environment and charm.” Ross is routinely one of the top 10 most expensive ZIP codes in the U.S., according to Forbes, and the most expensive in Northern California. The town is home to the Marin Art and Garden Center, a spectacular 11-acre property that features numerous gardens and hosts cultural and educational programs. Notable features of the home, which is listed for $15 million, include a large foyer with a sweeping passage into the main living areas, beamed ceilings, stone fireplaces and imported walnut floors. Multiple French doors from the family room lead to four distinctive outdoor areas. The kitchens and bathrooms feature hand-painted tiles. There also is a

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Stylish Living Wood, stone and tile features combine to lend warmth to the home while numerous French doors provide natural light and views to an expansive lawn and lush landscape—all just 20 minutes from San Francisco.

“It’s a very dramatic entrance,” says McGeough. “It’s big, but it doesn’t feel overwhelming. It’s very comfortable. It has probably the best in-home gym I’ve seen with all the best equipment. I don’t know if I could count all the French doors; they are a huge component in creating a feeling of openness. But the house is extremely secure.”

and state-of-the-art sound system wired throughout the indoor and outdoor spaces, a state-of-the-art security system and a home gym with adjoining spa room. “It’s a very dramatic entrance,” says McGeough. “It’s big, but it doesn’t feel overwhelming. It’s very comfortable. It has probably the best in-home gym I’ve seen with all the best equipment. I don’t know if I could count all the French doors; they are a huge component in creating a feeling of openness. But the house is extremely secure.” The living spaces include five bedrooms and a large home office/recreation room. The master-bedroom suite includes a spacious sitting area, two walk-in closets and a large bathroom. Outdoors is an in-ground pool, full-size professional tennis court, a redwood grove and flat lawn. There is an outdoor covered patio with fireplace, ideal for entertaining, plus a two-bedroom guest cottage with private garden and two-car garage. “When you get a large flat lawn like this in Marin County, it’s very unusual,” says McGeough. “The pool and big lawn are on one side of the house and then on the other side is this gorgeous redwood grove. It’s like having your own private Muir Woods.”

Contact John McGeough, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, 415.461.3220,

C A L I F O R N I A M OV E S . C O M 13

‘It’s Good To Be Alive’ A Utah builder’s Park City home embraces life.

By Mark Moffa

Tough Terrain Builder Jeff Jacobson faced a steep slope for his design of 3874 Solamere Drive. The site’s topography proved to be a challenge and a blessing.

Imagine. You wake in your Park City, Utah, home to two feet of fresh powder. You brew your morning cup of coffee, and saunter over to your hexagonal hearth room with its see-through fireplace, floor-to-ceiling glass and exposed beams. You try to watch the morning news, but you can’t focus. You are too distracted by the glimpse of the sun over the horizon. Your view includes all three of Park City’s ski resorts. The Canyons is straight ahead. Park City and the apex of Deer Valley are to the left. “It’s good to be alive. That’s the feel you have in this room,” says Jeff Jacobson of Jacobson Development. He should know. He designed and built this $3.995 million masterpiece. Jacobson’s journey to become a successful builder began as he was obtaining degrees in chemistry and German at the University of Mississippi. The construction jobs that occupied his summers, combined with his sharpening analytical skills turned out to be a perfect formula (an MBA in finance and management from Marymount University in Washington, D.C. came later). Building homes, he says, is a marriage between the objective and the subjective. “It’s the mathematics of finite spaces combined with the subjectivity and creativity of an art form.” A part-time job rehabbing fixer-uppers, led to a construction loan to start his own company. “Approximately 300 homes later, here I am.” Jacobson, 48, says he pays particular attention to the ergonomics in a house. He has devoted his life to fixing a flaw he notices in many homes. “A lot of times use of space doesn’t make sense. The home needs to make sense. I design every home from a 365/24 mindset to make sense.” He says 6 inches here or 1 foot there can make all the difference in the livability of a space.

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Perfectly Framed Views Jacobson’s design took care to develop amazing sightliness to all three of Park City’s resorts. A plethora of large windows with wood trim make for picture-perfect framing of Mother’s Nature’s works of art.

“You kind of have a sixth sense, what works and what doesn’t work.” When he saw a 0.42-acre lot at an elevation of 7,300 feet on Solamere Drive, he knew what would work. And he knew it would work amazingly well. He tackled the downhill slope of the lot and took the height restrictions in stride, knowing he would have to stair-step the house and that this would mean added costs for excavation, moving dirt and establishing the foundation. The end result is a 7,585-square-foot heavenly body with ceiling heights of more than 11 feet (25 feet in the great room) and an open floor plan that allows for great flow. It works whether you are just living there day-to-day or hosting 125 people for Sundance. This home is typical of the modern genre of luxury homes in that it features a massive kitchen that flows to the dining room, which flows to the great room. “You’re able to communicate to all of these spaces almost simultaneously,” Jacobson says. Also typical for a new home in this area is the style—it is the contemporary mountain style. “Post-and-beam or timber-frame accents are in many cases structural elements integrated into the design, so that not only is it part of the structure, but it’s part of the aesthetic appeal.” But “typical” is not a fair word for this home.

“The kitchen is second to none,” Jacobson says. He’s referring to the high-end finishes, 3.5-inch granite, massive Sub-Zero fridge, eight-burner stove, two dishwashers, copper farmer and vegetable sinks, wine storage and 12-by-14-foot walk-in pantry. Another one of Jacobson’s prides is the master bath. The commercialgrade steam shower with 12 body sprays is a bragging point. “You could literally have a car wash in this room,” he says. Although that doesn’t mean the space is not romantic. As Jacobson keeps his eye on the goal of “livability,” here he achieves both practicality and intimacy. “The bathroom becomes inherently sexual,” he admits. Function and comfort continue to come together throughout the six-bedroom, seven-bath home. From the seven zero-clearance natural gas fireplaces to the home theater with its 123-inch screen, and from the soundproof exercise room to the poker, billiards and pub area, it’s impossible not be happy about life at 3874 Solamere Drive. Andrea Damiano, an interior designer and the owner of Sticks and Stones, staged this home. Contact Kristina Pluta, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage 801.467.9000, 801.950.3999,

U TA H H O M E S . C O M 15

Extraordinary Space Located on a ridge, Millstream Manor offers 10,000 square feet of magnificent living space, ideal for grand-scale entertaining.

Setting the Stage for the Ages The crossroads of two serene rivers reveals a one-of-a-kind gem that exudes history and timeless elegance. By Robert Burke

Beautiful Grounds A wonderful variety of plantings, trees, outbuildings and quiet spaces perfect for rest and reflection are found throughout almost 5 acres.

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As a boy in Connecticut in the late 1800s, Winchell Smith used to pitch his tent on the ridge overlooking the Farmington River. He would read of the Tunxis Indians who used to inhabit the Indian Neck area of Farmington, and dreamed of building his house there so he always could be beside the river’s majectic waters. Smith would go on to become an accomplished playwright and director—known for plays such as “The Fortune Hunter” and “Lightnin,’” among others. And from 1915 to 1917, Millstream Manor was constructed for him in almost the exact spot in which he pitched his tent. The manor is unmatched in charm and grandeur, a residential marvel first designed by Hartford-area architect Edward T. Hapgood on approximately 5 acres along the the Farmington and Pequabuck rivers. “The architecture of the house is not over-the-top,” says Nuala Griffin of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, who shares the listing with Chuck Cusson. Character is equally noted by the unique but simple iron gates, designed by Stanford

Indoor and Outdoor Space Delightfully Mingles Elegant interior spaces welcome stunning views of the grounds. The sun-drenched solarium boasts a handpainted ceiling of a sky scape and French doors that open to the spacious patio area.

White of McKim, Mead and White, that front the estate. The same gates once stood at the entrance of the Lamb’s Club in New York City, the nation’s first professional theatrical club, frequented by some of the industry’s greats— Fred Astaire, Irving Berlin and W.C. Fields, to name a few. The gates were removed from the Lamb’s Club entrance to avoid congestion in the area. Smith, a member of the club, decided to purchase the gates, placing them at the end of the drive, creating an elegant lead-in to an estate that now continues its journey through history. For Rod and Christina Fazzone, it wasn’t necessarily the history or the cultural fame that surrounds the residence, but rather the allure of the estate’s riverfront setting that prompted their purchase in 1977. “It’s hard to find a property this size on the Farmington River,” shares Christina Fazzone. Millstream Manor rests less than 10 minutes from downtown Hartford, near museums and restaurants, offering comfort and convenience at arm’s length. “The charm, elegance and detail inside and out of this house attracted me,” she says. An original boathouse rests on the east bank of the river and is ideal for launching canoes or kayaks. At the grand entrance, visitors are greeted by a columned portico that leads to the foyer garnished with silk damask upholstered walls. With its 10,000 square feet, Millstream Manor carries a history of greatness and elegance. The library beckons the early days of the estate’s construction and features original hand-crafted wood, raised panel walls with concealed doors, an original stone fireplace and French doors. The kitchen was upgraded and remodeled to feature Viking appliances and granite countertops,

Winchell Smith was known as a generous man, and in several instances reportedly paid the entire college tuition and living expenses for young men of poor parents. but still retains the original charm through the warmth of the custom cherry cabinetry. “The intriguing molding, Wedgwood insets and grand proportions of the interior make this house a comfortable home,” says Griffin. Plaster molding in the living and dining rooms are enhanced by eloquent 24-karat gold and silver leafing. The addition of the pool house in 1990 brought 1,900 square feet of space with wireless computer access and satellite TV, but remains true to the appeal of the main house through its brick exterior, interior plaster walls and large wood-burning fireplace. Listed at $4,995,000, “It’s an absolute lifestyle property,” says Chuck Cusson. “You have everything at your fingertips. It’s really a resort unto itself.” Contact Nuala Griffin and Chuck Cusson, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage 860.559.7769, 860.803.7317,

C O L DW E L L B A N K E R M OV E S . C O M 17

A Stately Landmark Estate By Sarah Binder

Iceland’s U.S. ambassador is selling his historic Washington, D.C., home.

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NEW YORK CITY HAS THE UPPER EAST SIDE; Boston has Beacon Hill. In Washington, D.C., Kalorama’s prestigious addresses have long served as home to notable historic figures such as Herbert Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and several of today’s most influential political players, including Senator Ted Kennedy. 2443 Kalorama Road is no exception. An ambassador to the United States from Iceland purchased the house in 1965 and Iceland has owned it ever since, says Chris Wisner, a Realtor with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage’s Georgetown office who is co-listing the storied residence with Cindi Williams. Prior to relocating to the residence from New York City this winter, Mr. Hjálmar W. Hannesson, Iceland’s ambassador to the United States, and his wife, Mrs. Anna Birgis Hannesson, were guests of the residence numerous times, Mrs. Hannesson says. “Over the years, previous ambassadors have hosted numerous State and cultural events in the

An Historic Past Located in prestigious Kalorama Heights, this residence has been owned by the country of Iceland since 1965.

the house, including lunches, dinners, receptions, concerts, et cetera. In addition, the Icelandic Society has hosted some events at the house,” Mrs. Hannesson says. Built in 1928, the Tudor-esque home easily can handle parties of 250 people, says Wisner, with a grand living room, his-and-her first-floor bathrooms, a four-car garage with additional private parking and a fireside dining room that can seat up to 35 people. And while the 11-bedroom home proudly displays its loyalty to Iceland—every piece of art in the house is by an Icelandic artist, according to Mrs. Hannesson—the residence’s historic legacy reaches across continents. According to Wisner, well-spoken and influential Madame Chiang Kai-shek, first lady of the Republic of China and close personal friend of Eleanor Roosevelt, once lived in the residence. For the prospective buyer searching for a family-friendly home, the approximately 9,500-square-foot house boasts many features beyond stately formal entertaining spaces. The private residence rooms are upstairs, providing a quiet respite from the hustle and bustle below. “My husband and I love the family library on the second floor; it has a wood-burning fireplace and wood paneling and is very cozy,” Mrs. Hannesson says. Extra room for staff—a couple live-in staff members currently assist the ambassador and his wife with the home’s upkeep—ensures additional comfort for the future owners. In order to update the historic property for modern everyday living, a renovation was completed in 1997, upgrading or replacing the home’s infrastructure, mechanical and electrical systems. “I believe at that time approximately $1 million was invested back into the property,” Mrs. Hannesson says. The landmark house is on the market today for $5.65 million.

“Over the years, previous ambassadors have hosted numerous State and cultural events in the house, including lunches, dinners, receptions, concerts, et cetera. In addition, the Icelandic Society has hosted some events at the house,” Mrs. Hannesson says.

Outdoors, the terraced backyard requires little to no maintenance and the heated in-ground pool, which overlooks Rock Creek Park, is one of the few in the neighborhood. In the past, says Wisner, the prestigious residence has opened its doors to the community through home shows and a walking tour organized by Kalorama Heights. This is “one of the most prestigious neighborhoods in the close-in Washington, D.C., area,” Wisner says. “We’re dealing with a house that has a long pedigree on a street that has an even longer pedigree.”

Contact Chris Wisner and Cindi Williams, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage 202.256.7916, 202.253.5758,

C B M OV E . C O M 19

CARIBBEAN V I R G I N G O R D A , B . V. I . NEW LEVEL IN BEACHFRONT LUXURY—This sixbedroom custom home has been built to exceptional standards and is one of the finest luxury homes currently available in the Caribbean. The standard of construction, choice of materials and beachfront location are second-to-none. Enjoy marble countertops, andiroba vaulted ceilings, mahogany wood floors and imported stone. Offered at $11,000,000. CHRIS SMITH COLDWELL BANKER JAMES SARLES REALTY 284.495.3000

G R A N D B A H A M A I S L A N D, B A H A M A S THE SEAVIEW AT PRINCESS ISLES—This magnificent beachfront estate is located on Princess Isle, a private gated beach community on Grand Bahama Island, just 90 miles from Miami. Elegantly designed, this home boasts five bedrooms, five baths, a three-car garage and a 100-foot boat slip. Listing #1010. Offered at $5,800,000. JAMES SARLES COLDWELL BANKER JAMES SARLES REALTY 242.351.9081

G R A N D B A H A M A I S L A N D, B A H A M A S GRAND LUCAYAN WATERWAY HOME—This spectacular four-bedroom, four-bath home and guesthouse offers unbelievable views of the waterway from every vantage point. Located in serene Colony Bay, enjoy more than 7,000 square feet, tropical landscaping, a dock and an infinity pool. Listing #1012. Offered at $1,575,000. JAMES SARLES COLDWELL BANKER JAMES SARLES REALTY 242.351.9081

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CARIBBEAN V I R G I N G O R D A , B . V. I . This stunning, newly built three-bedroom villa offers a pool with views of Soper’s Hole, Little Thatch and St. Thomas. Recently completed, this is a perfect vacation retreat in one of the British Virgin Islands’ most exclusive estates. The residence was designed and built with absolutely no expense spared. Offered at $3,000,000. CHRIS SMITH COLDWELL BANKER BVI 285.495.3000

N ORTH C OAST, D OMINICAN R EPUBLIC PARADISE FOUND—On the North Coast of the Dominican Republic, enjoy excellent beachfront villas and beachfront lots. The resorts take care of all of your needs and the breeze always comes in from the east. Beyond the coast, enjoy the exotic and unspoiled nature of this beautiful island. JENS-UWE PYDDE COLDWELL BANKER NORTH COAST 001.809.571.2324 001.809.861.0079

C APCANA, D OMINICAN R EPUBLIC PUNTA CAYUCO—Enjoy complete luxury in this spacious 13,770-square-foot villa. Each bedroom comes with its own bath and walk-in closet, and the villa offers a large family room, living room, deck terrace, two kitchens, a gazebo, pool, Jacuzzi, solarium, two service bedrooms, service and laundry area and a garage. Two Jack Nicklaus golf courses, shopping and dining surround this wonderful location. Offered at $3,900,000. MANUEL OLIVO COLDWELL BANKER DOMINICANA 809.301.7093

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CARIBBEAN M ALMOK, A RUBA Built in 2005, this villa is located right on the ocean, providing unmatched luxury. A European kitchen, dining room and living room offer magnificent views of the ocean, while an open, spacious layout complements the Caribbean lifestyle. Enjoy three en suite bedrooms with ample closet space and a master bedroom featuring a walkout to the oceanfront terrace. A guest apartment rests next to the residence. The home is close to the Tierra del Sol Golf Course. Offered at $1,899,000. GEA SOUGÉ-MEIJER COLDWELL BANKER ARUBA REALTY 297.588.7781 297.594.4250

T IERRA DEL S OL, A RUBA This five-bedroom, five-bath luxury estate is located in the gated community of Tierra del Sol, which enjoys a famous 18-hole Robert Trent Jones golf course. This mansion has it all, from 13-foot-high ceilings to a home theater, gourmet kitchen, marble floors, a three-car garage and a resort-style pool. The estate was built on a .25-acre lot and offers spectacular ocean and island views. Offered at $6,500,000. GEA SOUGÉ-MEIJER COLDWELL BANKER ARUBA REALTY 297.588.7781 297.594.4250

NEVIS, WEST INDIES Mango Breeze is situated in the tranquil and luxurious community of Fern Hill. The residence offers panoramic views of the Caribbean Sea, Nevis Peak and the sister island of St. Kitts. Mango Breeze is being sold fully furnished with all the modern appliances to fulfill the needs of your lifestyle. Offered at $1,900,000. WAYNE TYSON COLDWELL BANKER ST. KITTS - NEVIS REALTY 869.662.1120

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KELOWNA, BRITISH COLUMBIA—Enjoy the matchless detail and quality that is found at this 8,174-square-foot home, complete with a salt-water pool, outdoor cabana and multiple detached shops. This estate offers the finest horse facilities, including both an indoor and outdoor riding ring, an Olympic-style grass jumping ring, a 32-stall barn and a secondary residence. This private oasis is just minutes to amenities. Offered at $6,998,000 CDN, $5,787,918 US. JANE HOFFMAN COLDWELL BANKER HORIZON REALTY 250.860.7500

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KELOWNA, BRITISH COLUMBIA—A sleek dynamic interior highlights this 7,200-square-foot home. Extensive glass, a wine cave, an elevator, a vanishing-edge pool with waterfall, a gourmet kitchen fitted with cutting-edge appliances and a deep-water dock just begin the list of fine features found at this offering. Offered at $6,950,000 CDN, $5,748,497 US.


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KELOWNA, BRITISH COLUMBIA—With its breathtaking panoramic lake views and exquisite attention to detail, this architecturally designed, striking estate is the essence of timeless design. This 9-plus-acre site includes an approximately 4,000-square-foot garage, a guesthouse and a pool. This estate is a successful blend of view, location, quality and privacy. Offered at $6,998,000 CDN, $5,787,918 US.


GRAVENHURST, ONTARIO—The award winner for 2007 by the Ontario Home Builders Association, this truly magnificent, superbly crafted, full-log home features an open-concept living area with 4,100-plus square feet of luxury. Enjoy a southwest panoramic view, a two-story, double-slip boathouse and extensive use of stone. Offered at $3,600,000 CDN, $2,977,638 US.


