your guide to wellness
The Heart of Bali Understanding the Chakras The 80/20 Principle DFW Metaphysical
Chamber of Commerce
Divinely Inspired Art by Nicole Your Summer Astrology
COVER IMAGE: iStockphoto.com/wildcat78
Amma Visits Dallas
Wellness Expo
• Fort Worth: August 14-15 see program guide on pages 15-18
• Addison: October 16-17 details on back cover
Wellness Expo August 14-15, 11am-6pm • Will R ogers Memorial Center in See pages 15-18 for Program Guide
August 14-15, 11am-6pm
Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth
Children under 12 & adults over 65 admitted free.
972-378-3770 Save $2 or more, buy tickets online WellnessExpo.net
WellnessExpo.net PRODUCED BY:
Stagecoach Room Amon G. Carter Jr. Bldg Will Rogers Memorial Center �������� ��������� ������ ���������� 1579 Gendy St • Fort Worth, Tx 76107
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Holistic Networker
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®Fort Worth
Publishers Tony Cecala, Ph.D. Felicia Weiss, Ph.D. Holistic Networker® is DFW’s guide for holistic health and personal growth. 28,000 copies are printed quarterly and distributed freely at health food stores, bookstores, cafés, wellness centers and selected retail outlets.
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Contents Holistic Forum ............................................4 Amma Visits Dallas .....................................6 Wellness Expo Program Guide..................15 Understanding the Chakras......................22 Divinely Inspired Art: Prepare to Fly!.........24 The Heart of Bali.......................................25 Interview: Laura Rose ...............................27 Your Summer Stars...................................28 Events/Classifieds .....................................30 Advertising Rates ......................................31
Directory Alternative Healing.......12 Macrobiotics ................20 Bodywork.....................12 Meditation ...................20 Bookstores/Gifts ...........12 Metaphysical Arts & Sciences....................20
Colonics........................12 Dance/Movement .......19 Dentistry.......................19
Naturopathic Medicine..20 Organizing/ Feng Shui .....................20
Education/ Osteopathy ..................20 Personal Growth ..........19 Pilates ...........................20 Holistic Centers ............19 Products .......................20 Holistic Dentistry..........19 Reiki/Energy Healing....26 Holistic Medicine..........19 Spiritual Organizations.26 Holistic Veterinary ........19 Tai Chi / Qigong...........26 Homeopathy................19 Vedic Astrology ............26 Hypnotherapy..............20 Yoga .............................26 Iridology.......................20 Holistic Networker provides an advertising service. We are not responsible for the claims stated by our advertisers. The information in this publication does not constitute medical advice. Holistic Networker is a registered trademark of Holistic Networker, LLC. Copyright © 2010, Holistic Networker, LLC. All rights reserved.
Summer 2010 3
re you doing other things while you read these words? Are you sipping coffee? Riding an exercise machine? Listening to music? Most people find it easy to multitask when the tasks require different brain processes. We sometimes get into trouble when we try to text a friend and talk on the phone at the same time—there’s a bottleneck in the language production area of our brain—and we find ourselves sending the wrong message to the wrong party (embarrassing, at best). A debate is currently raging in business journals about multitasking. Some decry that by multitasking, you are doing a poorer job at each of the tasks. Others argue that executives (and moms) literally cannot do their jobs if they were to focus on single tasks sequentially. I believe that the optimal path is to discern which tasks you do easily and to mash them up readily. Save your concentrated attention for important things that require single-minded focus. How do we concentrate in a world of Twitter, email, and text distractions? It takes great discipline, but I encourage you to set aside dedicated time to aim your laser attention on your career, book, hobby, or project until the rest of the world fades from your awareness. Runners, skiers, and race car drivers know that in moments of peak concentration time disappears—your mind works at the speed of light, making connections and integrating information from all parts of your brain. Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi, describes this state of flow as, “being completely involved in an activity for its own sake. The ego falls away. Time flies. Every action, movement, and thought follows inevitably from the previous one, like playing jazz. Your whole being is involved, and you’re using your skills to the utmost.” Prof. Csíkszentmihályi believes that the “flow” experience brings people an optimal level of happiness. Too little mental stimulation — we become bored and depressed. Too much — we become worrisome and anxious. Find an optimal level of engaging work that challenges you, pour passionate attention into it, and you have a recipe for a happy, fulfilling life. Best,
Tony Cecala
ecently I decided that I would look at what was working in my life and that I would do more of it. It felt like overnight my life started moving rapidly forward in a positive direction. By now most of us are familiar with the concept that what we put our attention on is magnified and grows. When we see the world in a negative light, we quickly find evidence that things are not going well. However, when we choose to focus on the positive, we just as rapidly find evidence that there is much good in the world. I have often thought of the Pareto principle, which is also known as the 80-20 rule, which explains that for many events, 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. Joseph M. Juran, a 20th century management consultant, named this principle after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who noticed that 80% of the peas in his garden came from 20% of the pea pods. Pareto further discovered that 80% of the wealth from many countries was owned by just 20% of its population. Juran applied this principle to business, suggesting that 80% of your sales come from 20% of your clients. Many other applications of this powerful principle have since been found. Richard Koch, author of “The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Success by Achieving More with Less”, notes that hundreds of thousands of people have found this principle to be useful, not only in their work and careers, but also in the whole of their lives. As Wayne Dyer notes, “When you change the way you look at things, the things that you look at change.” By deliberately choosing to focus on and be grateful for all that is going well in our lives, our lives can become an upward spiral of joy and fulfillment. I hope you, too, will choose to focus on the 20% of your efforts that are accounting for 80% of your success in all aspects of your life and that your life will become all that you are hoping it can be. Love & Light, Felicia Weiss
❧ “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands during challenges and controversy.” —Martin Luther King
4 HolisticNetworker.com
Summer 2010
Holistic Forum How do I become more passionate and joyful? We’re so easily distracted by technology and the business of life that we are becoming less and less in touch with our bodies. Bioenergetics helps us to be aware of our bodies, our breathing, our grounding so that we can make more conscious choices about what we want in our lives as well as what we don’t want.
Sherri Lackman is a Master’s Level Licensed Professional Counselor. She holds membership in the American Counseling Association, the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis, the Dallas Society for Bioenergetic Analysis, and the Heart-Centered Therapies Association. Sherri treats Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety, and Eating Disorders. Her office is located in Richardson, 972-231-4466.
Is there a Divine Design for me? Yes, most everyone wishes there is something special for he/she to do in life, but feel that they have been left out. No one has been left out. We each hold a very special piece to something better. Do we need to remove the glop that filters us from seeing the bigger and much more beautiful picture? Yes! We will remove the glop, open the heart, move into forgiveness and live a better life for it. Beth Carpenter, N.D. loves intuitively guiding God’s children in health and happiness. She is a traditional naturopath, medical intuitive, Reiki Master, author, public speaker, psychic and angel communicator with over 20 years experience. Beth works full-time in natural, complementary and energy medicine. She has helped thousands achieve health, balance, peace, abundance and understanding in their life and directions. Will you say YES to permitting Beth to help you too? www.healthyhelp4u.com, 512-707-9886
Why is it important to receive Thai Massage from a certified master level practitioner? Finding a practitioner who has studied extensively the art of Thai Massage assures that you will receive the most optimum experience during a session. As a master level practitioner with over 8 years experience, I have chosen to specialize in Thai Massage. Each session is unique and matched with how your body is doing/feeling/being that day. I have trained in the US, Thailand, and England where I learned techniques being created worldwide and utilized by master level Thai Massage therapists. I would be honored to share with you my joy and passion for this amazing bodywork.
Suzanne Miller is a LMT and Kripalu Yoga Teacher. She can be reached at 972-319-3661.
What is Iridology and how can it help me? It has been said that the eye is the mirror of the soul, and that it discloses the different mental and physical conditions of the body; we generally speak of the ‘vivid clear eye’ of the well person, of the ‘anguishing, glaring eye’ of the consumptive; of the ‘broken eye’ of the dead-sick. Various nervous diseases are disclosed by the decreased mobility of the pupil; frequent disturbances of the sight point to diseases of the kidneys (diabetes), as does also the falling out of the eye-lashes. By analyzing the iris of the eye, it is possible to determine the condition of your body by reflex markings found in the corresponding fibers of the iris. Iridology analyzes the iris of the eye to determine the cause of your ill health, in what state it is in, how it arrived there, how to free your body of it, and most of all, when you have freed it. To help you find out the root of your health problem call Iridologist, Edna Craven, DC, BCNP, BCI at 972-256-0004 / dreecraven@earthlink.net (29 yrs. experience). 10% discount with this ad.
What can I expect during a Reconnective Healing session or The Reconnection? What’s the best way to prepare for it? What can I do to allow it to be most effective? Everyone’s experience with Reconnective Healing is unique. Often healings are reported in an instant in just one session, and sometimes it takes a bit longer for a healing to unfold. If you’re lucky, your healing will come in the form you anticipated; if you’re really lucky, your healing will come in a form you haven’t even thought of, one that the universe has in mind specifically for you. Healings can come in all forms. The best way to allow for a healing is to proceed in a state of expectancy, without expectation or attachment. Place yourself on the table, relax, close your eyes and simply notice. Observe. Become both the observer and the observed. Jim Nippert, Reconnective Healing Practitioner™, was trained personally by Dr. Eric Pearl, the founder of the technique. Please contact Jim at 469-877-6578 or email: jim@jwnippert.com Learn more at www.TheReconnection.com
How can CranioSacral Therapy help my life? Whether your problems are structural, organic, emotional or neurological, this powerful therapy can facilitate your healing on all levels at once. Its many modes include gentle manipulation of the cranio-sacral system surrounding the central nervous system, including membranes of the skull to relieve any compressions that can cause a myriad of symptoms in the head; using energy via the fascia to restore structural integrity of the body and unwind tension patterns; and using energy combined with positioning and dialoguing to release stored energy from physical and emotional traumas. Best of all, most clients enjoy a much deeper relaxation than with massage. Sandy Hanne, R.M.T, has helped thousands of clients change their lives using CranioSacral Therapy. An advanced practitioner, she has studied extensively with Dr. John Upledger, founder of the technique. 469-438-8634.
How can I help my psychic child? My 9 y.o. daughter wants to learn more about psychic ability. She can see colors around people, she dreams things that seem to come true. Handle her with intuitive care. You are the home school psychic teacher. Your daughter will lead with questions or offering you information from her dreams. Stay open to listening without doubting you daughter. Never turn your daughter over to anyone to teach her something you do not yet understand. She is the leader and you are the teacher. The word talent reflects a great gift. Psychic talent is a natural instinct we are born with and like anything if nurtured with love and kindness the intuitive vine of life will grow. Keep it fun, bring her to the Fort Worth Wellness Expo. Sandy is a thirty years gifted psychic counselor,speaker, tarot card reader and co-host on a CRN Talk Radio show. Sandy is hosting her own shows on Blog Talk Radio in The Spiritual Garden with Sandy Winnette. Call the show on Wed’s 11:30am for free readings at 1-347-989-1324. Private reading with Sandy 817-268-5544 Hurst Tx.
