▪ 1 cup coarse bulgur
▪ 2 cups water
▪ 3 tablespoons olive oil
▪ 1 handful of Bahçeden Raw Cashew Nuts
▪ 1 handful of Bahçeden Raw Almonds
▪ 1 handful of Peyman Pistachios
▪ 1 handful of Bahçeden Dried Cherries
▪ 1 handful of chopped Bahçeden Dried Apricots
▪ 1 tablespoon Bahçeden Dried Grapes
▪ 1 coffee spoon cumin
▪ 1 coffee spoon Salt & Black pepper
Wash the bulgur and leave it in the strainer. Halve the dried cherries. Cut the dried apricots into small cubes. Chop the cashew nuts and raw almonds with a knife or use your hands. Add olive oil into a pan. Add all ingredients, except bulgur, and species and saute them with olive oil. Then add bulgur and continue sauteing. Add water after sauteing for 5 minutes and turn down the heat after bringing it to boil and wait until it boils down. Cover the pan with a paper towel and put the lid on. Wait until it boils down.