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VILLA DELLE ROSE—Located in San Lorenzo a Vaccoli, Lucca. This enchanting and unique estate is situated just outside the historical, calm and fascinating town of Lucca. This villa is immersed in a 10,000-square-meter park with olive and cypress trees and roses—features that create the perfect privacy for the property and its owners. The residence is made up of a main house that rests on two levels, a guesthouse and a swimming pool. The estate has been exceptionally maintained and is in perfect condition. Offered at €4,000,000. PATRIZIA COMELLO COLDWELL BANKER ITALY + +39.335.73.53.736

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ESTATE IN SOUTH SIENA—This splendid estate located in the area southeast of Siena is set on 2 hectares of land with 360-degree views. This estate consists of a main villa of approximately 600 square meters and was originally built between the 13th and 18th centuries. There are three annexes for a total of 250 square meters and the offering permits for additional outbuildings, up to 120 square meters. The main villa has been recently restored by the present owners to a luxurious level with high-quality materials and fixtures, while the annexes need to be restored. Offered at ₏2,695,000.


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I TA LY L U C C A , I TA LY This authentic Tuscan villa is set among 5 hectares of olive groves with spectacular views of the town and countryside. Dating back to the 15th century, this home was made from local stone and rests on three floors. Lovingly restored, this residence offers around 8,000 square meters of landscaped gardens. A partially restored hay barn on two floors can be finished for guest accommodations. Offered at €6,000,000. PATRIZIA COMELLO COLDWELL BANKER ITALY + +39.335.73.53.736

F LO R E N C E , I TA LY This ancient, 16th-century convent was carefully restored with original Tuscan features, including stone floors, vaulted and wood-beamed ceilings and ancient wood doors. South-facing, enjoy incredible views of Florentine hills and olive trees. The original iron gate of this residence opens to a country lane lined with cypress trees and olive groves. Offered at €4,600,000. PATRIZIA COMELLO COLDWELL BANKER ITALY + +39.335.73.53.736

F LO R E N C E , I TA LY This 180-square-meter apartment rests in a 15th-century palazzo in Florence, which has been recently restored as a private residence. All features have been restored to create a stunning combination of modern living in a historical building. Enjoy an entrance hall and a large kitchen/dining room in this one-bedroom residence, with decorated ceilings, a bath, guest bath and laundry. Offered at €2,450,000. PATRIZIA COMELLO COLDWELL BANKER ITALY + +39.335.73.53.736

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TOKYO—This luxurious two-bedroom condominium is located in Shibuya, which is known as one of Tokyo’s colorful shopping and entertainment districts. Each floor has four corner units ensuring privacy and maximum floor space. The centerpiece of this condominium is the open-plan layout that offers a spacious living and dining area with a balcony. The area is a cozy room with beige draperies, tailored sofas, high ceilings, a home theater and an entertainment set with a 42-inch plasma-screen TV. The kitchen has stainless-steel cabinets with contrasting wood flooring and ceiling. The condominium is accented with soft lighting and fully furnished with antiques and Italian Cassina furniture. Offered at $1,950,000. ATOMIC ASSETS ADVISORS, COLDWELL BANKER BACHO BRANCH 81.3.5428.8535

TOKYO—This offering is located in the metropolitan neighborhood of Aoyama, a 10-minute walk from the fashionable Omotesando Street lined with boutiques, interior decorating shops and cafes. This fifth-floor, one-bedroom condominium features floor lighting that guides you from the entrance to the living and dining area. An open floor plan allows you the freedom to arrange the living and dining area. Dimmer switches control lighting throughout the day. The bedrooms have soothing beige-colored plush carpeting and walls that contrast the dark wooden closets. Recessed ceiling lights diffuse light around the room for a spacious feeling. The condo also offers storage space, heated flooring, stainless-steel fixtures, a built-in oven range, a ceramic-glass hybrid induction cooktop and paid parking. Offered at $1,000,000. AC REALTY, COLDWELL BANKER AOYAMA GAIENMAE BRANCH 81.3.5428.8535

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ZURRIEQ, MALTA—Bubaqra Tower is an imposing, honey-colored, limestone castle built in 1579 for the knights of Malta, commanding panoramic views of the island and the Mediterranean sea. Its dramatic medieval architecture and secluded Romanesque swimming pool set amid 5 acres of secluded grounds, make it a truly a unique historical property to own. Enjoy five bedrooms, ample living space, and 5 acres of gardens. $6,000,000. GEOFFREY CIANTAR, COLDWELL BANKER MALTA 00356.239.2200

PORTOMASO, MALTA—Luxuriously furnished three-bedroom, three-bath apartment, forming part of the exclusive Portomaso Marina complex in picturesque St. Julians, overlooking spectacular views of the marina and the Mediterranean. Enjoy a large lounge, spacious terraces, a walk-in wardrobe, a laundry room, a one-car parking space and many extras. $1,250,000.


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M A LTA B A H R I J A , M A LTA This magnificent, rural farmhouse, originally built in the 1600s, was meticulously restored to include all luxuries, whilst preserving its authentic stonework and charming features— including a natural rock cave and rubble walls. Designed as a resort-style, private hideaway, this gem of a property includes five bedrooms and five baths and has an abundance of outdoor entertainment space with more than 3,000 square meters of landscaped gardens and a pool area. A one-off! $5,400,000. ANDREW GATT, COLDWELL BANKER MALTA 00356.2730.2730

S A N P AW L T AT - T A R G A , M A LTA Fully detached bungalow set on more than 5,000 square meters of land, passionately built and finished. An internal garden full of Maltese trees gives the house a lovely country feel, and allows ample natural light to enter all rooms. This three-bedroom, three-bath home offers ample living areas facing the gardens, pool, barbecue and entertainment area. Also included is a fullsize basketball court and permits for a tennis court. A touch of class, to say the least. $5,200,000. MARK GAUCI, COLDWELL BANKER MALTA 00356.2759.2759

B A L Z A N , M A LTA This impressive five-bedroom, three-bath villa with many quality features and a generous accommodation, including a study, formal lounge/dining, guest toilet, kitchen/dining, sitting room, box room and a laundry room on the roof level. Enjoy surrounding gardens, a two-car garage, separate flatlet, outdoor swimming pool, barbecue area and ample space for entertaining. $4,400,000 GRAZIELLA VELLA, COLDWELL BANKER MALTA 00356.2747.4747

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M A LTA M E L L I E H A , M A LTA This top-of-the-range detached bungalow, enjoying sea and valley views, was finished to the highest standards. Bright accommodations offer extensive living areas, four bedrooms, three baths, a library and a study room. Outside facilities include a swimming pool, deck area, patios, terraces, a garage and surrounding gardens. Fully furnished and equipped, this is a home to be proud of. $2,600,000. ANDREW GATT, COLDWELL BANKER MALTA 00356.2730.2730

M A R S A S C A L A , M A LTA Enjoy resort-style living at its finest in this brand-new, three-bedroom, three-bath Contemporary villa set in a water’s-edge development that provides ideal investment and residential opportunity. This exquisitely designed home has unbelievable views, a private outdoor pool, a garage and direct access to the seashore. $1,500,000. GRAZIELLA VELLA, COLDWELL BANKER MALTA 00356.2747.4747

Z E B B U G , M A LTA This meticulously restored 400-year-old character home offers an abundance of original features, including a sunny courtyard and 650-square-foot mill room converted into a lounge with fireplace. Enjoy four bedrooms, four baths, dressing rooms, terraces, a private outdoor pool with barbecue and many extras. $870,000. MARK GAUCI, COLDWELL BANKER MALTA 00356.2759.2759

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CASA ANGEL, PEDREGAL DE CABO SAN LUCAS, BCS—This magnificent home in Pedregal is the perfect family retreat. Nearly every room affords sweeping ocean views. Warm and inviting with luxury amenities, this great home will delight you as you overlook the Pacific Ocean, enjoy relaxing moments watching the sunset or whales pass by, or savor a short walk to the Pedregal beach. Located on a quiet culde-sac, Casa Angel offers privacy plus numerous amenities, including four or five bedrooms, three and one-half baths, a fully equipped kitchen, loads of kitchen cabinets and a huge refrigerator that allows your family easy comfort and great family dining opportunities. Upgrades and fresh paint will make your vacation home turn-key and maintenance-free. The luscious garden wraps around a large swimming pool. Ample closets provide convenience for year-round storage. The large laundry room accommodates even the most active lifestyle. MLS# 1909-00030. Offered at $1,690,000 US. GABRIELA VELAZQUEZ, COLDWELL BANKER RIVERAS toll free: 866.805.4938 52.624.143.7142

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CASA SUEÑO SUREÑO, PEDREGAL DE LA PAZ, BCS—This beautiful one-story home is in Pedregal de La Paz, a residential and gated community with underground services and 24-hour security. Recently finished, Casa Sueño Sureño is very spacious and smartly distributes all the living areas. The home offers four bedrooms with private terraces, five baths, a large outdoor terrace with a barbecue area and views of the Sea of Cortez. It is a short walk to the beach and the marina. MLS# 08-167. Offered at $1,300,000 US.

GABRIELA ALVAREZ, COLDWELL BANKER RIVERAS toll free: 866.805.4938 52.612.106.7113

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CASA FATIMA, PEDREGAL DE CABO SAN LUCAS, BCS—A beautiful hacienda-style home, located in one of the most prestigious neighborhoods in Baja California Sur, Pedregal de Cabo San Lucas. Casa Fatima is a very private home, nicely furnished with great finishes throughout the villa. The kitchen has top-of-the-line appliances with granite countertops. The villa features four bedrooms, five full and one-half baths, a fabulous spacious outdoor area with pool and ample covered patios. This property has a service room and a studio as well as a private-entrance patio and a two-car garage. MLS# 1941-00014. Offered at $995,000 US. REBECA CURIEL, COLDWELL BANKER RIVERAS toll free: 866.805.4938 52.624.143.7142

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SENTOSA—Encompassing 3,014 square feet with its private lift, this exclusive, luxury, water’s-edge condominium is surrounded by the world-class One°15 Marina Club and the sea signifying landmark living by the sea. An architectural masterwork of glowing and awe-inspiring towers that soar above the rest gives its privileged residents the finest view on Sentosa Cove. A short drive from Sentosa Cove, one can experience the excitement of a multi-billion dollar Integrated Resort and enjoy a kaleidoscope of world-class leisure amenities, a sophisticated mix of restaurants, boutiques and many other entertainment options including world-famous Universal Studios. Offered at $5,600,000.


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CLAYMORE ROAD—Situated within the prime residential area of Singapore, this unit sits on one of the best condominium locations in the city center. A short walk to Orchard Road brings one to the main shopping belt of Singapore, with plenty of international hotels and restaurants. Encompassing 2,680 square feet for luxurious living, this condominium consists of two tower blocks with lush landscape greenery, a huge swimming pool with submerged wet bar, a cabana for entertaining guests, tennis courts, squash courts, a fully equipped gymnasium, children’s playground and a jogging track. It offers an exclusive lifestyle with high security, an audio/video intercom for visitors to each unit, a basement car park and ample surface parking for visitors. Offered at $5,400,000. ANTHONY CHUA COLDWELL BANKER REAL ESTATE 65.9022.3000

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SINGAPORE TANGLIN, SINGAPORE St. Regis, the name synonymous with the finest in hotels and private residences, is exclusive to the individual who expects nothing but the best. Located in one of the highly soughtafter






encompassing 2,153 square feet is living without compromise with its private lift offering enhanced privacy and security. Equipped with top-of-the-line accessories and appliances, this is the luxury lifestyle redefined. Offered at $4,900,000. ANTHONY CHUA COLDWELL BANKER REAL ESTATE 65.9022.3000

KALLANG, SINGAPORE The Duplex Penthouse enjoys the panoramic view of the sea, river and eastern part of Singapore including the CBD area. Features include a spacious living room for entertaining and a huge dining area that opens out to two sky terraces for outdoor dining and barbecues amid a landscape garden. Located on the 41st and 42nd floors, all three bedrooms, family and guest rooms command a spectacular view with top-of-the-world living. Offered at $3,500,000. ANTHONY CHUA COLDWELL BANKER REAL ESTATE 65.9022.3000

S C OT T S S Q UA R E , S I N G A P O R E Encompassing 624 square feet, this studio apartment is located next to the Hyatt Hotel, where shopping is at its best. The project exudes elegance from the finest fittings to a fully equipped kitchen. The interiors are stylishly appointed to reflect a balance of function and aesthetics. Picture windows and glasspaneled balconies are designed to optimize natural lighting and expansive views. To ensure absolute exclusivity, the studio apartment is served by a private lift. Offered at $2,000,000. ANTHONY CHUA COLDWELL BANKER REAL ESTATE 65.9022.3000

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RAS AL KHAIMAH—Located on the United Arab Emirates’ west coast, Ras Al Khaimah is the country’s most northern scenic emirate. The Emirate boasts a varied landscape ranging from fertile plains to mountains and desert dunes. The 64 kilometers of virtually untouched coastline of the Arabian Gulf is a tourist’s delight. Well connected to the other emirates by modern highways, Ras Al Khaimah has an efficient infrastructure, which supports the growth of trade and business and is currently poised to become one of the most dynamic economies amongst the emirates in the UAE. At the southern end of Ras Al Khaimah City, Al Hamra Village is a five-million-square-meter expanse set around saltwater lagoons, a championship golf course and a marina. A threebedroom, 3,600-square-foot townhome with lagoon and golf view is $516,305; a 2,378-square-foot, three-bedroom townhome with a lake view is $538,044. Another luxury project is The Cove Rotana Resort. Enter the private, exclusive community of The Cove and make your way to the top of the hill where you have a reserved parking area. A golf cart will be waiting for you to take you to your villa. To protect the natural beauty and exclusivity of the development, transportation will be limited to walking, biking or by golf cart. Take a ride down winding roads and enjoy views of the green and flowering landscape, infinity pool and serene beach. The Cove offers furnishings to suit a luxurious lifestyle, including quality kitchens, contemporary baths and sliding doors to private terraces. A 1,952-square-foot Lagoon Chalet is $421,195; a 1,496-square-foot Hillside Chalet is offered at $394,022. SANDRA STIRNIMANN, COLDWELL BANKER UNITED ARAB EMIRATES +971 4 360 7430 cell: +971 50 2899472

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U N I T E D A R A B E M I R AT E S PALM JUMEIRAH, DUBAI Nestled in Palm Jumeirah, an iconic man-made, palm tree-shaped island, this Mediterranean-designed, 5,000-squarefoot villa offers two levels that include four bedrooms and a living area that provides stunning beachfront ocean views. Each villa has its own exclusive beach, coupled with a private pool, garden and garage. $4,900,000. SANDRA STIRNIMANN COLDWELL BANKER UNITED ARAB EMIRATES +971 4 360 7430 cell: +971 50 2899472

AL BARARI, DUBAI The Al Barari villas are a holistic storybook Arabian village. Set amidst breathtaking botanical gardens, lakes and waterways, this sprawling, sixbedroom, Bromellia-themed villa is set across 13,186 square feet and includes landscaped gardens, an infinity pool and an outdoor massage area—all with uninterrupted views of the landscape and wildlife sanctuary. $3,805,000. SANDRA STIRNIMANN COLDWELL BANKER UNITED ARAB EMIRATES +971 4 360 7430 cell: +971 50 2899472

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U N I T E D A R A B E M I R AT E S PALM JUMEIRAH, DUBAI Shoreline Apartments—This 1,646square-foot, two-bedroom apartment is on the prestigious Palm Jumeirah. These spacious



Apartments are home to beautiful interiors, stunning views and a large array of benefits to cater to a luxurious lifestyle, such as holding an exclusive health club, swimming pools, an unparalleled shopping experience, and fine dining. $843,000. SANDRA STIRNIMANN COLDWELL BANKER UNITED ARAB EMIRATES +971 4 360 7430 cell: +971 50 2899472

D OWNTOWN B URJ DUBAI, DUBAI The Address is a five-star landmark in Dubai’s new, prestigious and happening destination. Further adding luxury to the location is the close proximity of the Burj Dubai, the world’s tallest tower, and Dubai Mall, one of the largest shopping malls to exist. Bask in sun lounges, a five-tier infinity pool, a fully equipped fitness center and other facilities. This one-bedroom, 38th-floor apartment has a full view of the Burj Dubai. $680,000. SANDRA STIRNIMANN COLDWELL BANKER UNITED ARAB EMIRATES +971 4 360 7430 cell: +971 50 2899472

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Clover Hill Farm is a picturesque 7,000-square-foot property on more than 20 acres in the heart of the Bedford Riding Lanes Association network of trails in Bedford Hills, N.Y. This remarkable home has five bedrooms, seven full and two half baths, a majestic foyer, an exquisite paneled library with a fireplace, and a substantial master suite with a fireplace plus dual baths and dressing rooms. Exterior amenities include beautifully constructed outbuildings and barns, a dressage ring, paddocks and pastures. An extraordinary wine cellar with a custom bar and fireplace is ideal for gatherings as are the stone patios overlooking the heated pool, pool house and lush gardens. For more information on this $13,985,000 listing, contact Mady Wengrover, Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, Bedford, N.Y., 914.234.3647.

COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT LAKES REGION LUXURY In New Hampshire’s Lakes Region, property owners have the best of both worlds—expansive water views and impressive mountain panoramas, copious recreation opportunities on land or water, and summer and winter attractions that make the area ultra-desirable for those who love the outdoors. For those who seek a luxury lifestyle on the lake, there is an array of unique residences from which to choose. A penthouse-style condo for $1.2 million within a restored landmark building on the water’s edge may appeal to those who wish for a lower-maintenance property. On the other end of the spectrum is a $12 million waterfront manse with two boat slips, a children’s wing and a state-ofthe-art home theater located on exclusive Governor’s Island. For more information about available properties, call Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage at 866.339.6533.

The Gamble Mansion will be home again. Constructed at 5 Commonwealth Avenue in 1861 and rebuilt in 1904, it was the site of the Boston Center for Adult Education for the past six decades, but sold recently in a record-breaking deal under which it will be restored to a single-family residence. The property includes a Louis XV ballroom. “It’s what we call the sunny side of the street because the fronts of the homes on that block face south and get the sun all day,” says agent David Mackie of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage on Commonwealth Avenue. “The first two blocks have some of the most valuable real estate in the city.” Mackie and his mother, Florence, represented the buyer of “5 Comm” and are listing an 11,000square-foot building on the next block for $13 million. “The neighborhood is one of the best, adjacent to the Public Garden and just steps from the Charles River,” says Mackie. “The buildings are beautiful and very wide, which makes them very livable.” — David Mackie and his mother, Florence, are partners at Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in Boston.

NOTABLE RECENT SALES Weston, Massachusetts ..............................................................$11,265,000 Riverside, Connecticut...............................................................$10,000,000 Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts ......................................$6,235,500

Rye, New York...............................................................................$5,660,000 New Canaan, Connecticut ...........................................................$5,495,000 Dobbs Ferry, New York ................................................................$4,350,000

The Northeastern Region includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Westchester County, N.Y.

