Holistic Networker : Summer 2011

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HOLISTIC SUMMER 2011 your guide to wellness


The Original Cause of Disease The 80/20 Principle Your Inner Hero & Other Fairy Tales that are Real Rise Above Your Circumstances Divinely Inspired Art by Nicole Your Summer Astrology



Wellness Expo


• Grapevine, June 25-26 • Addison, October 15-16

Wellness Expo in Grapevine! ®

June 25 & 26 11am -6 pm Grapevine Convention Center




Children under 12 & adults over 65 admitted free.


Free Parking


972-378-3770 Save $2 or more, buy tickets online WellnessExpo.net


WELLNESS TALKS See pages 15-18 for Expo Program Guide with a full list of speakers and exhibitors.

WellnessExpo.net PRODUCED BY:

Holistic Networker

Grapevine Convention Center 1209 S Main St • Grapevine, Tx 76051


HOLISTIC Publishers Tony Cecala, Ph.D. Felicia Weiss, Ph.D.


Holistic Networker® is DFW’s guide for holistic health and personal growth. 28,000 copies are printed quarterly and distributed freely at health food stores, bookstores, cafés, wellness centers and selected retail outlets.

You can reach us at:

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Holistic Networker PO Box 702956 Dallas, TX 75370-2956 972-403-0940 972-403-1536 info@HolisticNetworker.com www.HolisticNetworker.com

Advertising Information:

See the inside back cover for advertising rates.

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Contents The Hero’s Journey .....................................3 Rise Above Your Circumstances ..................3 Holistic Forum ............................................4 The 80/20 Principle..................................13 Wellness Expo Program Guide..................15 The Original Cause of Disease ..................22 Art: “Blue Pearl Universe” .........................26 Your Summer Stars...................................28 Events/Classifieds .....................................30 Advertising Rates ......................................31

Directory Alternative Healing.........12 Iridology..........................20 Bodywork.......................12 Macrobiotics...................20 Bookstores/Gifts.............12 Metaphysical Arts & Sciences......................20

Colonics..........................19 Dance/Movement.........19 Dentistry.........................19

Naturopathic Medicine.20 Organizing/Feng Shui...20

Osteopathy.....................20 Education/ Personal Growth............19 Reiki/Energy Healing......20 Holistic Dentistry............19 Spiritual Organizations...27 Holistic Medicine............19 Tai Chi / Qigong.............27 Holistic Veterinary...........19 Vedic Astrology ..............27 Homeopathy..................20 Weight Loss....................27 Hypnotherapy................20 Yoga................................27 Holistic Networker provides an advertising service. We are not responsible for the claims stated by our advertisers. The information in this publication does not constitute medical advice. Holistic Networker is a registered trademark of Holistic Networker, LLC. Copyright © 2011, Holistic Networker, LLC. All rights reserved.

Summer 2011 3


remember squinting at the alarm clock as I woke up on my 50th birthday. Red glowing numbers came into focus, 4:51. I’m reminded of Ray Bradbury’s book Fahrenheit 451, and I think about the book that I’m writing with Felicia. I’ve been obsessing over details, and she has been urging me firmly, “Just get it done!” Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I contemplate the past half century and I’m grateful for my life, my parents, my family, and my friends. I’ve been gifted with amazing resources. These blessings have given me a rich life; rich in friendships, knowledge, opportunities, and joy. I feel like my life is a gift. I feel like a magnet for synchronicity. I appreciate that I live in extraordinary times. Just 250 years ago, the fabric of my entire life would have seen very little change. It would be a clone of my father’s life: whatever tools he used in his trade would be the same ones that I would use. Today, technology advances led by the digital revolution are rapidly transforming the way we work, read, shop, and, of course, communicate. Amidst these dizzying changes, I find it comforting to reflect on things that don’t change. Throughout time, mankind has recognized energies that we call archetypes. Mythology, the study of these archetypes and their similar expression across cultures and timespans, highlights the timeless nature of our collective unconscious. It doesn’t matters whether the hero rides a dragon, a horse, or a Harley. The hero’s journey is always the same—final destination: Home. The hero’s journey is filled with temptations, struggle, loss, gain, more loss, betrayal, allies, foes, mentors, demons, and lovers. The journey rewards the hero with intangible riches—the discovery of an inner power and a mastery and a knowing that they are not separate from the Source of the Divine. I cannot imagine what the next 50 years will hold for me and for this world. On the quiet early morning of my birthday I manage to pull myself from bed and focus my wandering imagination on the tasks at hand. I finally publish The HCG Guidebook to the Amazon Kindle store. Felicia and I are officially authors! We had two milestones to celebrate that evening, my birthday and our book. Felicia has always pushed me to be my best, and while I sometimes push back, I know in my heart that I’m a better person with her as my wife.


e have all experienced quite a tumultuous past few years. Whether we’ve lost a job, a house or watched others lose theirs, it has been hard not to notice that many things have changed or are not what they were. I recently saw the movie, “The Company Men”. This really brought home to me the difficulties that many people have experienced since 2008. It’s one thing to read that over 400,000 people lost their jobs this week. However, these numbers seem to lose their meaning after awhile or they seem like an improvement to the 500,000 or more who were losing their jobs previously. We do not really stop and think about what this means for these people- how their lives have changed and how what they have counted on has suddenly disappeared. Often they begin to experience a downward spiral where they may lose their home, their car, and many other things they held dear. For some it is an opportunity to appreciate what they do have- their loved ones, their health, their ability to reinvent themselves in a new and exciting way. For others, it is an experience from which they are unable to recover. Some families are able to pull together, to support each other, and to help each other to feel loved and valuable. Other families are torn apart. Some are able to make the adjustment, while others are not. Life is an ebb and flow. Often I think it is like a pendulum. We swing one way and then another. We are all on a journey that winds and turns and has its ups and downs. Often what seems like a tragedy is really an opportunity disguised as a loss. Vince Lombardi, one of the most successful coaches in football history said, “It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get back up”. He also stated, “The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall”. He lived his beliefs and was the driving force of the Green Bay Packers from 19591967. With his leadership, they won five National Football League championships. It is this type of drive and determination that helps us to achieve our goals. It is also in understanding that people have value beyond what they do or where they live that makes all of the difference. Several years ago my father told me that he thought it was important for people to live up to their potential. I agree. I hope you will be all that you are capable of being and that no matter how many times you are knocked down that you will always get back up.

Best wishes,

Love & Light,

Tony Cecala

Felicia Weiss

4 HolisticNetworker.com

Summer 2011

Holistic Forum What is Fascial Integrative Therapy? This therapy recognizes the importance of the integration of the fascial and CranioSacral systems and works to gently release restrictions that may be causing pain, or problems in the immune, nervous, digestive, endocrine or other body systems. Using a very light touch the therapist works to correct the origin of the pain. It has been used to successfully correct infertility, scoliosis, plantar fasciitis, ADD/ADHD, carpal tunnel, �bromyalgia, sports injuries, arthritis, and pain in any area of the body, including migraines. Frankie Burget is a licensed Occupational Therapist and Fellow with the American College of Wellness who has practiced in the DFW area for over 20 years. She has extensive training including Barnes Myofascial Release Centers and Upledger Institute. You may view her curriculum vitae on the About Us page of her website, www.windsongtherapy.com. Please contact her at 817571-8135 or frankie@windsongtherapy.com. Please see bodywork section for more information.

What is a naturopathic doctor? Doctors of naturopathic medicine (NMDs) are trained as primary care physicians and have attended a four-year naturopathic medical school. Their training is based on the same basic science and clinical biomedical instruction as allopathic medicine (MD); however, natural medicines are emphasized. This rigorous medical training differentiates NMDs from other self-taught alternative practitioners. Naturopathic doctors assist patients by using integrative and holistic modalities such as nutrition, herbal medicine, homeopathy, and counseling. This approach has proven successful in helping both chronic and acute conditions. To determine if a doctor is trained as an NMD, verify that they have an active medical license and have graduated from an accredited AANMC medical school (www.aanmc.org). Dr. Kimberly Wilson, NMD, Innovations Wellness Center, 6545 Preston Road, Suite 200, Plano, TX, www.InnovationsWellness.com (972) 608-0100

How do I become more passionate and joyful? We’re so easily distracted by technology and the business of life that we are becoming less and less in touch with our bodies. Bioenergetics helps us to be aware of our bodies, our breathing, our grounding so that we can make more conscious choices about what we want in our lives as well as what we don’t want.

What is Iridology and how can it help me? It has been said that the eye is the mirror of the soul, and that it discloses the different mental and physical conditions of the body; we generally speak of the ‘vivid clear eye’ of the well person, of the ‘anguishing, glaring eye’ of the consumptive; of the ‘broken eye’ of the dead-sick. Various nervous diseases are disclosed by the decreased mobility of the pupil; frequent disturbances of the sight point to diseases of the kidneys (diabetes), as does also the falling out of the eye-lashes. By analyzing the iris of the eye, it is possible to determine the condition of your body by re�ex markings found in the corresponding �bers of the iris. Iridology analyzes the iris of the eye to determine the cause of your ill health, in what state it is in, how it arrived there, how to free your body of it, and most of all, when you have freed it.

Mind Chatter, What is it? And where does it come from? Mind chatter is thoughts and emotions that we pick up from others. Programs as they are called get passed down through generations. Many were implanted by the beliefs and rules of parents, society and sometimes by a GHOST. Those pesky programs are located and deleted through a series of clearings that utilizes a universal search engine. It’s like your hard drive, i.e. your mind, gets rebooted so we are at the wheel along with GOD instead of Grandma Rose. And, yes, the ghost can be removed too. Resulting in a life that only you had dreamed of filled with peace, joy, grace and Abundant FUN!

Could you use gentle, cost-effective relief from your health challenges? Want to feel healthy, vibrant and alive?

Sherri Lackman is a Master’s Level Licensed Professional Counselor. She holds membership in the American Counseling Association, the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis, the Dallas Society for Bioenergetic Analysis, and the Heart-Centered Therapies Association. Sherri treats Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety, and Eating Disorders. Her office is located in Richardson, 972-231-4466.

Get vacation-quality relaxation while resolving even old and deep body issues, acute or chronic. Bring your biggest issues, from TMJ, carpal tunnel, whiplash and migraines, to thyroid, female problems, injuries, etc. This technique restores �ow and balance, promotes healing, resets the nervous system, enhances �ow of CSF, relieves cranial compressions implicated in many disorders, even releases emotional tissue memory from old traumas. Selected teaching assistant to founder Dr. John Upledger, Sandy needs only this versatile work to achieve favorable outcomes for most people. Lives transform in her office; let yours be one of them.

To help you �nd out the root of your health problem call Iridologist, Edna Craven, DC, BCNP, BCI at 972-256-0004 / dreecraven@earthlink.net (over 30 yrs. experience). 10% discount with this ad.

Beth Carpenter, N.D. loves intuitively guiding her clients in health and happiness. She is a naturopathic doctor, medical intuitive, Reiki Master, author, public speaker, psychic and angel communicator that has studied many healing modalities for over 20 years. Beth works full-time in natural, complementary and energy medicine. She has helped thousands achieve health, balance, peace and understanding of their life and direction. www.healthyhelp4u.com, 512-707-9886

Why is it important to receive Thai Massage from a certi�ed master level practitioner? Finding a practitioner who has studied extensively the art of Thai Massage assures that you will receive the most optimum experience during a session. As a master level practitioner with over 8 years experience, I have chosen to specialize in Thai Massage. Each session is unique and matched with how your body is doing/feeling/being that day. I have trained in the US, Thailand, and England where I learned techniques being created worldwide and utilized by master level Thai Massage therapists. I would be honored to share with you my joy and passion for this amazing bodywork.