What is CranioFascial Integrative Therapy? This therapy recognizes the importance of the integration of the fascial and CranioSacral systems and works to gently release restrictions that may be causing pain, or problems in the immune, nervous, digestive, endocrine or other body systems. Using a very light touch the therapist works to correct the origin of the pain. It has been used to successfully correct infertility, scoliosis, plantar fasciitis, ADD/ADHD, carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia, sports injuries, arthritis, and pain in any area of the body, including migraines. Frankie Burget is a licensed Occupational Therapist and Fellow with the American College of Wellness who has practiced in the DFW area for over 20 years. She has extensive training including Barnes Myofascial Release Centers and Upledger Institute. You may view her curriculum vitae on the About Us page of her website, www.windsongtherapy.com. Please contact her at 817571-8135 or frankie@windsongtherapy.com. Please see bodywork section for more information. What is a naturopathic doctor (ND or NMD)? Doctors of naturopathic medicine (ND/NMDs) are trained as primary care physicians and have attended a four-year naturopathic medical school. Their training is based on the same basic science and clinical biomedical instruction allopathic medicine (MD); however, natural medicines are emphasized. This rigorous medical training differentiates ND/NMDs from other self-taught alternative practitioners. Naturopathic doctors assist patients by using mostly integrative and holistic modalities such as nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy, and counseling. This approach has proven successful in helping both chronic and acute conditions. To determine if a doctor is trained and licensed as an ND/NMD, go to www.naturopathic.org or www.txanp.org. Dr. Kimberly Wilson, NMD, Vice President of the Texas Association of Naturopathic Physicians and a member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, sees patients at Innovations Wellness Center, 6545 Preston Rd., Plano, TX, and 4230 Avondale Ave., Dallas, TX www.InnovationsWellness.com (972) 608-0100.
Summer 2010 5
A Natural Approach to Healing All Aspects of Adult Care
6 HolisticNetworker.com
Summer 2010
AMMA, Celebrated Humanitarian and “God’s Love in a Human Body” to receive thousands in North Texas June 27-28
tireless humanitarian, Mata Amritanandamayi, better known as “Amma” or “Ammachi,” visits Addison, on Sunday June 27 and Monday June 28. She will receive thousands with her blessing – a healing embrace. Considered a living Saint in her homeland, Amma, 55, has quietly gained an extraordinary reputation over the last 30 years as a result of the extensive charitable institutions she has established, and for her personal outreach. Sleeping merely a couple hours per day, she teaches by the constant example of her own life, emphasizing selfless social service. Through her extraordinary acts of love and self-sacrifice, Amma has endeared herself to millions. She tenderly caresses everyone who comes to her, holding them close to her heart. Darshan is a Sanskrit term describing “audience in the presence of a holy person”. In a radical departure from Indian tradition (particularly for a woman), Amma’s darshan consists of a long tender embrace. In India, vast crowds usually assemble to the point where Amma may individually receive and hug over 40,000 people in one day, sitting continuously. She will never turn anyone away, nor charge any money. It is estimated that Amma has given over 26 million hugs in her life. Amma’s compassion crosses all barriers of nationality, race, caste and religion. Amma teaches that the Divine exists in everything – in every person, plant and animal. Perceiving this unity is the essence of spirituality and the means by which to end all suffering. Through this simple, yet powerful message Amma is transforming our world, one embrace at a time.
As Dr. Jane Goodall, while presenting Amma with the 2002 Gandhi-King Award for Non-violence said, “She stands here in front of us: God’s love in a human body.” “She has been compared to Mother Teresa and Mohandas K. Gandhi…” —Washington Post With official NGO status granted by the United Nations, Amma oversees a vast network of charitable activities of three distinct types: 1) direct aid to the needy 2) educational institutions designed to help the underprivileged help themselves, and 3) social programs that serve broader society and the planet. In recognition of her humanitarian endeavors, most recently in the area of disaster relief, Amma received the James Parks Morton Award in 2006. In 2002, Amma was greeted by a roaring standing ovation at the U.N. in Geneva, upon being recognized with the Gandhi-King Award for Non-Violence, an award previously given to Nelson Mandela, Kofi Annan, and Dr. Jane Goodall. Amma was the closing plenary at the 2004 Parliament of The World’s Religions in Barcelona, wherein she emphasized the importance of harnessing “spiritual power” in an effort to rise above religious differences.
It is inspiring to be
Program Schedule June 27 & 28 Dallas, Texas, Hyatt Regency at DFW Airport: Free public programs will take place beginning at 10am on Sunday, June 27, with a brief meditation, and then Amma’s darshan, which continues into mid-afternoon. Sunday evening, at 7:30pm, the program starts with a talk, and music led by Amma. Darshan begins around 9:30 pm and goes late into the night; Amma will not leave until everyone who wishes to have her personal blessing has been received. On Monday the morning session begins at 10:00 am, with a brief meditation, and then darshan, which continues into midafternoon. The “Devi Bhava” program, also free and open to all, begins at 7:00pm on Monday evening. This program also includes a 1-hour ceremony honoring the Divine Mother, and personal blessings from Amma for those present — these blessings continue until the early hours of Tuesday morning.
reminded of what is beautiful and deep about the human spirit.
Website Info:
www.ammadallas.org Dallas Program Information 1-888-9-AMMA-09
8 HolisticNetworker.com
Summer 2010
Quantum Touch® Basic Workshop Offered by Quantum Touch Practitioner/Instructor Rev. Pat Moore CNE Provider & approved by NCBTMB (12 Nursing CNE’s available for an additional fee of $30.00 Massage therapist receive 13 continuing education hours.)
Saturdays and Sundays August 7 & 8 All Classes 9:30am - 5:00pm 8720 Township Ct., Fort Worth, Texas 76179 To register: contact pkokemoore@aol.com
Pre-registration $295.00 (7 or more business days before the workshop)
$345.00 (6 or less business day before the workshop)
www.quantumtouch.com “While observing Pat perform a healing on my son, I saw with my inner sight that she was encased in this brilliant ‘pillar’ of white light, and I gained a new insight into what makes her such a powerful healer.” Mark Youngblood, Founder - Institute of Subtle Energy Education (ISEE)
Power of the Rainbow
metro phone 1730 W Randol Mill Road, Suite 125 817.261.6300 Arlington, TX 76012 www.PowerRainbow.com
Rocks · Minerals · Gems Jewelry · Classes
OFFERING ROOM RENTALS FOR EVENTS, CLASSES, MEETUPS, READING & HEALING SESSIONS Crystals, Jewelry, Art and Unique Gifts FREE Mind, Body and Spirit Fair Every Third Saturday Free Presentations and $20 Sessions
“Need to be Kneaded!” Located at Beltline & Central at the Chase Bank Bldg Trish Daniel, RMT 972.890.2144 itsmetrish@hotmail.com
View our calendar of Events www.lightworkerssanctuary.com Weekly Ongoing Classes, Workshops and Meetups Special and Reoccuring Events on the Weekends Readings, Spiritual Healing Massage, Reiki & more by Appt.
214-385-1784 7336 MAIN STREET · THE COLONY, TEXAS 75056
Summer 2010 9
10 HolisticNetworker.com
Weight Loss w/ Homeopathy
Summer 2010
Healing Music
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Summer 2010 11
Healing with Sound
The Trinity Centre of Dallas, located at 3628 Vintage Place, Dallas, TX 75214, is a holistic center offering complementary modalities of healing. Margaret Clench, PhD, RN, Director of the Trinity Centre, has received her PhD in Energy Medicine and Spiritual Healing and has pursued postdoctoral studies with Dr. Caroline Myss. Dr. Clench draws upon these studies and her background of over thirty years working in the healing profession to help her clients through spiritual counseling and education and energy balancing.
A Language of Light cellular healing session begins with Nancy Byers helping you to determine your heart’s desire for your life at this time. The goal is to align your heart’s desire with your soul purpose. During her expression of the Language of Light, Nancy is able to “catch” the sound current and to “tune into” the frequency of your soul, like a radio. This provides a sound-carrier wave for your intention to manifest. Nancy records her private sessions in order to provide you with a custom audio tape to aid you in manifesting your heart’s desire. Nancy’s sessions have helped people to overcome their fears, to alleviate depression, to relieve or diminish physical pain and to realize their dreams. The Language of Light is an invitation for us to access that deep heart space of knowing who we already are - multi-faceted, spiritual beings. Nancy is available for individual, group or couples sessions.
Call today and begin living your dreams!
Modalities offered by Dr. Clench at the Trinity Centre include: The Trinity Table: A hand-crafted oak bed that rotates slowly and comfortably offering a deep state of relaxation and shifts in brain waves and deepening levels of consciousness. Scientific research conducted by Dr. Clench and others suggest that this experience is effective in lowering levels of pain, stress, fatigue, depression, anger and anxiety. Spiritual Growth classes and seminars: • Sacred Contracts classes, based on the work of Dr. Caroline Myss, lead you through a detailed exploration of your archetypes and your soul’s contract. • Awakening to Your Inner Voice – an Intuition class • Nurture Your Soul Weekend • Exploring the Woman Within Workshop • Deepening to Spirit, a weekend retreat for women. Contact Dr. Clench at 214 754 8080 • TrinityDallas1@aol.com • TrinityTables.org
“Free report reveals how many Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia sufferers can uncover the underlying cause(s), thereby making it possible to adequately treat and heal the dis-ease.” For your free copy call 972-256-0004 SUCCESSFULLY TREATING
Allergies / Overproduction of Mucus Headaches / Migraines Digestive / Intestinal Disorders Liver / Gallbladder Disorders Pancreas / Diabetes / Sugar Craving Skin Disorders Difficulty Breathing / Chronic Cough Kidney Problems / Frequent Urination Fatigue / Fibromyalgia / Exhaustion Anemia / Circulatory Disorders Cholesterol Endocrine / Glandular Disorders Hormonal Imbalance / Hot Flashes Candida/Yeast Overgrowth/Fungus Immune Deficiency Numbness In Extremities Trembling Hands / Wrist Pain Neck / Back Pain Swollen Joints / Muscle Spasms Leg Cramps / Stiffness Bursitis / Tendonitis / Arthritis / Gout Ringing In The Ears / Dizziness Poor Memory / Poor Concentration Insomnia / ADD / ADHD Cellulite / Wrinkles / Sagging Skin / Fat
THERAPIES & SERVICES Mucus Elimination Acid-Alkaline Balancing Colon / Tissue Cleansing Liver/Gallbladder Flush Nutritional Modification Full Body Detoxification Blood Purification / Chelation Kidney Flush/ Lymphatic Drainage Medicinal Herbs Chiropractic Adjustments Weight Loss / Cellulite Reduction Facial & Body Sculpting Stress Reduction / Energy Building TMJ Correction Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) Pain Relief Ion Cleanse ANALYSIS Comprehensive Physical Exam Body Fluid Analysis (BTA) Iridology Evaluation Blood Work (CBC, Matabolic/Lipids) Urinalysis, Thyroid Function Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis
Visa/MasterCard/Discover/AmericanExpress/Care Credit/Payment Plans/Insurance
Edna Craven, D.C., BCNP, BCI Doctor of Chiropractic (since 1996) Board Certified Naturopathic Phys Board Certified Iridologist (30 yrs) Nutritional Consultant (30 yrs)
Pain Relief Special
8 Low-Level Laser Therapies $199 (incl. office visits & monitoring) “Highly effective in eliminating Pain” People’s Chiropractic & Wellness Ctr 3200 N MacArthur Blvd #105 Irving, TX 75062 dreecraven@att.net
12 HolisticNetworker.com
Alternative Healing Advanced CranioSacral Therapy Sandy Hanne, RMT, Reiki Master Arapaho Gardens 1131 Rockingham, Suite 126 Richardson, TX 75080 469-438-8634 www.healingdallas.com
Get vacation-quality relaxation while healing even old and deep body issues, acute or chronic. Bring your biggest challenges, from TMJ, carpal tunnel, whiplash and migraines, to thyroid, female problems and fibromyalgia, injuries, etc. This gentle, warm, fully-clothed technique restores flow and balance, promotes healing, resets the nervous system, enhances flow of CSF, relieves cranial compressions implicated in many disorders, even releases emotional tissue memory from old traumas. Trained directly by Dr. John Upledger, Sandy needs only this versatile work to achieve favorable outcomes for most people. Lives transform in her office; let yours be one of them. Infra-red Suana for clients. Luxurious, relaxing & rapid detox.