M ASSACHUSETTS / M AINE / NEW HAMPSHIRE / RHODE ISLAND G ILFORD, N EW H AMPSHIRE This brilliant lakefront creation is surrounded by lush grounds with stone patios and commanding views. This sensational transitional home includes six bedroom suites with a fabulous children’s wing, a library, conservatory, and an incredible sports and spa zone. A carriage house and an additional 1.66-acre building lot are included. Offered at $12,000,000. SUSAN BRADLEY COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 603.524.2255

MANCHESTER-BY-THE-SEA, MASSACHUSETTS This gracious residence was built in the late 1800s as a summer home with spectacular views of Manchester Harbor and its waterways. Sited on nearly 4 acres, the property includes a tennis court, deep-water dock, boat house, tidal beach, several decks and a caretaker’s apartment. Wonderful period details include a living room with barrel-vaulted ceiling, sunroom, wood floors and fireplaces. Offered at $7,900,000. NANNIE WINSLOW & OLIVIA WINSLOW COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 978.526.7572

G ILFORD, N EW H AMPSHIRE Arguably one of the most beautiful homes on Lake Winnipesaukee, this residence offers sweeping views, 270 feet of waterfront, a sandy beach, double U-shaped canopy docks and waterside decking. Understated in design and built with phenomenal quality and attention to detail, this home is clearly for the most discerning buyer. Offered at $6,995,000. SUSAN BRADLEY COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 603.524.2255

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M ASSACHUSETTS / M AINE / NEW HAMPSHIRE / RHODE ISLAND W E S T O N , M ASSACHUSET TS This dramatic and distinctive French Manor home features a magnificent welcoming foyer, curved front staircase, nine- and one-half-foot ceilings, a handsome den, six bedrooms and six fireplaces. The kitchen and adjoining family room open to a patio overlooking the beautiful grounds. Offered at $3,850,000. CHRISTINE MAYER COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 617.429.2103

K E N N E B U N K P O R T, M A I N E Sited majestically atop a beautifully landscaped granite knoll overlooking the rocky coastline of southern Maine, this 19th-century, wood-shingled “Grand Cottage” is situated on a .69-acre oceanfront lot with unobstructed views of the ocean. The 4,714-square-foot home offers 14 rooms, seven bedrooms and four full and one-half baths. Additional features include a separate carriage house and studio. Offered at $3,650,000. JAMES APPLEBY COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 207.967.9900

MANCHESTER-BY-THE-SEA, MASSACHUSETTS Elegance and comfort describe this gracious 4,200-plussquare-foot waterfront property. Sited on more than 1.8 acres, this residence offers delightful views of Manchester Harbor and its waterways. Wonderful details preserve the essence of this home, including a spacious waterside sunroom, period fireplaces, covered porches, a pool and a detached two-car garage. Offered at $2,700,000. NANNIE WINSLOW & OLIVIA WINSLOW COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 978.526.7572

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M ASSACHUSETTS / M AINE / NEW HAMPSHIRE / RHODE ISLAND CAPE ELIZABETH, MAINE This gracious Colonial is located in a premier oceanfront setting in the charming town of Cape Elizabeth. The house is situated on an acre-plus oceanfront lot providing all rooms magnificent views of Casco Bay. Patio doors from both the living and family rooms lead to a deck and brick patio. Included with this home is an additional buildable oceanfront lot of an acre. Offered at $3,200,000. HELEN CLEAVES COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 207.846.1600

M ARBLEHEAD, M ASSACHUSET TS This custom-designed, four-bedroom residence offers views overlooking Goldthwait Reservation Marsh, Devereux Beach and the open ocean. This home offers Brazilian cherry floors, two-story cathedral ceilings and a gourmet kitchen that opens to a dining room, foyer and living room with matching stone fireplaces. In addition, there is a front stone patio, second-floor deck and deeded beach rights. Offered at $2,395,000. MARY STEWART COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 781.476.0743

S O U T H K I N G S T OW N , R H O D E I S L A N D Total serenity awaits you at “Rose Cottage,” a splendid oceanfront home with vistas from Point Judith to Block Island and Westerly. On a clear day you can even spot Long Island. Tucked away behind fences covered in dense climbing roses, there are three bedrooms, two baths, an oceanfront deck edged by beautifully scented beach roses and a private stairway to the beach. Offered at $2,200,000. EUGENE & JEAN KINCAID COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 401.884.8050

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M ASSACHUSETTS / M AINE / NEW HAMPSHIRE / RHODE ISLAND W E S T E R LY, R H O D E I S L A N D This custom Victorian home rests on one of the best beaches with three floors of living space, including a lower level set up for conversion to an in-law apartment. Enjoy a large living room with fireplace overlooking the Atlantic, and a master suite with fireplace and oceanside deck. Designed to showcase water views, enjoy the ocean on one side and a salt pond on the other. The Misquamicut Club and Shelter Harbor Country Club are nearby. Offered at $1,999,999. EUGENE & JEAN KINCAID COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 401.884.8050

M ARBLEHEAD, M ASSACHUSET TS This often admired Colonial is located on almost half an acre of land in one of Marblehead's most desirable neighborhoods—Goldthwait. The addition of the "garden" room, glass-walled with a cathedral ceiling and radiant-heated floor, has enhanced the value of this home. The side yard is a separate buildable lot and provides a wide lawn area with bordering gardens. Offered at $1,950,000. MARY STEWART COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 781.476.0743

J AMAICA P LAIN, M ASSACHUSET TS Defined by timeless architecture, this resplendent Queen Ann Victorian boasts a two-story polygonal turret with distinctive decorative detailing and a magnificent carriage house. The home has been masterfully renovated with modern conveniences and features a two-story foyer, double parlors, a formal dining room and a custom-designed kitchen. Accommodations include five to six bedrooms and three full and one-half baths. Offered at $1,650,000. STEPHEN LUSSIER COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 617.943.9500

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CONNECTICUT / W E S T C H E S T E R C O U N T Y, N E W Y O R K GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT Nestled beside Topping Lake in Round Hill, this 27-plusacre estate borders and was part of the great estate, Dunellen Hall. The park-like compound includes a six-bedroom residence, guesthouse, tennis court, four-bedroom cottage, three-car garage and three-car detached garage with apartment. This extraordinary private retreat enjoys natural beauty and sparkling lake vistas. $49,500,000. WILLIAM M. BURKE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 203.622.1100

K AT O N A H , N E W Y O R K This extraordinary 15,200-square-foot gated French Normandy estate on 30-plus acres abuts several hundred acres of Bedford Audubon open space. The residence features a mahogany library, custom kitchen and an indoor gymnasium. A pool house is adjacent to the heated pool, 12-person spa and two stone waterfalls. $14,950,000. MADY WENGROVER COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 914.261.5663

BEDFORD HILLS, NEW YORK Clover Hill Farm, a 7,000-square-foot picturesque horse property on more than 20 acres in the heart of the Bedford Riding Lanes Association trails, is fully equipped with stables, a dressage ring and pastures. This residence offers five bedrooms, seven-plus baths, a majestic foyer and an exquisite paneled library with fireplace. $13,985,000. MADY WENGROVER COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 914.261.5663

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CONNECTICUT / W E S T C H E S T E R C O U N T Y, N E W Y O R K RYE, NEW YORK This wonderful Colonial-style residence situated high on a bluff on 4.5 private park-like acres overlooks Long Island Sound. Offering a private beach and panoramic water views from every room, the home includes six bedrooms, three fireplaces, a pool, cabana and tennis court. $9,900,000. CAROL KATZ COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 914.697.0059

P ORT C HESTER, N EW Y ORK Simply Magnificent! Architectural drama reigns in this stunningly classic 9,000-square-foot, five-bedroom home by a renowned architect. This stone-accented, Newport shingle-style majesty features uncompromising detail, a pool and Long Island Sound waterfront vistas. $7,850,000. KEN BOUCHER COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 917.302.8921

GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT Featuring more than 5 acres of subdivided land in a sought-after location is this unique offering that includes a 4,000-square-foot home on a 2.99-acre lot and a 2,360-square-foot home with 400-square-foot pool house on a 2.04-acre lot. Keep as one compound, or develop and sell as two. $7,995,000. KATHRYN CLAUSS & JOANNE MANCUSO COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 203.918.3881 203.667.3887

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CONNECTICUT / W E S T C H E S T E R C O U N T Y, N E W Y O R K GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT Recently completed, this distinguished six-bedroom Georgian is poised with grace and tasteful elegance. Expansive living areas are punctuated by custom cabinetry, hardwood






appointments, as well as top-of-the-line appliances and bath fixtures by Klaff ’s. Handsomely set on a park-like acre with a town-approved pool site, this captivating home enjoys a sought-after mid-country address. $6,550,000. DIANE DUTCHER COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 203.249.2491

N EW C ANAAN, C ONNECTICUT Here is where you can live in quiet elegance, enjoy the land with walking trails, stone walls and streams, feel safe and warm in a private enclave of five homes on 17plus acres, and forget any concerns of the day. Each home is designed and priced individually and offers 8,000 to 11,000 square feet. Starting at $5,750,000. KATHRYN CLAUSS & JOANNE MANCUSO COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 203.918.3881 203.667.3887

F ARMINGTON, C ONNECTICUT Privately set along the Farmington River on more than 4.5 acres of superbly landscaped grounds is this exquisite 10,000-square-foot brick manor, filled with rich history and alluring architecture. $4,995,000. NUALA GRIFFIN & CHARLES CUSSON COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 860.559.7769 860.803.7317

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CONNECTICUT / W E S T C H E S T E R C O U N T Y, N E W Y O R K W ESTON, C ONNECTICUT Escape to your own private world in this exquisite custom estate with a European flair and spectacular views of the Saugautuck Valley and treetops. On a sought-after street, timeless architecture graces this 18room mansion with its seven bedrooms, seven full and one-half baths and four fireplaces. $4,725,000. GAIL LILLEY ZAWACKI COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 203.221.4430

LYME, CONNECTICUT An extraordinary country estate, “Redwing” embraces an expanded, restored 1910 residence, a year-round pool house and 40 private acres with commanding views of the Connecticut River Valley, the Connecticut River and Whalebone Cove. $4,700,000. ROGER PARKMAN & DIANE GREGORY COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 203.676.1061 860.395.8433

GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT This exquisitely renovated six-bedroom, 1920 Europeanstyle stucco home has water views. The formal living room with fireplace and grand dining room open to a solarium. Walk to the park, tennis, beach and boating. All this, just 25 minutes to New York City. $4,650,000. MELISSA EGBERT COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 917.701.5820

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CONNECTICUT / W E S T C H E S T E R C O U N T Y, N E W Y O R K W E S T P O R T, C O N N E C T I C U T Stone pillars frame the gated entrance to this stunning Georgian Colonial with a handsome brick façade privately sited in the Old Hill neighborhood. Inspired by the regal ambiance of a French country estate, this home features more than 4,200 square feet of elegantly appointed living area with 12 rooms and six bedrooms. $4,100,000. JUDY MICHAELIS COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 203.227.8424

MADISON, CONNECTICUT Breathtaking panoramic ocean views abound at this completely renovated Colonial-style residence sited directly on more than 70 feet of private beach. The more than 3,600 square feet of well-appointed living space includes four bedrooms, three full and one-half baths, a magnificent stone fireplace and a grand dining room. $3,900,000. SUE CLIFFORD COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 203.245.4700

I RVINGTON, N EW Y ORK Holly Hill’s romance enjoys elegant comfort. The 4,781square-foot manor includes eight fireplaces, intricate details, sweeping views and 2.8 estate acres—with a golf green and guesthouse—all bordering parkland. $3,595,000. AL VANACORO COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 914.287.9911

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FEATURED PROPERTY Oyster Bay, Long Island, NY Glimpse the grandeur of yesteryear in this magnificent 6,000-square-foot manor, once the summer home of one of America’s notable families. The impressive one-of-a-kind home showcases beautiful Georgian architecture, stylish detailing and extraordinary features and includes four bedrooms, five full and five half baths, a formal living and dining room, spacious eat-in kitchen, family room and grand fireplaces. Set on over 2 delightfully private acres offering serene gardens, the professionally landscaped grounds include an entertainment patio and an inviting in-ground pool. For more information, visit

Jonathan D. Wiesmeth Owner of JDW Designs, offers design tips for the luxury home.

URBAN LIVING AT ITS FINEST Introducing Piatt Place...Coldwell Banker Real Estate Services in Pittsburgh is the exclusive broker for Piatt Place, a brand-new and exceptional residential and business community by developer Millcraft Industries. The building is distinguished by 65 luxury rooftop condominium units, outstanding office space, leading retail boutiques and world-class amenities. The $70 million transformation of the onetime Macy’s department store offers urban living at its finest with approximately 50,000 square feet of street-level retail space likened to the best of New York City. It is already anchored by fine dining venues, including award-winning McCormick & Schmick’s and The Capital Grille. Other potential occupants include a spa, salon and upscale night spot. With its unparalleled Fifth Avenue location, Piatt Place offers the convenience and cosmopolitan atmosphere of living within the heart of the revitalized Pittsburgh business district, with the city’s amenities right outside your door. The Residences at Piatt Place feature luxurious extras, from 24-hour security and concierge service to private elevators and spectacular views. Ten different styles range from just over 1,000 to over 2,000 square feet, enhanced by outdoor balconies, private roof-top decks, sleek interiors and deluxe design options, including gourmet kitchens. Piatt Place residents also have access to a state-of-the-art fitness center, outdoor courtyard and room service from its two award-winning restaurants delivered directly to residences. Live above it all at Piatt Place. For more, visit

GREEN FLOORS It is customary to find extraordinary flooring in the world’s most luxurious homes, and hardwood floors are among the most popular. In our current “green” era, these beautiful floors also offer energy-efficient and cost-saving options. Choosing an eco-friendly wood veneer uses about 50 percent less newly forested wood than traditional hardwood, as it is attached to a recycled wood-fiber core. Should you move into a home with existing hardwood floors, consider refinishing the floors rather than replacing them to save both trees and money. Another environmentally friendly option would be Terrazzo flooring, which is made from recycled glass, tile and ceramic. For carpeted areas, wool rugs are created from natural fiber and fewer fossil fuels are used in creating them. Sisal rugs are also natural and known for their durability. Recycled carpet is another choice that’s kinder to the environment and the many styles available look anything but recycled. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in Baltimore and Greater Washington, D.C., offer monthly energy-smart tips for home buyers and sellers. Visit for more information.

Q: I do not have window treatments in my main rooms. Do I need to put something up? A: Yes, but do more than put something up. Window treatments are a reflection of the homeowner’s personality and they should make a statement. They can be highly stylized or sheer simplicity. In most cases, the natural light will work wonders so do not cover up the windows, just dress them and keep your windows clean. Let the light shine in! Q: My kitchen is in good shape but the backsplash is a bit dated. Should I pull out one of the colors in the backsplash tiles and paint the room so that it looks like it works? A: No. That only exasperates the problem. Replace the backsplash with something that is clean and nondescript. In fact, chances are, if your back splash is dated your countertops may need attention as well. For a small investment that will yield a great return, replace the counters and backsplash with the same element. Your kitchen will look clean and fresh, and will appear even larger. Q: My powder room is really outdated. Should I replace dated fixtures with all plain fixtures? A: Powder rooms are a statement of the home and a plain powder room is a mistake. Remove dated accessories, including wallpaper. Paint it a nice clean color. Hang a framed picture that will pull the space together through color. Add a small gathering of fresh flowers and a candle for fragrance and elegance. JDW Designs is located in Montclair, NJ. Visit

The Eastern Seaboard Region includes areas of New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC.

M ARYLAND A NNAPOLIS, M ARYLAND Expansive views and 250 feet of waterfront on the Severn River enhance this 3-acre estate, minutes from historic Annapolis. Architecturally designed and built with the finest materials, this five-bedroom residence offers premier detailing, including a stunning conservatory with an imported hand-carved French stone fireplace. Landscaped gardens and stone terraces, a fourcar carriage house and a private pier with multiple slips complete this offering. Offered at $10,500,000. GEORGIE BERKINSHAW COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 443.994.4456

A NNAPOLIS, M ARYLAND This exceptional waterfront home is situated in the prestigious Annapolis community of Wardour and sits on the banks of the Severn River and Weems Creek. Inspired by famous historic mansions, “Langtarry” is truly a symbol of life on a grand scale with striking architectural details, expert craftsmanship and gracious rooms. It enjoys a beautiful, scenic setting conveniently located just minutes from the Governor’s Mansion and the U.S. Naval Academy. Offered at $8,750,000. DAY WEITZMAN COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 410.353.0721

A NNAPOLIS, M ARYLAND This waterfront chateau was constructed with custom materials from the South of France, creating an elegant and unique living environment. Located on the Severn River in an area of fine homes, this property has six bedrooms, seven baths and 10,000 square feet of luxurious living space. The property features a private deep-water pier, 1.5 acres with 185 feet of water frontage, beautifully landscaped grounds, a pool and a three-car garage. Price upon request. GEORGE TURNER & GLENN SUTTON COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE George: 410.280.0000 Glenn: 410.507.4370

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M ARYLAND S TEVENSVILLE, M ARYLAND No mortgage payments for 1 year—The builder makes the payment. This new, magnificent, 16,800-square-foot waterfront estate features many exquisite custom details throughout its energy-efficient home. Sited on 30 private acres with 1,200 feet of sparkling Chesapeake Bay shoreline, beach and pond, this unique setting includes three sides of waterfront! Offered at $5,999,990. DEEDEE M C CRAKEN COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 410.224.2200 direct: 410.739.7571

R UXTON, M ARYLAND An extraordinary renovation of this circa-1880 stone estate blended turn-of-the-century elegance with state-of-the-art technology. Highlights include 11 fireplaces, a reception hall and gourmet kitchen with a separate bar area and a kitchen office. The luxurious master-bedroom suite features two marble baths and dressing rooms. An expansive wraparound porch, four-car garage and a greenhouse enhance this lavish 5.7-acre property. Absolute perfection! Offered at $5,995,000. KAREN HUBBLE BISBEE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 410.821.1700 cell: 443.838.0438

G R E E N S P R I N G V A L L E Y, M A R Y L A N D This circa-1848 Tudor manor house on 9-plus acres with award-winning gardens underwent an unparalleled restoration. It features sophisticated lighting and audio, a custom gourmet granite kitchen, eight bedrooms, six and one-half baths, a sumptuous master suite, gym and sauna. The finest millwork, molding, inlaid floors, rich paneling, marble mantles and many other fabulous amenities enhance this outstanding home. Offered at $4,595,000. KAREN HUBBLE BISBEE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 410.821.1700 cell: 443.838.0438

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M ARYLAND A NNAPOLIS, M ARYLAND This stunning new waterfront home close to Annapolis is nestled against the banks of the South River. Elegant, open and very usable space throughout includes a first-floor master suite, living room with soaring ceilings, a light lower level with an in-home theater, a library/office and in-law/nanny accommodations. A superior offering in a gated community with pool, tennis and marina. Offered at $3,499,000. JENNIFER WEST MISER COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 410.533.8990

E L L I C O T T C I T Y, M A R Y L A N D This spectacular and unique water-view property is nestled on 13 very private acres in the highly soughtafter Ellicott City address in Howard County. Escape to your own sanctuary and enjoy weekends in your private indoor pool or go fishing in your own backyard pond, stocked with bass and perch. This is estate living at its best. Offered at $1,900,000. ANTHONY CORRAO COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 410.740.7100 cell: 410.336.0877

C ROWNSVILLE, M ARYLAND This stunning home set on 1.72 acres in Annapolis Preserve features five en-suite bedrooms, an intimate fire-lit living room and a newly designed lower level with a media room, game room and guest suite. The expansive rear yard includes a privately set Gunite pool/spa. Offered at $1,274,900. CELESTE A. BLESSIN COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 443.994.4105 410.919.2533

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M ARYLAND / V IRGINIA G R E AT F A L L S , V I R G I N I A This home offers Old World architecture and gardens with more than 20,000 square feet and is one of the region’s finest offerings. It offers a large, mature landscape and close proximity to Washington, D.C.’s major international airports as well as Tyson’s Corner and Dulles Business Corridor. This beautiful residence has eight bedrooms, five full and five half baths and 10 fireplaces. $9,500,000. MARK McFADDEN & DEBORAH LEMBO COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE Mark: 703.216.1333 Deborah: 703.795.1333