What is HCG and how is it the key to weight loss? HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin and is a glycoprotein hormone. The late Dr. A.T.W. Simeons discovered that HCG allows almost unlimited hypothalamic banking capacity so that fat deposits are not formed. By taking HCG and restricting oneself to a very low calorie diet, a person is able to access their fat stores and experience rapid weight loss of about 1/2 to 1 pound/day. The HCG dramatically reduces a person’s feelings of hunger, making it easier to feel comfortable with this reduced caloric intake. Today the HCG is available in homeopathic form, making it an easy, effective, and inexpensive approach to weight management.

How can the Language of Light be of bene�t to me? The Language of Light is a vibrational healing technique. During her expression of the Language of Light, Nancy is able to “catch” the sound current to “tune into” the frequency of your soul like a radio. This provides a sound-carrier wave for your intention to manifest. After experiencing the Language of Light, many report feeling more empowered, having a sense of remembering the essence of who they really are, and experiencing a sense of physical well-being. In addition, some clients have reported a lessening of their depression, an easing of back pain, a decrease in neuropathy pain (for about 3 weeks following one session), and a release of physical & emotional trauma.

Suzanne Miller is a LMT and Kripalu Yoga Teacher. She can be reached at 972-319-3661.

Felicia Weiss, Ph.D. is co-owner of Shifting Frequencies, which carries the HCG homeopathic drops. For more information or to order the HCG drops, visit: www.ShiftingFrequencies.com or call: 972-378-1211.

Over the last 20 years Nancy has developed an ability to express this language. Come experience Nancy’s “Healing with Sound” at the Wellness Expo. Nancy can be reached at: 972-424-1217. To hear a sample go to: www.soundSOULutions.com

Sandy Hanne, R.M.T, has helped thousands of clients change their lives using CranioSacral Therapy. An advanced practitioner, she has studied extensively with Dr. John Upledger, founder of the technique. 469-438-8634.


Summer 2011 5

A Natural Approach to Healing All Aspects of Adult Care


6 HolisticNetworker.com

Summer 2011

Do you feel

BLOCKED ~ RELATIONSHIP PAIN ANXIOUS ~ FEARFUL ~ ISOLATED WOUNDED ~ LOW SELF-ESTEEM UNHAPPY ~ SICK ~ DISCONNECTED STUCK? Do you sense something is missing or wrong in your life, but are not sure what the core issue really is?

With heart centered clairvoyance, you will be guided into the deepest parts of your inner being, and together we will discover the history and origins of your feelings and patterns of behavior. We will then bring these energies into a profoundly pure focused state of awareness and transform them using the power of your own consciousness and Divine Light. Spiritual Energy Healing works at the deepest levels of your reality and can change your life!

Healing with Sound I invite you to call me for answers to any of your questions and to discuss Spiritual Energy Healing from your own unique perspective!

(817) 925 6824 andrew@NRGheal.com www.NRGheal.com

Three blocks from Interstate 30 2529 East Lancaster Ave Ft Worth TX 76103

Phone sessions also available. Modalities Include:

Awareness Release Technique Voice Dialog Process Magnetic Healing Technique Inner Child Healing Sound Fracturing Initiation

Andrew M. Williams

Certified Advanced Energy Healer Personal Healing on All Levels

A Language of Light cellular healing session begins with Nancy Byers helping you to determine your heart’s desire for your life at this time. The goal is to align your heart’s desire with your soul purpose. During her expression of the Language of Light, Nancy is able to “catch” the sound current and to “tune into” the frequency of your soul, like a radio. This provides a sound-carrier wave for your intention to manifest. Nancy records her private sessions in order to provide you with a custom audio tape to aid you in manifesting your heart’s desire. Nancy’s sessions have helped people to overcome their fears, to alleviate depression, to relieve or diminish physical pain and to realize their dreams. The Language of Light is an invitation for us to access that deep heart space of knowing who we already are - multi-faceted, spiritual beings. Nancy is available for individual, group or couples sessions.

Call today and begin living your dreams!


8 HolisticNetworker.com

Spiritual Awakening Psychic & Holistic Fair

Every 1st Saturday 11am-5pm Cathedral of Light 2040 N Denton Dr, Carrollton, TX

[picture here]

Summer 2011

Power of the Rainbow

metro phone 1730 W Randol Mill Road, Suite 125 817.261.6300 Arlington, TX 76012 www.PowerRainbow.com

Rocks · Minerals · Gems Jewelry · Classes

As you awaken to your Spiritual Self Life changes! Using our printed program with pictures and descriptions of all our readers, healers & vendors you can easily find just the right person to assist you in your Soul’s journey. Wake up to new ideas!

$5 at the door - Readings $20 Join us for a day of exciting discoveries!!

www.aspiritualawakeningjourney.com For more information call Dr. Peg at 972-821-3539



“Need to be Kneaded!” Located at Beltline & Central at the Chase Bank Bldg Trish Daniel, RMT 972.890.2144 itsmetrish@hotmail.com


Offering: Acupuncture Massage Reiki Infrared Sauna Reflexology Herbal Therapy Barbara Borchardt, LAc Kim McLaughlin, LAc Ramona Perez, LMT 312 West Leuda Street Fort Worth, Texas 76104 817-882-9750 www.centerforthehealingarts.net

Summer 2011 9

10 HolisticNetworker.com

Summer 2011

Energy Dynamics From “Impossible!” to “I’m Possible!” ~ Be Your Dream! ~

Cynthia R. Shaw,

BA, LMT, LMTI, CE Provider

• Transformational Body Therapy • Spiritual Response Therapy • Reiki Master/Teacher • Remote Healing Available www.cynthiaRshaw.com energydynamics@cynthiaRshaw.com

972-991-2097 office 972-639-8483 cell

Wellness Expo ®

“It’s the perfect venue for meeting like-minded individuals on a spiritual journey and mission.” — LaRue Eppler “Great people are attracted to these Wellness Expo events and inspiring new connections are made. It’s a great place to learn, experience, grow, connect, socialize, renew, heal and shop for really fun cool stuff.” — Melissa Cantrelle “Wonderful and informative!” — Rev. Pam

Grapevine, June 25-26 Addison, October 15-16


Summer 2011 11

“Free report reveals how many Chronic Pain, Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia sufferers can uncover the underlying cause(s), thereby making it possible to adequately treat and heal the dis-ease.” For your free copy call 972-256-0004 SUCCESSFULLY TREATING

THERAPIES & SERVICES Mucus Elimination Acid-Alkaline Balancing Colon / Tissue Cleansing Liver/Gallbladder Flush Nutritional Modification Full Body Detoxification Blood Purification / Chelation Kidney Flush/ Lymphatic Drainage Medicinal Herbs Chiropractic Adjustments Weight Loss / Cellulite Reduction Facial & Body Sculpting Stress Reduction / Energy Building TMJ Correction Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) Pain Relief Ion Cleanse ANALYSIS Comprehensive Physical Exam Body Fluid Analysis (BTA) Iridology Evaluation Blood Work (CBC, Matabolic/Lipids) Urinalysis, Thyroid Function Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis

Allergies / Overproduction of Mucus Headaches / Migraines Digestive / Intestinal Disorders Liver / Gallbladder Disorders Pancreas / Diabetes / Sugar Craving Skin Disorders Difficulty Breathing / Chronic Cough Kidney Problems / Frequent Urination Fatigue / Fibromyalgia / Exhaustion Anemia / Circulatory Disorders Cholesterol Endocrine / Glandular Disorders Hormonal Imbalance / Hot Flashes Candida/Yeast Overgrowth/Fungus Immune Deficiency Numbness In Extremities Trembling Hands / Wrist Pain Neck / Back Pain Swollen Joints / Muscle Spasms Leg Cramps / Stiffness Bursitis / Tendonitis / Arthritis / Gout Ringing In The Ears / Dizziness Poor Memory / Poor Concentration Insomnia / ADD / ADHD Cellulite / Wrinkles / Sagging Skin / Fat

Visa/MasterCard/Discover/AmericanExpress/Care Credit/Payment Plans/Insurance

Edna Craven, D.C., BCNP, BCI Doctor of Chiropractic (since 1996) Board Certified Naturopathic Phys Board Certified Iridologist (over 30 yrs) Nutritional Consultant (over 30 yrs)


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12 HolisticNetworker.com

Alternative Healing Advanced CranioSacral Therapy Sandy Hanne, RMT, Reiki Master Arapaho Gardens 1131 Rockingham, Suite 126 Richardson, TX 75080  469-438-8634  www.healingdallas.com

Get vacation-quality relaxation while healing even old and deep body issues, acute or chronic. Bring your biggest challenges, from TMJ, carpal tunnel, whiplash and migraines, to thyroid, female problems and fibromyalgia, injuries, etc. This gentle, warm, fully-clothed technique restores flow and balance, promotes healing, resets the nervous system, enhances flow of CSF, relieves cranial compressions implicated in many disorders, even releases emotional tissue memory from old traumas. Trained directly by Dr. John Upledger, Sandy needs only this versatile work to achieve favorable outcomes for most people. Lives transform in her office; let yours be one of them. Infra-red Suana for clients. Luxurious, relaxing & rapid detox.

Chair Massage at Central Market

Coit & George Bush Turnpike (190) Plano, TX  www.dfwchairmassage.com

7 days/week. 11am until 8pm. Come relax with us in the upstairs loft (by the Cooking School).

Chair Massage at Natural Grocers

SW Corner, Preston & Forest Dallas, TX  www.dfwchairmassage.com Come relax with us.

Don't Explode

Forest and Central Dallas, TX  214-912-7730 (By Appointment)  AlphaReiki.com

Stress results in tension, imbalance and pain. Change your world in 20 minutes. A unique and powerful fusion of three non-invasive yet highly effective alternative healing modalities.

FoxyRox at Power of the Rainbow Fall Smith 1730 W Randol Mill Rd, Suite 125 Arlington, TX 76012  817-261-6300 (metro)  www.PowerRainbow.com

Custom Jewelry creations, Gem Elixirs and Mysts made for your spiritual intention and healing. Stone Readings, Jewelry Classes, Chakra balancing with stones.

Healing with Sound

Nancy Byers  972-424-1217  www.soundSOULutions.com

Nancy's Language of Light cellular healing sessions have helped people to overcome their fears, to alleviate depression, to relieve or diminish physical pain and to realize their dreams. While expressing the Language of Light, Nancy is able to "catch" the sound current and to "tune into" the frequency of your soul, like a radio. This provides a sound carrier wave for your intention to manifest. Nancy is also available for ceremonies and groups. Call today and begin living your dreams!

Summer 2011

Massage Therapy

Linda Weisiger, RMT, MTI, Reiki Master  214-460-8112 Offering therapeutic massage specializing in Deep Tissue, Reiki, Healing Touch, Sound Wave Therapy, Psycho/Physical Re-education, Neurovascular Balancing, Ion Cleasing Hand/Feet Foot Bath. Corporate Chair Massage Coordination available.

New Hope Health Care

Ricardo B. Tan, M.D. Certified in Traditional Naturopathy 729 N Fielder Rd., Suite B Arlington, TX 76012  817-274-0350  817-274-0360; fax  rictan@att.net  www.newhopehealthcare.info

OFFERING NATURAL REMEDIES: Preventive medicine, acupuncture, homeopathy, pain management, herbology, bio-oxidation, anti-aging, chelation, detoxification, prolotherapy, nutrition counseling, bioidentical hormone, hyperbaric oxygen, drug-free withdrawal, alcohol rehabilitation, HCG Weight Loss, Dermabrasion, Non-Surgical Face Lift.