Chair Massage at Central Market
Coit & George Bush Turnpike (190) Plano, TX www.dfwchairmassage.com
7 days/week. 10am until 9pm. Come relax with us in the upstairs café.
Ion Cleansing Foot Bath Rosemary McCoy, RMT Linda Weisiger, RMT, MTI 214-460-8112
Water can relieve pain and soothe the body. Aqua Chi technology revolutionizes hydrotherapy by energizing water with healthful negative ions. During your hydrotherapy session, your cells receive bio-energy from the energized water, starting a whole-body releasing/ balancing process.
Massage Therapy
Linda Weisiger, RMT, MTI, Reiki Master 214-460-8112
Offering therapeutic massage specializing in Deep Tissue, Reiki, Healing Touch, Sound Wave Therapy, Psycho/Physical Re-education, Neurovascular Balancing, Ion Cleasing Hand/Feet Foot Bath. Corporate Chair Massage Coordination available.
New Hope Health Care
Ricardo B. Tan, M.D. Certified in Traditional Naturopathy 729 N Fielder Rd., Suite B Arlington, TX 76012 817-274-0350 817-274-0360; fax rictan@att.net www.newhopehealthcare.info
OFFERING NATURAL REMEDIES: Preventive medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, pain management, herbology, bio-oxidation, anti-aging, chelation, detoxification, prolotherapy, nutrition counseling, bioidentical hormone, hyperbaric oxygen, drug-free withdrawal, alcohol rehabilitation, HCG Weight Loss.
Summer 2010
Bodywork Balanced Energy
Nancy Caponi, RMT, NMT, Reiki Master Locations in Plano and Double Oak, TX 214-668-5620 ncaponi@balanced-energy.com www.balanced-energy.com
Feel better today! Relieve stress and pain through Therapeutic massage, deep tissue, neuromuscular therapy, myofascial release, cranio-sacral, chakra balancing and Reiki in a tranquil environment. Pregnancy and corporate chair massage also available. Nancy is a Tibetan/Usui Reiki Master and enjoys helping both People and Animals. Reiki and meditation Workshops available. If you're suffering from back/neck pain, stress, Fibromyalgia, TMJ, carpal tunnel, chronic pain, sciatica, painful joints or headaches, call now and get relief.
Miracles of Joy
A Celebration in the Diversity of Ideas 701 S. Old Orchard Ln Lewisville, TX 75067 972-221-8080 joykauf@msn.com
Located in Lewisville, we offer Crystals, Singing Bowls, Reiki charged Candles Books, Essential Oils, Herbs, Jewelry, Incense, Tarot Cards, wind chimes, and Angel Gifts. Authentic AURA Photos and the Original Art Work of John Pitre and Ciro Marchetti. Drop us a note at joykauf@msn.com to get on our Email list and get regular updates of Classes and Workshops. Come and get smudged!
Colonics Alazan Care
www.windsongtherapy.com Dallas / Fort Worth Area 817-571-8135
Lala Nurulina & Neko Otzizul 17810 Davenport Rd Ste 108 Dallas, TX 75252 972-380-4845 AlazanCare.com
Kneading Massage
Reiki • Deep Tissue • Stretching • Swedish & Chair Massage
GENESIS: COLON IRRIGATION AND HERBS: FDA registered equipment. Oxygen and ozone available, clean and sterile facility at all times. Sessions by appointment only. Hours Monday-Saturday. Over 20 years of experience. Visa/Mastercard accepted.
Frankie Burget, OTR, RMT, CNDT
Myofascial Release Mastery Level Therapist and Licensed Occupational Therapist. Also skilled in craniosacral, neuromuscular therapy, trigger point, therapeutic massage, QiGong, neuro-developmental treatment, and functional spine stabilization. Providing care for myofascial pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, TMJ, carpal tunnel, headaches, cumulative trauma disorder, pregnancy, and stress. Compassionate care for children with ADD, birth defects, failure to thrive, and special needs.
"Need to be Kneaded" *NEW LOCATION* Beltline and Central at the Chase Bank Bldg Outcalls Available 972-890-2144 itsmetrish@hotmail.com www.kneadingmassage.net
Living Balanced
Suzanne Miller, RMT, CYT, APP Richardson, TX 972-319-3661
Thai Massage master level practitioner; On-site chair massage; Pregnancy massage; Polarity Energy work practitioner.
Bookstores/Gifts Angel Cards® & Book Set
by Kathy Tyler & Joy Drake Distributed by Shifting Frequencies 972-378-1211 www.ShiftingFrequencies.com
This is the Special 25th Anniversary Expanded Edition of The Original Angel® Cards & Book Set: Inspirational Messages and Meditations. It contains 72 playfully illustrated cards; a pocket size carrying case; 20 bonus stickers; and a book that contains inspirational messages for keywords, plus meditations, visualizations, and journals to use with the cards.
COLON HYDROTHERAPY & MASSAGE THERAPY. I-ACT Certified Intermediate Level - Female & Male Colon Hydrotherapists. FDA Approved Equipment Disposable Sterile Nozzles. Special package of Three Colonics or Massage sessions, $165. Packages must be used Within 31 Days & Monday through Friday 9:00am to 2:00pm. Special Package for One Hour Massage & Colonic only $110.00 - Monday to Thursday 9:00am to 2:00pm - Call about our weekly Colonic and Massage specials
Karen Fahey, Certified Colon Therapist 3626 North Hall St @ Welborn Oakwood Tower #818 Dallas, TX 75219 214-821-5703 cleanbodies.com genesisclosedsystemcolonics.com
Lila Meyers, CNHP, RMT, CCT Certified Colon Hydro-Therapist Registered Massage Therapist, Certified Natural Health Professional 5510 Abrams Rd Suite 125 Dallas, TX 75214 214-288-(HEAL) 4325 www.healthsidetherapycenter.com
Gentle, safe colon cleansing with multi-filtration and pressure regulation. Disposable instruments, and a Closed System insures your personal comfort and safety. Abdominal massage, acupressure and nutritional guidance with each session. Package Discounts. Also Offered: Oriental Therapy, Iridology, Ion Cleanse, Body Wraps, Massage, CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, RainForest Herbs. Open Tues-Sat By Appointment. Visa, Master Card.
Summer 2010 13
Natural Wellness Consulting
We combine ancient knowledge with the latest biotechnology If you suffer from a chronic or acute condition we can help you. WE SPECIALIZE IN:
Rev. Carolyn Johnson Spiritualist Minister
Medium • Psychic • Clairvoyant & Tarot Readings
Private Phone Sessions • Parties Reiki Master Teacher Certified Healer
• Low Energy • Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia • Migraines • Female/Menopausal Problems • Depression/Anxiety/ Poor Sleep • Diabetes • Digestive Problems • High Cholesterol, high Blood Pressure • Autoimmune conditions • Sinus, Allergies, Low Immunity • Thyroid Problems • Autism • Joint Pain
Free 10 minute consultation Tuesdays, 11am-2pm
“In my many readings with Carolyn, I’ve found her to be very accurate as well as understanding and compassionate.” - Cheryl Hickerson
Lana Petrunin, ND
Doctor of Naturopathy, FMD Certified Iridologist Certified Nutritionist Certified Holistic Practitioner Member, American Naturopathic Medical Association and American Association of Drugless Practitioners More than 20 years of experience in the health care field.
5850 Town & Country Blvd, Bldg 1, Ste 101 • Frisco, Tx
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your prescription for inner health and well being visit www.innerrx.com for upcoming classes, workshops and events
For over 12 years, Dr. Berman has been helping people identify and resolve physical, emotional and energetic blockages that compromise their health and well being at their core. His highly effective combination of life coaching and medical training & expertise allow him to address issues at their root, rather than at the symptomatic level. Dr. Berman’s highly skilled ability to tap directly into a patient’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of being allows him to create a customized wellness program tailored to fit an individual’s exact needs. Call for a free 15 min consultation! present this coupon code when calling HNSu2010
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Please - new patients only 7616 LBJ Freeway, Suite 670 at Coit Rd., Dallas, Texas 75251 tel (972) 404 - 8650. fax (972) 404 - 8850
Wellness Expo������������� ®
August 14-15, 11am-6pm • Will Rogers Memorial Center • 1579 Gendy St • Fort Worth, TX
Program Guide
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Door Prizes
������� Pat, Tray or Fall .............817-261-6300 Power of the Rainbow
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Miracles of Joy
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Stagecoach Room - Amon G. Carter Jr. Bldg Will Rogers Memorial Center 1579 Gendy St �������� ��������� Fort���������� Worth, Texas 76107 ������
��������������������������� Donna Reis....................817-788-9451 Color Vision
��������������������� Rebecca Jeffers.............817-219-7913
Fort Worth Hypnosis & Wellness Center
972-378-3770 More details and discount tickets online at WellnessExpo.net
� ���������������������
��������������������������� ������ JoAnne Christine Helmer .......................................214-477-7292 “The Crystal Ball Lady”
���������������������� ���������������� Gail Marlow....................817-312-7637 Herbs & More
������������������ Corrinne Battle...............214-989-8143 Mary Kay
��������������� ��������������������������� www.jodilovoi.com ........817-550-8550 Jodi Lovoi
�������������������� �������������������������� Heather Honziker...........817-706-8441 Heavens Arts
������������������������ ������� Karen Morgan................214-263-7004 Tune In With Me
������������������������� ����� Carol Taylor ...................214-883-7270 Joystar Health
Holistic Networker, LLC
16 HolisticNetworker.com
Summer 2010
���������������������������������������������� �������� Healing with Sound Nancy Byers 972-424-1217
Nancy will demonstrate the Language of Light, which is a vibrational healing technique. After experiencing the Language of Light, many report feeling more empowered, having a sense of remembering the essence of who they really are, and experiencing a sense of physical well-being. Over the last 20 years, Nancy has developed an ability to express this language. She has helped hundreds of people all over the world with her gift. �������� Connect with Your Loved Ones in Spirit Lisa Cannon 469-865-4559
Dallas native Lisa Cannon will utilize her exceptional talent in mediumship to connect you to your loved ones that have crossed over with exceptional accuracy. Lisa is a Psychic Medium, Energy Healer, Spiritual Artist, and Channel of Archangel Michael and other Ascended Masters. Lisa has studied mediumship in the UK and you will find she is truly amazing. �������� Technology in Acupuncture & Alternative Health Care Ken Parker, DC, Dipl. Ac. (AACA) 817-431-4300
Dr. Parker will be discussing nutritional testing using some of the latest technology in combination with the ancient concepts of acupuncture and energy medicine. Dr. Parker graduated from Parker College of Chiropractic in 2006. Since then he has taken close to 600 hours in additional training and received several certifications in the healing arts including acupuncture and applied kinesiology.