P OTOMAC, M ARYLAND Custom-built, this home offers 18,000 square feet on a private cul-de-sac in a gated community. Features include three kitchens, three fireplaces, seven bedrooms, seven full and two half baths, an elevator, 20-foot ceilings and custom Kentucky hardwood flooring. There is also a private apartment, two terraces plus a secret garden, grand portico, a three-car garage and an outdoor parking area. The beautiful grounds were created by an award-winning landscape architect. $4,950,000. JANE FAIRWEATHER COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 240.223.4663

G R E AT F A L L S , V I R G I N I A Spectacular and distinctive, this Falcon Ridge estate blends tranquility and style and defines Great Falls elegance. Nestled on 2.5 acres on a cul-de-sac, this allbrick residence features a grand floor plan with generous living and dining rooms, a library, an upper-level suite, warm design highlights and lots of natural privacy. Enjoy pristine manicured grounds with a private pool and stone patio. $2,999,000. CAROLINE ROCCO COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 703.734.7020

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M ARYLAND / W ASHINGTON, D. C . P OTOMAC, M ARYLAND This Arts-and-Crafts-style home offers an open, flowing floor plan with large, handsome sunlit rooms, a gorgeous gourmet kitchen that opens to a family room with a fireplace and breakfast area, a library, six bedrooms, six-plus baths and a lower level that features a customized theater, full custom bar, optional wine room and a fitness room. Treat yourself to true high-end quality measured in excellence. $2,785,350. STACY HENDERSON COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 301.983.0200 301.252.6190

W ASHINGTON, D. C . This classic circa-1900 Victorian home boasts a splendid interior, elegant Romanesque exterior and all the grandeur of yesteryear. Soaring ceilings, warm in-laid wood floors, beautiful original detail, oversized windows, large light-filled rooms, eight fireplaces, an updated kitchen with a lovely breakfast room, four baths, five bedrooms and an in-law suite enhance this lovely home that is sited on a beautifully landscaped lot. $1,649,000. TY HREBEN COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 202.210.2514

B ROOKEVILLE, M ARYLAND This custom home with exquisite detail rests on 16 beautiful and private acres, next to thousands of acres of parkland. Enjoy 10-foot ceilings, a formal living room with a gas fireplace, hardwood floors on the main level, a family room with fireplace, mud room and more. A spacious kitchen features a Dacor six-burner cooktop set in custom tile, a GE Monogram stainless fridge, breakfast bar and separate breakfast area. Enjoy a three-car garage, four porches, decks and patios. $1,495,000. SARALEE ZAKROFF COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 301.718.5118

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M ARYLAND B ETHESDA, M ARYLAND ARTS-AND-CRAFTS GEM—Light-infused throughout and perched high above the trees, this beautiful home features a porch, front balcony, six bedrooms, five full and one-half baths, two fireplaces, a mud room off the garage, a gourmet kitchen, custom cabinets throughout, main-level hardwood floors, recessed lighting, a nanny suite, deck, walk-out basement and more. $1,199,000. ANNABEL BURCH COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 202.285.7166

S I LV E R S P R I N G , M A R Y L A N D This astonishingly beautiful four-bedroom, four-fulland one-half-bath Winchester-built home is located in Ashton Preserves. Flooded with light and perfectly suited for entertaining, this home boasts a two-story foyer entry, curved staircase, stunning sunroom, ninefoot ceilings on all three levels and a media room. The landscaped lot is more than one-third of an acre and backs to forest conservation land. $1,000,000. MICHAEL & SHEREE FEARSON COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 301.775.1794

B ETHESDA, M ARYLAND Simply gorgeous, this contemporary home is in a closein location to Washington, D.C., and features an open floor plan with walls of windows. Enjoy four bedrooms on one level, a spacious en-suite master bedroom with a fireplace, an eat-in kitchen and many more updates and amenities. Price upon request. DIANA KEELING COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 301.537.3703

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NEW JERSEY NEW VERNON, NEW JERSEY This majestic Georgian estate showcases exquisite design and world-class amenities to offer the ultimate in luxury living. This “resort at home” includes a three-story Greenbrier-like indoor pool and spa, exercise and billiards room, racquetball court, his-and-her locker rooms and a grand media viewing screen. Breathtaking gardens, walkways, patios and a gazebo grace the approximately 14 private acres, just an hour from Manhattan. $16,000,000. CHRISTINE CASEY BROKER SALES ASSOCIATE/SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 973.540.0660 973.770.4579

B E D M I N S T E R T OW N S H I P, N EW J E R S EY Set amid approximately 96 resplendent acres in Bedminster’s prime equestrian countryside, this 20plus-room Georgian colonial was brought to fruition in 2008. Weatherstone Farm represents the privacy and graceful comfort inherent to English and American architecture of the 18th and 19th centuries. Long views radiate out from this enchanting three-level home, finished with forceful adherence to classic symmetry and hand craftsmanship. $12,500,000. CHRISTOPHER HEROLD, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 908.766.2900 908.256.0016

FAR HILLS, NEW JERSEY Grand wrought-iron gates and a sweeping drive lead to a porte-cochere and this magnificent six-bedroom residence on 10 magical acres. Five fireplaces, Jerusalem limestone floors, a kitchen by Leonardis, wine cellar, billiard room, home theater and stunning pool are just a few of the extraordinary amenities. $11,500,000. CHRISTOPHER HEROLD, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 908.766.2900 908.256.0016

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NEW JERSEY M ONTCLAIR, N EW J ERSEY An incomparable turn-of-the-century Georgian estate spans more than 2 beautiful and private acres with panoramic views of the NYC skyline. Montclair’s premier residence boasts the best modern conveniences, which have been seamlessly blended into a museum-quality restoration of this historic home’s 30 rooms, including 10 bedrooms and six and one-half baths. Rarely does a home of this scale and grandeur become available and just 14 miles from NYC. $7,750,000. STACY COHEN & ROBERT RIZZUTO SALES ASSOCIATES COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 973.753.5100 917.750.6057

D E M A R E S T, N E W J E R S E Y Custom iron-gated French chateau, designed by James Paragano, on approximately 2.85 magnificent acres, complete with Charles J. Stick formal gardens, a guesthouse, pool and spa. The grandeur of the 8,000-square-foot European-style interior is highlighted by a breathtaking two-story main foyer, an enormous chef ’s kitchen, grand reception rooms with 10-foot ceilings, a movie theater, golf room, full gym, wine cellar and tasting room. $5,998,000. MICHELE KOLSKY-ASSATLY, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 201.461.5000 201.944.6583

FAR HILLS, NEW JERSEY Brilliant blend of classic, richly detailed design and smart house technology on approximately 10 acres. Features include an oversized formal living room, a paneled library, an impressive master suite with his-andher offices and a spa bath, a gourmet kitchen/family room, media room, wine cellar and a substantial barn surrounded by Natirar Park. $5,995,000. PAMELA BARBA, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 973.540.0660 201.919.6063

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NEW JERSEY / NEW YORK C O LT S N E C K , N E W J E R S E Y Upon entering this superbly elegant home, be prepared to be impressed! Stunning in every way, this home showcases magnificent detail. Twenty-five generoussized rooms are beautifully appointed with hardwoods, granite, stone, marble and onyx. The home is located on approximately






overlooking Due Process Golf Course. $5,750,000. ANN WILTZ, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 732.946.9600, Ext. 114 732.332.3831

HARDING, NEW JERSEY The Ridge at Sand Spring offers the most discriminating buyer a Caplan-built grand Colonial, which includes five bedrooms and five-plus baths in the unrivaled Harding countryside. This residence is perfectly located on 4 pristine and private acres, and provides easy access to recreation, shopping, commuting and the quintessential Harding lifestyle. $5,250,000. PAULINE DERRICK & CHRISTINE CASEY BROKER SALES ASSOCIATES COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 973.543.2552 973.723.4760 908.770.4579

G RANDVIEW- O N- H UDSON, N EW Y ORK Grandview on the Hudson. Enter the massive gates onto the winding stone drive with sweeping river views and a lush 3-acre setting. Retaining its original history of stone walls, cascading waterfalls, beamed ceilings and rich woods, it also boasts today’s “Smart House” features. Five bedrooms, five baths, an epicurean kitchen, 52-foot media room, cavernous wine cellar and soaring 30-foot-high entry are a few of the amenities of this amazing residence. $3,990,000. NOEMI MORALES, BROKER SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 845.357.8100 845.494.5015

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NEW JERSEY MENDHAM, NEW JERSEY It is when one steps through the grand front portico and is greeted by front-to-back views of the expansive property through large glass French doors, that the true sophistication of this six-bedroom, one-of-a-kind estate designed by Beer & Coleman can truly be appreciated. It is a home that is built to be lived in with grand country elegance. $3,900,000. PAULINE DERRICK & PAM TISHMAN BROKER SALES ASSOCIATES COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 973.543.2552 973.723.4760 973.271.9079

BRIGANTINE, NEW JERSEY Exceptional custom home with breathtaking views of the tranquil bay offers waterfront living, a 142-foot dock and 6,000-plus lavish square feet. Ideal for casual or elaborate entertaining, the flowing floor plan offers a gourmet kitchen with superior style and space, a swimming pool, outside kitchen, media room and a family room with a wall of windows. Just minutes to the dazzling Atlantic City nightlife and boardwalk. $3,699,000. PETER PATERNO, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 201.445.9400 609.350.8928

T EWKSBURY T OWNSHIP, N EW J ERSEY New shingle-style Colonial has spectacular views to distant hills. Smart and Green Home features are brilliantly integrated with custom detail reminiscent of Newport’s gilded age. Highlights include Brazilian cherry flooring, a mahogany library, four-level elevator, epicurean kitchen, voluminous master suite plus four en suite bedrooms and a four-car heated garage. Convenient access to NYC. $3,450,000. CHRISTOPHER HEROLD, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 908.766.2900 908.256.0016

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NEW JERSEY M A H WA H , N E W J E R S E Y Take a step back in time to a period of gracious living in “Rolling Hills,” a six-bedroom, five- and one-half-bath mansion on more than 3 acres with breathtaking views of the Ramapo Mountains. With approximately 10,000 square feet, this home features eight unique fireplaces, an incredible gourmet kitchen, multiple verandas and a conservatory. An in-ground pool and tennis court add modern touches to this truly unparalleled estate of classic elegance. $3,397,000. LINDA DATOR, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 201.825.7700 201.264.1164

B EDMINSTER T OWNSHIP, N EW J ERSEY On 13 beautiful acres in horse country, this expansive custom manor home features a breathtaking garden room that gracefully brings the joy of being outdoors in, yearround. There are hardwood floors throughout and a huge cherry and granite open gourmet kitchen, perfect for entertaining. There are five bedrooms, five full baths, a secluded pool and patio and a full finished basement plus an amazing two-bedroom, two-bath guest suite. $3,290,000. JACQUELINE ROSSI, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 973.543.2552 732.887.8538

C O LT S N E C K , N E W J E R S E Y One of Colts Neck’s most distinctive and elegant homes. This approximately 4.6-acre estate was completely remodeled in 2006 to include beautiful details like the coffered ceilings, arched doorways, intricate molding, imported stone and radiant heat. There is a luxurious master suite, connoisseur’s kitchen, wine cellar, theater and pool house with a bedroom, kitchen and bath. $2,999,000. TERESA PAVLINETZ SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 732.946.9600 908.930.5124

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NEW JERSEY B ERNARDSVILLE, N EW J ERSEY This English Arts & Crafts-inspired home includes a fabulous great room with fireplace and built-ins, gallery/library, formal dining room with fireplace opening to a sky-lit garden room, custom gourmet kitchen, superb master wing and a finished walkout lower level with wine cellar, wine-tasting room, home theater, billiards room, bedroom suite, gardens and a pool. $2,995,000. CHRISTOPHER HEROLD, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 908.766.2900 908.256.0016

L ONG B EACH T OWNSHIP, N EW J ERSEY New captivating oceanfront home offers spectacular views from its three elegant levels. The reverse-living floor plan boasts five large bedrooms, including two opulent master suites with luxurious baths. The gourmet kitchen offers granite counters, stainless-steel appliances, designer cabinets and a generous great room with sliding doors that offer a full ocean view. Two private decks, an elevator, double garage, extra parking, an outside shower and storage make this beach home ideal, year-round. $2,995,000. THOMAS & NORMA CANNITO, SALES ASSOCIATES COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 201.259.5683 973.694.8000

NEW VERNON, NEW JERSEY “White Gates,” an historic country estate in quaint New Vernon, has charm and grace and rests on 5-plus pastoral acres. This warm and inviting home offers large rooms for entertaining, a spacious carriage house, an old blacksmith’s shop for storage and enough garage space for a car enthusiast. $2,950,000. PAULINE DERRICK, BROKER SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 973.543.2552 973.723.4760

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NEW JERSEY MONTVILLE, NEW JERSEY Prominent French Normandy residence aptly named Chateau De Bagnols boasts exquisite architectural refinements throughout, including multi-layered molding, arched doorways, inlaid Brazilian cherry-wood floors and more. The flowing floor plan offers voluminous rooms, including a gourmet kitchen, grand salon and banquetsized dining room. The pristine grounds of 1.85 acres can be viewed from a mahogany deck. $2,825,800. KELLY NEBESNAK, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 973.227.5700 973.978.7284

FRANKLIN LAKES, NEW JERSEY Set amid a stunning setting of close to 2 acres, this unique custom home will astound you. The open floor plan features many rooms with 16-foot ceilings, including the gorgeous master suite with three walk-in closets, a fireplace and spa bath. Walls of windows overlook the private pool, patios and gardens. $2,695,000. CAROLE “LYNN” BRESCIA BROKER SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 201.891.6700 201.848.3202 201.738.7315

K INNELON, N EW J ERSEY Unparalleled in every detail and amenity, this 7,000-squarefoot Georgian Colonial on 3 acres in Smoke Rise provides luxurious and carefully planned living space for gracious entertaining and comfortable family living. It offers five bedrooms, including a luxurious master suite, six and onehalf baths, a spectacular gourmet kitchen, a heated three-car garage and a full, unfinished walkout basement. $2,495,000. BARBARA COLUMBIA, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 973.838.8400, Ext. 107 973.975.5378

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NEW JERSEY M A H WA H , N E W J E R S E Y Elegantly nestled on a hillside in the exclusive “Polo Club” area, this spectacular Colonial manor surrounds you with warmth and luxurious amenities. Fine architectural details and exquisite decorator finishes are everywhere in this sixbedroom, four-plus-bath, 2-acre estate backed by 5,000 acres of state land. Special features include coded electronic entry gates, a first-floor master suite, lush landscaping, a three-plus-car garage and a lagoon pool. $2,375,000. ALEIDA GIAMMARELLA, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 201.445.9400 201.925.3117

S PA RTA , N E W J E R S E Y From the moment you enter the stunning foyer in this elegant Tudor, Old World charm abounds. This lakefront property boasts a grand living room with floor-to-ceiling stone fireplace and magnificent woodwork throughout. Enjoy a European feel in a premier location in a tranquil setting, with an expansive sun porch overlooking exquisite landscaped grounds. Experience the panoramic views, “Aero-Master” pool and stunning surroundings. $2,500,000. HELGA COSTA, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 973.729.6131 862.268.4254






architectural origin is this gracious shingle-style Colonial. Most of the interior and exterior of the home has been replaced and upgraded, including the kitchen, all but one of the baths, all doors and windows, all molding and trim, the roof, the heating and air conditioning system as well as the five-bedroom septic field. To the rear of the home is a new deck, Koi pond, waterfall, pool and hot tub. $2,200,000. CHRISTOPHER HEROLD, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 908.766.2900 908.256.0016

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NEW JERSEY W ESTFIELD, N EW J ERSEY Premier craftsmanship, superior appointments and impeccable taste enhance this residence in prestigious Wychwood. This 10-room, six-bedroom, five- and onehalf-bath home, built in 2005, is positioned on a level, beautifully landscaped lot. This stunning offering broadcasts a distinctive statement among other gracious residences. $2,390,000. HYE-YOUNG CHOI, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 908.233.5555, Ext. 169 908.938.9248

HOLMDEL, NEW JERSEY On a tranquil cul-de-sac, this beautifully landscaped and very private home with exceptional curb appeal was designed for an active family. Innovative architectural details, a two-story fireplace in the family room and a private-entrance home office give this Holmdel residence distinctive flair. With six bedrooms, five and one-half baths, a tennis court, pool with spa, and a lower-level gym, media and billiards areas, this is a perfect family setting! $2,280,000. BARBARA ALVAREZ, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 732.332.3824 732.616.7093

B ERNARDS T OWNSHIP, N EW J ERSEY The difference is in the details! Each room of this custom home has been designed with comfortable living as the priority. Whether it is everyday living, large entertaining or conducting a business meeting, there is a warm and inviting space awaiting. The home for the discerning buyer. $1,995,000. MARY “M’LIZ” PARADIS & KRISTIN GOBBEL-SWANSON SALES ASSOCIATES COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 973.543.2552 973.229.7832

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NEW JERSEY C H AT H A M T O W N S H I P, N E W J E R S E Y Yellow Flower Farm is a gracious country estate on approximately 8 breathtaking acres with a pool and garage/barn with loft in quaint Green Village. This landmark residence—with five bedrooms and four-plus baths—offers the most outstanding amenities found only in today’s most desirable new homes. $2,150,000. CHRISTINE CASEY & KATHLEEN NITTOLO BROKER SALES ASSOCIATE & SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 973.540.0660 908.770.4579 908.714.8921

CHESTER, NEW JERSEY Gorgeous private estate boasts more than 12 sweeping farm-assessed acres. The stunning residence offers five bedrooms, including an opulent master suite with a private deck, lavish bath and sitting lounge, five and one-half baths and a floor plan that is an entertainer’s dream. Enjoy the inviting







appointments, and a two-story great room with a wall of windows offering pristine pastoral views. $1,799,000. DEBRA BURKE, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 201.230.4725 908.879.3344

A NNANDALE, N EW J ERSEY This mountaintop estate set on 9 vast acres near the historic Hunterdon County town of Clinton surrounds a spectacular 18-room contemporary mansion with 12,000 lavish square feet. Approached by a gated entry, the property offers mature trees, custom bluestone patios and fenced grounds that include a heated pool. Highlights include solid oak eight-foot doors, a newly renovated kitchen and a sun-drenched observatory overlooking two reservoirs. $1,699,000. LISA ELLIS, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 908.735.8080 908.310.2044

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NEW JERSEY / NEW YORK S PA R K I L L , N E W Y O R K This signature residence known as “The Cliffside” offers every luxury. From the moment you view the sweeping stone porch enhanced by majestic pillars and a balcony, you know you have arrived. This custom five-bedroom, five-bath estate on 1.5 lush acres boasts a library, formal dining room with butler’s pantry, two fireplaces, master suite with spa bath and an amazing stairway right out of “Gone With the Wind.” $1,850,000. NOEMI MORALES, BROKER SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 845.357.8100 845.494.5015

W ESTFIELD, N EW J ERSEY This extensively renovated 11-room center-hall Colonial is in the prestigious “Gardens” section of Westfield. This fine home boasts a formal dining room and living room with fireplace, a first-floor office and family room, new gourmet eat-in kitchen, paver patio, hardwood floors, central air, a master-bedroom suite, all new baths, a second floor-laundry and more. $1,650,000. KIMBERLEY HALEY, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 908.233.5555 908.301.2004