Bodywork Frankie Burget, OTR, RMT, CNDT www.windsongtherapy.com Dallas / Fort Worth Area  817-571-8135

Myofascial Release Mastery Level Therapist and Licensed Occupational Therapist. Also skilled in craniosacral, neuromuscular therapy, trigger point, therapeutic massage, QiGong, neuro-developmental treatment, and functional spine stabilization. Providing care for myofascial pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, TMJ, carpal tunnel, headaches, cumulative trauma disorder, pregnancy, and stress. Compassionate care for children with ADD, birth defects, failure to thrive, and special needs.

Kneading Massage

"Need to be Kneaded" *NEW LOCATION* Beltline and Central at the Chase Bank Bldg Outcalls Available  972-890-2144  itsmetrish@hotmail.com  www.kneadingmassage.net

Reiki • Deep Tissue • Stretching • Swedish & Chair Massage

Living Balanced

Suzanne Miller, RMT, CYT, APP Richardson, TX  972-319-3661 Thai Massage master level practitioner; On-site chair massage; Pregnancy massage; Polarity Energy work practitioner.

Pain Release and Relaxing Massage James Walker LMT Located at The Enchanted Forest Metaphysical Shoppe and Healing Center in Fort Worth,TX  817-446-8385  817-713-2905  enchantedforesttx@gmail.com

Reiki, Myofascial release, Sports, Deep tissue and relaxing Swedish Massage.

Bookstores/Gifts Miracles of Joy

A Celebration in the Diversity of Ideas 701 S. Old Orchard Ln Lewisville, TX 75067  972-221-8080  joykauf@msn.com Located in Lewisville, we offer Crystals, Singing Bowls, Reiki charged Candles Books, Essential Oils, Herbs, Jewelry, Incense, Tarot Cards, wind chimes, and Angel Gifts. Authentic AURA Photos and the Original Art Work of John Pitre and Ciro Marchetti. Drop us a note at joykauf@msn.com to get on our Email list and get regular updates of Classes and Workshops. Come and get smudged!

Power of the Rainbow

Pat Cook, Tray Bradford and Fall Smith 1730 W Randol Mill Rd, Suite 125 Arlington, TX 76012  817-261-6300 (metro)  www.PowerRainbow.com

Wide selection of metaphysical Crystals, Gems and Minerals. We offer Crystal Healing, Shamanic practices, Jewelry, Readings, Crystal Classes, Books, Tarot cards, Workshops and Events.

The HCG Guidebook

by Felicia Weiss, Ph.D. & Tony Cecala, Ph.D  972-378-1211  ShiftingFrequencies.com

This book makes it easy to do the HCG diet program. Why struggle? The answers and the recipes are here.


Summer 2011 13

T H 80/20 E 8 0 / Principle 20 PRINCIPLE The


perceive Life as a Grand Adventure! With enthusiasm and a voracious appetite to experience a variety of things in life, I have joyously, and sometimes haphazardly, expanded myself in many areas of my life. However, before long, more commitments, obligations, and responsibilities resulted in more to “manage” and suddenly life lost much of its sparkle. Streamlining my life through more efficient processes became my focus. With that being my intent, the Universe guided me directly back to the 80/20 Principle through a gift I received from a dear friend. You can transform your life with a simple understanding of, and by applying, the 80/20 Principle which has been extensively written about in a series of books by Richard Koch. The 80/20 Principle essentially says that 80 percent of results come from only 20 percent of causes or effort. As an entrepreneur, I first considered what applying this in business might look like. How would it increase my overall productivity, and ultimately my financial bottom line? Simply identify what we’re doing that falls in the 20% category that’s producing our best 80% of results and then spend more time doing those things - not a new idea. But as I played with this concept related to business, and because my businesses are all spirituality focused, it caused me to have an integrated view both spiritual and business in nature. That caused me to see my business options from my spiritual center. And then to consider what effects this would have if I applied this principle in my life from a spiritual perspective. How does this principle look if we apply it to our individual spirituality? What if we consider this in relation to the experiences we are having? To our perception of our experiences?! What an idea! That caused me to ask myself “what if 80 percent of what I’m experiencing is from only 20% of applied or deliberate, conscious thought?” What if I spend

more time responding deliberately and intentionally? How would I perceive life then? And what results might that create?! As we continue to awaken to our human potential, many people now understand, and are beginning to own, our co-creative response—abilities in applying Free Will with deliberate thought or intent. We understand better than ever that we create our experiences from thought. And we are learning how to do so more everyday. Each moment we experience offers us opportunities to demonstrate who we think we are, our grandest version in action, and express what we believe. Each moment offers us opportunities to deliberately choose to operate from our Highest Self or to respond unconsciously (by default). How much time or what ratio of our living experience, is spent from a consciously aware space of the “Observer” or “Centered, Higher Self” versus from default or our unconscious and reactionary spaces? Perhaps we could ask ourselves “how is my time divided living from the Ego versus Higher Self?” In asking myself these questions, I found the Universe very succinctly guided me to answers I had been seeking in several situations I have been intending change in! By applying this principle in a more spiritual than business manner in my life, I’ve recently discovered: 1. My intuition is far more “laser sharp” and flows with ease because I am staying in alignment for greater periods of time by being the Observer or Witness to my experiences. Decisions are easier because of this clarity.

by Cheryl McMillan

I have had the greatest opportunity for surrendering or letting go of wasted time and energy to allow a space for the intended or desired results. I suggest playing with the 80/20 Principle in your life to see what else it could mean, such as: • What if 20% of what I think produces 80% of my experiences?! • Does 80% of what I experience derive from 20% of my efforts? • Am I spending 80% of my time noticing the 20% I dislike about my life? Or am I spending 20% of my time noticing the 80% I love?! What would questions like this help you realize? What could it uncover, heal, and resolve in your life? Be light about it and play with this concept in various ways to really integrate its value into your everyday experience. Life is rich and full of magic, wonder and joy. I’m certain that if we shift our focus from the 80 percentile to the 20, we’d discover that the magic, wonder and joy exist in the 20 percent! Shall we find out? I’d love to hear about your experiences. I may be contacted at: 469-767-2727. Cheryl is a Clairvoyant in private practice and owner of the Dallas Psychic Fair, which is held monthly in Dallas.

2. More often, my actions are taken from Visit: www.dallaspsychicfair.com for details. an inspired, rather than a reactionary place, which is an aligned action. This is Come to Cheryl and Sandra Larson’s producing higher percentages of intended “Intuitive Gallery” at the Wellness Expo in or desired results in my life! Grapevine on Sunday, June 26th at 5pm and at the Wellness Expo in Addison on 3. I have discovered the areas I have been Saturday, October 15th at 5pm. Guided by experiencing discord or challenge in are the areas that fall into my 80% or “waste spirit, they will share channelled messages of my energy” category! Here is where for audience members.

your prescription for inner health and well being visit www.innerrx.com for upcoming classes, workshops and events

For over 12 years, Dr. Berman has been helping people identify and resolve physical, emotional and energetic blockages that compromise their health and well being at their core. His highly effective combination of life coaching and medical training & expertise allow him to address issues at their root, rather than at the symptomatic level. Dr. Berman’s highly skilled ability to tap directly into a patient’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of being allows him to create a customized wellness program tailored to fit an individual’s exact needs. Call for a free 15 min consultation! present this coupon code when calling HNSu2011

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Wellness Expoin Grapevine ®

June 25-26, 11am-6pm • Grapevine Convention Center • 1209 S Main St • Grapevine, TX

Program Guide

Experience the wonder.

Experience the magic.

Door Prizes 1. A $50 Gift Certificate to Miracles of Joy. 2. A Free Guest Pass to one of four workshops. 3. A Free 30-minute Reading with Tiffany Angel. Joy Kauf.........................972-221-8080

Miracles of Joy

1. Crystal Class with Pat Cook 2. Shamanic Reiki with Tray Bradford 3. $25 gift certificate Pat, Tray or Fall ............817-261-6300

Power of the Rainbow

Free Exam & Consultation w/ Report of Findings Jay M. Harrison, DC ......817-310-0301

$50 Gift Certificate toward purchase. Anna Lessard ................214-725-4648

Scentsy Wickless Candles

Satin Hands Kim Mercer ....................817-680-1673

Mary Kay Cosmetics

Wellness Exam w/ Brodows Chiropractic & massage from Massage Heights Dr. Rizkal .......................817-540-1500

Brodows Chiropractic & Massage

20 minute phone reading Julie W. Reeves.............512-694-7406

Sighted Intuitive Astrology

Experience the fun. $7/day & $10/weekend at the door special discount tickets online at



Grapevine Convention Center 1209 S Main St Grapevine, Texas 76051

Lifetime Family Health Center

Sterling wire-wrapped stone Marcy Sosbee................972-971-9409



Holistic Networker

Wellness Expo

June 25-26, 11am-6pm • Grapevine Convention Center • 1209 S Main St • Grapevine, TX

SATURDAY, JUNE 25: Lectures & Demonstrations 11:30


Opening Ceremony: Healing with Sound

Nancy Byers 972-424-1217 Nancy will demonstrate the Language of Light, which is a vibrational healing technique. After experiencing the Language of Light, many report feeling more empowered, having a sense of remembering the essence of who they really are, and experiencing a sense of physical well-being. Over the last 20 years, Nancy has developed an ability to express this language. She has helped hundreds of people all over the world with her gift. 12:00


Gallery Readings

Gary Champion 214-636-7546 Gary will demonstrate actual gallery style readings. He will connect with those who have passed and bring messages you will want to hear. Although not everyone will be read, all can gain from the experience. Gary has received messages since the age of 6. As a professional psychic medium, he pases along what he hears in the hopes of helping someone. He is clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, clairempathetic, as well as an animal communicator. See www.garychampion.com 12:30


Healthy Living to 100: It's All about Your Nervous System

Dr. Dylan Lin, DC 682-325-4193 In this presentation, Dr. Dylan Lin will discuss what we can do to achieve optimum health and defend illnesses simply with all the tools that we already have in our body! Dr. Lin is a chiropractor and a wellness coach with Evergreen Chiropractic, who practices in the city of Colleyville. Dr. Lin's passion is to educate and support individuals and families so they can reach their optimal health potential through natural chiropractic care, proper nutrition and exercises.



IPTLD the Kinder, Gentler Chemotherapy Dr. Constantine A. Kotsanis, MD m817-481-6342 Insulin Potentiation Therapy-Low Dose (IPTLD) for the treatment of all forms of cancer has been used for over 70 years as a gentle form of chemotherapy. It uses insulin as a way of targeting the cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. Then by using 10% to 25% of the conventional dose of drugs, cancer cells die with few or no significant side effects. Constantine A. Kotsanis, MD has practiced in the DFW Metroplex since 1983. Originally trained and board certified as an otolaryngologist, head and neck surgeon, he has practiced complementary and intergrative medicine since the 1990's. With credentials in nutrition he has also been trained in medical aupuncture, homeopathy and botanical medicine. 1:30


Taking Care of Physical Pain

Frankie L. Burget, OTR, RMT, CNDT 817-571-8135 Frankie will discuss how to handle individual health conditions, such as fibromyalgia, scoliosis, TMJ, arthritis, lower back pain and more. Frankie Burget is a licensed and National Board Certified Occupational Therapist and Mastery Level Senior Instructor and Coordinator with Myofascial Release Centers and owner of Windsong Therapy and Wellness, Inc. in Bedford, TX. 2:00


What Astrology Does For You

Julie W. Reeves 512-694-7406 See the ways astrology sheds new light on your past and present, your relationships, and important events. You will see your own personal timing cycles to allow you to better manage current and future life issues. Julie has been consulting and teaching Astrology and Tarot professionally for over 25 years. Spirit and the Angels guide her in seeking the information you need to live your life in love, abundance, peace and happiness. Her goal is to help those people that God places in her path.