������� Stress Invites a Truthful Answer Paul John Roach 817-423-2965
In this talk, Paul John Roach will discuss how to move beyond a false positive to a life of authenticity and embrace. Paul John Roach is the senior minister of Unity Church of Fort Worth. He is the host of the radio show on unity.fm, a writer and local environmental activist. ������� Balance Your Physical & Emotional Energies Carol Crampton, Certified Naturopathic Practitioner 214-529-9050
The result of better everyday health becomes apparent as you join Carol in a fun, interactive dialogue of “what works” in balancing your Physical and Emotional Energies. As a master of Live Blood Cell Evaluations, rainforest herbs, and Emotional Energy Balancing, Carol focuses on relating relevant information wih examples of individual goals in dietary and lifestyle choices. Carol is a Certified Naturopathic Practitioner, Certified Natural Health Professional, Certified Herbalist, Certified Darkfield Microscopist, & Reiki practitioner. ������� Lab Results: What Do They Mean?
������� Seeing the Truth about Eyesight
������� Psychic Development
The AMA claims that 8 out of 10 people will suffer from serious vision disorders over the age of 50. Please join Dr. Berman in this fascinating presentation on how you can beat the odds and save your eyesight while learning the truth about the real causes of eye problems. Dr. Gary Berman, PhD, NMD, DC is the founder of the InnerRx Institute in Dallas, a chiropractic, wellness and education center dedicated to the teaching and practice of achieving wellness on all levels. Dr. Berman’s formal training as a physicist and research engineer has helped develop a unique and highly effective approach to wellness. ������� Messages from Your Higher Self
Sandy will discuss how to develop your psychic ability through the vine of life. Sandy is a thirty years gifted psychic, counselor, speaker, tarot card reader and co-host on a CRN Talk Radio show. Sandy is hosting her own shows on Blog Talk Radio in The Spiritual Garden. Call the show on Wednesday’s 11:30am for FREE READINGS. Show Number 1-347-989-1324. ������� Genesis of Illness
Dr. Gary Berman, PhD, DC 972-404-8650
Rev. Pat Raimondo 817-237-7840
Sandy Winnette, Author, Psychic 817-268-5544
Dr. Dennis Black, ND 214-704-3338
In this talk, Dr. Dennis Black will explain how over 100 of the most common illnesses that effect Americans today are the result of ONE digestive disorder and he will explain how to identify if you have it and answer your questions on how to treat it. Dr. Dennis Black is a 26 year survivor of two forms of Stage 4 cancer without Chemotherapy or Radiation. He is a practicing Naturopathic Physician in the Dallas area. He is also an author, radio talk show host and lecturer on the subject of Wholistic Wellness all across the United States. ������� Intuitive Animal Communication Gallery
Rev. Pat sees the auric energy and hears the voice from your higher self. She will share this information with selected audience members. Rev. Pat Raimondo is the pastor and founder of the Universal Light of Christ Church in Lake Worth, Texas and Melbourne, Florida. She has been doing intuitive readings for 40 years. She’s the author of the Teachings of Light series. ������� Sandra Larson Dr. Jennifer Laing, MD Crossroads: Messages 972-955-2756 903-821-4001 from Spirit Bring pictures of your past and present The world of medical jargon can be David Scott, animals for the animal communication intimidating. Come learn what those gallery readings. Sandra will also briefly Psychic Medium words and numbers mean. Dr. Jenexplain her approach to Intuitive Comnifer Laing, MD, Board Certified Family 817-637-4213 Physician, Usui & Karuna Reiki Master, Join David in an open gallery where he munication. Sandra Larson is an animal integrates complementary medicine will make personal connections and help communicator who talks with animals on a daily basis into her practice. Visit selected audience members receive world-wide. She’s also an Intuitive Coach messages from spirit. David’s been chan- who facilitates group/individual soul and www.schoolofmysticalawakening.com neling spirit for several years and his past life journeys. goal is to assist others in gaining clarity and insight as they embark on their own Spiritual quest and understanding. David will be attending the Arthur Findlay College in the UK in October, 2010 taking a ‘Training for Mediumship’ program. Visit www.davidscottpsychic.com
Summer 2010 17
�������������������������������������������� �������� Astrology & You Cynthia Novak 817-261-2984
Join Cynthia as she shares her insights on how planetary alignments can affect your life. Cynthia Novak combines over twenty years of astrological and spiritual study to bring you practical, heart-centered information. Visit: www.cynthianovak.com �������� The Effects of Color on the Emotional Body
������� Improving Digestive Stress Jennifer Trejo, Traditional Naturopath 817-847-8216
In this talk you will learn ways to reduce acid indigestion, reflux, bloating, gas, ulcers, and other stomach issues. Tips will also be given on lifestyle, supplements and other natural remedies to reduce digestive stress. Jennifer Trejo is a Traditional Naturopath at the Abundant Life Wellness Center in Grapevine, where she specializes in Thermography, Hormone Balancing and Allergy Eliimination. Visit: Donna Reis, Certified www.abundantlifewellnesscenter.com Chromatologist, CNHP 817-788-9451 ������� Did you know that you can lose weight 5 Healing Stones Everyone with the color blue or that you can assist Should Have an Alzheimer’s patient with the color Pat Cook yellow? Come learn the therapeutic value 817-261-6300 of color on the emotional body. Donna is a Certified Chromatologist, CNHP, Certified There are 5 stones that everyone should Ionic Researcher, and Certified in Emo- have for protection, to open the heart tional Release with Color Therapy. chakra, for intuition, spiritual response or to create a spark of energy. Pat Cook is �������� one of the trio of Power of the Rainbow Views from the Other Side in Arlington, TX. She is also a massage therapist and a certified crystal healer John Cappello through the Crystal Academy of Advanced 214-279-0039 Join John Cappello...Visionary...as he Healing Arts founded by Katrina Raphaell presents views from the other side. This is and Jewels of the Lotus. She and Tray a special time when amazing information have vended at the Wellness Expo for comes to us from the Spirit World. John is 10 years. a Visionary, who offers classes, Galleries, ������� parties, Meetups and private readings. Digestion Visit www.VisionaryWorkshop.com the Missing Link ������� Dr. Gary Berman, PhD, DC The Amazing 972-404-8650 Our digestive system is one of the Light Within Us most important yet most overlooked Bella Grace, MA, components of our physical health and Microphotographer well-being. Please join Dr. Berman for this 214-734-1452 presentation of how digestive We will explore the questions: Do my cells compelling often are at the root of many listen to my thoughts? Do they respond dysfunctions ailments including allergies, arto my emotions? How do they react to physical cancer and heart disease. Dr. Gary what I eat and drink? Come and see thritis, PhD, NMD, DC is the founder with your own eyes- the answers to the Berman, the InnerRx Institute in Dallas, a chiUniverse within you. Bella Grace, MA, is of wellness and education center the founder of Sacred Light Media. com. ropractic, to the teaching and practice of She takes microphotographs of the TRUE dedicated achieving wellness on all levels. Dr. BerSecret Life of Bloodcells. man’s formal training as a physicist and research engineer has helped develop a unique and highly effective approach to wellness.
������� All about HCG and Weight Loss Dr. Ricardo Tan, MD 817-274-0350
Dr. Ricardo Tan will discuss the Human Chorinonic Gonadotropin hormone (HCG) and why people use it for weight loss. Dr. Tan is a holistic MD doing alternative medicine for the past 20 years. He was able to help more people than ever before. For more information, visit: www.newhopehealthcare.info ������� Connecting Us To Other Realms AnnMarie Touchette 817-528-8841
In this presentation AnnMarie will discuss Orbs, Spirits, ET’s, Hollow Earth & more. AnnMarie has seen and felt the presence of Spiritual Beings all her life. Having been a shutterbug for years, she takes pictures everywhere she goes, and quite often, many Beings appear in her photos. You will be amazed at these pictures. AnnMarie Touchette is a Psychic / Medium, member of the FW Ghost Hunters Group, owner of Change-Works Healing & Hypnosis Center and DFWPsychic.com ������� Inner Healing Is A Strategy For Success Michelle Barr, MEd, Holistic Coach 214-504-8610
I believe that Inner Healing is a strategy for success. Utilizing a holistic approach that addresses the Body, Mind and Spirit, I help people come to new understandings and ways of being and doing and having that move them into their best life. Michelle has always been called to the healing arts. Over the past 20 years, she has worked in a variety of traditional mental health, wellness and health care settings and has also been involved in non-traditional and alternative and complementary medicine and healing practices.
������� The Chakras & You: Gateways to Self-Knowledge Cheri L. Overs, Founder CLO Holistic 940-368-3679
Learn about the gateways that hold the transformational power of self-knowledge: The Chakras! Cheri will teach you how to begin the process of transformation through the unlimited potential that lie within the human body’s best kept secret. Cheri L. Overs is the founder of CLO Holistic and The Lotus Healing Institute, which specializes in coaching, training and teaching individuals about the transformational power of self-knowledge and healing. Cheri holds multiple certifications and degrees within the holistic health field. Visit: www.cloholistic.com ������� Guardian Angels in Action Carol Lee, CHTP, CQTP/Instructor, Spiritual Consultant 817-426-0305
In this fun-filled interactive presentation the intention is for you to Meet your Guadian Angels. Your Guardians are here on Earth with you every second of the day and it is time to connect and communicate with them. Carol’s certifications, training and practice include Quantum Touch Practitioner/Instructor, Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, Certified EFT Practitioner 1, Advanced Reiki Practitioner and Medical Intuitive Training. Carol has been an Ordained Licentiate Minister since 2003 and is certified in Angel Therapy® with Doreen Virtue.
Wellness Expo ®
August 14-15, 11am-6pm • Will Rogers Memorial Center • 1579 Gendy St • Fort Worth, TX ���������������������������������������
��������������������������� Alison Thomas .................... 214-335-3044
���������������������� Tim Rivera........................... 817-881-0213
������������������� Tracey Connolly .................. 214-733-8838
������������������� Ron Bond............................ 281-363-2001
������������ Heather Honziker ................ 817-706-8441
����������������������������� Dr. Lauren Roberson........... 817-348-8488
������������������������� Shalon Alyce ......shalonalyce@yahoo.com
������������������������ ������������ Dr. Edna Craven ................. 972-256-0004
Pure Wildcrafted Herbal Foods from the Amazon Rainforest.
������������ Susan Holbein..................... 817-337-2855
Energetic Wellness Products/Zero Point Energy
������������������ ............................................ 512-707-9886 Psychic, Tarot, Angels, Past Lives
Astrologer, Relocation Charts, Author, Healer, Teacher
BaZi, Yi Jing, Classical Feng Shui, and Date Selection
��������� Leslie Lucas........................ 817-428-1765
Nutritional Testing using Zyto Technology
Full Service Chiropractic & Wellness
�������������������� Pat, Tray or Fall .................. 817-261-6300
Lose Weight, Cleanse, Get Healthy Now!
Crystals, gems, minerals & jewelry. www.powerrainbow.com
Frequency balancing bands and bracelets
������������ Gail Marlow......................... 817-312-7637
��������������������������� Sandy Winnette................... 817-268-5544
�������������������� Rebecca Jeffers, M.Ed., LPC, CCH ............................................ 817-219-7913
������������������ www.HolisticNetworker.com 972-403-0940
������������������ Tony or Blanche .................. 214-223-9997
������������������������� Paul Hubbert, PhD .............. 512-891-7887
������������������ BloodScape™ Illuminations.... 214-734-1452
����������� Sharon Derrico.................... 214-207-4062
Women’s Spiritual Retreats, Spiritual Mentoring, Counseling
����������������������� ������� Paul M. Kennedy, LMT........ 214-417-3732 Chair Massages Services
����������������������� ��������������� AnnMarie Touchette ............ 817-528-8841 Medium & Tarot Reader, Speaker & Educator
������������ Cheri Overs......................... 940-368-3679 Holistic health solutions personally and professionally.
