2 minute read


"Learn to connect with your positive essence to undertake in your life"





Karén Pérez, mentor, host of the Apreciative Woman program on the Impulsa Emprende TV channel, points out that being appreciative is contemplating from the soul, to let the most precious and important thing of each moment in life flourish, is like putting on glasses that allow you to see the best of each person.

People tend to put on negative bias glasses, see dangers or threats, especially during the pandemic, feel that our lives are at risk.


Being appreciative implies putting an intentional focus on the best and most precious, imagining that from your soul you can see a lighthouse that is capable of illuminating everything that surrounds your life, to contemplate from that place the most precious and leave FloreSer, because you Being is also being reflected when focusing on the best and most precious.

Karen adds that what you see in life is a reflection of what you have internally, if you see abundance it is because I have a world in the soul surrounded by abundance, if instead I am with a complex vision, I am also living it in the inside about herself. By focusing on the appreciative we achieve that uncertainty can be handled in a better way,

If you imagine your life to be a landscape, what would it be like? a calm place surrounded by flowers, or a sea of great waves, surrounded by animals, surrounded by people.

Each landscape is different, due to the elements that compose it, when you feel the landscape, you will realize that it is changing, in the same way your projects, undertakings have changes, it will undergo transformations.

With this exercise you can visualize that a project, an undertaking, life itself is going to have different shades, different colors. What would the landscape be like when starting a new relationship, what would the landscape be like when undertaking a work challenge? .

Karen Perez Molina

To connect with the positive essence is to connect with the sap that gives life to my soul. what makes you vibrate, what makes you unique, what makes you connect with that wonderful woman that you are, even when you go through difficult situations, become aware of the learnings that these situations generate.

If you want to know the matrix to work on the positive essence in detail, you can see the chapter: Appreciative Woman, "Learn to connect with your positive essence to undertake in your life" in @impulsaemprendeTV. Accede a más contenido cada jueves a las 18:00 horas en el programa "Mujer Apreciativa" , en Impulsa Emprende TV, conducido por Karen Pérez, transmitido por youtube y facebook @impulsaemprendetv.

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