Cracking the Addiction Code

Dr. Gary Berman, PhD, DC 972-404-8650 Ever wonder why you or someone you know can't stop smoking, drinking or engaging in a myriad of other addictive behaviors? Please join Dr. Gary Berman for this fascinating presentation on addictions and how to take the first steps to free yourself from them forever. Dr. Gary Berman, PhD, NMD, DC is the founder of the InnerRx Institute in Dallas, a chiropractic, wellness and education center dedicated to the teaching and practice of achieving wellness on all levels. 3:00


The Life Saving Wisdom of Ancient Ayurveda

Elaine Dodson 1-888-362-6827 Ayurveda is the oldest health maintenance system ever documented. It emcompasses the whole person and teaches us that food is sacred and that food and spices are your medicine. Elaine Dodson is an author, seminar leader and internationally acclaimed expert in natural/organic beauty, wellness and regeneration, who founded Kalachandjis Restaurant in East Dallas. She teaches Vegetarian Cooking Classes and leads Spiritual journeys for women. www.elainedodson.net or elainedodson @sacredjourneyretreats.com 3:30


Crossroads: Messages from Spirit

David Scott, Intuitive Medium 817-637-4213 Join David for an open forum where he will answer questions and give a demonstration of mediumship by making connections with audience members. David's abilities continue to grow and strengthen and he has made a commitment to his work. David is also alumni of the Arthur Findlay College in the UK- the world's foremost college for Spiritualism and the Psychic Sciences. David is currently pursuing a degree at the American Institute of Holistic Theology.



Your Intuition Compass

LaRue Eppler 972-733-3206 If we are each born with an internal compass directing us toward our great life, why do we often disregard it as though it's useless? Take a journey with LaRue to debunk inner guidance myths and discover one single tool for using your compass to take you in the direction of your dreams and purpose. LaRue Eppler is the developer of Evolutionary Kinesiology, an international course leader and speaker, popular radio guest, transformational facilitator and coauthor of "YOUR ESSENTIAL WHISPER: Six Distinct Ways to Recognize, Trust, and Follow Inner Guidance with Absolute Certainty!" 4:30


How to Tap into Your 6th Sense

AnnMarie Touchette 817-528-8841 WHO are Psychics? WHO are Mediums? Answer: YOU ARE!! Join AnnMarie as she shares with you how to tap into Your 6th sense. AnnMarie Touchette is a Psychic / Medium, member of the FW Ghost Hunters Group, owner of ChangeWorks Healing & Hypnosis Center and DFWPsychic.com 5:00


Catch the Giggles: Laughter Yoga

Ashlie Rhey 214-277-3391 Increase your capacity for happiness and health, lower your levels of stress hormones with fun exercises, breathing techniques, lots of laughter and NO pretzel poses or special clothing required. Ashlie has followed a life-long interest in alternative health care and spiritual growth. She has studied at The School for Enlightenment and Healing. She's a Reiki Master, an L.M.T. and a certified Laughter Yoga leader. Find out more at: www.catchthegiggles.com

SUNDAY, JUNE 26: Lectures & Demonstrations 11:30


Astrology & You

Cynthia Novak 817-261-2984 Join Cynthia as she shares her insights on how planetary alignments can affect your life. Cynthia Novak combines over twenty years of astrological and spiritual study to bring you practical, heart-centered information. Visit: www.cynthianovak.com 12:00


Open to Clairvoyance

Andrew M. Williams 817 925 6824 Learn how to tune into a deeper level of intuition using consciousness and your own body. Andrew will guide you to the perception of hidden aspects of your inner being. Embracing and releasing your own unhealed energies will free you to receive Divine healing light. Andrew is a Certified Advanced Energy Healer, who practices in Fort Worth, TX. 12:30


How to Connect with Your Guides

Carole Layman, LMSW, CHt 817-455-6642 In this presentation, Carole will discuss how you can stop guessing and visit the Spirit World for definitive answers regarding your current life as well as your Soul Life. Carole is a Licensed Masters Level Social Worker, who is also Certified as a Hypnotherpaist. She offers Past Life Regressions, Life-Between Lives Therapy and help with connecting with your guides.



Improve Your Health & Eliminate Ailments Dr. Sorai Susanne S. Stuart, PhD, ND 719-783-3545 There are a minimum of 768 body types; each person must have an individually designed healing program that meets their specific needs. Many health problems such as: heart problems, digestive, bowel, headaches, hormonal imbalance, diabetes, ADD/ADHD and joint or muscular pain can be easily rectified without drugs. For 24 years, Dr. Stuart has provided holistic health and well-being services as a Naturopathic Doctor and Intuitive Healer, Pain & Trauma Therapist, Transformational Life Goal Coach, Author, Univ. Instructor and Public Speaker. She has been a guest on Radio & TV, and received recognition in newspaper & periodicals. 1:30


The Original Cause of Disease

Dr. Jennifer Laing, MD 903-821-4001 Dr. Laing will discuss how disease originates and what you can do to heal. Dr. Jennifer Laing, MD, Board Certified Family Physician, Usui & Karuna Reiki Master, integrates complementary medicine on a daily basis into her practice. Visit www.schoolofmysticalawakening.com 2:00


5 Healing Stones

Pat Cook 817-261-6300 Pat Cook is one of the trio of Power of the Rainbow in Arlington, TX. She is also a massage therapist and a certified crystal healer through the Crystal Academy of Advanced Healing Arts founded by Katrina Raphaell and Jewels of the Lotus. She and Tray have vended at the Wellness Expo for 11 years.



A Crash Course in Understanding pH

Dr. Gary Berman, PhD, DC 972-404-8650 Everyone talks about pH balancing and diets, but do you really know how important your pH is as an objective biological measure of your metabolic and emotional health? Please join Dr. Berman for this interactive presentation that will give you practical suggestions to monitor the effectiveness of your health program. Dr. Gary Berman, PhD, NMD, DC is the founder of the InnerRx Institute in Dallas, a chiropractic, wellness and education center dedicated to the teaching and practice of achieving wellness on all levels. 3:00


Empowering Women to Succeed

Patty Farmer 972-603-8209 Patty is a shining example of how passionate leadership coupled with a truly personal touch can create a meaningful and enduring platform bringing lasting and very real-world benefits. Patty Farmer is a multi-award winning public speaker, radio show host, author, and marketing professional, who has created a network of close to 50,000 connections. Owner and Director of the Texas Hot Pink Mamas, a Professional Business Networking Organization and the Founder of DFW Biz Link, a unique online-based networking, marketing and collaboration program for entrepreneurs, Patty's newest venture, Biz Link Global, is set to launch in September, 2011. Visit: www.pattyfarmer.com 3:30


How to Self Muscle Test

Dr. John D'Amanda, BA, DC, ND 972-97Heart (972-974-3278) Dr. D'Amanda will teach how to access the power within by self muscle testing. He will also discuss H.E.A.R.T. (Holistic Energy Activaton & Realignment Therapy), which is a powerful integration of several ancient healing modalities. Dr. D'Amanda is a licensed Chiropractor and board certified Naturopathic Physician. He is a co-creator of H.E.A.R.T. and the president of H.E.A.R.T. Mission, Inc. Dr. D'Amanda has practiced in Aubrey, TX since 1999 and is the CEO of Country Chiropractic & Wellness Center, PA.



Color & Light Therapy

Donna Reis, Certified Chromatologist, CNHP 817-788-9451 Donna will discuss the history of Color and Light therapy, as well as how to heal emotional issues within your bodies through Color and Light therapy without spending thousands of dollars. Donna is a Certified Chromatologist, CNHP, Certified Ionic Researcher, and Certified in Emotional Release with Color Therapy. 4:30


Angel Messages

Dr. Tammy Ledbetter, Ph.D. 972-874-3939 In this workshop, learn how to release blocks, receive messages, and manifest the divine guidance from your Angels through enlightening demonstrations and exercises. Dr. Tammy Ledbetter, PhD, who is certified in Angel Therapy速 by Doreen Virtue, uses her gift as an Angel intuitive along with her formal training in transformational leadership to guide clients through major and minor life challenges. 5:00


Intuitive Gallery

Sandra Larson & Cheryl McMillan 972-955-2756/469-767-2727 Sandra & Cheryl will offer an intuitive gallery. Guided by spirit, they will share channelled messages tor audience members. Sandra Larson is an animal communicator, as well as an Intuitive Coach, who facilitates group/individual soul and past life journeys. Visit: www.sandralarson.com for more information. Cheryl is a Clairvoyant in private practice and owner of the Dallas Psychic Fair, which is held monthly in Dallas. Visit: www.dallaspsychicfair.com for details.

Wellness Expo ®

June 25-26, 11am-6pm • Grapevine Convention Center • 1209 S Main St • Grapevine, TX Partial Exhibitor List (as of early June)

Angel Messages

Dr. Tammy Ledbetter, Ph.D. ..........972-874-3939 Angel collectibles & keepsakes, Angel Readings

Arayvan Clinical Research Center

Adina Williams ..............................817-375-1560 Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Iron Deficiency Anemia

Biomat Company

Dove ............................................719-250-1292 Visit: www.dove.thebiomatcompany.com

Blue Moon Expo

Healing and Nutritional Diversity

Patty Farmer & Associates

Patty Farmer .................................972-603-8209

Helping families find nutritional happiness.

Branding, Marketing & Networking Expert. www.pattyfarmer.com

Healing with Sound

Power of the Rainbow

The Language of Light-A vibrational healing technique.

Crystals, gems, minerals & more. www.powerrainbow.com

Holly Plant.....................................817-800-4487

Nancy Byers..................................972-424-1217

Pat, Tray or Fall ...........................817-261-6300

Literature Table Arayvan Clinical Research Center

Adina Williams ..............................817-375-1560 Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Iron Deficiency Anemia

Change-Works Healing & Hypnosis Center

Holistic Networker

Quantum Visions

AnnMarie Touchette ......................817-528-8841

Free guide to wellness & personal growth

Complimentary Oneness Blessing

DoTerra Health

www.HolisticNetworker.com .........972-403-0940

Holli Blackwell...............................972-336-0025

Medium & Tarot Reader, Speaker & Educator

Margaret Edland ...........................214-695-7560

Joye King, Spiritual & Intuitive Counselor ......................................................214-734-5844

Holographic Sound Healing

Quartz Eagle

Crystal Bowls, Egyptian Jewelry, CDs, Workshops. HolographicSound.com

sacred jewelry, crystals, minerals, pendulums, statues

Brodows Chiropractic & Massage

Inquiry Dallas

Reflexology by Tony

Austin Audu...................................972-820-0530

The Work of Byron Katie

Treat your feet for overall Health

HCG Homeopatic Drops

Monthly Psychic Fairs. Visit: www.BlueMoonExpo.com

Dr. Rizkal ......................................817-540-1500 Chiropractic & Massage

Calming States Massage

Paul Kennedy, LMT.......................214-417-3732 Massage Therapy, Chair Massage and Reiki

Care Wellness Center

Dr. Allen Haynes, DC ....................817-394-2000 Nutritional Evaluation with Zyto Pro. www.carewc.com

Change-Works Healing & Hypnosis Center

Paul Hubbert, PhD ........................512-891-7887

Randy Marsh.................................214-766-7170

People's Chiropractic & Wellness Center

Psychic/Medium, Shamanic Healer, Spiritual Counselor. www.HowardThePsychic.com

Healing with Sound

Scentsy Wickless Candles

The Language of Light-A vibrational healing technique.