������������ Donna Reis ......................... 817-788-9451 Aura Photos- Color Therapy Products- HTE Wellness Products Ion Foot Spas
����������������������������� ��������� David Scott ......................... 817-637-4213 Psychic, Medium, Intuitive, Reiki Healer
���������������������������� �������� Laura Rose ......................... 817-456-3191 Helping local metpahysical businesses grow. www.dfwmetaphysicalcoc.org
������������������ Mary Ellen Dorey ................ 972-567-3962 Certified Clinical Aromatherapist. dorey@doreyaromatherapy.com
������������������������ Claudia Diltz ...............620-343-8222/620-481-0209-cell
Nature Sunshiine
Free guide to wellness & personal growth
Crystal Bowls, Egyptian Jewelry, CDs, Workshops. HolographicSound.com
���������� www.jodilovoi.com .............. 817-550-8550 Akashic Record Teacher & Consultant
������������������������� ������ ............................................ 214-279-0039 Visionary, Psychic, Medium
�������������� Carol Taylor......................... 214-883-7270 ����������������� Karen Shepheard................ 817-253-7703 Reflexology
���������������� Trish Daniel......................... 972-890-2144 Reiki • Deep Tissue • Stretching • Swedish & Chair Massage
������������������� Carol K. Creel ..................... 512-627-6345 Whole Body Vibration Machine
�������������������������� Lisa Cannon........................ 469-865-4559 Medium, Intuitive Angel Readings, Channel. www.palaceofangels.com
�������������� Psychic Medium Brandie Chrisman .................. brandie.chrisman@yahoo.com Spirit is Only A Whisper Away
Bio-Energetic Jewelry, Weight-loss equipment & Supplements
���������� Rachel Miller ....................... 817-528-6564
������������������������������� ������ Rebecca Jeffers .................. 817-219-7913
��������������������� Mark Hey ............................ 832-746-7377
Fort Worth’s Premier Resource for Wellness
All-natural Homemade Bath Products
Fitness Programs & Nutrition
��������� Theresa & Ken Anthony ...... 469-323-7993
�������� Corrinne Battle .................... 214-989-8143
��������������������� Carol Lee ............................ 817-426-0305
����������������� Lorraine Boyden ................. 512-249-5055 or 512-917-5123
Relax • Rejuvenate • Recover
Angel Readings & Quantum Healings
������������������ Nancy Byers........................ 972-424-1217 The Language of Light-A vibrational healing technique.
Mary Kay Consultant
Visit: www.YourWellness.Max.com
��������������� Joy Kauf.............................. 972-221-8080
Spiritual Center, Books, Jewelry, Crystals, Gifts
Psychic Counseling & Tarot Card Readings
Treat your feet for overall Health
Discover light within at: SacredLightMedia.com
������������������������ DeLawnia Comer-HaGans .. 214-437-5593 Safe, wickless alternative to scented candles.
���������������������������� Jennifer Laing, MD.............. 903-821-4001 Energy Healing, Mantra Classes & More! www.schoolofmysticalawakening.com
�������������������� Charles Crooks ................... 214-923-5848 Author, Speaker, Healer, http://healerofheartsandminds.com
���������������� ������������ Susan Holbein..................... 817-337-2855
Energetic Wellness Products/Zero Point Energy
����������������������� ��������������� AnnMarie Touchette ............ 817-528-8841 Medium & Tarot Reader, Speaker & Educator
������������ Cheri Overs......................... 940-368-3679 Holistic health solutions personally and professionally.
������������ Heather Honziker ................ 817-706-8441 Astrologer, Relocation Charts, Author, Healer, Teacher
��������� Leslie Lucas........................ 817-428-1765 Lose Weight, Cleanse, Get Healthy Now!
������������������ HolisticNetworker.com ........ 972-403-0940 Free guide to wellness & personal growth
���������� www.jodilovoi.com .............. 817-550-8550 Akashic Record Teacher & Consultant
�������������� Carol Taylor......................... 214-883-7270 ��������������� Joy Kauf.............................. 972-221-8080
Spiritual Center, Books, Jewelry, Crystals, Gifts
��������������������������� Sandy Winnette................... 817-268-5544 Psychic Counseling & Tarot Card Readings
������� Julie W. Reeves .................. 512-694-7406
�������������������� Charles Crooks ................... 214-923-5848
���������������������� Dr. Norma Kreig, D.D. ......... 817-457-6043
�������������������� ShiftingFrequencies.com .... 972-378-1211
����������������������� JoAnne Christine Helmer .... 214-477-7292
������� Julie W. Reeves .................. 512-694-7406
�������������������� Thomas Nolan, III, Ph.D...... 405-360-1700
����������������������� JoAnne Christine Helmer .... 214-477-7292
�������������������� Kimberly Agoro.................... 817-763-5550
������������������������� Rev. Carol Record............... 817-488-1008
Intuitive Astrology/Tarot, Life-Cycle & Past Life Consultations
Intuitive Guidance by Tarot & Meditation Classes
“Psychic Healer”- Crystal Ball, Relationship Readings
Readings, Energy Balancing, Dream Interpretation
Wellness of Body, Mind & Spirit
��������������� Karen Morgan ..................... 214-263-7004 Intuitive, Clairvoyant Psychic, Palmistry Readings.
�������������������������������� Rev. Pat Raimondo ............. 817-444-9503 Mini-Readings, CD’s, Art, Jewelry, Raffle.
����������������������� Donna Williams ................... 972-306-1400 Portable Water Filtration. www.Wellness-international.org
��������������������������� Eldon Knittle, Independent Distributor ............................................ 972-442-7388 Essential Oils, Nutritional Supplements, Personal Care
Author, Speaker, Healer, http://healerofheartsandminds.com
Offering HCG homeopathic drops for weight loss.
Intuitive Astrology/Tarot, Life-Cycle & Past Life Consultations
“Psychic Healer”- Crystal Ball, Relationship Readings
free of judgment, full of love. www.unitychurchgrapevine.org
Dance/Movement MoveStudio
Move and be moved! 17062 Preston Rd. Suite 108, at Campbell Dallas, TX 75248 972-732-0206 staff@movestudio.com www.movestudio.com
Ready for a new fitness alternative? Engage, challenge and inspire your mind, spirit and body! Bellydance, Nia, Zumba, Hip Hop, Latin, Ecstatic dance and more.
Nia Technique
Sherri Lackman, MA, LPC, Cht 304 S. Cottonwood #D Richardson, TX 75080 972-231-4466 sherrilackman@msn.com www.sherrilackman.com
Experience the joy of movement and the benefits of moving your body! Combining selected movements and concepts from Martial Arts, Dance, and other movement forms, Nia classes offer total body conditioning and joyful expression at the same time. Find out what everyone's talking about! Incredible therapy for chronic pain sufferers. Private sessions available.
Dentistry Dallas Dental Spa
Lorin Berland, D.D.S. Fellow, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry Sarah Kim Kong, D.D.S. Diana O'Quinn D.D.S. Mark Margolin, D.D.S., Periodontist 2100 Ross, Suite 960 Dallas, TX 75201 214-999-0110 www.berlanddentalarts.com
We use only the most biocompatible materials to preserve the natural dentition, digital radiography to reduce radiation, and distilled water to prevent contamination. We employ a full-time licensed massage therapist to reduce stress for our patients. Dr. Berland is one of the most published dental authorities in the world and has dedicated his practice to providing the best care for his patients. Dr. Berland's unique approach to cosmetic dentistry has been featured on 20/20, Time, and Reader's Digest.
Education/Personal Growth Food for Thought CDs
Distributed by Shifting Frequencies 972-378-1211 www.ShiftingFrequencies.com
When you listen to these CDs through stereo headphones, the soothing music and nature sounds, in combination with the binaural effect, induce sympathetic frequencies of desired brainwave activity. This helps you quickly reach a peaceful and receptive state in which your subconscious mind is most open to new ideas, new insights and positive change.
Summer 2010 19
Some Things are Worth Doing!
Art is truly a worthwhile expression for exploring our innermost feelings as we grow spiritually
Art Classes Classes Art All Classes On-going Personal One-on-One Drop-in and Informal All Levels of Experience Dallas White Rock Lake artist Jeff Hukill
(214) 321-9793
Holistic Centers Abundant Life Wellness Center Jennifer Trejo, Naturopath 520 E. Northwest Hwy., Suite 102 Grapevine, TX 76051 817-328-1921 abundantlifewellnesscenter.com
We offer thermography which can detect the formation of breast cancer up to 8 years before other devices. There is no exposure to radiation and no compression. We also offer BioSET which locates and corrects imbalances in the body with the use of enzymes, homeopathic remedies and acupressure. Other services include natural hormone and thyroid balancing naturally. IonCleanse foot detox and oxygen steam sauna.
Trinity Centre of Dallas, Inc. Margaret Clench, RN, PhD, ThD 3628 Vintage Place Dallas, TX 75214 214-754-8080 TrinityDallas1@aol.com TrinityTables.org
Dr. Clench offers complementary modalities of healing and facilitates clients' growth through the use of the Trinity Table™, Korotkov Camera Energy Field Analysis, and Bio-Energy Work. In addition to these modalities, she now offers corporate and individual archetype analysis utilizing the techniques developed by Dr. Caroline Myss in her groundbreaking book, Sacred Contracts. Dr. Clench has been certified by Dr. Myss to teach these exciting and insightful techniques.
Holistic Dentistry Dr. Stacy V. Cole
3915 Benbrook Hwy. Suite B Fort Worth, TX 76116 817-731-9291 www.svcole.com
My practice combines a passion for dentistry with my desire for the healthiest possible dental methods. Metal-free dentistry since 1978. IAOMT standards for patient safety. Superior Cosmetic Dentistry. Credentials and memberships with AACP, IAOMT, AAPM, (pain management), Biological Dentistry, Naturopathic Medical Association, DOCS, AGD fellow, International Foundation of Homeopathy and the Cranial Academy.
Health Centered Dentistry Henry Guy, DDS 2701 Osler Drive, Suite 10 Grand Prairie, TX 75051 972-647-4300 henryguydds.com
Mercury-free dental care since 1983. Alternative root canal treatment. Biocompatible, metal-free materials.
Holistic Medicine Karen S. Asbury, MD
Integrative Medicine PO Box 863568 Plano, TX 75086 972-867-7790 www.KarenAsburyMD.com
Dr. Asbury has had extensive training in both Internal Medicine and Alternative Care. Excellence is emphasized in providing personalized care in a warm, compassionate atmosphere. Without the constraints of insurance, Dr. Asbury is able to spend more time with each patient doing a comprehensive health evaluation and individualizing their therapy program with the goal of restoring optimum health. Visit the website at www.KarenAsburyMD.com.
Holistic Veterinary Paws & Claws Animal Hospital Dr. Shawn Messonnier, D.V.M. 2145 West Park Blvd. Plano, TX 75075 972-867-8800
Acupuncture and Holistic Animal Health Care Center. Dr. Shawn Messonnier is a nationally known veterinarian, author, and pet care advocate. Through the use of acupuncture, homeopathy, and nutrition, we can treat a variety of conditions that are often considered “hopeless” by conventional medicine. Chronic problems including allergies, cancer, skin infections, and arthritis often respond well to holistic therapies. Visit our website at www.petcarenaturally.com.
Homeopathy Advanced Homeopathy
Glenda Stroup Malone, dht 2060 North Collins Suite 109 Richardson, TX 75080 972-889-1010
Glenda has been in practice for 27 years. Specializing in chronic disease, adults and children. She teaches you how to stay healthy using homeopathy. Call for appointment.