HOBOKEN, NEW JERSEY Superlatives are inadequate when describing this spectacular, posh and glamorous brick town home, which offers turn-of-the-century details with all of today’s modern conveniences. Four levels of incomparable living space include a finished basement/media room, superb public rooms, a professional-grade kitchen and a formal dining room. The luxurious parlor has hand-painted and gold-leaf ceiling medallions and crown molding. $1,650,000. SHARON SHAHINIAN & FRANCESCO MAZZAFERRO SALES ASSOCIATES COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 201.798.3300 201.533.3070 201.618.0373

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NEW JERSEY / NEW YORK P IERMONT- O N- H UDSON, N EW Y ORK Piermont on the Hudson. Sip Dom Perignon on the verandas as boats glide by at this spectacular town home designed by the builder/owner to take full advantage of the panoramic Hudson River views. Highlights include a gourmet kitchen, entertainment-size rooms with the finest appointments and a master-bedroom suite with spa bath and private theater. Enjoy access to a members-only health, pool and tennis club. Twenty minutes to NYC. $1,425,000. NOEMI MORALES, BROKER SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 845.357.8100 845.494.5015

K INNELON, N EW J ERSEY Enjoy a formal dining room and living room with gorgeous fireplace. A true lakefront treasure boasting exquisite gleaming Brazilian cherry flooring throughout. There is a magnificent two-story great room with French door walk-out and a fabulous floor-to-ceiling fireplace opening to a dream kitchen with glazed cherry cabinetry and rich countertops. $1,299,900. LISA MASTERSON, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 973.838.9300, Ext. 132 973.417.2301

J E R S E Y C I T Y, N E W J E R S E Y This unique, grandly proportioned, SoHo-style loft is an architectural feat, with 7,700 square feet of elegance on three living levels. Soaring ceilings, a chic professional-style kitchen with granite and upscale appliances, three full baths, three bedrooms, a personal gym, private screening room, hardwood flooring, parking and doorman service enhance the appeal of this exceptional residence. $1,295,000. SHARON SHAHINIAN, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 201.798.3300 201.618.0373

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NEW JERSEY W ESTFIELD, N EW J ERSEY Meticulously maintained by its original owners, this custom-built, expanded Ranch spares no attention to detail, exuding quality throughout its 12 rooms nestled on more than 2.5 acres. Redefining park-like property, this fine home is cleverly positioned on its oversized wooded lot less than two miles from downtown Westfield and top-rated schools. Enjoy extraordinary craftsmanship and an environment perfectly suited to the discriminating buyer. $1,399,000. KIMBERLEY HALEY, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 908.233.5555 908.301.2004

CHESTER, NEW JERSEY Welcome to “Apple Hill,” a five-bedroom, four- and onehalf bath private residence. On 2.48 manicured acres next to parkland, it features an open plan and spacious rooms introduced by floating stairs in the entry. The gourmet custom kitchen features top-of-the-line appliances, granite countertops and a butler’s pantry. The master suite has its own fireplace and huge bath. The lovely circular drive has a columned entrance. $1,375,000. BARBARA GRACE, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 973.543.2552 973.722.6846

WEST NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY This magnificent home is the ultimate in luxury living, offering a private terrace and breathtaking views of the Hudson River and NYC skyline from every window. Entertain in the spacious living room and dining room, as well as the gourmet kitchen with granite counters and custom cabinetry. The generous master bedroom boasts a beautiful en-suite bath and walk-in closet. There are also two additional bedrooms and a second full bath. $1,300,000. APRIL HARTMANN, SALES ASSOCIATE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 201.461.5000 201.723.3772

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NEW YORK O L D W E S T B U R Y, N E W Y O R K Sequestered within 6 extraordinary acres of scenic tranquility, this 8,000-square-foot, custom two-story home has been exquisitely designed by Keller/Sandgren. There are six bedrooms, four-plus baths, streaming sunlight and every luxurious amenity one could imagine. A pool, pool house, tennis court and Jericho schools enhance this unique home, composed of stone, granite and glass. $6,200,000. AILEEN MURSTEIN COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 516.621.4336 516.317.6007

B ROOKVILLE, N EW Y ORK Set on a conveniently located cul-de-sac amid 2 lovely, peacefully private, landscaped acres with a marvelous new pool, this magnificent five-plus-bedroom Colonial celebrates impeccable custom elegance with the finest amenities. A professionally equipped gourmet kitchen, a library/sixth bedroom, superb lower entertainment level, fireplaces and a four-stall horse barn enhance perfection. $3,999,000. EUNICE LEE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 516.864.8127 516.864.8100

O L D W E S T B U R Y, N E W Y O R K This custom brick center-hall Colonial on 2 idyllic “Stone Arches” acres is complete with pool and tennis court. There is a two-story entry, front and back staircases, gracious entertaining rooms, five bedrooms, four and one-half baths, and two wood-burning fireplaces. Located in the heart of Old Westbury on a quiet cul-de-sac. Jericho School District. $2,749,000. ROBIN KAPNER COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 516.521.6707 516.621.4336

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NEW YORK M A N H A S S E T, N E W Y O R K The finest architectural details mark this stunning, Stone Hill colonial with five bedrooms, a marvelous gourmet eat-in kitchen, sun-drenched family room and a grand master suite with balcony. An inviting living room and a formal dining room, each airily overlooked by a loft, and a fabulous lower level with a gym, kitchen, play room and outside entry are part of luxury. $2,850,000. HELENE VLACHOS COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 516.365.5780 516.641.2532

O LD B ROOKVILLE, N EW Y ORK Classic detail and elegant design are noted throughout this five-bedroom Americana Colonial. There is a formal living room, banquet dining room, large family room with fireplace and a gourmet eat-in kitchen. It is set on approximately 2.5 park-like, cul-de-sac acres with room for a pool and tennis. $2,495,000. DEBORAH MOHRING & GAIL CARILLO COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 516.671.6333 516.637.1767

M A N H A S S E T, N E W Y O R K Perfection rests amid manicured grounds in the heart of Strathmore Village. Traditional grace hallmarks this classic five-bedroom Tudor, with a superbly designed eat-in kitchen and adjoining family room, a formal living room with fireplace, formal dining room and luxurious master suite. Exceptional details include a new brick and slate roof, hardwood floors, crown molding and more. $2,250,000. ADELE KUCZMARSKI COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 516.365.5780 516.570.1505

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NEW YORK G LEN C OVE, N EW Y ORK Luxurious water view drenched in bright sunlight flows from a two-story entry to a state-of-the-art granite kitchen, formal dining room, inviting fireplace and quietly opulent master suite. A flawless wealth of fine details and a superb rear patio for relaxation or entertaining also enhance the impeccable five-bedroom classic. This is perfection amid a serene environment of 2 lush acres. $2,250,000. DENISE WOLFE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 516.671.6333 516.695.1672

S YO S S E T, N E W Y O R K Glimpse the grandeur of yesteryear in this magnificent 6,000plus-square-foot manor, once the summer home of one of America’s notable families. The impressive one-of-a-kind home showcases beautiful Georgian architecture, grand fireplaces and stylish detailing throughout. On 2 private acres offering serene gardens, an entertainment patio, in-ground pool and a location near every amenity. Syosset SD. $2,199,000. LINDA KOZIATEK COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 516.502.5725 516.864.8100

O L D W E S T B U R Y, N E W Y O R K Amid a lovely acre, this superb 4,200-square-foot brick home dramatically opens from a skylit two-story entry to a living room where a sweep of windows frames the in-ground pool, bluestone terracing and mature grounds. The formal banquet room, a kitchen that seats 10, a den with fireplace, a master suite whirlpool, four more bedrooms, wood floors and a cabana are just some of the many fine features. $2,095,000. MALCOLM KASTIN COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 516.236.2280 516.621.4336

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NEW YORK C E N T E R P O R T, N E W Y O R K This pristine waterfront compound embraces a newly renovated main house with three bedrooms, ample baths, a gourmet chef ’s granite kitchen, fireplaces and glorious harbor views. A one-bedroom beachhouse, two-bedroom guesthouse, boat equipment storage house, 220 feet of harbor water frontage, a dock, decks, a sandy beach and magnificent sunsets enhance waterside beauty. $1,999,995. JAMIE MARCANTONIO COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 631.754.4800 631.680.2305

M E LV I L L E , N E W Y O R K Extraordinary in every way, this impressive five-bedroom residence is set upon two magnificently landscaped acres, a setting of great scenic tranquility complimenting a Gunite pool, waterfall, whirlpool and lighted tennis court. Dramatic luxury includes a two-story entry, wood floors, a spacious updated kitchen with granite and marble, a full finished lower level and dual fireplace. $1,899,000. ROBERTA BINDER COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 631.673.4444 516.650.1365

M A N H A S S E T, N E W Y O R K This home boasts every amenity. Spacious, sun-splashed and super convenient, the open, one-level floor plan flows effortlessly from room to room. Glass doors lead to the multilevel Brazilian teak deck and hot tub. Each room was designed to take advantage of the beauty and serenity of the 1.4-acre site. The end result is a spectacular display of light-filled architecture reminiscent of California living. $1,788,000. SHELLEY SCOTTO COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 516.365.5780 516.816.7428

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NEW YORK O L D W E S T B U R Y, N E W Y O R K A 2.46-acre setting amid towering trees on quiet end of private block location. Gracious four-bedroom residence has a beautiful dark lake-like pool and cabana. Spacious rooms, gleaming hardwood floors, two large dens, formal dining room and living room with fireplace. Set in the Jericho school district, a lifestyle of distinction awaits. $1,785,000. BILLEE SPODEK COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 516.621.4336 516.398.6374

O LD F IELD, N EW Y ORK Hamptons-style magnificence crowns 2 lush acres. Here, extraordinary craftsmanship reigns with a grand, granitefloored two-story foyer, a stunning eat-in kitchen of fine granite with Wolf and Sub-Zero appliances plus a wet bar and double dishwashers, radiant-heated floors, six bedrooms with two master suites, marble baths, a large inground pool and more. Luxury is redefined. $1,550,000. ELVIRA PERDUE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 631.987.3660 631.638.6166

G A R D E N C I T Y, N E W Y O R K Perfectly sited on .33 of an acre in the Estates section rests this handsome 11-room center-hall Colonial. This home is your dream come true with four to five bedrooms, three-plus baths, banquet-sized formal dining room, kitchen with breakfast room, living room with fireplace, den, master suite and finished lower level. $1,199,000. SHELLEY SCOTTO & WILLIAM “DOUG” SINGER COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 516.816.7428 516.365.5780

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P E N N S Y LVA N I A S EWICKLEY H EIGHTS, P ENNSYLVANIA On a beautiful landscaped 6-acre lot in sought-after Sewickley Heights is this totally renovated Colonial. Boasting six bedrooms and seven-plus baths, this amazing estate has numerous luxurious features including a very large two-story center-hall foyer, first-floor guest suite, stunning paneled library, impressive butler’s pantry and gourmet kitchen opening to a large two-story great room with loft. Enjoy the impressive views of the Sewickley countryside. $2,495,000. CINDY INGRAM COLDWELL BANKER REAL ESTATE SERVICES 412.363.4000

M A R S H A L L , P E N N S Y LVA N I A Experience this gracious brick and stucco French country estate on 3 private, professionally landscaped acres. Features include a spectacular Rutt kitchen with island, a large eat-in area, butler’s pantry and granite countertops. The fabulous two-story great room is highlighted by a decorative ceiling. The first-floor master suite is complete with his-and-her baths and walk-in closets. Enjoy custom crown molding and woodworking throughout. $2,350,000. CAROL BAGALEY COLDWELL BANKER REAL ESTATE SERVICES 412.366.1600

N E V I L L E W O O D , P E N N S Y LVA N I A Elegance abounds in this remarkable residence located on the 18th hole at Nevillewood with fabulous views of the pond and waterfall. This home has four to five bedrooms, four and one-half baths and a first-floor master. The sunken two-story great room boasts a wall of windows, the maple kitchen with granite opens to the family room, and the daylight lower level is perfect for entertaining with a game room, putting green and fully equipped kitchen. $1,750,000. SYDNIE JONES COLDWELL BANKER REAL ESTATE SERVICES 412.344.0500

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P E N N S Y LVA N I A M U R R Y S V I L L E , P E N N S Y LVA N I A This two-story brick veneer and stucco home on 1.44 landscaped acres is highlighted by an in-ground pool. Inside, enjoy floor coverings of marble, hardwood, granite and carpet, and magnificently crafted woodwork throughout. The master bath features marble floors and countertops, brass fixtures and a Jacuzzi with skylight and view of the countryside. The 2,700-square-foot finished basement is the ultimate complement to your enjoyment. $1,400,000. DICK REID COLDWELL BANKER REAL ESTATE SERVICES 724.327.0123

A L L I S O N P A R K , P E N N S Y LVA N I A This one-of-a-kind, estate-like home is situated on more than 50 manicured and wooded acres, incorporating 1.3 miles of trails. Prestigious inside and out, the residence is perfect for formal entertaining and active outdoor living. This is the perfect property for a future horse farm. $1,300,000. JOE LARKIN COLDWELL BANKER REAL ESTATE SERVICES 412.487.0500

P I N E T O W N S H I P, P E N N S Y L VA N I A This exquisite Provincial 1-plus-acre home located in scenic Lake MacLeod features four bedrooms, four full and two half baths, a covered patio and a four-car garage. The “smart house” design boasts automated interior and exterior lighting, sound system and high-tech cameras. A dramatic interior features vaulted and tray ceilings, a first-floor owner’s suite, two-story family room with 60-inch plasma television, a home theater, bar room, gourmet kitchen and two-story den. $1,299,000. KEVIN MIHM COLDWELL BANKER REAL ESTATE SERVICES 412.366.1600

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P E N N S Y LVA N I A P I T T S B U R G H , P E N N S Y LVA N I A The Residences at Piatt Place in the heart of downtown Pittsburgh have elevated urban living to a new level of luxury and sophistication. From entering the building’s lobby to the panoramic view, one becomes aware of the fine attention to detail this building offers. The package includes high ceilings, a large private balcony, warm hardwoods, granite counters and stainless appliances. $1,190,000. TEEKIE SMITH COLDWELL BANKER REAL ESTATE SERVICES 412.363.4000

S H A D Y S I D E , P E N N S Y LVA N I A This six-bedroom, five- and one-half-bath home is nestled on a private cul-de-sac in desirable Shadyside West. Features include detailed craftsmanship, stenciled hardwood floors, a wall mural, crown molding, exposed brick, a newer chef ’s delight kitchen, renovated his-and-her master baths, zoned central air, a two-car garage, outdoor covered veranda, fountain and a fish pond with water lillies. $1,125,000. LISA SOLOMON COLDWELL BANKER REAL ESTATE SERVICES 412.363.4000

N OTTINGHAM T OWNSHIP, P ENNSYLVANIA Conveniently located, this exceptional custom-built home has all the bells and whistles! Privately nestled on 6 parklike acres, this exquisite home boasts a striking granite entry, two-story sunken family room, amazing gourmet granite kitchen, a dreamy first-floor master suite and an unbelievable game room with a wet bar. The custom features throughout are too numerous to list. $950,000. MELISSA MAGGI-BORDENICK COLDWELL BANKER REAL ESTATE SERVICES 724.942.1200

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A TRIBUTE TO WHITE. This page is dedicated to the color that is associated with purity, neutrality and brightness. In the world of luxury living, it can offer a clear palette for a future homeowner, signify a spectacular contemporary design and breathe a wondrous energy into an interior space. White is simply timeless.

DID YOU KNOW... Georgia’s state flower is the white Cherokee Rose,


Addison, Texas $1,290,000 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

Florida’s state flower is the Orange Blossom (which is actually white), and Texas’ state flower is the Bluebonnet (which can be white too!)

“THE” WHITE HOUSE—The famous structure situated at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., is not only one of the most well-known homes in the world, it is also one of the most luxurious. The White House encompassess 132 rooms, including 32 bathrooms. There are 6 levels that welcome approximately 6,000 visitors through one of its 412 doors, each day. They can view the grounds through any of the 147 windows, which look out onto some portion of the property’s 18 or so acres. In addition, there are seven staircases, three elevators and 28 fireplaces. After a State ball, the First Family could enjoy a little recreation at the indoor tennis courts, the running track, swimming pool, bowling lane, billiard room or movie theater. If it ever hit the market, the White House is thought to be worth well over $100 million. *

Architect Richard Meier’s “signature” color was white. Buckhead, Georgia $3,895,000 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage

Stuart, Florida $7,900,000 Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate

WHITE IN DESIGN & FENG SHUI White plays a prominent role in the art of feng shui. It is the color of purity and innocence, and is considered one of the supreme colors in Yogi traditions. In feng shui, white is the color that belongs to the element of metal and its energy is fresh, crisp, clear and clean fresh. White is the color of beginnings and clear endings. True in feng shui as well as in many design aspects, white is excellent for use anywhere in your home, especially to contrast brighter colors. In feng shui, white is highly recommended for areas where metal is the dominant element. Having a fresh, white space, such as a meditation room or a luxurious bath, is thought to soothe the psyche and spread healing vibrations throughout a home. It will also fill your subconscious with the feng shui energy of everexpanding possibilities and a bright future.

*According to a 2004 estimate released by

White Hot Facts ~ More shades of white are available commercially than any other color. ~ A white picket fence signifies a safe and happy home. ~ The appearance of white in a dream is thought to represent happiness at home; and white castles are a symbol of achievement, destiny fulfilled or spiritual perfection. ~ Originally, scientists wore beige coats. In the late 19th century, medical professionals chose white ones because of the hope and expectations for healing and recovery that physicians would bring.