Call me for my specials!

Holistic Helper

Juice Plus

Pamela St John.............................817-303-4734 Whole Food Nutrition in a capsule

K6 Skin Care

Sharon Krahn................................214-352-7546 Professional line, visible results, aloe vera

Chiro One Wellness Centers Chiropractic Wellness Group, Health Education

Kotsanis Institute

Color Vision

Alternative MD specialist for Cancer, Autism

Aura Photos, Color Therapy Products, Simply Intuitive Cards, & Wellness Equip.

Crowne Chiropractic

Jerrod Edwards, DC......................817-467-9233

Family Wellness Care, Nutrition, Insurance Accepted

David Scott- Intuitive Medium

David Scott ...................................817-637-4213

Trish Daniel...................................972-890-2144

Beverly Kotsanis ...........................817-481-6342

Liberty Mutual- Frisco

Phillip Hooks .................................214-618-6880 Personal Lines Insurance

Lifetime Family Health Center

Jay M. Harrison, DC......................817-310-0301 Natural Care for your whole family. www.grapevinechirohealth.com

Psychic Medium/ Intuitive/ Healer/ Spiritual Teacher

Lighten Up

DoTerra Health

"Drum that Stress Away"

Tina Alvarez .................................972-480-5944


Anna Lessard................................214-725-4648

Sighted Intuitive Astrology

Julie W. Reeves ............................512-694-7406 Intuitive Astrology/Tarot, Past-Life Readings


Marcy Sosbee ...............................972-971-9409 jewelry creations with genuine healing gemstones. sosbeads@hotmail.com

James Pyle ...................................214-843-1898 PowerVibe Whole Body Vibration Machines

The Holistic Warrior

Thomas Nolan, III, Ph.D................405-360-1700 Readings, Energy Balancing, Dream Interpretation

Eckankar of Dallas

Skin Care, Cosmetics, Beauty

Super Antioxidant, Super Hydrating, Alkaline Water

Evergreen Chiropractic

Dr. Dylan Lin .................................682-325-4193

Functional Neurology- Inspired Wellness Chiropractic

Gary Champion, Psychic Medium

Gary Champion.............................214-636-7546 Psychic Medium. Visit: www.garychampion.com

H.E.A.R.T. Mission

Dr. John D'Amanda, DC, ND ...............................972-97Heart (972-974-3278) Healing the World one heart at a time.

HCG Homeopatic Drops

ShiftingFrequencies.com .............. 972-378-1211 Offering HCG homeopathic drops for weight loss.


Kirk Becker ...................................913-481-8310 Diabetic Foot Ulcer Education and Screenings

Florence Carmona ........................312-208-8329 Financial Literacy Education

Miracles of Joy

Matt Kramer ..................................415-760-6068

Keri Freund ...................................817-875-3035

Windsong Therapy & Wellness, Inc.

Frankie L. Burget, OTR, RMT, Ml, CNDT, FAc ......................................................817-571-8135 Fascial Integrative Therapy

Joy Kauf........................................972-221-8080

Young Living Essential Oils

Natural Optimum Wellness

Essential Oils, Nutritional Supplements, Personal Care

Spiritual Center, Books, Jewelry, Crystals, Gifts

Sorai Susanne S. Stuart, Ph.D., N.D. ......................................................817-642-3014 Naturopathic Consultations, Life Coach and Intuitive healing guidance.

North Hills Chiropractic

Dr. Douglas Sullivan......................817-656-4330 Encouraging Total Well-Being

Nuskin Enterprises

Barbara Hobson............................214-213-0152 Anti-Aging from the inside to outside

Miracles of Joy

Spiritual Center, Books, Jewelry, Crystals, Gifts

Sighted Intuitive Astrology

Supreme Living (PowerVibe)


MasterCard Community Financial Outreach Program

Free guide to wellness & personal growth

Intuitive Guidance by Tarot & Meditation Classes

Mary Kay Cosmetics

Religion of the Light and Sound of God

www.HolisticNetworker.com .........972-403-0940

Anna Lessard................................214-725-4648

Dr. Norma Kreig, D.D. ...................817-456-9070

Palmistry & Numerology Guidance Coach

Austin Audu...................................972-820-0530

Holistic Networker

Scentsy Wickless Candles

Self Healing w/ Voice Bio Feedback. www.mkvoicemap.com

Kim Mercer ...................................817-680-1673

Promotion and holistic radio show. www.holisticradioshow.com

Spiritual Empowerments

Dove Messages

Diane Wood ..................................405-626-1590

Merrily Smith.................................972-447-0990

Classes in Metaphysical Arts. www.spiritualarts.org

Listening to spirit- readings & cards. www.soulsconnecting.com

Sharon Coody ...............................972-414-5996

Nancy Byers..................................972-424-1217

Joy Kauf........................................972-221-8080

Melinda Noble ...............................817-446-1551

Voice Mapping for the Life You Want

Essential Oils, Nutritional Supplements, Personal Care

Offering HCG homeopathic drops for weight loss.

Spiritual Arts Institute

Living Spiritual Pathways

Margaret Edland ...........................214-695-7560

Religion of the Light and Sound of God

ShiftingFrequencies.com .............. 972-378-1211

Dr. Edna Craven ...........................972-256-0004

Reiki • Deep Tissue • Stretching • Swedish & Chair Massage

Donna Reis ...................................817-788-9451

Eckankar of Dallas

Rev. Howard Feldman

Kneading Massage

Krystle Martens .............................815-347-1925

Tony or Blanche ............................214-223-9997

Essential Oils, Nutritional Supplements, Personal Care

Iridology Health Reading

AnnMarie Touchette ......................817-528-8841 Medium & Tarot Reader, Speaker & Educator

Wayne Lone Eagle Darling............210-867-5680

Eldon Knittle, Independent Distributor ......................................................972-442-7388

Call me for my specials!

Julie W. Reeves ............................512-694-7406 Intuitive Astrology/Tarot, Past-Life Readings


Colonics Colonics by Sakinah @SA-KEE-NA.COM

Ms. Sakinah James-Tahir I-Act Certified Colon Hydro-Therapist Instructor Level National Board Certified  817-224-2258  mycolonic@gmail.com  www.mycolonic.com

FDA Registered Equipment. OPEN SYSTEM. Your MODESTY and DIGNITY are maintained AT ALL TIMES. Sterile single-use disposable rectal tubes. Multi-stage water purification (Filtered & Ultraviolet). Colonic Ozone (Oxygen 3) Water Purification available. Other Services: nutraMetrix Isotonic Vitamins, "Transitions Lifestyle System" Weight Loss (Adults, Teens and Youth Program), Far Infra Red Sauna, the Original "Chi-Machine" (one (1) free "Chi" session with ANY treatment, if you mention the Holistic Networker), CranioSacral Therapy, "ERE" Foot Reflexology, OPTIMUM FOCUS™ "Detox" Footbaths, Enjoy FREE "Kangen Water" with each Colonic or Sauna session. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Diner's (American Express accepted online @ www.colo nic.nutrametrix.com)


Karen Fahey, Certified Colon Therapist 3626 North Hall St @ Welborn Oakwood Tower #818 Dallas, TX 75219  214-821-5703  cleanbodies.com  genesisclosedsystemcolonics.com

GENESIS: COLON IRRIGATION AND HERBS: FDA registered equipment. Oxygen and ozone available, clean facility at all times. Autoclave sterilization. Sessions by appointment only. Hours Tuesday-Saturday. Over 25 years of experience. Cash/Checks only.


Lila Meyers, CNHP, RMT, CCT Certified Colon Hydro-Therapist Registered Massage Therapist, Certified Natural Health Professional 5510 Abrams Rd Suite 125 Dallas, TX 75214  214-288-(HEAL) 4325  www.healthsidetherapycenter.com

Gentle, safe colon cleansing. FDA registered equipment. Disposable instruments, and a Closed System insures your personal comfort and safety. Abdominal massage, acupressure and nutritional guidance with each session. Package Discounts. Also Offered: Oriental Therapy, Iridology, Massage, CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Rainforest Herbs. Open Tues-Sat By Appointment. Visa, Master Card.

Summer 2011 19

Karen Williams

Board Certified in Naturopathy Licensed Massage Therapist Certified Colon Therapist 12850 Preston Road, Suite 110 Dallas, TX 75230  469-556-7858 20 years experience. Medical Doctor sponsored. Colon hydrotherapy with FDA Instrument. Closed system. Disposable Tubing. Professional and modest environment. Abdominal Massage. Package Discounts. Credit cards ok. Other Services: Massage Therapy, Reflexology, Lymphatic Massage, Homeopathy, Herbology.

Dance/Movement Nia Technique

Sherri Lackman, MA, LPC, Cht 304 S. Cottonwood #D Richardson, TX 75080  972-231-4466  sherrilackman@msn.com  www.sherrilackman.com

Experience the joy of movement and the benefits of moving your body! Combining selected movements and concepts from Martial Arts, Dance, and other movement forms, Nia classes offer total body conditioning and joyful expression at the same time. Find out what everyone's talking about! Incredible therapy for chronic pain sufferers. Private sessions available.

Dentistry Center for Dental Wellness

Mark Champsi, D.D.S., D.C. 1304 Village Creek Dr, Suite 400 Plano, TX 75093  972-733-3666  www.drchampsi.com

Family Dentistry in a state-of-the-art practice utilizing reduced exposure digital x-rays, intra-oral camera exams, and hair analysis to test for heavy metal toxicity. We are a MERCURY-FREE practice. Treatment for TMJ disorders. New: Oral cancer diagnosis by Velscope. SEE DISPLAY AD.

Education/Personal Growth Power of the Rainbow

Pat Cook 1730 W Randol Mill Rd, Suite 125 Arlington, TX 76012  817-261-6300 (metro)  www.PowerRainbow.com

Crystal healing workshops offered to identify the stones and their uses. Crystal healing certification available. Individual crystal healing sessions. Chakra balancing with stones.

Holistic Dentistry Dr. Stacy V. Cole

3915 Benbrook Hwy. Suite B Fort Worth, TX 76116  817-731-9291  www.svcole.com

My practice combines a passion for dentistry with my desire for the healthiest possible dental methods. Metal-free dentistry since 1978. IAOMT standards for patient safety. Superior Cosmetic Dentistry. Credentials and memberships with AACP, IAOMT, AAPM, (pain management), Biological Dentistry, Naturopathic Medical Association, DOCS, AGD fellow, International Foundation of Homeopathy and the Cranial Academy.

Health Centered Dentistry Henry Guy, DDS 2701 Osler Drive, Suite 10 Grand Prairie, TX 75051  972-647-4300  henryguydds.com

Mercury-free dental care since 1983. Alternative root canal treatment. Biocompatible, metal-free materials.

Holistic Medicine Karen S. Asbury, MD

Integrative Medicine PO Box 863568 Plano, TX 75086  972-867-7790  www.KarenAsburyMD.com

Dr. Asbury has had extensive training in both Internal Medicine and Alternative Care. Excellence is emphasized in providing personalized care in a warm, compassionate atmosphere. Without the constraints of insurance, Dr. Asbury is able to spend more time with each patient doing a comprehensive health evaluation and individualizing their therapy program with the goal of restoring optimum health. Visit the website at www.KarenAsburyMD.com.