Holistic Center of Dallas Regina Edwards, BA, RMT 4144 N. Central Expy Suite 630 Dallas, TX 75204 214-824-4949
Regina Edwards provides Classical Homeopathy consultations. Homeopathy is a form of complimentary medicine using highly diluted natural products to gently enhance healing. The selection of the single remedy is based on unique symptoms, physical sensations and emotional reactions of each individual. Additionally available: Cranio-sacral Therapy, Esoteric Healing and Therapeutic Touch.
20 HolisticNetworker.com
Summer 2010
Metaphysical Arts & Sciences
Dallas Psychic Fair
Looking for the Life you were meant to live? Let me help you help yourself and regain control for life-long changes! Releasing habit patterns - Stress, Fear, Anxiety release - Metaphysical Counseling - Abundance - and much more... Available for corporate group. Call for an appointment today!
Over 50 professional psychic readers, vendors and wellness practitioners. Held the 1st Sunday of every month 12 - 6 pm. Admission - $7.00, all readings $10.00 ea.
Stretch, strengthen, improve posture and alleviate back pain with intelligent, holistic Pilates exercise. Group, semi-private and private instruction with certified, experienced teachers. Full equipment studio.
Nadine Romain, Ph.D., Certified Hypnotherapist, HypnoBirthing® Practitioner Office in Dallas Lakewood Area 214-796-5327 www.alphahypnosis.biz
Counseling Services
Sherri Lackman, MA, LPC, Cht 304 S. Cottonwood #D Richardson, TX 75080 972-231-4466 sherrilackman@msn.com www.sherrilackman.com
Discover how hypnotherapy can gently explore issues that have caused unhealthy behavior and poor decisions in the past. Hypnosis allows access to the unconscious in the altered state so that issues can be resolved more quickly and efficiently than with talk therapy.
Iridology The People’s Chiropractic Clinic Edna Craven, D.C., BCNP, BCI 3200 N MacArthur Blvd Ste 105 Irving, TX 75062 972-256-0004
29 years experience. Jensonian and Holistic Iridology. Accurate iris reading. Complete written Report Of Finding with pictures. Nutritional Consultation. See ad for additional services.
Macrobiotics Natural Health Care Services
S.V. "Ami" Amagna, MSc, RMT, CNHP Carrollton, TX (Marsh/Rosemeade Area) 972-492-6651
Macrobiotic counseling to develop a dietary program for overcoming your health problems • Shiatsu-based energetic bodywork to relieve stress/pain and restore good health by revitalizing organs and systems • Medical Qi Gong self-healing exercises • External Qi therapy (palm healing) • Guidance on supplements, herbs and homeopathic remedies.
Meditation Ananda Meditation & Yoga Center Sue Chadwick 4901 Keller Springs Rd. #103 Addison, TX 75001 972-248-9126
Beginning Meditation 5-week class series - learn to calm your mind, develop concentration, access inner peace. Simple, effective, proven techniques based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda. Visit www.anandadallas.org for details and current schedule.
Holiday Inn Select - North Dallas (LBJ West bound access road just past Josey Ln) 469-463-1810 dallaspsychicfair@gmail.com dallaspsychicfair.com
Intuitive Astrologer and Tarot Reader Cynthia Novak metro 817-261-2984
Intuitive astrologer and Tarot reader, Cynthia Novak provides detailed, informative, tape-recorded sessions. All are heart-centered and process oriented.
Naturopathic Medicine Dr. Kimberly Wilson, NMD 6545 Preston Road, Suite 200 Plano, TX 75024 4230 Avondale Avenue, Suite 100 Dallas, TX 75219 972-608-0100 www.InnovationsWellness.com
Dr. Wilson is a licensed, board certified naturopathic doctor providing naturopathic alternatives to conventional medicine for the ENTIRE family, including anti-aging and preventative care, as well as options for chronic conditions such as cancer, endocrine and hormone imbalances, autoimmune conditions, gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, fatigue, and obesity.
Organizing/Feng Shui Organize and Rejuvenate Linda Strobel, LMSW, Feng Shui Practitioner 972-816-8004 organizerejuvenate@att.net
Professional Residential Organizing. Provides decluttering services, office set-up & organizing solutions to assist you in co-creating your vision for your home office, rooms & living spaces. Offers Feng Shui enhancements (the ancient Chinese art of object placement and elemental balance) to increase harmony & healthy energy flow to manifest your desires. Professional assistance to create order, success & peace of mind.
Osteopathy Cranial Osteopath
Liz Chapek, D.O. 6760 Abrams Road @ Skillman, Suite 203 Dallas, TX 75231 214-341-8742 www.do-online.org/chapek
Hands-on evaluation of body and head- to help Optimize internal & external functioning & healing: NEWBORN, BABY, YOUNG CHILD; FEMALE troubles; ALL AGES. For information call us or check website's "Home", "Practice news" and (#1&#3 on) "Links" pages.
Move and be moved! 17062 Preston Rd. Suite 108, at Campbell Dallas, TX 75248 972-732-0206 staff@movestudio.com www.movestudio.com
Products Dr. David R. Hawkins' books
Distributed by Shifting Frequencies 972-378-1211 www.ShiftingFrequencies.com
Dr. Hawkins has devoted his life to the spiritual evolution of mankind. His books utilize muscle testing, as this well-established science provides an objective basis for distinguishing truth from falsehood. Now available: Dr. Hawkins' newest book, "Healing and Recovery".
Go Green Energy Savers Christi Roberts 972-838-7383 www.energysaver.tv
Save up to 25% on your electric bill, while helping to save the environment. KVAR® EC fine tunes electrical systems to reduce non-productive and wasted electricity, giving you cost-effective energy! Give discount code: SF444 to get special pricing.
HCG Detox for Weight Loss
Distributed by Shifting Frequencies 972-378-1211 www.ShiftingFrequencies.com
HCG along with a 500-calorie diet has been found to help accelerate weight loss without the hunger pangs. Now, a homeopathic remedy can be used instead of expensive HCG injections. Check out the web site for more details.
"Healing Music"
By Alan Roubik Distributed by Shifting Frequencies 972-378-1211 www.ShiftingFrequencies.com
Alan's music has been scientifically tested and endorsed by Dr. Masaru Emoto, author of the "Messages from Water" books. Alan's CDs are used for pain and anxiety relief, as well as assisting the human immune system.
Based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda • • • •
Learn to meditate 5-week series Ananda Yoga® classes “Yoga Sampler” classes Sunday meditation, 9 am Sunday service, 10 am • Restorative & Chakras Workshops For a current class schedule, visit www.anandadallas.org or call 972-248-9126 for a free calendar.
Summer 2010 21
• Past Life Regressions • Life-Between-Lives Therapy • Connecting With Your Guides www.journeybetweenlives.com Carole Layman, LMSW Certified Hypnotherapist (817) 557-0008 or (817) 455-6642
Meditation & Yoga Center 4901 Keller Springs Rd #103, Addison, TX 75001
Cynthia Novak Intuitive * Astrologer * Tarot-Reader Readings from the Heart
Providing Detailed, Personal and Predictive Information Remind you why you are here Help you plan where you are going www.cynthianovak.com
metro (817) 261-2984 New! Classes in VEDIC Astrology and Tarot
The Most Personal and Practical Gift!
Your journey starts here!
22 HolisticNetworker.com
Summer 2010
Understanding the Chakras by Andrew M Williams
his article addresses common notions about opening and balancing the chakras held by many seeking healing and esoteric knowledge.
The seven chakra system is part of the ancient Hindu system of energetic anatomy, and has become increasingly popular in modern Western culture since the 1960s. Each chakra, literally translated as “wheel”, is an energy vortex, a spiraling doorway into the very deepest aspects of our being, with each holding particular aspects of our reality. Although chakras transmit as well as receive energy, they can be thought of as doorways ‘opening’ from the inside for us as we seek our healing and enlightenment. Chakras are neither totally “open” nor “closed”; they function with varying degrees of openness. It is possible to train a sensitive person to be able to ‘feel’ the chakra’s degree of openness, the spin direction, the speed, various anomalies such as wobbles, and the deeper consciousness aspects that are indicative of the inner reality of the subject. A masterful teacher that has attained the rare ability to awaken an aspirant’s kundalini or life-force energy can permanently affect a student’s chakras through higher initiations, when the student has been made ready through a deep and disciplined spiritual practice. The effect upon the chakras is simply a reflection of the change in the disciple’s consciousness, not the goal. Normally, then, a chakra will simply open when it is ready to open a bit more in conjunction with the progression and healing of the human being; in other words, as it becomes appropriate in one’s life path. This is not usually a quick process, but can be accelerated by a powerful experience that brings healing and expanded consciousness to the individual. It should be noted that “open” and even “balanced” are physical
terms, and so these terms are not exactly descriptive of this non-quantum esoteric state. A chakra will open and contract a few degrees from one moment to the next, much like the pupil of the eye, but the baseline average degree of openness will remain close to the same without the aforementioned changes in consciousness. The change may involve the release of trauma, blockage, fear, and associated pain in all its myriad forms, but to think it requires little effort is erroneous. To effect a significant change in a chakra requires a fundamental shift in the spiritual level, also referred to as the “causal” level. Such a change will be felt throughout the person’s life experience afterwards. This change can be perceived by a healer with clairvoyant vision as a cascade of energy throughout the subtle bodies; the spiritual, mental, emotional, and etheric. From the etheric, which is a bluish grid-like overlay upon the physical body, the energies we carry filter into the physical body. All disease carries with it an energetic component. Advanced energy healing can often heal disease, as well as prevent it from manifesting in the physical. Prevention is easiest. Let’s take an improvised example. A female client may wish to work on a blocked feeling that seems to prevent her from being able to give and receive love with her husband. She may only know that every time her husband opens up and expresses his love for her, she begins to subtly shut down and block him in various ways. However, during my initial scan, I may perceive a black wedge-shaped energy within her heart chakra connecting to her inner child in the second chakra. As I help her to identify the energy, we may discover that as a little girl, she was severely rebuffed and emotionally punished by her father due to a problem he had with the girl’s mother, which had nothing to do with the child. However, the child grows up feeling unlovable by men,
and with no modeling of real love by her parents. Through several failed romances, the maturing young woman establishes a pattern of shutting down whenever a lover truly opens his deep heart to her, yet doesn’t know what’s wrong. In seeking out a partner to heal this pattern with, she marries a man with whom she desperately wants to find happiness, one that has a “matching” energy; he finds her shutting down pattern incredibly painful and frustrating. With a healer’s gentle guidance as the story unfolds, and the woman clearly seeing the pictures in her mental body of the energy and the process by which it manifested in her life, the effect it has had on her relationships, and feeling the pain of all this in her emotional body, an agreement is reached with the energy through voice dialog and with the woman herself to release the energy. Awareness moves energy. The pure focus upon the energy allows energetic techniques to be used to release the energy and bring in a beautific healing white light from above to replace the energy with the light of divine guidance. Often the energy itself begins to turn various shapes and colors; green, golden, and white, which both healer and client witness at once. This is a real, palpable light, but not the quantum photon light you see with your physical eyes. The woman may find herself floating in a profoundly silent, but dynamic state of healing reverie with this light infusing her heart and finally her entire being. Forgiveness of self and others will start to come in through the heart. As the lesson that the blockage appeared in her soul’s journey to teach her is learned on the causal level, true healing will take place, and the chakra will begin to undergo a deep and permanent change. The fabric of this person’s reality is now changing, and this can be seen in the images, patterns, and symbols woven into her subtle bodies. After a few follow-up sessions, the heart chakra that was opened to about forty degrees with continued on p26 >
Do you feel
BLOCKED ~ RELATIONSHIP PAIN ANXIOUS ~ FEARFUL ~ ISOLATED WOUNDED ~ LOW SELF-ESTEEM SAD ~ SICK ~ DISCONNECTED FROM GOD ? Do you sense something is missing or wrong in your life, but are not sure what the core issue really is? Would you like to be clearer and able to go deeper in your meditations ?