The Southeastern Region includes Atlanta, Dallas/Ft. Worth and Florida

TEXAS F RISCO, T EXAS The Christina White Group invites you to view this stunning Jim Johnson Group creation. Each room reveals layers of details that are too numerous to list. A stunning outdoor living area with pool/spa, mahogany-paneled study, stone arches and a formal living room with cast stone fireplace are just some of the highlights. The open floor plan allows the whole family to interact between the kitchen, breakfast room and family room. Upstairs, there are card, game and media rooms. Set in a gated community. Offered at $1,299,000. THE CHRISTINA WHITE GROUP COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 972.989.2010

SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS Old World inspiration is evident inside and out in this four-bedroom, fivebath home located across from a park. Boasting more than 5,700 square feet, the stately residence has a breakfast bar in the owner’s suite and a summer kitchen, complete with fireplace, gracing the loggia. The butler’s pantry and wine storage area are conveniently located near the formal dining room. Living areas include a spacious formal library with additional office space, a game room and theater room serviced by a wet bar, and a great room. Offered at $1,100,000. DEBBIE DUNN COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 817.991.3964

C B D F W. C O M 81

G EORGIA B UCKHEAD, A T L A N TA , G E O R G I A This true European hardcoat stucco home has been totally updated, including a new master bath and a fabulous kitchen by Design Galleria. A stunning great room with a fireplace is open to a sunroom that overlooks a pool and lush landscaping. A library adjoins the main-level master suite. All bedrooms are en suite. The lower level has a bar, gym, media room and a recreational area. Offered at $1,495,000. TONI ITKIN COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 800.989.7733

B UCKHEAD, A T L A N TA , G E O R G I A Sophisticated in every way, this townhome features an oversized living room with coffered ceilings, and a renovated master suite that includes a luxury bath and closets. Beautiful




hardwoods are showcased throughout the interior. The main floor offers 11-foot ceilings. A separate den/library, extensive millwork, four fireplaces and an elevator complete this home. Offered at $1,325,000. PATTI JUNGER COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 800.989.7733

82 H O M E S & E S TAT E S

G EORGIA S ANDY S PRINGS, G EORGIA A Riverfront Sanctuary—On a beautiful, acre-plus lot with 410 feet of Chattahoochee River frontage is this




Traditional featuring five bedrooms and four and one-half baths. Enjoy a two-story marble foyer with a circular staircase, two master suites and a large, vaulted family room with stone fireplace and wall of windows. The finished terrace level offers a fireplace and walk-in wet bar. $1,199,000. KATIE BRINKMAN COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 800.989.7733

D U N W O O D Y, G EORGIA Dunwoody Gem on 3 Acres— Amazing value is found at this offering





discriminating buyers wanting a wonderful five-bedroom family home. Enjoy high-end finishes, an entertainer’s dream floor plan, a main-floor spa master suite, fireside library and a vaulted grand room. A banquet-sized dining room, chef ’s kitchen, which opens to a den, and terrace level are positioned for entertaining. $1,098,900. CAROLE SHORT COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 800.989.7733

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G EORGIA B U C K H E A D, A T L A N TA , G E O R G I A This magnificent new construction is sited on a beautiful, 1.78-acre lot. Interior features include a two-story great room, state-of-the-art kitchen, fireside banquet-sized dining room, media room and an in-law/ au-pair suite. A main-floor master suite, Brazilian cherry floors and custom chandeliers and ironwork complete this listing. Great owner financing offered! Offered at $3,999,000. PATTI JUNGER COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 800.989.7733

M ADISON, G EORGIA Historic Farm House—Restored and modernized, this farm house was built in 1816 and has been completely renovated. The home was decorated by a celebrated designer as his/her personal retreat. Enjoy a main-level master suite, five fireplaces, and a wet bar off of the kitchen. Generous rooms, pine floors, paneled walls and ceilings, and a huge mud room complete the interior. A rebuilt barn is also included. Offered at $2,295,000. PATTI JUNGER COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 800.989.7733

S ANDY S PRINGS, G EORGIA New Construction on the Chattahoochee River—This beautiful stone and shingle home with awesome river views is set in Bentwater/Grogans Bluff on a 1-plus-acre, cul-de-sac lot. The five-bedroom, five- and one-half-bath luxury home features a designer kitchen, a glamorous master suite and a fabulous finished terrace level. A one-of-a-kind chance to live close-in on the river and enjoy nature at its best. Offered at $1,485,000. KATIE BRINKMAN COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 800.989.7733

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LONGBOAT KEY—This one-of-a-kind, brand-new 6,378-square-foot single residence offers panoramic views from every room of Sarasota Bay, the Intracoastal Waterway, city lights and sealife. Custom built in 2007 on an 18,187-square-foot bayfront lot, this home was built to the latest hurricane codes and then some, with over-the-top finishes. There is a new seawall cap, new private docks and lifts for boating enjoyment. Enjoy four bedrooms, four full and one-half baths, an elevator, laundry facilities on both levels, remote-control Bose theater sound system throughout, a bayfront infinity-edge salt-system pool and hot tub, a large summer kitchen and four verandas for relaxing. Other amenities include imported Columbian clay tiles on the roof, top-of-the-line appliances, Brazilian cherry woods, marble, authentic Mexican tiles, Italian porcelain, granite, onyx, custom faux artwork, lush landscaping with an irrigation and drip system, a 10-foot arched mahogany double-door front entrance and paver brick drives and walkways throughout. There is a wood-burning fireplace in the master bedroom and a natural gas fireplace in the family room, custom 400-year-old teak columns in the family room, Pella windows and more. Offered at $7,195,000. COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE 800.542.4776

F LO R I DA M OV E S . C O M 85


ELEGANT BELLEVIEW ISLAND WATERFRONT IN TAMPA—Embrace elegance throughout this 5,700-square-foot, lavish threebedroom, three-bath custom home, which features a private beach, a dock with boat lift and a sparkling pool and spa. Built in 2000 to the highest structural standards, exquisite details and custom amenities, this waterfront home offers a gourmet kitchen, extraordinary master suite, pool-side casual living and a game room. Offered at $3,790,000.


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BOCA RATON—A hidden lakefront paradise in Le Lac, this magnificent 2.5-acre estate rests in a prestigious, secluded enclave, close to the best private and public schools. A paved motor court and six-bay garage welcome you home to this seven-bedroom, seven- andtwo-half-bath home. A two-bedroom guesthouse, tennis court, navigable lake, resort-style pool, loggia and gazebo are positioned in a tranquil, serene, private setting. The interior and exterior have been recently renovated with quality throughout, including hardwood floors, rich molding, elegant kitchen and baths, a home theater, built-ins and more. Paradise has been found. Offered at $4,950,000. ANDREA “ANDI” WITES, COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE 954.849.7203 954.255.5570

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LIGHTHOUSE POINT—This stunning residence offers spectacular wide-water views of Lake Placid from almost every room. A large master suite opens to a huge balcony with gorgeous views of the lighthouse. Enjoy a grand two-story foyer and living room, a gourmet kitchen with granite and high-end appliances, a huge den/media/family room, storm-resistant windows and doors and an 85-foot dock with prime, deep-water dockage, just minutes to Hillsboro inlet and the ocean. The residence provides exquisite finishes inside and out, a custom pool, spa and a three-car garage. Offered at $3,800,000. COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE 800.542.4776

FORT LAUDERDALE—This residence encompasses the entire 30th floor of The Palms, a world-class luxury condominium that is located directly on the sugar-white sand of Fort Lauderdale Beach. Enjoy 360-degree views of the ocean, Intracoastal Waterway and downtown from this spectacular grand penthouse. Enhanced by the highest in quality finishes and design, enjoy open, light and bright rooms opening to eight lovely and inviting verandas. An opulent master suite, huge and wonderful eat-in kitchen, a large and comfortable living room and a private study await. Enjoy the beach, tennis, a pool, spa, sunrises and sunsets, all from this exquisite residence. Offered at $4,450,000. COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE 800.542.4776

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PALM BEACH GARDENS—This magnificent 13,596-square-foot Intracoastal estate boasts a private dock, eight bedrooms, nine full and one-half baths, a gourmet kitchen and a second-story master suite with a sitting room, dressing room, walk-in closets and a private balcony overlooking the Intracoastal. Other amenities include a magnificent pool and Jacuzzi, a four-car garage, a full-house generator, impact glass and 100 feet of waterfront. Offered at $6,900,000.


F LO R I DA M OV E S . C O M 89


OLDE WINTER PARK—Made for entertaining, this prestigious four-bedroom, four- and- one-half-bath pool home is located on over half an acre in “Olde” Winter Park. Features of this home include a private office, formal living and dining rooms, a family room, breakfast room, bonus room and a craft room. A lower-level master retreat, three fireplaces, a gourmet kitchen, hardwood flooring, extensive molding and a three-car garage complete this listing. Offered at $1,549,000. ERIN TOMPKINS & LARRY SLUNG, COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE Erin cell: 321.231.2262 Larry cell: 407.616.8279

O RLAND O, F LORIDA This golf-front residence is on the fourth hole of Bay Hill Country Club’s Charger Course and features its own private golf cart path with easy access to the clubhouse. This private setting offers views of Lake Tibet and cypress trees. Quality upgrades include stone and marble floors; a gourmet island kitchen with granite countertops and custom cabinetry; a master retreat with oversized closets and built-in organizers; and a summer kitchen. Offered at $1,275,000. COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE 800.542.4776

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FEATURED PROPERTY MINNESOTA’S LOIRE VALLEY As you stroll through majestic pines on more than 2.5 acres and admire this estate, you may wonder whether you have left Orono, Minnesota, and landed in France’s Loire Valley. The spectacular, French-inspired, newly constructed country manor at 1200 Old Crystal Bay Road conveys an authenticity of architecture and design rarely seen in Minnesota. With five bedrooms and eight baths, this home’s 9,888 square feet include an intricately carved wood-paneled library, a Clive Christian kitchen from London, a game room and a billiards room. For more information on this $4.795 million listing, visit or contact Meredith Howell of Coldwell Banker Burnet at 952.476.3692.

COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT ONE MUSEUM PARK EAST · CHICAGO Located where Lake Shore Drive meets the Museum Campus, One Museum Park® at 1211 South Prairie Avenue will be the crown jewel of Chicago’s world-famous skyline. Soaring above Grant Park and Lake Michigan, this magnificent building evokes an international style yet remains deeply rooted in Chicago’s signature modernist tradition. But, the best design feature of One Museum Park is that not a single view is compromised. Every vista from every residence is a spectacular one—and each is guaranteed to be unobstructed forever. One Museum Park® pampers, indulges, spoils and meets your every need and desire by providing you with an unmatched level of amenities and services. Enjoy an outdoor swimming pool, rooftop sundeck overlooking the Museum Campus, a professionally equipped fitness center, 24-hour doormen, concierge service and secured indoor parking. And for entertaining, the Owner’s Club boasts gracious gathering spaces with an adjacent restaurant-quality kitchen—perfect for hosting just about any kind of celebration. Contact Ralph Oliva, 312.915.4728.

ADVICE FOR YOUR VACATION HOME Buying a second home is an investment with unique advantages. Unlike other financial ventures, it offers tangible benefits such as land and potential for rental income. It also provides a home away from home for vacation getaways or weekend trips. If a second home is in your future, consider this advice: Weekend getaways and more. Think about how you will use the property. Do you want it to be close enough to be a weekend getaway or a week-long retreat? Consider how you plan to use the space in the future. Keep summer sizzling. If you want your second home to be a vacation site, make sure it is situated near activities that not only you enjoy, but will also be attractive to others.

ENCOUNTERS Live Your Life The home-buying process has become a numbers game. And while financial concerns are part of the equation, the emphasis on mortgage rates and government stimulus has come to overshadow other vital considerations. “We’ve forgotten why we buy homes,” says JoAnn Vetter of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage in Mequon, Wisconsin. “When you change your address you change your life. It impacts so many aspects of your life more than just the numbers.” The notion of location, location, location should be changed to location, amenities and accessibility, Vetter says. “You live in a particular home to have the lifestyle you want,” says Vetter, a 15-year real estate veteran. “People are concerned because of all the things going on in the financial world that they don’t have any connection to and can’t control. What they can control is all the great things about their house and the way they feel when they’re home.” —JoAnn Vetter is has been named Coldwell Banker’s No. 1 Producer for the Milwaukee metro area.

737 E. Lakefront, Beverly Shores, Indiana Surrounded by Indiana Dunes, this is an extraordinary Beverly Shores lakefront beach house with two bedrooms and two baths. Enjoy views of Lake Michigan and the beach from almost every room, along with an open floor plan featuring a fireplace and a den. $1,495,000. Donna Hofmann, 219.926.4553

The Central Region includes Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota and Wisconsin.


SLINGER, WISCONSIN, MAGNIFICENT “MILLENNIUM MANOR”—This estate is exquisite in every regard, offering a lifestyle of comfort enhanced by the finest finishes, warmed limestone floors and handcrafted woods. Attention to detail results in a home of distinction and uncompromising style, featuring a two-story cherry-wood library, a cherry office with Purple Heart flooring, a master suite with sitting areas and a lofted exercise gym. The home theater is unrivaled in beauty, sight and sound, with individual reclining leather seats with ottomans and state-of-the-art picture and sound that rumbles the floor and surrounds you in the DVD or Blu-ray experience. A 3,500-bottle climate- and humidity-controlled wine cellar adjoins the entertainment area bar, with access to a customshaped outdoor pool and spa. Touch screens allow complete control of lighting settings to create ambience for every occasion, and also permit access for the front gate, security system and remote home access. Enjoy automated, programmable window shades and an elevator spanning all three levels of living space. A tennis court, incredible granite boulder hardscape, a pond view and an amazing vista create an ideal setting for this 20-acre property bordered by acres of conservancy. Offered at $6,500,000. J O ANN VETTER, COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 262.240.2611

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CHICAGO—Built in 1927 as a cooperative for socially prominent Chicagoans, this building survived the Great Depression intact and remains a premier cooperative today. The 17 residences of 2430 North Lakeview Avenue were planned to provide as much privacy and luxury as an apartment building possibly could. The scale of the apartments, its curved staircases, large libraries and other rooms echo the neoclassical elegance of the exterior. This apartment, with beautiful treetop views of Lincoln Park, has had more than $1,000,000 in improvements since 2003, including a state-of-the-art kitchen, 19th-century French oak paneling from a chateau in Normandy in the library and hand-painted and blocked wallpaper from England in the formal dining room. Parking for three cars is provided. Offered at $4,250,000. ELIZABETH BALLIS, COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 312.867.8122

CHICAGO—This top-floor, three-bedroom residence offers a library and sunroom with glorious park, lake and city views. This residence’s more than 3,600 square feet undewent a total renovation with custom finishes throughout. Built in 1911, this prestigious and intimate building was converted to condominiums in 1977. Offering spacious units accessing 10 stories, this building has a unique architectural style by renowned architect Benjamin Marshall. This was the most extravagantly conceived and executed of Chicago’s pre-World War I apartment buildings and remains a remarkable structure. Made of stone and terra-cotta in an elaborately worked and carefully referenced version of French classicism, it maintains premier status. Offered at $2,395,000.


C O L DW E L L B A N K E RO N L I N E . C O M 93

ILLINOIS / MICHIGAN LAKESIDE, MICHIGAN This rare, 2-plus-acre lakefront property offers 150 feet of frontage and littoral rights. This is one of the largest lakefront parcels available, with low bluffs and exceptional views. Custom-built in 2002, this home boasts Craftsman-inspired design by architect John Banks. Enjoy a two-story screen porch attached to a spectacular master suite, huge eat-in kitchen, formal dining room, five bedrooms, six full and onehalf baths and a roomy floor plan. Offered at $6,999,000. CHAD GRADOWSKI COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 219.241.9083

N EW B UFFALO, M ICHIGAN This custom-built, six-bedroom, five-bath, 4,800square-foot home rests in a private treetop location with views of the Galien River and the Preserve. Enjoy a location only one block to the best beach in Harbor Country. This residence offers two master suites, a two-story great room with a cozy fireplace and custom hickory kitchen cabinets. This open-concept home is perfect for entertaining. Offered at $1,299,000. CHAD GRADOWSKI COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 219.241.9083

C HICAGO, I LLINOIS This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to live in new construction right along Lincoln Park. Clean and elegant Deming on the Green has been designed with a modern yet timeless aesthetic. Rich woods and textured stone finishes are paired with state-of-the-art appliances and fixtures to create warm, sophisticated units ranging from approximately 1,200 to 6,300 square feet. A sustainable design includes a geothermal heating/cooling system and other green features. From $500,000. MELINDA JAKOVICH & DAN O’DONOGHUE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 312.440.7559

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COLUMBUS—Enjoy the ultimate in luxury living right in the heart of Bexley! As a vital part of Bexley Gateway, The Alexander offers four customizable penthouse suites featuring opulent dÊcor with unparalleled craftsmanship and detail. In addition, residents enjoy a relaxing, resort-style lifestyle complete with plush, private spaces, carefree common areas and a state-of-the-art workout facility in the lower level of the five-story residence. A charming addition to Bexley Gateway is The Shoppes, which will offer exclusive boutique shopping, outdoor dining and distinctive office space, all conveniently located steps away from the well-appointed first-floor lobby. Penthouse offered at $1,275,900. COLDWELL BANKER KING THOMPSON 614.239.2100

K I N G T H O M P S O N . C O M 95


CINCINNATI—This cheery, New England-style Colonial is located on one of Hyde Park’s favorite streets, within blocks of the always popular Hyde Park Square. A dramatic, two-story great room addition opens up the floor plan for more gracious entertaining and family gatherings. Upstairs are four bedrooms and three full bathrooms. The rear yard is landscaped to include a fieldstone patio, specimen plantings, and a neatly bordered lawn. Offered at $1,395,000. PERRIN MARCH, COLDWELL BANKER WEST SHELL 513.379.2253

CINCINNATI—Featured in “Great Houses of the Queen City,” this handsome American Colonial Revival sits in the East Walnut Hills Historic district, minutes to downtown Cincinnati. Known as the Larz W. Anderson house in honor of its first owner, this home has been beautifully updated and meticulously maintained. Graced by a dramatic yet inviting entrance hall and staircase, the home is well-designed for entertaining on a large scale. An exceptional property! Offered at $1,325,000. PERRIN MARCH, COLDWELL BANKER WEST SHELL 513.379.2253

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MISSOURI LADUE, MISSOURI This fantastic custom home on an extremely private 3.15acre lot offers approximately 13,000 finished square feet on three levels. Features include a main-level master suite, six additional bedroom suites, an electronics package (including a whole-house music system, security cameras, multiple flat screens and two theater screens), multiple terraces with an infinite-edge pool, plus a tennis court and a five-plus-car garage. MLS# 80054327. $6,950,000. ANNE RYAN & JOHN RYAN COLDWELL BANKER GUNDAKER 314.993.8000

W I L DWO O D, M I S S O U R I This may be the finest home built in the Midwest. Situated on approximately 5.48 acres at the end of a private, gated community, the home’s creativity and attention to detail are unsurpassed. Some of the world’s finest and most unique materials are found in this estate, complete with a dramatic two-story suspended spiral staircase, a pool and courtyard, four-car garage with work area, four bedrooms, a first-floor master wing and a guest wing. MLS# 80037334. $4,299,000. BRIDGET NEICHTER COLDWELL BANKER GUNDAKER 314.878.9820

C L AY T O N , M I S S O U R I Built in 1928, this is one of Clayton’s most notable homes. The home site is 1.42 acres with a pool, tennis court, pool house and carriage house. The more than 10,000 square feet were totally updated in 1996. Features include a stunning foyer and staircase, gourmet island kitchen and a family wing with four suites plus a master. Entertain on the lower level with gym/rec room or outdoors with a terrace, deck, pool, and pool house with mini kitchen. MLS# 80029924. $3,700,000. ANNE RYAN & JOHN RYAN COLDWELL BANKER GUNDAKER 314.993.8000

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MISSOURI F RONTENAC, M ISSOURI Elegant home on a private 1-plus-acre lot has approximately 7,900 square feet, a large kitchen area with hearth room, breakfast room and butler’s pantry, a Florida room, a master suite with a two-story bath with skylight, three more bedrooms, each with a full bath, and a library. There is a lower level with guest suite, wet bar and entertainment and rec rooms. Enjoy the pool, spa, tennis court and temperaturecontrolled wine closet. MLS# 80054760. $2,495,000. JILL KELLY COLDWELL BANKER GUNDAKER 314.993.8000

DES PERES, MISSOURI Exceptionally built, 1.5-story, custom-designed home is unparalleled in its classic millwork and architecture. Nearly 6,000 square feet, this five-bedroom, European-style brick and stone home has a grand entry with circular staircase, hardwood floors, a master bedroom with sitting room and stunning bath, gourmet kitchen with breakfast area and a vaulted hearth room with stone fireplace. The second floor has four spacious bedrooms. MLS# 80003038. $1,899,000. SUE WOLTER & STACIE FRYREAR COLDWELL BANKER GUNDAKER 314.821.5885