Holistic Veterinary Paws & Claws Animal Hospital Holistic Animal Healthcare Center Dr. Shawn Messonnier, D.V.M. 2145 W. Park Blvd. Plano, TX 75075  972-867-8800  www.petcarenaturally.com

Natural, Gentle Care for Your Pet. Cancer is a leading cause of death in dogs and cats. When treated with chemotherapy the average pet will live 6-12 months. By using natural remedies, our average cancer patients live 12-24 months or longer. For pets with chronic diseases such as allergies, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, epilepsy, and bladder disorders, using natural therapies can improve their health and reduce or eliminate their need for long term drug therapies. Member, Oncology (Cancer) Association of Naturopathic Physicians, American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association

20 HolisticNetworker.com


Summer 2011


Naturopathic Medicine

Advanced Homeopathy

The People’s Chiropractic Clinic

Dr. Kimberly Wilson, NMD

Glenda has been in practice for 27 years. Specializing in chronic disease, adults and children. She teaches you how to stay healthy using homeopathy. Call for appointment.

29 years experience. Jensonian and Holistic Iridology. Accurate iris reading. Complete written Report Of Finding with pictures. Nutritional Consultation. See ad for additional services.

Dr. Wilson is a licensed, board certified naturopathic doctor providing naturopathic alternatives to conventional medicine for the ENTIRE family, including anti-aging and preventative care, as well as options for chronic conditions such as cancer, endocrine and hormone imbalances, autoimmune conditions, gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, fatigue, and obesity.

Glenda Stroup Malone, dht 2060 North Collins Suite 109 Richardson, TX 75080  972-889-1010

Holistic Center of Dallas

Regina Edwards, BA, LMT 4144 N. Central Expressway, Suite 515 Dallas, TX 75204  214-824-4949 Regina Edwards provides Classical Homeopathy consultations. Homeopathy is a form of complimentary medicine using highly diluted natural products to gently enhance healing. The selection of the single remedy is based on unique symptoms, physical sensations and emotional reactions of each individual. Additionally available: Craniosacral Therapy, Esoteric Healing and Therapeutic Touch.


Nadine Romain, Ph.D., Certified Hypnotherapist, HypnoBirthing® Practitioner Office in Dallas Lakewood Area  214-796-5327  www.alphahypnosis.biz

Looking for the Life you were meant to live? Let me help you help yourself and regain control for lifelong changes! Releasing habit patterns - Stress, Fear, Anxiety release - Metaphysical Counseling - Abundance - and much more... Available for corporate group. Call for an appointment today!

Counseling Services

Sherri Lackman, MA, LPC, Cht 304 S. Cottonwood #D Richardson, TX 75080  972-231-4466  sherrilackman@msn.com  www.sherrilackman.com

Discover how hypnotherapy can gently explore issues that have caused unhealthy behavior and poor decisions in the past. Hypnosis allows access to the unconscious in the altered state so that issues can be resolved more quickly and efficiently than with talk therapy.

Journey Between Lives

Carole Layman, LMSW, CHt PO Box 171102 Arlington, TX 76003-1102  817-557-0008  www.journeybetweenlives.com

SPIRITUAL REGRESSIONS. Past Life AND Life Between Lives Therapy. Stop guessing and visit the Spirit World for definitive answers regarding your current life as well as your Soul Life! Discover your Guides, Soul Group, Life Purpose and more!

Edna Craven, D.C., BCNP, BCI 3200 N MacArthur Blvd Ste 105 Irving, TX 75062  972-256-0004

Macrobiotics Macrobiotic Center

Margaret Lawson PO Box 79-6731 Dallas, TX 75379  903-786-9100  macrobioticteacher@gmail.com  www.MacrobioticCenter.com

Macrobiotic Cooking Classes • Macrobiotic Counseling • Books and Supplies • Macrobiotic bed and breakfast now open! Email macrobioticteacher@ gmail.com for brochure.

Metaphysical Arts & Sciences Blue Moon Expo Live Psychic Fair Holiday Inn Select - North Dallas (LBJ West bound access road just past Josey Ln)  214-734-5844  joye@bluemoonexpo.com  www.bluemoonexpo.com

The only fair in DFW area with live professional entertainment. Presenting over 40, best in their fields professional psychic readers, vendors and wellness practitioners. Held the Fourth Sunday of every month 12 - 6pm. Admission - $7.00 coupon availabe on website; print and present. Reading prices vary.

Dallas Psychic Fair

 469-463-1810  dallaspsychicfair@gmail.com  dallaspsychicfair.com

Over 90 professional psychic readers, vendors and wellness practitioners. Held the 1st Sunday of every month. Hours of operation are: 11:30am 6pm at Sheraton Dallas North, 4801 LBJ Frwy., Dallas. Admission - $7.00, all readings - $15.00 ea.

Intuitive Astrologer and Tarot Reader Cynthia Novak  metro 817-261-2984

Intuitive astrologer and Tarot reader, Cynthia Novak provides detailed, informative, taperecorded sessions. All are heart-centered and process oriented.

Olga Gabriela

Psychic and Angel Therapy Practitioner Free Dream Interpretation  469-952-7755  www.angelolgag.com

Are you enjoying the life you deserve? What is keeping you from it? The Angels and I, an inborn psychic, would love to help you, so you can live the life you deserve. Don't wait any longer. Call today for an appointment.

6545 Preston Road, Suite 200 Plano, TX 75024  972-608-0100  www.InnovationsWellness.com

Organizing/Feng Shui Organize and Rejuvenate

Linda Strobel, LMSW Professional Residential Organizing Feng Shui Redesign  972-816-8004  www.organizeandrejuvenate.com

Decluttering services, office set-up & organizing solutions to assist you in co-creating your vision for your home office, rooms and living spaces. Feng Shui redesigns/enhancements (the ancient Chinese art of object placement and elemental balance) will increase harmony & healthy flow to attract your desires while Enhancing Your Spaces To Work For You.

Osteopathy Cranial Osteopath

Liz Chapek, D.O. 6760 Abrams Road @ Skillman, Suite 203 Dallas, TX 75231  214-341-8742  www.do-online.org/chapek For structural or internal problems, head and body: NEWBORN, INFANT, YOUNG CHILD; FEMALE troubles; ALL AGES. For information call us or check website's "Home" and "Practice news" pages.

Reiki/Energy Healing Ascension Healing

Pamela Mauras, Reiki Master-Teacher, Divinity Graduate of Accelerated Creative Force-Quan Yin Creation Center, Hawaii Fort Worth, TX  817-721-0901  Divinitygoddess333@yahoo.com During this miraculous time, humanity is undergoing a divine process of Ascension. A time of deep healing, releasing, change & transformation. It is my deepest honor & purest intention to support your personal process with energy work grounded in 5th-12th Dimensional Ascension energy structures & the blessed support of Quan Yin & her powerful Creative Force energies. These energies deeply heal, release all disruption & align us in higher frequencies of love, enjoyment & creation. Among other services (see ad) I provide Reiki Sessions, Aura Clearing, Shaman Drum Healing Sessions, Sacred Healing Meditations & offer Medicine Wheel Ceremonies, Full Moon/Goddess Rituals, Handfasting ceremonies, Motherpeace Readings & more. I teach all levels of Usui Reiki, offer classes on the Ascension Process & Quan Yin & Creative Force: working with Creation


Summer 2011 21

Psychic Fair

4th Sunday of every month Open Noon to 6 PM * Live Entertainment * * Over 40 Readers, Healers and Vendors * * No Lines * * Coupon Available on Website * * and Much More * * Holiday Inn Select (North Dallas) * * 2645 LBJ FWY * Dallas, TX 75234 * (972) 243-3363

Contact Joye King at 214-734-5844 www.BlueMoonExpo.com Joye@BlueMoonExpo.com

• Past Life Regressions • Life-Between-Lives Therapy • Connecting With Your Guides www.journeybetweenlives.com Carole Layman, LMSW Certified Hypnotherapist (817) 557-0008 or (817) 455-6642 Your journey starts here!

HOLISTIC LAW A Holistic Approach to the Practice of Law including Family Law, Criminal Defense, and other Law Related matters.

James W. Hunt Attorney at Law

103 Dal Rich Village Richardson, Texas 75080

(SE Corner of Coit and Belt Line Road in Whole Foods shopping center)

972-392-2500 Member - Int’l Alliance of Holistic Lawyers Not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization

Cynthia Novak Intuitive * Astrologer * Tarot-Reader Readings from the Heart

Providing Detailed, Personal and Predictive Information Remind you why you are here Help you plan where you are going www.cynthianovak.com

metro (817) 261-2984 New! Classes in VEDIC Astrology and Tarot

The Most Personal and Practical Gift!

22 HolisticNetworker.com

Summer 2011

The Original Cause of Disease by Jennifer Laing, M.D.


r X is a repeat offender. He has had a heart bypass, strokes, diabetic neuropathy, and he still doesn’t get it. "But why are you sending me to the endocrinologist? Can’t you help me?" he cries.

“Of course I can, but YOU get in the way! Something I’m saying is not getting through. I’m here to help you help yourself. If I can’t get the message across, then I will find someone who can.” Finally, looking him in the eye I said bluntly “you are your own worst enemy. You have got to get your head around this process.” Give $30 at the door, we bill insurance and the cycle continuesthe cycle of victim mentality. Welcome to American health care.

The burgeoning cost of health care is multifaceted to be sure. Frivolous lawsuits, duplicity of tests, high pharmacy costs, hail Mary medical practices (keeping people alive well beyond what their natural death should have been)-- all keep the machine alive and gobble up our gross natural product. After 16 years of practice, I’ve seen many triumphs and tragedies of Western medicine. Perhaps if we focused more upon the underlying malformed thought process within the patient’s mind, we could get more accomplished in the realm of helping our patients reach their goals of weight, blood pressure, etc. “Oh, what’s that? Take responsibility for oneself? Yes, that’s what I said.” It’s high time we in the medical community address what has been

called by many names, but here I will call it the “original cause of disease.” Whether it is Starr Fuentes, Carolyn Myss, Joe Dispenza, DC or Louise Hay, they and countless others have discussed the mind-body connection. We are energetic beings even more than we are physical beings. There are days when we have energy and others when we feel depleted. People give us energy or they suck it from us. What directs energy within our flesh suitcase is our attention; attention is energy. What is meant by attention? Our thoughts—they create and they destroy. When you think a thought of happiness, a cascade of chemical reactions that started in the brain goes on to affect the entire body. Relaxed states slow the heart. When we are at peace there is relaxed blood


flow to the gut. Proper circulation to the gut allows for appropriate digestion of food. Good nutrition allows the body to repair itself. Would you rather stay addicted to stress? The continued elevation of epinephrine and cortisol leads to elevated blood pressure, central fat deposition, increased blood sugar, and suppressed immune function along with a sundry of other maladies for which Big Pharma pills exists.

Summer 2011 23

tired, busy and not in the mood, but is worried how she will be perceived if she says “no”. So she says “yes I can Sir” (can-cer). The over-nurturing represents Mary not meeting her needs first. She pushes herself versus getting some much needed rest. When you are on an airplane they ask that you put your own oxygen mask on first before you assist others.

What is even more fascinating is that we are not doomed by our genetics! Researchers are discovering that what unlocks genes—good and bad— is our thoughts! Wow! It is true “as a wo/man thinketh” so is s/he!