Using heart centered clairvoyance, I will guide you into the deepest parts of your inner being, and together we will discover the history and origins of your feelings and patterns of behavior. We will then bring these energies into a profoundly pure focused state of awareness with the ability to transform them using the power of your own consciousness and Divine Light. Spiritual Energy Healing works at the deepest levels of your reality and can change your life!
~ Embrace ~ Release ~ Receive ~ I invite you to call me for answers to any of your questions and to discuss Spiritual Energy Healing from your own unique perspective!
(817) 925 6824
andywilliams@hughes.net Three blocks from Interstate 30 2529 East Lancaster Ave Ft Worth TX 76103
Phone sessions also available.
Modalities Include: Awareness Release Technique Voice Dialog Process Magnetic Healing Technique Inner Child Healing Sound Fracturing Initiation
Andrew M. Williams
Certified Advanced Energy Healer Spiritual Counselor
Prepare to fly! The spirit bird waits upon the cosmic nest. She is resting and preparing to take flight. It is not time to spread her wings. So for now, she sleeps and has beautiful dreams of the future. Even when we’re resting, we’re active. So much work is being done internally and on other planes of consciousness. We are
busy reinventing ourselves, rediscovering who we are, and allowing more healing, and receiving of guidance. All this takes time and patience. There is action in just being, imagining, visualizing, and dreaming. These are important efforts for choosing our grand new experiences. Now is the time to reach
inside yourself and determine what you really do want. To fine tune your vision of yourself and your life. So focus on the joyful dreams you want to create, and prepare to fly.
D I V I N E LY I N S P I R E D A R T B Y N I C O L E M I Z O G U C H I , © 2 0 1 0 • W W W. N I C O L E M I Z . C O M • M A I L @ N I C O L E M I Z . C O M
Summer 2010 25
uddha said, “your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.” Last year, I traveled to Bali and provided Thai Massage for residents of a foundation called Senang Hati (“Happy Hearts.”) Their vision is to help disabled people have a chance to be independent and to participate fully in the society around them. Through programs which teach economic and physical skills for a self-supporting life, the residents go from “disabled to enabled.” This was the first time I had an opportunity to provide Thai Massage for the disabled. The experience was incredible. At Senang Hati, I was
Sang Ayu Nyoman Puspa (l, foreground), a member of the Senang Hati Foundation, and Sang Ayu Made Sriani (r, foreground), the treasurer of the Senang Hati Foundation just after the performance of Diah Larasati A Drama & Dance Performance in Ubud, Bali. welcomed in as family and set up massage in their community room. While their legs were crippled from polio or a limb was missing, their hearts and eyes were filled with love. If they did not speak English, they would point to a place on their body or say “sick arm.” Once on the table, they closed their eyes and I said “santai” (relax) This was an amazing experience of trust for giver and receiver. I felt connected to them. They opened their hearts to me. A sense of belonging, creating community, and making a heart connection are qualities of life I believe are happening and shifting the lives of people. I share my story as a reminder of the goodness and joy present in the world.
Suzanne Miller is a LMT and Certified Master Level Thai Massage Practitioner. She can be reached at 972-319-3661. For more information on Senang Hati Foundation, please visit www.SenangHati.org
Photo and caption released into public domain by Jack Merridew
The Heart of Bali
26 HolisticNetworker.com
> continued from p22 a black, wedge-shaped energy containing deep-seated fear and self-hatred, can become a heart opened to about ninety degrees with a sustained beautiful new feeling of acceptance for herself and her husband within it. The second chakra, the seat of the inner child, as well as the third, will have undergone similar transformation. If deep spiritual progress is desired, this process, through time and effort, can lead to clearing and further opening of the higher chakras as well. Opening the higher chakras first, however, without clearing the lower ones, is common among spiritual aspirants, and is inevitably the cause of serious problems. So, the “opening” of the heart chakra is crucial, not as an end in itself, but rather as a means to an end — the deep transformation that the original distress led to. Could this be attained by waving hands, shining lights, manipulating energy, or other such devices, while leaving the trauma from the original childhood emotional injury intact? Perhaps; there are many ways to heal; but this is one that engages the client’s conscious awareness. We are all unique, and the trauma that manifests in one way in one person can take a completely different turn in the life story of another, as each of us has our own complex web of life to unfold. Just know the difference between a “balanced” or “open” chakra, and a chakra that is in deep transformation due to healing that is happening in the depth of your being. Andrew M Williams discovered his own innate ability to use healing energy in the 1970s, and after many years of alternative healing studies, he became a Certified Advanced Energy Healer in 1997, graduating the intensive Jaffe School of Energy Mastery, now a Sufi school. Andrew is currently expanding his Spiritual Energy Healing practice in Fort Worth, with plans to start his own school teaching clairvoyant healing skills. Andrew is a Sufi initiate, and draws from this powerful stream of ancient wisdom in his work. He can be reached at (817) 925 6824, andywilliams@hughes.net
Summer 2010
Reiki/Energy Healing Ascension Healing
Pamela Mauras, Reiki Master-Teacher, Divinity Graduate of Accelerated Creative Force-Quan Yin Creation Center, Hawaii Fort Worth, TX 817-721-0901 Divinitygoddess333@yahoo.com
During this miraculous time, humanity is undergoing a divine process of Ascension. A time of deep healing, releasing, change & transformation. It is my deepest honor & purest intention to support your personal process with energy work grounded in 5th-12th Dimensional Ascension energy structures & the blessed support of Quan Yin & her powerful Creative Force energies. These energies deeply heal, release all disruption & align us in higher frequencies of love, enjoyment & creation. Among other services (see ad) I provide Reiki Sessions, Aura Clearing, Shaman Drum Healing Sessions, Sacred Healing Meditations & offer Medicine Wheel Ceremonies, Full Moon/Goddess Rituals, Handfasting ceremonies, Motherpeace Readings & more. I teach all levels of Usui Reiki, offer classes on the Ascension Process & Quan Yin & Creative Force: working with Creation
St. Clement of Alexandria Liberal Catholic Church Fr. Tony J. Howard, Pastor 202 North Allen Dr., Suite E-114 Allen, TX 75002 972-377-3828 pastor@scalcc.org www.scalcc.org
"Liberal" means "free"; "Catholic" means "universal." Bells and Smells, Mystical Theology, Open Communion every Sunday at 11am. Liberal Catholic: a relief, not an oxymoron.
Universal Light of Christ Church
Rev. Pat Raimondo 6117 Graham St. Lake Worth, TX 76135 817-237-7840 ULCCPatRaimondo@yahoo.com www.UniversalLightofChristChurch.org
Sunday Service: 11:00am • Classes: The Teachings of Light • Two locations: Florida / Texas • Intuitive Consultations Available
Tai Chi / Qigong
Healing with Sound
Ranjana's Yoga and Bodyworks
Nancy's Language of Light cellular healing sessions have helped people to overcome their fears, to alleviate depression, to relieve or diminish physical pain and to realize their dreams. While expressing the Language of Light, Nancy is able to "catch" the sound current and to "tune into" the frequency of your soul, like a radio. This provides a sound carrier wave for your intention to manifest. Nancy is also available for ceremonies and groups. Call today and begin living your dreams!
Hatha yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, massages & waxing.
Nancy Byers 972-424-1217 www.soundSOULutions.com
Wendy Herb, Usui and Organic Reiki Master-Teacher Dallas, TX Metroplex 214-906-2992 WhisperingWindsReiki@yahoo.com
All dis-ease within is calling out for transformation as all energy seeks balance and resolution. Reiki is handson healing that renders profound effects in reducing stress and pain, providing relaxation to promote healing on all levels, strengthening and normalizing the vital energy fields of the body. As a conduit for the God/ Universal Life Energy, Wendy assists you in returning to that HeartSpace of balance, wholeness and healing.
Spiritual Organizations Earth Rhythms
Amy Martin 381 Casa Linda Plaza #137 Dallas, TX 75218 info@EarthRhythms.org www.earthrhythms.org
Presenting experiential events, preserving natural places, and providing help to those in need in North Texas. Events include Winter SolstiCelebrations, Moonlady Nights, and talks and concerts by national spiritual leaders. A green cemetery is being planned. Monthly e-newletter with seasonal/lunar dates, features, more.
Ranjana Pallana 13614 Midway Rd @ Alpha Suite 101 Dallas 972-233-4377 yogagani@swbell.net www.ranjanasyoga.com
Vedic Astrology Intuitive Astrologer and Tarot Reader Cynthia Novak metro 817-261-2984
Intuitive astrologer and Tarot reader, Cynthia Novak provides detailed, informative, tape-recorded sessions. All are heart-centered and process oriented.
Carol A. Stall, MA, E-RYT-500 Richardson, North Dallas and Plano 469-441-7064 shantishanti@verizon.net www.awakenwithyoga.us
Experience Hatha Yoga to unify body, mind, and spirit. Grow stronger, more flexible, more balanced. Awaken inner awareness. Improve breathing patterns, and experience deep, restorative relaxation. Classes, workshops and retreats.
Move and be moved! 17062 Preston Rd. Suite 108, at Campbell Dallas, TX 75248 972-732-0206 staff@movestudio.com www.movestudio.com
Improve physical fitness, flexibility, mental clarity, relaxation, stress management, and well-being at any age. Hatha, restorative, prenatal and more. Group, semi-private and private instruction available.
Summer 2010 27
Interview with Laura Rose: Co-Founder of the DFW Metaphysical Chamber of Commerce expertise to strengthen this endeavor. More information is listed about the Board Members on the About Us page on our website. What is its goal? The goal is to strengthen the metaphysical business community by helping to provide the tools for success as well bring a new level of awareness and credibility both within and outside this sector.
Ranjana’s Yoga & Bodyworks
Ranjana - RYT 500 - 60 years Exp. Enjoy classic Hatha Yoga Meditation Massages with Reflexology - Shirodhara Ear Candling & Waxing
www.ranjanasyoga.com 13614 Midway Rd, Ste 101 ¡ Dallas, TX 75244
What are the benefits to members? What led you to start the DFW Metaphysical Chamber of Commerce? Our vision in forming this Chamber of Commerce is to create a collaborative organization for the metaphysical community in order to develop and grow our community’s local businesses. It is also our desire to be an advocate for the community to shed light and positive meaning to these unique offerings that beautifully support mind, body and spiritual health, thus dispelling any preconceived notions that we are spooky and strange. We feel it’s time to come together as a community and be in a space of “coopetition�, meaning we all have unique offerings and there is room for everyone. Time to step out of being competitive and into collaboration. The Chamber is also currently forming a “Love the People and Planet� page which will advertise opportunities for our members to donate to charities as well as promote “green� living. Who is involved in this with you? Michelle Barr, Kim St. Andre and I are the founders of the Chamber. We all had the same vision of forming an organization like this, so the inspired thought came and the inspired action followed. We spent many collaborative hours designing this model and reached out to several metaphysical practitioners for support as Board members. Each Board member brings a special area of talent and
There are many benefits to being a member of the Chamber such as a directory listing for their business, opportunities to promote their business via networking events, and special events featuring guest speakers to provide timely information to develop and grow their business. The Chamber also has a benefits package, which includes limited medical, dental, vision, short term disability, hospital indemnity and life insurance, so small businesses and sole proprietors will have access to benefits at an affordable rate. Do you have a web site? Our website is http://dfwmetaphysicalcoc.org/ How can people contact you to learn more about your organization? Our website contains great information or people may email me at laurarose@dfwmetaphysicalcoc.org to set up a meeting. Are you going to be at the Fort Worth Wellness Expo? Yes! We are excited about participating at the Fort Worth Expo.