K I R K WO O D, M I S S O U R I Situated on 11-plus acres, this beautiful wooded retreat features a carriage house, river overlook log cabin with fireplace and wraparound deck and a 100-year-old stone pedestrian bridge. The 1.5-story home has four bedrooms, formal living and dining rooms, a family room, designer kitchen, a pool and pool house, sauna and sun room. The finished lower level has a family room, wet bar, game room and three separate office areas. MLS# 80064696. $1,895,000. CAROLE BERNSEN COLDWELL BANKER GUNDAKER 314.965.3030

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MISSOURI CREVE COEUR, MISSOURI Situated on a picture-perfect setting is this home with a twostory entry with onyx floor and curved staircase, vaulted great room, dining room with teak floor, wet bar/butler’s pantry and barrel vaulted ceiling, and a center-island kitchen with adjoining breakfast and hearth rooms. The master suite with inverted vaulted ceiling has a sitting room/study, see-through fireplace and bath with heated floor and incredible shower with electronic body spray! MLS# 80033658. $1,350,000. JEANNE BELLE & KAREN HUFTON COLDWELL BANKER GUNDAKER 636.394.9300

T O W N & C O U N T R Y, M I S S O U R I Spectacular opportunity to enjoy one of Town & Country’s prestigious neighborhoods, Muirfield. Backing to the 5th hole of Bellerive Country Club grounds, this Higginbotham-built, 1.5-story home offers a beautiful covered patio, ideal for viewing tournament golf or simply enjoying the park-like setting. Highlights include a living room with fireplace, dining room with custom mural and a family room with beamed ceiling, fireplace and wet bar. MLS# 80069985. $1,200,000. CAROLINE WEFEL COLDWELL BANKER GUNDAKER 314.878.9820

CREVE COEUR, MISSOURI This charming cottage-style home is situated on a prime 1-acre lot. The home features 5,100 square feet of finished space on three levels with five bedrooms, four and one-half baths, a gourmet kitchen with stainless appliances, fabulous built-ins, two stone fireplaces, a luxury master suite with lake view and a finished lower level with a rec room. MLS# 80037661. $1,195,000. STEVE MATHES COLDWELL BANKER GUNDAKER 314.993.8000

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M I N N E S O TA / W I S C O N S I N B AY P O R T, M I N N E S O TA Exquisite St. Croix River Location—The premier spot on the St. Croix River is home to this technologically advanced four-bedroom home of 7,800-plus square feet. Built in 2003 atop huge boulder walls, the residence offers three levels, open two-story staircases and walls of windows with jealousy-inducing views of the St. Croix River. Truly unique, and an entertainer’s dream inside and out! $3,990,000. ADAM NYBERG COLDWELL BANKER BURNET 651.329.5514

S TOCKHOLM, W ISCONSIN One of the finest private retreats in the upper Midwest includes a 425-acre estate setting in the bluff country overlooking Lake Pepin in Northwest Wisconsin. Complete privacy surrounds this historic farmhouse, which is complemented by separate guest cottages, a new sports barn, riding and hiking trails, a ski hill, swimming, tennis and superb hunting. $3,900,000. SHARON O’FLANNIGAN COLDWELL BANKER BURNET 651.430.7759

R ED C EDAR L AKE, W ISCONSIN The Gathering Place is an exceptionally rare, private retreat within two hours of Minneapolis. Located on 58 serene acres with 780 feet of coveted Red Cedar Lakeshore and set amidst soaring pines, the property radiates lasting memories of laughter, love and family. Highlights include a grand lodge and six meticulously renovated log homes. A potential runway is available with additional property. $2,850,000. GARY PETERSEN COLDWELL BANKER BURNET 952.451.0284

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THE MOUNTAIN WEST. The premier mountain living offered in Northern California, Colorado and Utah provides luxury residents a unique opportunity to enjoy numerous amenities—and a very active lifestyle—year-round, right outside their doors. From the shores of Northern California’s Lake Tahoe region to the mountains of Boulder, Colorado, and Park City, Utah, there is an activity to suit every taste.


Lake and Mountain Views Truckee, California $4,200,000 Sharp Team |

ENCOUNTERS TAKE IT OUTSIDE Janie Sharp is at home outdoors, so it is no surprise she decided to live where she could enjoy the activities offered by nature. When she discovered the Sierra Nevada, she found the perfect place to play—and work. “I fell in love with the mountain life, with the peace of the Sierras,” says Sharp, who has been selling real estate for 29 years and whose Coldwell Banker Northern California office is in Truckee, not far from Squaw Valley, the site of the 1960 Winter Olympics. “I was living in Santa Cruz and driving up to the Sierras often. I loved the small-town atmosphere. I loved the skiing and snowshoeing in the winter and the hiking and swimming in the summer. “It was just so nice I could work where I loved to play.” Although the area is known as a resort location, more people are living there on a full-time basis. The picturesque town of Truckee is home to 16,000 residents and was a favorite spot of the motion picture industry, with more than 80 movies filmed there during its peak period in the first half of the 20th century. “More people are living here year-round. They can work from home on the computer or fly out of Reno, which is convenient,” says Sharp, who prior to selling real estate lived in Hawaii and later worked for several years as a river guide for a rafting company in the Grand Canyon. “So many are tired of the traffic and the hustle and bustle of the city. “I met my husband in Truckee and raised our two kids here,” Sharp says. “It has been a wonderful experience. The community is health orientated, warm and friendly.” ~Visit Janie Sharp’s Web site at

Modern Day Chateau Boulder, Colorado $2,200,000 Bernardi Team |

Exquisite Mountain European Splendor Park City, Utah $2,600,000 Mary Tam |

Just the Facts Truckee, California ~ Truckee is about 12 miles northeast of Lake Tahoe. It serves as the gateway to the Lake Tahoe region.

Boulder, Colorado ~ Boulder is 25 miles north of Denver, the state’s capital.

Park City, Utah ~ Each year, more than 400 inches of snow drops on Park City’s mountains.

~ The Lake Tahoe region is a magnet for skiers, with 300-500 inches of snowfall per year at alpine ski elevations (according to

~ Among 14 comparable cities, Boulder ranks first in people who walk to work, work at home and drive with more than one person in the car. It ranks second among bicyclists.

~ Utah’s snow is known to be lighter and softer than most other snows. Its fluffy powder is the result of cold temperature, dry air and moisture from the Great Salt Lake.

~ The Lake Tahoe regional weather truly cooperates in allowing yearround enjoyment of all that the area offers, with low humidity and more than 300 days of sunshine every year.

~ Every year, Boulder Mountain Parks core area receives 1.8 million visits. If that many people made a human chain, it would stretch from Boulder to New York City.

~ Park City is located in the heart of the 160-mile-long Wasatch Mountains, part of the Rocky Mountain Range. It is 15 miles from the east edge of Salt Lake City.

➢ visit

➣ visit

➢ visit

The Western Region includes Colorado, Northern California and Utah.


HONOLULU, A DIAMOND HEAD MASTERPIECE—This absolutely stunning estate designed by award-winning architect Jim McPeak is located on the slopes of Diamond Head and offers a lifestyle one can only dream of. Experience walls of glass, rich hardwoods and painstaking design influences yet to be seen in the islands. Inspired by the Bulgari Estates in world-renowned Bali, this new and very private estate consists of two separate homes plus a caretaker’s quarters and is located at the top of a private drive. The main residence is a four-bedroom, four-bath, two-story home with separate one-bedroom, one-bath quarters. The guesthouse is also two stories and features three bedrooms and two baths. Both of these luxurious residences are complete with infinity pools, sun decks, lovely gardens and much more. Offered as a whole for $10,500,000 or individually, for $6,900,000 and $3,600,000. TRACY P. ALLEN COLDWELL BANKER PACIFIC PROPERTIES 808.593.6415

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H AWA I I H O N O L U L U , H AWA I I Capture amazing ocean, Kapiolani Park and Waikiki views and entertain to your heart’s desire from the more than 700-square-foot covered lanai of this heavenly oasis set in the most idyllic location in Honolulu—the slopes of Diamond Head. The owners have recently upgraded the entire home as well as adding more than 2,000 square feet to this classic 1938 residence, making sure that the original architecture of the estate was preserved. Offered at $5,950,000. BETH CHANG COLDWELL BANKER PACIFIC PROPERTIES 808.478.7800

KAHALA, HAWAII—Stunning, newly constructed, two-story Hawaiian Contemporary within walking distance to Kahala Beach. Beautifully appointed, its features include a gourmet kitchen with granite counters, two master suites, a spacious entertainment/exercise/media room, central air conditioning and beautiful Ipe hardwood floors. Enjoy the spacious covered lanais, a pool, spa, CAT 5 wiring throughout and a three-car garage. The wonderful floor plan and large pocketing doors to the lush tropical landscaping make this brand-new residence a place you want to retreat to. Offered at $3,795,000. BETH CHANG COLDWELL BANKER PACIFIC PROPERTIES 808.478.7800

C B PAC I F I C . C O M 103

H AWA I I H O N O L U L U , H AWA I I Ocean, Diamond Head and mountain views enhance this 2004 showplace. The interior includes five en-suite bedrooms, an office/den, living and dining rooms and a family room with a “surfboard” bar. It is perfect for island entertaining with a freeflowing floor plan that is both inviting and functional. Relax in the spa sheltered by a Pili Grass cabana overlooking the lagoon pool and lushly landscaped yard. Offered at $4,200,000. JOHN PETERSON COLDWELL BANKER PACIFIC PROPERTIES 808.220.5555

H O N O L U L U , H AWA I I Ths architecturally striking home on the slopes of Diamond Head offers a serene setting minutes from downtown Honolulu and a short walk to Waikiki, Kapiolani Park and beaches. Lush tropical landscaping and a Koi pond set the stage for this four-bedroom, five-bath estate in paradise. This home boasts a terraced yard with a pool pavilion/guest suite and a tiled pool. Offered at $3,500,000. JOHN PETERSON COLDWELL BANKER PACIFIC PROPERTIES 808.220.5555

H O N O L U L U , H AWA I I Launch your kayak, snorkel or swim from your backyard! Enjoy ever-changing views of Koko Head across Maunalua Bay to Diamond Head. The large living room and adjacent covered lanai step out to the level green lawn and oceanfront pier at water’s edge. Other features include a spacious family room, three bedrooms and two baths in a convenient neighborhood. Offered at $2,995,000. JOHN PETERSON COLDWELL BANKER PACIFIC PROPERTIES 808.220.5555

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C OLORADO E VERGREEN, C OLORADO This is one of the most secluded foothill residences in Evergreen. Situated on approximately 7.9 acres, this




seclusion, security and solitude. This versatile, approximately 10,000-squarefoot home suits both an intimate lifestyle and festive social gatherings. It is conveniently located approximately one hour from major resorts and approximately 35 minutes from Denver city life. Offered at $5,200,000. ANNE HARDT & ERICA TOPEL COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 303.810.0485 720.261.0448

DENVER, C OLORADO This exceptional home in a wonderful Hilltop location was crafted with skill and artistry. Enjoy a landscaped backyard, two-story foyer, formal living room with high ceilings, professional gourmet kitchen with breakfast room and a great room with fireplace and wet bar. The master suite has a spa-like bath and a balcony overlooking the gardens. A study, formal dining room, four bedrooms and four baths complete the home. Offered at $1,398,000. KAREN BRINCKERHOFF COLDWELL BANKER DEVONSHIRE 303.758.7611

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C OLORADO DENVER, C OLORADO This stately Jacques Benedict Tudor is located within one of the most secluded sites in the Country Club. The home features mature landscaping on a .75-acre lot, providing wonderful outdoor spaces that include a charming breakfast terrace set off the kitchen and a large flagstone terrace with water feature off the living and dining rooms. Enjoy six bedrooms, five baths, leadedglass windows, front and back staircases and art deco lighting. Offered at $4,900,000. CHRISTY OWEN COLDWELL BANKER DEVONSHIRE 303.906.9574

LARKSPUR, C OLORADO Stunning and majestic are just a few ways to describe this Energy Starcertified, approximately 9,600-squarefoot mountain and golf home with a concrete log exterior. Features include a dream kitchen with pizza oven, wine cellar and green elements. Experience the mountain lifestyle with Denver at your doorstep. Enjoy winter Front Range pleasures and Colorado’s high country skiing and ride your golf cart in the summer on the Bear Dance Golf Course. Offered at $4,995,000. RICHARD BERST & MEGAN MCKINNON COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 303.843.1200 303.671.1332

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C OLORADO F ORT C OLLINS, C OLORADO PALATIAL LAKEFRONT. With water and mountain views, this gorgeous home defines the contemporary lifestyle



comfort. A gourmet kitchen features newer appliances, upgrades and fine finishes. The luxurious master suite features a five-piece master bath with steam and rain shower and heated tile floors. Enjoy a large deck and patio that capture the most impressive views and offer seclusion. $1,398,000. SHIRLEY WATSON COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 970.419.2205

F ORT C OLLINS, C OLORADO Featuring spectacular mountain views, this





approximately 6.35 acres. The kitchen balances




convenience and features stainless-steel appliances, island, slab granite, butler’s pantry and eat-in nook. The master suite features a luxurious bath and screened-in balcony. The walkout basement has access to the patio, fire pit and hot tub and features a recreation room and wet bar. $1,175,000. SHIRLEY WATSON COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 970.419.2205

C O LO R A D O H O M E S . C O M 107

U TA H H E B E R C I T Y, U TA H Impeccable architectural design and construction are fully on display in this two-story French Craftsman cottage home. The secluded home site of approximately 3.25 acres is next to the middle Provo River, providing access to blue-ribbon fly fishing. Multiple spring water ponds and waterfalls add to the serene surroundings. Designed by Michaela Mahaday, the home’s interior space features a two-story cherry-wood library with barreled ceiling. $6,400,000. PAULA SHAW & KRISTIE COX COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 801.550.0228 435.640.5650

H O L L A D AY, U TA H One of Utah’s most prestigious estates located in the heart of Holladay. Quality exudes throughout this elegant home which offers a wine cellar, grand theater room, fitness room and apartment, just to name a few of the wonderful features. Enjoy the park-like yard with swimming pool, pool house, pond and putting green. $5,399,000. TERRI PAPPAS COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 801.699.2252

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U TA H S UNDANCE, U TA H This is an absolute must see. Built on what is recognized as one of the best view lots in the Sundance area, this mountain home is a wonderful retreat. Properly sized for easy upkeep and maintenance at approximately 2,160 square feet, nothing has been spared when it comes to providing cozy comfort.





immaculately maintained, upgraded and is beautifully decorated. It could truly be your turn-key entry to a mountain paradise. $1,225,000. ROY LAYCOCK COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 435.503.0942

S UNDANCE, U TA H This wonderful home in a gated community features a spectacular view and creek frontage and sits at an endof-the-road site on an over 1-acre lot. Featuring four bedrooms and three baths, the home boasts a study, sauna, two wood-burning fireplaces, radiant heat, two stone patios, multiple decks, a guest apartment and a three-car garage. Sit on the spacious deck, enjoy views of Mount Timpanogos, listen to the rustle of the creek and let the world go by. $2,300,000. ROY LAYCOCK COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 435.503.0942

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U TA H S A LT L A K E C I T Y, U TA H This town home boasts approximately 4,610 square feet with five bedrooms (each with private baths), and a mainfloor master with sauna and steam shower. The gourmet kitchen includes a Sub-Zero refrigerator and Thermador ovens. Additional features include vaulted ceilings, travertine floors, granite and marble countertops, an office, exercise room, second kitchen and safe room. The covered decks show off breathtaking views of the valley and Great Salt Lake. $875,000. VICKI RHOADS COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 801.390.0837

S A LT L A K E C I T Y, U TA H This contemporary home is located high above Capitol Hill and boasts stunning views of the valley and the prestigious Wasatch Mountain range. The home features a professional kitchen, vaulted ceilings and a mainlevel master suite with stunning bath, office, recessed lighting and a secluded terrace with breathtaking views. Enjoy the fully landscaped lot that backs up against protected green space. $1,650,000. ROBYNN MASTERS COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 801.652.4530

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CALIFORNIA H ILLSBOROUGH, CALIFORNIA Stunning, newly constructed estate on a gated lot with approximately 5,400 sophisticated square feet, including five bedroom suites, a ballroom and a movie theater. $5,880,000. JIM ARBEED COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 650.558.4248

H ILLSBOROUGH, CALIFORNIA This recently completed masterpiece rests on an idyllic site with views, waterfalls and terraces. Exquisite details, modern amenities and grand formal rooms abound. $4,800,000. JIM ARBEED COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 650.558.4248

C A L I F O R N I A M OV E S . C O M 111

CALIFORNIA H ILLSBOROUGH, CALIFORNIA This charming English country home, set on a beautifully landscaped, approximately .69-acre lot features four bedroom suites, lovely formal rooms and an enchanting setting. $2,199,000. JIM ARBEED COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 650.558.4248





approximately 14,000 square feet on approximately a 2-acre site with pool and tennis court. Features an office, gym, 20-seat theater and a threebedroom guesthouse. JIM ARBEED COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 650.558.4248

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CALIFORNIA H ILLSBOROUGH, CALIFORNIA Elegantly updated, gated estate on an approximately .69-acre lot boasting approximately 5,300 square feet with five bedrooms, six and one-half baths and a theater. $4,395,000. JIM ARBEED COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 650.558.4248

H ILLSBOROUGH, CALIFORNIA Designed by Craig Ellwood in 1961, this breathtaking golf course Contemporary is a true work of art with approximately 3,700 square feet and rooms facing a central courtyard pool. $3,700,000. JIM ARBEED COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 650.558.4248

C A L I F O R N I A M OV E S . C O M 113


GREENBRAE—This spacious, approximately 4,402-square-foot home has been renovated with attention given to every detail. The home boasts vaulted ceilings, Brazilian cherry hardwood floors, six large bedrooms, three and one-half baths, beautiful stained concrete decks and a 1,039-bottle, climate-controlled wine cellar. The fabulous gourmet kitchen opens to an inviting great room and large deck with a stunning view of Mt. Tam. The home is situated on a peaceful cul-de-sac and is close to the award-winning Kentfield schools. Everything is high-end and done to perfection. Offered at $2,699,000. ERIC A. BRAUN COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 415.948.3587

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CORRAL DE TIERRA—Set 1,000 feet above sea level on an approximately 6-acre sun-drenched hilltop only minutes from the beautiful Monterey Peninsula coastline sits a secure and secluded approximately 7,000-square-foot California contemporary residence aptly named “The Vantage.” Once inside, the eyes are treated to a monochromatic feast of textures including wood, stacked stone, plaster, polished concrete, glass and stainless steel. The visual treatment is soothing to the soul, like going to your favorite spa, and continues throughout the entire property. This home has great flow and plays host to both formal and informal areas, including a large master suite with a courtyard and balcony, a large guest suite overlooking the pool, dramatic formal living and dining rooms, a chef ’s kitchen, butler’s pantry and a 700bottle wine cellar. The upper level has two bedrooms, another family room and a full bath. The lower level, referred to as “Club Vantage,” has its own workout facility, sauna, large game room, wet bar, full bath and access to the pool area. Other outdoor features include a putting and chipping green, bocci ball court, an outdoor kitchen and dining room and a fireplace. Offered at $5,395,000. NICHOLS/BRUNO TEAM COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 831.626.2277

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CALIFORNIA C L AY T O N , CALIFORNIA Imagine living on approximately 66 acres, hearing the sounds of nature and gazing at the snow-capped mountains of the Sierra Nevadas and Mt. Diablo. This incredible custombuilt estate offers two homes under one roof with separate entrances off the sun room, two separate two-car garages, a workshop and exercise room. The homes are seven-yearsnew and feature approximately 5,200 square feet. $2,850,000. MICHAEL & JACKIE GERRY COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 925.209.5140 925.209.5130

H A L F M O O N B AY, CALIFORNIA This four-bedroom, three-bath home boasts approximately 3,350 square feet with expansive views. Located near the beach and coastal trails, it is light and bright with high ceilings, skylights and marble entryway and baths. The spacious kitchen features upgraded appliances and breakfast nook. The oversize deck overlooks the Half Moon Bay Golf Course, while the master suite, living and dining rooms boast amazing ocean views. $1,600,000. MARY ASCHER COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 650.483.2590

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THE REAL HOUSES OF ORANGE COUNTY With the jewel-like communities of Newport Beach, Laguna Beach and Corona del Mar lining this stretch of the California Riviera, Orange County luxury home sales remain vibrant, although it is a buyer’s market. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage’s Joy Curtin, based in Newport Beach, reports that demand for $4 millionThis Newport Coast home offers stunning plus properties is rising, although the water views and is listed at $11.495 million. $1.5 million to $2 million sector continues to be rather sluggish. “Waterfront properties are almost recession-proof and always in demand,” says Curtin, noting that the charming oceanfront community of Corona del Mar is among the hottest submarkets. Here, it is difficult to find a cute cottage—even one without an ocean view—for less than $2.5 million. “A gorgeous Hamptons-style vacation home in Newport Bay, priced at $14 million, sold within 10 days of being placed on the market,” she reports. Since Newport Beach evolved from a sleepy seaside town into an international resort destination, it has attracted buyers from around the world, explains Curtin, who is currently observing considerable interest from Korea and other parts of the Pacific Rim. “We are also seeing more and more highly successful young business people who are transferred into our area and are shopping in the $10 millionplus range,” she notes. Curtin insists that coastal Orange County is somewhat insulated from national and regional market fluctuations because of its perfect climate, healthy business community and world-class shopping, dining and arts scene. “Many of our residents could live anywhere in the world and they choose Newport Beach and the California Riviera,” she maintains.