Tying thoughts to disease processes is fascinating and if you desire you can look into the resources named earlier or schedule a healing session with me. Moreover I would like to leave you, the reader, with two pieces of advice that just may change how you feel. Firstly, adopt an attitude of gratitude. Yes, your feet may hurt, but you can walk! Your job may not be pleasant, but it does pay the bills. Your kids may not be honor students, but they are honest and kind. Practicing gratitude is critical to one’s well being.

Here is an example of “Original Cause”. Patients with breast cancer tend to have two traits in common: poor boundaries and over-nurturing. Let’s say someone asks Mary if she can bake cookies for school. She’s

Secondly, stop viewing disease as a condition and take responsibility for your thoughts that are creating it by making it a verb. Instead of saying I have diabetes say I’m “diabetes-ing.” Come out to the School of Mystical

Our body listens to everything we say. How? Again our thoughts are chemicals, and those chemicals do not stay north of the collarbone; they enter the bloodstream, causing multiple cascades of other reactions.

Awakening (SOMA), and we can get into the original causes of diabetes. By making it a verb one recognizes their role in the process. If you have a part in it, then you have some control. Victims don’t have any control. The world is beautiful. Be thankful. Connect with Spirit. Honor your Higher self by taking control of your thoughts and thereby your body and your future. Shanti and prem, Jennifer Dr. Jennifer Laing, MD, Board Certified Family Physician, Usui & Karuna Reiki Master, integrates complementary medicine on a daily basis into her practice. Visit www.schoolofmysticalawakening.com or call 903-821-4001. Come and hear Dr. Jennifer Laing speak at the Wellness Expo in Grapevine on Sunday, June 26th at 1:30pm and at the Wellness Expo in Addison on Sunday, October 16th at 1:30pm on “The Original Cause of Disease”.

24 HolisticNetworker.com

Summer 2011

Table of Contents

The HCG Guidebook was written for the HCG dieter who wants the simple details of how to do the HCG diet right. Based on the work of Dr. Simeons, this easy-to-read guidebook lays out the basics of the diet in modern terms and makes it easy to understand what to do and when to do it. Written by two psychologists with over 1,000 HCG clients. Based entirely on real-life experience and best practices, the HCG Guidebook will answer just about every question you have about the diet. The HCG Guidebook features a selection of favorite recipes that make the diet enjoyable and fun. The book includes links to the web site where the recipes can be found and easily printed. Now available as an eBook from Amazon.com. Read it on your iPhone, iPad, or laptop/computer. No Kindle necessary. Print edition coming soon! Learn more at ShiftingFrequencies.com 972-378-1211

Chapter 1 How it All Began The Remarkable Work of Dr. A.T.W. Simeons · Abstract · Pounds and Inches · Three Types of Fat · Three Paths to Becoming Overweight · HCG: The Key to Weight Loss · Complicating Disorders · Dr. Simeons’ HCG Clinic in Italy · HCG and “Loading Days” · The Transition Phase of the HCG Diet · Two Types of HCG Chapter 2 What is Homeopathy? Chapter 3 Details of the HCG Diet · Days 1 and 2: The Loading Days · The 500-calorie Diet · The Transition Phase · The Maintenance Phase

Chapter 4 Shopping and Planning · The Loading Days · The HCG Low-Calorie Phase · The Transition Phase · The Maintenance Phase Chapter 5 Tips, Tricks and Strategies · The Daily Weigh-In · Eating Out · Your New Wardrobe · Your Eating Identities · Better with a Buddy · Pre-existing Health Conditions · Self-Talk · Homeopathic Instructions Chapter 6 Loading Days (Phase 1) Recipes · Apple Pie Overload · Nut Butter Gorge · Extra Heavy Frappe · Ice Cream Madness · No Holds Barred Dessert · Pizza for One

“Let’s face it, Dr. Simeon’s ebook is a little bit of a dry read for most of us. Authors Tony & Felicia have successfully created a great ebook for the rest of us who just want to know how in the heck to do the HCG diet correctly, easily and simply. This book is so well written that I never lost interest - read it straight through! It gives all the details needed for the diet along with personal author and client experiences and stories that are inspiring and motivating. And I absolutely LOVE the great recipes... that was a wonderful bonus! Love it. If you are considering doing the HCG diet, this book is a MUST read.” —Virginia

Chapter 7 HCG Very-LowCalorie Diet (Phase 2) Recipes · Sugar-free Coffee Frappe · Lo-Cal Strawberry Smoothie · Chunky Beef Stew · Beefy Tomato Chili · Broiled Scallops · Spicy Grilled Tilapia · BBQ Chicken · Baked Apple “Pie” Chapter 8 Transition (Phase 3) Recipes · Creamy Coffee Frappe · Cheesy Gooey Omelette · Creamy Strawberry Smoothie Chapter 9 Frequently Asked Questions Chapter 10 Sharing HCG Diet Experiences Chapter 11 The Upward Spiral Chapter 12 Conclusion

“I love the way you take the protocol and turn it into a living life model. It’s wonderful. You’re working with it to enhance your lives as well as make your weight manageable and health stronger. At first look, the protocol is limiting, but your book has a unique way of making this a lively approach to health and wellness. It no longer seems limiting. I’ve read the other books and done the protocol. This work is unique because it is all about losing the weight and living a lighter and happier life. No better way to shake cravings and learn. It truly links mind, body, spirit and holistic insights. I’ve tried the injections and the homeopathic drops you offer. I found the drops easier and just as effective. But this book is a great way to invest the time suddenly freed from cravings...great job!” —Cynthia

HCG has been called a miracle weight-loss formula. For the first time, an affordable homeopathic remedy, formulated to free the body of stubborn fat is now available to you in easy-to-use drops. I am 76 years old and I have tried many different diets over the years. Often I would lose some weight, however, I would then return to my old eating habits and would quickly gain it back. I felt that I was not just fat, but actually was obese. Last year I learned about the HCG diet program and decided to give it a try. Since the diet is basically a three week program (23 days with the first two being loading days), I felt it was worth a shot. As it turned out, I found the diet easy to do. The homeopathic HCG drops took away most of my appetite and there were days when I didn’t even want to eat all the food that was allowed. The weight dropped off quickly and I was excited to find myself at a weight which I had not seen in over 20 years. I was able to wear clothes that I had not been able to fit into for many, many

years and the pains in my knees and legs from my arthritis have lessened considerably. When I entered the transition phase, I was amazed at how easy it was to do. Even though I could eat a lot more food, I was still able to lose more weight. Since then I continue to weigh myself every day. Although I go out to dinner at least once a week and usually gain a pound or two, I am then careful for the next few days and am able to lose this weight. Approximately five months have passed since I started the HCG diet and not only have I kept the weight off, but I have even managed to lose another eight pounds. I have changed my eating habits dramatically and couldn’t be happier. —I.W.

The product is truly amazing! I am following it to the “T” and have lost 21 pounds in 22 days. A lot of what I’m losing is the pregnancy baby fat I had a hard time losing and gave up trying to lose. I gained over 60 lbs during my pregnancy; ate healthy, no candy, soda nor any cravings. Doctor said my body was like a weightlifter on steroids and hoarding things. He even took me off milk products. So I greatly appreciate your site.

I love the HCG and have lost 38 pounds. I have my husband on it and he has lost 20 pounds. People I work with see how much I have lost and they are getting on it, too. I can get into clothes that I had 20 years ago. I have also gotten compliments on how good I look and have given your web site out to several people all over. —R.M.


Shifting Frequencies

Available at ShiftingFrequencies.com or phone 972-378-1211

Blue Pearl Universe Your thoughts and actions are valuable in manifesting reality.

The universe is at your command.

When you believe in your power, you see that anything is possible and anything can be created.

What grand experiences will you choose? Who will you become? What kind of world will you live in?

Big decisions are ahead and there is a joyful responsibility in being able to choose and manifest your dreams.

Stay centered within yourself and trust your talents are ready for the next phase of expansion.

V I S I O N A RY A R T T O I N S P I R E Y O U R W O R L D B Y N I C O L E M I Z O G U C H I , © 2 0 1 1 • W W W. N I C O L E M I Z . C O M • M A I L @ N I C O L E M I Z . C O M


Ravenfoot at Power of the Rainbow Tray Bradford 1730 W Randol Mill Rd, Suite 125 Arlington, TX 76012  817-261-6300 (metro)  www.PowerRainbow.com

Shamanic Reiki combines Usui Reiki with shamanic practices to create the healing session. Ravenfoot offers meditations, classes to create sacred objects and Sweat lodge retreats.

Spiritual Organizations Earth Rhythms

Amy Martin 381 Casa Linda Plaza #137 Dallas, TX 75218  info@EarthRhythms.org  www.earthrhythms.org

Presenting experiential events, preserving natural places, and providing help to those in need in North Texas. Events include Winter SolstiCelebrations, Moonlady Nights, and talks and concerts by national spiritual leaders. A green cemetery is being planned. Monthly e-newletter with seasonal/ lunar dates, features, more.

Unity Church in Grapevine

Rev. Carol Record, Senior Minister Mary Salerno, Administrator 1650 Hughes Road Grapevine, TX 76051  817-488-1008  www.unitychurchgrapevine.org

Unity Church in Grapevine is a different kind of church experience. We are a spiritual center for inspiration and transformation, teaching and living principles that are life-enhancing, affirmative and practical. We offer Yoga, Meditation, Classes and more.

Universal Light of Christ Church

Rev. Pat Raimondo 6117 Graham St. Lake Worth, TX 76135  817-237-7840  ULCCPatRaimondo@yahoo.com  www.UniversalLightofChristChurch.org Sunday Service: 11:00am • Classes: The Teachings of Light • Two locations: Florida / Texas • Intuitive Consultations Available

Tai Chi / Qigong

Summer 2011 27

Vedic Astrology Intuitive Astrologer and Tarot Reader Cynthia Novak  metro 817-261-2984

Intuitive astrologer and Tarot reader, Cynthia Novak provides detailed, informative, taperecorded sessions. All are heart-centered and process oriented.

Weight Loss HCG Homeopathic Drops

Shifting Frequencies PO Box 702956 Dallas, TX 75370  972-378-1211  www.ShiftingFrequencies.com

This is the HCG you've been hearing about. Lose weight quickly and easily in all the right places.These drops are proven and effective!


Carol A. Stall, MA, E-RYT-500 Richardson, North Dallas and Plano  469-441-7064  shantishanti@verizon.net  www.awakenwithyoga.us

Experience Hatha Yoga to unify body, mind, and spirit. Grow stronger, more flexible, more balanced. Awaken inner awareness. Improve breathing patterns, and experience deep, restorative relaxation. Classes, workshops and retreats.

Ranjana’s Yoga & Bodyworks

Ranjana - RYT 500 - 60 years Exp. Enjoy classic Hatha Yoga Meditation Massages with Reflexology - Shirodhara Ear Candling & Waxing


www.ranjanasyoga.com 13614 Midway Rd, Ste 101 · Dallas, TX 75244

Ranjana's Yoga and Bodyworks

Ranjana Pallana 13614 Midway Rd @ Alpha Suite 101 Dallas  972-233-4377  yogagani@swbell.net  www.ranjanasyoga.com

Hatha yoga, Tai Chi, meditation, massages & waxing.