Ascension Healing
Natural healing for body, mind & spirit
Pamela Mauras Usui Reiki Master-Teacher Conduit of Creative Force & Ascension Energies
(817) 721-0901 Fort Worth TX
Reiki - Distance Healing - Reiki for Pets Creative Force Energy Attunements Chakra Balancing - Aromatherapy Bach Flower Remedies - Native & Full Moon Ceremonies, Readings & more
Daily Astrological Message by Cynthia Novak
online updates @ twitter.com/dailymessage
Your Summer Stars T
by Cynthia Novak
he heat is on. The Sun takes center stage in the Northern Hemisphere, but the creative heat is on in the Gulf of Mexico. The seemingly endless oil spill pours from British Petroleum's apparently endless list of short cuts, deceptions and lies. They couldn't do it alone: inspectors and employees saw or knew safeguards were dropped for expediency. Workers died in the explosion, and that was only the beginning of death and destruction that pours out of the well. I hope that by the time you read this, the great bleeding well has been stopped. The destruction and those who will give aide will continue. We will watch in awe as scientists and engineers enter the world stage to solve apparently impossible problems and bring hope. Innovation and compassion inspire heroes at every level. This is the stuff that human greatness is born of. It will cost some their careers and open doors for others. Sometimes the planets tell a story that is so literal it's easy to miss. In this case, Neptune is the planet that governs gas and some say oil, too. It makes a stressful aspect to Saturn, the planet of order and structure. Neptune is also powerful spiritual or soulful unity.
Jupiter joins Uranus all Summer and into 2011. Saturn faces and anchors them with structure or order. Neptune triggers Saturn for illumination, but could inspire lies. Saturn is now moving forward. After 9 months of labor, there is new life born from commitment and structure. You know when you're in the midst of a Saturn transit to your chart: It feels heavy and sad. It's like a cement overcoat you can't take off. Saturn inspires us to change. Jupiter is the great teacher: The litigator and the politician. Uranus is the liberator: He is also anxiety. Look at your life. What would you like to be free of? Whether it's fear, food, pain, debt or something else: Take a quick note of what comes to mind. Look for a teacher or mentor to guide you. Choose that person or method not by what it promises, but by how you feel when you hear or read about it. Jupiter and Uranus are in a place in the heavens that is all about the powerful
life-force energy that moves through your spinal chord. Be guided by yours. Now: Make a commitment to structure. Saturn is all about tenacity and endurance. Will you commit to your freedom?
Saturn is the wisdom of age and experience. Each of us knows what holds us down or back. We know our addictions and which foods enliven us. Use Saturn to set the pattern: make a simple plan and commit to it. Stretch into it. Jupiter says to learn it. Find a coach, or therapist, or online program. Uranus says freedom is the prize. Set a plan or simple action and move it forward to freedom. No matter what holds you, you can do something to liberate yourself. Neptune brings the invisible to light. It also brings opportunity for those with the foresight to know what works and what doesn't. They are out there. This summer biology savvy engineers take the stage. Watch for success. It's coming, but like life itself: success and great acts of generosity and compassion are often born from great tragedy and loss. This is the time to learn Saturn's wisdom and carry it to all areas of life. It really is important to value structure and caution even when no one is looking but you. Perhaps the ultimate gift is to value integrity and to open the door to innovation. July: Happy Birthday USA! Independence Day arrives as Uranus, the restless planet of change, innovation, anxiety, and accidents, appears to stand still in the heavens. Find Uranus in a section of the heavens known for powerful intuition. Jupiter, the great teacher, has just passed Uranus and is moving slowly. In fact, Jupiter will follow Uranus' lead and appear to go backward, too. This leads to opportunity that is there for all of us. Pull out that great idea and use the Saturn aspect to lay out a plan. Invest your time and energy to make it happen. If Jupiter is knowledge, and Uranus is freedom, then Saturn might be that degree or certification that opens the door to opportunity. Look around your life. What could you do to prepare yourself for the future? How could you enhance
your skills? Are you willing to make a commitment to your career or in your personal life? Uranus resists commitment: take a little time to notice where you feel free. Look carefully: Commitment might free you more than your ego would imagine. With Pluto, the planet of catharsis, ready to meet the others this Fall, a little awareness is actually the beginning of BIG change. Your path to liberation might be a divorce, a job change or just a shift in perspective. What jobs are strong? In addition to those mentioned, counseling is needed in many areas. Many of us need help to find the gift of freedom in a sudden change of plans. Whew!
August: Mars comes to Saturn early this month. Mars and Saturn do not get along. Mars wants to fight and Saturn refuses. Mars wants revolution and Saturn wants resolve. Mars facing Uranus is an accident waiting to happen. Keep your eyes on the road. Be alert. That message you must send now can wait until you're free. Tempers rise and so does the opportunity to face your fears. If Mars comes to Saturn, his impulse to fight could be a call to war. Caution: folks are easy to anger. Those who are aggressive or even a little unstable could end up on the nightly news. Use your internal antennae to tune into your surroundings. That place in line isn't worth your life. That volatile lover isn't either. Don't throw down the gauntlet unless you intend to fight. Daily drama makes for a weary audience. The Standoff of the Curmudgeons: Saturn, faces Uranus with both squared to Pluto. Each is a powerful planet. When Saturn lands on us we feel alone, old and as if the clock of our time on Earth is ticking away. When Uranus sends his jolt, he is so innately unpredictable that the most intractable folks are ready to let go. Neptune offers the gift of spiritual surrender, but also the cloud of illusion. As they send the cloud of uncertainyy to Saturn, we are more vulnerable and potentially powerful than ever. The trick is to be flexible like a reed in the wind and let it move around or even through you. How well you bend is obvious by the middle of October. These are anxious times. Stretch your faith and know your brain, but most of all, trust wise friends to guide you.
Retrograde Mercury: Mercury is the planet of communication and commerce. When he appears to stop in the heavens and go backward on August 20th it seems that communication goes awry. Particularly these days when every message can quickly go to a million people, it is essential to slow down and think about the power of your words. Most of all, it is essential to look at what you are signing. Jupiter says to get the new car, but Saturn reminds you that the payments go on much longer than the warranty and this could feel more like bondage than liberation. This is the best time to reflect, review and rest. Yes, all the "re" words you can imagine apply here. Mercury goes direct on September 12thjust in time to remember our national pain and to retool for the future. September: The summer comes to an end. There is the promise of cooler days and tempers. Mars pulls away from the curmudgeons the first week. Saturn pulls away from Pluto and Uranus, too. The process of change is in place. What did you start this summer? If obstacles stood in your path, take careful notes and prepare to start again. Many of us will find the funds and the faith to get off the couch. The gift of youth is the tenacity to give your body what it needs. Saturn understands the value of commitment. As Saturn pulls away, Jupiter and Uranus might just test the waters and indulge in some way. Don't worry, you've learned from the past and your liberation might be freedom from addictions. The Governor of Louisiana: Bobby Jindal: Keep an eye on him for innovation and courage. He's young but already experienced with disaster in
Summer 2010 29
the Gulf. In 1998 he oversaw a massive and successful evacuation in Louisiana. This year, his actions and fight for the people of his state, the coastal economy and beyond, will make President Obama appear distant and uninvolved. But Jindal pushed for offshore drilling. Now he is in the midst of the biggest cleanup ever. The summer's transits are strong for his political power. It's time to watch and see how he overcomes his legislative past. It will be interesting to see him handle the situation. I hope he and President Obama can work together. It's not about one party, but about leadership: Whew! Will his actions now free him from the images of oil and economic destruction? Will he be held accountable or will his future actions free him from his past? We can all apply this somewhere. From the office to the dinner table: What you do from this point forward may free you from something in your past.
This summer, the President is pushed to take action and to command. I expect that he will be threatened at home and abroad. Nations like North Korea, Iran, and Afghanistan will compel him to make decisions he would rather avoid. I said months ago that the President's Cabinet will change by next year. Incompetence in the face of this spill is the crowbar that will push them out so strong innovators can come into his administration. To the President: I wish him well, I expect he will meet innovative heroes and roll up his sleeves for the people, the marine life, and the economy of the Gulf. I believe he is in danger, but I also expect that he will seize the moment to liberate himself from political obligation and be the Commander in Chief we saw in the election. Political advisers can't help him: The Gov. of Louisiana can show him the best of Mars. The President can show us all the gift of Jupiter when disciplined by Saturn.
President Obama: The heavy transits to his birth chart in May will have lasting impact. The President will be haunted by oil spill images throughout his career. In Vedic astrology there are planets who are friends to your chart and those who are not. Mars is not a friend to the President, Saturn is. In fact his own plan or tenacity and commitment serve him well. He was born with Jupiter, the political planet, next to Saturn. Saturn often seems detached or cool because he is cautious and careful. His Jupiter is big ideas and great speeches. He was born with Mars in a very stressful place in the heavens: In the house of life and death. Every President has death threats. Every President has unfathomable responsibility. Every President is literally the Commander and Chief of the most powerful military in the world.
How the Love Grows: It grows through compassion, but it continues to grow. Venus is the love planet. She moves through action-oriented lunar mansions this summer. Get up and dare to love. Get your hands dirty and help. Develop a plan to embrace others. It is a wise investment. I expect many engagements and marriages this summer. But most of all, I expect commitment and inner growth. We are touched by images of compassion and generosity and we learn that generosity brings great returns. Where the Money Flows: Literally, it flows from BP to other companies. Watch the Market slowly rebound. Keep an eye out for innovators and new technology. Mostly, keep the faith. A plan or structure set this summer could bring lasting returns. Cynthia Novak is a professional astrologer. She can be contacted at metro 817-261-2984. Read Cynthia’s daily astrological message at HolisticNetworker.com or CynthiaNovak.com Come hear Cynthia’s talk at the Wellness Expo in Fort Worth on Sunday, August 15 at 11:30am entitled “Astrology & You”.
Events & Classifieds
See the latest at HolisticNetworker.com/events August
14-15 WELLNESS EXPO® in Fort Worth produced by the Holistic Networker®. This two-day event will be held on Saturday & Sunday, 11am-6pm, Will Rogers Memorial Center, 1579 Gendy St. Call 972-378-3770 for information about exhibiting or attending. SEE AD ON INSIDE FRONT COVER or visit WellnessExpo.net October
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Tuesdays, 6:15 PM - 7:15 PM. Traditional Raja and Tantra Yoga meditation practice as taught by Baba Hari Dass. Contact: Kaye E. Estell, M. Div., L.P.C., E-RYT 500; 817-481-5657. www.meditationcenterforcompassion.org
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HEALTHCARE OFFICE SPACE in Hwy 121 & Legacy and Hwy 75 & Spring Creek. $500 per room. 214-492-3713 MEETING/WORKSHOP SPACE AVAILABLE. Richardson location. In the vicinity of Hwy I-75 and Spring Valley. 972-480-0678.
Room available for bodywork/ therapy in shared suite. Room in shared space, for massage, bodywork, acupuncture, therapy. 15’x12’, 24/7 access, garden courtyard, $420/mo. Dallas, Galleria Mall area. Sam Johnson 972-701-9700 Classifieds
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