LA’S MOST EXPENSIVE LISTINGS Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Holmby Hills...These are just a few of the renowned, sought-after areas of Los Angeles’ Westside that offer the epitome of luxury living, and are home to some of most spectacular homes in the world. Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, through its Previews International Program, has been representing some of the finest residences in the area for more than 75 years. The power of Previews—from its global reach to its custom, targeted marketing A gated entry leads to the Former Taylor Ranch plans—has enabled its luxury professionals to in Brentwood, currently listed at $65 million. dominate the market in Los Angeles for several decades. “Previews International has a distinguished reputation in our marketplace and our agents represent the finest estates in Southern California. The residences on the list [below] are unrivaled in their grandeur and appointments, a testament to their owners and a wonderful acquisition for a special luxury buyer,” notes Betty Graham, President and COO Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, Greater Los Angeles Company. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖

Fleur de Lys, $125 million, Holmby Hills, Joyce Rey, Coldwell Banker Beverly Hills South Le Belvedere $85 million, Bel Air, Joyce Rey & Stacy Gottula, Coldwell Banker Beverly Hills South Former Taylor Ranch, $65 million, Brentwood, Joyce Rey, Coldwell Banker Beverly Hills South Le Belle Vie, $53 million, Bel Air, Ron de Salvo, Coldwell Banker Beverly Hills North



ENCOUNTERS Joyce Rey... One of the most prominent agents on Los Angeles’ glamorous Westside discusses current trends in the L.A. luxury market. Q: What is the biggest change you see in today’s luxury market from say five years ago? A: “Actually, the market is not much different, in terms of both pricing and volume, since that preceded much of the dramatic appreciation we subsequently experienced.” Q: Los Angeles is known for its ultra-luxury mansions. Do you still have buyers looking for homes priced at $20 million, $50 million or $100 million? A: “Absolutely. I currently represent Fleur de Lys, one of the finest residences in the world. It’s priced at $125 million and I’m receiving quite a bit of interest in it.” Q: Have you seen a shift in foreign buyers in the last 12 months? A: “No, we continue to have interest from throughout the world, but the greatest source of buyers is still local.” Q: What was your most memorable sale? A: “There were two. In 1978, I sold the Sonny & Cher mansion for $4.2 million, which was double the price anybody had ever paid for a home. And in 2007, I sold a $31 million estate to a prominent dot-com entrepreneur, who found the home on my web site.” Q: What kind of home impresses you? A: “Anything that is unconventional and unique…I’m crazy about my own home, which is an award-winning Mid-Century Modern.” Q: In your opinion, what are the home “must haves” in order to appeal to today’s luxury buyer? A: “In L.A., two qualities command a premium: privacy and move-in-ready condition.” Q: How important is the Internet to your clients in buying and selling luxury real estate? A: “Extremely important, both for the transmission of information and execution of contracts. And with Coldwell Banker’s LeadRouter system, my cell phone rings whenever somebody completes an online inquiry about one of my listings.” The Southwestern Region includes Arizona and Southern California.

CALIFORNIA L AGUNA B EACH, C ALIFORNIA Emerald Bay’s finest beach property has a rare combination of premier location on one of California’s only private beaches with exceptional views, privacy and a beachfront guesthouse. Completed in 2007, this home offers the highest quality design, materials and finishes. Offered at $36,900,000. JOHN M C MONIGLE COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 949.734.6200

S A N J UA N C A P I S T R A N O, C A L I F O R N I A This Italian-inspired estate offers stunning amenities, including a pool, spa and grotto. Romance, elegance and magnificent craftsmanship abound in this approximately 18,000-square-foot Italian Renaissance villa. Unique features include a private chapel, Venetian ballroom and an award-winning theater. This is a brilliant estate that must be seen to be appreciated. Offered at $15,000,000. SHARON FAGUNDES COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 949.233.0799

L AGUNA B EACH, C ALIFORNIA The ultimate compound in North Laguna’s exclusive Smithcliffs features a world of luxury and privacy. Situated on three lots and sprawling over a half acre, this Mark Singer-designed masterpiece leaves no detail untouched. Offered at $13,895,000. GEORGINA JACOBSON COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 949.285.8380

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CALIFORNIA C ORONA DEL M AR, C ALIFORNIA Premier Shore Cliffs location with canyon and ocean views. View of Little Corona del Mar beach. Huge terraced lot with fruit trees, a gardener’s dream. A fantastic patio/pool area with spa, rimless pool, outdoor barbecue and bar. This home features five bedrooms and entertaining space galore. It’s a must-see property. Offered at $5,900,000. ROD DALEY COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 949.494.6208

N ORTH T USTIN, C ALIFORNIA Cascading waterfalls, streams and ponds on resort-like grounds give this elegant Spanish-inspired custom estate a tranquil and serene feeling. Offering approximately 7,800 square feet of luxurious living space, this home features nearly every desirable amenity. Offered at $2,999,900-$3,399,900. DAN SHUSTERMAN COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 714.928.9876

L AGUNA B EACH, C ALIFORNIA This architecturally stunning home was designed by John McInnes. With prime views of the curving Laguna coastline, this landmark home boasts folding walls of glass and unique touches throughout. Offered at $2,399,000. M C AFOOSE, JOHNSON & BARTEK COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 949.499.8957

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REDONDO BEACH—This is Truly Beach Living at its Finest! Set on a premier oceanfront location on the Esplanade is this rare opportunity to own a single-family residence with zoning that allows for two-unit multi-family residences (verify with city). This single-family home sits on a deep, wide and mostly flat grassy yard that overlooks the Pacific Ocean. Look out at spectacular white-water panoramic ocean views—from Malibu to Palos Verdes—from almost every room. Enjoy beautiful sunsets now and build your dream home, or more, later. This location is ideally located near the Riviera Village and is great for strolls along the beach. Price upon request.


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MALIBU—This very special gated bluff and beachfront estate compound overlooks beautiful Paradise Cove. The property consists of approximately 2.4 landscaped acres in two legal parcels in a most sought-after Malibu location. This newly completed property affords seamless indoor and outdoor living and casual yet dramatically elegant setting. There is a main home with an oceanfront infinity pool and spa, guesthouses and a beach pavilion on 81 feet of sandy beach frontage. It is perfectly positioned to take full advantage of coastline and ocean vistas. This home’s architecture was done by Michael Lee; landscape design by Scott Schrader. Offered at $21,500,000. ELLEN FRANCISCO, COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 310.589.2464

MONTECITO—Take in dramatic ocean and island views from this newer, Italian-style hillside villa near the world-famous San Ysidro Ranch. Enjoy the highest quality design and materials coupled with state-of-the-art media, electronics and mechanical systems. The main residence offers five bedrooms, six and one-half baths and a full one-bedroom, one-bath guesthouse. Interior spaces include a large kitchen/family room, media room and a three-room master suite, which includes a paneled study and exercise room, all of which open to the view loggia. Richly appointed throughout, this very private villa is surrounded by 3.4 acres of tiered gardens, expansive terraces and a pool. Offered at $19,500,000. RANDY SOLAKIAN, COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 805.565.2208

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CALIFORNIA BEL AIR, CALIFORNIA Hacienda-Style Retreat—They don’t build homes like this anymore! This seven-bedroom, 12-bath, approximately .75acre estate located in prime lower Bel Air has everything you could ever want in a home. Exquisite opulence reveals itself around every turn in this masterpiece of a home built by one of the biggest stars of the silver screen. Offered at $15,950,000; leased at $39,000/month. SALLY FORSTER JONES COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 310.281.3999

M ALIBU, C ALIFORNIA This sweeping ocean view, architectural showcase on one-story features five bedrooms, walls of glass, art walls, custom-designed cement flooring, an art studio and a spacious master suite. Enjoy the fully landscaped, 2-acre setting with an infinity pool, spa, lawns, foliage and an orchard—all designed to provide a private and serene sanctuary. Offered at $7,900,000. SUSAN MONUS COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 310.589.2477

S A N TA M O N I C A , C A L I F O R N I A Elegant “Gold Coast” Beach Compound—Enjoy elegant living at this private beachfront estate . The entry opens to dining and living rooms with dramatic, high ceilings. The master bedroom offers ocean and city views from Malibu to Catalina. Additional features include two additional bedrooms and baths, a large media room, swimmer’s pool and spa, and a two-bedroom guesthouse. Offered at $7,350,000; leased at $30,000/month. MARY BETH WOODS COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 310.571.1358

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CALIFORNIA B E V E R LY H I L L S , C A L I F O R N I A A $900,000 Reduction—Adjacent to Beverly Park, this Contemporary features jaw-dropping city and ocean views. The home’s 2,000-square-foot master boasts hisand-her bathroom suites and closets. The state-of-theart floor plan captures views from every room. Offered at $6,800,000. GINGER GLASS COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 310.860.8857 310.442.8068

SHERMAN OAKS, CALIFORNIA Constructed in 2008, this home celebrates the use of scale, abundant light and an open and flexible floor plan with rich walnut floors. Enjoy a chef’s kitchen, large entertaining areas, an approximately 1,900-bottle wine cellar and a stand alone guest/office/studio. Flagstone patios, lush landscaping, a gazebo and a custom pool with fountains, Baja shelf and spa accent the exterior. Offered at $4,495,000. MATTHEW W. FONDA COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 818.216.1545

S OUTH P ASADENA, C ALIFORNIA This premier three-story estate property is considered the cornerstone of its prestigious neighborhood. It is situated on .75 of an acre of picturesque grounds originally designed by Charles and Henry Greene. The main house features five bedrooms, 5,300-plus square feet of premium-quality space with elegant public rooms and exceptional amenities. A handsome three-car garage includes room for guest quarters. An inviting pool and covered patio await. Price upon request. ORVILLE HOUG & CAROL MAJORS COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE Orville: 626.710.8561 Carol: 626.399.9665

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RANCHO SANTA FE—Fantastic Opportunity at Cielo! Resort living is yours. Numerous amenities—including pools, a spa, recreation center, clubhouse and gym—are all included in this amazing lifestyle called Cielo at Rancho Santa Fe! This home of distinction is simply gorgeous. Dramatic Italian architecture enhances the sensational view lot with total privacy on nearly 3 acres of pure serenity. There is a huge yard with golf and country views as well as amazing sunrises and sunsets. The wonderful master suite with sweeping views boasts a huge walk-in wardrobe and a spacious master bath/vanity area. An amazing kitchen boasts granite countertops, custom cabinetry and stainless-steel gourmet appliances. A must see! $1,800,000. MARY HEON, COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 619.888.7653

TEMECULA—This stunning Meadowview gated custom home is on more than .5 of an acre of professionally landscaped grounds, offering the utmost in curb appeal. Enter the romantic front double, peacock-styled, beveled-glass doors with arched transom. Inside, the stunning interior includes four bedrooms plus an office or fifth bedroom. Large crown molding and baseboards make a statement of excellent craftsmanship. The grounds encompass a natural-rock water feature with ponds creating an atmosphere of tranquility. The patio area is open to the island cook center, complete with barbecue and built-in refrigerator. The property also has a professional Rhino Sports court, fruit orchard and RV parking, complete with 50 amp electric outlet and all hookups. This is a home that cannot be duplicated for the price, amenities and location. $898,000. GRETCHEN GUSKY, COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 951.553.6333

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CALIFORNIA LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA This European-inspired, contemporary, 6,000-square-foot masterpiece, completed in 2008, features five bedrooms, five baths and captivating ocean views! The interior offers Brazilian wood flooring, Spanish limestone, exotic marbles and Italian handmade fixtures. The master retreat leads through floor-to-ceiling glass doors to ocean-view patios, making this the epitome of indoor/outdoor living. $4,495,000. BETTY & BARRY TASHAKORIAN COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 619.954.9000 858.459.3851

DEL MAR, CALIFORNIA One-half block to the beach! Construction is almost complete on this architectural gem in the Del Mar Beach Colony. Located close to the Del Mar Race Track, great restaurants and shopping, this custom three-bedroom home features a Frank Lloyd Wright style with many Craftsman details. Not a detail has been missed, nor an expense spared. Sure to become an architectural landmark in Del Mar. $6,650,000-$6,850,000. KIM FILANC COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 858.243.1477

R A N C H O S A N TA F E , C A L I F O R N I A With its fabulous west side Covenant location, this award-winning home is located in a secluded, gated enclave amongst acres of protected land and offers every amenity your heart desires. With six bedrooms, 8,300 square feet and 3.43 acres, you’ll have the privacy and amenities you have been looking for. $6,300,000. DOUG & ORVA HARWOOD COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 858.735.4481

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PARADISE VALLEY—This finest and best-built estate on the market in Paradise Valley spreads out on 5-plus secure, private gated acres overlooking the McDowell, Superstition, Four Peaks and Camelback Mountains. This superb property offers a main house with a living room, great room, family room, formal dining room, the ultimate chef ’s kitchen with an adjacent butler’s pantry, library, office, master-bedroom suite with luxurious marble baths and custom walk-in closets and a two-bedroom, two-bath guest suite with living room and kitchenette. A covered patio with fireplaces and a barbecue extends along the entire back of the home, allowing for various areas for entertaining. There is a ramada with an outdoor fireplace, a pool, pool bath, tennis court and ample parking. Away from the main house, a large studio creates a wonderful private retreat with a living room with a 20-foot wood-beamed ceiling and an oversized stone fireplace, office, kitchenette and bath. MLS# 2930850. Offered at $18,900,000. ELLIE SHAPIRO, COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 602.980.2328

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MARANA—Introducing Serenita at Saguaro Ranch. Passagio is a ranch estate that redefines southern Arizona luxury. This pristine 3.3-acre property has spectacular views from every window. Unmatched quality construction is showcased within this true custom estate that is turnkey and ready for your enjoyment. Features include exposed beams and natural stone throughout, an elegant gourmet kitchen, stone and inlaid wood flooring, a wine room, glass walls that capture amazing views, a pool, swim-up bar, outdoor kitchen and a putting green. MLS# 20839433. Offered at $5,180,000. DAVID SWAN, COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 520.256.9318

MARANA—Entrada is a stunning new contemporary work-of-art in Serenita at Saguaro Ranch. The home’s unique entry is a rounded courtyard with pivoting windows and doors bringing tranquil sounds of water and desert aroma inside. Features include designer European cabinets, Venetian plaster, reverse-light cove ceilings, polished concrete floors, a guest casita with sunset patio, wine room, a butler prep kitchen, a car collector’s four-car garage, and a backyard oasis that features a bridge to the Jacuzzi with water flowing underneath. MLS# 20840847. Offered at $6,540,000. DAVID SWAN, COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 520.256.9318

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A RIZONA T UCSON, A RIZONA Serenely secluded, this 4.11-acre gated retreat sports a top-notch, expandable, two-horse facility with endless trails—saddle up and ride! Nestled in Molina Canyon and surrounded by glorious red cliffs, this home sits above a protected riparian area with a running creek. Enjoy 3,750 square feet of sculpted Santa Fe with chic Southwestern flavor. MLS# 20812988. Offered at $1,250,000. EILEEN EAGAR COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 520.247.7757

P HOENIX, A RIZONA A superb seventh-floor residence at Esplanade Place— the finest luxury high-rise building in Phoenix adjacent to the Ritz-Carlton! Stunning custom finishes include hardwood floors, slab-granite counters and backsplash, upgraded lighting and a tiled balcony! Enjoy lavish amenities and services such as valet parking, a full fitness center, 24-hour security guard, rooftop pool, spa and barbecues. MLS# 3006082. $1,395,000. SUSAN POLAKOF COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 602.738.5500

S COTTSDALE, A RIZONA This gorgeous 3,100-plus-square-foot home is on 1-plus-acre with magnificent views! The home exudes quality with three bedrooms, three baths, a great room, wet bar, fireplace and dining area. The beautiful gourmet eat-in kitchen is complete with an island. The master suite has two walk-in closets and a separate tub and shower. Ceiling fans and plantation shutters are also included. MLS# 4050994. $1,285,000. JOAN ANDERSEN COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 623.972.1161

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A RIZONA L A K E H AVA S U C I T Y, A R I Z O N A Privacy and security are offered within this gated 2.36-acre mountaintop estate with incredible lake, city and desert views! With fabulous year-round weather, enjoy the glistening pool. Pristine and air-conditioned, the 3,533-square-foot interior offers three bedrooms, three baths, a three-car garage and breathtaking views from every window. Lake Havasu City is Arizona’s water wonderland. MLS# 819701. $1,250,000. KIM "MR. T" TIBBITS COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 928.486.4858

P A R A D I S E V A L L E Y, A R I Z O N A This grand-scale estate in Paradise Valley’s guard-gated community of Finisterre offers delightful features. The 11,148-plus-square-foot versatile floor plan can accommodate five-plus bedroom suites, seven baths, an elaborate master suite, an office, two family great rooms, attached guesthouse, media theater, a five-car garage, pool, sport court and mountain views. MLS# 3033523. $4,300,000. SUSAN POLAKOF COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 602.738.5500

P HOENIX, A RIZONA Charming “Oasis” on Camelback Mountain, nestled above the famous Phoenician Golf Course. This lovely classic-style home exudes all the charm of a French country chateau. Basic features include five bedrooms, two offices and a country-style kitchen with a wraparound veranda that offers phenomenal views and acres of privacy. Most incredible location in the entire Valley of the Sun. MLS# 4014449. $2,985,000. KAY STOLWORTHY COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 602.524.2913

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