Ascension Healing

Natural healing for body, mind & spirit

Pamela Mauras

Usui Reiki Master-Teacher Conduit of Creative Force & Ascension Energies

(817) 721-0901 Fort Worth TX

Reiki - Distance Healing - Reiki for Pets Creative Force Energy Attunements Chakra Balancing - Aromatherapy Bach Flower Remedies - Native & Full Moon Ceremonies, Readings & more

Experience Cé Änn Sunday, Oct. 16, 5p-7p at the Wellness Expo in Addison Workshop/PlayShop

“2012: Being the Messenger” Whether one refers to Trance Channeling as spirit, energy, information, the multi-dimensional aspects of ones’ consciousness, shamanism, or energetic healing, the bottom line is Truth. Come Explore yourself, Awaken your mind and Expand your heart during an exchange of channeled information with multiple frequencies regarding this timely subject. Offering trance sessions extensively since 1986, “the channel formerly known as Seán Michael”, hails from a heritage of psychics, travels through the States and Internationally offers Visionary Guidance. Cé Änn inspires Loving Allowance, Self Motivation, Intuitive Growth and the awakening of unlimited human potential. www.visionaryguidance.com or www.messagesofjoy.com Call Miracles of Joy for workshop pricing and details.


Your SummerStars by Cynthia Novak


oliticians and people of integrity rise to the surface and others fall hard. Watch for the facts and ignore gossip. Still, scandal is in the air and scandalous behavior stings like smog. Most of us have a particularly pleasant summer. Planets are scattered about the heavens, a little stress here...a little bliss there...grins. The simple things are more meaningful. We appreciate home more since we’ve seen homes flooded, burned and shattered. The first half of 2011 was extraordinary in the eyes of astrologers and astronomers alike. There was a large cluster or gathering of planets. They moved rather like a crowd does: Faster planets pulled away from one group and merged with another until finally they are free. In fact, most of us are breaking free from something in ourselves: Call it enlightenment or clarity of liberation from guilt. This summer we can dally where possible and explore what intrigues us. However, be aware of your actions, both past and present. The past comes to the surface when we least expect it.

Saturn goes forward as Jupiter turns back: This combination is generally good for business and growth. Saturn is the pragmatist and the guilder. He is the foundation, as well as frustration. Saturn appeared to stop and go forward at 16 degrees Virgo. Jupiter will stop at 16 degrees Aries in September. If you happen to have a planet in your Vedic chart at 16 degrees you are primed this summer for something big. It might be a great vacation or an interesting idea or just a calm sense that your life is built of strong stuff. Dust off that idea that got bogged down in the drama of this year. You are on time to get it going. A little stress stimulates creativity for all of us, but particularly folks with a personal

(those you can see with you own eyes) planet in any constellation and between 13 and 19 degrees.

July: Happy Birthday USA! There is a Solar Eclipse visible in Antarctica on the 1st. There is a birthday party on the 4th and a month filled with productive days. Saturn pulls forward. Like a barge finally set free, Saturn leaves the cosmic marathon men Uranus and Pluto behind. This is actually good for a nice stroll into summer and into something that intrigues you. The eclipse path marks a place in the heavens for scandal. Notables and commoners alike fall from grace and are as shocking as a cuss word during Sunday Service. This is a central theme this summer. Ketu heralds consequences hidden on the Excess Express. This has been in the news since May. What marks this quarter is the final shift of several personal planets over Ketu and into the grasp of destiny. It is best to operate from integrity or take your karmic lumps quickly and often publicly. A wise western astrologer told me years ago that this point "takes away" what crosses it. It’s supposedly good for enlightenment, but that translates into stress that directs us to awakening. I hope we all "rise" to the occasion. I suspect that financial scandals won’t be the only ones...but they are big. On July 20th, the planet Mars moves over Ketu or the dragon’s tail. Once Mars is fully over that point, he moves through lunar mansions known for hunting down those so consumed by desire their actions were an affront to the gods and to civilized man. This sounds like high drama and most of us will watch the news and wonder: "How did he presume he’d get away with it?"

We need look no further than dictators and their bank accounts, but there are little dictators in daily life, too. July and August are strong for scandal and stronger still for the revolutions begun this year. Ghadafi and Assan remain in the news as do other tenuous dictators. Yes, the world will send money to the revolutionaries they support. How will it go? Let’s hope intention is clear and the money goes down in history as well spent for good causes. For now, it’s difficult to see how it will end, but it will heighten this July and August. This is the beginning of new leadership in many of these nations and more.

August: Capital Hill went home for the August break, but the aspects of surprise and frustration follow them. On the 10th Mars triggers Uranus, a predictable combination for unexpected events. By the 25th Mars stresses Saturn and “We the People” are easily irritated and generally unimpressed. Politicians hoping for business as usual may find themselves in the middle of some tired constituents. Irritable transits are good for keeping the "us versus them" going. Expect plenty of padding to the reduced budget this fall. Soothe your own irritable mood—that’s the motto for the 2nd half of the month. Everyone wants a break from the political heat and while Mars and Saturn are stressed, it reminds us that the simple things are really wonderful. If you are in a mood to complain, keep it to a few good friends and even then, expect a mini-revolution if you insist on going over the old tired whine one more time. Terror plots and tyrannical dictators remain in the news. We are fascinated by the courage of citizen revolutionaries. August is a volatile month. The President and congress thought they would have time off, but they could well be called back


for an urgent session.Yes, the budget is an issue, but this could be a more international matter.

Mercury is retrograde from August 2nd until the 26th: Double check the facts and set aside some mental down time. It would be great to take a long leisurely vacation now. It’s hot and even in cooler climates, this is a month to slow down and let nature ripen the crops. Everyone wants a little personal space. The heat is a good reason to get out early or stay up late. However, many of us want to be alone and the retrograde Mercury period heightens the feeling. Folks who are introspective love these periods. Those who are double booked or chronically over scheduled hate them. No matter who schedules for you, keep humor at hand because plans will change and inevitably someone will go to the wrong place certain that they are right! Caution: Don’t lie. Mercury is the communication planet: With the transits this month, it is not the time to try to slip by on a little white lie. September: Jupiter appears to stop and move backward. If Jupiter triggers your chart, you’ll feel opportunity, insight and a general sense of well being...call it your own state of Grace. Look for big news about the value of meditation and about the effects of stress on the psyche and the body. Also, watch for news about the impact of

Summer 2011 29

electronics on brainwaves and exciting new testing tools that read energy and the immune system. Pluto appears to stop in the heavens on the 16th. Watch Palestine. On the 29th Venus crosses Saturn and complicated relationships come to a productive compromise. I don’t know about the Middle East as a whole, but for individuals and nations the end of this month bodes well for compromise. It won’t last long. The elections are ready and scandal continues this fall. India and Pakistan are in the news. Mars triggers their birth charts. Born August 15th, 1947 to separate Pakistan from India, these two nations are united with very volatile birth charts. Mars triggers them through September and October. We hope for the best of Mars: decisive action in the service of the world and their people. We also hope for wisdom.

actually good for patient conversation with no goal other than to listen and share.

Love and Money are a little fickle, but don’t overreact until you get the facts. As the planets seem to kick up the dust of past indiscretions and greedy scams it’s hard to trust. Relationships are tested and by the end of this season some relationships and peace talks will fail, but many more will be stronger and more committed than ever. Online dating takes a backseat to in-person meeting. Yes, divine intervention is alive and well in social settings. Do you believe you could meet someone wonderful? Will you take the time to look around you? This summer is

Although folks talk about 2012, the aspects of the past 12 months were more intense and of concern to this astrologer. However, now they are past as we pull forward into something new. The Saturn-Uranus opposition is over and the economy is building. Expect more drilling here in the USA. Some folks are feeling the flow of wealth where there has been poverty. Don’t forget that.

Business gets stronger. As we leave these months, the Market is tentative, but gaining. Businesses are growing and defense contractors are making a bundle in the midst of revolutions. We will look back on 2011 as a year when vast sums were reallocated to help birth new governments. Watch the financial news: it heralds growth for an exciting future. President Obama has a series of Mars and Uranus transits: He will really want to be free and to have some time off, however, it doesn’t look like much of an August vacation. Scandal may surface, but he should rise above it. Former President GWB enjoys broad popularity.

Cynthia Novak is a professional astrologer. She can be contacted at metro 817-261-2984. Read Cynthia’s daily astrological message at HolisticNetworker.com or CynthiaNovak.com Hear Cynthia’s talk entitled “Astrology & You” on June 26th at the Wellness Expo in Grapevine and on October 16 at the Wellness Expo in Addison.

Events & Classifieds

See the latest at HolisticNetworker.com/events June

25-26 WELLNESS EXPO in Grapevine produced by the Holistic Networker®. This two-day event will be held on Saturday & Sunday, 11am-6pm, Grapevine Convention Center, 1209 S Main St, Grapevine, TX. Call 972-378-3770 for information about exhibiting or attending. SEE AD ON INSIDE FRONT COVER or visit: WellnessExpo.net ®


15-16 WELLNESS EXPO® in Addison produced by the Holistic Networker®. This two-day, indoor/outdoor event will be held on Saturday & Sunday, 11am-6pm, Addison Conference Centre, 15650 Addison Rd, three blocks north of Beltline, two blocks west of the Tollway. Call 972-378-3770 for information about exhibiting or attending. SEE AD ON BACK COVER or visit: WellnessExpo.net Ongoing

Every Thursday THURSDAY MEDITATION & SPIRITUAL LIVING CLASS Based on the Kriya Yoga tradition; 7:00-8:00: p.m. Near Hurst NE Mall; Donation basis. No class on 8/11, 8/18 or in inclement weather conditions. For more information on monthly schedule: 817-283-0021 or idill@att.net Affiliated with Center for Spiritual Awareness, Lakemont, GA Director, Roy Eugene Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda Web site: www.csa-davis.org

First Saturday Spiritual Awakening Psychic & Holistic Fair 11am-5pm. Cathedral of Light, 2040 N Denton Dr. Carrollton. www.aspiritualawakeningjourney.com 972-821-3539 Third Saturday MIND, BODY, & SPIRIT FAIR. Lightworkers Sanctuary, 7336 Main, The Colony, 75056. www.LightworkersSanctuary.com 214-385-1784 Fourth Sunday Psychic Fair. Fourth Sunday of every month. Blue Moon Expo, Holiday Inn Select, 2645 LBJ Freeway, Dallas, TX 75234. www.bluemoonexpo.com 214-734-5844. Third Weekend Saturday 1pm-5pm and Sunday 1pm-5pm every month.TRANSFORMATION THROUGH MEDITATION WORKSHOP. Tap into your Higher Self 24/7 with meditation techniques to achieve your dreams. Fort Worth. Cost-$175. Dr. Norma Kreig 817-456-9070. www.spiritualempowerments.com


Berena Wise Healing, using Acutonics (Sound Vibration Healing), Reiki, various Energy Movement techniques, Crystals, and Native American healing techniques. I use intuitive bioenergetics and focused intention to determine which techniques will best serve my client. For appointments call Lightworkers Sanctuary, 214-385-1784 or 727-492-3848. For Sale. Never used, still in case, clear water colon hydrotherapy machine (Traveller brand), with water filtering system, all hoses, and attachments. Call Karen, 214-821-5703. Looking for something to do? Then check out what’s happening at Positive Touch Enterprises. See our complete calendar at www.Meetup.com/Positive-Touch-Enterprises/ Positive Touch Conference Center Space available for workshops, classes and private sessions. 504 Business Pkwy. Richardson, TX 75081. www.PositiveTouchEnterprises.com 972-480-0678 Wellness Center open 21 yrs. Large repeat clientele. In excellent location. Great income. Large referral base. Inquire: stevestrees@netzero.net

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